HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160324 Ver 1_Complete File_19990609 !,"-" N~.C~ DEPARTijE~T'OF' TRANSPORTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIp TO: j;h~ ~V\esst1 FROM: ~i~e'e.- '~es ACTION o NOTE ANDF'ILE o NOTE ,AND RETURN TO ME 0, RETURNWITIf 'MORE DETAILS tJ N()TEAND SEE MEAB()UTTHIS o ~LEASE:I\NSWER o PREPARE REPL"F'OR MYSIG.o(ATURE o TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION COMMENTS: DATE taf3.19! f)~:'M~G', R?BO~e3~rCG' o PER OUR CONV",R,SATION o PER YOUR REQUEST DF'OR YOUR APPROVAL, o F'OR YOUR,INF'ORMATION o F'ORYOUR, COMME,NTS o ~iGNAiURE o INVESTIGATEANC REPORT -. ... . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR E. NORRIS TOLSON SECRETARY P,O, BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N,C, 27611-5201 FROM: June 3, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. John Hennessy DWQ - DENR SUBJECT: Meeting for Replacing Bridge No.8 on SR 1627 over Brown Creek, Anson County, Federal Aid No. BRZ-1627(1), State Project No. 8.2651301, TIP No. B-2506 A meeting has been scheduled for July 8, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. in the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Conference Room (Room 470) to discuss the various alternatives regarding the above subject project. If you cannot attend, please send a representative. If there are any questions about the meeting, please call me at (919) 733-7844, Extension 233. MLJ/plr Attachment @ ~ @ I Ansonville 220 1956 1 COla · i ,. /' / I' 52 1Id7 - -r~~ "",; ", " 7r ~ ~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT 01<' THANSPORT A TION DrVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENvmON.\lENTAL BHANCH ANSON COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO, 8 ON SR 1627 OVER BROWN CREEK B - 2506 o I mile I FIG, 2 .'.. ,'..... NOTES July 8, 1999 Room 470 10:00 AM Meeting Agenda for TIP Project B-2506 Introductions (Michele James, Project Development Engineer) Project Description TIP Project No. B-2506 Replacement of Bridge No.8 on SR 1627 over Brown Creek; Anson County; Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1627(1); State Project No. 8_2651301 Proposed Planning Document The Environmental Assessment is currently scheduled for completion ill January 2000. ,..Project Status and Discussion of Alternatives Met 7/15/98*** Alternatives studied were: (1) Existing location replacement- road closure (2) Replace bridge with slight shift in alignment At the close of the meeting, the following alternatives were agreed upon to be studied: f Alternate 1- Replace in existing location - road closure Construction cost: $550,000 Acreage impacts: 0.0726 acres · Alternate lA - Replace in the existing location- road closure; raise the -:J,SfJOL,: is $/-,"'" grade and~ in the floodplain -7 p./Av,,( , s s!v.<".,tderL Construction cost: $7,500,000 ~o;n:f? · Alternate 2- Replace the bridge slightly to the west - road closure Construction cost: $650,000 Acreage impacts: 0.527 acres · Alternate 2A- Replace the bridge slightly to the west - road closure; raise the .Dade andtadd-euW.em in the floodplain Construction costs: $7,500,000 "> # July 8, 1999 Room 470 10:00 AM Meeting Agenda for TIP Project B-2506 Introductions (Michele James, Project Development Engineer) Project Description TIP Project No. B-2506 Replacement of Bridge No.8 on SR 1627 over Brown Creek; Anson County; Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1627(1); State Project No. 8.2651301 Proposed Planning Document , The Environmental Assessment is currently scheduled for completion in January 2000. ,..Project Status and Discussion of Alternatives Met 7/15/98*** Alternatives studied were: (1) Existing location replacement- road closure (2) Replace bridge with slight shift in alignment At the close of the meeting, the following alternatives were agreed upon to be studied: l Alternate 1- Replace in existing location - road closure Construction cost: $550,000 Acreage impacts: 0.0726 acres · Alternate 1A - Replace in the existing location- road closure; raise the .;i57104F is Sj-I.v grade and~ in the floodplain -7 Wh'(r{ , s sl.J~f1'I(A)ql.- Construction cost: $7,500,000 ~o;nj-~ · Alternate 2- Replace the bridge slightly to the west - road closure Construction cost: $650,000 Acreage impacts: 0.527 acres · Alternate 2A- Replace the bridge slightly to the west - road closure; raise the .,.grade andta~lts in the floodplain Construction costs: $7,500,000 -~ · Alternate 3- . Alternate 4- . Alternate 5- Replace bridge to the east of the existing location - road closure. Construction costs: $650,000 Acreage impacts:, 0.584 acres Remove SR 1627 from the State Highway System No Build- Barricade the bridge Input From Agencies 0/,-/ 1- /We ~ wt.....J-. r5ftj,. ~ ? ~ eJ/_?~ Summary (Michele James) I+- bn + ), / A fl pic.. t,,rw. h, .I"'t--/I...... .J.4- ~.;'. 1/' Itf'h/G (.AlL -esi"..bf,} J".,.~ A- i/;&tM'C.. 't-N? -7, / , (4n11 /~ . /"~ r/~ w//I ~< ( .2.) S'o~/ ~r~~_ !:d("V>S> W4J',)<'c '/. ; . ,;>~r,,\ J). c.;,^,,+ rn/nH. t!Jbi~dt,,<-i (/o>l(( 4.n)>4,&> ,t:</AI/ ~ I- e filS"; 1 riJ/1-'?./ 'I) Jk cA- ~tnjJ,4-vf- /11/'>'>/7 Iflp] +i--1racl'<.. fj'l- euJv<rfs s-:) ~'thr Or tvL -7 ;e.,~p' yrt;I;f/~" L/ _ 1" . /..., OT ; ,?1/Ae7 we... , , /k... L..) 10(:) tI ;>~/ Ad. ~~~~~~-~~? JK' f,) V$<... vcJJldl'kY(~ ~ I7f l'o/'lclu,'1- {2y f7('O,!JCVJffc. ~~1o#UL/-~' July 8, 1999 B-2506 NOTES 41f. I .t-entz/-t.... ~f ~;dtL ~~ ~ <;/0 1?1 ~ ':;Z /;l..S- L/ v v - IJf!!VF rCt7U,,'v -e~/5-H7 /J;-;.yL 1- r'Y/~t/V,/ ~AN VC)c~(cI 2'4- If) ,,~ j~, f ~ ~r~ 1)< A- r;lI" e; , 1JAJ'L. I " \ f'""" ~," "',""."",= j (") ~ (12 ;jDJr'" !lnU~i ~ I n} ~ ,.J~jJ if; i ' " LT.,' I "-VJeLh,j~: it" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA L.........-l~\TE!LQVi:\LlFS: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION r~\ if'l; r 1. j ~ : rill! ,:LJ~P , d , :) -:~IOf! - JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR P,O, BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N,C, 27611-5201 E. NORRIS TOLSON SECRETARY June 9, 1998 SUBJECT: Ms. Cyndi Bell DWQ - DENR ~t.--William D. Gilmore, P. E., ManageJ:4.~ ~ . 1 Planning & Environmental Branch 117. Scoping Meeting for Replacing Bridge No.8 on SR 1627 over Brown Creek, Anson County, Federal Aid No. BRZ-1627(1), State Project No. 8.2651301, TIP No. B-2506 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Due to new developments on this project, another scoping meeting for the subject project (See attached map for project location) has been scheduled for July 15, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. in the Planning and Environmental Branch Conference Room (Room 470). The purpose of the meeting is to reassess alternatives and to finalize the scope ofthe project. Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting, please call Michele James, Project Planning Engineer, at (919) 733-7844, Extension 233. WDG/wp Attachment (i) ~ @ I .. 1~-;lO c:, tjro\AJ\I\ L(ee~ YrAJk,,,,,~ Pee Oe~ ~~d,(~/\ ~~y ;V\JI ----- I I Ansonville 220 1956 ,I' " r , , I. I I I I " I I I I I I ! 9 Ccwa . . / \.8] ! ,Mcfali' - ,,-,-1-1 "", ", " i~ @ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTrottENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH ANSON COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 8 ON SR 1627 OVER BROWN CREEK B - 2506 o mile I FIG. 2 -- l3 --- J s-CXo o . o . \) c&! o I <J 0 - C> v t::# o "J · <i1' o o oQ \') dJ Cl () , ~ I { ~ July 15, 1998 Room 470 10:00 AM RE-SCOPING OF B-2506 AGENDA . Introductions (Michele James, Project Planning Engineer) . Project Overview (Michele James) Project Description (TIP Project No. B-2506) Replacement of Bridge No.8 on SR 1627 over Brown Creek; Anson County; Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1627(1); State Project No. 8.2651301 Project Status On April 30, 1998, a meeting was held between Roadway Design, Federal Highway Administration (FHW A), and Planning and Environmental representatives. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the group that due to changes in personnel at the Pee Dee Wildlife Refuge and constraints associated with the project, another scoping meeting be held. Project History On November 25, 1997, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), North Carolina Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and the FHW A met to discuss alternatives for project B-2506. At this meeting, the USFWS expressed the need to remove the bridge and embankment for SR 1627 and restore the floodplain of Brown Creek to its natural condition. To do this, removing SR 1627 between SR 1634 and SR 1649 from the State Highway System would be necessary. It is NCDOT's understanding that the USFWS owns all of the property adjacent to this section of SR 1627. .. A couple options for removing Bridge No.8 and its embankment and restoring the floodplain of Brown Creek to its natural condition were also discussed. They are as follows: (1) The NCDOT and USFWS would cooperatively develop a restoration plan. After removing SR 1627 from the State Highway System, NCDOT would remove the bridge and the embankments that are in the floodplain. In cooperation with the USFWS, NCDOT would restore the floodplain to natural condition and by that create a wetland and stream restoration mitigation bank within the Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge. NCDOT and USFWS would include preservation of the archaeological site in any restoration plans. NCDOT would use this mitigation bank to mitigate impacts associated with other projects in the region. (2) The USFWS could request removal of SR 1627 from the State Highway System. Once NCDOT removed SR 1627 from the State Highway System the Right-Of-Way reverts to the adjacent property owners. Therefore, the USFWS would become the owner of the facility. The USFWS would then be free to restore the floodplain to its natural condition by removing the bridge and the embankment. In a letter on December 16, 1997 from the FHW A to the USFWS, the process for removing SR 1627 between SR 1634 and SR 1648 from the State Highway System was given. The letter also noted that if this sectionofSR 1627 was not removedJrom the State Highway System, replacement or closure of the bridge would be necessary. A December 18, 1997 letter from the USFWS to NCDOT proposed the following: (1) NCDOT abandon SR 1627 between SR 1634 and 1650 (2) NCDOT remove the existing bridge and road from the floodplain of Brown Creek (3) NCDOT return natural contours and functions to the project area (4) The USFWS proposed to maintain the upland portions ofSR 1627 as part of the refuge road system. (5) The USFWS proposed that the Corps of Engineers, NCDOT and NCWRC explore the possibility of credit for the wetland restoration and enhancement. This letter also stated that the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) supported removal of the bridge and roadway to stabilize the archaeological site. Then on February 18, 1998, an on-site meeting and field review was conducted by NCDOT mitigation specialist Robin Little. Representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), USFWS, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality (DENR-DWQ), NCWRC, FHWA, and the Pee Dee Wildlife Refuge were invited. Scott McLendon of the COE, Cyndi Bell ofDWQ, David Cox of NCWRC, Laura Fogo and Scott Lanier of the Pee Dee WRlUSFWS, and Anson County 'o' representatives attended. During the meeting, it became apparent that the local opposition from the County had reversed the Wildlife Refuges' support for removal of the bridge and roadway as a mitigation partnership between USFWS and NCDOT. While the previous Refuge Manager, Mike lelmini, had promoted the bridge and partial roadway removal as a wetland mitigation project in recent meetings with NCDOT, he apparently understated the cooperative nature of the Refuge with the local farmers farming the Refuge lands under long-term lease agreements. His transfer apparently resulted in a reversal of the Pee Dee Wildlife Refuge's position which was communicated to the group on the morning of the field review. The representatives from Anson County apologized for the timing of the situation, and indicated that the County could not support ' the removal of the bridge and causeway, because the local farmers use the road to transport livestock to Norman, NC. An April 30, 1998 letter from Steve Carpenter, the Anson County Manager, stated that their initial reaction to closing SR 1627 was one of opposition and gave several reasons why. They are as follows: (1) The road is used by citizens that liVe in Ansonville and travel to Wadesboro on a regular basis (2) Emergency Services uses the road when Highway 52 is blocked (3) SR 1627 provides the best route north when the other main roads are closed (4) The county is in the final stages of land acquisition for the County Airport expansion. The traffic on the road may be increased because the facility is located off Pinkston River Road and is planned to be primarily developed as an industrial park location. Proposed Planning Document An Environmental Assessment (EA) will be completed for the project. The EA is scheduled for completion in January 1999. Alternatives (1) Existing location replacement (road closure) (2) Bridge replacement with slight shift in alignment (road closure) . Input From Agencies . Summary (Michele James) >. ~ @ I ,I' " t , , '4 # # I # # # # # # # # I ~r @ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH ANSON COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 8 ON SR 1627 OVER BROWN CREEK B . ?506 o I mile I FIG,2 1 I I. J NOTES 'd~ . a~ /' //?~~ ~~7!;;_ _ ./ '.' 17;1 - I " /~ X .,-;{-.. ,/'"j ,') /J....... ....-,........,. .- ,., I ., ./ . .rr V"- '-- .' /J -, t , v . ( ~~/,h/L ~L ~ -I .f. i:" ", () , . / '< ' , /~AI e,.~~^t;f"\ A............. //J\4Jh ~.<.A/YY) C~ / -l ir'...../.i ,/ J / - I IJ /J / / /----h:l: ,/,.-1.,7 /'V\O---r.-.) (~;Z ~'1J{--11 tAf/ / l;-e--l/~ J/l ,r /, 0 . _ /' ../!.I / 1L7~ f V ,"-...-L ' 1/7f.J-J U " "~ U 'iJ J 1_'1 f)! . / ~ +- ,~^v"sv-e.- CrLt( r;-v'-1.,: v:iJ1/7 -( ,'^- o~v~ DOY\ U c2 11 e-.-mON afltf -fad/" --~hng~L)~~ ~. ~~ Jlv-e ~ ~ I, / ,1 ' / 10 /L<J-o--/ N~C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP 8 --11-93 TO:VlC &at~Mb- ~ ~: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. JtAfi~~ tl:zJht ," {\ ),-- r*E ACTION 0 NOTE AND FIL.E 0 PER OUR CONVERSATION 0 NOTE AND RETURN TO ME 0 PER YOUR REQUEST 0 RETURN WITH MORE DETAIL.S 0 FOR YOUR APPROVAL 0 NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION 0 PLEASE ANSWER 0 FOR YOUR COMMENTS 0 PREPARE REPL.Y FOR MY SIGNATURE 0 SIGNATURE o 'TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION 0 INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: Fi Ie J Iv, ~ J Julie Hunkins, P. E.()A~ Project Planni~~~~eer Replacement of Bridge #8 on SR 1627 Over Brown Creek in ~~ County, TIP No. B-2506, State Project 8.2651301, Federal Aid Project BRZ-1627(1) \,..: '" # MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 00 mrnrnn\VJ~ AUG 12 1993 August 6, 1993 WETLANDS GROUP WATER UALlTY SECTiON A scoping meeting for the subject bridge replacement project was held on July 29, 1993 at 10:00 AM in Room 470 of the Planning and Environmental Branch. A list of those who attended is as follows: Brian Williford Annette Mortick Lonnie Brooks Eric Galamb Jim Morrison Don Sellers Robin Stancil John Taylor Danny Rogers David Foster David Yow Jeff Reck John Williams Julie Hunkins Galen Cail Hydraulics Unit Hydraulics Unit Structure Design Unit Division of Environmental Management Roadway Design Unit Right of Way Branch State Historical Preservation Office Location and Surveys Unit Program Development Branch DEHNR NCWRC Planning and Planning and Planning and Planning and Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Branch Branch Branch Branch Attached is a revised scoping sheet which includes additional information provided at the scoping meeting. The Hydraulics Unit recommends a 140-foot long spanning structure to replace the existing bridge. Replacement of the structure in its present location appears to be the best location. Road closure is a viable and preferable option of handling traffic during construction du~ to the low traffic yolumes and the availability of suitable detour routes in~he area. The division engineer concurs with road closure during - construction. In addition, the project area is surrounded by wetlands, and efforts should be made to avoid and minimize wetland takings; replacement of the bridge at its existing location would minimize such impacts. The resource agencies described the project area to be designated as a North Carolina Natural Heritage Area. It was also mentioned that the area was considered o~e of th~ ee3r examples of a swamp forest in North Carolina. ,. ~ During a recent site visit, a staff archaeologist examined hand hewn log structures submerged at and around the existing bridge site. These structures are suspected to be of historical significance, possibly a gold mining facility, and will require further investigation. A list of alternatives to be studied is as follows: Alternate 1 - Replace the bridge at its existing location. The road will be closed during construction and traffic will be detoured along existing roads. Alternate 2 - Replace the bridge on new location immediately west of its present location. Traffic could be maintained on the existing structure during the construction period. Alternate 1 is the preferred alternate at this time since traffic can be detoured during construction and because it will minimize the amount of impact to surrounding wetland communities. It is also anticipated that Alternate 1 will cost the least to construct. It is anticipated that a Section 4(f) document will need to be prepared for this project since the project is located within the Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge. Compliance with Section 4(f) will necessitate the documentation of avoidance and minimization of harm to the refuge. ( JH/jh ,\ . BRIDGE PROJECT SCOPING SHEET DATE 6/9/93 REVISION DATE _ 8/6/93 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STAGE PROGRAMMING PLANNING X DESIGN TIP PROJECT B-2506 STATE PROJECT 8.2651301 F.A. PROJECT BRZ-1627 (1) DIVISION 10 COUNTY ANSON ROUTE SR 1627 PURPOSE OF PROJECT: REPLACE OBSOLETE BRIDGE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 8 ON SR 1627 OVER BROWN CREEK IN ANSON COUNTY METHOD OF REPLACEMENT: 1. EXISTING LOCATION - ROAD CLOSURE 2. EXISTING LOCATION - ON-SITE DETOUR X 3. RELOCATION 4. OTHER WILL THERE BE SPECIAL FUNDING PARTICIPATION BY MUNICIPALITY, DEVELOPERS, OR OTHERS? YES NO X IF YES, BY WHOM AND WHAT AMOUNT: ( $ ) , (%) Jl- BRIDGE PROJECT SCOPING SHEET TRAFFIC: CURRENT 200 TTST 1 % VPD; DESIGN YEAR DT 2 % 400 VPD EXISTING TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION: 18-foot travelwav EXISTING STRUCTURE: LENGTH 81 FEET; WIDTH 17.3 FEET PROPOSED STRUCTURE: BRIDGE - LENGTH 140 FEET; WIDTH 24 FEET DETOUR STRUCTURE: BRIDGE - LENGTH 100 FEET CONSTRUCTION COST (INCLUDING ENGINEERING AND CONTINGENCIES)... .................. $ 350,000 RIGHT OF WAY COST (INCLUDING RELOCATION, UTILITIES, AND ACQUISITION)............... .... $ 16,000 FORCE ACCOUNT ITEMS.................................. $ N/A TOT AL CO ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 6 6 , 000 TIP CONSTRUCTION COST................................ $ 275,000 TIP RIGHT OF WAY COST................................ $ 16,000 TIP TOTAL CO ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 29 1 , 000 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: . RURAL LOCAL ROUTE . PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE .. " , ~ @ I , I' " t , , I. , , I ' I I " " I I 7r ~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH ANSON COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 8 ON SR 1627 OVER BROWN CREEK B - 2506 o I mile I FIG. 2 1 I " N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: REF. NO. OR ROOM. BLDG. E:r i(..larl.A.~_ Pa-\ - DaiNQ FROM: boAtv\ ecu:\ REf~ OiiOOM. BLDG, ACTION 0 NOTE AND FILE 0 PER OUR CONVERSATION 0 NOTE AND RETURN TO ME 0 PER YOUR REQUEST 0 RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS 0 FOR YOUR APPROVAL 0 NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION 0 PLEASE ANSWER 0 FOR YOUR COMMENTS 0 PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE 0 SIGNATURE 0 TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION 0 INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: JAMES B, HUNT, JIt GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P,O, BOX 25201. RALEIGH, N,C, 27611-5201 SAM HUNT SECRETARY June 22, 1993 r ~-~:',.:~~' c ''''T;;.r~~.'''::~-~''-''j:~;'''''-''~Y'; -, t- ~i / 1 i fil i5 lb l.s U \0)_ jWF [ WETLANDS GROUP .. WATER QUAlITY SECTION MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Eric Galamb OEM - DEHNR, 6th Floor L. J. Ward, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Review of Scoping Sheet for Bridge No. 8 on SR 1627 in Anson County over Brown Creek, B-2506 Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets for the subject project (See attached map for project location). The purpose of these sheets and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the project. A scoping meeting for this project is scheduled for July 29, 1993 at 10:00 A. M. in the Planning and Environmental Branch Conference Room (Room 470). You may provide us with your comments at the meeting or mail them to us prior to that date. FROM: SUBJECT: Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting or the scoping sheets, please call Julie Hunkins, Project Planning Engineer, at 733-7842. JH/plr 1{ O\,J1\ ct " Vz-- 1 iR- ))p,e rJ Wf.- - Jf;- ,Ifr- ~J to ifr-rOJt.. tAL -f,rr,J srut fi 'ffi "1~ -' /V /0 I fJfl ~ . /1/1 --Ie -'\~ ob~hIt ~-~ /4w 1Pf ~ -10 do~ ~ >frt:f~ :~~~ ~~ aMk /rUW+ 6D ~1~t ~ o @ Attachment ~ \ ) ~ '1,0 BRIDGE PROJECT SCOPING SHEET TIP PROJECT B-2506 STATE PROJECT ~. 2/10 I 50 ( F . A. PROJECT Bl? 2 161-7 ( I ) METHOD OF REPLACEMENT: 1. EXISTING LOCATION - ROAD CLOSURE 2. EXISTING LOCATION - ONSITE DETOUR 3. RELOCATION 4. OTHER WILL THERE BE SPECIAL FUNDING PARTICIPATION BY MUNICIPALITY, DEVELOPERS, OR OTHERS? YES NO X IF YES, BY WHOM AND WHAT AMOUNT: ($) , (%) f' TRAFFIC: ~ci~~ENT TTST BRIDGE PROJECT SCOPING SHEET '2..L}O Zt) /<Lf dd{Y VPD; DESIGN YEAR 900 I % DT 2.- % VPD TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION: EXISTING STRUCTURE: LENGTH 81 FEET; WIDTH 17.3 FEET PROPOSED STRUCTURE: ('10 BRIDGE - LENGTH FEET; WIDTH FEET OR CULVERT - LENGTH FEET; WIDTH FEET DETOUR STRUCTURE: BRIDGE - LENGTH FEET; WIDTH FEET OR PIPE - SIZE INCHES CONSTRUCTION COST (INCLUDING ENGINEERING AND CONTINGENCIES).... .......... ....... $ RIGHT OF WAY COST (INCLUDING RELOCATION, UTILITIES, AND ACQUISITION). . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ., $ FORCE ACCOUNT ITEMS.................................. $ TOTAL CO ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ TIP CONSTRUCTION COST........ ....... ......... ... ..... $ 275,000 TIP RIGHT OF WAY COST.. ........ ... ............ ....... $ 16,000 SUB TOTAL.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 291, 000 PRIOR YEARS COST... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ TIP TOTAL COST........................................ $ 291,000 .' BRIDGE PROJECT SCOPING SHEET ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: RURAL LOCAL ROUTE PREPARED BY: GALEN CAIL DATE: 6/9/93 \\\ \\\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\ , \\\\ \\\ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ~ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ,... '", III III III '" '" III '" '" III '" III I" III II, III III III III '" III 'II " ~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT A TfON DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANN1NG AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH ANSON COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 8 ON SR 1627 OVER BROWN CREEK B - 2506 0 mile 1 FIG,2 I I I :~ @ !.I j , I ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION p.o, BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N,C, 27611-5201 JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR MEMO TO: File FROM: Michele James E. NORRIS TOLSON SECRETARY July 16, 1998 SUBJECT: B-2506 Re-Scoping Meeting '>~ I A meeting was held on July 15, 1998 in Room 470 of the Planning and Environmental Branch. The following persons were in attendance: Scott Pridgen Steve Smallwood Steve Carpenter Doug Petrey Jerry Snead Debbie Bevin Bill Oliver Cyndi Bell Steve Hall Rick Kanaski Scott Lanier Laura Fogo John Taylor Lanette Cook Betty Yancey Mark Cantrell Dan Hinton Tom Padgett Deborah Joy Richard Davis Teresa Hart Michele James Roadway Design Roadway Design Anson County Structure Design Hydraulics SHPO SHPO-State Archaeology DWQ DPRlNatural Heritage USFWS-Regional Archaeologist USFWS-Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge USFWS-Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge Location and Surveys Program Development Right Of Way USFWS- Asheville FHWA P&E P&E P&E P&E P&E Michele James (Project Planning Engineer) opened the meeting with introductions and an overview of the project. The overview included the project description, project status, project history, the proposed planning document, and the previously studied alternatives. @ ~ 2 f The meeting floor was then opened for input from other DOT representatives and environmental agencies. The following points summarizes issues discussed: .".. The Refuge flreters.to-replace the briq~~~8.the existing location, with road closure. ' ." ,'" Mitigation to the archaeological site needs to be addressed along with the hydrological needs of the bridge. Consideration should be given to the entire stream function. Damage to the archaeological site should be minimized and data recovery will be needed to serve as mitigation. It was suggested that a more detailed traffic study is needed, to assess the seasonality of the traffic. It was noted that a " no action" alternate would have an effect on the archaeological site because of the existing scouring problem. It was also requested that the project use long spans for the bridge, allow for sufficient light penetration, facilitate wildlife passage, and not use rip rap. Cyndi Bell prefers no on-site detour be built and wants detail design in the document (amount offill in repaved area). If additional right of way is required, NCDOT will coordinate with the regional office in Atlanta, Georgia. However, NCDOT can obtain a "SI'ecial Use Permit" from the Refuge for temporary construction easements. Betty Yancey stated they will need approximately 10 months to coordinate with the Atlanta Office. It was noted that at a previous meeting, a spill along the side of the road was disclosed and if it has to removed, NCDOT will need to discuss how it will be moved. Sections 106, 110 and 4( f) will have to be addressed in the document for the archaeological site and the refuge property. An Individual Permit will be required for this project. The EA will evaluate five alternatives, with 2 sub alternatives. They are as follows: f - MJ/plr 3 Alternate 1- Replace in the existing location-road closure Alternate lA- Replace in the existing location-road closure; raIse the grade and add culverts in the floodplain Alternate 2- Replace bridge slightly to the west-road closure Alternate 2A- Replace bridge slightly to the west-road closure; raise the grade and add culverts in the floodplain Replace the bridge to the east of the existing location-road closure Remove SR 1627 from the State Highway System No Build-Barricade the bridge Alternate 3- Alternate 4 - Alternate 5- Roadway Design will have costs and designs ready by the end of September, 1998. A meeting will then be scheduled with Anson County Representatives and the Federal agencies to discuss alternatives.