HomeMy WebLinkAbout19870354 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19870706 to .... - . ,I DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALI~ SECTION ,>I /.:)//; (! f.. / I' /,1/ / / l/('" /" "f_/"/,/f' -' / " ",/' /"Q"""~ I ,',' . 1 / 1 /' (/ ,', .' / . j. r' // , /'F /'',-'1 ' U'.... (/ ,,'"" /J'- ':-.' (; / ,.;U.-r'(.J r (::.~ V_::X~'/~ I I,J Comments concern~ng an application, for State Federal CAMA Permit(s) from 0.'/~ tt: 1'1. A. PERMIT: This office cannot comment on this project until after the close of the Section 401 Certification Public Comments Period. Thi~ffice has no objection to the issuance of the permit(s) for the proposed ~ect with the following conditions: -;p~ the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant ~increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction- related discharge (increases of 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). ' That the instream turbidity not be increased by more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reasonable opportunity for dilu- tion and mixture. '........., That turbidity levels in shall not be increased by more than 10 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reason- able opportunity for dilution and mixture. B. CERTIFICATION STATUS: ~~ification is not required ~;~~his project. Certification is required for this project. Such action to process the certification has been initiated. Proposed Certification will be acted on or after A) The proposed project is certified under General Certification No. 1179 issued on January 25, 1977, for sewer line construction No. 1272 issued on November 10, 1978, for bulkhead construction. No. 1273 issued on November 10, 1978, for discharges of liquid effluent from diked upland disposal D) No: 1431 issued on October 16, 1980, for boat ramp construction. E) No. 1664 issued on September 8, 1983, for Rip-Rap Placement. F) No. 1665 issued on September 19, 1983, for incidental bridge construction. B) C) areas. '\ !t.~._--- (.- ...''t,' ,I.i/ ;1, I,: \f,~'-}WATER--QUALITY SECTION / I, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ) ... T'(PF 404 F'N: C(,i'"'i(, ONI j" , () r' / C (l d (, : y RECEIVING STREAM: COMi"IENTS: MAJOR MODIFICAfION TO CAMA PERMIT ISSUED 2-5-87 PROPOSED MODIFICATION WILL VARY BOAT SLIP SIZE AND DElEl'E DREDGING COPIES: WARO-CEN1'RAL-MILLS-GOSSETT (./1< O(i T t, DF /C,:)i"!()/ 401 I;:E \/ (,C: T J Of'!; (', DD I:' I LE )- DE C':iMt,/) Oi F'S:(..JD)- FIII,';"'jt) r :: j',!r;: ,OF C()h (, P,CTIC.ij\) :0" (IOn, Eii rEi.: D,yrn, I<EC. (d)DFJ) IS' (il))"7 F'lOi i)tdq(i i'r;:O,j::::: ()(i;:i~";H F:'F;:Cl,j: l,JE'YFI;'I'ill!" ,\'EF: I::I::(,L E.\'T(iTE CUU(JT, , ftL(,l.iFU/il f'iS',\'lcr'IED TO: (,.1,.1,', JOINT NOTICE, N CI::I~:T I F I [r\, T I Of.! F:ECOhI1ENL,,(, T J ON 401 REU: ISSUE: Y GC: DENY: GC: HOI...D: BROAD CREEK CLASS: SB DtlTE ,)'7/0:,:)/U"';- iJ F >: r I;: (: Ii > 0 (-) ;> '::; 9 I:;': I: (~ JON: 0 0' DtllES r;:ccr:: T \iE); , T i") If I (II ;:< 1:= F' U i.; T : I: J i'~ t,l.. I;: E I:' U F: T : B(I.\'J(!: It,I;: '(Yhl"ID I) D '/ () (~? 9 070/02 RECEIVED ,II/I 06 1987 ~j~~j\ lJUMlj, I ,)t.~IION I;.RATlONS BRANCH .. . MODIFICATION OF PERMIT 0146-82 ~. ~~.',\ ~ ~~ ~, ~~ ~'" ~\9 , ~... ~\ ,~ C II r r e n t per m i tis sue d 2/5/87. ---- to safely accommodate the mix of martna. This request covers Only seventeen of these are of 2/5/87. We wish to modify the The modification is needed boa t s i z el uti 1 i z i n g the fort Y B ~J'd i t i on a I s 1 ips. beyond the boundary of permit We request 1989, to allow activities. an extension of completion of the permit until June 30, all phases of construction We request the pe rm it to have th e following changes: INCREASE LENGTH ADDITIONAL SLIPS PIER A 15 feet 1 slip PIER B 25 fee t 1 slip PIER C 0 fee t 9 slips PIER D 55 feet 5 slips PIER E 55 fee t 5 slips PIER F 55 feet 5 slips PIER G 14 fee t toward shore 8 slips PIER H 14 fee t toward shore 8 slips The 0 rig in alp e r m i t r e que s t e don 1 y 1 5 x ,33 s 1 ips. We have changed this mix to meet market demand. Our slip sizes now include 12 x 30, 14 x 35, 15 x 33, 15 x 35, 15 x 39, 16 x 40 and 23 x 80 sizes. This allows a slip for each homesite and twenty-two extra slips for the convenience of home owners. The original and access channel water level. permit allowed to a depth of dredging six feet in the lower boat basin than normal No dredging will channels will be left at be done. Boat current depths. basin and ac c e s s ..., . Total slips for project: Original Permit 1987 modified permit 1987 present request Maximum ~lips to be allowed 200 plus fuel dock + 60 no fuel dock + 42 no fuel dock 302 It 1S anticipated of slips necessary for project toward channel: that this this will be development. the maximum number Extreme length of Maximum distance from shore to access p1er - Length of longest pier (F) Extreme extension into channel 150' 391 541 I Estuary width at this point was scaled in excess of 2000'. Main channel at this point in the estuary is beyond the mid-point of the estuary Now that plans for this marina will be for will be rented. Use by guests of owners. None more than a temporary assigned to a specific except for the 22 extra the fuel dock have been abandoned private use only. No boat slips transient vessels will be limited to of the boats will be lived on for period. All slips are permanently lot or townhome in this development slips. Based on present experience we project that sixty percent of the slips utilizing this marina will have marine heads with holding tanks. We estimate an average five pump-outs per year per boat with holding tank. Using only a 2-1/2 month season, this averages two pump-outs per month per boa t . D ail y us e 0 f the pump - 0 u t fa c i 1 i ty w 0 u 1 d the n average (300 x .60 x 2 :- 30) 12 pump-outs per day. If the average pump-out is 40 gallons, the indicated use is 480 gallons per day. If all use were on the weekend, the usage would be (480 x 7 -; 2 1,680 gallons per weekend day). Bathroom facilities are all in the clubhouse. - . -- t )1 . . . A . I . :!. 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