NPDES Permit: NC0021211
Graham WWTP
Document Type: Permit Issuance
Wasteload Allocation
Authorization to Construct (AtC)
Permit Modification
Speculative Limits
201 Facilities Plan
Instream Assessment (67B)
Environmental Assessment (EA)
Document Date: February 28, 1989
Thies document i�printed on reuse paper-ignore any
content on the reverses e�ide
February 28, 1989
TO: Steve Mauney
THRU: David Vogt
Trevor Clement
Ken Eagleson
FROM: Mike Scoville M5
SUBJECT: Instream Assessment for the City of Graham WWTP
NPDES No. NCO021211
Alamance County
The City of Graham has amended their request for a first-time SOC to increase
their effluent limitations of cadmium, chromium, cyanide, and lead. An increase
of metals limits would allow the facility to make the remaining reserve of it ' s
design capacity available to future contributors (flow information is shown in
Table 1 ) . The Winston-Salem Regional Office has proposed increases of the cad-
mium, chromium, cyanide, and lead limits. The facility has experienced diffi-
culty meeting it 's NPDES cyanide and cadmium limits, but is consistently com-
pliant with the final limitations for other parameters. In considering whether
to permit additional wasteflow, Technical Services recommends that the Division
require Graham' s discharge to protect against acute toxicity while providing
relief from the standard of no effect . DEM recently received a request from the
City for a permit modification to relocate their discharge to the Haw River ,
where the metal limitations will be slightly less stringent and more easily met .
Analysis and Discussion
The City of Graham WWTP discharges to Town Branch (C-NSW) approximately 0.5
mile above it ' s confluence with the Haw River . At the discharge point, USGS flow
statistics indicate a drainage area of 3.B1 sq . mi . , an average flow of 3.4 cfs,
and a 7Q10 of 0.07 cfs. Due to the effluent ' s dominance of the streamflow, met-
als limits approximate the North Carolina water quality standards. An analysis
of the impact of oxygen-consuming waste at the SOC wasteflow is not necessary
because the permit limitations were originally set with respect to a 3.5 MOD
design flow. These limits are not being violated and do not need modification.
However, since temporary relief is needed for some of the metals limits, Techni-
cal Services recommends that these limits be increased only to the maximum con-
centrations that will protect against acute toxic effects in the receiving
waters. These concentrations are derived by halving the Final Acute Values (FAV)
found in the USEPA Ambient Water Quality Criteria documents for each of the
respective metals.
The cyanide and cadmium limits recommended by the Region are acceptable for
the SOC; they are equal to or less than half of the FAVs recommended by EPA.
Because the facility has consistently met it 's NPDES chromium limit, Technical
Services recommends that the 50 ug/1 limit be maintained in the SOC. The EPA
FAV/2 (34 ug/1 ) is recommended as the SOC lead limit , since any amount greater
than this will cause adverse toxic effects instream. A summary of the proposed
and recommended metal limits as well as the EPA acute values are shown in Table
1 .
Technical Services recommends SOC limits of 13 ug/l for cyanide, 5 ug/l for
cadmium, 50 ug/l for chromium, and 34 ug/1 for lead. These effluent limitations
will cause the N.C. instream water quality standards to be exceeded, but will
Protect against acute toxicity effects in the receiving water . It should be noted
that any toxic effects resulting from increased metal concentrations are expected
to be confined to the 0.5 mile reach of Town Branch , where the streamflow pro-
vides very little dilution. However , no additional wastewater contributors
should be accepted by the Graham WWTP that may cause a violation of these limits.
It is the recommendation of Technical services that wasteflow additions be lim-
ited to domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater that is oroven to have a
composition simi.lar to domestic wastewater .
cc: Steve Tedder
Kent Wiggins
Steve Reid
,City of Graham WLA File
TABLE 1 . Instream Assessment Summary for the City of Graham
Design Capacity 3.50 MGD
Pre-SOC Flow (2/88-12/38) 1 .40 MGD
Remaining Reserve Flow 2. 10 MGD
Observed Recommended
Current Monthly Proposed EPA SOC
Metal Limit Conc . Limit' FAV/2 Limit
Cyanide 5 6 31 31 3
Cadmium 2 5 5 5 5
Chromium 50 6 130 -- 50
Lead 25 23 63 34 34
All units are ug/l .
-`SOC limits proposed by the Winston-Salem Regional Office.
Request Form for In-stream Assessment for 67B
A. Why is SOC needed? (Facility is out of compliance with which
effluent limits?) i /. / � �2 i �.� �s P2 e gN,'eQe
!! � nn ,J /}yia✓t a ¢ e.. Ta ?�U'SJ
B. History of SOC requests : SOC •Rx kes Nd, Wlgj6V SOC pRg({' acQ bJ- Ne-ea rss'44
�e4kesf- Il'71SI Sw�i K; ec{ Jo A„,e,ld SOC �e5ues ��-B SoC.
11 . Monthly Average waste flow
prior to any SOC /• 7 _ mgd Time period averaged �� )Si $ _ thru fP-, 1548
2 . Previously approved SOC ' s : NA
Date: flow: ,mgd
Date :_ flow: _____mgd
total of previously approved SOC flow: mgd
3 . Flows lost from plant flow: _mgd
(facilities that have gone
off line) f '\
4 . Current SOC request flow:_ �. � mgd eLAif RegeRJC
5 . Total plant flow post-SOC V --
(sum of original flow and
SOC flow minus losses) flow: 3, S mgd
6. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why/why not?
v25 . PIAth UQS I 1SnI 1 3. Sn,s�. . /jn1�J Av"t- /on �r�g
was / ��5�•
C. Please attach DMR summary for past year for all permitted parame-
ters . If possible , include reports from previous years if
facility has been under SOC for more than a year .
A . Request is for domestic or industrial waste? If it is a combin-
ation, //plea,�st,,e specify percentag(ees. ,J�
�iQUl7F+"/JI�J 14' 60 nb;t /-/, di1/ a99 LJ 05 hes ('�Qyy keS 11 ,5 tl�2 I/`a. Re+n/�Inl,� / 2�PS Pl1U.Z
p� 1�04�� �2.1,,.5�� 6e Av,"'111e C _ asQ b� ys�e cvN� /o2r
B . What type of industry? Please attach any pertinent data.
Hb,dasjgi-/sS. G'^/„f/..�v.5NJ7f�d�,p. � sh�;e(/ covlfiR�fti xgJ/�sJ).JLPL (� tRdojG.4/e �o/d 6./e-..c
fofo J;44 Ai/ C'OI✓cF✓OXAIAI .0 U n
6e clds=! Dome '%e: 5o 'Zces SAO./e( pelc IVA
The region roposes the following SOC limits :
&ow l fly Ave.cflyeS
BOD5 / 7- mg/l
NH3 l mg/l \DO_ 5 mg/1 �m: ✓,1 }" � A141 Li,, $ 4s
TSS-- -mg/1 A)
fecal coliform C) __#/100m1 Ape-
- PPari,�;�-
pH � '� sU CRe,,,�Q\/� C��s; $bIIN/}l� mew
other parameters GHQ}Nidf. �Q�3 C'gJdls.�iu.r, J; . iu�0 13'
D. What is the basis for these limits?
_1�( P� d- has AN AV90A�E dew oqQ
7.b flZ09'eJ CJ(f��R// 3/5_
4""Id ,Pgddr P4_ 5�nr� GJC�7 � /'V
U �2ce�ucc�
14ty 4ff1'C47/oN ?l�s been Aoe -4 /Jed/an.. LL7oa /ns �94�� A 't.' c447C /VA
T��O/7`L`*a /-�ty�/Ue2. �f- �s�i.4>�'� i✓",�'0 7�v
is neat reese, Al
N.C. Deal. N CD
P.O. Drawer 357
201 South Main Street
Graham, North Carolina 27253
(919) 228-8362
Reg;on:;( iJfiit:8
January 17, 1989
Mr. Paul Wilms, Director
Division of Environmental Management
North Carolina Department of Natural Resources
and Community Development
PO Box 27687
Raleigh, NC 27611-7687
Dear Mr. Wilms,
This letter is to amend my request of August 9, 1988, for
a SPECIAL ORDER OF CONSENT (SOC) . I was advised by the
Winston-Salem Regional Office that my SOC would not be
presented to the Environmental Management Commission and
that it would have to be revised to a 67-B SOC. We feel
our plant has operated well and we should not be placed
under a restricted wastewater flow moratorium. It is under-
stood that during the life of the SOC certain industrial
wastes with metals in the wastewater flo:v would be limited.
In any event, all industrial contributors would have to
be reviewed individually. If it is necessary for the City
Council to pass another resolution authorizing me to sign
the 67B SOC, please advise.
We propose to move the effluent to Haw River, will submit
NPDES applications i-*i the near future.
Ray Fog Zman'-/
City Manager
cc: M. Steven Mauney -- -- ---
Water Quality Supervisor