HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021326_wasteload allocation_19820201 Facility Name: NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION _ �/K � Date � Existing Q y Permit No. : Pipe No. : 00/ County Proposed a :a- Design Capacity (MGD) : Industrial (% of Flow) : Domestic (% of Flow) : 0 Receiving Stream: Class: C- Sub-Basin: eQ Reference USGS Quad: 11a NW (Please attach) Requestor: &4&;W Regional Office_J — °C (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp. : '`l °G Drainage Area: as mil Avg. Streamflow: 7Q10:_ 03. _[7 c,_,._ Winter 7Q10: 30Q2: a�- Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall) : 1" Slope: E Velocity (fps) : 0.,5 Kl (base e, per day, 200C) : _ AD 2 K2•(base e, per day, 200C) :-- J8, ? 0 0 Effluent Monthly vs Y Effluent Monthly Characteristics Average Comments Characteristics Average Comments a� D 5 c� as _� Original Allocation D C!an-tirmet�ioh Revised Allocation Q Date(s) of Revision(s) - (Please attach previous allocation) �- repared By: �� i,� y k: __ Reviewed By: Date: �_ worm AFC O1 ? r^ 4�r5C 2 ~/ $2 #235 WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Facility Name: Dobson WWTP County: Surr Sub-basin: 03-07=02 Regional Office: Winston Salem Requestor: S. Abdul-Haq Type of Wastewater: Industrial Domestic If industrial, specify type(s) of industry: Receiving stream: Cody Creek Class: C Other stream(s) affected: Class: 7Q10 flow at point of discharge: 0 17 cfs - 30Q2 flow at point of discharge: Natural stream drainage area at discharge point: 0.8 mi2 Recommended Effluent Limitations Monthly Avg. Qw = 0.16 MGD BOD5 = 30 mg/l D.O. = 5 mg/l pH = 6-9 Su Fecal Coliform 1000/100 ml TSS = 30 mg/1 This allocation is: / / for a proposed facility / / for a new (existing) facility a revision of existing limitations / X/ a confirmation of existing limitations Recommended and reviewed by: , Date: �. Head, Techncial Services Branch S t Date: �— Reviewed by: Regional Supervisor Q Date: I� Permits Manager Date: 6 �L Approved by: Date: Division Director