HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG050229_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20181219PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE DOC DATE STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS HISTORICAL FILE - MONITORING REPORTS ❑ �1 � I d 1 �I YYYYMMDD STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. I �V C� L � U OS � DOC TYPE 1 ❑ HISTORICAL. FILE MONITORING REPORTS DaC DATE ❑ 6f�D 3 � YYYYMMDD Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCG050229 Effective: 06/01/18 Expiration: 05131/23 Owner: Sealed Air Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Sealed Air Corporation County: Caldwell 2075 Valway Rd Region: Asheville Lenoir NC 28645 Contact Person: Teresa Cornett Title: Phone: 828-726-2100 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection pate: 1211912018 Entry Time: 11;00AM Exit Time: 12:00PM Primary Inspector: Isaiah L Reed Phone: 828-296-4614 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Permit Inspection Type: ApparellPdntinglPaper/LeatherlRubber Stormwater Discharge COG Facility Status: Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page: 1 permit: NCGO50229 Owner - Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Date: 1211912018 Inspection Type : Technical Assistance Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: On December 19, 2018 this facility was inspected in response to a representative outfall status request. I met with Teresa Cornett on site. No issues were noted on site, and ROS has been granted for the facility. Outfalls 2 and 3 are now considered representative for the purpose of analytical monitoring for vehicle maintenance. If you have any questions, please contact this office at (828) 296-4614 Page: 2 Permit: NCG050229 Owner - Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection date: 1211912018 Inspection Type : Technical Assistance Reason for Visit: Routine Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? M ❑ ❑ ❑ # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the division? ❑ 110 ❑ # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Page: 3 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 829-728-0149 Client: Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir_ NC 28645 Attention: Seth Bradshaw Date Received: 2')-Apr-18 Report Date: 14-May-18 Sample Date: 23-Apr-18 BRL #: BRL-2018-0238 Lab Sample ID: LS[D-2018-01120 Client Sample ID: Outfall 2 Parameter Oil &: Grease Reported By: Result MQL 5 S. hnson, U.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted - NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page I of 4 blueridgelabslenoirCgrnaiixom Unit Method mgll 1664-A O&G Analysis Analysis Time Date Si2.+2018 Received JUN 2 9 2018 Land Quality Section 4snevil;e Analyst WtrQlty 0 .Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgelabslerlafr@gmaii.com Client : Scaled Air Corporation PO [lox 1018 I-euoir, NC 28645 Attention: Seth Bradshaw Date Received: 23-Apr-18 Report Date: 14-May-18 Sample Date: 23-Apr-18 BRL 0: BRL-2018-0238 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2018-01121 Client Sample ID: Dutfall 2 Analysis Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Time TSS # 10 mg/I 2540D 1997 11:14 PH 6.8 HT 0.1 Su 4500H+13 200 14:45 Settleable Solids * 0.1 ml!1 SM19 15:42 Reported By. S. hnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except whem noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Paee 2 of 4 Analysis Date 4127,'2018 4/23i2018 4/2.3r2018 Analyst KCJ KCJ KCJ Blue Midge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-72"149 blueridgelabslenoir@gmaii.com Client : Sealed Air Corporation 1'O Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Seth Bradshaw Date Received: 23-Apr-18 Report Date: 14-May-18 Sample Date: 23-Apr-18 BRL #: BRL-2018-0238 Lab Sample Ill: LSID-2018-01 122 Analysis Analysis Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst 0it & Grcase « 5 mg'I 1664-A O&G 5i2:2018 WtrQlty Reported By- S. nson, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Liinit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 3 of 4 Received JUN 2 9 2018 Land Quality Section Asheville a Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Seth Bradshaw Date Received: 23-Apr-18 Report Date: 14-May-18 Sample Date: 23-Apr-18 6RL #: BRL-2018-0238 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2018-01 123 C6e Satntr3e �D�eutialIMAWM Parameter TSS PH Settleable Solids Result MQL 10 T2 HT 0.1 0.1 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Analysis Unit Method Time mg1l 2540D 1997 11:15 su 4500H+B 200 14:47 m111 SM19 16:14 Analysis Date Analyst 4,127/2018 KCJ 4/23/2019 KCJ 4/23/2018 KCJ ReCei red JUN Z 9 2018 tand 4jlalit Asi)ev 1i 1, ection Reported Bv: t3hn son, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are bellow Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 4 of 4 ,vet A Reset t 7 9 tivision of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources r 47, seetl)n Stormwater Program p,lzeu 'National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Environmental REPRESENTATIVE OUTFALL STATUS (ROS) Qkjawy FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Data Rucciycd Year FMonth I day RECEIVED JUN27Z018 If a facility is required to sample multiple discharge locations with very similar storriiriidt*tyUfs1Chg1W&ltk permittee may petition the Director for Representative Outfall Status (ROS). DEQ may grant Representative Outfall Status if stormwater discharges from a single outfall are representative of discharges from multiple outfalls. Approved ROS will reduce the number of outfalls where analytical sampling requirements apply. If Representative Outfall Status is granted, ALL out falls are still subject to the qualitative monitoring requirements of the facility`s permit —unless otherwise allowed by the permit (such as 11ICGO20000) and DEQ approval. The approval letter from DEQ must be kept on site with the facility's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The facility must notify DEQ in writing if any changes affect representative status. For questions, please contact the DEQ Regional Office for your area (see page 3). (Please print or type) 1) Enter the permit number to which this ROS request applies: Individual Permit (or) Certificate of Coverage N" ,C `i N C ::G10 5 10 12 12 19 2) Facility Information: Owner/Facility Name Sealed Air Facility Contact Teresa Cornett Street Address 2075 Valway Road City Lenoir State NC ZIP Code 28645 County Caldwell E-mail Address teresa.cornett@sealedair.com Telephone No. 828 726-2100 Fax: 828 754-0580 3) List the representative outfalls) information (attach additional sheets if necessary): Outfall(s) 1,10.0.8 is representative of Outfall(s) 2 Outfalls' drainage areas have the same or similar activities? es ❑ No Outfalls' drainage areas contain the same or similar materials? arles ❑ No Outfalls have similar monitoring results? V es ❑ No ❑ No data* Outfall(s) 7,6,5,4 its representative of Outfall(s) 3 Outfalls' drainage areas have the same or similar activities? ee o No Outfalls' drainage areas contain the same or similar materials? es,- ❑ No Outfalls have similar monitoring results? . [V es ❑ No n No data* Outfall(s) is representative of Outfall(s) Outfalls' drainage areas have the same or similar activities? ❑ Yes a No Outfalls' drainage areas contain the same or similar materials? ❑ Yes ❑ No Outfalls have similar monitoring results? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ No data* *Non-compliance with analytical monitoring prior to this request may prevent ROS approval. Specific circumstances will be considered by the Regional Office responsible for review. Page 1 of 3 SWU-ROS-2009 Last revised 12/30/2009 Representative Outfall Status Request 4) Detailed explanation about why the outfalls above should be granted Representative Status: (or, attach a letter or narrative to discuss this information.) For example, describe flow activities and/or materials are similar. This site has a vehicle maintenance shop. outfalls 1, 10, 9, & a can be represenated by a sample from Outfall 2. Ouffall 2 collects water from the North side of the building where the vehicle maintenance shop is located. Outfali 7, 6, 5 & 4 can be repressenaled by a sample from Outfall 3. Outfall 3 collects water from the North side of the building where the vehicle maintenance shop is located. 5) Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 B(i) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a ruiemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the [Environmental Management] Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). I hereby request Representative Outfall Status for my NPDES Permit. I understand that ALL outfalls are still subject to the qualitative monitoring requirements of the permit, unless otherwise allowed by the permit and regional office approval. I must notify DEQ in writing if any changes to the facility or its operations take place after ROS is granted that may affect this status. If ROS no longer applies, I understand I must resume monitoring of all outfalls as specified in my NPDES permit. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Printed Name of Person Signing: Teresa Cornett Title: Quality Manger/EHS Director Lenoir Plant (Signature of Applicant) W' I)d , I (Dare Signed) Please note; This application for Representative Outfall Status is subject to approval by the NCDEQ Regional Office. The Regional Office may inspect your facility for compliance with the conditions of the permit prior to that approval. Final Checklist for ROS Request This application should include the following items: ❑ This completed form. ❑ Letter or narrative elaborating on the reasons why specified outfalls should be granted representative status, unless all information can be included in Question 4. ❑ Two (2) copies of a site map of the facility with the location of all outfalls clearly marked, including the drainage areas, industrial activities, and raw materials/finished products within each drainage area. ❑ Summary of results from monitoring conducted at the outfalls listed in Question 3. ❑ Any other supporting documentation. Page 2 of 3 SWu-ROS-2009 Last revised 12I30/2009 Representative Outfali Status Request Mail the entire package to: NCDEQ DEMLR at the appropriate Regional Office (See map and addresses below) Notes The submission of this document does not guarantee Representative Outfali Status [ROS) will be granted as requested. Analytical monitoring as per your current permit must be continued, at all outfalls, until written approval of this request is granted by DEQ. Non-compliance with analytical monitoring prior to this request may prevent ROS approval. Specific circumstances will be considered by the Regional Office responsible for review. For questions, please contact the DEQ Regional Office for your area. Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Phone (828) 296-4500 Washington, NC 27889 FAX (828) 299-7043 Phone (252) 946-6481 Fayetteville Regional Office FAX (252) 975-3716 Systel Building, 225 Green St., Suite 714 Wilmington Regional Office Fayetteville, NC 28301-5094 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 433-3300 FAX 9101486-0707 Phone (910) 796-7215 FAX (910) 350-2004 Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave, Winston-Salem Regional Office Mooresville, NC 28115 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Phone (704) 663-1699 Phone (336) 771-5000 FAX (704) 663-6040 Water Quality Main FAX (336) 771-4630 Raleigh Regional Office Central Office 1628 Mail Service Center 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Phone (919) 791-4200 Phone (919) 807-6300 FAX (919) 571-4718 FAX (919) 807-6494 Page 3 of 3 SWU-POS-2009 Last revised 12/30/2009 y ROY COOPER 1 Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN �.z r Secretary WILLIAM E. VINSON, JR Interim Director Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY June 25, 2018 Sealed Air Corporation -Hudson Attention: Vincent White 2001 International Boulevard Hudson, North Carolina 28638 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection i Permit: NCG050229 Caldwell County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Vincent: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection I conducted at the subject facility on June 21, 2018. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (828) 296-4500 or by email at Isaiah.reed@ncdenr.gov. Enclosure: Inspection Report Sincere , Isaiah Reed, CEPSCI Environmental Specialist Land Quality Section State of North Carolina j Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 2090 US 70 Highway I Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 928 296 4500 T f 'I Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NGG050229 Effective: 06/01/18 Expiration: 05131/23 Owner: Sealed Air Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Sealed Air Corporation County: Caldwell 2075 Valway Rd Region: Asheville Lenoir NC 28645 Contact Person: Teresa Cornett Title: Phone: 828-726-2100 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 06/21/2018 Primary Inspector: Isaiah L Reed Secondary Inspector(s): Certification: Phone: EntryTime: 11:00AM Exit Time: 12:30PM Phone: 828-296-4614 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: ApparellPrinting/PaperiLeatherlRubber Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status: [] Compliant in Not Comil Question Areas: ® 5tann Water (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: NCGO50229 Owner - Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Date: 0612112018 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: On June 21, 2018 this facility was inspected for compliance. I met with Vincent White on site. During the inspection, the following items were noted 1) Due to vehicle maintenance on site, analytical monitoring has been done on only 2 outfalls. It is recommended that the facility apply for Representative Outfall Status to address this issue. 2).A number of areas along the rear of the facility, next to the stream were areas of concentrated flow, and could be considered outfalls. It is recommended that a full evaluation be done of these areas to confirm the accuracy of the location and number of outfalls. 3) It is recommended that the permitee evaluate all drainage areas leading to the small pond on site, and pursue eliminating any possibility of stormwater entering the pond. Page: 2 Permit: NCG050229 Owner - Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Date: 06121/2018 Inspection Type ; Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Rauline Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a 3MP summary? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annuatly? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? ❑ ®❑ ❑ Comment: See summary for further information. Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non storrnwater) discharges? m Cl ❑ ❑ Comment - Page: 3 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCGO50229 Effective: 06101 /18 Expiration: 05/31/23 Owner : Sealed Air Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Sealed Air Corporation County: Caldwell 2075 Valway Rd Region: Asheville Lenoir NC 28645 Contact Person: Teresa Cornett Title: Phone: 828-726-2100 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 06121/2018 Primary Inspector: Isaiah L Reed Secondary Inspector(s): Certification: Phone: Entry Time: 11:00AM Exit Time: 12:30PM Phone: 828-296-4614 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Apparel)PdntinglPaper/Leather/Rubber Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: NCGO50229 Owner- Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Date: 0612112018 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: On June 21, 2018 this facility was inspected for compliance. I met with Vincent White on site. During the inspection, the following items were noted: 1) Due to vehicle maintenance on site, analytical monitoring has been done on only 2 outfalls. It is recommended that the facility apply for Representative Outfall Status to address this issue. 2) A number of areas along the rear of the facility, next to the stream were areas of concentrated flow, and could be considered outfalls. It is recommended that a full evaluation be done of these areas to confirm the accuracy of the location and number of outfalls. 3) It is recommended that the permitee evaluate all drainage areas leading to the small pond on site, and pursue eliminating any possibility of stormwater entering the pond. Page: 2 Permit: NCGO50229 Owner - Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Dale: 06/21/2018 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a General Location (l1SGS) map? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? N ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? E ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (Si 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? 0❑ ❑ ❑ # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? 0❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Comment: See summary for further information. Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? N ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Page: 3 „G v� Facility Name: Permit#: t5,�� � � 1, kI Time in/out: Date: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan iOoes the site have a SWPPP? Does the Plan include a General location (USGS) map? Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices”? Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? 'Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? 'Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? Does the Plan include a 13MP summary? Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? .Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? Comments Qualitative Monitoring ;Has the facility conducted its Qualitative monitoring semi-annually? ,omments jHas the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? -omments '*--44 oy- Enerrgy, Mir�gra! and Lauri ftesaur'ecs 5Nv1BONMCNTAL (2unLiTr Yes No NA NE Yes No NA NE Yes No NA NE n '- F1 B Permit and Outfalls Yes Ne NA NE is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at this site? Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? Comments and Others Present: J k MAYiifJ/2rjj8/'THU It '.-2q Any FAX N1, P. 001/001 WATER QUALITY LAB & OPERATIONS, INC. P.O. BOX 1167 BANNER ELK, NC 28604 (828)998-6277 CLIENT. BLUE RIDGE LA138 ADDRESS; P.O. BOX 2940 CITY: LENOIR STATE; NC ZIP 20645 ID#: LOGIN TIME: SAMPLER; RECEIVED DATE: REPORTED DATE-. "ay-1 8 OIL & GREASE 1105 7.2 5.00 MAIL 2-m8v-18 Pi OIL & GREASE 1107 10.4 5.00 MG/L 2-Mat18 PI OIL & GREASE 1120 <5 6.00 MOIL 2-MM18 Pt OIL & GREASE 1.121 <5 5.00 MGA- 2-k4ay-18 Pi OIL & GREASE 1141 <6 5.00 MG/L 2-M2y-18 Pi OIL & GREASE 1173 <5 5,00 MG/L 2-M8y-1 8 1 Pi REPORTED BY,. NC CERTIFIED LAB # 544 PAUL ISENHOUR, SUPERVISOR Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Data Qualifiers The following is a list of data qualifiers used or, Blue Ridge Labs' Reports. Any of the qualifiers may make the data unacceptable for state; reporting. Data qualifiers are found in the results coiumn and their definitions are as follows: * The concentration found is below our minimum concentration value, which is reported in the MQL column. *** The concentration reported is an estimated value. The result is above our highest standard. HT The sample was received out of hold time. IC The sample was received in an improper container. NC The sample was received without proper cooling. NP The sample was received without proper preservatives. IC The sample was received in -an improper container. HS The VOC container was received with headspace present. NR The sample was not run due to lab error. UC Unable to confirm analysis due to insufficient sample being subrntted. D Sample was diluted due to physical problems with the sample. i Value iS an estimate from a library search using the nearest internal standard_ NCA Nor, -certified Analysis Revised -10/21/16 NPDS Reporting Grounds,v.11er eCc(A C9 I -t 1- Inc. BeeRidge Labs, s P.O. Box 2940 Lenoir. NC 296 4i Telephone (928) 728-01 R9 Fax (828) 728-0131 Chain of Custody Sanitary Landfill Hazardous Waste us,ra ttsl Fund Reporutll� Bill 'i'u: 27 ,;5 • t� �'t 1-!� " _, 13rojcct Manic: 1110 NLIrnber: _ Ice Present: Y N I�rr cr ry rlivnc I ah C'Ilyd: Fit+lrl Industrial or QC Notl State Report111Q _ C-Composity G- Grab Sanyple Ifs Sample Type Date Titmt: I" 11 & '11111p 1- R MM °C Field Sulfide Check Y N F& Field Sutffde Present 1 Removed Y N Resid Chlor Field Check Y N Field 3echlorination Y N 131"1 Resid Chlor 1' or A Temp "C' Sampler hlltlilL% Analysis Requested At t A JD5 %l I linquish Bv: Late: Date: 1'1111e: If Ullon submi-ssion al'S.Imples. client abWes that ia%'tticcs are due al the ti nr: uvrk is completed, Open uccounis Eire due 20 days €ullowing invuicc date, A kwance charge of 1.51.l€t:r ntontlt will be imposed on all pAuV accounts. When relinquishing sumplzs to tlluc Rid,ge Labs (BR€.)• buyer uuthnriw,, FIRE, to perform only the Itt7'tlySk inditrued F1bove and u1so agreos Fri pny collection and attorney fcus if the awltint heeontcs delinquou Mue Rklgc I.aHs resm%:s the right to deny ductrmetttaliurt €m my work -where. payment has no hcen made, in eliect rcnderin= that data unsupported ror regnlatcin purposes. BIU. cann:n guararnee shut any rqultunry uuiliorily will aarelit arty work suhlltilwd, therefnrc it is Iltc cticnt•s resttnn;ihility to request on this litrnt apprgpriMe tests, tiC: DI NR teniticd l.ah W275 ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary WILLIAM E. (TOBY) VINSON, JP,. Interim Director January 11, 2018 Sealed Air Attention: Teresa Cornett 2075 Valway Road Lenoir, North Carolina 28645 Subject; Representative Outfall Status Request Sealed Air NPDES Stormwater Permit NCGO50229 Caldwell County Dear Ms. Cornett: Staff with the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources has reviewed your request for a determination that stormwater discharge outfall (SDO) 2 be granted representative outfall status for stormwater outfalls 1,10,9, and 8. Also that stormwater discharge outfall (SDO) 3 be granted representative outfall status for stormwater outfalls 7,b,5, and 4. Based on the information and maps provided and the site visit, we are approving this request. In accordance with 40 CFR §122.21(g)(7), you are authorized to sample outfall numbers 2 and 3 as a representative outfalls. This approval is effective with the next sampling event. Please be reminded that the permit requires Qualitative (visual) Monitoring to be performed at all stormwater discharge outfalls, regardless of representative outfall status. Please remember that any actions you initiate in response to benchmark exceedances as directed in the tiered response provisions of your permit must address all drainage areas represented by SDO 2 and 3, where appropriate. Please append this letter to your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) to document that representative outfall status has been approved. If changes in drainage areas, structures, processes, storage practices, or other activities occur that significantly alter the basis of this approval, representative outfall status is no longer valid. In that case, you should resume sampling at all SDOs, or reapply to this office for representative outfall > Nor; ""•tea North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Asheville Regional Office 12090 US. Highway 70 1 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 828,296.4500 status based on updated i icirmation. If you have any questions c,_-omments concerning this letter, please contact Isaiah Reed at (828) 296-4614. Sincerely, Isaiah Reed, CEPSCI, MS4CECI- Environmental Specialist Land Quality Section Enclosure: Inspection Report North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division cf Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Asheville Regional Office 1 2090 U.S. Highway 70 1 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 828.296A500 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCGO50229 Effective: 06101 /18 Expiration: 05/31/23 Owner: Sealed Air Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Sealed Air Corporation County: Caldwell 2075 Valway Rd Region: Asheville Lenoir NC 28645 Contact Person: Teresa Cornett Title: Phone: 828-726-2100 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): Ori-Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 1211912018 Primary Inspector: Isaiah L Reed Secondary Inspector(s): Certification: Phone: EntryTime: 11:00AM Exit Time: 12:00PM Phone: 828-296-4614 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Permit Inspection Type: ApparellPrintinglPaperfLeatherlRubber Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status: ® Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: ® Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: NCGO50229 Owner - Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Date: 12/1912018 Inspection Type : Technical Assistance Reason for Visit: Routine Permit and Outfalls # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? # Were all outtalls observed during the inspection? # If the facility has representative outfaEl status, is it properly documented by the Division? # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? Comment: Yes No NA NE IN ❑ ❑ ❑ E3 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ 111111 Page: 3 WG,wl;7-9 INVOICE Blue Ridge Labs, Inc. Invoice # 2017- 0325 Date: 5/30/2017 P.O. Box 2940 Lenoir. NC 28645 Phone: 8287280149 Fax: 8287280131 Client: Sealed Air Corporation Bill To: Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 PO Box 950 Lenoir, NC 28645 r Duncan, SC 29334 PO NUMBER LAB REF. ID TERMS i LAB CONTACT ', PROJECT NAME 309 Net 10 Days Steve Johnson Stormwater Analysis Sample Name Outfall 2, Outfall 2 5-9-17 TARGET NAME QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE Oil & Grease 1684-A 2 $50.00 $100.00 pH 2 $5.00 $10.00 Sample Disposal t $2.00 $2.CD Settleable Solids 2 $20,00 $40.OD Total Suspended Solids 2 $15.00 $30.DD Please Remit: $182.00 6AJ AJ L 0-J 5 IA O Kra Upon submission of samples, buyer agrees that Invoices are due at time of delivery. Open accounts are due 20 days following the invoice date. A finance charge of 1.5 % per month will be imposed on all past -due accounts, When relinquishing samples to Blue Ridge Labs, buyer agrees to pay all collection and attorneys fees if the account becomes deiiquent. Blue Ridge Labs reserves the right to deny all QC and support documentation for all open accounts which are greater than 60 days. Additionally, Blue Ridge Labs also reserves the right to inform the appropriate local, state or federal agency that all support documentation is not available due to the failure to the above invoice terms. Data used for compliance purposes will be rendered invalid for reporting until the account is cleared. .flue .Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, JVC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Seth Bradshaw Date Received: 09-May-17 Report Date: 30-May-17 Sample Date: 09-May-17 Bit #-. BRL-2017-0309 Lab Sample LD, LSID-2017-01213 Client Sample ID: Outfal1 #2 Parameter Oil & Grease Result MQL 5.3 5 blueridgela bslenoir@gma il.co m Unit Method mg/I 1664-A O&G Analysis Time Analysis [late 5'3012017 Reported By: 5. VJsoAn,D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are beIow Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 1 of 4 Analyst WzrQtly Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Client : Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Seth Bradshaw Date Received: 09-May-17 Report Date: 30-May-17 Sample Date: 09-May-17 BRL 4: BRL-2017-0309 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2017-01214 Client Sample ID: Outfali #2 Analysis Analysis Parameter Result MQL unit Method Time Date Analyst TSS 17.3 5.1 mg/l 2540D 1997 17:11 5/11/2017 KC7 pH 6.3 HT 0.1 su 4500H- 1H 200 1 1:05 5/9;'2017 KC.! Sculeable Solids * 0.1 mUl SM19 13:15 5:9.2017 KC] Reported By: S. J. J on, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 2 of 4 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Seth Bradshaw Date Received: 09-May-17 Report Date: 30-May-17 Sample Date: 09-May-17 BRL #: BRI_-2017-0309 I,ah Sample ID; LSID-2017-W 21 S Client Sample ID: Outfall #3 Parameter Oil & Create Result MQL * 5 blueridgelabslenolr@gmall.com Unit Method mg/l 1664-A O&G Analysis Analysis Time Date Analyst 5/30/2017 WtrQtly Reported By: ,Q`�° S. J) , nson, D.K. Wessinger Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 3 of 4 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Scaled Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Seth Bradshaw Date Received: 09-May-17 Report Date: 30-May-17 Sample Date: 09-May-17 BRL #: BRL-2017-0309 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2017-01216 Client Sample Ill: OUtfail #3 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Parameter Result MQL Unit Method TsS 12.9 5.1 mg,1 2540D 1997 PH 6.2 HT 0.1 su 45001i+B 200 Settleable Solids * 0.1 niU1 SM19 Analysis Analysis Time Date Analyst 17:12 51111'2017 KCJ 11:08 5i9l2017 KCJ 14:35 5!912017 KCJ Reported By: S. J. nson, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 4 of 4 WATER QUALITY LAB & OPERATIONS, INC. P.O. BOX 1167 BANNER ELK, NC 28604 (828) 898-6277 CLIENT: BLUE RIDGE LABS ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 2940 CITY; LENOIR STATE: NC ZIP 28645 REPORTED DATE: I D#: 30-May-17 Ah{Ai YSIS LSID # : • '.: ANALYSIS i2ESUI.TS::. ::: MQL`.s..: UAfIT.S.:: :': :SAMPLE I_t3CATIaN ANALYSIS::..:INT:.:: - DATE .... . OIL & GREASE 1213 5.3 5.00 MGIL 30-Ma -17 PI OIL & GREASE 1215 <5 5.00 MGIL 30-Ma -17 PI OIL & GREASE 1219 <5 5.00 MGIL 3D-Ma -17 PI OIL & GREASE 1222 <5 5.00 MGIL 30-Ma -17 PI OIL & GREASE 1234 6.1 5.00 MGJL 30-Ma -17 Pi OIL & GREASE 1237 <5 5.00 MGIL 30-Ma -17 PI REPORTED BY: NC CERTIFIED LAB # 544 1 r • PAUL ISENHOUR, SUPERVISOR Data Qualifiers The following is a list of data qualifiers used on Blue Ridge Labs' Reports. Any of the qualifiers may make the data unacceptable for state reporting. Data qualifiers are found in the results column and their definitions are as follows: * The concentration found is below our minimum concentration value which is reported in the MQL column. *** The concentration reported is an estimated value. The result is above our highest standard. HT The sample was received out of hold time. IC The sample was received in an improper container. NC The sample was received without proper cooling. NP The sample was received without proper preservatives. IC The sample was received in an improper container. HS The VOC container was received with headspace present. NR The sample was not run due to lab error. UC Unable to confirm analysis due to insufficient sample being submtted. D Sample was diluted due to physical problems with the sample. J Value is an estimate from a library search using the nearest internal standard. NCA Non -certified Analysis Revised 10/21/16 NPDS Reporting Groundwater Aie Blue Ridge Labs, Inc. 11.0. Box 2940 Lenoir- NC 28645 "Telephone (828) 728-0149 Fax (828) 728-0131 Chain of Custody Sanitary Landfill Hazardous Waste Industrial or QC Non State Reporting UST/Trust Fund Reporting Bill To: Project Name: PO Number: _ lee Present: Y N C-Composite Field Preservatives Lab Check G- Grab Sample 1D Sample Type Date Time Time & Temp HR:MM °C Field Sulfidc Check Y N Field Sulfide Present / Removed Y N Resid Chlor Field Check Y N Field Dechlorination Y N pli Resid Chlor PorA Temp °C Sampler Initials Analysis Requested #3 or I elinquish By- Dale: Time: Rece, Da Time: I Uprio submission of samptcs. client agrees that invniccs an, dne at the time N ork is completed. Open accounts are due 211 d/ibllowing invoice date. A finance charge of 1.5°L per month will be imposed nit all patdue accouals. i� hen relinouishing samples to Blue Ridge Labs (BRL)_ buyer authorizes BM- to pertbrri only the analysis indiwcd above and also agrees To pay collection and attorney fees if the account becomes delinquent. Mae Rid's.-e Laps reserve,, the right to deny d:>cumenlation for any Hark where payment has not bLcn made. ill tffcct renderit:g that data unsupported for reguiatoty purp�»es, Rltl . cunnol guarantee that am re-gulatury authority will aceepi ant work , ibntittcd. therefore it is the client-,, responsibility to request on this form appropriate rest%. W: DFNR t;crtir.=d Lab"? INVOICE Blue Ridge Labs, Inc. hcCr' 05-0 a aq Invoice # 2015- 0712 Date: 10/9/2015 P.O. Box 2940 Lenoir. NC 28645 ' Phone: 8287280149 Fax: 8287280131 Client: Sealed Air Corporation Bill To: Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 PO Box 950 Lenoir, NC 28645 Duncan, SC 29334 PO NUMBER LAB REF. ID TERMS LAB CONTACT PROJECT NAME 755 Net 10 Days Steve Johnson Stormwater Analysis Sample Name Outfail 2, Outfall 3 TARGET NAME QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE Oil & Grease 1664-A 2 $45.00 $90.00 pH 2 $5.00 $10,00 Total Suspended Solids 2 $15.00 $30 00 Please Remit: $130.00 C�J Upon submission of samples, buyer agrees that invoices are due at time of delivery. Open accounts are due 20 days following the invoice date. A finance charge of 1.5 % per month will be imposed on all past -due accounts. When relinquishing samples to Blue Ridge Labs, buyer agrees to pay all collection and attorneys fees if the account becomes deliquent. Blue Ridge Labs reserves the right to deny all QC and support documentation for all open accounts which are greater than 60 days. Additionally, Blue Ridge Labs also reserves the right to inform the appropriate local, state or federal agency that all support documentation is not available due to the failure to the above invoice terms. Data used for compliance purposes will be rendered invalid for reporting until the account is cleared. Moneris Solutions - eSELECTplus - Merchant Resource Center - monus09242 Page 1 of 1 BLUE RIDGE LABS TRANSACTION APPROVED - THANK YOU Pa ment Details Transaction Type: AUTH COMPLETION Transaction Amount: $130.00 USD Order ID:2015-0712 Card Num: **** "*** **** 8645 Card Type: MC Response Code:001 Auth Code: 046529 Reference Num: 641011290013560020 M Date/Time: Oct 14 2015 02:41PM CVD Result: CVD was not performed. (Code: n/a) AVS Result: AVS check was not performed. (Code: n/a) SIGNATURE Cardholder will pay card Issuer above amount pursuant to Cardholder Agreement https:llesplus.moneris.comlusmpglreportslrecelptlindex.php?order no=2015-0712&trans... 10/14/2015 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Rick Taylor Date Received: 25-Sep-15 Report Date: 09-Oct-15 Sample Date: 25-Sep-15 BRL #: BRL-2015-0758 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03075 Client Sample ID: Outfall 2 Parameter Result MQL TSS 35.0 T9 pH 6.9 HT 0.1 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Analysis Analysis Unit Method Time Date Analyst mgll 2540D 1997 15:34 9/30/2015 KCJ su 4500H+B 200 10:03 9/25/2015 KCJ Reported By: S. Johnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 1 of 4 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Rick Taylor Date Received: 25-Sep-15 Report Date: 09-Oct-15 Sample Date: 25-Sep-15 BRL #: BRL-2015-0758 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03076 Client Sample ID: Outfall 2 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Oil & Grease * 5 mg/l 1664-A O&G Analysis Analysis Time Date Analyst 9/29/2015 WtrQtly Reported By: S. J. son, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 2 of 4 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, AIC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgeiabslenoir@gmail.com Client : Sealed Air Corporation PO Box .1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Rick Taylor Date Received: 25-Sep-15 Report Date: 09-Oct-15 Sample Date: 25-Sep-15 BRL 9: BRL-2015-0758 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03077 Client Sample ID: Outfall 3 Analysis Analysis ' Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst TSS * 10 mg/1 2540D 1997 15:35 9/30/2015 KCJ pH 6.8 HT 0.1 su 4500H+B 200 10:05 9/25/2015 KCJ Reported By: a� P Johnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 3 of 4 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgelabsienoir@gmail.com Client: Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Attention: Rick Taylor Date Received: 25-Sep-15 Report Date: 09-Oct-15 Sample Date: 25-Sep-15 BRL #: BRL-2015-0758 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03078 Client Sample ID: Outfal1 3 Analysis Analysis Parameter Result YIQL Unit Method Time Date Oil & Grease * 5 mg/l 1664-A O&G 9/29/2015 Reported By: S. . Johnson, A.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 4 of 4 Analyst WtrQtly r OCT/08/2015/TRU 02:15 PM FAX No. P. 001/1001 WATER QUALITY LAB & OPERATIONS, INC. P.O. Box 1161 BANNER ELK, NC 28604 (828) 898-6277 CLIENT: BLUE RIDGE LABS ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 2940 CITY: LENOIR STATE: NC ZIP 28645 10#-. REPORTED DATE: 8-Oct-15 ......... .......... ......... ................ ......................... LS]D:#;::::ANAL-'V ::ns L . .8M.,PL ................ .............. LOCATION' 'T -ANAi . ................. .04t'� OIL & GREASE 2841 45 5.00 MG/L 29-Sop-1 5 Pi OIL & GREASE 2892 <5 5.00 MGJL 2 9-Sep- 15 Pi OIL & GREASE 3076 <5 .00 MG/L 29-sep-15 pi OIL & GREASE 3078 <5 5.001 MG/L 29-Sep-15 pt OIL & GREASE 3089 <5 5.00 MG/L 29-Sep-15 Pi OIL & GREASE 3092 <5 5.00 M GIL 29-Sep-1 5 PI OIL & GREASE 3095 <5 5.10 1 MOIL REPORTED BY: NC CERTIFIED LAB # 544 PAUL ISENHOUR, SUPERVISOR rs � NCDENR r* r �N� ew ErmR .EW Iwo Nm — r"OWW Division of Water Quality / Surface Water Protection National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Date Received Year j Month Da 1. Please enter the permit number for which the change is requested. NPDES Permit (or) Certificate of Coverage N I Q. 1 $ 10 N G G 4 1 5 10 2 2 9 IL Permit status REj2r to requested change. a. Permit issued to (company name): Sealed Air Corporation b. Person legally responsible for permit: Jason A Clouser ^ First Nil Last Title PO Box 1018 Permit Holder Mailing Address Lenoir NC 28645 City State Zip (828)726-2100 ext ( } Phone Fax .._____.__...�... c. Facility name (discharge): Sealed Air Corporation d. Facility address: 2075 Valway Drive Address Lenoir NC 28645 City State Zip e. Facility contact person: ) First / MI / Last Phone Ill. Please provide the following for the requested change (revised permit). a. Request for change is a result of: ❑ Change in ownership of the facility ❑ Name change of the facility or owner If other please explain: Contact name change b. Permit issued to (company name): _ Sealed Air Corporation c. Person legally responsible for permit: u Roger Jackson First MI Last Regional Plant Manager Title - PO Box 1018 Permit Holder Mailing Address Lenoir NC 28645 City State "Zip (828)726-2100 Phone E-mail Address d. Facility name (discharge): Sealed Air Corporation e. Facility address: 2075 Valway Road Address Lenoir NC 28645 City State Zip f. Facility contact person: Teresa K Cornett First MI Last (828) 726-2100 Teresa.cornett@sealedair.cotn Phone E-mail Address f NPDES PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM Page 2 of 2 IV. Permit contact information (if different from the person legally responsible for the permit) Permit contact: Teresa K Cornett First MI Last Quality+ Control Manager Title PO Box 1018 Mailing Address Lenoir NC 28645 City State Zip (828) 726-2100- Teresa.cornett@sealedair.com Phone E-mail Address V. Will the permitted facility continue to conduct the same industrial activities conducted prior to this ownership or name change? X Yes ❑ No (please explain) VI. Required Items: THIS APPLICATION WILL BE RETURNED UNPROCESSED IF ITEMS ARE INCOMPLETE OR MISSING: ❑ This completed application is required for both name change and/or ownership change requests. ❑ Legal documentation of the transfer of ownership (such as relevant pages of a contract deed, or a bill of sale) is required for an ownership change request. Articles of incorporation are not sufficient for an ownership change. The certifications below must be completed and signed by both the permit holder prior to the change, and the new applicant in the case of an ownership change request. For a name change request, the signed Applicant's Certification is sufficient. PERMITTEE CERTIFICATION (Permit holder prior to ownership change): 1, , attest that this application for a name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information is not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Date 1, Teresa Cornett, attest that this application for a name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information is not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. 311Z/13 Signature Date PLEASE SEND THE COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKAGE TO: Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 XNA),C Michael F. Easley, Governor `OHO RQG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources �J r Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director J Division of Water Quality April 28, 2003 Craig Robert Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1018 Lenoir, NC 28645 Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Sealed Air Corporation COC Number NCGO50229 Caldwell County Dear Permittee: In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCG050000, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6, 1983. The following information is included with your permit package: A new Certificate of Coverage • A copy of General Stormwater Permit NCG050000 • A copy of the Analytical Monitoring Form (DMR) • A copy of the Qualitativel Monitoring form Y A copy of a Technical Bulletin for the general permit Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, or relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree. If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Aisha Lau of the Central Office Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 578. cc: Central Files Stormwater & General Permits Unit Files Asheville Regional Office Sincerely, Bradley Bennett, Supervisor Stormwater and General Permits Unit MEW NCDENR N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-8053 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG050000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG050229 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Sealed Air Corporation is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Sealed Air Corporation 2075 Valway Rd Lenoir Caldwell County to receiving waters designated as Blair Fork Creek, a class C stream, in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. NCGO50000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective May 1, 2003. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day April 28, 2003. for Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April 30, 1998 CRAIG ROBERT SEALED AIR CORP-LENIOR PO BOX 1018 LENOIR, NC 28645 A�� oENr� Subject: Reissued Stormwater General Permit for Certificate of Coverage No. NCG050229 Caldwell County Dear Permittee: In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under the subject permit, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983. The following information is included with your permit package: ■ A copy of the stormwater general permit. ■ A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Certification Form. This form certifies that you have - developed and implemented the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) required in your permit. This form must be completed and returned to the Division within 30 days of receipt of this letter. DO NOT send the SPPP with the signed form. ■ Five copies of Analytical Monitoring forms. ■ Five copies of Qualitative Monitoring forms. 0 A copy of a Technical Bulletin on the stormwater program which outlines program components and addresses frequently asked questions. ■ A corrected Certificate of Coverage if you indicated a name or address change on the Renewal Form returned to the Division. Your certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division of Water Quality may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DWQ or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Division of Air Quality, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permits that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit or other attached documents, please contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at telephone number (919) 733-5083 Sincerely, 1� fJ/Lctr�r� �'-ail foA. Preston Howard, Jr., P. E. P.D. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG050000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG050229 STORMWATER DISCHARGES In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, SEALED AIR CORP-LENIOR is herby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at. 2075 VALWAY ROAD LENOIR, NC CALDWELL COUNTY to receiving waters designated as Blair Fork Cheek in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, W and IV of General Permit No. NCG050000 as attached. This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective May 1, 1998_ This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day April 30,1998 for A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authorization of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director August 26, 1994 Ms. Carol Ann Noris Sealed Air Corporation Park 80 Plaza East Saddle Brook, NJ 07662 C)EHNF1' Subject: General Permit No. NCG050000 Sealed Air Corporation COC NCG050229 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Noris: In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on July 25, 1994, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Environmental Management. The Division of Environmental Management may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Aisha Lau at telephone number 919/733-5083. Sincerely, Or; ,girtal Signed By COleeri E 1- SU!!inS A. Preston Howard, Jr., P. E. cc: Asheville Regional Office P,O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 PAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL PERMIT NO, NCG050000 CERTIFICATE QF COVERAGE No. NCGO50229 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARQE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Sealed Air Corporation is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Sealed Air Corporation Hwy 90 North Lenoir Caldwell County to receiving waters designated as Blair Fork Creek in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, 1I, I1I and IV of General Permit No. NCGO50000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 26, 1994. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day August 26, 1994. Or;ginp,1 ,irned f?i I+ tlfli s A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission /J •� C�\� /`� � Pi��y'.�)/�, �\ter\ •;Y�� Hart76 •$lll�';. MF 251 n) ;ii �d1• os \ Bu htou%n ��. 3z atel i Temple . iCel �. ,:�—� v J II �Iff h� �o• A jr ! 9i ,zoo/�7i J•' j \_ aa.. •'" _ .,� ��•�iL'.: ' `-� Ce FACILITY' a l gi d y COUNTY 1 Ol w e NPDES �V C MAP� DSN FLOW N111 60e�pa r A -�, 0,0 LATTITUDE a �r LONGITUDE RECEIVING STREAM I �Y� " op k Cj^. STREAM CLASS i C DISCHARGE CLASS r �v wet EXPIRATION DATE 3 1 —7 ,s 4. = ti1 r �!'►y,.At IT ire �- 014% % PAOEHICLE T IT nlnrxnxce y r •+ SHOP �• - 'a'," ..1.e rl �r l:r ti_�uRM'.iL •,L•- .�- `��b - :7••.__ _ .pia - -'" ,t di• �-' '..1".. � .�" ; �� w � =fie .a T .� •.SST - �. - • •__ -_ � ��•,i:,W ! 5 ��� I IE Ir •- . - T � .� .� �1 ill r 4- F•_y ` + �. - - f i_ Ru FIGURE 2 SITE DRAINAGE MAP SEALED AIR CORPORATION m C � 2075 Valway Road, Lenoir, NC 28645 r- z rn f - { av�wuu nnogarn� IQ ov�.aa '�- O a ti Sri 3 3r . -+ " 0 35 70 140 Ih"a 70 feel �1 5 4. PC lb- 10 K. -. h L' 'rcf n . . t u�soPNce TXNA * • �y •� y.�••• ',*�� �� 1 rx1`� � !� i } t �.�--.-.-.`� �� �' ' _ _ _ ,y a ♦ .T f- . Q71 i_I 111 1 T� L w- , I - :. t s �• � .. STORM S.� �.�• Ley' ry��-7'S •{r. ',•� a ids - _ SEWER lllli. QA ET mVER�RA7P (ARL .r J J. - 11 PELLET / r / TRASH . arn5 k COMPACTOR :I.PM IT wTR UPPER [EMYR [�{lX u � E 4 FR Nil DOIX N.SIORM ' gwT.R •7FOEL �. 71 �4 • t" . - RUIN RL ILDING onTANK MORM SEWER l\\\ U411. IFR f •L "'r -'•. ZRAPHIPPR STORAGE H,f�-Er 3LnsHOPPER YRIIC k LOAOII A PROPAN F. Y rL .Yri. •I • •� - i SCRAP hTORpOT 'In Nl i .,a L 1 � T •� Y - ,yam. ► -.�� ,4 w RvGZFL9&[jSSlC077 EW ar.,.,�cJnc. FIGURE 2 SITE DRAINAGE MAP SEALED AIR CORPORATIO�lp '.n C 2075 Valway Road, Lenoir, W 2 51j- ^] - • m,xx, asYpr aztw. rAPµ..... wov.rl •�: `C . 4 . f •-�•••••• !f[KMT614YRSArpms�a�.mr1 i h � 1[Ri.kE v4,91 RUWpRfiT 1]k L nrt.,anaw. aw +r,rsrl �y 1 .I .•/�.r� cs�,i.m sT�.urs .r INUlFYFI'LWtIMP'®+elrrer ., � RYEIiRR'a A CdPm,l r.Y�Lp d.i.l Llb.s CYY.4Lm[, '�-'- PP blt ]•fP �� �.' 3tiarSfLraM1 r.aa.v ww•4 P.w•+.aM C.err (. rR' Feel 0 35 m laH e 4 I e,ek.76 ieeL 5