HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171527 Ver 1_USACE Request for More Info_20191121DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 November 21, 2019 Regulatory Division/1200A Action ID: SAW-2016-02542 Mr. David Newell Person County Business and Industrial Center Post Office Box 1824 Roxboro, North Carolina 27573 Dear Mr. Newell: Subject: Request for Additional Information i'1C Depai tinerit of Environmental Quality Received t,:?V 2 5 20019 Winston-Salem Regional Office Please reference your application of January 8, 2019, for individual Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization to construct a semiconductor chip manufacturing plant and associated infrastructure within the area identified as the Person County Mega Park. The application was for the discharge of fill material into 10,529 linear feet of stream and 1.94 acres of wetlands associated with the development of a semiconductor chip manufacturing plant, including a fill pad and transportation and utility infrastructure. The proposed project site is located south of Edwin Robertson Road and is bisected by Country Club Road north of the City of Roxboro, in northern Person County, North Carolina. The associated infrastructure projects for the semiconductor chip manufacturing plant include water and gas utility lines that extend south from the project along Country Club Road and transportation improvements that extend east from the project along Edwin Robertson Road and Shiloh Church Road to US Highway 501. The United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (Corps) advertised your proposal by public notice dated January 23, 2019, with a comment deadline date of February 22, 2019. On May 21, 2019, the Corps sent a letter to the Applicant summarizing the comments received for the proposed project along with a detailed list of items that the Corps needed in order to complete a review of the proposed project. The Applicant submitted a response to the Corps' request for additional information on July 30, 2019. The Corps has reviewed the additional information provided by the Applicant, and further clarification is required before the Corps can continue evaluating the permit application. Please note that all "Attachments" referenced in the below items were included as supplementary information to the Applicant's letter dated July 30, 2019. See below for a detailed list of the additional information being requested by the Corps: 41 -2- 1. Provide a response to items 1, 3, and 5-7 from the N.C. Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) letter entitled "Denial of 401 Water Quality Certification Application — Person County Mega Park" dated September 11, 2019. 2. As previously requested in items 2.a and 3 in the Corps' letter dated May 21, 2019, provide more detail on each of the proposed project components (buildings, parking, roads, etc.) to explain the purpose of the components and the importance of each component to the overall operational flow and function of the semicoriductor-chip manufacturing facility. Essentially, explain why these components are necessary and how they tie together in the semiconductor chip manufacturing process. As part of this additional detail, please provide information specifically comparing the size (i.e., footprint) of the various project components proposed relative to an existing facility of the same type and scale. This information is necessary to enable evaluation of avoidance and minimization of this conceptual project. 3. Impact Maps: a. Impacts detailed in Attachment B "Plan, Profile and Outlet Condition Impact Maps" are not consistent with the impacts shown on Attachment D "Preliminary Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. Impacts Map." Please ensure that the impacts are accurate, clear and consistent throughout the permit application. b. Consistent with the NCDWR, the Corps considers riprap dissipator pads as permanent impacts and not temporary impacts as shown by Timmons in Attachment B. Further, and as described in Item 6 of NCDWR's incomplete application letter dated September 11, 2019, the Corps considers the impacts resulting from rip rap dissipator pads at Culverts 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 as permanent impacts resulting in the permanent loss of waters. These impacts would require compensatory mitigation due to the loss of aquatic function. Please update. the impacts table, plan sheets, and compensatory mitigation plan accordingly. c. Impact 18 (Culvert 2): On Sheet 7 of Attachment D, it appears that a short reach of stream extends outside of the Limits of Disturbance (LOD) just north of Culvert 2; however, this reach does not appear to be included as a permanent impact on the impact table included in Attachment D. This portion of the stream should be considered a permanent loss of water and added as a permanent impact for Impact' 18, given that the entire drainage basin would be rerouted and hydrology removed from this reach. d. Impacts 19-20 (Culvert 1): According to the impacts table of Attachment D (Sheet 10), these impacts would result in 860 linear feet (LF) of permanent impacts to streams; however, Attachment B plans for Culvert 1 indicate that there would only be 350 LF of permanent stream impacts and 42 LF of temporary stream impacts. Please clarify and update plans and impact tables accordingly to ensure accurate representation of the proposed project. -3- e. Impact 17: Although a portion of Wetland W7-Site A was avoided at Impact 17, the remainder of W7-Site A would be isolated from downstream waters resulting in a loss of function. At Impact 17, all of Wetland W7-Site A should be considered a permanent impact resulting in a permanent loss of water. Please update the impacts table, plan sheets, and compensatory mitigation plan accordingly. f. The labels and text on the impact maps are difficult to read electronically due to the small size of text relative to the size of the page. As this is an electronic submittal, this makes reviewing the project cumbersome and inefficient. Please ensure that labels are clear and legible by increasing text/label size. 4. Mitigation: a. Update the compensatory mitigation plan per items 3.b through 3.e above. b. Provide justification for the reduced compensatory mitigation ratio of 1:1 proposed for impacts to intermittent streams. Note that it is the policy of the Wilmington District to require compensatory mitigation at a 2:1 mitigation to impact ratio unless it can be shown that resources to be impacted have reduced aquatic function; this evaluation requires use of the NC Stream Assessment Method (NCSAM) and NC Wetland Assessment Method (NCWAM) for streams and wetlands, respectively. For those resources where a reduced mitigation ratio cannot be justified via NCSAM and/or NCWAM, please revise the final compensatory mitigation plan to account for a 2:1 ratio. c. Impact 37: Provide additional detail on the stream crossing at Impact 37. Will the sanitary sewer utility line be installed via open cut trench or is it possible to avoid stream impacts via jack and bore or horizontal directional drilling? In the impact table included in Attachment D, Impact 37 is listed as a temporary impact that would require compensatory mitigation at a 1:1 mitigation ratio; however, the Raleigh Regulatory Field Office does not typically require compensatory mitigation for temporary impacts so long as the impacted area is returned to pre -construction conditions. d. Please note that the NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) In -Lieu Fee Acceptance Letter will expire on January 22, 2020. 5. On -site Alternatives Analysis: a. Preferred Option 1 — Impacts to Wetland W7-Site A as shown on the "Preliminary Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. Impacts Map Preferred Option 1" (Attachment H) indicate that all of Wetland W7-Site A would be impacted by the preferred option. However, the impact maps included as Attachment D indicate that a portion of Wetland W7-Site A north of the proposed project area would not be impacted. Please clarify. -4- b. Option 2 (Attachment H) —Please justify why the loop road would need to extend so far to the east. Can the loop road be tightened up to avoid impacts to Wetland WK Also, it appears that there are significant impacts to aquatic resources south of the project area and away from the proposed building footprint. Please explain why these impacts are included even though they appear to be well outside of the project footprint. 6. NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NCDNCR) Office of State Archaeology Coordination: a. Has the applicant received a response from the Office of State Archaeology regarding the letter submitted on July 22, 2019, by Timmons Group (Attachment I)? Your response to the comments above must be evaluated before we can make a final decision on your application. You may submit additional information, revise your plans to help resolve the issues, rebut the issues made, or request a decision based on the existing record. Please be aware that, depending upon the level of detail provided, we may still have concerns and/or questions that will need to be addressed. Finally, if a permit is issued for your proposed project, it is our intention to condition the permit such that no fill could be placed in waters of the U.S. until a specific end user has been identified and all additional steps have been taken to avoid and minimize impacts to waters of the U.S. for that particular end user. If you need additional assistance regarding any issues mentioned in or information requested in this letter, please contact Mr. David Bailey at telephone (919) 554-4884 ext. 30 or email address David.E.Bailey2nusace.army.mil. Sincerely, C Jean Gibby Chief, Raleigh Field Office Copies Furnished w/o enclosures: Mr. Brian Breissinger Timmons Group 1001 Boulders Parkway, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23225 -5- Mr. Todd Bowers Permit Review Specialist Wetlands Regulatory Section U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region IV Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Ms. Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem, North Carolina 27105