HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980339 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19980418EcoScience Corporation 612 Wade Avenue, Suite 200 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 919-828-3433 or 919-828-3518 (Fax) MEMORANDUM TO: Mickey Sugg, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Kevin Moody, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Ron Sechler, National Marine Fisheries Service Ken Averitte, N.C. Division of Water Quality Bennett Wynne, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission John Bove, Hazen and Sawyer John Barnard, BFI FROM: Sandy Smith/Wes Newell DATE: 11 November 1998 RE: Sampson County Landfill Mitigation Plan On behalf of Browning Ferris Industries (BFI), we are pleased to provide you with the mitigation proposal for the Sampson County landfill expansion. This plan is designed to provide full functional replacement for unavoidable wetland losses, including a margin of safety. The plan is intended to facilitate issuance of a Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Section 404 Wetland Permit for this project. A meeting has been scheduled for 24 November at the Sampson County landfill to review the mitigation plan relative to proposed wetland impacts. We will rendezvous at the BFI office at 9:00 am. We hope that you have time to review the plan prior to this meeting so we can receive comments and move forward with construction planning and implementation. If you have any questions or require clarification on any of the issues outlined in the plan, please do not hesitate to call Sandy Smith or Wes Newell in our Raleigh office. awn 98-034/memcon Page 1 of 1 i CONCEPTUAL WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN BFI NORTHERN EXPANSION SAMPSON COUNTY LANDFILL SAMPSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Hazen and Sawyer Environmental Engineers and Scientists 4011 WestChase Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Prepared by: k44ft EcoScience EcoScience Corporation 612 Wade Avenue, Suite 200 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 (919) 828-3433 November 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae LIST OF FIGURES .................................................ii LIST OF TABLES .................................................ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1 2.0 IMPACTED WETLAND RESOURCES ............................... 5 3.0 MITIGATION ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS ........................... 7 4.0 MITIGATION SITE EXISTING CONDITIONS .......................... 9 4.1 General ................. ............................ 9 4.2 Soils ................... ............................ 9 4.3 Groundwater Hydrogeology ... ............................ 11 4.4 Surface Water Hydrology ..... ............................ 13 4.5 Plant Communities ......... ............................ 14 4.6 Jurisdictional Waters/Wetlands . ............................ 16 5.0 MITIGATION PLAN .............. ............................ 18 5.1 Wetland Design Physiography .. ............................ 18 5.2 Wetland Soils ............. ............................ 18 5.3 Wetland Hydrology ......... ............................ 21 5.4 Wetland Communities ....... ............................ 22 6.0 MON ITORING PLAN ............. ............................ 28 6.1 Hydrology Monitoring ....... ............................ 28 6.2 Hydrology Success Criteria .... ............................ 28 6.3 Vegetation Monitoring ....... ............................ 29 6.4 Vegetation Success Criteria ... ............................ 29 6.5 Soil Monitoring ............ ............................ 30 6.6 Soil Success Criteria ........ ............................ 30 7.0 LONG TERM MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY ......................... 31 8.0 WETLAND FUNCTIONAL REPLACEMENT ........................... 32 9.0 REFERENCES ..............................................33 8661 21380100 :9100 .009 - "I :9103S 4£0-86:108(oJd NMf :,(8 Pam0a40 Z :a?n613 NV4 :Ae UMDJ() VNIIOdVO HidON 'AmnOO NOSdWVS 311S NOIiV'JIi1W llldaNVI AiNnOO NOSdWVS Si3VdWI aNV113M a3SOdOdd aNV 'S11OS'AHdVdOOISAHd i ??vA? I ?A ,k?I , / ? ? 1 \ \\n'?\? stn 1 ?\\\\lv?l?l??`i? ?s f ,t v> °i d uoi;'iodioC) ooavtosooll 3 W W ? c F- N ] Ix - W C 2.0 IMPACTED WETLAND RESOURCES ' An assessment of minimization, avoidance, and unavoidable wetland impacts was submitted with the Section 404 permit application; this material can be referred to for a detailed ' discussion concerning impacted wetland resources. The following represents a summary of attributes and functional replacement needs associated with the 14 ac wetland area impacted by landfill expansion. ' The site is located within the upper Coastal Plain physiographic province of the state. The terrain supports marine sediments distributed within three primary physiographic landscape ' units: 1) interstream divides; 2) intermediate slopes; and 3) riverine floodplains (Figure 2). Interstream divides represent broad, poorly drained flats situated in upper reaches of the ' landscape. These flats typically support negligible slope and broad expanses of hydric soils (ex: Rains, Torhunta series). The interior portions of interstream divides are typically ' dominated by nonriverine wetland flats. Wetland hydrology is driven primarily by precipitation with vertical and episodic zones of radial to semi-radial groundwater flow prevailing. The outer portions of these flats and the broad intermediate slopes generally support extensive ' drainage networks with former wetlands converted for agricultural, silvicultural, pork, and dairy production. ' Riverine floodplains are defined as low-lying, relatively flat corridors which surround a stream channel and support, or historically supported frequent overbank flooding, fluvial sediment deposition, and floodplain wetland communities. Hydrology is driven by main stem, overbank ' flooding events and the discharge of surface or groundwater from adjacent, intermediate slopes. This physiographic unit generally serves as a regional travel corridor (genetic or ' migratory) for wildlife. A wide array of wetland dependent species survive in these bottomlands and the area serves as a nursery and reservoir for surrounding nonriverine habitats. Therefore, the proposed landfill expansion has been oriented to avoid all impacts ' within riverine systems associated with Bearskin Swamp. Bearskin Swamp and feeder tributaries have been dredged and straightened throughout the ' region surrounding the MSWLF. Drainage districts and associated projects were established to accelerate drainage from the adjacent slopes and interstream divides; thereby facilitating agricultural production. Dredging in Bearskin Swamp has induced significant organic soil ' subsidence and artificial drainage within surrounding riverine wetlands and associated degradation of nonriverine wetlands on the intermediate slopes. I Broad intermediate slopes comprise transitions between the interstream divide and low-lying floodplains in the region. The Sampson County MSWLF is located along the intermediate ' slope adjacent to Bearskin Swamp. All proposed wetland impacts associated with the proposed MSWLF expansion occur within this physiographic area. These intermediate areas typically support intermittent headwater seeps and the origins of small streams that have not ' developed a distinct floodplain. These seeps represent slope wetlands that are driven by the 5 I u u lateral to radial flow and discharge of groundwater from adjacent interstream divides. A majority of the intermediate slopes support productive soils (ex: Goldsboro, Lynchburg series) and agricultural land. As a consequence, former headwater seeps and stream origins have frequently been converted for drainage use. Water quality in the region may be influenced primarily by the function and condition of these headwater seeps and slope wetlands as buffers between existing land uses and the riverine corridor (Brinson et al. 1981, Rheinhardt et al. 1998). Impacted slope wetlands include the origins of two headwater seeps located on the south and north boundaries of the proposed landfill expansion (Figure 2). Soils are mapped as consisting primarily of the poorly drained, Leon series (Aeric Haplaquods) (USDA 1985). Vegetation is characteristic of stream head pocosin which consists of a low canopy and dense shrub and herbaceous layers. The canopy supports a mix of pond pine (Pious serotina), swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora), red maple (Acer rubrum), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), sweet bay (Magnolia virginiana), sweetgum (Liquidambarstyraciflua), water oak (Quercusnigra), yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii). Understory and shrub species include black willow (Salix nigra), swamp tupelo, red maple, red bay (Persea palustris), dog-hobble (Lyonia lucida), titi (Cyril/a racemiflora), and sweet pepperbush (C/ethra alnifolia). Groundcover comprises a mix of cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea), giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), netted chain-fern (Woodwardia areolata), soft rush (Juncus effusus), false nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica), and laurel-leaf greenbrier (Smilax /aurifolia). The two potentially impacted seeps comprise topographically-depressed fingers that sustain groundwater discharge from the adjacent sandy, interstream flat. The surficial expression of groundwater provides areas of seasonal to semi-permanent soil saturation/inundation and intermittent channel flow during peak storms. These slope wetland systems extend for approximately 2000 linear feet (ft) below the impact area prior to confluence with the riverine floodplains of Bearskin Swamp. ' Primary functions associated with these wetland systems include hydrodynamic functions such as long term surface water storage, moderation of groundwater flow, and discharge from adjacent interstream flats into the riverine corridor (Brinson et al. 1994). As receptors of adjacent groundwater, these systems are important for water quality functions such as nutrient cycling, removal of imported elements/compounds, and retention of particulates. Maintenance and connectivity of characteristic plant and wildlife communities also represent important biological functions associated with these slope wetland systems. 6 L G 3.0 MITIGATION ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS A mitigation alternatives analysis was performed to select mitigation sites and conceptual designs that provide the greatest functional benefit to the region. The analysis included extensive field review within potential on-site and off-site areas, an agency site visit to evaluate options, and the potential for success/failure associated with each option. Because impacted wetland systems represent intermediate buffers situated between Bearskin Swamp and the proposed landfill, wetland functional replacement should be performed in-kind and on-site, if feasible. The wetland mitigation sites should be located within the same slope physiographic area and within lower reaches of the same wetland complex to facilitate no net loss of function. Off-site mitigation alternatives should be evaluated only after all on-site alternatives have been exhausted. Slope wetlands should be created or restored in a manner which treats runoff from the landfill facility or other land uses in the region. If the landfill facility cannot be targeted for development of treatment wetlands, other potential land uses that may benefit from the establishment of slope wetland buffers include hog farms, mining operations, heavily farmed interstream divides, residential /commercial communities, or road corridors. Based on the stated objectives of mitigation, the region encompassing the MSWLF was reviewed for potential mitigation use. Three sites were selected for further study: 1) downslope areas within the landfill facility; and 2) a borrow operation located approximately 3 miles southwest of the landfill facility; and 3) the Barra Farms Cape Fear regional mitigation ' bank located approximately 10 miles west of the proposed landfill. An agency site visit was held on 19 May 1998 to review the preferred mitigation options. ' Further review indicates the borrow site may be in active operation for 5 years or more. During this period, pumping of water will occur within pits located immediately adjacent to the mitigation area. Pumping may influence the hydrology of a constructed wetland. In addition, development of an open water lake immediately adjacent to the evaluated site may influence hydrology in the area after pumping has ceased. Although slope wetlands will ' provide for significant treatment of groundwater while the borrow site is active, long term wetland values would be expected to diminish after the operation has ceased and the site has stabilized. Due to potential complications and diminishing benefits, the borrow site has ' currently been dropped from consideration for mitigation use. ' The areas downslope from impacted wetlands provide the opportunity for the construction of treatment wetlands for the landfill. These areas are also situated proximal to confluence with the Bearskin Swamp floodplain (Figure 2). Therefore, the constructed, slope wetland ' systems will serve as reservoirs for wildlife with direct connectK4ty -to- r+verine-wetland systems. This option entails excavation of the hill-slope to(create approximately-20 -acres of") wetlands and to provide a broader expanse of wetlands between the landfill and Bearskin ' Swamp. 7 ' The Barra Farms Cape Fear regional mitigation bank is expected -to provide in-kind wetland mitigation credit to the region encompassing the MSWLF. The bank supports headwater ' slope wetlands that are similar to proposed wetland impacts at the landfill. If on-site mitigation alternatives described above become non-viable or time constraints occur, wetland restoration activities at Barra Farms provide a mechanism to off-set proposed wetland losses. Consultation with bank sponsors will be performed by BFI, if needed, after mitigation strategies have been reviewed by wetland resource agencies. 1 H s I I ' 4.0 MITIGATION SITE EXISTING CONDITIONS ' 4.1 GENERAL The MSWLF mitigation site (Site) is located within the Atlantic Coastal Plain Physiographic ' Province within the Inner Coastal Plain region of the Cape Fear River Basin. The Site encompasses approximately 115 ac along riparian slopes and interior portions of the Bearskin Swamp floodplain (Stream Index: 18-68-1-17-10 [DWQ 1998]). Figure 3 depicts the Site on current (1997) aerial photography. The Site is situated immediately east and down slope of the proposed landfill expansion, interposed between stormwater basins associated with the landfill and the Bearskin Swamp stream channel (Figure 2). Surface and groundwater hydrologic interactions are expected to be complex at the confluence of the slope and riverine wetland systems. Groundwater ' discharge represents the primary hydrologic input available for wetland creation use. However, significant overbank flood events from Bearskin Swamp also represent a 1 hydrological input that will influence wetland development and functional attributes overtime. 4.2 SOILS ' The primary soil-landform association consists of the Blanton-Leon-Johnston complex associated with sand ridges, hill-slopes, headwater seeps, and primary floodplains of Bearskin Swamp (USDA 1985). Figure 2 depicts modified Natural Resource Conservation Service ' (NRCS) soil map units within the Site. Soil texture ranges from loam to sand of moderate to rapid permeability. In undrained ' condition, the seasonal high water table varies along the topographic gradient from surface flooding to more than 2 m (6 ft) below the soil surface. ' Hydric soils are defined as "soils that are saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (USDA 1991). NRCS ' mapping (Figure 2) identifies hydric soils within the floodplains of Bearskin Swamp and along headwater seeps and stream origins extending into the bottomland (Bibb and Johnston Series). Dredging of Bearskin Swamp appears to have altered characteristics of the Bibb and ' Johnston soil area to the extent that organic material in the surface soil layers has been effectively lost to decomposition. Alterations to hydric soil characteristics resulting from dredging and decreased hydroperiods should be considered in selection of target wetland ' communities for floodplain restoration. ' Upland areas in the mitigation site support well drained, non-hydric soils. Upland systems include relatively steep toe slopes along the eastern Site boundaries supporting the Marvyn series and adjacent sandy ridges supporting the Blanton series. These upland soils do not ' appear to be susceptible to extensive erosion as logging trails, abandoned road beds, and cleared areas appear to have stabilized rapidly after disturbance and revegetation. 9 8661 'd38OIDO :QV3U b£0-86 4340id £ :am?i3 VNI'10-dVD H,LWON `1Ul MOD NOSdWHS H.LIS NOIIVDI.LIW 'I'IIAUNV'I A LNf O3 NOSdWVS HdVIlDO.LOHd 'IVIHaV L66I 1 \.J iJt? re wE '1• 4 ,. . P 16 f ?Zr Yr;Y `y f_ 1 kw i V C13 I a Id ??t: t' fir i (( 1 t 4 ' ?• 14-, by ='L• ?a.lt'• 'v 1 ,'.?.gym w ,ti 4 ?. alow 1 lift `Y n.F`. i91 id$a/?'. II s a e ? U 3 ! { A ? _ Y ! t ? 4lT ?_ t?Le, i '?y ?^;4'?T 1 777 q?ty' tr t • r y f + d I ? +l,Ir 1 V.} i r 4 m e m 7 C n r r I I L 4.3 GROUNDWATER HYDROGEOLOGY The Site is underlain by sediments of the Black Creek Formation, which consists of thick beds of cross-bedded sand, thin laminae of micaceous sand, and lenses of glauconitic, fossiliferous clay (Brown 1985). The estimated thickness of the surficial (cross-bedded sand) sediments ranges from 3 ft within the riverine floodplain to 30 ft along the intermediate slopes. Figure 4 provides a geologic profile across the adjacent landfill which is considered representative of intermediate slopes in the area. In Figure 4, Well OWB-100 and OWB-6 are located in proximity to headwater seeps upstream of confluence with the riverine floodplain. Central sections of the profile (OWB 101 to 127) represent an elevated sand ridge located between the seepage slopes. Relatively thin, clay and micaceous sand lenses appear to occur intermittently (OWB- 1 19/127). However, a thick, contiguous bed of clay occurs immediately below the surficial sediment. These lenses and clay beds are expected to influence the rate and direction of groundwater flow through the intermediate slope and riverine floodplain. The clay and micaceous sand beds represent layers of low vertical permeability relative to overlying, cross- bedded sands. The Site resides at the toe of the hill-slope at confluence with the Bearskin Swamp floodplain. In general, groundwater flows west to east towards the swamp. The floodplain resides up to 30 ft lower in elevation than the surrounding hill-slopes. Long term erosion and valley formation along Bearskin Swamp is expected to have exposed or removed intermittent clay and micaceous sand lenses of the Black Creek formation. Based on cursory soil sampling, the Bearskin Swamp valley floor may rest in proximity to the contiguous clay bed as described above. This stratigraphy may encourage radial to lateral groundwater flow, surficial expression of groundwater, and stream discharge on the floodplain fringe. Consequently, groundwater movement across these lenses will provide a basis for establishing target elevations and surface features across a constructed wetland surface. A detailed analysis of geologic stratigraphy and groundwater interaction will be performed as part of detailed construction planning. The laminae and lenses present on adjacent hill-slopes will be used, in part, to control the rate of vertical groundwater movement and the rate of radial to lateral groundwater discharge into and across created wetland surfaces. Upon confluence with the floodplain, the toe of existing hill-slopes is convoluted, inducing differential rates of groundwater discharge and retention across various portions of the slope wetland and outer floodplain fringe. This variability in hydroperiod and groundwater discharge rates provides localized diversity in the types of wetland communities established in this transitional zone between slope and riverine wetlands. The boundary between post- construction hill-slopes and the created wetland should exhibit similar convolution to promote hydraulic variability at the upland-wetland interface. 11 9661 21380100 :a}oa ,009 • „l :91DOS 4£'0-26 :3C)afoJd NMf :48 P013e40 q :ajn61 j 3yW :,(8 UMOaO VNnouv3 HlHON'JLLNnOO NO$dWVS 3115 NOLLVOLUW 'nIdCNVI A1NnO3 NOSdWVS NOLL338-'SSOd3 31001030 1Vnid30NOO ao[3aiodioa ooaoiosooll I 3 :... - ir O J Q n N 0 IE M M F? Ho W II N m 1 Ar Cal) . II II Z m • , r LLI m?; ?Il llli :' 00 00 jilillu 4 ??? • ???? ?;?:? ( ?? - - ? III I I ? ., . - ?.:..? •. - ' Iillll :': : I I I I I I •• .•. ? g p O N N 0$ (lSW * JA) NOUVA 13 0 o= o 0 cp o tQ g o ° ° $ M N rn Goo 0 L C P I I I I 1 I Groundwater Seeps Three primary groundwater seeps extend through the Site along northern, central, and southern sections (Figure 2). These seeps exhibit seasonal to semi-permanent expression of surface flows. The three seeps service drainage areas totaling approximately 1.6 square miles (1000 ac), including the entire area of the proposed landfill. The northern and central seeps have been diverted into constructed drainage channels which extend through the floodplain and discharge into Bearskin Swamp. These linear ditches have concentrated and accelerated drainage rates, effectively bypassing floodplain and wetland surfaces. Near confluence with Bearskin Swamp, channelized surface flows descend below ground surface into voids created by soil subsidence below the root mat. Elimination or obstruction of these constructed ditches would serve to increase wetland extent, sheet flow, infiltration, and resultant water quality benefits. Surface water flow located away from channelized primary seeps exhibits reference characteristics that will be utilized to orient wetland creation design. Specifically, surface water migrates in the downslope direction primarily as braided flow or sheet flow. The primary influence upon flow characteristics appears to comprise the density and distribution of live vegetation, coarse woody debris, surface litter accumulation, and related microtopography. Microtopographic complexity promotes energy dissipation, surface water storage, and infiltration within these secondary seepage areas. 4.5 PLANT COMMUNITIES Distribution and composition of plant communities reflect landscape-level variations in topography, soils, hydrology, and past or present land use practices. Communities identified on the site include long-leaf pine/scrub oak forest, cut-over stream head swamp forest, and riverine swamp forest (Figure 5). Regeneration of longleaf pine/scrub oak forest occurs within upland portions of the site (Figure 5). These sand ridge forests have been clear-cut in the last decade. These areas are currently dominated by saplings and small trees including long-leaf pine (Pinus palustris), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), turkey oak (Quercus /aevis), post oak (Q. stellata), and water oak (Q. nigra). Common shrubs include flowering dogwood (Corpus florida), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), American holly (Ilex opaca), sassafras (Sassafras albidum), and pokeweed (Phytolacca americana). Groundcover is dominated by creeping blueberry (Vaccinium crassifolium), poison ivy (Rhus radicans), Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), bracken fern (Pteridum aquilinum), dog-fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), and greenbriers (Smilax spp.). Cut-over portions of the outer floodplain fringe support regeneration indicative of a transitional zone between stream head pocosin and stream head swamp forest. This area comprises a dense thicket of pioneer species such as switch cane (Arundinaria gigantea), green briers (S. rotundifolia, S. glauca), blueberries (Vaccinium spp.), blackberries (Rubus spp.), wild grapes (Vitis spp.), bitter gallberry (Ilex g/abra), sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), bamboo brier (Smilax 14 0 8661 21380100 :0100 1009 • .11 :9100S tiC0-86:109foJd NMf :A8 Pai0a40 g :aan613 d'dYV :A8 uMOJQ VNnouvo Hl!!OWAiNnOO NOSdWVS 3MS NOUVOIMW 'nWaNV1 AjLNnOO NOSdWVS S3WNnwwo3 1NVld noi3viodioc) 00II010soog j J ^ II II/I 1, f `b /f yl( (I(\lr/I ' 1 i - J ?j \ \ - I l I0'sCl )tCo v ? ( l ? \ VA? 111 c ? 1 , / Got r >_ / 1 (111(' ? l C 1 / ? ?? ) I )r\ / p r1 I J ? / vvz•9oi l) ?v???z?v h?/ /)tlsl v 1/ vv?rv? o os1 J ?I l \ )( /f /51??\/ rrte?,,,, ?; \ ''k`> \ \ \? 9r 9S?'661; VIOI it / / /(? / ( (/ \\\.Ar11 r(Lr // \ I t\ I /J / I 1 do z\l I \ / o , ` \ 4 / S'o91r I I J / / \ \ ( \ J ( r ?? \ \ /? / ( L ? ? 9'6sl ? N'NI // 90 15'66 \ , I` fjp ( ` \ \, \ / ? \ \ \ / , }7 \ \ \ _ `t 1.1 ? L•o9l` I 1 \ Lt j, / / i \ /\ ( ?i, _ l? i L 1 I CA i1 v -91 G.9s, E-6 ?\ \? / f (\I I ? r? ( i t /G( ? I /?'?/' 1 aLr \ i J bz \ \ / 1/ ' ` \\ /ir/ .III - 's` s a•66 / I f A(i,t,.,? Lf9cl( 1 \ J/( / ( t ?1•ssl' / /? L•oo 1„ l \ ( / / / -? ? ?d+ J JV s(Ln \ \ \ •9s11 \ ( f I / ( \ Gam,/ J // J \ t / °s o•sat C I?t\l I /6 /'9z z \ 1 //??i v%i? / \ \ 1 / <e•1si \ t / 1•esl" I I f/l/ N r sal / 1 / o/i /i ) No- I? 111 ( ( ( c,.. \ 11\\ l'? %? r'9s1„ / \ ( \ 'z..?.\\ ' / .? -?uwnly '+* ?J,AJ? ?V (,?I '?-• Ate- ll?/? \?\\\ ,rt?? ?_/ / / ,' \ V 1 ?( i /I /?? \ / s•ss1" s \? ?J^I\ \\ 9•a1\M 1111 1 \~??t! _? / \'% r r1f_J ?`\`? I'I -?,'LS1„ \\ c'es1" r'CO ( 6•zo 1" L•Lsl" \ r / s" _ / L•LS." I.o9 Q, a•Lsl S'9sl \ e'zo1" •1oi s•io1 l _ \ \ l ( C I c' 0 s ( - - " \ / J / r? \ 9•" (? \ I `s.zs, s•sr 'eeL „ 9•vs, ` y l 1•ssl \ \ - / 1 r ?' 1 r•cs1„ c•cs1 " ? / 1 /L'901 II I1 - f 1 1sl r 1 / _ \ ///o`??\t \\ ? \ (/ / / l? \\ i I1 I\I -- ? \ I ,(1s1 t?? \ -.( „ 9•al, ' -_ ? - \ ?s'csi Jr \ , i, \ l1 \ 1 `?\ / s-zu" ?!f- rs1 ---- 'L•zs1 / \-/?,/??. \ \r•ssl" / \I I (I\\?) ?` \ ) \ \\\ \\? \\ // / f J r. °u• v?zs1„ \1'501" L \\\\\\ I\\ (tJ () ?S 1 \\y, / _? \ of \- 1 \ \ \ 1 1 I. .? )\ s .IS1" ` cos L'osi yL 17 \ ( J ? l/% )ll\\ \ ? ?ss1 Zf'ti ? ? \IL•rrl - ?' / ! ?, I I / ?( I l O \l ; \\ \ \ .I/ ?1 I1?? \? ?\ `I t,/ 1? a•er1" • r?...1•os1 / \ v•zr1" 'I I• \/ \ \ \I, , ( \ / 'fir )o ? ? J O ^\ 1 Ii( 11 f` y 6•erl I L. , •? l ( (? \ / a 60, I It( \\s.6 \ 1?/oti?/Il'i%?// l\lt\ "A 00 N "A ' so I" / LA. Q I \\o'LO1" \ H s'9o I" ( IJJJ_i///1J i \?? lit E );? m F- t 1 l / r z J l' r w N w 1 \9rI LLJ w \ r y /i/ LU Uzi LO. .j 0- U) I ? > JO] \\\11 l\ \\ /?/ \\\ \\ \? I I / / Z) Q. fn U J V ceo l„ ? / ? A? m m ' laurifolia), and dog hobble (Leucothoe axillaris). Intermittent standing trees and exposed saplings include yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), red maple, sweet bay (Magnolia ' virginiana), and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). J r 1 I I r ?I Degraded swamp forests persist along the primary floodplains of Bearskin Swamp. Dredging of Bearskin Swamp appears to have induced organic soil subsidence. Tree fall and mortality are extensive throughout the floodplain as root collars extend well above the existing ground surface. Remaining canopy species consist primarily of sweet gum, red maple, yellow poplar, and loblolly pine. American holly (flex opaca) represents a dominant component within portions of the canopy and within subcanopy layers. In the vicinity of remaining surface water seeps, characteristic wetland species such as Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), and swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora) persist as isolated community elements in the landscape. 4.6 JURISDICTIONAL WATERS/WETLANDS Jurisdictional areas were evaluated and mapped relative to the criteria set forth in the COE Wetlands Delineation Manual (DOA 1987). Jurisdictional wetlands, which occupy approximately 74 ac of the 115 ac Site, are depicted in Figure 6. Jurisdictional wetlands occur throughout the Bearskin Swamp floodplain as ground water tables appear to be elevated during the winter and early spring. Based on subsidence characteristics, dredging of the main-stem channel has altered wetland hydrodynamics and reduced hydroperiods. However, jurisdictional wetland hydrology and soils persist in a relatively degraded condition. 16 8661 8380100 :0100 009 - ..1 :aIDDS VNnO!!V3 Hl!!ON 'AlNnO0 NOSdWV3 ttot3'iodio? ti£0-86:P8f0Jd NMf :A8 Paioa40 RUS NOUVOWW'lldaNV'l Am= NOSdWVS ^^ RR V .3 :WW :AS UMoJO saNvilm imoualaslanr g :am61 J I I, / / ? III / I I °` ( 'tl! II!(1r/?? i _ . % ? - \ e A A \AVA A lo•cn V 1 s? / i ? ? i /r 1 z-goi 1 \(\ - - ? I / '/ J ? I//I }??65 ?'y? L ? \x\9'1e1I \ {L IJ,j?1 I/ ( \ 2'901 ( (L?(?? \ \ /) IS I ( \ / OSI -/ \ \ / l / 5 I \ / \ \ \ \ \ 9 S?' 6 6 l / \ ( / II I / \ / \ / \ Jf9r / ^ bH\ \ I ^ I / / / //o zi J 1 1/?o I \ 1 ?\ \ s•o91x 0101 9-69, Oil s cs A 1 )? / ? ( l V 1 / ? A / /1 ? A 'T' _ Ii ? L•o91x \ (SY/ ,Ipc 1CA \ . ?0" K ) / / I 1 \ J } ?? 1 l/M 9' 19 4 ?---• f \ 1 / (f I t?'?,Y . ? r ?, I / G r ? ? ? - `/ z" \ Vl1/111a % ?sc /} I l ?/ AA ? I Av Lf9[Il I ? v ? ? 1) // ??l ` / I ? / ? \ V - `i ssix ?l / [ c x rom= l\\ V A a< r /rr / / N //OO°L? ll/ (sluff ?) \ " '9si \? 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VA VA I / 11 ( l\ \?\ \ J Q ?? \ \ \ I 1 11 ~ I \ \\ m J 1 \ ( 1 J? I 1 Il 1 \ i / s•IO 11 I } IIlI ( JI )` 1 `"19'Y[l / r„ .\9.I \ / i i / _. m r Long Leaf Pine/Scrub Oak Forest Primary So il Map Units: Blanton (Grossarenic Pa/eudults) and Marvyn (Typic Haplaudults) 1 . Long Leaf Pine (Pinus palustris) 2. Southern Red Oak (Quercus falcata) ' 3. Water Oak (Quercus nigra) 4. Willow Oak (Quercus phellos) 5. Post Oak (Quercus marilandica) ' 6. Mockernut Hickory (Carya tomentosa) Stream Head Swamp Forest: Diagnostic Community Elements ' Primary Soil Map Units: Created Wetland Surfaces (Target= Cumulic Humaquepts) 1 . Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) ' 2. Water Tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) 3. Swamp Tupelo (Nyssa biflora) 4. Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) ' 5. Overcup Oak (Quercus lyrata) 6. Pond Pine (Pinus serotina) ' Stream Head Swamp Forest: Surface Stabilization and Cover Primary Soil Map Units: Created Wetland Surfaces (Target= Humaqueptic F/uvaquents) ' 1 . 2. Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) Swamp Cottonwood (Populus heterophylla) 3. Black Willow (Salix nigra) 4. River Birch (Betula nigra) 5. Tag Alder (Alnus serrulata) 6. Button Bush (Cephalanthus occidenta/is) ' Riverine Swamp Forest Primary Soil Map Units: Johnston (Cumulic Humaquepts) and Bibb (Typic F/uvaquents) ' 1 . Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) 2. Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) ' 3. 4. Swamp Tupelo (Nyssa biflora) Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) 5. Overcup Oak (Quercus lyrata) 6. Laurel Oak (Quercus phellos) ' 7. Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanicum) 8. American Elm (Ulmus americana) ' Stream head swamp forests will dominate the wetland creation area and include species preferred for diagnostic community development and for soil stabilization and cover. Species ' preferred for rapid growth and soil stabilization will be planted within areas of active surface water movement such as primary/secondary seeps or within stilling basins and debris dams. 24 ' Riverine swamp forest elements would serve as supplemental plantings to enhance wetland ' systems within the interior floodplain of Bearskin Swamp. Planting Plan ' The planting plan is proposed to re-establish wetland community patterns across the landscape. The plan consists of: 1) acquisition of available wetland species; 2) inspection of surface topography and top soil improvements; and 3) planting of selected species on-site. ' The USACE bottomland hardwood forest mitigation guidelines (DOA 1993) were utilized in developing this plan. ' Table 1 depicts the reforestation and supplemental planting acreages within each targeted community. In addition, the number of seedlings to be planted by species for each planting area are totaled. Bare-root seedlings of tree species will be planted at a density of 435 stems ' per ac (10-ft centers) within the long leaf pine and stream head swamp (wetland creation) areas. Within the Bearskin Swamp floodplain, supplemental planting of riverine swamp forest ' elements will be performed, utilizing approximately 70 stems per ac. Supplemental plantings will occur in canopy tree fall gaps, degraded fringe areas, clearings, and within snag creation plots as needed. In summary, approximately 15,350 trees and shrubs will be planted within ' the 115 ac complex. Species selected for planting will be dependent upon availability of local seedling sources at ' the time of planting and the results of ecological analyses. Advance notification to nurseries (1 year) will facilitate availability of various non-commercial elements. r u L Planted species will be alternated within adjacent centers at the relative densities stated in Table 1. Planting will be performed between December 1 and March 15 to allow plants to stabilize during the dormant period and set root during the spring season. Evidence indicates that a major cause of mortality in planted seedlings is over-browsing by deer and/or beaver. Methods to control browsing, such as species management or tree shelters, will be considered. The presence of dense successional thickets around planted seedlings may also limit browsing. However, in some instances, the substantial decrease in growth rates and the potential for over-topping by weedy species may reduce the benefits of this option. Regular shrub and herb maintenance coupled with selective use of tree shelters may be used in some areas to encourage higher survival rates and more rapid growth. Opportunistic species, which typically dominate disturbed swamp forests, have been excluded from initial wetland community restoration efforts. Opportunistic species such as loblolly bay, sweet bay, sweet gum, and red maple may become established within the Site. Efforts to inhibit early site domination by opportunistic species may be required during the first several years of tree growth to encourage diversity. However, these species should also be considered important components of steady-state swamp forest communities where species diversity has not been jeopardized. 25 r r lI'I n n u I fringe and interior floodplain physiographic areas of the Site.. The hydrology reference hydrology data will be utilized to refine target hydroperiods relative to the regulatory minimum described above. The reference hydrology success criteria is projected to include saturation (free water) within one foot of the soil surface for between 60% and 140% of the hydroperiod exhibited by the reference wetland. Local variations in hydroperiod along the convoluted valley wall and groundwater seeps will also be compared between the mitigation and reference wetland sites. 6.3 VEGETATION MONITORING Restoration monitoring procedures for vegetation are designed in accordance with EPA guidelines enumerated in Mitigation Site Type (MiST) documentation (EPA 1990) and COE Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines (DOA 1993). A general discussion of the restoration monitoring program is provided. After planting has been completed in winter or early spring, an initial evaluation will be performed to verify planting methods and to determine initial species composition and density. Supplemental planting and additional site modifications will be implemented, if necessary. During the first year, vegetation will receive cursory, visual evaluation on a periodic basis to ascertain the degree of overtopping of planted elements by nuisance species. Subsequently, quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed between September 15 and October 31 after each growing season until the vegetation success criteria is achieved. During quantitative vegetation sampling in early fall of the first year, sample plots will be randomly placed within each restored ecosystem type. Sample plot distributions will be correlated with hydrological monitoring locations to provide point-related data on hydrological and vegetation parameters. In each sample plot, vegetation parameters to be monitored include average tree height, species composition, density, and basal area. Visual observations of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species will also be recorded. 6.4 VEGETATION SUCCESS CRITERIA Success criteria have been established to verify that the wetland vegetation component supports community elements necessary for a jurisdictional determination. Additional success criteria are dependent upon the density and . growth of characteristic forest species. Specifically, a minimum mean density of 320 characteristic tree species/ac must be surviving for at least 5 years after initial planting. At least five character tree species must be present, and no species can comprise more than 20% of the 320 stem/ac total. Supplemental plantings will be performed as needed to achieve the vegetation success criteria. No quantitative sampling requirements are proposed for herb and shrub assemblages as part of the vegetation success criteria. Development of a swamp forest canopy over several 29 decades and wetland hydrology will dictate the success in migration and establishment of desired wetland understory and groundcover populations. Visual estimates of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species and photographic evidence will be reported for information purposes. ' 6.5 SOIL MONITORING An initial evaluation of soil characteristics will be performed upon completion of construction ' activities. During the first year, soils will be monitored frequently to discern movement or erosion within the surficial soil layer. Modifications designed to reduce surface water hydraulics will be installed as needed to stabilize top soils. Subsequently, quantitative ' sampling of soils will be performed in the fall of each year to verify hydric soil establishment. ' Soil samples will be collected at each vegetation sample plot. A profile description will be prepared that includes soil horizonation, texture, color, organic matter content, and presence/absence of hydric soil indicators. Selected samples will be forwarded to a laboratory ' for nutrient analyses. Visual observations of changes in soil or surface litter properties will also be recorded. ' 6.6 SOIL SUCCESS CRITERIA Success criteria have been established to verify that soils support characteristics necessary for a jurisdictional determination. Hydric soil indicators and secondary indicators of wetland ' hydrology (DOA 1987) must be present throughout the five-year monitoring period. Indicators are expected to include soil matrix chroma, mottling characteristics, rhizosphere oxidations, surf icial organic matter accumulation, staining, drift lines, fluvial deposits, or other ' diagnostic features. 1 30 7.0 LONG TERM MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY ' The Sampson County MSWLF is required to maintain control of the landfill and a 300-ft buffer surrounding the landfill for a 30-year period after closure. Therefore, an interim conservation ' easement will be prepared to protect the Site during this period. The interim conservation easement will state that a perpetual conservation easement be prepared after the 30-year period. The perpetual easement will include transfer of title to a conservation organization ' or appropriate land management group, if available. BFI will solicit organizations for acquisition and/or long term management of the Site. ' However, until an acceptable agreement can be reached with an appropriate recipient of the property, ownership and management of the Site will remain with BFI. BFI will also remain responsible for meeting success criteria established in the mitigation plan. Stipulations will ' be incorporated into the interim conservation easement and into the deed upon land transfer to insure that the property remains as conservation land in perpetuity. 31 n 1 8.0 WETLAND FUNCTIONAL REPLACEMENT ' This mitigation plan is designed to fulfill compensatory mitigation requirements associated with the Section 404/401 permits for the MSWLF expansion. Wetland mitigation strategies ' have been designed to provide for full functional replacement of wetland losses, including a margin of safety. The MSWLF expansion and past activities involve approximately 14 ac of jurisdictional wetland impacts. The proposed mitigation offers approximately 20 ac of ' wetland creation, 74 ac of wetland enhancement, and 21 ac of upland buffer establishment (Figure 8). ' Wetland creation and enhancement efforts are in-kind and on-site. The Site is situated within the same slope physiographic area and within lower reaches of the same wetland complex as the proposed impacts. Mitigation efforts are designed to establish a forested slope ' wetland and floodplain with a closed or nearly closed, diverse hardwood canopy. The forested complex will be consolidated below the landfill facility to maximize treatment of ' surface water and groundwater runoff, prior to confluence with Bearskin Swamp. The proximity of the slope wetland site to Bearskin Swamp will also promote wildlife expansion through direct connectivity with the riverine wetland system. ' Wetland creation and enhancement entails excavation of the hill slope and establishment of three primary groundwater seeps and four to six secondary seeps. All wetland soils, surface ' litter, and seed sources will be imported from the proposed wetland impact area and distributed within the mitigation area. Woody debris and soil surface topography will be established across the created wetland surface and characteristic wetland trees will be planted throughout the system. Subsequently, the Site will be monitored for five years to verify that no net loss of wetlands has resulted within the Sampson County MSWLF. Detailed ' plans will be prepared and the project implemented upon notification of approval from wetland resource agencies. J 32 9.0 REFERENCES Brinson M.M., F.R. Hauer, L.C. Lee, R.P. Novitzki, W.L. Nutter, and D.F. Whingham. 1994. Guidebook for Application of Hydrogeomorphic Assessments to Riverine Wetlands. The National Wetlands Science Training Cooperative. Seattle, WA. Brinson M., B. Swift, R. Plantico, J. Barclay. 1981. Riparian Ecosystems: Their ecology and status. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS 81 /17 Brown, Philip M., et al. 1985. Geologic Map of North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, 1-.500,000 scale. Department of the Army (DOA). 1993 (unpublished). Corps of Engineers Wilmington District. Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines (12/8/93). Department of the Army (DOA). 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. Tech. Rpt. Y-87-1, Waterways Experiment Station, COE, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Division of Water Quality (DWQ). 1998. Classifications and Water Quality Standards Assigned to the Waters of the Cape Fear River Basin, N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Raleigh, N.C. EcoScience Corporation (ESC). 1998. Summary Report, Section 404 Jurisdictional Area Assessment, BFI Northern Expansion, Sampson County Landfill. Raleigh, N.C. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1990. Mitigation Site Classification (MiST) A Methodology to Classify Pre-Project Mitigation Sites and Develop Performance Standards for Construction and Restoration of Forested Wetlands. USEPA Workshop, August 13-15, 1989. USEPA Region IV and Hardwood Research Cooperative, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Rheinhardt R.D., M.C. Rheinhardt, M.M. Brinson, and K. Faser. 1998. Forested wetlands ' of low order streams in the inner coastal plain of North Carolina. Wetlands, Vol. 18, No. 3. The Society of Wetland Scientists. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1985. Soil Survey of Sampson County, North Carolina, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. ' U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1991. Hydric Soils of the United States. In cooperation with the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils, USDA Natural t Resource Conservation Service. J 33 °hF >> North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission] 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Parker Division of Coastal Management John Dorney Division of Water Quality Mickey Sugg Army Corps of Engineers FROM: Bennett Wynne Habitat Conservation Program DATE: May 14, 1998 MAY 2 0 998 WEIUNUS UK O!' Y!'n.TFR QIiALITY ?G ; ? '? . hid? 9?3?'339 SUBJECT: 404 and 401 applications for Browning Ferris Industries (BFI) Of North America, c/o Mr. John Barnard, discharge of fill material into 11.0 acres of Section 404 wetlands for the expansion of the existing Sampson County municipal solid waste landfill facility, east of Roseboro, Sampson County, North Carolina. Action 1D No. 199801058. Staff biologists with the Wildlife Resources Commission have reviewed the project for impacts on wildlife and fishery resources in the area. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et. seq.) and the Coastal Area Management Act (G. S. 113A-100 through 1 13A-128). The applicant proposes to fill approximately 11.0 acres of jurisdictional wetlands associated with tributaries of Bearskin Swamp. In addition to direct losses of wildlife habitat and water quality protection finrctions, we are concerned that contamination of ground and surface waters will eventually occur. No substantive alternatives analysis is provided and we do not consider wetland avoidance efforts to be adequately demonstrated. No concrete mitigation plan for wetland impacts has been submitted. Based on the environmental risks associated with the project, we think an Environmental Impact Statement, or minimally an Environmental i> alp 1 1?14" ??? Assessment, is needed. Consequently, we recommend that the decision to issue a permit be withheld until an appropriate environmental document is prepared, circulated, and reviewed. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. If you have any concerns about our comments, please contact me at (252) 522-9736. 2 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO September 15, 1998 Regulatory Division p i ' Action ID No. 199801058 /?p?? L fS& 2 108 vv 1 WETLANDS GROUP WATER QUALITY SECTION __.w. Mr. John Barnard Sr Browning Ferris Barnard: Industries of North America we issued a public notice describing the proposal by Browning Ferris Industries (BFI) to discharge fill material into 11.0 acres of wetlands regulated by the provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for the expansion of the existing Sampson County Municipal Solid Waste Landfill facility at the northeast corner of the intersection of NC Highway 24 and SR 130, adjacent to Bearskin Swamp, east of Roseboro, Sampson County, North Carolina. Subsequently, an onsite meeting was held on May 19, 1998, with your agents, Messrs. Jerry Mcrain and Sandy Smith of EcoScience Corporation to discuss several mitigation options that were included in the application. It is my understanding that EcoScience is currently designing a conceptional mitigation plan and including an site additional landfill site for consideration. According to Mr. Smith, the plan should be completed in approximately two months and will be forwarded to this office for review. The plan should describe how BFI will provide for the functional replacement of wetlands impacted by the project and include a construction plan for accomplishing the replacement goals. As agreed with Mr. Smith, a subsequent interagency field meeting will be held to review the additional site and to discuss the updated plan. To comply with the 404(b)(1) guidelines, a final mitigation plan must be approved prior to the issuance of a Department of the Army permit. Until a plan has been submitted to our office, review of the proposal cannot continue. Therefore, we have suspended processing of the application and temporarily retired this file. When we have received the information described above, we will reopen this file and continue our permit review. 7434 On April Roseboro 9, Highway Roseboro, North 1998, Carolina 28382 -2- If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me in the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office at telephone (910) 251-4811. Sincerely, Mickey Sugg Regulatory Specialist Copies Furnished: Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Mr. John Hefner U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Mr. Bennett Wynne North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission 804 West Island Avenue Kinston, North Carolina 28501 Mr. Sandy Smith EcoScience Corporation 612 Wade Avenue, Suite 200 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Ms. Kathy Matthews Wetlands Section, Region IV U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr. Ken Averitte North Carolina Division of Water Quality 225 Green Street Suite 714, Wachovia Building Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 I .11.In- ] : -9R OR r 3DA EcoSc is?nr c? !"'.,r t,? itvit &A- E, 10 June 1998 lilt!?:d?l??,.?\.,?n,r;• ,`;1111,,!I!i) Ii,iL•...I Ci'j?Y', Ir?1??11Ii1?i1 1'tl'%+',?1.;'? Mr. John R. Dorney Wales Quality Cerlificatlon Pro°ram Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 P_ol. Re: Environmental Permitting for tho S;luipsnn County l'.,andfill .Expansion, 98-005 DWQ Project # 980339 Dear Jahn: Please accept this letter as a response. to your June 1, 191 9 letter to Mr_ Jahn Harnard of Browning Ferris Industries of N.A. (BFI) in regard to tl.1c shave-trn?ntiined project (see attached copy). We umle):stand that approval of 401 Certification for thin; project is contingctit upon development of a tllitigivion plan that rc.hl;tc tes uses thal nrcy he rc-)nnvcd or degraded by the propo,,ed project, 1311 intends to purnuc this prujcct, attcl 13FI and Scc)Scicnce. Cor3)oration (ESC) are in the prc)Ce55 Of developing, an appropriate nlitigatiun Ilan. We intend to focus the mitigatioa c ffcnt ou an ;rl,lnu.`iuc11e1v 60-acre tract. nosh of the propose(I expansion aria. Runoff from a portion of fllc pit 111uscd c,x 1r nc;iun ;trca currelill_y drains tluoligh this tract and into Bearskin Swamp. It is imr inWiltion W cfc;ltc.:i foremcd wetland within this tract to act as receptors of runoff from the proposed landfill ;uu.l ;idjc)?_crit landscape prier to releasing flow ti, Bearskia Swamp. Thew wetlands will serve ;u; a v; stet stet r1Z;o cireu, energy dissipaters, a pollutant rcnuwal mechanism, t1 nutrient production mecl)nni?An, and in source of wildlife food and cover hahitnt. A porinietc.r upl;+nd buffo will he inc0Y1101-o-1tcd into the wetland creation plan for protection ngaitist potential adjacent land um-- distorbanc(--s. Additional mitigation credits that may bc. iivicec;s;riy I'M project npprov;rl will be covered through creUtion of forested wetiands within a port. icm of a saIII11) orrilW ;ITO..a aphroxirnatcly 3 lnile14 from the proposed expansion area. The sand borrow area jr, loc;ctrd can the west batik of the Little Cohnric. River and is currently in active use. This borrow :uc t is expccted to result in an open-wetter pond feat by groundwater seepage and precipitation, I hc: 1110 i;"fltion plan will involve the creation of a forested wetland bufferlxoxeen open water within flee horrc,w area and the Little Cuharie floodplairi. This created wetlancl would acs as a rcccptilr tit ovc•.rl low Irorn the borrow area and a conduit for transfer of water to the Little Coharic. The C.rcalcd tivcthtad,. will :verve as water storage areas, a lx)llutLint removal nleclianisIn, a ii utrient I)l OdUCh011 11lCellarliII, and a source of wi.jdlite rood and cover habitat.