HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG210058_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20080912STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V C DOC TYPE - "HISTORICAL FILE MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE n Q 00 � 0 � I -�- YYYYMMDD STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO, NCGNE DOC TYPE ❑ HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE ❑ YYYYM M DD Michael F Easley Governor o��� IN r�9Q� September 12 2008 Norman Nelson Nelson Frames Inc 3819 Nelson Rd — Sophia NC 27350 William G Rass Jr Secretary North Carolina Department of Environm<nt and Natural resources Coleen H Sullins Director Division of Water Quahty Sub)ect NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage Renewal Nelson Frames Incorporated COC Number NCG210058 Ran ldoRan ph County Dear Permittee In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under stormwater General Permit NCG210000 the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater General Permit This permit has been reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of forth Carolina and the U S Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15 2007 The following information is included with your permit package • A new Certificate of Coverage • A copy of stormwater General Stormwater Permit NCG210000 • A copy of the Technical Bulletin for the General Permit • Five copies of the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form • Five copies of the Qualitative Monitoring Report Form The General Permit authorizes discharges of stormwater only and it specifies your obligations with respect to stormwater discharge controls management monitoring and record keeping Please review the new permit to familiarize yourself with all the changes in the reissued permit The more significant changes to the General Permit include the following • Permit cover page second paragraph — The General Permit now may cover activities that DWQ determines to be similar in either the process or in the exposed materials to the Timber Products Industry • Part I Section A — A new provision that facilities draining to 303(d) listed waters or in watersheds with an approved TMOL may not be eligible for continued coverage at the next renewal of the General Permit • Part I Section B second paragraph — A new clarification that the permit does not authorize discharges that DWQ determines are wastewaters • Part II Section A — The required contents of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan have been expanded and clanfied • Part II Section B Table 1 — A new requirement to sample stormwater discharges twice per year for those facilities with exposed piles of certain materials remaining on site longer than seven days • Part II Section B Tables 2 and 3 and following — For permittees with exposed piles there are new provisions requiring the permittee to execute Tier One and Tier Two response actions based on the first benchmark exceedence (Tier One) and the second consecutive benchmark exceedence (Tier Two) Tier Two requires that the permittee institute monthly monitoring instead of twice -per -year monitoring until three consecutive monitoring events show no benchmark exceedences • Part II Section B -- For permittees with exposed piles a new provision that four exceedences of any particular benchmark will trigger increased DWQ involvement in the permittee s stormwater management and control actions DWQ may direct the permittee to apply for an individual permit or may direct the implementation or installation of specific stormwater control measures • Part II Section C — Clarification that under the qualitative monitoring provisions of the permit the permittee is obligated to respond to repeated observations of stormwater pollution DWQ may impose additional stormwater management requirements if the permittee is non -responsive or if the responses are ineffective Your coverage under the General Permit is transferable only through the specific action of DWQ NpNrhCarolina aturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1617 Internet h2o enr state nc us)sulstormwater html 512 N Salisbury St Raleigh NC 27604 An Equal OpportunitylAffianative Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Phone (919) 807 6300 Customer Service FAX (919) 807-6494 l 877 623 6748 NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage Renewal Permit Number NCG210058 Page 2 This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by NCDENR nor does it relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal state or local law rule standard ordinance order judgment or decree If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact ken Pic I of the Central Office Stormwater Permitting Unit at (919) 807-6376 Sincerely for Coleen H Sullins cc DWO Central Files Stormwater Permitting Unit Files Winston-Salem Regional Office ? W STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO NCG210000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No NCG210058 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended NelsonFrames Inc is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Nelson Frames Ineorporated 3819 Nelson R_d 27350-8629 Sophia Randolph County to receiving waters designated as a UT to Caraway Cr ee k a class C stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee. River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1 II, Ill, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No NCG210000 as attached This certificate of coverage shall become effective September 15, 2008 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit Signed this day September 12 2008 for Coleen H Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Michael F Easley Governor William G Ross Jr Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W Klimek P E Director Division of Water Quality April 28, 2003 Norman O Nelson Nelson Frames Incorporated 3819 Nelson Road Sophia, NC 27350 Subject NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Nelson Frames Incorporated COC Number NCG210058 Randolph County Dear Permittee In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCG210000, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143 215 1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U S Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6 1983 The following information is included with your permit package • A new Certificate of Coverage • A copy of General Stormwater Permit NCG210000 • A copy of the Analytical Monitoring Form (DMR) • A copy of the Qualitativel Monitoring Form • A copy of a Technical Bulletin for the general permit Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, or relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Bill Mills of the Central Office Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext 548 Sincerely, Bradley Bennett, Supervisor Stormwater and General Permits Unit cc Central Files Stormwater & General Permits Unit Files Winston-Salem Regional Office NCDENR N C Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1617 (919) 733 8053 Customer Service 1 800 623 7748 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO NCG210000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No NCG210058 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-2151, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Nelson Frames Inc is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Nelson Frames Incorporated 3819 Nelson Rd 27350-8629 Sophia Randolph County to receiving waters designated as a UT to Caraway Creek, a class C stream, in the Yadkin - Pee Dee River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No NCG210000 as attached This certificate of coverage shall become effective May 1, 2003 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit Signed this day April 28, 2003 for Alan W Klimek, P E , Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Michael F Easley Governor Willem G Ross Jr Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Q�oF w A rF,�QG O NORMAN 0 NEI SON NELSON FRAMF'S iNCORPORA FED 3819 NELSON RD 27350 5629 ';OPHIA NC 27-150 DL-II PLrinitttt, Alan W Klimek P E Director Division of Water Quality SLpitnibLi 4 2(X)2 Stlhll.0 NPDES St(Irm\\atLr PLinrit Co\Lr i-L Rtntwal NLI,on Fi in1Ls incorpol IILd COCNunihtrnL_+2IWig Randolph Countti N our I ILIIltN I, LurrLnII) t o%LrLd for storm\\ attr dl,Lh irt,L undLr GLIlLr it PLrnlll NCG210000 1 ht, pernut L\PirL, on M itch 31 2(l)3 -FhL D"i,toll,talt i%CurrLnlIv in IN- proLt„ of rLwrlling this pLrmrt Ind IS,LhLdulud to ha\L IIIL purnia rel„LILd by L Irly spiing of 2003 OFILL tilt. Raoul is rLisAILd your I icilav \\ould bL 01"IhIL tot LclnunuL(I Lo\ Lr wL undtr IIiL rLl,utt d pLrlult In oickx to vo tirL }our LOMIIIULtl Lo\Lr wt- undLi thL guntr it ptrniu you must Ippi\ to I L I 1,Ioll of W I[tr Quality (DWQ) for mnt\\al of \our ptrniu co\Lr It,L I Ili tkiL tilt, rLni.t it prod„ taslLr \\t arL inforn11r1g you In t[IV inLL that }our permit t,0\LT tee, WIII bL LaPfi1[tg E11LlOsL1LI you Will find 111crmit Cw trage ktneR.11 ApphL [lion Farm I IIL ►pPIIL ition lnti,t hL LOIIIplLttd tiid rLtui nLd b) 0(tObL€ 2 2002 In order to i„urL LnntintiLd co, Lrage uiidtr thL gtnLi it [unlit Du#- to st Ill ind hudgLI (-on,Ir u11111, ILIILrs L-onllrining our ILLLIPt of 111E LnnlplLtLd q)P11caI[ou .rlll not hL ,L Ill 1-it I uru Io rt[tli4,l rcnt w it \\ ullln thL 1111IL pLrIOJ ,PLLII rLd Ill 11, rL,nIt In I LI\ 11 t„LS,mttit of at 14- t,t S250 (x) 'lrL'Ll pLn lltlt, nl IN hL 1,tiL„Ld dLPLIldin4' on thL dLhn(IuLnL) of thL rl.(luL`t D11,L11 ir`,L of ,to€ niw ItLr Itonl Nuut I lcilit..%ithout Lo\crwt, undtr t \ ilid ,It)rrn.. t1Lr NPDI_S Ptrinit %%ould Lon,tuutL it \rol icon of NCGS 143 215 f Ind LOuld1L04111111a„L„€nLnt,OfLI\11I)LII011L,Of tlp10$10WOPLrdt) PleacL note th it rLetnt JLdLrll ItpQ itrun h I% LvtLndLd 111L no LxposurL Lr(,lu,lon 10 ill OPLrator, of indu,ili if 11L11111L, In ill) of tht, i I L itL-or IL, Of ,form \\ t(Lr dV LII Irwrt, 1„OLI nLd \\ Ilh lndl.IMI 1 11 tf-M It\ (L\LLpt LOn,lru( lion ILII.IiILs) II \ou ILLI \Qtlt f 1L1111) Lan ccrtliv a Londition of no LxpO,titt, I L thi, f ILIhtV indw iri if nialLt I it, anti opLratton, Ire not Lxpo,Ld to s(orm\\alLr )ou call Ippl\ 101 IIIL no L\po,urL Lxclu,ton For iddition if €illorni M011 LOnt ILI thL, CLnII 11 OtI€Lt StOl111\\ IILr St Ili €liLnibtr IP ILd hLlo\\ Of LhLLk tilt Stornl\\ ItLr K GLnLral PLI11111, Unit WLh SIIL it http Hh2o Lni Ni Ili- nL u,/,u/,Itlrni\\ itLi hlmi If thL ,u1111- t ,101IIIW IIW ch,Lh 11 "L to \\ 11L15 01 IIIL ,t IIL II I, hLLII WE 111111 ALd 11IL I,L LOIiII)IUL tilt. LIILiO,LLI Rescission Rtrlucst f orm \i itliva in,Irutllon, art, h,ILd tin [hL bottom of thL 101111 l oti \\Ill hL notif[Ld \thLn Ills IL,LI„Iolt prOLL,s h I, bLLn coinpk tud 11 \otl h I\t, nl% gIIL,llOn, rL" IIL1111`' thL pLrmit rLIIL\va! pro(-tdl€rL, Pk 11,L LontaLt Con\ B tSln«Lt of thL Wtn,Ion-S IfLiu RLgion It Olfitt, it 316 771-4600 of Bill Mills of 111L Centr it Ott -ILL Sloiln\\atLr Unit at (919) 713-5083 Lxt 548 SinLtltl� EI 1tlIL\ Bkxnot 5upu \ I,)l itornr\\attr Ind Gunn t1 PL[€mt, Unit LL CLnll It FIIL, Storni\\ utr ind GtiiLr d PLnliil, Unit I"IIL, Wni,ton S 111-n1 RL-'[on it (MILL "'A 14C©ENR N C Division of Water Quality 1617 Ma€i Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1617 (919) 733 7015 Customer Service 1 800 623 7748 "r State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B Hunt, Jr, Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A Preston Howard, Jr, P E , Director May 1, 1998 NORM -AN O NELSON NELSON FRAMES, INC 3819 NELSON ROAD 27350-8629 SOPHIA, NC 27350 Subject Reissued Stormwater General Permit for Certificate of Coverage No NCG210058 Randolph County Dear Perrnittee In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under the General Permit NCGO40000, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the General Permit NCG210000 which is anew General Permit to cover most of the Timber Products Industry You have now been given coverage under NCG210000 and your coverage under NCGO40000 is hereby terminated This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6, 1983 The following information is included with your permit package ■ A copy of the stormwater general permit NCG210000 ■ A new Certificate of Coverage under general permit NCG210000 s A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Certification Form This form certifies that you have developed and implemented the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) required in your permit (both NCGO40000 and NCG210000) This form must be completed and returned to the Division within 30 days of receipt of tins letter DO NOT send the SPPP with the signed form ■ Five copies of Analytical Monitoring forms ■ Five copies of Qualitative Monitoring forms ■ A copy of a Technical Bulletin on the stormwater program which outlines program components and addresses frequently asked questions Your certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to DWQ The Division of Water Quality may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DWQ or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Division of Air Quality, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permits that may be required If you have any questions concerning this permit or other attached documents, please contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at telephone number (919) 733-5083 Sincerely, -B4't-eI6�1 1;� 76 (- for A Preston Howard, Jr, P E P O Box 29535 Raleigh North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO NCG210000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO NCG210058 STORMWATER DISCHARGES In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, NELSON FRAMES, INC is herby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at 3819 NELSON ROAD 27350-8629 SOPHIA NC RANDOLPH COUNTY to receiving waters designated as UT To Caraway Creek in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I, 11, 111 and IV of General Permit No NCO210000 as attached This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective May 1 1998 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit Signed this day May 1 1998 b2i[.CGC CY f o r A Preston Howard, Jr P E Director Division of Water Quality By Authorization of the Environmental Management Commission 44 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B Hunt, Jr. Govemor Jonathan B Howes. Secretary March 26, 1993 Norman O Nelson 3819 Nelson Road Sophia, NC 27350-8629 Subject General Permit No NCGO40000 Nelson Frames Inc COC NCGO40058 Randolph County Dear Mr Nelson In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on October 1, 1992, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina [General Statute 143-215 l and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983 If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Environmental Management The Division of Environmental Management may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required Pollunon Prevention Pays P O Box 29535 Raleigh North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919 733 7015 An Equal Opportunuy Aff-rmatn+e Action Employer If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Mr Steve Ulmer at telephone number gign33-5083 Smcerely, Original Coleen H 5uuina A Preston Howard, Jr Acting Director cc Winston-Salem Regional Office STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 0 113TWOM-Maelflif Islaw i STORMWATER DISCHARGES In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-2I S 1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended, Nelson Frames Inc is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Nelson Frames Inc 3819 Nelson Road Sophia Randolph County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to Caraway Creek in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Pans I II III and IV of General Permit No NCGO40000 as attached This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective March 26, 1993 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit Signed this day March 26, 1993 OV191 � HA Su1d1t$s Colee A Preston Howard, Jr , P E , Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission COT -l�p•-._ l� f/( % =_ -� � _ l..k �cti �=.^.ram - sae � _ '/i)Li�"Lrll✓�s.l� _ � � 1�-/"�"�\� Qom\ �V — " � wry � �` \ i � 1"�✓�� I ' �/��`�. mot---• � `�/(�, � ( ' ,�`^'- _> � BNB,, � ac}\ r � �n�� 1.1 �xn �I \\ � ✓ �� /cam �\�I (�> �"l//��=C� �\ /- �I 1� , ���� y-1� j -� •- � �� . �r f `� •3 * ��''� � ( r \/ � (,/i �\/ �, //ram ,-LITY P1504 �n2Ps COUNTY /I NPDES /k G 04 00 MAPhi15v D'SA! FLOW IVIA (-a +F 03.50'7-- 01 vQkl4-1 o'e TnYl� LONGiR.DE ! D s/s5", RECEIVING STRrrEAN4 U/I17alpecf 7Iibu f ry �o STREAM,CLASS DISCHARGE CLASS SlorlfwafPr EXPIRATION DATE off- 3I y7 Cara w4l c1reeA 55 �� V �'�r ✓ I y i 10 f 4 / l01> 1} lj l� ��"I