HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0113_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20050420STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. NCGNE (7)13 DOC TYPE HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE ❑ Jo�5�� YYYYMMDD a o��� w A r�9p� Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Thomas L Barnhardt Barnhardt Manufacturing Company 1100 Hawthorne Ln Charlotte, NC 28205 Dear Permittee: Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director 1VLI]ivision ofiW'at'ei•:Quality?�j�� Coleej tHFSuiliiTs; Deputy Direct2TRCES. 1 Division of Water Quality OFFICE April 20, 2005 ' APR 2 7 2005 4 Subject: No Exposure Certification NCGNE0113 Barnhardt Mfg Company - 1100 Hawthorne Ln Mecklenburg County The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No -Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting form, which we received on August 15, 2001. We apologize for the extended period it has taken us to get back to you on this request and we appreciate your patience as we have worked through this process. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure at the above referenced facility the Division is granting your certification as provided for under 40 CFR 126.22(g) which is incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations. Please note that by our acceptance of your no exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a no - exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. Your conditional no -exposure exclusion expires in five years (April 30, 2010). At that time you must re -certify with the Division, or obtain NPDES permit coverage for any stormwater discharges from your facility. Your certification of no exposure does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Jonathan Diggs at (919) 733-5083 ext. 537, or at jonathan.diggs@ncmail.net. Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Mooresville Regional Office Central Files — wlattachments Stormwater Permitting Unit Files , d ,A tVCDEMrt N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1-977-623-6749 FWAY. TRANSMISSION COVER SKEET Date: 8/15/01 To: Bill Mills NCDENR DWC -_ Phone: 1-919-733-5083 Fax: 1-919-733-0719 Comments: Bill, Number of pages including Over sheet: 3 From: Ed Back 0arnhardt Manufacturina Co. Phone: 704-376-0380 ext.265 Fix: . 704-342-1892 Please find attached the No Exposure Certification covering the Barnhardt Manufacturing Company operations in Charlotte, NC. If you have any questions please contact me at 1-704-405-4031. Ed Back - Director, Environmental & Regulatory Affairs T00ln YVA ZT:80 T00Z/9T/$0 NCO lye 4110 NVCDENR--DWO Fax:919-733-0719 Aug 7 '01 14:41 P.02/05 Unithad States Errriront�eng ProtaG40rl a �vrrn Apprared ' ttr o d rj% 1Hoa�*rgtdn, my AB �Y t7Nt8 Ake.2os442S 1 FARM O A NO EXPOSURE CERTINCATION for Exclusion from 351U-si NpOES Storm Water permitting Submisslon of ails No Exposure Certifloation connitutas notice that sle eney Idsnti5ed In Section A does not raqulre permm authorization forks storm water diaohargee anaeo;atod with induatriol aa+Jvlry in the atata idcntMa;l In Oeplivn 9 ur4tr E •A% Storm wrator Muth "� au%or Genarsl Permil due to 1he extstortca of a condelvn of no exposure, A condition of no expeaura exists at an induswal tadrrty when all industrial materials and activities are proftewd by a storm resistant shelter to prevent exposure to rain, snow, anowmeft, and/or nanoft. Industrial materfals or aGtlyiG6s Indu&, but are not 1ir111led ta, malertal handAng equipment or activities, inductrlal ntgclsinory, raw materials, Inlarmadiate products, byproducts, finall products, hir waste prodt4lQ MAtorial har4jn9aztNllea include " atorage, loading and unloading, transpvrtAton, or ccnvRywce of any raw material, Intem edlals product, final product or waste pnyducL A storm resistani shelter is as required for the tattmvirty IndAmtrial mimerfata and ar dviueiii: - dnm>e_ barrais, tanks, and slmaar cnntalrtcr ii that aro tightly aeplodr preMW 4hewe wctcinorp aro na4 dalariorated and do rwA look •Sealed" means banded or otharwisa timmred ane without opumbonal taps or valves; - adoquatNy maintalnetl va cias used In material handling; and - final products, other than products that wouhl be mabtllzctl In gtgrrrh slater d L%trarges (e.g., nXk salt). A Nq orpeaury C-rul atlas -t,st ha VmWIPH fnr r.Anh facility auiWMnu far the no mgcaure exdu9ion- In audition, the exclusion from NPM perffftjng IS available on a favaty-wide baaia only not for individual outfalla_ It any indualrial activities oar materrals are or wnl oe exponea w tutserr,nnrtu+,. u,G u, 112L, 1s not efigibla for the no exposure exclusion. By signing and submitting tile No Furposure Certification Ibrtn, the anpty in Seddon A is aerllrying that at candbon of no exposure arlsts at Re fa.adity or elta, anq ra ebilaotcd to oemply wlih the temia and wndrlio" Uf 40 CPA 122.3$(y)- Ar.L INPORMAPON MG51 1513 PROVIDE) ON THIS FUFINL Detatled Inturuhitlons far completing this tom and ahtaln" Ittsr no expowm eaeltufti l are provided on papes 3 and 4. A. FaoWty Q"rater tnfonMileut t.Narne; $a R rJ k h i lAAl F, &I I CID ? k Y x.Phone IZip14Lt�l�IQI�i$tpl 3. Mailing Atldress: a. SUOK [_ l I J q ft At H rl }o l d►1° I_C1 I b/ I A4 6I f I L_ t I I I 1 I_ I I I I III N a.3tate: L!YIS d. Zip Cade: } 2181 71 O 151 e. Fiacltttylatte t_opnion Infg"DWIvin 1. Fac11rr foam*; 2. a Street adarast+ , 111 I O G }4W` f} 0 u b. City_ 11 -1 1 1 1 1 t, 1 1 1 11 r. t'. "Iy! I I —a I I I I I I I d. State: e. Zip Code: II �I g I zt 0 LZL- l I , -I--I _ I 3. Is the fladllty located on Indian I.artds? Yus ❑ No 4. Is this -a Federal iladfKy7 Yes [] No S, a. Latitude; L� b Langku0a jdJJAI 9 1 a L�j , 11 o. Waa the faa'rrty or olte praAausty oovcrod ui rdar an NPp43 dtvrht water pam711? YM � No d. it yes, anwtaPD19 perroriurnbor: _ __ 7. GIWAetltgty Codea! rnmary: l l 7110 l w►wrrumr to ar,yul.axeicj• ! �� a- Total size of eisa associatea halth inctustnetl ae imy-, A" s � p9Ees� V. a. HaVe you paved or roofed over a formrly tea. pervious area in older to qua[ftiy forthe no exporure excludtm? Yes ❑ No )1 tl. ff yea, ptease Indlctlt0 apprurrltgatety how much af& ww pavan or roofed ww CanlpfeGrtg t11le qusston doss not dlequai¢y you kx the rro h�posrrr p e 1lJWM HOWaver- your DffRVMAQ *utnorttY ntgy ,ran rl,ttie I, A6wmnarkm in a►f"a -* -ihar are Uka r to have an adverse anpact an water ouaflgr, in wh" MW you could be required to oWay1 permit hxavara lo. term than one acre ❑ One to five nava ❑ Mom' trap ffw ocres Cl EPA Fern, 3"0-11 (10-00) r No t of 4 Z00 t�j YVVd ZU 90 i00Z/9T/90 NCDENR-dlr Q Fax :919- -0719 Aug 7 r 01 14 ' 42 P. 0 /05 r renal App ,� NO EXPOSURE CeFMFICATIPN for FxtAurion fro - amaka.z(A —iA �.y �� m TMPtace eturrn riatt�¢rr, Perrnn tang C, 0(posure CheeldlK Am any of the bkwinp materials of acf vitWil exposed to proolplWan, n" er in the ixeseeitble future? (Naaae ohook alihar"Ydrf ur qlu" hn the sppiupdaw thou,) If you krismi-"Ye8^ to ar{y of umm questions (1) throush (11). You are not ellsilt to for the no expuure exeluslom Yes No 1. Using, etodng ordeanlrlq indu al machinery or equipmeni, and areas whefa residuals from using, firing nr dseni+.0 industrlAr maal'htlr& or equipment remain ar,aa9re enpnsed4a .twm wAttSr 2. MzLudda ar realdualti Ott the ground or rn storm water Inlels from ep MVIeak6 ❑ a_ Materials or products frnin pain Industrial activity ❑ 4. Mltterial handling equiR nt (eioceptadequately rnWntalned vehrdea) 5. Materials or productg during Im dinghlrtbadinq or Imnspordnq acthvlttes �] Q 6. hlaberiaha or products etored btl oars (oxcept5nal pradutifi Intended far ocrsfcig;use [e-V-• now cars) whara ❑ exposure m storm water does r.tn reaull In fha distirgto of pbUants) 7. Materials contained in open. de MrTawted or leafing sbrnQe drums, b Mla, tanks, and simderoantainers ❑ 12 g. Materials or products hatdle-d/ ared on Mao$ or ralhruays Owned or rtuirttained by C16 discharger ❑ IX 9. Waste matarial (excovi waste hi covered, nonaea0v eatr akws (e.g.. durnp&terafl Q 13 10. App1-ioation or ffiiopoaal of p as Ymeta water (unicce othpre4aft perrnl"0 Q if. Partlwlwa mauer or viwwe de oaths or realfluals from root glaaka and/or WwIW not Otherwise ragubled ❑ L8 (La_, under tin alrquality oont pw* and evident In the Mwin water outflow ID. CartitltxlUwStatnement , cerllfy under penalty of law that havo read and understand the eligibility raquiremente far dalmIn4 a aondlilon at'no aygtosure^ end ohtaining an eWusion from NPORS storm wata permhling- I acriify under penalty of law that Ih�re ax no discharges of 81DrM vraler contaminatgd by exposure to mdugaw actiultias or materials from the Industrial facllny or oito idernirod in thta documem (except as allowed Under 40 CFR I understand That I QM obligated to submit a no exposure Oestffim-dm farm once every Mm years to the NPDES pennhting authority and, It requmaied, to the aperafm or the kmal muay nlelpai eeparato &form za~ etarn (Mt34) Inhi Into which the facifify dischargea (where appli4mbte). I understand that f ,rapt allow the NPOE.9 parmlfto auftrodty, or MS4 aphratoe where the diach a I* iota the local MS4, to perform Inapec6ons To confirm the condltlnn of no asipvnura and to mako etch lmpecttvn ropurts putilldyawAaf,fa upon regtlasi I underatEind Mat I must otstaln CoVerage under an NPDES permit prior to any point sauna d[Wharga of s,dnti water frern the facillv. Additionally, I coA* under penally of law that thla domment" aQ $ftmhmanta Were peaM ed under rrry dlrectlon yr ouperv►aiwi in damndance with a system designed to arrsurs that qual-rfied poisonnel properly gatheied and evaluatad fife lalarnmeon submltiod. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persona wrio rimnage file syaterrr. or ihpgy persons Vrec ty responalme fix gall1egny the Intorrrlation, the Information aubmItted Is to the beet of my knowladge arld bollef true. a=rato End oc itNeta I am aware that there aro *riffiniini gmnaWes for suhnvtilng false InNrnntlan, induCh+g fho posmlbility of fine and lmgrtsonmttd for itnpwlng Aclatitzns_ Print Name 1 r l 0Lt_*, S l �t fj.416'y110't'et frAl 7-1 J PrintTUe: Signauxa! Date: I to 8 10, 1 ErA Prwm 3MO-1I t'10-M Page 2 of 4 ME y'3 Zi fza ioo�ie�:l�a