HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190061 Ver 1_USEPA_RE_ STIP U-4700A CP4C Merger Meeting_20191106 Wanucha, Dave From:Somerville, Amanetta <Somerville.Amanetta@epa.gov> Sent:Wednesday, November 6, 2019 2:14 PM To:Sowell, Bryan K; Beckwith, Loretta A SAW (Loretta.A.Beckwith@usace.army.mil); McSwain, Jacqueline; Wanucha, Dave Cc:monte.k.matthews@usace.army.mil; Kajumba, Ntale; Somerville, Amanetta Subject:\[External\] RE: STIP U-4700A CP4C Merger Meeting CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Good afternoon, EPA Region 4 will not be participating in the upcoming 4C conference call. At this time, EPA’s agreement with the NCDOT only pertains to select high priority projects up to concurrence point 4A. Amanetta Somerville U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 61 Forsyth Street SW. Atlanta, Ga 30303 National Environmental Policy Act Section Strategic Programs Office Phone: 404-562-9025 E-mail: somerville.amanetta@epa.gov -----Original Appointment----- From: DOT PDEA INTERAGENCY MEETING CALENDAR <DOT_PDEA.Meetings.Calendar@ncdot.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 1:33 PM To: DOT PDEA INTERAGENCY MEETING CALENDAR; Sowell, Bryan K; Beckwith, Loretta A SAW (Loretta.A.Beckwith@usace.army.mil); McSwain, Jacqueline; Wanucha, Dave; Somerville, Amanetta; claire_ellwanger@fws.gov; monte.k.matthews@usace.army.mil; Brew, Donnie; Chambers, Marla J; Gledhill-earley, Renee; Hood, Donna; Poe, Michael L; Beam, Patricia; Wyatt, Jefffrey L; Drewery, Chad W; Anderson, Warren M; Tuttle, Patrick L; Cheely, Erin K; Bassette, Tim; Jamison, John; nmacaurthur@ncdot.gov; Woods, Larry S; Engle, Byron K; Stutts, David S; Lauffer, Matthew S; Sanderson, Mike; Reese, Michael P; Groundwater, Elise K; Pair, Missy; Pilipchuk, John L; Parker, Cyrus F; Parker, Don A; Wasserman, David S; Atkins, Wayne O; Shaw, Ramie A; Cannon, Steven L; Merithew, Brendan W; Kelvington, Joe (joseph.kelvington@stantec.com); Teresa Gresham; Brandon McInnis (bmcinnis@rkk.com); mlamy@rkk.com; tswiezy@rkk.com; aburnette@rkk.com; dpeterson@rkk.com; jgentry@rkk.com Subject: STIP U-4700A CP4C Merger Meeting When: Thursday, November 21, 2019 9:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: DOT CCA Structures Conf. Room Col. C4 (CAP 40) The information packet for this meeting will be posted on the xfer site at least two weeks prior to the meeting date. Call in number: 919-662-4552 ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Join Skype Meeting Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App Help \[!OC(\[1033\])!\] ......................................................................................................................................... Goto Meeting Link: Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/835245437 U-4700A Concurrence Point 4C (CP4) Merger Meeting Time: 9:00 Requestor: STIP No. U-4700A Hickory, US 321, from North of US 70 November Bryan Sowell, NCDOT Division 12 to US 321A. Widen to six lanes. 21, 2019 Division 11, 12, 13 County: Burke, Caldwell, & Catawba Purpose: CP 4C Merger Meeting PROJECT TEAM LEADS USACE – Loretta Beckwith NCDOT – Jackie McSwain NCDWR – Dave Wanucha TEAM MEMBERS USEPA –Amanetta Somerville NCWRC – Marla Chambers USFWS – Claire Ellwanger NC-HPO – Renee Gledhill-Earley USACE – Monte Matthews NCDEQ – Donna Hood FHWA – Donnie Brew NCDOT STAFF Division 12 Proj. Development – Michael Poe Division 12 ROW – Noel MacArthur, Larry “Scott” Woods Division 12 Proj. Development - Jackie McSwain Division 12 Traffic – Byron Engle Division 12 Proj. Development - Bryan Sowell Structures – David Stutts Division 12 Environmental – Trish Beam Hydraulics – Matt Laufer Division 12 Environmental – Jeff Wyatt Congestion Management – Mike Reese Division Utilities – Chad Drewery Congestion Management – Elise Groundwater Division Utilities – Warren Anderson HES Noise & Air – Missy Pair Location & Surveys – Pat Tuttle Geotech – John Pilipchuk NES - Erin Cheely Geoenvironmental - Cyrus Parker NES – Tim Bassette Traffic Safety – Don parker EPU – John Jamison TIP – David Wasserman OTHER INVITEES Division 11 Project Development – Wayne Atkins Division 11 Project Development – Ramie Shaw 2 Division 13 Project Development – Steve Cannon Division 23 Project Development – Brendan Merithew CONSULTANT TEAM Stantec, Joe Kelvington - joseph.kelvington@stantec.com GESC project Manager Kimley Horn Planning, Teresa Gresham - Teresa.Gresham@kimley-horn.com RK&K Project Manager, Brandon McInnis – bmcinnis@rkk.com RK&K Roadway, Matthew Lamy – mlamy@rkk.com RK&K Hydro, Tina Sweezy – tswiezy@rkk.com RK&K Hydro, Audrey Burnette – aburnette@rkk.com RK&K Structures, David Peterson -dpeterson@rkk.com RK&K Structures, Josh Gentry - jgentry@rkk.com Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 3