HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020621_SPECULATIVE LIMITS_19941207 NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NCO020621 Boone WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Speculative Limits 201 Facilities Plan Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: December 7, 1994 This documeat is priated oa reuse paper-igaore aay coateat on the reverse side - State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • • Division of Environmental Management A4 r James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ALI IL Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary p E H N A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director December 7, 1994 Mr. Greg Young, Manager Town of Boone P.O. Box 192 Boone, N.C. 28607-0192 Subject: Town of Boone Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion NPDES Permit No. NCO020621 Alleghany County Dear Mr. Young : Your request for speculative effluent limits for the Town of Boone WWTP at the expansion flows of 3.2, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 MGD has been completed by the staff of the Technical Support Branch. Please be advised that the limits given are speculative. In order to receive final permit limits, a formal application indicating the W WTP design capacity and a justification for the facility will have to be submitted to the Division's Permits and Engineering Unit. The Town of Boone discharges into the South Fork New River which has a stream classification of C and is located approximately sixty-two (62) miles upstream of the segment of the New River that has been reclassified as C ORW. Currently, the Division of Environmental Management has specific management strategies for the New River that have been approved to protect the exceptional resource waters. This strategy includes designated limitations for new and expanded dischargers, stormwater controls, 50% total instream flow, and safety factors for toxic discharges. The specific action recommended for the South Fork New and New River ORW area per 15A NCAC 2B .0216 (e)(4)(C) states that "new or expanded NPDES permitted discharges located upstream of the designated ORW will comply with" limits for oxygen consuming wastes of BOD5=5 mg/1 and NH3-N=2 mg/l. In addition,limits for total suspended solids= 20 mg/1 will be applied to all non-trout waters. A fecal coliform limit of 200/100m1 will also be given. Therefore,effluent limitations for tertiary treatment will be applicable to all future expansions for the Boone facility. _ The Division of Environmental Management(DEM) is now recommending chlorine limits and dechlorination for all new or expanding dischargers proposing the use of chlorine for disinfection. An acceptable level of chlorine in your effluent is 28 µg/1 to ensure protection against acute toxicity. The process of chlorination/dechlorination or an alternate form of disinfection, such as ultraviolet radiation, should allow the facility to comply with the total residual chlorine limit. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10%post-consumer paper Letter to Mr.French page 2 The instream waste concentration(IWC) for Boone at the expanded wasteflows are: Wasteflow IWC 3.2 MGD 27% 4.0 MGD 32% 5.0 MGD 37% 6.0 MGD 42% A chronic toxicity testing requirement with quarterly monitoring will remain a condition of the NPDES permit. A complete evaluation of limits and monitoring requirements for metals and other toxicants will have to be addressed at the time of formal NPDES application. Information concerning these constituents is not readily available but the Town can assume that effluent limits and/or monitoring for cadmium,chromium, nickel, lead,cyanide,copper, zinc, mercury and silver may be recommended. Please be advised that response to this request does not guarantee that the Division will issue an NPDES permit to discharge treated wastewater into these receiving waters. It should be noted that new and expanding facilities, involving an expenditure of public funds or use of public (state) lands,will be required to prepare an environmental assessment(EA) when wasteflows: 1)'exceed or equal 0.5 MGD or 2)exceed one-third of the 7Q10 flow of the receiving stream DEM will not accept a permit application for a project requiring an EA until the document has been approved by the Department of Environment,Health and Natural Resources and a Finding of No Significant Impact(FONSI) has been sent to the State Clearinghouse for review and comment. The EA should contain a clear justification for the proposed facility and an analysis of potential alternatives which should include a thorough evaluation of non-discharge alternatives. Nondischarge alternatives, such as spray irrigation, water conservation inflow and infiltration reduction or connection to a regional treatment and disposal system,are considered to be environmentally preferable to a surface water discharge. In accordance with the North Carolina General Statutes, the practicable waste treatment and disposal alterative with the least adverse impact on the environment is required to be implemented. If the EA demonstrates that the project may result in a significant adverse affect on the quality of the environment, an Environmental Impact Statement would be required Monica Swihart of the Water Quality Planning Branch can provide further information regarding the requirements of the N.C. Environmental Policy Act. As you may be aware, a basinwide water quality management initiative is being implemented by DEM. Our schedule for implementation in the New River Basin is set for 1995. The plan will attempt to address all sources of point and nonpoint pollutants where deemed necessary to protect of restore water quality standards. In addressing interaction of sources,wasteload allocations may be affected. Those facilities that have already committed to high levels of treatment technology are least likely to be affected Letter to Mr. French page 3 We hope this information provides some assistance in your planning endeavors. As previously mentioned,final NPDES effluent limitations will be determined after a formal permit application has been submitted to the Division. If there are any additional questions concerning this matter,please feel free to contact Ruth Swanek or Jackie Nowell of my staff at (919) 733-5083. cerely, nald L. Sa 4for Assistant ChiJcSport Water Quality Section DLS/JMN cc: Steve Mauney Bobby Blowe Dennis Burton, Hobbs, Upchurch, & Associates, P.A. Central Files W1:A File Page 1 Note for Don Safrit From: Ruth Swanek Date: Tue, Dec 6, 1994 2:20 PM Subject: FW: BOONE To: Don Safrit; Jackie Nowell Cc: Carla Sanderson Jackie has not found anything other than 5/2 in the files. (See her note below). In addition, she found the EA for Boone which lists the limits as 5/2. The guy that prepared the EA told Jackie that he based limits on a conversation with Suzanne. Do you want us to change the date on the letter and process with 5/2 or proceed in some other manner? From: Jackie Nowell on Tue, Dec 6, 1994 2:15 PM Subject: BOONE To: Ruth Swanek Susan came up yesterday and brought me a copy of the proceedings from the New River reclassification hearings. Based on my review, there is nothing in there where DEM gave the Town of Boone an exemption to the recommended strategy for new and expanding dischargers to the New River. There is a letter of comments from the mayor of Boone expressing their concerns about the more stringent limits that may hinder Boone's growth and expansion. It was mentioned in her letter that spec limits had been received from Tech Services Branch (1991 letter) that didn't increase their loading but were not as strict as the 5 & 2 limits mentioned in the proceedings. Suzannne Keene responded to her, in essence, that the more stringent limits would apply to Boone if they were to expand their discharge such that the permitted pollutant loading increased. Where should I go from here? If Don and Tedder still feel there is some document from the Division other than the 1991 letter, I'm don't know where it can be found. I have copies of all letters and proceedings if you would like to review them. The WS REGIONRL OFFICE Fax:1-910-896-7005 Dec 2 '94 15:01 P.02iO3 - REC N 't N.C. De #t State of North Carolina Rtglatlal 04idd Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Sheet • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Jamcs C. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D. _ William W. Cobey,Jr., Secretary Director April 27, 1992 The Honorable Velma C . Burnley, Mayor Town of Boone P .O. Box 192 Boone, NC 28607 SUBJECT! Proposed Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) Designation of the New and lower South Fork New Rivers Dear Mayor Burnley: The Division of Environmental Management: (DEM) has received your letter dated April 14, 1992 offering comments on the proposed reclassification of the,.New and lower South Fork New Rivers . These comments will be included in the Report of Proceedings which will be presented to the members of the Environmental Management Commission prior to their consideration of this proposed reclassification. In the remainder of this letter, I will address the subjects on which you requested clarification. Let me begin by describing the only part of the management strategy being proposed in association with the subject reclassification that could potentially affect the Town of Boone . There are two sets of restrictions proposed for treated wastewater discharges . These are ; 11 discharge restrictions associated with the Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) segment itself; and 2) those associated with all waters upstream of the ORW segment . It is the latter set of restrictions that has potential implications for the Town of Boone . If the Town of Boone were to expand its current wastewater discharge facility such that its permitted pollutant loading increased, (or if the Town were to locate a new wastewater REGIONAL OF!= :1�htmlle 1'aaymcvillr M'.XC4,lle R.ileigh Wa9hingtun Wllmmks'� Winuon-Salem 704251.6308 919P186 Ii41 TW663-169) 919/571-1700 919/9466481 919139.1-39ou 919/390007 Pollution Prevention Pays RU Box 99535, Wlel,;h, Nnnh C;arulina 77n(&0535 Teleplx)ne 919-733 7015 A,,N,.l U;pn„nn. 4fcraurtc+nWn Srety er WS REGIONAL OFFICE Fax:1-910-896-7005 Dec 2 '94 15:01 P.03iO3 Page Two April 27, 1992 discharge in the headwaters of the South Fork New River watershed) , then the discharge restrictions described in the Public Information Package under subsections l and_2_ (these sections provide a description of restrictions which would be placed on new or expanded discharges upstream of the ORW segment) on pages 5 and 6 would be applied during the permitting process ., Expansions of wasteflow that do not cause an increase in the current permitted pollutant loading would not be required to comply with the more restrictive effluent limitations . Your interpretation of the application of stormwater controls appears to be accurate. The existing stormwater controls applied to a portion of the South Fork New River in association with its classification as High Quality Waters (HQW) only extend from the Virginia state line upstream to Elk Creek. The stormwater management strategy associated with the proposed ORW reclassification would not change this existing protection. Therefore, since the Town of Boone is upstream of the existing HQw and proposed ORW waters, the Town will not be affected by the stormwater controls . The Division of Environmental Management and the Environmental Management Commission appreciate your comments regarding the proposed reclassification of the New and lower South Fork New Rivers . If you have any further questions regarding the proposal, please feel free to contact me at (919) 733-5083 . Sincerely, Suzanne H. Keen Classifications and Standards cc: Steve .Mauney M2 :burnley.ltr Page 1 Note for Jackie Nowell From: Jackie Nowell Date: Tue, Nov 29, 1994 2:28 PM Subject: Boone spec letter, ORW area To: Don Safrit Cc: Carla Sanderson; Ruth Swanek 1 I had talked with Suzanne Keene in Planning about the management strategy for the South Fork New River and whether this would apply to Boone since it was so far upstream of the designated ORW segment. She responded that the limits apply to the entire catchment located upstream of the ORW segment and would include Boone's discharge. There is no mileage buffer, she also indicated that there may be some problems in the New River Basin and if the ORW area is to be protected then these limits (5&2) need to be applied. TOWN OF BOONE JMN SOUTH FORK NEW RIVER 050701 11/10/94 The facility is requesting speculative limits for expansion flows of 3.2, 4, 5 and 6 MGD. Boone's outfall is located in the South Fork New River and is about 62 miles upstream of the New River ORW designation. There is a management strategy for the South Fork New and New River ORW areas and is listed in the 15A NCAC 2B.0216 (e)(4). The strategy states that 1) stormwater controls will apply within one mile and draining to ORW area. 2) total volume of wasteflow for upstream discharges will not exceed 50% of the total instream flow in the ORW segment under 7Q10 conditions 3) safety factors will be applied to any chemical allocations and discharges of complex wastewater. Also states that any new or expanded discharges located upstream of the designated ORW will have to meet limits of 5&2,TSS=20 mg/l, (10 mg/l if trout waters). If nutrient overenrichment is a problem, TP and TN limits may be assigned. Because of Boone's distance upstream of the ORW segment, checked with Planning about whether this strategy ( 5&2) would apply to their discharge. Suzanne Keene returned call with response that the limits apply to the entire catchment located upstream of ORW segment and would include Boone's discharge. There is no mileage buffer, she also said that there were some problems in the New Basin and if the ORW area is to be protected these limits must be applied. RECOMMENDATION: Apply Specific Actions for South Fork New and New River ORW Area per 2B.0216(e)(4). Boone WWTP Residual Chlorine Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7010(CFS) 13.1 7010 (CFS) 13.1 DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 3.2 DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 3.2 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 4.96 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 4.96 STREAM STD(UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(UG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(MG/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 27.46 IWC(%) 27.46 Allowable Concentration(ug/I) 61.90 Allowable Concentration(mg/1) 3.06 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7010(CFS) 18.6 Fecal Limit 2001100ml DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 3.2 Ratio of 2.6:1 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 4.96 STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.8 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(MG/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 21.05 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) 7.73 NC0020621 11/9/94 Boone WWTP Residual Chlorine Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7Q10(CFS) 13.1 7010 (CFS) 13.1 DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 4 DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 4 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 6.2 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 6.2 STREAM STD(UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(UG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(MG/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 32.12 IWC(%) 32.12 Allowable Concentration (ug/I) 52-92 Allowable Concentration(mg/1) 2.65 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10(CFS) 18.6 Fecal Limit 200/1100ml DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 4 Rego of 2.1 :1 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 6.2 STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.8 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(MG/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 25.00 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) 6.54 NCO020621 11/9/94 Boone WWTP Residual Chlorine Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7010(CFS) 13.1 7Q10(CFS) 13.1 DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 5 DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 5 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 7.75 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 7.75 STREAM STD(UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(UG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(MG/L) 0.22 IWC(%) 37.17 IWC (%) 37.17 Allowable Concentration(ug/1) 45.74 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) 2.32 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7010(CFS) 18.6 Fecal Limit 200/100ml DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 5 RaW of 1.7:1 DESIGN FLOW(CFS). 7.75 STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.8 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(MG/L) 0.22 IWC(%) 29.41 Allowable Concentration(mg/1) 5.59 NC0020621 11/9/94 Boone WWTP O Residual Chlorine Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7Q10(CFS) 13.1 7Q10 (CFS) 13.1 DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 6 DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 6 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 9.3 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 9.3 STREAM STD(UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(UG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(MG/L) 0.22 IWC(°/u) 41.52 IWC(%) 41.52 Allowable Concentration (ug/1) 40.95 Allowable Concentration(mg/1) 2.10 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10(CFS) 18.6 Fecal Limit 200/100ml DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 6 Ratio or 1.4:1 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 9.3 STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.8 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL(MG/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 33.33 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) 4.96 NC0020621 11/9/94 Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. GL4po Consulting Engineers O J 7990 North Point Boulevard, Suite 202-50 • Winston-Salem, NC 27106 October 12, 1994 Ms. Ruth Clark Swanek X In-Stream Assessment Unit (�+"•s�;i=t ter;' ,. Department of Environmental Management - Water Quality Section P O Box 29535 { ;i Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 '! Re: Speculative Limits Town of Boone 201 Facilities Plan Update HUA No. BN9404 Dear Ms. Swanek: In accordance with my telephone conversation with Jason Doll, we are requesting speculative limits at the existing discharge point for the Town of Boone Wastewater Treatment Plant for the following flow conditions: • 3.2 MGD • 4.0 MGD • 5.0 MGD • 6.0 MGD We are currently preparing a 20.1 Facilities Plan Update for the Town of Boone in order to secure funding for upgrades. The completion of the plan is needed to meet loan imposed deadlines. Your assistance in providing the information stated above to meet these deadlines is needed and appreciated. If additional information or clarification is needed, please give me a call. Sincerely, HOBBS, UPCHURCH &jA�S�SOOCIATES, P.A. Dennis H. Burton, P.E. Project Manager DHB/bpr cc: Mr. Steve Cavanaugh, Jr., P.E., Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Mrs. Rosemary Button, Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. 0 Telephone 910-759-3009 Fax 910-759-7590