HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990895 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19990809State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Mr. Samuel T. Oliver, Jr. -" Manning, Fulton & Skinner, P.A. P. O. Box 20389 Raleigh, NC 27619 NCDEN?R NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES August 9, 1999 Re: Lots 5, Olivia S. Root Subdivision, Raleigh, Wake County Neuse River Buffer Vesting Request Dear Mr. Oliver: Jill Hickey-with the Attorney Generals Office has reviewed your request for vested rights from the Neuse River riparian buffer rules ( 15A NCAC 2B .0233) and has determined-that you have acquired vested rights to develop Lot 5 of Olivia S. Root Subdivision. This approval does not preclude the need for other State, Federal, or local approvals for this development should there be impacts to streams or wetlands. If you have any questions about this matter, please feel free to call me or John Dorney at 733-1786. - - -- Sincerely, Peter B. Colwell Wetlands / 401 Unit Cc: Steve Mitchell, Raleigh Regional Office Jill Hickey, Attorney General's Office John Phelps File Wetlands / 401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper MANNING, FULTON & SKINNER, P.A. ArroRxEYs AT Law HOWARD E. RANNWO WnU&X C. SM3774 Ja. RALEIGH, No$.TH CiA oiawA CHARLES L FaLmN DEBORAH L HTLDBBRAw W+*.r...,.. P. SKWNER, Ja. STBP88rr T. BYRD JOHN B. MOM .r. AN MTCRAEL S. if.urrxra. W. GERALD THORNTON ALrsoN R. CAYTON GLENWOOD PLAZa M. MARSHALL HAPPER M DAVID T. PRYZWANSKY 3605 GLENWOOD AVENUE MTcamm T 14EDFORD GARY E. CLOSE SAKMM T. omrvee, JR. KRisrsN G. LINGO 27612 DAvm A DAHL TANYA D. VAN ROEEBi. CHA K Nlcaors, JR. TaoxAs C. KILPAMCH BARRY D. MANN S. NIOOLB TAYLOR P.O. BOX 20389 JOHN C. DORsEY MTOHAEL C. PHILLIPS Z= CODE 27619-0389 DAvm J. WrrBEF! JIIDwN A. WELBonw RALPH J. DrLBONE SANDRA M. CLARE July 21, 1999 Ms. Jill B. Hickey Assistant Attorney General Environmental Division North Carolina Dept. of Justice Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 Re: Lot 5, Olivia S. Root Subdivision, White Oak Road, Raleigh, North Carolina; Our File T-16776 Dear Jill: A- Coal 919 THLaesONM 787-8880 Lrrr6ATrON Fax: 787-8902 REAL FsTATE FAN: 781-0811 CORPORATE Fax: 571-2504 wwwxafslaw.com Following up on our telephone conversation yesterday, the following is a summary of the chronology of events that we believe establish either the vested right to develop the above referenced property ("Property") or that is appropriate to grant a variance for the development of the Property. The Property is located in the City of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, at the northeast intersection of Dekoven Place and White Oak Road and is shown as "(Lot 5)" on the subdivision plat recorded in Book of Maps 1995, page 1137, Wake County Registry, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Property consists of approximately .45 acres in an urban residential neighborhood. The current owners of the Property acquired it as part of the larger tract by inheritance upon the death of Olivia S. Root on July 15, 1991. This larger tract was improved with a two story brick house located as shown on the attached subdivision plat. In late 1993 and early 1994, the owners consulted with a land planner, Stony Chance, to plan the development of the property as a five lot residential subdivision. At the request and the expense of the owners, the land planner submitted a preliminary subdivision plan to the City of Raleigh on July 5, 1994 (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B). The proposed plan received preliminary subdivision approval from the City of Raleigh on August 9, 1994 (the preliminary approval and comments of the City of Raleigh leading up to said approval are attached hereto as Exhibit Q. This preliminary subdivision approval was granted subject to the condition that the owners either MANNING, FULTON & SKINNER, P. A. Ms. Jill B. Hickey Page 2 July 21, 1999 remove or relocate the existing two story brick structure such that it would comply with the required setback from the proposed right of way of Dekoven Place. In reliance on the preliminary subdivision approval, the owners then employed an engineer, Mr. James A. Bridger, Jr. to prepare construction drawings for the construction of Dekoven Place and for the construction of water and sewer lines to serve the lots within the subdivision. The construction drawings were approved by the City of Raleigh on May 8, 1995 and the owners applied for and received all necessary city and state permits and approvals for the construction of the road, water and sewer for the entire subdivision (City of Raleigh computer database printouts showing some of the permits obtained are attached hereto as Exhibit D). The road, water and sewer were completed by the owners on or before July 17, 1995 as evidenced by the City allowing the recording of the subdivision plat (Exhibit A). At the time of the recording of the subdivision plat, the existing two story brick house had not been moved because the City would not grant permits for the moving of the house until the approval and recording of the final subdivision plat. In order to resolve this situation, the City approved the recording of the final subdivision plat provided that the final subdivision plat of Lot 5 would not be recorded until the existing two story brick house was moved. As evidenced by the survey attached as Exhibit E, the existing two story brick house was moved on or before May 24, 1996 and the owners were then entitled to have a final plat showing Lot 5 recorded. Please note that all of the foregoing was accomplished before the adoption of the Neuse Buffer Rule on December 11, 1997. As shown on the attached map prepared by John Y. Phelps, Registered Land Surveyor, the combination of the existing setback from Dekoven Place with the required setback of the Neuse Buffer Rule will effectively prevent the development of the subject property as otherwise permitted by the City of Raleigh. It is our understanding that a vested right or right to complete a project arises when four elements are present: 1. Substantial expenditures of money, time or effort have been made in reliance on a governmental approval. 2. The substantial expenditures must have been made in good faith. 3. Where multiple permits are required preliminary to the issuance of a building permit, issuance of one of those preliminary permits shall have occurred. 4. Conformance with the new requirements would be a detriment to the owners. Without repeating all of the foregoing, we believe that it is clear that all of these elements have been met by the actions of the owners in good faith reliance on the permits issued in connection with the creation of this subdivision. If you need any additional information, please let us know. MANNING, FULTON & SKINNER, P. A. Ms. Jill B. Hickey Page 3 July 21, 1999 Sincerely yours, MANNING, FULTON & SKINNER, P.A. Samuel T. Oliver, Jr. STOjr/mmc/22801 a.aoc Enclosures cc: Paul A. Tillery (who Ends.) Plan Type S CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 590, RALEIGH, N.C. 27602 (919) 890-3125 APPLICATION Form revised on May 14,1992 Receipt No. By: PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL. [PART 10, CHAPTER 3] Date: July 5. 1994 Development Name Olivia S. Root Heirs ( Paul A Tillerv Executor) Location (Existing Street Name) tdhite Oak Road Owner/Developer -Olivia R- Root H i rs Address 1814 Tillery Place Raleigh, N.C. 27604 Telephone 919-834-3426 Preparer of Site Plan Chance & Associates Address 500 Benson Road, Suite 207 Garner, N.C. 27529 Telephone 919-779-7245 In the tiling of this petition either bymyse/fas the property owner(s) orby my dulyauthorizedagents, 11WO-do hereby agree andfirmlybind.myself/ourselves, my/ourheirs, executors, administrators, successorsandassignes/ointlyand severally to construct all improvements and make ail dedications as shown on the approved plan- Date T ti x 91 1994 Signed EXHIBIT 1 1 C I T Y OF R A L E I G H, N. C. Planning Department, P. 0. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 (919) 890-3125 A ** NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY PLAN DECISION ** TO: Chance and Associates PROJECT: Root Property FILE NUMBER: S-56-94 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approved DATE OF ACTION: 8/09/94 COORDINATING PLANNER: Jacque Baker Actions of the Planning Commission: The Planning Commission approved this plan with the following Administrative Conditions: 1. That the house as shown on the preliminary plan, located on lot 2 shall be demolished or removed to meet the 30' front yard setback. The new setback or demolition of the hose shall be shown on the recorded map; and 2. That a fee-in-lieu for a 5' sidewalk along White Oak Road be paid. SUNSET DATES: If significant construction has not taken place on a project after preliminary approval, that approval may "sunset" and be declared void, requiring re-approval by Planning Commission before lots can be recorded. To avoid allowing this preliminary approval to "sunset", the following must take place by the following dates: *1-Year Sunset Date: 8/09/95 Submit construction drawings for public improvements to the Development Plans Review Center (Room 307). *3-Year Sunset Date: 8/09/97 Record at least h of the acreage of the subdivision. *5-Year Sunset Date: 8/09/99 Record the entire subdivision. EXHIBIT ? I r j Page: 1 r- r 1 WHAT TO DO NEXT: * SUBMIT AN 835- X 11" MYLAR REDUCTION OF THE APPROVED PRELIMINARY PLAN to the coordinating planner whose name appears at the top of this page, for the city's permanent record of the approved plan. * SUBMIT ONE FULL-SIZE COPY OF THE APPROVED PLAN to provide us with a clean original in order to make copies of the plan for other City Departments. * MEET ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. * MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUNSET THRESHOLDS AS NOTED ABOVE. OFFICIAL MINUTES: Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting approving this plan generally are available approximately two weeks after the meeting date. In order to be more responsive to your needs to continue with the development process, this letter representing your official notification of the action of the Planning Commission is sent out as soon as possible after the date of the Commission meeting. If you wish to receive a copy of the official Planning Commission minutes for your project, please contact Donna Hester, Planning Commission Secretary (890-3688). We will only send out minutes upon request. Please do not hesitate to call me or the planner coordinating the review of your project at 890-3642 if you are unsure of how to satisfy conditions, or you have any other questions about this preliminary plan. .Sincerely, 0 IDie c; e, , A Subdivision Administrator EXHIBIT Page: 2 a 1? F C I TY OF RALEIGH, N. C. Planning Department, P. 0. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 (919) 890-3125 ** NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY PLAN DECISION **4 TO: Olivia S. Root Heirs PROJECT: Root Property FILE NUMBER: S-56-94 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approved DATE OF ACTION: 8/09/94 COORDINATING PLANNER: Jacque Baker Actions of the Planning Commission: The Planning Commission approved this plan with the following Administrative Conditions: 1. That the house as shown on the preliminary plan, located on lot 2 shall be demolished or removed to meet the 30' front yard setback. The new setback or demolition of the -hese shall be shown on the recorded map; and?se. 2. That a fee-in-lieu for a 5' sidewalk along White Oak Road be paid. SUNSET DATES: taken Tpa as6grciEiaaptoteat tjmf&L-±on has not preliminary approval, that approval may "sunset" and be declared void, requiring re-approval by Planning Commission before lts can be recorded. To avoid allowing this preliminary approval to "sunset", the following must take place by the following dates: *1-Year Sunset Date: 8/09/95 Submit construction drawings for public improvements to the Development Plans Review Center (Room 307). *3-Year Sunset Date: 8/09/97 Record at least h of the acreage of the subdivision. *5-Year Sunset Date: 8/09/99 Record the entire subdivision. HE;C;] Page: 1 CA Number: 374 CERTIFIED ACTION OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: S-56-94 Root Property FILE NUMBER: LOCATION: The site is located northeast off White Oak Road, inside the City limits. REOUEST: This is a request to subdivide 2.238 acres into 5 single family lots. The average lot size is 17,319 square feet and the minimum lot size is 13,500 square feet. Located on lot 2 is a single family dwelling which is proposed to be demolished or removed to meet the setback of Residential-4 zoning. The subdivided property is zoned R-4. RECOMMENDATION: That this request be approved, according to a map drawn by Chance & Associates,. dated July 22, 1994, owned by Olivia S. Root Heirs, in accordance with the administrative conditions outlined in the Staff Report attached to the Certified Action. FINDINGS AND REASONS UPON WHICH THIS RECOMMENDATION IS BASED: The Planning Commission finds that this request, with the above conditions being met, conforms to Code requirements of Chapter 2, Part 10, Section 10-2017, Chapter 3, Part 10, Section 10-3004-3062. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING NOTES: This site is located in the North Hills Planning District, and is located within a designated residential area. ADDITIONAL NOTES: There are no existing or expired corivenants, based upon research back to 1912. Motion: Barker Second: Bell In Favor: Ballentine, Barker, Bell, Blankinship, Clancy, Harvey, Mulder, Pendergrass, Thomas, Toulon Opposed: Excused: This document is a true and accurate statement of the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission. Approval of this document incorporates all of findings of the staff report attached. 'fVgv Signed: ?i4lp? PlaniLirid Ds..rec date Signed: a e To Planning Commission: 8/9/94 Certified Action Number: 374 EXHIBIT C Page: 1 f JLLLJG%-L.. J JV-7Y CA Number: 374 CIRCULATION: Proposed street improvements, as shown on the preliminary plat, shall meet City standards. PEDESTRIAN: A fee-in-lieu of constructing the following sidewalks is required: for a 5' sidewalk on White Oak Road. FLOOD HAZARD / STORM WATER MANAGEMENT: No flood hazard areas on this site. Proposed drainage easements are shown or noted on the preliminary glat, and are to be shown on any plat for recording. STREET NAMES: The following street names have been approved and are shown on the preliminary plat: Public Private Root COURT NATURAL SYSTEMS: Not applicable to this plan. OTHER REGULATIONS: Developer shall meet all City requirements, including underground utility service (10-3056), flood protection measures (Part 10, Chapter 4), and the soil erosion ordinance (Part 10, Chapter 5), unless specifically varied by this approval. STAFF COORDINATOR: Jacque Baker Butch C I T Y OF RALEIGH, N. C. Planning Department, P. 0. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Tel: (919) 890-3125 FAX: 890-3690 ** DEVELOPMENT PLANS REVIEW GROUP COMMENTS ** TO: CHANCE & ASSOCIATES PROJECT: ROOT PROPERTY FILE NUMBER: S-56-94 DATE: JULY 21, 1994 PLANNER COORDINATING REVIEW: JACQUE BAKER PLEASE RESPOND BY: JULY 28, 1994 PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS: TWO (2) REVISED PLANS 1- 81/2 X 11 ON MYLAR AND 15-11 X 17. The following items have been noted by the Development Plans Review Group as needing revision, and / or additional information before a recommendation of approval for this project can be made, or administrative approval can be granted. COMMENTS : 1. PLEASE SHOW THE APPROVED STREET NAME OF PLAN-ROOT COURT. 2. PLEASE SHOW HOW THE DRAINAGE EASEMENT WILL CONNECT FROM STREET INTO EASEMENT AND PLEASE LABEL AS PRIVATE. 3. THERE WILL BE NO NEED TO DEDICATE ANY MORE RIGHT-OF-WAY PER JERRY! GLAD HE'S BACK! 4. WILL NEED TO PAY FEE-IN-LIEU FOR 5' SIDEWALK PRIOR TO MAP RECORDING. 5. ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS ON THIS PROPERTY? PLEASE PROVIDE LETTER IF THERE ARE NONE. EMTBIT e ?.__1 C I T Y OF RALEIGH, N. C. Planning Department, P. 0. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Tel: (919) 890-3125 FAX: 890-3690 ** DEVELOPMENT PLANS REVIEW GROUP COMMENTS ** TO: CHANCE & ASSOCIATES PROJECT: ROOT SUBDIVISION FILE NUMBER: 5-56-94 DATE: JULY 12,1994 PLANNER COORDINATING REVIEW: JACQUE BAKER PLEASE RESPOND BY: JULY 20, 1994 PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS: THREE (3) REVISED PLANS. The following items have been noted by the Development Plans Review Group as needing revision, and / or additional information before a recommendation of approval for this project can be made, or administrative approval can be granted. COMMENTS : 1. PLEASE SHOW RIGHT-OF-WAY DIMENSION ON WHITE OAK ROAD. PLEASE SHOW CURB AND GUTTER. IF THERE IS LESS THAN 60' EXISTING YOU WILL NEED TO DEDICATE RIGHT-OF-WAY OR ASK FOR A VARIANCE. STAFF WILL SUPPORT A VARIANCE BUT SUBDIVISION WILL HAVE TO GO TO CITY COUNCIL. 2. A FEE-IN-LIEU WILL HAVE FOR SIDEWALK WILL HAVE TO BE PAID PRIOR TO MAP RECORDING. 3. PLEASE SHOW MIN. 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG CREEK. 4. SHOW PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE PER MARTY BIZZELL AT 890-3766. 5. PLEASE SHOW A PIN FOR THE PARENT PARCEL. 6. PLEASE LOCATE THE FIRE HYDRANT IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 7. PLEASE PROVIDE DEED OR MAP REFERENCE FOR THE EXISTING EASEMENT. uIB1 .? I Wed Jul 21 10:23:00 1999 * W * * W W W * * * * * * * * * * * W * * * * * * * * * W W W * * * * W W W * * W * W * * * * * * W W W W W * W * * * W * * W W * * * * * * W W W W W W W * * ate W W'N* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 **** 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345E * * 'N '* W W W W * W * * 'N * * * W W W W * W W W * W * * * W W W W W W W W * * * * * * * W W W W * W * * * * * * W * W * W * * * W * W * * * * W * * W 'N * * * Yt d W * * 1'* PERMIT FILE INDEX * 2* Rcd # 86028 Reel # Frame # * 3* Address: 400 DEKOVEN PL No. Projects: * 4* Project name: * 5* Subdivision name: Lot # * 6* * 7* Proj # 38817 Group # 1 Date: Start 52896 Inactive Status: * 8* Bldg permit # Plans: Status: Cert. of compl.# * 9* Permit type: Constr. value: *10* Authorized work: 1* Flood permit # F E M A Fin. floor elev. * 2* * 3* RELATED Permits: * 4* 1628 SB * 5* * 6* * 7* * 8* 9* *20* W 1 'N * 2* * 3* Position to perm, X & (2) for Permit Dsp or (3) Inspection Dsp * 4* ENTER-next rcd, (10) CO DISPLAY, (16) EXIT * * * * W W * * * * * * * * W W W * W * W W W * * W W * * * W W W W * W W W W * * W W * * * * * * * * * * * * * W W W * W * W W * * W W W * * W W W * * * W * * W * 1k **** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 **** 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456 * * W * * W W W * * * W * W * * * W W * W * * * * * * W * W W W * * * W W * W W * * * * * W W * * W W * * * * * W W * W * * W W W * W W W * W W W W W * * * W * * EiIBIT WORKSTATION 120 - USER GIB - GIBSONV Wed Jul 21 10:23:15 1999 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W w W W W W W W W W W w W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W? 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W 2* 3* RELATED Permits: * 4* 1627 SB 5* W 6* * 7* W 8* * 9.* *20* W 1* W 2* 3* Position to perm, X & (2) for Permit Dsp or (3) Inspection Dsp * 4* ENTER-next rcd, (10) CO DISPLAY, (16) EXIT W * WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW?tWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW *W** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 **** 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 W W '*'* W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W' 6 WORKSTATION 120 - USER GIB - GIBSONV Wed Jul 21 10:23:29 1999 WWwwwwwWwwwWwwwwwwwwwwWWwwwWWwwwwwwwwWwwwwWwwwwWwwwwwwwwwWWwwwwwwwwwWWwwWWwwwwwwWW' *wWW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 **** 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345671 * w w 'k W w 'k w 'k w W W W W W w w W W w w w W W w W w W w w w W w w w W w W W W W w w W W w W W W w w W w W w w W W W W w W W w w W W W w w 'k W W w w w w w W w W w W w * 1w PERMIT FILE INDEX * 2* Rcd # 86025 Reel # Frame # * 3* Address: 405 DEKOVEN PL No. Projects: * 4* Project name: * 5* Subdivision name: Lot # W 6* 7* Proj # 32751 Group # 3 Date: Start 52896 Inactive Status: * 8* Bldg permit # Plans: Status: Cert. of compl.# 9* Permit type: Constr. value: *10* Authorized work: 1* Flood permit # F E M A Fin. floor elev. w 2* * 3* RELATED Permits: * 4* 5455 C 1625 SB 5* W 6* 7* W 8* * 9* *20w w 1* w 2* * 3* Position to perm, X & (2) for Permit Dsp or (3) Inspection Dsp * 4* ENTER-next rcd, (10) CO DISPLAY, (16) EXIT * W wwWWWwwwwwwwwWwWwwwWwwwwwww?rWWwwWwWwwwwWwwwwwwwwWWWwwwWWwwwwwWwwwwwwwwWwwwWWWwwwWW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 **** 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 * W W 'k * W 'k w w W w w w w W W W W W w •k W w w W w W w W W W w W w* w W W w W W 'k w w W w w w W W w w W W W w w W W W W w W W W W w W 'k w W W W W W W W W W w W 'k r<>RirBIT? ; WORKSTATION 120 - USER GIB - GIBSONV Wed Jul 21 10:23:40 1999 wwwwwwwWwwwwwwWWwwwwwWwwwwWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwWwwwwWwwwwWwwwwwWWwwwwWwwwwwwwwwwwWwwwwww W'*** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 **** 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567? 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'k W 'k 'k W W W 'k 'W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W'k W W W 'k 'k W'k W 'k W W W'W WWW W* W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWW W W W W W W W W W W Y W W * 1W PERMIT FILE INDEX * 2* Rcd # 87228 Reel # Frame # * 3* Address: 405 DEKOVEN PL No. Projects: * 4* Project name: * 5* Subdivision name: Lot # W 6* 7•* Proj # 32751 Group # 4 Date: Start 62796 Inactive Status: * B* Bldg permit # Plans: Status: Cert. of compl.# 9* Permit type: Constr. value: *10* Authorized work: * 1* Flood permit # F E M A Fin. floor elev. W 2* 3* RELATED Permits: * 4* 20644 R * 6* W 7* * 8* W 9W *20* 1* W 2* * 3* Position to perm, X & (2) for Permit Dsp or (3) Inspection Dsp * 4* ENTER-next rcd, (10) CO DISPLAY, (16) EXIT W W ** W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W** W W W W W W W W W W W W** W WWWW W W* W W* W* W WWW W W W W W W W* W *WWWW * W *WWWW W W W W *** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 **** 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567f W W 'k 'W WWWW W W W 'k WWW yt W W W 'k W W W W W W W W WWW W W WWW W W 'k W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWW 'k 'k W W W W W W* W W W W W W W W W W W W* W W W W 71 MANNING, Pu=oN & SmaNNE$, P.A. ATToRNEYs AT Law HOWARD R MANNING' Wnr=AX C. Sacra, JR. RALEIGH, NORTH GAROU NA CHARr.RC L FDtxoN DEBORAH L HuDm Wnmi& r P. SKLNNKR. JR. SvwR3N T. BYRD JOHN B. MoMuLAN MLOaABL S. ILARRRrr. W. GaRALD THORNTON AwsoN R CAYTON GLRxwoon PtA 7 A M, MARSHALL H"F=IH DAVID T. PRYZWANSKY 3605 GLENWOOD AVEN[TE MLcHmm T. MKDBoRD GARY R GLosE SAMUEL T. OLLVaR, JR. KHrm N G. Lnroo 27612 DAVID D. DARL TANYA D. VAN RORKBL CHARLES R MOROI.%JR. THOMAS G. KaPATRmK BARRY D. MANN S. NLoom TAYLOR P.O. Box 20389 JOHN C. Donsar . MICHAEL C. PHaLiPS ZrP Ciom: 27619-0389 DAvm J. WrnMT JUDSON a WKLBORN RALPH J. DIIEONR SANDRA M. CLARK July 22, 1999 Ms. Jill B. Hickey Assistant Attorney General Environmental Division North Carolina Dept. of Justice Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 A- Cone 919 Tziamaow= 787-8880 1XIMATTON FA= 787-8902 RsAL ESTATE F- 781-0811 CORroRATE FA= 571-2504 wwwmfSlaw.com Re: Lot 5, Olivia S. Root Subdivision, White Oak Road, Raleigh, North Carolina; Our File T-16776 Dear Jill: Following up with my letter of July 21, 1999, enclosed please find the survey which is identified as Exhibit E to the July 21, 1999 letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours, MANNING, FULTON & SKINNER, P.A. C Samuel T. Oliver, Jr. S TOj r/mmc/22s297.aoc Enclosure ` UL25'999 e; SUBJECT PROPERTY: IS IS NOT LOCATEO IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS, DESIGNATED 0#4 ti FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT` AGENCY (F. E.M.A.) FLOOD, INSURANCE RATE MAP I rtft.M.) NUMBER 37183C,034I 'E ZONE X . ?" NV?ayO?' A w D g gYtzL; 51 fe X 3 ?InG? lap N/F i LEWIS R. HOLDING 1892,-185 W ? r CHAIN g °l? Ew ENO S85.24'W - 100.00' BRI W ALL- EIP LOT 2 0 13,746.41 S.F. 0 0.32 AC. t 0 n n 43.3 W 11.0 ? to t LOT 3 0 11.0 LOT I r WO STORY BRICK T o au ? . 10.6 N 11:1 117 0 ° It.a ILO IL! EOd a 0 0. to 2 NO DRIVE %9 dl - IP N R=45.00 A.62.91' 88.38'. TO POINT WERE DEKOVeN:PL BEGINS TO CURVE tN•I'O WHITE-OAK RD. C*57•91. -------------- CB=S86.38'48"E Nip R•25-.00 A•21.82' DEKOVEN PLACE Cn2LI3' PROPERTY OF 40'RW COmS71•35r39"E OLIVIA S. ROOT FIELD CLOSURE= 1: 93,660 L c s? l! o_ , . EI? UUlTINS OWN.PIP9 - rN 1/ANNO4 . NIP Raw IRON NIPS :P? ?gwsitaRola MON MON4NENT tom' RNt"r of % AT . PK PARKER KAWN, MAIL 'CtNTER 4,JoE LOT 2 BLOCK NOT FOR RECORDING, INFORMATION FOUND RECORDED IN BOOK OF MAPS t99$ VOL. ......_... . PAGE 1137, WAKE, - C000T,Y , N.C. I 94 t. JOHN Y. 4QHE P,.t4REBY CERTIFY THAT PROPER*.Y OF TN ''MA Y% 4T THE BUILDINGS EDWARD R. PUPA $ LIE T THERE ARE NO EN f) 1tIERUILDINGS ON MA Y RUTH PUPA . s*AtQ T L 4 11l??jOTI ERiNiSE fl 405 D. KOVCN PLACE RA E E C ' IGH. WAK L O:. N.C. . A = 30 < u Q?` OH N ?/ 1 ' rll ELIPS JQ J 5/24/96 r R . REGISTERED LAND ?.URV?YgR RA EI CA A T rltur nooN L GH, NOR ; ., H ROLlAF 649 . JOHN Y. PHELPS, JR. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR POST OFFICE BOX 30122 - RALEIGH, NC 27622 (919) 787-3658 FAX (919) 787-6727 JULY 22, 1999 JILL HICKEY ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE P.O. BOX 629 RALEIGH, N. C. 27602 SUBJECT: OLIVIA S. ROOT SUBDIVISION, LOT 5 DEAR. MS. HICKENY; IN RESPONSE TO YOUR REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTATION OF THE APPROVAL OF THE OLIVIA S. ROOT SUBDIVISION, S-56-94, I AM ENCLOSING THE FOLLOWING. 1. THE SUBDIVISION RECEIVED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL AUG. 9, 1994. I HAVE ENCLOSED A COPY OF THAT APPROVAL. THE CONDITION REQUIRING THE MOVING OF THE EXISTING HOUSE IS THE REASON LOT 5 WAS NOT RECORDED WITH THE OTHER 4 LOTS. (SEE NOTE ON RECORDED MAP) 2. A COPY OF PAGE ONE OF THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS. NOTICE THE CITY STAMP IN THE LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER. THE PLAN WAS SIGNED OFF BY THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS MAY 8, 1995. IF I CAN HELP. PLEASE CALL C I T Y OF R A L E I G H, N. C. Planning Department, P. 0. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 (919) 890-3125 ** NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY PLAN DECISION ** TO: Chance and Associates PROJECT: Root Property FILE NUMBER: S-56-94 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approved DATE OF ACTION: 8/09/94 COORDINATING PLANNER: Jacque Baker Actions of the Planning Commission: The Planning Commission approved this plan with the following Administrative Conditions: 1. That the house as shown on the preliminary plan, located on lot 2 shall be demolished or removed to meet the 30' front yard setback. The new setback or demolition of the hose shall be shown on the recorded map; and 2. That a fee-in-lieu for a 5' sidewalk along White Oak Road be paid. SUNSET DATES: If significant construction has not taken place on a project after preliminary approval, that approval may "sunset" and be declared void, requiring re-approval by Planning Commission before lots can be recorded. To avoid allowing this preliminary approval to "sunset", the following must take place by the following dates: *1-Year Sunset Date: 8/09/95 Submit construction drawings for public improvements to the Development Plans Review Center (Room 307). *3-Year Sunset Date: 8/09/97 Record at least ? of the acreage of the subdivision. *5-Year Sunset Date: 8/09/99 Record the entire subdivision. Page: 1 a WHAT TO DO NEXT: * SUBMIT AN 8 " X 11" MYLAR REDUCTION OF THE APPROVED PRELIMINARY PLAN to the coordinating planner whose name appears at the top of this page, for the city's permanent record of the approved plan. * SUBMIT ONE FULL-SIZE COPY OF THE APPROVED PLAN to provide us with a clean original in order to make copies of the plan for other City Departments. * MEET ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. * MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUNSET THRESHOLDS AS NOTED ABOVE. OFFICIAL MINUTES: Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting approving this plan generally are available approximately two weeks after the meeting date. In order to be more responsive to your needs to continue with the development process, this letter representing your official notification of the action of the Planning Commission is sent out as soon as possible after the date of the Commission meeting. If you wish to receive a copy of the official Planning Commission minutes for your project, please contact Donna Hester, Planning Commission Secretary (890-3688). We will only send out minutes upon request. Please do not hesitate to call me or the planner coordinating the review of your project at 890-3642 if you are unsure of how to satisfy conditions, or you have any other questions about this preliminary plan. Sincerely, nmwnl- Daniel A. Howe, ASLA, AICP Subdivision Administrator Page: 2 mM, 'Py ?waw+®a State of North Carolina MICHAEL F. EASLEY Department of Justice ATTORNEY GENERAL P. O. BOX 629 RALEIGH 2 7602-06 2 9 July 16, 1999 John Y. Phelps, Jr. PO Box 30122 Raleigh, NC 27622 Re: Oliva S. Root - Lot 5 Dear Mr. Phelps: Reply to: Jill Hickey Environmental Division Tel: (919) 716-6600 Fax: (919) 716-6766 jhickey@mail.jus.state.nc.us I have reviewed the information you sent to me and to John Dorney regarding the above subdivision. In your letter, you state that the plans were approved by the City on May 8, 1995. Could you please submit to me some official documentation from the City of Raleigh indicating what was approved on May 8, 1995 and a copy of the City's Notice of Preliminary Plan Decision? Thank you very much. Very truly yours, i Hickey ssistant Attorney Gener 1 ?:' JOHN Y. PHELPS, JR. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR POST OFFICE BOX 30122 - RALEIGH, NC 27622 (919) 787-3658 FAX (919) 787.6727 JILL HICKEY ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE P. O. BOX 629 RALEIGH, N. C. 27602 NORTH CAROLINA ATTnRNFY GENERAL'S OFFICE JUN 2 1 1999 SUBJECT: NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES DEAR MRS. HICKEY; ENVIRONMENTAL, DIVISION RECEIVED I AM SENDING YOU THE MATERIAL THAT WAS SENT TO JOHN DORNEY'S CONCERNING LOT 5 OF THE OLIVA S. ROOT SUBDIVISION. THE OWNER MEET WITH DANNY SMITH IN THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AND DANNY SAID HE WAS GOING TO SEND YOU THE MATERIAL. I WANTED TO BE SURE YOU GOT ALL THE INFORMATION. THE LETTER TO MR. DORNEY EXPLAINS WHY PAUL TILLERY, THE OWNER, HAS A VESTED INTEREST AND WHY LOT 5 WAS NOT RECORDED. THE TIME LINE WAS, PLANS APPROVED BY CITY ,S-56 94, MAY 8, 1995 MAP WAS RECORDED JULY 14, 1995 HOUSE MOVER ON LOT 2 MAY 24, 1996 LOT 5 COULD HAVE BEEN RECORDED BUFFER RULES APPROVED DEC. 11, 1997 IF I CAN HELP, PLEASE CALL PHELPS PLS/1319 JOHN Y. PHELPS, JR. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR POST OFFICE BOX 30122 - RALEIGH, NC 27622 (919) 7873658 FAX (919) 787-6727 ka P9- JOHN DORNEY 4401 REEDY CREEK RD. XXXJJJ??? ___/ RALEIGH, N. C. 27607?f JUNE 8, 1999 50' W"E RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER BE LACED ON LOT DORNEY; s? T LIVA S. ROOT SUBDIVISION MAP WAS APPROVED AND RECORDED JUNE 1, 1995, BO ;MAPS 1995 PAGE 1137. (COPY ENCLOSED) AT THE TIME OF RECORDING, A N EXISTING HOUSE WAS ON LOT 2. THE CITY WANTED TO HAVE LEVERAGE TO ENSURE THE HODULD BE MOVED ON LOT 2 TO MEET THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. TO OBTAIN THE PERMIT TO MOVE THE HOUSE ON LOT 2, THE LOT HAD TO BE RECORDED. TO GET AROUND THIS CHICKEN AND EGG SITUATION, THE CITY ALLOWED THE MAP TO BE RECORDED WITH A NOTE ON LOT 5 " LOT 5 NOT TO BE RECORDED UNTIL DWELLING ON LOT TWO IS REMOVED." THE OWNER IS NOW TRYING TO RECORD LOT 5. HE IS BEING ASKED TO PLACE A 50' BUFFER ALONG THE CREEK. IF YOU LOOK AT THE ENCLOSED TAX MAP, YOU WILL SEE THE LOT EXISTS. IT HAS A PIN NUMBER AND BY THE FACT THE LOTS EXIST AROUND LOT 5, IT EXIST BY DEFAULT. I THINK THIS LOT MAY HAVE VESTED RIGHT BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN IN ITS CONFIGURATION SINCE JUNE 1995 WHICH PREDATES THE NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES. IF NOT, THE DEVELOPER WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST A VARIANCE ON LOT 5 TO ALLOW A HOUSE TO BE BUILT. I HAVE ENCLOSED A MAP SHOWING THE REQUIRED SETBACKS. YOU CAN SEE THE NEED FOR A VARIANCE. THANK YOU .44 LPS JR. P.L.S 1319 JOHN Y. CC: PAUL TILLERY OWNER MIKE JOHNSON CITY CONSERVATION INSPECTOR JACQUE BAKER CITY PLANNER JOHN Y. PHELPS, JR. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR POST OFFICE BOX 30122 - RALEIGH, NC 27622 (919) 787-3658 FAX (919) 787-6727 JOHN DORNEY 4401 REEDY CREEK RD. RALEIGH, N. C. 27607 JUNE 8, 1999 SUBJECT: 50' NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER BEING PLACED ON LOT DEAR DR. DORNEY; THE OLIVA S. ROOT SUBDIVISION MAP WAS APPROVED AND RECORDED JUNE 1, 1995, BOOK OF MAPS 1995 PAGE 1137. (COPY ENCLOSED) AT THE TIME OF RECORDING, AN EXISTING HOUSE WAS ON LOT 2. THE CITY WANTED TO HAVE LEVERAGE TO ENSURE THE HOUSE WOULD BE MOVED ON LOT 2 TO MEET THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. TO OBTAIN THE PERMIT TO MOVE THE HOUSE ON LOT 2, THE LOT HAD TO BE RECORDED. TO GET AROUND THIS CHICKEN AND EGG SITUATION, THE CITY ALLOWED THE MAP TO BE RECORDED WITH A NOTE ON LOT 5 " LOT 5 NOT TO BE RECORDED UNTIL DWELLING ON LOT TWO IS REMOVED." THE OWNER IS NOW TRYING TO RECORD LOT 5. HE IS BEING ASKED TO PLACE A 50' BUFFER ALONG THE CREEK. IF YOU LOOK AT THE ENCLOSED TAX MAP, YOU WILL SEE THE LOT EXISTS. IT HAS A PIN NUMBER AND BY THE FACT THE LOTS EXIST AROUND LOT 5, IT EXIST BY DEFAULT. I THINK THIS LOT MAY HAVE VESTED RIGHT BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN IN ITS CONFIGURATION SINCE JUNE 1995 WHICH PREDATES THE NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES. IF NOT, THE DEVELOPER WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST A VARIANCE ON LOT 5 TO ALLOW A HOUSE TO BE BUILT. I HAVE ENCLOSED A MAP SHOWING THE REQUIRED SETBACKS. YOU CAN SEE THE NEED FOR A VARIANCE. THANK YOU JOHN Y. LPS JR. P.L.S 1319 CC: PAUL TILLERY OWNER MIKE JOHNSON CITY CONSERVATION INSPECTOR JACQUE BAKER CITY PLANNER State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director June 28, 1999 MEMO TO: Jill Hickey Attorney General's Office FROM: John Dorne 11kT?W,J '44610 0 2 71 ova NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RE: Request for vested decision - Neuse River buffer rules Olivia Root Project Wake County Attached for your review is a request for a decision regarding vested rights for the Paul Tillery property, lots Olive Root Subdivision examined our records and find no record of a 401 Certification issued for this project. Also based on a review of the attached materials, they may have a case for a variance from the EMC. Please review the material as soon as you get a chance. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please call me at 733-1786 if you have any questions. cc: Dennis Ramsey Greg Thorpe Steve Mitchell DWQ Regional Office John Domey Consultant/Owner ?. •'?'? r .nbrvest.mem Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper c. r° Cp / SUBJECT PROPERTY: IS ? IS NOT ® LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS DESIGNATED ON FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY(FE.M.A.) FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ( F.I.R.M.) NUMBER 37183CO341 E ZONE. X 4l.j as - D v 0 gyl2v 51TF- ? \'? 3 oL? ?fl wo N /F LEWIS R. HOLDING 1892-185 CHAIN FENCE 0 EIP 585024'W - IOO.OO'BRICK WAI LOT 2 p 13,746.41 S.F. O 0.32 AC, so w O O 43.3 r r Ci 11.0 tD m LOT 3 u0) 11.0 TWO STORY BRICK a a r 11.0 111 11 7 0 0 11 20.1 1% NO DRIVE -s NIP / R=45.00' A=62.91' C=57.91' C5=S86.38'48"E DEKOVEN PLACE PROPERTY OF 40'RW OLIVIA S. ROOT F16 FIELD CLOSURE= 1: 93,660 r a ZI i O J EIP N N 3 ICl M N • to O Z LOT I L Q W O K O J W tr 69.36 TO POINT WHERE DEKOVEN PL. BEGINS TO CURVE INTO WHITE OAK RD. '111?? - - " - R=25.00' NIP A=21.82' Cm21.13' C13sS71'35'39"E LEGEND EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE MH MANHOLE NIP NEW IRON PIPE PP POWER POLE MON MONUMENT R/W RIGNT OF WAY PK PARKER KALOM NAIL q CENTER LINE LOT 2 BLOCK NOT FOR RECORDING , INFORMATION FOUND RECORDED IN BOOK OF MAPS 1995 VOL. PAGE 1137 WAKE COUNTY , N.C. I•, JOHN Y. Qtl'E %+ REBY CERTIFY THAT PROPERTY OF THIS MAPaL ? *JJr?A,?T? THE BUILDINGS EDWARD R. PUPA 8 LIE W Td7AT THERE ARE NO N( 0 ?IERI$UILDINGS ON MARY RUTH PUPA SAID IAPT L 0 N .OTITERWISE 405 DEKOVEN PLACE - L W. RALEIGH, WAKE CO., N.C. L-1319 a?j __--- I". = 30 JOHN Y. PHELPS JR. GATE REGISTERED LAND..SURVI!YOR 5/24/96 FIELD BOOK RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 649 94 xsr 0 36 014 $ 2575 t' 2575 17d?b 901 ?? .. 73 +901 1705514901 (0j") a ? 101 7661 O 4() 25, 1705fi12 6 n 2513 17055168 2513 p "M 7 O7 ? r?77 ? 95 (0'7M)17055118 $ (249) 35 {Oq - 2526 170 18874 (oj,) 6° $, U 182313 (03NAj 98 1705513870 J4 (147 135 r9 r ?NB801 ti? !0 23 x11705 53 147 `Yj S ! 3 41 ( 17 612779 'Di 'r 1 ) 7 2513 3870 Si 43 25r 170531 59 3 0.3N) J x5, d 2525 4+ ! 2779 (at) J3 1 2324170561 6 2321 (0334) 49 73 A59 41 ails 170 6 3)38 _ (7xJ ``ns7A) ` 1 a 170" 24 2WG 613798 f7V/ q ? QI _ J0 . 0750 37x% 17 14 O . 2= 1 4 J V 1S { 1144 17K ? l 12762 (0.46A) z 5 1705 17744 ,)p .t0 I !O'7 (030A) 4IN 7 $ ( ) 75r 1705513711 $ $ 2725 2 17ls t25+1705611 ( 3792 236 17055168 9 N ? 5 38 26 27 43 (Maj 31 lbr7 28 8829 .a 9i J 4b 4 2324 170 676 4P C((?1 3 r74 t8 4• t 29 3 7i J 1660 'i'""'17055 861 0. 4P 1 Ib 30 1+0A 2 24 170 632 1660 wl 2524 3 3x4 4> ? 0 763x ' 2518 1705512579 b` 7 j pAl ?' !1q 2524170 5195454, (0.1A) 'p 1 9534 705 • 25 ?D7705510 S 3 u5j• ) (632A) 170 to 4 It I ?T A ?yy 1660 2513 17 ,9` 1x+ 313 '1 0504 O ery ?' ?,,. *B 45 4'A laNl > (0.318) 1144 (0.59A) 7 17056134 6 !j 4 4 V• 2324 2s2s 170 516437 x32 07170 6 14 7 3479 TJ i x325 170 5415 l 5 (tly) 1+99 14, ? tP N x52317055174 3 f 1660 2521-Y656 Ot 7451 > fUal 01 (13131 = n (0.47A) 1 ?, ?? ? i 25x4)705 31T33 9 ,h 7 252417056 97 15306 N 6399 7 2518 2$ S 13 76 ! (oA3A) 1705512.343 (137) 252417 1 44 J 'PO >1 0344 a3u 3 7 4 2523 ( ( 05 3 x524 1 2 3 rv ) (113 77 i ) 17 2342 232 2343 1 R (0.47A) d J t70Yft 81 25147055153 6301 78 79 B n A 10»80 B g 89 a 80 7 01 3 2524 1705 297 .b 40 J 2 5 2 ) (034 252517 510295 a « 0 ?h >8 9 7 ,1 0 ? k1 68 (0-3") ep 22 ? 15 m052 (041105512272 2523 N 0.43A 1705515201 i (o3sA) 2524 1705 23511") O x524 17056 252 J 3o p o J 67 ,. ° 55 3251 $ 1077 5201 46 25x 170 11200 0 5705518 1 x321100 of ?? 9271 ?j 3 (r71 36 3 1, 669 I 0.44705517107 232td70 IIA 252417056 107 3 m 4m 72 7187 n Jr 4P W 31 3 C 4 R No 85 ry1I a. BB 9 30 0 1308 p-pCA ? 2 7 (o.7w 4 x 3 r R 6g x32tl705 3 2524170 ? 25x4170551 1 6p , (033.> 2 S9w 5231705 t 69 1 r1 1 i5t 9131 (0.54A) ?9 511088 232117Y 56 h 3 a 10 140 63 f707 b x770 1Q087-0 1002.Arl 174 5f1005 ? 32A oju1705517 23241705!M 5 (19 1 006 r91 32 g o 0.39A 17051 0053 77055 5093 V A 22+170 1033 40 j5 1034 0033 61 $ C 1 610001 31325 91 ( 10 N + 5003 2 2ss4 40 100 S 232g7055t1b 49 0001 2624 17A 00959 Z7 x924170 .9 r 10 3 1 60 139 34 3 100 9139 g 0932 y ' 5Y 48 V70 01¢35 6 2 (291 u ux No 4 S 00 44 S 25241705988 33 (89) 4954 3 a J (037A) 170550 p80 49 0 (=A) 9 $933 5 W 2523 1 57 S 2514 0560 110 x32417058 940 ha7 $ ? aj Y r" S 214140 241705 27 0910 50 4, N90 9227 ?i~I 9 yi62500F 0 6 11 I A) ? y as 25241705 028 9 2524 170500 J4 55 JJ ?J 178 500873 0 L 52 9 2034 'P (05)18 (232 1705505831 No g9 1 73241705Jb 21 714 21424 170 38207? t W 2323 uxa 5831 $ t.. 1705502 0 S J1 9221 5 6 7 714 41 30 b No 33 9 8 9 I7 3 J6 x20 jr 2524 178 Os703 '15 16 25 y R I 3 4 a W 2261Z ? a7 2W4 17 50 70 01724fj f b7j +707 7524 1 q 9 ` 0 5 . 5 74 33 1 °p 2324 170 33 9173 33 l4 /S 30 q 4794 p3 4 I 16 (4411 2324 17,0 5"60 74 fy7 2517797 5601770 17 U 0") 8 ^ 0 (0.S9A) n 19 ? 2 3 752+17 602637 20 '72 21 'J ,x4170 677 t ° ?2 14t 6 R77 00", 2637 2324 17 602875 A 7 $ 4 {13425) le, ! 2524 17 54M p 252517055 83 N yi 31j x175 3343 p 5065 (1.27A) . 46003 413x1 41P 2523 (o.7MJ 1573 65 4S 618 6p y 1705501579 1523 170550452110 l 90 ?0 +257 2 3 4 5 N j0 fa?7 ? p\ >0 (731 I M (0 (0.19A (0.77A) (o.UA) (79) 5509 I (0,41A 0 14170$6 57 g 292 MU 0457 ? 2524 6 1,541 2324 170 4 47A )+97 0 6_ xis Coll . N4? (0.434 ( 032051 6(?14 5 644064 1705 06433 3 6 A N 2533 y r23244 a» 513 j?a32 r SSRD J 2463 (3405 24. %93 3 (051Aj v (206) 25231705505319 1x4 74w 6432 16 17 74 , 61 1 7 N 15 72 $319 56 W 6 13 14 1 11 `O 29 0 0 4(161 0 01 1 °0 10 L 9 bo 52 31 75 Mops and databases are public information supplied by various government agencies. The author and/or Ma E seller. of the software program are in no way responsible or liable for the information depicted herein. Inquiries concerning the data should be 0 90 180 270 359 15:35 JUN 8, 1999 directed to the appropriate government agency. Scale in Feet (174 94 250 38 0 l>e J 1705514901 252S 8 r x323 17(666 901 7991 901 47J y 490, 9 R (0303 a N 17055168 a r ,ly 2526 170512 J 7 ?9q 28M 5 (036A) 17055118 8 2315 (089) 35 7g G W7 sr a'1 2626 170 18874 COMA) 0. Q 454 96 COMA) 7 769 1705513870 34 ? 67 25261705 53 rf{, -e t8ol J N, ,.`y N r ) Z 387250 0 A 2516 17051 594J "O 512617 612779 2 2 2523 (035) J, ` tUe f (27 779 6759 ?,. s7ro 2524170561 8 8 2 47 2526170 6Qf73 (035) 3736 r 0758 17 613796 33 `032 2) 17 5?g 1 724 s a ? 1 (rp Q 00 2526 J x53 1705 17744 ,,qq__ R 3796 '2526 17 14 rt4 05 5 1794 1 12762 Co. ) ]IH ro v (030A) 1 4744 2524 s r (203) x75 250 0xA 1705611 2 1712 )51 17055137if $ ( ) 10 375 5 f ?(7 25ID 1705516S 9 66 9 6629 f J , 28 27 361 (me) 31 rb •r ? 4P2524 17056 676 2? ?8 29 ?7 ,Np ?1 As ' 39 1 B (M1 076 41P 1 ' (030A) 660 30 {J(o39A) 5 661 0 2 170 632 f> b 3 1660 8881 2524 1705 a L40A 2510 1705512579 P, x663 b` ,OAI tip r4(7 2324170 519548,, COMA) ( > 2579 07105510 9346 254 170 7 3w (0 2597 4 1660 2524170 10 4 17 5 B (260) CUM) %39A) a n 1 1144 170561346 w > 524 J 2525y 17 516437 xs i'170 6 16 4 t It 34 J 0 tP to •• 00 2525 170 65 (3,H) H ry °y 541,65 25817055174 3 56 01 >f 1660 25 172 7453 ?J p2 417 '? ( % 01 (241 254)70511j3 9 ,b 7' tam .!° iy iY (0.47A) 1 155#6 4P a 2199 721 S76 r Uo72{17056 97 ?y (( ° COMA) 1705512343 , x518 ? (U)) x5x4 YJ 1 44 ? `20 71 0344 a3,Al 342 7 A 25x1 05 t 2524 1 ( t (fa) 77 e 2342 5 2343 1 .$ (a47A) 2 t7059% 81 a 2341705515 6361 78 79 M1 B ' C , 108 5300 S 89 u 80 e> ?j x54 17056 297 10 V _ x52SAt7 510295 2 w 6B (036A) d? 2297 4 N My >6 A'1 W52 103 4110 5 512 2 7 2 2525 N O f 254 nos z1S3w a 0.4sA J a p (033A) J 25417056 252 1705515201 55 67 V Dill b eo 3252 3 2272 211 ({??f O 0 2521705518 1 25 170 11200 ° of NO 5201 SA 6271 II? 3 (871 56 + s 0.4{4705517107 66 V d 1 7 252417056) 107 , 252 tf?j0 111 ' 4107 e 2 1' m so °0 31 J,, 7 6 5 ndj o^' BB ,p 7107 M 4 4 408 (-pt-AC 140 29 (a7H) 3 gg {4 1 °0 251) 05 >0 2624170 ' bovt k 7055 (033A) 2523 1705 1G 2541 ,3 4 2 M11 3 151 sU, 60 4161 (a34A) 25211 0 511088 3100 7h 69 58 rJ II- 63 n6J ft. n?770 108787 °o 176 5' OS loop, + 0,"1705517 4 25241705 18 5 ry V - D o3xA 3Y 687 $ _ 0.19A 17055 5093 V east S 25 13833 `F7 17f951 OOy?3 $ law 61 3033 g? 1 610001 (1 so n + 5003 2524 0 /r 43 NO 2 100 S 252417059t% 4 0001 .. 2524 1ZQ 6009594 47 x5417056 yy8 - r > W ' 0959 t ? o 139 100 59S 48 ?7 3g 252??10 01355(, b• 9J 3MB 'r7 ss 4 (2141 13 S wo 5 44 ?y O 4 2524 V 25x41705388 33 (a) 49 30 `0 COMA) Jg 4954 ? so ( 2723 170550,11P .t? ew 57S S 2524 170569 l110 25417056 9)10 f92j IM 0 $ 2560 (,72) 3 wo 0910 50 RR 1 2541705 27 0 `la -1° ,/(y A 6°27 9 P 8 (1 A) 164625001 & 55 S 2624 17056v0 ,y 47 25241705 028 if _ ,176 500873 (os7A) `T 2 W oats 2664 (2.27A) 1705505831 w0 9 150 52 S ? JJ >, 2323 z5z417059SS 21 73 2524 17056 382(!72 2N0 q 1705502 0 31 5631 9 U20 53 g 5 6 7 85 g ?J ?s lezo 'j0 0470- 17 3 15 16 2s 6 fb7 2524 pis 41 >, J 4707 8 27 1 3 IDS 4 9 51A51Z 1 25417 5 7 170 01724 2524 0 4 5 2 32 3 33 9n5 3 4794 14 6 .? 65 9 7 1724 7$ 16 0 132 2524 170 08 33 S ?235 254 17b 5"60 79 (60) 2517797 601770 17 16 (4411 g so ( ) 8 n _ 7 s1 (254 )170 Y 67W 2 3 b 25x4(7 602637 .20 o 21 22 144 27 ? 7 o 6677 ( 2637 2524 17 602675 4 (2551 25n 2525 i7 SdE ( $ 4 M ?J 253 17055 663 r` )643 (611 4603 r 31 (127A) 6 ?9 in, 5663 *0 °] 25] 7 (0.7H) 45 e5 41 ss 9 1705501579 2523 1705504527 20 90 `'0 2 3 4 5 4527 6a 10 n, 0 ) p, (711 70 Ne (n) (ay9Aj (0.77A) (0.43A) 60.45 p 05509{170$6 0457 ? 252 Ab%4 11457 15 x52. el (0.38A) 254 170 4 o L (0.42A 6 144 ?fl 236 (,.811 2523 1705 064}} 4? (2425 3 xs 2524 1 6QJ4 69gj 64 232. EEC (r t 613] (°261110550 %au . $SR4 2•,4 2•el (2562) 254 25231705505319 7450 s43z 16 17 H 6 4 72 (2041 5119 >V 57 14 15 37 ?ry1 1' ? 1] 60 55 8 11 12 J? 29 s p 0161 25 3 g t p0 60 S2 10'31 ?, f Maps- and databases are public information supplied by various government agencies. The author and/or Ma pV161 E seller of the software program are in no way responsible or liable for the information depicted herein. Inquiries concerning the data should be 0 90 180 270 359 15:35 directed to the appropriate government agency. j Scale i - I JUN 8. 1999 in Feet THIS DAY AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE-DUE SAL THISh DAY Of? +?:•?? .••a?`?`''. 1X e 2(p ' ?. 19 1892 Y Pq, 185 DEED e ?• tM.H..... .. ..ROAD...... . • CATCH BASIN POWER POL& 144 :-3 M£W RIP SP/Kf E. I. P. J •POWfR 02 /04.0' AMC N r M£ADWALL 49 N o t 49 16 MNfCTiONt ?! • ' O M . P. L' . 2 L f ? 11.3?j LOT 4 LR C.8 tr ; SEEMAPENT/TL£Df PROPERTY OF ' j C lV I CLENDEN/NB BRADSHAW r 1j j6 KC I ?', O !} 8. 0. M. 1949 V.I Pp. 51 ?, ?(LOT 5) (P 9,664.56 S.F. ^ I O i N 0.45 A c. I t` /. D, tt N 0 `1 `?90 RS S3 , Q, Q I I fn .' r DO ` ` Q, 'F9? F s NIP 1 CsI o `1 ' C-2 T? • I'?01? V 10' PRIVATE DRAINAGE ES MN T. ?/ II• /v 1 .1 J C-6111 I y NOTE: COURSES ALONG CREEK ARE 15?92 405 `? y /t0 FOR REFERENCE ONLY `mil ` I OF CREEK Is H40PERTY LINE I,?cCe1 e i 10e N16°33'20"E •? t00 SEEQO.M. /9?s/2 P0. T2 OF to. I' r1•s l / SHEET 3 r 69.54 NIP r> ' tWSroRy o / BRICK a IIA? NIP ?• `, ? 11.1' C-5 30' CITY OF 1 , p N nR. PATIO C-4 PRIVARALEIGM TE SANITARYI OVER t3 STORM SEWER y 0' '.*, O' 400 ESMN'T. Jr?a` t 0. Wo NIP \ •? d \009Q S.36°41'36"E E 48.00 - LOT 3 17, 197.63 S.F. O 0.39 Ac. N N O O CD X5 POST AT C?O?RNER 013' 'K WALL 123.50 / M. H. - This certifies that property shown on th recorded ih the Offi North Caroli'no, or of sion of this plot or r of Raleigh for public parks shown thereon devote or allow the s accordance with all conditions of the Cit dedication shall be ments for storm drai are irrevocably mac properties shown her tions of subsections of the "City Storm ( some may be from tir Book No. Pogo No f.LP. LOT 4 ./ } 19, 161.60 S ' ,R 0.44 Ac. 1 A?OZ VIRGINIA GREEN, WALKER r N/o•r4•oe E ss.so• ??1? / ? ?5 ..•• NaNTH OAImLINA AND STATE DO IdY CEITTIFY THAT PERSDNALLY, WEANED BEFORE ME THIS DA' ` `w= OF THE FOREOOINO DOCUl I. m NITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL WILL THII / (?. 102.60' N./. ! rd. p TO: Pete Caldwell FROM: John Y. Phelps, Jr. DATE: June 17,1999 We sent a request to Mr. Dorney on June 8th for a variance on the Root Property in Raleigh, North Carolina. I called your office today and they had not received it yet. So I am enclosing the identical package in case the other one got lost in the mail. Please call me when you have had a chance to look at it. Thank you. John Y. Phel ps JOHN Y. PHELPS, JR. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR POST OFFICE BOX 30122 - RALEIGH, NC 27622 (919) 787-3658 FAX (919) 787-6727 JOHN DORNEY 4401 REEDY CREEK RD. RALEIGH, N. C. 27607 SUBJECT: 50' NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER BEING PLACED ON LOT JUNE 8, 1999 DEAR DR. DORNEY; THE OLIVA S. ROOT SUBDIVISION MAP WAS APPROVED AND RECORDED JUNE 1, 1995, BOOK OF MAPS 1995 PAGE 1137. (COPY ENCLOSED) AT THE TIME OF RECORDING, A N EXISTING HOUSE WAS ON LOT 2. THE CITY WANTED TO HAVE LEVERAGE TO ENSURE THE HOUSE WOULD BE MOVED ON LOT 2 TO MEET THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. TO OBTAIN THE PERMIT TO MOVE THE HOUSE ON LOT 2, THE LOT HAD TO BE RECORDED. TO GET AROUND THIS CHICKEN AND EGG SITUATION, THE CITY ALLOWED THE MAP TO BE RECORDED WITH A NOTE ON LOT 5 " LOT 5 NOT TO BE RECORDED UNTIL DWELLING ON LOT TWO IS REMOVED." THE OWNER IS NOW TRYING TO RECORD LOT 5. HE IS BEING ASKED TO PLACE A 50' BUFFER ALONG THE CREEK. IF YOU LOOK AT THE ENCLOSED TAX MAP, YOU WILL SEE THE LOT EXISTS. IT HAS A PIN NUMBER AND BY THE FACT THE LOTS EXIST AROUND LOT 5, IT EXIST BY DEFAULT. I THINK THIS LOT MAY HAVE VESTED RIGHT BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN IN ITS CONFIGURATION SINCE JUNE 1995 WHICH PREDATES THE NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES. IF NOT, THE DEVELOPER WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST A VARIANCE ON LOT 5 TO ALLOW A HOUSE TO BE BUILT. I HAVE ENCLOSED A MAP SHOWING THE REQUIRED SETBACKS. YOU CAN SEE THE NEED FOR A VARIANCE. THANK YOU JOHN Y. LPS JR. P.L.S 1319 CC: PAUL TILLERY OWNER MIKE JOHNSON CITY CONSERVATION INSPECTOR JACQUE BAKER CITY PLANNER p)4 94 251 $ 170551490 1 36 xot us 7325 $ 2513 •a 7j )s 7991 17 901 a • () 47 g ter 17055166 7 3., .? 24133040 17056J 95 (x15 3 g ( 254 )17055118 8 1 5 4r 0907 a 2325 170 18874 •' (O30-) ba d7` i rN (as4A) f47) 96 1705513870 34 173 roe r? 5vf of 0 ? r4 me 1705 53 `J 97 J `b" D .mss q . ? 3870 b ) b' J2 25x617 612779 tar 170531 594 2523 ?y (o.3N) J/ ) 1575) JJ I toszw $730 '¢ s)ro o)? 2524170561 8 .1 z))f 4y? ?e170 6?S 31$ 813796 i 1744 17055t)?? 1 705 7511 17" 2762 a.u 4, 4 ` l M3 1705 17744 yp `20 37" 324 17 I (w0A) ) ))•• r 4 , < (203) 2762 259 1705513791 .1 e, 4741 35241705611 2 >> {? a (0344) J / 5 - 34 3792 1)12 259 17055168 9 0 .(7 ? 's 7 9 ?6 99x4 /? J 490 27 343 (w) 31 re y7 4P 'J •7 ? • 170 676 ?B Z ,40p1 '4 u ?9 ? J0 e L 7 1660 1 {)(0394) /J ? (0304) >? 17055 661 t40A 2524 170 632 ?> e0 J 1660 9891 2524 3 salt a, i 4 tar 1705512579 b` 1379 ?y (O33A) 4P 4Yl ry r? 2524 170 519548,8, PUO5510 95N , 252• 170 7 0 fst? 1660 pw, 3x4) 1525170 10 4 2507 `$ > 1 ° 17 0504 ? 2 5 M ' 0, 43 4 4 o On '4 ?^, l a3N ) f 143 1144 (0.3`4) 1705513476 66 /) 2524 to 62621 170 516437 x551/170 3.79 rJ Nf7 4 170 I6 ttiN) Nw 2525 `p 40 74x55225 17055174 3 )?a, 1660 13'956 01 > i 1 252 J r p fU47 b <aaA, t 232417053,733 9 a. 15316 9399 e 252417056 97 > ) J 2$ $ 76 r t»7 :sr (0.92A) 1705512343 Q, (W) 7) 0.74 2524 Y) t 44 `=o 2523 ( (a3N) 4 6224 1705 342 > r 2361 t a (a4») x32+705'3% 81 (la1 )) , ' 5342 4 br x 13147055 3b0 153 ue, 78 7d •3 89 e 9 80 ' (034A) v 108 x524 1705 297 , >0 g ,40 x52317 510295 a 130. 2 A8 k1 68 fo3eA) @? 3297 ? (0.35110 5 512 2 7 2 2523 I o.43A 1705515201 J (o35A) ? * c p ? 25x•1705 A2YSSN) eJ _ 'o ?=17056?252? 55 V 3233 xs= o '? 17 X Y 21, ' smt hA 518 1 0 11200 6 1705 2324 00 a &271 * 3 3 ('67) SB 1` 689 0.444705517$07 3 a 7 53 J? 72 4252417058 107 =ax1,?70 1117?r 47 1101 y 3 65 29 31 3 406 VEN pCAC 4 R M6 !'J) ee E (a7N) 0 4 ` $ 252. 1705g 5jt 1 60 2521LA05 16 1J 2524170 // (0334) 23231705 1 3100 69 34 M1 s 151 4r, r•? fo art (0 A) 2521 1A 511088 t76 BM005 58 7y 1 63 f 4I b 2524170 1!>'?87 'J M0 S7 ' 04 53541705517 ti 2047 ° 13x51705'.88 5 fi4 '00 52 $ 0881 o35A 17051 00 y?3 17055 5093 7014 17 11053 a x324170 h8333 ? 81 $ 7 610001 It) 2 „1 N n sow + 3033 9 x324 J r $ e0 -- v 2 W --fa t 25247055 (8 49 0001 2524 17.Q 00959 i '0 100 Oese a y 14x417056 ?8 100 139 ? 3 9949 y 595 Scree 48 47 xg Yty 4 J 11x9) 13 I x O 1 35 4 45 MO 53 a 44 u 11, 'x+2417n 23241705368 33 (037A) 170550QO 60 2313 (401 49 30 a (Omo 49 4954 i 9a» 574 a 25340569 410 2524 17058 990 ? x59o S (171) j !a>/ S NO Oar 50 ON 25x4 F7 170 27 > 4' ) rN350 IF 0 6 it g ? N U27 558 9 2524 17030 23241705 02861~/J 1 IL1176 500873 (0.57A) (2.27A) 1705505831 110 gg "t 52 a 2°f4 * JJ 'J 232 9 =32 4170556 21 'b 2524 170 3826 2323 10 j 4p 2 $ 4'701705502 0 62 1 5 6 » JJ 8 7 8 'J 1620 J° M 8 IS 16 . O 3 E Ss _ 38 2524 17g 047077 25 2t J W 4 5 151417 So94x16) 74 (b)) 4107 e 629470 0172VJ 2524 0745 as 9 4» t4 194 1724 14 3 So e' 4794 vs 3524 170 33 w75 2524 17y 5V"80 70 (40) 7324 h 5601770 18 )7 JS )0 b ( ) 8 A ht (535A) Q 77eo 0 1g x524 170 77 2 3 A2 ' 62x•17 602637 ?O Z1 7 04 (a.•Y) 9477 (sal 2931 251417 602675 ?2 _??e' T 17 ?T' ?7l ' !J °° 1323 17055 q n» xsx• 58 7r ? (? , 663 (WA) 6 ? 396] P p1l )? ? SNS 4403 311 l 2523 (0 M) 46 55 •S 1705501579 2323 1705504527 S ?1 >0 eo 90 4527 2 3 4 sy !a?) to qt PO Oil r (039A JJ (03p774) (0.434, t><) (? 7 509 ? I IA (a41A 1 C5 4170,50 457 g b4 x34 I tr71 t 0437 25x4 BOto `4) x624 170 4 'L (as2A 55x3n28t[ t4sE 2523 1705 06433 11 (a4N x524 uA 3 7µi 232451 6(JJ4 --24283 J 684064 1% °YM 3G(t to LJ (a5eA ) 94 11 (0.0 550 552 ? 1441 $4P 2524 524 x.14 (20e) 25231705505318 72 air 7430 es32 17 1 an ), 15 16 r l 16 ' la 47 < ry? 9 ? J ? 11 12 29 e - t5je1 1a 4 ? 3 b 9 W Mops and databases ore public information supplied by various government agencies. The author and/or Ma E ?i seller. of the software program are in no way responsible or liable for the information depicted herein. Inquiries concerning the data should be 0 90 180 270 359 15:35 I directed to the appropriate government agency. 1 JUN 8, 1999 1 -7 Scale in Feet rr ,or'ss 3.oo,rsoor N J U/ 9GG m„vv, vc oul :17'3 d'/'A' ,09' Z01 dl ,OS'£Z1y 7701Y. r tl'O 3 fldetBJV ?S/X3NdQ7.f. --bIHl 'K38 1Y IOIi'i0 OMV GM JtN 883M1I1t -1kA1f= 80I063MOd 311 40 co 1VO 8111 3J'3ilMN GMWJJ V,11'IVNDUU / o In AM M A930H 00 31V18 0MY o O ? N- ? 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ON 7? iWIJ WOl a q eWDS tJ?1'0Y3MOd 3 9 3A/d5 Y/Y.M3N f uQ wJOI$ A4,:)., 64+ !° Mod ? u sUO!430sgns 1O suOl; N/SV8NJ11:! ,p, )QjG4 u salJJJd W A19lg0oonau! QJO ,UIDJP WJOys JO) s+UiW JJI 09 11045 UOIIwIPeP s AI!7 ay! 1O suol+!PuQ* ' 3 IID 4+1A` ODuopJ03DO Jos e44 ADIID Jo 040Aop q uoeJe4+ umOys ij,od *s;sYW?C+ 3llgnd JO1 4616108 1° `s?:??' ?•i..• ; Ji?•,,, .. ow Jo Told $ly! !O Uols Jo 'oulloJOD ylJON yto •° f :'• y?' S? .pi/ 02!jj0 044 u! POPAODGJ st41 uO uJ oys d+Jedoid i •?TT 61? yl 4044 se!1!tJeO s141 .. : L.V s _ lo118f1i ^yYOoM - 0D9 0330 ;a' J10 AVO dry j SINI W. ad .7681 3 ,AI..• _- gal •?.? I?OIit1J3fCis3AQ-3?Il 03emVIOMMOV OMV 1V0 8141 y NDInN fANOLINA ~ aourTr "I, the undersigned Planning Director of the City Of Raleigh, do f hereby certify that the csity of Raleigh, ae prov,irded by its City 1 _ r A NAIl1C fc'81t tiAID COUNTr Code, on the ~ day of +~U in the year 14 QT' appz•oved this plat or map and accompanying llleate, and accepted for the City of ~ 'HATE DO (~11' (xRT(/r TNAr Raleigh the dedications as shown thereon, but on the further 1ERfidlKlr NrEAIIED Itl<ONE !E TNIF DAr AINt AfRg10NLED0ED T ,gKCllrl~t condition that the City assumes no responsibility to open oT OF i1~ 1'DM.IOINI DDGNEIIT, _ , ma main the same until in the discretion and opinion of the [~f s~ go rninq body °f the City of Raleigh it is the public interest to NITNEfi{ Nr NAND AND DFtICIAI ttEAl Ihl~ 'T DAr D/ ~ ~ ' ' e="ltC'`~~'' g IB9` 1892 P9. 185 do o. ""'fit;,: ~ pEEp @tb OEEO BOOK , i ,Planning Direc r NofANr ttfKtc NL< ~ trrT ro.QZ• This certifies that the undersigned is (are) the owner(s) of the soN pR. . ANDER ,a s property shown on this map having acquired title thereto by deed(s) recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, o T TO BE RE RD D THIS PLAT 0 ~ ti ,o North Carolina, or otherwise, as shown below and that by submis- ~ DAY OF ~ .5 ~,fil, ~ AFTER , ,,zl,;fR~,~'`°„~y;. sion of this plat or map for approval I (we) do dedicate to the City of Raleigh for public use all streets, easements, rights of way and Q 6yRp sr. ° SHE 1 COPY TO BE RETAINED FOR ` HE p W parks shown thereon for all lawful purposes to which the City may devote or allow the some to be used and upon acceptance thereof in CITY. accordance with all city policies, ordinances and regulations or ~ 3 RO. IN DOU,T OF THE ~ conditions of the City of Raleigh for the benefit of the public, said dedication shall be irrevocable; provided, any dedication of ease- ~ RfOGE THIS PLAT IS 6EECN CITY .LIMITS. ments for storm drainage are not made to the City of Raleigh but Q f M.H. t M.H. ROAD are irrevocably made to the subsequent owners of any and all properties shown hereon for their use and benefit subject to condi• GTCN a15IN CAfCHRAS/N tions of subsections (b) (c) (d) and (f) of Section 1 and Section 4 • ,~~e POW I NEWR/R SMA' ~~ePOw of the "City Storm Drainage Policy" (Resolution 1970-742 as the ; ANEW R/R SPIKE 1• E. P. some may be from time to time amended). M . •POwER Z°44 3 PYRE NYA4ANT V pLf ~ 0 ~ HEADWALL ~ 49•g( 1 N-8.z-w E /04.0' o 1 MCA0VALL I . 8°4l M/.P. Book No. Page No. Signature(s) of Pra~rty Owner(s) • N~ ~ t • 4y. ~6 . WATE4 APPR°X. L°CATI°N Oa y r . , ° VALVE""""""e~~ WATERUNE56A7NNECT~GNS'! ° H,P.1' .t ~ ~ p (N. , S. J vurE t VICINITY MAP WArr:R ER Ilse aRy,4 ; n''~ i~RwIU~T 'T R N~.l C'B W LOT 4•/' f r,~ ± L . P, LIMA WAKE COUN'T'Y N20° ° ALE „ ''P s sE N t. Carnllna - 'v;,~ NORTH CARD 4 SEE MAP ENTITLED r PROPERTY OF `,r 802E N/2°3 ' 2°1513 ~ ~ ~ . County r 49 9 , 653 E N ~ N.LP. ~ O N CLENOEN/NB BRADSHAW , • ~~i't Personall a eared before me 3' N•LP 43•//' N.Y.R •43.56 C-1 ' ~ B I, a Notar Public o y Pp (LOT 5) ° a B. O. M. 1949 V. / Pg. S/ certif the f the County attd Stat° afors~aitf ~f• ; who being y t John Y. Phelps, Jr. Are istered land ' S BUCVeyQt!y i _ t ~ t 19,664,56 S.F. personally appeared before me this da and acknoul cl c ' fieate shown 2300 tiu exewcto y cr 1 thy' ~ dui. sworn says that the certi CI 2 o - y O"t N ~ 0.45 Ac, iy n of tlw•foregoing Ins ruitent. Ililitcs my~~g„It e t this da Of ~ ' and afflcio sump or a his day of lg = 1S true and Corr C y ~o D, ~ 19 ° N ' ° 0 y 'a/ti rf jy~ / 41 J not ubuc - My commission expires ~ _A Ar ~ `m 'N~; ~ Q\~' - ~ ~ o ~ ~ to ; k ~tt~ ~ Q \ ~3~0 1 q issto Notar Pub is D s s ° n Ex res ~ ~ ~ ' ° ~ • A9' 3F o ~s Sad `-'~?,l~'4 5lalc oT ilorU C lino i6,e47.so S.F. ~ V ' Nw ~ ~ ~ ~ I County LOT 5 NOT TO BE RECORDED UNTIL DWELLING 039 Ac. ° ° ! Rev,lstered nd Survc or C-2 ti,Ry / 10' PRIVATE DRAINAGE ESMN T. ON LOT 2 IS REMOVED. ,~y'ti ~ certify tlwt th a tntp vas drawn under ,pcrv;,[nn, ~ og2 2 -6 dead lion ocaidod in Dook _ ~ 06 5T •9 905 ~ ` ' C ° Q ~ /V Po 5 1 ~ M h ti Ira t that the ratio of pr c lion +~sr • 2 I 1 <n NOTE: COURSES ALONG CREEK ARE h 0 I <O FOR REFERENCE ONLY talc l y ti es orui deparlures is ~ u 1 that the bourvJarics , OiF CREEK IS PROPERTY LINE not a, a o a wtt as br lines plotted M ~ t' ' ,6 4 0 10' N~°33' C) inforrut on found in Dook N.w W IO SEE d0. M. /9// V. 2 P9. 72 t ' paC° T REMAIN CROSS •s e ~ hat this au was rc r accordanco IF THE EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE IS 0 _ xfP , u. a C.S. 4? )0 as aaendod~ it x CCESS AND SHARED DRIVE AGREEMENTS MUST ~ q.o a 69.54 / NIP (SHEET 3 OF 4 1 8 1 tkY! q ~ L•°'" ~t APPROV c. 1, N groRy " ~ ~ - ~.L~• 0• L ~F 6 rw° t:K p, ~ ~ ra- WlS R, NOL DING w ,j6[ tr Ta rt NIP 30' CITY OF I y LE J Y PIiELt"Ss RF7CI TI N0. L-1319 D.B. 1691 Py. l85 $ "'"t"om C-5 RAtEION Q .z O 7S' el PAi[OR C `A PRIVATE SANRARYI / NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY o s6• ~ ovE .o . • 0 8 STORM SEWER y Z ' ~ o O ESMN T. Q This certifies that the undersigned is (ors) the owner(s) of the pp.a' ! -a ~ 0 ~ a+ ~o property shown on this map having acquired tills thereto by deed(s) Personally appearfxl before me NYP ~ Q ~ recorded in the Offin of the Register of Oesds of Wake County, Q ~ N_ t who belri 13,746A I S.F. O 9A - ~ `~C North Carolina, ar otherwise, as shown below and that by submis dUl SWOrn g 10 S 36°41'36 E N. theCit Y says that the certificate shown o.3zAe• "E aB.oo I M. N. sion of this plat or map for approval I (we) do dedicate to y ~ M. H. - ~l. E. P. or Raleigh for public u:e all streets, ease~nmts, rights of way and is true and correct this ~ Of o 5` 0 .l. E parks shown therson for oil lawful purposes to which the City may y N!P SC~6 10/ 9 ~ qo• devote or allow the same to be used and upon occeptonce thereof in 1 q My commission expires 3 a ,~rv accordance with all city policies, ordinances and regulations or W conditions of the City of Raleigh for the benefit of the public, said " ~2 ~ 19,181.60 S.F. `y ~ a~A dedication shall be irrevacoble; provided, any dedication of eose• Nptg Publl N tt 0.44 Ac. C Who ,/p S2°`h VIRGINIA GREEN WALKER ments for storm drainage ors not mode to the City of Raleigh but O ors irrevocably mods to the subsequent owners of any and all C m= • _ NORTN CANNA properties shown parson for their use and bendit subject to condi- ~ a p0 ~ z V= COIN" NO STATE DO HERESY CEIITIFT THAT A NOTARY KWIC FOR SAID COUNTY ti f lions b c d and ( of Section 1 and Section 4 to ~ IYtZ one o~ subses (J O (J ~ 17,197. Bl S.F. u' lh A of the Ctt Storm Draino • Palic (Resolution 1970.712 as the Y 9 Y , i 0.19 Ac. N •p~ some may be from time to lime amended). , ° } lh trvt Est P8601IALLY AIWAFM SEFONII W. THIS DAY AND ACKNOICEDOED THE DUE EXECUTION m Book No. Page Na. Signature(s) of Property Owner(s) N \ OF TIE FOIIE@OINO DDGRIF,NT° RTY ~q~p N85°24'£ 0.23' 1 m F M FENCE POS>~At CORNER f MTTNESS Off HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS 1 DAY OF of6R/cxw~LL 123.50 rP 102.60 p,Y,p ELP S I°°21'°e"w 2P°. 0 E. P. ` S IO°24'09~~W 226.10' NY°°za•°e• N/0°74'OB'E 39.30' 1_.IIL S,tiA - - NOTARY lli111.101 NViDN EXPIRE; r. 1fi . I, dMM Y, ItR•IJti, JR., RFt~ISRkHr IAMt VIItV4NRt, Nl. I: 1:119, t7HI'I[Y'Ui NOTE: HOI r1Nl': SXt Mlq! aY 711a FIMIISIIW;; f PREVIOUS NOTE. HOUSE LOCATED ON LOT 2 HAD g PREVIOUS ADDRESS OF 2 triGrGOKrr+r¦ll~" KENMOOR SUBD/VISION RD, Now A. nNT 71IIS MAT IS OP A sIRYlY 11NT ptE1TFS A SIIWIVI510N DF LAND YI711IN HIE ARFA OP A MIRKY dl tiN[C[PALITY MAT IIAS AN ORaIttMCE B.O.M. 1928 V / Pg, 31 RD, NOW 403 D"OVEN L. C„j TItAT RFfdRATFS PAAfT7i QI INO, a -gel R A D ARC CHD. BRNG. CHD. ? a. 71N7 THIS MAT TS TIP A ,amVF•Y nPT TS IIK'ATTa TN CIKTI NORTH CAROLINA -WAKE COUNTY A MIMY OA tUN1ClRtLI7Y 11NT 1S URRECUfATTD AS 7T1 AN ~tW~VCJ:~ ~ G-ut7 nnn* C- I 25.00' 39.27' N 38° 24 ~27 ~ E 35.36 ninT R11CU(ATES eARCSCS OE I,tta, _ he foregoing certificate of..................................................... C-2 25.00 21.82 S 7I ° 35~ 39 ~E 21.13• ? c. nwr nus MAT !s of a sluvtY ov ns exlsrlaac raRC,It, oR rn"c~Is , „ ov LAfN, , C -3 45.00 62.91 S 86° 38 48 E 57.91 • C-4 45.00 2I.00~ N 3 9° 56 16~~E 20.81 ~ D. Ro['aritnnrlt~wT ~ a A oY ^"r""a` cnTrcoRY, seal As nl Nota i s are certified to be correct. This in r m n = a cturlRC nvx~s, "muRr-oROram sl,av ,TA • (Y) ( ) ( 1 st u e t was C•5 45.00 78.55 N23°2fi 16~~W 68.95` excePr[a+mnxatrulma swalv[slaN.- . 10 DENOTES STREET ADDRESS o ntAr presented for registrafon a recorded in this office. SETBACKS C-6 45.00 57.45 S69 59~09'~w 53.63' ? Tltw IWfI,61D71IISSU6Yt1ERTSttl71711nTIW Nn Intl TD The nesT IY tN s1aRnL 1 FRONT 20' ;S r 20' REFERENCE ± 97, 487 S. F. 2.238 Ac. TOTAL AREA (TO C-7 25.00 21.82 S58° 24'32~~ W 21.13 uln; stoos.~NrA[am IN ~ ( y.~ o ~ ~4 This ...7.... y of .............19 at .....oclock, ...M. A 30' 30• REF. LINE) C-8 25.Od 37.69 N53 2354 W 34.22 ~'r` ~ R SIDE 10~ %I(RN r, Hints, ,la., ~1Ryq°p Ke C. ins, f Deeds Ate R[ 1 0 D.B. 1892 P. 185 -10,848 S. F. 0.25 At. R/W L•I N 06°35 36 E 49.88; j t"t9t9 r! ExCEPT ALONG WHITE 0 / LONG WHITE OAK RD.- 20' ± CLOSURE(FIELD) 1:93,660 86,639 S.F. 199 Ac. NET AREA L-2N 10°12'21"E 49.8g'• F BY• MIN. LOT SIZE 13,300 6eprly Register of WATER AND SEWER SERVICES WILL HAVE TO BE ESTABLISHED FOR L0T8, GRAPHIC SCALE I " _ 50' P.I.N. 1705.19 BLK.51 Por.5181 ZONED R-4 PECIFICATION8 BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED TO CITY 8 , ,tat, , C, 50, l5 5 25 75 175 FDA LE PROPERTY OF °Y E OL/VIA S. ROOT * 0 ~ THE SURVEYOR RCLIED UPON THE CITY OR COUNTY ~ o~. o PROVAL OF ALL APPLICABLE ORDINANCES x P IA FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS DESIGNATED ON FOR AP 8JEC1 PROPERTYr IS ? IS NQT LOCATEDIN A S EC L MAP F,hR,IA,) a 06/01/95 AND HAS BADE NO INTERPRETATIONS OF THE SU FEDERAL EMERLENCI~ MANAGEMENT ACENCY(EE.M.A,) FLOOD INSURANCE RAYS 1 0 ! FLA BK. ES. MIAUNITY ?•PAN NUMBER, 37183C0341E ZONE _ X _ ~ ORDINANC CO ~ • ~ _ ~ . . 2300 WHITE OAK ROAD 423 RALEIGH , N.C. f ~ r ! ! - : / p r ~ A6E ~ RECORDED /N BOOK Of MAPS VO L . JOHN Y. PHELPS, ?R. - REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR P.O. BOX 30122 RALEIGH, N.C. 27622 (919) 787-3638 SOUrHEAN /HOTO - GRFfNS101t0 N07459 ~q3 - NMTM DAAOl1NA WIL OOIMTT ' "I, the undersigned Planning Director of the City Of Raleigh, do - heretiy certify tKat the ty of Raleigh, as rovi ad by its City 1 A NIILIC 1DN t111D f)DUNTT Code, on the 4 day of~j in the year ~49,~ approved thin plat or map and accompanying ~ts, end nbcspted for the City of ~ tITATt: DO 1~1T OtNTifT THAT Raleigh the dedications ae shove thereon, -but on the further !'EEIMDNALLT AIlEMb ~ TIIIIF DAr Alb AC~IAYLEDMID T condition that the City assumes no responsibility to open or ~ ~ ~~Dl~ l?• t°~' t°+,~ , 18 n,a twin the same until in the discretion and opinion of the ~t~ ,`1= ( p P9 qo ruing body of the City of Raleigh it is the public Interest to NITMpI NT HAND AND 0!/ICIAI ~ TN1~_ DAT Df ' `•Tra 4• ED BODK 189 do r • i DE K 1g92 Pg, 185 8170 a A 7 ! o 1 nn n Director" ~ ? 5d,'~`~~~ p P a i g r NQ}ART 1f) 3 # A 4 T • ~ • • This certifies that the undersigned is (are) the owner(s) of the property shown on this map having acquired title thereto by deed(s) RSON OR. 1 , ,1,,, ANDS Jal~a~ recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, o RE RD D ~e~. THIS PLAT OT TO BE e•,•.,p North Carolina, or otherwise, as shown below and that by submis- sion of this plot or map for approval 1 (we) do dedicate to the City W ~ AFTER DAY OF Cr~ t , o ITE .~l ~ a,. of Raleigh for public use all streets, easements, rights of way and parks shown thereon for all lawful purposes to which the City may ByRDSI: s 1 COPY TO BE RETAINED FOR HE '+w~'" a W devote or allow the some to be used and upon acceptance thereof in .CITY. ~ accordance with all city policies, ordinances and regulations or conditions of the City of Raleigh for the benefit of the public, said ~ 3 RD. T OF THE j OOU ~ RlD~E THIS PLAT IS IN dedication shall be irrevocable; provided, any dedication of ease- BAN CITY LIMITS. Q t M.H. ments for storm drainage are not made to the City of Raleigh but RO ^D are irrevocably mode to the subsequent owners of any and all H properties shown hereon for their use and benefit subject to condi- CATCH &19/N p ~.P°W ~c//eusi~y . ' . . ' tions of subsections (b) (,c) (d) and (f) of Section I and Section 4 ePOW of the "City Storm Drainage Policy" (Resolution 1970.742 as the .•rowfA 2°443 xu•z~ NEWR/R MWE f. /.P. some may be from time to time amended). N Z8' P3 "E 104.0' FIR£ Hn,RANT ~ IGIf ~ O ~ 1 HEADWALL . ~ ~ 4g,9? 1 NEADWALL Book No. Page No. Si ature(s) of Pra/arty Owner(s) 8 41 N.l.P I . N p ~ 4g ~6 ~ ' ' AFPAOX. LOCATION Os • ' ' • . ti IN~.1,.P. A , to (N, T,S.I ~ ~ ' .VALVE"""""" YAi~ WAYERCINE58L1pNNfr7A7Ne.. •'ON•pL' 2 ` 0 V/C/N/ TY MAP f+l VALE Er[R 11.38 l I-or 4 ~al.P ......e. ,yf~~~6Nr ./R Ce .W LO] - LINA WAKE COUNTY N20° ~0 " ~ 1 sffLrAPENa N t C rollna 9tt„1aR+t.rralr NORTH CARD 4607E ° , , 015]3 SEE YAP ENf/TLED r PROPERTY OF ~r ,t County dF` E c~ '•r,• 499 N/2 3653E N 2 kLA' ~ O ~ CLENDEN/NB BRADSHAW 'r?~- ,'..`-1~ e•en«° F'`e re me 3 ' N.LP. 4 ' N.l.I. .43.56 C- I N B. 0. M. ! r, a Notary Pubiic of the Count alxl Statc a ~ L' •••q'~ ~ Personally appeared be o , 3. N c DoT 5 ~ o B. O. M. 1949 V. / Pg. 51 certif ha y ~ who bein ~ y t t John Y. Phelps, Jr. Are iste~ed-,I ~ ~ ~ g ersonal! 0 r S " ~ Y ~ s ~ t 19 664.56 S.F. p r ppearpd before me this day and ockno'ul the ; the certificate shown z3DD ° - i . r=LdieM tne ax ~ ~ dal sworn says that 0 2 o.as Aa. ,h ccutlon of tiw foraEolns ins ruacnt. t7ltNCS m 1 , 'n Y O-+ N ~ and officio Stamp ar a his :day of ~ is true and correct this day of ~ ~ 9 tp i l ~ ,19 .Q ~ ° / ~ N . s ~ ,Y~~ c e - p. p W, A. ~ W Not brit ~ M coNanission a Tres ~ ~ ~ ti r y xp o, + N c e . ~ ~ ~ ,r ~ , ~~,9i,• ~o `',gr ` • Nota Public . ' ~ o , ~ t QS's'~F fission E%p rcS rr,rr,r,ac;"` ~ ~ Al C-7 ~ ~ ~ I .W 5tulo of NorU C lino _ nIP ) 16,847.50 S.F. 4 ~ ~ ~ • Cow y~ 5 N BE RECORDED UNTIL DWELLING 0.39 Ac. ° ' ty apt LOT OT TO C-2 ti~~ / 1 Ae~lstered nd Survc or ~ ~ / 10' PRIVATE-DRAINAGE ESMN'T. cert fy flat th s sop vas drawn urKlcr , c,•vtsln„ ON LOT 2 IS REMOVED. ~ `35 ~ cx dead lion ocoidtd in book P ' 06°52 T92 ~ C-6 0 ` /Ip NOTC /Y NOTE: COURSES ALONG CREEK ARE Pa S ~5 405 ,n y y /ro I that the ratio of pr c sion ns , talc l y Li and depurturoS is ~ - cn I , co ho FOR REFERENCE ONLY that the bowxlarics M ~ 10.d ~ ~ ° C) OF CREEK IS F140PERTYUNE not at a e s utt aY lines glottal 1' ' ,6~ 0 NIG 33 SEf to zo• n n. . 20 'E ' w ti 1 I inforrut an found in Dook , Palo TN EXISTING GRAVEL ORIVE IS TO RENWIN,CROS$ N'IP Ins • . SEE QO.M. /9V. 2 Pg. 72 f !/J~ that this aup vas prapar nccotdanco IF E + m M 69. NrP , ' S4 / C.S, G7 }0 a amandod t a trM! gCCESS AND SHARED DRIVE AGREEMENTS MUST BE u•o' a KY H u _ NIP C /SHEET 3 OF 4 / n A ED 60,2 rWO sro ~ / K N/f 'w gKIC ` IIA NIP (n _ LfNYS R. NOLOINB p tLr 30' CITYOF I ~ p Y dG~Sy . Iltl"iI TI NO. L`1319 D.B. I89Y Pg. !B5 ~ N.a' ILe' C-5 RALEION O. : • , ~ ~ t~110 ~ `4 PRIVATE SAtMMtYI / 6e e~ 6 STORM SEWER ~ NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY .e i 0 This certifies that the undersigned Is (are) the owner(s) of the D wo property shown on this map having acquired title thereto by deed(s) Personally appeared before me Nlp -a \ N. • recorded in the Office of the Register o! Deeds of Wake County, - + who belri 13,746.41 S.F. 0.9A °41 \ North Carolina, or otherwise, as shown below and that by wbmis' dUl SWOrn Sa S h g IQ S 36 36 E ,p \ M.H. ~ ~ Y y tat the certificate shown ~'32At' "E 48.00' - sion of this plat or map for approval 1 (we) do dedicate to the City g _ E./.P. - o+ Raleigh for public us. all streett, easements, rights of way end is true and correct this da Of o 51 0 • f.LP. arks shown therwn fa all lawful par see to which.the City may 'Y N!P S~ ~ ' P P° ~ devote or allow the same to bs used and upon ocuptance thereof in 9 < aeeordana with all city polieie:, ordinances end regulations or MY COAM1SSlOn explreS 3 0 w conditions of the City of Reldgh for the ?enefit of the public, said ~2 } 19,181,60 S.F. 'g ry Public ~ 0.44 Ac. ~Ao2 dedieofien shall b• inwaeablr, provided, any dedication of ease. NOta ~ N ~wp ments for storm drelnags are not mode to the City of Raleigh but W" Q ' V/RGJN/A GREEN 1144KER ° m ~ /y~: are irrevoee6ly made » the subsequent owners of any and all W ! l MIN a1IJUY n (it b'sct to candi• ~ a o properties shown hereon for their use and bee su I ~ - Z lions of subsections (b) (c) (d) and of Section 1 and Section 4 u1 m ~ I woo MW Own of the "City Storm Droinog• Policy" (Resolution 1970.112 ss the 0 17,197.83 S.F. ~ Ln ti t 0.39 Ac. N ~O n i A NOTARY Maio FOR MID 0 My- N10 lTATE W NWA f' OUT I" THAT seine may be from time to time amended). ° 1 D mmal"If A M 1 0 NE TMi• _aw me THE am E10OENRtON AMNAMNi OF TIE MWA"In ROQIMM. C Book Na. Page Na. Signature(s) of Property Owner(s) ~ v1TIEif IQ' AND opERTY~p~q/S 83°24'p 0.13` 1 m F~Ap N, FENCE POST AT CORNER ! Of BR/CKWACL 123.5[) H+ 102.60 N.I,P. awle /1L REAL TW OAT OF Y . - P E. /.P. E.LP. s !0°?e'oe"W fYO.O' o e 3, tt ..e% ` .a~. • V10e24'08E 9d.lO' 'fi e S /0°2409"W 226.10 N/o°f4'°e•E ~.:o' NOT EIrtm ; _ I, dttl Y. Ng7JS, ,Rt., RFL'ISI}YFU IANI S1ANtYIMt, Nt. 1: 1:117, tzxtlrr'u, NOTE: NOOSE LO NOTE-. HOUSE LOCATED ON (DT 2 HAD . " (sS; timK OY rep! NRJLIYINC: ! PREVIOUS Ai10RESS PREVIOUS ADDRESS OF 2300-WHITE OAK KENMOOR SUBDIVISION RD, NOW 403 D@I A. TINT 711IS MA7 I$ OP A SURI'tY nNT 17cE1TkS A A4aIYlSICS OP lANO Wnl[N PIE AAFA OP A 071Mty dl NINICIPALTIY nIAT IIAS AN ORDINARCE B.O.M. l92B V/ Pp. 3l RD, NOW 405 D "O V E N PL. Aeeee 4` nNT RFrLHATFS tMAfl7t 0? INRI. R A D ARC CND. BRNG. CND. ? a. nNT nI1S PIAi IS aP A ~IpVF$ nNT IS ILX'ATFn IN grll NORTH CAROLINA • WAKE COUNTY A O1IMh DR tRIN[CIPALITf TIN71S IRAIELUTATTD AS n) AN ~tNaC~ C- I 25.00 39.27' N 38° 24' 27° E 35.36' nlAr Ravutls pAncels op foregolr)g certiiicale OL.: C -2 25.00 21.82 S 7 I ° 35~ 39 ~ E 2 L 13~ ? c. nNr nl[s puT Is cep A suRVA~r of AN Fxlsrinn~c pnACet oR pnRCels , 0p (ANa. C •3 45.00 62.91' S 86° 38' 48 ~ E 57.91' ~ 'A"" ' n. nine nns. par u tx A SuAtit' cep AIRm1ts a'rn~RY, soar u n C -4 45.00 21.00' N 3 9° 56' 16" E 20. a I' RDxpnlAAruRt a elrsTltlg n,~ls, A gyp-p~gp,~ ~IRy Notii (y) ( s) (are) certified to be correct. This instrument Wes DENOTES STREET ADDRESS C•5 45.00 7fi55~ N23°2616~w 66.95` °~70'Rtr~~ rv S'' 7.45' 69° 59 ~ 09'~w 53.63 ~ ? i• naT ~ ,4 nns Presented for registri?' a recorded in this office.. SETBACKS C•6 45.00 5 S ~ ~ seal n1n7 1 .w I S8° 24'32~~ W .21.13 nl xn ~ ~ slaws 1 . R EFERENCE * 9 7, 487 S. F. 2.238 AC. TOTAL AREA (To C-7 25.00 2.82 S trf FRONT 20' Tres .lh.. y ~ , ~ . 40 ..at. C•8 25.Od 37.69 N53°23~54~W 34.22 ~ ~ REAR 30, REF. LINE) D.B. 1892 P. 185 _ 10,848 S.F. 0.25 Ac. R/W SIDE 10 JdRi Y. PIR7PS JR„ ~A, y Ke IfIS } %CEPT ALONG WHITE OAK RD.- 20' HITE OAK RD.- 20' CLOSURE (FIELD) 1:93,660 t 86,639 S.F. 1:99 Ac. NET AREA L• I N 06° 35~36~~E 49.88, aD• Iring f E o ~Y MIN. LOT SIZE 13,500 L-2 N I 0 12 ' 21 "E 49.88' • BY _ ~O 6~ Reamer of P.I.N. 1705.19 BLK.51 Por.5181 ZONED R-4 E ESTABLISHED FOR LOTS, " : 50' • WATER AND SEWER SERVICES WILL HAVE TO B GRAPHIC SCALE I TO CITY SPECIFICATIONS, BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED .ear,,, , SCALE PROPERTY OF l0 23 50 / 3 ~~'"r, ~ f'' ,"'n„~ ITS : ~I~. I 'v z 50' l5 5 n ~5 ~ t a DArE OL /VIA S. ROOT ' J {E CITY OR COUNTY 0 ~ ~E_.:° , ; TEiE SURVEYOR RCLIED UPOt TI t e-g z 06/01/95 ' A OF ALL APPLICABLE ORDINANCES X P CIAL ft.000 HAZARO AREA AS OESIGNATEO ON r FOR APPROV L TY t IS ? • IS NQT ? LOCATED IN A S E RETATIONS OF THE SUBJECt PROPER M NTAGENCY(EEM.A.I FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP I EI.R.Ia.I ; Ct n AND HAS t9taDE NO INTEPP FEOERAL EMERGENC'~ MANAGE E NUM9ER ' 37183C0341E ZONE X^_ ~ ~ ORDINANCES . COMMUNITY • PAN T ~~'t .,I a FLD. BK. 2300 WHITE OAK ROAD ?5'x'`0- ~ . Q„~~ `~9o„v~ ~I 423 RALEIGH, N.C. a ~ ( ~Di N BOOK Of MAPS VOL. PAGEr ~ ~`"t;,°r.t°`' RECORDED l t ?OHN Y. PHELPS, ?R. - REG/STEREO LAND SURVEYOR P.O. 80K 30122 RALEIGH, N.C. 27622 (919) 787-3658 SOUTtIgN pIpTO - GREENSUORO N0T4S9 qq3 ranll cAwol[fIA YfYtt oDUrTr "I, the undersigned Planning Director of the City Of Raleigh, do } K r ° hereby certifyrthat the ty of Raleigh, as provi ed by its City I ' t' A NQj Y 1UBLiC FO11 fiAID CDNYTT Code, on the ; day of ~~)a~ in the year 19 approved this r` plat or map and accompanying 9deets, and accepted for the City of ~ >tTATE DO IflillElt CGTIFY THAT A Raleigh the dedications ae shown thereon, but on the further /ElilDNAllf A}IEIVAED IQDAE !E iHlt DAr AY0 ACIpI011LEDtilD T condition that the City assumes na responsibility to open or ~ TK DOpNtMi. _ ma'ntain the same until in the discretion and opinion of the pB, IB~ go r~rninq body of the City of Raleigh it is the public interest to Y1Tt1E1t Mr fUMD Aft OIiICIAI ZEAL ?NI~~ pAr OF ~ ~•'t~'-~,. ggyK ig92 do o. n ~ ; Y pgED PG • 185 ~x 1892 ,Planning Director" a ~ l ART t111LIC • f MI COIMli1tDN E1fFt ""r €1' '1 ~ ' This certifies that the undersigned is (are) the owner(s) of the property shown on this map having acquired title thereto by deed(s) NDERSON ~ Ii,Q.~. s A _ .'~1 •~i sit :W 2 recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, THIS PLAT NOT TO BE RE RD D _~a~' ~ ee North Carolina, or otherwise, as shown below and that by submis- sion of this plat or map for approval I (we) do dedicate to the City W ~ 7 ~ AFTER ~ " DAY OF •r,,~ ~ t.~~' Q St ° SITE trr?A~_ ;t"4~ of Raleigh for public use all streets, easements, rights of way and BYRD 1 COPY TO BE RETAINED FOR - HE ~~x. o W parks shown thereon for all lawful purposes to which the City may devote or allow the same to be used and upon acceptance thereof in CITY. ~ accordance with all city policies, ordinances and regulations or conditions of the City of Raleigh for the benefit of the public, said ~ 3 HI PLAT IS IN GOUT OF THE (n ~ N RIDGE Rp• T S dedication shall be irrevocable; provided, any dedication of ease- BEEC CITY LIMITS. Q tMH. ments for storm drainage are not mode to the City of Raleigh but ROAD are irrevocably mode to the subsequent owners of any and all properties shown hereon for their use and benefit subject to condi- CATCH BAS/N \ ~ POW tions of subsections (b) (c) (d) and (f) of Section 1 and Section 4 'POW POLL, of the "City Storm Drainage Policy" (Resolution 1970-742 as the ' 3 ( lNfW R/R SP/KE 0 4"' IEWR/R SMI(£ E. /.P. some may be from time to time amended). . ' ~ roLiR -•N 02 4 ~ N n° ze FIRE Nn7wANT ~ ADWAL . ~ 1~ 4ygl 1 NE L NUe28'?3•E 104.0' HEADWALL Book No. Page No. Signature(s) of PraVerty Owner(s) 8d 4) N. P. i NO ~ ' g 76 rn WA APPROX. LCCAT/OX OF N.LP. 4 TER ' V~{~~N~I / MAP ~ N.r,s.l • VALt~-............W~>~R WARRUNESdCONNECTpNS^! • p N,P.L' 2 q ~ ~ ry ~ VALVE [N L 11.38' l ~ f/p • ~N.IE .,,~Rw~~~r w~,~ .r.R C'8 to LOT LOT 4.q i ,1 4 . . WAKE COVtv1~ ~ N2 O ~0~ n t' ~ ~ ! SE£MAPENn n r. carotins r,, NORTH CAROLINA 0 g607M 0513 ~ b ' SEE NAP ENT/TLED r PROPERTY OF County rat r• q9 E N/2°3653£ N 2 I NI.P ti 9 Q CLENDEN/NB BRADSNAW ,~r { I ' Personall a eared before me ' N•%P 43. N' NLP ;43.56 C- I a Notar Publtc of the Coun Y PP a e. D. M. Is certif the tY 0nd Stato afort•::aytl, a ~ N ~ LO 5 ~ o ' ,who being y t John Y. Phelps, Jr., A registered land >3u'rvcyor, tp B. 0. M. 1949 V./ Pg. 51 personal l a ar0d before -c = 1 ? s.F. Y Pl>e me this day and acknovl aged the f ,Y day Sworn says that the certificate shown 2300 _ re,esas the execution of tl>e fore otn instru, n ~ ~ Z 0.4 Ac. ~ h and offs E 8 ~ t. Ultacs uilt,l~,Nl, ~ O"I N cio stamp or a hEs day of 1,~ is true and correct this day of ~ ~ p ~ ~ , ° ~ N M commission expires o ~ ~ • ~ iy Y v~' N R \ Ot r ^1 ~ `~o d ~ ~3/ ~0S• lsslon ex res Notary Pt1b11C , ~ r. < S O ' ~ Iu F9' 3~ =a: ~ m ~ ~ 1 3 / a , ~ C-7 ~ W 1 :;talc oi' 11orU C Tina ~ _ Nw 'Q ~1. ` 16,847.50 S.F. ~ I • w Count NTI DWELLING 0.35 Ac. ° Y ~ LOT 5 NOT TO BE RECORDED U L , i u Rev,istered rxt Survc or ~ C-2 ti~~ ~ / 10' PRIVATE DRAINAGE ESMN T. r ~+9 tk, r?j certify tlwt th a mtip wan drawn urulcr , c,•vlsi ON LOT 2 IS REMOVED. ~ , decd lion ocoided in Dook p °11' 05235 g2 C-6 t 1 NOrE NOTE r COURSES ALONG CREEK ARE t Pa r - 06 57 905 ~ ` ' ° a o S 1 y !t° • colt t `ithat the ratio of pr cision :IS Y s ern! departures is ~ I • y /co FOR REFERENCE ONLY a~ `D l~ that the boundarios 1~ ° 0 1 not at a e a utt as 6 lines plotted M ~ 0•t' 'rs .0 10' ~ N~ 33 Sf o OF CREEK IS R?0N-RrrL11VAF infornut on folutd in book NIP P I u 't 2 ~ w b E ' Palo I TIN AV DRIVE IS TO REMAIN CROSS ~ • 'm. ~ ~ f that this aup was prepay accordance IF THE EX S G GR EL u. a i f r 3 SEE QO. M. /9// V. 2 Pp, 72 ! F- , C.S, !,7 }0 as etscrdod, t LM*' gCCESS AND SHARED DRIVE AGREEMENTS MUST BE ~l,o' ro 69.54' ~ s NIP f SNEET 5 OF 4 / spy N U ~ I A ED 60• t~ Two qr ~ / N/f 16K ~ ,IAA ~ ~ Bp g ~ ~ NfP (n ~ Y per. LfN7S R. HOLDING a p.T ' , 30' CITY OF ~ ~ p RDCI TI N0. L'i319 Il.a ILA' C•5 RALEIGH o. 0.8. NR92 PB. 183 ~ ~ C ~4 - 00 TS' a p,,T~R PRIVATE SANRARYI / ~ - NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY ~ a t) a sroRM sew1;R y Z ' Thi etifi s that the undersi ned is an the ownn(s) of the ~•p' / O ESMN T. ?x ~ se • _ g ) o a w o property shown on this map having acquired title Iherefo by deed(s) Personally appeared before me NIP ~ ~ ~ ~ ncwded in tM Offia of the Regi:ter of Deeds of Wake County, C ~ N' N. , who bein 13 74 .41 S.F. 0 9A 0 - ~ WO. North Carolina, or otherwise, os shown below and that by submis dul SWOI71 Sa S that g 8 10 S 36 41 36~ E Y y the certificat 0.32Ac. N M. N. ~ lion of this plat or map for approval 1 (we) do dedicate to the City a ShOWn "6 48.00 ~ \ of Rabigh for public us. all sleets, easements, rights of way and is true and correct this da ° 5~ 08 ,1. E,LP. - \ ~ 1 a. E./.P. arks shown thereon fa all lawful ur oses to which the City may Y Of NfP S~ P P P 19 devote or allow the same to be used and upon acceptance thereof in a 10. accordance with all city policies, ordinances end regulotione or MY eomRt-ission expires ; ~ a(1, conditions o{ the City of Raleigh far the benelit ai the public, said 19, IB1.60 S.F. dedieotion shall be irrevocable; provided, any dedication of easa• Notary Public N i ui 0.44 Ac, o2a ments (or storm drainage ore not made to the City of Raleigh but a mi00 , ~Q VIRGINIA GREEN WALKER an ivevocobly made to the subsequent owners of any and all h O ~l5 W Mn CARDLINA properties shown hereon for their use and benefit subject to condi• ~ a CO ~ ^ Lions of subsectiens (b) (c) (d) and (f) of Section 1 and Section 4 Z N W •N I (T of the "City 5tarm Drainage Policy" (Resolution 1970.112 as the >D 17,~97.g3 S.F w~ soma may be from Lim. to lima amended). ,1 z 0.39 Ac. N pt~ AM STATE 00 MM 06ITIFY TPMMMALLY APPEARED REFME AY AND ACIOIOILEppEO TIIE DUE MMff ION o. 1 O `,A *TNt$A NOTARY MKIC FOR SAID COtMTr Book No. Page No. Signature(s) of Property Owner(s) ~ N ~ ~ RrYCp~ N85°20' 0.23' 1 t m of THE FOmmin OOK"MT. WTNM NT HAND •,p, ; F M fEMCE POS~Af CORNER I AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIJ_ OAT OF }S s! . f E. P. E.IP. OFBRICKWACL 123.50 IP 102.60 N•/,P S IO P4'Cd"W PE0.0' o 0 e y -4:.,) 10°14'08'E 0.30' S /O° 24 `09"W 226. l0 ~ N/oePA'0a^E ~.ao' NDT~tT MK tql; MWINK 19 1 _ r, .Ara v. nN1Jx, Jx,, xR;ISTT1dL IMaI vmvalrW, MI, I,-1:11'1, rrxrlty •a, NUfE: HOUSE LOC rru: uwt: tW 11W tTNJlNLINf:; I PREVIOUS ADDRESS NOTE: HOUSE LOCATED ON LOT 2 HADU' A, n147 n1IS PuT IS OF A SiMYty nNT CAFATtS A SIPoDIYISIat aF IAND KENMOOR SUBDIVISION RD, NOW 403 D fKi PREVIOUS ADDRESS OF 2300.WHITE OAK V Lit RD, NOW 405 DEKOVEN Ill YI111IN ns AaFA CT A CotsrrY Ca tt1NICIPAtnY nN7 IIAS AN OaaINANCE B.O.M. 1928 V / Pp. 3l ' ~I',•~ nNT PJYagATFS PARrf1S tr UtD. R A D ARC CHD. BRNG. CHD. l~ a. nrAr nlrs nAr 1s CP A RwvP.'1 ntAr is ux'ArPn 1N ux11 NORTH CAROLINA • WAtCF COUNTY • A CaUtliY OR NUNIC1PAtITY n4tT IS tM7tFCUlA1TL A5 n) AN URaU1tLtNf~ C-I 25.00• 39.27' N 38° 2427 ~E 35.36 n1Ar seaunrrs PAxcels DP u~ro• foregoing certificate of.......... . C-2 25.00 21.82 S 7I ° 35~ 39 ~E 21.13~ 0 c, nwr mis Pur is of A susvFS aP Art rxlsrlcNC PAP.cr], oA rnacFJS ° oP tAla. .r.....ti. . C-3 45.00 62.91 S8fi 38 48~E 57.91 ° ? n. nwr nos. Puy is a A swvtlr aP nNCrRiFx a Y ~ C 4 45.00' 21.00' N 3 9 56' 16" E 20.81' P.Dawllnnrloa a PJlISTIIC nags, A mux,'•°r o~ln SU~av nl I~ , Nota (y) (i ) (are) certified to be correct. This instrument was DENOTES STREET ADDRESS C• 5 45.00 78.55 N 23° 2fi I fi ~W 68.95` txcFPl'taN m n~ t>~trwit tv 7.4 ' 69° 59'09'~w 53.63' ? s• nor n ,r ° prt3sert~d for registra n a recorded in this office. A ' C•6 45.00 5 5 S to ntts t~ swat nwr r Aal SETS CKS C-7 25.00 21.82 S58°24~32~~W 21.13 ut N" sloA~t Py t REFERENCE ± 97,487 S.F. 2.238 Ac. TOTAL AREA(TO ~ TINS .~..1... Of ........,..1 at+~..OGIOCk ..M. FRONT 20' C•8 25.0 37.69 N53°2354"W 34.22 " ' REAR 30 REF. LINE) D.B. 1892 P. 185 - 10,848 S.F. 0.25 Ac. R /W JOIN Y. RAY.PS JR., p1 tAW1 It SIDE I D ExCEPT ALONG WHITE OAK RD.- 20 ITE OAK RD.- 20' t CLOSURE (FIELD) 1: 93,660 86,639 S.F. 1199 Ac. NET AREA L-I N 06°35'36"E 49.88: An. t-ttt5 v ns f L2N 0 2 2 E ~Y. MIN. LOT SIZE 13,500 I~ePrq' RtSgt~er of TO BE ESTABLISHED FOR LOTS, „ _ P.I.N. 1705.19 BILK. 51 Par. 5181 ZONED R-4 • WATER AND SEWER SERVICES WILL HAVE GRAPHIC SCALE I - 50 TO CITY SPECIFICATIONS, BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED ,seen SCALE PROPERTY OF IO 2 50 I i'~~ ~',Pi ~'9~'°~a, 15 5 ~ , I " = 50 r 1,;., ~F,. ~ OL I VIA S. ROOT " DATE THE SURVEYOR-RELIED UPON TEiE CITY OR COUNTY 0 , ANCES N - 06/01/95- FOR APPROVAL OF ALL APPLICABLE ORDIN X ATEO IN A SPECIAI, FL000 HAZARD AREA A$ DESIGNATED 0 P RTY t IS ~ IS NQT ? LOC BJECI PAO E Q M a AND HAS MADE NO INTERPRETATIONS OF THE SU FEDERAL EA1G[iGENCI~ MANAGEf~ENT AGENCYIEE•M•AJ FL000 INSURANCE RAPE µAP (f.LR..} = L e ~ _ FLD. SK. I ZONE X ORDINANCES. C hl>UUNITY•~pAN NUMBER,' 371830034E r ~ . 2300 WHITE OAK ROAD dip ~ .7 423 RALEIGH , N.C. RECORDED IN BOOK Of MAPS VOL. PAGE 'tatrr~.l.~°" JOHN Y. PHEL PS, JR. - REGISTERED LAND S iVEYOR P.O. BOX 30122 RALEIGH, N.C. 27622 (919f 787-,3658 SOUTNaN ?NOl'0 - GREENSIOBO N07A59 iq'43, _ " . I I i C~ ~ D Uaa z~ c. r ~eRlc s?+aLL eE a MIrUMUw of 32 INCHES IN WIDTH ANO SHALL 1 ~HNIMUM OF 6 LINE WIRES WRH 12r STAY SPACING ,'MALI BE 7 I/2 0Z. WEIGHT AND A MINIM M f i U 032 IN WIDTH, STEEL OR WObO llAll BE FASi1ENED AOEQURTELY TO THE FABRIC AS DIRECTED n~, P T M~INEER CS ti' "5'TS SHALL DE S~-0 "IN HEIGHT ANO IRE''~BRIC ~iEEI TYPE sE Of THE SELF Fi1S'TNE1t BUR V lAP - ~ ' „SHAH 8E S TO 6 FEET IN MIGHT ANO 3 4 ~ ~ ~ 1 I ~U } 1 TO INCHES IN ' a1, WIRE FABRIC SHa~I BE fASTENEO TO w000EN POST I ~ 1 rT LESS THAN # 9 WIRE S'APLES I• a I/2 INCHES LOHB ~ I I / - ? ~ ~ J : j z I ~ .y ~ ~ I~ r I N. I ~ ~ ~ _ _ ROAD : s.~•5~0 ~ i N ~ i ~ ~ l 1,-~ n ~ I ' ~ gN1CN MINI aAIAAIF AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER / J GRNQ UNE u.~ I i t~~ N Ir Ir ~ •N NH.r 10~ MAX. VA • S MIN .O 'V, ~ ' N ' ~ ~ ANCHCR `tMl( NYONNNt ~1 I ~ 1AA~ ? 9 J'1 J ~ M I? I \ ~ ~,V ~auRUA? ~ 1 T ~ \ ~ N 6 ~ w ~urNe[ EataNIN er~ ~ 9~ t ~ , E ~ ~---~rR [NINNI! . pNN[C1[f1N! i t ~ ~,ti N. - 1 -k~ _ -1 - ~ ~ .y f , yu~ .alN ~ ~ y ~ -y rap ~ I 1 N0.2 ' 1 R _ ~N~ e 11 I 1 q „ ~irN I ' LOT 4 , r I ! ' CHICKEN WIRE 1 ~ LI. 6 ~ I I . ~ o ~ o W ~ I IIf w? [N7111(t fNOrfRTt Of ,loo N I 36 ~ ' ~ ~ I ~ k I, , ~ j ~ ~ . II CLENDEN~1 8 BRADSHMN 1 I I ~ ~ Nor Ittl v~l rN n I STEEL OR wQOD POST ~ ~ 1 ( II - 1 ~ I ~ Ix . ~ I I 1 ~ ZONEO R-4 ~ I 5 ~ i ~ i ~ / ~ t I I I I , i I 'NIKE ?ABRIC ~I v ~ ~ I \ - / N W I ~ ~ ~ . ~ / 1 II \ o I 1 ~ ~ ~ I euR aP ~ r l ' I ~ ~ ml s ~ ' I ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ I I I I 1 ~ ~ I _ _ _ ` TOp Of DITCH ~ A ~ 1~ 1 ~ ~ 11 ~ ' 11 ~ .rse?a~ac~? W ~ I,, 1 '•A . I ~ ~ ~ 1l / I ~ ~ , * ~ a I - U ~ ~ / I r / 11 , ~ OF CTCH I m , ` ~ ~ i l j , 90TTCM I ~ ~ i t:dIN1I[t ?EONI ~I~[N ~ I N ~ / 8 t ~ raN Ntrtll[Nt:t owr \ i i 1 1 ~ t~ y ? I I ~ CIK[N It ~NTi ENNI r~ i /1 f x~ / I r / I 1~ ~ MM s I ~ ~ l I I{~f. 10 r Mu v vN tt I ~ ~ / 1 ~ ~ f IN[n ~ of i ~I ~r~ 11 ~ , ' ,J- / 1 G I 1 ~ ( - ~ ~ 1 y I ~ e ,e N ~ ~ ITA T RM AS MEN ~v ~ y ~ u L~ ` t - - _ ~ ~ ~nh; V ~I 1 N J ~ iOAN ' _ _ I ( 6Il r - I J I l., v ,t y ~ i ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 3 - G I ~ ~ I I ~ N/f 1 w wa ~ o L ~ / / lot[t ar[N(NC[ flE-t•atll '1..~."_s'._~-'~_A~ILa LEM1Ib` R HOLOINO - _ J ~ ~ „ 2 T ~ }k f~. / - 0 'I 1 1 / / 11 0 • Mt H INI - /I I / 11N r(tt 20M1 1 H 1 On IJ~~111~-' I i 1 / M! fl 3 ZANEO R • q ~ it c o><I t ~ Y Icy.- ~ I I I ~t~T FtiNG1t~ ~ ~5 y ~ ~ I -''"'I I I ~ . N sv t to k. \ ~ /p ~ 1 ~ ` ~ \ ft~IT n . ~ 1 IroNtr[N[Na ENitl f~lE'S _ I 1 i >•b SC~~IIE ~ , ~ ~ - ~ / 1 a i ~ / ` 4 I I f _ z~ t / i I I t n~ ~'ME sr~µ MtN. c - Q Fr is / -I~ / / ~ ~ I I _ ~~N , - _ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ 3 / I / / / ' / VNgMNA GREEN WAS. ~ j - Q l ~ - I ~ / / ZONED R-4 o ~,u 1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 1 i _ - 1 I -L 1 ~ I I~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ _ IMAO(,[AIjMEN1,AlONe._jQU1H_. >11D~.QI ~R[~I 10~ 1 NII ~.LA 0 ~ _ 1 ~ M ?Up tOKUE i[ NINt['[ Ot1'- ..91D QO-~ ~ N N'"N~N'1 M ~ ~O I (tr 1l NCt ~'1/t N! CNNNlN Ot \ ~ ~ = 1 KK Mll ` r ~ ~.~.r ~ \ ' 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ N w J Z 0 1 ~ ~ ~ Q n° ~Q 1 t 1 ~ 1 ~~1__ _ J_ - ~ ~ `f ~ 1 - ~ - I ~ ~ NEN~lOOR SUBDM910 I y 1 ~ I I ~1 T I ~N o r'rto v I rI a ~ I I ( I ~ I I - - ZmJ I I V I 1 I ~ I. STORM ORAINAOE 8YSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH I 1 NED R•~1 I ( I Q NITH ~ Q I. I I CITY STANOAR09. I ..__..1 _ ~ I___- ~ I um a Z, [%ilTINO HOUOI OMA~~ S~ MOOUI[0 TO COM/LY WITH THE CITY ZONING REGI1IItEMENTS OR REMOVED REMOVED ~ / FROM PROPERTY PRIOR TQ REGORGING LOT 2. i 2. ~ _ ~~L ~OFlSTRTJ~Ti0~1 Tb aG Ill ACG~Q F ~N I T E. pL arc wln+ nT~f of aa.~raN 57A>ap?RDh ~nlu %~'j l3PEC~~IGkt~ONS. ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ri t~~ r. ~rr~ ~r. I Q~_,~~. IN ~ttrV ov out t~.F or ref ,c ` ~ € ` ro~~ iiliVcHEEir 3j.:V~Lv b' ' f f ~~:s;~l~ ~tiXetAN~LK TD ~fii P~,ID PRIOQ ~ {CE(pRDItyG - ~f ! I 'e~ tiriQ~HEII'~t j;. 'ilti..rS~ru::'~f. - ~R~I~ / r r y d 1~, 'l..p 'C ~ , ~ IS Qr~l 2 :4t;frG ~3y i~r .tE r~ r'~t~VAL PJBUC r _ ~ ~ - SA?~IA~'irirltTrtA~~;t~~~rSeRETt.iiE?EC'.;3GEJ C`I 5n' ?S 0 50 100 i .r \ i~ / /.JK~ ,;i L - ?STiC'R iC~ F'N"l 4C; ;'ar._ ~ O . G ~12V~V Y ~ _ ~ ~ . ~ ,y `r"~. ~1--- a , c,4 ;NE ?.D Jai' ~j J~1~ ty Y, t~'Nt1 _PS RL5 i.. -JI?~ iN ~F~ T . _ { a11~ . GIN. - 1' A r _ V~T~D '2 03 Q5 I c;~u, i7o5.1 'i• ~ d 0 > .r - 0 O i.` If. N'IA' ! ~ ~ { _ I r r y ~~?~.5r P~IR~ 5181 ' / CnNS~'RYATION ~NGiNEkR ~ ~ ~ I ~ i~wr C/R~erlden trp~ 1 ~ i fkQlydrMMwrWYlM errrr WaMr411MIM QMrMMY NM.IMw - I li11r^-7frg1"Y w.rrw M4Y rrI4pMI MN1M rMpr'rrr ~ CSR 5G~ RL,~ ~ ~,5 ~~~W~ , ' g ~ E s F~1 . 3) n.a uw~w oraMrM ?"r• _ ; r~~~~ c.lrrr Mrw ~ _ I Ori ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ G V ~ `±i0 ~J~ J CA~.F hr 5 N O~ D M1eUC w~ oY~UeU~aMo~ i?~I n.t~,rw'.~wr+.~.lrw.w~lwacivrnwr ~w..h.. Y'IriNrrliwrwneuw NMrY YrI41MMM IrM rlrCbrM UMW NriuY" w4r• W~a~.r~ aar~ / ~~,t,` MkwMr~rfrll ~ ~ 1, I h~rMr. y^/ , 1 ~ ,i / 9~ /C... . R OF _ _ ~ _ ~V L E '1"l Y. _ _ V q I D _ ..,.NMI f j ~ ~ 1. ~ ~ _ . _ G '2 I ~ I J ~ r SHEET NO. L . 933 t S . I QV Oslo 7. it. f S r _ ~ _ ~ ; a,.. NDRTN CAIt'fXINA YAltt ODIINTr "I, the undersigned Planning Director oP the City Of Raleigh, do s ' hereby certify, that the ty of Raleigh, as rovipled by its City 1 ` ' •t'r' K r r.. p A NOIARr ?tl~tc F011 aAlo calNtr Code, on the day of ~ • y in the ear ( a roved this _ plat or map and accompanying 9Heets, and acceptedrforpthe Cit of ~ dTATE DD INiR~r CdtflFr THAT • ' _ ~ ~ r Y ' Raleigh the dedications as shown thereon, but on the further I'EIItiONAllr A1/LANEp IEFDIIE HE THIti DAr AND ACNNDKEDOED TILt- condition that the City assumes na responsibility to open or ~;~,~iFI~ ma'ntain the same until in the discretion and opinion of the ~ r~ FORFAOIMO DDCINENr. ' Ig5 go~erninq body of the City of Raleigh it is the public interest to YIiNEtiJi Hr MAID AND OFFICIAL iEAI !HI ~ ~ Ig91 Pp• do¢so. ~ DAY OF:;,,1~ r ED gppK Pp. 185 ~K 1892 f _ " , ~ , ~ Planning Director" , ~ - Ia~ANr ' , t•~' • PIIKIC N dP. MP COIMIB610N Ie1tFl ~ 'r ~ ° ~ 1 • This certifies that the undersigned is (are) the owner(s) of the property shown on this map having acquired title thereto by deed(s) recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, THIS PLAT_ NOT TO BE ~„~0 ~ , , W ~ FTER ~ DAY OF ' r . North Carolina, or otherwise, as shown below and that by submis- sion of this plat or map for approval I (we) do dedicate to the City Q BYRDSr sRE 1 COPY TO BE RETAINED FOR THE of Raleigh for public use all streets, easements, rights of way and 0 W ~k"`.; parks shown thereon for all lawful purposes to which the City may devote or allow the some to be used and upon acceptance thereof in ~ CITY. 2 = accordance with all city policies, ordinances and regulations or conditions of the City of Raleigh for the benefit of the public, said ~ 3 T I CAIN GOUT OF THE RIDGE R°' THIS PLA S ~ BEECH ' dedication shall be irrevocable; provided, any dedication of ease- CITY LIMITS. Q M.N. ments for storm drainage are not made to the City of Raleigh but f . .....ROAD are irrevocably made to the subsequent owners of any and all properties shown hereon for their use and benefit subject to condi- • CATCH BAS/M • rJ,ra POW BAS/N . . tions of subsections (b) (c) (d) and (f) of Section 1 and Section 4 •Ow of the "City Storm Drainage Policy" (Resolution 1970-742 as the • 0 4~3f'P/NfWR/R SP/XF rR/R SP/K£ F. P. some may be from time to time amended). N//°18'23"E /04.0' ° . PA9LfR 02 ~ N 11 ° 29' 2 PYRE NKM'AMT ~ ~ gt i N£ADWALL 11 EADWALL Book No. Page No. Sign ature(s) of Pro/erty Owner(s) 4g• I 041 N.I.P. ; Np8 e ' g 76 rn ' ``~•,wPROx, cocarroN o~ ' }'y ' NA7£R ' • 2 N.I.P. ~ O V~{r~N~/ / MAP ~N. r, s.l ~ •YaLt~.............»•A„R WAI£R UNfS$CONNEC7/ONS O N.P. V4CVE \ fbN•~ ~ ~ r pErEp ~ I I .3N' l '~rE F/ P • o0,rE_RW/U~ 1 p ~.1 . LP. C•8 =l~ LOT LOT 4. f . r h r.h Coral lna NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY ~ Nppo ' P°-tE „ County ~ 4607E N/2°3 ' 2°(513 b I s2f NAP EMTI/L! SEE MAP ENT/TLED t PROPERTY OF qy 93, 653 E N N,LP. O I Personally appeared before me N./.e 43 N~ NY.P ;43.56 0_ I ~ B. o. At. 194! a rotary Publtc of the County atld State afor0saitf~ ~ . CLENDEN/NB BRADSHAW ,who being ~ N (LOT `J) o certify that John Y. Phelps, Jr., A registered Ihntl sdrve cr , 8. O. M. 1949 V. / P9. 51 f ~f4j°«.e 2 sY,. Y r ~ personally appeared before me this Jay and acknovl 1 cd the t 19 664.56 S.F. the exa°~ g ~ sworn sa s that the certificate shown 2300 ~ u' tlon of the forcgotng Instrmtent. Ilfhtes m. duly y ~ Z o h Y~I~nd O-'I N 0.45 Ac. i` and offlcto stomp or a his Jay of c 1S true and correct this day of ~ ,f llr,~P~ L ~.a, .4`o-. _ ,01' ~ 1 L.mN flat while My commission expires o •o D. ' ` ~ f v / . m t0 N Q \'Y . ~ ~ r ~ -•t . Q `~o tsston Exp res Notary Public , A P` C-7 ~ ~ / I ,ituta of tlorU C line ~ W I 7. F. = NIP Count 6,84 50 S. c ~ ~ a, j may) d ~ • `~/r'~ I ` t. Revistc ~ LOT 5 NOT TO BE RECORDED UNTIL DWELLING 0.39 Ac. ~ red nd Survc or ~ C-2 ti ~ / w' certify tlwt th s map van drawn urulcr tpcrvisiou ON LOT 2 IS REMOVED. "6 ~ / 10' PRIVATE DRAINAGE ESMN'T. rsj t_ kfy41 • i Ilk '35 Y ~u v decd lion scolded in Dook 052 g2 ~ C-6 ~ 2 1•r^ NOTEr C Pa ' 506 X51 ,p5 ' ~ o Q m that the ratio of pr cision :ts - ? n h lb f0 t NOTE: COURSES ALONG CREEK ARE • # ' Ca1C C m r (7 • / y ti as and departures is o _ ( Ito FOR REFERENCE ONLY l ~ ~ U that the bourvJaries p~ ~ to OfCR not stu' a e a wn as b -o -L u r lines plotted ~ los' o O inforcut on found in Dook M Zo.l' 'N.a It,o -t N16 33 1 OF CREEK IS PROP.-RrY LIME that this au Pa~Q N.IP • • ~ 2O~~E ' w to SEEdG p was prepay accordance IF THE EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE IS TO REMAIN,CROSS ~ N l !SN SEE a O. M. 19 V. 2 Pp, 72 r ~ .m to 69.54 NIP C,S. 1,7 30 as amandod• - t s` and and 1 ~tdrt! gCCESS AND SHARED DRIVE AGREEMENTS MUST BE q.o' h , ' NIP ISHEET 3 OF4 APPROVED " Rr " ~ ^r' / _ , ~ D, 2~ 0 5Ta T / rw 6 I ~ - N/f ~ gpICK 4 IID HIP ` J Y i'IIELr"J LEW/S R. HOLDING a I7•y - ~ 30' CITY OF I ~ ~ e , RCCI ATI ND, L-1319 C-5 / e ! D.B. 1891 Py. lB5 ~ II.O• N~' RALEIGH O x 4 . NORTH CAROLIN $ 0.15 N , PACER PRIVATE SANITAftYI / ~ A WAKE COUNTY 9 0 ,p 8 STORM SEWER Z ! af• f J TAis Certifies that the undersigned is (ore) the owner(s) of the = °.,,,~0~ . ~ ~0 ESMN'T. a~ W D o property shown on this map having acquired title thereto by deed(s) Personally appeared before me ~ , o r neorded in the Office of the Register of Desds of Waka County, NIP ~ N. O North Carolina, or otherwise, as shown below and that by submis• , who being 13,746.41 S.F. O9A ° - ~ O duly sworn sa s that the certificate shown io S 36 4I 36 E Sion of this plot or map far approval I (we) do dedicote to the City y 0.32Ac. E 48.00 ~ / M.H. ~ ~ O, of Raleigh for public use all street:, easement:, rights of way and is true and correct this da Df o 51 ~ . E.I.P. - parks shown thereon for all lowful purposes to which the City moy y NIP 506 19 ~ devote or allow the same to be used and upon occeptonce thereof in jV( COmm15S1 n a ~O accordonce with oll city policies, ordinances and regulotions or y 0 eXplreS 3 m conditions of the City of Raleigh for the benefit of the public, soid , 3 Zi }t9,IB1.60 S.F. Ag dedication shall b• irrevocable; provided, ony dedication of eose• NOtar Pt1bl1C m,• 0.44 At. ~ ments for storm drainage an not mode to the City of Raleigh but y N y'H O /d02 , V era irrevocably made to the subsequent owners of any and all ~ m ti ~ /y~. VIRGINIA GREEN WALKER properties shown hereon {or their use and benefit subject to condi- CO j x p UJ ~ NORTH CAROLINA lions of subsections (b) (c) (d) and (f} of Section 1 and Section / a ~ ~ to ~ 2 of the "City Storm Drainage Policy" (Resolution 1910.712 as the u1 ti 17,97.83 S.F. I ` v^ r^,, MAIN OOLWY soma moy be from time to lima amended). z 0.39 A c• N •p ° } NN AND STATE DO HERESY PUBLIC FOR SAID COUNTY O 'p Book No. Page No. Signoture(s) of Property Owner(s) ~ \ 'a PERSONALLY APPEARED avu.,~ ED THE 04 EXEI~RION ggp~rRTY~pq~q1S N85°24'E 0.13• to OF THE FOREGOING DOC1NW. WITNESS Wf 11440 AND OFFICIAL SEAL FROM FENCE PAST AT CORNER Y 1 E.I. P, S 10°20'09"W 220.0' - Of BRICKWALL 123.50 Iv 102.60 N.r.P. £.l. THIS ) , DAY OF yI~ }0... o ° S l0°24~09~~W 226.10 N/O°21'08"f ?9.30' f ?~L. O i NOTARY PVBLIC- M1~'~OMI~StDN EXPIREQ }G' _ I, ,NMN Y. HIF]J'ti, Ja., 6?~I;1tI4kFU IMAI ugryt51at, NI, I: 1:117, t1•ltl'IFY'Ur NOTE; HOUSE LOCA71 tr+t~l tear: t* no: NMJIIUINC; )TE.HOUSE LOCATED ON LOT 2 HAD ~-y I PREVIOUS ADDRESS OF 4i A. nWT ntlS PIA7 IS OF A SUAVtY nNT CRFpTFS A SUODIVISIQV OF IfENM00R SUBDIVISION R D NOW 403 DfKOVI EVIOUS ADDRESS OF 2300.WHITE OAK J~iy NOW 405 DEKOVEN PL. IZ4 Y[nIIN n1E ARFA OF A (xzstlY Da FLRtICTPALItY nIAT IWS AN OaaINnNCE B.O.M. 1918 V / Pq, 5y nNT arrAIIATF.S PNMFJS aP IANI. - R A D aRC CHD. BRNG. CHD. s-1 a• nNT HITS MAT rS UP A witvty nµ7 TS 117CATPJI S NORTH CAROLINA • WAKE COUNTY A NtW1Y OR Fsx11ClPAU'IY nNT IS IINRfirIMTTD AS Yt)IAN UHUINnN('kF C • I 25.00 39.27 N 38° 24 ~27~~ E 35.36 nIAT aecuuTES PARCkYS OF tAND• h@ fOr I . . ° c, nut nu§ Put Is °F A suavev of AK FXISPIr%C PArccl, oa na ~ n9 Certificate of..................................................... C-2 25.00 21.82 S 7I 35~ 39 E• 21.13 P cEls ° „ of uxD. , C-3 45.00 62.91 S86 38 48 E 57.91 L7 n, nut Has rut rs a A stttutY of AACn}IFk aTrxoar sunl C-4 45.00 21.00 N 3 9° 56' 16~~ E 20.81 ~ almtnlaAna rx txrsrlNC mare, 4 r;, soav~~gtn'1~~~/tr Nata (y) (i s) (are) certified to be correct. This instrument was - ° t7lCf(7'!QN 1a nll: affINITI011 SUODIV / R C-5 45.00 78.55 N 23 2fi 16~~W 68.95` iSLC+tt, s DENOTES STREET ADDRESS C•6 45.00 57.45' S 69° 59'09 ,w 53.63 ~ Q la. nlnr Han tu,gsm mis m ~isysua, 1A presented for registrafon a recorded in this office. u~t~ ItV~ n r r vl SETBACKS C-7 25.00 21.82 S58° 24'32~~ W 21.13 d~ul N"Tx"I ~ tN a ~iN't7f~ssloM+L 1 ~ This .1.7.... FRONT 20' R EFERENCE * 9 7, 487 S. F. 2.238 AC. TOTAL AREA (To C•8 25.Od 37.69 N53° 23~ 54'w 34.22 ~ r ! y of " REAR 30 r/.xswY. PIIp,PSlJA.; rnuw+snp'"` SIDE 10~ REF. LINE) D.B. 1892 P. 185 - 10,848 S.F. 0.25 AC. R/W L-I N 06°35~36~~E 49.88, na. t•1JI9 Ke C• ins f Deeds f~ / EzCEPT ALONG WHITE OAK RD.- 20' OAK RD.- 20' ± CLOSURE (FIELD) 1: 93,660 86,639 S.F. 1.99 Ac. NET AREA o L-2N 10 1221"E 49.88• RY. , MIN. LOT SIZE 13,500 BepMy Register of . WATER AND SEWER SERVICES WILL HAVE TO BE ESTABLISHED FOR LOTS, GRAPHIC SCALE I " : 50' / P.I.N. 1705.19 BLK.51 P0r.5181 ZONED R-4 SCALE PROPERTY OF TO CITY SPECIFICATIONS, BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED sc l0 25 50 / ~ r rr = 50 r ' !,z'• 15 5 25 75 /75 THE SURVEYOR RELIED UPON THE CITY OR COUNTY ~ 0 DA DATE OL MA s. Roor FOR APPROVRL OF ALL APPLICABLE OPDINANCES 06/01/95 r TYt IS IS NQT ? LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FL000 HAZARD AREA AS DESIGNATED ON . Of E ,,UDJECI PROPER ? AND HAS f9ADE NO INTERPRETATIONS OF TH FEDERAL EMEftGENC'~ MANAGEMENT AGENCY(EE.M,A,) FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MdP I FLR,M.) ORDINANCES. MMUNITY-•pANEj. NUMBER 37183C0341E ZONE X fL CO _ 4 FL D- 8K- 2300 WH17-E OAK ROAD 42-5 RALFIG11 . N C R~"COR~E® l!~' 84Qk' OFl~lAPS I?f~L w._ _v~__~.__._ I°AGE JOHN Y P//1-! P. 5, t. /R'. /?F r<_: /?fV L. Sell? ,54lfir'Vl_ Y0, R 3 el4 z _ tea °N„ , say:, ~ nn: I