HomeMy WebLinkAboutVer _Complete File_19890316 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT October 18, 1989 MEMORANDUM FROM: John Parker Bill MillS~ Application for CAMA Permit Adger Wilson New Hanover County TO: SUBJECT: The Subject application has been reviewed for water quality impacts and the following comments are offered: a) The proposed project will require a 401 Water Quality Certification; however, if the parking lot fill is deleted from the project, General Certification No. 1273 for discharge of liquid effluent from an upland diked disposal area will cover the Certification requirements for this project. It is our understanding that the applicant has deleted the parking lot fill from the project. b) The proposed project should be conducted in such a manner as to not cause turbidity to exceed 25 NTU outside of the immediate area of construction. BM/kls Wilson.mem/D-3 cc: Preston Howard 9 ADGER WILSON REALTY. INC. THE GAl.LERIA ()XOO WRIGHTSVILLE AVI:NlIl' WILMINGTO:'\, NC :!X-103 (Ylll) :!56--lX09 RECEIVED SEP '1989 August 30, 1989 Wilmington R~fo:ial Offi::1 :J~..l . Mr. Preston Howard, Jr.,P.E. Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Development 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 \ Ref: Project 8906-D Southeast Harbor Dear Mr. Howard: This letter is in response to your request for information relating to a 401 Water Quality Certification. I have met on site with Mr. Jim Gregson of DEM. My proposed project is water dependent and is the only alternative open to me. Prior to this application., I explored other possible sites with various agencies. These other sites were all more attractive to me but were not considered workable by these agencies. I know of no other suitable alternatives for this project. Some agencies have expressed concern over the placement of marIon on vegetated wetland to provide a parking area. I feel that I can develop this project around such a restriction and ask that your permit be conditioned to prohibit such fill on the vegetated areas. I met on site August 16, 1989 with Mr. Jeff Richter of the US Army Corps of Engineers. He felt that the non-vegetated areas did not meet the definition of wetlands and could have marl placed on these areas. Mr. Gregson indicated that some mitigation may be required to offset any impact of displaced wetlands. If indeed such mitigation is required, I would like a copy of the standards or guidelines now in place, in order that I may make an appropriate offer of mitigation. I trust this will enable you to proceed with the processing and issuance of my permi t. Very truly yours, ,- //; .. ( (/~-R:--./ _'-__ - ,/ . ?2' (I . ..---4-~. .......,.. ______t Adger Wilson AW/cc cc: Mr. George C. Matthis, Jr. # " DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 5, 1989 ~G-' r) "!;1~1' /0.<.",,\1' 1/). I~;- ....t /,) 1(\, ~ .~~ ((' " OCr ';? , .. 19-' " 89 -" I.. _ ~.',~ ,~ \1:"\' "',.'::.b \'c~:~".~. . .,_~.~i' <c' '\l'--;;' -Yc)~cV2E2C;W From: Bill Mills Planning Br~:\ . Donald safr~ James H. Gregson~ Preston Howard Wilmington Regional 0 ice To: Through: Subject: Regional Office Review and Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Project # 8906-D Adger Wilson New Hanover County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to dredge the greatest part of an irregularly flooded peninsula of coastal high marsh 308' X 60' to create a boat basin. the area will then be bulkheaded with no backfill. Also proposed is the filling of a 110' X 90' area of the peninsula for parking and dredging of a 600' channel to the AIWW. ADJACENT WATER BODY: Myrtle Grove Sound CLASSIFICATION: SA STATUS: Open The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The following comments have been provided. The project as proposed will result in the loss of 4550 sq. ft. of vegetated wetlands for the dredging of the basin, and 1000 sq. ft. of vegetated wetlands for the parking area. Due to the water dependent nature of the boat basin and the fact that the dredging of the basin complies with the General 401 Water Quality certification No.1273 for the discharge of liquid effluent from a diked disposal area resulting from hydraul ic dredging, it is recommended that a certification be issued for this activity. The attached letter dated August 30, 1989 from Adger Wilson states that the project could be developed without the 1000 sq. ft. fill for the parking area. Since the parking area is not water dependent it is recommended that a 401 certification not be issued for this fill and that it be deleted from the CAMA permit. , . 8906-D.OCT Page Two The proposed project should be done in such a way as to not cause the turbidity outside the immediate construction area to exceed 25 NTU. JHG:8906-D.OCT cc: DCM - Tere Barrett WiRO, CF , . FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT " 1. Applicant's name Adger Wilson 2. Location of project site Adjacent to Myrtle Grove Sound at dead end of Pat1anda Road, South of Whiskey Creek, North of Snow's Cut, New Hanover County - New Photo 17-215, Grid K-14 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill x CAMA x 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 4/12/89 (B) Was applicant present no 5. Processing procedure: Application received 5/19/89 Office WIRO 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan New Hanover County Land Classification from LUP Conservation Residential Development constraints identified in LUP Water dependent uses x X Estuarine Shoreline Public Trust Waters Other X X (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Coastal Wetlands Estuarine Waters (C) Water dependent: Yes X No Other (D) Intended use: Public Private Community X (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing N/A Planned (F) Type of structures: Existing Small block building Planned (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion Source 7. Habitat description: AREA Dredged Filled Other (A) Vegetated wetlands: Spartina a1ternaf1ora 120 s.f. Mixed Salicornia spp, 3350 s.f. Distichlis spicata, Borrichia frutescens, Suaedea maritima, Limonium caro1inianum, Spartina patens, Iva frutescens Mixed Borrichia 1000 s.f. frutescens, Iva frutescens, Spartina patens, sparse Limonium carolinanum (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: Old fill rd. irreg. 9378 s. f. flooded Bottom 9000 cu. yds (24,000 sf) (C) Other: (D) Total Area Disturbed: 36,848 s.f. 1,000 sf 8. Project Summary Applicant proposes removal of a marginally active finger of coastal high marsh species, and maintenance dredging of an adjacent channel to construct a marina for a nearby subdivision. Adger Wilson Page two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is a peninsula of land 90' x 500' lying at the end of Patlanda Road (SR 1525) off Myrtle Grove Sound Road (SR 1492) in New Hanover County. The adjacent body of water is the Myrtle Grove Sound. There is a small boat basin to the left of the peninsula, that was reportedly dredged in 1963. At this time, according to the applicant and Mr. W. J. Batson (the dredger), a channel was also dredged approximately 600' long, 40' wide and 61 deep to the western cut of the AIWW. Spartina a1ternaflora marsh lies on the waterward edge of the high marsh on both sides of the peninsula. At one time, the lot was the site of a house trailer. There still exists a small cinder block building that once served as the restroom for the trailer. The owner has an agreement with the applicant to sell him the property contingent on his obtaining all permits for the project. There is a locked gate blocking access to the land presently, but it is apparent that the area is used as a community launch. The owner has given 7 keys to the gate to friends, and estimates that there are now some 31 keys in private hands. The boat ramp is regularly accessed by vehicle. The middle of the peninsula is virtually a dirt road. There are on-going, unpermitted maintenance activities taking place on the lot; there is rip rap around the tip of the land and down both sides for about 1/3 of the peninsula length. This rip rap has been placed over a period of time as is evidenced by the different kinds and ages of rip rap material used. There has been fill added on different occasions to the middle part of the peninsula to stabilize the "road". This fill consists of dirt and various kinds of rocks and bricks. There is a concrete ramp that was allegedly poured in 1963 when the area was first dredged. This is on the north side of the lot about 2/3 of the way into the property. It too has been maintained on several occasions. On the south side of the lot, there is a ramp of sorts that has been lain. This consists of cement casket lids laid parallel, across the marsh and into the water. At the tip of the peninsula, there was at one time a boat house. The pilings and some boards still exist. A cinder block building lies at the western section of the lot. This is the point where Pat1anda Road ends and the private tract of land begins. It is a situation conducive to dumping, and has been used for that purpose on several occasions. There is an old boat and trailer, several concrete slabs, roofing shingles, and various other debris within this area. The entire lot is irregularly flooded. There are crab holes and wrack lines across the entire peninsula. There is a fringe of Spartina alternaflora around the property. In some places, it is sparse, and in some it is dense. As you move in from the alternaflora to the middle of the peninsula on both sides, various other coastal and 404 species occur. These include Limonium carolinanum, Distichlis spicata, Suaedea maritima, Borrichia frutescens, Spartina patens, Salicornia ~, and Iva frutescens. The unvegetated area that is regularly traveled averages 41' across for the landward most 2/3 of the peninsula, and 18' across for the watermost 1/3 to the tip. Adger Wilson Page three Myrtle Grove Sound in this area is classified SA by the Division of Environmental Management. It is designated a Primary Nursery Area by the Division of Marine Fisheries, and is open to the taking of shellfish. The applicant proposes to dredge the greatest proportion of the peninsula, and bulkhead around the created basin. Within this 308' x 60' area to be removed lie 120 square feet of Spartina alternaflora, 3350 square feet of mixed marsh - specifically Salicornia ~, Distichlis spicata, Borrichia frutescens, Suaedea maritima, Limonium carolinianum, Spartina patens, Iva frutescens, with sparse Spartina a1ternaflora; and 9178 square feet of non-vegetated area that is basically dirt and gravel. This area is irregularly flooded, and has wrack lines and crab holes across it. The bulkhead will not be backfilled, and the deadmen will be lain in the marsh. The applicant plans to attach a floating dock, 308' x 6', to the south side of the bulkhead. There are to be 29 mooring pilings, each 10' apart and 25' from the floating dock. The depth of the basin will be -5' mlw. The boat basin will be accessed by a channel out to the AIWW. This channel was allegedly dredged in 1963, according to the applicant. We have received a letter from the dredger at the time who confirms that the channel was dredged-' the 600' to the AIWW. I talked with this man, Mr. W. J. Batson on 5/2/89 and he reconfirmed what he had written. There is no visual evidence of the channel in aerial photography of 1964, 1966, 1978 or 1984. This part of the project is proposed as maintenance dredging, to -51 mlw, 40' wide, and 600' long, to access the AIWW. The access by vehicle will be from the end of Patlanda Road. The applicant proposes to fill a portion of the peninsula. This area is vegetated by 404 and coastal species; specifically Borrichia frutescens, Iva frutescens, Spartina patens, and sparse Limonium carolinianum. This area is approximately 110' x 90'. The applicant has indicated that he will take as much parking area as will be approved. In conversations with Jeff Richter of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, it was determined that a 1000 square foot section would be sufficient for use as parking and minimize impact. The 35 cubic yards of fill material for the parking area and road will be marl from a commercial source. This area would extend from the southwest portion of the bulkhead for 50' landward. The area will be 20' wide, beginning on the north side of the dirt road and crossing south. The area is presently occupied by 700 square feet of non-vegetated irregularly flooded fill road. The other 300 square feet is vegetated with the mix of 404 and coastal species stated above. Of this, 145 square feet is currently filled with a cinder block building and concrete. This 1000 square foot area is to allow for parking of up to 5 vehicles. More than this should not be needed because the intent of the marina is to serve the residents of the nearby subdivision, Southeast Harbor. This subdivision, is within walking distance. There is a walkway proposed from this subdivision to the marina site along the perimeter of the property. This walkway will come between lots 25B and 26 of Southeast Harbor, and parallel to the AIWW to Patlanda Road. The entire structure will be over high ground. The applicant has approximated the need for 200 square feet or 35 cubic yards of fill needed for the road to the parking area. This would be placed on the area that is currently an irregularly flooded, unvegetated dirt road. Adger Wilson Page four The spoil disposal area is an existing spoil island on the east side of the AIWW. This area is currently owned by the State. Bobby Poole, Real Property Agent for the State Property Office, has verbally approved the site but has indicated a desire to wait on a permit decision to put the application through the required process. The dredging will be done by hydraulic dredge, and piped to the disposal area. Approximately 9000 cubic yards of material will be removed from the channel. Approximately 1360 cubic yards will corne from the peninsula. The total amount of spoil is 10360 and the disposal area is 1800' x 600'. The disposal area will be surrounded by a 4' x 8' dike. There is to be a settling basin and the effluent will be piped to the low water line of the AIWW. The intent of the marina is to serve the residents of Southeast Harbor. It will provide dockage for 29 boats, no more than 21' in length. There will be no heads allowed on the boats. 10. POTENTIAL IMPACT The parking area and drive for the marina will fill 1200 s.f. of mixed Borrichia frutescens, Iva frutescens, Spartina patens with sparse Liminium carolinium. The boat basin will cause to be excavated a finger of land - some of which is vegetated with coastal and 404 species, and some of which is unvegetated. The entire peninsula is irregularly flooded and apparently active. There will be 120 s.f. of Spartina a1ternaf10ra dredged. There is to be 3350 s.f. of mixed marsh (Salicornia ~, Distichlis spicata, Borrichia frutescens, Suaedea maritima, Limonium carolinianum, Spartina patens, and Iva frutescens, with sparse Spartina alternaflora) excavated. 9178 s.f. of non-vegetated wetlands are to be excavated for the boat basin. The channel itself will require an area 600' x 40', or 9000 cubic yards to be excavated. Total resource loss is 4470 s.f. of vegetated wetlands, 9378 s.f. of non-vegetated wetlands, and 24,000 s.f. of bottom. Boat size is to be limited to 21' with no heads. Present use of the area is as a boat launch. Therefore, I would not expect a significant increase in pollution from boats. With the parking area limited to 1000 s.f., I would not anticipate any increase in vehicle traffic to the area. Submitted by: Tere Barrett Date: May 22, 1989 Office: Wilmington ,.-::'f~CE50;~EQ (',' C. &c, '~//1-.,b L-i.{)-, I; \ lJ I ~f.~~,.i,t9 11~~_,p~, 'y,' - ,l (y"\ ' )~DJ cf) \C~ \ i I~J'.I ~. , I\/;n\/ \ I ~0 \' tzgtY -----, \- ~~~ _ (I ", (,' , . ~ Itf:i~.) \, L) , ) I Ie " \ r (,) . ..) . )'0 \. " IL:)'('>"~ r '~:p~eri'0J'\, \t. \IPIL~~'1 ys S ,r ,St4llc.ol"l.,.,j~ , \.....-~(CX SUnedi:A nW/'ho~r.) "l { i i i I II \II ',---~..."- <....__.------- L/--- "'__ .........-- ,,; \ \( I 1./' ,'..--~ ~,-~ , \ '))0 S~, Si0~f:~(~I\-\ /1:?0_l.s.tl-\i .. - . 4c s: ' r-, -(:~:O\(a..lC t\;',t'\ \t( r1~h~; f, ~5\~l\i\~ . I - I/{ ---- \ \ 'I \1 ! ~- \{j IOSS'F'I D~2I:ia}1" ) s~ licotL(x'Pc I 50 S .1-'. L"A::r!J-Q Ie: ( 41 '../1 , \ \.. {t \ ' I .1]5 s.r-. "SA-\ ,ccfC..() I r:) ~ j 1::)\ SV L t+L -'> J ~n.se.. \-J'IY\C)'(L~"" :)Joo S,P ! 1\\ ~ <.fed P..)C(U2..'lc l~ t-~ ~ \-Q: -I.L:.v,..<; I ~ I-\-1L ~ , \ ( ( _ . _1~~ 'f(Ll\\'Q~.), / '/ i .. ~"2Sk. S.w~eck14 )\11. I, \::....A..-"--'~, ~. 1 5~liCoU1lrt ~ '30 -So f, J"'(\ l'l.f!d II '5 f4 \ ,'( G1U,', ~ l.'::tnUi.lC t~ I~ :P,'I\3'l""'6 ) cr\o(,T\c.t~ Ii". I' ;;'::~9Prtl:SE \L:i ~I\ (u.. ""'-'~\ C.-4-\ f\l It -7 ; 5rA-lL,~S ~\ll\c0d ~ l ( I ~\9(\u.. ~~~~~ / ~L\C~\-~J., ~~~(knn~f' / (P((xZA Lu' (llcll ''-.J \.' ( 5 Tl'lt2Js To bEef dIL~d-Ged ) \/l '- PrN?. P. t\..lL e.0)!'", 11'18\ c.1.<.-c\ l,~ C,DR-0~ ~CYL IFll\'h,C, - \t[.eyS,? \.\( (50Y..:JO) ~~ YllepcF.:>Q..~ ~&1L tll\ 1 '::)[2N0~ ~JJC~) l~eA(;.f1:! %' ~7;'~'t" ~:I,t ~"l~~A ------------,~~ ~, \ ~Ac~ \ Sl^..dj '. (I '0,', \11 / ./ /// /\..~)'D, \ \<- E?,Y'o -V- tC\' \ (~;F il ~L4 } O~..'\" (,. l' (',)/O->Tn \ r.J,. '\~----.------.--. --.___..._ .:.Je l:::C-, \ \:~... 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Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. Fo(Z..: C:;OUTH~ST HAf2.Bo~ 1 ~APPLICANT-':' a. Name A. Oc4E.l2.. \JJ Ilt,ot-J Address (j, ~O \4J~,~WT4\11LU: ~"f::. City WILMI~(lTotV State ~.C. Zip "Z.84(l~ \ Day phone '2..?~-4809 L/"' Landowner or Authorized agent b. Project name (if any) ~C1A-rE.~ WIn-! '5Go-n..! e::A4-r UJ...t7 ~tz. ':;UB.. c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. -f'2O~'1 Lj~~al. Co~T ~ SOUT~^4:,T HAa.eO~ . , , 2.~LOCA TIONOF ,:PROJ?,()SpD ~d.PROJEqI:' ::~~t~!;~~':~;" ::<r!*~~;2;;:~:',^'; .~,.:...j , a. Street address or secondary road number ~ g I t:;'Z.t;' b. Ci~, town, community, or landmark ~1u..A1 N afo ~, tvc. c, Cou n ty l0e. \LI \-\ A t-:')O" E.12.. d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? NO e. Name of body of )Vater nearest project A.T v..1 v.J I M'('tZ:Tt..E Q ~€ S D . I 3 ,DESCRIPTION AND PLANNEQ,; ,;. USE OF'PItOPOSED"P:ROJECT"'r; a. Describe all development activities you propose (for example, building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, or pier). M At2( tUb... v.1!12.J=,,..., ~I ~~ ,,J.6...LL (~Ul:.v 14~^D) A.~D Ace e ~4 l!..HbJ-J t-.) E L If you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-2. c..- r;. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- isting project, new work, ofbotbT\ t-JELV 6f>..-? Ik) / I2.EMt:.I~~ QB ~ (!'~JJE:L c. Will the pr;ject be for community, private, or commercial use? ~Ol),1H::A~T i-\AQBD~ SOBDI"'StDO Co 1'--01 tv] La..) IT Y d, Describe the planned use of the project. 5~A"T 'Dn<:..ILJ t-.J'l f.:,..t-..)D f.\lwW .b.. L c...E...-t/? ~ 4 LANDAND'W,AT~R CHARACTERISTICS ,;.... .'." a. Size of entire tract "PA71 ~ LOT l:f~ 't )( t;a; ':!; b. Size of individual lot(s) ~A. c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or Na- tional Geodetic Vertical Datum 4-' .:t. d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract "'-lh _ ~CW~~ FI tve: e. Vegetation on tract ~O~ f. Man-made features now on tract c.c!>PC. BoA,. D.AN1 P g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- tion of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) ~Conservation Transitional Developed Community Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? 12.\'7- ~EW HAJ.)oV8f.. CO. 60'lT.-, i. How are adjacent waters classified? ~A j. Has a professional archaeological survey been carried out for the tract? ~O If so, by whom? "~;~H~~1~;jB;~~~!t9t~~X,[GjSj~ ) Complete this section if the project includes any upland development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or structures proposed b. c. d. e. f. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of mean high water to be covered by im- permeable surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, or rooftops. ' ~ 'x) f a...'1-'"01l, UI l.UIILreIe, IO OC usea lor pavea surfaces. h, If applicable, has a stormwater management plan been submitted to the Division of En- vironmental Management? 1. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment facilities. ), Have these facilities received state or local approval! k. Describe existing treatment facilities. I. Describe location and type of di!l.Charges to waters of the state (for examplersurface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, or "wash down"). m. Water supply source n. If the project is oceanfront development, describe the steps that will be taken to main- tain established public beach accessways or pro- vide new access. o. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will be the elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable floor? 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL INFORMATION a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava- tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheads, which are covered in Section 7). Length Width Depth Access channel (ML W) or (NWL) ~~'t I IS IH? I (POl ~08i :t5" , I - ~ ~\ - V-l ".r - Boat basin Other (break- water, pier, boat ramp, rock jetty) Fill placed in wetland or below MHW Upland fill areas below water level In cubic yards "7 UVl..J":" c. Type of material CJ~.yo ~AJJf) lj % MUD d. Does the area to be excavated include marsh- l<jnd, swamps, or other wetlands! ~o e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards I ~fDci f. Dimensions of spoil disposal area I Boo' lC.. (; 00 I g. Location of spoil disposal area E;)(I~TI tvG SPOIL ISLAJ..,)f.) ~6Sr of AIWvI h. Do you claim title to the disposal area! t-XJ 5TATE ofiJO/(TH- C/f((CJL/NA If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. i. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? I '<~~ lfso, where? ,?b.""'E. Loc..bT,o~ j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swampland,'or water areas? Nb k. Will the fill material be placed below mean high water? NO 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards t.) A. m. Type of fill material ~l:l. n. Source of fill material tJA o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or other wetlands? NO p. Dimensions of the wetland to be filled t.JA q. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? DIllE D ~pot/., A.t2..e~ \.LIlT" ~TILUk)l\ B6h1~ AJJ~ 'PI pen J7plU.W~'-{ To L~[. r. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? ~ '( orz W~~ ~M'~ E- f=llR.. Bt6I~ a ~~_L_ JC:T F=ot2. plLE7 ~ SEe ~oo.J s. Will wetlands be crossed in transponing equip- ment to the project site?~ If yes, explain the steps that wiIJ be taken to lessen en- vironmental impacts. '* T~JL b..t.JO ~V~TV~ Foe ~J..lc. ~~o t21PrtAP. ll-tlt, Vlll.L Go'" 0 Cc Nt 1',.I\t:;t'2.CJ ~L DI~L.. Afl.eA . I 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION a,,~,~~~~~,bulkhead or riprap~ ~~. .'''f~';~~~'~~~.' ,,~:Jstance waterward of mean high water . ~ Wlt\~~ ~\~:~~~~1 I I kt7 D B / .. , ....' or L11-~1 water eve I~ OL>tJ !.:l.~1 ('J c. Shc;n)~,ine erosion during preceding 12 months, "^t-.r- 1 m ~ef. ~,b.. ~. TYPfJ\~b.,uJ,~.n~d material IJ2.eATED WOOD C\l~~~~~~' ~fr'f11-1, in cubic yards, to be placed \,t. ()r\CJON liiif6~ mean high water ~~_ \\..V\\t 'I. Type of fill material k)A 2 . .'~. :'. ...}/~:~: .t~ .;...-;)' -:~. :,j,i:",;'~; c..', . '~.J. ~ :r~~~~:~4~.-:- :.~! . .:'-::,~ ~l~f~)":~1 end the completed application materials to the ~1l'\.ljrj ~~\'il".S'Division of Coastal Management Office nearest you . "'~tb '\~ ~~""~ II' ,,;:'(~,vW"" . (~~and the U oS: ~rmy Corps of Engineers. See t~e ,: 'I.~(?p "\<jrrj9 map on t,he insIde front cover for the appropriate \ \ (], DCM,offlce and addresses and phone number. , " \ ,.t,.:,:,~;,(..)'i,i'i'~( (" \'" . ,\,(\ \e . r,\Jr\.)\ ,.,:~,,\'\'~J.\- J' . .' (\\ \, ,",,' ',' J? 'C\('\" \J .,.,\" (.,' ' ..,..-' cS, "'." \",\\',\\.1., , \~!\\,\'~''.\'' , ," 8~ADDITIONAL~INFORMA TION I n addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or o~her instrument under which the applicant claims mle to the affected property. If the applicant is not c:aiming to be the owner of said property, then for- ward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the project. f\n accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 VI x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7).0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- ing that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency per- sonnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that may have been developed in consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- ments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. The applicant must advise the adjacent landowners of this opportunity by sen- ding a copy of the permit application to them by registered or certified mail. This notification is re- quired by G.S. IU-229(d). ~ame-PL~~ See A-rTtcHeO UST ::"ddress ~ame .-'-.ddress ~ame :\ddress A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, pennittee, and issuing dates. L1~wu A check for $100 made payable to the Depart- ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean- front and inlet areas. A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, at- tach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.c.G.S. IUA-! to 10). Any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to cond!.- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro- posed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit ap- plication and follow-up monitoring of project. This is the I t ~ay of /7.:).. v- v L, I C/-C.- , + j( I - 19 0 ! .5'", :~IL, (L" ~ 5' T\'c- v- 'b.:l ,~. -L r--. .::.: X ~~~1,.2~ 11-~:'Y~...._) I f?----.5:-7-_ Landowner '~r Authorized agent ' 3 e, Check below the proposed type of siting. V- Land cut and access channel Open water with dredging for basin and/or channel Open water, no dredging required Other (describe) Describe the typical boats to be served (for ex- ample, bpen runaboutl charter boats, sail boats, . ..;<!!"7,'. or n:lxed types). l'f;1.R~<r~ Where will residue be disposed of? TYPical boat length ,), ."ff. \~.\l"~\\ . b I h "",' ~ ' .,). .,i!) ~ o:.'.~l:~'.) '.'.. ';, MaXImum oat engt' - l- .' ~Ij" ,(!:.'-' Are any floating buildings planned\(\~ ., ,\o,S"-; h, Give the number of channel markers and "No If so, describe. F"~1', \k~ \ v" ~WW<.e" signs proposed. tvCCE \oj, ,en.",.\ _ \' \'J't~\\~~t\':~~'.\l,'\.- . "I'tSIl\;\(',\\\-.\, \)\ '. 'Note: Regulatory signs such as these require ad. \Yi\\\:\;;~\(.~;,~~\; \~\~\"v ditional approval b~ the N.C. Wildlife \'1''.'''' Resources CommIssIon. F.:rm DCM-MP.2 MARINA DEVELOPMENT ,-\ctach this form to the Application for Permits to C'evelop in North Carolina's Coastal Area. Be sure to complete all other sections of that application which relate to this proposed project, including t.::Jland areas, even if duplicative. All shore-based f~cilities must be included in application and work J:'lats. a, Check below the type of marina proposed. Commercial Public V Residential 1:-, Will the marina be open to the general public? t...!O c If there is residential development associated with the marina, how many units or lots are4 planned? ~~IDE:tJT/t.L SL:>6. ei"r~ - _~Lt;7~ c, Check all of the types of service to be provided. Full service, including travel lift and/or rail Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies ~ Dockage ("wet slips") only Number of slips Dry storage Number of boats Boat ramp(s) Other (describe) j >: , ,. a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities which will be included in the proposed project. Office toilets Toilets for patrons Number Location Showers _ Boat holding tank pumpout Type and location b. Describe treatment type and location for all sanitary wastewater. ~ ~"p; \dILL ....'\lfT !-(~"IE _ c. Describe solid waste, fish offal, and tra~h disposal. ~MMa1C.tbl.. -rnb;# 'P/QUD At-.)O O/t;PoSAL- d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats be controlled? W' ~j2; 'I-//\...L t-..:lO'T '~"G- -eAO~ e. Give the location and number of "No Sewage Discharge" signs proposed. AT FLo/)..TI k)t; fb:.l(, ~p f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, sandblasting waste, and petroleum pro- ducts. ~~ t--.~A. A GOLDEN ROAD ,I ,~I... ,/,~,_,:,'~,: r;' 0...." ,?'" , " '~ , (' ,/ . 'hAlt " \ '\ / ~' ,,- In.' J/,~~~~ f,I~~~~.,.~~ qy &~!1.' t.~J~1 ~~:~~1d.1'11 ~..,!.,( M'AR ~:/a'(':1 f'I, 1 6 -.lor;: ~i~~:{7 OFFICr OF COA'\ . ~~;II,MINGTO'J }~L 1\~4NAGf:'.H'I~' II :.. t f'l '/i' ~ .. .... , , "-''':I,lilfiL orneF t . ,\ ~ \.INflU.\4 "~:U.'/ 1\1.t.1 SCAlf BOAT BASIN AND ACCESS CHANNEL FOR SOUTHEAST HARBOR SUBDIVISION BY ADGER WILSON 6800 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE. WILMINGTON 1 NEW HANOVER CO., N.C. JANUARY 1989 SHEET I OF 4 :: I I :,: I I I Z-1 Ir ~-< .... :E ' ." 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ITI ~-l 0-<- "'0 0_ ...... II o o o 0 o o . , ,'_ '(: ,t..."-"~\, r , " ~./l \ f, ~ f f f' t .- p 0 r ~ ( ;, _ VI :: ~ " " " , I ~ ..' en ; (. 0_, ' !. , ,. .' " :!- , " , 8 z o :tI 1> 3: "'0 -+ ... ~ ~ '"' '" /- " , " \ \ c.. . o r o o :tI ITI o (;') ITI o o X 1> z Z ITI r 1- 03: ~ :tI1> '" g: z o-i ITIITI OZ 1>~ <;>, 00 /0 ~ ITI / \ VI , \ ~ \ ~ ~ \t ~ II II ITI 0 a-...,r 0 40' .................. ......... -L~, " .; .-\ ,"<:;'STATt~ ;.:;, . <'," .',""'" ,~ f Wi '11 ~ ,~ !;~ .~; tYj-'C: ~",~ ~'t, -- /i".H :!i" ...-! . "'''''11 II """ . +~' l~:~~~~'::i-;;:f:\""" State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Wilminh>1:on Regional Office James (~, Martin, Covernor William W Cobey, Jr., Secretary Ilob Jamieson Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT June 7, 1989 i;,'!, ',., i"" ,',.. 'V:':, " ,~ . ,,~:~ ,',.' Adger Wilson 6800 Wrightsville Ave. Wilmington, NC 28403 JUN 0 9 19~9 \.\1 (-\ T [f.;' r: U 1 TV' n ~',~ . ~,-~; i)P ,,-j',')~,,~~; ;~"../~~.i',.l( 'I ~ Subject: Proposed Wetland Fill and Dredging Project No. 8906-D Southeast Harbor New Hanover County Dear Mr Wilson: The Wilmington Regional Office received your CAMA application on June 5, 1989. A preliminary review indicates that a 401 Water Quality Certification will be required from our Division due to the proposed wetland fill and dredging. A 401 certification is required prior to issuance of a CAMA permit. Because of the many essential functions wetlands provide, including purification of surface and groundwater, any loss of wetlands as the result of dredging or filling activities is viewed by this office as degradation of water quality, and potentially, a loss of these essential functions wetlands provide. Your project, as proposed, will result in the loss of wetland areas. As a result, this office is requesting the following additional information be submitted within 30 days upon receipt of this letter: an alternate proposal that will eliminate or reduce the proposed dredging and filling in wetland areas; or submit an explanation of why such reductions are not possible and what mitigating factors we should consider. Until this office receives your response, your proposal for a 401 Certification will be considered incomplete. 722.1 Wrighlwil1e Avenue, Willllil1gt<lIl. NC 2H'!()3,('<)('. 'Idephonc <J1'J.2.'i6,'II(,\ An FquJI Opportunity Mfinnativc Anion Flllp!oyer ..., \ Adger Wilson Page Two Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Jim Gregson, Donald Safrit or me at (919) 256-4161. (ftcerelY.' "-V~JJ ~ A. Preston Howard ~ Regional supervis APH:JG:trw cc: DCM-Tere Barrett Bill Mills steve Tedder Jim Herstine Charles Hollis John Parker Stephen Benton WiRO, CF State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street · Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor William W Cobey, Jr., Secretary July 7, 1989 George T Everett Director Mr. Adger Wilson 6800 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Mr. Wilson: On June 7, 1989 the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) requested additional information regarding wetland fill and dredging concerning your project off Pat1anda Road in New Hanover County. As of this date, that information has not been 'received. Therefore, in accordance with 15 NCAC 7J .0204(d) of the rules of the Coastal Resources Commission, processing of your application for a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) major development permit is hereby terminated. At such time that the DEM notifies this office of receipt of sufficient information to continue their review, processing of the application will resume. Should you have any questions regarding the information required by the DEM, contact Jim Gregson or Donald Safrit at (919) 256-4161. Questions regarding CAMA permit application processing procedures should be addressed to Tere Barrett at (919) 256-4161 or myself at the number below. Sincerely, Q,_..J),~(), ~ Matthis, J~ Major Permits Section cc: Tere Barrett Jim Gregson Donald Safrit Bill Mills -/' Po. Box 27687, Ibleigh, North Carolina 27()J1,76H7 Telephone 919-733-2293 All Equal OpIXJrtunity Altir11lativc ..\ct;on hnplovcr