HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021211_WASTELOAD ALLOCATION_19960209 NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNINS COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0021211 Graham WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance fWasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Speculative Limits 201 Facilities Plan Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: —February 9, 1996 This docume:at is printed on reuse paper-igaaore any oontezzt on the re,% ermft aide February 9, 1996 MEMORANDUM To: Susan Wilson - From: LFarrell-KeougFr _/ Through: Carla Sanderson,w Ruth Swanek ,y j Subject: City of Graham Wastewater Treatment Plant NC00021211 Alamance County Response to Comments to DRAFT NPDES Permit A wasteload allocation was completed for this facility in November, 1995. A letter from the facility questioning the various Permit requirements was sent in January, 1996. This memorandum represents the Instream Assessment Unit response. 2. Section. Part I a. 'Mercury -Limit of 0.09 jig/L. The City requests that this be changed to monitor only deleting the numerical limit. In the past the City has performed mercury analysis in-house at various detection levels with the most current at<0.5 ppb. I understand that current laboratory technology allows for a detection level of <0.2 ppb. The City began having its monthly mercury analysis performed at a commercial lab at the lower detection level in October, 1995. Therefore, we do not believe enough data exists to warrant a limit at this time and requests (sic) deletion of the numerical limit.' We cannot concur with this request. As noted on the Fact Sheet for this review, 4 out of 18 samples for mercury were above detection with a maximum value of 8.0 µg/I submitted in April, 1995. c. 'Stream Monitoring-The process of reaching an agreement with the City of Burlington to coordinate stream data collection and reporting has begun. However, at this time a final agreement has not been reached. Please, instruct us on how to complete, report, and comply with our permit when an agreement is finalized.' During the process of basin-wide permit review, both the Burlington-South (NC0023876) and Burlington-East(NC0023868) plants and the City of Graham plant were found to be monitoring instream at overlapping sites. In an effort to mitigate this duplication of effort and to gain more useful instream monitoring information,we recommended a coordinated instream monitoring program be established between all three of these facilities. The attached map, (not to scale) portrays where these sites are and the duplication of effort which exists among these three facilities. Response to Comments to DRAFT NPDES Permit NC0021211 The current instream monitoring recommendations were required independently of a coordinated monitoring effort. If an agreement to coordinate stream monitoring is reached between the three facilities collectively, the seven instream monitoring sites are as follows: 1) SR 1712 (Hopedale Road) 2) Highway 54 3) SR 2158 (bridge over Haw River) 4) Highway 87 (bridge over Big Alamance Creek) 5) SR 2116 (bridge over Big Alamance Creek) 6) Saxapahaw Lake (above dam) 7) SR 1005 These sites should be monitored for temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, total phosphorus, and orthophosphate. Stream samples shall be collected three times per week during June, July, August, and September and once per week during the remaining months of the year. Orthophosphate need only be taken during the months of June, July, August, and September. Effluent monitoring of total phosphorus and orthophosphate needs to take place on the same days that the instream samples are taken. Efforts should be made to collect these samples at each location on the same day and at the same time of day every time a sample run is made. It.should also be noted that instream monitoring for BOD5 and NH3-N have been removed from our recommendations. When the cities of Burlington and Graham have decided how to coordinate their instream monitoring of the above sites, a request for permit modification will need to be submitted for each facility. e. 'Other Metals -The City requests that the frequency of sampling for copper, lead, cyanide,and zinc be changed from 2/month to 1/month.' Lead and cyanide are being monitored in the facility's Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) through Pretreatment and this LTMP sampling should provide the necessary data required. Therefore, we recommend that the requirements for lead and cyanide be dropped from the - NPDES permit. Copper and zinc can be changed to once per month monitoring, but should be kept in the NPDES permit requirements. Please let us know if we can be of more assistance. 11(+.�spE[.rrl n cOo U!G 8 1 1 r::at 1:1II BS. 1 1\ i WITt Wnwiint+� �. ^STRF/Yvl \ ��+�r.cuai3b36 pow covshoolnA — � �� N.:'r5�'��i ' j 15IG AJA •AflC,— CA F f UKc-ix� .i 3 f�. IDOa ��-? mt\c.:: bP:[w, 3nKr.PaVi F+J .17 pn\l L:TtV of Ofrallani P.O. Drawer 357 201 South Main Street Graham, North Carolina 27253 Tel: (910) 570-6700/Fax: (910) 570-6703 �o David A. Gocdrei, c Supervisor, NPDES CROUP n• __ NC Department of E INR v P O. BOX 29065 N Ref Permit Renewal NC002 i 211 Jan,:a,v 17, 1996 vca: +he Cit., o` Graham has reviewed the DRAFT ric mit recieved by the City on December I IQ�3_i ThlS IEirerIs f0 inform y011 Of OUr fir,,;lir:gc and ask that the iln5; perm itrefEct tiIOSE . .,Cn,=,.,u . h_9:e listed these :.. an. Outline 4or a.. Etvi=; T TO P!_R%A,:T C'.) FR SHECT" Line stabilization Unit and Sludge StOraOE Undwr3s Omlttec from the nno facility process hst:n?s. Um: Of 0 0' UOiL Tire C -,y request, that ih1S b3 Oha:iced to monitor Oniv ,�ptcd oN,die_. . deleunc iremn:;nueal iimii. In t'ne pasi the Citv has performea mercury analysis in- f�cr a�T house a;'iar;Ous detection levels with the most current at <0.5 pnb I understand that 4 wn ra an..p�s �4.icni a.`iOfa.iGry techno'oc-y allows.for a dEtecii Oil level Of - C.2 pp...-, The City becan raving i-, s InontiJy mercury anal sls periOrmec at a commercial la✓ ai the IOwe: W/ agir ,ol:or, level In October. 1995 Therefore. 1ve GO not believe enougi? Baia evists f0 P 3 V✓ariani a Ilfnii at this i!me and Bguests deletion Of the nU R7enCai lmlt .: Al nnUal =0!lgtani 2t�na!vsis- Deletes f.Ilcnimring Re^Wrernent The 'Ci:y Is ;:lad tl?at thi! . 51ia.\'si£. i:cs been, ^61cZcd fiOm the I.IJ UEif':I i. The icsi COS, us I iJ �., ...9J an de co not-1 eei a Slgll!ilOani UERE�Ii'l:as gfilnEd by tile. ana'iIsis. t Stream-Moaronhg- Tne process of reaching an agreement with the City of Buriingten to coordinate stream data collection anc reporting has begun. However, at this time a `.inai agreement has not been reach_-d. Please. instruct es or, how to co nple e, report, rPA ti and romply with our permit when an agreement is finalized. a° �'^"°�-Nr e�.�,�,�,�{F» V'�, p royte� a. •' standard says CEOD5. this snould oe BODS n ff TP Ago Pot{ n ee(, t5c �eU VIetals- The City requests that the frequency of sampling for copper�(Ee s S civanlde; and zinc be changed from 211month to 1/month. t �N t�vity MAO Part il. —6-11 tN r-Tme a. There Is no change in this section from our current perms. Par-, !l;. ss ?ii.. ai_ ai USt.':ai USe.' PrE:rEa:mEhi Pe.M Its ;n r.iio-ation Tai,ies sections have bEccme a ^'tai0; e,pense area tD the"CIA. Vve c„ ecooruze The imoor encE and need of the H:�'Vr. and Allocation Tables. however, the program we currently have approved requires a lot of manpower and outside laboratory expense by the City_ The City will continue these ana!yzes and hopE that improvements can be made to the program in the future. b. B.(6j. " AUTHORiZATiON TO CONSTRUCT," the language of this section implies that the City must determine and approve the upgrades of any Industrial Users' pretreatment facility upgrades_. The City while willing to assist our industrial clients' pretreatment needs does_ not wart to be responsible for their upgrade that may cr may not correct their p:oblern. The wording a this section appears to mean that the City could be financially and/or legally injured if the industry elects a process that does not workout. Clarification of the evaluation requirement is needed for t'ne Cdy to comply. Section 7b Clarification is needed for definition of "sampling for organic compounds." Si5ecificaiiy, what parameters need to be sampled? d Section 14. Clarification is needed as to "modification to pretreatment program shall be considered a permit modification." Is this referring to the industrial permit issued by the City to the industry or the Citv's NPDES permit? Tne City of Graham WVVTP will do it's best to comply with the prov!siors of this permit. roe-de:�er. �rre do recuest that the chances asked for and the ccmrnents made in this leer will be fn the tinai Oefm!i If ! Can be of ttl:t c; assistance Ill il-,iz :T!afl. r, p!e3se, call :-V _a... .. OP NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NCO021211 Modeler IDateRec. I # PERMIT]'EE NAME: City of Graham c z 5 833 i FACILITY NAME: Graham Wastewater Treatment Plant ; Drainage Area(mR): 614 Average Streamflow(cfs): 553 Facility Status: Existing s7010(cfs): 34 w7010(cis): 85 3002(cfs): - Permit Status: Renewal Toxicity Limits: Chronic(Ceriodaphnia) P/F 14% March,June, September, and December Major Minor Upstream Location: Highway 54• Pipe No.: 001 Downstream Location : SR 2158 [above dam]' Parameters: temperature, dissolved oxygen,fecal coliform, Design Capacity: 3.5 MGD conductivity, TP" and PO4" Domestic (% of Flow): 82 % Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Industrial (% of Flow): 18 % Stream samples shall be collected three times per week during June,July, August,and September and once per week during the remaining months of the year. Comments: •Facility has been contacted about availability to coordinate monitoring. **Based on design flow divided by SIU flow as reported b applicant. Orthophosphate need only be taken during months of June, July, € P by August, and September. L-FAkP ("Y-C- reO 'I/2,0 14s Monthly Average Summer Winter Wasteflow(MGD): 3.5 RECEIVING STREAM:tile Haw River BODS(mg/1): 12.0 24.0 NH3N(mg/1): 4.0 8.0 Class: C-NSW DO(mg/1): 6.0 6.0 TSS(mg/I): 30 30 Sub-Basin: 03-06-02 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 200 PH(SU): 6-9 6-9 Reference USGS Quad: C 21 SE (please attach) Residual Chlorine (µg/p: monitor monitor Count Alamance TP(mgA): 2.0 •'• 2.0••• Y Orthophosphate IP041 (MC-0): monitor'•' monitor' Regional Office: Winston-Salem Regional Office TN(mgA): monitor monitor Previous Exp. Date: 1/31/96 Treatment Plant Class: IV Weekly Average Daily Maximum Copper(µg/I): monitor monitor Classification changes within three miles: Zinc(µgA): monitor monitor No chanee. , Mercury(µcyq: - 0.09 z Lead (µgA): monitor monitor ¢= Cyanide (Lg/1): rrornvt'4e- monrrt A-9Sa ILO There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other /µ^{ than trace amounts. Requested by: Susan Wilson Date: 7/27/95 ••' Summer monitoring of Total Phosphorus and Orthophosphate needs to take place on the same days that instream monitoring is performed. Prepared by Date:s4 u Reviewed by: 'y p Da : I I Jl 5 t7u 3� -4z - �a ` CLAR. EXTENDED SLUDGE RECIRCULATION - -- - - - - - - LEGEND MAIN FLOW S CLAR. AERATION ----- LUDGE FLOW ----.— WASTE SLUDGE P PUMPS CLAR. NITRIFICATION S LUaGE RECIRCULATIONi CLAR. TANKS l CHLORINE \ vJ 0 Q Z Q p.. AEROBIC `) DIGESTERS 0:10 TO FINAL DISPOSAL Z BY LAND SPREADING O N _ O Q a. ¢ w INFLUENT CRE NING Q & GRIT REM. wAST' PUMP SLUDGE HOUSE Q z_ Q J 4 E� T d w C^� O FLOW DIAGRAM FIG. 1 - 1 N/A STANDARD FORM A - MUNICIPAL SECTION Ill. SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS AND SCHEDULES OF IMPLEMENTATION This section requires Information on any uncompleted implementation schedule which has been imposed for construction of waste treatment facilities. Requirement schedules may have been established b boa],State,or Federal agencies or by court action. IF YOU ARE SUBJECT 0 SEVERAL DIFFERENT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULES,EITHER BECAUSE OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF AUTHORITY IMPOSING DIFFERENT SCHEDULES(ITEM lb AND/OR STAGED CONSTRUCTION OF SEPARATE OPERATIONAL UNITS(ITEM 1c),SUBMIT A SEPARATE SECTION Ill FOR EACH ONE.. FuK AuEN(;y utit Sd1ed Ka. 1. Improvements Required a Discharge Banal Numbers 300 Affected List the c serial numbers,assl Section 11,That are cove this implementation schedule tx Authority Imposing Require- 3DIa ment Check the appropriate 922 the k the appropriate items. (see instructions) Locally developed plan 301b F-1 LOC Areawido Plan Cj ARE Basin Plan F1 BAS State approved implementation F-1 SOS schedule Federal approved water quality E)WQS standards implementation Pan Federal enforcement procedure [-]ENF or action State court order DCRT Federal court order M FED C. Improvement Description Specify the 3-character code for The General Action Description in Table il that best describes the improvements required by the implementation schedule. If more than one schedule applies to the facility because of a staged construction schedule,state the stage of construction being described here with the appropriate general action code. Subrnitaseparate Section Ill for each stage of construction planned. Also,Est all the 3-character(Specific Action)codes which describe in more detail the pollution abatement practices that the Implementation schedule requires. 3-character general action I 301c description 3-character specific actioni 301d 2 Implementation Schedule and 3. Actual Complete Dates Provide dates imposed by schedule and any actual dates of completion for implementation steps listed below. Indicate dates as accurately as possible. (see instructions) Implementation Steps 2. Schedule (yr/Mo/Day) 3. Actual Completion(Yr/Mo/Day) a Preliminary plan complete 302a 303a -J--1- h Final plan complete 302b _J_J_ 3031b —J--J— c. Financing complete&contract 302c 303C JJ d Site acquired 302d 303d a Begin construction 3029 3039 ---J—J— I. End construction 3021 303f —j—j— g, Begin discharge 302g 303g ---J---J— K Operational level attained 302h _J_J_ 303h —J--J— STANDARD FORM A - MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a description of each major industrial facility discharrgging to the municipal system,using a separate Section IV for each facility description. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial passRtabon(SIC)Code for the industry,the mzlor product or raw material,the flow(in thousand gallons per day),and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the ndustrial facility into the municipal system. Consult Table III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name 401a Alamance Dyeing and Finishing Number 6Street 401b 220 West Harden St. City 401c Graham County 401d Alamance site 4010 North Carolina Zip Code 401f 27253 2 Primary Standard Industrial 402 2262 Classification Code(see Instructions) 3 Primary Product or Raw Material Units(See (see instructions) ShtmGy— I 111)— Product 4033 bleached,dyed Raw Material 403b finished sock1403CI _14130 4� 403f A Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem in thousand gallons per day 404a thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuos. 404b ® Intermittent(int) ❑ Continuous(oon) 5 Pretreatment Provided Indicate 4 405 ❑ Yes ® No pretreatment is provided prior to . entering the municipal system 6 Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) Parameter Name BOD TSS 0&G T[QV NICKEL LEAD ZTNC 405a arerne r -00310 00530 00550 00625 01067 01051 01092 Number 4 value 259 50 86.6 11 0.023 0.032 0.09 ..,,..,,...........:.:.. STANDARD FORM A - MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Subr,-,k a descrcton of each rnajcrinoustraj fad ity,dsdharcing to the municipal system,using a separate Section IV for each tac5ty description. Indicate the 4 d1git standard Industrial Cassificamon(SIC)Code for the industry:the major orcauct or raw material flow(in ldhousand gallons Per day),and the characteristics of the wastawaterd=,arged from the iicustn l!a6ity into the municipal system. Co=ft Tanle III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (seeinsr.ucoons) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name 40ia BF1 Medi(-.al Waste qySf-pmq lSniif-hPAf- Number&Street 401b 1168 Porter Avenue City. 401c Haw River County 401d Alamance State role North Carolina Zip Code 4011 27258 2 Nmary Standard lnclutstrial 402 4953 Camficaton C,,*see instructions) 31 Primary Product or Raw Material Units(See (see instructions) Quantity Table 111) 403a incineration 4MC I 4ale of solid Raw Material 4a3b waste 403d 403f It Row Indicate the volume of water cf.scharced into the municipal sys- tam in 6ousand galore per day 4c4a 10 _toisand gailorn per day and whether this cischarge is rtarmirant or continuous. 404b Intennittent(int) Contnuou3(con) !L Pretreatment Provided Indicate ff 405 Yes F­I No pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system fi Ctiaractenstics of Wastewater (see instructions) Farameter Name BoD L TSS Cd Cu Cr Hq Zn Parameter 00310 00530 01027 01042 1 01034 171900 101092 Number value 165 116 0.02 0.02 0.03 10.0002 I0-17 STANDARD FORM A - MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a desci-Acn of each major industrial facility disonamna to the municipal system,using a separate Section IV for each tactity descn-06n. Inc-cate the 4 dgit Standard Industrial classification fsc)Code for the industry,the maior product or raw material.he flow(in thousand gailonsTr day),and the charactenstics of the wastewater discharged from the ndustrial faciity, k into the municipal system. Consult Table III forstardard measures d products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name 401a Culp Weaving Number&Street 401b 311 East Harden St. City. 401c Graham County 401d Alamance State 401a North Carolina Zp Code 401f 27253 z Primary Standard Industrial 402 2221 Cassification Code(see Instructions) Primary Product or Raw Material Units(See (see instructions) Quantity Table III product. 403a 413CI 14= 4039 te Raw Manal 4alb 403d 4, lZiow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- 262 fern in thousand gallons per day 404a thwsancl gallons per day and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous. 404b InTarmittankint) ❑ Continuous(con) E. Pretreatment provided Indicate 4 405 ❑ Yes No pretreatment is provided prior b entering the municipal system fi Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) Parameter Name BOD TSS Cd Cu Ni Pb Zn arameter Number 00310 00530 01027 01042 01067 101051 01092 Value 131 15 STANDARD FORM A - MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a dascrrton of each major iidustrial�ciity dsaiamrng to the municipal system,using a separate Section IV for each taaiily 6e-=-.Dtion. Indicate the 4 agit Stanc-ard Industrial dassificadcn(SIC}Code for the incustry,the major product or raw matenal,tte flow(in thousand Vik)ns per day),and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrw fadiry into the municipal system. Cor=ft Table III for standard measures of products or raw materials, (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name 401a Texfj- Fla-tir.,; Number&Street 401b 327 East Elm St. alty. 401C Graham county 40ld Alamance State 401e North Carolina ZD Code 401f 27253 z Rimary Standard IndustrW 402 2228 Cassification Co*see Iru;Wjc5ons) 3. Primary Product.or Raw Material Units(See (see instructions) QuantrN Table till Product 4c3a narrow 4038 elastic tape I A030 4C3d1 14�Raw Mate rial 4= 4. Row Indrate the volume of water d1mcnarged into the mum pal sys- tem in 7ncusand gallons M day 404a 62 T"jsand gallons per day and whetherthis discharge is ntarmittent or continuous. 404b Imermittent(int) C] Continuous(con) Pretreatment Provided Indicato if 405 Yes F,4 No pretreatment is provided prior b entering to municipal system fi Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) Farameter Name BOD TSS THIN Cr Ni Pb Zn raram 00625 01034 101067 101051 Number D031-0 00530 Value 140 447 29 0.2 10.02 10.03 STANDARD FORM A - MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM e municipal system,using a separate Section IV for each Submit descripdon of each majorindustHaJ facifily aiscnarcng to th tagrydescripton. Indicate the 4 dgit Standard Industnal Cassrf r on(SIC)Code for he incustry,the major product orraw matenal,he flow(in thousand gallons Der day),ardne,characiamsocs of the wastewater casciargedfrom cite indusna.1 facility ',Ito the municipal system. Co;%suft Table Ill for standard measures of products or raw materials. (seeirLshc6orus) 1. Major Condbutng Facility (see insb=bcns) Name 401a Lawrence Industries Number&Sb t 401b Trollingwood Rd. City. 401c Haw River CZtJmy 401d Alamance SLAB 401e North Carolina up Code 4011 Primary Standard Industrial 4(2 2052 Ciassification CocWsee hstucbons) 3. Primary Product crRaw Material Units(See (se,einstructons) Quantly Table 111) Product 40,a vacuum clean 401CI hoses.c�Td 4033 hoses,cor Raw MateriaJ 4= sets inTs. 4CW 401 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water dlL;charged into the municipal sys- tern in thousand gallons per day 404a 15 taisand galcm perday and whether this dsdkvge is intermittent or rontnuous. 404b Intermittankint) ❑ Cominuous(con) Pretreatment Provided Indicate If 405 C] Yes No pretreatment is provided prior lo entering the municipal system fi Characteds6cs of Wastewater (see instructions) rameter BOD TSS TKN Cu Ni Pb Zn Name Parameter 00310 00530 100625 01042 01067 01051 01092 Number Value 85 17 10 0.17 0.03 0.04 0.6 STANDARD FORM A - MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM a aasc—nn of each t--,ajc.,h.-jjstr.aj�a,:;fy d9Gzr,:,ng to tte municippj systqm,-srq,a separate Se6cn IV for aacn, oascccd6n. ine,,,to-a��--;t Star-art'lrcustdaj Ca�,�Icatfcrl(sic)C,<�e fcr to mcustry�the maicr pmduc'cr rzw I. --mataraj, tow(in tc paand o�ris per day),and the cnaracierisocs of tre wasrsw2Eter from the neutral fait' rtco the municipal system. C-xsurt Table III for stand measures of products or r-w matsrlaissee mtTucSens) Major Contnbutng Facat ry (see in.struclons) Name 401a Luxfer USA. Ltd Number&Street 401b 235 Riverbend Rd. ally. 401E Graham camty 401d Alamance S=9 401e North Carolina 2 401f /253 z Primary Standard hdusciJ IK2 3490 cassikalicn Cce(see instnxzons) Frtmary Product,or Raw Material Units(See cu-antrtv (see instructions) Tay IIII 4= Aluminum gas 4=10 Cylinders aaz Saw Mate ripJ 4= 4.. row Indicate to Ycurne of wafer discharged into t1ne muix a1 sys- 24 tern in thousand ga5onslter day 404a _ft=tnd gales per day and whetnerthis cisez-ge s rtarrnitlent or contstuous. 4odb Interrnittent(int) ❑ Continuous(con) pmimmitrrient Provided Indcate if 405 ❑ Yes No pretreatment is pruvi6edpricrio emeringtr*murjcipal system CharactensticsofWastewater (see instructions) : S parameter BOD ES TM Cn O&G Cr Zn TSS KN Name is raramelor 00310 00530 00625 00720 00550 01034 01012 Number value 103 61 .0 10.163 1 STANDARD FORM A MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Su-.-..:t a cesc.,'o^'cn of eam macr r,:Justrid .city dischar-ra to te muniappi system,using a separate Sec:i--n iV1tr sz- t --card Ircustnaf Ca�ifiancn(C!Cj Code for tie inEustr�,he r,-G�cr-=-,C"crmw � —�cesc-icton. lncfcate t�.e�cat Siz matana te 4,ow(in thcusancgak�socrdav),and the charaysris'�=ctiiewasmwstardsc;arged from, toe nc.:sr2J laity -ns) r,to municipal system. c-rzuit Tile III for standardts measures of products or raw rim-tenals. (see instructic 1. Major Contributing Facoty (see instructions) Name 401a Olympic Narrow Fabrics Number&Street 401b 505 South Maple St. City. 401C Graham County 401d Alamance Stle 401e North Carolina Zo Code 4011' 2/253 Primary Standard Incus—A 402 2241 c,n iticaticn C-69(see hs=cdons) Pnmary ProdueorRaw VateriA Units(See (see instructions) antiry Fk In 403a narrow 4ac 4128 e7a—s-Fi—c Raw Material 403b I�� 4C3f 4. FLow Indicate the Ymrre of water d=arged into tie rr.uni--cal sys- tern in Inousand gakmPer day 404a ?n __ftusand gallons per d3y and wnether this ds;=.arge is interm.ittent or continucu. 404b Intermittant(int) ❑ Continuous(con) Pretreatment Provided Indicated 405 ❑ Yes 1�1 No precreac'nent is provided prior* entenng the muriczoaJ system characteristics of Wa3mwater (see instructors) r a Name BOD TSS TKN Cr Ni Pb Zn rarameLer Number )0310 00530 00625 01034 01067 2_1051 01092 Value 504 150 84 0.26 0.04 0.04 I­77MA�=Nt- Z�c� STANDARD FORM A - MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM SunmA a desciption of s� halsmal tac6ty dsci-.aming to he mur-dDaJ system,using a separate Sacxn M 1'c each '--a:ay oesc.ioticn. Indicate t!ia i76,&L Siandard Industr2i Cassai=cn(s[C)Cone for tna incustry,:he ma�cr prD6-z 07 raw matenal.:h-flow(in ttcusand cakris per day),and the ch.araclasncs of he Wastewater cisc�- ,amod Ir .on:eiria;s:Jfaciity �a III for stet- measures Of Pt ucts or raw", tarials. (seeinstru�;s)rto t.�municipal system. C-r�su" i an xianzi cod 1. Majcr Qantrbutng (see instructions) Name 401a National Uniform Service Number&Street 401b 612 Woody Drive aty. 401E Graham cocrty 401d Alamance State 401e or Carol.Lna up C"de 4C1I 2/2bJ Rimary Sendard hczzmd 402 7218 aassiticancrt Co*see ins.-uccions) Primary Product cr Raw Material Units(See (see instructions) — Product 403a industrial 4C3C 403e laundry Raw Material 402b — 4Md 4= d Row Indicate he vo-6-me of water e-scharoad into the rmmcioal sys- tem in cicusand qa5ors.per day 404a 218 thousand galore pqrday and whener this ascrarge is intermirtentorccntnucus. 4c4b FU merrnittanf(int) E] Continuous(con) Precearrient Pm-116 d [.=Cats if 405 gs Yes F—i No pretreatment is-mviroed pier 13 entering the mur.dPwzJ sys'4m fi c>aractarisbcs at Wastewater (see instructions) rarameter Name POD TSS TKN O&G Cd Pb Zn Paameter ': Number 00310 00530 100625 100550 01027 01051 101092 1 value 548 215 9.1 51 uo 0.006 0.08 10.25 .. ...... STANDARD FORM A - MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Suitt- a oescn- rajcr t nciDal sy tern sing separate Section .don of eson "�oijty disc�larcincito,the s u a N'cc east incusiriai Ca��icadon(SIC)C-�fcr:he incuscy�the C;m,i desctiotion. Indicate the- - . I - material,hp tow(in thousand calic-ns per thy),and hecnarac:sMomot the wasmwaaterciascnarqed from lr�nct;s-z!,acEiy hto the muniapd system. consua Table III for standard measures of Products ornawmatertals. (see instrudors) 1. Major Contnbuting FacTity (see instructions) Name 401a Variety Hosiery Number&Street 401b 300 Guthrie St. cty 401E Graham C-crty 401d Alamance stme 407e North Carolina 2/253 'up Code 4G1f Primary Standard lrC ,al 402 2253 C:assikzucn C-�*see truicuams) Primary ProductorRaw Matenal units(See (see instruncrus) Quandly Tat 111) F70cuct 403a ---LQa121Zy— 4C3C 4033 Raw Mate nal X2b 4C3d A= A. Fbw Indram the Yoame cf water cisGiargeci into the muriw:al sys- 25 -oisand galons perday tern in ftusand gakns per day 4C4a and wheinertnis dscruirge S 'rtermil:!znt or contnuous. 4o4b lnterrnittent{iint) Continuous(con) p-mirmument pmv6ed Indicate if 405 F-1 Yes FM No pretreatment is pmviced pricr io entering 7me murlicic,aj System aiaractenstics of Wastewater (see instructions) Parameter.. Cu Pb ..... Name SOD TSS TKN Parameter Number 00310 00530 00625 01042 01051-alUa—LU.22— 0 0 1 A 0 028 0-0-16 A value 287 48 14 ("JitV of (fir*M P.O. Drawer 357 201 South Main Street Graham, North Carolina 27253 Tel: (919) 228-8362 1 Fax: (919) 228-1124 SLUDGE MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY OF GRAHAM WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NPDES PERMIT No. NCO021211 • Wastewater Treatment Plant sludge is aerobically digested,lime-stabilized,and then surface applied to a dedicated land application site. • Aerobic digestion takes place in the primary and secondary digesters(combined volume of 375,900 gallons). The digested sludge is the lime stablized by adding approximately 1.4 tons of lime per 48,000 gallons of sludge(sludge pH is raised to 12.0 standard units for 2 hours and then held at 11.5 pH for an additional 22 hours minimum). Two lime stabilization tanks(combined volume of 100,000 gallons)are utilized for this process. Sludge can then be pumped directly to the Transport truck or diverted to storage in one 200,000 gallon storage basin. • Stabilized sludge is transported in one of two sealed tanker trucks to the land application site.The vehicle that is used carries a copy of the Non-Discharge permit and spill control and prevention policy. Remote routes are used and equipment meets DOT standards.Drivers are trained and educated concerting operational components of the permit and receiver site procedures.Drivers have CDL license with tanker and air brake certifications. • The land application site is dedicated city owned land. There are 89.4 acres of land that is permitted under Non-Discharge permit No. W00003824. Sludge is surface applied in accordance with the permit restrictions using an off road high-wheeler with sealed tank. • A fescue cover crop is maintained on the fields and is harvested and used for cattle feed. Fields are maintained and crops harvested in accordance with permit restrictions. • Nutrient and metal loading rates and application rates are calculated and reported in accordance with W00003824 requirements. • All land application activities are performed in accordance with W00003824 requirements and 40 CFR Part 503 federal regulations. The permit was reissued on June 28, 1995 and will expire on May 31, 1995. If you have any questions or require additional information please call me at 910-578-3264 or write to my attention at the above address. Submitted by: Martin D.Wilson, Superintendent of Treatment Plants July 17, 1995 FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Request# 8336 Facility Name: City of Graham Waste Water Treatment Plant o ie NPDES No.: NCO021211 Type of Waste: Domestic - 82 % Industrial - 18 % �d.C• De 0i..,v i �—H 4N S Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Stream Characteristic: SEP 1 4 035 Receiving Stream: Haw River USGS # Stream Classification: C NSW Date: Wing(gn?-Sj3.iel11 Subbasin: 03-06-02 Drainage Area(mi2): 614 County: Alamance Summer 7Q10 (cfs): F34131OnRI �1tICF3 Regional Office: Winston- Salem Winter 7Q10(cfs): 85 Requestor: Wilson Average Flow (cfs): 553 Date of Request: 7 / 28 / 95 30Q2 (cfs): - Topo Quad: C 21 SE IWC (%): 14 % Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken,correspondence with region, EPA,etc.) Pe n�: 3•�gP c `T -- -`^urlington-East,Graham,and Burlington -South were reviewed and allocated based upon a new toxics pro cedure utilizing a statistical review and analysis of current effluent data The current permit requirements for Burlington-East,Graham,and Burlington-South collectively contain seven instream monitoring sites, (some which are monitored by two different facilities) : SR 1712 (Hopedale Road),Highway 54,SR 2116(bridge over Haw River),Highway 87(bridge over Big Alamance Creek),SR 2116(bridge over Big Alamance Creek),Saxapahaw Lake(above dam),and SR 1005. Recommendations for permit renewals will not change these sites, but the Technical Support Branch requests these facilities coordinate instream monitoring under the guidance of the Winston-Salem Regional Office. Recommendations from the Technical Support Branch would be a collective effort to monitor instream on the same day and if possible at the same time of day. Recommendations for parameters to be monitored instream will change for some of these permits. For example, those permits which previously contained BODS and NH3-N monitoring will no longer be required to take these samples. Instead, all three of these permits will need to take instream TP and orthophosphate samples as well as temperature,dissolved oxygen,fecal coliform,and conductivity. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by I Date: i ;NEftraj�&�e, t9q S Farrell Kem h InstreamAssessment: AArI Date: J/T Regional Supervisor: //. ( Date: r'—/ 5—g- , L�A by " 5 )- Permits&Engineering: Zf^GLL1 Date: 11 7 'IS - }'- 7?0 Q(A1� RETURN TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT BY" O C T 10 1995 J ( '� J %re '. QL T oL ekr . i. "—a r,. L4e y. iG T1oR Iecb yto sAcw 0, aui c t�\t�1Fs Its waS Alt {w nlb. s Fo �e rw �t w w re CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Existing Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 3.5 3.5 BOD5 (mg/1): 12 24 NH3N (mg/1): 4 8 DO(mg/l): 5 5 TSS (mg/1): 30 30 Fecal Coliform(/100 ml): 200 200 PH (SU): 6 - 9 6 - 9 Daily Maximum Residual Chlorine(µg/1): monitor monitor Oil &Grease (mg/1): - - Total Phosphorus (mg/1): 2.0 * 2.0 Total Nitrogen (mg/1): monitor monitor There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. * Compliance based upon quarterly limit of weekly samples Recommended Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter wQmII. Wasteflow (MGD): 3.5 3.5 BOD5 (mg/1): 12 24 wQ NH3N (mg/1): 4 8 wQ DO(mg/1): 5 5 wQ TSS (mg/1): 30 30 Fecal Coliform(/100 ml): 200 200 pH (SU): 6 - 9 6- 9 Daily Maximum Residual Chlorine(µg/1): monitor monitor Oil&Grease (mg/1): - - Total Phosphorus (mg/1): 2.0 * 2.0 �Q Total Nitrogen (mg/1): monitor monitor Orthophosphate [PO4] (mg/1): monitior There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. * Summer monitoring of Total Phosphorus and Orthophosphate needs to take place on the same days that the instream monitoring for these parameters take place. Orthophosphate only needs to be monitored during the summer when the instream monitoring for this parameter is taken. Parameter(s) affected: Limits Changes Due To: (explanation of any modifications to past modeling analysis including new flows,rates, field data, interacting discharges) (See page 4 for miscellaneous and special conditions,if applicable) TOXICS/METALS Type of Toxicity Test: Chronic (Ceriodaphnia)P/F Tonicity Test Existing Limit: 14 % Recommended Limit: 14 % Monitoring Schedule: March,June, September,and December Existing Limits Daily Maximum Cadmium(µg/1): 4.2 Chromium(µg/1): monitor , Copper(µg/1): monitor Cyanide (µg/1): 10.4 Lead(µgA): 25 Mercury(jig/1): monitor Nickel (µg/1): 88 Zinc (µgp): monitor Recommended Limits Daily Maximum WO or EL Cadmium(µg/1): not required [will be monitored in Pretreatment LTMP] Chromium(µg/1): not required [will be monitored in Pretreatment LTMP] -Copper(µg/1): — HeE `o' -hw [will be monitored in Pretreatment LTMP] -Cyanide (µg/1): — monitor Lead(µg/1): —monitor Mercury (µg/1): — :0.09 %Q Nickel (µg/1): not required [will be monitored in Pretreatment LTMP] -Zinc (µg/1): `ttet-t�ttiped Wtm-{nr [will be monitored in Pretreatment LTMP] Cadmium: Max.Pred Cw 6.2 14 out 72 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 14.5 maximum value was 4.1 µg/l in June and May, 1995 Chromium: Max.Pred Cw 257 most values were above detection Allowable Cw 363 maximum value was 112 µg/l in May, 1995 Copper. Max.Pred cry 89.5 Allowable Cw 50.9 maximum value was 42.6 µg/1 in February, 1995 Cyanide: Max.Pred cw 15 16 out 76 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 36.3 rm�ctq'Im rP value ao w10 11 of q lovamr-�4 Lead: Max.Pred cw 36.2 50 out 76 samples were above detection Allowable cw 181.7,mnaximmm value was�24.1 µg/l T January, 1995 P 'hmk " A/to'%bJ6 Mercury: Max.Pred Cw 2.4 4 out 18 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 0.09 .maximum value was 8 µg/l in April, 1995 Nickel: Max.Pred Cw 123 69 out 77 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 640 maximum.value was 76.7 µg/l in July, 1995 Zinc: Max.Pred Cw 533 27 out 28 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 363 maximum value was 231.5 µg/1 in March, 1994 LTMP: arsenic,cadmium,chromium copper,mercury,molybdenum,nickel,lead,selenium,and zinc [Qnrly] per 40 CFR 503 regs.for Disposal of Biosolids(Pretreatment) _ Parameter(s) are water quality limited For some parameters,the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: NC Highway 54 * Downstream Location: SR 2158 (above the dam) Parameters: Temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, conductivity, TP **, and PO4 ** Special instrearn monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Stream samples shall be collected three times per week during the months of June,July,August, and September and once per week during the remaining months of the year. * NOTE cover page for option of coordinated stream sampling between facilities. ** Orthophosphate need only be taken during months of June, July,August, and September. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION&SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no,which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate?Yes_ No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major)—(Y or N) (If yes, then attach updated evaluation of facility,including toxics spreadsheet,modeling analysisif modeled at renewal,and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. Facility Name City of Graham Waste Water Treatment Plant Permit # NCO021211 Pipe # 001 CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAH. PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is 14 % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The fast test will be performed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit during the months of Mar., Jun., Sep., and Dec Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form(MR-1)for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re- opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suita a test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 34 cfs Permitted Flow 3.5 MGD Recommended lWC 13.8 % Fmell sough Basin & Sub-basin 03-06-02 Receiving Stream Haw River County Alamance Date ,�,aLa �Zqs QCL P/F Version 9191 Request# 8336 Facility Name: City of Graham Waste Water Treatment Plant NPDES No.: NCO021211 Type of Waste: 82 % Domestic 18% Industrial Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Stream Characteristic: Receiving Stream: Haw River USGS# Stream Classification: C NSW Date: 1993 WLA Subbasin: 03-06-02 Drainage Area(mi2): 614 County: Alamance Summer 7010(its): 34 Regional Office: Winston-Salem Winter 7010(cis): 85 Requestor: Wilson Average Flow(cis): 553 Date of Request: 7 / 28 / 95 30Q2(cis): Topo Quad: C 21 SE IWC(%): 14% Existing WLA checked: x Staff Report: x Topo checked: x map attached USGS Flows confirmed: IWC Spreadsheet: nr Instream Data: x 1976: 2 mgd discharge to Town Branch w/14/6/5 limits; no toxics 1982: 3.5 mgd discharge to Town Branch w/12/4/5 limits;no toxics 1987: 3.5 mgd discharge to Town Branch w/12/4/5 limits;limits for Cd, Cr, Pb,CN plus toxicity test and metals monitoring 1988: Questions of sampling techniques and lab analysis which indicated high metals values both at the effluent and instream. Rigorous protocol and instream sampiing was undertaken which resulted in much lower values than previously seen. Continued monitoring and limits were required. Facility put under SOC for not meeting metals limits. 1989: 3.5 mgd discharge to Town Branch w/12/4/5 limits; limits for Cd, Ni, Pb, CN plus toxicity test and metals monitoring. it was during this renewal that the limits were determined based on interaction between the Burlington- East and Burlington-South discharges. The Cr and CN limits were determined by adding all the discharges together and using a dilution equation with a s7Q10 of 42 cis, (flow statistic just prior to confluence with Alamance Creek). The Ni and Pb limit was given at the standard because it was thought that all the assimilative capacity for these metals was used up. 1992: 3.5 mgd discharge to Town Branch w/12 14/5 limits;limits for Cd, Cr, Pb,CN plus toxicity test and metals monitoring. DMR•S no violations during last three years. exceptionally low ammonia Instream Monitoring shows very good dissolved oxygen saturation;seems to contradict basin assessment Toxicity Test consistently Passing dilution Interaction old permit Cadmium: Max. Prod Cw 6.2 6.2 6.2 14 out 72 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 14.5 I3.o 4.2 maximum value was 4.1 µgA in June and May, 1995 Chromium: Max. Prod Cw 257.6 257.6 257.6 most values were above detection Allowable Cw 363.4 37-/.9 monitor maximum value was 112 µgA in May, 1995 Copper: Max. Prod Cw 89.5 89.5 89.5 Allowable Cw 50.9 :i s.s monitor maximum value was 42.6 µgA in February, 1995 Cyanide: Max. Prod Cw 15 15 15 16 out 76 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 36.3 3z-51 10.4 maximum value was 10 µgA in December, 1994 Lead: Max. Pred Cw 36.2 36.2' 36.2 50 out 76 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 181.7 1'62.y, 25 maximum value was 24.1 µg/I in January, 1995 Mercury: Max. Prod Cw 2.4 2.4 ' 2.4 4 out 18 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 0.09 o.oag monitor maximum value was 8 µgA in April, 1995 Nickel: Max. Prod Cw 122.7 122.7 122.7 69 out 77 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 639.5 5 il.a 88 maximum value was 76.7 µgA in July, 1995 Zinc: Max. Prod Cw 532.5 532.5 532.5 27 out 28 samples were above detection Allowable Cw 363.4 3z9 9 monitor maximum value was 231.5 µgA in March, 1994 SIU's SIC code Flow Efgeunt Consideradons Alamance Dying 2262 0.0205 BFI Medical Wastes Systems 0.020 Culp Weaving 2221 0.250 Elastex,Incorporated 2228 0.075 Lawrence Industries 2052 0.050 Luxfer USA, Umited 3490 0.009 Olympic Narrow Fabrics 0.011 cww�wwel coP(>Ge, Nu,kE 1, Rental Towel&Uniform 7218 0.180 LT Mp: Variety Hosiery 2253 0.015 1r,+4 r 3+tc-, news• cknat , '�` '�' Post-it"Fax Note 7671 Data �' pages 1 Post-it"Fax Note 7671 Dig No w pages TO i To TO J� From FMQRELl KC6 �1 K V ST From 'Q-Q IL r ! Co./Dept Co. Co./Dept. Co. ' P NC. F�lRltnf4TWN1 E($ N {rt. - Phone R Phone q t9 - 3 Fnt 5lJ Phone q Phone u L 9t9--� - 33eKt Fax a 690 3: Fax a t _ 33 _9919 Fax 4 9 t _z2't- Fax e Q l0- 5}D 51 '-D 1 - �33-991 The current permit requirements for Burlington - East, Graham, and Burlington- South collectively contain seven instream mdnitoring sites, (some which are monitored by two different facilities) : SR 1712 (Hopedale Road), Highway 54, SR 2116 (bridge over Haw River), Highway 87 (bridge over Big Alamance Creek), SR 2116 (bridge over Big Alamance Creek), Saxapahaw Lake(above dam), and SR 1005. Recommendations for permit renewals will not change these sites, but the Technical Support Branch requests these facilities coordinate instream monitoring under the guidance of the Winston - Salem Regional Office. Recommendations from the Technical Support Branch would be a collective effort to monitor instream on the same day and if possible at the same time of day. Recommendations for parameters to be monitored instream will change for some of these permits. For example, those permits which previously contained BOD5 and NH3-N monitoring will no longer be required to take these samples. Instead, all three of these permits will need to take instream TP and orthophosphate samples as well as temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, and conductivity. Recommended instream monitoring locations and sampling protocol if coordination between facilities is not chosen: City of Graham Waste Water Treatment Plant NC O021211 Upstream Location: NC Highway 54 Downstream Location: SR 2158 (above the dam) Parameters: Temperature, dissolved oxygen,fecal coliform, conductivity, TP ", and PO4 " Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Stream samples shall be collected three times per week during the months of June, July,August, and September and once per week during the remaining months of the year. NOTE cover page for option of coordinated stream sampling between facilities. Orthophosphate need only be taken during months of June, July, August, and September. Burlington- East Waste Water Treatment Plant NC0023868 Upstream Location: SR 1712 [Hopedale Road] Downstream Location (site 1): Highway 64 Downstream Location (site 2): SR 2158 [above the dam] Parameters: Temperature, dissolved oxygen,fecal coliform, conductivity, TP and PO4 " Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Stream samples shall be collected three times per week during the months of June, July,August, and September and once per week during the remaining months of the year. ` NOTE cover page for option of coordinated stream sampling between facilities. Orthophosphate need only be taken during months of June, July, August, and September. Burlington-South Waste Water Treatment Plant NC0023876 Upstream Location: Highway 87 Downstream Location (site 1): SR 2116 [Boys Woods Road] ` Downstream Location (site 2): Saxapahaw Lake[above dam] ` Downstream Location (site 3): SR 1005 ` Parameters: Temperature, dissolved oxygen,fecal coliform, conductivity, TP ", and PO4 " Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Stream samples shall be collected three times per week during the months of June, July, August, and September and once per week during the remaining months of the year. NOTE cover page for option of coordinated stream sampling between facilities. " Orthophosphate need only be taken durina months of June. Julv. Auaust. and September. i _ -0.DBuutnl♦va_eAsc- 1 NV30 i..38G8 ZIF68_ 33-6CV�) .3 .lux ao Cv>'�5) 'GenNnM IT—wY�.S--Ci_t 4vi aF cw,wn`uwsca h 4.1 o.TICS G•rt dF GaN..o" 34 de) — Y� Y{;J 1 3 saA aRGs behw�.l ��.I.ttyS '� _�igYCA_U.tll,t m__(hl4mlr ( I) H,k� cou^ RY r-tub nicw OZ.oy45-9000 '34 sa esg �q: 6`I�g11L .a (y.s y SuwlSc.Zo.J Sa1TN Wut�P 3 BtG PlgrwW(g 9-5 no p nPuxd tz.p, �697 oe.ae c l)R�EGI VN rNt-en rT-roN� (C s P. boll) Gwn knn) . -r{,E rltOtn NcE. b7weGN L`^,�� b'a��•� ^.) d,lU rro�1 w/vvt Inecmq ee o .3, Fnc.lrnc� A;.n 't,•r. IAslc f 04mt�, TRnIh; 10 IOJ I zT Rnn Fr, n,odc-1� Fo2 C33�t:7nro) (ay:vq,rr) (a.o:9alo� � <ovplE.c( w( -4'c 5ncln 7N [>,• Cn3T Ga kt ,.,.1 l>;1N- bnscct g,"I "'ara++ 5am, a ' Toxics Interactions for Haw River _ 40 3s4 sa -taYnt, as oPnuso-\ r bro-nvndnhl<> rT\nts.s 3�.,F�,rr� oe 'G . IS Z 31 R\cK-� ln�,t5 %JW'<.ct ON 1N1'c-2nct-,JN dl�P,cojt Ttic- 5pe�ndS(rc Fr IJe IoLJ ca 140 ,mac- r„\ c.d TV 61 8 3 J ro N s9t 10 w1,10, ,g Ph 10 ,8z z9 (Tar1YlC\,orl YJ•1 Lj . �.\� 5t,\I f_l \o � Wlao�. n2E �1 089 0.014 usrN *I�e d,\.r<1an/ ewAhonl SkN IIS StRI. Y -t1,nrJ .d o.o3`I o. � Alonl�. Ft �l,wla I-J,,. NuVi.c\ 641 ,oz Ttgf B,i2\.rvalxxJ- n� :bvttc A^_cvpt\� dI3c1,,/�25FS *' B,C, AIQM n �J 4lc[.v Cv�C-.=.Fes( 0.4 m1k-s aWp� �iza,�, o.r7 n-r14 0.0� itll') f:\Vc2l r�Np t1e12 11...rtS I.�\11 1vR bUS=G\ W dll\A-IJn) ronAJ w,ll t>< 2N lyo 36M .. 58 .Stalcir.L 11rn.J -f6\E: . . T\-G-- ';ollow,^>� {4b\(. 73 ,U 5 PoSa,blC I,I+.,t� T. cAl 14 3a.; 6 *Kr zoxrc-z, u14,c1.,- 2=�v12E -t�•c r,�; -t1\o5t IN e4rzCN5 (. ) A2c b'Osc,- oN H S lnrit'�,oN apeeadSYcc,1) *,,c oH,orC. 15 FYaxd ON JII,/\•Jn1- 15uRA�nK�TOn1=E!ils _6wIlWM %Wc- G. I 14% ✓admwn\ s.v <a.tt) uA* �Uolrtspl U3) Burlington-East City of Graham Burlington-South -gnNW(C. 14 0 5)x va �,uc( (sz 5 NCO023868 NCO021211 NC0023876 le.x1 401(444)1Ai- NVf mg..,ecd (lbz 12 MGD 3.5 MGD 12 MGD r'lc* c jq Y Noc zc .t(o.otl) 0.09(o.ns) +: 33.6 cis 7010 34 cis 7010 63 ds 701 A 4-md Pr- m.r F,nc1 moN,W¢I^� R-1o,nemc.,.R Ail old trtnn.mina,. 65.,,.i5/(Z 1.3- Parameter S:a clard Total Allowable Total Allowable Burlington - East City of Graham Burlington - South µyl 1/d W Old µyl •/d W O/d W / Arsenic 50.0 28.4 124.0 9.5 94.8 9.5 324.9 9.5 94.8 / Cadmium 2.0 1.1 5.0 0.4 3.8. (3.6) 0.4 13.0 (4 i) 0.4 3.8 (r) Chromium 50.0 28.4 124.0 9.5 94.8(wo) 9.5 324.9(Mo l.,a) 9.5 94.8 (se) Copper 7.0 4.0 17.4 1.3 13.3 C wN ¢) 1.3 45.5(mom,rn) 1.3 13.3(".tot,) Cyanide 5.0 2.8 12.4 0.9 9.5 <MaNrtm) 0.9 32.5 (,n.v) 0.9 9.5 0-0 Lead 25.0 14.2 62.0 4.7 47.4 (65) 4.7 162.4 (zs) 4.7 47.4 ( ti) Mercury 0.012 0.007 0.0 0.0 0.023 (o.o34) 0.0 0.078(^DN,t +) 0.0 0.023Co.or4) Nickel 88.0 50.1 218.3 16.7 166.8 (tya) 16.7 571.8 (97) 16.7 166.8(1o7) Selenium 5.0 2.8 12.4 0.9 9.5 0.9 32.5 0.9 9.5 Silver 0.1 0.03 0.1 0.0 0.11 6 eun.a) 0.0 0.39 0.0 0.11C owtoa) Zinc 50.0 28.4 124.0 9.5 94.8(n,w,AW) 9.5 - 324.9( wwt e) 9.5 94.8(. Nre ) Total Allowable[Mass]_[((((Total mgd' 1.547)+7010) 'Standard) / Total mgd)] ' (0.00834'Total mgd) 16,>A,1mror3-5, Tm 15 IN6�-d Total Allowable[Concentration]=(Total Allowable [Mass] / 0.00834 ) / Total mgd - ,N iu.� ft"O -dlcx PAS,\\Nes Allowable[Mass]. Total Allowable [Mass] / tt of dischargers (this Is a macro which depends upon the mgd Input) do Not 3hn2E I,..,rs bnaFc\ ON *ttF Allowable[Concentration]. (Total Allowable[Concentration]/Total mgd) ' Dischargers mgd JnMF p4 e�MC{C21 l W,ll RCcDMMeI\rj Cc)z.tRie<-�It I,n,r Ilmrr3 IJ43cd ON c111vt,JN - nn ToTRL IIIUC. JD--6 ON AdC{,t,0.11 Q Nll rlly_tl ti anlp P 5=40* or,N 4z 8/10/95 City of Graham Waste Water Treatment Plant NC0021211 Upstream: Hwy 54 Downstream: bridge at Swe sorwille Month Temp DO Saturation Fecal NH3-N Tern DO Saturation Fecal NH3-N Jun-95 23 7.4 86% 857 <0.1 23 7.3 85% 862 <0.1 May-95 20 7.7 85% 669 <0.1 22 7.2 82% 126 <0.1 Apr-95 16 8.5 86% 530 <0.123 16 8.8 89% 88 <0.116 Mar-95 13 10.1 96% 209 <0.128 12 10.1 04% 199 <0.131 Feb-95 5 12.2 95% 205 0.353 5 12.3 96% 149 0.347 Jan-95 6 12.6 101% 79 <0.159 6 12.5 100% 54 <0.159 De 94 9 11.2 97% 106 <0.1 9 11.3 97% 105 <0.1 Nov-94 13 9.5 90% 140 <0.103 13 9.8 93% 102 <0.103 Oct-94 16 8.4 85% 104 <0.1 15 8.9 88% 144 <0.1 Sep-94 21 7.6 84% 199 <0.1 21 7.8 88% 150 <0.1 Aug-94 24 7.4 88% 220 <0.1 24 7.4 88% 157 <0.1 Jul-94 26 6.9 85% 192 <0.1 26 7.1 88% 187 <0.1 Ammonia[2/4 mgA]-Residual Chlorine-Fecal Coliform Instream Waste Concentrations Ammonia as NH3 Residual Chlorine (summer) 7010(cis) 34 - 34 7010(cis) Design Flow(mgd) 3.5 3.5 Design Flow(mgd) Design Flow(cis) 5.415 5.415 Design Flow(cis) Stream Std(µgA) 17 1 Stream Std(mgA) Upstream bkgrd level(µgA) 0 0.22 Upstream bkgrd twat(mg/1) IWC(%) 13.7% 13.7% IWC(%) Allowable Concentration(µgA) 123.7 5.9 Allowable Concentration(mgA) AJM dA Cmwmwe lmyp 0.124 Ammonle as NH3 (winter) 85 7010(cfs) 3.5 Design Flow(mgd) Fecal Limit 200/100ml 5.415 Design Flow(cis) Ratio of 6:1 1.8 Stream Std(mg/l) 0.22 Upstream bkgrd level(mgA) 6.0% IWC(%) 26.6 Allowable Concentration(mgA) ar7/95 M P..al P6ae TOXICITY TESTING o(SELF-MONITORING SUMMARY Mon, a - _ _ Paaa V190LE FFfI-UENP nla' Bt Pe.. _ _ _ _ Pa.' _ _ Pa.. P°aa - f➢1' PFRM CIIR LIM:4%t 6%WIIIN G%P 92 Pas$ _ P9ss - -- - _ Pee. :ujMb.In WK'TP p lan Apr Jul Oc. NonComp:SMGl.Ii 9J M -_ .- - - Paaa 4 FmlucraY:Q PAT - _ Pan _ P.n NCW279n9/001 ➢cgin:411N WARO Suhbarin:NE1105 94 Lnln.Lel91 _ pees _ Plus •- Cmms Wa Rcgion: 95 rasa _ ... Pnn ... _. Pa.. - Pnu Y: Ync SPairl Pa Pea PIT.6.375 sM1nrr: - ._ Pimn "- Pnn -' Pn.a _ _ Pus BI ..• Pnen - ]Q10:2]LI IWf('g•1:37n ._ Peaa "' NRMte Pan 1'IiI1M s'IfH LIMN n'F. 02 - Nuofnn:pgING1Jl 9 Pon - Peaa - l r_�bxn, \v 3v'I1' Q PA' A Mm I Xq,lh'° _ Pass ."" - ' Nl'.NI!f211�N11 Itrgin:N/IA13 Pmpntnry: 94 - _ _ Lale - _ Pee° acgi^n:WSa(J 5ubhuin:CPi'02 _ Peea _ _ Pee. _ Pm. County:ALm Sp<rid B5 - Peaa _ _ Peaf - - PJ^3.50 syNcc ._ Pma _ _ P... - _ Pa°° 1WCI%)',14 91 Pan _ Pa.. Pa.. _ Peea ]QI0:34 92 _. - _. Pan. _ Pea. -- iliaMCIA MaLll% NonComP:SiNGL➢ Pna - Pnae _ erunnr Ihlk W W'1T' PA; A Mu lun SIP Re 90 - P"a. _ -- NC00218901001 ➢T&IVIN3 Pmrycnry:Q 84 _ _ _ _ _ _ Peee R,inn:ARO SVbb.sia:(,I 12 _- N➢]pnm _ - Pua _ Cons,CaiJwdl Sped., BS - _ P..f - _ _ Peas Pass Pen N➢IPma PF:975 Udn: B1 -- - "- - _ 6A _ Pass _ Pe.. ]QIn.91 IWC(%):II _ Pma _ Pass _ - _ Sinn I'PAM CIIR Nitu itat s NonComP: 92 - - Pan - -_ - Peas Greer I,nkca Gnrhnn Cnrpnrn RIP p Mu Jvn Srp Re 93 ._ _ _ Pesn I IT .Q Bd _ _. Pn.. _ l NCI]00525HN01 Ocgin:J/12/92 NWFaII Peas - Peaa Pma _ Co^my:Ruhe Rcgion::All S^M1M1azin:Cl➢JI _, - _ Fei pass Specie 9S _ Pose(,) Pass(,) - PF:2.T29 (hda. _ _ Fail - _ Fei Fat _ - IWC(%):12 BJ Pen - Pan Pen - 7010:20.7 92 raa! _ _ Pass - _ Peae PIfRM OUR L1M:90% NnnComp:SMGI P. Pms - Pasa _ pe.s Grerns 14 N itu"ju Crk W'W'q'P IR, p Inn Apr lul Oa 99 Fad _ Fall NCIXR4325N01 ➢cgim 1211193 Po ,R0 Q ' Bd Poll _ Pen _ _ ,_ Full _ _ CovnryvC Ilford Rcgion:W50.0 Subbsin:CPl-02 BS NWFeI Pal Fall - _ P°.° - _ - 6Pecia Pma Peae(.) - P1::16.0 Una: - _ Pan. - Pass _ - Peaa y 9l Peaa pa Pa.s '101R 090 IWC(%Y96.50 FORM CIIR 1•IAf:94% 92 Pan - - - - - _. Pan _ N^nComP: Pass PB9s _ Pea. Gaenshna Oahorne \V WTP PAT p Jan APr Jul Otl B9 Feb Paaa -- NC00d]394N01 gcgim llllNl FsrqucucY:Q 94 Pan _ - Pees - - PeaaU) Rcgion:WSRO Suhbuin:CPIL2 - _ P...(.) C^unsy:GuilfoN SPcrid 96 NIWan PmeU) - _ Peaa.•) peea(e) PIs:20.0 Dula' _ _ PomU) P....) P...(a) - y Bt ... Pan(,) ._ - -. ... Pmep) ]QI0:23p M'C(%):9J.OA P2 _ _ P...Pnne - ... Pnan PIiAM CIIR M., (NN95 Ncw r^NonComp: _ P^n(^) '-- Pen.l^) Granville. WWTI' Mnr Jr.JnScp Dcc m - Pesal.) - .N00023'/31=1 ➢Pr:2/IfA8 FraP'cncy Q PAT p4 _ ._ - - _ _ 6(i Pan Rryi.,n:WAloI Rn1Jn.in'I'ARnS _ Pullin _ Pen f^:m'y:l`i" ,YIrdJ BS - - bt .Ala - _ _ P... - m: t0.50 pNa: M Pen _ _ Pea° Pen _ 9J - Pn. Pm. 7010:1mo IW(,(%):A.91 B2 _ Pa.. Pass - - _ _ Peae YI:RM CIIR rrbI,IMM% Paaa - -_ _ Pese ,,a, , Indurlrin.. Inc. PIP p Peb May Aug Nov NOnQOmP:$NGLE 90 - _ pee. _ NC(b04391'W1 fARin:4/li9a Fnrtao,,:Q N _ Pma _ pen Counry:Polk Acwon.ARO Subbasin:➢RM B5 _ Pen _ S"I.l PIT:0.45 ONrr: 91 ]QIO:IAA IWC(%):6.07 I'CRM CIIR I,IM:I.It% 92 lor. NanCnmP:SIN(iLE 9H GNC D Indvamin, pmgrrncpQP4; p Mnr Lm ScP Dcc - _ -'- NCODA3984rW1 pcgin:911N4 Subb:rnln:➢RD05 nn _ Pe.s Rcgion:MRO BS Court,arvelmd "rit, _ Pen _ _ _ Peaa p1 Pam Pasa Fell Peas pp ;IN odre et Pes. '" Fnp F.% Pese Fefl - ]Q10:32 IWC(%):1.fl Fai Fell - FM - � _ Peea _ 1'1'.RM CIIR I.1M:19%'.WIIIN>0.%5 CIIR LIM 23% 92 Fall _ Fed Peae Pe°. Nn^Comp:SINGIL' 1M Pen -- '- (:uilf^rd MITI, t?al PAT p Ian Apr Jul Oct _ Pen - - NC0002305A)01 Ocgie:1111Nd Fsapn'm'Y Q B4 Fan Pus Pa.. R'gion:WTRO Suhbuin:CPF22 Its Fen Fan Pass Coumy:Dupli" Special - PP;0.965 Uda: 9t - - '- _ _ - _ _ Pe.. ]Q10:6500 MC(%):11.68 B2 - _ NRM- - _ Pa.. _ Fei Pef, PGRM CIIR LIM:14'h NonComP:SMGISi Pass - Pa,. - Pass - IlnlC00 WWTP roopr^ :Q P(F p Inn Apr Jul On 90 - - _ Pass _ NC006619]/001 ➢cR7nv 1112f/3 Subhuin:ROA08 94 Pen _ Pm. - Cnunsyalalifas Region:RRO BS Pan _ sPrrirl ILI`p]5 I ua'JY lQl o:o.]0 iWC(%)'.14.0 - . IS IS,nJnrling lnJep«mm Y 1'rt 1991 Uo.n AvnilaM1lc Y- .occur-ex.JAN.APR.1D40CT NnnComp=Curtem Complinna Rrqulrcmem 0 2mnxrwwv failome=siR^i0rnm nnnmmPlinnre n.d M-Mull ➢M ❑im.mM Ju.ha'.crungloor An.1-s. JAN.AP .J wlrn Jlvimsging:b-Isinrmnlm:eA nxndl'wln n:m FmqumrA=M wroy A fm9"r"F incamcs m mnnshly^f^^CHµr f'ChmnicMm =OAC eig^esurt nxdcd IJ:GIlN1Y. Merl mnnisorin AC lu.l I`IiRM=Peon,Requimnwnt I,lil'=AJminicmniveto to Tmgr' PIP=P.ass/V',ol chronic mst Mort dau.v.iL hle for mmsh in queaion -First momb mwiud Q .hichess vnnammeonv nt-Pcrfom.cd by DCM Tox Cvnl Gmuo: ] C%RacivinR s am,l,ac➢uwcrimdon(cfs) A=q^• Y Inucd(In connruc0;li-AeriesiWl na.discb+:r®ng;4 ➢egin- %=1^straou wane mncemradon r'P=Pennincd now(NIGDI IWC ➢c. ng of Quaner F.miBy Aniviry Soon':I.lmnivc.N-NewIY 23 -Ceriod oh Ian.:mv�Mvad xbrimn:ChV-Chmni<vnluc.P-MonAiry of rum oaecnn -�.I latioa:f-Favonod i nos'! d;NR.Noto,pru cd:()- g.nn. Ing Normiorr---=De June, 1995 through January, 1994 Facility Name= City of Graham NPDES#= NCO021211 0w(MGD)_ 3.50 m d 701os(Cfs)_ 34.00 cfs Iwc(996)= 13.8 % FINAL RESULTS �l Cadmium Maximum Value 4.1 ap¢endyecr °W&um� Max. Pred Cw 6.2 Allowable Cw 14.5 9 4 4-7 Chromium Maximum Value 112.0 Max. Pred Cw •257.6 Allowable Cw 363.4 Z35.6 mWrtO2 Copper [Al] Maximum Value 42.6 Max. Pred Cw 89.5 Allowable Cw 50.9 Cyanide Maximum Value 10.0 Max. Pred Cw 15.0 Allowable Cw 36.3 Z3.6 o_y 7 Lead Maximum Value 24.1 Max. Pred Cw 36.2 Allowable Cw 181.7 11}.'a 7-5 Mercury Maximum Value 0.8 Max. Pred Cw 2.40 Allowable Cw 0.09 Nickel Maximum Value 76.7 Max. Pred Cw 122.7 Allowable Cw 639.5 4,4--4 as Zinc [AL] Maximum Value 231.5 Max. Pred Cw 532.5 Allowable Cw 363.4 Z35-4 m°nn4p2 a(7i95 ;§ as � ■�-�� §;;;;;; §=G;-n;;z;:): -]§| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . § ■ §�14:..... g1c4 q I.�,.....��.� ! |� �,2 ,�■.��;.w�����l�„■���„; � . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ , . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . , . , . , , , , , : , , . . , , . . . . . . . : , , , . . , . . . , , . . . . . - - . : _ ; , ° •� � ■ ! • � � | l. . , . ./. . , ! ! . . . . , , . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,I. l. . . . , , . . . l. , . l. . . . . . . . � � |� --------- --------------- - ����� ��� ,5� ��5���� ����\\���� � | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; , , . . . . , . , _ , , , , , : , , , _ , , . , . . , . . : , , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . - - 66 ;;! § , y . { . . l � . . y . . . . . ||� ; I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ■ . . fill ' | § - �® ..,,,. . ��.,;.....,;;�;a;,;; �#:„;__! ! ];�.; :®@,- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � , , . . . , . . . . . . . , ), |. . . . . . . . . . . |. . , |||' | , . 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LONG TERM MONITORING PLAN REQUEST FORM FACILrry: 6('N-(AAA w IAJ ( p !�'�S7J ! 7 Z NPDES NO.: ( J C C)0 /il Zl J�rn�7 �j�L EXPIRATION DATE: t/ �',/l C2 REGION: ���qq V P&E REOUESTOR: PRETREATMENT CONTACT: M ' DATE: INDICATE THE STATUS OF PRETREATMENT PROGRAM: 1) THE FACILITY HAS NO SIU'S AND SHOULD NOT HAVE PRETREATMENT;LANGUAGE. 2 E FACILITY HAS OR IS DEVELOPING A PREATREATMENT PROGRAM.: 3) ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS REGARDING THE PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ATTACHED. i PERMITTED FLOW: _ • INDUSTRIAL �5 — 5 5 7 •DOMESTIC LT p64 - Nf13 57 CC CAJ Ak P Fr- CN Mo Lo cc: Permits and Engineerinq LTeohnical- Support Branch County Health Department Central Files WSRO SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes No _X_ If Yes, SOC No. To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: (Susan Wilson) Date August 10, 1995 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County Alamance Permit No. NC0021211 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: City of Graham WWTP PO Box 357 Graham, NC 27253 2. Date of Investigation: August 7 , 1995 3 . Report Prepared by: Jim Johnston 4 . Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: David Lawson, ORC (910) 570-6721 5. Directions, to Site: Take I-40E to Burlington. Take Hwy 54 South. Turn right onto Woody Drive, take a left on Gilbreath Road. The WWTP is on the left approx 1/3 mile. 6 . Discharge Point(s) , List for all discharge points: Latitude: 36002' 44" Longitude: 79022' 06" Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U.S.G.S. Quad No. C21SE U.S.G.S. Quad Name Mebane 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application? —X_ Yes No If No, explain: 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included) : Part of lower plant in the flood plain. 9 . Location of nearest dwelling: >300 feet 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Haw Rivers a. Classification: C NSW b. River Basin and Subbasin No. : 03-06-02 C. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Other WWTP discharges. Used for what it is classified. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1 . a. Volume of Wastewater to be permitted: 3 .5MGD MGD(Ultimate Design Capacity) b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Waste Water Treatment facility? 3 . 5 MGD C. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity)? 3 . 5 MGD d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years: September 1994 , to construct lime stablization. e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: Mechanical screening, grit removal . primary settling, aeration basin, intermediate clarifiers, secondary clarifiers, nitrification, sand filtration, post aeratiion, chlorine contact basin. Aerobic digester, lime stablization. f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: N/A g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: None known h. Pretreatment Program (POTWS only) : in development approved _X should be required not needed 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Permit no.WQ0003824 Residuals Contractor _City of Graham Telephone No. (910) 570-6721 b.Residuals stabilization: PSRP PFRP Other C. Landfill: d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify) : 3. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet) : Class IV 4 . SIC Code(s) : Primary 4952_ Secondary Main Treatment Unit Code: 01 01 03 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1 . Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved. (municipals only)? 2 . Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: 3 Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate) Date Submission of Plans and Specifications Begin Construction Complete Construction 4 . Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non-discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for' each option evaluated. Spray Irrigation: Connection to Regional Sewer System: Subsurface: Other disposal options: 5. Other Special Items: PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that permit NC0021211 be renewed in accordance with Division policy. gnature report preparer Water Quality Regiona Supervisor S Date cc: Permits and Engineering is p 6 19094 Technical Support Branch f V , ,:0°T 6,�A "V111 County Health Department I�:Cr3; �L :t, i ' �S � Central Files WSRO SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: YES _ NO X IF Yes, SOC No._ To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: (Michael Allenl AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT NPDES PERMIT REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Date: September 1. 1994 County: Alamance Permit No. NCO021211 PART I GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility Name and Current Address: City of Graham P. O. Box 357 Graham, N.C. 27253 2. Date of most recent NPDES Staff Report: (attach copy) Attached 3. Changes since previous action on NPDES Permit: None 4. Verify Discharge Point(s) on plans with current NPDES Permit. List for all discharge points. Latitude: 36°02' 44" Longitude: 79' 22' 06" Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U.S.G.S. Quad No. C21SE U.S.G.S. Name Mebane Ouad 5. Treatment plant classification: (attach completed rating sheet) IV (See staff report) PART H - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS (PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IF IT IS NOT ON THE PREVIOUS NPDES STAFF REPORT) 1. Existing treatment facility: 3.5 MGD a. What is the current permitted capacity of the facility? NhA 3:3-114C D b. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two (2) years: N/A c: What is the actual treatment capacity of the current facility (design volume)? 3.5 MGD d. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities. See staff report 2. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: Additions and/or notifications - 1. Upgrade the existing primary and secondary digester with new pump and blowers. 2. Install two 50,000 gallon sludge stabilization/mixing tanks with mixers, pumps, etc. 3. Install a lime storage silo complete with lime mixing and feed equipment. 4. Convert existing two trickling filters to stabilized sludge storage tanks. 5. Add a new sludge loading station. 3. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: Town applies sludge a. If residuals are being land applies, please specify DEM Permit No.: WQ0003824 Residual Contractor: Town applies sludge Telephone No. (910) 228-8832 b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP PFRP _ Other _ ✓�~� � � . C. Landfill: d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify): 4. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates, if applicable: (Please indicate) Submission of Plans and Specifications Begin Construction Complete Construction Y PART III - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS In spec. sheet it says that one trickling filter will be converted to stabilized sludge storage and both if it can be converted with money available. It is recommended that both be converted to storage if at all possible. It is recommended that the A to C be issued for the upgrade to time stabilization at the Graham WWTP, in accordacne with Division policy. Signature of report preparer Water Quality Supervis y�2 -ef Date