HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030639_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20140605STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. lV C0JUUJ� DOC TYPE HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ abUtOS�- YYYYMMDD NCDENP North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor 51une 2014 Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC Attn Larry Walker 1802 Fairfax Road Greensboro, NC 27407 Subject Tiered Response Requirements NPDES General Stormwater Permit NCG030000 Certificate of Coverage NCGO30639 Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC 2 Guilford County Dear Mr Walker John E Skvarla, III Secretary This letter is a follow-up to the letter dated 8 May 2014 sent after the Technical Assistance inspection conducted by Aana Taylor Smith of the NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) on 7 May 2014 In that inspection, it was decided that Columbiana Hi Tech would conduct a monthly sampling event for May 2014 If copper and zinc benchmarks were exceeded at that event, Tier III would be triggered and DEMLR would assess options moving forward All tiered response actions have been completed as required Columbiana Hi Tech has conducted extensive walkthroughs, assessments of practices, and studies to determine potential sources of contaminants Samples of roof runoff were taken and results were found to contain zinc at levels several times higher than the zinc benchmark for NCG030000 No other clear sources of copper or zinc could be distinguished on the property However, there is significant potential for contamination from off -site and upstream sources, particularly neighboring industries with connections to the Stormwater system that drains from Columbiana Hi Tech's site Based on recent analytical monitoring results and the tiered response actions completed by Columbiana Hi Tech, the Division relieves you of the additional monitoring frequencies required in the Tiered Response section of this permit for copper and zinc at Qutfalls 1 and 2 You must continue to monitor semi annually as required by the permit, but you will not be required to institute monthly monitoring for any future exceedences of the copper and zinc parameters at Outfalls 1 and 2 Tiered response requirements still apply for all other parameters We appreciate your efforts to comply with the stormwater permit and the proactive steps taken to identify and eliminate potential sources of pollution No additional response to this letter is required, but please append this letter to your SPPP to document that your facility has been relieved of monthly monitoring for the specified parameters If you have any questions regarding the NCG030000 permit, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Taylor -Smith or me at (336) 771-5000 Sincerely, _Matthew_E Gantt, PE Regional Engineer Land Quality Section cc Debbie Shaffner {City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Div via email deborah shafner@greensboro nc govj Central Files CWSRO%LC1 Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section • Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street, Winston Salem, NC 27107 - Phone 336 7715000 1 FAX 336-771 4631 COLUMBIANA HI TECHLECEIVED« RDptfE N C Dept of 1=NR JUN 0 4 2014 Nuclear Manulacturing Etcelleme WINSTON SALEM REGIQNAL OFFICE 'uilc 2 2C i 4 Aana i,Moi-Sinith hnN uol,illenral'1pc..talls` 1)ivss�o I of E'l(I gv Mincl al aim i I) d I and Qua;ltY SCCtlOn 585 Waughtown Stiect, Winston '-�alcm NC 271(17 Sttbfect COltltllbiana I li Tech Sto'mNvatLl 1 ,ci II Respon,,c and I let III Notification Permit No NCG030639 Aitadinlents I ahk 1 Stuimw-ztv Results Sample Map Dcal M5 1 aylol-Smith (_olumbtana I It I cch (CI 11) has complcted the StOlIll"a(el Run Off sampling for the month of Mav as iecliined by out Stoimwatcl Pet mit, I ict 11 iccluliememt Samples Itom outfall 1 and 2 cXcculcd the Bcnchmai k (see attached !able 1 lot Ic5ult5) I hiti Is the fourth ull15ccutivc sample taken that has erceedcd the 13cntilmaik Limits lot Zuw and Copper (tlltee icquired and oil(- cvt� I) which makcs It also icnc,ltable wide, CI 1 s I ter Ill icdlunemunts CI1 I tool. trUC C\tld 5IlllpiCti edtd1IIlg Itiil Oft hom bulldrllg l (2 samples) 2, 3 and 4 All of these samples containk ct zinc and coppei (see Itlached'able fot .esults) and ale bcllcvcd to bL due to the galvanvcd i oof trig i I,C attaOhcd lahkc sho+vs five conu.uitivd ,amplcs taken ovcl the period of 10/7/13 through 5/15/14 for outfall 1 lnd 2 and the addi`tonal Samplcs tikui nom 1hC root down Spouts, With till showing Iilgh conkentmtIOtis of Coppe, anti Zinc I he samples on 10/7/13 Nvelc pi tot to C1 I I icceiving the Stotnlwatei 11eimit but aic 111cluded lot historical data I.HT nas eomp,cted Nvalk ciom ins inc11.111ing orlc w-ui nana l «vlol-�mi'i 7 of lt,e VYillstun-Jd �-rll Regional Olfiee, of the NC Division of I ncigy Mincial Ind Lane! RCsoulces (DLMLR) and could not I(loll tIfy a cause Ofthe Illgh leading othet thai, possibly the toot sus fates It is not bchevcd that the contaimnatc5 aic fiom hclow ground a5 lolls samples wuc taken by ARFVA pI for to purchase of Cl 11 and the Iesults were acceptable at that time No new pimessmg that would alfcct the samples has been I1llplcnlentcd Scveial Improvement items have heen eoillplcted that would cithet have 'lo afteet of rmpl ovc, the dual Itv of the Stol mwatel Samples he samples lions the toot clown spouts showccl level~ of rive and coppet which aic i potential cause, oI CXLCOCIing the benchmaiks Based on C1I I s dillgcnce dultng this ploces5 CI I 1 t5 �egticsting Ic11Cf floral tilt iequucd 1 let 11 Icsponsc of monthly Samples and is ICspondlilg to the I ILI ill Icy tillenlcllts for C\ceccling the 1802 Fairfax Road • Greensboro North Carolina 27407 Phone 3361852-5679 benchmark four consecutive times (only three were required samples per the permit) All possible corrective actions known to CHT have been completed including performance of a joint walk down with DEMLR and documented SWRQ samples from a small area of the roofs of the buildings showing a maximum of 1 20 mg/L zinc and 0 004 ing/L copper for the five samples taken which exceeds the benchmarks CHT requests approval to forgo any additional testing and reporting as required by the Stonnwater Permit for samples due to high copper and linc CHT has put forth a strong effort in correcting the high readings including asking DEMLR to perform a walk down with CHT Additional samples and reporting will not affect the overall results which are beyond CHT s control All reports of samples are on file with CHI and are available for review If there are any additional questions oleaSe contact me at 336-852-5679 ext 34 Regards, Walker EH&S Manager Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC Table 1 Stormwater Results Outfall 1 Parameters 10/7/2013 11/12/2013 11/26/2013 4/7/2014 5/15/2014 Benchmark Total Suspended Solids - ;124 mg/1 4 mg/L 6 mg/L 12 mg/L <2 5mg/L 100 mg/L Copper 0 028,mg/L z 0 013 m /L '10-010�rrig/L° "0 608 mg/I_ 0 007 mg/L 0 007 mg/L Lead 0 011 mg/L <0 010 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L 0 030 mg/L Zinc r x 0 41$ mg/L y E 0^434 m /L 0 13,V''rig/L '-0'331-'mg/L -0 150 mg/L 0 067 mg/L Oil & Grease <5 mg/L <5 mg/L < 5mg/L < 5 mg/L <5 mg/L 15 mg/L pH 59 58 64 60-90 Outfall 2 Parameters 10/7/2013 11/12/2013 11/26/2013 4/7/2014 5/15/2014 Benchmark Total Suspended Solids - - =234;mg/L 18 mg/L 128,mg/L 26 mg/L = 1,763mg/L 100 mg/L Copper lAiJO 012`mg/L' 7' --`'-0 025 mg/L',4M0 027 mg/L r1 015 mg/l- ,-0 027,m %L 0 007 mg/L Lead <0 01 mg/L <0 01 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L 0 030 mg/L Zinc ` ' �0 27srng/L 30 288 mg/L '0,243 mg/L ,0 493 r-6g/L ' 6'375"mg/L 0 067 mg/L Oil & Grease <5 mg/L 6 mg/L < 5 mg/L < 5 mg/L <5 mg/L 15 mg/L H 62 64 65 60-90 Additional Samples taken 5/15/14 see map Parameters Sample 2 BLD 1 Roof Drain Front Sample 3 BLD 3 Roof Drain Front Sample 4 BLD 1 Roof Drain Back Sample 5 BLD 4 Roof Drain Front Sample 6 BLD 2 Roof Drain Back Benchmark Copper 0 004 mg/L <0 002 mg/L 0 002 mg/L 0 002 mg/L 0 004 Mg/L1 0 007 mg/L Lead <0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L 0 030 mg/L Zinc k- ;1'20 mg/L rr='T_0 561'm %L° ALA' 7377mg/L :; 0 379 ing/L "�, 0~287 nag/L 0 067 mg/L Reading Highlighted in Yellow exceed Benchmarks Roof Samples all exceed Benchmark for Zinc Outfall 1 &2 Out of Benchmark Ranges Copper Range 0 008 -0 028 mg/L Izinc Range 0 093-0 434 mg/L Taylor -Smith, Aana From Larry Walker <Iwalker@chtnuclear com> Sent Monday, June 02, 2014 11 45 AM To Taylor -Smith, Aana Cc Larry Walker, Joe Faldowski, Robert Glazier, Matt Willett Subject Columbiana Hi Tech SWRO High Zinc and Copper Results Attachments CHT SWRO Report pdf Aana Attached you will find a copy of a letter I'm sending you in regards to Columbiana Hi Tech's Stormwater Run Off being high on Zinc and Copper We've completed a total of 4 samples (plus one from before the permit was active)and all are over the Benchmark We took additional sample from our roof down spouts as we had talked about last month, the results are included in the report Please review the attached and provide CHT with guidance for going forth Thank you, Larry Walker Corporate NDE Level III EH&S Manager Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC (336) 852-5679 ext 34 June 2 2014 Aana I aylor-Smith Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resouices Land Quality Section 595 Waughtown Street, Winston Salem NC 27107 Subject Columbiana Ili Tech Stoi=Natei Tier II Response and I let III Notification, Permit No NCG030639 Attac,hinents Iable I, Stormwatei Results Sample Map Dear Ms I aylor-Smith Columbiana Hi Tech (CH I) has completed the Storm�,ti ater Run Of f sarnpltiig for the Month of May as required by our Stotmwater Permit, Tiei II rc,qLill c,ments Samples From outfall I and 2 exceeded the Benchmaik (see attached Table 1 for iesults) This is the fourth consecutive sample taken that has exceeded the Bench hark Limits fot Zinc and Copper (three required and one extra) which retakes it also reportable under CHI's Tier III requirements CHT took five exti a samples catching run off fiotn building 1 (2 samples), 2 3, and 4 All of these samples contamcd zinc, and copper (sec, attached table for results) and ate believed to be due to the galvanized roofing The attached Table shows five consecutive samples taken over the period of 10/7/13 through 5/15/1 4 for outfall I and 2 and the additional samples taken from (lie roof down Spouts with all showing high concentrations of Copper and Zinc. The samples on 10/7/13 were poor to CHI receiving the Slormwatei Permit but are included for historical data CHT has completed walk downs including one with Aana Tavloi-Smith of the Winston-Salem Regional Office of the NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resourc.e.s (DEMLR) and could not identify a cause of the high leading other than possibly the i oof surfaces It is not believed that the contaminates ate from below ground as soils samples were taken by AREVA pi tot to purchase of CHT and the results wete acceptable at that tune No new processing that would affect the samples has been implemented Sevetal improvement items have been completed that would etthet have no affect of improve the quality of the Stormwatei Samples The samples from the toot down spouts showed levels Of 71nc and copper which are a potential cause of exceeding the benchmaiks Based on CII I's diligence doling this process, CI IT is requesting relief trom the icquired "I lei II response of monthly samples and is if sponding to the Tiei III requirements for exceeding the 1 Qrl'7 c., .f-,.. ED--A rr.,., .,..ti...., AI-4L, r.,.,,i -- ')7AO7 nb,--- )O010cn cr-rn benchmark four consecutive tunes (only three were required samples per the permit) All possible corrective actions known to Cl IT have been completed including performance of a}oint "all, down with DEMLR and documented S'WRO samples from a small area of the roofs of the buildings sho«ring a maximum of 120 mg/L zinc and 0 004 mg/L copper for the five samples taken which exceeds the benchmarks C111 requests approval to forgo any additional testing and reporting as requires[ by the Stormwater Permit for samples due to high copper and zinc CH -I has put forth a strong effort in correcting the high readmgs including asking DEMLR to perform a walk down with CHT Additional Samples and reporting will not allect the overall results which are beyond CHT'-' control All reports of samples are on file with CHI and are ava lablc, for review if there are any additional questions, please contact me at 336-852-5679, ext 34 Regards, Walker EH&S Manager Columbiana Flf Tech, I LC Table 1 Stormwater Results Outfall 1 Parameters 10/7/2013 11/12/2013 11/26/2013 4/7/2014 5/15/2014 Benchmark Total Suspended Solids ,F12;4�`r`ri �L 4 mg/L 6 mg/L 12 mg/L <2 5rng/L 100 mg/L Copper ,�, l b ©78'm'g%� r0,0f5`p— /OT .;f�?101O,irig/L 0 fl�$,�rriIfg 0 007 mg/L 0 007 mg/L Lead 0 011 mg/L <0 010 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L 0 030 mg/L .Zinc i� 41a trig�l�i ;�'0�434� itg/l u6"1'34"m O�t331'rti'g/L h,5,p �6'Q'mg7L 0 067 mg/L Oil & Grease <5 mg/L <5 mg/L < 5mg/L < 5 mg/L <5 mg/L 15 mg/L pH 59 58 64 60-90 Outfall 2 Parameters 10/7/2013 11/12/2013 11/26/2013 4/7/2014 5/15/2014 Benchmark Total Suspended Solids " F� '€3'4a'r`n`/L 18 mg/L��12'$Y�n�/L 26 mg/L 100 mg/L Copper o 012rrig`/,L 11 mg/L ''k 0`07rii,L' "'0 D1'Sm%L' �10'027rm'g/L" 0 007 mg/L Lead <0 01 mg/L <0 01 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L 0 030 mg/L Zinc "`LJO`'L,""/L'l 0 067 mg/L Oil & Grease <5 mg/L 6 mg/1-1 < 5 mg/L1 < 5 mg/L1 <5 mg/Ll 15 mg/L PH 62 64 65 60-90 Additional Samples taken 5/15/14 see map Parameters Sample 2 BLD 1 Roof Drain Front Sample 3 13LD 3 Roof Drain Front Sample 4 BLD 1 Roof Drain Back Sample 5 BLD 4 Roof Drain Front Sample 6 BLD 2 Roof Drain Back Benchmark Copper 0 004 mg/L <0 002 mg/L 0 002 mg/L 0 002 rng/L 0 004 mg/L 0 007 mg/L Lead <0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg/L <0 010 mg Ll <0 010 mg/L 0 030 mg/L Zinc *;�Y`lF(rr`i t` Grr �G%L t[ �10s7r37mix�fl79ir�gjLk 287,rrig/IL 0 067 mg/L Reading Highlighted in Yellow exceed Benchmarks Roof Samples all exceed Benchmark for Zinc Outfall 1 &2 Out of Benchmark Ranges Capper Range 0 008 0 028 mg/L lZtnc Range 0 093-0 434 mg/L PFTA NCiDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor 8 May 2014 Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC Attn Larry Walker 1802 Fairfax Road Greensboro, NC 27407 Subject Technical Assistance Inspection & Tiered Response Requirements NPDES General Stormwater Permit NCG030000 Certificate of Coverage NCG030639 Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC 2 Guilford County Dear Mr Walker John E Skvarla, III Secretary Aana Taylor -Smith of the Winston-Salem Regional Office of the NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) met with you to discuss tiered response requirements for the NCG030000 permit for metal fabricators at the subject facility on 7 May 2014 Your assistance and cooperation, as well as that of Mr Matt Willett, were greatly appreciated An inspection checklist is attached for your records and the findings are summarized below This facility is located at 1802 Fairfax Road in Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Stormwater related to industrial activity is discharged from that site to South Buffalo Creek, this segment of which is currently classified as Class WS-IV, Nutrient Sensitive Waters, in the Cape Fear River Basin Documentation & Monitorine Review This meeting was held to assess compliance with NPDES General Stormwater Permit NCG030000 and to evaluate drainage to the facility's two Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDOs) Monthly monitoring has been triggered by consecutive exceedances of the copper and zinc benchmarks at both Outfalls 1 and 2 Please keep in mind that benchmark exceedances are not limit violations or violations of permit conditions, however you are obligated to follow the tiered response actions outlined in your permit Columbiana Hi Tech has been following the tiered response actions and is therefore in compliance with the permit Both qualitative and analytical monitoring have been completed as required The facility's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) contained all of the required elements and is up to date and fully implemented Site Review The site was found to be orderly and well maintained Secondary containment is implemented as required, with the exception of one kerosene tank, which will be removed next week by Safety-Kleen This facility has the potential for off -site influences to affect runoff from the site Neighboring industries and streets have connections to the stormwater system that drains from Columbiana Hi Tech's site Those connections are located upstream from the outfalls and mix with stormwater from the site before being discharged at the outfalls Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section • Winston Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 • Phone 336-771 50001 FAX 336-771 4631 Columbiana Hi Tech 05/08/2014 Page 2 of 2 Tiered Response Requirements Currently, monthly monitoring is required in response to two consecutive exceedances of the benchmark values or range for any specific parameter at a specific SDO Columbiana Hi Tech has completed four sampling events during which copper and zinc benchmarks were exceeded at both outfalls However, one of those sampling events occurred on 7 October 2013, before the certificate of coverage under NCG030000 was issued on 15 October 2013 Columbiana Hi Tech will conduct a monthly sampling event for May 2014 If copper and zinc benchmarks are exceeded at that event, Tier III will be triggered and DEMLR will assess options moving forward Columbiana Hi Tech has completed tiered response actions as required by NCG030000 including walkthroughs, assessments of practices, and studies to determine potential sources of stormwater contaminants Additional testing is planned, which may include taking samples of water from roof surfaces during ram events Soil samples have already been taken as part of the facility's due diligence program Please notify this office in writing within 30 business days of receipt of sampling results if benchmark values are exceeded for any outfall on four occasions, as required by NCG030000 Part If Section B We appreciate your efforts to comply with the stormwater permit and the proactive steps taken to identify and eliminate potential sources of pollution No additional response to this letter is required at this time Should you have any questions regarding the NCG030000 permit or this letter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Taylor - Smith or me at (336) 771-5000 Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY SCOTT SINK FOR Matthew E Gantt, PE Regional Engineer Land Quality Section cc Debbie Shoff ner, City of Greensboro (by email deborah shoffner@greensboro nc gov) Central Files LWSRO/LQ r Compliance Inspection Report Permit NCG030639 Effective 10l15/13 Expiration 10l31117 Owner Columbiana Hi Tech LLC SOC Effective Expiration Facility Columbiana Hi Tech LLC 2 County Guilford 1802 Fairfax Rd Region Winston Salem Greensboro NC 27407 Contact Person Larry Walker Title Phone 336 852 5679 Directions to Facility Take 1 85 to exit 119 traveling toward grandover pkwy travel north on groometown rd for 2 9 mi then tum left onto fairfax rd facility is 8 mi on the left System Classifications Primary ORC Certification Phone Secondary ORC(s) On Site Reprosentativells) Rotated Permits Inspection Date 05/07/2014 Entry Time 09 OOAM Primary Inspector Aana Taylor Smith Secondary Inspector(s) Exit Time 09 45AM Reason for Inspection Routine Inspection Type Permit inspection Type Metal Fabrication Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas m Storm Water (See attachment summary) Phone 336 771 5000 Technical Assistance Page 1 permit NCG030639 Owner Facility Columbiana Hi Tech LLC inspection Date 0510712014 Inspection Type Technical Assistance Reason for Visit Routine Inspection Summary Page 2 Permit NCG030639 Inspection Date 05/0712014 Owner Facility Columbiana Hi Tech LLC Inspection Type Technical Assistance Reason for Vistt Routine Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the farality conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas'? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Comment No vehicle maintenance on site TTO management statement exempts facility from sampling for TTOs The facility has received results for four sampling events during which copper and zinc benchmarks were exceeded at both of the two outfalls However, the first sampling event occurred 1017I13, before the permit was Issued on 10/15/13 The facility will sample again in May and has conducted tiered response actions In a manner consistent with permit requirements Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ # If the facility has representative outfall status is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ 1:10 ❑ # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? M ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi annually? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ■ ❑ ❑ [] # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Narrative Description of Practices ? 0❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? E ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? E ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s),? N ❑ ❑ ❑ # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? 0 ❑ ❑ [] Page 3 Permit NCG030639 Owner Facility Columbiana Hi Tech LLC fn"etion Date 0510712014 inspection Type Technical Assistance Reason for Vrad Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE # Does the Plan Include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been Implemented? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment Kerosene tank without secondary containment will be removed next week by Safety. Kleen and disposed of properly Page 4 YLpc.'dl 6 11! kq Stormwater Results Outfall 1 Parameters 10/7/2013 11/12/2013 11/26/2013 4/7/2014 Benchmark Total Suspended Solids - 124"mg/L 4 mg/L 6 mg/L 12 mg/L 100 mg/L Copper -- 0 028 mg/L -6-0 13 rri /E_ - 0 010 mg/L 0 068 mg7L 0 007 mg/L Lead 0 011 mg/L <0 010 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L 0 030 mg/L Zinc 0 418A /L' `i,�0�434 mr' g/L 0 134 rng/L 0 331,mg/L 0 067 mg/L Oil & Grease <5 mg/L <5 mg/L < 5mg/L < 5 mg/L 15 mg/L pH 59 58 60-90 Outfall 2 Parameters 10/7/2013 11/12/2013 11/26/2011 4/7/2014 Benchmark Total Suspended Solids =� _=- 1234 mg/L 18 mg/L fl. 128�mg%L 26 mg/L 100 mg/L Copper :6 01-4mg/L 0 025`mg/L 0 027 mg/L 0 015 mg/L 0 007 mg/L Lead <0 01 mg/L <0 01 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L < 0 010 mg/L 0 030 mg/L Zinc 'F 0' 17"mg/L ' - ,t 0 288 m r/L ��� 0 243 mg/L '0 093 mg/L 0 067 mg/L Oil & Grease <5 mg/L 6 mg/L < 5 mg/L < 5 mg/L 15 mg/L pH 1 62 64 60-90 10/7/13 sample taken from pool down stream of outfall - not flowing water Copper Range 0 008 -0 028 mg/L Zinc Range 0 093-0 434 mg/L HE "EIVED N C hoot of ENR Aa- OCT 18 2013 NCDENR Winstcn ;alem North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Office Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section Tracy E Davis, PE, CPM Director October 15, 2013 Mr Larry Walker Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC 1802 Fairfax Rd Greensboro, NC 27407 Pat McCrory, Governor John E Skvada, III, Secretary Subject General Permit No NCG030000 Columbiana Hi Tech COC No NCG030639 Guilford County Dear Mr Walker In accordance with your application for a discharge permit received on September 18, 2013, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage (COC) to discharge under the subject state — NPDES general permit This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended) Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except upon approval of the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources may require modification`or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act, or any other federal or local government permit that may be required Per the requirements of the Jordan Lake Nutrient Strategy Buffer Rule, all stormwater drainage to stream buffers, from portions of this site that have been constructed after August 11, 2009, must be discharged through a correctly designed level spreader or another device that meets diffuse flow requirements per 15A NCAC 2B 0267 Diffuse flow requirements are described in Chapter 8 of the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual, available at http //portal ncdenr org/web/lr/bmp-manual 1612 Mall Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1612 • Telephone 919-707 9220 I FAX 919 733 2876 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh North Carolina 27604 - Internet http Itportal ncdenr orglwebllrlland quality An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Mr Larry Walker Columbiana tit Tech-NCG030639 If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Julie Ventaloro at telephone number (919) 807-6370 or by email Julie ventaloro@ncdenr gov Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED B) for TraKf_N F'e P E , CPM cc ✓(Vinston-Salem Regional Office, Aana Taylor -Smith Central Files Stormwater Permitting Program Files 1612 Mad Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1612 • Telephone 919 707 92201 FAX 919 733 2876 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 - Internet http Hportal ncdenr orglwebllrllandgualit An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES GENERAL PERMIT NO NCG030000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No NCG030639 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Columbiana Hi Tech 1802 Fairfax Road Greensboro Guilford County to receiving waters designated as South Buffalo Creek, a class WS-V,NSW water in the Cape Fear River Basin, in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, I11, and IV of General Permit No NCG030000 as attached This certificate of coverage shall become effective October 15, 2013 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit Signed this day October 15, 2013 ORIGINAL SIGNED M KEN PICKLE for Tracy E Davis, P E , Director Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Taylor -Smith, Aana From Ventaloro Julie Sent Thursday, October 10, 2013 1 06 PM To Taylor -Smith, Aana Subject RE Review Request NCG030639 and NCG030640 Columbiana Hi Tech Thanks for the speedy turnaround, Aanai I'll get these out today Julie From Taylor -Smith, Aana Sent Thursday, October 10, 2013 11 57 AM To Ventaloro, Julie Cc Shoffner, Debbie (Deborah Shoffner@greensboro-nc gov) Subject Review Request NCG030639 and NCG030640 Columbiana Hi Tech Hi Julie, I have reviewed the applications for the following permits and visited each site NCG030639 Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC 3 at 521 Townsend Avenue, High Point, NC NCG03064CF Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC at 1802 Fairfax Road, Greensboro, NC an Both facilities look good and are consistent with their respective permit applications I recommend issuing both permits based on application review and site visits Thanksi Aana Taylor -Smith Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Phone (336) 771-5034 Fax (336) 771-4631 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed to third parties Taylor -Smith, Aana From Shoff ner Debbie <Deborah Shoffner@greensboro-nc gov> Sent Wednesday October 09, 2013 8 27 AM To Taylor -Smith, Aana Subject RE Unpermitted facilities in GSO Let me know when you go and I may or may not be able to go on this one Busy week as usual but some things less flexible than usual Posted this morning http //citynet/hr/Pages/Employment_Careers aspx Debbie Shoff ner, Water Quality Specialist Department of Water Resources City of Greensboro Phone 336-373-2741 Fax 336-373-3119 PO Box 3136 Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 www greensboro-nc gov From Taylor -Smith, Aana [mailto Aana Taylor-Smith@ncdenr gov] Sent Tuesday, October 08, 2013 1149 AM To Shoffner, Debbie Subject Unpermitted facilities in GSO Hey Debbie, Here's an update on the facilities you asked me to look into at the end of last month Columbiana Hi -Tech this company submitted one application for No Exposure and one application for a NCG03 (metal fab) permit for its two locations in Greensboro Neither has been issued yet, but I will keep you in the loop when they are The contact for both locations is Larry Walker, (336) 852-5679 See below for details a NCGNE0963 Facility name is Columbiana Hi Tech LLC, located at 204 S Westgate Dr Suite D b NCG030639 Facility name is Columbiana Hi Tech LLC 2, located at 1802 Fairfax Rd Box Board @ 8313 Triad Dr I Just got off the phone with the EHS guy, Jim Adams He was very interested in getting a permit, and is currently reviewing whether the facility would qualify for No Exposure His phone number is (336) 668-3347 x1068 and email address is tadams@boxboardproducts com Their SIC code (2653) qualifies them for an NCG05 permit for printing, etc , but they will apply for No Exposure if possible PBM @ 415 Westcliff Rd This facility does digital commercial printing services They are most likely going to qualify for an NCG05 as well The EHS guy there, Johnny, is currently reviewing their processes for me to determine their SIC code I suspect it's 2759 If that's the case, I'll have them apply for NCG05 The phone number at the Greensboro location is (336) 664-5800 Thanks again for the heads -up, and I will pass along updates as they become available I will probably go review Columbiana's No Exposure next week, if you want to come with? O -Aana Aana Taylor -Smith Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Phone (336) 771-5034 Fax (336) 771-4631 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records taw and may be disclosed to third parties ------------------------------------------------------- Please note that email sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties 2 Taylor -Smith, Aana From White, Sue Sent Wednesday, October 09 2013 8 05 AM To Taylor -Smith, Aana Subject RE Review Request NCG030639 and NCG030640 Columbiana Hi Tech Heyi She didn't send any attachments Sue White Assistant Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Phone (336) 771-5033 Fax (336) 771-4631 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From Taylor -Smith, Aana Sent Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11 56 AM To White, Sue Subject RE Review Request NCG030639 and NCG030640 Columbiana Hi Tech Hey Sue Do you have those attachments? Thanksi Aana Taylor -Smith Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Phone (336) 771-5034 Fax (336) 771-4631 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From White, Sue Sent Tuesday, October 08, 2013 10 33 AM To Ventaloro, Julie Cc Taylor -Smith, Aana, Gantt, Matt Subject RE Review Request NCG030639 and NCG030640 Columbiana Hi Tech Hi Julie Thanks for your email I'm forwarding this to Aana Taylor -Smith She handles the NCG03's for this region, though please feel free to send any stormwater related correspondence to either of us and we'll get it to whoever needs it Sue Sue White Assistant Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Phone (336) 771-5033 Fax (336) 7714631 E matt correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From Ventaloro, Julie Sent Tuesday, October 08, 2013 10 20 AM To White, Sue Cc Gantt, Matt Subject Review Request NCG030639 and NCG030640 Columbiana Hi Tech Hi Sue, We've received NOls for two existing facilities in your region NCG030639 —Columbiana Hi Tech in Guilford County This site discharges stormwater at two points to South Buffalo Creek (Class WS-V,NSW) South Buffalo Creek is in the Jordan Lake watershed and is impaired due to fluoride, cyanide, and selenium The N01 is attached NCG030640 — Columbiana Hi Tech in Guilford County This site discharges stormwater at two points to Richland Creek (Class WS-IV *) Richland Creek is in the Randleman Lake watershed and is impaired due to fecal coliform The NOI is attached Please let me know if the Winston-Salem Regional Office has any concerns about issuing these COCs Please also let me know of any potential impacts to wetlands If we don't receive any objections, we'll issue the COCs in 30 days Thanksi Julie Ventaloro Stoini��atei Permitting unit NC Division of I nugi f4tinc1a1 and I dull RLsouiccs j617 Mail Sen tc c Ct titer Raleigh NC 2.7699-i617 Phone (oio) 807 6170 1 ax (oiq) 807-6,191 WLbsac http I/watersupplMatushed nc gov f mad ccrrrt sjioritd act to and1rorrr d r,; addres, may fit su6jec t to the North( arohnu Public Rtcord, t uu and may tit discloticrl to third partit s Taylor -Smith, Aana From Shoffner, Debbie <Deborah Shoffner@greensboro-nc gov> Sent Thursday, September 26 2013 10 37 AM To Taylor -Smith Aana Subject RE Heads Up Gotcha So, speaking of places that probably don't have a permit but might should here are three in question that have come up one way or another for us Maybe they don't need permits, but they seems a little suspect for various reasons Columbiana Hi Tech, 1802 Fairfax Road, http //www chtnuclear com/ I went on a call here via a request by Corey and a complaint to the state Turns out it was nothing, and they seem to be in pretty good shape in general I asked Mike about whether it should be permitted, and I'm not where that left off Box Board, 8313 Triad Drive, http //www boxboa rd products com/ I inspect their BMPs, and it never occurred to me that maybe they should be permitted until my contact there asked me if they had a permit number I couldn't quite figure out where they fit in the mix, so I gave him Mike's info so he could contact the state I'm not sure if he ever did that but am thinking no PBM Graphics, 415 Westchff Rd , http //pbmgraphics com/ saw this while out in the field ---towers and such behind the building This website notes only a Durham location, and looking at the aerial in GIS I'm guessing this is a relatively new location Sorry to give you more work to do If you find out anything about these in the future, let me know And thanks for the birthday wishes I love getting a year younger every year (-) Debbie Shoffner, Water Quality Specialist Department of Water Resources City of Greensboro Phone 336-373-2741 Fax 336-373-3119 PO Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 www greensboro-nc go_v From Taylor -Smith, Aana [mailto Aana Taylor-Smith(a ncdenr gov] Sent Thursday, September 26, 2013 9 19 AM To Shoffner, Debbie Subject RE Heads Up Excellent' I think they're lust applying for an NE certification right off the bat We don't have them listed under any general or individual SW permit Sometimes that does happen they must have had some kind of internal EHS audit or something and found out they should've had one I will definitely forward you any additional info I get when they receive their No Exposure Certification By the way — happy birthday 10 Aana Taylor -Smith Land Quality Section i v ALIT t r NCDENR wwne:..wrr rn.mwu ttiuu��ccs NOTICE OF INTENT Dt iu of Water Quality 1 Sui face Water Protection Section National Pollutant Discharge Lliminatian Systf-m NCG030000 WA AGl ilC1 MIE611Y Dirt Artei,nd 3 to Mow+ temfratr or[evee e ltmzt Arsi m National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application for coverage under General Permit NCG030000 STORMWATER DISCHARGES associated with activities classified as SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) 335 Roiling Drawing, and Extniding of Nonferrous Metals SIC 3398 Metal Heat Treating SIC 34 Fabr€sated Metal Products SIC 35 Industrial and Commercial Machinery SIC 36 Electronic and Other Electrical Equipment SIC 37 Transportation Equipment SIC 38 Measuring Analyzing and Controlling Instruments P9For questions, please contact the DWO Regional Office for your area See page 4 (Please print or type) 1) Marling address of owner/operator (address to which dll permit correspondence will be mailed) Name Columbiana HI Tech LLC Street Address 1802 Fairfax Road City Greensboro State NC ZiP Code 27407 Telephone No 336 852-5679 Fax 336-852 6149 _ 2) Location of facility producing discharge Facility Name Columbiana Hi Tech LLC Facility Contact Larry Walker Street Address 1802 Fairfax Road City Greensboro- State NC ZIP Code 27407 County Guilford Telephone No 336 852 5679 Fax 336-852-6149 Email Iwalkor chtnuc_I_ear cow 3) Physical Location Information Please provide a narrative description of how to get to the facility (use street names state road numbers and distance and direction from a roadway intersection) Take 1-85 to Exit 119traVGlinq toward Grand Parkway Travel north on Groometown Road for 2 9 miles then turn left onto Fairfax Road I I 0 8 miles on the left 9�/% (A Copy of a carroty map or USGS quad sheet with the facility Deady located must be submitted with this apphcaUon) 4) Latitude N 36°2'37" Longitude W 79°52'32" (dag, min, sec) SEP 1 8 2013 SWU 218 071408 Page 1 of 4 Last revised 7114/08 NCG030000 N O 1 5) This NPDES Permit Application applies to which of the following Ca New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin X Existing 6) Standard Industrial Classification Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code) that describes the primary industrial activity at this Facility Sl(. Code 3499 7) Provide a brief narrative description of the types of industrial activities and products manufactured at this facility Columbiana High Tech is a metal fabricator for specially roducts used in the transport an storage of nuclear fuel rods Industrial activities on site include metal fabrication operations cutting, drilling, machining, bending and welding Media blasting and painting operations are also performed on site 8) Discharge points ! Recerving waters How many discharge points (ditches, pipes channels etc) convey stormwater from the property? Two 2 What is the name of the body or bodies of water (creek stream river lake etc) that the facility stormwater discharges end up in? South Buffalo Crcek Receiving water classification WS-V NSW Is this a 303(d) listed stream? Yes Has a TMDL been approved for thts water5hed? Yes If the site stormwater discharges to a separate storm newer system name the operator of the separate storm sewer system (e g City of Raleigh municipal storm sewer) _ 9) Does this facility have any other NPDES permits? X No 0 Yes If yes Ust the permit numbers for all Current NPDES permits for this facility 10) Does this facility have any Non Discharge permits (ex recycle permit)? X N4 ❑ Yes !f yes list the per-mit numbers for all current Nora Discharge permits for this facility 11) Does this facility employ any best management practices for stormwater control? ❑ No X Yes (Show any structural BMPs on the site diagram ) If yes please bnefly describe Structural BMPs include providing canopies over the sludge dumpster and storage drums Non structural BMPs include np rap at outfalls routine facility inspections good housekeeping procedures and employee monitoring of loadinglun loading operations 12) Does this facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ❑ No X Yes If yes when was it imptemened?April 2013 13) Are vehicle maintenance activities occurring at this facility? X No © Yes 14) Hazardous Waste a) Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage or Disposal Facility? Page 2 of 4 $ML218 071408 Last revised 7114ro8 NCG030000 N O 1 X No ❑ Yes b) Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator (less than 1000 kg of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? X No © Yes 0 Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg or more of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? X No ❑ Yes d) Is hazardous waste stored in the 100-ye2r flood plain? X No ❑ Yes If yes Include Information to demonstrate protection from flooding e) If you answered yes to questions b or c , please provide the following information Type(s) of waste How is material stored Where is material stored How many disposal shipments per year Name of transport 1 disposal vendor Vendor address 15) Certification North Carolina General Statute 143-215 6B (I) provides that Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation or certification in any application record report plan or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact In a rulomaking proceeding or contested case under this Article or who falsifies tampers with or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article of rules of the Commission Implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10 000) I hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s) and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true complete and accurate Printed Name of Person Signing Don Olson Title of rl, I.Pwr Applicant) F 7->3 (Date Signed) This Notice of Intent must be accompanied by a check or money order for $100 00, made payable to NCDENR Page 3 of 4 SWU 218 071408 Last revised 7114108 NCG030000 N 41 Final Checklist This application will be returned as Incomplete unless all of the following items have been included X Check for $100 made payable to NCDEwNR X This completed application and all supporting documents X A site diagram showing at a minimum (existing or proposed) (a) outline of drainage areas (b) stormwater management structures (c) location of slormwater outfalls corresponding to the drainage areas (d) runoff conveyance features (e) areas where materials are stored, (0 impervious areas (g) site property lines X Copy of county map or USGS quad sheet with the location of the facility clear ly marked on the map Marl the entire package to Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1617 Nate The submission of this document does not guarantee coverage under the General Permit For questions, please contact the DING? Regional Office for your area DWQ Regional Office Contact lnformaLon, Asheville Office (828) 2964500 Fayetteville Office (910) 433-3300 Mooresville Office (704) 663-1699 Raleigh Office (919) 791-4200 Washington Office (252) 946 6481 Wilmington Office (910) 796-7215 Winston Salem (336) 771-5000 Central Office (919) 807 6300 Page 4 of 4 SWU 218 071408 L ast revised 7114108 -• rr. •e+r m ra. •srit v� ,✓' L! 3iG 1 � ,�aat uG eawt �� wrf.ti,�. r.r_+-•y��. � .'tR � SIYr>=iV10US 01#��i.L t lL4 wG }il% —y Appendix H Summary of Sampling Data and Tiered Response Actions Completed Forms Summary of Sampling Data and Tzered Response Actions i "�'_�'f t t >ttryi �"' t 7fr� D3$Simple 9t CdC1fpE[te�d` rrt •{ -Total 55pEndet • af J �.:!ti•,. 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J86hchrUr ''100in L Dr SOa sMB/7.v��t 6 0"-a3 0 = to �iG7( p� a tt1 Q3�°i� Ac r5 Q.t�Vs% �y _ s i T�t^,c ,. iJid�InR1 L - r s 1 f6&th � rf/� h,�� \ F i r+lt e E[i E rw fVol :•I IV 1 i ' ..i :• ,,.• - r I S i5r t.� Alt I s S",��e, -- 4 x I 5 t i Tom I l; NOR t �S 't'•t�- .� •� _-�,� �'--- z � � r �•�`x.t b rk .���a. �i5� ' �� �"x4 { r ,� 1r � E�� •2 � � ��i�ej�{``��'° y "i l?+'Y ��� e� ly'4�s1�"�,"y4+ _: r ! r; '�y' `'',,z" a ,tit4•,'3�`y:,y 5ta}#'SF Csz:21 ,•ti r ¢Sim k'3a lti- T •�3 ex I i 5` ,� �:• ,^i, t a.K ram` �'S, '�- 2 cs. z's�b.Xy�..;•x�' iyE� �{'':,l r,aK!IS"i� 5�� y�s�,-��'�.r.�r ERN .�' bed, r •, ' '.y. `�Fi Alto f?5"i r( Y L €t I 04 -Qvo CPU z 3•.fgv? , - TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 CERIIFICATIONS AND MANAGEMENT APPROVAL 1-1 1 1 PR OrESSIONAL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICA I ION 1--1 12 MANA.GEMENTAPPROVAL 1-1 2 0 INTRODUCTION 2-1 21 FACIL17YLOCAT70N 2-1 22 FACILITY DESCRIPTION 2-1 23 FACILITY OPERATIONS 2-2 24 FACILITY DRAINAGE 2-2 30 STORMWAFER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REQUIRLMENTS 3-1 31 SITE PLAN (PA R T II, SECTION A 11 3-1 3 1 1 Cenral Location Map [Par t 11, Section A I a] 3-1 3 1 2 Description of Storage, Loading, Dust Generating, and Waste Drsposal Practices [Pat t 11, Section A I b j 3-1 3 1 3 Site Map [Part II, Section A I c] 3-2 314 Desci iption of Spills or Leaks [Pat t 11, Sechon A I d] 3-3 3 1 5 Non-Stormwater Discharge Certification [Part 11, Section A l i] 3-4 32 SFORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN [PART 11, SECTIONA 21 3-4 3 2 1 Feasibility Study [Part II, Section A 2 a] 3-4 322 Secondary Containment Schedule [Part 11, Section A 2 b] 3-5 3 2 3 BMP SummurV [Part II, Section A 2 c] 3-5 3 3 SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSE PLAN [PAR] II, SECTION A 313-5 3 3 1 SpiIl Prevenhon & Response Team (SPR T) [Part II, Section A 3] 3-6 3 3 2 Emergency Response Personnel Facility and Local 3-6 333 Emergency Responsr Federal and State Contacts 3-7 34 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING jPARTII, SEC77ONA 4 j 3-7 341 Preventahve Maintenance [Pat 111, Section A 4 ] 3-7 342 Good Housekeeping [Part II, Section A 4 j 3-8 FFM NC PC 1 19M71 35 FACILITY INSPECTIONS [PAR! II, SECTION A 51 3-8 36 EMPLOYEE TRAINING [PART 11, SECI ION A 61 3-8 37 RESPONSIBLE PART'Y[PART11, SECT70NA 71 3-9 3 8 PLAN AMENDMENT AND ANNUAL UPDATE [PART H, SECTION A 813-9 39 IMPLEMEN7ATIONIPARTII, SECTIONA 91 3-10 310 SOLVENT MANAGEMENT PLAN [PART II, SECTION A 101 3-10 40 ANALYTICAL MONIT ORING REQUIREMENTS [PART IT, SECTION B 1 4-1 41 ANALYTICAL MONITORING REQUIREMENTS [PART II, SECTION B 14-1 42 MONITORING SCHEDULE [PART IT, SECTION B 1 4-2 43 SAMPLING BENCHMARK VALUES PPART It, SECTION B 1 4-3 44 TIERED PROGRAM RESPONSE PROCEDURES [PART LI, SECTION B 14-4 45 SUBMITTAL OF SAMPLING RESULTS PPART III, SECTION E 21 4-5 50 QUALITATIVE MONITORING REQUIREMENT S [PART If, SECTION D 1 5-1 60 ON -SITE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE MONITORING REQUIREMENTS WART II, SECTION C 1 6-1 70 SUMMARY OF INSPECTION AND MONITORING REQ UIREMENTS 7-1 71 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS 7-1 72 CERTIFICA I7ON REQUIREMENTS 7-2 ERM NC P[ 11 19_571 LIST OF APPENDICES A Figures B Annual Review Form Adiininotrative Updates C Site Inspection Checklist D AnaIytical and Qualitative Monitoring Forms E Non-Storinwater Discharge Certification Form F Pollution Prevention Team Personnel Training Records G NCDENR General Pei snit NCG030000 H Suinmai y of Sampling Data and Tiered Response Actions Completed Forms ERM NC PC 111 192571 10 CERTIFICATIONS AND MANAGEMENTAPPROVAL I I PROMSSIONAL ENGINUER'S CERT10CATION Noith Carolhia dots not icgtaatc is MofessronaI Enghteet's certification fat a Stomi.wa►tet Pollution P-Levenhon Platt 12 MANAGEMENTAFPROVAL I cei ttfy under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments wetepiepmed tic{et my drtectlonoi,supervision In accotdance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel piopetly gathet a d evaltiatte the information %ibinitied Based on mty inquiry of the person of persons who manage the system, of those petsons directly iesponstble fat gatheiing the infoi mtahon, the infounation submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it tie, accurate, and complete I am aware that tlictc L are sigimficant penalties for submitting false rtrforritation, including the posstliiiity of fine turd. ztttptasonmelttfot knowing vioIlhons I also ceitify that thete ale no process wastewater discharges (i e, icon-Ootaiwket discharges) enter ig the stotntwnter dinma ge syslein at the Columbia Ht Tech -facility Y orrolsoll Columbiana H1 Tech, l LC C Drde, BY-07-13 IMRIIC NC 1.-1 10W 2 0 .INTRODUCTION The Water Quality Act of 1987 (Section 402(p)) requires that operators of certain facilities which discharge stormwater associated with industrial activity apply for a permit to conduct such activities Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC (CHT) is covered under North Carolina General Permit No NCG030000 The facility applied for a Certificate of Coverage in March 2013 The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has therefore been delegated authority to unplement and manage North Carolina's stormwater grogram Part II, Section A of the permit requires that the permittee shall develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) in an effort to reduce pollutant discharge to surface waters 27 FACILFTYLOCAT70N The facility is located in a mixed use area at 1802 Fairfax Road in Greensboro, Guilford Countv, North Caroliiia A site location map is presented in Appendix A as Figure 1 22 FACILTFYDESCIUIMON 7 he facility contains 7 79 acres of land situated on two parcels (5 95 and 184 acres) The property is developed with four buildings, parking areas, new material storage areas, disused equipment storage area%, and a former outdoor sandblasting area Building 1, constructed in 1973, consists of approximately 27,700 square feet of floor space used for offices, welding, fabrication, quality control, and a water let system. Building 2, constructed in 1997, contains approximately 10,000 square feet of space and is used for welding and quality control testing Building 3, constructed in 1999, contains approximately 4,300 square feet and is used as a maclune shop and far pairiang Building 4, constructed in 2011, contains approximately 3,000 square feet of space and houses the enclosed sand blasting operation A single -wide mobile office trailer is located adjacent to the southeast side of Building 1 CHT began operations on the property during 1994 m Buckling 1 EAM NC INC 2-1 191-571 23 FACILITY OPERATIONS I'he Greensboro facility employs apprommately 84 full-time employees CHT operates two shifts Monday through I'hursday, but frequently includes a Friday shift to complete production requirements CHI' is a metal fabricator for specialty products used in the transport and storage of nuclear fuel rods Stainless steel, carbon steel, and alummum compose the majority of raw metal stock used in the production process Fabrication processes include saw cutting, drilling, machining and bending the metal Some products are sent to CRT's off -site locations for additional fabrication and assembly Welding takes place using assorted tecluuques, including metal inert gas (MIG), tungsten inert gas (TIG), submerged arc, spot, and plasma Additional operations include media blasting and painting Media blasting takes place on -site inside Building 4 within a self-contained booth using either silica glass (about 10% of the total blasting effort - silica glass beads are used exclusively on stainless steel) or garnet beads (about 90% of the total blasting effort-- used on carbon steel and aluminum) Painting is conducted in a paint booth at the western portion of Building 3 New paint (that is either a two-part or three-part epoxy) is stored in a srnall detached trailer located adjacent to the north side of Building 3 Ancillary activities at the site include quality control testing of products using penetrants, egwpinent maintenance, and administrative functions The facility's industrial operations are classified under NAICS Code 332999, All Other Miscellaneous Fabrtcated Metal Products and SIC 3499, Fabricated Metal Products, Not Othenij se Classified 24 FACILITY DRAINAGE The property slopes from east to west, with elevations ranging from approximately 870 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) to 850 feet AMSL A tributary of South Buffalo Creek is located approximately 780 feet west- northwest of the western property boundary The property drains west towaids South Buffalo Creek Several stormwater catch basins, or drop i-ets, axe located around the buildings, which are connected to underground piping that discharge to two outfalls west of the fence line All industrial storrnwater at the facility drains via these two outfalls designated as Outfall 1 and Outfall 2 Outfall 1 is located at the northwest property fence line OutfalI 2 is located at the southwest property line, E W NC INC 2-2 I r-571 south of Building 4 These outfalls appear to drawn mto a drainage ditch which parallels the railroad tracks Parking lot drainage flows north towards a curb inlet along the northern property line This drainage is not associated with industrial activity A small trench drain is located zZorth of Building 3 AdditionaIly, part of the roof drainage from Building 3 flows into this trench drain and is discharged along the railroad trac" All facility stormwater flows to South Buffalo Creek winch is located within thL Cape Fear River Basin EBM NC LJC 2-3 1-2571 30 STOItMWAT,ER POLLUTION PRE VENTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS 31 SITE PLAN [Part II, Section A 11 311 General Location Map [Partll, Section A 1 a] Figure 1 of Appendix A demonsirates the location of the Columbiana Hi Tech facility on a USGS quadrangle map 3 1 1 1 Iota[ Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) According to North Carolina's 303(d) List, South Buffalo Creek is considered unpaired water for ecological/biological integrity at station 16- 11-14-2a In addition, total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) have been established by North Carolina Division of Water Quality for South Buffalo Creek for fluoride, cyanide, and seleruum At this time, the facility is not required to perform additional actions in regards to the established TMDI s for South Buffalo Creek because the facility does not have fluoride, cyanide, or selennuin readily exposed to slornnwater and therefore does not have reasonable potential to contribute these contaminants to stormwater 312 Description of Storage, Loading, Dust Generating, and Waste Disposal Practices [Part II, Section A 1 b j 3121 Bulk Storage All of the bulk above ground storage tanks (AS Is), drums, and other storage containers are compatible with the products stored and conditions of storage such as pressure and temperature A 250-gaUon kerosene above ground storage tank is located south of Building 3 The stoi age tank is single -walled and does not have secondary containment. A 200-gallon diesel above ground storage tank, mounted on a portable trailer is typically stationed south of Building 3 The diesel tank is not equipped with secondary contamment Two 55-gallon drums of denatured alcohol and one 55-gallon drum. of methyl ethyl ketone are located south of Building 3 The drums are stored on spill pallets under a canopy A closed drum of discharge water associated with the oil/w ater separator system is located south of Building 3 ERM Nr- INC 3-1 1925-11 Open drums of spent shot blast media (garnet and silica sand) are west of Building 4 3 1 2 2 Loaning and Unloading Materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, carbon steel, methyl ethyl ketone (drums or smaller containers), denatured alcohol (drums or smaller contamers), and occasional oil substances (drums or smaller containers) are received via tractor trailer at Btuldmg I Loading and unloading activities are monitored by a qualified CHT employee Loading and receiving areas are shown on Figure 2 of Appendix A 3 1 2 3 Dust or Particulate Gepieration A dust collector is used to control dust (particulate matter) from the blast booth located in Building 4 Since the dust collection system vents back inside Building 4, dust is not expected to be exposed to storm water CHT inspects the area around the dust collector for visible signs of dust: 3 1 2 4 Waste Disposal Practices All waste generated at the facility is segregated into groups General trash is collected in a closed metal dumpster located at the northwest comer of the property and an open dumpster located near the eastern property line Three open -top metal shavings dumpsters are located at the northwest corner of the property SIudge from the water let and spent shot blast are stored in a dumpster located under a canopy south of Building 1 Special wastes, including oily rags are collected inside in closed drums and sent out for recycling 313 Site Map [Part II, Section A 1 cj Figure 2 of Appendix A accurately depicts the location of each outfall and associated industrial activities at the facility 3 13 1 Inventory of Stor maater Exposure and Pr ocess Activities [Part 11, Section A 1 b ] Stormwater Exposure Item Associated Out al! Location Commenis 3 Metal Shavings, OF 1 Northwest area Dum sters are open, without ERM NC cnwc 3-2 ]h n dum sters (open) of property containment (1) Trash Dumpster (closed) OF 1 Northwest area Dumpster is closed of property (1) Recyclables (Cardboard) OF Z Northwest area Dumpster Ls closed Dum ster closed of property Metal Raw Materials OF 1 Western area of Metals and finished products are Product Storage property stored directly on the ground or on wood pallets Sludge Dumpster OF 2 South of Dumpster is locate-d under a Building 1 Lanopy Drums of Methyl Ethyl OF 2 South of Drums are stored on spill pallets Ketone and Denatured Building 3 and are located under a canopy Alcohol Oil/w ater Separator Drum OF 2 South of Drum is closed Buildcn 3 Drums of Spent Shot Blast OF 2 South of Drums are open and not equipped Media Building 3 with a lid 250-gallon Kerosene AS' OF 2 South of ThP AST does not have secondary Building 3 containment 200-gallon Diesel AST OF 2 South of The AST does not have secondary Building 3 contairunent (Portable) Metal Raw Materials, OF 2 Eastern and Metals and funsshed products are Product Storage Southern stored directly on the ground or on Property Line wood pallets (1) Trash Dumpster (open) OF 2 Eastern Dumpster is open and not Property hne equipped with a cover 314 Descr?ptson of Spills or Leaks [Part II, Sectio?? A 1 d] The factltty has not had any spills or leaks m the past three years ERM NC, INc 3-3 192571 315 Non-Storniwater Discharge Certification [Part H, Section A 7 e 3 A non-stormwater certification foi m is presented uz Appendix E The stormwater certification is required to be completed and re -certified on an annual basis As part of the cei tification process, a knowledgeable CHT employee must walk the property and inspect all stormwater conveyances, catch basins, drop inlets, and the two outfalls for the presence, or evidence of, non-stormwater discharges Typically, these "non-stormwater" discharges can include items such as boiler blowdolAM, oil/water separator overflow, wash waters, water let discharges, air compressor condensate, etc 32 STORMWATERMANAGEMENTPLAN[PARTH,SEC-BONA 21 This plan has been developed to minimize the possibility of an unplanned sudden or non -sudden release of oil or other substance into surface water that could threaten human health, and/or the environment The plan includes a prediction of the direction, late of flow, and total quantity of material released which could result from an equipment failure, tank overflow, rapture, leak or spill, fire or explosion Spills inside the building would generally be contained withuz the building Spills outside of the builduigs or spills that could leave any of the buildings are addressed below Spill kits have been placed in these areas to enable facility personnel to contain the spill before it leaves the facility property If a spill or leak were to occur in any outside area, the material would remain in the general area of the spill CIean up of the released material would be accomplished using sorbent materials When spent, these sorbent materials would be disposed of in accordance with appiopriate regulations 3 2 1 Feasibihhj Study [Part IT, Section A 2 al Due to the size, the nature of the operations, and the manufacturing processes at the CHT facility, it is technically ir►feasible and cost prohibitive to eliminate stormwater exposure to all process materials Tide facility will investigate the feasibility of • providing secondary containment for the outside ASTs (kerosene and diesel fuel) • Covering the open -top metal shavings dumpsters, E{iM NC. INC 3-4 1lr�7i • reducing the amount of materials stored outside the facility will review the feasibility of diverting the stormwater run-on from areas of potential contamination and methods of operations/storage practices to reduce exposure of materials to stormwater on an annual basis 11us review is documented on the Annual Review form in Appendix B 322 Secondary Containment Schedule [Part 11, Section A 2 b] A 250-gallon kerosene above ground storage tarok is located south of Building 3 The storage tank is single -walled and does not have secondary containment A 200-gallon diesel above ground storage tank, mounted on a portable trailer is typically stationed south of Building 3 Me diesel tank is not equipped with secondary containment. The facility will investigate the feasibility of providing secondary containment for these storage tanks and will develop an appropriate schedule for completion The facility does not store and SARA 313 water priority cheirucals outside 323 BMP Summary [Part 11, Section A 2 c] The facility has provided structural and non-structural measures or practices to reduce the amount of pollution entering surface waters Structural best management practices employed at the CHI facility include providing canopies over the sludge dumpster and the drums containing methyl ethyl ketone and denatui ed alcohol Catch basins are provided to improve stormwater flow throughout the facility Non- structural best management practices include providing rip iap at both stormwater outfalls to reduce erosion, semi-annual stormwater inspections, monitoring loading/ unloading operations, and good housekeeping procedures It is recommended that the facility investigate the feasibility of covering all dumpsters and providing secondary containment for the above ground storage tanks (see Sections 3 21 and 3 2 2) Best management practices are reviewed on an annual bases 33 SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSE PLAN [PART II, SECTION A 31 This SPPP contains the required elements of a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP), as outlined in Part 11, Section A 3 of the permit. E[ M NC, INC 3-5 lr" 71 331 CRT has strategically located spill response materials throughout the facility Areas where potential spills could contribute pollutants to stormwater have been identified on Figure 2 of this Plan, along with the associated drainage points Spill response trauzuig is provided to applicable employees on an annual basis In the event of a spill, CHT employees are to respond only to incidental releases where the substance can be absorbed, neutralized, or otherwise controlled at the time of release by employees in the m-mediate release area or by maimtenance personnel An occurrence which results, or is likely to result, in an uncontrolled release of a hazardous substance requiring a response effort by employees from outside the immediate release area or by other designated responders (i e , mutual -aid groups, fire departments, etc) is considered an `emergency response " CHT employees are not to perform emergency responses, and such responses are only to be performed by personnel trained u-i accordance with 29 CFI 1910120 All employees responsible for implementation of the SPRP are indicated in Section 3 3 2 of this Plan The signature of each employee indicated in Section 3 3 2 is required, acknowledging that they have completed training and are aware of their responsibilities under this Plan The annual stormwater training foim provided in Appendix F will be used to satisfy this requirement. Spill Prevention & Response Team (SPRT) [Part11, Section A.31 The responsibihties of the SPRT team include keeping all records, overseeing qualitative monitoring and analytical sampling, coordinating training program, implementing spill response and prevention measures, and ensuring good housekeeping at the facility A signature of each member of the 5PRP Team is provided in Appendix F 332 Emergency Response Pei sonnel Fact lity and Local Larry Walker- ream Leader Office 336-852-5679 Matt Willett Office 336--852-5679 Robert Shepard Office 336-852-5679 Jonathan Brown Office 336-852-5679 Fire Department (Pmecroft-Sedgeheld) 911 or 336-299-4424 EW NC we 3-6 inn 333 34 Police Department (Greensboro) 911 or 336-373-2269 State of North Carolina Patrol 911 Wesley Long Community Hospital 866-391-2734 Ambulance Service (Guilford County) 911 Emergency Response Federal and State Contacts National Response Center (NRC) SW-424-8802 State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) 919-896-7007 Local Emergency Planning Cornmattee (LEPC) 336-641-7565 NC Department of Natural Resources 919-733-1278 (NCDENR- Raleigh Central Office) NC Department of Natural Resources 336-7T1-5000 (NCDENR- Winston-Salem Regional Office) Regional Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 404-881-3016 800-4.24-8802 CHEMTREC (Chemical Transportation 800-424-9300 Fmergency Center transportation -related spills) EPA RCRA/Superfund Hotline 800-424-9346 OTHER PREVENTAI I AIA NTENANCE AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING [Pai t II, Sect -ion A 4 1 341 Preventative Maintenance [Part 11, Section A 4 1 A preventative maintenance program involves a timely mspection and maintenance of storrnwater management devices as well as inspecting and testing facihty egLupment and systems to uncover con&tions that could cause breakdowns or failures resulting in discharges of pollutants to surface waters, and ensuring appropriate maintenance of equipment and systems The facility performs documeinted inspections of outside areas ER M Nr_ INC 3-7 trsn on a senv-annual basis using the form provided in Appendix C During this inspection, the condition of storrnwater basins and swales are noted and issues are addressed in a timely manner 342 Good Housekeeping [Part TI, Section A,4 J Good housel.eeprng requires maintaining in a clean, orderly manner all areas which may contribute pollutants to storrnwater The facility ensures that dumpsters are emptied on a regular basis, drums are moved to the proper storage locations, and the facility grounds aie adequately maintained A key component to good housekeeping is the proper training of employees CHT employees are trailed to understand good housel eepuig measures 35 FA CILITY INSPECTIONS WAR If, SECTION A 51 Inspections of the facility and all stormwater systems shall occur at least on a senu-annual schedule once in the fiisthal£ of the year (January --June) and once in the second half of the year (July -December} with at least 60 days separating inspection dates The inspections and any subsequent maintenance activities peiforined shall be documented bj recording the date and time of inspection and the individuals) making the inspection, the condition of the facility's storrnwater control systems The SPRP learn Leader is responsible for ensuring appropriated actions are taken in response to the inspections The forms and guidelines for the following inspections are included in Appendix C Inspection of Material Storage Areas conducted semi-annually Inspection of Aboveground Storage Tanks conducted annually Inspection of storrnwater outfalls Conducted semi-annually In all inspections, deficiencies are recorded in the appropriate inspection report and corrected as soon as possible 36 EMPLOYEE FRAINLNG [PART II, SEC I7ON A 61 Stormw,iter training will be provided on an annual basis for facility personnel with responsibilities for spill response and cleanup, preventative maintenance activities, and for any of the facility's operations that have the potential to impact storrnwater (such as forklift drivers that transport material to and from outside storage areas) All SPRP Team ram NC, rvc 3-8 1=71 members will also receive training Training topics will include at a MIT11munr • Pollution control laws, • 'I he goals and contend of this plan, • General facility operations, • Good housekeeping procedures, • Material management practices, • Proper operation of equipment to prevent discharges, • Preventive maintenance of equipment to prevent discharges, and Spill prevention and response A signature of each trained employee is required i ranvng shall be documented on the form provided in Appendix F 37 RESPONSIBLE PARTY [PART Il, SECTION A 71 As certified on Page 3-1, the Plant Manager of the Columbiana Hi Tech facility is responsible for the overall conch Lion, development, implementation, and revision to this Plan 38 PLAN AMENDMENTIINDANNUAL UPDATE [PARTH, SECnON A 81 The permit requires the facility to amend the Plan whenever there is a change m design, conslrucbon, operation, or maintenance, which has a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters In addition, the annual update Shall include 1 An updated list of significant spills or leaks of pollutants for the previous three years or the notation that no spills have occurred, 2 A written re -certification that the stormwater outfaN have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges, 3 A documented re-evaluation of the effectiveness of the on -site stormwater BMPs, 4 A statement that annual training requirements were met in the year past, 6RM NC, WC, 3-9 192571 5 A review and comparison of sample analytical data to benchmark values over the past year and discussion of Tiered Response status An Annual Review form is presented ion Appendix B 39 IWLEMENTATTON [PART H, SECT70N A 91 The facility is required to document all monitoring, measurements inspections and maintenance activities taken to implement BIVWs associated with the industrial activities, including vehicle maintenance activities Such documentation shall be kept on -site for a period of five years and made available to NCDLNR upon request 310 SOLVENT MANAGEMENT PLAN {PART H, SECTION A 101 I11e permit requires total toxic orgaruc (TIO) sampling for facilities that perform any of the followuig metal finishing operations as defined in 40 CFR 43310 • Electroplating • Electroless Plating • Anodizing • Coating (chroinating, phosphating, and coloring) • Chemical Etching and Milting • Printed Circuit Board Manufacture CH does not perform any of the above operations lherefoie, TTO sampling is not applicable ERM NC, INC 3-10 1= 40 ANALYITCAL MONITORING RPQLrIREMENTS 1PART H, SECTION B I Stormwater sampling is to be performed on a semi-annual basis during a measureable Storm event at each storm water discharge outfall Forthe CHT facility, the stormwater sampling will be performed at outfalls 01 -1 and OF-2 as shown on Figure 2 The sampling point for each outfall is the end of a pipe A measurable storm event is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfalls and that is preceded by at least 72 hours in which no measurable storm event has occurred The 72 hour storm interval does not apply if the facility is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the facility obtains approval from the Winston-Salem DENR Regional Office Sampling must be performed during Period 1(January lit - June 30Lh) and Period 2 (July 1st - December 31s') during all five years of the permit_ A minimum of 60 days must separate Period I and Period 2 sample dates If no discharge occurs during the sampling period, the facility must submit a monitoring report indicating "No Flow" within 30 days of the end of the six-month sampling peiiod All sampling results are to be recorded on the Discharge Morutoring Report Form (DMR) provided in Appendix D and on the summary provided in Appendix H 41 ANALYTICAL MONITORING REQUIREMENTS [PART It, SECTION B J l he samples are to be collected and analyzed as follows Stormwa`ter Discltarge'SY� 9 r Characteristics i' i vi"Units y ;� 1 _ :,,Measurements } F re uen; o ° r Sample M , ;T " e� t, 3 Sample LocatioW pH Standard Semi -Annually Grab Outfalls 1 & 2 Total Suspended Solids mg/1 Semi -Annually Grab Outfalls 1 & 2 Non -Polar Oil & Grease TPH mg/l Semi -Annually Grab OuifallS I & 2 Copper, Total Recoverable mg/l Semi -Annually Grab Outfalls 1 & 2 Lead, Total Recoverable mg/l Semi -Annually Grab Outfalls 1 & 2 Zinc, local Recoverable mg/1 Semi -Annually Grab Outfalls 1 & 2 Total Toxic Or aiucs ITO t m 1 Semi -Annually Grab Not applicable Total Rainfalls I Inches Serra -Annually Ram gauge - Notes i Measurement Frequency Tu ice per year during a measureable storm event FRM NC, INC 4-1 IQ-" : Samp[e Type Grab samples shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge 3 Sample Locatwn Samples shall be collected at each Storm% ater Discharge Outfall (SDO) unless representative outfall status has becii grained A copv of thL h.ttet grantuig ROS shall be kept on site 4 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable onh for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations manufacture semiconductors manufacture electronic crystals or manufacture ray tubes For purpos" of the p(rmit, the definition of TTO is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for 40 CFR 43311 5 Total Rainfall For each sampled representative storm event the total precipitation must be recorded An on -site ram gauge or local rare gauge reading must be recorded Where isolated sites are unmanned for extended penods of time a local rain gauge ma) be substituted for an on -site reading 42 MONITORING SCHEDULE [PART II, SECTION B j The facility shall complete the minimum ten analytical samplings (i e , twice a year for five years) in accordance with the schedule specified below A nummunl of 60 days must separate Period 1 and Period 2 sample dates unless monthly monitoring has been instituted under I ier Two response Inability to sample because of adverse weather conditions must be documented in the SPPP and recorded on the DIAR Monitoring. s ���5tartt = 1 eriod ,Number .[. Sampler r z� ` S,x � � End - Year 1 - Period 1 1 January 1 2013 June 30, 2013 Year 1- Period 2 2 July 1 2013 December 31 2013 Year 2 - Period 1 3 January 1, 2014 June 30, 2014 Year 2 - Period 2 4 July 1, 2014 Dccemb-r 31, 2014 l ear 3 - Period I 5 January 1, 2015 June 31, 2015 Year 3 - Period 2 6 July 1 2015 December 31, 2015 fear 4 - Period I 7 January 1, 2016 June 30, 2016 Year 4 - Penod 2 8 July 1, 2016 December 31, 2016 Year 5 - Penod 1 9 January 1, 2017 June 30, 2017 Year 5 - Period 2 10 July 1 2017 October 31, 2017 Footnotes 1 Maintain senu-annual monitoring throughout the permit renewal process (unless other provisions of this permit prompt monthly sampling) 2 If no discharge occurs during the sampling period, the facility must submit a morutoring report indicating "No Flow' or "No Discharge" within 30 days of the end of the sampling period E¢NI NC_ INC 4-2 192571 Failure to monitor semi-aruivally may result in NCDENR requiring monthly morutormg for all parameters for a specified tune period "No discharge" from an outfall or the inability to collect a sample because of adverse weather conditions during a monitoring period, for example, does not constitute failure to monitor, as long as it is properly documented and reported 43 SAMPLING BENCHMARK VALUES [PA RT II, SECTION B ] Sampled values are to be compared to the benchmark values outlined in the following table Exceedences of benchmark values require the facility to increase monitoring, increase management actions, increase record keeping, and install stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) in a tiered program, Stormwater Discharge Characteristicswas Bertchmark Value ` d .u6 a. w�. s '; zI� 0utfalls r �i:`$'+ Jr ti�2 It 1 a, S3.i e-� pH Within range 6 0 and 9 Oi Outfalls 1 8 2 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 100 mg,/I Outfalls 1 & 2 lSS (OKW, H1N1Q Irout & PNA) 50 nig/1 Outfalls 1 & 2 Non -Polar Oil and Grease/ TPH 15 mg/I Outfalls 1 & 2 Copper Total Recoverable 0 007 mg/I Outfalls 1 & 2 Lead, Total Recover-ible 0 MO mg/I Outfalls 1 & 2 Zinc Total Recoverable 0 067 mg/l Outfalls 1 & 2 Total Toxic Organics 1 mg/1 * Not Applicable Footnotes 1 If pH values outside this range are recorded in sampled stormwater discharges, but ambient precipitation pH levels are lower, then the lower threshold of this benchmark range is the pH of the precipitation instead of 6 S U readings from an on - site or local rain gauge must be documented to demonstrate background concentrations were below the benchmark pH range Ent NC iNC 4-3 192571 44 TIERED PROGRAM RESPONSE PROCEDURES [PART II, SECTION $ J J£ The sampling results are above a benchmark value, or outside of the benchmark range, for any parameter at any outfall, Then The facility shall 1 Conduct a stormwater management inspection of the Facility within two weeks of receiving sampling results 2 identify and evaluate possible causes of the benchmark value exceedence 3 Identify potentia], and select the specific source controls, operational controls, or physical improvements to reduce concentrations of the parameters of concern, or to bring concentrations to within the benchmark range 4 implement the Selected actions within two months of the mspecbon 3 Record each instance of a Tier One response in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Include the date and value of the benchmark exceedence, the inspection date, the personnel conducting the inspection, the selected actions, and the date the selected actions were implemented If During the term of this permit, the sampling results are above the benchmark values, or outside of the benchmark range, for any specific parameter at a specific discharge outfall two times in a row (consecutive), Then 1 he facility shall 1 Repeat all the required actions outlined above in Tier One 2 Immediately institute monthly moiutormg for all parameters at every outfall where a sampling result exceeded the benchmark value for two consecutive samples 1M9onthly (analytical and qualitative) monitoring shall continue until three consecutive sample results are below the benchmark values, or within the benchmark range, for all parameters at that outfall 3 If no discharge occurs during the sampling period, the permittee is required to submit a monthly monutoring report mdicatmg "No Aow " 4 Maintain a record of the Tier Two response in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Elm roc INC 4-4 NI-M �T�7* 133Y F- Ufaµ t t H q + _ �1n3�+�' 4 �;n�.+a' 4 ' r1 - i15�� 0� m Y'.t� t , ^+ �'�k . -F, T 116�r u i1 rs �i i.�f s it* ♦ A} +5f �us5 n +t ka i During the term of the permit, if the first vabd sampling results required for the permit monitoring periods exceed the benchmark value, or are outside the benchmark range, for any specific parameter at any specific outfall on four occasions, the facility shall notify the DWQ Regional Office Supervisor in writing within 30 days of receipt of the fourth analytical results In this event, the DWQ w ill require further actions from the facth ty It is importaatt to note, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality will require further actions from the facility if sampling results exceed the benchmark values outlined in Section 41 on more than four occasions 45 St BXHTTAL OF SAMPLING RESULTS [PARTIII, SECTION E 21 Duplicate signed copies of the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) are to be submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) at the following address Central files NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 The duplicate copies must be received by the NCDENR no later than thirty days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory Also, per the requirements in Section B 5(b) of the permit, all reports submitted to the DENR will be signed and certified by either the Facility Manager, a corporate officer, or a duly authorized representative of the Facility Manager or corporate officer In order to be a duly authorized representative, the authorization must be made in writing and submitted to the Director of the NCDENR Stormwater Section VRM NC, INC 4-5 197571 50 QUALITATIVE MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IPARf H, SECTION D1 Qualitative (visual) monitoring must occur at each outfall (regardless of representative status) and must be performed during the analytical monitoring events During qualitative monitortng, outfalls must be visually inspected for color, odor, clarity, flodting solids, suspended solids, foam, outfall staining, visible sheens, and erosion or deposition at the outfalL The results of the qualttutive monitoring must be recoi ded on the DENR Stormwater Discharge Outfall Qualitative Monitoring Report form provided. in Appendix D All qualitative monitoring results (the completed forms) must be maintained and kept for a period of at least 5 years Stormwater Discharge .i -, ` Characteristics - f t' `' FA quency P ; ' �zu r t }Moriitoruig, Lbcatiork"" ' a Color Semi -Annual SDO Odor Semi -Annual SDO Clarity Semi -Annual SDO Hoatm Solids Senn -Annual SDO Suspended Sohds Serra -Annual SDO Foam Semi -Annual SDO Oil Sheen Serra -Annual SDO Erosion or Deposition at Outfall Semi -Annual SDO Other obvious indicators of stormwater pollution Semi -Annual SDO Notes 'Monitoring Location Qualitative monitoring shall be performed at each stormwater discharge outfall (SDO) regardless of representative outfall status EFM NC INC 5-1 192571 i ' 60 ON -SITE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IPART II, SECTION C J Facilities which have any vehicle maintenance activity occurnng on -site using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month when averaged over the calendar year are required to perform additional analytical monitoring The facility has an outside vendor perform forklift and vehicle maintenance Therefore, the vehicle maintenance activities at the facility do not use more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month and this section is not applicable ERM NC L�.c 6-1 142171 70 SUMMARY OF INSPECTION AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Per the requirements of the general perrrut and this SPPP, the following stormwater inspections and or monitoring or other activities must be conducted and documented • Annual Employee Stormwater frairung • Semi -Annual Facility Inspections (facility irispectnons and preventative maintenance inspections) • Annual Update of the SPPP • Annual Nan-Stormwater Discharge Certification • Sernn-Ari nuai Quantitative Stormwater Monitoring (sampling) • Semi -Annual Qualitative Stormwater Monitoring (visual) All of the above activities must be documented and maintained with this SPPP for five (5) years 71 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS The periruts require the followirig inspections and records at the CITI` facility Twice yearly wet weather qualitative (visual) morutorung inspections of the stormwater outfalls Visual observations shall be recorded on the Stormwater Discharge Outfall Qualitative Monitoring Report form included in this section Note that the visual monitoring of the outfalls needs to be done durnng a representative storm event. Qualitative monitoring must be performed at a minimum twice per year, once in the first half of the year (January -June) and once in the second half of the year (July -December) This monitoring report meets requirements contained in Part II, Section B (see Appendix D for forms) • Twice yearly dry weather inspections of the facility and drainage areas with a written record of the inspection Inspections shall be EPIM NG INC 7-1 172S71 recorded on the Site Evaluation Checklist form (see Appendix C) Inspections must be performed at a nummum Mice per year, once in the fust half of the year aanuary-June) and once in the second half of the year (duly -December) This checklist is set up to be completed in dry weather conditions and meet`s requirements contained in Section A 5 Retain records of all stormwater inspections required by the permits in Appendix C and Appendix D for a five-year period 72 CERTIFICATION REQUCREMENI S The permit requires the following certifications for the CHI facility • A certification that the stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges The purpose of dus evaluation and subsequent certification is to ensure that there are no process water sources discharging into the stormwater system Flits inspection may be conducted by any knowledgeable facility personnel, but the certification must be signed by either the Plant Manager, a corporate officer, or a duly authorized representative of the Plant Manager or corporate officer As part of the certification process, a knowledgeable CHT employee must walk the property and inspect all storrnwatei conveyances, catch basins, drop inlets, and the two outfalls for the presence, or evidence of, non-stormwater discharges Typically, these "non-stormwater" discharges can include items such as boiler blowdown, oil/water separator overflow, wash waters, water let discharges, air compressor condensate, etc The results of the inspection and the subsequent certification should be recorded and maintained within this Plan This monitonng report meets requirements contained in Part Il, Section A 8 The SPPP shall be reviewed and updated on an annual basis, and the SI'PP shall be amended whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance which has a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters Changes which would require an am.endrnent include changes in facility personnel listed m the SPPP, changes to the facrhty s operations or outdoor material storage, or changes to the stormwater systems If the annual evaluation reveals that changes to the SPPP are necessary, the changes must be incorporated into ERM NC, 1NC. 7-2 19-11 the SPPP, n ecorded on the attached form at the beginning of this Plan, and signed by the person conducting the review This evaluation and update meets the requirements contained in fart 11, Section A 8 • An annual review of spills or leaks, effectiveness of BMPs, training requirements were met, dnd a review and comparison of sample analytical data to benchmark values This review meets the requirements contained in Part II, Section A 8 The Plant Manager or corporate officer should certify that management of this company extends its full approval of this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and -A ill commit the necessary resources for implementation and upkeep l'lus certification should be made on the attached form at the beginning of this Plan Ipm NC INC 7-3 192371 Appendix A Figures 9 n r.Io-w mom{ �� xtsa •sr bqE *L47 idCly• r 9UI �rac T U,7 BUI D1�%6 HIMj3mm I , POO*= STOWS t —TA I — _ — 0�„R [[[!� ,U2EA Y INiP£RNW$ { OvTPALL I 1 MAC ms Ot,'TFAiL 2 3 M AC 97% cacao .— — Rv^ o•n 9GNi IN FEET o so 1 a dm Y+w °A ¢• "` il1!ll':11 Si 1 E PLAIN ADD DRALNAGE PATTERN S rxaoL Appendix B Annual Review Form Administrative Updates ANNUAL REVIEW FORM Yes No Requirement Date Reviewed or Accomplished Has Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) been reviewed for any change in design, construction, operation, site drainage, maintenance, or configuration of the physical features which may have a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to surface v, aters? Has SPPP been reviewed for changes to facility personnel listing or emergency contacts lusts? Has the facility had any spills or leaks within the past year? If yes update Section 31 4 of the SPPP Has the South Buffalo Creek been reviewed for ne% TMDLs? Have the stormwater outfalls been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges? Document the evaluation on the Non-Stormwater Discharge form in Appendix E of the SPPP Are the best managcinent practices at the facility proving to be effective? Have annual stormwater training requirements been met? MORONm Is the facility still exempt from TTO sampling as defined in Section 310 of the SPPP? a Has a review of analytical data been performed to compare sampled values to benchmark values shown tii Section 4 3 of the SPPP? Document on Summary of Sampl►ng Data Form in Appendix H f If sampled values were greater than benchmark values, were appropriate Tiered actions followed? I certify that the above inforination is correct Naine Date PLAN UPDATES This Plan will be reviewed, and if necessary updated, on aYn annual basis Adnnuustrative updates to the Plan do not require certification by a registered Professional Engineer When updates are made to the Plan, update the table below, indicating what was changed and which pages were affected It w-dl also be noted below when a review indicates no updates are required Date Update Updated by Page(s) Reason(s) for Update(s) required? Affected (Y or N) Appendix C .Inspection Checklists Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC SITE EVALUATION CHECKLIST- Performed Sernt-Atnnually i? k Visual Inspection Checklist Are there damaged or leakm drums? Are any leaks seen near the kerosene or diesel ASTs7 Are there scrap materials (i a metal, wood, wood pallets, etc) stored outside in the asphalt paved and concrete parking areas) Are there open top trash dumpsters at the facility stored outside with no cover from the weather? Is out of service equipment stored outside and ed to rain water? Are there windblown dry materiaLs or scrap paper on the exterior groiMds of the facility? Improperly maintained or overloaded roll-offa or dum sters? Good Housekeeping;and Preventative Maintenance Checklist 4 ,`,� ry� t {Y/N) Are outside areas kept un a neat and orderly condition? Are stormwater conveyance systems ditches, curbs, berms, etc clear of weeds and debris? Are storm%ater catch basins and drop inlets clear of ►n ecmds and debris or evidence of non- storm%ater dischar such as paint marks, ody stains, etc)? Are storm%ater outfalls 01i-1 and OF-2 clear of weeds and debris or evidence of non- storm%ater dxschar such as paint marks, oily stains, etc)? Is there evidence of dri 5 or Ieaks from equipment or machinery onsitO Is the factlityorderly and neat? Is there adequate space in work areas? Is trash removed regularly? Are walkways and passageways easily accessible, safe, and free of protrudmg obaccts, materials orequipment? Is there evidence of sera mattrnals on the ground from manufacturing processes? j Are cleanu p edures used fors Bled materials? Is good housekee m included in the em la ce program? Are good housekeeping procedures and reminders posted in appropriate locations around the workplace Are there regular housekee m u1s bons? Sit" Assessment Checklist t , (VN), 3 1 Are there signs of poor housekeeping (cluttered,,. alkways, upswept floors uncovered materials, etc )? Are there spots, pools, puddles, or other traces of oil, grease, or other chemicals on the ground? Is there discoloration, residue, or corrosion on the roof or around vents that ventilate or drain work areas? Do you see leaking equipment, i es, contauners, or hues? Are there areas "here absorbent materials (kitty litter, saw dust, etc are renflarly used? Do y2u nonce sip s Such as smoke, dirt, or fumes that mdicate material losses? Do you smell strange odors, or experience eye, nose, or throat irritation when you firGt enter the rxork area? These are indications of equipment leaks Do storage containers show sigLns of corrosion or leaks? Are there open containers stacked drums, shelving too small to properly handle inventory, or other indications of poor storageprocedures? Are containers properly labeled? Comments Name of Inspector Signature of Inspector Date of Inspection Appendix D Analytical and Qualitative Monitoring Forms Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No NCG030000 Date submitted CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO NCG03_ FACILITY NAME COUNTY PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES LABORATORY Lab Cert # Comments on sample collection or analysis Part A Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ❑ Monthly' month DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero flow ❑Water Supply ESA ❑Other PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 AND/OR 3 4 ❑ No discharge this period ;7 i �r ,nr _ r Outfall No,�� fit, E [+'4'YM` „-" " 5 date Sample- ems+ , 'CallMe' f �t r< 4� mo dd yrht � / / 7 1 �fti c f,� al _ Sr�J,�� 24-hour rainfall , - P v v amount'w sy ``Anches3 "� it yi �zi'•➢�Nr��-r�� -v� l,irl {Sil`x �=/,.% a ' ;r •Er�,�SH�Yr Total}Suspended Solids jr{ .. r ''^i# t f £ i } tea, s�tl_S ., x � 1�Yr�n� 1� •+,y1 rs'`' yStandard units �. f S ��.`Sia i.,.].s° '� fsa•�� '}w� , 9Copper ,r- �% �'r; ` ��{' �'��1�! eT' i Flic ;,� } aJA ws Lead s, ffi , r� i rfY - Zinc 1 t i ` ti 5 v � , Non-Polarso&G/ ;d iotalFpetroleum ^, r t H drocarbons Y n Total Toxic s Organics f ffen`rhnrarks' =-a � -"_ 3 w }r 5. 100 mg/L ore50"mg/Lk }r 6 n,..t9 {i(ti� fl fl07ning/Ls4, a ;0 03 mg/1�:711fl 067 mg%r ' 15 mi/I. ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge Unattended sites maybe eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement ° See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies s Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433 11, for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469 12, for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469 22, and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469 31) PERMIT DATE 11/1/2012 10/31/2017 SWU 245 LAST REVISED 10/25/2012 PAGE 1 OF 3 M Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the 5tormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit For those facilities electing to employ the lily monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement Based upon my Inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO) I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan " Name (Print name) Title (Print title) (SignatuieQ (Date) Mote Results must be reported in numerical format Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format When results are below the applicable limits they, must be reported in the format. "<XX mg/L where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc In mg/L Note If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tler 2, or Tier 3 responses See General Permit text Part B Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results only for facilities averaging > 55 gat of new oil per month ❑ No discharge this period 22 t_yy. +t��) MI--I�� i` A l {_ Outfall No �` - �s _ �` 1� � '�i�'ir'iI {Date Sample - .x . r� �. Collected SR(mo/ddJyr) r i J 4 hDir� r�nfaU ti h�En A� �` arnount,y fv ., r Inches w f e= vt i f A.. { } ai +L �1 Non-pola�O&G4,rPH by - J jJ•L -EPA',,11664 (SGT HEM)n'_;� �:+�+ t Xf s't' `, tiL• ,Total §� spended Solids ; •_ r� Y , k' '" PH' �r &enchmarks =-_>-�" 1s ntg/L w �" t 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L*N' ' a ;, 6 0 - 9 0 5U ` Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part 6 * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies PERMIT DATE 11/1/2012 10/31/2017 SWU 245 LAST REVISED 10/25/2012 PAGE 2 OF 3 Note if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses See General Permit text FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS SEE PERMIT PART Il SECTION B • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B • TIER 3 HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANYONE OUTFALL? YES[7]No ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME Mail an original and one con" cif this AMR, includrna all "No Discharge" reports, within 3C days of receipt of the lab results for art end otmonitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to Division of Water Quality. Attn DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFOWATION REPORTED_ "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations " {Signature of Permitteej PERMIT DATE 11/1/2012 10/31/2017 (Date) SWU-245, LAST REVISED 10/25/2012 PAGE 3OF3 A�. HCDENR Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report Forguidance on filling outthisform please visit li t ortl ncdenr or web wQ 1ws Isudes w#tab-4 Pei mit No jY/�/_/_/_/_/_/_/� or Certificate of Coverage No Facility Name County Inspector Date of Inspection Time of inspection Phone No I otal Event Precipitation (inches) Was this a Representative Storm Event" or "Measureable Storm Event' as defined by the permit? [See Information below) ❑ Yes ❑ No Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a representative storm event' or "meavureable storm event (requirements vary, depending on the permit) Qualitative monitoring requirements vary Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a "representative storm event" or during a measureable storm event" However, some permits do not have this requirement. Please refer to these definitions if applicahip A 'representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0 1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0 1 inches has occurred A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation A' measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior The 72 hour 1 storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval _from the local DWQ Regional Office By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge (Signature of Permittee or Designee) pprr 1 (IF 2 SWU 242 LAsrMODIPIED 10/25/201Z I Outfall Description Outfall No _ Structure (pipe, ditch, etc) Receiving Stream Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area 2 Color Desci the the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors 3 Odor Describe any distinct odors that the dtscharge may have (i e smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc) 4 Clarity Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy 1 2 3 4 5 5 Floating Solids Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge whet e 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids 1 2 3 4 5 6 Suspended Solids Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy 1 2 3 4 5 7 is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes No 8 Is there an oil sheen in the storiwater discharge? Yes No 9 Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes_ 10 Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution List and describe No Note I ow clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition maybe indicative of pollutant exposure These conditions warrant further investigation PAGE Z OF 2 SWU 242 LAST MODIFIED 10/25/2012 Appendix F Ikon-Stormwater Discharges Certification Form n NON STORMWATER DISCHARGE ASSESSMENT CERTMCATION Date of Test or Out fail. Directly Method Used to Test Descnbe Resvlt5 fr= Ideatafv Potent*aT Poll, -tart Name of Person Evaluation Observed T.?=ng the or Evaluate Test for the Presence Sources Conduc'tin the Evaluation Test of Non-Sto=water Disclwge Ou%all S lr]Stlal process wastewaters from rrsside the binding (e g_, water let process), dumpsters, =tenais storage Outfall 2 vrsaal Process wastewaters from, =aide the bu%.ding (e.a , penal --and wash area), matenals storage, ASrs, d.-azns CER.TIFF .ECA'ITON O DW.9 2-0 bpi of 3 r/ _ _ (responsible comp=y official), certify that .under penalty of law that the docc mmt and all amahments were prepared under my duectsort or saper<-,sicat art accordance wrth a system desagrua to a;zre that qualified personnel p_-opeacly gather and evaluate ine mfbmiatton submrttea. Based on my anq=g of the person or persons who manage the system,, or those persons daectiy responsr'ble for gat)rierrreg the ftdformation, the mformatron submxttai as, to the bes' of my knowledge and behef, true, accazate, and complete I a= aware that there are smear& penalties for si..bm±tmg false irxfom-mtxon, =4-Q=g the possOnIty of fmc and mtpsisorkment for laiow =g vicabons Appendix F Stormwater Training Records SPILL PUVENTION AND RESPONSE TEAM Dean Leadei L.atry Walker IResponsibilitles ResponsiWe for ensuring that ilia plan is inipleineuled, ►naintenied and amended as segtured at the lntervids required In the plan Coadocis the semi annual compliance Inspectrans a►id requited annual activities Coardinates so Liu annual sntnpling at outfails Responsible for implementing.►chon items ident►fled duihig the inspection or atany times non compliance incident occnre Respons►b1a foi spill prevention, response and reporting for the facility Sfgneli►rn Dale 3�'"c ream Memb►.r Malt W IMI Respai►sibllilLes Responsible for I►nplemenlntiwi of all aspects of the SPPP Identity a id employ appropriate 1319ciln0 and speci£lc best management practices Assist In [he semi annual campllaiue inspections, required annual nitwit►es and slo►m Wei sampling Sigi.atnre Date $� 743 Team Member Ro]aertSltepaid Assists as requited by tha team leader Responsibilities slgnatu►e, zgeA�,�f, axle .7 Teant Member Donald Olson Responsibilities Ceritfifls the SUP and anniml xequiremenis are followed 5ignahirn Dale OTHER PERSONNEL TRAINING RECORDS Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC Course title Greensboro, NC Instructor Date Coordinator Larry Walker Signature Printed Name Appendix G NCDENR General Permit NCG030000