HomeMy WebLinkAbout19870316 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19871019 r~.:. Permit Class New Permit Number 210-87 [I] o Issued to The Sussex East Company, P. O. Box 179, Ui1mington, tlC 28402 authorizing development in New Hanover County at the At 1 ant i c Ocean between Kure Beach and Hamby Beach as requested in the permittee's application dated 6/26/87 i nc 1 udi ng attached plats, 5, sheets 1-5 of 5, dated received 6/26/87. ' TIlls permit issued on I {/ / I '1 / q'1 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent t I ( + with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. ( 1) A structura 1 crossover must be provided for the 10' public easement at the north end of the property. (2) The 10' accessway must be clearly identified by a Coastal Resources Commission Public Beach Access sign as a public access point to the beach. (3) The clubhouse parking lot must contain parking spaces for 25 cars. (4) The eastern edge of the parking lot must be sfaked by Division of Coastal Management representatives prior to construction. (5) The traditional public parking in the right-of-way must not be interfered with by the development. (6) All construction must comply with building requirements in Chapter 34, Volume 1 and/or Section 39, Volume 1B of the Building Code. (7) stable during applicable This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance, as the case may be. This permit must be aecessible on.site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Departmental approval. - AIi work must cease when the permit expires on December 31. 1990 In issumg this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DNRCD and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. David W. Owens irector Division of Coastal Management 11tis permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee ~ - .. ~ - - The Sussex East Company Permit #210-87 Page 2 of 2" ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS fluctuations in ground elevation and wave force during a 100 year storm. (8) I n accordance with 15 NCAC 7H. 0308 (a), no seawall or ri prap revetments wi 11 be allowed in the future should the .structures become threatened from erosion. (9) The structural accessways servi ng the gazebo and deck areas that cross the primary and/or secondary dune(s) cannot exceed 61 in width and must be raised on posts above the surface of the dunes. ~ ~ (10) No elevated deck area located on the primary dune seaward of the oceanfront setback may exceed 500 square feet. NOTE: The proposed development must comply with the Town of Kure Beach's regulations for subdivisions. 1 NOTE: Revegetation of any bare sand areas around the walkway should be initiated during the next growing season to reduce erosion. NOTE: A suitable shield should be provided on the beachfront light to prevent impact on turtle nesting. Any other lights to be affixed to the clubhouse beachfront side should be either eliminated or shaded. NOTE: Plans and specifications of all water system improvements must be approved by the Di vi si on of Health Servi ces pri or to the award of a contract or the initiation of construction (as required by 10 NCAC 100.0900 et. seq.). For information, contact the Public Hater Supply Branch, (919) 733-2460. NOTE: An Erosion and Sedimentation control plan will be required for this project. This plan must be filed at least. thirty (30) days prior to beginning any land disturbing activity. Submit this plan to the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Land Quality Section, 7225 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403. ~ ~ ~ ~ NOTE: Further development and future phases of construction on the app 1 i cant 1 s property may require a mod)fication to this permit. Contact a representative of the Division of Coastal Management at 256-4161 prior to initiation of additional development. I I I - ) DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION ./ Comments concern1ng an application. for State Federal CAMA Permit (s) from ~~J1)rlLY ('0 (, {'J r jJ ,. ~"" 'j- I" '1 .-, .l.,~ (< , ) , ,r-. r . , \' 1'1//,.; '- \ I '--," (,1 ({{ {.,~ ,.,.... ,:_- /','f} Jj-'/~.i, . ./.........., -."'l I "V'II": ~:'~LA-f I J ( . __ ~ (...1 /' ,", i r'II' .-^-- 'e' "'-L).J /i)ttJn L1'1,-<...L,...... r;f.l. 0'\ C.-&:'u--L'/I'C..l't\J,; ", 'J 1\/ ({ t) I-/t;tll i!l1(~L (~}L1,J;:1 A. PERMIT: This office cannot comment on this project until after the close of the Section 401 Certification Public Comments Period. V This office has no objection to the issuance of the permit(s) for the proposed ,I"project with the following conditions: ~ That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction- related discharge (increases of 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). . That the instream turbidity not be increased by more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reasonable opportunity for dilu- tion and mixture. That turbidity levels in shall not be increased by more than 10 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reason- able opportunity for dilution and mixture. B. CERTIFICATION STATUS: y " Certification is not required for thia project. , r ,/1, /7 ~ C--t~d~A~':"- / .scuy, 'J~ C<.' err' u ,::r.V u L ' K ." / J. l-,5~"'" WC;,A1y,,-q ~ A wte to e~-ICA ?-f/t' " i cPk~. Certification is required for thia project. Such action to process the certificatio~ has been initiated. Proposed Certification will be acted on or after A) The proposed project is certified under General Certification No. 1179 issued on January 25, 1977, for sewer line construction No. 1272 isaued on November 10, 1978, for bulkhead construction. No. 1273 issued on November 10, 1978, for diachargea of liquid effluent from diked upland dispoaal D) No. 1431 issued on October 16, 1980, for boat ramp construction. E) No. 1664 issued on September 8, 1983, for Rip-Rap Placement. F) No. 1665 issued on September 19, 1983, for incidental bridge construction. B) C) areaa. ,'/ ( )-/' 1/ ///J /// /,(1 /1"/,, <,/.-0/ /(//./.7 WATER QUALITY SECTI N DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RECEIVED r~;CT 1 5 1987 '.VMEMO~~C ' . .' l, nON 1..IJt.RATIONS F3:?ANnJ '- DATE: oc..f \~) 11<61 TO: Bill Mills Operations Branch David H. Cotton ~ Wilmington Regional Office A. Preston Howard, Jr. CB ~ ~?~ Wilmington Regional Office FROM: THROUGH: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HANAGEHENT SUBJECT: Regional Office Review & Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill SU$)~ tlat- CC>....~..-nj _ C!.1l/tlA Nc.L.J UA."O"~(" ~u^1.1 PFoj ect Description: 'I. ,1",,,1., "P~";.,.I1 po r~~J I'....~ I . /l.e.. JC.IIJ,f",~J ;",c"IJJc.l; l/5 CAJ-J., ul":h o...J "" CI/U ~ C\H~ Adjacent Water Body: ,4.J1~~+:" O,,~........ Classification: S ~ Status: The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The appropriate comments below have been checked: (X) The ?r~jec~ will@! no~ require a 401 \-1ater Quality Cert1f1cat10n. ( ) ( ) 0<) ( ) The project complies with the General 401 Water Quality Certification # for The proposed project should be done in such a way as to not cause the turbidity outside the immediate construction area to exceed NTU. 11,,, I~...t_ ..,~L.. ..:Ii r).+.J:.1\ ')0 -I. kurG J5 e.J {.,LJ fp4-: ,11, This office has no objection to the project as proposed. DHC:kc cc: DCM - a. s/(?),)~ CF, \-1iRO .. . ~ . . -- .._....._..."..u..-;.. ......., . . - ~. -~.' . ~ OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. Applicant's name Sussex East Company (Thomas D. Wright, President) 2. Location of project site AlonR US 421 between Kure Beach and Hamby Beach, on the Atlantic Ocean, new Hanover County - New Photos 17-209 Grid O-T; 8-10 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill no CAMA ves . 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 7-23-87 (B) lias applicant present no 8-4-87 no 5. Processing procedure: Application received 8-6-87 cc Office WiRO 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Kure Beach Land Classification fro~ LUP Transition- (Residential - Business) Development constraints identified in LUP None for pro;ects of this nature (B) ARC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard x Coastal Wetlands Estuarine Waters Estuarine Shoreline Public Trust Waters Other (C) Water dependent: Yes No x Other (D) Intended use: Public Private x Commercial x (E) Type of waste water trcatccnt: Existing Kure Beach municipal available Planned (F) Type of structures: Existing N/ A Planned Single and multi-family housing (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion 3'/yr Source DCM Data 7. Habitat description: Dredged AREA Filled Other (A) Vegetated wetlands: (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: (C) Other: Hig-h ~ound (developed) Appx. 13.4 acres (D) Total Area Disturbed: Appx. 13.4 acres ,,_ .""'"'~.i" - . 8. Project Summary The applicants propose to develop an area shown as approximately 13.4 acres within a previously permitted project. . ., .. ~-- '. r ':". . .M~ ___.~._______ Sussex East Company Page 2 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project is located between Kure Beach and Hamby Beach on the Atlantic Ocean on either side of US 421. If falls within the Kure Beach zoning area. This area was identified as Phase III on a permit formerly issued to another group. At the time of the initial permit (12-85) there was no development shown in this area. There are dunes on the east side of US 421. On the west side there are peaks of sand which were originally part of the dune system. A lagoon has been excavated near the roadside edge of the western tract. The area on the east side of US 421 has been used by the general public as a traditional beach access point. The western tract is approximately 11.5 acres in size. The dimensions are approximately 400' wide x 1100' deep. The oceanward tract is approximately 1.9 acres and measures approximately 524' wide x 160' deep. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean are classified as SB. The applicants propose to develop the two tracts of land in two distinct ways. A portion of the larger tract will be subdivided and approximately 45 townhouse structures will be constructed. There will be a total of 69 dwelling units within these structures. (see sheet 3 of 5). On the ocean front the first approximately 250' from the north property line will be undisturbed at the present time except for parking. The remaining approximately 250' will be divided into 5 parcels each approximately 50' wide. A clubhouse for each of 5 phases will be developed on these lots beginning with the most northern lot of the 5. The clubhouse for the first phase is shown on sheet 5 of 5. The structure is approximately 30' x 40'. Three stories with a widow walk above will be the height. A small deck will extend from the eastern portion of the main level. A beach access way will extend down the southern property line at the ocean. A small hexagonal gazebo (9' x 9') will be attached to the access way. Open cell pavers will be installed on the north side and east side of the club house. These will be connected across the top of the dune by a wooden elevated ramp to an area on the oceanward side of the dune. Open cell pavers will be used here to provide for a patio area for temporary recreational activities. The developers will use the parcel of land to the north of the club house are to provide for parking for the clubhouse. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The project is similar in nature to that permitted by Permit H 12-85. The overall density of the area west of US 421 will be less than that originally proposed. The beach access now being provided by the US 421 right of way will still be partially compensated by the access way covered under the existing permit. The ownership of this area has changed and the area to be developed first has changed but the current developers realize that public access must be provided. Submitted EYl C. Robert Stroud, Jr. Office: Wilmington Regional Date: 8-12-87 APPlICA T ION fOR ':f".~ ~ -1:(' r ~...:~, :.~.:~.-, ~:. ::,:~ ',,~ . ~',~;~--~ 1f1.' ,t;-... ..- '.' 'V-." .t..) ri'JJ;:J ~I'\..'<\." (~~~ !~,t (;1=- ~1..4. '-\>,111 "J,f! . ,~ ~-;. ',' , . . _~ ~ t; l PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR Fill EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER WATF.R QUALITY CERTIFICATION , CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Depanmcnt of Administration (<OS 146-12) SUtc of North cuollM Oc~nmcnl of N&tur~ Rcsour'CJ..and Community OcvelQ9ment (<OS 113.229, 1043-215.3(&)( I), 143-215.3(,), 113A.1111 Department of the Army COlplof ["lIMen, WilmIngton Ohlrlct (33 CfR 209.320.329) P1eue type or print ~nd (ill in ~II bunks. If inform.utcn is ool.1ppliQblc, 50 indiutc by pf.1cing NIA in bbnk. I. Applic~nt 'nfOf'm~tion A. N~me THE SUSSEX EAST COMPANY l.st First Middle B. Address Pos t Of f ice Box 1 7 9 Street, P. O. Box or Route Wi1minqton, North Carolina 28402 (919) 763-6601 City or Town SWe Zip Code Phone II. lOCltion of Proposed Project: A. County NAW Hanover B. I. City, town, community or '~ndmuk Kure Beach 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes-2L-No C. Creek, river, sound or b~y upon which project isloc.ted or ne.rest n~med body of w~ter to project Atlantic Ocean 1/1. Description of Project ^. I. M~inten~ncc of existing prQject B. Purpo~ of exc~v.tion or fill N/A I. ^<.:ce~Hh.nncl /t'ngl'" width depth 2. Ulm b.tsin Icngtl> width depth 3. ... ill .re4 length width depth 4. Other length width depth C. I. Bulkhe.ld length Aver.18c disUncc w.terw.rd of MHW (shoreline) 2. "fype of bulkhe.d construction (m~teri~l) O. f:.xc.}v~ted m~teri.1 (toUI (or project) 1. Cubic y.rds 2 Type of m~teri~1 1::. f ill m~teri.1 to be pl~ced below MHW (see ~Iso VI. A) I. Cubic y.rds 2 Type of m~teri.ll IV. l~nd Type, Dispos.tl Are~, ~nd Construction Equipment: A. Dues the .re~ tv be exc~v.ted inGlude .ny m.rshbnd, sw.mps or other wetl.~nd? Yes B. Does the di~I~1 .lre.. include ~nv m~rshl.nd, SWMTlpS or other wetl~nd? Yes _ No C. Dispos.tl Are~ I. Loc~tion N/A 2. Do you c1.im title to dispoS4l.rC4? N/A 0. fill mollr';.J1 source if fill is to be trucked in N/A t. lillw will CIIC.V.tl-d m~leri~1 bc cntr .Jpped ~nd <<oslon controlled? 2. New work Housinq/Amenities; Clubhouse, ~ool, etc No X X I. I Yfll'..1 equipment 10 hr used N/ A G, Will nwshl~nd be crmsrd in tr~nsporting equipment to project site? If yes, e.llpl~in No --, '~.v. Intended Use of Proi<<t Aru (Ocscribc) A. 1. Priv~te 2. Commercul 3. ~n& Ocvclopment Of' Industri41 4. Other Sinqle and B. 1. lot size(s) t3 ~S 2. . Elcv.uion of lot(s) ~bove m~n high w~tc( 3. Soil type oind texture SanDy 4. Type of building f~cilities or Structures 7 feet to 20 feet Residential wood l,,~,., j'.t;\. !;\t... \ "( ~lr\l I,'''' f'CE Qr \"i' I::' I ,,'r!'~ Of I ~'P,WI: RLl;\l'[...' , r constrlN~~~ s. Scw~ dispout ~ndlot w~ste w.ter tte.1tment A. B. Describe 6. 'und a~siftQtion' (circle one) DEVELOPED CONSERVATION OTHE VI. Peruinin: to Fill and W~tCf' QtuJity: A. Docs the proposed project involve the pbcement of fill m.teri4ls below me.n high w~ter? Ycs_No~ O. 1. Will Mly runoff Of dischu&e enter ~j.lccnl w.ters ~s .J result of project .ctivity Of' pbnned use of the .1r~ followinl project completion? YesJL No_ 2. Type of dischu&e N fA 3. loc.Jtion of disch.rge VII. Pmcot nte of shorefine erosion (if known): .3 · / IkM .J I r- VIIl wt permit numbers ~ issue cUtes of previous Oep.vtment of Army Corps of Engil1<<f"S Of SUte permits (or work inprojca aJU, if appliabte: IX. Lm,th of time required to complete proJect: 21, ve a r s X. In .Jddition to the compktcd zppIiation fonn, the foUowIfl3 itenu must be provided: A. [AtUCh .1 copy of the ~wjth SUte appliation only) Of other ins~ment under whidt 4ppliC4nt c/.ims title to the: ~ffcctcd propetty. OR If apprant is not cbiming to be the owner of S4id property. then forwMd .1 copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner c1.ims title plus written permission (rom the owner to C4ny out the project on his bnd. B. C8tt4ch .Jn ~U(.lte work P1~dr.Jwn to sc.1Ie ontnbd&x,1. J.,;;ite p~per (see instruction booklet for deUils). Note: Ori,i041 dr.Jwings prd'erred . onfy high qu.lity copies .ccepted. C. A copy of the .1pplic.1tion .1nd pl.t must be~ upon .Jdj.Jcent ri~riMl bndowne~y registered or certified m4i1 Of' by publiC4tion (G.S. 113-229 (d))Entcr d.Jle 5eNed '" ... u.. ~1 D. list 04mes.Jnd complete .1ddresses of the rip.uim bOOownen with property :.adjoining .Jpplic~nt's. Such owners h~ve 30 d.JYs in which to submit comments to .Jgencies listed below. "-- . COMMUNITY RURAL (See CAMA Loal und Use "I~n Synopsis) 1050 ton, N.C. N.C. 28402 Ie XI. CcrtiflC4tion requirement: , certify th.Jtlo the best of my knowledge, the proposed .Jellvity complies with the SUle of North uroliO,J's ~provcd ~suI m404len1ent progJ4m .Jnd will be conducted in .I m~nncr consistent with such progr.m. XII. Any permit issued punwntto this lpplk:.Jllon wO ;,aI/ow only the development described In this ~ppli. C4tion.JOO pl~L Appli~n.!.s. ~t!14 ttur.cfotc describe In the appl/C4tlon ~nd plat .III ~ntlcip.ted.(fcvcl. opment :.aCilvirles, including construction, c:xc.Jv41ion, fillln, ;,and 1.100 d~rlng. '.;';J OAT[ ~1('/'1b7.. " 19)1-. $. (?t--v,.!,d: Q\pplic nt's SiKn.uurc . .......... - . - !: .""~'" // ~/! .u /.... \ -...--.- ., . .;.~~:.-::~--~:/.//' ;.:.~\! . // -L- ..~~+~ ,-";;,,:,,,~,:..~: ~:~:{;':~.:" ~II I' ..-.".~ . t"-~' ~ ..:.... ., : I ... ' ,.,,,,,,,.,...,...' ~ ~.... -I I : : --\ , .' .\ I I \ _./ \. :;'. ~ I _ _ .' -. - -..\ '\ 'I: I _ -.'. ;:; .I.-"~" :-", . \ . s - -' -- ... - -. 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'-7, M: . , , , , . , , " )-,:::,,~~,.~:;~,:<',',"-:::"'~':;'<:': .. _ ,J....J. _ "'" l. _~~.....I.J.._.l__...JW_#_' -.-- . , , I / State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resourct;s and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street · Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James C. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary David w: Owens Director August 25, 1987 Mr. Charles L. Holliday, Deputy Director State Building Div.-State Property Office Department of Administration Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Mr. Holliday: The attached copy of an application submitted by: The Sussex East CoJ (Thomas D. Wriqht. Pres.) Applicant's Name Between Kure Beach & Hambv Beach Location of Project New Hanover Co. County for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAllA major development permit... --L- for a CAllA major development permit (only) '" ... is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than 9/15/87 Sincerely, I.. 1 . , ~~r~~;f Major Permits Processing Section JRP:ap:2480