HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG100136_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20170726STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /v DOC TYPE 4?t"' HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ �'� 1 -7 D YYYYMMDD Energy. Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Robert C. Young 109 U-Pull-It Auto 3459 Thomasville Road Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Subject: Compliance Inspection Permit No. NCG 100136 109 U-Pull-It Auto Forsyth County Dear Mr. Young: July 26, 2017 frilo ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN secretory TRACY DAVIS Direaor On July 26, 2017 Glen White of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality — Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources met with you at the facility located at 3459 Thomasville Road, to conduct a compliance inspection. This inspection was requested by you to verify corrective action you've taken since receipt of an NOV for violations found at the inspection conducted on July 20, 2016. This inspection consists of review of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, each of the plans components, monitoring records, as well as review of facility outfalls and any possible stormwater exposures. Your assistance with inspection was greatly appreciated. Permit: This facility holds General Stormwater Permit NCG 100136 to discharge stormwater from industrial activity associated with Used Motor Vehicle Parts and Automobile Wrecking for Scrap under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The permit became effective November 01, 2012 and expires on October 31, 2017. This permit will renew automatically prior to expiration as long as the Certificate of Coverage is renewed by annual submittal of fee to the Stormwater Permitting Unit in Raleigh. The current permit was available for review and was included in the SPPP. Records/Reports: This facility was required to develop and maintain a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) in accordance with Part 1I, Section A of the permit. All qualitative and analytical monitoring records are required to be maintained with the SPPP for a minimum of five (5) years. Since August of 2016, monitoring has been performed as required. The last two (2) qualitative and analytical samples were collected on 9/28/2016 and 7/18/2017. Results of the 9/28/16 sample show that Outfall 2 had an exceedance in TSS. Allowable TSS is 100 mg/L. Resulting TSS was 137 mg/L. Mr. Young is planning to make improvements to the area immediately upstream of the outfall. This will significantly reduce suspended solids reaching the outfall. Please note, three (3) consecutive exceedance will require monthly monitoring. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quailty I Energy, Mincrai and Land Resources WhstorrSalem Regional Office 1 450 Hanes Mill Road. Suite 300 1 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 336 776 4800 Facility Site Review: This facility is a used vehicle salvage facility that offers "self-service pull it yourself' auto parts to the general public. They also have pre -pulled parts available for many items including engines, transmissions, hoods, doors, etc. When salvage vehicles are brought onto the lot, they are taken under cover and all fluids and batteries are removed and stored in bins until they can be removed for proper disposal. Fluids are removed from the vehicles and stormed indoors with secondary containment. The facility is contained inside an electrified security fence. Part of the perimeter has a concrete barrier just outside of the fence. Cars are categorized and stored in neat rows over most of the site. The surface of the ground is a mix of gravel, concrete and crush/run. Effluent Receiving Waters: Effluent from this facility discharges via two outfalls. Outfall 001 is at the front of the facility and drainage from the parking lot, from traffic coming onto and leaving the'site and a significant area of Thomasville Road drains to the outfall. Outfall 002 is at the back corner of the facility and receives the majority of stormwwater from the salvage vehicle yard. Effluent discharges to Tardy Branch — Class "C" waters of the Roanoke River Basin. Self -Monitoring Program: Part II, Section B of the permit requires semi-annual qualitative and analytical monitoring. Following the inspection in August of 2016 which discovered deficiencies, monitoring has been performed at both outfalls. Both outfalls were reviewed during this. inspection. Results reviewed and discussed. Outfall 2 will be given Representative Outfall Status (ROS) for both Outfalls 1 & Outfall 2. Both outfalls will continue to require qualitative monitoring but only Outfall 2 require analytical monitoring. The facility was found to be compliant with its industrial stormwater permit. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Glen White at (336) .776-9660. Enclosures: Inspection Report Sincerely, Matthew E. Gantt, P.E. Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Winston-Salem Regional Office cc: Division of Mineral and Land Resources (WSRO) State oNort h Carolina I Environmental Quallty I Energy, Mineral and land Resotarres Winston-Salem Reyiona[ Office 1 450 Hanes Mill Road. Suite 300 1 Winston-Salem. NC 27103 336 776 9800 Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Robert C. Young 109 U-Pull-It Auto 3459 Thomasville Road Winston-Salem, NC 27107 July 26, 2017 Subject: Representative Outfall Approval (Outfall #2) Permit No. NCG 100136 109 U-Pull-It Auto Forsyth County Dear Mr. Young ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director On July 26, 2017, Glen White of NCDEQ-DEMLR met with you at your request to conduct a compliance inspection at the facility located at 3459 Thomasville Road in Winston-Salem. At this inspection, stormwater Outfalls,1 and 2 were observed and monitoring results of each were verified. It appears that Outfall 1 is not representative of the facility as significant contamination may be enters it from outside sources. This outfall is located in the ditchline of Thomasville Road just outside of the security fence that runs parallel to the road. Therefore, no analytical monitoring will be required at this location. Qualitative monitoring will continue to be required at all outfall. Outfall #2 will be Representative Outfall (RO) for both Outfalls I & 2. This outfall is located at the rear of the facility and catches the majority of stormwater that flows through the yard where vehicles are stored. Analytical Monitoring will only be required at this location. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Glen White at (336) 776- 9660. Enclosures: Inspection Report Sincerely, Matthew E. Gantt, P.E. Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Winston-Salem Regional Office cc: Division of Mineral and Land Resources (WSRO) State of Nlorth Carolina ! Envlronmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Winston-Saiem Rcgtona[ CNEicc { 450 Hanes MR1 Road, Suilr 900 I Winston•Saiem. NC 27103 336 776 9800 Permit: 'NCG100136 SOC: County: Forsyth Region: Winston-Salem Compliance Inspection Report Effective: 12/12/12 Expiration: 10/31117' Owner : Robert Carson Young Effective: Expiration: Facility: 109 U Pull It Used Auto 3459 Thomasvillle Rd Contact Person: Robert Carson Young Title: Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representatives): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 07/26/2017 Entry Time: 09:OOAM Primary Inspector: Glen White Secondary Inspectors): Winston Salem NC 27107 Phone: 336-788-9122 Certification: Phone: Exit Time: 10:30AM Phone: 336-776-9800 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type; Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Used Motor Vehicle Parts Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status: ® Compliant rl Not Compliant Question Areas: ® Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page: 1 permit; NCGlOO136 Owner- Facility: Robert Carson Young Inspection date: 07/2612017 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: On 712612017, Glen White of NCDEQ-DEMLR,met with Bob Young (owner) at his request to conduct a compliance inspection to verify corrective action he has taken in regard to the facilities stormwater permit requirements. Inspection on 7/20/16 resulted in a Notice of Violation (NOV) for failure to update the plan and failure to provide qualitative and analytical monitoring in accordance with the plan. Mr. Young has addressed all of the issues identified at the 2016 inspection. Plan will require updates in near future to keep up with the annual requirements of the permit. Facility is compliant with NCG100136 requirements. Glen White NCDEQ-DEMLR Page: 2 Permit: NCG100136 Owner - Facility: Robert Carson Young Inspection Date: 0712612017 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Does the site have a Slormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? # Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"? # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility inspection Program? Has the Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? Reason for Visit: Routine Comment: Mr. Youna has undated the SPPP and evervthina is current. NOV has been resolved. Employee Training Conducted on 8/16/2016_ Reviewed & Updated 8/23/2016 Rainfall Data has been recorded daily, since Auqust 2016. New reviews and training will be due a ain in the near future. No Deficiency.) Qualitative Monitoring Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? Yes No NA NE E ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ E ❑ ❑ ❑ ■❑❑❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ 1111 ®❑ ❑ ❑ ®❑ ❑ ❑ M ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ M ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE ® 110 ❑ Comment: Monitoring last conducted 9/28/2016. Qualitative Monitoring will continue to be conducted twice (2x) annually at both outfalls. No deficiency_. Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? ■❑❑❑ Comment: Analvtical Monitorina last conducted 9/28/2016 at both outfalls 1 and 2. Results at 2 shows an exceedance of TSS. Mr. Young plans to make improvements to the area of the yard adjacent to and above the outfall. This outfall will be representative of the facility. Outfall 2 will require analytical monitoring. Outfall 1 will no longer re uire analytical monitoring since it is not representative of the operations at the facility and carries significant contamination from outside_ sources. No deficiencies. Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ®❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 3 Permit: NCG10o136 Owner • Faclilty: Robert Carson Young Inspection Date: 07126/2017 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine ` # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? ®❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: This facility will be given Representative Outfall Status (ROS) at Outfall 2. This outfall will be the oniv location where analytical monitoring is required. Outfall 1 will continue to require qualitative monitoring only, The last monitorinq event occured„on 7/18/2017. Results were not back at the time of inspection. Mr., Young said that „he would forward a copy _of the result sheet to Glen WhAe at DEMLR. Page: 4 NC Department of Environmental Quality Received AUG 0 8 2016 August 4, 2016 Winston-Salem Regional Office NC Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Winston Salem Regional Office 450 Hanes Mill Road Suite 300 Winston Salem, NC 27105 Subject:: Notice of Deficiency NOD-2016-PCO377 Permit No. NCG 100136 109 LI Pull -It Forsyth County Dear Mr. Grant, P.E. Thank you for directing us on correcting our deficiencies in our Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. We fully understand how serious this program is and will work diligently to implement changes to improve to the state's standard. The following lists are modifications. *Our SPPP manual has been thoroughly reviewed and updated and will be updated annually or as needed. *Group re-training is scheduled with the plan's importance and BMPs to be stated_ *Accountabilities have been assigned to leadership personnel with specific training on testing and requirements. *Analytical Monitoring kits have been purchased and testing will continue ASAP, given rain conditions, utilizing Research and Analytical Labs in Kernersville, NC. *Qualitative Monitoring will continue ASAP, given rain conditions. Specialized training was given to designated personnel. *The SPPP rain chart accountability has been assigned and will be updated per instance. *A SPPP self -inspection check list has been added to the safety inspection that is performed. I look forward to our next review with a better understanding of NCDENR requirements and being proud of our accomplishments. S;q6, Robert C. Young OF THE HETURN AOOFleSS, FOLD .. 109 U Pon It 3459 'Mo `` . ► masii�;R4ad Lvsrlgton-Sslem, NC 27107 P� 1, f.., :'3�-785-9122 11 1000 27105 U.S.AP RSTAG E WALLBURG, NC 2G7373 AU/�MOUNT $3.77 R2305K142707-07 7015 3010 0001 8723 1999 _�..rw�w �wr wv.a. w• a.. .rrw �ra_�. -D� p- env too nnerc�a� (U -� L-\5D 1,t� �� .� i �`' .. '` i' ,, � . :,r."' .� /' a 4°a ' �m MCDENK North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM Pat McCrory, Governor Director John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary October 31, 2013 Mr. Robert Young, Owner 109 U Pull It Used Auto 3459 Thomasville Road Winston Salem, NC 27107 Subject: Notice of Deficiency/General Stormwater Permit Inspection NPDES General Permit No. NCG100136 109 U Pull It Used Auto —Winston Salem, NC Forsyth County Dear Mr. Young: On October 30, 2013, Sue White of this office performed a Stormwater Permit Inspection at 109 U Pull It Used Auto located at 3459 Thomasville Road, Winston Salem, NC in Forsyth County. You and Rob Young were present for the inspection. This facility holds General Stormwater Permit No. NCG100136 to discharge Stormwater from activities associated with Used Motor Vehicle Parts under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). 1. Permit The permit became effective November 1, 2012 and expires October 31, 2017, 2. Records/Reports During the inspection, it was determined that your facility has a developed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) as required by the permit. There is a site map included that shows the overall property and has the outfalls marked. 3. Facility Site Review The facility has five stormwater discharge outfalls (SDO), which collects stormwater from the majority of the site. These outfalls are where the qualitative and analytical monitoring needs to take place. All fluids at the facility are maintained indoors with secondary containment with the exception of the used oil containers. It was discussed that secondary containment was needed for these containers. When a car comes onto the lot, it is pulled under cover and all fluids are removed and stored in these barrels under cover until removed from the site by a licensed hauler. Batteries are kept under cover in a bin before taken to final disposal/sale. The perimeter of the site has concrete barriers around it. At the request of this office, these concrete berms were enhanced with soil in several areas to aid in keeping stormwater on site. These areas really look good and appear to be doing what was intended. It is recommended that this practice continue along the remaining perimeter. 4. Effluent/Receiving Waters Stormwater from the property discharges to the Fiddler's Creek (Class C) in the Yadkin River Basin via the abovementioned Stormwater discharge outfalls. 5. Self -Monitoring Program It was determined during the inspection that you have not been performing the self -monitoring requirements of the General Permit. Monitoring requirements include semi-annual analytical sampling Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 a Phone: 336-771-5000 / FAX: 336-771-4631 109 U Pull It 10/30/2013 Page 2 of 2 and qualitative monitoring at each Stormwater discharge outfall on the property. The analysis of the samples must be performed at a NC Certified Lab. During the inspection it was determined that this site. may be a candidate for Representative Outfali Status. This would allow for analytical sampling at a reduced number of outfalls, however to confirm this, there must be data from each outfall available for comparison. It was decided that the sampling would be done for this.period and the next. You would then notified this office when you had two complete sets of sampling results and Sue White would do a follow up inspections at that time. Please understand that Representative Outfall Status pertains to analytical monitoring only, qualitative monitoring must continue to be performed at all outfalls. Please keep in mind that failure to comply with all requirements is a violation of the General Permit. According to permit text Part III Section A, "the permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a permit upon renewal application," Under state law, a daily civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per violation may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit. [Ref: NC General Statutes 143- 215.6A) IJ ". r This office appreciates that you and Mr. Rob Young have been very diligent in implementing changes that were suggested by the inspector. The site is much improved from the preliminary inspection in September. If you have any questions concerning this letter or the attached inspection report, please contact Sue White or me at (336) 771-5000. Sincerely, Matthew E. Gantt, PE Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Attachments: BIMS Inspection Checklist CC: Nonpoint Source Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit Division of Land Quality — W5RO Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCG100136 Effective: 12/12/12 Expiration: 10/31/17 Owner: Robert Carson Young SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: 109 U Pull It Used Auto County: Forsyth 3459 Thomasvillle Rd Region: Winston-Salem Winston Salem NC 27107 Contact Person: Robert Carson Young Title: Phone: 336-788-g122 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 10/30/2013 Primary Inspector: Sue White Secondary Inspector(s): Certification: Entry Time: 01:00 PM Exit Time: 02:30 PM Phone: Phone:. 336-771-5000 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Used Motor Vehicle Parts Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ® Not Compliant Question Areas: ® Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page: 1 9 M Permit: NCG100136 Owner - Facility: Robert Carson Young Inspection Date: 10/30/2013 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Page: 2 %. . v Permit: NOG100136 Owner -Facility: Robert Carson Young Inspection Date: 10/3012013 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? M # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ® D D D # Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"? © D ❑ D # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ® D D D # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ® D D D # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? 19 D D # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? D ®n D # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ® D 11 D # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? RE D D D # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? nz D n D # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? M D D D # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? fT D D D # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? 5 D Q D # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? n Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? n D D D Comment: Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? ❑ FF Comment: Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? D IS D D # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? D [B D D Comment: Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? M D D D # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? to, ❑ ❑ D # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? D # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ❑ D Q D Comment: Page: 3 585 Waughtown St. Winston-Salem. NC 27107 to 109 U-Pull It, Inc. - Google Maps Goostic htt ps://maps.goo-I e.com/maps?h l=en8:tab=wI To see all the details that are visible on the screen, use the "Print" link next to the map. Carter G - Vlaughiovrn s�o 4'fooiisors, - _ t's prgcue-S!:' `_ --� 6epiisi Church. gQ 5chatil 'S r=r� sr. _`" 1 �` t I I ti U � i{ \ � m .CAi7t1U. w'Si: •o T ss r;\�'"- ''Spt3;�llp-�t— -Vi -- -`""'�� - v� �� i ' I i e0fn St Belview lark \ n t a rJ' s�*£�' : Sprague m fur°n'e Si " 4 StreetPark .^,ranire st' First Waughtoxvri righl ;`t - 1 ,:•°i I' Baptist Church' t R c a Ei Fn c i I I - ✓� LIP - +� _ Z A3 4 nadnw; St p Rarteryt{ =f� �. Iglesia li=! 1 QSt l� t esIeyana �I u t hnbi. 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Rai /_ -- _ _ _ ` =31. h tap data Q2013' le -� l of3 10/24/2013 10:18 AM 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Road Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Storm Water Polution Prevention Plan Tint Preview Forsyth County, NC hi p://maps2.co.forsyth.nc.us/geodata/printPreview.aspx?PrintOptDa... Forsyth County, NC jt • � t�^�'�..,� `.- � ' to s t �,. e � �. ', . cS+ ' ;g •. 'V i ���' � ��� 6 F IgZ� $� p air u��" �- • �d«,��j gg - ?. ;'� I � +•r¢� e IC 41-4.7 Show" Gerall LWO` amc"rp 1ntD MdWs ✓ f or AL r{ �s w ' ;f§ 1 a 'a t� ��.:. �� ...� � ,.ter.. - _ � � � ly� E, :� �iit• t ' t a ° t • + i y 26 86 • s= mx E s sygt-xV ^! '- �r M� JJ I i e ^. F r t, « gV Nil- e : 4 I Name: WINSTON-SALEM EAST Location: 036° 03' 15.29" N 0800 12' 30.19" W Date: 6/5/2007 Caption: 109 U Pull It Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem NC Print Preview http://maps2.co.fbrsyffi.nc.us/geodata tpri ntPreview.aspx?PrintOptDa. 1 of 2 Block Lot 2663 037C New Deed Date - Property Address 3459 Thomasville Rd New Deed Stamps Additional Lots 037A Map Number 642838 PIN 6844-31-7328 W/P Tax Jurisdiction Winston-Salem Land Value $214,083 Anx N Dwelling Value Taxable Owner Name {{ ASHLEY, TED M Commercial Value 1$9,820 Taxable Owner Name2 I YOUNG, ROBERT C Industrial Value Taxable Owner Address 13459 Thomasville Rd Misc Imp Value 1 $15,464 1 Taxable Owner City St Zip Winston-Salem, NC 27107-0000 Total Value $239,367 Taxable Deed Bk-Pg 1 2013-3014 Acreage 9.49 Taxable Deed Date 7/10/1998 Sq Ft Living Area (Res) Taxable Deed Stamps $320 Gross Sq Ft (Com) 8204 New Owner Name 1 Year Built (Res) New Owner Name2 Year Built (Com) 1952 New Owner Address. I _- Census Tract - 134.01 New Owner City St Zip Zoning GI New Deed Sk-Pg Sale Price - $160,000 6/5/2007 9:07 A3 Block Lot 26fi3.037F New Deed Date Property Address Thomasville Rd New Deed Stamps Additional Lots Map Number 642838 PIN 6844-31-5633 WIP Tax Jurisdiction WinstonSalem Land Value $159,861 Anx N. Dwelling Value Taxeble-Owner Name9 109U-PULL-IT USED AUTO PARTS Commercial Value Taxable Owner Name2 Industrial Value Taxable Owner Address 3459 Thomasville Rd Misc Imp Value Taxable Owner City St Zip Winston-Salem, NC 27107-0000 Total Value $159,861 Taxable Deed Bk Pg 2052-3660 Acreage 7.75 Taxable Deed Date 2/24/.1999 Sq Ft Living Area (Res) Taxable Deed Stamps $220 - 'Gross Sq Ft (Com) Now Owner Name i Year Built (Res) New -Owner Name2 Year Built (Com) New Owner Address Census Trail 34.01 New Owner City St Zip .. Zoning GI ,RS9: New Deed Bk-Pg Sale Price $1,10,000 9 n L q 5 Mop Le' r,a 4, n� a�stie���r• I�oaa��� +,res. n i ne5 , c end ern ic'm noute, +rcnnur����i�r�5 ne -t� C'or+CrC-�E! E3end ` �o-�ore cr-oc6" `Si Zak} 4e [cur-rCn-4'' CN�h b` :1 CC`r�o� Uehcele � �$•(� 1 Jac U, care bc�ln :finpe��;�:5 `� cm-xA� been �j �rnpear otiGiu5 0oj( C k �Ieyne 109 U Pull It Narrative description of storage practices, loading and unloading activities, outdoor process areas, dust or particulate generating or control processes, and waste disposal practices. All vehicles brought into the yard by rollback trucks are unloaded in the lot in front of the office building behind customer parking. Vehicles are checked for fluid leaks before unloading. It is here where these vehicles are sorted through and the ones to be crushed are then carried to the crushing area behind the building and vehicles to be kept for sale of parts are placed in the correct spot on yard according to make and model. Any vehicle that shows signs of fluid leaks are not unloaded in front lot on ground, but taken to one of the concrete pads where fluids can be' drained, seperated, and diposed of properly. The vehicles that are selected for crushing are removed from the stack one at a time and placed onto a buck which sits about 6 feet high on the concrete work pad. Underneath the buck are several containers each for a different fluid. The gasoline in the vehicles is drained into a large steel barrel. All oil, transmission fluid, and antifreeze are drained into seperate containers. All of these fluids are emptied manually into 55 gallon drums which are stored to the side of the building underneath a shelter which also stores tires, engines, and transmissions. The 55 gallon drums are stored inside a concrete well which is about 8 inches deep. The bottom of the well is covered with obsorbent material which is checked on a daily basis for any fluids. When the drums begin to get filled up, a waste oil company comes and pumps them into their tank truck and dispose of the matter. All of the items taken off of the vehicles include: wheels and tires, catalytic converter, radiator and condensor, and the•baftery. The wheels and tires are stacked and taken to the appropriate machine to be dismounted. Ail tires which are not reusable are loaded onto a school bus from the pile and taken to a solid waste facility nearby. Catalytic converters are brought inside the office where they are stored in a small room in the back part of the building. Once removed, the radiator and condensor are checked for any remaining fluids and if present, the draining is completed before they are placed in a press machine which is used to press and band them together into bails. These are sold by the bail to various buyers. Metal gas tanks are also checked carefully for remaining fluids and drained thuroughly, before going in the press. They are also bailed and sold. Plastic tanks are drained the same way and are cut into smaller pieces and are taken to the solid waste facility nearby. After the vehicles have been through the process above, they are removed from the buck with a front end loader and placed inside a large hydraulic car press. They are stacked inside 2 or 3 at a time and are compacted to allow them to fit onto the trailer. Vehicles are then taken from the press and are organized onto the tractor trailer which hauls them to the scrap processing plant. Engines and transmissions are dismounted inside a building behind the office. All fluids are drained from every engine and transmission before removal and storage. They are stored on shelves that line the inside of the building on two sides. Cars are placed inside the building onto an electric/hydraulic lift to be disassembled. The building has a concrete floor which is regularly kept clean of debris. A fork lift is used inside the building for transporting engines and transmissions from shelf to shelf. Inside the building is kept a large supply of the absorbent material which is used for clean ups. Adjacent to this building is another of the same type and size. This building is used only for the storage of engines and transmissions with the same type of shelving. '109 U Pull It Significant Spills In the past three years there have been no spills of great enough significance to report. Past management and work ethic allowed for numerous minor spills of substances such as gasoline, oil and grease, lead, and ethelyne glycol. The majority of the spills were confined to the area shown on the map as Zone 7. Since the time of implementation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention plan, new management and work ethic has greatly improved the number of minor spills. New processes have been put into action for the drainage of fluids from vehicles and impervious surfaces now cover all areas which are proned to spills. "I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge amd belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signed: �— Signed-._ � � 109 U Pull It 5tormwater Management Plan _Technical and Economic Pheasability Storage practices can be improved in the following ways: The storage of all fuels and any fluids from vehicles are all kept in 275 gallon drums which are kept under roof and walled in on both sides inside an 8 inch deep concrete well. All stormwater is diverted away from reaching the inside of the well. The waste levels inside the drums are now to be checked daily to eliminate the possibility of overflow. The bottom of the well will now contain a layer of the absorbent material used to clean up spills and in the event of a spill duriing the manual transfer of fluids into the larger drums the fluid will be absorbed by the material and immediate removed from well bottom. Loading and unloading areas and the outdoor process areas are currently undergoing extensive changes. There has been an 85 foot by 70 foot concrete work surface poured. This area is where all car crushing and disassembly for crushing will take place. Plans for a shelter to cover this area are currently being processed. Once completed, this area will be very compliant to stormwater pollution prevention. The concrete is to be kept clean at all times. The same methods of catching fluids from the cars will be used, however the catching containers will be larger and easier to empty than the ones currently used. The fluid absorbing material used for cleaning up spills will be kept on hand in a closer location than before and in a larger quantity than before. All work zones that are on concrete surfaces are to be swept frequently and all other grounds continuously kept clean of any debris that may occur as a result of the processes. All waste disposal for any type of hazardous liquid is all done by hired companies with tank trucks. Secondary Containment Our secondary containment system is simply a well that all of our hazardous liquids are kept in inside barrells. This prevents any liquids spilt from contaminating stormwater. There are nine (9) 275 gallon drums which are stored in the area described in the above paragraph. An inspection of this area is performed on a regular basis as well as all other parts of our facility. Records of these inspections are filed and kept for five years. Best Management Practices Prevention: All supervisors will have specific area to monitor. The crushing supervisor will constantly keep check to ensure that all fluids are being drained properly into the catch containers and that the level inside the catch containers does not exceed a safe level before being emptied into storage. Monitoring of ground cleanliness in surrounding areas and informing workers when the ground needs to be cleaned of debris. The shelter for storing tires which also houses all liquid waste and fuels will be checked regularty by a supervisor for any debris on floor and any leaking of the storage drums. The engine and transmission removal room will also be inspected by a supervisor daily to make sure that all floors are being kept clean and that all fluids are being adequately delt with. The amount of absorbant dean up material that is on hand will be assessed daily so as to have plenty on hand at all times. Containment: All of our chemicals and wastes are contained inside 275 gallon barrels which are stored inside a well under roof and walled in. Mitigation: All spills and leaks are to be reported to a supervisor immediately. The absorbents kept on hand will be immedaitely applied and the supervisor from there will determine the most effective way to handle the rest of the cleanup and see to it that it is property carried out. Supervisors finding any type of leak inside the well where fuels and liquids are stored will immediately delegate an employee to clean all fluids. The supervisor will then identify the cause of the leak and determine the proper measures to repair the problem. Disposal: All removal of liquid waste is done by outside waste oil companies. The supervisor who checks the levels. inside the storage barrells will be responsible for calling these companies in a fashion as to ensure adequate storage room. The amount of tires on site is constantly monitored and they are removed as soon as the amount is enough to complete a busload to be hauled to the nearby solid waste facility. 109 U Pull It Preventive Maintenance and Good Houskeevina Preventive Maintenance Program & Good Housekeeping Program Identification of Equipment to Inspect • All 275 gallon drums used for storage of waste liquids and fuels for rust or cracks and also for content level • Spill well where the waste oil drums sit for cracks or anything which may cause permeability • All hoses on front end loaders, fork lift, skidsteer for leaks which may spill fluids • Fluid draining catch containers in work areas for rust, cracks, holes, or any damage which may affect integrity Vehicle elevating racks for any cracks in welds or lack of support All concrete work surfaces for dirt/debris or any cracks that may cause permeability • Any tools used which have hydraulic operations for leaks Schedule of Routine. Preventive Maintenance Inspections No less than bi-weekly a routine inspection is performed on all secondary containment and other stormwater systems. All areas are covered in the inspection and a checklist for the inspection is attached. Inspector: Rob Young Ispectors as of Nov, 10, 2007: William Cross and Darrell King 109 U Pull It Preventive Maintenance Ins action Check List Date: Name of Inspector. Weather. Areas to be Inspected* • Storage Drums for Waste Liquids and Fuels Does the bottom of the well appear to be dry? YES NO Is there any sign of damage to any one of the drums? YES NO Are there any drums which are close to fullness? YES NO Are there any cracks in the well bottom? YES NO Are there funnels present for the transfer into drums? YES NO Is the floor clean and free of debris? YES NO • Concrete work areas where vehicles are stripped Is ground clean and free of debris? YES NO Is fluid level in catch buckets and gas vat at safe level? YES NO Are ample amounts of absorbents readily on hand? YES NO Are any tools with hydraulics leaking fluid? YES NO • Engine and Transmission Dismounting Shop Is floor dean and free of debris? , YES NO Are all catch pans being emptied at appropriate times? YES NO Is fork lift leaking any hydraulic fluid? YES NO Are all engines and transmissions being shelved in a safe manner? YES NO Is the supply of absorbant material ample for operation? YES NO -s",..,.y^...�s:xi-scyh�2ff.:......a:. �. ;..�..Ji"..:_-.� ._ r_y;>._ ,.;.�H... r_. i:'_.cmt r., ., .v.-zik�.. ._�.,•.<n ,:;,�.?a-.�'S..,-::,a.'r-��£. .., M�-:ws%7 -.�f ti...,.':.,��� SI"�'="'_..�i'�n`r::.8:" 109 U Pull It Spill Response and Prevention Plan Risk Assessment There is risk of contamination from engine oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, expired gasoline, and desiel fuel which are all held in 275 gallon barrels in the shelter beside the office building. It is in the area that spills are most liklev to occur during the transfer into the storage units. In the event that a spill occurs in this area during this process, the group of workers responsible for cleanup will be notified. A routine and well practiced cleanup process will be followed up by an inspection by a supervisor. The transfer process by which the fluids are moved into storage is simply the manual pouring from a 5 gallon bucket into the drum through a funnel. Common ware and tear on these buckets and funnels can cause them to crack or break therefore making them unsafe tools to be used in this process. These items are to be kept under close inventory to ensure proper equipment for safe transfer is available at all times. In the case of a worker discovering an item is lacking integrity it should be reported to his supervisor that a new one is necessary. Another area with high spill risk is the area where the vehicles are set on the 6 foot rack to go through the stripping process. When the fluids are drained from the vehicles, holes are gouged into or plugs are removed from the are of the vehicle the fluid is contained which causes the fluid to drip down into the 5 gallon buckets below on the concrete pad. Gasoline from the vehicle will be drained into a larger open vat with screen metal lid. Spills may occur either if the bucket is too full when the draining begins or if the bucket is in the wrong location in relation to the drain hole. Having one man poke the hole or remove the plug and another to catch the fluid may slow down the process, but will decrease the risk of there being a spill. Fluid levels in all containers of the area must be checked frequently by the supervisor to prevent a spill due to overfilling. Liquid waste from this area is manually carried to the storage area in buckets. In the case of a spill the same group of workers who will be working in this area will be trained in Emergency Spill Cleanup. The absorbent material used in cleanups as mentioned before will be kept in large quantities on hand to be used for fast clean up to prevent any spreading of hazardous wastes. Our warehouse that houses the engine and transmission removal process is also proned to spills as all fluids are drained before removal. All fluids are drained from underneath the vehicle while it is suspended in the air on a hydraulic lift. All fluids are caught in purpose specific catch pans which sit on a concrete surface floor which is covered with absorbents. The mechanic is to immediately report any major spill that occurs so that the Emergency Spill Cleanup Team can come to assist the cleanup. The mechanic working in the shop must also empty fluids from catch pans into the storage area upon the completion of every engine and transmission removal. A supervisor is to check and make sure that all fluids are being drained in a timely fashion to prevent spillage from over filling. The area where the vehicles are originally unloaded from being brought in by rollback has potential for spills. Cars that come in may already be leaking fluids. This is why it is important for the rollback drivers to thuroughly check all vehicles brought in for any fluids that may be leaking. This should be done as the vehicle is being loaded from the site of purchase and at the unload site before unloading onto ground. If a leak is detected, the car must be unloaded in an alternate area on the concrete stripping process area where fluids will caught and disposed of properly. In the unlikely event of a vehicle with no leak detected causing a spill, the Emergency Spill Cleanup Team will be notified and all efforts will shift to the cleanup of the spill. Spill Response Proceedures and equipment The team of workers responsible for for implementing the spill response plan will be the same group of workers who carry out the stripping process of the vehicles. Each of these workers will have been trained in how to respond to different types of spills that may occur. A supervisor, usually the front end loader operator, will be head of all cleanups and will be the first person notified in the event of any spills. At his discretion, response team will proceed with the appropriate measures. Safety measures taken include protective gloves and eyewear wom by response team members. Safety measures will be determined for each specific circumstance depending on spill material type and amount. Certain cleanups may require the attention of more employees depending on determined cleanup method. Any and all danger zones will be labeled and delt with accordingly. All supervisors and some workers are equiped with a company provided cellular phone which may need to be used to contact additional help. The police and fire departments are easily reachable as well as any other assistance that may be needed. All spills that occur are to be isolated first of all in order to stop spreading and begin cleanup. In most cases with our company the spill will be easily contained and disposed of with the use of the powdered absorbent. This process is quite simple as long as response is made in a timely fashion. The top surface of the area may need to be scraped with the bucket of a front end loader if response time allows for a fluid to absorb into the dirt around. All materials ,gathered in the cleanup process are disposed of with the same methods as all other liquid waste. Equipment used in spill response will include wheel barrels for the transporting of absorbents, shovels to spread absorbents and for scraping up after use, brooms for spreading absorbents adequately, rakes, saftey eyewear and gloves are to be on hand at all times, and two way radios for spill response needs to be commuinicated. In the event of a spill response requiring heavy equipment a skidsteer with a front bucket, two front end loaders with both forks and buckets, and a forklift are redily available at all times. Fire extinguishers are also kept in all areas where mandated by the local fire marshall. Persons Resposnible For Implemention of Spill Response Plan The following is a list of the employees who have recieved notice and training of their stormwater specific duties. Bob Young- Supervisor (Responsible Person On Site) James Yarboro- Supervisor (Responsible Person On Site) Keith Myers- Groundman, Spill Containment and Cleaning Ronald Moser- Groundman, Spill Containment and Cleaning Charles Shanks- Groundman, Spill Containment and Cleaning Scott Blackmon - Engine Dismounter, Spill Containment and Cleaning Darrell King- Inspection and Documentation William Cross- Inspection and Documentation Emergency- Spill Contact List Ro NC Division of Water Quality: 771-4956 Fire Department Dial 911 Advanced Environmental Options (Emergency Cleanup): (864)488-9111 24 hr. Line AMX Environmental Services National Service: 1-800-421-4911 Ecological Services Inc. : 1-800-831-7715 Shamrock Environmental (Local): 1-800-881-1098 Employee Training Scedule Every six months Rob Young will conduct a training session with ALL employees of 109 U Pull It. During this session the entire Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan will be discussed and implemention strategies will be clarified and explained. This will be done as to ensure the proper knowledge of the plan is had by all who work on the site. Anytime a new employee is hired he will immediately be given all proper training proceedures before begining work. This entire plan has been developed and created by Robert S.Young. Both Robert C. Young and Robert S. Young accept responsibilty for this plant and all documents associated. 109 U Pull It Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Education and Training Date: December 17, 2007 Attendants: Print Name Signatur e Q t 109 U Pull, It Solvent Management Plan At this time, 109 U Pull it does not use any of the listed solvents in the toxic organic list. If the use of any solvent becomes a part of any of our processes, specific plans on how and where to store and use the solvent will be formulated. 109 U Pull It. September 25, 2007 To: Division of Water Quality We are writing to request that our monitoring of total toxic organics be waived. We have reviewed Table 2 of Part 122 Appendix D and none of the chemicals listed are used in the processes that occur on our site. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred. I further certify that this facility is implementing the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. OCT 0 2 2007 Rob Young �•oa�r�r� fteg�cr.a� `v"�ce Ammendment Documentation All ammendments are to be recorded and dated on this page. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Rain Chart Date Amount_ o Type & Duration lip;zr Me all 17cs--� ttlnhower--) Date •- I -07 Amount _ Type & Duration ��� �� ✓� v c� -� _ Date ig;� - ? Amount t _ � �_ _ _ Type & Duration Or; z zl e Date .16 -d,26 `OAmount Type & Duration � /r1 I�c,.)✓� I � �- 4r Date//- /,f=07 Amount S Type & Duration/?1 AW/N4 ShW'k s Dat Z Amount 7 Type & Duration Aw S W el-- Date ' 'd Amount ,( Type & Duration L174 �/' A6'� O/9 G1��ia��� Date/Z'' '(] Amount L ( Type & Duration fnarty r Date :-�Amount %'/ie/ Type & Duration L)v6,h,�z A ^ Date l LI -O7 Amount Type & Durations v er /i I - Date LLI V7 Amount , _ _ Type & Duration 4 01 or el - Date Z ' 'U Amount Type & Duration ,4 hi I i n Datel Z -ml V'a 7 Amount t (/ Type & Duration j2V eYnr Date 1 2--;a 4/ % Amount 1, Type & Duration' S � n w e /"( Date Amount Type & Duration Date Amount Type & Duration Date Amount Type & Duration Date Amount Type & Duration, Date Amount Type & Duration Date Amount Type & Duration Date Amount Type & Duration Date Amount Type & Duration A�5 L 7 d JO Yj C, IF Ul % I 109 U Pull It Preventive Maintenance Inspection Check List Date: Name of Inspector. Areas to be Inspected: Storage Drums for Waste Liquids and Fuels Does the bottom of the well appear to be dry? Is there any sign of damage to any one of the drums? Are there any drums which are close to fullness? Are there any cracks in the well bottom? Are there funnels present for the transfer into drums? Is the floor clean and free of debris? Weather. �El� • Concrete work areas where vehicles are stripped Is ground clean and free of debris? Is fluid level in catch buckets and gas vat at safe level? Are ample amounts of absorbents readily on hand? Are any tools with hydraulics leaking fluid? • Engine and Transmission Dismounting Shop Is floor clean and free of debris? Are all catch pans being emptied at appropriate times? Is fork lift leaking any hydraulic fluid? Are all engines and transmissions being shelved in a safe manner? Is the supply of absorbant material ample for operation? NO YES 4117 YES CUP CYE�S�S NO �. YES YE S NO NO YES O' NO NO MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG100000 13 .. . CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG10:0 - ..FACILITY -NAME-,. PERSON COLLECTING SAWLEN '#rJ6 t04 7 CERTIFIED LABORATORY OUMI Lab # Lab # Specific Monitoring -Requirements: SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: (This monitoring report Is due at the -Division no litei than 30 days from the date the facility receives the_pmpft jresults from the laboratory.) COUNTY % LE - . . PHONE NO. Z> PLEASE SIGMON THE REVERSE 4 . ­­ .r - I --. I3' 6WM0400ML4 *0,Q 1 - �OW0.. '�Xqbl+sttsgd d, 0 an *;03 0. 45 1?' &C�L_ z -Z Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or. OUtSLdC the benchmark range tor pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: F ' Mail .Original and one copy to: Division of Witer Quality Date (first event sampled) .:Attn: DWQ. Central Files Total Event Precipitation (inches): i 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period! and rainfall amount) Total Event Precipitation (inches): SW'U-251-102107 . Page 1 of 2 l For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that list as stated in Appendix DJable It of, Chapter 40 Qodo of Federal•Regulations (CFR) Part 122. Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into. the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may request that DWQ waive monitoring of total toxic organics. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total -toxic organic compounds used and the other elements.hsted in the General Permit. For those facilities allowed such a waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person.or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report.. t further certify that, this facility is implementing all the provisions of the solvent management plaq included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Name rint name) ? Title (Pont title)IA _ - (Signature) (Date). "f certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my,inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and bellef, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significantpenalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 0 of Permittee) zi 0 (Date) SWU-251-102101 I 11 / CI'3 /2 t C, If 14: 03 '3 6 —9,a r- U -� "1 6 RiEsrEARCH &ANAY-TiCAt UbogwroRics, INcS Consiilta ?Ions Ma/T A I i I Av r2 :i � i-. Tfst n Nlirkil.)Pr 20 rime Swuple Time ihn) RM.. = BiAiow Ouantitvior L i"Ilil KESEARCH& ANAlyTiCAI UboRATOWES, INC.- Ariatyticai J Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WA-MR1 WAS-MWATER I 1A SE �.i son soon EN'sm IN IN mango on m ONE No in on Nunn on SOME mm OEM son No son on a ME OMEN IN SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT RECEPT OC Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report Permit No.: NICI / 1 /_I_ . / I or Certificate of Coverage No.: NIGGIL1012-1 l . Facility Name: i -P f County: ilk Phone No. 3 20 Inspector: 6r) Date of Inspection: By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature ofPermittee or Designee) 1. Outfall Description Outfall No. S ipe, di h, etc.) Receiving Stream: ` t'� L Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: 'V'r 2. Color Describe the color of the discharge dark) as descriptors: 1 (red, brown, blue, etc:) and tint (light, medium, r 3. Odor Describe any distinct odors ta[ the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.) A 0 5 Yr1P.� 1 4. Clarity Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge where 1 is clear and- 10 is very . cloudy: 1 2 3 4 5 6 L/ 8 .-9 10 Page l 5 WU-242-02fl705 Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the sto."mwater discharge where I is xio solids and it_, is the surface covered with floating solids: 1 (2) 3 a 5 •6 7 8 9 10 6. auspeodeC+ S50— WS Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge ikjhere 1 :S nn enlir#c and lil ie PrhrPmwiv mr�Alij- 1 N 3 4 5 ,- 6 7 8 9 10 7. Foam Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge:! Yes . (o S. . Oil Swim Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes No 9. Deposition at Outfall Is there deposition of material (sediment, etc.) at or immediately below the outfall? 10. Erosion at Outfall Is there erosion at or immediately below the outfall? es No 11. Other Obvious Indicators of Storrtiwater Pollution List and describe Yes No YVic: Low c`ta.i-i'tV. iiiii Suitdi5, BJiiiiGt' tiiZCSciiC� of iUdili, Ulf S112Zf1, CiC13USlitttti Vt' zCc�acUi7 i�ia De �e ff f' f:ve f:r... 1i'Sr.i�ei�e:'l; r��Cv%rd:ltl^uji$ es�A� e:Y.rE+i�% srai't��+.s ill ..Sti�ij il7li [rlli'�;',Oii4C�ar�, us.icuiz. 109 U Pull It 59 Thomasv' Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Narrative description of storage practices, loading and unloading activities, outdoor process areas, dust or particulate generating or control processes, and waste disposal practices. All vehicles brought into the facility are unloaded just behind the building on the south end as indicated on the site map. During the unloading process, vehicles are inspected for leaking fluids and if a leak is present, proper measures are taken to ensure the ground is not contaminated and the vehicle is immediately drained. Once unloaded, the vehicles are cranked and it is determined whether the vehicle will be kept for parts or if it will be crushed. Vehicles that are being kept for parts are drained before being placed on the yard in sections designated by vehicle make. Vehicles that are being kept for the sale of parts are stored on a 17 acre "yard". The vehicles kept on the yard have had the fluids removed before being placed there. All waste fluids that are removed from the vehicles are stored in a double -walled fluid containment tank manufactured by Lube Cube Inc. in Baltimore, MA. A technical drawing of this tank has been attached to this document. The tank is currently stored under the shed where vehicles are dismantled and fluids are drained so as to keep it out of the weather and to allow easy fluid transfer from the draining vat to storage. Engines and transmissions that have been removed from the vehicles are stocked and stored on shelves underneath the shed that is attached to the rear of the main building. P,!- idA Just north of the main building there is a metal shed approximately 30'x50' in size where most dismantling and crushing of vehicles takes place. The parts that are being sold daily are either removed from the vehicles where they sit on the yard or the vehicles are brought up underneath the shed behind the building to have the parts removed. The difficulty of the job determines where it will be performed. Once a vehicle that is designated to be crushed has had the fluids, tires, battery, and gas tank removed its top is mashed in and it is loaded onto our trailer to be hauled off site to the crusher in Kernersville, NC. The loading of this trailer takes place on the flat ground directly to the east side of the building just out from the shed. Potential pollutants would mainly consist of the fluids that are used in automotive systems. They include gasoline, engine oil, automatic transmission fluid, and anti -freeze or ethylene glycol Dr. , �Z0Z,r � Mere is a link to information on the fluid draining eguipm t at we�seere oite. It is called the "Enviro-Rack" it is basically a steel structure that supports the vehicle while the fluids are being drained. It has mobile puncturing tools and utilizes a gravity fed draining process. A copy of the website has been attached. h_ttp://ironax.com/envirorack.html 0// 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Once the fluids have been drained from the vehicle, we remove gas tank, wheels and tires, radiator, motor/transmission, and wiring harness. After dismantling vehicles are crushed and loaded onto a side gate- opening trailer and sent out to be sold. We use Caterpillar front end loaders of various sizes to load, unload, move, and crush the vehicles. Storage Practices: There is a large inventory of engines, transmissions, and miscellaneous body parts housed underneath the large shed attached to our main building. We utilize a vertical shelving system which allows us to maximize the storage capacity underneath the covered shed. Engines and transmissions are stored here, out of weather elements in order to keep any oil and grease from these parts from contaminating stormwater. Inside the same area we have storage for the absorbent material that is used to clean up fluids that our spilt during dismantling. There is also an area under this shelter that houses the lead acid batteries that we have inventoried to sale as well as the core (faulty) batteries that we sell to a recycler. Waste oil, gasoline, transmission fluid, and antifreeze are all stored underneath a smaller shelter where vehicles are dismantled for crushing. This shelter is referred to as the "Crush Bay". Inside the crush bay we use a fluid draining system called the Enviro-Rack. It is a gravity fed system that virtually eliminates spills and keeps all fluids separate as they are stored temporarily before being transferred into the appropriate containment tanks. The containment tank is a 1000 gallon tank which is double walled for secondary containment. It is designed to minimize risk of leaks or spills due to punctures or any accident which may rupture the tank. The oil, hydraulic fluid, and antifreeze that are used in our vehicle and equipment fleet are stored in a small enclosed building in the south end of the parking lot. This building's main purpose is the storage of these products. Other items stored inside the parking lot building include tube grease, penetrating lubricant, powdered hand cleaner, miscellaneous other automotive fluids, tools, and sometimes special parts if they require an extra level of security. Loading and Unloading Activities: When a vehicle is brought onto our site by one of our tow trucks, it is unloaded in the area referred to as the cranking area. Prior to unloading, the tow truck driver must check every vehicle for leaking fluids. If no leaks are present then the vehicle is unloaded routinely onto the ground in the cranking area. If a leak is found then the vehicle must be unloaded underneath the shed attached to the rear of the main building where it can have whatever fluids are present drained before being sat on the ground in the cranking area. Once the crushed vehicles have been processed and are ready to go to the recycler, they are loaded onto a side gated high wall trailer designed specifically for the type of hauling we do. By the time the vehicles are loaded onto the trailer, they have already been stripped of the engine, transmission 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)7$5-9122 and gas tank which virtually eliminates the possibility of contamination during this loading process. This loading process takes place on the south section of the yard adjacent to the scrap pad. There are also some loading and unloading activities involved with our parts sales department which mostly involve a using a forklift to unload large size parts that are brought in on freight trucks or to load large parts such as engines or transmissions that have been sold into customers' vehicles. All engines that are received or sold are plugged to prevent any fluids from spilling during transfer. Waste Disposal Practices All wood, cloth material, and other "household" trash items are stored in dumpsters that we haul ourselves to the Forsyth County Landfill when they become full. Any fluids that are drained from the vehicles such as waste oil, gasoline, and antifreeze are picked up by a contracted waste oil company out of Greer, SC. M and M waste oil picks up our waste fluids on a regular basis to ensure that our containment tanks stay at a safe level of fullness. The truck that they use to pick up and haul away the waste fluids is equipped to pump fluids from tanks like ours safely and without spilling. The driver/operator of the pump truck is also trained on the hazards of the fluids he picks up and how to handle them properly. 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Significant Spills In the past three years there have been no spills of great enough significance to report to and authorities or emergency response team. It is acknowledged that in earlier years of operation on this site that there have been numerous minor spills. Since taking ownership, 109 U Pull It has taken measures to improve the overall environmental friendliness of the processes that take place on site. Company -wide awareness has been brought about during special Storm Water Training meetings that are held quarterly. "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge, and relief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signed: Signed: 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)7$$-9122 Non-5tormwater Discharge Certification All of the stormwater outfall locations have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges and there are none present. During times of dry weather, all of these areas are dry just as the surrounding areas are. We will continue the evaluations on the same schedule as our outfall sampling and analytical monitoring. Once the ground has dried after the rainfall, we will perform our non- stormwater discharge evaluations for each outfall. "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properlygather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge, and belief, true, accurate, anti complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signed: Signed 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (335)788-9122 Storm Water Management Plan Technical and Economical Pheasability: We believe that our current method of storage of the waste oil produced by our facility is sufficient to prevent storm water contamination. However, in order to reassure there is no contamination, we will soon be installing a containment well for our waste oil container. This will ensure that if any fluid is spilt during transfer it will not be able to contaminate soil or storm water. At one time, before we built the new facility, all of our processes were performed out in the open. Currently, we work under roof so that all activities that have potential to spill fluid and contaminate storm water are performed in an area which prevents such contamination from happening. All of our processes being performed under roof virtually eliminates the spill hazard involved with our work. Now that we are working inside our new facility, we are awaiting results of our outfall testing. If our results show contamination inside our qualitative limits, then it will not be necessary to take further action in attempt to clean up our discharge. If testing shows that we need to make improvements, there are several actions we are prepared to make. One of these actions would be to use barriers or berms to direct the flow of storm water nearing the edge of the property where it is discharged and have the water be directed into some type of feature which would cause a filtering effect. The use of silt screen or washed rock could be helpful if the need arises. Secondary Containment The tank in which we store our waste oil has a double wall feature which provides secondary containment for the fluids inside. Best Management Practices Prevention: We do everything we can to prevent spills and other mishaps from happening. We hold quarterly meetings with all employees present to discuss storm water pollution and our preferred methods of pr vention. Any new employee is briefed before beginning work at any outdoor area. We try and make very attempt possible to raise awareness of the seriousness of this matter. 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Mitigation: Although we try our best to prevent any spills, they do happen occasionally. Each employee is aware of his specific duty in the event of a spill. All work areas are equipped with absorbent material (oil dry) which is quite useful in the cleanup of any fluid that has been spilt. Mitigation cost: In the event that a spill is too large or spreading too quickly, the employee responsible for the area where the spill occurred is to notify a supervisor to request assistance immediately. All of our outdoorsmen are well trained in spill response and can handle just about any mild to moderate spills. Disposal: We have a hired company out of Taylors, South Carolina that pumps out and hauls off all of our waste oil, antifreeze, and dead gasoline. The name of the company is Your Way Waste Oil (EPA ID is SCR000772657). They come in a vacuum truck that is equipped to prevent spills and pump out our containment vat upon our request. The driver/technician who operates the truck is trained specifically to minimize the risk of spilling during the transfer. Each type of fluid is stored separately and is disposed of separately. 0-7 109 U Pull It 34S9 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Program Identification of Areas to Inspect: • All areas where fluids are drained, stored, or transferred from one tank to another. • Area surrounding the containment device to ensure there are no spills left not cleaned. • Hoses and fittings on all equipment (front end loaders, trucks, etc.) that have potential to leak or are damaged. • Any area where vehicles have been dismantled. • Any tools that have pneumatic or hydraulic function and may leak fluid. • The yard where vehicles are stored as wholes. ine Preventative Maintenance Inspections gte�r �syso outine inspection is performed on all secondary containment and other storm tems. All areas are covered in the inspection and a checklist to follow is attached. " xt � Current Site Inspector: Rob Young U 0 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Storm Water Preventative Maintenance Checklist Date: Weather: Name of Inspector: Waste Fluid Storaee Tanks • Does surrounding area appear dry? YES NO • Signs of damage to tanks? YES NO • Are any tanks nearly full? YES NO • Are fluid transfer tools available? YES NO Dismantling and Parts Storage Areas • Does area around dismantled vehicle appear free of fluids spilt? YES NO • Are employees equipped with proper tools for fluid transfer? YES NO • Are grounds clean and free of debris? YES NO • Are ample amounts of oil dry available for cleanup? YES NO • Are any hydraulic tools leaking? YES NO • Are parts being stored in a safe manner and if needed away from any weather elements? YES NO • Have all dismantled vehicles been fixed so that no fluid leaks? YES NO Vehicle Storage Yard • Are there any visible signs of fluid spills or leaks around the vehicles? YES NO • Are there any parts with oil or grease on them lying on the ground? YES NO • Are there any signs of excessive erosion? YES NO • Are there any parts or pieces of metal in the roads which may cause damage to a passing yard vehicle? YES NO 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Spill Response and Prevention Plan Risk Assessment There is a risk of contamination from engine oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze (ethylene glycol), and expired gasoline which are all held in drums adjacent to the main building. It is in this area that spills are most likely to occur during the transfer into the storage units. In the event that a spill occurs in this area during this process, the group of workers responsible for cleanup will be notified. A routine, well -practiced cleanup process will be followed up with an inspection by the supervisor. The transfer process by which fluids are moved into storage is simply the manual pouring from catch container through a funnel into the drums. Normal wear and tear on catches and funnels is to be inspected and can render such tools useless or unsafe to use. A constant inventory of such items is to be maintained to ensure proper equipment is being used during all fluid transfers. The area where the vehicles are originally unloaded from being towed in has potential for spills. Vehicles that come in may already be leaking fluids. This is why it is important for the tow truck driver to thoroughly inspect vehicles for any fluids that may be leaking beforehand. If a leak is detected special processes to unload the vehicle must be implemented to ensure no ground contamination during unloading. Areas where vehicles are stored and dismantled are also subject to contamination. Since all vehicles are dismantled on the site where they are stored, it is imperative that each employee in charge of dismantling tasks be equipped with proper spill prevention and cleanup tools including but not limited to catch pans, funnels, and oil dry. Spill Response Procedures and Equipment The team of workers responsible for implementing the spill response plan will be the same group of workers who carry out normal daily processes. Each of these workers will have been trained in how to respond to different types of spills that may occur. A supervisor will be head of all cleanups and be the first person notified in the event of any spills. At his discretion, response team will proceed with the appropriate procedures. 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Safety measures taken include protective gloves and eyewear worn by response team members. Safety measures will be determined for each specific circumstance depending on spilled material type and amount. Certain cleanups may require the attention of more employees depending on determined cleanup method. All supervisors and some workers are equipped with either a cellular phone or radio which will be used to contact additional help as needed. The police and fire departments are easily reachable as well as any other assistance that may be needed. Ise 5 s �'l/ All spills that occur are to first be isolated to reveni's reldin and then cleanup will p p p g p begin. In most cases, the spill will be easily contained and disposed of with the oil dry absorbent material. This process is quite simple as long as response is made in a timely and rapid fashion. The top surface of the area may need to be scrapped or graded following cleanup if the time taken to implement allows for the ground to absorb contaminants. All materials gathered in the cleanup process are disposed of the same as all other waste fluids. Equipment used in spill response will include wheel barrels for the transporting of oil dry, shovels to spread absorbents and picking up after use, brooms, rakes, gloves, and eyewear. 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336)788-9122 Persons Responsible for Implementation of Spill Response Plan The following is a list of the employees who have received notice and training of their storm water specific duties. Name: Rob Young Jim Yarboro Michael Marino Dustin Mabe Josh Moser Robert Moon Job Creator of plan, site inspector, main stormwater contact Supervisor Ground Crew, clean up tech, dismantler Ground Crew, clean up tech, dismantler Equipment operator, clean up tech Equipment operator, clean up tech Emergency Spill Contact List Fire Dept. Dial 911 Advanced Environmental Options (Emergency Cleanup): (864)488-9111 24hr Line qW cA�P �a6 i j AMX Environmental Services National Service: 1-800-421-4911 V Ecological Services Inc. 1-800-831-7751 Shamrock Environmental (local) 1-800-881-1098 Winston Salem Fire Department Engine Co. 5 (336)784-1137 Winston Salem police Department (336)773-7700 Storwater Agent: Ron Boone, Div of Water Quality (336)771-5000 rVj �ja. V0W/ 109 U Pull It 3459 Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, INC 27107 (336)788-9122 Solvent Management Plan At this time, 109 U Pull It does not use any of the listed solvent in the toxic organic list. If the use of any solvent becomes a part of our processes, specific plans on how and where to store and use the solvent will be formulated. Qualitative Monitoring Twice a year, during rainfall samples of the storm water runoff will be taken as the water runs off of our site at each certified outfall. The outfalls where the samples will be taken are marked on the site map. Samples will be sent to Research and Analytical Laboratories in Kernersville, NC (336)966-2841. 6-�m NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Chuck Wakild, RE, Governor Director March 5, 2012 109 U Pull It Used Auto Attn: Robert Carson Young, Owner 3459 Thomasville Road Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection NPDES General Stormwater Permit NCG100000 Certificate of Coverage NCG 100136 109 U Pull It Used Auto, Winston-Salem Forsyth County Dear Mr. Young: Resources Dee Freeman Secretary Ron Boone of the Winston-Salem Regional Office of the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) conducted a compliance evaluation inspection (CEI) at the subject facility on March 1, 2012. Your and Rob Young's assistance and cooperation was greatly appreciated during the inspection. An inspection checklist is attached for your records and the inspection findings are summarized below. The facility is located at 3459 Thomasville Road, in Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, at approximate coordinates 36.055787°,-80.205491'. Stormwater related to industrial activity is discharged from the site to an unnamed tributary to Fiddlers Creek, which is currently classified as a Class C water located in the Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin. There is currently only one stormwater discharge outfall (SDO) identified on the site and in the SP3; it is outfall 001 and it is located in the far northeast corner of the site. Stormwater Pollution Prevention -Plan Review The facility had a devastating fire on January 28, 2011 in which the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SP3) and all related records, including analytical and qualitative monitoring records, inspection records, etc., were destroyed. However, the facility has begun putting together its new SP3 and is probably about 113 complete as of now. Some of the things noted during the inspection that still need to be completed are listed below: a. There is no General Location Map (GLM) yet, as required by Part II, Section A, Paragraph 1(a) of the general permit. b. The narrative description of practices should be expanded upon more to ensure all industrial activities are included. Also, some areas of the site are changing as the business reestablishes itself so parts of the SP3 will have to be updated as changes are made. C. The site map is not completed and doesn't include all the required items. Also, it needs to be made bigger as it is currently very small and difficult to read. d. There is a statement in the SP3 that there have not been any significant spills over the previous three years. Please remember that this statement should be re -accomplished annually as required in Part 11, Section A, Paragraph 7 of the general permit. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Winston-Salem Regional Office Location: 585 Waughtown St. Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 Phone: 336.771-50001 FAX: 336-771 A6301 Customer Serke:1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwatergvality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer NorthCarolina Xw1rallry 109 U Pull It Used Auto Attn: Robert Carson Young, Owner Compliance Evaluation Inspection, NCG100136 31512012, Page 2 of 3 e. The SDO(s) must be recertified annually for non-stormwater flows, in accordance with Part II, Section A, Paragraph 1(e). f. It is understood that all aboveground storage tanks at the facility, which meet the bulk storage definition in the permit, are double walled. The secondary containment requirements listed in Part II, Section A, Paragraph 2(b), therefore do not apply. g. The Best Management Practice (BMP) summary was found to be satisfactory. It currently lists training of employees and proper spill cleanup. You should also list any other structural and non-structural BMPs you're considering for the site. h. The Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP) was reviewed. The plan should list by name or position, or both, those responsible for implementing the plan. Also, it is highly suggested that you add the following agencies to the plan, along with their contact information: 1. NC Division of Water Quality, Winston-Salem Regional Office, 336-771-5000 2. US EPA National Response Center 3. Local Environmental and Public Health Offices 4. Local Emergency Response Agencies i. The Preventative Maintenance & Good Housekeeping Program was reviewed and found to be satisfactory. j. Employees are trained on stormwater pollution prevention and proper spill prevention, containment and cleanup procedures. You are reminded that employees should be trained annually and the training must be documented. k. You are also reminded that the entire SP3 needs to be reviewed annually and those reviews must be documented. Please refer to Part 11, Section A, Paragraph 7, of the general permit for further guidance. 1. The Facility Inspection Program was reviewed and found to be satisfactory, although Mr. Boone felt that you should also add the yard to the inspection program and checklist. Monitoring Review Some records of analytical and qualitative monitoring were destroyed in the fire. It does not appear as if all monitoring was accomplished as required. Please contact R&A Laboratories and request copies of all analytical monitoring from them and then notify -this office once you have acquired the records. You are reminded that both analytical monitoring (AM) and qualitative monitoring (QM) must be done semi-annually during a representative storm event. AM and QM must be done concurrently. Concerning Total Toxic Organics (TTO) monitoring, there is a statement in the SP3 that basically states that none of the concerned solvents or chemicals are in use at the site. Please note that'you must develop a Solvent Management Plan (SMP) and incorporate it into your SP3. Please refer to Part II, Section B, Footnote 5, of the general permit, to see what all is required in a SMP. The statement you have in the .SP3, by itself, is not sufficient for the Division to waive TTO monitoring. Please also note that the signed statement should be the exact statement specified in Part II, Section B, Footnote 5, of the general permit, and it must be signed in accordance with Part III, Section B, Paragraph 5 of the general permit. If you have any questions about this do not hesitate to contact Mr. Boone. Site Review The site was clean and well maintained. Mr. Boone was impressed with the cleanliness of the facility, given that it is an automotive salvage yard. He did note that there were some containers full of automotive parts that could be covered. As part of your overall SP3, you should make it a general practice to cover all - such items to protect them from rainfall. 109 U Pull It Used Auto Attn: Robert Carson Young, Owner Compliance Evaluation Inspection, NCG100136 315/2012, Page 3 of 3 SDO 001 was inspected. There is a severe erosion problem occurring at this SDO that is affecting the receiving stream. Mr. Boone, you and Mr. Michael Gunnell, P.E., met at the site on March 5, 2012, to discuss possible alternatives to slowing the water velocity and entrap solids at this outfall. There were also two other possible SDOs identified during the inspection, one at approximate coordinates 36.056619',-80.204909°, and the other at the southeast corner of the site at approximate coordinates 36.056032°,-80.204052°. There is also a severe erosion problem at the southeast corner of the site. Mr. Gunnell is also going to design a way to address the problem at the southeast corner of the site. There is also another section of the yard that previously has not been included in the SP3, AM/QM, etc. This section is immediately adjacent to your property to the south. Although you do not own the property in question, because you are using it for the storage of salvaged automobiles, it too must be included in your stormwater pollution prevention program. Please ensure that you add it to your SP3, GLM, site map, AM/QM, etc., as soon as possible. You must identify all SDOs from this section of the property and monitor them just as you do SDO 001 on your property. At some point in the future, you may consider applying for representative outfall status (ROS), which is a special status granted to sites that discharge industrial stormwater, which allows them to perform AM at a reduced number of SDOs if the Division feels that the discharges from the exempted SDOs is essentially the same as the discharge from the other SDO(s). This could benefit you by significantly reducing your AM requirement. Please contact Mr. Boone if you would like to discuss this further. We feel compelled to remind you that failure to comply with all conditions of the general permit can result in Notices of Violation or even civil penalty assessments. We want to avoid such measures just as much as you do and plan to give you additional time to recover from the unfortunate disaster you experienced in 2011. However, we feel that you should be able to complete all necessary actions within six months of the date of this letter. Please keep Mr. Boone abreast of your progress to complete you SP3 and become fully compliant with your stormwater permit. If you require technical assistance in completing any part of your SP3 you may also contact Mr. Boone. Should you feel you require additional time to complete all required actions, please notify this office in writing as soon as the need becomes apparent. Should you have any questions regarding the permit, this letter, or the inspection, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Boone or me at (336) 771-5000. Sincerely, 1/6 W. Corey Basinger Water Quality Regional Supervisor Winston-Salem Region Division of Water Quality Attachments: 1. BIMS Inspection Checklist cc: iSWP-.:—:7 WSROO-3 Central Files Stormwater Permitting Unit Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCG100136 Effective: 11/01/07 Expiration: 10/31/12 Owner: Robert Carson Young SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: 109 U Pull It Used Auto County: Forsyth 3459 Thomasvillle Rd Region: Winston-Salem Winston Salem NC 27107 Contact Person: Robert Carson Young Title: Phone: 336-788-9122 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Certification: Phone: Inspection Date: 03/0112012 Entry Time: 09:00 AM Exit Time: 12:30 PM Primary Inspector: Ron Boone Phone: 336-771-4967 Secondary Inspector(s): 3/s/Z Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Used Motor Vehicle Parts Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status: Q Compliant ® Not Compliant Question Areas: ® storm Water (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: NCG100136 Owner • Facility: Robert Carson Young Inspection Date: 03/01/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Please refer to the attached inspection summary letter. Page: 2 Permit: NCG100136 Owner - Facility: Robert Carson Young Inspection Date: 03/01/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ® n n n # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ❑ to El ❑ # Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"? M n n n # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ❑ ® n n # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ® n n n # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? 0 0 ❑ n # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? n n ® o # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ® n n n # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ® n n n # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? N 0 n n # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? ® n n n # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? f1 ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? [1 ❑ Cl n Comment: Please refer to the attached inspection summary letter. Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? n Comment: Please refer to the attached inspection summary letter. Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? Q ❑ 0 # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? n n n Comment: Please refer to the attached inspection summary letter. Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA • NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? m ❑ ❑ n # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ®❑ n ❑ # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? n ❑ M ❑ # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? m n n n Comment: Please refer to the attached inspection summary letter. Page: 3