HomeMy WebLinkAbout19981196 Ver 1_Other_19990129 a „d. WAKE COUNTY Department of Environmental Services Erosion, Flood and Stormwater Services (919) 856-7449 FAX: (919) 856-5855 PO Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602 Chronology of Arbor Green Land Disturbance 1. 11-06-98 - Plan submitted for plan review 2. 11-18-98 Plan approved 3. 11-19-98 Grading permit picked up 4. 12-17-98 Site visit. Construction underway. Contractor asked to install rock dam as per plans. All other basins in place except one at end of cul-de-sac across from school. Contractor given 2 days to comply before Notice of Violation sent out. Sewer outfall not cleared yet. Left word for contractor to call when started due to difficulty of site. 5. 12-19-98 Site visit showed site in compliance excluding sewer outfall. 6. 1-13-99 Site visit showed sewer outfall cleared with no erosion control devices. Met with Contractor and asked for required devices with in five days or NOV to be sent out. Site Very wet. Noticed clearing past approved area and encroachments in riparian buffer. 7. 1-14-99 Received call from Danny Smith with DWQ asking information on Arbor Green. I asked Danny to meet me on site to make sure my asking for additional devices to control erosion and sediment loss would not put the site in further violation of Neuse riparian buffer regulations. 8. 1-19-99 1 met Danny Smith at site and discussed site options. Noticed no sediment control devices on part of sewer outfall not installed as asked for on 1-13-99. We agreed that there were land disturbing encroachments in the buffer. We further agreed that the major concern at this time; considering that land disturbance had already occurred, was the quality of the water. My decision based on that meeting was to have the contractor install multiple erosion and sediment control devices (some in the perceived riparian buffer). 9. 1-20-99 A Notice of Violation was mailed to The New Fortis Corporation detailing measures to control erosion and sediment control. Called Craig Lang. Agreed to meet on site. 10. 1-22-99 Site meeting with Craig Lane, Gordie Eure and a soils consultant. Discussed buffer encroachments, my meeting with Danny Smith, and the sewer outfall. Craig Lang agreed to install multiple devices to control sediment, but was reluctant to pull basins out of buffer until buffer clarifications were made by DWQ. Mr. Lang stated that DWQ had not contacted him yet and seemed very concerned that further sediment would entering stream if the basins were removed at this time. At my suggestion Mr. Lang agreed to work with Wake County to stage the basin removals as the site was stabilized reducing the chance for sediment loss. We also decided to hydro-seed the cleared sewer outfall location, as due to the wet conditions it would be weeks before sewer installed. 11. 1-27-99 Site visit showed all requested measures in place. Basin at end of cul-de-sac needs work, but that part of the site was too wet. Agreed with contractor to dig a storage pit in front of the basin and repair it as wet conditions allowed. 12. 2-17-99 Grass up along sewer outfall. Minimal sediment loss. 13. 3-02-99 I met at site with Craig Lang and Robbie Bell to discussed revised construction plan to stage removal of sediment control devices out of Neuse riparian buffers.. 14. 3-11-99 I reviewed revised plans and with a few modifications they will be approved, but first I need approval from Town of Garner (Frank Powell) on storm water modifications. Wake County Environmental Engineer Jake Taylor To protect and improve the quality of Wake County's environment and ensure a healthy future for its citizens through cooperation, education, management and enforcement - Printed on Recycled Paper - 11/lti/ly?jti 11:3L 717bbLo1Jm IUWN Ur IaAKNLKF F'AUL 02/02 Town of Garner Post Office Box 446 • Garner, North Carolina 27529 Phone 919-772-4688 • FAX 919-662-5135 " ? November 5, 1998 Mr. Lee Squires Wake County Community Development 6th Floor Post Office Box 550 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Re: Arbor Green Residential Subdivision Rand Road and NC 50 Dear Mr. Squires: The Town of Garner Engineering Department has reviewed the construction plans for the referenced project. Based upon our review, the storm drainage design portion of the plans is in conformance with the Town of Garner standards and approved site plan. Accordingly, the storm drainage design of the referenced project is approved. If you should have any questions concerning this matter, please call. Sincerely, Frank H. Powell, Jr., P.E. ` Town Engineer FHP/cs C:%MYN*6'WPMC3V.Eft AKB0&WM WA1 - COUNTY COMMUNITY Sr--IVICES .44SPECTIONS/DEVELOPMENT PLANS/PERMITS r WAKE COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING v RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 M (919) 856-6222 (919) 856-6060 DEVELOPMENT PLANS/PERMITS BUILDING INSPECTIONS FAX (919) 856-6229 FAX (919) 856-6443 r '- T i` INSPECTION RECORD - MASTER INQUIRY WIS014 %ERMIT#= 0991854 STATUS: A APP DATE: 111998 FINALIZED: BY. TYPE C: I PPLICANT: ARBOR GREEN, PHASE I LIC#: 0 ELEC TICKET#: CP&L ',ERMIT TYPE: LAND BLDG SUED GRAD Y DEED REF: 8141 0246 98 FARM EXEMPT: -WP: 1S PANTHER BRANCH MAP-PARCEL: 00769 0350 PIN#: 1619.03 32 7735 000 .ITY: ZONING DIST: R12 OWNER: NEW FORTIS CORPORATION TH ;UBD FILE#: S PHASE: SUB NAME: ARBOR GREEN PHA LOT-SEC: 1 >UBD IMPROVEMENT#: 6 PLAT REF: ACRES: 5.77 'ENSUS TR: 529 00 TOPFLR: N MASFIR: N TEMP POLE: N IMPROV VAL: 0 )SE CODE: 600 GRADING PERMIT SQ-FT: 0 STORY: 0 STORY :XIST USE: ORIG PERMIT#: ''ECPT: 35782 FEE: 2500.00 RECOVERY FUND: N FEE EXEMPT: ROOMS: BATHS: '.EALTH #: WATER: 'SEWER: PUMP: COC: BY. BSMT: GARB DISPOSAL: # OF EMPLOYEES: FOOD HANDLING: MAKE/MODEL SERIAL# UL/HUD# YR SIZE COLOR, /HOME DATA= ?D/ADJ REQUIRED: DATE: _OCATION: HWY 50 SOUTH & RAND RD 'OMMENT: HWY 50 SOUTH TO RAND RD ID-#98-1111-?.:L ACRES DISTURB BY K. LEMASTER ON 111898 `C CASE#: ACTION: 11.5 PLANS APPRV'D i PROCESSED BY: MINIMUM ZONING REQUIREMENTS THIS PERMIT INCLUDES: YES ELECTRICAL ) PLUMBING ( ) HEATING/AC C ) PLANS TE) T AREA SQ. FT. FRONT YARD DEPTH FT T WIDTH FT. SIDE YARD DEPTH FT M M ENTS: CORNER YARD DEPTH FT REAR YARD DEPTH FT rHE APPLICANT AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL BUILDING REGULATIONS AND OTHER LAWS APPLICABLE TO THE USE OF THE STRUCTURE 4ND FACILITIES REFERRED TO HEREIN. THE PERMIT ISSUED FOR WORK SHALL EXPIRE BY LIMITATION SIX MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF SSUANCE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED HAS NOT BEEN COMMENCED. IF AFTER COMMENCEMENT THE WORK IS DISCONTINUED FOR A PERIOD DF 12 MONTHS, THE PE IT THEREFORE SHALL IMMEDIATELY EXPIRE. NO WORK AUTHORIZED BY ANY PERMIT THAT HAS EXPIRED SHALL rHEREFORLt-? 9ERFOW D UNTIL A NEW PERMIT HAS BEEN SECURED. 'NA E ?-a9f7 4SPECTIONAILL NOT BE SCHEDULED WITHOUT PROVIDING THE PERMIT NUMBER WAKE COUNTY Department of Environmental Services Erosion, Flood and Stormwater Services (919) 856-7449 FAX: (919) 856-5855 PO Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602 CERTIFIED LETTER RETURN RECIEPT REQUESTED The New Fortis Corporation 3200 Wake Forest Road Suite 209 Raleigh N C 27609 RE: Arbor Green Pin # 1619.03-32-7735 Dear Mr. Randolph Reid, January 20, 1999 On January 20th , 1999, an inspection was conducted at the above referenced project. It was noted that erosion control measures are in need of installation and/or maintenance. Therefore, the project is in violation of Article II, Section 8(5) and 7(8) of the Wake County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. Section 8(5) states: During construction, the planned soil erosion an sedimentation control practices and devices shall be employed to restrict sedimentation soil losses from each land-disturbing is in accordance with plans approved by the Wake County Community Services Department. Such erosion and sedimentation control measures, structures, and devices shall be so planned, designed, and constructed as to provide protection from the calculated maximum peak rate of runoff from the ten-year storm. Runoff rates shall be calculated using the procedures in the USDA-Soil Conservation Service's "National Engineering Field Manual," or other acceptable calculation procedures. Section 7(8) states: If through inspections the County determines that significant erosion or sedimentation is occurring as a result of land-disturbing activity, despite application and maintenance of all protective practices required by the approved soil erosion and sedimentation control plan, the person conducting the land-disturbing activity will be required by the County Engineer or his authorized representative to take additional protective action. To protect and improve the quality of Wake County's environment and ensure a healthy future for its citizens through cooperation, education, management and enforcement - Printed on Recycled Paper - To bring the project back into compliance, the following must be accomplished within five days of your receipt of this notification: (1.) Install silt fence along area cleared for sewer outfall as approved plans. Some low areas of concentrated flow will require small sediment traps. Discuss location with Environmental Engineer (Jake Taylor). (2.) Install additional sediment control measures below lots 17and 77 as directed by Jake Taylor. This will be a combination of silt fence and a sediment trap (3.) Install gravel construction entrance pad as per approved plans. Both entrances (4.) Install all diversion ditches as per approved plan, unless discussed and approved with Jake Taylor. (5.) The approved plan calls for a sediment pit on the sewer 6utfall at N C 50. Instead install silt fence outlet. ( Metal post 4' on center with hardware cloth and washed stone). This is part of the require silt fence in that section and place at the lowest point on the silt fence run. (6.) When cleaning out a sediment basin all sediment must be hauled above the basin, dried out, and hauled to a point not to impact sediment control. Several basins were cleaned out with the sediment place beside the basin. This will allow this sediment to wash directly into stream and defeat the purpose of the sediment basin. This sediment should be dealt with. (7.) This item exempt from S day dead line. NC Division of Water Quality will require several basins to be moved outside the 50' Neuse River Buffer. Please install a basin of equal size above the existing basin and stabilize old basin area. This include proper removal of sediment. Please contact Jake Taylor to answer questions about sediment control associated with any other request by NCDQW to remove or change devices associated with the approved plan. Please note that if the allotted Five (5) day deadline is not met, the County may invoke Civil Penalties against you in the amount of $500.00 per day of continuing violation as specified in Article II, Section 12(1)(a) of the Ordinance which states: (a). Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or rules or orders adopted or issued pursuant to this Ordinance, or who initiates or continues a land-disturbing activity for which an erosion control plan is required except in accordance with the terms, conditions, and provisions of an approved plan, shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $500 which shall be assessed by the County Engineer. No penalty shall be assessed until the person alleged to be in violation has been notified of the violation by registered certified mail, return receipt requested, or other means reasonable calculated to give actual notice. Evidence that the postal service has attempted to deliver the notice of violation by certified mail to the agent listed on the financial responsibility statement shall be deemed adequate notice. The notice shall describe the violation with reasonable particularity, may specify a reasonable amount time period within which the violation must be corrected, and warn that failure to correct the violation within the time period will result in the assessment of a civil penalty or other enforcement action. Each day of continuing violation shall constitute a separate violation. When you have taken appropriate measures to insure that this violation has been corrected, contact our Division so that we may reinspect your project. This Division stands ready to cooperate with you in any way we can. Your prompt attention and cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please call me at 856-7548. cc: Scott Warren, Asst. County Attorney Richard K. Rowe, Environmental Health Director Ken Cromartie, S & E Program Coordinator Judy Garrett, Division of Water Quality File Sinc e , Jake T for Envi nmental Engineer/Planner NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE February 5, 1999 Certified Mail Return Receint Recrueste Arbor Green Associates attn: B. Kenneth Martin P.O.Box 40068 Raleigh, NC 27629 Subject: Notice of violation/Notice of Enforcement Recommendation Neuse River Buffer Rules Wetland/401 Certification NPDES NCGO10000 NBRRO-99-030 Wake County Dear Mr. Martin: In response to a citizen's complaint Mr. Danny Smith from the Raleigh Regional Office conducted a site visit of the subject project on January 14, 1999. It was determined that certain features present on the Arbor Green Tract are streams and therefore are subject to both the Neuse Buffer Rules and 401 Certification requirements. (It should be noted that stream origin determinations had been confirmed by DWQ staff for the project know as Arbor Green). Mr. Smith observed that at several locations the riparian zone, the forested areas adjacent to streams, had been impacted. That is, the forested vegetation had been cleared and/or the landscape graded. This is a violation of the Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy; Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Areas, Administrative Code T15A:02B.0233 which states the following: ".0233-Existing riparian areas shall be protected and maintained in accordance with Sub-Items (3)(a)-(e) of this Rule on all sides of surface waters in the Neuse River Basin (intermittent streams, perennial streams, lakes, and estuaries) as indicated on the most recent versions of United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24000 scale (7.5 minute quadrangle topographic maps or other site specific evidence). This rule applies only to riparian areas where forest vegetation is established {as described in Sub-Item 3(a)} of this Rule as of July 22, 1997. This Rule does not establish new buffers in riparian areas." 3800 BARRETT DRIVE. SUITE 101, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27609 PHONE 919-571-4700 FAX 919-571-4718 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 30% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER Exceptions to the requirements of this Rule for riparian areas are described in Sub-Items (1) a-h of this Rule. Maintenance of the riparian areas should be such that, to the maximum extent possible, sheet flow of surface water is achieved. Any activity that would result in water quality standard violations or that disrupt the structural or functional integrity of the riparian area are prohibited. In addition, the riparian buffer is protected in two separate zones. The Riparian Buffer issue aside, impacts to wetlands have occurred with out the receipt of a 401 Wetland Certification. Also, it was observed that activities had resulted in the clearing of portions of a stream side area for a sewer line. This violates the General Certification condition for a NW 12 (utilities). The above mentioned wetland impacts and any future General Certification Condition transgressions are violations of Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Also, this and/or additional violations can result in civil penalties or other legal actions. The Central Office Wetland/401 Certification Group will detail this matter further in other correspondence. General Storm Water Permit NCGO10000 Mr. Smith observed that the subject site was in violation of General Stormwater Permit NCGO10000. That is, with the approval of Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans for projects that disturb five or more acres, the sites are covered under the General Stormwater NPDES Permit (NCG010000). This permit covers the associated Stormwater discharges from construction activities. Further, this General Storm water permit is administered by the Division of Water Quality. It should be noted that you are responsible for complying with the General Permit requirements and are subject to enforcement by DWQ for any violation of the General Permit. A review of the General Permit (NCGO10000) conditions revealed that the subject site is in violation of the following: Part I, Section A: 2. The Permittee shall implement the plan (Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan), which has been approved by the approval authority. The approved plan is considered a requirement of a condition of this general permit. Deviation from the approved plan, or approved amendment to the plan, shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this general permit except that deviation from the approved plan will be allowed to correct an emergency situation where sediments are being discharged off the site (even though the approved plan is in effect). Such a deviation from the approved plan shall be noted on the approved plan maintained at the job site. A signed copy of the approved plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. Part 11 Section E: Reporting Requirements 2. Anticipated Noncompliance The permittee shall give advance notice to the Director of any planned changes in the Permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with the general permit requirements. Within ten (10) days of the receipt of this correspondence please provide this Office with information detailing how you propose to achieve compliance with the Neuse Buffer Rule. In addition please specifically address why activities occurred in wetlands prior to receipt of a 401 Certification and how you propose to achieve compliance with the wetland issues. Also, please explain why impacts to buffers occurred, despite the DWQ conducting site visits to confirm stream origin locations and associated buffer protection. In addition, please explain why the installation of the sewer line violated General Certification Conditions for NW 12. This Office has discussed the Arbor Green site with Wake County Environmental Services. It was explained that the Arbor Green Site was not in compliance with its approved sedimentation and erosion control plan. Specifically, please detail why no sedimentation control structure were installed for approximately two weeks after land disturbing activities occurred for sewer line corridor. In addition, please provide this Office a copy of your approved sedimentation and erosion control plan, any correspondence that demonstrates your Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval, a copy of your general stormwater permit issued to you by Wake County, a discussion of your compliance status with the General Stormwater Permit, and any other pertinent information that you feel warrants review by this office. This information will help this Office to determine the appropriate recommendation of any action including possible civil penalty recommendation to the Director regarding the violations of the Neuse Buffer Rules, 401 Certification, NPDES stormwater permit, and possible future stream standard violations, that may occur. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If this Office can be of any assistance or if you have additional questions please call Danny Smith at (919) 571-4700. Sincerely Kenneth Schuster Regional Water Quality Supervisor h:\neubuff\arborgre cc: RRO-File Copy Wetland/401 Certification Group -John Dorney Corp of Engineers -Raleigh Field Office - Mr. Todd Tugwell Wake County-Environmental Services - Mr. Jack Taylor RRO -DLR/John Holley Soil and Environmental Consultants w O cli P. 03 U O C ti O N O U ?zl 03 U O U O a vi 0 cv i r on :? a V (G^ V _? /n V 'C WAKE COUNTY Department of Environmental Services Erosion, Flood and Stormwater Services (919) 856-7449 FAX: (919) 856-5855 PO Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602 Chronoloev of Arbor Green Land Disturbance 1. 11-06-98 Plan submitted for plan review 2. 11-18-98 Plan approved 3. 11-19-98 Grading permit picked up 4. 12-17-98 Site visit. Construction underway. Contractor asked to install rock dam as per plans. All other basins in place except one at end of cul-de-sac across from school. Contractor given 2 days to comply before Notice of Violation sent out. Sewer outfall not cleared yet. Left word for contractor to call when started due to difficulty of site. 5. 12-19-98 Site visit showed site in compliance excluding sewer outfall. 6. 1-13-99 Site visit showed sewer outfall cleared with no erosion control devices. Met with Contractor and asked for required devices with in five days or NOV to be sent out. Site Very wet. Noticed clearing past approved area and encroachments in riparian buffer. 7. 1-14-99 Received call from Danny Smith with DWQ asking information on Arbor Green. I asked Danny to meet me on site to make sure my asking for additional devices to control erosion and sediment loss would not put the site in further violation of Neuse riparian buffer regulations. 8. 1-19-99 I met Danny Smith at site and discussed site options. Noticed no sediment control devices on part of sewer outfall not installed as asked for on 1-13-99. We agreed that there were land disturbing encroachments in the buffer. We further agreed that the major concern at this time; considering that land disturbance had already occurred, was the quality of the water. My decision based on that meeting was to have the contractor install multiple erosion and sediment control devices (some in the perceived riparian buffer). 9. 1-20-99 A Notice of Violation was mailed to The New Fortis Corporation detailing measures to control erosion and sediment control. Called Craig Lang. Agreed to meet on site. 10. 1-22-99 Site meeting with Craig Lane, Gordie Eure and a soils consultant. Discussed buffer encroachments, my meeting with Danny Smith, and the sewer outfall. Craig Lang agreed to install multiple devices to control sediment, but was reluctant to pull basins out of buffer until buffer clarifications were made by DWQ. Mr. Lang stated that DWQ had not contacted him yet and seemed very concerned that further sediment would entering stream if the basins were removed at this time. At my suggestion Mr. Lang agreed to work with Wake County to stage the basin removals as the site was stabilized reducing the chance for sediment loss. We also decided to hydro-seed the cleared sewer outfall location, as due to the wet conditions it would be weeks before sewer installed. 11. 1-27-99 Site visit showed all requested measures in place. Basin at end of cul-de-sac needs work, but that part of the site was too wet. Agreed with contractor to dig a storage pit in front of the basin and repair it as wet conditions allowed. 12. 2-17-99 Grass up along sewer outfall. Minimal sediment loss. 13. 3-02-99 I met at site with Craig Lang and Robbie Bell to discussed revised construction plan to stage removal of sediment control devices out of Neuse riparian buffers.. 14. 3-11-99 I reviewed revised plans and with a few modifications they will be approved, but first I need approval from Town of Garner (Frank Powell) on storm water modifications. Wake County Environmental Engineer Jake Taylor To protect and improve the quality of Wake County's environment and ensure a healthy future for its citizens through cooperation, education, management and enforcement - Printed on Recycled Paper - WAKE COUNTY Department of Environmental Services Erosion, Flood and Stormwater Services (919) 856-7449 FAX: (919) 856-5855 PO Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602 Chronology of Arbor Green Land Disturbance 1. 11-06-98 Plan submitted for plan review 2. 11-18-98 Plan approved 3. 11-19-98 Grading permit picked up 4. 12-17-98 Site visit. Construction underway. Contractor asked to install rock dam as per plans. All other basins in place except one at end of cul-de-sac across from school. Contractor given 2 days to comply before Notice of Violation sent out. Sewer outfall not cleared yet. Left word for contractor to call when started due to difficulty of site. 5. 12-19-98 Site visit showed site in compliance excluding sewer outfall. 6. 1-13-99 Site visit showed sewer outfall cleared with no erosion control devices. Met with Contractor and asked for required devices with in five days or NOV to be sent out. Site Very wet. Noticed clearing past approved area and encroachments in riparian buffer. 7. 1-14-99 Received call from Danny Smith with DWQ asking information on Arbor Green. I asked Danny to meet me on site to make sure my asking for additional devices to control erosion and sediment loss would not put the site in further violation of Neuse riparian buffer regulations. 8. 1-19-99 I met Danny Smith at site and discussed site options. Noticed no sediment control devices on part of sewer outfall not installed as asked for on 1-13-99. We agreed that there were land disturbing encroachments in the buffer. We further agreed that the major concern at this time; considering that land disturbance had already occurred, was the quality of the water. My decision based on that meeting was to have the contractor install multiple erosion and sediment control devices (some in the perceived riparian buffer). 9. 1-20-99 A Notice of Violation was mailed to The New Fortis Corporation detailing measures to control erosion and sediment control. Called Craig Lang. Agreed to meet on site. 10. 1-22-99 Site meeting with Craig Lane, Gordie Eure and a soils consultant. Discussed buffer encroachments, my meeting with Danny Smith, and the sewer outfall. Craig Lang agreed to install multiple devices to control sediment, but was reluctant to pull basins out of buffer until buffer clarifications were made by DWQ. Mr. Lang stated that DWQ had not contacted him yet and seemed very concerned that further sediment would entering stream if the basins were removed at this time. At my suggestion Mr. Lang agreed to work with Wake County to stage the basin removals as the site was stabilized reducing the chance for sediment loss. We also decided to hydro-seed the cleared sewer outfall location, as due to the wet conditions it would be weeks before sewer installed. 11. 1-27-99 Site visit showed all requested measures in place. Basin at end of cul-de-sac needs work, but that part of the site was too wet. Agreed with contractor to dig a storage pit in front of the basin and repair it as wet conditions allowed. 12. 2-17-99 Grass up along sewer outfall. Minimal sediment loss. 13. 3-02-99 I met at site with Craig Lang and Robbie Bell to discussed revised construction plan to stage removal of sediment control devices out of Neuse riparian buffers.. 14. 3-11-99 I reviewed revised plans and with a few modifications they will be approved, but first I need approval from Town of Garner (Frank Powell) on storm water modifications. Wake County Environmental Engineer Jake Taylor To protect and improve the quality of Wake County's environment and ensure a healthy future for its citizens through cooperation, education, management and enforcement - Printed on Recycled Paper- Eric Reek From: SECRaleigh@aol.com Sent: Friday, February 26, 1999 7:19 PM To: john_dorney@h2o.enr.state.nc.us Subject: Arbor Green N.O.V. I have received the N.O.V. for the Arbor Green Community (NCDWQ # 981196). In the notice you request that all unauthorized fill be removed. Does this mean that you would like the client to remove the existing road crossing? This would be a large and expensive undertaking. We believe that the crossing is permitable under NW14 (or 26) as well as the Neuse Buffer Regulations. The crossing is required to gain access to the site. If necessary the client most likely would much rather modify the existing crossing to comply than remove it entirely. I look forward to your response. FYI. The client is currently working on the SEC plan to remove the sediment basins from the buffers. I'm going to leave a message on your voice mail. Please disregard this if I've already spoken with you. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Bob Zarzecki I`,i4-t' Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road ¦ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 846-5900 ¦ Fax (919) 846-9467 February 22, 1999 S&EC, Inc. Project # 97-3071 N.C. Division of Water Quality - Wetlands Group Attn: Mr. John Dorney 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 919-733-1786 (office) Re: Response to your `Notice of Violation/Notice of Enforcement Recommendation Letter, Neuse River Buffer Rules, Wetland/401 Certification' letter dated 2/5/99, NPDES NCGO10000 / NBRRO-99-030, Arbor Green Subdivision, Wake County, NC Dear Mr. Dorney: The owners of the Arbor Green Community would like to schedule a meeting with yourself and Mr. Danny Smith and other regulatory parties involved to discuss how best to address the concerns stated within Mr. Schuster's letter dated 215/99. We have been in direct contact with Mr. Smith regarding these issues from the initial violation site review. We have been attempting to schedule this meeting for a week now. Mr. Smith has advised us to contact you regarding the schedule date of this meeting. Please contact S&EC, Inc. as soon as possible to schedule a date and time to conduct this meeting. We would prefer that this meeting be conducted the week of March l'` to 5`h. Please call either myself or Mr. Kevin Martin of S&EC, Inc. at 846-5900. Sincerely, Zarzedd, Biologist Cc: Craig Lang / FORTIS Home Corporation Danny Smith / DWQ - Raleigh Soil/Site Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation ¦ Environmental Audits On-Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design y FEB 10 '99 05: 47PM - P . 1 RALEIGH X800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 2760-9 MCDENR c+?*ot,w? arr+wrw?w* o. Phone: ")571.4700 FAX °JU/571-471 Verio rwon Aim mAL/UL f ClY'"`` MILE FACSI Tam • " You should be receiving ..,;^ Pages ('ncluding cover sheet). .,. If you do not receive gg pages, please contact sander at 919/571-4740, TO: ! ' 1 - I FROM: ORGANUATTON: VAX NUMBER-' SUBJSGT: DATE: _ MESSAGE. FEB 10 '99 05:47PM P. 2., r 44f?? February 7, 1999 Mx. Kenneth Schuster, Regional Supervisor North. Carolina Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101. Raleigh, NC 27,609 Re: Notice of Violation / Notice of Enforcement land previously owned by Arbor Greene Associates, .Attention: B. Kenneth Martin. Dear Mr. Schuster, in response to your Certified Letter Dated February 5, 1999, l offer the following response: On September 4, 1998, Arbor Green Associates sold 24 acres of our land to the New Fortis Corporation to be developed by then into single family building lots. Arbor Greene Associates no longer has an ownership interest in this tract of land now under construction. Please review attached Boundary Map showing 24 (twenty-four) acres outlined in pink. I have forwarded your letter to: bc? Mr. Randolph Reid, President fe,/- 07 The Now Fortis Corporation M I G 3200 Wake Forest Road ?- 'e?'Otq L?-w© Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: 919-872-5252. roe C? They will call your office as soon as possible with an apprvbriate response to your concerns. ire cc/? w?? 5 can be of any further assistance, please feel free to con eac=lt C' ? a If ? ? your convenience. Sincer , B. ennetlh MPartner: Arbor Greene Associates 7 enclosure PRE--DI0C13AnG3E NOTIFICATION PCN TO: National Marine Fisheries Service Pivers Island, NC FAX (915)?28-8796 US Fish & Wildlife Service Raleigh, NC FAX (9:19) 0) 6-4556 State Historic Preservation Office Raleigh, NC GA?! (?z173a-9,53 NC Division of Water Quality Raleigh, NC FAQ{ (910733-9853 NC Wildlife Resources Commission Creedmoor, NC FAX (?? 4) Kaa-ng3a 1. ACTION ID: 199920246/199920247/199920248 2. APPLICANT: Sunset ForeSt, LLC/Arbor Greene SU?di.visi on 3. DATE OF TRANSMITTAL: 12/14/98 4. RESPONSE DEADLINE (5 days; from transmittal) : 1 ? 5. COMMENT DEADLINE(10 days from response dead.l'ne): 12/2$/9 / 6. SEND COMMENTS TO: RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD 0 RALEIGH, NC AT TN : Todd Tugwell FAX: (919)9'76-5923 We are also forwarding the attached PCN to the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service for review and comment concerning any likely aftect to any threatened or' endangered species or Lheir criLicdl habitat within those agencies, jurisdiction. i0'd 017:0T 8661'11'61 6d0iU1n938 H9131UN WDdJ DWQ ID; Corps Action ID: _ I q q l a'?Ll(p11C! ?l l ?'??? 1go`1 ?XJ, Nationwide Permit Ketluested (Provide Nationwide Perinit #); 12, 14 & 26 Px t-Cunbti udiun Notification Application for Nationwide Permits that Require: 1) Notification to the Corps of EnSilreers 2) Application for Section 401 Certification 3) Coordination with the, NC Division of Coastal Management Send fire original and (1) copy ofthiscom f leted form to the appropriate field office of the Corps of Engineers (see agency addresses sheet). Seven (7) copies should be sent to the NC Division of Environmental Management (sec agency addresses shecL). PLEASE PRINT, Owner's Nance: Sunset Forest, LLC 2. Mailing Address: Arbor ',3r ee ne AssociateS, sii! l?hll!7Gtil Mal"Oil Subdivision Nance: 1%?fA City: Holly sprin(?s State: Iv(,:; Zip Code: 27629 Project location address, including; subdivision narne (if different from mailing address above): The tat"of;Pr ly i:; I{1t?."- tE','f1 on 11'1(,' sol lh side of f'-"'8 (fiarid R{.7c:3d capproxi"nal 11V 2 j010 te.eet west of Vie illlal'Src,licm (:)f 5R ?. 28 i:ind NC 50, :^r.li?lil (.4 "'jZa (er, ?!v%:t{=? t,r.l?i!}ter T:}r? to ? ;:r(7llEl? (see, attar hed site V:Cin&v rflal.' 3) Telephone Nuinber (Home): NIA ('Work): 7141-X33..1 ??n 4) If applicable, agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Soli & EnVi(Or3rT1t9'lTcil COllst.iitdrlts, Inc. Ph(.,ne. (910) 846-5900 244 VV. MillbrooK'oad Raleigh. NC 27609 5. Location of work (provide a map, preferable a copy of USGS topographic map or aerial photograph with soale): County: Wake Nearest town or city: Garner Specific Location (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.); The property is located on the south side of SR 2728 (Rand Road), approximately .,500 feet west of the. intersection of ,,R 2728 and N(? 50, sc tth of Garner, Wake (o nly, North Carolina (see sttacNi d slto Vicinity 111ap). 6. Impacted orncarest stroam/river: -nL)o oitt., is ,ail'jni on: to an unnamed tribwtafy of ;swift. ("'ngek. River Basin: NOLlse River Basir1 Zo'd 00:61 86411rr'zi h2101H1n93b HSI31UN W08J 7a. Is project located near water classified as trout, tidal saltwater (SA), high quality waters (HQW), outstanding resource waters (OKW), water supply (WS-1 or WS-11)? YES ( ) NO (X) ifyes, explain: c,n? 'he- I`.: List". 'S tol.;Otiraphic t?tricir ttnlt: uxists aionq tht- southern property i ) Cfl FTl!)3 k.;C t'.c-, .arylEM(;,Sfk 'W.,;7k: tCle (°l;lf1(;??a f';l. The St_'fv?If:Sfi of 4?`:V:jr •... f' . . ! (S:\Nlii' C'.:);..} GUC• G: W IirT.E?f.; :y$ .t?4 ?.`,:?'?t_ry 'r', i,•J 7b, Is the project located within a North Carol ria division of coastal management area of environmental conceni (AEC)? YES ( ) NO (X) 7c. If the project, is located within a coastal county (see page 7 for list of coastal counties), what is the land use plan (LUP) designation? 1,11 -A go, llAVe Any Section 404 permits bc?u pi4viuusly r?yuestCcl fur u?c vu tlua I?AOpGrty4 YES ( ) NO (X) if y3s, provide Action ILA number of previous permit and any additional information (uIcludiigphotocopy of401 ceitif~ication). $b. Are additional permit requi;sts expected for this property in the future? YES ( ) NO (X) If yes, describe anticipated work: 9a_ Estimated total number of acres in tract of land: •!- I OD 9b. Estimawd total number or acres of wetlands locatial on project site: +-•:;i 10i. Number of acres ofwc--04inds impacted by tho proposed project by: Filling: Excavation: Floodnag: Urablage: Other: 7"ota1 acres to W impacted: Pr%wsed Impacts 0.108 (NW14) 0.197 (NW26) 0.199 (NW12) 0.503 ('Totall 1 Ob. (1) Stream channel to be impacted by the proposed project (if relocated, provide distance both before and after relocation): Length before; 95' (sig. NW14); 20' (sig. NW12); 20' (not sig. NW12)=135' (Total) After: + 125 ft. Width Before (based on normal hig)t water colxtotirs): 5 ft. Width After: n/a Average depth before: 2 fit. After: nea (2) Stream chajuiel irnpads will Icsult fiu:li: (oli%X;k all that apply) Open channel relocation; NIA [placement of pipe in channel: r Channel Excavation- N/A Construction of a Darn/Flooding: NIA Wier: N/A £@'d I0:6I 866I'II'TI AdClb-IA938 HSI31dN W08A H. if construction of a pond is proposed, what is the size of the watershed draining; to the pond? N/A What is the expected poled surface area? MIA 12, Description of proposed work tiellldulg discussion of type of mechanical equipment to Oo used (attach plans 8 1/2-x 11" drawings onlyj: The proposed work includes impacts to wetlands and waters for the purpose of constructing a residential subdMsion, Nationwide Permit 12 will be used for the installation of a sanitary sewer line, Nationwide (permit 14 will be used for the installation of a required access road (includes the road bed and fill from side slopes), and Nationwide Pennit 26 will be used for lot fill, 131, Purpose of pruposed wink: See Question Number 12. 14. State reasons why it is believed that this activity must be carried out in wetlands (include any measures taken to minimize wetland impacts): l',r.' `Jv v i7pii.i ar ;':Jd.t'i'S 1llpacis USt$'i'i I.IcliiEir N'i have ??'+:.=.i i;i''sI1'llc_ i i:sit; •, •?• tca 5 > 1 r ftr ?Ga ': n , +• :Z• lt f>rirad:tit;?l'iaie arld are rec,uirv;i :? cc?r,r,-..c t .o 'a ? „r,€,?,? ,.1r,;;rr;'r' r T'111? M fill 1111[)e1CL8 (WV V201 %141:' reLldllied (br the dC)11Stil•iCtIC)1'1 Of tJYU .11 it'fis [.wrl;iv 11c.ii-fvz' IGC:. (Tile Illltl ? pkill ha'S c11!"ti o<iy foet ac:1.1{ ! { I1Cal?i . !C?i;' {ll? to 1 as,. n' n .. r c. r i:1.- _:itJ TCSC;r .?L1 if r" rt-qul?ed k.liulrr .<« Nlr- si<., ;1.ivcr 9asin ru:co.i i'i- i'_J:= crossing iljlf)i?(,ic. fl'ti':l?r ;`•11 wt. re(,Wi1'0d fUr th(.! of a ((dad to piOvIdl 10 lne 15. You are required to contact the US, Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (see agency addresses sheet) regarding the presence of any federally listed or proposed for listing; endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Date contacted: (attach responses from these agencies). N/A (to be completed by the Corp.-,) 16. You are required to contact the state historic preservation officer (SHPO) (sw agency address sheet) regarding tHc presence of historic propcrtius in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project. Date contacted, N/A (to be completed by the Corps) 17, Does the pl"ojcc:t iclvolVo W1 GXpelldituic of public fluids or the USG of public (state) 1wid? "YES ( ) NO (x) If no, go to 18. a, If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act? YES ( ) N6 ( ) tied 10:01 8661.11 •U1 AS01UU93N HI31UN Woad b, If yes, has time document been reviewed tltrougim time North Carolina Department of Administration State Clearinghouse? YES ( ) NO ( ) 1f aus%%vi- s to 171) is Y1: S, then sutmil xippropriale cloc.nnwntntion ffoln the data clr,rias?lsvusc to division of cnviroluncntal rst uttRrtlttxtl regarding cu11t111iauw with the Rath Caruli t a Envirounmcutt-4 Policy Act. Qtec:stiono ra?!arding the 5tvtc CIC911 il%1100ak; t+ivie,sv jnuLCS,) shvald 6e ditexted W M.S. Clubs 1luggett, Director State Clearinghouse. NorthC:itrolina Ucpamiient oi'Adnsittistration, 116 West Jones glrcr_l, Raleigh, North C:arolinr 2760.1- 80D3, telephone (919) 733-6369. 18. The following items should be included with this application if proposed activity involves the discharge of excavated or till ttlaterial into wetlands: a. Wetland delineation snap showing all wetlands, streams, lakes and ponds on the property (for Nationwide Permit numbers 14'18, 21, 26, 29 and 38). All streams (intermittent and pernnanert) on the property must be show u un dmc reap. Map scales should W l inch equals 30 feet or I inch equals 100 feet or their equivalent. b_ If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. d. Attach a copy of the stornmwater managetment plait, if required, e. What is land used of surrounding property? ti tIbUrban & Fd:.<«,I F esidC-o ill f. if applicable, what is proposed method rf sewage disposal? Sanitary Sewer g. SitmiW and dated agent authorization letter, if applicable, NOTE: Wetlands or Waters of the U.S. may not be impacted prior to; I . Issuance of a Section 404 Corps of Eneiraeers Permit, I Either the issuance or waiver of a 401 Division of Environmental Management (Water Quality) certification, and 3. (in the twenty coastal counties only) A letter from die North Carolina 'Division of Coastal Management stating the proposed activity is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management program. .r ,. lg el gent s ui' iatur Date , ... w (Agent's signature valid only if Agtnt A,udion2ation Letter from the owner is provided (19 g)) S0'd 10:01 8661'11' 1 A401UTA638 H9131U8 W021d (Division of Water Quality MEMO From: ?£ Date: To: '.-Io 44 Subject: yep ?y u /u4wn ?w w?ufs ??e / IC40111?- ,E on. /1/4/ u,.ldl SdQouf, A7iA. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources PO Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 / Phone: 733-5083 Noiign2i1SN0g Ljo- 5 '? 13a _ON ni ' ; 1 1i N3 5ti c ° Sd33N 3dVHO ?tb! ZZb4-lS a6?6 'a+ DNI 'A03NN3N 'NOxmi 'SS soo a" SJNn13 +, I tiNhOdbC H1dON NOliv>10dd0Q Sild0i ',l!N10O 3AVJi?.. AN3N 3Hl 'd3NdV0 SN3d0i3r;3C _ t ., _ I 1 I' C ? '3F- c-- . tar z -{ " a - C` j d 0 8 _ cry c ea sz+xraa c aa. as a= r u.:;: s,,; ooo-zoc? N = ? J C?J 33HS ? G, AvlV°,'Jir? 4 ,1',11 Tf£' '?0 it lll4, l'IE_ i rat \?i i' if ,)Iii ?• F+ Ij C C C; a 'J'J m t gffi? 9 t I isq? I ?) fill i !iii s!`i o ?? ;?: ' ? : ^'? s °??#: ` ?° io,#: z ??; ! 3;9 ??ii! 16 3 N1.4 ii'i:l ill! F? 91ajll € I'll PI'll :"°I'll14,11 Olill Nlil iiii, INIll 61 i ii ii i ei4 i il° i X i ili i if ! C E ED El O1-1 L D 7 C O i o 1 - ??2 I j ° rr x NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE February 5, 1999 JAMES B HUNT JN} x 'GOVERNOR - WAYNEMcDE,Vrttr SECRETARY C. ii f .yea,-,«. w-A&*m^?? fri. Arbor Green Associates attn: B. Kenneth Martin P.O.Box 40068 Raleigh, NC 27629 Subject: Notice of Violation/Notice of Enforcement Recommendation Neuse River Buffer Rules Wetland/401 Certification NPDES NCG010000 NBRRO-99-030 Wake County Dear Mr. Martin: In response to a citizen's complaint Mr. from the Raleigh Regional Office conducted a site visit of the subject project on January 14, 1999. It was determined that certain features present on the Arbor Green Tract are streams and therefore are subject to both the Neuse Buffer Rules and 401 Certification requirements. (Itr-sh?tld-?e-?*„?t?at stream Origin?z?,..?.; ?+; -o had-beerrconfrnecfibyDWQ sta#fozthe pr ow s°Aer-Frrere Mr. Smith observed that at several locations the riparian zone, the forested areas adjacent to streams, had been impacted. That is, the forested vegetation had been cleared and/or the landscape graded. This is a violation of the Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy; Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Areas, Administrative Code T I 5A:02B.0233 which states the following: ".0233-Existing riparian areas shall be protected and maintained in accordance with Sub-Items (3)(a)-(e) of this Rule on all sides of surface waters in the Neuse River Basin (intermittent streams, perennial streams, lakes, and estuaries) as indicated on the most recent versions of United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24000 scale (7.5 minute quadrangle topographic maps or other site specific evidence). This rule applies only to riparian areas where forest vegetation is established {as described in Sub-Item 3(a)} of this Rule as of July 22, 1997. This Rule does not establish new buffers in riparian areas." 8800 BARRETT DRIVE, SUITE 101, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27609 PHONE 919-571-4700 FAX 919-571-4718 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER Exceptions to the requirements of this Rule for riparian areas are described in Sub-Items (1) a-h of this Rule. Maintenance of the riparian areas should be such that, to the maximum extent possible, sheet flow of surface water is achieved. Any activity that would result in water quality standard violations or that disrupt the structural or functional integrity of the riparian area are prohibited. In addition, the riparian buffer is protected in two separate zones. The Riparian Buffer issue aside, impacts to wetlands have occurred with out the receipt of a 401 Wetland Certification. Also, it was observed that activities had resulted in the clearing of portions of a stream side area for a sewer line. This violates the General Certification condition for a NW 12 (utilities). The above mentioned wetland impacts and any future General Certification Condition transgressions are violations of Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Also, this and/or additional violations can result in civil penalties or other legal actions. The Central Office Wetland/401 Certification Group will detail this matter further in other correspondence. General Storm Water Peri llt NCGO10000 Mr. Smith observed that the subject site was in violation of General Stormwater Permit NCGO10000. That is, with the approval of Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans for projects that disturb five or more acres, the 'sites are covered under the General Stormwater NPDES Permit (NCGO10000). This permit covers the associated Stormwater discharges from construction activities. Further, this General Storm water permit is administered by the Division of Water Quality. It should be noted.that-.you are responsible for complying with the General Permit requirements and are subject to enforcement by DWQ for any violation of the General Permit. A review of the General Permit (NCGO10000) conditions revealed that the subject site is in violation of the following: Part I, Section A: 2. The Permittee shalt' mple nt the plan (Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan), which has been approved by the approva 'authority. The approved plan is considered a requirement of a condition of this gefiero permit. Deviation from the approved plan, or approved amendment to the plan, shall constitut44' violation of the terms and conditions of this general permit except that deviation from the Approved plan will be allowed to correct an emergency situation where sediments are being discharged off the site (even though the approved plan is in effect). Such a deviation from the approved plan shall be noted on the approved plan maintained at the job site. A signed copy of the approved plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. Part II Section E: Reporting Requirements 2. Anticipated N The permittee shall Permitted facility of requirements. " ? EW once notice to the Director of any p1az?Y°a ? .::A:s.e4...,. which may result in noncompliance with the general permit 2?*e_1 V5 Within ten ays of the receipt of this correspondence please provide this Office with information detailing how you propose to achieve compliance with the Neuse Buffer Rule. In addition please specifically address why activities occurred in wetlands prior to receipt of a 401 Certification and how you propose to achieve compliance with the wetland issues. Also, please explain why impacts to buffers occurred, despite the DWQ conducting site visits to confirm stream origin locations and associated buffer protection. In addition, please explain why the installation of the sewer line violated General Certification Conditions for NW 12. This Office has discussed the Arbor Green site with Wake County Environmental Services. It was explained that the Arbor Green Site was not in compliance with its approved sedimentation and erosion control plan. Specifically, please detail why no sedimentation control structure were installed for approximately two weeks after land disturbing activities occurred for sewer line corridor. In addition, please provide this Office a copy of your approved sedimentation and erosion control plan, any correspondence that demonstrates your Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval, a copy of your general stormwater permit issued to you by Wake County, a discussion of your compliance status with the General Stormwater Permit, and any other pertinent information that you feel warrants review by this office. This information will help this Office to determine the appropriate recommendation of any action including possible civil penalty recommendation to the Director regarding the violations of the Neuse Buffer Rules, 401 Certification, NPDES stormwater permit, and possible future stream standard violations, that may occur. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If this Office can be of any assistance or if you have additional questions please call Danny Smith at (919) 571-4700. Sincerely Kenneth chuster Regional Water Quality Supervisor hAneubufflarborgre cc: RRO-File Copy Wetland/401 Certification Group -John Dorney Corp of Engineers -Raleigh Field Office - Mr. Todd Tugwell Wake County-Environmental Services - Mr. Jack Taylor RRO -DLR/John Holley Soil and Environmental Consultants Post-i4E Fax Note 7671 Date I IZ0I06 paoges? T? ?i w? 7 it 1??r From ?ob 2arceC? Cb./Dept. Co.?Q Phone #(,I(p Phone #qtq-333-gr'+Zlc Fax # Fax # MCDENR DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY January 20, 2000 Memorandum To: Bob Zarzecki From: Todd St. John Subject: Carl Moraven Variance Request Orange County I have reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject site. The applicant has proposed the use of bioretention areas to treat stormwater. The proposed bioretention areas appear to be adequately sized. As such, enough space has been set aside to provide adequately sized stormwater BMPs. In order to approve the plans I will need additional information: 1) Details for the by-pass structures. 2) Soil properties of the soils used in the bioretention areas. 3) The drainage pattern for the front of the building. Additionally, the water table should be six feet below the surface of the bioretention area. The bioretention area at the southern end of the property may have a water table of approximately four feet. However, due to the presence of the adjacent stream the groundwater should consistently drain toward the stream. Finally, the application may contain an error. The final nitrogen loading rate from the drainage basin should be the same as the final nitrogen loading rate of 4.35 lbs per year. P. 01 TRANSACTION REPORT JAN-20-2000 THU 09:38 AM K DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP :K :K JAN-20 09:38 AM 919197326676 44" 1 SEND OK 209 TOTAL : 44S PAGES: 1 :K Post-ir Fax Note 7671 Dare 2616.) A,9es? I To - ? 17.r r From RA, ZorzCGL; Co./Dept. Co, t"Cw Phono Girl X32- (?'t(r - Phone # GtC!• x3 3 P 11 r FAx l{ w Y? NCDENR DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY January 20, 2000 Memorandum To: ]Bob Zarzecki From: Todd St. John Subject: Carl Moraven Variance Request Orange County I have reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject site. The applicant has proposed the use of bioretention areas to treat stormwater. The proposed bioretention areas appear to be adequately sized. As such, enough space has been set aside to provide adequately sized stormwater BMPs. In order to approve the plans I will need additional information: ,/'9I\V V •.• John Dorney Non-Discharge Branch Regional Contact: WO Supervisor: Date: OBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Arbor Greene SD County Wake. roject Number 98 1196 County2 Recvd From APP Region Raleigh Received Date 12/8/98 Recvd By Region Project Type subdivision ertificates Stream : armit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet "ype Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. 12 F-- O Y O N I 27-43-(8) FC NSW o- 52 0.50 1 26 F_ P-7- -@)N F_ F_ F_F__ F_ F_ F- itigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 Y 0 N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 Y 0 N Comments: Recommendation: 0 Issue 0 Issue/Coed 0 Deny Arbor Green Please place project on HOLD. All of the proposed impacts to wetlands have occurred prior to receipt of the 401 Certification. Some of these impacts include areas the RRO would have recommended (to the Central Office) that avoidance be required. Also, there are significant impacts to the riparian buffer zone. (Both RRO and the Central Office Staff (Pete) had visited portiorJs of this site to make stream origin calls.) Further, General Certification violations have occurred for clearing and grading of the Sewer line on the stream bank. (There are also General storm water permit violations that have occurred). I am preparing a NOV for Schuster's consideration. My recommendation is to place the project on hold until the above issues are sorted out. S Is Mitigation required? 0 Y 0 N Did you request more info? 0 Y 0 N RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE AR4 3800 Sorrett Drive, Suite 101 NCDENR Raleigh, NC 270509 H c.i? oo„R..?.R or Phone: 919/571-4700 FAX' 919/571-4718 'ZwAmow4mr Awn MRURAL RamouRcm FACSIMILE You should be receiving pages (including cover sheet). If you do not receive all pages, please contact sender at 919/5714700. TO: LE2v FROM: _ ORGANIZATION: SUBJECT: FAX NUMBER DATE: MESSAGE: NC DWQ WQ ENVSCI Fax:919-733-9959; Post-ie Fax Note 76/1 From 70 ? . J CoDep CoPhone # phone # Fax# Fax # CERiRIED MAIL Mr. B. Kenneth Martin Arbor Greene Associates P.O. Box 40068 Raleigh, NC 27629 Dear W. Martin: On January 15, IM Mr. Carolina Division of Water Qui Office conducted a site visit at an ongoing compliance and enf As a result of this inspecti Waters or Wetlands of the State. of the Clean Water Act and requ (USACOE) and NCDWQ. In ore remove all unauthorized fill. Fail assessment of Civil Penalties of Division of Water Quality. In ad you by the U.S. Army Corps of 1 ((JSEPA). In addition to The afor violations of the Neuse River Ri] Act, Please respond to this what measures you plan to ii violations occurred. A 1:30 p.m_ meeting sched! Road to help resolve these issues-' 733-1786. Ca: Todd Tugweil, USACOE Raleigh Fic Kathy Matthews USEPA 13obZ=ecki, S&EC Danny Smith, NCDWQ. RRO Randolph Reid, The Now Fords Co. Mar 11 '99 9:13 P.01/01 February 22. 1999 NCDWQ# 981196 Mr. Randolph Reid The New Portis Corporatoion 3200 Wake Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27609 I i NOTICE OF VIOLATION Arbor Cneei e Subdivision Wake County nny Smith from the Raleigh Regional Office of the North + (NCDWQ) at>;d Mr. John Dorney from NCI) WQ's Central r project on they south side of Rand Road (SR 2728) as part of -ment programi i it has been deierlnined that you have placed fill material in here activities Are violations of Section 301 and Section 401 prior; authorization by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to bring your project into compliance you will be required to 'e to adequately address these violations may result in the to $10,000 per day per violation by the North Carolina ion, further enforcement actions may also be pursued against gingers, and or the U.S. Environtrental Protection Agency zentioned violations, the inspectors also noted that there are Tian Buffer Rules and of the Sediment and Erosion Control e of Violation within l4 days upon your receipt detailing ent to bring yo?lr project into compliance and why these .led for March 12 will be conducted at 4401 Reedy Creek ,f you, have any questions before then please call meat (919) Sincerely. John Dorney Water Quality Certification Program O ire WAKE COUNTY Department of Environmental Services Erosion, Flood and Stormwater Services (919) 856-7449 FAX: (919) 856-5855 PO Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION PLAN REVIEW PROJECT NAME: LYF TYM PLAN PREPARED BY: Allen Engineering 3828Sky Meadow Drive Garner NC 27529 PHONE NUMBER: (919)661-8998 FAX NUMBER: (919) 661-7725 DENUDED AREA: 4.5 Ac. (Paid $788.00 fee) LAND DISTURBANCE FEE DUE AT PLAN APPROVAL : $ 1125.00 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER/PLANNER RECOMMENDATIONS/REQUIREMENTS: PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY. PERMIT IS VALID FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ONLY. ADDTIONAL MEASURES MAYBE REQUIRED AT THE REQUEST OF WAKE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER/PLANNER. EXPOSED SLOPES MUST BE PLANTED OR PROVIDE TEMPORARY GROUND COVER WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 30 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING. *COMPLIANCE WITH NCDENR NEUSE BASIN MANAGEMENT STRATEGY REQUIRED. PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES TO INCLUDE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, CLEARING, GRUBBING, GRADING, REVEGETATION, AND STABILIZATION IN ACCORDANCE THE CONSTRUCIONSEQUENCE ONLY. ALL OTHER PERMITS AND APPROVALS ARE SEPERATE FROM THE LAND DISTURBING PERMIT AND THE SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL APPROVAL. AGENTS AND OFFICIALS OF THE COUNTY SHALL PROVIDE FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION OF THE LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES, AT REASONABLE TIMES, TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE ACTIVITIES ARE BEING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN AND TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE MEASURES REQUIRED IN THE PLAN ARE EFFECTIVE IN CONTROLLING EROSION AND SEDIMENT RESULTING FROM THE LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. SHOULD THE PLANNED SOIL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DEVICES PROVE INADEQUATE, FURTHER MEASURES WILL BE REQUIRED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. DATE RECEIVED: 2/26/99 DISSAPPROVED: 3/12/99 RESUBMITTED: DATE COMPLETE: (SEE PAGE # 2 FOR REVIEW COMMENTS) To protect and improve the quality of Wake County's environment and ensure a healthy future for its citizens through cooperation, education, management and enforcement - Printed on Recycled Paper - DISPOSITION: DISAPPROVED Several items must be addressed before the plan can be approved Wake County requires Compliance with NCDENR Neuse River Management Strategy. There appears to be a Neuse River riparian feature on the property that would require a 100' undisturbed riparian buffer. Your plan shows filling in this area. This office must disapprove this plan until we receive clarification from NCDENR Division of Water Quality as to the status of this feature. The contact person for this area would be Danny Smith. Phone # (919) 571-4700. No other issues of the review can be addressed until this is addressed due to the extent of the filled area. The review is thus suspended until we have contact with the N C Division of Water Quality. DATE 3/12/99 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER/PLANNER: JAKE TAYLOR WAKE COUNTY Department of Environmental Services Erosion, Flood and Stormwater Services (919) 856-7449 FAX: (919) 856-5855 PO Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602 Chronologv of Arbor Green Land Disturbance 1. 11-06-98 Plan submitted for plan review 2. 11-18-98 Plan approved 3. 11-19-98 Grading permit picked up 4. 12-17-98 Site visit. Construction underway. Contractor asked to install rock dam as per plans. All other basins in place except one at end of cul-de-sac across from school. Contractor given 2 days to comply before Notice of Violation sent out. Sewer outfall not cleared yet. Left word for contractor to call when started due to difficulty of site. 5. 12-19-98 Site visit showed site in compliance excluding sewer outfall. 6. 1-13-99 Site visit showed sewer outfall cleared with no erosion control devices. Met with Contractor and asked for required devices with in five days or NOV to be sent out. Site Very wet. Noticed clearing past approved area and encroachments in riparian buffer. 7. 1-14-99 Received call from Danny Smith with DWQ asking information on Arbor Green. I asked Danny to meet me on site to make sure my asking for additional devices to control erosion and sediment loss would not put the site in further violation of Neuse riparian buffer regulations. 8. 1-19-99 I met Danny Smith at site and discussed site options. Noticed no sediment control devices on part of sewer outfall not installed as asked for on 1-13-99. We agreed that there were land disturbing encroachments in the buffer. We further agreed that the major concern at this time; considering that land disturbance had already occurred, was the quality of the water. My decision based on that meeting was to have the contractor install multiple erosion and sediment control devices (some in the perceived riparian buffer). 9. 1-20-99 A Notice of Violation was mailed to The New Fortis Corporation detailing measures to control erosion and sediment control. Called Craig Lang. Agreed to meet on site. 10. 1-22-99 Site meeting with Craig Lane, Gordie Eure and a soils consultant. Discussed buffer encroachments, my meeting with Danny Smith, and the sewer outfall. Craig Lang agreed to install multiple devices to control sediment, but was reluctant to pull basins out of buffer until buffer clarifications were made by DWQ. Mr. Lang stated that DWQ had not contacted him yet and seemed very concerned that further sediment would entering stream if the basins were removed at this time. At my suggestion Mr. Lang agreed to work with Wake County to stage the basin removals as the site was stabilized reducing the chance for sediment loss. We also decided to hydro-seed the cleared sewer outfall location, as due to the wet conditions it would be weeks before sewer installed. 11. 1-27-99 Site visit showed all requested measures in place. Basin at end of cul-de-sac needs work, but that part of the site was too wet. Agreed with contractor to dig a storage pit in front of the basin and repair it as wet conditions allowed. 12. 2-17-99 Grass up along sewer outfall. Minimal sediment loss. 13. 3-02-99 I met at site with Craig Lang and Robbie Bell to discussed revised construction plan to stage removal of sediment control devices out of Neuse riparian buffers.. 14. 3-11-99 I reviewed revised plans and with a few modifications they will be approved, but first I need approval from Town of Garner (Frank Powell) on storm water modifications. Wake County Environmental Engineer Jake Taylor To protect and improve the quality of Wake County's environment and ensure a healthy future for its citizens through cooperation, education, management and enforcement - Printed on Recycled Paper -