HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140090 Ver 7_Meeting Minutes November 5 2019_20191106 U-2579B Smith Creek Relocation Permit Modification Meeting Minutes – November 5, 2019 Teleconference Attendees: Amy Euliss (NCDOT) Dave Wanucha (NCDWR Byron Moore (NCDOT) Nicholle Braspennickx (USACE) Marla Chambers (NCWRC) Jess Early (NCDOT) David Stark (NCDOT) Michael Turchy (NCDOT) Carla Dagnino (NCDOT) Jennifer Murphy (KHA) Dan Robinson (KHA) Willie Sullivan (KHA) David Hursey (KHA) The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the permit modification for the relocation of Smith Creek. The USACE would like to see a functional analysis of Smith Creek to possibly provide information on the uplift. The SAM forms will be provided to the USACE and NCDWR. In addition, the USACE and the NCDWR asked for monitoring plan that will take place after construction. This plan will also be provided to the agencies. Nicholle asked about the material needed or to expel from the construction. Dan R. indicated that the ststnd 1 section of the stream at the 1 pond will need to be elevated and the 2 section will have to be cut through. Soil (fill) may be needed for construction and this will likely come from the project – any salvageable material from the construction site will be used. It was also noted that when the ponds are drained, there will not be the usual muck depth since the ponds are maintained and drained regularly by the property owner. Basically, the pond bottoms are maintained more than a typical rural pond. Nicholle asked about the mitigation ratios and even though we relocate the stream, she asked about also paying DMS for the impacts. We mentioned that it would not be practicable for NCDOT to construct a natural stream channel and pay for all the impacts on the stream. If we ended up paying for the impacts, then we would just put in a rock-lined ditch. We asked that Nicholle discuss the natural stream designed channel and mitigation with Monte Matthews. Dave Wanucha asked if the monitoring plan is like a stream mitigation site and Byron said “yes”. Nicholle asked how often Smith Creek will be dewatered? Jennifer M. and Amy – the intake will be off to the side and the creek will never be totally dewatered. With the existing condition, the stream is used by the property owner for his ponds. Dan R. mentioned that Geotech should be onsite for excavation and replacement of fill. This item will be discussed further for eligibility with the Division 9 construction personnel. In Summary  Nicholle has what she needs to put the project on PN  To permit the project, the USACE and NCDWR will need the following: 1. 90% plans – - Amy will send these to the agencies once they are complete 2. Functional Assessment of Smith Creek – Carla will send the NCSAM form 3. Monitoring Plan – Byron will send this 4. Contingency plan for mitigation - this can be a permit condition