HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030680 All Versions_Complete File_20060901 t t V STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR L YNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY August 25, 2006 Attention: Ms. Amy Franklin ~@~@~~~~ RQU"'Un' c\o\ DE.\IlR' 'l'J~i\'~,,^'(ol"'iE.R eRfIN ~\IlOS"'\IlOSi Stormwater Section Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 Dear Madam: Subject: Stormwater Permit Application for the proposed replacement of Bridge 4 over Tulls Creek on SR 1222 (Tulls Creek Rd.) in Currituck County. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1222(2), State Project No. 8.2040301, TIP No. B-2950, Debit WBS Element 32773.1.1 $420. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 4 over Tulls Creek on SR 1222 in Currituck County. Currituck County falls under the jurisdiction of the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). The NCDOT will be applying for a Clean Water Act (CWA) ~404 USACE Nationwide Pennit, and a North Carolina CWA ~401Water Quality Certification. Please find enclosed a stormwater pennit application form, stormwater management plan, one copy of the project plans, and the pennit application fee of $420.00. Please review this project for authorization by your section ofNCDWQ. If you have any questions regarding this project or need additional information, please feel free to contact Mr. Andrew Nottingham, P.E. of the NCDOT Hydraulics Unit at (919) 250-4100, or Mr. Chris Manley ofNCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch at (919) 715-1487. Sincere1%l_, ~ " o/Jh . . [,1,r- ~regory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Dr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Bill Biddlecome, USACE Mr. Brian Wrenn NCDWQ Ms. Cathy Brittingham, NCDCM MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MA'IL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 cc: Ms. Stacy Baldwin, P.E., PDEA File B-2950 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC WEBSfTE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US t , OFFICE USE ONLY t t' Date Received Fee Paid I Permit Number I State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LINEAR ROADWAY PROJECT This form may be photocopied for use as an original. DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes this application form, a supplement form for each BMP proposed (see Section V), design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all road and BMP details. I. PROJECT INFORMATION NCDOTProjectNumber: 32773.1.1 (B-2950) County: Currituck Project Name: Bridge No.4 over Tulls Creek on SR 1222 (Tulls Creek Road). Project Location: SR 1222 (Tuns Creek Road) between SR 1110 and SR 1104 Contact Person: Receiving Stream Name: Tull Bav Phone: Fax: River Basin: Pasquotank Class: C Sw Proposed linear feet of project: 2993 feet Proposed Structural BMP and Road Station (attach a list of station and BMP type if more room is needed): No structural BMPs used on this proiect Type of proposed project: (check all that apply): o New DWidening [8]2Iane* D4lane* [8]Curb and Gutter [8]Bridge Replacement DOther (Describe) * 2 lane and 4 lane imply that roadside ditches are used unless Curb and Gutter is also checked. n. REQUmED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided below to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. Supporting documentation shall, at a minimum, consist of a brief narrative description including (1) the scope of the project, (2) how the items below are met, (3) how the proposed best management practices minimize water quality impacts, and (4) any significant constraints and/or justification for not meeting a, b, c and d to the maximum extent practicable. Designer'~ Initials 6'R..M a. The amount of impervious surface has been minimized as much as possible. 5~ b. The runoff from the impervious areas has been diverted away from surface waters as much as possible. "5e V'-\ c. Best Management Practices are employed which minimize water quality impacts. $'R.,,^ d. Vegetated roadside ditches are 3: 1 slope or flatter. Form SWU-112 Rev 04.00 Page 1 of2 I ,. t' III. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT I acknowledge and agree by my initials below that the North Carolina Department of Transportation is responsible for the implementation ofthe four maintenance items listed. I agree to notify DWQ of any operational problems with the BMP's that would impact water quality or prior to making any changes to the system or responsible party. Maintenance Engineer's Initials sot> a. BMP's shall be inspected and maintained in good working order. 4,\)~ b. Eroded areas shall be repaired and reseeded as needed. 5~b c. Stormwater collection systems, including piping, inlets, and outlets, shall be maintained to insure proper functioning. Maintenance Engineer's Name: Title: S~\\fIIA \). ~'v , \), i\"''''' ~~. {,..... , o IV. APPLICATION CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name) E Ii ~-CI bM'\ L, l US t of I'\( 00 T Branch, certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .1000. Title: Address: ' Signature: Ev'N iY 0 v'lv'Y/ Ml 0 \ S~VISc:V P , fILA Date: . 8 .' Zs ~o<o V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement formes) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. Form SWU-I02 Form SWU-I03 Form SWU-I04 Form SWU-I05 Form SWU-I06 Form SWU-I07 Form SWU-I08 Form SWU-I09 Form SWU-110 Form SWU-112 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Infiltration Basin Supplement Low Density Supplement Curb Outlet System Supplement Off-Site System Sllpplement Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Neuse River Basin Supplement Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Extended Dry Detention Basin Supplement Rev 04.00 Page 2 of2 ~ NCDOT Project 32773.1.1 (B-2950) Currituck County Bridge No.4 over TuBs Creek on SR 1222 (TuBs Creek Road) Hydraulics Project Manager: Andrew Nottingham, PE Date: June 1,2006 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION The NC Department of Transportation proposes to replace bridge no. 4 with a bridge. SR 1222 is a rural minor collector and runs more or less east to west in the vicinity of the proj ect. The existing roadway cross section consists of an 18' wide two-lane paved roadway with shoulders that vary from one to foJ,lI feet wide. . The existing bridge is 236' long. It consists of seven spans, the longest of which is 35'. The proposed bridge will be 300' long, consisting of 5 spans at 60' each. The span arrangement will allow for top- down construction. To obtain a better vertical site distance crossing the bridge, approximately 4' offill will be required along 250'ofthe roadway just west of the bridge. Similarly, approximately 3' offill will be required along 300' of the roadway just east of the bridge. A retaining wall will be used to contain the west roadway approach fill to the point where it ties back to the existing grade. The crest of the roadway vertical curve is approximately midway of the bridge. There will be no deck drains on the proposed bridge. Storm water will be collected from the west end of the bridge deck by a curb and gutter system with curb inlets. Curb and gutter is required because of the retaining wall. The drainage system will then carry storm water approximately 420 feet from the end of the bridge along the roadway to an outlet in a coastal marsh. The outlet velocity of the 18" pipe will be 1.5 feet per second, and a rip rap pad will be used to prevent scour. Storm water will be collected from the east end of the bridge deck by a curb and gutter system with curb inlets. Curb and gutter is required on the east end of the bridge to prevent erosion of the fill slopes and roadway shoulder. The drainage system will then carry storm water approximately 200 feet from the end of the bridge along the roadway to an outlet in a constructed grass swale. The outlet velocity of the 18" pipe will be 1.2 feet per second, and a rip rap pad will be used to prevent scour. The project encompasses 6.0 acres inside the highway right of way. The existing impervious area is 1.29 acres and the proposed impervious area is 1.91 acres. The existing bridge deck area is 6610 square feet and the proposed bridge deck area is 9900 square feet. Beyond the curb and gutter system west of the bridge, the proposed roadway will consist of a two-lane paved roadway section with grassed shoulders and fill slopes. Beyond the curb and gutter system east of the bridge, the proposed roadway will consist of a two-lane paved roadway section with grassed shoulders and ditches. An existing cross-pipe will be replaced approximately 300' east of the bridge. Traffic will be detoured off-site during the bridge construction. . NCDOT Project 32773.1.1 (B-2950) Currituck County Bridge No.4 over Tulls Creek on SR 1222 (Tulls Creek Road) Hydraulics Project Manager: Andrew Nottingham, PE Date: June 1, 2006 ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION The surrounding land use consists of marshland, rural, residential, and agricultural. The project area is located in the Pasquotank River Basin where Tulls Creek enters Tull Bay. The surrounding terrain is generally flat to very flat. The natural ground elevation at the site is approximately 3' NGVD. The water depth at the site is approximately 15' in the center of the channel. The best usage classification is Class B, Sw, and Primary Nursery area. No watershed critical areas, HQW, or ORW waters are located within one mile of the project site. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES . The bridge replacement will be accomplished with a road closure that will minimize construction time and on-site impacts. . The roadway typical section is a fill section with slopes no steeper than 3: 1. . To prevent erosion, a curb and gutter system will be used on the west approach along the retaining wall section. Similarly, curb and gutter will be used along the east approach to prevent erosion of the shoulder and fill slope due to the steep banking of the pavement in the curved roadway section. . There will be no deck drains on the proposed bridge. . Storm water runoff from the bridge deck will be directed to a coastal marsh on the west end of the bridge and to a grass swale on the east end of the bridge . . Placement of rip rap around the east bridge abutment and the retaining wall around the west abutment will control erosion from storm event scour. (]' (]' " '" '" " (J' '" ~ ~ ~ ~ e:.; \J ~ C ~ ~ ~ C 0> U .i Ul +- I ;>, U L I o en <T> N .0", ::..",. ;:e: nQW -/2 '" >-<<! 002 03<:<: NUW I OV1 20::J :::JL'" (/: ~L~ See Sreet1-A For Index of Steets See Steet 1-8 For Conventional Plan Steet Symbols See Steet 1-C For Survey Control Steet VICINITY MAP BEG TIP PROJECT B-2950 -L- STA.12 + 50,00 .. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ...~n WAn "OIBCT ~a NO. SHEET TOTAL NO. ....1lTS .C. 8-2950 1 irAn PROl.ND. P....JIROI.NO. - 32773.1.1 BRZ-1222 2 P.E. 32773.2.1 BRZ-1222 2 ROW & UTIL CURRITUCK COUNTY LOCATION: BRIDGE NO. 4 OVER TULLS CREEK ON SR 1222 TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING AND STRUCTURE " ~& ~a END TIP PROJECT B-29S0 -L- STA.42+43.10 ,---- SR 1222 (TULLS CRBBK RD). )\ - --- - \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -, 7'0 MOYOCK J. '/ - - 1. THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. 2. CLEARING ON THIS PR.OJECT SHALL BE PERfORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II FOR WETlAND AREAS (WEST SIDE) AND METHOD III FOR UPLAND AREAS (EAST SIDE). * DESIGN EXCEPTIONS REQUIRED FOR MIN. HORIZONTAL CURVE RADIUS (610') AND HORIZONTAL STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE' (308'). e:.; \J ~ ~ o \J GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA ADT 2007 = 4428 ADT 2027 = 8508 DHV =' 14% o 60% T = 5% III V = 50 MPH * RURAL COLLECTOR III TIST 2% + DUAL 3% 50 INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE POll R/W ACQUISmON PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USB FOR CONSTRUC'I'lON PROJECT LENG11I Pre/X1red In tf1:t Office of. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1000 Blro:/! Rill" Dr.. R.""" Ne,21'10 2OIJ6 STAJIlZl.fIW Sl'/lC1F1Cd77ONS HYDRAUliCS ENGINEER DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ST.4T.B OF NORTH CdROLlN.4 LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT H-2950 = 0.510 MI LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT H-2950 = 0.057 MI TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT B-2950 = 0.567 MI P.B. BmNA:!V.RIlI RIGHT OF WAY DAm: JUNE 16.2006 LEmNG DAm: JUNE 19.2007 GARY LOVERING. PE Pll~_ ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINBBR ANTHONY C. WEST PlI~ Zl&$ION B1/G.INIlll1I P.B. smNA7VJlIl: P.B. ST.4T.B _.4Y mr&lGN' Bl\lGlNJllllI FINAL PAVEMENT SCHEDULE C1 PROP. APPROX. 111/" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 188 LBS. PER SQ. YD. C2 PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE~ TYPE S9.5B, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 112 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1 DEPTH. TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 111/" IN DEPTH OR GREATER THAN 2" IN DEPTH. . 01 PROP. APPROX. 2l1!" ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, TYPE I19.0B, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 285 LBS. PER SQ. YD. 02 PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, TYPE I19.0B1 AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" DEPTH, TO BI: PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 2'\4" IN DEPTH OR GREATER THAN 4" IN DEPTH. ' E1 PROP. APPROX. 4" ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25.0B, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 458 LBS. PER SQ. YD. E2 PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25.0B, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" DEPTH. TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 3" IN DEPTH OR GREATER THAN 6~" IN DEPTH. J PROP. 8" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE T EARTH MATERIAL. U EXISTING PAVEMENT \M VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT. SEE STANDARD WEDGING DETAIL NOTE: PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES ARE 1:1 UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. It -L- I 32'10" .4'11" 12' 3'11" 12' ~ 1 t ~ ...,QL ...,QL BRIDGE TYPICAL -L- STA. STA 28+.48.9.4 TO -L- STA 31 +51.06 c '" -u ~ +: '" -u ~ '" 10 <r N .J:J ~ "':.0 ~L INSERT POST INTO 1" ABOVE CONCRETE SLAB w< 00 0, ~ ",0 -,L ,/ Nn L .. INSET A .. USE INSET A WITH TYPICAL SECTION NO.3 It -L- (SR 1222) .4'-6' .4'-6' TIE TO EXISTIN~ SHOULDER POINT I'lOJ~ R1!1'I!1lI!NC~ NO. B 2950 IOJoJJWAY DESIGN I!NGlN~S TIE TO EXISTING SHOULDER POINT 0.08 ~FTt!L ~.;\~--- NAnJRAL GROUND -- -- -- USE TYPICAL SECTION NO.1 -L- STA 12+50.00 TO STA 23+50 --- -- ----~ NAnJRAL GROUND GRADE TO THIS UNE TYPICAL SECTION NO.1 It -L- (SR 1222) 8'-0" 12'-0" VAl. 0' TO 3' 8'-0" 8'-0" 12'-0" -- .........--...,.,......--" GRADE TO THIS UHE TYPICAL SECTION NO.2 It -L- (SR 1222) NAnJRAL GIlOUND NATlJRAL GROUND 23'-6" 23'-6" . ~I. GRADE ! / POINT PROPOSED RETAINING WAll -L- STA 25+25 TO STA 28+52 LT .. SEE INSET A .. UGHlWEIGHT EMBANKMENT PROPOSED RETAINING WALL -L- STA 2.4+50 TO 28+52 RT .. SEE INSET A .. TYPICAL SECTION NO.3 NA1\JRAL GIlOUND .--::.......'3,\~ USE TYPICAL SECTION NO.2 -L- STA 23+50.00 TO STA 2.4+50.00 -L- STA 35+00.00 TO STA.42 +.43.10 NOTE: SEE TYPICAL SECTION NO.3 FOR RETAINING WALL LOCATION USE TYPICAL SECTION NO.3 -L- STA 2.4+50.00 TOSTA 28+48.94 (BEG. BRIDGE) . NOTE: SEE SHT 2- FOR DETAILS OF LIGHTWEIGHT EMBANKMENT UGHlWEIGHT EMBANKMENT LIMITS -L- STA 25+25 TO BEG. BRIDGE c '" ," ~ +: '" -0 '; IS> I<) 0- N .0 v<: "r.o ~~ c<Y- g~ ';-"6 sg -,~ ,/ N'i: C1 11--2" 89. 5B C2 VAR 89.5B D1 21--2" 119.0B D2 VAR I19.0B E1 4" B25.0B E2 VAR B25.0B J 6" ABC T EARTH U EXI8T W WEDGE _ NATU~ GRO~D cr. SUlVEY DETAIL SHOWING METHOD OF WEDGING · ADD 3.0' FOl GUAIlDRAlL 'S'-O" It -l- (SR 1222) 12'-0'" S'-O'" 12'-0'" 4' '" P.S. GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO.4 8'-0" '-0'" 6'-0" PlOJI!GT R!1'l1l!NC! NO, 8-2950 lONJWAY DESIGN eNGlN!S 8'-0" NATURAL GROUND ---- USE TYPICAL SECTION NO..4 -l- STA 31 +51.06 (END SlUDGE) TO STA 35 + 00.00 . 8'-0" I GRADE . {POINT 0.08 0.02 1/ 0,02 0.08 FVf'I' FVf'I' ' """~. ~ ~1..... _",,~G_~ ~ ~ ~'""''''''''"'!. GRADE TO THIS UNE TYPICAL SECTION NO.5 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO.5 -OlV- STA 10+12.0010 STA 13+75.00 {i a. ..;. '7;j '" " ~ '" to a- N.. .D.. "'~ ;;;~~ -= ",/<I g~ ~""U({) ZO:::J :::J 0.. -,~.. ~~{:I) - ~.. m ~~ ~ Vl ~~~ ~~ '" '" GARY R. 60ULW ARE DB ~B5, PG, 2~9 DB 31B, PG. SSG <MAP) rREt )AKI WOODS -L- PI Sto 13+2975 ~.. (j 29' 38,J. (f(f) D .. (115'000 L .. 197.59' T .. 98.80' R or 22.918.3r SE - EXIST 1.1) ,.. B-29S0 -L- POC STA.12+S0.00 18' 8ST 12'-16' G7G (TV " (' ir - ---" -:-:- - -~ - . )' cpp~\ ~\ ~~ C/JNAL 250' TAIEl LT . IT - - - - ",. 07\ I E/P - -WLc~ ,ANTER 8> ' "'O~=- ----. } ~,,\ 8> J ~ 1 " ~o?:-\ GJ :~: ~ J< ~ , 8> ETHEL YN L. EVANS' '~0~ U DB 295. PG. 10 : : WOODS?;;6!J 2\6.56' ~ -~ \ ,'i4'fTh'11'W WLB __ 'NLB ~ - '" '" '" '" J< '" '" WL6 ;. '" UARSH '" J< '" L '_""""/~-E. WL6 . i= -DRV- PI Sto /0+33.00 A" sg 59' 235" (RTJ D - Zl~ 50' 13.4" L - 32.98' T - 21.DO' R - 21.DO' SE - EXIST ;. PIl0JECT REFERENCE NO, 8-2950 SH!I!T NO, 4 ~~ ~<S~ ~~" HYDlAIJUCS I!NGlN!!R "'-. -, , 1f(6) >jo J< J< '" '" 1.1) N Q N'" '" '" ,. J< EGRESS, INGRESS-REGRESS OVER SOIL ROAD TO EDGAR EVANS PRDPERTY DB 112, PG, 2~ ,. :!I- "'0 0", :!I- LILLIAN FLOR~ STEWART. HEIRS D6 75, PG, 405 'RESERVAT<ON' 06 7<, PG, 540 <MAP) '" '" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DB 4GB, PG, 455 DB 7<, PG, S40 <MAP) ,. MARSH -DRV- PTSto.IO+44.98 '" :!I- . - p WL6 .p- ~'::-1L/~G-::-:- - - -'--P- - - ViLB WUl 25" p'/, ~ \~\ ' eo ",..., ~ " 't \~ e~ <Zl "'\ I '0 e% q =: \~\., ~ 'l,,,, 'e, ~ 0 - I ~ t:.1,,/. ~ Ef>- . \~ . WOODS '0 "{l 'I' . II -: ~ "/, {]) I {])"'{])'I'~ JJ 'i' {])'1'0'1'0 E IR'("~~ 0,75' .J. ~ --1. ,. J< - 7 PINC 40+54.5S LB: PlNC 5+00.00 LA -L- ST A 15+21.88 14.59' RT. J< '" -WLD' J< llAASH o J< ,ROGERS L. TICE, EST A TE DB 75, PG, 402 DB 71. PG, 540 <MAP' - wtfr J< J< jo. ,. MARSH J< M/JRSH It) tu w J: en WW z~ ::::io J:C! ~8 ~j; N ~ i J< ,. jo. J< J< . WLB F Yilll ~ --_f'_-- - -f' CloNAL -wl& Wl& jo. jo. :!I- ,. '" '" J< ~ F ---p-- p WLO' 'II't:6 =-wt:6 LwLS- -...l'ILS s-JifID'l/J7" 58 I TULLS CREEK RD. I~ ;c ::: ~~....... - F - - T r- - ----p "- _ NOli: t;,l'io1lr.t:+~ ~ 24+10 lOCK .....TBI lIB! Cloa II!CTIONI) -'11\..13- Wl& 150' TAFEl LT. IT F- - CloNAL a + -wt:B- ----;r- -Wl~ :!I- *," :!I- '" <..... ~'/) ,/ - WLS----- jo. BL- S PINe 12+53.31 -L- STA 22+75.20 13.2f RT. ' '" jo. JlMSH J< J< ,. J< :!I- SIG hm 2<4+50 to bridge P.S. = PAVED SHOULDER FOR -L- & -:-DRV- PROFILES SeE SHEET 7 & 8 DESIGN EXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR MIN. HORIZONTAL CURVE RADIUS (6101 AND HORIZONTAL STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE (308'). . {i 0- u::i l '0 ~ <Sl LO rr N.. .JJ.. "'~ ~~~ -0.:;: "'.....<I: O~ ~~~ ZO:J :::10$ -, ~.. ~r: ~'1' 'tv -r~ "). 0. q., ~ r ,-.\ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~\'" '" '" '" ~/. '" \"'< ~'" '"0"'", . '" ~ ::4: ~ j: ~ "~ ~,"''< '" .~. '* ~ 1 ~ \:, '" "'~'<8.u'r:> '" '~:{,'?? 'f1 '" '" ~ '" -ORl- PI510 14+36.86 6 - 147' 15' 55.4' (LT) o = /9(159' 09.3' L = 77 Jf T = 102J5' R = JeJ:XY SE = SEE PLANS '" .~ \ \ ~\\ ~<9 ~ '\ \ \ EGRESS, INGRESS-REGRESS;, ~ OVER SOIL ROAD TO '" l' EDGAR EVANS PROPERTY ~~ ""q, 08 112. PC. 24 f:\ ~ ~ o ~~ LILLIAN FLORA STEWART. HEIR\' DB 75. PG, 405 'RESERVATION' DB 71, PG, 540 (MAPCV \ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~:"o.. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE '(" '0 DB 468, PG, 455 ... M ".eo. ""'''" \ t '" 'e '<> ~ ~ '" '" ... ... '" '" ... '" '" '" ... END BRIDGE '" -l.F 5fo. 31+5/1)6 '" END. APPR 5LAB -L - 5fo.31+751)6 '" ... ... -11'1:8------.. ok '!fo~ -ORV- PC5to./3+3472 ... 8'" ROGERS L. TICE. EST ATE DB 75, PG, 402 DB 71, PC. 540 (MAP) k49S.ly END RETAINING WN.< Ij -L - 510. 28+52+/- LT & I Ii>' ~ C; ~ " r.; !ti ,q~ .! $.?! R ~ " c.., O'~ ~ ,., "'i C ~;>:- ~ ." V, ~ Clan 'I' Rip Rap Un.w BrIdge Only SlNclure Pay Item BL- 5 PINe 21+53.07 -L- STA 31+74.06 13.90'RT. ~ I;) I;) (;J~V: BOAT . G RAMP '1'0'1'0'1'0'1'0'1'0'''0'1'0'''0'''0'1'0'1'0'1'0'1'0'1'0>1, L1GIH WOODS 8 !ND APPI. SIAl -I,- ITA 31+75,06 ~ND lllO -I,- ITA 31 +51,06 = , "' E. F, HUMPHRIES, JR, DB 115, PC, 627 DB 70, PC, 364 WILL BK. B, PC. 299 WILL BK, 7. PG, 27B -L- -L- PI510 32+07.58 6 = 24' 4J' J57" (LT) o - 9" 2J' J3.!1' L - 26325' T - IJ37r ~ R - 6IOJ:XY SE = SEE PLANS I'IlDJECT REfI!RENCE NO, B-2950 WoN SHEET NO, JDMlWAY D!SIGN ENOINEU SH!IT NO, 5 HYDIAULICJ !NGlN~1!R ~~ ~Z\ '" 8 E. F. HUMPHRIES. JR. ... DB 115, PC. 627 it) DB 70, PC, 364 WILL BK, 8, PC, 299 ...M WILL BK. 7. PG. 278 ... ... '" '" '" ... '" 01< ... '" '" ::t: ,,~...v~ ~"'~ ... ~"p ... ... ... '" CLn..T. -0 Iii IU :::c V) lUlU Z~ ::::ig J:. ~g ~~ CO) ~ i ... ... EXIST R/W - Special Cut 'V' Ditch See Detail 'C' SPECIAl. ~S.""E IIlOt' to SOCIItI ..:Jt~ ii'"' _A~ D'U'.. ~ --~ 8.2.0 Ft. PROM 31+50 TO 33+50 lIT, DET AIL C SPECIAL DITCH (Not to Scolel Front Natural --L '1\0<"< Slope Ground ,:/ 0 ~'P~ln. O..1.r1. o 'E 'lYPl!11I I&G >>PI. SIAl -I,- ITA 21+ 2"','", erA/NINO WA/J. P.S. = PAVED SHOULDER FOR -L- & -DRV- PROFILES SEE SHEET 7 & 8 ~ DESIGN EXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR MIN. HORIZONTAL CURVE RADIUS (610/) AND HORIZONTAL STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE (308/). PC ITA 31 +33.17 SKETCH OF PAVEMENT IN RELAnON TO BRIDGE WIDTH LESTER INTERPRISES,INC DB 170, PO, 765 DB liB, PC, 350 (MAP) DB 142, PC, 5B <MAP> . o It) tu w J: II) WW z~ ::10 J:~ ug ~~ C") ~ J I LESTER "'TERPRISES.IIC De no. Pel. '65 De IS, PG. 350 alAI') De 142. PG. 58 lMAl'l .c '" a. W l -0 '; <Sl II) <r 2l: ~~ ';;'.LW -= <<>/<I: g~ ~]~ S~~ ~ri " :;; o :8 16 '0 o o o ELMER M. WALKER DB 112. PG, 540 DB 352, PG, 666 c """ 15" 17 o lilt o ~~ ~\ E, F, HUMPHRIES, JR, DB 115, PG, 627 DB 70. PG, 364 WILL BK. B, PG. 299 WILL BK, 7, PG, 278 "l ~ Sl o '" Special Cut 'Y' Ditch if s.. o.tall 'C' & o ~ &-:-- \\' . 1/'. C ~ WOODS Q + +4 45' J(}' SR /222 TUILS CREEK RD. 2=' ULll r;OSR Cl{~~ffU~~ 41/ >' c II 1..\ I~I 0 ~ II II 0 1;) 1;) 1;) 1;) BL- 4 PINe 32+86.72 -L - ST A 43+06.91 14.55' RT. END TIP PROJECT B-29S0 -L- STA. 42 + 43.10 o D TAIL C SPECiAl DITCH (Not to Scale) Front No1u....al --1.. lJ"o< 'e< Slope Gt'ound 'II 0 ~\d'~n. O-J...rt. PROM 3-4+21 TO .42+-43,10 LT. FROM 3-4+15 TO .42+-43.10 !!T. I'ROJ~ UI'I!UNC! NO, 8-2950 SH!!T NO. 6 HYDIlAUUCS !NGIN!B. P.S. = PAVED SHOULDER FOR -L- PROFILE, SEE SHEETS 7 & 8 ..r DESIGN EXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR MIN. HORIZONTAL CURVE RADIUS (610') AND HORIZONTAL STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE (308'). ,. ?n 1n n _1n _?n _':In 11 ?n 1n n - C 0\ ~ 9- :n " ~ <SI to rr N -" "'~ "'0 ~O <.<Y.: 00 ~ _':In ZO ",0 Z~~ 25 _1n _?n :tttt fill ~ +H+ 12 13 _H ~ '...,.,.:=?~I~~',:fmPR..w41p.!P~T1.!..".. ~ i liSlGW: ~ RSC~~j ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~j ~ ~j;; ~ ~ ~ ~~; ~ ii/A) ~ ~ ~;;: i; i::: .: ::' e;',. H,$'$ H,~~NN' .:.:: .:FitIW'. ~',~':' ': "OIJf. .', >,t~, ~:.":A~H:l" :~',. .:. .:' .,.', ..:'. ':' .': .': .:'~'IO iR.$: = <U' =:..: uVJ:O .><:..311"F1'..... .. BASE .tJiSijfiARGE.........=....... '...' 'N/A :i~~.'~ft~~id1!,!!..!..... ...~.i;;~.!~~li. : Wti'#dP'PiNii tiiSc.i:t.ihiit.'.ii.iiiA H H ++++ fNElffXJPP/N(f FltEOOENCt '#k.i+ Y#.$. ,.0i~~~/~G..A~~~..i!;;;.:1~f!yn PI...~..215+1&."OO ~~r~~1~ml.:i.' I 26 27 +H+ +++t ~ 14 15 16 .' .::~:: . 'J!: it. EL;;;]I~32k.=. K.:i;C7T:: H" H' :...::.::.......r.:::::::.::: . +H+ 28 29 30 1,IB.g!!I! ++++ 17 IIB.g!i!l! m II a 31 :tttt ++++ 18 ++++ - 32 +H+ +l-I-l- 19 ~ ++++ 33 -++++ 20 II 34 .N.EXCIP.T1~N..REQUIRED...F.OR............:.:....:,:......:::...:.:: !:;!.~~;;~~tltl~~~~;~:t:~;;t~:~~~~~!!(~~~I~.. LEFT orrCH . - . RIGHT orrCH - - -- -- - 11II +t+H- +t+H- It II e SEE SHEET 4 FOR -L - AJ../GNUENT mmIi 22 23 I-l-I--l+ 21 ++++ ++++ P.I"~"34+80"OO ~\t~~=a~('.... ++++ I ::t.:l:I:t:!: -1-1-++ +H+ ++++ PIl0J!CT R!I'I!R!NC~ NO, I IH!I!T NO. 8-2950 I 7 ... ++++ ~ ::Q::I:j: 24 SEE SHEET 5 FOR -L - ALIGNMENT 35 37 II _..=1 I 36 38 ::Q::I:j: ++++ 20 10 R o _In -20 ....30 25 ?n 1n n =P.-I+ _1n _20 _':In .. 0" 0" "- "" N "- II) ?n 1n n _1n _?n _'':In c {JI ~ ~ -0 ~ 1SI LO 0" N .Jl ,...<:: "'0 .;';1; .v.:: 00 o. 'i"g 5~ ~t 1n n _1n 38 lIB :m:! ++++ f:j::j::j:j: 10 11 - , I::: ,":." ~~ , ' :tl:tI: :tl:tI: ++++ Bi ~ 39 40 41 8............m.............,... . ",.....'..'m....'II..F/... .,. .,. .,.,., ,',. ................. ....... ... u....... .............. .......-........ ...... .. ........ ............... ................. ..... ".' ....... ............... ...............- ...... .... ... ,.. ...... .............-.. ................. ........ .... ... on ..... ................ ...............__ ........ ... .... ,on .... ................. ..............-.- ......... ... ... .... ... ................. ..........-...... ............ ........ ................. ................. ............ ........ .................. : :iiiiiMiIiiiI : : : : : ; : : , : : : , ' : : iiiiiMiIiiiI : .......-._......~ ....... .... ... ....... .................. ........--....... .... .... ....... ..................... ................. ..... .... ....... .....-............... ......----_...... .....-. ..... ......- -................... ..........--..... .......... ...... ...... .-................... .. ........ --.. .........-.......................... ..... -......,.............. .....-................................................ ............. .... .................... .. I I +l-H ~. iW 12 13 ++t+ -l-l-I-+ :i:i:l:t 42 14 III ~ 43 +l-l+ . ++H-+ ::j::j:j:j: ++++ -I+H ++++ f:j::j::j:j: :1::i::ttI:!: i\:l:i ilit:l: _~,~~1~1~i:iiiiiiii:...........~: ~Il~ .lIq~~;o,~:r:~~.: ~'fI)P,=~~~ .tlI.~It~: ./):J:~:r:A.tf~.. .(~q~'l; LEFT DffCH - - - - - RIGHT DffCH - - - -- -- -l-l-I-+ -l-l-I-+ 1'Il0JeGT R!I'I!RENC! NO. I IH!!T "lO, 8-2.950 I 8 ~~ - :t:m SEE SHEET 6 FOR -L - AUGNMENT ++++ +H+ +H+ -l-l-I-+ +++H- -++-H :j:j::j::j: :i:i:l:t SEE SHEET 4 & 5 FOR -DRoI- ALIGNMENT Ie +H+ :W:t:l: C 0\ ~ "- l " ~ lSl In 0- N '.. .!l.. r--~ ~~ U)/<I: O~ 0,,,, ~""U(.I) Z O::J ::JO.. -, c.. ~~: t . ~O. .210 PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. -295( X-1 II ++++ :!::I:l:t +++I- ++++ ++++?- M ++++ ++++ ++++ -H+I -tttt :l:!:l:t ++++ - I ++++ -H+I .J-++I-I. ++++ ..J+l.-I-+ +t+t ++++ :j::i:j:I: ::t:I:ti eM ~ II ~ II -H+I +J:I:j: :t:t:t:t: :!tl:I: ~ W -H+I ++++ -I-I-Wl- II II ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ::t:I:ti ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ::j:j:j:j: =i-l+J- M :H:l;l:; $j;:j:$ dd,-hl; #++ +H+ -l-H1o ::t:I:ti -H4+ -t+tt +t+t - a ++++ :!+I-I - ++++ ++++ ++++ ~~ 11 II C 01 'l Q. l "0 ~ tsl Ln '" N '.. -".. "'~ ~~~ -o::E ",/<I O~ ~~~ ZO::J ::J 0.. --, c.. ~'f: t.~O.:IO PROJ. REfERENCE NO. SHEET NO. - x- +H+ W :j:\::j:j: ~ +t+t +++1+ +H+ ..j4..j.j. +t+t -4+H :j::.j:p +H+ +H+ II ++++ ++++ +t+t tJ:t:j: -4+H +++++ ++++ EM ++++ ++++ mt: tJ:t:j: :I:::l::I:t :1-1::I::I: :IW +l+I- +l+I- +H+ ++++ :t.m oHoH- +H+ :!:l:l:I:t :I:I:l:I: W :J::I:l:tt :!:tl:l: ++++ +t+t .~ +t+++ :I:I:tI: :J:I::l::j: tJ:t:j: ++++ +l+I- ~ :p::J:J: +H+ ++++ +H+ +t+t +1-1-+ -l-I-U- +t+++ . ++++ +t+t ++++ +t+t +H+ ++++ +H+ +H+ -- :j:j:U :j:j:j:j: :t:!:I:l ++++ I it 1 g: "- "" . N "- '" c en ~ 0. l " ~ 1SI If) 0" N '.. .0.. "'~ ~~ <,0/<[ g~ ~lJV) Z c=> => 0., ...,c., ~'f: t.~O.:IO PR.OJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. -~ x- -H-H+ :j::j:j:j: :!:l:I:l: m::i+ +H+ ++t+ :J::I:I:j::I: I -1+1+ +++++ +++++ -H-H+ ++++ +H+ +++++ ++++ I .~ -1+1+ -++++ :j:j:I:j:: -1+1+ +H+ -1+1+ +H+ -H-H+ ++++ -H-H+ . .m:+- ~ I ++++ II -1+1+ W I I B I I 0" 1 0" " "" 11 ~ CO c Cl :3 a. l " ~ "" to '" ('oJ '.. -".. OO~ ;'t;~~ -0:>: ",/<I O~ ~~~ Z O:J :J 0.. " c.. ~i:: t . ~O. .210 PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. - 9 x- . :l:t:l:l: ........ ......... ......... ++++ ++++ ++++ W m ++++ ++++ -++++ +++++ ++++ +I:j::j: 00 :\::I:l:!:I :j::I:j::j:j: :I:I:!:!:t :J:t:I::I::I ++++ -++++ ++-1+1- ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ :I::l:!:l: :j::j:j:j:: ++++ :l:m W 'R=H- 1I~I!m ++++ :t::I:tl: :t::I:tl: :f:l# ~ ++++ ++++ ++++ +I:j::j: -J...I-I.+.l. ++++ ::l:I:I:t ++++ ++++ ++-1+1- ++++ ++++ -++++ :J:I:I:I: +I-J-l- ++++ ++++ ......... ~ tm :I::l:!:l: ++++ ++++ ++H - ,..- R I B I ~ !I 0- 1 0" -... M . ('oJ -... (X) c Ol " a. l " ~ lSl II) CJ' N '., .0., ao~ ~~~ -0:>: u>/<I: O~ 0,,., ";'l-gu; 50~ -, c., ~i:: t. ~O. :10 PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. - 9 x- ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++l ++++ II II II -- ++++ :t:I:I:l: ++++ - . ~ ~ ~ ++++ m ::j:j:j::j: :l:lli :t:I:l:I:I: +HlDI II ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ :t:I:I:l: ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +t-t+ ~ gg ., . :tJ::t:I:I: :i::l:t!: :l:lli +++- ++++ :t:I:I:l ++++ ++-H+ M M #l+I :t:I:I:l -+-1-14 +1-1-I ~ - -- -- ~ IE -CJ' CJ' "- ("l . ~ ao c '" '1 1 " ~ IS> In U' N '.. "'.. U'-:;,. ~~~ -= "".....<t O~ O'W '(l'U(J) ZO::J ::J 0.. ..., c.. ~i:: t . ~O. .210 PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. ~ x- ~ 0 UNDERCUT EXCAVATION +H-t ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ . . -l+H-f :I:l:I:I:!: ++++ I III w :!:t:i:j: ++++I- ++++ +H-t - -H-H- -1-1+I- W tI:I:!: -H+++ +++-i-t ++++ ++++ W M +H-t. . mm :l:l:I:t -I-+-l-l- +H-t -H+I +++-H- ++++ +++H- +++t I -l+H-f ++++ .1 - +++t tI:I:!: +++H- ++++ ++++ +H-t :l:l:I:t -I-I-I-t :+:I+I-!- +++H- m . ;Wi -- +++t +H-t ++++ +t+t ~I II 'f c '" -q , 'ii l " \ IS! lO a- N '", -"", "'~ ;;;~~ - OJ[ <,0/<1: O~ O'W ~1J(/) Z "=> => 0", -, c'" ~i:: ~. ~O 2,0 PROJ. REfERENCE NO, SHEET '" X- - !II" UBI -i 0 R5QQQI UNDERCUT +H- +++++- Ii :!::l:l:i:t I I ;CA;nOg :u:o: ++++ :!:l:tl: ++++ ::lttn :j:j:j::j:l: M :j::j:j:j:F :J:l:I:I: +m .J-.l-l-l- ++++ ++++ :!:I:tl: 1M :I#!$ :;::;+j: := ++++ ++++ :!:I:I:t: :i:l:I:j: +l++ :j:j:j::l: wt -I-lII++ -1-1-+-I- ++++ +++t- +J:j::j: :tt!:!: III III 11II ++++ :j:j:j:!: I -1-1-+-I- ++++ ++++ - 1l:U :!:I:I:t: ++++ =l+I-I- ++++ ++++ ++++ 00 +m :!:t:l:t .J-l..I..l.+ -H++ ++++ - . -t-ttt :!:t:l:t . Mm .-, ~ ~ :tl::I:t u..i- -W-h ++++ ++++ II Ii -f g: "- "" .N "- ro c '" :3 , a. l " ~ IS> l!) <r N '", .0.. "'~ ;; ~~ -0.::;: cD'''' O~ O,W ~""U(j) Z 0::> ::> 0.. ..., c'" ~i:: t . ~O. .2,0 PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. - x-a ++++ ++t+t- M ++++ ++++ :j::j:j:j:j: +J:j::j: #1:1: :llil: II ++++ +H-I+ ~ Ii :t:I:I+ ++++ :l:l:I:t:t:!: :j:j::j:j:: +I+l-I-1I ++++ ++tt #1:1 ++++ ++H4 tttt ++++ :t.w:t: ++1# t!:I:l: ~ ++t+t- ++++ ++++ +++++ III ++++ :j:j::I:j:j: :j::j:j:j:j: ++tt ++++ 00 ++++ +++H- -H++ ++++ -I+H M - ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ :!:ttId .- ++++ :\::1::I::W m ++++ ++++ +ttt :tttt ++++ ++++ I :I::l:l::I: I. :li g f C 01 :3 a. l " \ lSl U) 0- N '", .0", (]'I~ ;;;~~ -= ",/([ O~ O,W ,":,,-olj) z O=> => 0", -, c'" ~i:: , t. ~O. :10 PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET .... - 0 X-g +A4 ~ mt: :I:t:l:t 1+t+ -I-J..+.l.+ 1+t+ mt: +W-l- ::):I:!:!: -I-4+l- -I-J..+.l.+ -I-J..+.l.+ 1+t+ 1+t+ :tI:l::l: :J:t:I:J:t:I: :$ll;;I;I g ++++ ++++ +t+t 00 :l:t:I:l: -I-I-l+ :Q:J:l -J-W-l- +++H- -I-4+l- -H+H+ .. I - . -I-4+l- M :!:t:I:l: ++++ ,#;g: tI:m :I:I:l:I: +H'I' "I"H+ -I-4+l- ++++ -I-4+l- ++++ ++++ ++++ - ill! .. ++++ ++-i+ +t+t :l:tl:t ~ +H+ ID ++++ ++++ ~ :j:j::I:j: :j:j::I:j: :j:j::I:j: - II - -I-4+l- -I-J..+.l.+ -J-W-l- 1+t+ ++++ -I-J..+.l.+ -i+l+ -t+H-t +H+ ::f:1:I+ :l+I+l: 00 II . ~ _.- - I I I tl1tt cr _f" ~ '" N " ;;, c '" -q , Q. l " ~ '" '" <r N '.. -".. O~ ~~ ",/<[ O~ O,W <';J"U(J) ZO=> => 0.. -, c.. ~i:: t.~O.:IO PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. -~ X-1 ~ +HIlI- -l-l-I-l- -l-l-I-l- ml: :l:!:l:l: -l-l-I-l- -l-l-I-l- -++H- -++H- ++++ ~ . -t'I'Ht: . +t+t :1m -l-l-I-l- -t++++ +H+ +i+I- +i+I- 00 -J..I-l..!. +R-l- -l-l-I-l- -t++++ +i+I- +++++ +t +i+I- $I$F .j=FFf mt: -t++++ ~ tI:m :j:j:I:j: -t++++ ++++ -l-l-I-l- +H+ :l:!:l:l: Ii :l:!:l:l: -++H- +H+ +H+ tt:l+ :l:!:l:l: -++H- . =++++ ~ +i+I- +i-++ ..u.uJ. ttil; cH-Jd, -;l:;I::tt. W W +ltI= - I ;j:;;j;jj; M ;tl;;l:l; ~ #t:I; ~ #j:j; ~ *+# "H"I"l' . ++++i- +14-10 :j:t:i:!: ++++ ++m I :tm 'g I I ttt . g: ..... '" "N ..... '" c '" 11 , 1 " ~ '" "' 0- N '.. .n.. O~ :Q ~~ -0::;: ",/<1: O~ ~.atx z 0::> OJ 0.. -, c.. ~i:: t.~O.:IO PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. - X-l1 +l=I+ :+:+.14- +H+ -I-l-I44- ~ ++++ ++++ +++?- 1m ~ -H+t i:!:t:I: ++++ ++++ +H-t+ :ItI:I: :l:tltt ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +H++ II +++I- -H+t ++++ +++1+ ++++ +++I- tI:l:!: . :l:I:l:i: -H+t ++++ fj:j::J+ II ++++ :ItI:I: ++m :ItI:I: ++++ ++++ ++++ +++I- +++1+ ~ +t+t ~ +++1+ :lW . Wfi II $I; cbIoI+ -I-I-I-t -hI-l-l- :t:t:I:I:!: :ti:l::t:t +i+I- =FR-Fl' i!:I:!: ~ :tt:i:t: :l:tl:tt +H-t+ tit!: I fH*t- If fP "- ("1 ",N "- OJ . (J" (J" "- '" ~'" " OJ I:1:I:tI: c '" 'l a. x ~ ~ <Sl Lfl (J" ~: 04> ~~~ - a:L ",/<1: g~ ~-]~ SO;; -, c.. ~r: ..w..u. = ++++ ++++ I-l-l- >+++ ++++ ++++ +t+i' ::!:I:tl ++++ ++++ :l::I:l:t ++++ ++++ +++++ . +++++ ++++ dlI+I -.- . ++++ +++ti I-J+I-l. +++ :ti:I:!: +m ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++ff ++++ m ++++ o :j:j:l:t:I PROJ. REFERENCE NO. -I-I-l-l- +i++ SHEET NO, X-1 -l-l+I4 +++++ -+++++ -++++ ...J...I+j. ++++ ++++ :ti:I:!: m ~ ~ :tWtt