HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG140038_MONITORING INFO_20160606STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NC6 PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V DOC TYPE ❑HISTORICAL FILE N MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE Ll eM �J D I/ o YYYYMMDD Semi-annual Stormwater Michar a MonitorinR Ke ort for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG120000 Date submitted CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No.•NCGJ26di9; FACILITY NAME _ Davidson County Landfill COUNTY- Dpvidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Steven Sink LABORATORY Fesearch and Analytical Laboratory Lab Cert. ii 34 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2016 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ® Monthly) fmonth L A, iRGLING 70 CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQw ❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow []WaterSupply ❑SA JUG 0 6 2916 ®other C CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON THE REVERSE El No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected) (mo/ Collected' 24-hour rainfall amount, mounnche t Chemical Oxygen Demand Fecal Coliform Total Suspended Solids Benchmarks =-=> _ - 120 mg/L 1000 count per 100 mL 100 mg/L or 50 mg/0 Ph. 2 Pond 3 5-17-16 546 >60000 3660 C&D 5-17-16 55 10000 225 C&D POND 1 5-17.16 32 22000 67.4 n 0 ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must stllI submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on-site.rain gouge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. 4 See General Permit text, Table 3, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Note: Results must be reported In numerical format. For exam le do not report Below betectlon Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non - numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, theV must bg re orted in the format, "<XX m L" where XX Is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Conversely, where fecal coliform results exceed the dilution upper limit, report the result as ">XX". Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-248, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 2 ❑ No dischorge this period ?2 Outfall No. Collected amount, Non -polar O&G/TRH by TDmate Sample 24-hour rainfall o/dd/yr) Inthes3 EPA 1664 SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks zaF> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or So mg/0 6.0 — 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses, See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER ATTHE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION 13, • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES X❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES XQ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME; Jennifer Carter Mall an original and one ea py ofthis DMR including all "No Discharge"_ reports, withh? .90 days of recelot of the lab r Its p . In — or at end mpnito e—r in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFI O OR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, thst this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system d'esigned to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the Information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. am aware that there�,are significant penalties for submitting false Information, including the posSlbllity of fines and imprisonment for Knowing violations," (Signature of Permittee) Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 _& (Date) SWU-248, last revlsed 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 2 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG120000 .: Date submitted 5/27/16 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 FACILITY NAME Halifax County Landfill COUNTY Halifax PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Edgar Stanfield LABORATORY Environment 1 Lab Cert. # 10 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2016 SAMPLE PERIOD x Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or Monthly) _ (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow [:]WaterSupply [:]SA ®Other C RECEIVED PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Ji O 1 2016 n No discharae this Aeriod?2f7� Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 pWR SEC710N Chemical Oxygen Demand Fecal Coliform �j Ll � l Total Suspended Solids "ue Benchmarks ===> - - 120 mg/L 1000 count per 100 mL 100 mg/L or 50 mg/ : Basin 1 5-3-16 44 <2 23 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit text, Table 3, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. For example, do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non - numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Conversely,.where fecal coiiform results exceed the dilution upper limit, report the result.as ">XX". Note: !f you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 _ SWU-248, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 2 Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. n No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L 6.0 — 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANYONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO X IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an oriainal and one coov of this DMR, includina all "No Discharae" reports, within 30 dot's of receipt of the lob results for at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharae" reports] to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature P rmittee) - (I ate)- - - - Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-248, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 2 EmAuff WHEN % dimm po bd PO. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVLLE, N.C. 27835-7085 RECEIVED MAY 13 2N ID# : 299 rut+rater I1D:7 i16 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (2b2) 7§i :0W3 HALIFAX LANDFILL (COAL & ASH) I' C/O SMITH GARDNER, INC. ATTNt JOAN SMITH DATE COLLECTED: 05/03/16 14 N. BOYLAN AVENUE DATE REPORTED : 05/10/16 RALEIGH .NC 27603 , Basin #1 Analysis Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code COD, mg/l 44 05/09/16 SEJ H8000-79 Fecal Coliform (MF), 1100 Mls <2 05/03/16 MCS 9222D-97 Total Suspended Residue, mg/l 23 05/04/16 KDS 254OD-97 REVIEWED BYt ;0111- it ! I .I i �I Environment 1, Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD rP..O. Box 7085,1 �14 `Oakmont Dr. Page ,�-i of �_ 11mi-nuMp Nr fTR;R mvironmentlinc.com Phone (252) 756-6208 • Fax (252) 756-0633 CLIENT: 2" Week: 11 IiAL1FAX LANDFILL (COAL & ASH) -JO SMITH GARDNER, INC. +TI'N: JOAN SMYTH 14 N. BOYLAN AVENUE RALEIGH NC 27603 919) 828-0577 COLLECTION DISINFECTION ❑ CHLORINE ❑- uv ❑ NONE ❑ CHLORINE NEUTRALLZED AT COLLECTION pi CHECK (A P P P CONTAINER TYPE, PIG C G A CHEMLICALPRESERIIATION �2 A - NONE D . NAOH EU 6 - HNO, E - HCI, LU C -HzSO, F -ZINC ACETATEINAOH aa2 G - NA THIOSUI-FATE a. o z S ¢ C o ¢ z ���f555s LL A U U isi pG SAMPLE LACATION DATE TIME Basin #1 51,74 , sr 0 7� 3 9. :_�.. 1 7M CL�asslL=lcA WASTEWATER (NPDES) ❑ DRINKLNGWATER DWOGW ❑ SOUDWASMSEC 10N CHAIN OF CUSTODY (SEAL) MAINTAINED DURING SHIPMENTIDELIVERY N SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: Pam RhQ f 5__ d < r ? - Lf1ec SAMPLES RECENED IN LABAT-3, _°C R S DTEInME REC BY ) TEITIME AL BENTS; SHED BY (S ) DATEMME' RECEIVED BY (SIG.) DATEITIME RELINQUISHED BY (SIG.) DATEMME RErE/® BY (SIG.) DATEILIME PLEASE READ Instructions for completing this form on the reverse "side: — ---- Sampli mustplace-a "C" for cadiposite sample ora"G° #or - ----= --- - - m �� FORM � Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requested. N! 303384 STORMWATER DISC IIARGE OUI'FALL (SDO) iMONITORING REPORT GENERAL P RMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2015 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCC120038 (This monitoring report is Clue at (lie Division no later than 30 days from the dza� 1he facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMI"LES _Steven Sink 111IONE NO. (_336)242-2294 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # I'LEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE � Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/ddl r 00340 31616 00530 Chemical Oxygen Demand, ni t/L Fecal Coliform, # per 100 ml Total Suspended Solids, m r/L Benchmark 120 " 1000.colunies 100 Ph. 2 fond 3 12/17/15 211 >12000 736 Ph. 2 fond 4 1 12/17/15 123 >12000 181 C&D 12/17/15 154 5800 181 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement "bier I or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete fart B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements yes _no Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, moldd/ 'r 00556 00530 00400 Oil and Grease, = Ill g/L Total Suspended Solids, ni IL p1l, Standard units New Motor Oil Usage, Average annual gal/mo Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 — 9.0 JAN 1 12016 CENTRAL FILES DWR SEC71ON Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for 1)1"1, you must implement Tier 1 or "Pier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 12/17/15 ] Total Event Precipitation {inches): jp Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event 1recipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attu: DWQ Cenlral Files NCDI?NR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Cenlcr Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 S W U-24 8-102107 Page I of 2 S.TORNIWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under niy direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting; false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) (Date) SWU-248-102107 Page 2 of 2 RESEARCh & ANAI'yTiC'Al QAb0RATOROEs,- INC. Analytical / Process Consult 6dons Prone (336) 996-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WATER l WASTEWATER I Misc. • ✓ • r REQUE.STEG ANALYSIS 1 u. -' r PHONE WIG :•. .. •' l� ■■ ■■■ SEES■ ■■■ . u ,1 •r f111�' Fr � � ■■■■� ■ ■ SEES■ ■■■ - ,... _ , • �. 1m momrix 110 SEEM■■■■■■■ •.. .:.. . ! ■■■■ ,= HE ONE ■■■■■ ■■■ E�■■Immom moomm ■ ■ OME MMIN SEES.NINON ■■m In INN EM ■■MESS■■ n■ 11100 ■■■■ MM■■■ mono MEN ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■m ■MEE■m■ o■E■ ■■Mn■ on nM MEMO mm■■i■■� NONSENSE■ ■■ ■■ �o■■■■■■ME SEES■■■Monson ■■■■ZOM �■■■■■■mm omn■mn■somo■■MOVE En ■ ■■No ■■■■moons ■■■■■ ■■ ■ SO® ■■snsMon■on ME ON NO InMINN m■n■o■n■ No EMISSION=MEEMISSION■oso■s■smono m■■■■MEMOS n■n■ ■■SEES■■ ■■ n ■■■■■■■OS ■■1mMMMMM, r ,.■ . , SAMPLE TEMPERATURE RELINQUISHED : .: H(ESEARCN ANAIyTiCAI Report of Analysis j LAbORATORiES, INC, 1i6i2O16 Client Sample ID: Lab Sample 10: Site: Collection Date: 9:31 Parameter- Method Result Units Rep Limit Analyst Analysis RateTTime Fec Coli-MF SM 9222 D-1997 9600 cal/1 00 ml 1 SK 12/1712015 1545 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 55 mg/L 5 YJ 12/21/2015 NA = no+ analyzed P.O. Box 473 106 Short Street Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 Tel: 335-996-2841 Fax: 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com Page 2 ral c a basic i id n ESEARCh ANA[YTiCA LAORATORiES, INC. For: Davidson County Landfill 945 North Main Street Lexington, NC 27293 Attn: Steven Sink Report of Analysis 1i6/2016 +.��; �•l�C� �f rr :to NC K3A Z, . r NC 937701 �� ED�AIA t.•• Client Sample ID: Phase 2 Pond 4 Lab Sample ID: 12914-01 Site: Davidson Co Landfill Collection Date: 12/17/2015 8:35 Parameter Method Result . Units Rep Limit Analyst Analysis Date/rime COD EPA 410.4 23 mg/L 5 KN 12/22/2015 Fec Cali-MF SM 9222 D-1997 >12000 col/1 00 ml 1 SK 12/17/2015 1535 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 181 mg/L 5 YJ 12121/2015 Client Sample 1D: Phase 2 Pond 3 Lab Sample ID: 12914-02 Site: Davidson Co Landfill Collection Date: 12/17/2015 8:50 Parameter Method Result Units Rep Limit Analyst Analysis Datefrime COD T EPA 410.4 211 mg/L 5 KN 12/22/2015 Fec Coli-IJIF SM 9222 D-1997 >12000 col/100 ml 1 SK 12117/2015 1539 i otal Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 736 mg/L 5 YJ 12/21/2015 Client Sample ID: C&D Pond 2 Lab Sample ID: 12914-03 Site: Davidson Co Landfill Collection Date: 12/17/2015 9:21 Parameter Method Result [hits Reb Limit Analyst Analysis Daterrime I COD EPA 410.4 34 mg/L 5 KN 12/22/2015 Fec Coli-MF SM 9222 D-1997 5800 col/100 ml 1 SK 12117/2015 1542 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 81 mglL 5 YJ 12/2112015 Client Sample ID: C&D Lab Sample ID: 12914-04 Site: Davidson Cc Landfill Collection Date: 12/17/2015 9:31 Parameter Method: .. . I . 1.,- Result 4' Units Reg Limit Angst Anai sis Dafelrime COD EPA 410.4 47 mg/L 5 KN 12/2212015 P.O. Box 473 106 Short Street Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 Tel: 336-996.2841 Fax: 336-996-0326 rwaw.randalabs.com Page 1 ral raa basic Od RESEARCh& ANA }(TiCA LAORATORiES,, ANC. Analytical / Process ConsulCkions Phone 1336) 996•-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WA -MR I WAS-1 AMR mice. • r. .I • e • s ` " •o 0 REQUE.STED. ANALYSIS SLEJ:NATUR 1 ENE mw,60 0 • • ��■■■94i ,1■ ■■■ ■ In ■■■■ ■■OE ■■■ ■■■/■MEN i/0■■■ ■ MEMO ■■■ ■■■■ ■■OE■ ■■■ 0■OOOE■■■■■ 0011011MEMME■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■OEM M■ ME■■■M ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■I■■■ ■■ _-■■■■■E ■�■■■■■■■■■M.■■■E MM■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■ =M■■■�� ■M■MMEMMEM ■ ■■■■■■■Ems■■■ Elm ■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■ mm ■MEMO Ennis 1 ■■ ■ONEME M EMO ■■■ ■OMEN■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■SIME MOO In 0■ ■O ■■■■ ■■ ■■■ ■OEM ME Cam■ MEN ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ •. 1 : r r 7 .VJV�M dprjX vv I LA pr i i R f ' : • ESEARCh NAY1FiCA[ [ Q LA ORATORiESr INC. For: Davidson County Landfill 945 North Main Street Lexington, NC 27293 Attn: Steven Sink Report of Analysis 1/6/2016 ��ss�r�rslrrl�: 41 Cl �L �r NC 434 z.�r NC ;.3770? i ;�"?? DAi�lP;100 `� t,frrr1WOV Client Sample ID: Phase 2 Pond 4 Lab Sample ID: 12914-01 Site: Davidson Co Landfill Collection Date: 12/17/2015 8:35 Parameter Method Result Units Rep Limit Analyst Analysis Da-telTime i COD EPA 410.4 23 mg/L 5 KN 12/22/2015 Fec Cali-MF SM 9222 D-1997 >12000 Col/100 ml 1 SK 12/17/2015 1535 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 181 mg/L 5 YJ 1212112015 Client Sample ID: Phase 2 Pond 3 Lab Sample ID: 12914-02 Site: Davidson Co Landfill Collection Date: 12117/2015 &50 Parameter Method Result Units Rep Limit Analyst Analysis Date/Time COD EPA 410.4 21l mg/L 5 KN 12122/2015 Fec Coli-MF SM 9222 D-1997 >12000 col/100 ml 1 SK 12/17/2015 1539 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 736 mg/L 5 YJ 12/21/2015 Client Sample ID: C&D Pond 2 Lab Sample ID: 12914-03 Site: Davidson Co Landfill Collection Date: 12/1712015 921 Parameter Method Result Units Rep Limit Analyst Analysis Daterrime COD EPA 410.4 34 mg/L 5 KN 12122/2015 Fec Cali-MF SM 9222 D-1997 5800 col/100 ml 1 SK 12/17/2015 1542 A Total Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 81 mg/L 5 YJ 12/21/2015 r Client Sample ID: C&D Lab Sample ID: 12914-04 Site: Davidson Co Landfill Collection Date: 12/17/2015 9.31 Parameter Method Result': Units Rep Limit; Analyst Analysis Date/Time COD EPA 410A 47 mg/L 5 KN 1212212015 _-..... __.._._....y__...._.__. P.O. Box 473 106 Short Street Kernersville. North Carolina 27284 Tel: 336-996-2841 Fax: 336-996-0326 www,randalabs.com Page 1 ral C0 wz=SiC wid ESEARC ANA[y1'CA. € LAbORAT®R ES, INC. Report of Analysis 1 /6/2016 Client Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Site: Collection Date: 9:31 Parameter Method Result Units Rep Limit Ana yst Analysis DatelTime Fec Coli-MF SM 9222 D-1997 9600 co11100 ml 1 SK 12/17/2015 1545 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 55 mg[L 5 YJ 12/21 /2015 l��A = nog anatyzed P.D. Box 473 105 Short Street Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 Tel: 336-996-2841 Fax: 336-996-0326 www.randelabs.com Page 2 rai coa aasic ;+id STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lai) #34 Lab # ['art A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2014 (This monitoring report is ducat the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Davidson PHONE NO. (-336)242-2284 PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE, 4 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, . ino/dd/ r 00340 31616 00530 Chemical Oxygen Demand, m /is Fecal Coliform, # ter 100 nil Total Suspended Solids, m IL Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 Ph. 2 fond 3 11/26/14 77 >12 0l)tl 6420 Ph. 2 Pond 4 11/26//14 7 >12 000 1460 C&D 11/26/14 60 91200 Jill C&D Pond #2 11/26/14 58 >12 000 1.540 MR-0.5 17 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text, F?ECEI , V D JAN 2 6 2015 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of now motor oil per month? _yes _no CENT (if yes, complete Part 13) DIA/R SECTj ES Part 13: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitorint, Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/ddl r 00556 00530 00400 Oil and Grease, m /L Total Suspended Solids, m /l, pll, Standard units New Motor Oil Usage, Average annual al/nio Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 — 9.0 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for p1-1, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Pennit text. STORM EVENTCHARACTERISTICS: Date 11/26/14 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date 1 h-! (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): % Mail Original and one copy to: Ann: DWQ Central Files NCI)ENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SW U-248-102107 Page 1 of 2 S'rORMWATLR DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING RETORT "1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the hest of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) t s % w (Date) S W U-248-102107 Page 2 of 2 h� ESEt RCh&ANA1YTiCA1 LAboRATORiES, INC. �i Analytical/Process Consultations Davidson County Landfill 945 N Main Street Lexington, NC 27293 Attn. Steven Sink j Date Sample Collected : 11/26/14 Date Sample Received 11/26/14 Date Sample Analyzed 11/26/14 Date of Report 12/05/14 .Analyses Performed by JB -SM -YJ Lab Sample Number 80030,5 800307 Parameter Stoeet Results Results COD -HIGH (00340) Fec Coli-MF (31616) TSS (00530) 77 mg/l 25 mg/l >12,000 col/100 ml >12,000 col/100 ml 6,420 mg/1 1,460 mg/l Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 3 PHASE 2 POND 4 Number y Time Collected (Hrs) 0830 0843 P.D. Box 473 • 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 • 336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com RESEARCh & ANA1yTICAL I-AbORATO&S, INC. Analytical/Process Consultations Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected 11/26/14 945 N Main Street Date Sample Received 11/26/14 Lexington_, NC 27293 Date Sa:-np?e ;.nalyzed 11/26/14 Attn: Stever,. Sink Date of Report 12/05/14 Analvses Performed by JE -Sri -YJ Lab Sample Number 800308 800309 Parameter Stores Results results COD -HIGH (00340) 60 me/l 59 mg/l Fec Coli-MF M616) 9,200 col/100 T-al >12, 000 col/100 ml iSS (00530) Ill mg/1 54-0 mg/1 Clients Sample Source C&D C&D POND 2 Number Time Collected (Hrs) 0900 DB54 f S P G. Box 473 - 106 Short Street - Kernersville. North Caroline 2728A - 336-996-2841 - Fax 336-996-0326 wvAv.randalabs.com RESEARCh & ANAIyTiCA1 UbORATORiES, INC. Analytical / Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2841 D,5 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WATER 7 WASTEWATER M1SC. l COMPANY JOB NO. i y v �y¢� m� �O• �" p2 `� ry ryy R�` �� a �" �" h� REQUESTED ANALYSIS STREE'TADDRESS 9q5 i.�, PROJECT plr CITY, STATE. ZIP SAMPLER NAME (PLEASE PRMI ) S, CONTACT PHONE %AMP)�IGNATURE SAMPLE NUMBER (LAB USE ONLY) DATE TIME COMP GRAB TEMP .0 RES G1 RiMOW MAI x SAMPLE LOCATIONII.D. UID . s LLoa— ED BY DATEMME I}26- RECEIVED BY : " REMARKS:TIC SAMPLE TEMPER E AT REc;EIPT S•t °C RELIN4UISHED BY DATMIME RECEIVED BY RESEARCh & ANA[YTfCA1 LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical/Process Consultations Davidson County Landfill 945 N Main Street Lexington, NC 27293 Attn: Stever_ Sink rQ i 4 Date Sample Collected 11/26/14 Date Sample Received 11/26/14 Date Sample Analyzed 11/26/14 Date of report 12/05/14 Analyses Performed by J'B -SM -YJ Lab Sample Number 800306 600307 Parameter Strret 4 Results Results COD -HIGH (00340) >'ec Coli-Mr (31616) TSS (00530) Clients Sample Source Number Time Collected (Hrs) 77 mg/1 25 mg/1 >12,000 col/100 ml >12,000 col/100 ml 6,420 mg/l 1,460 mg/l -------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - - PHASE 2 POND 3 PPASE 2 POND 4 0830 0843 P.O. Box 473 • 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27264 • 336-996-2841 • Fax 336-998-0326 wvrw.randafabs.cam RESEARCh & ANAtyTICA . LAbORATORiES, INC. Analytical/Process Consultations ! '•. rio �:rr1 NC D.cn: • z. w � r� ••.. iy*trtaatat�� Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected 11/26/14 945 N Main Street Date Sample Received 11/26/14 Lexington, NC 27293 Date Sample Analyzed 11/26/14 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 12/05/14 Analyses Performed by JB -SM -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- -------------------- 800308 800309 Parameter Strret } Results Results COD -HIGH (00340) i•ec Coli-Tfr (31616) iSS (00530) 60 me/1 9,200 c01/100 ml 111 mg/l 58 mg/1 a12,000 col/100 ml 540 mg/1 Clients Sam_ole Source C&D C&D POND 2 Number Time Collected (Hrs) 0900 0854 G' P.C. Box 473 • 106 Short Street • Kernersville. North Carolina 27284 • 336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996.0326 _ tivvAv.randalabs.com RESEARCh & A►NAlyTICAL I-AbORATO&S, INC. Analytical J Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD I WATER! WASTEWATER I misc. I G PANVY 1 JOB NO. o o a `j^.pcpp oF, F � a� �Q� Q� a ryv y � ho v � � � � `0 ry ry ti REQUESTED ANALYSIS STREET ADDRESS PROJECT CITY, STATE, ZIP SAMPLER NAME (PLEASE PRINT) CONTACT / PI10NE SMIR SIGNATURC SAMPLE NUMBER {LAB USE ONLY) DATE TIME COMP GRAD TEMP .G RES cl 0KCRI.If r�y�0 s+ui f igAn� SAMPLE LOCATIONII.D. 3 11 afe- cf ;3 CO�'+a _ — — — — C�Lrrn INIUISHEDBY DATEITIME !}ors RECEIVED BY REMARKS; SAMPLE TEMPE EAT RECEIPT f °C RELINDUISHED BY DATEfTItAE RECEIVED BY Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG120000 Date submitted CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 FACILITY NAME Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Steven Sink LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab Cert. # 34 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2014 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ® Monthly' August (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA RECEIVED ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA ®Other C SEP 17 2914 CENTRAL FILES PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON THE REVERSE -� DWR SECTION No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Chemical Oxygen Demand Fecal Coliform Total Suspended Solids Benchmarks ===> - - 120 mg/L 1000 count per 100 mL 100 mg/L or 50 mg10 Ph. 2 Pond 3 8-1-14 69 >12000 7280 Ph. 2 Pond 4 8-1-14 34 1160 2800 C&D 8-1-14 97 >12000 870 C&D POND 2 8-1-14 49 3800 32 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfali, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit text, Table 3, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. For example, do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non - numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they Must be reported in the format, "CXX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Conversely, where fecal coliform results exceed the dilution upper limit, report the result as ">XX". Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-248, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 2 ❑ No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> �= _ 1 y - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L4 6.0 — 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier .1, Tier Z, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART 11 SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALLTRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS, SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANYONE OUTFALL? YES X❑ NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES X❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Jennifer Carter Mail on original and one copv of this DMR, including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results !or at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and"complete. I am aware that theme are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 (Date) SWU-248, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 2 RESEARCh & ANA[YTICA[ ���+ .1........ r�, LkoRATORVS, INC.0. A f :c� NCB z; - Analytical/Process consultations _ _ Davidson ti Landfill JGLe c Sample lam. ol S'-..4 Led 06/ 011 -- 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample received 08/01/14 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample 'mealy ^ed 08/01114 n: Steven Ciro: Date of Reparc 03/0 7 /1 . Analyses Performed by SK -Sid -Yj Lab Sample Number -------------------- 791.04 :aramecer scorew results COD -HIGH (00340) 97 mg/1 iec Coli-M (31616) >12,000 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 870 mg/1 Clients Sample Source :umber Time Collected (irs) -------------------- C&D 1020 2.C. Box 473 - 1O6 Short Sheer - Kerners,,ille, NorLh Carolina 27284 - 336.996-2B41 - Fax 336-996-0326 www.randaIabs.com RESEARCh & ANA[yTiCA[ -' s LAbORATORiES, INC. AnalyJcal/Process Consultations Davidson Counter Landfill 1242 old H%,v 29 Thomasville, NC 27360 Attn: .Steven Cann Date Sample Collected Date Sample ?deceived Daze Sample "Walyzed Date of report Analyses Performed by Lab Sample .number -------------------- 791402 parameter Sworet Resi2! ws COD -HIGH (00340) 49 mg/1 -ec Coli-M (31616) 3,800 cW100 ml -SS (00530) 32.0 mg/1 Clients Sample source C&D POND 2 Number Time Collected (HrM 1010 08/01/1 OSMA 08/m/1 08/07/1q Sit -S e -`_"j R 0. Box 473 • 106 Short Street • Kemmsv€Ile. Wrth CarWa 27284 • 336-996-2841 • rax 336-996-0326 vti wYa&aKbTcom RESEARch & NAIyT*IcA LA ORATOR ES, INC. "y Anal,dcal/Process Consultations Davidson County Land! i l 1202 Old Hwy 2S? Thomasville, NC 2736C Accra: Steven Sink Dare Sample CollecZec Date Sample Received Daze Sample Analyzed Date of Report Analyses Performed b Lab Sample Number -------------------- 791 4 02 Parameter S4oret TT Results COD -HIGH (003=0) 59 mg/l Fec Oali-M (31616) >12,000 cO!/10 .psi TSS (00530) 7.220 -g/_' -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 3 Number Time Collected (Hrs} O940 0E%01/i= oe/01/v 0a%01/1 08/07/14 RC1 Box 473 + 106 Short 5tMeL + Kernersii v North Carana 27284 + 3309902BW •Fax U60960326 vA,.,w.randalabs.curn RESEARCh & ANA YTiCA LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical/Process Consultations Davidson Cour_•cv Landfill 1242 Did Hwy 29 Thomasville, NC 27360 =ztn : Steven Sind: Date Sample Collected Date Sample received ,ate Sample Analyzed Date of Report - _,alses Performed by Lab Sample Number -------------------- 741.01 Parameter Szoyez 9 Results COD -HIGH MOM) 34 mg/1 Fec Coli-M (31616) 1,160 Col/100 ml -SS (0 53D) 2,S00 ,,,c/l -------------------- Cli_r_ts Sample Source PHASE 2 POND = Number Time Collected (Hrs) 0910 tt�Nt�llfl/j'P`., J-0.0 NC 0 MA r � c 03/UM 0S/01/"m 08/01/14 01/07/1^_ SK -SM Rol box 473 • 106 Short Street • Kernersvi y North Ca; nfina 272E4 • 336-996-284 i • Fax 336-996.0326 V,1V.'W_P2ndaiabs.ccm RESEARCh & ANA1yTICA1 LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical / Process ConSultabons Phone (336) 996-2641 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WATER 1 WASTEWATER IMISG. COMPANY [ JOB NO. v, a -� g0 . O' ♦¢ Z �O.CK Cj � • �O �O Oq- Q'q ry 4h tih �" " ^" 1 y REQUESTED ANALYSIS STRCE ADp ESS 1j �l� {` `l Q i1 t PROJECT - ` � T tat M.,_ �aJ_ CITY, STATE. ZIP Thy C 7 LQ SAMPLER NAME (PLEASE PRINT) CONTACT PHONE U. a�v SAMPrNATURE SAMPLENUMBER (LASUSE ONLY) UA7E TIME COMP GRABTEMP 'C RES CI RE.istU (raw} MATRIX ISaw} SAMPLE LOCATION f I.D. --------------- RELIN UISHED BY DATEITIME �f_ Pig\ ` RECEIVED BY f I REMARKS:mzz' �� (y SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT RECEIPTS °C RELINQUISHED BY DATEITIME RECEIVED BY Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG120000 Date submitted a - 49 -/t-/ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 FACILITY NAME Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Steven Sink LABORATORY Research and Anal_y#ical Laboratory Lab Cert. # 34 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2014 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ® Monthly" January (Month" DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA RECEIVED ®Other C FEB 17 2014 PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 CENTRAL FILES i]WQ130G ❑ No discharge this period?" Outfall No. Date Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Chemical Oxygen Demand fecal Coliform Total Suspended solids Benchmarks ===> - - 120 mg/L 1000 count per 100 mL 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L Ph. 2 Pond 3 1-10-14 Lid 246 >16,000 6,600 Ph. 2 Pond 4 1-20-14 �/ v 17 280 112 C&D 1-10-14 72 1,700 555 C&D POND 2 1-10-14 252 70 76 I Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. 4 See General Permit text, Table 3, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. For example, do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non - numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX m L where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Conversely, where fecal coliform results exceed the dilution upper limit, report the result as ">XX". Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier Z or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-248, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 2 ❑ No discharge this period?z Out#all No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L 6.0 — 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 1, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an oriainal and one cony of this DMR, includina all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 dovs of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitorina period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Flies 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. am aware thpt there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 ( Date) SWU-248, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 2 RESEARCh & ANA[yTIC4 LAbORATORIES, INC. Analytical 1 Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WATER 1 WASTEWATER MISC_ COMPANY JOB NO. o L) LL i ti =° h y� °'y�� �' of F �' Q`' a a Q ti� tib ti� �� � v v v v y`m REQUESTED ANALYSIS STREET ADDRESS laXa o u PROJECT for CITY, STATE, ZIP SAMPLER NAME (PLEASE PRINT)CC CONTACT PHONE / �, �a ��- D( SAMPL SIGNATURE SAMPLE NUMBER (LAB USE ONLY) DATE TIME COUPGAAB TEMP C RES CI pFMmp ffaNI 1.%TMX (Bawl SAMPLE LOCATION ILO. r zW 3 11 -a-L 1 a y 1.*•- al•� � PDATErrIME RELIN UISHED BY �a, 1wi RECEIVED BY ' REMARKS: v4k ?J i C't_'fC3 f SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT RECEIPT �) r °C RELINQUISHED BY DATEITIPAE RECEIVED BY0 0 RESEARCh & AN4YT'C4 0 y La ORAT®IRIES, NC. l !� Analytical/Process Consultations Davidson Countv Landfill 1242 Old Hsv 25 Thomasville, NC 27360 Attn: Steven Sink Date Samole Collected Date Samole Received Date Sample Analvzed Date of Report Analvses Performed by Lab Sample Number -------------------- 7733 =6 Parameter Storet .. Results COD -HIGH (00340) 52 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) 2,400 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 1,100 mg/l -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 4 Number Time Collected (Hrs) 1346 11/26/13 11/26/13 11/26/13 12/04/13 Sri -ZP -jC P.O. Box 473 . 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 . 336.996.2841 . Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com RESEARCh & NA1Y u sCA1 Y LLAbOR TORIOES, KC, Analytical/Process Consultations Davidson County band€ill 1242 Old H%qy 29 Thomasville, NC 27360 Attn: Steven Sink Date Sample Collected Date Sample Received Date Sample F=ial% zed Date of Report nalvses Performed by amain Sample Number -------------------- 7733-5 Parameter Storet Results COD -HIGH (00340) 65 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) 8,600 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 5,970 mg/1 -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHLSE 2 PO14D 3 Number Time Collected (Hrs) 1321 11/26/13 11/26/13 11/26/13 12/04/13 SK -ZP j P.O. Box 473 • 106 Short Street . Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 • 336-996.2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com 0 RESEARCh & ANA1YT'CAL LAb®RAT®RI'ES, �NC. Analytical/Process Consultations *��solu�riilr .�`G�&•ANAtrr/ ���'• do NC #34 : s r r � ��'+•TEED MAAL��►`',. +I+lRN11110 Davidson Countv Landfill Date Sample Collected 11/26/13 1242 Old Hwv 29 Date Sample Received 11/26/13 Thomasville, NC` 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 11/26/13 At Steven Sink Date of Report 12/04/13 vszalvses Performed by SK -ZP -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 7733Z4 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 37 mg/l Fec Coli-i-1-- (31616) 2,400 col/too ml TSS (00530) 146 mg/l -------------------- Clients Sample Source C&D Number Time Collected (Hrs) 1309 P.O. Box 473 . 106 Short Street a Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 a 336-996-2841 o Fax 336-996-0326 a vww.randalabs.com RESEARCh & A►NA[Y&A� I.AbORATORIES. NC. Analytical / Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2641 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WATER 1 WASTEWATER NIISC_ COMPANY J . JOB NO, a 2 o = c�C �O, p 01� �� �� ��y°`my~ o� Jc�� � Q� �¢ � �O`LLI �Pi� p� •1 M1h��• Q =• `� �• \� O}BOG p• �Q p� m �T Q Q- Q0 CS r1 p 1$ ry ti h" �` REQUESTED ANALYSIS STREET ADDRESS Jaq a o u PROJECT CITY, STATE, ZIP y �} �72' t717� SAMPLER NAME (PLEASE PRINT) �iI\ 1 CONTACT PHONE SAAMPPL SIGNATURE SAMPLE NUMBER {LAB USE ONLY) PATE TIME COUP GRAB TEMP C RES CI �upIo (YaN) SAMPLE (MAIRIXSnw� SAMPLELOCATIONlI.D. a 1 Lt--1 i RELIN UISHED BY DATErrI1AE 1� RECEIVED BY REMARKS: W� 1�� s�lCr�� i'� CQ.;��•� SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT RECEIPT :� �� °C RE INOUISHEDBY DATEITIl.4E RECEIVED BY 6F RESEARCh & ANAiYTOIC4 LAbORAFORIES, NC. Analytical/Process Consultations Davidson County Landfill 1242 Old Hwy 29 Thomasville, NC 27360 Attn: Steven Sink Date Sample Collected Date Sample Received Date Sample Analyzed Date of Report Analyses Performed by :gab Sample Number -------------------- 773356 Parameter Storet = Results COD -HIGH (00340) 52 mg/l Fec Coli-14F (31616) 2,400 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 1,100 mg/l -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 4 ?number Time Collected (Hrs) 1346 rrrrrr�se�i��ir�+, `:� z. Qcn� = • `� NC #34 - - qT •......• A .. ,� /SD�1110 At* � � 11/26/13 11/26/13 11/26/13 12/04/13 Sri -ZP -jC P.O. Box 473 - 106 Short Street . Kernersville. North Carolina 27284 • 336-996.2841 . Fax 336.996.0326 www.randalabs.corn RESEARCh & .ANMY u iCA1 UbORANORBES, hC. Analytical/Process Consultations Davidson Countv Landfill 1.242 Old Hw}t 29 Thomasville. NC 27360 ttn: Steven Sink Date SamDle Collected Date Sample Received Date Sample na1-_,zed Date of Report _naivses Performed by Lai) Sample )~lumber -------------------- 7733--5 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 65 mg/l Fec Cali-MF (31616) 6,600 col/100 ml _SS (00530) 5,970 Mg/1 -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 3 Number Time Collected (Hrs) 1331 17/26/13 11/26/13 11/26/13 12/04/13 Sig; --ZP x� P.O. Box 473 . 106 Short Street- Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 • 335-996.2641 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.tflm LAORATORiES, KC. Analytical/Process Consultations Davidson County Landfill 1242 Old Hwy 29 Thomasville, NC 27360 Attn : Steven Sink Date Sample Collected Date Sample Received Date Sample Analyzed Date of Report Analyses Performed by Lab Sample Number -------------------- 773344 Parameter Storet ## Results COD -HIGH (00340) 37 mg/l Fec Coli-KF (31616) 2,400 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 146 mg/l -------------------- Clients Sample Source C&D Number Time Collected (Hrs) i309 ••t*.Sit ., lU •it,`� �' C�'4'�' :'� 'ter . f NC O:chB w i 13 �, w % 11/26/13 11/26/13 11/26/13 12/04/13 SK -ZP -Yj P.O. Box 473 a 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 •336-996-2841 a Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com AN MODE North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Thomas A. Reeder Governor Acting Director July 3, 2013 Smith & Gardner Engineers Attn: Ms. Joan A. Smyth, P.G. 14 N. Boylan Ave Raleigh, NC 27603 Re: Tiered Response Requirements Davidson County Integrated Solid Waste Facility NPDES Permit #NCG120038 Davidson County Dear Ms. Smyth: John E, Skvarla, III Secretary The Winston-Salem Regional Office (WSRO) staff has reviewed your request that stormwater monitoring for Phase l Ponds 1 and 4 be discontinued. Based on the information provided, as well as a site visit by Jenifer Carter on June 5, 2013, we are approving your request. In addition, WSRO has reviewed the analytical data you submitted in response to permit requirements for benchmark exceedences and tiered response levels. The Division agreed in letter dated November 12, 2009 that you could return to semi-annual monitoring of Fecal Coliform as required by the permit, and will not be required to move up to the mote frequent monitoring required in the Tiered Responses. The tiered response requirements still apply to Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and COD. However you may be allowed to revert back to semi-annual sampling for these parameters if you: 1. demonstrate that there are no COD violations from the next 4 sampling evcnts, and 2. take corrective actions as discussed during the recent site visit regarding TSS violations are taken. Those included repairing ponds to keep storm water from straight channeling through the bottoms, installing more BMPS (more silt fencing, rip -rap, diversions, etc.) on the active portion of the site, and moving sampling points closer to the perimeter of the property where possible. Please append this letter to your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) or permit in order to document the approval to discontinue sampling at Phase I Ponds 1 and 4. If changes in drainage areas, BMPs, structures, processes, storage practices, or other activities change significantly, this approval may no longer be valid, or may need to be updated. You should either resume analytical monitoring of all SDOs, or contact this office for further guidance. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please contact Jenifer Carter at (336) 314-1440. Sincerely, W, Corey Basinger Surface Water Regional Supervisor Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Quality cc: WSRO=SWP_"F.iles SWP Central Files Stormwater Permitting Unit Mr. Charles Brushwood (Davidson County Solid Waste; 1242 Old US Hwy 29170; Thomasville, NC 27360) North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Winston-Salem Regional Office Location: 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Phone: (336) 771-50001 Fax: (336) 771-46301 Customer Service:1-877.623-6748 Internet: httpJlportal,ncdenr.org/webtwq One NorthCarolina Adura!!ff , An Equal Opportunity 1 Affntia5e Action Employer SMITH+GARONER ENaIVIFRS April 30, 2013 Ms. Jennifer Carter Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDENR-Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 A811RE55 TEL WEE 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Ralei;h NC 1,76v S19.828,0577 www.smilNardnerinc.coni RE: NPDES Modifications Davidson County landfill(Permit No. NCG120038) Thomasville, North Carolina Dear Ms. Carter: Smith Gardner, Inc. (S+G) presents this NPDES modification request on behalf of Davidson County, who has been performing stormwater inspections and monitoring at their landfill facility in accordance with their NPDES general permit number NCG120038. In November 2009, Davidson County petitioned for and was granted Representative Outfall Status reducing sampling to five basins: Phase 1 Pond 1, Phase 1 Pond 4, Phase 2 Pond 3, Phase 2 Pond 4 and the C&D landfill Sedimentation Basin. Since that time, the County has been performing Tier 2 analysis on all monitored basins due to intermittent fecal coliform and TSS exceedances. Additionally, changes in site operations indicate a modification of the current permit is appropriate. Site information that impacts the current permit requirements are summarized below. Phase 1 Landfill Final Closure The last open area of the Phase 1 municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill ceased operation prior to 2010. Other portions of the landfill had been closed in 2005. The components of the final cover system for the last area of Phase 1 include the following components (bottom -up): • prepared intermediate cover; • textured 30 mil LLDPE geomembrane; • drainage geocomposite; and • 24-inch thick (min.) vegetative soil layer. Since the final cover system installation for Phase 1 was completed in 2010, the site has established grass on all side -slopes and the top. With limited vehicular traffic (for monitoring of landfill gas extraction system) and no land disturbing or landfill activities occurring at this site, we propose stormwater Mo[Litorinq for Phase 1 Ponds 1 and 4 be discontinued. A IQ d uni wi es a ished grass no longer meets the criteria for required stormwater monitoring under the general permit. Ms. Jennifer Carter April 30. 2013 Page 2 of 2 Fecal Coliform Alternate Source Davidson County was required to enter Tier 2 Monitoring in 2009 following two sequential fecal Coliform exceedances from the same basin. Recently, Davidson County personnel began monitoring animal activity in and near the sedimentation basins to determine whether the presence of wild animals in the area could be a source for the high fecal coliform analytical results. The attached images from Phase 1, Phase 2, and C&D landfill stormwater basins demonstrate the diverse and prevalent wildlife present at the Davidson County Landfill and their frequent use of the numerous basins. Historic results indicate consistent fecal exceedances at the closed landfill (since final closure in 20101, and the C&D landfill as well -as the active Phase 2 MSW landfill. Based upon the wildlife present at the site and the presence of fecal coliform exceedances at even the closed landfill we believe the fecal cotiform results are indicative of animal use of the sedimentation basins and are not due to the landfill or related activities at the site. Based upon this information, we request that W��S future Tier 2 requirements be based only upon COD and TSS results rather than on eca yf u1 coliform results."a e17 ,7 ¢e'� Continued Work Davidson County is committed to meeting the requirements of their NPDES permit. Initial �to����� work to remove sediment from Phase 2 Basin 3 has been performed; however, the TSS h 0, concentrations recorded are still intermittently above the required limits. Therefore, additional work is planned during the summer month (when it is expected to be drier) to 5CA t�u �N�,i remove sediment from Phase 2 Sedimentation Basins 3 and 4. We will keep you apprised of CIO, the schedule on this work. 2 Thank you for your consideration of the permit modifications requested above. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at (919) 828-0577 or by email below. Sincerely, SMITH GARDNER, INC. oc ._ . Joan A. Smyth, P.G. Senior Hydrogeologist joanfdsmithgardnerinc.com Attachment CC: -Rex Buck, Davidson County Charlie Brushwood, Davidson County File Pieter K. Scheer, P.E. Vice President, Senior Engineer pieterCdsmithgardnerinc.com - V ' 1 .. .'i e��'SY�jyi3a�,���i1� •e� -=tom. '� ._ _- - _ -- .��._ �_ - w".! F T ♦ R Y.R �'.3'.w+f"a •3"�+6 Lr �(4"i ;4. yr` 4L ter. t ;T �•� s+' �• r yT [ tth},y�x•T ` 1 �x �3Y wSfy�` r+ tF 1� , + M • �� ,r, ?�� A#id _ �j� i1. .i �'i S Te � I s..,r.' , % �� � �y sn.r. .� - ,g` � tri ��,,� � .6rr ri''�'�` � �r+R � = t 3� tq- � i'�'.• �. `v"-' 1w a :'i.xi 4�'..`k'n► - y fr„� rya: c;3'`;i�.,�y�'�a`'��}x r}`�it° -1,O i Z ! • t ♦A N K"+ti� 4 ! t f' ,ry., Y iwI' x L`a 'xi���x,a i _ y, 1 e 1 �a w � � � �;. �-� s' viz a .rJ--•.e -y�'+ �� �'+"y' Vj +*- 9 r ' /J/ sD/y" '"�1j� '"�.' !Ci`R'r�!e ..ji.� .`_...w."'may.-•r- -..f� , 00l ,.+" ���Y ' �� 7e07AM 12r/4512010079 SEDPOND +761 Nr j+ ^i$ ai��Y w `: !r dll•f 5.• 10 4atf. 4 Ak x y. �+.ak y kl1F' ,ar ?.?fur Olost ?17Ii_,ttaPMD" r, r Am TA si •� �'�` ��y rf #� %, Yea �" y�r ' f 17k'ypV: °- '►• "s%#; �.t �4`,.; f r 1 irY ray r i ' t..'•� _ +'iH 1 V j ; EY i'i'cy_ir_L'" ,v'd•' • ^[ °� S. - . 1 40 , ✓< Ti LL•fff i43 ��. '� •yy•id� {� � � .�� �-. +_ Li ,!{. Agill ko Jr Ln ��f ir' ��4 d pis" .., ��^ �j� rl��- �.. �� '�•� ,� - RFsEARch & ANA[yTiCA[ ti�A' - LABORATORIES, INC. AnaiydcaWrocess Cnnsu tabcrts ♦+�'k �s, AWL �rrrr i NC #3¢ x Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected 05/14/12 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 05/14/12 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 05/14/12 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 05/23/12 Analyses Performed by SA -SK -YJ .Lab Sample Number -------------------- 731350 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 231 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) a16,000 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 15,400 mg/l ` ____ Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 3 C"', Humber STORM WATER Time Collected (Hrs) 1049 P.O. Box 473. 1015 Short Street- KernersWlla, North Carolina 27284.336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randelabs,corn ' 0106S6211114j,,I. RBEARdi & ANA[yTica[ .a•``" •`•.` •, "boRATORk$ INC. So pa NC am P c Analytical/Process Conwitations : s Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected : 05/14/12 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received : 05/14/12 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed : 05/14/12 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report : 05/23/12 Analyses Performed by : SA -SK -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 731349 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 62 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) a16,000 C01/100 m. TSS (00530) 1,500 m9/1 r, �- �- -- Clients Sample Source PHASE 2POND4-1 Number STORM WATER Time Collected (Hrs) 1102 P.O. Box 473. 10B Short Street • Kamersville, North Carolina 27284.336-996-2841 • Fax 336-89"326 www.randelabs.com 4'/'irY6IFlE� Grant Creek Regional WWTP Laboratory #112 '1915 Grubb Ferry Rd; Salisbury, N:C. 28144-1248 Client: 'Davidson County Landfill c/o Ms. Joan Smyth Richardson, Smith, Gardner & Assoc. 14 North Boylan Ave Raleigh, NC 27603 -PARAMETERS COD TSS Fecal Coliform COD TSS Fecal Cohf'orm COD TSS Fecal Coliform COD TSS Fecal Coliform 1915,Grubb Ferry Road Salisbury, NC 28144 Phone (704) 638-5376 Fax (704) 6384476 Report Date: 06/26/09 ID #: Phase 1 SB1 Collection Analysis Result Date Date Analyst Method Code l0 mg/l 06/16/09 06/16/09 JF Hach Meth. 80DO 146 rngll 06116/09- 06/16/09 -BP Std. Meth. 2540E 42000 aol/100 nil 06/16/09 06/16/09 YE Std: Meth. 9222D (MF) W #: Phase 1 SB2 60 mg/l 06116/09 -06/16/00 JF Hach.Meth. 86(+0 3740 mg/l. 06/16/09 06/16/09 BP 5td Meth. 2.540E- 87000 coll100 ml 06/16/09- 66/16/69 YE Std. Meth. 9222D'(MF) lb #: Phase 1 SB3 24 mgA '06/16/09 06/16/09 JF. Hach Meth. 80M 118 mg/l, 06/16/09' 06/16/09 BP Std. Meth. 2540D 63000 coi/100 ml 06/16/09 66/16/09 YE Std. Meth. 9222D (MF) ID #: Phase 1 SB4 38 mg/l '06/16/09 06/16/09 JF Hach Meth. 80440 113 6 mg/l 06/16/09 06/16/09 BP Std: Meth. 2540Z, 64000 col/100 ml 06/16/09 06/16/09 YE Std. Mc& 9222E .(MF) Salisbury -Rowan Utilities Telephone 704) 638-5375 Environmental Services Division Fax (704) 63F-8476 ID #: Phase ISB1 Collection Analysis PARAMETERS Result Date late Analyst McLhod Cods COD 16 mg/l 06/16/09 06/16/09 - JF Hach Meth. 80M TSS 59 mg/1 06/16/09 06/16/09 BP Std. Meth 2540C Fecal Colifonn 102000 co11160.-m1 06/16/69 .06/16/09 YE SUL Meth,9222D;(MF) ID #: Phase,2 SB2 COD 18, mg/1 66/16/09 06/16/09' IF Hach'Meth. 8060 TSS 72 mgA 06/16/09 06/16/09 BP 5td.,Meth.2540E Fecal Coliform 12000 coV100 ml 06/16/09 06/16/09 YE Std_ Meth. 9222U(IMF), 1D #: Phase 2 918i3 COD < 10 mgn 06/16/09 06/16/09 IF Hach Meth. 8000 TSS 712 mg/l 06/16/09 06/16/09 BP Std. Meth, 2540V Fecal Coliform 12000 col/l06 m1 06/16/09, 66/16/0 , YE Std. Meth. 9222U'(MF) IDW: Phrase 2 SB4 COD <'lO.mg/l 006109 06/16/09 'JF Hach Meth. 8060 TSS 464 mg/l 66/16/09. 06/16/09 BP SU, Meth 2540r Fecal Colifonn 2000 col/100 ml 06/16/09 06/16/09� YE Std, Meth. 9222D:a F) I.D #: HG SBxi COD 23.mg/1 06/16/09 06/1.6/09 . JF Hach Meth. 8000 TSS 96 rngll. -06/16/09 06/1.6/09 BP Std, Meth 2540E Fecal Coliform 23000 col/100 ml 06/16/09 06/16/09 YE S4,Meth_ 9222D (MY) ID #: C&DSB9 COD 39 mg/l 06/16/09 06/16/09 JF Ha6 Meth ..80(46 TSS 234 mg/l 06/16/09 06/16/09 BP' Std. Meth. 2540E Fecal Coliform 39000 col/100-ml 06/16/09 06/16/09 `YE Std:' Meth.,9222D Qvin, Tim Brawn, Lt� pervisor, Grant Creek Regional Laboratory Dal 1915. brubb Ferry_ Road -Salisbury.-Rowan Utiiitics Telephonc i7i14) 638-5375 Salisbury, NC 28144 Environmental.Services Division Fax (704) 638-t541 RESEARCH & ANA1yTICA[, LkoR- AT®RIES,'INC. Analytical/Process Consultations AAVI.'DSON CO:: LANDFILL'_ Date Sample Collected 12/09/0.9 220 LANDFILL ,RD- Date, Sample Received 12/09/09' LEXINGTON, NC 27295 Date'Sample Analyzed I2/09/09 Attn:' STEVEN SINX Date of Report 12/,17/09 Analyses Performed'by AA -YJ -AR Lab Sample Numter -------------- 662668 -__--------_�___ Parameter Storet ## Results Fec -Cali-MF• (31616)' >12, 000 col/100 ml TSS '(00530) 680 mg/l COD -HIGH (00340)' 37 mg/l CI s� DEC Clients Sample 5ouice --------------------- 2HASE'2 POND 3 �i Number Time Collected (Hrs) 0,805 P.O. Box°473 • "I,QS Short Street • Kernersville, North Caroliiia'272@4 336-996_'-2841 • Fax 336-995-0326 www.ran.databs.com RESEAR CI &ANA1%T�CA� �, • fi �.� s A�4ty� •.f . ....,.. X-1 UbORATORVS� INC, Analytical/Process'Consuitations i •y����F�•A��4* fi;�. DAVIDSON CO. LANDFILL Date Sample Collected 12/09/09 220 LANDFILL RD Bate Sample, Received, :,.12/09%09 LEXINGTON, NC 27295 Date Sample Arialyzed 12/09/09 Attn: STEVEN SINK "Date of.`Report 12%3.7/09 Analyses Performed'by. AA -YJ -AR Lab 'Sample Number --------------- 662667 Y Parameter Storet Results Fec Coli-MF (31616) 2,200 col/100. ml TSS - (00530) -850 mg/.1' COD -HIGH (00340) 13 mg/1 • DEC 2009 Clients Sample_ Source �) Plumber. Time Collected (Hrs)• PHASE 2 POND 4 0,800. P, O. Box 473 • 106,Short Street - KernersvMe, North'Carofina 27284 .3313-996-2841 • Fex 336-996.0325 www.randefabs.com RESEAkch ANA1yTiCAt. �.•`; _ •�• ••-••• LAboRATORIES, 1NC; = : ?`� �. = o.caZ i NC #34 z ,. Analytical/Process Consultations' t r'+r 57Et) AtA 1s+``� DAVIDSON CO. LANDFILL Date Sample Collected_ 12/p9/09 220 LANDFILL RD Date Sample Received 1.2/09/09 LEXINGTON, NC 27295 Date Sample Analyzed 12/09/09 Attn. STEVEN SINK Date of Report : 12/17/09 Analyses Performed by AP -•Y3 -AR .Lab Sample• Number 662666 Parameter Storet 9 Results Fec Coli-MF' (31616)• 8,400 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 728 mg/1 COD -HIGH (00340) 53 mg/1 - "R�l1DSDN ,CD• SZO --------------------- Cliente Sample Source C&D �) Number Time, Collected. (Hrs) 0740 P.O. Sox-473 ­ 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North.Carolina 27284 • 336-996-2841 -Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com ¢, RCSEARCh, & ANA1yTICA •�•�• � ��''�. LAb4R'ATORIES INC. :;wog R �' r r .- 1 o rn a =E9 NC �: ' ' Analytical/Process Consultations ._ 4 vp '=ED ANP �►�ti DAVIDSON CD. LANDFILL Date:Sample Collected 12/09/09 220 LANDFILL RD Date" Sample Received 12/09/09 LEXINGTON, NC 27295 'Date Sample Analyzed ,12/.09/09 Attn: STEVEN'SINK Date of Report 12/17/09, Analyses Performed' by, AA -AR' -YJ' Lab Sample.i4umher 662665 ------------- Parameter Storet # Results Fec Coli-MF (31.616) >12,000 cal/100 ml TSS (00530) 2,890 Mg/1 COD -HIGH (00340) 51 mg/1 DEC 2009 Sam n!llason C,U. t; fiT -------------------- Clients Sample- Source PHASE'I POND 2 Udumber Time Collected" (His) 0.735 P..O. Sox,473 • 106 Short Street • Kernersville, Nortli Carolina 27284 • 336-986-2841� - Fax 336-996.0326 YMM.randalabs,com IRESEARCh & ANA1YTICA[ LkoR' ATOR[ES, INC. Anal ticaWroceas Consultations DAVYDSON CO. LANDFILL Date.:Sample Collected : 12/09/09 220 LANTAFILL'RD Date Sample Received : 12/09/09 LEXINGTON,. NC 27295, Date Sample Analyzed .1.2/09/09 Attn: STEVEN SINK Date of Report. 12/17/09 Analyses Performed by AA -YJ -AR Lab Sample Idumber, --------------------- 66,2664 Parameter �Storet # 'Results Fee C61i=MF (31616) >12,000 col/100 ml TSS (00530), 466 mg/l COD -HIGH (00340) 40 mg/1 Clients Sample -Source, PHASE --..POND 4 } Number Time Collected (Hrs) 0730 ' } �1 DES' •200.4 DEP7. P,C, _Box 47.3 . 7 b6,Short Street • Kerr,ersvilie, North Carolina 27284 .336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996.0326 www.randal6bs.com 5TOR1lIWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL, PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SANIPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2010 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038, (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 31).days from tht date the facility receives the sampling results from•tlie laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson Countv Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON.COLLECTING'SAMPLES _Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242=2284 CERTIFIED LABoiz TORV Research and Analytical Laboratory La'b #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE• - Part A: Specific Monitoritil;,Requirements• Outfall No, Dote Sample Collected'. niuldd/ r 00340 31616 00530 Cliemical.OxygeniDemand; mRfl. { i'ccal,Goliform, #' er-1 04 nil Total Suspended;Solids; ,Bcnctirnurk,_ - _120 1000colonies. -100 Ph. 1 Pond 2 (19127/10 60 300,000 580 Ph. 1 Pond 4 09/27/10 58 71 i 600000 -264 Note: I t you report a.sampled value in excess oftlic benclimark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Fier 2 responses. Sec,General Penn it text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALI, FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED'AS MPN/100nil. Does this faeility perkinn Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _ yes _no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements —Outfall ,No. Date Sample Collected, tilolddlvr 00556. -00530.- _ _�00400 - Oil and,Grease;. ' rn L 'T6tal1S4P6ded Solids,, _- nIgIL ,011, Sfhndard,uriits N6v,Motor, Oil `Usige • tAvera e,annual' al/moi, ,Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 = 910 - Note, If you report a sampled value in excess of the benclunark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARAC'TF..RISTICS: Date 09/27/10 Total F.vent Precipitatiow(inches): Date (fist each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event.Precipitalion (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn'. DWQ Central Files NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page 1 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMITNO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2010_ CERTIFICATF OF COVERAGE NO, NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than_30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAN[FiES _ Steven Sink PHONE NO. (336)242=2284 'CERTIFIED.LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lai 034 Lah #I PLEASE SIG` ON THE REVERSE 4 .Part Ai Specific Monitoring Requirements Out -fall No. Date Sample Collected; mo/ddl r 00340 `316W .1 I "t00530i Chemical'Oxygen Demand; _in lt: ' F 61'Cnliforin,� . I # er4406 MI.. "1_'a_ tal.Suspetided'Solids; Benchmark 120- 1000-col6riics:. lOp ,Ph. 2 Pond 3 9/27/1 U .188 30,000 - .3.850 Ph. .2 Pond 4 9/27/10 1104 16,000 !2,170 C&D Pond 9/27110 47 501000 J38 .dote'. If you report a sampled, value in excess of the benchmark value,. you must iniplement Tier 1'or°Tier 2 responses. See General Perrot text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPI I ICAL ERROR. ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS N#PN/00mi. Does this facility perform .Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? , ye, _no (if yes, complete Part B) ,Part B: Vehicle Maintenahce Activity Moniiorin Re uiremenis 'Outfall -N6. Date. Sample Collected; mo/dd/yr - "00556,. -"00530-- , `Oil:and'Grcasc; ni /L Total._Siispeiided•Solids m pH; ' 'Staridaid,units _ I"New,'Mvtof 0il'Usagc;.' �sAvera e.aiinuai aLl/ino• Benchmsik - .. _ 30 -100 6:0'r'9'.0_ Note: If you report a sampled value imexcess of the benchmark value, or outside the_ benchmark range for p1l, you must implement Tier 1'or,Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STQRM EVENT CIiARACTERISTICS: Date _09127/10_ 'I'otal•Event Precipitation. (inches): Date (list each additional event snmpied this,repoHing period, and rainfall amount)' Total Event I'recipitatiun (inches): Mail Original and one copy to-.. Attn: DWQ Central Files 'NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh.:NC 27699-1617 .SNVU-249-102107 Page I o.0 2 • RESEAR6* & ANAIyTICA[ LAbORATOME' S� INC• Analytical/Process Consultations DAVIDSOii CO. ''LANDFILL. Date Sample Collected :•O1/26/11 12.42 OLD HWY !29 Date Sample Received :-01/26/11 THOMASVILLE; NC 27360 Date,Sample Analyzed_ 01/26/11 Attn: .'STEVEN'SI13K Date of Report r 02/64/11 Analyses Performed *by AR -YET Lab Sample Number 693855- .Parameter Storat..9 Results GOD--HtGI (:00340). 28 mg/1 TSS (00536) 2,090 mg/l a 1 Clients. Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 3 Number. Time Collected (Hrs) 0911 P.O. Box 473 • 106 Short Street • Kernersvipe, North Carolina'27284 • 336=996-2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randelabs.com ■ RESEARch & AiNA[yTiGAI L- AbORATORVS, INC.. Analyticel/Pri cess Consultations. DAVIDSON CO. LANDFILL Date sample Collected 01/26/11 1242 OLD HWY 29 Date Sample Received 01/26/11 THOMASVILLE, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 01/26/11 Attn: STEVEN SINK bate of Report r 02/04/11 Analyses Perfoirnied 'by ,:: AR -YLT Lab Sample,-kumber ,693 854 Parameter Storet 0 Results. COD -HIGH (00340.) 421mg/1 TSS (005301) 492 mg/1 -------------------- Clients .Sample Source PHASE.2 POND.#. Number Time..Collected (Hrs). 0858 P.O. Box 473. 106 Short Street • Kernersville. North Carolina 27284. 336-99&2841 • fax 336-996-0326 www.randelabs.com r. n 0 C, J RESEARCh & ANA[yTICAL LAbORATORiES, INC.- Analytical/Process Consultations . DAVIDSOh*'CO. LANDFILL Date Sample Collected : 01/26/11 1242 OLD HWY 29 Date Sample Received 61/26/1,1 THOMASVILLE, NC 27366 Date Sample Analyzed O1/26/•1i Attn: STEVEN SINK Date of ReporE 02/04'/11 Analyses Performed b)i 'AR -Y3 Lab Sample. Number 693852 Parameter Storet.4 Results COD -HIGH (00340). 12 mg/1 TSS (00530) 2,660 mg/l Clients Sample Source PHASE I'POND 2 Number ,Time Collected' (Hrs) •0833. .P0. Box 473 • 106'Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 272B4 • 336-996=2841'!'Fax 336-996.0326' www.randafabs.cdrri O RESEARCh & A►NALyT{CA LAbORATOREES, iNC. Analytical/Process Consultations, ANAL yp- � Ir SO NC #34 DAVIDSON CO. LANDFILL Date -Sample Collected 01/26/11 1242 OLD,HWY 29 Date Sample Received 01/26/11- THOMASVILLE',-NC 27366 Date Sample Analyzed 01/26/11 Attn: STEVEN SINK Date of Report 02/04/11. Analyses Performed by AR -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 693853 _--___________________��__-__ - =__-- _-_-----------� Parameter St65r7et.# Results COD -HIGH (00340) a5 mg/i TSS (00530) 784 Mg/1 Clients Sample Source C & D Number Time Col.lectecl' (Hrs) 0844 P.O. Box 473 106 Short Street- Kernersville. North Carolina 27284 • 336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalebs.com G L RESEARch & ANA1yTICA1 LABORATORIES, INC. °Analytical/Process • Consultations 11�1trrrfji�,,, Cn a :y .iYr11V`I x• a r �lrrtit�t}�� DAVIDSDN,CO. LANDFILL Date Sample Collected : 01/26/11 1242 OLD.HWY 29 Date Sample Received : 01/26/11 THO,MASVILLE, NC 27360 Date.Sample Analyzed : 01/26/11 Attn-. STEVEN SINK Date of Report : 02/04/11 Analyses Performed by c AR -YJ Lab Sample Number ----------------- 693851 Parameter storet.# Results COD,-HIGk (00340), 27 mg/1 TSS (00530) 99.2 mg/l Clients Sample Source PHASE 1 POND 4 UNumber Time ,Collected, (Hrs) 0823 P.0, Box 473 • 108 Short Street- Kernersvilie, North,Carolina 27284 • 336-9.96-2841 • Fax 336-596-0398 www.rendalebs.com STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO NCG120038 FACILITY NAME Davidson County Landfill PERSON COLLECTING'SAMPLES Steven Sink CERTIFIED LABORATORY Resca Th ar d Aitnlytical Laboratory Lab #34 - bah # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR; 2011. (This nionitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date' the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Davidson PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 'PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE -� OutfAll. No., Dater ample Callecled;, r&dd/ r, 00340 . r 31616� I _ :00530. Cheiriiciil Oxygen Demand;• ° M Ls 1Fecal'Culiform; I' 'Total Suspcnded'S61ids Betichrriark+ 120, l004,eolaniess _ — - [ 100 Ph. 2 Pond 4 0514/11 41 3 000 3;450 Ph. 2 Pond 3 j 05/4/11 189 1 >16,000 1,460. Note: Irvou report'a sampled value in excess of die benchmark value. you must implement Tier l or'Cier 2 responses. See General Permit:text. PLEASE NOTE'THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR, ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULT'S WERE AINALYZED AS MPN/100ni1. [does thus facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _ yes b6 (ifves, complete fart B) Part'B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitorin? Requirements Oiitfall, No., Date' ,S'ample Collected, inoldd/ r 005561 _ 00530. - 00400_ T Oil arid;Gfe>ise; lffi L.' ;'T661;Sus' '_ d'ed Salids;. I rtt /i. ; _ 'phi,. Stanilitr'd+units, New.fi96tgr< Oi1;Usage,, �'Avera c,annual: allrriu , Benchmark - 30- 100 6.0_ NoteAf you report a sampled valuc-in excess of the benchmark value_, or outside the benchmark range for phi, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date _05/4111 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (Iist cacti additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches):. Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files, NCDFNRI DWQ 1617 Mail Smice Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 S W U-248-102107 Page I of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2011 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE -NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the dale the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson Comity Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink PHONE NO. ( 336)242-2284' CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE: SIGN ON THE REVERSE -� Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements 'Dutfill No. -Date Sample'Collected; too/dd/ r 00340, : . 31616-. ! .. _ _:06530 _ Chemical Ozygen.Ditnand Tecil Coliftirm, Total Suspended+Solids,. ;Benchmark - 120:_ 1400_colonies' _ 1100' - Ph. 1 Pond 4. 5/ 4111 40 5,600 105 Ph. 1 Pond 2 514/1 l 30• 3,600 1,170 C&D Pond 5/4/11 136 13,600 1162 Note: If you report a sampled'value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses: See General Permit text. PLEASE NOTE TILE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS MPN1100mi. Does this facility perfonn. Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of ncw.motor oil per month? (if yes; complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity hionitorina Re uirements yes _no - `Outfall' Ivo. Date :Sample.Coll ected, '- mo/ddlvr' ,. '400556 - '00534 - '— --- 00400', Oil and;Grease; - �m� Total;S4spen6d!Sol1ds,.' m L. ' pH; ; ;StAddiird,tmi6- ! ''New Motor Oil;Iji-a !.'Ave a e annual= iuh o ',100 Note: If you report a sampled value,in excess of the benchmark'value. or outside the benchmark range for pl L you must implement Ti6i I or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text.. STORM EVENT CHAR_ ACTS_ RISTICS: Date 5/4111 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches):. iMail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files- NCDENR/'DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 16i7 S WU-248=102107 Page I of 2 RESEARCh & ANA1yTiCA[ LAb0RAT0RiES, INC. Analy. icall.Process. Consdltadons • �,'iiiilillil!!t!,'I A" I� i +�••r•..r. �r s y . NC #i34 s DAVIDSON CO. LANDFILL Date Sample -Collected 05/04/11 1242'.OLD HWY 29 Date Sample Received 05/04/11 THOiKAS_VILLE, NC 27360' Date Sample Analyzed 05/04/11 Attn: STFVi~IT, •SINK Date of Report 05/12/11 Analyses Performed bji AR -YJ -BG tab Sample Number 701885 Parameter Storet #. Results COD -HIGH (00340) 40,mg/1 'TSS (00530) 105 mg/1 FeC 'Cali-MF (31616) 5,606 mg/l ��^>o cti -------------------- Clients Sample Souice PHASE 1 POND 4 r ; Number Time Collected (Hrs)• 0734 P.0. Box_ 4i3 • 106 Short Street t KernemVille, I\ ort ioCaroiina 27264 • 336-996-2841 - Fax 336 996-0326 www.rendelabs,cam. RESEARCh`"�t ANA )ITiC I_Ab6RATOR'k�i INC �•',- C + NC o : cn ME a:- �. Analytical/Process Consultations Mc DAVIDSON CO...LANDPILL, Date Sample Collected : 05704/11 1242 OLD HWY 29 Date•Sample Received : 05/04/11 THOMASVILLE, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 05/0'4'/1a: Attn.. STEVEN•SINK Date of Report 65/12/11 Analyses •Per}:ormed `by AR -YJ -BG Lab'Sample,Number 701886 Parameter Storet• # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 30 mg/1 TSS (00530) 1,170 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) 3_,600 col/100 ml, --------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 1 POND- 2-Number Time Collected Mrs) 6750 P.O. Bux 473. 106 Short Street • Kernersville, Nardi Carolina'27284 •-336-99612841 • Fax 336-9961i132$ www,rsn&abs.com ! 4 WsEARich & ANA1yTICA1 LA ORATORIES, INC. Analytical/Process Consultations DAVIDSON CO. -LANDFILL Date'SampYe Collected 05/04/3-1 1242 OLD.HWY 29 Date Sample Received 05/04/11 THOMASVILLE, NC 27360 Date'Sample Analyzed 05/04/11 Attn: STEVEN SINK Da.te of Report : 05/12/11 Analyses Performed by : AR -YS -EG Lab`Sample Number 701887 ------------------------------- Parameter Storet 4: Results COD -HIGH (00340) 36 mg/l TSS (00530) 162 mg/1 Fec Coli-MF (31616) 3;600 mg/1 Clients Sample Source C AND' D•POND Number fa 'Time Collected Mrs) ., •0803 P.O.,eox 473 • 105:Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 •336-996-2841 • Fax 336-986-0326 +nr vWxa nd a la bs.com RESEARC- h &. ANA �ITiCAI LZORA MES, INC Anefytioal/Ppacess Consultations $11tllrfr t4, 47, Y = NO •. w �ir■irrrr�* 'DAVIDSON CO. LANDFILL. Date Sample°Collected 05/,04/11 1242 OLD HWY 29 Date Sample Received 05/04/•11 THOMASVILLE, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 05/04/11 Attn:, 'STEVEN SINK. Date of Report •0S/12/1 Analyses Performed by'.:. AR -XJ -BG Lab 'Samjil.e Nuinber --------------- 701888 Parameter Storet-# Results. r COD -HIGH (00340) 41 mg/l TSS (00530) 3,45.0 ,mg/1- Fec Coli-MF (31616) 3,00.0 MPI4/.100 ml Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND'4- Numbe_ r- Time Collected (Era) 08Z7 P.O. Box 473 • 106 Short Street o Kerners ille. North Carokne.27284 • 336-986-2841. •,Fax 336-986-0326: wwoi. rand W 13 hs.com RFs€ARCM' & ANALYTICAt LAWRATORIES, INC. AnalocsVPrccess ConsrLltations �`'k.WasI Its pit *A c�.,� a. . N N 0, n C #34- Y � �+i11n�1�►�� bAVIDSON CO. LA$DF'ILL Date'Sample Collected 05/04/11 1242 OLD'HWY 29 Date Sample Received 05/04/11 THOMASVILLE�; NC 21360 Date Sample -Analyzed -05/04/11 Attn: -STEVEN SINK Date -of Report 05/12/11 'Analyses Perfo;rined by AR =YJ -BG Lab Sample Number 70i869 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) '89 ing/1` ,TSS (00520) 1,460 mg/l Fec Ca1i-MF (31516) >16,000 MPN/100 ml Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 3' Number Time Collected (Hrs) 0903 H0. Box 473 - 106 Short Street- kernersv_ille. North -Carolina 27284.336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com V ' RESEARch .& �ANA[yTi 'A� LA ORATORpES, IN(. AnalyticeUProcess Consultations G DAVIDSON CO. LANDFILL Date Sample Collected 09/27/40 1242 bLD•HWX 29 Date Sample Received• 09/27/10 THOMASVILLE,•NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 09/27/10 Attn: STEVEN .SINK' Date -of Report 10/11/10 Analyses Performed by AR -YJ -BG -SK Lab Sample Number 684682 Parameter Stoi-et: # Results COD -,HIGH (00340) 60. mg/1 Fec.'C011,-MPN -(31615) 360,000 MPN/100 ml ^l TSS (00530) 580 mg/l NOV 2w --------- --- - ---- ... ' Clients Sample Source PHASE` 1 POND .2 ��,.: "ic. i;.. Number •.y �,'• E. 1 -Time Collected Mrs) 0944 P.O,-Box 473 • .108 Short Street • Kernersville;.North Carolina 27284 •'336-996-2B49 • Fax 336-996.0326. tivvm.rendalabsxom- RESEARCh & ANAIyTICA[ LAb0RAT0RIE$.INC. � _ o roc;' Analytica]/Process Consulaiibns •-, r+'447' ED AO� `�, +tri,341110 bAVIIbSON CO. LANDFILL Date Sample Collected 09/27�/1.0 1242 OLD HWY 29. 'Date 'Sample Received. 09/27/10 THOMASVILLE,.14C 273601 Date;Sample Analyzed 09/27/10 Attn: STEVEN,SINK Date of Report .10/11/10 Analyses Performed by 'AR •-BG 7Y,7 -SK Lab'Sample Number 684683 Parameter Storat # -Results ,COD -HIGH (06340) 58 mg/1 Fec Coli-MPN (31fi15} '71.1,60o,-600 14PN/loo ml TSS (00530) 264 mg/l �i -------------------- Clients Sample Souxce PHASE 1 POND 4 �1 .,Number Time 'Collected- (Hrs) 0930- P O. Box 473. 106'ShortStree[ • KerndrsOle: Worth Carolina 27284 ; 336-_996-2841'•Feat 338-996-0326, www.randalahs.com'. RESEARCh & ANA1YTICA[ LkORATOR[ES� INC. Analydcaf/Process Consultations 1.� r f cc � NC #34 Z' • y ♦ram C) DAVIDSON CO. LANDFILL Date Sample Collected :--09./27/10 1242'OLD HWY'29 pate Sample Received '09/27/10 Ti OMASVILLE, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 09/27/10 Attn: STEVCN SINK Date of Report ZO/11/10 Analyses Performed by .: AR -BG -YJ -SK L&b Sample Number 684684 Parameter, Storet # 'Results COD -HIGH (00340) '47 mg/l Fec Coli-MPN (31615) '50,.000' MPN/104 `inl. 'TS5 (60530) 38.0 .mg/l Clieiit�- Sample Source CTD POND] 9 0 Humber Time Collected (Hrs) `0950 P.O. -Box 473. 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina•27284 •'336-sm-2941 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs,com RESEAR& & .ANA1y 1CA[ LAbORATORlESi INC. Analytical/Process Consultations :NC#34 Z. i •mod/ Q,' +�- ss�f���l DAVIDSON CO. LANDFILL Date Sample Collected 09/27/10 1242 COLD HWY 29 Date Sample :Received -09/27/10' THOMASVILLE, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed :,09/.27/10 Attn: STEVEN SINK Date of Report : 10/11/1O Analyses Performed by : AR '-BG -YJ -SK Lab Sample Number 58.4685• ___�_-----_-_-_--_- ______ Parameter Storet.4 Results COD -HIGH (00340) 104 mg/1 Fee Coli-MPN (31615) 16,.000 'MPN%7.00 ail. TS-S (00530) 2, 170'.mg/l 1 Clients 'Sample Source PHASE 2 POND A 0 Number Time Collected Mrs) 1005 P0, Box 473. 106 Short Street, Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 - 336-996.2841 Fex'336-996-'0326 www.randatabs.com ,Lill 111#%`'f RESEARch & ANA1yT1CAL •.�``� : -�; L.AbORATORkE INC.. No.. Analytical/Process Consultations. t 7ED AtSPy;� '•• ra111 n► .DAVIDSON CO, LANDFILL.• Date Sample Collected. -09/27./10 1242'OLD HWY 29 Date•Samgle Received 09/27/10 THOMASVILLE, NC,27360: Date Sample Analyzed 09/27/10 Attn: STEVEN SINK Date -of Report 10/i1/10 Analyses Performed by AR'-BG -YJ -SK. Lab Saraple Number -------------------- ,584696 Parameter• storet Results. COI} -HIGH: .(00340) 188 mg/1 Fec-Coli-MPN (31'615) 30,000 MPN/100 ml TSS (00530} 3,'850. mg/1 /1 Clients Sdmp],e Source PHASE 2 POND 3 �) Number Time Collected .(Hrs) 1015' P.O, Sox 473 1 UG.Shon Street • Kernersville, {North Carofina 27284 • 336-996-2841 •'Fax,336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING'REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2011_ CEIi'VIFICATE OF COVERAGE.NO. NCG120038' (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACHATYNAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON:COLLECTING SAMPLES Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED -LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ONT11E REVERSE -i Part A. Specific Monitoring Requirements -—Oiitfall; No:°. Date. 'Sample Collected; nio/dd/t r { . .'00340- i , '316161 i-00530. Ciietnical'Ozygeu,DernAtid,' 1' MA `,lie-cnl�Ctilif6'rm; T 'Totstl Snspeniled;SiiHd;' n" J - 1Bencliitiark : ~ - _ 120' a t 10001616ii&. : ; 100 'Pti: 1 Pond 4 11/16111, 45 >12000 '552 l 780lllfilll - 64UPh:1'Pond C&D Pond 11/16/11 j 24 .1 >12000 1190 Note:' If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value: you must implement Tier' I or Tier 2 responses. See GeneralTennit-text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALL rECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS MPN1160ml. Qoes this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55,gallons df new motor ail per month? —yes _no (if yes, compictc Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements i i0utfiill� •No: Dote Sample Collected, molddl :4 r- '00556 - C 400530. ; .i _ ;00400'- Oil-and'GFease,, Fi ' �TotalSuspendcillSiilitis,"; m " - oil;, 'Stan&4t nits, Netir MtitorROiltUsagc;, _Avers c anituah auitio Benchniaik - •30 `100': - �6.0-:90 Note: If you report a sampled value iri excess of the benclirnark value_ , or outside the,benchn1ark range.for pH, you must implement'rier 1 or Tier 2 responses. Sce.Gcneral Permit text.. 'STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date _I V16/11_ Total.Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each .additionai event sampled this,reporting period; and ritinfall amount) Total Event Precipitali6w(inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attic: DWQ Central Files_ NCDENRI DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWO-249-102107 Page I of 2 STORMWATER DISCIIARGE.OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2011 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facilih' receives the sampling, results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink _PHONE NO. (_336)24.2=2284. "CERTIFIEWLABORATORY Research and Analytical Lahoratory.Lab #/34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON TIlE REVERSE-) Part A: Specific Monitoring.Requirements. Orutfall Date 003411 31616" ,. _ _ '00530:` No.• SanipleCoilected; CherniciilOxygenDeniand,; ',_Fecpli,Coliform' TotaGSuspendeii;Solids,` mo/dd/vr. mg #• err100:en1.. _ rn'rL Zenclimark - 120 ry _ ';1000 cbloiiies too Ph. 1 Pond 4 10112/1 t _ 34, - - >12000. 68 Ph. I Pond 1 10/12/11 37. >12000 240 C&D Pond 10/12/14 124 1 >12000 190: Note: If you report a sampled value in "excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier l for Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text: PLEASE NOTE; THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A -TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR, ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALY ZED -AS MPNI100m1: boes this facility perform Vehicle Maintenatce. Activities using more- than 55 gallons,af•riew motor,oil per month? _ yes no (if,yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity,lllonilorina Requirements Oiitfall ' Y No. pate° Sample Collected, I aldil/vr : 00556' _ . 00530_ .. _... . -;'. - — '00400a Oiland`Grea'se, m Total Suspended Solids, nt IL g11 Starida'rd diiits. _. N6 'Mot6r;OillUsagc; ',Aveia a Cxindal; � al/imo_ -Berkhm-iik - 30 too _ .' .. _. .-610''— 9:0'. = Note: If you report.a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range For pl-1, you must implerrierit Tier. I or Tier 2 responses. Sec General Permit text. STORM EVENT-CIIAR_ ACTERISTICS- Date 10112/11_ Total Event Precipitation (inches):. Date (lis(each additionai.event sampled thus"reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central miles NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 S WU-24 R-102107 Page 1 of 2 RFSEAKh & ANAI"-CAI hryMIjLAbORATORiES, INC. Anslydml/Process Consultations Davidson Co. Landfill Date Sample Collected': 20/12/1i 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received : 10/12/11 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date -Sample Analyzed : 10/12/21 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report : 10/20/11 Analyses Performed by : SK -AR -SA -YJ Lab Sample Number 7132;9 715218 Parameter Storet # Results Results COD -HIGH (00340) 37 mg/l 34 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) >12,000 col/100 ml >12,000 C01/100 ml TSS (00530) 240 mg/l 68.0 mg/l ----- - ---- -- ---- - Clients Sample Source Phase 1 Pond -1------ Phase-1 Pond 4------ Number Storm rater Storm Water Time Collected (HrB) 0855 0838 P.D. Box 473 s 106 Short Street • Kerneraville, North Caroline 27284.338-993-2B41 • Fax 338-996-0328 www,randela bo.com «ESEARC,ii & ANWYACAI _ • ���` & ....,,�!��♦+ice �1 LAbORATORiES,, INC. ; ar _ ` r a ;°b NC�3�4 M" ; AnelyticsWrocess ConmAm bns i Davidson Co. Landfill Date Sample Collected 10/12/11 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 10/12/11 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 10/12/11 Attn: Steven Sink • Date of Report 10/19/11 Analyses Performed by AR -$A -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 715220 cco�=======aocc�acaccc.�:cccc�a==a==�a======aaaaceQaaa====ccc=aoccaaao�e=cac-cacao Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 24 mg/1 Fec Coli-MF (33.616) >12,000 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 190 mg/l Clients Sample Source UNumber Time collected (Hrs) -------------------- C+D Pond Storm Water 0 905 P. D. Box 473. 106 Short Strut - Kernaredle, North Caroline 27284. 336-SSB-2841 - Fax 336-SS64)326 www.randalabs.com "RESEARch & ANA[yT[CA1 *''�c�;�&:` � •r, LAboRATORI INC. NCB ZC`•n� AnWocsl/Process Consultations s '��D ANP*,�►�� �iRRRiRt;{{ Davidson Co. Landfill Date Sample Collected 10/12/11 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample'Received 10/12/11 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 10/12/11 Attu: Steven Sink Date.of Report 10/20/11 Analyses Performed by AR -SK -SA -YJ Lab sample Number 715221 ' 1'1:.T222 cr..��aaaaaaaamanca^aaaaanana�cc=c=aaaaacoaaas----aa�.^a===aaaaaa a,aaa�====a===aar=a Parameter Storet # Results Results COD -HIGH (00340) Fee Coli-MPN (31616) TSS (00530) Fec COIi-MF (31616) Clients Sample Source Number Time Collected (Firs) 66 mg/l >16,000 mpn/100 ml 3,220 mg/l 45 mg/1 1,880 mg/l 5,000 mpn/100 ml Phase 2 Pond 3 Phase 2 Pond 4 Storm Water Storm Water 0925 0936 P.O. Box 473. 106 Short Street • Kernersville. North Carb1[na 27284.338-898-2841 • Fax 338-996-0326 www.randalabs.com STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2011_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCGI20039 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample.Gollected, mo/ddl r 00340 31616 00530 Chemical Oxygen Demapd, Fecal Coliform, # per 100 nil Total Suspended Solids, Benchmark - 120. 1000 colonies 100 Ph. 1 Pond 4 12/21/11 29 7 600 104 Ph. 1 Pond 1 12/21/11 121 18,000 1952 C&D Pond 11212V11 1108 1780 11,540 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS MPN1100ml. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _ yes _no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mold r 00556 00530 004001 OR and Grease, m Total Suspended Solids, MV& pH, Standard units New Motor Oil Usage, Averagy annual limo Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 — 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date—12/21111 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and 'rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attu: DWQ Central Files NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page I of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2011 _ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfan No. Date Sample Collected, molddlyr 00340 31616 00530 Chemical Oxygen Demand, nwA Fecal Coliform; # per 100 ml Total Suspended, Solids,. m Benchmark - 120 ' 1000- colonies 100 Ph. 2 Pond 4 10/12/11 45 5 000 1880 Ph. 2 Pond 3 10/12/11 166 1 >16 000 13220 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses, See General Permit text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS MPN/100m1. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using'more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _yes _no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/ddl r 00556 00530 00400. Oil and Grease, m Total Suspended Solids, pH, Standard units New Motor Oil'Usage, Average, annual allmo Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 — 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value iri excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text, STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date _10112/11 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attu: DWQ Central Files NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page I of 2 ;yqr rl� rrirb REsEARch & ANA1 TiCAL a'`'� � ♦�'' Uborwm INC. f o;ft .3 NO AnahJtiicaUPraoess Consultations r ; Qom? Vllrllrrl�� Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected 12/21/11 1242 Old HWY 29 Date Sample Received 12/21/11 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 12/21/11 Attn:. Steven Sink Date of Report 01/05/12 Analyses Performed by SK -SA -YJ Lab Sample Number 720799 720800 Parameter Storet # Results Results COD --HIGH (00340) 20 mg/l 85 mg/1 Fec Cali-MF (31616) 1,40D col/100 ml 160,000 mpn/100 ml TSS (00530) 2,220 mg/1 16,200 mg/l -------------------- -------------------- ��� Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 4 PHASE 2 POND 3 Number STORMWATER ST'ORMWATER Time Collected (Hrs) 1344 1355 P.O. Box 473. 108 Short Street • Kerner&Alle. north Cerolina 27284. 335-996-2841 • Fax 338-996-0326 www.randalebazi3m RESEARch �t ANA �ITfCAI k LAbORATORiE INC. r�� %�c q Now Z; f - - An:alyticaVProcess Consultations ? r+lrrr�ltr�r� Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected 12/21/11 1242 Old HWY 29 Date Sample Received 12/21/11 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 12/21/11 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 01/05/12 Analyses Performed by SK -SA -YJ Lab 9ampie Number 720796 720797 Parameter Storet 4 Results Results COD -HIGH (00340) 29 mg/1 21 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) 7,600 col/100 ml 8,000 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 104 mg/1 952 mg/1 rj�tP6 A t.. JAM 20 Vj 1t7J A M T101 i Clients Sample Source PHASE 1 POND 4 PHASE 1 POND 1 Number STORMWATER STORMWATER Time Collected Mrs) 1315 1324 P D. Box 473. 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284.335-995-2841 • Fax 336-896-0326 www.randolabs.com RESEARch & ANA1)/TICA1 I-AbOfMORiEs,, INC. Ar-ialyticallProcess Consultations Davidson County Landfill 1242 Old HWY 29 Thomasville, NC 27360 Attn: Steven Sink ��`� �" C/��'�+ ♦ems V. NC04 z: 5 Date Sample Collected 12/21/11 Date Sample Received 12/21/11 Date Sample Analyzed 12/21/13. Date of Report O1/05/12 Analyses Performed by SK -SA -YU Lab Sample Pimber 720796 720797 aan==-n aaaca�a :a :ras aaaaaamacacava====�a...�,._=vaa accaaaaaaa�cooco.��c=aT: �,cc�=== Parameter Storet # Results Results COD -HIGH (00340) 29 m9r/1 21 mg/1 Fee Coli-MF (31616) 7,600 col/100 ml 8,000 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 104 mg/1 952 mg/1 JAN 2012 r•� ` ry QAWM M SM ID =TE EMt ----------------------------------------- 0 Clients Sample Source PLASH 1 POND 4 PHASE 1 POND 1 ' Number STORMWATSR STORMWAT$R Time Collected (Hrs) 1315 1324 P.O. Box 473.10E Short Street • KemerWlle, North Caroline 27284.336-895-2841 • Pax SS"98-4326 www.randelab&com RESEARCh & ANAIYACAt Y, & LAbORATW SfE , INC. AnelyticaUProcess Conaltations r �•� �ti A w W04z.-" r vr��rr>fi u1l� Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected : 12/21/11 1242 Old HWY 29 Date Sample Received : 12/21/11 Thomasville, NC 27360 ]data Sample Analyzed : 12/21/11 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 01/05/12 Analyses Performed by SK -SA -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 720798 aaaaavW-==-aaaaa��=n=�4a�ae�oaa���====mac==e.===aacsv�o�ssvaasaa^tea===aeaac�amc=p�� Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 108 mg/1 Fec Coli-MF (31616). 780 Col/100 ml TSS (00530) 1,540 mg/l 1 Clients Sample Source C+D POND Number STORMWATER Tithe Collected Mrs) 1334 P.O. Box 473. 106 ShortStreet • KernerMle. Nort(i Carolina 27284. 338-998-2849 -Fax 338-998-0328 www.randolubs.com RESEARCH & ANALYICAI LkoRATWES, INC. AnalyticaUProc4�ss ConsutteUans Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected 12/21/11 1242 Old HWY 29 Date Sample Received 12/21/11 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 12/21/11 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 01/05/12 Analyses Performed by Sit -SA -YJ Lab Sample Number 720799 720800 Parameter Storet # Results Results COD -HIGH (00340) Fec Coli-MF (31616) TSS (00530) r—� 20 mg/l 1,400 col/100 ml 2,220 mg/l 85 mg/1 160,000 mpn/100'm1 16,200 mg/l -------------------- -------------------- 01 Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 4 PHASE 2 POND 3 Number STORMWATER STORMWATER Time Collected (Hra) 1344 1355 P Q Bnx 473. 105 Short Street • Karnereville; !North Caronna 272B4. 336-998-2841 • Fax 338-986-0326 www.randelahamom RBEARch & ANA YTICA[ LAbORATO&S, INC. AnalyticaWrocess Consultations Eta NCA34 y: dAZ ��`� •..r..••' ice' Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected 12/21/11 1242 Old HWY 29 Date Sample Received 12/21/11 Thomasville, NC 27360 bate Sample Analyzed 12/21/11 Attn: Steven sink - Hate of Report 01/05/12 Analyses Performed by SR -SA -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 720798 =�Raacc==acaa�oa===�xvaaccc�aaae=a==Waoaaac=c��-�aaac=�^: avr..cco==��a=:aa====cn� Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) Fec Coli-MF (31616) TSS • (00530) 108 mg/l 790 col/100 ml 1,540 mg/1 -------------------- Clients Sample Source C+D POND Number STORMWAT&R Time Collected (Bra) 1334 RO, Box 473. 106 Short Street * Kernersvlle. North Caroline 27284.336-996-2841 • Fax 396-996-0326 www.renda1s6s,com Aft LAbORATORVE , INC. �� O't �r NC "4 z; .. J AMalocaWroaesa Consultadons % Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected 05/14/12 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 05/14/12 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 05/14/12 Attn. Steven Sink Date of Report 05/23/12 Analyses Performed by SA -SK -YJ Lab Sample Number 731346 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 52 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) >12,000 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 120 mg/l ��� �� C-D �± r.+. .����' &[3EI� 1141E _n Kn �j -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 1 POND 4 Number STORM WATER Time Collected (Hrs) 1126 R 0. Box 473 • 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284. 336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996.0326 www.randalabs.com STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2012_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mold 00340 31616 . 00530-' Chemical Oxygen Demand, Fecal Coliform, # per 100 nd Total Suspended' Solids. m Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 Ph. 2 Pond 4 5/14/12 34 >16 000 1040 Ph. 2 Pond 3 5114/12 491 >16 000 3920 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS MPN/I00m1. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor'oil per month? _yes ,no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Retuirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/d 00556 00530 00400 Oil and Grease, Total Suspended Solids, m pH, Standard units New Motor Oil Usage, Average annual gailmo Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 — 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date _6/6112 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mall Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page I of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2012_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE -� Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected; mold 00340 31616 00530 Chemical Oxygen Demand, Fecal Coliform, # lRer 100 ml Total -Suspended Solids, m Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 Ph. 1 Pond 4 5/14/12 52 >12 000 120 Ph. 1 Pond 1 5/14112 145 1 >12 000 1304 C&D Pond 5114/12 196 1 >12 000 744 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS MPN/100m1. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _ yes _no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B. Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfan No. Date Sample Collected, mo/dd/ 00556 00530 00400 Oil and Grease, Total Suspended Solids; m pH, Standard units New Motor Oil Usage, Average annual, allmo Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 -- 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date _5/14112_ Total Everit Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files NCDENR/.DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center 'Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page 1 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2012_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Ontfail No. Date ,Sample Collected, mo/ddtyrper 00340 31616 _00530 Chemical Oxygen Demand, Fecal Coliform, 100 nd Total Suspended Solids, Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 Ph. 2 Pond 4 5/14/12 62 >16 000 1 500 Ph. 2 Pond 3 5/14/12 1231 >16 000 115,400 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS MPN/100m1. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _ yes no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/d 00556 00530 00400 On and Grease, Total Suspended' Solids, pH, Standard units New,Motor.011 Usage, Aver a annual gnono Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 —.9.0 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date _5-14-12 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files NCIJENW DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page 1 of 2 RESEARCh & A [YT"[ +�+ +�` • LZORAIURIES, INC. Anet dceWmcese Gnnsi kzUons _ • i y Sig list% Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected 05/14/12 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 05/14/12 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 05/14/12 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 05/23/12 Analyses Performed by SA -SK -Y.7 Lab ,Sample Number -------------------- 731348 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 96.mg/1 Fec Coli-MF (31616) >12,000 col/100 m1 TSS (00530) 744 mg/1 7 Clients Sample Source C&❑ % Number STORM WATER Time Collected (Hra) 1140 P.D. Bax 473 P 106 Short Strmt - Kernersville. North Carolina 27284. 336-996-2841 -Fox 338-996.0326 www.randelabs.com *`lbslaw...2afx01 REsEARch & Amly fb[ .•)� LABORATORIES, INC `���` .. "; '. a .�: a� : w ch AnsWc&Wrocess ConsuMtians NC 34 *+yC� • O�R��Oq:��g �� Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected : 05/14/12 1.242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received : 05/14/12 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed : 05/14/12 Attn: Steven -Sink Date of Report 05/23/12 Analyses Performed by SA -SR -Ya Fab Sample dumber -------------------- 731347 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 45 mg/l FCC Coli-MF (31616) a12,000 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 304 mg/1 Clients Sample Source 1 Number Time Collected (Hrs) -------------------- PHASE 1 POND 1 STORM WATER 1130 P. O. Box 473.106 Short Street • Kernerm0e, North Carafine 27284.336-GS6-2849 • Fex 336-686-0326 wwwxandattiba.com STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2012_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report Is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE -i Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfali No. Date Sample Collected, mo/dd/yr 00340 31616 0053W Chemical Oxygen Demand, BWJL Fecal Coliform, # per 100 ml Total Suspended Solids, Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 Ph.1 Pond 4 6/6112 41 7000 76 Ph.1 Pond 1 6/6/12 132 17400 1184 C&D Pond 6/6I12 137 18400 1300 Note: if you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS MPN/100m1. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_ yes —no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity onitoring Requirements Outfall' No. Date Sample Collected, wo/ddlyr 00556 00530 00400 Oil and Grease, Lng& Total Suspended Solids,, MRIL pH, Standard units New Motor Oil Usage, Average annual gmNino Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 — 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 6/6/12_ Total_Event Preclpltatlon (inches); !late (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page 1 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2012_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab 434 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/d 00340 31616 00530 Chemical Oxygen Demand, . Fecal'Coliform, # per 100 ml Total Suspended Solids, mgAL Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100. Ph. 2 Pond 4 5/14/12 34 >16 000 1040 Ph. 2 Pond 3 5114112 149 >16 000 3920 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. PLEASE NOTE THE LAB REPORT CONTAINS A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. ALL FECAL COLIFORM RESULTS WERE ANALYZED AS MPN/100ml. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _yes no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activvity onitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/ddi 00556 00530 00400 OR and Grease, Total Suspended Solids, In pH, Standard units New Motor Oil.Usage, Avers a annual gaYmo Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 — 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date _6l6/12 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Data gist each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page I of 2 0 RESEARch & ANA1YTECA[ UbmATD &!E IIC. rri Analytic'aWrocess Consultations Davidson County Landfill 1242 Old Hwy 29 Thomasville, NC 27360 Attn: Steven Sink a ,Jl1 N 2M2 �C's Qvi Date Sample Collected : 06/06/12 Date Sample Received : 06/06/12 Date Sample Analyzed : 06/06/12 Date of Report : 06/14/12 Analyses Performed by : YJ -ZP -SA Lab Sample Number 732925 Parameter Storet ## Results TSS (00530) Fec Coli-COIF (31616) COD -HIGH (00340) 76.0 mg/1 7,000 cal/100 ml 41 mg/1 Clients Sample Source PHASE 1 POND 4 Number STORMWATER Time Collected (Hrs) 0824 P.Q. Box 473. 106 Short Street • Kernerevllle. North Carolina 27284. 336-896-2841 • Fox 338-996-0326 www.randalabs.com 0 4' �•V LkO-RMWES, INC Ai .. .� bs so z. Analy nWProcess Consultations �� t Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected : 06/06/12 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received : 06/06/12 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed : 06/06/12 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 06/14/12 Analyses Performed by YJ -ZP -SA Lab Sample Number -------------------- 732926 ��t��=Doss,csssa�aav========;�=;a�ca=aaae=eme�es e�ax��cn tseen aarra�v=�cnat�destaae�=eo= Parameter Storet # Results TSS (00530) 184 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) 7,400 col/100 ml COD -HIGH (00340) 32 mg/l -------------------- Clients Sample source PHASE I POND 1 Plumber STORMWATSR Time Collected Mrs) 0834 P.O. Box 473, 108 Short Sweet- Ka mereMfla, {North Carolina 27284. 336-995-2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 v way.randelebs.00m 0 RESEARch & ANA Y&A[ LAbORATOR[ES, ANC. Anet cel/Process ComuWadcns 0W.S" r NC�t3¢ ram►►ECi�`,',:•'`rj f`'11, 4'6Cd Paz `%�'���� Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected 06/06/12 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 06/06/12 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 06/06/12 Attn: Steven Sink Date'of Report : 06/14/12 Analyses Performed by YJ -ZP -SA Lab Sample Number -------------------- 732927 eoa��_��__ :a.=�aaaaa aecsar�seaaaa�ac��av�maaa=eaaaaasa a=Q�Qaaaaam.::=-ea«aaaasaaa;rsc Parameter Storet # Results TSS (00530) Fec Coli-MF (31616) COD -HIGH (00340) 300 mg/1 8,400 C01/100 ml 37 mg/l -------------------- Clients Sample Source C&D Number STORMWATER Time Collected (Kra) 0846 P.D. Box 473.10B Short Street • KemersAle, North Carolina 27284.336-996-2841 • Fax 336-896-0326 www.r-andolabo.com Ws A� & Af"A TcAL Z., �t '.�:�� 0.�''�� LkoRATWE$ INC. �`c'tic • Analytical/Process Consultations ro �5 Davidson County Landfill Date Sample Collected 06/06/12 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 06/06/12 Thomasville, NC 27360 bate Sample Analyzed 06/06/12 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 06/14/12 Analyses Performed by YJ -ZP -SA Lab Sample Number -------------------- 732928 aaecoee-aaeccce=caar=ccac===aaamearsaams=eearc---==ec=-a--cea==vonaa=c=cccvaa5=aaa Parameter Storet # Results TSS (00530) 1,040 mg/l Fec-Coli-MF (31616) n16,000 MPN/100 ml COD --HIGH (00340) 34 mg/l t -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 4 Number STORMWATER Time Collected Mrs) 0857 P. EI Box 473 - 106 Short Street , Kernersvflie, North Caroline 27284 a 3313-SSB-2641 - Fax 336-998-0326 www.randelabs.com -RESEARCMANAlyTiCAI _ LAboRmad wc. `�.,```�t�?! � • !,��••� • NC 34 Anelyt iWPraces5 Consuttations i dip 4,: �• `'+y�D A�py�•� Davidson County Landfill Dare Sample Collected 06/06/12 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 06/06/12 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed : 06/06/12 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 06/14/12 Analyses Performed by YJ -2P -SA Lab Sample Number -------------------- 732929 Parameter Storet # Results TSS (00530) Fee Coli-MF (31616) COD -HIGH (00340) Clients Sample Source Number Time Collected Mrs) 3,920 mg/l >16,000 MPN/100 ml 49 mg/1 --------------- PHASE 2 FOND 3 STORMWATBR 0909 P.0, Box 473.106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Caroline 27284.338-998-2841 - Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SOO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2013_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Part A. Specific Monitoring Requirements Outran No. Date Sample Collected, mo/dd/ r 00340 3161.6 00530 Chemical Oxygen Demand, mgLL Fecal Coliform, # per 100 ml Total Suspended Solids, Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 Ph. 1 Pond 4 1/15113 29 760 28 Ph. 1 Pond 1 11115113 124 188 116.2 C&D Pond 1/15/13 121 1740 181 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _ yes no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outran No. Date Sample Collected, moldd/ r 00556 00530 00400 Oil and Grease, m Total Suspended Solids, mg& pH, Standard units. New Motor Oil Usage, Average annual allmo Benchmark - 30 .100 6.0 -- 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CELA,RACTERISTICS: Date _1/15113_ Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page 1 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONTI'OR1NG REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2013_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink PHONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/dd/ r 00340 - 31616 00530 Chemical Oxygen Demand, MRILper Fecal Coliform, 100 nit Total Suspended Solids, Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 Ph. 2 Pond 3 1/15/13 118 3800 144 Ph. 2 Pond 4 1/15/13 26 1152 136 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_ yes _no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/ddlyr 00556 00530 00400 Oil and Grease, M91 Total Suspended Solids, . m9i pH, Standard units New Motor -Oil Usage, . Average annual allmo Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 — 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date _1/15/13 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page 1 of 2 WsEwh & AN*TICA[ T� LAbORATQRiES, INC. AnalyticallProcess Consultations Davidson County Solid waste Date Sample Collected 01/15/13 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 01/15/13 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 01/15/13 Attn: Steven Sink Date oL Report 01/24/13 Analyses Performed by SA '-KL -YJ Lab Sample Number 748729 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 24 mg/l Fec Cali.-MF (31616) 68 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 16.2 mg/l -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 1 POND 1 C-11 Number STORMWATRR Time Collected Mrs) 0812 P.Q. Sox 473 • 106 Short Street • Kemersvllla. North Carolina 27264 • 336-996-21341 • Fax 336-998-0326 vwvw.rendalebs.com t�;4�rrrr�►ri��il♦ ` RESEARu1 & MA1YTiCAI `06& �`'.. -....h t�r•.�LC r LkORATDRkE INC. r — AnefyticaWrmcess Consultatims C 4 Davidson Country sold Waste Date Sample Collected : 01/15/13 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received : 01/15/13 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed : 01/15/13 Attnc Steven Sink Date of Report : 01/24/13 Analyses Performed by . SA -ICJ -YU'J Lab Sample Number 748728 �a aaaeaaaaaaarscesc===�xaee=ocea=a as as Rwac===aa�=acc=c=cage=�s.-an=====-aa as aaz:aca Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 29 mg/l Fec Coli-IF (31616) 760 c01/100 ml TSS (00530) 28.0 mg/l Clients Sample Source Number Time Collected (Hrs) -------------------- PHASE 1 POND 4 S TORMP9ATER 0804 P.D. Box 473.106 Short Street - Kernersvifle, North Garoffne 27284 . 336-996-2841 -Fox 330-993-0326 www.randalabs.com RESEARCh & ANA[ ff"t bbowoRIES, INC.. MdyticaWrocess Consultations Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected 01/15/13 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 01/15/13 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 01/15/13 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 01/24/13 Analyses Performed by SA -KL -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 749730 Parameter 9toret # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 21 rng/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) 740 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 61.0 mg/1 -------------------- Clients Sample source C & D 0 Number STORMWATBR Time Collected Mrs) 0820 R 0. Box 473 . 106 Short Street + Kernersville, North Carotins 27284. 838-996-2841 + Fox 33B-996-0326 www.rendalahaxom 011 RESEARCh & ANA[yTiCA[ LkoRATOR[ES, INC. AnBWce!/Process ConsAsiticns Davidson County Solid Waste 1242 Old Hwy 29 Thomasville, NC 27360 Attn: Steven Sink Date Sample Collected 01/15/13 Date Sample Received 01/15/13 Date sample Analyzed 01/15/13 Date of Report 01/24/13 Analyses Performed by SA -XL -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 748721 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 118 mg/1 Fec Coli-MF (31616) 3,800 Col/100 ml TSS (00530) 144 mg/l -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 3 �J Number STORMWATSR Time Collected Mrs) 0745 P.O. Batt 473. 106 Short Street • KsrnarsviHe, North Caroline 27284.336-898-2641 - Fox 336-996-13326 www.randelabs.=m 10 kjj all 182#14 RESEARCH & ANAtyTICAI •,ANAt 'f•, �C • ' UbORATOMES, INC. ; awC) 1r.w Z1, e cy '• MC# AnaWcaUProcess Consultations � 34 Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected 01/15/13 1242 Old Hwy 25 Date Sample Received 01/15/13 Thomasville, NC 27360 Data Sample Analyzed 01/15/13 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 01/24/13 Analyses Performed by SA -KL -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 748732 acavacacvv rsaaaaaemccac�o�cc��aaaascaaaccc4c=m=====a�=e===aaamaa pssne===a�=c�cc Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 26 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) 152 c01/100 ml J TSS (00530) 36.0 mg/l 0 clients Sample source PHASE 2 POND 4 0; Number STORMWATER Time Collected (Firs) 0730 P.O. Box 473. 106 Short Street - Kernersville, North Carolina 27284.338-996-284 t -Fax 336-99B-0326 www.randelabaaom STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCGI20000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2013_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink PRONE NO. (_336)242-2284 CERTI I ED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No: Date Sample Collected, . me/dd/ 00340 31616 00530 Chemical Orygen Demand, Fecal Coliform, #J er'100 ml Total Suspended Solids, MrL Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 Ph. 1 Pond 4 3/12/13 45 1800 20 Ph.1 Pond 1 3/12/13 40 192 24 C&D Pond 3112/13 161 1560 1134 ` Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _ yes ---no (if yes, complete Part 13) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitorin¢ Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/d 00556 00530 00400 OR and Grease, Total Suspended' Solids, m pH,- Standard,units New Motor OR'Usage, - Avera a annual gallmo Benchmark - 30 100 6.0 — 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date _3112/13_ Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files NCDENR/ DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SWU-248-102107 Page l of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SOO) MONITORING REPORT 1 GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _2013_ CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCGI20038 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME _Davidson County Landfill COUNTY Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES _Steven Sink PHONE NO. (336)242-2284 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research and Analytical Laboratory Lab #34 Lab # PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date 1 Sample Collected, mold 00340 31616 00530 Chemical Oxygen Demand, Fecal Conform, #. er 100 ml Total Suspended Solids, Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 Ph. 2 Pond 3 3112/13 79 5000 1530 Ph. 2 Pond 4 1 3112/13 142 11700 1305 Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_ yes _no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outran No. Date Sample Collected, mold r 00556 00530 00400 OR and Grease, �wx Total Suspended. Solids, m pH, Standard units New Mator-Oil Usage, . Average annual al/mo Benchmark. - 30 100 6.0'— 9.0 - Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 3/12113 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period, and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: DWQ Central Files NCDENRI DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 S WU-248-102107 . Page 1 of 2 RESEARCh & ANAIYACAt Ana jdcal/Process ConsuUtbns Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected : 03/12/13 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received - 03/12/13 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed : 03/12/13 Attn: Steven Sink Date,of Report : 03/20/13 Analyses Performed by : SA -SK -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 752898 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 40 mg/l Fec Coli-MF (31616) 192 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 24.0 mg/l -------------------- �- Clients Sample Source PHASE 1 POND i Number STORMWATER Time Collected (Hrs) 0918 P.Q. Box 473. 90B Short Street • Kernerwilie, Nardi Carogne 272B4.336-88B-2B44 • Fax 936-996-0326 www.randelabo.com RESEARdi & ANA�*A[ UbaRATmieE IVc. Anslytical/Process Consultations Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected 03/12/13 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 03/12/13 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sampl& Analyzed 03/12/13 Attn: Steven.Sink Date of Report 03/20/13 Analyses Performed by SA -SIC -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 752899 Parameter Stvret i# Results COD -HIGH (00340) 45 mg/l . Fec Coli-MF (31616) 1,800 cal/100 ml TSS (00530) 20.0 mg/1 �7 Clients Sample Source PHASE 1 POND 4 C" Number STORMWATE12 Time Collected (Hrs) 091D P.O. Box 473. 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284.336-996-2841 • Fax 338-995-0326 www.randalabs.com ` t"I $I I Ji+ri RESEA" & ANA[YkA[ •�` & "* k LAboRAToRIES, INC. +r. o�A '+ �: +C4 t i��'i '-J •_�' ••^ Anslyl CeI%PraceSB ConsdLetions I Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected 03/12/13 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 03/12/13 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 03/12/13 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 03/20/13 Analyses Performed by SA -SK -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 752900 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 61 mg/1 Fec Coli-MF (31616) 560 col/100 ml TSS (00530) 134 mg/l -------------------- U�Clients Sample source C&D Nvmber STORMWATSR Time Collected Stirs) 0927 P.O. Box 473 • 106 Short Street- Kerners llo, North Carolina P-7284. 338-998-2849 ' Fax 836-996-0328 www.randelahs.com 0 RESE.�4" & A NA[YTiCA[ LZORATOMES, W Ane"caProcess Consultations Davidson County Solid waste Data Sample Collected 03/12/13 1242 old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received. 03/12/13 Thomasville, NC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 03/12/13 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report : 03/20/13 Analyses Performed by SA -SK -YJ Lab Sample Number -------------------- 752901 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 79 mg/1 Fec Coli-MPN (31615) 5,000 MPN/100 ml TSS (ODS30) 1,530 mg/l -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 3 0 Number STORMWATER Time Collected (Firs) 0942 P.O, pox 473.105 Short Street • Kernersville, Narth Garonne 27284. 336-998-2841 - Fax 338-92"325 www.randalabs.com M 0 RESEARdi & ANAlyTiCAI LAbORATORrES, INC. Arnaly eWrocess Consultations y1 FL ry���w t� s +ter 4'•a/,QEC4k :� #orals ED Ait,� s►+' Davidson County Solid Waste Date Sample Collected 03/12/13 1242 Old Hwy 29 Date Sample Received 03/12/13 Thomasville, KC 27360 Date Sample Analyzed 03/12/13 Attn: Steven Sink Date of Report 03/20/13 Analyses Performed by : SA -SK -YJ Lab Sample Number --------------------- 752902 Parameter Storet # Results COD -HIGH (00340) 42 mg/l Fec Coli-MPN (31615) 1,700 MPN/100 ml TSS (00530) 305 mg/1 -------------------- Clients Sample Source PHASE 2 POND 4 {`.. JI Number STORMWATER Time Collected (Hrs) 0952 P.O. Box 473 • 108 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284.• 33B-996-2B41 • Fax 336-99"3E8 www.rendalabs,com 2 t d N d� O O N ti m a C) O Ln CD O Q U 7 Q a) a) L N co O O U 7 0 � C O O .7 I6 C] L] U C7