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NCG020221_MONITORING INFO_20190225
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V C& Qa 0aa DOC TYPE ❑HISTORICAL FILE VMONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ ��� Inj �)ca� O�� YYYYMMDD STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. NCGNE DOC TYPE ❑ HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE ❑ YYYYM MDD ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) -- STORMWATER SUBMIT .TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2 ®t r 'Repor(ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Ftow"P'No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH I of each year. Certificato of Coverage No. NCG02 Facility Name: _1,h d rzi c t( tit t.yl i --- County: r Phone Number: Qnf) 6if k - Total no. of SDOs monitored — Certified Laboratory Lab # Lly Lab # S#ormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 1 #S ;2_1 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No [:3 If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? RECEIVED Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ FEB 2 5 2019 No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ CENTRAL FlI-ES Other ❑ DWR SE-CTIO ] Outfall No. �►3 L Total Rainfall, inches TSS mgll SS mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA)(gal/Mo.) New Motor Oil Usage Benchmarks lnrlicafo NO ,F` Kwar CircStormwater nchm BBnchmark 100150 Q.1 9unctvnark "tun 50/25/10 NIA Water Standard aplptle. NIA ty Standard apity Water ptl°$ 15 >55 a ".41d Average r°�uir°a Taac nd � rnA tar Date Samplerliii�_ Collec�tled,m2tq �! r liml mv, 1_Iii tr ik � a"�n Ji�..7ia Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9130/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 00©Q Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalis) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. _sb p-it VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any. parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Ter 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other N Outfall No. s p v» Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgh I SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar ORG, mgll (VMA)(gal/Mo.) New Motor Oil Usage Stornrwater Beneh.r,arks re,dlGare NO FGpW it a lKab44t Circle QrI�IGllnlra [k1 [ t}0/50 11 .r V. 1 Circle rBGn4)tlmlfM J01'L 51 0 NIA Water Quality Standard applies NIA Water Quality Standard applies JC >ssy'umQ. aVBrajJa /PITVIr@Y rSS and Nowpolar OdG monitonn Date Sample Collected, l ;.°-�jiit�,r „ .ft[ ,L � � �# E}:. +ibi �� �.rY. - 4}' 'xt ii�l l •f � tr �l k.,, r h�-t"rd5``rY $'z IY iu�j +�.1�3 "i 4i'-4`t� F. ,tif� •.6, `. �; 4Moldd/f •.,r•�t4...t t. .31 7 1 sv . 3 n b ry/9' 7 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Covcrage No. NCG02 ❑O ©© Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No.-�r�,.�S_ VMA Ouffall? Yes ❑ No ❑ [z this outfall currently in Thor 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ War, this outfall over in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ 11 thhei outfall was In Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consocutivo samples below benchmark;, to decruaso froquoncy Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frcquoncy ❑ No, turbidity bonchmarlc excoodanc es did not roquir© monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ I I Outfall Ale. Total Rainfall, inches " TSS, mg/l sS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&O, mgfl (VMA)(gal/Mo.) New Motor Oil Usage C+ w7 t()��(•t!U�I�fF-r serrctrrrlarks hrdl�:rru HD !°!.!)W 7! Cfrr,En fir:i �r:lrnurh 100/5d 0.1 Girele f3nnrharo]+H 5t)125140 NIA Wathu' uuality Slan WOapprira NIA Wale, Ouallty SrandardapOet >M Sr Kra. ,rygr'1jY01'VNjM„S 1'$5 aw Wwt4KA.w Date Sample Collected � Y17rrldU! .. a,-F ! t �t•� zt �:� L i r �: � s �� - s �, it r' � � r`�' ��. r t ��,' /EW ELE1 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Covcrago No. NCG02 (a❑2 E)[D Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. . e VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outFall currently in Tiar 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall over in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ It thi4 outfali was in Tior 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consomAlvo samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, roccived approval from DEMLR to roduco monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity bonchmaric oxceedances did not roquire monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ { ! Outfall No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mlll Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mg/l (VMAj New Motor Oil Usage g (gal/Mo.) StClfYlrwater _Benchmarks rr,,,r ; ru NA FLOW it lrcr6l�r Clrr, F.r �,,:,r,;an,arh 100150 0-1 Circle Snarhr,�,rh 50/25/10 __.. NIA wannir Qn,zt,ty StdUard apwica NIA .W"bu ldrra�rty fi tandar/1 atrfwa 15 >55 tra it.. IYRr.141Q IC trnm 4 rSS arid Noi-""Aar f1d{i, morrttrrrin I)ate Date Sample Collected, m QldW a "4r �'a > �r 5 `� _ L>. �3T, 3 AVIO ! Permit Date 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 1FA] [D /Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. _yg•,_— VIVIA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ lw this outfall currently in Tior 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall over in Ter 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ it thls outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, onough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DCMLR to reduco monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark excocdancef: did not require monthly monitoring ❑ i Other ❑ t Outfall No. y�_ Total ,Rainfall, inches TSS, m /l g SS, mill Turbidity, NTU _ T Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, m !l vMAg # 1. New Motor Oil Usage allmo. $ttll77lWc7i+?r Berwhinarks _ Ir.dk++ru No FU)wit d , tcaula COO.) F1unchowh 100150 0.1 circle ti+;,1MI'midh 50/25/10 NIA 1"10,u,llty tin.tandird apW103 NIA Walero,r.,lity $landard dlr(,ile& 15 �Stitlal%+++o- .rver:q�o re+iul+'+r-Y r"M2110 (AG monWWri Date Sample r 10 ,i, 1 + 7f19.Y f Permit Dato 101112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revisod 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG 02 2990 Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Ou fall (SDO) No. Q L VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outfall currently in "nor 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was tni , outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ ff this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yea, enough censocutivo samples below benchmarks to decrease froquoncy ❑ Yes, roccived approval from DEMf_R to reduce monitoring frequency No, turbidity bonchma►1c oxcoodances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other 0 f i {fit:tfall MO. ._.�.J3..ti 'natal ,Rainfall, inches TSS, rrtgll SS, tell! Turbidity, NiU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, m 11 9 (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Slor'rrlwvfter Benchmarks rndre��ro NO F+'f,W rr d 1 rrf:dLfl! '�t l klnnrlunalh 100/50 0.1 Circle i1e11rhulath 50125110 NIA swat"' utl'Y 1411daFtJ ayplio:L NIA waW, (duall,y Standard appilus 15 �sstrwrma. aerer.ryla ler!lamY rss alw ww4 ji Ir L!!L{; munttnnn Date Sample Collected � molddl r .,t �i '� i E :i�� 1 .i aSi ; r I... R.. !: ♦1' , , r' .1 f� Yr V^F. .• „r tt r � •� 1 6,(� 3�i'f 4 5 :_ w r. �� ,� ` :F.jtr, - l Permit Date 1011/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No, NCG02 l i!.1LA Ig to Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. sus 3 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outfall currently In Tior 2 for any parameter? Yes E] No ❑ 'liilas this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No [j I this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, onough consccutivo samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency 0 Ye,, received approval from DEMLft to reduce monitoring frequency 0 No, turbidity benchmark oxcocdances did not require monthly monitoring 0 Other O E— i Mo, 7'ota3 Rainfall, Mintitt>as TSS, mg/l SS, ml/l Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU DownstreamNew{lutFa#i (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll tA1. Motor Oil Usage Jailmo. StUr'rrl+7vater Berrchmarks 7„,r�;..t� 7ro ""`" " � lrCr67�r 4l"'Wj Nr:rtrlrn�,rh 100/50 0.1 C 11FM e,r:n,t„n,rw 50/25/t 0 NIA Watur Quality Slantlanl ap7fllcs NIA W.ilur OwIlly S,and.ud i. airlH,u 1 }5S �l7tllnt♦r. rS5 arwf Non lrq{ar f}a,(i rnunllrmn Bate Sample Collected, mo(dd/yr�¢f# r� t,r4 ,; •.z.,�;. ' )v!4 y i• a ;<< g;� 1-'� }4 k�5i:t(R r4r ��rRr"Al ;; �:. rll f -I- , Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCGU ❑O FAIOQ CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122,22] Signature . Date Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C.' Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 1011/2015 •- 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE ��� ��� ■ILPL..11.11 P.II.q _ General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2,P/7 'Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this fonn {include "No Flow"Mci Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances} from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 EaE ®Q Facility Name: County' Phone Number:( Jzj) L jrf, -�3 Iq4 Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory 10AG/- Lab # _ Yo -_ Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. �� VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ Nolz Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No 0 Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring.discontinued? RECF:I\ Yes, enough oonsocutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ JAN.2 4 ''10'18 No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ CENTRAL F IL S Other ❑ DWR SECTION Outfall No. 1K.% Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mg/I SS, ml/I Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mg/I (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage al/Mo. Stormwater Benchmarks Date Sample Collected,.�� mo/dJ/ r hydicala NO Flowif a Ucablo Circle Benchmaark 100/50 •r 0.1 Circle benchmark 50125/1 0 .J V � NIA NIA Water Quality Standard applies ........ , NIA water Quality Standard applies 15 k_ -55 U umo. requires TSS and Nonyroiar OE,G ff"Lit0finlL ,«�.i ..x.1 0 3S.01 y v. Iz . z117.17 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Lost Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, onough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark oxcecdances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mg/I (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage al/mocircle. Stormwater Benchmarks lnUlcarp NO FLOW11 a lfcable Benchmark Benchmark 100150 0.1 c'hm Benchmark 50/25/10 N/A w""'Qu""` Standard applies NIA water Quality Standard applies 15 MD- >55e requires average regwree TSSand Nun -polar ORG rmannonn Date Sampler Collected, m old d! r l€ ,' �� � r ,�{ �L� m'{� y ! a �: r� '.. �+. - l C�� -' D.i'c i`N ?� �z x'. 5:.t t' R t T r y�.. � , -. "l.w tsa g.n• Ft� ■ e ,fix rye, .i� - S Y qT - 1 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) -- STORMWATER -SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE' General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2 v 17 "Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include `No Flow"/"No Discharge" and Benchmark E=xceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DECK by MARCH 7 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Facility Name: jtg J941 County: Ad2!q t,✓ Phone Number: ( Zx f) j QL - 3yyK Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory YAt-, Z Lab # V o Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. ci 4 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfaii ever in Ter 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring ,discontinued? Yes, enough oonsocutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑. Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceBdances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mg/l (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Stormwater Benchmarks 1nUlcafa NO Fcowr! a flcahfa n, Circle fi°nChmdrk 100150 0.1 rcin'ra ` hni S°nchmark 50/25/10 NIA Water Quality Standard app{l°s N/A water Quality Standard applies 15 e'aqui averapo rayrdrab TO&G rnelon.�il QGG m°nitortu Date Sample Collected, molddl r l ri a.'•+�t �r�wf ti, V :f S ni ;h - ... ftv e.�?4 •e !' 512.91111 r r y- Permit Date 1011/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ ' No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark excoedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mg/I SS, ml/l Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Nan -polar O&G, mg/I (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Stormwater Benchmarks • lnA1r•ara NO F4ow l! a BenChnfnchni art! 100150 0.1 cl Nenchmars 50/25110 NIA water Ou"'y Slandard appfles N/A Water °u"''ty Standard applies 15 -55gallnm. average reQwres TSS and NonjMar O&G monitodnDate Sam le p r� yfkable % F fit�_Collected ;ate= �yy ��� '* 4011'1�4 .,� r ,�, xf ;'0"mo/dd/ Permit Date 101112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) -- STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2P17 'Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this Form (include "No Flow"P`No Discharge" and Benchinark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Facility Name: krX"1lrk ,effi?Aer _ County: _ _1IeZ4►.4,- Phone Number: 4( .t V } `I& _ jrysf Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory ZfAur Lab # q n Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. ,g, VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No [5 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Ter 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑, Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Ste' Total Rainfall, inches TSS mg/I SS ml/I Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity,, NTU Non -polar O&G, mg/I (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage al/ma. Stormwater Benchmarks Lrdicata NO FLOW jr NL'ahlU cir<`a Benchmark 100150 0.1 ""'" Benchmark 5fl12511 fl NIA wator Quality Standardd aaµµhas NIA Water Quality Standard apyiios 15 >55 pallmo. averaya ropuires SS and Nonyo{ai O&G nwniytwin Date Sample CQII(i�� �1a rI ,Vi 44t . � � :; t1 I k - �'V. .�'knFFM�i 't�'9ftmoldd/ E N•4iir �a I ! ILE S vo z Permit Date 10/1/2015 -- 9130/2020 Last Rovis©d 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfiall (SDO) No. VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ . If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark oxcocdances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other' ❑ Outfall No_ Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mg/1 SS, m111 Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -Polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Stormwater Benchmarks rn�flcaro NO FLOW it d l�d6lu clecle Benconlark ^/115© 00 0 1 Circle aencllmatu cJ�ll25iI V ! NIA Water Quality Standard applies A NIA water Quality Stanaard appllee C J >55 palhm,. areraw reftunn3 TSSand Non -polar O&C munnorin ©ate Sample Collected,TAW moldd/yr >�! i `°:� �� ";< w`.<r=��5f�," g; f a' ; „ "'Z'E x.,i'�j . ,Fa �C+s.jl)yklt�y{ e-'�j;al�tA111,. fir �� 5C� �i}lktFF ! Permit Date 10/112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised '9D-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* Genera! Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year .2 v v 7 'Report ALL STQRMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"!"No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Facility Name: HaOtflCk ,Allen County, /l.✓S. - Phone Number:( rz4 )- in- 3 gy q Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory _6 Lab # � p Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 54or !r VMA Outfall? Yes ® No ❑ Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑x Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes. onough oonsocutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑. Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. seorb Total Rainfall, inches TSS, argil SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Stormwater Benchmarks 6rdic.11a NA FLOW if a NCabla circle 9onchtnark 100150 0.1 Circle Benchn�ar► 50/25/10 N/A wator (Quality Standard applies N/A Water Quality Standard appilee 15 "itga55 rent° ,.varago roqrdret r3S and NoejxAjr d6G rrwnitarin Date Sample,'y�r Collected,' rnolddl r `; L �z• r'f`z !a, ' cr t. t!"� r: '';�' ,' ✓,Ff� « • . r ;(��•--1:r �' s V o s 7 V. �0 /O a Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑E]❑E] Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Ter 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedanre✓ did not require monthly monitoring ❑ - - Other., .._ ❑ Outfall No_ Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mg1! SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mg0 (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage aIL Sformwater Benchmarks 4rdlcare NO FLON i1 a !!cable Clrcla ilencnrnarh 100150 0.1 Circle Benchmark enchark 50/25110 NIA wa"' ("ujllt� Standard applies NIA avatar Quality Standard apolas 15 >55 gallmo. a,rerape 1"turae r55 and Non -polar 09G men,ton Date Sample Collected rr►o/dd/ r -� • r r5� h„ t , .;. Y,�'; 7 ,1r ?s%� r :S i F ` ;si' _ t i`r- ')r ti '.Yt jti t>�F r is .+{. o e 6 4� I 3 r w r• r� ti; x �` y; p` •a _ •, t�:, r E;ri 1 L Permit Date 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year zo i7 `Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow?'No Discharge".and Be»ctunark Exceedances) fro n the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Facility Name: I Nrticl[ jI.✓r County: ldi✓SIr.✓ Phone Number: (fA!!r ) i 8b - 5 r y y Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory T O,Ac iZ _ __ Lab # — e Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. S,C3 3 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No M Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring.discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑• Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. SA 3 —_ Total Rainfall, inches TSS mgjl SS mill Turgidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Not -polar O&G, mgil (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Benchmarks f+uticala NO r-Lowir a licahlo c0cStormwater Benchmark B°nchrnark 100150 0.1 CI It FlenehmarN 50/25/10 NIA Water Quailty Standard applies NIA WalarQual[ty Standard applies J 15 AI)afhnn. average requires TSS and h°n-W�lar O&G munitoAn Date Sample Collected, r�Qldj W r AFt-{ , rs [` 1.�. yc. ��ijJ F s• �.e� 4� � A �' r � .� ' ��'S�, rw t ,'tr.-e`�+tK �a� �9 {2 u � r �a.' <U�•'��i�v��g51 7#,7 r' .rk' r„ i' , etaU�i,✓<> !!M 1�..�„ ���. �r'£!4.`1��,�si..�3'1jR u��t•e: #'f. ���:. '[� Ae AQr� /7 Permit Date 10j112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfali (SDO) No. VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Ter 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoririg discontinued? Yes, onough oonsecutivo samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfali No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mg/I SS, ml/I Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, INTU Non -polar O&G, mg/l (VMA) New Motor Oil 1 Usage al/mo. Stormwater Benchmarks 6rUlcary NO F`ON," a 1lcabla c'AM flenclnrlartl 100/50 0.1 `"m 1}vhchmarM 50/25/10 NIA watera�ality Standard applies NIA water Quality starWard applies 15 >5SCfreq 1 avera�r regU�rde TSS an" tooniwlar O&C monitanrr Hate Sample' } COIIFlctPidr rri0/dW r .,*s,a# s�{mil^ l� � , s.. ..�•�! r ) .�.�t +�Yi. 4. �. ��a`.`�.:.rl Cer xa h f :I 2 5�"3 rt 1u` F "-��w i�+;_'tn t` ^� ,t ¢ Wit° +r 1k X3SY +'a:�+ �+;.r,�.iT'1. �k<`7 yar F TRS i a ;"� �:��ti;�L� f" F :s-w'. t Permit Date 10/1/2015 » 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year pl -7 'Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this Form (include "No Flow'/"No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEO by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Facility Name: 1 k County: _ AA ,i off_ . Phone Number: (��}fig !sfyy Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory X.4r' Lab #YR _ Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. S,aa rvS VIVIA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this.outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No (Z Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough oonsocutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑• Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfail No. ,fC3ywv ,.. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgjI SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mg/1 (VNiA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Stormwater Benchmarks lndicaro NO rl.owlf a llcahlo "hm Benchmark oal a 0.1 Circle Benchmark 5QI25I10 NIA water Quality Standwd applles NIA Water Quality Standard applies 1 c �l 'S5efequi arerapo reQuires TS M. and No4i-wilar 084 manitorili Date Sample Collected, _yr es r.� l.N Si " irer -' ? rcr, aArr y x• y. °^ft.:; E . 11:�.1.-... . s i. a Ymodd •u.�&,r.-r •,J is Af f L // — Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9130/2020 Last Rcvisad 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCGU ❑❑1]0 Additional Otitfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tler 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive sample, below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall Na. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mg/l SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar OI&G, mg/I (Will A)(gal/Mo.) New Motor Oil Usage Stormwater Benchmarks 1r1J1Gpr© MO Ftow r' a licaUfa ""'e BcgChmarR 100/50 0.1 Circle BenChrnarN 50/25/10 NIA tartar Quality Standafc! applies NIA waterapgtr Standardd appllea '$''U"fm" average regVlle! TSfi Aral tlpll ar 1�d,G rnoeHtOrlrr Date Sample Collected, moldd/yr �. t;` i rj a�1t" 3s a,Y' ` , r Y- ' �S ,E� ,r =�e i T f'�iYy a r� ' •� Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised .10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) -- STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2 v I? `Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"Mo Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEO by MARCH i of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Facility Name. j.Zr091ei' dyL&y& _ County: Phone Number (1;Lf ) Are.- a 1f yN Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory 04e- :- Lab # � yv Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 1,Z A. VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑. Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, milt Turbidity,Non-polatr NTU Upstream (Uy Turbidity, NTU Downstream (DJ Turbidity, NTU O&G, mg/l (VMA) Now Motor Oil Usage al/mo: Stormwater Benchmarks ,ndira,o r,p F`OWrr a f1ca6,0 clr°'� i38nC1lrrtark 100154 0.1 "r°'° C3ertChrllark 50/25/10 NIA wale, Quality Stanndard attplies N/A Water Quality Standard applies 15 sSS paurnq, avgraQp reul/irY6 T 35 and Noll-lrrla, O&G maritorin Date Sample Collected moldd/ r �'p 4 ,� Y t �t:.> { �, kfij }iF` :,x i�,t3i':Ni•Rt }1q� 1 ,$, �pFti+ y'1i('d1.� � . ;,. i kkRJ��h���Ry �ra ri[1ji�Y'tr3i ,• .a �5;r y��t�� tM�i�,1 r' �grgVj��� f 4 �'l�yY,+! i _;x:'.� ` t[71i''�ir✓� %r ; s, Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑[][]❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No ElIs this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, onough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity bonchmark excoedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other _ _.,.,,. _ ❑ Outfall No. --------- Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS , mi/I Turbidity, NTU Upstream U Turbidity, ) y. NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, rng11 (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Stormwater Benchmarks �nUlcafo ND FLOW if a lrca6to cfrc a Bertcl,marh OOIrJO 10 0.1 Circle Bencnmark JiJILJI �V NIA water Quality SlandarU applies NIA water Quality Standard applies 15 'ra reclus. ureragc regwres TSS and Nwi,"ar 06G montlor,n Date Sample Collected, malddlyr r. a Tl7thf`� ii t r- �� Y ��� 9 i YrTf, iry l:p\ v }'': � Y : i�`:t� - •j� - �H �§If t �"a• l a r ,,•, A, ({ C ? ��.-. � ;• � ,. j i�rs �'�Z �I r -� �t�r. � , �' 7 �' ,e J � t'•� ;L�' Pcrmit Date 10/112015 - 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑D ©a0 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Required by 40 CFR §122.221 Signature Datezr Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 1011/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No.' NCG02 ❑p ©5© CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based.on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. ) am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature Date 1 Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Centre! Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300' Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT DMR — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE` General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year ;tor b "Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"rNn Charggjend _ chmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH ? of each year;; .) Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 []p 02 0 l❑ V ;tl'7 ow e` Fret Facility Name: ytrylvtj< Al►wm- ECTIM0 County: ,Q.✓s..✓ Phone Number. ( !s r ) 6 I - 3 irk N Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory t►r- Lab # Lie Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. w a VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Fc] Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes 0 No 91 Was this outfall ever In. Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No 91 If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes. received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exc:eedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall Nora Total ; xRainfall; :TSS,+ rngll, i tSS,r mlll �Turhidity, Upstream �' �U)Turt�iditji;a'(D)fiji N TUNTU Downstream ilditji, - Nonpolar� 0&G, mgli INew ,1Vlotortill Usage {allmo; Stormwater Benchmarks kWkate NO "oiwol;hA,*/50 BKch mark . Circle ,,k 25/10 NIA sp"aa NIA Water �` VKUM ,� ` .15 �55 gavmo. ;,,ar,ge �L,ra, T°"-°a' 0Gff 1DM SaMriple" 3Whk of 5 13-5 n z2.3 Permit Date 1011/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional oLftIls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO),No. VMA'Outfall? Yes ❑ ' No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedences did not require monthly monitoring ' ❑ Other ❑ $ s Ouhtfall No ;Rainfall; , . Total x, S. ? rriIIE 9 1 i'� egg, `z mlli Turi itiity, NjU Ups'tream -t y k . U Turbed NTU ' r �dLL pp1b5 A �.n ;ft4'xn?,� ;Downs#ream D Turbldi �� MVNTU* 'T- 6 -. f �,. �Non4polar� yOikG mgll w... ;, , New Motor CIF! L Usa e 9. Storrhwater Benchmarks k?dk teNO F�°,eae; ;.Boxh—fk 160150 Q.1 Bemhnmrk 501251'f0 watNIA s row"y+aarree NIA: Isr.M`a, { ; 15 ,vq,a,e,*. "` Date Sampl@� Collected t� 51 t # a =L k n F fi a �w r 4 4 Permit Date.101112015 — =012020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. N0002 [da 0 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature ' Date q Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/112015 — 9130/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 'r . ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) - STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE" General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 20l6 `Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No FloverNo Discharge' and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar vear to the DEQ by MARCH i ofceech yeas . Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 FEB 2 3 2017 Facility Name: r E 1TQ A I r'LES County: _ rhli.s.Al DWR SECTION Phone Number: (g24' ) dg6- ryq _ Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory r° z: Lab # `i0 Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall.(SDO) No. N V,,V' VMA Outta117 Yes ❑ No YJ Is this outfall currently in Merl for any parameter? Yes ❑ No E] Was this outfall ever In -Tier 2 during the, past year? Yes ❑ No ®1 RECEIVED If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? FEB 2 3 2017 Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ CENTRAL FILES owR sEcTloN No, turbidity benchmark exeeedanees did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ y t �utfail No { r s r%dr/SRanfall _' Total:� F �; inches TSS, �' Y t t mg11f iSS, mlll Turbidity, NTU Upstream ` (U) Te�rf�idtty, iVTU 41 "Dawnstream�4New '(D} yTurb�dity, Yv�, NTU h=r'. � r� � on polar3 4 O&G �m 1!� g �y" `/VMA1S A"' dl / 1. 3 M6tor:0il Usage y/ 1 /� j£�. � a1/ mMi Stormwater Benchmarks L�dkste NO a Circle ,* I50 0.1 ogle 6enchrturk �325110. NIA "atcr Apu�1S al NIA srd � '55 DAUM. average rogLd es o,wing Tmop°appi .�Date�`5ainpl® 3. 1 r Permit Date 101.112015 — 9130/2020 Last'Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No.- VMA-Outfall? Yes 0 - No ❑ Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbid'rty.benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ W 1 a,inche T Total-, tTS5,,� E7ainfall,G - .-- zma�, ,. Y ; #SS, ,. fm�. TurliEdi ; ty� 'NTU Upstrearrr 'I]ownstreamL` -{U} Turbidity, NTU .F_ ` �* t(D}Turi�rdity,ty-� �.''� '�� t , ,� s Novi-olar ` P„ram , _ 'O&G 2mgll� �(►°�? i�Ner+v t ' r'Moto��0if' „ G Y Usage allriio. Stormwater,` Benchmarks Indkaw O-' FLOW rr : Jcaclo_ 8 k 160150 0.1 awmr« 5012511 Q NIA wale= cuaary' . ssana,raapp6es,. MA waw Quality StandardaWiea__ _ 1 rJ >� T Nna w caamonLod �DateFSample; r,,.jCollected;�� • ♦ �� � -� : , �,:. L i � U ,• t � , � ; � t r - �;. ;�i � � �, � a ", � t, r'� ,.. Permit Date 10/1/2015 -- 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑O ©00 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature ' Date Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct -- Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) -r STORMWATER 11 SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* II General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year ar I b ;Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"Mo Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02- QU[ z� i I'N c V tf 1W.0 Facility Name: 890nitk � FEB 2 3 2017 County: .G.vs..✓ CENTRAL FILES Phone Number: (yA p) 61'L - .3r N N Total no. of SDO'slmariftared��j Certified Laboratory 2fA G c Lab # q v Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SOO) No. i.8 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No j } Is this outfall currently In Merl for any parameter? Yes 0 No 91 Was this outfall ever imriier 2 during thepast year? Yes ❑ No Of If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ :� kOutfailyNo <' » Rainfall" . }zTSS, mglt� + I, ySS, mill »Turbidity, NTU 'U stream P {U) Tu _tiftty - r NTUNT�U tream `..Downs. ;(D)xYTurbid ty,, '' IVon polar, 0G, rng1U New 'Nlat or Alt Usage. Sformw ate r Benchmarks kmvcafa NO '0"'>� Circle hmark 150 0.1. Circle Benchmark 125110 NIA st"lana awes NIA Water apace -15 . a55 gallmo. —average regLirea TSS"14 ir. ier Date Sample C. te Collecd; •,;� ��moldd/ 1 ar 9 Permit Date 10/1/2016 — 9150/2020 Lasf'Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑[)[]❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. • VMA`Outfall? Yes ❑ ' No[] Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, Was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exc:eedances did not require monthly monitoring • ❑ Other ❑ €Outfall No �� = eTotal { 4 .w Rainfall, mches t r� �, TSS f T �m'gn; , z� x SSxE T > am111 s A Turb 11 ' S ty� � Upstrea'fii; ( )}. "ty� T U Turbidf .„ NTU - t D wnstream ( )` ty Tt DTurbidi �!�NTU � �5 a ' Non' olar p��� /± "New t. k Moto�011 t "Use e aVri�o Stormwater" Benchmarks kkOcM NO _ F`ow it s !k 100150 _. +,. .0.1 �hMrk_� `50125110 NIA,`.; sra .a NIA:3, WM . Qualy Sfantlard q�pllp ;. a 15 p -qW ,. TSS MW NWo-Wjkr .08a mpgltdtn i0ate;Sample, . ►Collected k' F _ _ - { _ Permit Date 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. N0002 000 ![j CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122,22] Signature ' Date 21 f Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) -STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 'Calendar Year 2016 "Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"/"No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 7 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Facility Name: 9gQrZ1tk County: Phone Number: (._p23) 6G_ :Siyy _ Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory xehcic _ Lab # !V v^ Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. Sd ara► . VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Was this outfall ever imTier 2 during the;past year? Yes 0 Yes El No © NO ® RECEIVED If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? FE$ 2 Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ CENTRAL FILES WR DWR SECTION No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring. ❑ Other ❑ i SFr 4 Outfall}No' r ti ,Total r� �Ra ri�iall; . TS$; mgll� ; $S, mill �.,"alMid ;,Turbidity! Ups#reams {U) Turbidity;a'(D) <NTU+ �Qownstream� Turbidityr NTLJE 4 r 9Non' polar l a,. �' " O$G m9 New. �' Moter Uit ;Usage. Stormwater Benchmarks trrdlcata NO F`O If Circle Berrehmark 0 /50 0.1 circle Benchmark 25/10 NIA sta rs NIA Water day _15 'u usuma. average raqulrae T� ^, ar toring gDate�Sam�le`' :��Gollec'#eal moldd! r: 3 .5 AIQ AV d AIR 99CAJ4#2Q'f_ rZ v Permit Data 10/1/2015 -- 9/30/2020 Last'Revised 10-2-2015 1b Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Out€ali Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No.! VMA'Outfall? Yes ❑ -No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tler 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes. received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ 30utfalltNo: " x . ( ;PTO tai 12ainiall,;'mgll� r ^ inches�� ° ;T55,�^ _' ��:x _ ; ;rgg,y ,,mlli,' �.. �TurEiiditY, -Upstream,,Wdffeam,,2 `N ,(U) Turtird�_P, NTU _... Mownstrea r m WhAurviciriy:� r"NTU'O�G,�m .�, f s=*.:��.),.4`x SNon olar I? , r .. g III r� A rr w Motor 0i1=. ri� IJSae .0 of/mo. Storniwater y Benchmarks , F,owa _ R kAb16- G 100150, 0.1 c ,�. , .50/25/10, N/A,- sin �11i. NIA stW&tK Qum 15 w ro .iw .. �Date Sample' �slCcillected;'� ' t _ ' _ - i t permit Date 10/ 112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Qo ®®0 CERTIFICATION N certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature ' Date 21►o Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised '10-2-2015 r . - ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year ,z e, I b *Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"Mo Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of%. wy6q ; r Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02- FEB 2 3 2017 Facility Name: f frn,2,j.e( .44jAeA CENTRAI FILES County: AA1-9i11/ WR SECTION Phone Number 4z 69'A-_3 j9 `1 Total no. of SDOs monitored Certified Laboratory rAGX Lab # VP Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. .S12 e!r- VMA Outfall? Yes 91 No ❑ Is this outfall currently, In Tler 2 for any parameter? Yes E No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No 0' If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough oonsecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring. ❑ Other ❑ r t w r k 'Outfall�Nor y D o .:" Total `' -' yRainfall,a, irichesL T"' ` SS, lL mg113 3 S&, rnl11 i.Turbtd-ty .... _ _. .Upstream � '(U) Turbidity;' �NTU `r �� Downstream y(l]) Turbidity �'- �NTU���� .#� ,� r llVon polar �08�G mgll New 1Notor,0il Usage. g�.. ;ailrrio Stormwater„ Benchmarks nww are rJo FLOW n Circle hr- (fW50 0.1 cimle Benthrrrark 25/10 NIA s'"e:raK*La`rea n,1 NIA Waterutility&WI 15 >55aavrm.� aver"* regWrea Toac „d Non -War tDate'Sorft aryl mple ���CQliected 313.7 z ).& 1,23 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 LasMevised 10-2-2015 Certificate of coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No., VMA`Outfall? Yes ❑ ' No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedanoes did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ x "Ov tfall No,i' F`rR> a, infall►`}t r` `rm�g� ll�,y 'k;4i SS, mUl,,� ? Turpidi ,; seamt )T[irrdE N it1� ry .d Rownstreamr,� (D)Tua dit ANTU� a � ICircle NKor' p; o`lar?Totaly Gml MC "w o�Nt�oe- rw Oi i;u " sage 5tormwater . Benchmarks tndkM- N0 aFCOW_ � : T 100150` 0.1 '50/25HO NIA s NW . W4WOL.uty .. StWKU" "Oles .15 TSS WO Non -polar ._ O&G mpRltarl Da#e�Sample olcldlt`M. is �,� Permit Date 10/1/2015 -- 9130/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. N0002 00®90 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature Date 4 Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT DMR—STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2 e 16 Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Row"rNo Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02- RECE ED Facility Name: ffj=Gk ,uj,yr EEP 9 3 2017 County: AW✓ .r.✓ CENTRAL FILES Phone Number: (aft ) ,Gg ,- -3 % jK-mrntc .. Total no. of SDOsofi- i-je Certified Laboratory ✓hell; Lab # t Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 50 3 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tern for any. parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever In Tier. 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No "'RECEIVED 'REEIV If this outfall was in Tler 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ FEB 2 $ Z 1 Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ CENTRAL FILES No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ DWR SECTION Other ❑ Ouifail No ,. Sf3 3� rases, „�Totalf rRainfalEsS; , inches 'TS$, Y �L mgll, `SS, ' MI/I t.TurblRdity,; NTU Upstream ,, (U)ITurbidity; tNT'Ut ,.,TI,H.��4Yx;s(1/MA},i 4136Wns6eam �(D} Tirliiiciity; r N NTU B E`i , Nan',polara �08�Gm !f 9 , 3New �,IUlotor;011 Usage p�allmo Stormwater Benchmarks tr ,,,, Wo FLOWN ADVkbm gird: Benchmark 100150 0. `�`° Benchmark 50/25/10 N/A wQuality standoU applies NIA wdli Standard 15 gwmo. ' average requires T ��o A ate Sample �:� Col lected �4-r�j k Permit Date 10/1/2015 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑Q❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge 0utfall (SDO) No. VMA-Outfall? Yes ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ No No ❑ No ❑ ti r 4 , , Total Rainiall,�"mgll: �. , TS5 ` � ASS 'j ml11' 'Tiurl ldIty,3 Upstream, (U) t r'b tlty; NTU Downstream i D �Turtiiclt A"�c�NTU'`° Non polar, �08.G,mg/l� VMA)n hall' `Usage �gallrtio. Stor►nttiater,�, Benchmarks „ FLOk w,:_ `., .ym .100150' 0.1 , 50/25/10 ' N1A '"se d d � ; N!A f su mlar apavw�i., t, 1.5 �wSmSmqui;,s . rO&G mw ftMna iDate`Sample} Collected; J.,A • i F Y , E :. Permit Data 1011/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised f 0-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 2000 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature ' Date Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct - Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/112015 - 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DMR - STORMWATER I 0 FEB .2 3 2 .IF SEND TO CENTRAL OFFICE * CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION STORMWA TER DISCHARGE OUTFALLS (SDO) A GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 X,,000 *Report ALL STORMWA TER Monitoring Data on this form (including No Flow and No Discharge and Permit Limit Violations) by MARCH I ofeachyear. CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG02_ _2 _g FACILITY NAME: - j4rdlt/1C �1.✓1'' - PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES 7-i K 1'yr•i� S CERTIFIED LABORATORY rArj.- Lab # ytv Lab # Part A: Stormwater Monitorins- Requirements SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR: 2.aj5 _ 1160 0 COUNTY .A,15 0.✓ PHONE NO. ( 2g)-- LTZ - 3 19 4 - ADD TO LISTSERVE? YES ❑ NO ❑ EMAIL: Outfall No. Daie Sample Collected (mo/dd/ r OR y t NO FLOW) In Tier 2 Monthly Monitoring?Tier (y/n) # of Months in 2 Sampling Total Flow (MG) Total Suspended Solids (mg/1) Turbidity (NTU) Settleable Solids (mlll) Total Rainfall (in) Event Duration (minutes) - - - - - 1003° a See Footnote3, 5 0.13 9 )S i✓ 8.1q 5 �.07 d 7 IVC9 _3ley :7 1 , /ILI �12. AdIr .1 0.07 7 z.s -A z WIS o ,y 1 1 1. y 2, /s - , L, s - r , .o r . DAr W- 1 ,a s If "NO FLOW" or "NO DISCHARGE, Enter "NO FLOW" or "NO DISCHARGE" for each outfall here and the Date Range. 2 Per NCG02: Tier 2 Monthly sampling shall be done until 3 consecutive samples are below the benchmark or within the benchmark range 3 if a value is in excess of the benchmark, or outside the benchmark range (for pl-I), you must implement the Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses in the General Permit. ' TSS benchmark values arc 100 mg/l except in ORW, HWQ, trout, and PNA waters where they are 50 mgfl. s The discharge shall not cause an instantaneous measurement of the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed: 10 NTU for freshwater streams, lakes, and reservoirs designated as trout waters; 25 NTU for all lakes and reservoirs, and all salt waters; 50 NTU for all other streams and surface waters. Turbidity may be monitored at the SDO. Alternatively, the permittee may choose to monitor turbidity in the receiving water, directly upstream and downstream of the SDO. Permit Date: 1/1/2010-1213112014 Last Revised 02-02-11 Page 1 of 2 Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Mo itoring Re uirements for facilities using > 55 gal of new motor oil/month on average Outfall No Date Sample Collected (molddlyr OR NO FLOW) In Tier 2 Monthly Monitoring? (y/n) # of Months in Tier 2 Sampling 2 New Motor Oil Usage 1a al/month Total Flow G) TPH using method 1664A SGT-HEM m l Total Suspended Solids m l pH (Standard Units Total Rainfall in Event Duration minutes _ _ 153 1003.4 6-93 fop S -v4 r 4 f sO 1' ✓J o � HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES AT ANY ONE OUTFALL (INCLUDING VEHICLE MAINTENANCE)? YES [:]NO [�- HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE REGION? YES ❑ NOD' WHO AT THE REGION HAVE YOU SPOKEN WITH? MAIL ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY OF THIS ANNUAL SUMMARY (INCLUDING ALL "NO FLOW", "NO DISCHARGE" & LIMIT VIOLATIONS) BY MARCH I OF EACH YEAR TO: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919)807-6300 YOU MUSTSIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANYINFORMA TION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signat of Permittee) Permit ate1/l/2010-12/31/2014 .x 1-11 /, (Date) Last Revised 02-02-11 Page 2 of 2 ANNUAL SUMMARY DAJR - STORM[WA' ,ER II SEND TO CENTRAL OFFICE * II STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALLS (SDO) GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 RECEIVED FEB 12 2015 CENTRAL FILES *Report ALL STORMJVA TER Monitoring Data on this form (including No Flow and No Discharge and Permit Limit Violations) by MARCH I of each year. _I CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG02_p Qz SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR: _ Aol ll FACILITY NAME: kfidKICK ,,cfIA'1� COUNTY py-5 PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES T)M Tr lzi5S PHONE NO. (Sxg )fib- 3 S`I `1 CERTIFIED LABORATORY PA oL Lab # Li-0 ADD TO LISTSERVE? YES ❑ NO ❑ EMAIL: Lab # Part A: Stormwater Monitorin Requirements Outfall � No; . Date Sample" ; Collected : "'(mo/dd/yr'OR. ' ..NO.FLOW) ' ' "In Tter`2 Monthly _ ,� Monitoring. .-(yln):. # of Montbs In, Tier.! .Siiutpling?` Total Flow {MG). .Total Suspended, Solids - - - 4 Turbidity (NTU}' Settleable =Solids (mVl}' ,Total- - Rainfall- , (in) Event' Duration. (minutes} - - 003,4-See Fattriote orl 56- vv 212qll 03 5 7.3 R, g,I S �l ✓-v5 .Z V I G r ay 7: o Ph 7 v, v i1 p 3 $ :3O Z z,i 1 i h1 i;Z, V, 6 9--,Y,"2 g s i N . `t .z. T o 1' o. P3 I P, Ir 11 'i , A,1 7 3 -vF q1 111 Al Z j % e J'! 3 7, h. y ` If "NO FLOW" or "NO DISCHARGE, Enter "NO FLOW" or "NO DISCHARGE" for each outfall here and the Date Range. Z Per NCG02: Tier 2 Monthly sampling shall be done until 3 consecutive samples are below the benchmarks or within the benchmark range 3 if a value is in excess of the benchmark, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must implement the Tier I or Tier 2 responses in the General Permit. TSS benchmark values are 100 mg/l except in ORW, HWQ, trout, and PNA waters where they are 50 mg/i. 5 The discharge shall not cause an instantaneous measurement of the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed: 10 NTU for freshwater streams, lakes, and reservoirs designated as trout waters; 25 NTU for all lakes and reservoirs, and all salt waters; 50 NTU for all other streams and surface waters. Turbidity may be monitored at the SDO. Alternatively, the permitice may choose to monitor turbidity in the receiving water, directly upstream and downstream of the SDO. IV — Permit Date: 1/1 /2010-12/31 /2014 Last Revised 0 1 -2 1 -11 Page I of 2 Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity 11lonitor(n2 Requirements for facilities using > 55 gal of new motor oil/mouth on average { Outfall;` No. r, -� ate Samp e= I ..v Collected - r {ma/ddlyr OR °NO FL`OW)F a In Tier�2� -: Monthly M6intormg, {yin)' - # of Months �m,Tier.2 2. Sampling: New:Motor" OiGiJsage'�, }- allinonth . ,. 'Total Flow {MG) � �- TPI3>usirrg`method. 16641`SGT-HEM m Total Suspe"nded `� _;Solids ni _ pH [(Standard Units Totah_ ;Rainfall' in ,:, Event ' ` Durati'on' 1 (minutes)-.! o HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCIFNIARK EXCEEDENCES AT ANY ONE OUTFALL (INCLUDING VEHICLE MAINTENANCE)? HAVE YOU CONTACTED TIIE REGION? WHO AT THE REGION HAVE YOU SPOKEN WITH? 7 _ YES ❑ NO YES ❑ NO MAIL ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY OF THIS ANNUAL SUMMARY (INCLUDING ALL "NO FLOW", "NO DISCHARGE" & LIMIT VIOLATIONS) BY MARCH 1 OF EACII YEAR TO: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 807-6300 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." S (Signatur f Permittee) (Date Permit Date: 11 U2010-1213112014 Last Revised 0 1 -2 1 -11 Page 2 of 2