HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181446 Ver 1_Revised PCN Impacts_20191115"W." will be used in the table below to represent the word "wetland". 2a1 Reason * (?) 2b. Impact type * (?) 2c. Type of W. * 2d. W. name* 2e. Forested * 2f. Type of Jurisdicition*(?) 2g. Impact area* Im act W1 P Excavation, Fill T Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland A Yes Both 0.270 (acres) Im act W1 P Conversion P Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland A Yes Both 0.160 (acres) Impact W2 Excavation T Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland B Yes Both 0.003 (acres) Impact W2 Conversion P Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland B Yes Both 0.002 (acres) Impact W3 Excavation T Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland E Yes Both 0.001 (acres) Impact W3 Conversion P Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland E Yes Both 0.001 (acres) Impact W4 Excavation T Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland F Yes Both 0.020 (acres) Impact W4 Conversion P Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland F Yes Both 0.010 (acres) ffff�]F nversion P Bottomland Hardwood Forest nd WetlaG Yes Both 0.002 (acres) 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.294 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.175 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.469 2h. Comments: Temporary wetland impacts associated with temporary open cut trench and temporary 45' wide construction corridor. Wetland areas will be returned to original contours, stabilized, and allowed to re -vegetate. Permanent wetland impacts associated with 20' wide permanent access corridor. Wetland areas will be returned to original contours and stabilized, but Will be managed as a permanently cleared utility right-of-way. 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. "S." will be used in the table below to represent the word "stream". 3a. Reason for impact* (?) 3b.lmpact type * 3c. Type of impact* �3�name * 3e. Stream Type * �3f. Type of 3g. S. width* 3h. Impact (?) Jurisdiction* length* S1 Excavation for water line Temporary Excavation Pbrth Fork Swannanoa River Perennial Both 30 65 (linear feet) �45 S7 Rip -rap bank protection Permanent Fill Average (fit) (linzarfeet> fl Excavation for water line Temporary Excavation Fz,rN'�orth Fork SwannanoaPerennialBoth Average (feet) (linearfeet) "All Perennial or Intermittent streams must be verified by DWR or delegated local government. 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 3i. Total permanent stream impacts: 45 31. Total temporary stream impacts: 105 31. Total stream and ditch impacts: 150 3j. Comments: Temporary impacts associated with water line installation as open cut trench excavation. UT-1 beds and banks to be returned to original contours and stabilized with coir matting, seeded with native seed mix, impacted stream bank areas outside of the permanent maintenance corridor will be live staked. N. Fork SwannanOa River bed to be returned to original elevation, banks to be returned to original elevations and stabilized with coir matting, native seeding, and rip -rap. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation '11�) TEMPORARY ACCESS STREAM IMPACT TABLE S1 - PERM NORTH FORK SWANNANOA RIVER 45-L.F. S1 - TEMP NORTH FORK SWANNANOA RIVER 65-L.F. S3 UT-1 NORTH FORK SWANNANOA RIVER 40-L.F. TOTAL 150-L.F. WETLAND IMPACT TABLE TEMPORARY PERMANENT IMPACT W1 WETLAND A 0.27 - ACRES 0.16 - ACRES IMPACT W2 WETLAND B 0.003 - ACRES 0.002 - ACRES IMPACT W3 WETLAND E 0.0007 - ACRES 0.0005 - ACRES IMPACT W4 WETLAND F 0.02 - ACRES 0.01 -ACRES IMPACT W5 WETLAND G 0.00 - ACRES 0.002 - ACRES TOTALS 0.29 - ACRES 0.17 - ACRES � (/l TEMPORARY IMPACTS ® PERMANENT IMPACTS I\ LIMITS O DISTURBANCE x� CCCC WETLAND y WETLAND C- r PERMANENTLY MAINTAINE ' CORRIDOR - 24' WIDE AI/ IMPACT W5- 1 0 P� �P 5 Y WETLAND ry O 11 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR - 45' WIDE MPACT S1 PERMANENT i MPACT S1 TEMPORAI �hC;/,/' IMPACTS / / / T-1 N FORK Z i / SWANNANOA RIVER WETLAND E 5- / MPACT W3 //J l ill r P Id "o P eK 1;'p%��1C aft W4 IMPACT W WETLAND B I ) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIO i j / j/ / ,^ ., •° ... ✓�' I ' CORRIDOR - 45' WIDE J GRAPHIC SCALE -100 0 50 100 l VIEW I INCH = 100 FEET JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS AND WATERS IDENTIFIED ON THIS MAP HAVE BEEN LOCATED WITHIN SUB -METER ACCURACY UTILIZING A THALES MAPPING GRADE GLOBAL POSITIONAING SYSTEM (GPS) AND THE SUBSEQUENT DIFFERENTIAL CORRECTION OF THAT DATA. GPS POINTS MAY DEMONSTRATE UNCORRECTABLE ERRORS DUE TO TOPOGRAPHY, VEGETATIVE COVER, AND/OR MULTIPATH SIGNAL ERROR. iT LIMITS OF NOTE: THE ILLUSTRATED WETLAND AND STREAM LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. THESE AREAS HAVE BEEN FLAGGED IN THE FIELD; HOWEVER, THEY HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED. ALTHOUGH MCGILL ASSOCIATES, P.A. (MCGILL) IS CONFIDENT IN OUR ASSESSMENT, DISTURBANCE THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS IS THE ONLY AGENCY THAT CAN MAKE FINAL DECISIONS REGARDING JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND AND WATERS OF THE US DELINEATIONS. THIS MAP WAS PREPARED BY MCGILL USING THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO MCGILL AT THE TIME OF PRODUCTION. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO DETERMINE PRECISE BOUNDARIES, ROADWAYS, PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINES, NOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. THIS MAP SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE AN OFFICIAL SURVEY OF ANY DATA DEPICTED. f r SOURCE DATA: BUNCOMBE COUNTY GIB. CITY OF ASHEVILLE NORTH FORK McGifl IMPACT MAP PROJECT # WATER LINE PROJECT 17.00346 BLACK MOUNTAIN, NC A S S O C I A T E S REVISED 11/15/19 BUNCOMBE COUNTY, ENVIRONMENTAL FINANCE NORTH CAROLINA 1013 STATE FARM ROAD BOONE. NC 28607 PH. (828) 386-1920 USACE Riprap sizing Sf 1.1 Cs 0.3 CV 1 Crho 1 d 5.2 ft Rhow 62.4lb/cf Rhos 125 Ib/cf K 1 g 32.2 ft/SA2 D30= 0.523279 ft 6.279348 inches NCFMP North Fork Swanannoa HEC RAS LDS Model crossing location is 300 ft US of section 224 d224 5.2 ft d231 5.2 ft flow 2320 cfs channel V224 10.43 fps channel V231 6.07 fps RM distance 660 ft RM ratio 0.45 V at crossing 8.05 Note: Section 224 has more constricted channel and higher V. Use V224 Therefore, NCDOT Class 2 is stable in FEMA base flood conditions. TABLE 1042-1 - -- -- — -- - - ACCEPTASCE CRITERIA FOR RIP RAP AND STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL Class -- _ _Regnired Stone Sizes, inches Minimum \lidrange_ vlaSimum B 5 S 12 1 5 10 17 2 9 14 23 No more than 5.0% of the material filraished can be less than the mininnlm size specified nor no more than 10.0% of the material can exceed the maximum size specified. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Riprap Design for Flood Channels STEPHEN T. MAYNORD 7be U.S. Army Corps of Engineers riprap design guidance for flood channels is presented, and the limitstien, and bests of scv- e 1 empirical—flia-mare discussed. The method is based on depth -averaged velocity rather than shear stress, which was the basis of the previous guialxnar. The effect, of bends, blanket thickness, side -slope angle, particle shape, and gradation on rip - rap stability ore addressed in the design guidance. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers guidance for design of riprap in flood control channels is found in Engineer Manual (EM) 1110-2-1601 (1). This guidattee is a departure from the traditional guidance based on shear stress or tractive force and uses a procedure based on local depth -averaged velocity. Although the new method can be derived from a modificatian of the shear stress equations, it does not use shear stress explicitly. Local depth -averaged velocity was adopted pri- marily because local shear stress is difficulc to visualize, com- pute, and measure_ Various trscthods, discussed in this paper, are available for estimating depth.averaged velocity. The ob- jective of this paper is to provide assstanee in application of the new procedure. Limitations of the method cold several example problems will also be presented. BASIC HQUA71`10N The basis and derivation of the basic equation used to detcr- mine stone size can be found in works by Maynard (2,3) and Maynard et at. (4). From EM 1110-2.1601 (1) the equation for determining stone size is D„ = sc,C,crd Ll / n vV ' (t) where D,n = riprap size of which 30 percent is finer by weight (far sorrto gradations, me DJ; D, = D..(min)[D,,(min)rl; Sf = safety factor (minimum = L 1); Cs - stability coefficient for incipient failure, thick- na = 1D,(msx) am t.sl?,j ), whk,haysr is greater (DeIDr, = 1.7 to 5 2), _ (1.30 for angular rock, and - 0.375 for rounded rock [note: EM (1) is in rest, giving 0,361; DmID„ = gradation uniformity coefficient; Cv = vertical velocity distribution coefficient, - 1.0 for straight channels inside of bends, 1.733 - 0.2 tog (A!") fnr outside of bend for R/W > 26), = 1,25 downstream of concrete channels, ant = t.25 at end of dikes; R = centerline radius of atrvature of bend; W = wate--surface width at upstream end of be-. Cr = blanket thickness coefficient (see Figure 1) d a local depth of flow; y = unit weight of water; Y, =—it weight of stone; V = local depth -averaged velocity; R, = side -slope correction factor; and g = gravitational constant. The power of 2.S in thin equation was based an IaMrs data from straight, tilting flumes. The extreme values of power in FAu i tim I arc from 2 to 3. A power of 2 resul the Isbash equatie a (no dependence on depth) and is gent used when there is no boundary layer development. A p, of 3 results from application of existing shear stress anc Manning -Strickler equations and represents the conditic completely developed boundary layer and a relative to ness (roughness si teldepth) that is low enough to yield a slant Shields coeffucem. Because most bank and channel rap protection problems fall somewhere between these axtretnes, the 2.5 power was adopted for all bank and chs riprap protection problems, not just the straight, tilting fit from which it was derived. INPUT/OUrPUr DESCRIPTION AND LIMITATIONS The method described henna is Insured to what is norn referred to as "tow turbulent flow": the method is applie to sizing riprap in rivers and channels except those imn alely downstream of hydraulic structures that create hi turbulent floss. Data used in the development of this me RESLOPE EXISTING STREAM BANK TO ORIGINAL CONTOURS AND STABILIZE WITH NATIVE PLANT SEED MIX PER EROSION CONTROL NOTES. INSTALL NORTH AMERICAN GREEN S-75BN MATTING OR EQUAL ON STREAMBANK WHEN SEEDING IS COMPLETED. X Q CONCRETE DEADMA ANCHOR FABRIC 6' CLASS '2' RIP RAP iv SEE DETAIL W21 INTO EARTH FILL NORMAL STREAM LEVEL 1 FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI 14ON OR EQUAL. RESTRAINT DEVICE MEGALUG OR APPROVE EQUAL DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESTRAINT DEVICE MEGALUG OR APPROVE EQUAL SECTION VIEW NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTRAIN AT LEAST 3 JOINTS PAST THE LAST FITTING AT THE TOP OF THE BANK OR AS SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER. 2 APPROVED RESTRAINING DEVICES INCLUDE RETAINING GLANDS (MEGALUGS), FIELD LOCK GASKETS AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS PROVIDED BY APPROVED PIPE MANUFACTURERS. 3. SEE EC-37 DETAIL FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES RELATED TO CREEK CROSSING. 4. NO FERTILIZER SHALL BE USED WITHIN OF BANK WATERLINE CREEK CROSSING 35 UPDATED FEBRUARY, 2018 NOT TO SCALE