HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0030088_NOV-2019-LM-0083 Response_20191113October 24, 2019 Morella Sanchez -King, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Old North State Water Co. An Company RECfih-Jiawf t.NR/R11R NOV 13 -Y119 Water Owl[ ner,ional Op , r!n' lion Wilco , .! Ofrice Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-LM-0083 W WTP Permit No. WQ0030088 Majestic Oaks WWTP Pender County Dear Ms. Sanchez -King: Old North State Water Company appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Notice of Violation issued on October 31, 2019 by the Division of Environmental Quality. The Notice of Violation was issued related to Limit and Monitoring violations? The Turbidity, Total Residual Chlorine, PH, Fecal, BOD, TKN, Total Nitrogen and the Total Phosphorus were mistakenly omitted from the August NDMR. The lab failed to send one week's results. In August there was a change in ORCs which lead to the confusion on the log sheets. The report has been amended, emailed and attached to this response. We feel that a civil penalty would not be prudent as we have acted in a responsible manner to address these issues and bring the facility into compliance. Therefore, we request that the Division considers these efforts when deciding on further enforcement. Old North Water Company strives for excellence and has always welcomed open communication with NC DWR Staff to ensure compliance with any permit and we continue to be concerned about the issuance of NOV's that could have been avoided through open communication. If Old North State Water Company can be of any further assistance or additional information is needed, please contact me at 252-235-4900. Sincerely, Michael J. Myers Old North State Water Company Cc: David Strum, Envirolink Rebecca Manning, Envirolink Tracy Miller, Envirolink DocuSign Envelope lD'. E561C4F3-65AO-48EB.Al38-182307BF88FO ROY COOPER QasWlltr MKHAEL S REGAN solry LWA CULPEPPER Marra Certified Mail # 7005 0390 0001 3199 9758 Return Receipt Requested Michael J Myers Old North State Water Company LLC 4700 Homewood Ct Suite 108 Raleigh, NC 27609 HORTHCAROUNA Enrfronatenrc(�Y October 31, 2019 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ASSESS CIVIL PENALTY Tracking Number: NOV-2019-LM-0083 Permit No. W00030088 Majestic Oaks W WTP Pender County DearPermittee: A review of the August 2019 Non -Discharge Monitoring Report (NDMR) for the subject facility revealed the violation(s) indicated below: Limit Exceedance Violation(s): Sample Location Parameter Date Limit Reported Value Value Type of Violation 001 Nitrogen, Total (as N) (00600) 8/31/2019 7 7.1 Monthly Average Exceeded 002 Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) 8/31/2019 (00620) 10 90.8 Monthly Average Exceeded Monitoring Violation(s): Sample Location Parameter Date Monitoring Frequency Type of Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076) 8/3/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076) 8/4/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076)8/10/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation NUM Camino Department d Environmental Quality I DivisionofWater Resoanas Wimnglon Ralglnnal Olive 1 127 Cardinal Drive Eltinsion I Wiinngoe, Nonh Carolina 28405 "^ 930796.7215 DocuSign Envelope 10: E561C4F3-65A0-4BEB-A138-1823078F88F0 Monitoring Violation l: Sample Monitoring Location Parameter Date Frequency Type of Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076) 8/11/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076) 8/17/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076)8/18/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076)8/22/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation 001 Chlorine, Total Residual (50060) 8/24/2019 5 X week Frequency Violation 001 pH (00400) 8/24/2019 5 X week Frequency Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076) 8/24/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076) 8/25/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076)8/28/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation 001 BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C)(00310) 8/31/2019 2 X month Frequency Violation 001 Chlorine, Total Residual (50060) 8/31/2019 5 X week Frequency Violation 001 Coliform, Fecal MF, MFC Broth, 8/31/2019 2 X month Frequency Violation 44.5 C (31616) 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 8/31/2019 2 X month Frequency Violation (00610) 001 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total (as N) 8/31/2019 2 X month Frequency Violation (00625) 001 Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) 8/31/2019 2 X month Frequency Violation (00620) 001 Nitrogen, Total (as N) (00600) 8/31/2019 2 X month Frequency Violation 001 Phosphorus, Total (as P)(00665) 8/31/2019 2 X month Frequency Violation 001 Solids, Total Suspended (00530) 8/31/2019 2 X month Frequency Violation 001 Turbidity, HCH Turbidimeter (00076) 8/31/2019 Continuous Frequency Violation Reporting Violation(s): Sample Location Parameter Date Type of Violation 003 pH (00400) 8/31/2019 Parameter Missing A Notice of Violation/Intent to Issue Civil Penalty is being issued for the noted violation of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1 and the facility's Non -discharge Permit. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. North Cnmia*Opanl td Envwn td Qudky I DWWQOrWWWROim 41 Wiwnpnn Rir uml Of5m 1 127 Com iml Oriw E#insi� I Wiiwopm, hktdh Cmams 28405 r+ 910-7N-7215 DocuSign Envelope 10: E56'D4F3-65A0-48EB-A138-1823078F88F0 If you wish to provide additional information regarding the noted violation, request technical assistance, or discuss overall compliance please respond in writing within ten (10) business days after receipt of this Notice. ! review of your response will be considered along with any information provided on the submitted Monitoring Report(s). You will then be notified of any civil penalties that may be assessed regarding the violations. If no response is received in this Office within the 10-day period, a civil penalty assessment may be prepared. Remedial actions should have already been taken to correct this problem and prevent further occurrences in the future. The Division of Water Resources may pursue enforcement action for this and any additional violations of State law. If the violations are of a continuing nature, not related to operation and/or maintenance problems, and you anticipate remedial construction activities, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Order by Consent. Reminder: Pursuant to Permit Reporting and Monitoring Requirements Section, Noncompliance Notification, the Permittee is required to verbally notify the Regional Office as soon as possible, not to exceed 24 hours, from first knowledge of any non-compliance at the facility including limit violations, bypasses of, or failure of a treatment unit. A written report may be required within 5 days if directed by Division staff. Prior notice should be given for anticipated or potential problems due to planned maintenance activities, taking units off-line, etc. If you have any questions concerning this matter or to apply for an SOC, please contact Helen Perez of the Wilmington Regional Office at 910-796-7215. Sincerely, �_Z DxuSiQned by, R.fn�t0 , ]F141E�396F3455 for Morella Sanchez -King, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Uploaded to Laserfiche Rebecca Manning — Laserfiche link via email Noah Camino Dpertmentof Envemmwta Quaff y I Dtvr naf Watt Resource• Wimn¢on Re(otil Ofrim 1 127 Gmirol Onve Eaens n I VA"mCtm, tbrth Co ins 28405 x— 91D-796-7215 FORM: NDMR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _ of Permit No.: W00030088 Facility Name: Majestic Oaks WWTP County: Pender Month: August Year: 2019 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point I Influent k hflluent i I No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point' LI Influent O Effluent F i Groundwater Lowering n Surface Water Parameter Code -► .60060 00310 :00010 1 50060 31616- 00610 ;-:00626'' 00620 00600 .:. 00400 ' 00665 00630 '00530 00076 OOBiS of 0 C O Ex LL to ~ fY U LL �gg ..: E 1 w Z }2� � 24-hr hers ��GPD-- mg/L ,"C': -�' mg/L .#It00 mL:. mglL �: - L - mg/L :mplL._: su •mall, -dp.; mgfL '.myL "; NTU 4 1 13:00 2 :':2%182 f.. 29.2'::. 3.12 -.-... _ ,.....:-..,'.. 7.8 ^:. <.. 1.51 2 07.00 2 =20,012` : 2 27.2 `-- 2.61 <2.0 ` . ().3 . -.1.4' -: 5.7 71 :1 T.63 ' 1.99''. , 5.7 '-Z5 . `. 1,18 . <,0;'0$.c.. 4 '26r396 1.84 .. 5 1300 25 .:.:20;376,> '28.6% 1.47 ,' ' • -'i%7.57 -.:' - 1,97 6 06:00 1 z-22-.633 : 27.9,': 0.53 3.53 - 7 1230 2.5 ' ,,30980 • 28.5�., 0.96 72 2.07 _ 8 0600 1.5 25,783,; '"27.7:.�t 1.22 2.23 9 1330 L5 I"23:856.:J '28.64><: 0.61 7.26 77777 3.68 k • ;: 10 :.20;529-;- � • 2.74 11 ,26.260 .: .. .,, : ..r-_. .,:: :- .:' 1.49 12 0700 4 +.,12,317:" 28:1:- 0.33 1 Z45 2.24 777777 13 12:30 2.5 ,-_14;460;= 28.7.: o- 1,01 7.37 176 .... 14 12.00 2 -14,460. ,. 28.8a 224 >. `::� .; ,. -.::% 7.34 1.74 15 1100 2 W30.n5." 28:6: 2.9 7.32 2.91 16 08,00 2 .;31;219"' 2TA:� 2.86 7.24 2.22 17 31;219-',: 2.41 18 s 31.219' - - 1.96 19 1300 2 j24,773' I 27.9 1.5 7.22 4.86 20 09:00 2 .::26;081- 28.3.-.- 3.11 '' - '..,_-. ,- 7.23 "` - 6.56!"" 21 07:00 2 _4746- 28,4 <: 2.62 ': - -. 7.28 :. -` 5.86 22 11:00 2 26;746 s 4 27,6;, 2.84 4.4 :-7.6 =�, 0.56 8:2:-�-? 7.23 1.68':' 062 'r6.8 'S 5.41 '.006'-:,; 23 11:00 1 '27.710,r 28:6.. ' 1.11 .. ::. -: : "- 7.24 5.92 . �- ,` 24 27,'710,,: .. , .. :._-....- .,,. 4.44 25 27,710 3.68 ^... 26 1200 1 -.17,480.: 28.8 .'.. 2.54 7.2 :. '. 3.09 27 0800 1 ,27i5W 27.1, '-: 0.57 7.2 6.82 28 12:30 2 '20,341.:- „ 27<6`s-:': 2.85 7.24 5.93 291 0930 1 r20;3411, 28:1- 0.98 - 7.3 3.6 - 30 14'.00 0.5 :22;734 -28;4'-;: 0.33 - 7.28 2.12 3112;734'- 1.97 Average: -:2,4;43t: 3.00 28.12'„�'; 174 :�-', t;00 -: 235 .-;4':SOi 3.13 316 r�3.40. #REFI 10:034"�-, Daily Maximum: ;Z,219..': 4.00 ""292D_; I 3.12 =, 2.00<e'. 4.40 •.,'a?7C80r" 5.70 , 8.'20-, 7.80 '1 99'.-::, 5 70 -:a'660;i:i #REFI ' •e ;jl& ..:. Daily Minimum: 3.42;317__: 2.00 2&W t 0.33 -_.2:00; 0.30 :-:1401"_ 0.56 „t7.1.0+ 7.20 :1:887 662 �.-i2.30-� #REP Sampling Type: ..Recorder- Composite -..Grab Grab ;.,Grab =: Composite Compoeite;. Composite CompoillW, Grab Conlposb Composite Cgmpoteo• Recorder Monthly Llmtt:.vs9 7 W 4 . ] '_. ., `,$ . S-• ;- $x ` Daily LtmLL ., r'fi 15 ''.i: `r 25.. 6 ..'= =r ���_' 6-9 ..•.�::., 40. ;:; 10 Sample Frequency: Cdnrmus. 2XMonth 'SX'Week': 5XWeek ' 2 X Month I: 2 X Month 2XMOW 2X Month r,2X Month'1 5XWeek 12XWnth 1 3XYear %2%Month- Continuous `��'- FORM: NDMR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page_ of_ Facility Name: Majestic Oaks WWTP p '•" 0��®�®��®�r�t m . .. 0 n��� m " FORM: NOMR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _ of Permit No.: W00030088 Facility Name: Majestic Oaks WWTP County. Pander ---- Month: August Year: 2019 r— PPI: 002 Flow Measuring Point: El Influent Id Effluent I J No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: I I influent D Effluent F1 Groundwater Lowering )Surface Water Parameter Code ti '40050 00680 4111940 31616 '00610: 00620 3liiiiii 00665 70300- NDVOC WOW M 2' 0 E 0 C z 0 l­ 0 W 0 0 E > 0 43PD. mg/L ', #/100 mL -­jVfglL, mg/L mg/L m, Yes/No 10Q 1 1300 1 2 ­-30A57:, 2 0700 1 2 30,6671 7_7_ 3 _30,857 41 1 t, 30;857 5 1300 1 2,5 30;857- 6 06:00 1 1 30,857 :Arr 7 12 30 2.5 W;714 8 0600 1,5 y.38.7,114 9 13,30 1,5 38.71414 10 i'-38,7114 1� 4r -A 11 38.714 _4 12 07 00 4 *714 13 1230 2.5 -7,4110 14, 12:00 1 2 7,410, 77 15 1100 2 -:17,410: 6 0 =80 0 -1 2 ­7410- 1q7 1 i_7410- 181 1 7. 1 1 191 13:00 1 2 1 .44;46111m.l 201 09:00 1 2 1 �,X$W 4 211 0700 1 2 221 11:00 1 2 30360: _2 L.- 23 11:00 1 -30,380 24 77j;:5T 7 77 77 ;7 25 77 777 26 12:00 1 77777- 27 WOO 1 �31,220 28 1230 2 31,220 29 0930 1 :31,220- 'j _",a:0.21_ 90.8 7.16,' 3.85 30 14:00 0.5 31,220 311 1 sl= '7, Average: ,,-28.3111. 1.00 '0.00. 90.80 3.85 ,26,60 Daily Maximum: ,q4,4 1.00 i,020 90.80 7,16.-- 3.85 -,26t:60 Daily Minimum: 4 1.00 _020­, 90.80 :"T.16- 385 26:60, Sampling Type: .Rqoxdqrr Grab ,,Grab Grab l Grab Grab Grab Gralb,,., Grab Monthly Limit: 17796:00071 tz to 7777 Daily Limit:- Sample Frequency: 1 Continuous 1 3 X Yea Monthly. Monthly Monthly Monthly 3XYW Annually FORM: NDMR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _ of _ Permit No.: WQ0030088 Facility Name: Majestic Oaks WWTP County: Pender Month: August Year: 2019 PPI: 003 Flow Measuring Point l_l Influent id Effluent ❑ Nu flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: 'I InRuent :] Effluent 7' Groundwater Lowering ❑ Surface water Parameter Cocle -:50050 ;. 00680 :00940y' 31616 00610:.; 00620 700400. 00665 -70300': r, NDVOC '.00010'. C 2 c c .a ' E E z ,. .R o 3' 24-hr his `" -GPD Q-. mg/L .Oj '� #1100 mL .+ mg/L �ro.w t:. mg1L "rnl Yes/No 1 13:00 2 24,000 27 . 0,9 ,::. 0 06 2.76 2 07,00 2 24.000 3 24.000 4 24.000 - _ - 5 1300 2.5 24,000 _ - 6 06:00 1 24.428 - 7 1230 2.5 24,428 - - 8 06:00 1.5 24,428 9 13.30 15 24.428 10 24428 11 24,428 12 0700 4 24,428 .i.. :, i' -= j ",�� -. '.,•,.,.•.. 13 12.30 2.5 25,220 14 1200 2 25,220 15 11:00 2 25,220 16 08:00 2 25.220 _ 17 25,220 _ - 18 25.220 <, 19 13.00 2 25.220 •-;;;'F 20 09:00 2 25,220 _ 21 0700 2 24,160 - -„5. 7zx - 22 11:00 2 24,160 - +,,r. 77777 23 11:00 1 24,160 24 24,160 25 24.160 - 26 12:00 1 24,160 27 08.00 1 25,240 28 12:30 2 25,240 - _ ,+;}•r 29 09,30 1 25,240 30 14.00 0.5 25,240 31 25,240 Average:-34642 27.00 - 090 ., 0.06 2.76 Daily Maximum:. ;25,240'. 27.00 0.90" r:: 0.06 2.76 r"- Daily Minimum: ;?24.000:-_ 27.00 °..-"0:90 .` 006 2,76 �1 Sampling Type,. ReoDrdw Grab Grab.-.:- Grab Grab: `. - Grab xGtab �:: Grab GM6.:r, Grab -: _ "% •�.: - .:;�:�, Monthly Limit: r.96000.:` .::.250 6 10 1, .r . �: " •500-.:,,: ,.:- ';,::. J' Daily Limit. I; ;:;'! 'i,. "6;5.8.5: ` _... . Sample Frequency: rCatlinuous 3XYear 3XYeer-; Monthly Monthly, Monthly _ .MoilBtly Monthly 3X7eer ;: Annually FORM: NDMR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _ of Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Donald Feller Name: Environmental Chemists Name: Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? n Compliant n Non Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the dates) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Tony Baldwin ermittee: ONSWC, LLC Certification No.: 29101 Signing Official: MICHAEL J. MYERS Grade: I Phone Number: 919-441-209 Signing Official's Title: PRESIDENT Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ yes o Phone Number: 252-235-49DO Permit Expiration: 8/31/2020 11/07/2019 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I earthly that this report is accwiate and complete to the best of my Knowledge. I Gently, under penally of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1617