HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2553 Kinston Bypass Merger Information Meeting ROM_Final ACOM Imagine it. `V Delivered. Minutes Meeting name Meeting date Attendees R-2553 Kinston Bypass November 13,2018 Tom Steffens, USACE Len White,Division 2(Via Merger Information Heather Lane,Division 2 Phone) Meeting Amanetta Sommerville, EPA(Via Phone) Donna Dancausse, FHWA Gary Jordan, USFWS Steven Lane,NCDCM(Via Time Location Garcy Ward, NCDWR Phone) 10:00 AM NCDOT Century Chad Davis, Eastern Carolina RPO/Down Robert Patterson,NCDNR Center East RPO(Via Phone) Leigh Lane, EL Robinson(Via Project name Renee Gledhill-Earley,SHPO(Via Phone) Phone) R-2553 Kinston Bypass Cathy Brittingham,NCDCM Douglas Parker, EL Robinson Preston Hunter, Division 2 Kory Wilmot,AECOM Jeff Cabaniss,Division 2 Drew Joyner,AECOM Hon Yeung, Division 2 Susan Westberry,AECOM Jay Johnson,Division 2(Via Phone) Ashley Bush,AECOM Ref Action Responsible 01 Project team to provide aquatic data to USFWS prior to CP3 or dropping alternatives AECOM 02 Project team to add riparian buffer and AFSA information to impact table and provide to NCDWR AECOM 03 Project team to post Comment Response Memo as soon as possible AECOM 04 Division 2 to work with Maintenance to generate flooding hotspots Division 2 05 USACE to continue working with Cultural Resources to address mass graves USACE-HPO-NCDOT 06 Project team to request input on dropping a few alternatives after all requested information is AECOM-Division 2 provided 07 Project team to contact Collin Mellor regarding Executive Order 80 and Flooding Memo. AECOM-Division 2 A Section 404/NEPA Interagency Merger Team (Merger Team)informational meeting was held at 10 AM, Wednesday, November 13, 2019 in the NCDOT Century Center Complex Structure Design Conference Room. Purposes of Meeting The purposes of the meeting were to accomplish the following: • Provide a project update to the Merger Team on the project, including information related to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement(DEIS)and a summary of the public hearing and comments received at the public hearing. • Identify any information that the Merger Team may need before moving forward to Concurrence Point(CP)3. Merger Meeting Summary Tom Steffens(USACE)opened the meeting with the purpose of the meeting and introductions. Preston Hunter(Division 2) followed introductions with the NCDOT-Division 2 expectations for the meeting. P. Hunter stressed the importance of the Kinston Bypass project, recapped recent milestones, and encouraged agencies to share their thoughts. Kory Wilmot then went through the presentation that included project background and updates and a summary of public engagement activities and comments received on the DEIS and at the public hearing (see attached). After the conclusion of the presentation,Tom asked the meeting attendees if there is any additional information the Merger Team would like to see before CP3 in February to help them pick the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA). Major discussion points are shown below. • Gary Jordan (USFWS)commented that three new species are expected to be added to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Threatened and Endangered Species List: the Atlantic Pig Toe(not yet listed anticipated before CP3), Neuse River 1 Minutes R-2553 Kinston Bypass Merger Information Meeting Waterdog (to be listed around May 2020), and the Carolina Mad Toe(to be listed around May 2020).These new species were not considered in the DEIS. He would like to see survey information at the crossings for those three species, as there is no information right now. It was noted that the winter is not a good time of year to conduct surveys. • G. Jordan asked if there were mussel surveys done for this project. He noted that many of the species cannot be surveyed between now and CP3, so the information he would like to see will not be available. C. Brittingham asked if USFWS would be able to select a LEDPA without the mussel surveys. G. Jordan responded that he would have to check historical information but is not certain that he could make an informed decision.A. Sommerville asked when the best time would be to survey. G. Jordan suggested any time but winter. Susan Westberry(AECOM)asked if historical data or modeled information could be applied. G.Jordan said whatever information can be provided would be helpful.T. Steffens asked if providing information and possibly setting up meeting with USFWS would help make a decision. G. Jordan agreed.T. Steffens confirmed that NCDOT can put that information together and provide it to USFWS before February. • Amanetta Sommerville(USEPA)mentioned the Foss Farm Road Community, which was identified as an environmental justice community in the DEIS and asked whether or not Alternative 31 would impact that community. Kory Wilmot (AECOM)confirmed that two-thirds of the homes would be taken as currently drawn due to the standard right-of-way widths that were used to determine impacts in the DEIS. It is likely that the width could be narrowed if that alternative is selected.A. Sommerville asked if there had been any changes made to the public hearing maps. K.Wilmot confirmed that's there have not been any changes to the public hearing maps. • Cathy Brittingham (NCDCM)stated it would be helpful for NCDOT to prepare responses to comments prior to CP3 (confirmed). She also mentioned that she is struck by comments of Lenoir County's Sherriff's Office regarding flooding issues and links to Executive Order 80. C. Brittingham suggested the project team produce a narrative or discussion about Executive Order 80. She noted there is no specific rule requirement, but it seems beneficial to look at. K. Wilmot explained the flood impact analysis that was done last year, and the recommendation was made that further detailed studies be done on the LEDPA. K.Wilmot also confirmed the comment response memo will be posted to the project website, emailed to those that provided an email at the public hearing, and mailed to those that commented but did not provide an email. • Garcy Ward (NCDWR)mentioned adding riparian buffer numbers in the impact table would be helpful.AECOM agrees to add numbers into the impact table. • Renee Gledhill-Earley(HPO)noted that she is paying attention and the HPO concerns are outlined in the comments provided on the DEIS. She also noted there will need to be a sit down to develop a method to deal with civil war combatants and other unmarked remains that are likely present near the Wyse Fork Battlefield.T. Steffens notes USACE and HPO have been discussing the topic internally to see if there is a process to follow that has been used on other projects; however, the USACE agrees that a process be developed. R. Gledhill-Earley mentioned she hopes that the project will not have to run across unmarked remains but that given the high probability and potential for economic development around the project(indirect and cumulative effects), a process needs to be in place. C. Brittingham asked if said process would need to be in place before CP3 or after.T. Steffens confirmed that it would be after but far- reaching beyond this project. He further explained a plan would have to be developed regardless of whether the alternative selected affect remains or not. • G. Jordan asked if there will be any attempt between now and February to drop a few alternatives.T. Steffens asked if G. Jordan felt strongly about any particular alternative getting dropped. G.Jordan clarified that he is assuming NCDOT has a few they would prefer. P. Hunter answered stating that from a departmental stand point,Alternative)UE does not appeal to NCDOT due to the number of impacts. P. Hunter also noted the southernmost alternatives(35 and 36)are also not likely choices for NCDOT due to their high cost despite meeting the purpose and need. He notes that the other alternatives are all viable from NCDOT's perspective. C. Brittingham noted that, according to the presentation, Alternative 1 UE was popular for the Public, so NCDOT would need to provide justification for dropping it. • G. Jordan noted that USFWS does not generally like the alternatives that are farther out from urban areas due to the sprawl that can be created around projects. G. Jordan noted that he is in favor of dropping out alternatives 35 and 36. • Len White noted the in-town alternative(1 UE)was the only one that still flooded, and U.S. 70 is a major evacuation route. P. Hunter confirmed that statement is correct. Robert Patterson (NCDWR)asked if the flooding statement included the shallow bypass(1 SB). P Hunter stated that the Y-line access for the shallow bypass(1 SB) 11/55. AECOM 2 Minutes R-2553 Kinston Bypass Merger Information Meeting interchange will still have flooding issues, especially during flash flood events east of Kinston, but that the shallow bypass alternative(1 SB)itself remains dry. • Drew Joyner(AECOM)asked if the team would be comfortable eliminating a couple of alternatives via email if they are provided the data asked for over the course of the meeting.T. Steffens confirmed he thinks it would be a good idea. D. Joyner suggested the project team send out the information and if it needs to be discussed further at CP3,then no alternatives will be dropped via email and all alternatives will be discussed at CP3 as originally planned. • C. Brittingham reiterated the importance of the flooding issue, stating that having some sort of flood rating system may help in the discussion of eliminating alternatives especially if that alternative is popular with the public.The project team agreed to investigate formulating a rating system based on the Flooding Memo. P. Hunter agreed to talk to the NCDOT Division 2 Maintenance Office to see where the problem areas are and if they might be able to be accessed during a flooding event based on historical data. Upon no further concerns or question, T. Steffen reviewed the to-do list generated from the meeting discussion: 1. Project team to provide endangered species data on the soon to be listed species to USFWS prior to CP3 or dropping alternatives. 2. Project team to add riparian buffer and AFSA numbers to impact table and provide to NCDWR. 3. Project team to post Comment Response Memo to the project website. 4. NCDOT Division 2 to work with the Maintenance Office to identify flooding hotspots. 5. USACE to continue working with HPO to develop a policy or plan to address potential mass graves related to the Battle of Wyse Forks. 6. Project team to request input on dropping a few alternatives after all requested information is provided. 7. Project team to contact Collin Mellor regarding Executive Order 80 and Flooding Memo. T. Steffens closed the meeting reminding the Merger Team that the formal CP3 will be in February. Meeting adjourned at 11:09. AECOM 3 12/3/2019 NORTH CAROLINA Department of Transportation 11116, GL R-2553 Kinston Bypass Project Craven, Jones, and Lenoir Counties, NC STIP Project No. R-2553 Post-DEIS/Public Hearing Informational Meeting November 13, 2019 ncdot.gov Presentation Overview • Introductions • Purpose of the Meeting - Project Update • Project Review — Project Study Area,Alternatives, Packet • Impact Summary Table • Public Hearing Overview • Comments on the Project — Agency Comments — Public Comments Transporlalion 1 12/3/2019 ncdot.gov Project Update Technical studies completed since last Merger Meeting • Historic Architecture Eligibility Evaluation Report—October 2017 • Revised Terrestrial Archaeological Resources Predictive Model—October 2017 • Hydraulic Analysis Report—October 2017 • GIS-Based Natural Resources Technical Report—November 2017 • Traffic Capacity Analysis Report—November 2017 • • Relocation Reports—December 2017 • Agency Coordination Plan—January 2018 • Public Involvement Plan—January 2018 • Air Quality Report—January 2018 • Traffic Noise Report—January 2018 • Community Impact Assessment—June 2019 • Economic Impact Assessment—June 2019 • Land Use Scenario Assessment—June 2019 Transportation ncdot.gov Project Update • Draft Environmental Impact Statement — Published on June 19, 2019 — Notice of Availability posted in Federal Register on July 22, 2019 — Distributed on July 22, 2019 — Comment period through September 6, 2019 • Public Outreach Efforts — Website Launch on July 19, 2019 — Flyers distributed on August 6 and 7, 2019 — Postcards mailed on July 26, 2019 — Media presence on radio, news outlets, and social media Transportation 2 12/3/2019 ncdot.gov Project Review The proposed Kinston Bypass would ` reduce traffic congestion and delays LaGrange ��� 4 that exist along a 20-mile segment of �'� K;ns,o� LENOIR et U.S. 70 between LaGrange and Dover = 1 � COUNTY in Lenoir, Jones and Craven counties ` CRAVEN while also helping regional travel. COUNTY �*_•.�� Dover • Length: 22 miles D7 �,� • Facility Type: 4-lane divided freeway ,. �'•` Legend �, • Access Control: Full mPro;mtAan"atin. " —USM • Alternatives: 12 1 upgrade existing, COUNTY 5a,taroad 11 new location) Local Road svaauw>nnar MI 58 Municipal Boundary Oceunq Boundary No:to Scale Transportation ncdot.gov KINSTON,E3 BYPASS-_/ STIP No.R-2553 DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES ..• Orange Alignment—Anernauves WE&1SB P.n..Alignment—Aklemati es 63&66 ,f .— IJ I bead Allga11111n1 AIOim*nve6 11&17 Blue Allpni roil=Alhmiiaws 51 E 52 A ..e_,.,. - A an tin-, Yellow Alipnmsnt—Allemedvas 31 8 32 Purple Alignment—Artematwes 35 8 35 ' • • Transportation 3 12/3/2019 ncdot.gov Impact Summary Table 1 ilternatice tltnrnative Alternative Alternative Alternative alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative alternative ILL 1S13 II 12 31 32 35 36 51 52 63 65 General = _ Length(miles) 24.5 24.5 26.5 26.7 25.3 25.5 28.6 28.3 25.9 26.1 25.6 _ 25.4 Utility coat(9) $12,830,000 $10,800,000 $9,130,000 $9,430,000 $7,840,000 $8,080,000 $8,620,000 $7,980,000 $7,930,000 $$880,000 $7,880,000 _ $7,630,000 Right-of--way cost(9) $183,070,000 $123,710,000 $78,330,000 $85,050,000 $63,340,000 $66,990,000 $65,490,000 $64,200,000 $54,560,000 $57,380,000 $64,010,000 $61,180,000 Construction cost($) $245,900,000 $292,800,000 $284,100,000 $299,000,000 $284,200,000 $288,900,000 $290,400,000 $297,800,000 $296,200,000 $275,800,000 $355,900,000 $358,900,000 Mitigation cost($) $12,940,000 $12,250,000 $12,130,000 $13,390,000 $12,290,000 $13,550,000 $13,940,000 $12,810,000 $11,720,000 $12,980,000 $13,440,000 $12,180,000 Total cost($) $455,190,000 $440,010,000 $384,140,000 $407,320,000 $368,120,000 $377,970,000 $378,900,000 $383,240,000 $370,860,000 $356,490,000 $441,680,000 $440,340,000 ioeconomic Resources Residential(#) 125 162 95 101 76 92 130 113 97 113 98 80 Business(0) 137 67 35 40 30 37 32 27 26 32 36 30 Total(9) 262 229 130 141 106 129 162 140 123 145 134 110 Communities(a) 3 3 2 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3, Environmental Justice 4 6 2 3 2 3 5 4 4 5 4 3 residential areas(a) • Schools(a) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Churches(a) 9 6 1 1 1 1 t 1 0 0 1 1 Cemeteries(a) 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 NCNHP managed 6.0 2.3 0.0 0.0 6.1 6.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 areas(ac) . Prime farmland(ac) 282.2 302.3 392.5 422.4 404.3 434.0 432.4 415.2 410.3 440.1 420.5 390.6 Farmland of statewide 172.2 222.5 236.8 210.2 263.7 236.6 203.4 225.6 224.4 198.3 218.2 243.7 importance(ac) Farmland of unique 53.3 53.3 56.8 56.8 51.7 51.7 47.3 47.3 48.8 48.8 51.7 51.7 importance(ac) 7 ncdot.gov Impact Summary Table Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative IUE ISB II 12 31 32 35 36 51 52 63 65 Physical Resources Noise receptors impacted 38 56 34 37 41 44 23 21 24 27 41 38 Hazardous materials sites(#) 18 9 9 10 7 8 6 5 5 6 8 7 Cultural Resources i i Section 106 adverse effects 2 2 3 4 6 7 2 1 1 2 6 _ 5 Archaeological sites-high 649.8 829.3 628.9 753.6 590.3 714.3 626.1 526.3 516.8 641.8 668.4 542.8 probability(ac) _ Archaeological sites-low 570.6 480.1 684.4 583.9 688.0 588.4 816.9 883.1 756.4 657.2 664.7 763.9 probability(ac) I I Stream crossings(#) 43 44 45 50 41 45 42 40 38 42 45 41 ' Stream length(ft) 32,057 33,112 26,771 33,864 26,620 33,699 31,295 24,888 23,638 30,717 31,368 24,289 100-year floodplain(ac) 358.6 147.7 95.2 83.9 109 97.7 52.1 62.3 73.4 62.1 139.1 150.4 •500-year floodplain(ac) 75 130.8 23.9 23.9 21.7 21.7 40.2 40.2 46.2 46.2 29.2 29.2 Total Boodplalns(ac) 433.6 278.5 119.1 107.8 130.7 119.4 92.3 102.5 119.E 108.3 168.3 179.E Floodway(ac) 35.6 0.6 1.8 1.9 1.1 1.1 0.1 0.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 v Riparian wetland 74.1 41.2 68.5 55.1 66.5 53.2 41.6 55.4 60.4 47.1 74.5 87.9 Non-riparian wetland 11.8 24.2 49.4 37.4 60.1 48.1 107.4 116.4 81.8 69.8 37.7 49.7 t Total wetland impacts(ac) 85.9 65.4 117.9 92.5 126.6 101.3 149 171.8 142.2 116.9 112.2 137.6 1 7 1 8 4 12/3/2019 ncdot.gov 2019 Public Hearing Open House -+ - • August 17tn 19t" and 20th Formal Public Hearing August 20th 1 -....._ - .......i . . • • 101 attendees on August 17th - ' • 92 attendees on August 19th • 265 attendees on August 20th - _ _ Y_ - — _ — =ma • 15 attendees spoke at the Public Hearing _ ■�, i • 109 total comments received (written and oral) ncdot.gov Alternative Preference 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 , 15 15 7 51 0 0 0 0 0 y0 JF' ,y1 ,y'L .51 .3'L .hh 36 hti yti ra3 bh .oeti .�ti ca a came ca a ce a ca,e cage cage came came ca)e c'°` o'°` e� e� e� e� e� ei e� e� e� e� vsc silc, vs„ vs, 10 1 ... .... ,.... .„ ..... _. . . . ..- s, .ter 5 12/3/2019 ncdot.gov Comment Subject 60 50 48 40 — 30 - - 23 23 20 10 I I I Ill . . , , • . . 1 1 1 O`o¢ a°`y ac�5 ac�5 acw5 ac�5 ,.° \\ ¢ o``y' 6e c 0`5`Q? `oo eeeee 8, e e O yQ¢ $\\ ,\•a \ •tQoJr \ o c�c ooa` yQ• FccQc <coo '2cica c yak•os `mac G°c aca el¢�\ 11 ncdot.gov Resource Agency Commenters • Received 9 from Federal and State agencies about DEIS/DEIS Review Comments • Federal Agencies — US Environmental Protection Agency — National Marine Fisheries Service — US Coast Guard — US Fish and Wildlife Service • State Agencies • — NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources • State Historic Preservation Office • Natural Heritage Program — NC Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management • Underground Storage Tanks Supervisor • Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch — NC Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management 12 III t 6 12/3/2019 ncdot.gov Local Agency Commenters Received 6 comments from local agencies/organizations — Lenoir County Commissioners — Lenoir County Office of the Sheriff — Jones County Commissioners — Mayor of Dover — Wyse Fork Volunteer Fire and Rescue • — Neuse River Regional Water and Sewer Authority 13 ncdot.gov Discussion 14 12/3/2019 ncdot.gov Discussion Topics • Is there any additional information the Merger Team would like to see to make a decision at CP 3? • Any questions on alternatives? • Would the Merger Team feel comfortable to eliminate any alternatives at this time? • Are there any concerns about any alternatives? • When will the official CP 3 meeting be held? 15 8