HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0841_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20170221STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. NCGNE O�y DOC TYPE ❑HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE ❑ �a � aaa � YYYYMMDD G� Energy, Mineral & ����A°o, ebruary 13, 2017 Land Resources ENWRONMENTAL QUALITY Mr. Jeffrey J. Newman Generics Bidco II V 3241 Woodpark Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28206 Dear Mr. Newman: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director Subject: Name/Ownership Change Request No Exposure Certification NCGNE0841 Generics Bidco 11, dba Prinston Laboratories Formerly Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Mecklenburg County The Division has reviewed your submittal of the permit name/ownership change form for the subject No -Exposure Certification. Division personnel have reviewed and approved your request to transfer the exclusion from NPDES stormwater permitting requirements. Please note that by our original acceptance of the No -Exposure Certification and by our approval of your request to transfer it, you are obligated to maintain no -exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for the no - exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. Annual re -certification is required; and we have enclosed one blank Annual No Exposure Exclusion Self Re -Certification form for your use. Your certification of no exposure does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. If you have any questions or need further information. please contact the Stormwater Permitting Program at (919) 707-9220. Sincerelyy, OR1Gl1dAL SIGNED BY BETHANY GEORGOULIAS for Tracy E. Davis; P.E.. CPM, Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land cc: Mooresville Regional Office Stormwater Permitting Program (Nothing Compares, State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1612 919 707 9200 Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY Mr. Jeffrey J. Newman Generics Bidco I1 3241 Woodpark Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28206 Dear Mr. Newman: February 13, 2017 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director Subject: Name/Ownership Change Request No Exposure Certification NCGNE0841 Generics Bidco II, dba Prinston Laboratories Formerly Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Mecklenburg County The Division has reviewed your submittal of the permit name/ownership change form for the subject No -Exposure Certification. Division personnel have reviewed and approved your request to transfer the exclusion from NPDES stormwater permitting requirements. Please note that by our original acceptance of the No -Exposure Certification and by our approval of your request to transfer it, you are obligated to maintain no -exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for the no - exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. Annual re -certification is required, and we have enclosed one blank Annual No Exposure Exclusion Self Re -Certification form for your use. Your certification of no exposure does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the Stormwater Permitting Program at (919) 707-9220. Sincerely, Tracy E. vis. .for TY F.E., Ctor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land cc: Mooresville Regional Office Stormwater Permitting Program Nothing Compares., State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 919 707 9200 +�! Division of Energy, A-lineral & Land Resources Land Quality SectionlStormwater Permitting I�CDEPIR National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System C'_�' E­+o-. — _n N__FL10:nC19 PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM na MC FOR AGENCY SEONLY Date Received Year Month Day Please enter the permit number for .which the change is requested. NPDES Permit (or) Certificate of Coverage N I G I S 10 10 10 1 '.),-N 10 1 G. IF I f 10 1 IoEiu 11. Permit status prior to requested change. i j� a. Permit issued to (company name): q t T�S� T k.-tyVAC�.a b. Person legally responsible for permit: r �Sre�rti Facility name (discharge): Facility address: e. Facility contact person: Firstl' j! �[I Last lG.�t a Title Permit Holder Mailing Address city state zip Phone Fax islet 1 c o 09A, rt 1 ha ,4,,cA +� 700 A (x)!­,)wh Biad jf 9dresi C ar,C) 4e City State Zip First / MI / Last Phone Ill. Please provide the following for the requested change (revised permit). a. Request for chance is a result of: Change in ownership of the facility Name change of the facility or owner Ifother•please e-vphrin: b. Permit issued to (company name): (Tenrrl es j):,)cd-lf (2136 1'r,,AsA-o,r-- c. Person legally responsible for permit. r1 k)P-1 First � kNIT Last r( F� r t't �c S Title lleriiiit holder Mailin; Address h AJ_ c, 28 206 Cit�ystate �jZip Oat) 67 -? ` 36% 1 f Phone E-mail Address d. Facility name (discharge): e. FaciliEw address: 3 `lOD od i t i31,J� / Address ✓ , C t ';.�2 OE, City State �1 Zip f. Facility cotuact person: ��•�#!e � 1� � krSI NlI Last c7a�l_ } �(2 88F� AJCtz:n.c�i. Ptns onpll�trlk� ,C6 Phone E-mail Address IV. Permit contact information (if different from the person legally responsible for the permit) Revised Jan. 27, 2014 NPDES PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM Page 2of2 Permit contact: r FiI MI Last r_ t� Ti[te � k G IJ 1 Mailing Address V, C, Z$206 CState �} Zip it Phone E-mail Address I V. Will the permitted facility continue to conduct the same industrial activities conducted prior to this ownership or name change? �. Yes ❑ No (please explain) VI. Required Items: THIS APPLICATION WILL BE RETURNED UNPROCESSED IF ITEMS ARE INCOMPLETE OR MISSING: ® This completed application is required for both name change and/or ownership change requests. ❑ Legal documentation of the transfer of ownership (such as relevant pages of a contract deed, or a bill of sale) is required for an ownership change request. Articles of incorporation are not sufficient for an ownership change. The certifications below must be completed and signed by both the permit holder prior to the change, and the new applicant in the case of an ownership change request. For a name change request, the signed Applicant's Certification is sufficient. PERMITTEE CERTIFICATION (Permit holder prior to ownership change): I, attest that this application for a name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information is not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date APPLICANT CERTIFICATION attest that this application for a namelownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information is not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. / / a/ /6 I l Signature Date PLEASE SEND THE COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKAGE TO: Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 Revised Jan. 27.2014 Energy, x1ineral and Lund Resources rflVMONMENTAL QUALITY Division of Energy. kiNlineral and Land Resources Land Quality Section — Stormwater Permitting National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System , ANNUAL NO EXPOSURE EXCLUSION SELF RE -CERTIFICATION NCGNE0000 Do not submit this form to DEMLR unless requested. For questions, please contact the DEMLR Regional Office for your area or the Central Office. (Please print or type) Facility's No Exposure Exclusion No. Date Completed (MM/DD/YYYY) N I C I G I N I E 0 8 4 1 0 7/ O 1/ 2 0 1 6 1) Has the facility name or owner changed? ❑ Yes ® No (if yes, please submit a separate Name/Ownership Change Form to DEMLR located at: httDaldea-nc.aov/a bout/divi sions/enerov-m inera1-land-resou rces/enerav-mineral-land-oermits/stormwater-Dermitslnodes- industrial-sw ) 2) Are any of the following materials or activities exposed to precipitation, now or in the foreseeable future? (Please check either "Yes" or "No.") If you answer "Yes" to any of these items, you are not eligible to maintain your no exposure exclusion, and must immediately apply for a permit from DEMLR. a. Using, storing, or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment, and areas where ❑ Yes ® No residuals from using, storing or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment remain and are exposed to stormwater b. Materials or residuals on the ground or in stormwater inlets from spills/leaks ❑ Yes ® No c. Materials or products from past industrial activity ❑ Yes ® No d. Material handling equipment (except adequately maintained vehicles) ❑ Yes ® No e. Materials or products during loading/unloading or transporting activities ❑ Yes ® No f. Materials or products stored outdoors (except final products intended for outside ❑ Yes ® No use [e.g., new cars] where exposure to stormwater does not result in the discharge of pollutants) g. Materials contained in open, deteriorated or leaking storage drums, barrels, tanks, ❑ Yes ® No and similar containers h. Materials or products handled/stored on roads or railways owned or maintained by ❑ Yes ® No the discharger i. Waste material (except waste in covered, non -leaking containers [e.g., dumpsters]) ❑ Yes ® No j. Application or disposal of process wastewater (unless otherwise permitted) ❑ Yes ® No k. Particulate matter or visible deposits of residuals from roof stacks and/or vents not ❑ Yes ® No otherwise regulated (i.e., under an air quality control permit) and evident in the stormy/ater outflow I. Empty containers that previously contained materials that are not properly stored ❑ Yes ® No (i.e., not closed and stored upside down to prevent precipitation accumulation) Page 1 of 3 SWU-NESR-Alay2016 ,.. rinstow-m. "' La bnratories Dear Sir or Madam, 3241 • 3700 • 3801 Woodpark Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28206 On January 9 2017 Generics Bidco II dba Qualitest Pharmaceuticals was purchased by Prinston Pharmaceuticals and will now be operating as Generics Bidco II dba Prinston Laboratories. I spoke with Marcia Allocco from the Mooresville office who was very helpful with the proper forms. Please contact me if additional information is required. Jeff Newman Facilities Prinston Laboratories, 3801 Woodpark Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28206 704.612.8867 JNewman@PrinstonPharm.com (Prinston `.. Lwbbratoilaa'. - `�� ._ram rr'r � j11♦ �, 9�:+ s'y JAN 2 5 �Ql WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SOLEMEMBER OF GENERICS HIDCO II, LLC JANUARV 11, 2017 The undersigned, constituting the sole niembea (the.-S61c Mcmbcr°')-of Generics Bidco 11, t_ L. a Delaware hriilttd liability company (the "Cone"), hercbywaives till notice of time, place of purpose ol' a meeting and consent to, approve and adopt,the following, r6oldtions pursuant. to the Delaware Limited Liability Company -Act and direct that this Writidn Consent ofjlie'Sole,Mernber (this "Consent"j be filed Nvith the tninutti s of the proceedings of the Company:, APPOINrMENTO MANAGER. - WHEREAS, in connection with the Sole McinbeCs acquisition of all issued and outstanding membership interests of the. Company pursunni to that certain. Membership Interest and .Assei 'Purchese Agreement dated as of October 31. 21016 by and aniong Generics International. (US), fric. (``Generics Vintage Pharmaceuticals, I_LC and the Sale Member, Generics US resigned as the sole manager of the Company; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 10 of the Amended and Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement of the Company, the Sole Member may elecuone or.more individuals or entitles to manage th( Company, WHEREAS. the -Sole Member desires to elect Prinston Phari-naccutical Inc. -as manager -of the Company. NOW, T-111CREFORE, III, IT RESOLVED, that effective as of the date hereof, Pri_nston Ph lrrn'iCcutrcal Inc. (the "lxfcinti per"j .bt, and. hereby is, elected as the sole manager cif the C.ompany-to Serve until a successor is duly elected arid.gitalified. TRAi)r NANIF, FiLI:NGS. WHEREAS, the Company desires to .conduct business, under a trade name :ten& to file the appropriate applications to register the trade name with any stale, tetritory or dependency of the United States or ativ foreign counlry in ►which it is necessary or expedient for the Company to transact business using a tradenarrie. NOW, THEREFORE,, RE IT RESOLVED, that for the purpose of authorizing the Company to do business under a trade name in any suite, territory or dependency.of the -United States or any foreign country in which it is necessary or expedient For the CEnnpany-to transact business using a trade name, the Sole Member hereby authorizes the Sole Member or tiic Manager to make and file all applications, cerificates. reports and ollier instruments as may be required or appropriate tinder the laws of such stare, territory, dependency or country, to atithorize the Company to transact business under a .trade naive therein and, whenever it is expedient for ttie Company to cease doing business therein under a trade name, to file such -certificates. reporm acid other instruments as may be required to cancel the trade name in anN such state, territory, dependency or country. and if in connection Wilh.the Foregoing:any particular form of resolution shall be required, such resolution shall be deeniecd hereby adopted, -provided that a copy of Such resolution shall be inserted in the minute book of' tile Cornpanl''IbIloxving•this Cdnsent and that the Sole. Member is.authorized to certify such resolution as.having been adopted by this Consent. GENEFLIL REsowrtotis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Sole Member and. the .Manager of; the Company, be and hereby is, authorized, ernpo%%�ered and directed':tr3 do bn louse to be done, anv and all such nets and things, and to execute and deliver, 6r c arise. to: be executed and delivered, all agreements,. instruments, documents and certificates (including any and all arttendntertts or supplements thereto, modifications. extensions or N6ivers thereof; or replacements), in each case in the narne and on behalf of the Company, as the Sale rOvIember or the Manager deems necessary, appropriate;or desirable to ettect-the. intent and accomplish the purOoses of'these resolutions: and.tie it l FURTHER RESOLVED. that the execution and delive'l-v bv_the Sole Member or the Manager of any Agreement. instrument, certificate or other dociirne-nt. and; the taking of any other action in connection with and of these r"olutionst shall evidence the. Sole -Member's or the Manager's. approval and authority and thr-approval, <ufnption, attthor.izaEiUrt, r.adficaticin and confirfhati(on by the Sole Member and by the Company; rind be it FURTHER RESOLN'ED, that all agreements, instruments, certificates and other documents executed and delivered and all other actions taken by the Sole Meritber or the Mariager-in connection with any of the foregoing matters prier or subsequent to the date of these rrsoluiions are approved,: adopted, eiuthorized..ratified and confinned-in all respects. ISIGNATU RE- PAGE FOLLOWS I 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has. caused this Consent fo be duly executed as of the day and year set forth alcove. SOLE MEMBER' PRJNS'1;0N PHARMACEUTIC -AL INC. Name ..Jun Du . Title: Chief Executive Ufticer ; Dm 3"1'13 NON. I NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P.E. Governor Mr. Jeff Green Vintage Pharmaceuticals 3700 A Woodpark Blvd. Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Dear Mr. Green: Director April 18, 2012 Natural Resources Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: No -Exposure Certification NCGNE0841 Qualitest Pharmaceuticals 3700 A Woodpark Blvd., Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Mecklenburg County The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No -Exposure Certification form for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure and the site visit of April 17, 2012, by staff from this Office the Division is granting your conditional exclusion from permitting as provided for under 40 CFR 122.26(g), which is incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations. Please note that by our acceptance of your no -exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no -exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a No -Exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. You must self re -certify your No -Exposure status annually using the enclosed form or obtain NPDES permit coverage for any stormwater discharges from your facility. The annual self re -certification does not need to be submitted to DWQ unless requested. Your conditional exclusion from permitting does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Marcia Allocco at (704) 235-2204, or at marcia.allocco(d-)ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, for Charles Wakild, P,E. Enclosure: No -Exposure Self Re -certification Information sheet Annual No -Exposure Exclusion Self Recertification form Site inspection report cc: Stormwater Permitting Unit No- Exposure Files Mooresville Regional office Location: 610 East Cenler Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 lntemet: www.ncwaterquality.org R. Rozzelle, MCWQP NorthCarolina Aaturallif An Equal Opporluniy t Affinnafive Action Employer - 30% Recycledl10% Past Consumer paper Permit: NCGNE0841 SOC: County: Mecklenburg Region: Mooresville Compliance Inspection Report Effective: Expiration: Owner: Vintage Pharmaceuticals DBA Qualitest- Pharmaceuticals Effective: Expiration: Facility: Qualitest Pharmaceuticals 3700 A Woodpark Blvd Contact Person: Steve Vanburen Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Title: Inspection Hate: 04/17/2012 Entry Time: 02:22 PM Primary Inspector: Marcia Allocco Secondary inspector(s): Charlotte NC 28206 Phone: 704-612-8989 Certification: Exit Time: 02:48 PM Phone: Phone: 704-663-1699 Ext.2204 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, No Exposure Certificate Facility Status: ■ Compliant 0 Not Compliant Question Areas: M Miscellaneous Questions (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: NCGNE0841 Owner - Facility; Vintage Pharmaceuticals DBA Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inspection Date: 04/17/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The facility was visited through a new No -Exposure Certification request Stormwater at the site drains to two outfalls with eventual discharge to an unnamed tributary to Irwin Creek (verified on USGS Derita Quadrangle). The outfall (drop inlet) at the southeastern corner of the building collects roof drain discharge. The outfall (drop inlet) in the parking lot on the western side of the building collects runoff from the shipping/receiving area and roof drains. There was flow in southeastern comer drop inlet, which was determined to be air conditioner condensate (deemed permitted). The following sources of stormwater exposure were noted during the inspection: • Newly installed trash compactor— however, the dumpster was entirely contained and there was no evidence of discharge from the dumpster. Therefore, the facility meets the requirements of "No Exposure". Page: 2