HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191283 Ver 1_Birch Creek Impact Tables 191113_20191114Strickland, Bev From: Weikmann, Amanda <Amanda.Weikmann@arcadis.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 5:01 PM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil; Hamilton, David; McCall, Jeremy Cc: Homewood, Sue Subject: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information: Birch Creek Sewer Improvements (Phases I and II), Guilford County; SAW-2019-00806 Attachments: Birch Creek Impact Tables 191113.pdf External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Hi David, Please find our responses below in blue italics, next to the corresponding comment. The updated wetland and waterbody impact tables are attached. We are finalizing the plans and will send those to you, and Sue, for your review as soon as they are finished. Let me know if you need any other information. Thanks, Amanda Weikmann, El Arcadls I Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. Direct +1 336 443 2479 From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 5:16 PM To: Weikmann, Amanda <Amanda.Weikmann@arcadis.com>; Hamilton, David <David.Ham ilton@arcadis.com> Cc: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Request for Additional Information: Birch Creek Sewer Improvements (Phases I and II), Guilford County; SAW- 2019-00806 WH Thank you for your PCN and attached information, dated and received 9/24/2019, for the above referenced project. I have reviewed the information and need clarification before proceeding with verifying the use of Nationwide Permit 12 (http://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/NWP2017/2017NWP12.pdf) and 18 ((http://saw- reg.usace.army.mil/NWP2017/2017NWP18.pdf) . Please submit the requested information below (via e-mail is fine) within 30 days of receipt of this Notification, otherwise we may deny verification of the use of the Nationwide Permit or consider your application withdrawn and close the file: 1) Per NWP 12 General Conditions 23 (a) and (b) as well as 4.1.1, directional drilling/boring methods should be used to the maximum extent practicable. If these methods are not practicable, clearly explain why; The stream crossings will be used as permanent maintenance crossings to maintain the sewer lines. The installation of the permanent crossings will impact the streams even if directional drilling/boring methods are used. 2) Per the email from NCDWR on 10/2/2019, if any crossings are proposed to be re -aligned to comply with state rules, please notify the Corps immediately along with a timeframe for re -submitting the information for our review; The type of stream/wetland impacts have not changed, however, the sewer has been re -aligned to comply with Zone 1 buffer rules. We are still working on updating the plans with these changes, as well as wetland comments mentioned below, and we will send those as soon as they are finished. 3) The following items pertain to the plan sheets C1-19 (Phase 1) and C1-5 (Phase 11): a. Various wetland shapes are noticeably different on the survey than on the email -confirmed PJD you submitted on 8/1/2019. Such wetlands include W-06, W22 (not shown on the plan sheets), S13 (not shown on the plan sheets), W26, and W27. Please carefully review the plan sheets, ensure that the wetland boundaries are shown accurately to what was verified by the Corps in the field, and explain any discrepancies. Once all discrepancies have been accounted for, please update the PCN and other relevant tables with proposed wetland impacts and compensatory mitigation; Wetlands were reviewed and edits were made to correct wetlands that were missing survey flags. Any other discrepancies are due to GPS error, the PJD was created using field GPS surveyed data and the plans show field surveyed data. W022 and 5013, which were inadvertently missing from the first set of plans, are now shown. b. Please distinguish through shading or other means the permanently maintained corridor vs. the construction corridor (i.e. temporary impacts only) within wetland areas; An exhibit will be included with the plans that distinguishes between the permanently maintained corridor vs. the construction corridor within the wetland areas. c. "Stream Crossing 7" is a linear wetland rather than a stream. Please update the plans and PCN accordingly; Label on plans will be revised to show a Linear Wetland Crossing. This linear wetland crossing was not included in any of the PCN stream impact tables, its impacts are totaled in the wetland table as TG-W24. The profiles do not always show grades that indicate a stream channel (e. e.g. Stream Crossings 1, 3, and 8). Also, not all stream channel crossings show rip rap stabilization. Please ensure that all stream crossings where rip rap is proposed are shown on the profile drawings; Plans will show permanent crossings in profile view. Since the initial PCN submittal on September 24, 2019, updated survey files have been received and incorporated into the plans, all stream channels should appear on the profile. 4) On the PCN and associated tables, please ensure that the permanent fill proposed for manholes in wetlands extends the correct amount of decimal places to record the impact. Currently the impacts show "0.000." The PCN impact table and ILF request have been updated to include the appropriate number of decimal places for the permanent fill proposed for the two manholes in the wetlands. 5) The following items pertain to your compensatory mitigation proposal: a. The Corps concurs that Wetland W19 is a PEM wetland and there would be no permanent conversion impact to this resource as proposed. However, a portion of Wetland W03 is forested. Further, Wetland W15 is a PSS wetland, and these wetland types are treated the same as forested by the Corps. As such, please update the PCN and your compensatory mitigation proposal to account for permanent conversion impacts to Wetlands W03 (a portion) and W15 (all); The permanent conversion impact of the forested version of Wetland W03 was included in the original ILF request. However, the form has been updated based on alignment changes per NC DWR comments and to treat Wetland 15 (PSS) as a permanent conversion. b. Will the wetland area proposed to be crossed via jack and bore still be cleared and permanently maintained? If so, include this as a permanent maintenance impact in a forested wetland; compensatory mitigation requirements apply; The areas where we are using Bore & jack methods will not be cleared and maintained. c. Note that the permanent fill impacts due to manholes (although small) would require compensatory mitigation at 2:1 due to permanent loss; Concur, the ILF form shows the fill impact for the two manholes and we understand that compensatory mitigation will be at 2:1. d. Note that all wetlands proposed for permanent conversion are considered Riparian, non-riverine regarding wetland mitigation type. There are wetlands considered to be non -riparian by the Corps on this project; ILF request form has been updated per this comment. e. Please update your NCDMS acceptance letter according to the above; The ILF Request form revision will be sent to DMS and we will forward their response when it is received. 6) Given the potentially suitable habitat for small whorled pogonia and Schweinitz's sunflower within the project area, please provide additional information to enable an effects determination for these species. Have surveys been completed for either species? Unless a No Effect determination is warranted, consultation is required with the USFWS pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Please note that the Corps cannot verify the use of a NWP until Section 7 consultation is complete; An online project review request was submitted to US Fish and Wildlife Services on October 28, 2019 and they have 30 days to respond. We will forward the response when it is received. 7) Please note that responses to the questions above may prompt additional information requests to allow full evaluation of the proposed project. Please let me know if you have any questions. -Dave Bailey David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 30. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=136:4:0 Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. This email and any files transmitted with it are the property of Arcadis and its affiliates. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. This email contains information that may be confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please return it to the sender and then delete the email and destroy any copies of it. While reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that no software or viruses are present in our emails, we cannot guarantee that this email or any attachment is virus free or has not been intercepted or changed. Any opinions or other information in this email that do not relate to the official business of Arcadis are neither given nor endorsed by it. GREENSBORO- BIRCH CREEK SEWER -PCN 11/13/19 Revision Table C.2: Wetland Impacts WETLAND IMPACTS Sheet Location 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Birch Creek sewer Areas of Permanent improvements (BC) Type Areas Impact Areas of Forested Permanent Birch Creek Lift Station Wetland Letter Manhole in Wetland Permanent* P or Temporary T ( ) p Y() Type of Impact Vp p Cowardin Classification Type of Wetland Yp Forested ti Jurisdiction (acres) c Maintenance Maintenance Impact (Acres) Comments Abandonment (BCLS) Impact (Acres) BC C-5 W002 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.007 0.003 0.00 Impacts on PEM wetlands have no permanent BC C-6 W003 T&P Excavation PEM Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh No Corps 0.090 0.046 _ conversion impact for mitigation purposes. BC C-6 W003 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.005 0.002 0.00 BC C-7 W005 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.006 0.003 0.00 BC C-2 W007 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.055 0.029 0.03 BC C-4 W011 T Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.0001 - - BC C-4 & C-5 W012 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.037 0.019 0.02 BC C-1 W014 T Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps - - BC C-2, 12, 13, 14 W013 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 1.052 0.369 0.37 Due to length of wetland and maximumim distance BC C-14 W013 45,46 P Disch. Of Fill/Loss of Waters PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 between MHs, unable to avoid placing MHs in wetlands. (25.1 SF) PSS wetlands are treated as forested wetlands by BCLS C-4 W015 T&P Excavation PSS Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh No Corps 0.044 0.022 0.022 the Corps, therefore a forested permanent maintenance impact is included. BCLS C-3 W016 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.009 0.005 0.00 BCLS C-1 WO17 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.021 0.009 0.01 Impacts on PEM wetlands have no permanent BCLS C-1 W019 T&P Excavation PEM Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh No Corps 0.009 0.004 _ conversion impact for mitigation purposes. BC C-11 W025 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.006 0.004 0.00 BCLS C-3 W026 T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.008 0.004 0.00 BC C-10 TG - W24 (SAW 2018-00240) T&P Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.002 0.001 0.00 Linear wetland BC C-10 TG - W25 (SAW 2018-00240) T Excavation PFO Headwater Forest Yes Corps 0.002 - Linear wetland. TOTAL DISTURBED AREA 1.35 0.52 0.47 *Permanent impacts are based on a 10' maintence corridor Wetland and Stream Impacts 191113.xlsx-T&P Impacts Page 1 of 2 Sheet Location 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g Birch Creek Sewer Improvements IBC) Perennial (PER) or Intermittent Average Stream Temporary Impact Permanent Impact Birch Creek Lift station PCN Stream Number 1D Stream Number Permanent* (P) or Temporary (T) Type of Impact Stream Name (INT) Type of Jurisdiction Width (ft) Length (LF) Comments Length (LF) Abandonment (BCLS) BCC-1 SO 5023 P Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib S UNT EPHM Corps 16.0 20 10 BC C-2 S1 5005 T Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 PER Corps 45.0 30 - BCC-4 S2 5007 P Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib S UNT INT Corps 13.0 20 10 BC C-5 S3 5003 P Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib 5 UNT PER Corps 11.0 20 10 BCC-7 S4 5004 P Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib S UNT INT Corps 10.0 20 10 BC C-8 S5 TG - Stream B (SAW 2018-00240) P Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib 5 UNT PER Corps 12.0 20 10 BCC-10 S6 5019 P Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib S UNT INT Corps 8.0 25 10 BCC-14 S7 5008 P Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 UNT INT Corps 6.0 20 10 BC C-15 S8 TG - Stream C (SAW 2018-00240) P Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 UNT PER Corps 15.0 20 10 BCLS C-1 S9 5016 T Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 UNT PER Corps 8.0 45 - BCLS C-1 S10 S014a T Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 PER Corps 50.0 20 - BCLS C-2 S11 5010 T Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 PER Corps 15.0 30 - BCLS C-3 S12 5012 P Excavation Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 UNT INT Corps 16.0 45 10 Total Temporary Disturbed Length (LF) 335 Total Permanent Disturbed Length (LF) 90 *Permanent impacts are based on a 10' maintence corridor Table C.6 Buffer Impacts BUFFER IMPACTS Sheet Location 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g Birch Creek sewer Zone l Impact (sf) Zone 2 Impact (sf) Improvements (BC) PCN Stream Number 1D Stream Number Permanent (P)* or Temporary (T) Reason for Impact Stream Name Buffer Mitigation Required? Zone 1 Impact (sf) after subtracting Zone 2Impact (sf) after subtracting Comments Birch Creek Lift station Abandonment (BCLS) Wetlands Wetlands T 1,691 1,691 1,854 1,854 Perpendicular Crossing exempt from mitigation. Avg stream width 16' with 10' wide permanent BC C-1 SO 5023 Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 5 UNT N maintenance corridor P 624 624 - - T 1,238 1,435 1,224 599 Perpendicular Crossing allowable, no other practical alternative. Avg stream width 45' with 10' wide BC C-2 Sl 5005 Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 N permanent maintenance corridor P 608 307 - BC C-4 S2 SOOT T Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 5 UNT N 1,868 1,868 2,026 2,026 Perpendicular Crossing exempt from mitigation. Avg stream width 13' with 10' wide permanent P 646 646 - - maintenance corridor BC C-5 S3 5003 T Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 5 UNT N 1,280 1,174 1,548 1,466 Perpendicular Crossing exempt from mitigation. Avg stream width 11'with 10' wide permanent P 612 506 - - maintenance corridor BC C-7 54 5004 T Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 5 UNT N 1,885 1,828 1,873 1,873 Perpendicular Crossing exempt from mitigation. Avg stream width 10' with 10' wide permanent P 610 570 - - maintenance corridor BC C-8 SS TG - Stream B (SAW 2018-00240) T Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 5 UNT N 1,800 1,800 2,070 2,070 Perpendicular Crossing exempt from mitigation. Avg stream width 12' with 10' wide permanent P 624 624 - maintenance corridor BC C-10 56 5019 T Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 5 UNT N 2,023 2,023 1,874 1,874 Perpendicular Crossing exempt from mitigation. Avg stream width 8' with 10' wide permanent P 615 615 - - maintenance corridor BC C-14 57 5008 T Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 UNT N 1,671 1,671 1,841 1,841 Perpendicular Crossing exempt from mitigation. Avg stream width 6' with 10' wide permanent P 613 613 - - maintenance corridor T N 2,198 2,198 2,454 2,454 Perpendicular crossing exempt from mitigation; avg stream width 15' with 10' wide permanent BC C-15, 19 S8 TG - Stream C (SAW 2018-00240) P Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 UNT N 695 695 - - maintenance corridor. T N - 8,951 8,951 Parallel Zone 2 impacts exempt T 1,941 1,941 1,267 1,267 Perpendicular Crossing exempt from, mitigation. Avgstream width 8'with 10'wide permanent m BCLS C-1 S9 5016 Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 UNT N maintenance corridor a P 1,226 1,226 - _ T N 2,038 2,038 2,059 2,048 Perpendicular Crossing allowable, no other practical alternative. Avg stream width 50' with 10' wide BCLS C-1 510 S014a P Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 N 676 676 - - permanent maintenance corridor. T N - - 3,650 3,131 Parallel Zone 2 impacts exempt T N 2,510 2,510 1,077 1,077 Perpendicular crossing exempt from mitigation. Avg stream width 15' with 10' wide permanent BCLS C-2, 3, 4 S11 Solo P Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 N 735 735 - - maintenance corridor. T N - - 6,435 6,435 Parallel Zone 2 impacts exempt T 1,709 1,667 1,844 1,565 Perpendicular Crossing exempt from mitigation. Avg stream width 16' with 10' wide permanent BCLS C-3 512 5012 Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 UNT N maintenance corridor P 653 632 - - BCC-11 S13 5018 T Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib S N - - 5,780 5,591 Parallel Zone 2 impacts exempt BCC-13 S14 5009 T Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib 6 UNT N - - 3,061 2,511 Parallel Zone 2 impacts exempt BCC-1 to 10 515 5001 T Utility Easement Little Alamance Creek Trib S N 54,986 53,750 Parallel Zone 2 impacts exempt TOTAL BUFFER IMPACTS (SF) 32,789 32,313 105,874 102,383 TOTAL PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACTS (SF) 8,469 BUFFER IMPACTS REQUIRING MITIGATION (SF) 0 *Permanent impacts are based on a 10' maintence corridor Wetland and Stream Impacts 191113.xlsx-T&P Impacts Page 2 of 2