HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191675 Ver 1_PCN Form Submission (2)_20191209DWR Division of Water Resources Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form September 29, 2018 Ver 3 Initial Review Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* r Yes r No Is this project a public transportation project?* G Yes IT No Change only if needed. BIMS # Assigned * Version#* 20191675 1 Is a payment required for this project?* r No payment required What amout is owed?* r Fee received IT $240.00 r Fee needed - send electronic notification r $570.00 Reviewing Office * Select Project Reviewer* Raleigh Regional Office - (919) 791-4200 Stephanie Goss:eads\szgoss Information for Initial Review 1a. Name of project: Project Forge Sewer Extension 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* Victor Czar 1b. Primary Contact Email:* 1c. Primary Contact Phone:* victor.czar@sanfordnc.net (919)777-1117 Date Submitted 12/9/2019 Nearest Body of Water Gum Fork Creek Basin Cape Fear Water Classification WS-IV Site Coordinates Latitude: Longitude: Begin (Property 1): 35.55694; End (Property 7): 35.54064 Begin (Property 1): 79.15592; End (Property 7): 79.16079 A. Processing Information V County (or Counties) where the project is located: Lee Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes r No 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: W Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) r Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? * Nationwide Permit (NWP) * Regional General Permit (RGP) 7 Standard (IP) 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? r Yes r No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: W 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular r Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit F Individual Permit 12 - Utility Lines le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: F 401 Water Quality Certification - E)iress F Riparian Buffer Authorization 1f. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No Acceptance Letter Attachment 1h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? r Yes r No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? r Yes r No B. Applicant Information 1d. Who is applying for the permit? r Owner W Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* r Yes r No 2. Owner Information r Yes r No r Yes r No 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: 1. Lena & James Calcutt; 2. Lee Talbott Sr Trust; 3. Donnah & John Mandigo; 4. Marvin Stone; 5. SSND LLC; 6. SSND LLC; 7. Angela & Richard Hearn 2b. Deed book and page no.: 1. Bk 1179, Pg 570; 2. Bk 1495, Pg 559; 3. 620, Pg 581; 4. Bk 858, Pg 510; 5. Bk 272, Pg 845; 6. 1303, Pg 497; 7. Bk 430, Pg 123 2c. Responsible party: NOTE: Easements are currently being obtained by City of Sanford for project eMents 2d.Address Street Address 1. 120 S Grove St; 2. 124 S Grove St; 3. 690 Shallow Creek Ln; 4. 3157 Colon Rd; 5, 6: 578 Badders Rd; 7. 192 Tabitha Ln Address tine 2 City State / Province / legion 1, 2: Merritt Island; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: Sanford 1, 2: Flordia; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: North Carolina Postal / Zip (bde Cointry 1, 2: 32952; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: 27330 USA 2e. Telephone Number: 2f. Fax Number: (919)777-1117 2g. Email Address:* victor.czar@sanfordnc.net 3. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 3a. Name: Victor Czar 3b. Business Name: City of Sanford 3c.Address Street Address P.O. Box 3729 Address tine 2 CKY Sanford Postal / Zip Code 27331-3729 3d. Telephone Number: (919)777-1117 3f. Email Address:* victor.czar@sanfordnc.net 4. Agent/Consultant (if applicable) 4a. Name: Ian Jewell 4b. Business Name: Freese and Nichols, Inc. 4c.Address Street Address 531 N. Liberty Street Address tine 2 City Winston-Salem Postal / Zip (ode 27101 4d. Telephone Number: (919)418-8430 4f. Email Address:* ian.jevvell@freese.com Agent Authorization Letter* Signed Agent Authorization Form Project Forge Sewer Extension.pdf State / Province / Fagion North Carolina Country USA 3e. Fax Number: State / Province / Fbgion NC Country USA 4e. Fax Number: 17.34KB C. Project Information and Prior Project History u' 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) 1c. Nearest municipality/ town: Sanford, NC 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: 1. 965547346300; 2. 965536419300; 3. 965525958700;4.965524786600;5. 965524434800; 6. 965523250500; 7. 965521272800 2c. Project Address Street Address Begin (Property 1): 0 Colon Rd, Parcel 1; End (Property 7): 192 Tabitha Ln Address tine 2 city Sanford Rtistal / Zip (ode 27330 3. Surface Waters 2b. Property size: 5.1 (total easement area/limits of disturbance) State / Province / Fagion North Carolina Country USA 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Gum Fork Creek 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* WS-IV 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Cape Fear 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030300040101 4. Project Description and History 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* See attached Appendix A 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* r Yes r No r Unknown 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) USGS Topo Map - Tabitha Lane.pdf 1.64MB 4e. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) Soils Map - Tabitha Lane.pdf 2.13MB 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0.03 acres (within easement area) 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: 132 linear feet (within easement area) 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* See attached Appendix A 41. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* See attached Appendix A 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. Project Forge Sewer Extension_red.pdf 6.14MB 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* r Yes r No r Unknown Comments: A portion of the wetlands and streams have been field -verified by the USACE and PJD approval letter is pending. The remainder have not been verified. 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* r Preliminary r Approved C- Not Verified r' Unknown r N/A Corps AID Number: SAW-2019-01659 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Ian Jewell, Lydia Ward, Sam Beavans Agency/Consultant Company: Freese and Nichols, Inc. Other: Withers and Ravenel 5d. List the dates of the Corp jurisdiction determination or State determination if a determination was made bythe Corps or DWR October 3, 2019 (for wetlands delineated by Withers and Ravenel). A PJD request for verification of remaining streams and wetlands within project corridor is attached. 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload C.5d1. Project Forge Sewer Extension PJD Request 28-signed.pdf 11.28MB 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* r Yes r No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? No D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): W Wetlands W Streams -tributaries F Open Waters r" Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts r Buffers W1 2a1 Reason (?) Sewer Crossing 2b. Impact type * (?) P 2c. Type of W. Unknown 2d. W. name * Wetland D 2e. Forested * Yes 2C Type of Jurisdicition*(?) Corps 2g. Impact area 0.020 (acres) W1 Temporary Easement: Forested Wetland Conversion to Non - Forested T Unknown Wetland D Yes Corps 0.010 (acres) 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.010 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.030 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.020 2h. Comments: Temporary wetland impact associated with clearing of temporary construction easement while permanent impact associated with forested wetland conversion to non -forested, aerial sewer crossing and construction of stream crossing. 3. Stream Impacts F 3a. Reason for impact (?) 3b.lmpact type * 3c. Type of impact* 3d. S. name * 3e. Stream Type * 3f. Type of 3g. S. width * 3h. Impact (?) Jurisdiction* length* S1 Sewer Crossing 9 Permanent Other S1/Gum Fork Creek Perennial Corps P 21 13 Average (feet) (linearfeet) S2 Temporary Easement Temporary Other S1/Gum Fork Creek Perennial Corps 21 26 Average (feet) (lir�rfeet) S3 Sewer Crossing 9 Permanent Other SA/Ui to Gum Fork Creek Perennial Corps P 11 10 Average (feet) (linearfeet) S4 Temporary Easement Temporary Other SA/Ur to Gum Fork Creek Perennial Corps 11 20 Average (feet) (linearfeet) S5 Sewer Crossing 9 Permanent Other SA/Ui to Gum Fork Creek Perennial Corps P 8 10 Average (feet) (linearfeet) S6 Temporary Easement Temporary Other SA/Ur to Gum Fork Creek Perennial Corps 8 21 Average (feet) (linearfeet) S7 Sewer Crossing 9 Permanent —] Other SG/UT to Gum Fork Creek Intermittent Corps P 4 11 Average (feet) (lir�rfeet) gg Temporary Easement Temporary Other SG/UT to Gum Fork Creek Intermittent Corps 4 21 —] Average (feet) (lir�earfeet) 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 3i. Total permanent stream impacts: 44 31. Total stream and ditch impacts: 132 3j. Comments: � E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 3i. Total temporary stream impacts: 88 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: See attached supplemental information. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: See attached supplemental information. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? r Yes r No 2b. If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation, explain why: The total loss of wetlands and Forested Wetland conversion impact are less than the thresholds for mitigation in Nationwide 12 conditions. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? r Yes r No If no, explain why: The project is within the Cape Fear River Basin outside of the Jordan Lake watershed, therefore is not subject to riparian buffers. 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* r Yes r No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? r Yes r No Comments: G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* r Yes r No 1b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? * r Yes r No 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized bythe State Clearing House?* r Yes r No Comments: Currently anticipate submitting to the State Clearing House in mid -December. 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? * r Yes r No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* r Yes r No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. See attached Appendix A 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* r Yes r Nor N/A 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* r Yes r No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* r Yes r No 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* r Yes r No What Federal Agency is involved? HUD/NCDOC (CBDG Grant) 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? r- Yes r No 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? r Yes r No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? r- Yes r No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* r Yes r No r Unknown 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? r- Yes r No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? USFWS Official Species List (IPaC resources list), NC Natural Heritage Program Report, Habitat Assessment Consultation Documentation Upload project_ report_project _forge _sewer _extensi_22232_22232.pdf 5.66MB G.7c. Species List_ Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office.pdf 199.08KB 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* r- Yes r No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* USFWS Official Species List (IPaC resources list) 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* r- Yes r No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* 1. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) 2. National Register of Historic Places Database 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload ER 19-3218.pdf 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* r Yes r- No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: See attached Appendix A 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* FEMA FIRM Map Mi ecs I al neous Comments 96.17KB Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. ProjectForge_lmpactMaps_Final.pdf 12.28MB Misc. AppendixA.pdf 596.51 KB Signature * W By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; . I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND . I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Ian Jewell Signature 4�1� Date 12/9/2019 Agent Authorization I(we) authorize representatives of Freese and Nichols, Inc. to act as my (our) agent regarding the proposed project as described below; to act on my (our) behalf; to take all actions necessary to the processing, issuance, and acceptance of permits and any and all standard and special conditions attached. Project name: Proiect Forge Sewer Extension Located at/in: Lee County, NC owner/applicant name: Signed: `- Date• I �l Appendix A Project Forge Sewer Extension PCN Supplementary Information B.4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The 5.06 +/- acre project area is in central Lee County, North Carolina. The northern terminus of the proposed line is located at approximate coordinates 35.55723°, -79.15532° where the project ties into an existing 12-inch gravity sewer line. Proceeding south from the northern terminus, much of the proposed line is located within 0.5 miles east of U.S. Route 1. From the starting point, the line travels approximately 1.4 miles south to the proposed southern terminus located near Tabitha Lane at approximate coordinates 35.54071°, -79.16033°. The majority of the project site is comprised of hardwood forest with majority red maple and oak species. The northern end of the project alignment consists of recent clear cut areas. Several low-density residential areas are located adjacent to the project alignment at its southern and central portions, consisting of homes situated on wooded lots. B.4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: This project is proposed to provide sanitary sewer services to existing and future commercial, industrial, and residential users in Lee County. The proposed sewer line will extend sewer services to a currently unserved area of Lee County and to a potential industrial facility to be located at the terminus of the project. Providing these services will provide a permanent wastewater management process for businesses and residents who currently utilize septic systems for wastewater management and help open growth and development in the area. B.4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The project will involve installation of a 8-inch underground gravity sewer line with associated manholes. The project alignment is approximately 7,340 feet long, and the proposed limit of disturbance (LOD) encompasses approximately 5.1 acres. Installation of the gravity sewer will be performed by open cut trench excavation. Two aerial stream crossings are proposed. The aerial crossings are elevated in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Minimum Design Criteria for the permitting of Gravity Sewers in order to prevent interference with high flow events in the streams. Proposed trench widths will range from three to five feet, and average depth will be approximately five feet below existing ground elevation. After completion of clearing, construction crews will create the trenches and install the pipeline using gravel bedding below the line (see Detail in Proposed Design Plans in Appendix B).Clearing and grubbing will be conducted as needed within the limits of disturbance (LOD), although that will be minimal as most of the area has been cleared for the Duke Energy ROW. Within wetlands, clearing will be done by hand and grubbing will be limited to only the trench line and not the entire work zone to minimize soil disturbance. All material temporarily side cast into wetland areas will be placed on filter fabric. All stream crossings will be completed in the dry. This will be achieved by either trenching during dry conditions within the stream channel or by using impervious dikes and a pump- around system. Crossings requiring a pump-around will be dewatered in work sections using a pump-around system with temporary impervious dikes, appropriately sized and numbered pumps, as well as, sediment control devices for dewatering the active work areas (i.e. filter bags). Once installation of the line within the dewatered reach of stream is complete, contours will be restored to pre-construction conditions and flow will be restored. Construction will be performed by open cut trench excavation through jurisdictional streams and wetlands. Trenches and the work area will be backfilled and properly compacted to the original (pre-construction) ground elevation, and the re-established grade will be stabilized with a seed mix made up of native species appropriate for restoration and stabilization of wetland and upland soils. Species will include big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans), deertongue (Panicum clandestinum), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides), rye grain (Secale cereale), and browntop millet (Urochloa ramosa). Straw mulch will be applied to all seeded areas. The pipe will be installed by rubber tire backhoe or track hoe mechanical equipment as required by the depth of the installation. All areas denuded by the excavation equipment will be restored following installation of the utility mains such that original ground contours are re- established and seeded and mulched as described above. E.1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. · The route of the alignment was selected to avoid crossing jurisdictional waters in as much as was feasible given engineering constraints. · The alignment was selected to be located primarily upslope of bottomland/floodplain areas so as to minimize the impact to floodplain forest cover and to maintain appropriate separation distance for WS-IV waters. · Where crossings were deemed unavoidable, the alignment was routed such that the crossing would be made at the narrowest point of wetlands and perpendicular to stream flow. except where existing infrastructure prevents a direct stream crossing. This only occurs at the northern terminus of the line where the tie-in at an existing force main requires a slightly angled crossing. · Through avoidance and minimization measures, only one forested wetland would be impacted by the proposed activities and it is located immediately adjacent to a jurisdictional stream. An aerial crossing is proposed for this stream as elevations did not allow for crossing under this stream without impacting multiple wetlands. Because of the location of the wetland with the stream channel, the aerial sewer line will need to continue across the wetland for a distance of approximately 45 feet. One concrete pier with an approximately 4’x10’ footing will need to be placed in the wetland to support the aerial crossing. There will be a separation of approximately 2 feet of the sewer pipe from the existing ground elevation in the wetland. All other surface wetland areas will be returned to pre-existing contours. · The use of the two aerial crossings eliminates the need to open cut the stream channel in the location of those crossings. Aerial Crossings will be made using ductile iron pipe (DIP). · As Gum Fork Creek and its tributaries are classified as WS-IV, the NCDENR Minimum Design Criteria for the permitting of Gravity Sewers have been adhered to, requiring a minimum buffer distance of 50 feet from streams except where stream crossings are required. · The permanent maintained easement through wetlands will be as narrow as possible, given engineering constraints, to minimize permanent loss of forest cover. The easements are all consistent with regional conditions of 20-foot maximum width. · Lay down and staging areas will all be located outside wetlands and at least 50 feet from stream banks. E.1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Proper erosion and sedimentation control measures will be implemented as proposed and approved by the NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (NCDEMLR). Proposed measures include super silt fence along stream banks and wetland perimeters, stone relief outlets, clean water diversions, and compost socks adjacent to wetlands and/or streams. Impacted stream banks will be stabilized with temporary biodegradable mat lining or rip- rap as required to provide proper stabilization and protection against erosion. Rip-rap will be keyed into the stream banks such that the original cross-section of the stream is maintained. Details for temporary liner and rip-rap stream bank stabilization are attached. In all forested wetlands, clearing will be done by hand and grubbing will only occur as needed to excavate trenching for gravity sewer installation. Stream Crossings: Impacts at open cut crossing locations will be minimized by use of appropriate erosion control and flow diversion measures during construction. Direct impacts from construction of the gravity sewer to these features will be temporary, and any impacted areas will be restored to original grade and stabilized following construction. In locations where open cut crossing is proposed, a ten foot wide permanent maintenance easement will be cleared to access these crossings. These easements will be revegetated with herbaceous plants. Design of those crossings will call for stabilized ford crossing as is often used in stream restoration projects. The ford will extend across the channel at pre- existing contours so as to minimize the effect on the cross-section geometry. Prior to excavating in jurisdictional streams, rip-rap coffer dams will be installed upstream and downstream of the excavation area to isolate the disturbed area and contain sediment. Stream flow on the upstream side of the excavation will be pooled above the coffer dam and pumped around the excavation area. The pumped water will be discharged on the downstream side of the excavation below the lower coffer dam through sediment bags to filter the discharge water of sediment before allowing the water to be returned to the stream channel. A bypass pump detail is attached in the design plans. Wetland Crossings: The one wetland that will be impacted will be crossed using wood mats to minimize rutting and excessive denuding of the wetland vegetation. Wetland areas that must be excavated for installation of the pipe will be returned to their original (pre-construction) contours and revegetated as described in Section B.3e. Installation will be by standard rubber tired excavation equipment where possible. F.3b. Cumulative Impacts The primary purpose of the project is to extend sewer services to a currently unserved area of Lee County and to a potential industrial facility to be located at the terminus of the project. This project will extend sewer service to the planned Project Forge Site in the future, however the project would occur on this proposed alignment for the above listed reasons regardless of the disposition of the Project Forge Site. We anticipate future positive effects for downstream water quality as a result of this project because the sewer line will provide services to a currently unserved part of Lee County and thus potentially eliminate future septic failures and resultant water quality issues. F.8b. (Flood Zone Designation) The alignment crosses the mapped 100-year floodplain of Gum Fork Creek. However, no impacts to mapped floodplains are proposed. The project involves installation of a subsurface sewer line. All areas that must be excavated for installation of the pipe will be returned to their original (pre-construction) contours and revegetated. No above ground structures are proposed within the mapped 100-year floodplains. Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Tabitha LaneGravity Sew erSanford, NC TOPOGRAPHIC MAP FIGURE 2 1017 Main Campus DrRaleigh, NC 27603919-582-5850 Project Site 0 2,5001,250 Feet ¥ USDA Wake County Soils Map FIGURE 3 1017 Main Campus DrRaleigh, NC 27606919-582-5850 Approximate Project Site Tabitha LaneGravity SewerSanford, NC SOILS MAP !I North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Office of Archives and History Secretary Susi H. Hamilton Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 December 2, 2019 Ian Jewell Freese and Nichols, Inc. 531 North Liberty Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Re: Tabitha Lane Sewer Extension, Sanford, Lee County, ER 19-3218 Dear Mr. Jewell: Thank you for your letter of October 23, 2019, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.review@ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, Ramona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer NCNHDE-10808 December 3, 2019 Ian Jewell Freese and Nichols, Inc. 531 N Liberty St Winston Salem, NC 27101 RE: Project Forge Sewer Extension Dear Ian Jewell: The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. Based on the project area mapped with your request, a query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are no records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. Please note that although there may be no documentation of natural heritage elements within the project boundary, it does not imply or confirm their absence; the area may not have been surveyed. The results of this query should not be substituted for field surveys where suitable habitat exists. In the event that rare species are found within the project area, please contact the NCNHP so that we may update our records. The attached ‘Potential Occurrences’ table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one-mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one-mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally-listed species is found within the project area or is indicated within a one-mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: https://www.fws.gov/offices/Directory/ListOffices.cfm?statecode=37. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. The NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Clean Water Management Trust Fund easement, or Federally-listed species are documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Butler at rodney.butler@ncdcr.gov or 919-707-8603. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Within a One-mile Radius of the Project AreaProject Forge Sewer ExtensionDecember 3, 2019NCNHDE-10808Element Occurrences Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project AreaTaxonomicGroupEO ID Scientific Name Common Name LastObservationDateElementOccurrenceRankAccuracy FederalStatusStateStatusGlobalRankStateRankDragonfly orDamselfly33757 SomatochlorageorgianaCoppery Emerald 2004-Pre H? 5-VeryLow--- SignificantlyRareG3G4 S2?No Natural Areas are Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project AreaNo Managed Areas are Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project AreaDefinitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/content/help. Data query generated on December 3, 2019; source: NCNHP, Q4 Oct 2019.Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database.Page 2 of 3 Page 3 of 3 November 23, 2019 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: (919) 856-4520 Fax: (919) 856-4556 In Reply Refer To: Consultation Code: 04EN2000-2020-SLI-0275 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-00625 Project Name: Project Forge Sewer Extension Subject:List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location, and/or may be affected by your proposed project To Whom It May Concern: The species list generated pursuant to the information you provided identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and final designated critical habitat, that may occur within the boundary of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). New information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factors could change this list. Please feel free to contact us if you need more current information or assistance regarding the potential impacts to federally proposed, listed, and candidate species and federally designated and proposed critical habitat. Please note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information. An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list. Section 7 of the Act requires that all federal agencies (or their designated non-federal representative), in consultation with the Service, insure that any action federally authorized, funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally-listed endangered or threatened species. A biological assessment or evaluation may be prepared to fulfill that requirement and in determining whether additional consultation with the Service is necessary. In addition to the federally-protected species list, information on the species' life histories and habitats and information on completing a biological assessment or 11/23/2019 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-00625   2    evaluation and can be found on our web page at http://www.fws.gov/raleigh. Please check the web site often for updated information or changes If your project contains suitable habitat for any of the federally-listed species known to be present within the county where your project occurs, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species. As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. If you determine that the proposed action may affect (i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a federally-protected species, you should notify this office with your determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed action will have no effect (i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on federally listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence (unless an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared). However, you should maintain a complete record of the assessment, including steps leading to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles. Please be aware that bald and golden eagles are protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668 et seq.), and projects affecting these species may require development of an eagle conservation plan (http://www.fws.gov/windenergy/ eagle_guidance.html). Additionally, wind energy projects should follow the wind energy guidelines (http://www.fws.gov/windenergy/) for minimizing impacts to migratory birds and bats. Guidance for minimizing impacts to migratory birds for projects including communications towers (e.g., cellular, digital television, radio, and emergency broadcast) can be found at: http:// www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/CurrentBirdIssues/Hazards/towers/towers.htm; http:// www.towerkill.com; and http://www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/CurrentBirdIssues/Hazards/towers/ comtow.html. Not all Threatened and Endangered Species that occur in North Carolina are subject to section 7 consultation with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service. Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, sea turtles,when in the water, and certain marine mammals are under purview of the National Marine Fisheries Service. If your project occurs in marine, estuarine, or coastal river systems you should also contact the National Marine Fisheries Service, http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Tracking Number in the header of this letter with any request for consultation or correspondence about your project that you submit to our office. If you have any questions or comments, please contact John Ellis of this office at john_ellis@fws.gov. 11/23/2019 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-00625   3    ▪ Attachment(s): Official Species List 11/23/2019 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-00625   1    Official Species List This list is provided pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and fulfills the requirement for Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary of the Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action". This species list is provided by: Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 11/23/2019 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-00625   2    Project Summary Consultation Code:04EN2000-2020-SLI-0275 Event Code:04EN2000-2020-E-00625 Project Name:Project Forge Sewer Extension Project Type:Federal Grant / Loan Related Project Description:7,000 feet of new 8" gravity sewer installation from proposed industrial facility to existing sewer main Project Location: Approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https:// www.google.com/maps/place/35.54935245389123N79.15838250067745W Counties:Lee, NC 11/23/2019 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-00625   3    1. Endangered Species Act Species There is a total of 3 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on this species list. Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. IPaC does not display listed species or critical habitats under the sole jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheries , as USFWS does not have the authority to speak on behalf of NOAA and the Department of Commerce. See the "Critical habitats" section below for those critical habitats that lie wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. Birds NAME STATUS Red-cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/7614 Endangered Fishes NAME STATUS Cape Fear Shiner Notropis mekistocholas There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location is outside the critical habitat. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/6063 Endangered Flowering Plants NAME STATUS Harperella Ptilimnium nodosum No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/3739 Endangered 1 11/23/2019 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-00625   4    Critical habitats THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS WITHIN YOUR PROJECT AREA UNDER THIS OFFICE'S JURISDICTION.