HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0086975_Annual Report_20191029 October 29,2019 RECEIVED Mr.John Hennessy NOV 0 5 2019 DWR/SWPS/NPDES Expedited Permitting Division of Environmental Quality NCDEQ1DWR/NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699 SUBJECT: Annual Progress Report NPDES Permit No.NC0086975 Carteret County,NC Dear Mr.Hennessy: Carteret County operates and maintains a central water treatment plant on Laurel Road that supplies water to the County water system. The treatment plant utilizes greensand filters and ion exchange filters to treat the water. Backwash from the filters is discharged to Feltons Creek via NPDES Permit NC0086975. Recent monitoring data indicates Carteret County will not be able to comply with the limit for copper(1.85 micrograms/liter)that becomes effective November 1, 2022. Condition A.(3.) in the Permit requires the County submit annually a written progress report to the Division describing actions the County plans to take to achieve compliance by November 1,2022. This letter is provided in compliance with Condition A.(3.). This past year the County retained McDavid Associates to prepare an evaluation of the work required along with associated costs for discharging the water treatment plant's wastewater to the Town of Beaufort's sewer system. Connection to Beaufort's sewer system would eliminate the discharge from the water treatment plant to Felton's Creek and eliminate the need for an NPDES Permit. A copy of McDavid's Report evaluating this option is attached for your information. It appears that connection to the Beaufort system would be very expensive and therefore the County plans to continue to evaluate other options prior to November 1,2020. The next option planned to be considered involves the use of polymers to reduce copper concentrations to levels below the limit in the NPDES Permit. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Tommy Burns County Manager FTL: Enclosures cc: Dean Hunkele,Wilmington Regional Office, 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington,NC 27889 John Simmons,Carteret County(w/attach) \\G-G4S\D 1005\FTL\2019 1 191019 CART-CO-WTP-NPDES-PERMT-ANNUAL-Progress-RPT-2019 CARTERET COUNTY NORTH RIVER WATER SYSTEM EVALUATION OF LAUREL ROAD WATER TREATMENT PLANT'S DISCHARGE OF IRON FILTER WASTEWATER AND SOFTNER WASTEWATER TO TOWN OF BEAUFORT SEWER SYSTEM RECEIVED NOV 0 5 2019 OCTOBER 2019 NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES \\o t t iN� 'V SEAL m=•n= _�: .1.L , "\-_ 1972 • = 46 � •AAr VG I tit. •� \� ,,',Q ,,,,,,,,,,`-\..`` / T IND Py\' \\\ ',,/q/VILLE` \\` -,//llllto• PREPARED BY: F.Tyndall Lewis,P.E. McDAVID ASSOCIATES,INC. 109 EAST WALNUT STREET P.O. BOX 1776 GOLDSBORO,NC 27533 919-736-7630 \\G-G1OS\D1005\FTL\2019 1 191025 BEAUFORT-CC-EVAL-LAUREL RD WTP.docx CARTERET COUNTY NORTH RIVER WATER SYSTEM EVALUATION OF LAUREL ROAD WATER TREATMENT PLANT'S DISCHARGE OF IRON FILTER WASTEWATER AND SOFTNER WASTEWATER TO TOWN OF BEAUFORT SEWER SYSTEM Carteret County's North River Water System began operation in 1989 with the construction of approximately 5 miles of water lines, two (2) groundwater wells, and an elevated storage tank. Today the system includes approximately 56 miles of water lines, three elevated storage tanks, three booster pump stations,two wells and one water treatment plant. The system currently serves approximately 1,200 water customers. The water treatment plant(WTP)removes iron and manganese via pressure type greensand filters followed by hardness removal via ion exchange pressure vessels. Two process trains, each with capacities of 250 gpm, provide the capability to produce approximately 300,000 gpd each based on a net operating time of 20 hours per day. The WTP is supplied water from Well No. 1 at the Laurel Road WTP site and Well No. 2 on Merrimon Road. Well No. 1 has a 12-hour supply rating of.3460 MGD and Well No. 2 has a 12-hour supply rating of.3310 MGD (see Attachment A entitled 2018 North River/Mill Creek Water Supply Plan). Backwash from the filters is discharged to Feltons Creek via NPDES Permit NC0086975 (Attachment B). Recent monitoring data(Attachment C)indicates Carteret County will not be able to comply with Permit limits for Copper(1.85 micrograms/liter)that become effective November 1, 2022. Condition A.(3.) in the Permit requires the County submit annually a written progress report to the Division describing actions the County is considering to achieve compliance by November 1, 2022. This Report provides an evaluation of what would be required to discharge the WTP's wastewater to the Town of Beaufort's sewer system. It is noted the bathroom wastewater from the WTP is already pumped to the Beaufort sewer system via approximately 6,000 LF of 1.25" diameter force main and a 15 gpm pump station(Attachment D). \\G-G1 OS\D1005\FTL\2019 2 191025 BEAUFORT-CC-EVAL-LAUREL RD WTP.docx Attachment E is a process schematic for the WTP. Recommended iron filter backwash and softener regeneration schedules are illustrated on the process schematic. When operating at its maximum capacity of 600,000 gpd, approximately 10,700 gpd of iron filter backwash will be generated by each iron filter along with approximately 10,800 gpd of brine wastewater per softener. Total wastewater generated per day at full capacity is projected to be approximately 43,120 gpd. The actual amount of wastewater generated is a function of operating times,raw water characteristics, and the level of hardness maintained in the system. Based on these variables and current operating techniques, approximately 7,500 - 8,000 gpd of wastewater is generated by the treatment process. Approximately 700 gpd of the iron backwash wastewater is disposed of via spray irrigation at the WTP site. Capital improvements required to pump the WTP wastewater to the Beaufort sewer system will include installation of new pumps at the WTP and installation of approximately 6,000 LF of 3" PVC force main from the WTP site to the Beaufort pump station located at Parker Marine at the intersection of Laurel Road and NC 101. The proposed WTP pumps will have the capability to pump at a rate of 50 gpm (2 fps velocity in 3" force main) which will require a total pumping time of approximately 14.4 hours per day when the WTP is operating at full capacity. The estimated cost of these capital improvements is as follows: Unit of Qty Measure Items Unit Cost Total Cost 6,000 LF 3" PVC Force Main 20.00 120,000.00 1 LS WTP Pump 30,000.00 30,000.00 1 LS Bores/Fittings 20,000.00 20,000.00 1 LS Tie-Ins 8,000.00 8,000.00 1 LS Beaufort Pump Station Upgrade 40,000.00 40,000.00 Subtotal $ 218,000.00 Contingency 21,800.00 Engineering Design 29,000.00 Technical Services-Construction 30,000.00 Legal and Other 1,200.00 Total $ 300,000.00 Annual charges by the Town of Beaufort are projected as follows based on the Town's current published rate schedule(Attachment F). \\G-G 1 OS\D 1005\FTL\2019 3 191025 BEAUFORT-CC-EVAL-LAUREL RD WTP.docx Full Capacity: (43,120 gpd x $33.60/1,000 gal x 365 days) + (12 x $42.34 Base Fee) = $529,332/year Current Operating Conditions: (7,200 gpd x $33.60/1,000 gal x 365 days) + (12 x $42.34 Base Fee)= $88,809/year It is noted current operating conditions may vary in the future if raw water quality changes, backwash and/or regeneration schedules are modified, and/or the system hardness levels are reduced. The additional annual operating cost based on full capacity and current operating conditions are illustrated below: Full Capacity Loan Amortization (2%; 20 years) 21,000.00 Beaufort Sewer Charges 529,332.00 Operation/Maintenance ($100/wk) 5,200.00 $555,532.00 Current Operating Conditions Loan Amortization (2%; 20 years) 21,000.00 Beaufort Sewer Charges 88,809.00 Operation/Maintenance ($90/wk) 4,680.00 114,489.00 Based on the WTP operating at current conditions and 1,200 customers,the average monthly water bill would have to be increased by approximately $7.95 to recover the increased expenses associated with discharging the WTP wastewater to the Beaufort sewer system. The current Carteret County rate for a 5,000 gal/month water user amounts to $55.10 ($27.50 base fee for 1,000 gals plus $6.90 per 1,000 gals thereafter (Attachment G). Inasmuch as connection to the Beaufort system will significantly impact rates it is recommended Carteret County explore other options to remove copper from the WTP discharge. \\G-G10S\D1005\FTL\2019 4 191025 BEAUFORT-CC-EVAL-LAUREL RD WTP.docx Attachment A 2018 North River/Mill Creek Water Supply Plan Local Water Supply Planning-North Carolina Division of Water... https://www.ncwater.org/Water_Supply_Planning/Local_Water_Su... • North River/Mill Creek Water System 2018 The Division of Water Resources(DWR)provides the data contained within this Local Water Supply Plan(LWSP)as a courtesy and service to our customers.DWR staff does not field verify data. Neither DWR,nor any other party involved in the preparation of this LWSP attests that the data is completely free of errors and omissions.Furthermore,data users are cautioned that LWSP5 labeled PROVISIONAL have yet to be reviewed by DWR staff.Subsequent review may result in significant revision.Questions regarding the accuracy or limitations of usage of this data should be directed to the water system and/or DWR. • 1.System Information Contact Information Water System Name: North River/Mill Creek Water System PWSID: 04-16-197 Complete Mailing Address: 302 Courthouse Square Ownership: County Beaufort,NC 28516 Contact Person: John W.Simmons,Jr Title: ORC/Water Plant Supervisor Phone: 252-728-4755 Cell/Mobile: — Distribution System Line Type Size Range(Inches) Estimated%of lines Ductile Iron 6-12 3.20% Other 6-8 2.30% Other 15 1.10% Polyvinyl Chloride 2-10 93.40% What are the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 56 Miles How many feet of distribution lines were replaced during 2018? 0 Feet How many feet of new water mains were added during 2018? 0 Feet How many meters were replaced in 2018? 103 How old are the oldest meters in this system? 16 Year(s) How many meters for outdoor water use,such as irrigation,are not billed for sewer services? 0 What is this system's finished water storage capacity? 0.6000 Million Gallons Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system since last update?line breaks that were repaired quickly should not be included. No Programs Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Yes,Semi-Annually Does this system have a valve exercise program? Yes,Monthly Does this system have a cross-connection program? Yes Does this system have a program to replace meters? Yes Does this system have a plumbing retrofit program? No Does this system have an active water conservation public education program? No Does this system have a leak detection program? No Water Conservation What type of rate structure is used? Flat/Fixed,Uniform How much reclaimed water does this system use? 0.0000 MGD For how many connections? 0 Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? Yes Craven County Water(Dual meter vault at county line) • Town of Beaufort(located along Hwy 70) 2.Water Use Information Service Area Sub-Basins) %of Service Population County(s) %of Service Population White Oak River(17-1) 100% Carteret 100% What was the year-round population served in 2018? 2,900 Has this system acquired another system since last report? No Water Use by Type Type of Use Metered Metered Non-Metered Non-Metered Connections Average Use(MGD) Connections Estimated Use(MGD) Residential 1,074 0.1060 0 0.0000 Commercial 39 0.0070 0 0.0000 • Industrial 23 0.0060 0 0.0000 Institutional 25 0.0050 0 0.0000 How much water was used for system processes(backwash,line cleaning,flushing,etc.)? 0.0800 MGD System flushing and process water use has decreased since 2017. Water Sales 1 of 4 10/24/2019, 11:46 AM .ocal Water Supply Planning-North Carolina Division of Water... https://www.ncwater.org/Water Supply_Planning/Local_Water Su... • Average Days Contract Required to pipe Size(s) Use Purchaser PWSID Daily Sold Used comply with water (Inches) Type (MGD) MGD Expiration Recurring use restrictions? Craven County 04-25-055 0.0000 0 2050 No Yes 6 Emergency Town of Beaufort 04-16-010 0.0142 365 2050 Yes No 8 Regular Water for Eastman Creek Subdivision(ID#70-16-013)is sold to and billed through Beaufort(04-16-010). 3.Water Supply Sources Monthly Withdrawals&Purchases Average Daily Max Day Average Daily Max Day Average Daily Max Day Use(MGD) Use(MGD) Use(MGD) Use(MGD) Use(MGD) Use(MGD) Jan 0.2770 0.4340 May 02400 0.3140 Sep 0.2190 0.3000 Feb 0.2300 0.2880 Jun 0.2570 0.3170 Oct 0.2290 0.2800 Mar 0.1516 0.1830 Jul 02580 0.3250 Nov 0.2200 0.2640 Apr 0.1433 02220 Aug 0.2440 0.3530 Dec 0.2220 0.2570 System used purchase water in March and April while storage tank was being refurbished. North River/Mill Creek Water System's 2018 Monthly Withdrawals&Purchases Dl I_...........- �...._..- ._..._-........- ._.....--...... ...... _......_.__._...__.....- ---..-............................ __, ■ Avg Daily mi .. Max Day a u a N i ' ..--."--.0...mitimigilitimmomMEr........_,...---. - ----41"-----4"-----.--- •' q o 1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ground Water Sources Average Daily Withdrawal(MGD) 12-Hour Supply Name or Number MGD Da s Used Max Day Withdrawal(MGD) (MGD) CUA Reduction Year Ofnine Use Type Y Well#1-Laurel Rd. 0.1100 335 0.300 0.3460 Regular Well#2-Menimon Rd. 0.1100 300 0.280 0.3310 Regular Ground Water Sources(continued) Casing Depth Screen Depth(Feet) Well Diameter(Inches) Pump Intake Depth(Feet) Metered? Name or Number Well Depth(Feet) (Feet) Top Bottom Well#1-Laurel Rd. 418 369 369 408 10 100 Yes Well#2-Merrimon Rd. 405 375 375 395 10 100 Yes Are ground water levels monitored? Yes,Monthly Does this system have a wellhead protection program? Yes Water Purchases From Other Systems Average Days Contract Required to pipe Size(s) Use Seller PWSID Daily Purchased Used comply with water (Inches) Type (MGD) MGD Expiration Recur ing use restrictions? Craven County 04-25-055 0.1600 63 0.0000 2050 Yes Yes 6 Emergency Town of Beaufort 04-16-010 0.0126 58 0.0000 2050 Yes Yes 6 Emergency System used purchase water in March and April while storage tank was being refurbished. i Water Treatment Plants Plant Name Permitted Capacity Is Raw Water Metered? Is Finished Water Ouput Metered? Source North River/Mill Creek 0.6760 Yes Yes Castle Hayne Did average daily water production exceed 80%of approved plant capacity for five consecutive days during 2018?No If yes,was any water conservation implemented? Did average daily water production exceed 90%of approved plant capacity for five consecutive days during 2018? No If yes,was any water conservation implemented? Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity in the next 10 years? No 4.Wastewater Information Monthly Discharges Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge(MGD) Discharge(MGD) Discharge(MGD) 2 of 4 10/24/2019, 11:46 AM vocal Watpr Supply Planning-North Carolina Division of Water... https://www.ncwater.org/Water Supply_Planning/Local_Water_Su... • Jan 0.0070 May 0.0070 Sep 0.0070 Feb 0.0070 Jun 0.0070 Oct 0.0070 - Mar 0.0030 Jul 0.0070 Nov 0.0070 Apr 0.0030 Aug 0.0070 Dec 0.0070 North River/Mill Creek Water System's 2018 Monthly Discharges O1 r.....---................_.....__...._..__....._..................._................._....__......._............._.............._........__..............._......................................_.................................................. , • Avg Daily a € `u 0 c O • a 12 • C • .2 0. I 1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec How many sewer connections does this system have? 0 How many water service connections with septic systems does this system have? 1,100 Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? No Wastewater Permits Average Annual Permitted Capacity Design Capacity Maximum Day Discharge Permit Number (MGD) (MGD) Daily Discharge (MGD) Receiving Stream Receiving Basin (MGD) NC0086975 0.0200 0.0200 0.0063 0.0160 Felton Creek White Oak River(17-1) 5.Planning Projections 2018 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 Year-Round Population 2,900 2,950 3,000 3,050 3,100 3,150 Seasonal Population 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 0.1060 0.1150 0.1300 0.1470 0.1660 0.1880 Commercial 0.0070 0.0080 0.0090 0.0100 0.0110 0.0120 Industrial 0.0060 0.0060 0.0070 0.0070 0.0080 0.0080 Institutional 0.0050 0.0060 0.0070 0.0080 0.0090 0.0100 System Process 0.0800 0.1020 0.1020 0.1020 0.1020 0.1020 Unaccounted-for 0.0028 0.0350 0.0370 0.0400 0.0440 0.0470 C.Demand v/s Percent of Supply 2018 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 Surface Water Supply 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Ground Water Supply 0.6770 0.6770 0.6770 0.6770 0.6770 0.6770 Purchases 0.1726 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Future Supplies 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total Available Supply(MGD) 0.8496 0.6770 0.6770 0.6770 0.6770 0.6770 Service Area Demand 0.2068 0.2720 0.2920 0.3140 0.3400 0.3670 Sales 0.0142 0.0142 0.0142 0.0142 0.0142 0.0142 Future Sales 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total Demand(MGD) 0.2210 0.2862 0.3062 0.3282 0.3542 0.3812 Demand as Percent of Supply 26% 42% 45% 48% 52% 56% North River/Mill Creek Water System's Projected Gallons Per Capita Per Day(GPCD)Over Time t1s0 r................................................................................................................._....................................................................._...._...._.................................................................. v 0. E. •^^ - • Based on Year-Round Residential Use a 50 . Based on Total Use • • 'C' • t, 2017 2018 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 The purpose of the above chart is to show a general indication of how the long-term per capita water demand changes over time.The per capita water demand may actually be different than indicated due to 3 of 4 10/24/2019, 11:46 AM Local Water Supply Planning-North Carolina Division of Water... https://www.ncwatenorg/Water_Supply_Planning/Local_Water_Su... • • seasonal populations and the accuracy of data submitted.Water systems that have calculated long-term per capita water demand based on a methodology that produces different results may submit their information in the notes field. Your long-term water demand is 37 gallons per capita per day.What demand management practices do you plan to implement to reduce the per capita water demand(i.e.conduct regular water audits, implement a plumbing retrofit program,employ practices such as rainwater harvesting or reclaimed water)?If these practices are covered elsewhere in your plan,indicate where the practices are discussed here. Are there other demand management practices you will implement to reduce your future supply needs? Nowhere close to capacity What supplies other than the ones listed in future supplies are being considered to meet your future supply needs? None How does the water system intend to implement the demand management and supply planning components above? No Additional Information Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? No What major water supply reports or studies were used for planning? Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources,any water system deficiencies or needed improvements(storage,treatment,etc.)or your ability to meet present and future water needs.Include both quantity and quality considerations,as well as financial,technical,managerial,permitting,and compliance issues: The Division of Water Resources(DWR)provides the data contained within this Local Water Supply Plan(LWSP)as a courtesy and service to our customers.DWR staff does not field verify data. Neither DWR,nor any other party involved in the preparation of this LWSP attests that the data is completely free of errors and omissions.Furthermore,data users are cautioned that LWSPs labeled PROVISIONAL have yet to be reviewed by DWR staff.Subsequent review may result in significant revision.Questions regarding the accuracy or limitations of usage of this data should be directed to the water system and/or DWR. • 4 of 4 10/24/2019, 11:46 AM Attachment B NPDES Permit NC0086975 • • PAT MCCRORY z.. ;%avemor' MICHAEL S.REGAN Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL auALITY S. JAY ZIMMERMAN October 4,2017 Tommy R.Burns,County Manager do John W. Simons Jr,Water Plant Supervisor,ORC 302 Courthouse Square Beaufort,North Carolina 28516 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0086975 Laurel Road WTP,Class 1 534 Laurel Road,Beaufort Carteret County Dear Mr.Burns: The Division of Water Resources(the Division or DWR)hereby issues the attached NPDES permit for the subject facility.We issue this permit pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15,2007,or as subsequently amended. Changes to Your Previous Permit. The Division notes from your renewal application that you have made no significant changes to your wastewater treatment processes since last renewal.We also acknowledge your written comments on the permit draft received August 17,2017 from Tyndall Lewis of McDavid-Inc. Accordingly,we have updated your permit conditions,format and site map,consistent with current permitting strategies and WTP guidance,incorporating the following: 1. Per your written request [of 17Aug2017],DWR hereby reinstated TSS limits Monthly Average and Daily Maximum[from 10/15 to 15/30 mg/L],noting that the pervious permit should not have applied stricter TSS limits at renewal[a permitting error]because this facility's flow was not at the time"new or expanding,"as defined under NCAC 02B.0224(1)(b)(ii); 2. Discontinued monitoring for Total Manganese[required only of W S class waters]; 3. Addedpermit limits for Total Copper,Total Lead and Total Zinc, in accord with databases showing reasonable potential;increased monitoring from Quarterly and 2/Month to Monthly; please note that North Carolina groundwater conditions often exceed surface water-quality standards; i.e.,if you use it,you assume responsibility for its treatment and discharge; 4. Added a Compliance Period for metals [Pb,Cu,and Zn]to allow the Permittee time to research and establish methods for treatment;permit limits become active five(5)years from the permit effective date [see new footnote#5,A. (1.),and Special Condition A.(3.)]; 5. Updated Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet narrative(see page 2); 6. Updated Acute Toxicity narrative and footnote amended for current versions [see A.(1.)and A. (2.)]; 7. Added eDMR requirements narrative [A. (3.)]; 8. Chanties to the Permit Draft—Updated Fact Sheet text detailing dissolved metals calculations and requirements; 9. Changes to the Permit Draft—no longer require concurrent sampling of metals with WET-test sampling;removed previous footnote#5 [see draft A. (1.)]; State of North Carolina 1 Division of Environmental Quality t Water Resources Location:512 N.Salisbury St/1611 Salisbury Street;Raleigh,27699-1611 919-707-9000 Records show that you have successfully registering with the Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report(eDMR)Program.Please be reminded that until the state's eDMR application is approved by the Department as compliant with EPA's Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR),all permittees must continue to submit hardcopy of DMR as backup to eDMR reporting[see permit section A. (5.)]. Please be reminded that this facility discharges to waters classified SA;HQW[habitat-critical area;High Quality Water]. If any parts,measurement frequencies,or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable,you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing,upon written request,submitted within thirty(30)days after receiving this letter.Your request must take the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes,and you must file it with the office of Administrative Hearings,6714 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-6714.Unless such a demand is made,this permit shall be final and binding. This permit is not transferable except after notifying the Division of Water Resources.The Division may modify,revoke or re-issue this permit.Please note that this permit does not affect your legal obligation to obtain other permits required by the Division of Water Resources,the Division of Land Resources,the Coastal Area Management Act,or any other federal or local government. If you have questions,or if we can further assist you,please contact Joe R.Corporon,L.G.at [ioe.corporon a,ncdenr.gov] or call his direct line(919) 807-6394. ipectfully, s r` J'x` S.Jay Zimmerman , Enclosure:NPDES Permit NC0086975(issuance final) hc: Central Files WiRO/SWPS Supervisor,Jim Gregson NPDES Program Files ec: WiRO,Jim Gregson ATB,Susan Meadows,Cindy Moore(Draft and Fact Sheet) OCU,Maureen Kinney(Draft and Fact Sheet) Permit NC0086975 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1,other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, the County of Carteret is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the Laurel Road WTP 534 Laurel Road, Beaufort Carteret County to receiving waters designated as Feltons Creek within the White Oak River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations,monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II,III, and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective on November 1, 2017. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on July 31, 2022. Signed this day October 4, 2017 7C C(/ i. S.J ,� immerman,P.G.,Director Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 1 of 8 Permit NC0086975 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility,whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked.As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective.Therefore,the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions,requirements,terms,and provisions included herein. County of Carteret is hereby authorized to: 1. continue to operate a wastewater treatment system in support of potable-water production, discharging Ion-Exchange(IE)backwash/rinsate wastewater,with potential to discharge Greensand Filter backwash,a system currently designed to produce 0.300 MGD potable water, and a wastewater discharge reported as 0.0072 MGD (max.monthly average),utilizing treatment components including; • two(2)each 10 ft-diameter greensand filters with potassium permanganate[K.Mn04] feed system • two(2)each 8 ft-diameter water softeners(with brine regeneration system) • chemical-feed systems for zinc ortho-polyphosphate[Zn PO4] inhibitor and chloramines disinfection(aqueous ammonia, chlorine) • two(2) each 20 ft x 20 ft settling basins with decant pumps,recycle pumps(for greensand filter backwash) • settling basin(9,000-gallon for softener-backwash wastewater) • collection basin with effluent transfer pumps • liquid chemical feed system for dechlorination • backwash pumps and controls for sandfilter and softener operation • sample port and appurtenant piping to outfall these facilities located at the Laurel Road WTI', 534 Laurel Road,Beaufort,Carteret County,and 2. discharge from said treatment works via Outfall 001, a location specified on the attached map, into Feltons Creek[stream segment 21-35-1-1],a waterbody currently classified SA HQW;PNA within subbasin 03-05-04 [HUC: 03020301] of the White Oak River Basin. Page 2 of 8 Permit NC0086975 A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS [15A NCAC 02B.0400 et seq.,02B.0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration,the Permittee is authorized to discharge Ion-Exchange filter backwash/rinse wastewater from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited,monitored and reported 1 by the Permittee, as specified below: LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS (Parameter Code) Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Sample Average Maximum Frequency Type Location 2 Flow,MGD 3 50050 Weekly Estimate 3 E Total Suspended Solids 00530 10.0 mg/L _ 15.0 mg/L 2/Month Grab E pH 00400 Not>6.8 or<8.5 s.u. 2/Month Grab E pH 00400 2/Month Grab S 1 Total Residual Chlorine 4 50060 13 µg/L 4 2/Month Grab E Total Lead 01051 4.25 µg/L5 110 µg/L5 Monthly Grab E Total Copper,µg/L 01042 1.85 jig/L5 2.9 µg/L5 Monthly Grab E Total Zinc,µ g/L 01092 42.8 µg/L5 47.2 µg/L5 Monthly Grab E Dissolved Oxygen,mg/L 00300 Monthly Grab E Dissolved Oxygen,mg/L 00300 Monthly Grab S 1 Salinity,ppt 00480 Monthly Grab E Salinity,ppt 00480 Monthly Grab S I Conductivity, µmohs/cm 00094 Monthly Grab E Total Dissolved Solids,mg/L 70295 Monthly Grab E Ammonia [NH3 as N]mg/L 00610 Monthly Grab E Turbidity,NTU 00070 Monthly Grab E WET Acute Toxicity 6 TGE3E Monitor&Report Quarterly Grab E Footnotes: 1. The permittee shall submit discharge monitoring reports(DMRs)electronically using the Division's eDMR system[see A.(3.)]. • 2. E=Effluent;Instream S 1 =center of Felton Creek, east side of bridge; Outfall 001 at west side of bridge. 3. Discharge Estimate shall be based on both flow rate and duration,both to be recorded in log book. 4. The Division shall consider compliant all effluent TRC values reported below 50 µg/L.However, the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by North Carolina-certified test methods(including field certified),even if these values fall below 50 µg/L. 5. Compliance to this limit begins on November 1,2022,five(5)years from the permit effective date [see Special Condition A.(3.)]. 6. Whole Effluent Toxicity(WET)testing;Acute 24-hour Pass/Fail Monitoring:(January, April,July, and October).Permittee shall use mysid shrimp or other approved test organism [See special condition A.(2)]. Conditions: All samples shall accurately represent the physical and chemical character of the discharge event.The Permittee shall discharge no floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. Page 3 of 8 Permit NC0086975 A. (2.) ACUTE TOXICITY PASS/FAIL MONITORING (QUARTERLY) [15A NCAC 02B.0500 et seq.] The permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a quarterly basis using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled"Pass/Fail Methodology for Determining Acute Toxicity in A Single Effluent Concentration"(Revised December 2010 or subsequent versions).The monitoring shall be performed as a Mysid Shrimp(Mysidopsis bahia)24-hour static test.The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant mortality is 90%(defined as treatment two in the procedure document). Effluent samples for self-monitoring purposes must be obtained during representative effluent discharge below all waste treatment.The tests will be performed during the months of January,April,July and October. These months signify the first month of each three-month toxicity testing quarter assigned to the facility. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form(MR-1)for the month in which it was performed,using the parameter code TGE3E. Additionally,DWQ Form AT-2(original)is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh,N.C. 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests,as well as all dose/response data.Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity(AT)test form indicating the facility name,permit number,pipe number,county,and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow"in the comment area of the form.The report shall be submitted to the Environmental Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required,then monthly monitoring will begin immediately.Upon submission of a valid test,this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above.Assessment of toxicity compliance is based on the toxicity testing quarter,which is the three-month time interval that begins on the first day of the month in which toxicity testing is required by this permit and continues until the final day of the third month. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream,this permit may be re-opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. If the Permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by this permit,the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reported data submitted on the DMR and AT Form. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document,such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. Page 4 of 8 Permit NC0086975 • USE OF A DIFFERENT TEST ORGANISM The permittee with acute WET-test requirements,discharging to either fresh water or salt water,may request the use of a different test organism upon documentation that the alternate test organism would provide an equal or greater level of protection.This test must be appropriately based on the characteristics of the discharge and receiving stream.Such documentation must consist of one of the following: 1. For saltwater classified streams,a fathead minnow may be assigned as the acute testing species if the salinity of the receiving stream at the point of discharge is<5 ppt throughout the tidally influenced cycle. This determination may be based on the best professional judgment of DWQ staff or data collection provided by the permittee and approved by DWQ staff. This evaluation should include vertical profiles of salinity/conductivity measurements at both high tide and low tide over several 24-hr cycles. 2. Three consecutive"side-by-side"tests with results indicating that the alternate test organism is as or more sensitive to the facility's effluent. Each test series would consist of two separate toxicity tests conducted on the same sample of effluent with the length of exposure specified by the permit,the only difference between the tests being the organism used. 3. An alternate plan developed by the permittee and approved by the Aquatic Toxicology Unit that demonstrates an equal level of protection is offered by the test organism. For items 2 and 3,it must also be demonstrated that viable and standardized culture techniques are available for that organism and standardized testing methodologies have been developed and validated. This demonstration should meet guidance provided by EPA in Section 6 of EPA-821-R-02-012,"Short Term Methods for Estimating the Acute Toxicity of E,Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms, Fifth Edition 2002". Requests to use a different test organism and supporting documentation should be sent to North Carolina Division of Water Resources,Water Sciences Section(at the above-listed address). A. (3.) SPECIAL CONDITION- COMPLIANCE FOR METALS LIMITS [NCGS 143-215.1 (b)] Compliance to permit limits for dissolved metals shall begin five(5)years from the permit effective date on November 1,2022.This compliance period affords the Permittee time to research,establish and implement methods adequate to treat effluent metals.The Permittee shall submit annually a written progress report to the Division,due on the anniverery of the permit effective date[copy both the Division's Central Office and the Wilmington Regional Office].Failure to comply with this Special Condition subjects the facility to civil penalty assessment. Submit Annual Progress Reports-copies to both: DWR/SWPS/NPDES Expedited Permitting Attention:John Hennessy DWR/SWPS/NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center, Wilmington Regional Office(WiRO) Raleigh,North Carolina 27699 Attention:Dean Hunkele 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,North Carolina,7889 Page 5 of 8 Permit NC0086975 A. (4.) ELECTRONIC REPORTING OF DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS [NCGS 143-215.1 (b)] Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports(DMRs)and program reports. The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. NOTE: This special condition supplements or supersedes the following sections within Part II of this permit (Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits): • Section B.(11.) Signatory Requirements • Section D.(2.) Reporting • Section D.(6.) Records Retention • Section E. (5.) Monitoring Reports 1. Reporting Requirements !Supersedes Section D.(2.)and Section E.(5.)(a)1 The permittee shall report discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report(eDMR)intemet application. Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s)shall be summarized for each month and submitted electronically using eDMR. The eDMR system allows permitted facilities to enter monitoring data and submit DMRs electronically using the internet. Until such time that the state's eDMR application is compliant with EPA's Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation(CROMERR),permittees will be required to submit all discharge monitoring data to the state electronically using eDMR and will be required to complete the eDMR submission by printing, signing,and submitting one signed original and a copy of the computer printed eDMR to the following address: NC DENR/Division of Water Resources/Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 If a permittee is unable to use the eDMR system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility being physically located in an area where less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access,then a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted and discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms(MR 1, 1.1,2,3)or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. See"How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting"section below. Regardless of the submission method,the first DMR is due on the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility,on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Starting on December 21,2020,the permittee must electronically report the following compliance monitoring data and reports,when applicable: • Sewer Overflow/Bypass Event Reports; • Pretreatment Program Annual Reports;and Page 6 of 8 Permit NC0086975 • Clean Water Act(CWA)Section 316(b)Annual Reports. The permittee may seek an electronic reporting waiver from the Division(see"How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting"section below). 2. Electronic Submissions In accordance with 40 CFR 122.41(1)(9),the permittee must identify the initial recipient at the time of each electronic submission. The permittee should use the EPA's website resources to identify the initial recipient for the electronic submission. Initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities means the entity(EPA or the state authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program)that is the designated entity for receiving electronic NPDES data[see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. EPA plans to establish a website that will also link to the appropriate electronic reporting tool for each type of electronic submission and for each state. Instructions on how to access and use the appropriate electronic reporting tool will be available as well. Information on EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule is found at: http://www2.epa.govtcompliance/final-national-pollutant-discharge-elimination-system= ngdes-electronic-reportina-rule. Electronic submissions must start by the dates listed in the"Reporting Requirements"section above. 3. How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting The permittee may seek a temporary electronic reporting waiver from the Division. To obtain an electronic reporting waiver,a permittee must first submit an electronic reporting waiver request to the Division. Requests for temporary electronic reporting waivers must be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval at least sixty(60)days prior to the date the facility would be required under this permit to begin submitting monitoring data and reports. The duration of a temporary waiver shall not exceed 5 years and shall thereupon expire. At such time,monitoring data and reports shall be submitted electronically to the Division unless the permittee re-applies for and is granted a new temporary electronic reporting waiver by the Division. Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Only permittees with an approved reporting waiver request may submit monitoring data and reports on paper to the Division for the period that the approved reporting waiver request is effective. Information on eDMR and the application for a temporary electronic reporting waiver are found on the following web page: httn://deq.nc.nov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr 4. Signatory Requirements [Supplements Section B.(11.)(b)and Supersedes Section B.(11.)(d)] All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part II, Section B.(11.)(a)or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(b). A person,and not a position,must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions,the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system. For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system,registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account,please visit the following web page: Page 7 of 8 Permit NC0086975 htt ://de7.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr Certification. Any person submitting an electronic DMR using the state's eDMR system shall make the following certification[40 CFR 122.22]. NO OTHER STATEMENTS OF CERTIFICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 5. Records Retention [Supplements Section D.(6.)l The permittee shall retain records of all Discharge Monitoring Reports,including eDMR submissions. These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the report. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time[40 CFR 122.41]. Page 8 of 8 E 'wM` M, ,,,.. k.. a .'4 ,s s ,.. ' 1 i •"......„,1 .i ,. ,..„, ..... 440044 •444- , ,44„;4.-•"'"" 44.:+11:.‘",-.-..,.t„4,'1:,... .fit `Nb ..i.404 . , a 4,4* " _ Discharge NC008975 w.Instream SiS1 � ))w «y. ..N ���'Jf 14 1 j1' a: miw"�! ' — r � r w. 4. • �, -Laurel Road P � Fa ., , ^r e .. c. 41 7. . h � `; a J a • } R,r..a. j 9 .,., i ' L4Yjifl p . . x: Instream S 1 '�{. ".r - . F 1 J3♦^ Yw IL a / 111 s -1 +. ... i .� r ,. a wrs. '' , ..., ti` sV4Cr s d.i. . fit t,,,V..4' # $� ".ew - t . - SR1300 lam- .r.. - . . Bridge ... a; ...; .: n . .. d� i'a,: +�:w g w .k., - 0,t, . .fir : : Discharge , q .....Or, .., J**cA t'r USGS Quad: H32SW Core Creek,NC , Outfall Facility , Latitude: 34°49' 12.2"N 34°48'50.5"N ': � � u Longitude: 76°38' 13.2"W 76°39' 15.2"W `�-r Facility Location White Oak Drainage Basin- Stream Class: SA, HQW North , Subbasin: 03-05-04 HUC: 03020301 Laurel Road WTP NC0086975 Receiving Stream: Feltons Creek Carteret County Attachment C Water Treatment Plant Monitoring Data CARTERET COUNTY WATER TREATMENT PLANT • BRINE BACKWASH WASTEWATER Cu Lead Conductivity Salinity Zinc Date (ugh!) (ughl) (uMhos/cm) (psu) (ughl) October 2017 12 <5 16,200 10.6 November 2017 9 <5 5,250 3.2 December 2017 3 <5 1,630 NA January 2018 24 <5 8,690 5.4 February 2018 3 <5 14,200 8.2 .March 2018 128 <5 10,200 5.7 April2018 12 <5 5,990 3.2 May 2018 26 <5 24,800 15.07 102 June 2018 24 <5 27,700 17.01 <10 July 2018 20 <5 27,400 16.81 19 August 2018 15 <5 25,600 15.6 28 September 2018 96 <5 24,200 14.7 <20 October 2018 21 <5 17,000 9.98 <10 November 2018 19 <5 18,900 11.2 <10 December 2018 13 <5 23,100 13.9 <10 January 2019 17 <5 24,900 15.1 <20 February 2019 25 <5 21,700 13.0 <10 March 2019 181 <5 23,600 14.3 <10 April 2019 7 <5 26,400 16.1 <20 May 2019 141 <5 29,500 18.2 <10 June 2019 56 <5 28,200 17.3 <10 July 2019 56 <5 29,700 18.4 <20 August 2019 18 <5 29,500 18.2 <10 September 2019 11 <5 25,700 15.7 <10 \\G-G10S010121FTL\2018 CARTERET CO-WTP-BRINE BACKWASH WW-01.xls 181019 , . 1 .• , .t. , ' E 0 I IW ill I i t e{1 i I t @ t I Ola iil 1111D©@117@ff'ffa@qg - 1 114 CAKMCNT DRIVE PHONE {252) 756-6208 GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 FAX (252)756-0633 1 ID*: 20 LAUREL ROAD WTP ATTN': SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO. PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE COLLECTED: 09/03/19 5231. BUSINESS DRIVE /DATE REPORTED :: -09 24/19 N1GRT. ,NC 28570 REVIEWED BY: Effluent Instream Si Analysis Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code Total Suspended Residue, mg/1 7.4 09/04/19 MAR 2540D-11 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/I 0.29 09/04/19 DTL.. 350.1 R2.93: Total Hardness, mg/I 5800 3420 09/09/19 TMR 2340C-11 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/I 19600 09/05/19 HJO 2540C-11 Copper, ug/I 11. 09/09/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead, ug/1 <5.0 09/06/19 MTM 3113B-10 Zinc, net <10 09/09/19, LFJ EPA200.7 Turbidity,NTH <1.0 09/03/19• TMR 2130B-11 Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 25700 09/09/19 KDS 2510E-11 Salinity, psu 15.7. 15.9 09/09/19 KDS 2520E-11 { . . . Environment 1,inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD • P.O.Box 7085,1.14 Oakmont 1)r. Page_i of j__ C.71-0-ellYilie,NC 27858 environmentlinC.corn DISINFECTION CHLORINE NEUTRALIZEDAT COLLECTION Phone(252)756-6208*Fax(252)756-0633 I:1 CHLORINE CLIENT: 20 Week:41 pH CHECK(LAB) L:11 UV \L.V 4242 LAUREL ROAD WTP I:1 NONE PPPPPPPPP CONTAINER TYPE,PIG ATTN:SHERRI MCCLURE , , CARTERET CO,PUBLIC UTILITIES El CHEMICALPRESERVATION 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE ACCA A AA A A NEWPORT NC 28570 8 C c,, A-NONE D-NAOH E p I- L1.1 (252)643-7878 'Aj it 6, 0 ,5j B-HN10.3 E-HCI., o 7,4 42 . . u Dil 7- >, -- = * 4) ,„„,,,, ..t, C.H SO F.ZINC ACETATEINAOH u j 2 4 COLLECTION S% ili 8 ....4 -_-je' .:4, .= it: -4' 2 -t ec G-NAIHIOStLFAIE SAMPLE LOCA'TION DATE TIME f,-)iS W t-4 2 Effluent $3-i5 l',L40 Jo .23.1 7 a g, fil rai it4: a ra 16.1 GI CLASSIFICATION; Instream SI 9'-3.jet i:3r .13y 2 gel 1:11 WASTEWATER(NPDES) ' ' " LI DRINKING WATER . 17.:11 DWRIGW Li SOLID WASTE SECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEAL)MAINTAINED - . DURING SHIPMENT/DELIVERY 6 N SAMPLES COLLECTED BY; •(Please Print) --7:50‘\A kJ. 3irto\ovt5 . . „ . SAMPLES RECEIVED IN LABAT 03 °C RELINQUISHED BY(SIG)(SAMPLER) DATE/TIME RECEIVEky. (SIG.) al AlEtrIME COMMENTS: 7.-tV‘iv,U4 S'imAcp,.5 9349 111-36 oef > .7/7(1 I RELINQUISHED BY(SIG) DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME 1 I RELINQUISHED BY(sio) DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY(BIG.) DATE/lIME 1 1 "C" " PLEASE READ instructions for completing this form on the reverse side. Sampler must place a for composite sample or a"G for FORM*5 Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requested. N2 371701 • • EmWriolom gui ¶o fm@@Qp©Qo oI -_... .,_ Wart star iDf 10 114 OAKMONT DRIVE PHONE(252) 756-6208 GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 20 LAUREL ROAD WTP 1 ATTN: SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO. PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE COLLECTED: 08/05/19 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE DATE REPORTED ; 08/15/19 NEWPORT ,NC 28570 1 REVIEWED BY: I Effluent Instream S1 Analysis Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code Total Suspended Residue, mg/I 14 08/06/19 HJO 2540D-11 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/I 0.42 08/06/19 AKS 350.1 R2-93 Total Hardness, mg/1 6660 6860 08/12/19 JMS 2340C-11 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/I 20820 08/06/19 3MS 2540C-11 Copper, ugh 18 08/08/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead, ug/l <5.0 08/08/19 MTM 3113B-10 Zinc, ug/1 <10 08/08/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Turbidity, NTU 2.4 08/05/19 TCW 2130B-11 Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 29500 08/12/19 KDS 2510E-11 1 Salinity, psi 18.2 28.0 08/12/19 KDS 2520B-.11 Environment 1,Inc, CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD " —T I'm7085.1.14 Oakmont Dr. Page 1 of 1 "YJ. Greenville,NC 27858 • environment' nc.com DISINFECTION CHLORINE NEUTRALIZEDATCOLLECTION Phoneo(252)756-6208 Fax(252)75fi-{)C33 �'CHLORINE CLIENT: 20 Week:374k .i-LI IN '7/ pH CHECK(LAB) NON CONTAINERTYPE PIG LAUREL ROAD WTI' ❑ P P P P P P P P P ATTN:SHERRI MCCLUREil CHEMICAL PRESERVATION CARTERET CO.PUBLIC UTILITIES ❑ A C C A A A A A A 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE r A-NONE D-NAOH NEWPORT NC 28570 v) z f c B-HNO8 E-HCL (252)648-7878 cc k4 i p cc Q 7 v > C-HSQ` F-ZINC ACETATEINAOH COLLECTION v c E a a ? 0 G-NATHIOSULFATE SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TIME rz a ¢ .r , .. x H ,. n g U a 4.. a -5- 19 1'a , f( 113 7_ �;,j. �}. .. 1; 51 b it t R ' 7-05 g.o7 CLASSIFICATION: Efflucnt g : -c-15 )45a. xce 2 0 le)441, Li WASTEWATER(NPDES) In:Amara SI Li DRINKING WATER DWR/GW ❑ SOUDWASTESECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEAL)MAINTAINED DURINGCSI PM ENT/D ELIVERY .jj N . SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: (Please Print) Diw:,c,X tQk(L\o( SAMPLES RECEIVED IN LAB AT()1 Z'°C RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.)(SAMPLER) DATE/TIME RECEIVED B IG,) DATE/TIME COMMENTS: R/c/f 11 3---C, RELINQUISHED BY(SIG,) DATE/TiME REC BY(Si , DATE/TIME RELINQUISHED BY(SIG) DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY(SIG,) DATE/TIME 1 1 PLEASE READ Instructions for Completing this form on the reverse side. Sampler must place a"C"for composite sample or a'4G"for FORM*s Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requested. N 2 371419 I i nsd 'SiiutteS II-fOZSZ H,Lf 6I/SI/LO L't'Z tenII-flOTSZ flit 6Y/ I/LO OOL6Z urNsoIdltn `(�S:Z tB? !A!TaapuoD TT-aOETZ SQ?I 61IOTJLO S'£ rum ',tiipinany L'OOZyda fArl 6I/t1ZILO OZ.> iAn'QUIZ OT-INII£ 11LLI/8. 6I/LItLO 0'5> Urn 'peal L'oozvaa LKI 6T/IT/L0. 95 On 'xaddv IY�Ot?5Z ?I�!Ih( 6UIItLO OZ9SZ 1J W 'afPiS3 I panioss•I lu;°J,, IT-3Otr£Z sic' 6TISIILO 0995 0£68 v�ux 'ssaupauH I' °L £6-Z2I rose NU 6U01IL0 L'6 !I 'N se ua2oing WUOWUIV 2ua 'an sa a uadsn o it-Qosz scm 6Tf0T/L0 L'b U P1 2I P P S lgt d apa3 ;s,TuuuV atua SIL L3YITVZIVd P011a91 slsdietry IS uivaaasui uanum AS aaM2IAaa -,;‘ :- O Ls 9 L og' sxaamrart 6L/ZO/80 Q l2IOd82i aZtiQ Enna SSaMISIIS J£ZS 6T/60/LO :aSID$'I'Iao a xa saXllI'IIJ,a ;pI�iSAa 'ORIS a LVI3 I I iSZJY asm cnrort riaaaY'I az :#ai �G9O-9gL l7�'G� X V� 2S9L 3 N 'Y11[AN33HJ L SQ 9 99L( 5 ) N{� Id /1C�i(3 IN? )e°t�'1l I y 'acr?obi , ,, :a<. gT„,,341 FA3: all, VilnallallgaRliM Environment 1,Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD P.U.Box 7085,114 Oakmont Dr. Page 1 of„__,1r..: . ---Menville,NC 27858 environment line:cam DISINFECTION CHLORINE NEUTRALIZED AT COLLECTION Phone(252-)75 i-62Q8•Fax(252)756-0633 (� CHLOl1INE CLIENT: 20 Week:32 1,••, pH CHECK(LAB) Lji UV CONTAINER TYPE,Pi'G LAUREL ROAD WTP LI NONE PPPPPPPPP - ATTN:SHERRI MCCLURE GtiEMICAi.Pi�ESERVATION CARTERET CO.PUBLIC UTILITIESL:I5231 BUSINESS DRIVE A CCA A AA A A NEWPORT NC 28570 z p A-NONE D-NAOH o rn `n ° w n (252)648-7878. § �4d a § c'' a-HNO3 E-HCL a, x o „ E C.H,SO, F-ZINC ACETATEJNAOH COLLECTION ¢ o a . �' 's ,n .. <, G-NAINIOSULFATE 13 SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TIME 2 0 a F d = A a X H CS a b . Effluent '1-1 4241 7 ' : < >r w N 1 ig 4 a 74 43Y CLASSIFICATION: 9 Si ` ER Instream 51 7-���� rr�.d 2 �. �ii.�7 �.� X WASTEWATER(NPDES) DRINKINGWATER - La DWR/GW LII SOUDWASTE SECTION CHAIN OF GUSTO (SEAL)MAINTAINED _ - DURIN HIPMENT/DELIVERY N SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: .. (Please Print) J ANA 0. i n Or-'S v 11 SAMPLES RECEIVED IN LAB AT 1 °C REUNCIUISSHED BY(SIG)(SAMPLER) DATE/TIME RE VE BY(SIC.) DATEInME COMMENTS. RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DATEITIME RECEIVED SIG.) DA ME , i RELINQUISHED BY(SIG,) DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME I Sampler must place a"C"for composite sample or a"GI for PLEASE READ Instructions for completing this form on the reverse side. Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requested. ND FORM#5 L. ' E1111WilEr@IEE@ZR IL C @or1 @QM i 4 w 114 OAKMONT DRIVE PHONE(252)756 6208 GREENVILLE, ftC.27858 FAX(252)756-0633 IDit: 20 LAUREL ROAD' .WTP ATTN- SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET Co. PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE COLLECTED: 06/03/19 5233. BUSINESS DRIVE DATE REPORTED 07/10/19 NEWPORT ,NC 28570 REVIEWED BX• Effluent Instream S1 Analysis Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code. I Total Suspended Residue,.mg/1 11 06/04/19 MAR 2540D-11 Ammonia;Nitrogen as N, mg/I 0.45 06/04/19 ARS 350.1.R2-93. Total Hardness, mg/1 6730 6140 06/10/19 TCW 2340C-11 Total Dissolved Residue,.mg/1 22340 06/04/19 JTH 2540C-11, Copper, ugh' 56 06/05/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead, ugh <5.0 06/06/19 MTM. 3113B-10. Zinc, uggi <10 06/19/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Turbidity, NTU 1.4 06/03119 TCW 2130B-11 Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 28200 06/10/19 JMS 2510B-11 Salinity, psu 17.3. 24.1 06/10/19 JMS 2520B-11. ) t- F Environment 1.,Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PD.13ox 7085,114 Oakmont Dr. Page 1 of: 1. Greenville,NC 27858 erryironmenttinc,eomr DISINFECTION CHLORINEIVEtTIFIALIZEDATCOLLECTION Phone(252)zero='6.2,0 Fax(252)756-0633 CHLORINE t�CLIENT: 20 Week:28 1—y L� �r ,L' +L pH CHECK(LAB) iJ 4 LAUREL ROAD WTP NONE , PPPPP CONTAINER TYPE,P/G ATTN:SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO.PUBLIC UTILITIES Li CHEMICAL PRESERVATION' 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE ACC A A A - A AA W NEWPORT'NC 28570 o r A-NONE D. NAOH (252)648-7878 E o cs�9.o B-HN{3 E-HCL I ? yy, cc E C-HMSO, F-ZINC ACETATE/NAOH COLLECTION r a u. a i z V, > 3 A G•NATHIOSULFATE SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TIME g g i ¢ 2 N .:C H .'� ,gam' Ey C) to Efflnanf ro +0-3-( a::3t�a 23.3. ' ? f>'i 41i- •} £ _t ...� .` - CLASSIFICATION: InctroAm CI to-3.6 4:36«s. 215.() 2 a ra WASTEWATER(NPDES). Li DRINKING WATER DWR/GW SCUD WASTESECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEAL)MAINTAINED - - DURI HIPMENT/DELIVERY N _ SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: (Please Print) SAMPLES RECEIVED IN L.AB AT `0`" °C RELJNOUISHED BY(SIG.)t(SAMPLER) DATI~/TIME RECEIVED } DATE/TIME COMMENTS: �/ i9I =9 RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DATE/TiME RECEIVED BY( DATE/TIME I RELINQUISHED BY(SIG) DATE/l1ME RECEIVED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME PLEASE READ Instructions for completing this form on the reverse side. Sampler must place a"C"for composite sample or a"G"far FORM A5 Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requested. N„ 367322 • i i i EilliEcl[r@M1151ffiq 61g ©©©Qp©Q c d Il fr y ,. / ta 4'.r+- , ?lY�*�� Ti"�°�s�/✓, ,, p�,{„ :a �rsa756.p2oEt R� '^h'��:'oN . i. 1i;r t wd � i s;: .� voil, F� f <'WE �s. AA t Fi�rr �{, F y.. , i , . Z e ' ,r4,✓..,s. x'.'F c,7.1:" ;1,`1 $ ��1:. F/X „.w o, � , ID#: 20 LAUREL ROAD WTP ATTN: SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO. PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE COLLECTED: 05/02/19 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE DATE REPORTED : 05/20/19 NEWPORT ,NC 28570 REVIEWED BY: Effluent Instream S1 Analysis Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code ' f Total Suspended Residue, mgh 12 05/03/19 JTH 2540D-11 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/1 0.88 05/06/19 BLD 350.1 R2-93 Total Hardness, mg/1 7600 3300 05/06/19 JTH 2340C-11 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/I 19740 05/07/19 JMH 2540C-11 Copper, ugh 141 05/10/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead, ugh <5.0 05/16/19 MTM 3113B-10 Zinc, ugh <10 05/10/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Turbidity, NFU 4.2 05/02/19 TCW 2130B-11 Conductivity. (at 25c), uMhos/cm 29500 05/06/19 TCW •2510B-11 Salinity, psu 18.2 13.2 05/06/19 TCW 2520B-11 , s I 1 1 , IX P s-: . . Environment 1,Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD P.O.Box 1085,114 Oakmont Dr. Page 1 of__1,_ pile,NC 27858 enviromnent line.com DISINFECTION CHLORINE NEUTRALIZED AT COLLECTION Phone(2.52)756-6208•Fax(252)756..0633 CilLORINE , CLIENT: 20 'Week:24 6.41 #. ,n ,i pH CHECK(LAB) '", -f--1,-4-it CONTAINERTYPE,PiG LAUREL ROAD WTP EJNONE PP • PPPPPPP , ATTN:SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO.PUBLIC maim Li , CHEMICAL PRESERVATION 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE A. ,..,CCA A A AAA NEWPORT NC 2.8.570 . )p A-NONE D.NAOH (252)64E4878 `i) .02 B-HNO edict. CC X t- COLLECTION (4)i ° 4 4 :11 4 .4.' 43 0•HISO, F-ZINC AC El ATEMAOH 13-NATHICSULFATE •SANPLELOCATION DATE -RAE lis tzt 0 .111 :..,481, ••`...C). cc A. Effluent ca:IS q:44 0 Li.t. 7 FA 51 51 NI 14 0 1 51 M SI 131'10 . ClASSiFICATION: Instr earn SI 5-1-1°1 q'.40 al 2 8 a 143 epsv WI WASTEWATER(NPDES) ' - ..... . Cji DRINKING WATER ' CI DWRIGIIV Li SCUD WASTE SECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEAL)MAINTAINED - DURING SHIPMENT/DELIVERY , SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: , . (Please Print) SAMPLES REcevEc IN IAB AT 1 2 ',,c RELINQUISHED BY(SIG,)(SAMPLER) DATE/T1ME RECE P: (°G.)30 _ii I DATEMME COMMENTS: .74.0\-f•k•--.), :04.v.1.«A 574-fi I 1v- yr?, n I At, RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DA1PJTIME RECEIVED r, IG) r DATE/TIME 1 I RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DATEMME RECEIVED BY(SIG.) DATFJFIME I I PLEASE READ Instructions for completing this form on the reverse side. Sampler must place a"C'for composite sample or a"G"for FORM#5 Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requested.N o 368354 _ ' o Tomm@ild i lEg©VPOilq@d =?of r'x 9lagbezratar IAA 10 q� 5 4 gg ^ r,C. 'i' .T " .,. '*'s...^ ,f1!:>/ kr ".' /,r, ° .P°44 ",� 29 �x.u642 .., /22,2, i .. „ N„• 114 OAKMONT DRIVE PHONE (252)756-6208 GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 FAX (252) 756-0633 ; ID#: 20 LAUREL ROAD WTP ATTN: SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO.. PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE COLLECTED: 04/02/19 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE DATE REPORTED : 05/08/19 NEWPORT ,NC 28570 REVIEWED BY: __ Effluent Instream S1 Analysis Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code i. Total Suspended Residue, mg/1 10 04/03/19 JMH 2540D-11 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/I 0.38 04/03/19 DTL 350.1 R2-93 Total Hardness, mg/i 6270 3330 04/08/19 KDS 2340C-11 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/1 18860 04/04/19 JMH 2540C-11 Copper, ugh 7 04/08/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead, ugh <5.0 04/05/19 MTM 3113B-10 Zinc, ugh <20 04/24/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Turbidity, NTU 1.5 04/02/19 BLD 2130B-11 Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 26400 04/09/19 KDS 2510B-11 Salinity, psu 16.1 13.5 04/09/19 KDS 2520B-11 i • • • IvIronuient 1,Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 1 1 P.O.Box 7085.114 Oakmont Dr- Page of . Greenville,NC 27858 environment 1 inc.com DISINFECTION CHLORINE NEUTi WZEDATCOLLECTION Phone(252)756-6208•Fax(252)756-0633 i L CHLOPJN1s CLIENT: zo Week:19 (�•• .� +� G�j pH CHECK(LAB) LAUREL ROAD WTP [J NONE PPP P P P P )I° 1 CONTAINERTYPE,PA3 ATTN:SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO.PUBLIC UTILITIES CHEMICALPRESERVATION 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE ij A C C A A A A A A NEWPORT NC 28570 a o - w A-NONE D-NAOH EW in (252)648-7878 w rZ w z w ° a B HNO3 E-HCL o z . a M C H2SO, F ZINC ACETATE/N AOH COLLECTION U. G NATHIO5ULFATE .0 „ Scc SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TIME r 23 + a- P .4x P 4 Z E1 U tC133 ° .9:1. n s 7 :i ; ry I, -71(/ CLASSIFICATION: Effluent -�- t I: lye -(S �^, ") Instream Si 1_1° l 1140.s, 14,3 2 � 'i A1.2Frj WASTEWATER(NPDES). - LI DRINKING WATER 1:11 DWR/GW SCUD WASTE SECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEAL)MAINTAINED . DURING SHIPMENT/DELIVERY N SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: - (Please Prim) SAMPLES RECEIVED IN LAB A1O ti "C RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.)(SAMPLER) DATE/TIME RECEIVE Y . #ATEIIIME COMMENTS: 5o1\&.v. 't iksix A-X-i i 112:00 •L i 517/0 RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY( ) D TE/i1ME RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY(SIG) DATE/TIME Sampler must place a"C"for composite sample or a"G"for PLEASE READ Instructions for completing this farm on the reverse side. Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requested. N2 363802 FORM#5 �:: . ... -.._ ..t.;idifial,Ifxlb ... EMW O7TV ] R L MCC)U ©CFM@Drinking Water ID1 37715� _ s A e :', f,. ,} ,'' / sc v', ,*,, 5 t 7 w wa+-1" P: �"y' .X t'.,,Ile %4:.4a,�2,.�411:1 'sir' . 8., N $ PHONE(252)756 6238 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 FAX(252)756-0633 ID#: 20 LAUREL ROAD WTP ATTN: SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO. PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE COLLECTED: 03/01/19 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE DATE REPORTED 03/19/19 I" NEWPORT ,NC 28570 REVIEWED BY: Effluent Instream SI, Analysis Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code Total Suspended Residue, mg/1 9.6 03/04/19 JTH 2540D-11 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/1 s 0.43 03/05/19 TLH 350.1 R2-93 Total Hardness, mg/1 6870 1290 03/04/19 TCW 2340C-11 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/1 18640 03/05/19 JTH 2540C-11 Copper, ug/l 181 03/07/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead, ug/1 <5.0 03/12/19 MTMVI 3113B-10 Zinc, ug/1 <10 03/13/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Turbidity, NTU. 13 03/01/19 TBG 2130B-11 Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 23600 03/04/19 JTH 2510B-11 Salinity, psu 14.3 6.17 03/04/19 JTH 2520B-11 i i All QC requirements were not metr s Spike data not within estebliehed limits. 1 P Environment 1,Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ara ,x 7085,114 Oakmont Dr. Page 1 of I Greenville,NC 27858 environment l inc.comn DISINFECTION CHLORINE NEUTRALIZED AT COLLECTION Phone(252)75b-62©t3•Fax(252)756-0633 ( CHLORINS CLIENT: 20 Week:15 I„I uv J n tY 4„ pH CHECK(LAB) NONEONTAINER TYPE;PIG LAUREL ROAD VWTP ❑ P P P P P P P_ P P ATM:SBERRI MCCLURE CHEMICALPRESERVATION CARTERET CO.PUBLIC UTILITIES 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE A C O A .. A , A A A A NEWPORT NC 28570 vio ia'_ A-NONE D-NAOH. cn v.3 WI g-HNO3 E•HCL (252)648-7878 s ,, z z '• °C o -, ZTi; t. y C-H2SOa F-ZINC ACETATE/NAOH COLLECTION v + ' c ��cyy 'a c ° G NATHIOSULFATE. SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TIME or o a we p, H °� i E+ U° a 2,�r gill s ta Ct ASSIFlCATION Effluent 14-1I ,9 1 0 !6•?_ 7 > t`_ •`•. ::1: u Instream S1 3- - 9 g'S 9 !7. ala. 2 WASTEWATER(NPDES) Li DRINKINGWATER Li DWR/SW Li SOLIDWASTESECT1ON CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEAL)MAINTAINED DURIN PMENI/DELIVERY - - — � Y N SAMPLES BY: (Please Print) ash U . S; er0,515c' SAMPLES RECEIVED IN t.ABAT 0 ? 4C RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.)(SAMPLER) DATE/CIME RECEI BY(SIG.) DATE 11ME COMMENTS: 5 L i- . s,.,o...5 3-4-IS ] lo:c+ . _S/) JC 1 3101 DATE/TIME REC:VED ( G.) DATFliIME RELINQUISHED BY(SIG:) 1 I RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME RECEIVER BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME 1 Sampler must place a"C"for composite sample or a"G"for PLEASE READ Instructions for completing this form on the reverse side. Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requested. N2 362596 FbriM#5 • • Emdoarroa old Flo IDIooQ oQffac l .: ..M j ,e'n ._..�,.�¢,+`'.�?;=�_Y..:�"�.�a�,:.s��....�.:'.:�. ,;G�.�....-.. �_�..u'�:,t-s::.....^'y....-<i x._tti��ea'�.....:c+��•s� �'�u»v.�„�.'�a..'7+ai�:. a�r1.�� 114.OAKMONT DRIVE PHONE(252)756-6208 GREENVILLE,N.C.27858 FAX_(252)756-0633-=. ID#: 20 LAUREL ROAD WTP ATTN: SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO. PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE COLLECTED:: 0.2/01415! 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE DATE REPORTED 02/18/19 NEWPORT ,NC 28570 REVIEWED:BE.; Effluent Instream S1 Analysis Metbpd. PARAMETERS Date, Analyst Code Total Suspended Residue, mg/I 7.8- 02/04/19 'JTE 2540D-11 Ammonia Nitrogen as,N, mg/I 0.25 02/04/19 BLD. '350.1 R2 93 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/I .,1580O 02/05/19 TEO 2540E-11 Copper, ug/l 25 02/04/19. LFJ EPA200,7 Lead, ug/1 <.5.0 02/14/19 MTM 3113E-10 Zinc, ug/l <10 '02/04/19 LEI EPA200;2 Turbidity, NTU 2.8 02/01/19 JMf :2130B-11 Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 2170,0 02/04/19 JMII 2510B-11 Salinity, psu 13,01 5 43 02/04/19 MIT 2520E-11 • Environment 1,Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD * . 114 Oakmont Dr. Page 1 of 1 Greenville,NC 27858 e n vi ronm en t 1 inc.com DISINFECTION CHLORINE NEUTRALIZED AT COLLECTION • Phone(252)756-6208•Fax(252)756-0633 j CHLORINE CLIENT: 20 Week:.11 UV 4 e pH CHECK(LAB) ..4.2,72, LAUREL ROAD WTP LI NONE PPPPPPPP CONTAINER-TYPE,P/G ATTN:SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO.PUBLIC UTILITIES l[:i CHEMICAL PRESERVATION 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE AC A A A A A A NEWPQRT NC 28570 EP- 'II A-NONE D-NAOH I-- (252)648-7878 Z - M -'''' ill Z 1.1.1 i.. M--' {.%.LU B-HNO0 E-HCL c:)0 r.-- -±J L.' <1---L.) _03 T' . c-Nso, F-ZINC ACETATE/NAOH COU " T ICTION _,-- if., 0 0 ..4 4 1 :-. LE a cc G-NATHIOSULFATE SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TIME 12 5 tc 2 r2 -,t E-, pf4 --iT, a. Effluent -1-14 if51, 0 6 ../".?..,"',.•:,''""'?;;.it 5,n .:v4 t''‘r !1-""'. ,-i,,,,,-.: a 13.S 1 u2, tg KA CLASSIFICATION: Instream SI J-I-ICI 4'144(i S/0 1 , WASTEWATER(NPDES) . j DRINKING WATER . U DWR/GW L:11 SOLID WASTE SECTION , CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEAL)MAINTAINED - . . . DURING - •MENT/DELIVERY Y N - - - SAMPLES oval CTED BY: . _ _ (Please Pitt) 751NO Ns.1...... 6*1(v-ce•cre•-5 SAMPLES RECEIVED IN LAB AT a .-/ °C RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.)(SAMPLER) DATE/TIME RECEIV BY(SIG.) , D TUNE COMMENTS: ---&\'‘nk-J i iN.,1%•c• 1-\-,6 1 folo „,......._____---- Z/1' i'l 373F RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME R EIVED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME I I RELINQUISHED BY(SIC.) DATE/TIME RECENF_D BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME I 1 Sampler must place a"C"for composite sample or a'0"for PLEASE READ Instructions for completing this form on the reverse side. FORM*is __ Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requested. N2 365979 .. ____ ___ . -__ 'Emwtimm 1 ll IL �IEc�o�por-� c�i f.. - _ .,.,,ti ,,,,_ i5F- y "'! +'i�.k u~ n,,, ,,,3 `n "a.. ,,,,tl'' ,,,°'e,.> ,s,,,,,, .-,. "„..., 4i:-.g.,- t,, RAJ 0 .. 4.w� llm 4; n'i.,,, ...„ ,,, .s ,,,,zz.«i3w-'4-,,, d rtx. 3 ,,,,-:,... ..'34 'o-: "�'`nx*�-'�'. _....-- l' 114 OAKMONT DRIVE' PHONE(252)756-6208 GREENVILLE,N.C.27658_ FAX(252)756-0633, ID#: 20 j LAUREL ROAD. WTP ATTN: SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO. PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE COLLECTED: 01/08/19 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE DATE REPORTED : 01/28/19 NEWPORT ,NC 28570 REVIEWED BY: it Effluent Instream Si Analysis- Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code Total Suspended Residue, mg/I 8.5 01/09/19 JTH 2540D-11 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/1 0.40 01/09/19 TLH 350.1 R2-93 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/I 16900 01/10/19 JTH 2540C-11 Copper, ugh 17 01/09/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead,ug/i <5.0 01/09119 MTM 3113E-10 Zinc, ugh <20 01/16/19 LFJ EPA200.7 Turbidity, NTU 2.3 01/08/19 TCW 2130B-11 Conductivity(at 25c), uMhos/cm 24900 01/14/19 JTH 2510E-11 Salinity, psu 15.1 01/14/19 JTH 2520B-11 Salinity, psu 5.21 01/22/19 JMS 2520B-11 1 Environment 1,Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD P.a. Ox 77085,114 Oakmont Dr. Page 1 of 1 Greenville,NC 27858 environment 1 inc com DISINFECTION CHLORINE NEUTRALIZED AT COLLECTION Phone(252)756-6203•Fax(252)756-0633 (—y CHLORINE CLIENT: 20 Week:6 pH CHECK(LAB) CONTAINER TYPE,KG LAUREL WTP ❑ NONE P P P P P P P P ATTN:SHERRI MCCLURE � CHEMICALPRESERVATION CARTERET CO.PUBLIC UTILITIES A A C A A A A A 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE NEWPORTNC28570 mo z A-NONE D-NAOH nO LE v y cn o ° C B-HNO, E-HCL (252)648-7878 ¢--' ¢o z . cc cc o� �v ¢ i -a C H2SO4 F-ZINCACETATE/NAOH a� COLLECTION ¢ w o a o J ¢ G.NATHIOSULFATE o, rL o LL a 9 v. g f ❑ -5 Q cc SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TIME o 0 W a o F - A a F U Q' a J- --i 1 'Q lb.l 0 )S? 6 z .` '1,�1�,91 CLASSIFICATION Rrt7npnt vr Instrearn Sl t.S--lq S'' 13.G I i.3':&I 111 StEWATER(NPDES) - ❑ DRINKING WATER - ❑ DWR/GW lij SOLID WASTE SECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEAL)MAINTAINED — _ — DURING S IPMENT/DELIVERY Y N SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: (Pease Print) SAMPLES RECEIVED IN LAB AT G 'G RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.)(SAMPLER) DATE/TIME RECEIVED DATE/TiME COMMENTS: �oIAU,,Si o..s (. r) 19:3o r lfIuci RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME RECE BY(SIG DATE/TIME RELINQUISHED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME IME RECEIVED BY(SIG.) DATE/TIME 1 1 Sampler must place a"C"for composite sarpple or a"G"for PLEASE READ Instructions for completing this form on the reverse side. Grab sample in the blocks above for each parameter requestedN° 3 6 6 0 9 9 FORM#5 C waQoM @B i 5M.©oTPopgq@ Dric)i g Wztier It�s`37715 Wastewater ID1 10 114 OAKMONT DRIVE PHONE (252) 756-6208 GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 FAX (252)756-0633 ID#: 20 LAUREL ROAD WTP ATTN: SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO, PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE COLLECTED: 12/03/18 5231 BUSINESS DRIVI. DATE REPORTED : 12/13/18 NEWPORT ,NC 28570 REVIEWED BY: Effluent Instream S1 Analysis Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code Total SusPended. Residue, .mg/1 7.6 12/04/18 JMH 2540D-11 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/1 0,30 12/04/18 DTL 350.1 R2-93 Total Dissolved Residue,:mg/I: 16040 12/04/18 3T11 2540C-11 Copper, ug/1 13 12/10/1.8 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead, ugh <5.0 12/10/18 MTM 3I13B-10 't""1/4;Zinc, ug/1 <10 12/10/18 LF.J EPA200.7 Turbidity, NTU 2.0 12/03/18 JMS 2130E-11 Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 23100 12/10/1S JTH 2510B-11 Salinity, psu 13.9 12/10/18 JTH 2520B-11 Salinity, psu 4.67 12/12/18 JTII 2520B-11 , t. Emw[illion@ffa L [ tr• a c 6 14 OAKMONT DRIVE PHONE (252) 756-6208 AREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#.t 20 LAUREL -ROAD WTP ATTN SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO. PUBLICIITILITIES DATE COLLECTED,. 11/01f1.8 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE DATE REPORTED : 3i/03/3,8: NEWPORT ,NC 28570 REVIEWED BY. Effluent lustreatn S1 An'alysts. Method PARAMETERS Date .Analyst Code j Total Suspended Residue; mng/1 6.3 11/02/18 ITH 2540D-I1: Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/l 0.33 11/05/18 BLD .350.1 R2-93 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/I 19080 11/06/18 :JTH 2540C-11 Copper, ugh! 19 11121/18 LF7 EPA.200.7 Lead, ug/1 <5.0 11/09/18 MTM 3113B-10 Zinc,, ugh <10 11/08/18. LFJ EPA200,7 Ages,Turbidity, NTU 1.9 11/01/18 JMT 2130E-11 Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 18900 11/05/18 1LMM 2510E-11 Salinity, psu 11.2 2.45 11,/05118 HMM 2520B-11 • EllawritrauTi one ¶o flmcorpou'ffRail :r, r n �'d �+ -lat'=1- ` ONE( )756-6208 GREENVILLE, N.G. 27858 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 20 r LAUREL ROAD WTP ATTN: SHERRI MCCLURE CARTERET CO. PUBLIC UTILITIES9. DATE COLLECTED: 10/02/18 5231 BUSINESS DRIVE j r DATE REPORTED : 10/25./18 NEWPORT ,NC 28570 'y REVIEWED BY: Effluent Instreain Si. Analtisis. Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst: Code Total Suspended Residue, .mg/ 5.1 10/03/18 JMH 2540D-11 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/1: 0.38 10/04/18 DTL 350.1 R2•93 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/l 12580 10/04/18 JTH 2540C-11 Copper, ugh' 21 10/03(18 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead, ug/1 <S.0 10/03/18 MTM 3113B-10 '141'Zinc, ug/I <10 10/03/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Turbidity, NTU <1.0 10/02/18 JMT 2130E-11. Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 17000 10/08/18 HMM 2510B-11 Salinity, pm 9.98 4.68 10/08/18 11MM 2520B-11 Attachment D Water Treatment Plant Domestic Wastewater Connection to Beaufort Sewer System s PROFILE ,I PLAN KY d. MOSSO NOTE BOOK o - NOTE BOOK uonnar ammo No. {µ00�NOTAndtl Oi[Q!o No. rt.O,WAY CAMEO • ,O NO 0 -1 A ' 'N O N 0 A 01 Ot O N A A O • - . I .2 2.7 I . Z0 litli , O • � : _ _ ■ If 7 � X — 1 :..Ti I, D— - et _ i Z 17 PI i A N • i.■ 0 ,iP' A ,cay' ....cb ij.W_ .at -c Nm PON- il N o :�- Hop''0.x -2 P E. . rn L O; iO N O T 0 0 0 0 O A, O, • N O N A 01 Ot O N P q 0',trµ.'S......+, (n 4I11,,, ;R A 1 • PROFILE SUYVFOD PLAN wive m •r OOM 'MORD NOTE BOOK a - NOTE BOOK MIGNON.,CMFORO No. BrwcNrt NOTAnaNf<BecBto N. m.or WAY CHEM, In O N > T O N A 6 uI■■I■■■■■■■lilt■■I■I_ II■■I■■■■■■■III■I■■I■I_ ■I■■I■■■■■■■III■I■■I■I_ �I■■I■■■■■■■III■I■■I■I_ �� III■■I■■■■■■■III■I■■I■I_ _� ■I■■I■■■■■■■III■I■■I■I_ 111111 I °To 1 Ill■■I■■■■■■■III■I■■I■II_ 111111 III■■I■■■■■■■III■I■■I■I_ �� III■■I■■■■■■■III■I■■I■I_ ;I iflI■■ III I■■ II rI ■■IIII■I■I■I■■�� ■■IIII■I■I■I■■�� 1____________ I ■IIII■II II Mil _ "pp11111uuu I - 1111 ��: ti�Co�on`. r � ■IIII■�111■II■I■II■I■I ,, Ii.I-. !iOHIIIIH I ■I■II■I■I � � , A OI Y ®,®m O N A T ''�w/SII III dl,`` • • PROFILE w •. .uT` PLAN _ �' .v. NOTE BOOK O �net�® NOTE BOOK mown..Cleat® NO. ' -- - No. RT.Or WAY CHE - n n T•da uw ae N O 0 N d N O m Br A N o N A m m O Cu A m m - to MI I / I I. N o - II I / w / I. / / c ')\‘‘‘,..\--‘ \,..ii ---- IC 101-- 11'‘ ___ . . ,i1 erg' _ • _ �°��-_— z o D y _ m c' — I — — Ill a...... KM° m a ,c cci P' b� OO: Iii .,Ens N a'?,p m — T;' ' __ 1. _o:zv .:.ac O N m •m - ' l'.O , . A r (lilt( I TMEIiT PI ANT 17NFRM . - sew w 29. u v p�wrwlr. 1 2 ewers m �S s.by ether contractors)Including all pipe,fitting.valve cc-- saws w HpIng Installed by others.saw s 03%HOE • g end grubbing,erosion and sedimentation control, • a(CABS)surfacing. A:• • l�. -�ying from the Scooted storage tank center near top to the _Y bly Unit F inelde the Treatment Plant building. pllAR/ Dom �Y love prnnn.e.n.m pi heat tap•and the conduit a 9 Pi^9 r RACTOR N0.42. PVC - { ee»rags piping to the grinder pump and the grinder z .LATERAL ASSEMBLY us .vw,"a.�e'en son 1-1/4• -L. SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE ATMENi PI ANT FI FCTRIGAI U Q lity company to provide el•ctrica service to the Treatment Z l.� I- PUMP a entrance,and system grounding for the Treatment Plant. W G se AT IG ""'^'a'rve"°' "":'and wire from the Treatment Plant building to other 53 Ce• 2- 2.2h the Duet Bonk Schedule.Conduit and Wire Schedule,the Q • i B G $¢£S WALL LAM U @ ma" '¢Ei BE PR U);a Q • m _ TRADING CONSTRUCTION NCTFS o ^m` j W • I/»\"^ riN constructiconstruction.in the limits of construction. Allshrubs.trees,shrubs.bushes. ` of construction sisal be removed and dispan d of N 1 'edral,state,and local laws,odes,and regulations Disposal Q W a CONTRACTOR. Clearing Smite are fifteen(15)feet aut.ida C I - R � m otherwiaa t A 4 P i n... 1 la sew •d to the or. within the limit of construction line shown on 1\ . 4-way of adjoining streets and roads Conewctdn within �u Y�� .>,�a .hall be limited to that required to Metal proposed _ S TRACT. s�G sE •.» •elle to provide positive dronage over the entire•site and to s E "'w"'•^e^'e•n•' am buildings and other structures. Slope ground surface 4t, t...,.. r stnrctures at three(3)prcent minimum slope fr a y-five(25)feet in al direction. ' Ft FCTRIC GATE NOTES(2 GATE ) as shall be surfaced with a four(4)inch thick layer of it.(NC DOT Type A). 1. The electric gate Mall be internal frock cantilever two slide gate for twenty fao opening. The electric gate shall incude a digital keys..entry and free nit uek seeded and mulched within.even(7)days otter completion vshi4e detector loops.unable for Installation In grovel roads re area within the limits of construction shall be seeded and within the limits of buildings structure.CABC surfacing,and 2 The entire gate and operator system Slog fully comply with UL 325 for Clan III.N established grass cover shall not be seeded and mulched. 3. The electric got.In normal mod.shall net be able to be pushed open mention if power should be cut off,the gate Wall be obi.to be manually pushed open.'all be Metalled prior to beginning construction and shall be safe operation.) emotion anti the final gross cover Is well established. Erosion i snowed by the CONTRACTOR otter the final grass coverle 4. The gate operator recommendationsa shall be sized acceding to the m nufacure recondations , .r. frequeat use,powered by 1 phew.120 VAC,1/2 HP(minimum)motor. i m m mp spat deaatons ore to finished grade. e 0 m 5. Lightening arrestors shall be operator.sed to protect the gate operator. Si 6. The gate operator shall be sat an reinfrced concrete block according to the I s manufacture's recommendations As a minimum,the concrete block shot be 24'a24'x115-thick. Reinforcing shall be three(3)/3 ban each way each face( V nine loops). PIPING CONSTRUCTION NOTES 9 1 7. The digital keyless entry Wall be gooseneck post mounted,the poet shall be me y5 ;7 concrete n recommended by the manufacturer. metic only. Additional piping and/or fittings may be required pMM, o• u B. Thal digital keyless entry Stoll be protected by two guard posts The guard poste exletlnq line,,and/r provide a complete and fully j 'pal ;1 0. {'•concrete filled galvanized steel pipe minimum 36'bury set In 12'0 coneret OJTRACTOR shall provide dl piping and fitting,as required at i �WNER. yy� S piping arrangement.inverts,and pipe locations. - � I I } h }v i env 1 buildings and/or structures q structures shall be Class350 with 1 _ ;j , Its unless shown otherwise. a vzs Te Ilr,except...mica'feed piping and where Minim o ethends.. G N ~ I hated polydny chloride(CPVC)in aecrdance with IFlCAPONS - Q 4 4 i u i l sag shall be Schedule BO palyvinyl chloride(PVC). I FOENT a be Inetoled at all fitting.and eves +who Existing Spot Elevation Nimum of three(3)feet of cover in all directions.except ~1 1 ditches or ditch elopes Wag hove a mnknum of four(4) Z p I.1S I Finished Grade Spot Devotion cos Q Finished Grade Contour tine Tedua shall not be discharged within one thousand(1000) H —Iu • .ash water containing chlorins residua Wall be discharged Into Z w Right-of-Way or Property Una d anti no chlorine residual remain. Q H La Limit of Construction Line a--se Drainage Flow Direction Z w --seC C }m Ealwtlnq IreW H Pipe C < }rat Existing Concrete Monument I- rUNV ♦w New Iron Pipe cc -�E---- Dieting Overhead Electrical Lines Z I- Ir ---e---- Existing Fence F.-Q w 5 o W I- _--a---- Existing Watt Line a� � -•^- -- Fabtinq Storm Sewer (/) > o Fence w Watt Line O Z A. Raw Water Line Z O a Septic Nitrification Linn - 2 0 ST Storm Sewer ttt11lllltt,!,,, • `tvttllllll t,l re LLI r nee Waste Water Force Main e tee�R F.P•% _��.`e,G /Q2 7'� Q' L j .00p tt4 0 - a- y L 0 w O Pre•,u e Sensing Line _1y SE4,L -na = AL _ LL )U F P. (3/e"Copper) = 1972 e = c 7469 (n chlorine Sample Line 1 7 •t• '(,j „,.,�NE�`S�3S� Q p m (1/2'Schedule 40 PVC) e'.r,'�VILLE,�.' 4/'FND14%."` U Q Electrical Duct Bank LLIa,tlllttl�1, ,,,,,fllltttttk U Yard Hydrant SHEET 4 OF 4 Attachment E Water Treatment Plant Process Schematic W:\DB3.yen\004A_eng\0045Jc\99-60I9 Carteret County Water\4741 CR41 6 CR42 WTP Improvements\60190roc.Owg Mon Oct 15 0R IB:48 2001 IF ig Ag . , 11 11111111 is, 1 1: iii . II �, T T_ 1 Epati m o oft owe" BFV-1S1 INFWENT A 5 p V C 4J o ♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•o BFV-152 EFFLUENT R1 f x i � 9 • ���� ♦ BFV-153 BACKWASH SUPPLY -.v. �� eFV-1F1 INFLUENT ����� o BFV-IF1 INFLUENT 1 1 •�•�•�•�• ••♦• BN-154 BACKWASH WASTE 04,4100 • ••• • • •••o���� o BFV-1F2 EFFLUENT ������ BFV-1F2 EFFLUENT •• • •• •••• • o••••• •••• ��� BFV-755 BRINE INLET ♦♦• ♦ BFV-IF3 BACKWASH SUPPLY ��� ��� BN-li3 BACKWASH SUPPLY • •�•�•�• UFV-15B RINSE WASTE ••••• ••• ♦••••• ••••• T T ��� BFV-1F4 BACKWASH WASTE ♦♦♦ ♦♦ BFV-1F4 BACKWASH WASTE 11TIf1IIIIII„�� o war••�•o BFV-157 BYPASS ••••••• ••• •••••• •• •• •• •♦•♦•♦•♦•♦••• • BFV-1F5I DRAIN DOWN •♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•�♦♦♦ BFV-ION DRNN EDOM SSU �., „ MC�,�q, �� +�• BFV-BS BRINE SUPPLY �����• BFV-1F0 AIR PRESSURIZATION �.��" . BFV-IFB AIR PRESSURIZATION `���•` �;b 4' •�•• ••••••••.BFV-BD BRINE DILUTOR •♦•••♦•♦s♦•♦• BFV-1F7 AIR WASH SUPPLY •�•••�•�• •••• BFV-I F7 AIR WASH SUPPLY $? -•UI P. N "' o o ♦�•�•�• •0 HSP-1 HIGH SEANCE PUMP •�•�•�•�•�•�• RFV-IFW SLOW REFILL ••••• ••• 1'I TA=09 ••�•••• •�•�•� •�•�• BFV-IF8 sow REFILL ST -r- •to a=0= G 3i I I I I BFV-151 INFLUENT ♦ ♦♦♦ BFV-1F9 RINSE WASTE ♦ �•W�. BFV-1F9 RINSE WASTE N r �:n` FLOW RATE(DAM) • ••••• •o HSP-1 HIGH SEANCE PUMP • .....•• F F S'8 I I I I T S 0• ♦•• •♦•♦ o IMP-1 HIGH SEANCE PUMP �i•C`.,...�'�.. Z�``�` S g I I I I I I S BFV-157 BYPASS ♦♦••♦♦ AB AIR BLOWER 0 AR MR BLOWER "Ott FLOW RATE(GPN) ♦•♦••♦ 0•♦ T,I/TIIIHn1I11"`11 F t {+ 1 1 1 1 HIOI SEANCE PUMP I I 11 1 HIGH SEANCE PUMP 9 L o e 1 I I 11 H�_I Hlpl SEANCE PUMP t5 I I5 I I I H5 H�-1 FLOW RAZE(GPN) g I g I I I I I t5 HSP-1 ROW PATE(GPN) ]9] pF o I I I I I g FLOW RATE(GPM) • I I 11 '� I I BACKWASH • I I I BACKWASH THIN,,, S 9 d y� Sii 1 I I I U I FLOW RATE GPM Pii I I u I 1 `11 y C 1 i I 11 g I I BACKWASH (GPM) FLOW RATE(GPM) ````14,, ND i y g FLOW RAZE(GPM) I I I I I I AB AIR BLOWER S 1 I 1 I I I AB MR BLOWER n�i ,� A% ■ I I ro I I I I BRINE SUPPLY .I ( ) Fg FLOW RATE(SCFM) •G 2 P I I i w l 11 1 I FLOW RATE SCFM - 1 I 1 1 I N S I I -2_� �>> _ FLOW RATE(MO qTOR a' >:..— Q:�`` I I Tor ra I I I I FLOW RATE(GPM) a 5 4 4 4 2 ®gg yB Y 4 i S P€ ®g O ',,,fg;�.,•d .° !s2;oua; ® aB s s $i i2 £fB"$$c 28 $ IIIIIoIIONP`1"\` 1.11111 $gPg =$ 9ES8S 8 -4 o$ (N 2 CAD FILE DIRECTORY: \\G-PCI\D045\99-0019\4741 RENSIONS MPROCESS SCHEMATIC CAD DWG FILE NAME: e019ROC.ORB McDAVID ASSOCIATES, INC. HO 5A" 011501.1011 CONTRACT NO.41-WATER TREATMENT PLANT GENERAL CAD PLOT FILE NAME:e019-003.PLT INC Engineers • Planners • Land Surveyor. 0 MAP FILE w 2000 CLEAN WATER PROJECT FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO2 09-0019-4741 SURVEYED BY: CORPORATE OFFICE BRANCH OEM{ COUNTY OF CARTERET m DRAWING NO.: COMPUTED BY: 49 120 Do W Strut P.O.01...r MS ELM WYnu130..1 P.O.m.a ITTB SCALE:NONE DRAWN BY: Fame..NC 2TBTm Goldsboro,NC 2T533 N CARTERET COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA TM.PIm.:OM 7512139 Twpol.:(.0,..-..5 DATE: JUNE I.2000 APPRON:D BY: bane.:(252)751T220 Fag..:(BIB)T31T351 Attachment F Town of Beaufort Water and Sewer Charges Fee Schedule Water&Sewer Rates &Fees All water and sewer taps made outside Town limits are double in- town rates shown above. Water or sewer capacity fees outside Town limits are negotiable but will not exceed 2X rates shown above. Upgrades in service,i.e.,changing from a 3/4"meter to a 1"meter, are subject to a difference in the water tap,water capacity,and sewer capacity fees. p tY All taps larger than 2"shall be installed at developer's cost in accordance with Town of Beaufort standards and developers shall pay a tap-on fee as shown above. ► Tap&System Development Fees TAP FEES SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES SIZE WATER SEWER SIZE WATER SEWER 'A" $ 700 $ 750 3/a" $ 476 $ 5,524 1" 800 750 1" 793 6,207 1 '/2" 1,075 750 1 1/z' 1,585 7,015 2" 1,375 750 2" 2,536 8,064 3" 575 750 3" 4,755 10,445 4" 625 750 4" 7,925 15,875 6" 850 750 6" 15,850 22,550 8" 1,175 750 8" 25,360 26,240 Town of Beaufort,North Carolina 197 • • FY 2020 Budget ► Water&Sewer Usage Rates WATER USAGE RATES TYPE SIZE IN TOWN OUTSIDE BASE 3/" $ 10.37 $ 20.74 1" 17.32 37.33 1 '/2" 34.53 82.96 2" 55.27 147.25 3" 110.65 333.91 411 172.87 NA 6" 345.63 1,327.36 VARIABLE 1000 gal 5.07 7.61 SEWER USAGE! RATES TYPE SIZE IN TOWN OUTSIDE BASE 3/4' $ 21.17 $ 42.34 1" 35.85 70.01 1 '/z" 70.50 140.99 • 2" 112.20 225.67 3" 225.88 451.77 4" 352.90 705.81 6" 705.60 1,411.19 VARIABLE 1000 gal 16.80 33.60 198 Town of Beaufort,North Carolina Fee Schedule ► Water&Sewer Service Charges WATER & SEWER SERVICE CHARGES New Account Service Fee $20 Waived with bank draft Application Fee 5 SECURITY DEPOSITS 3/4"meter $75-225, based on credit score 1 ' meter 100 1 1/2" meter 140 2"meter 275 Transfer Account 25 Returned Check Fee 25 Late Fees 10% added to late portion Reconnect Fee-Business Hours 25 Reconnect Fee-After Hours 75 After Hours Service Calls 75 Temporary Connection 25 available for a 2-week period, renovation inspection, etc.) plus water and sewer usage (for cleaning, pcharges g Fire Hydrant Meters 75 mobilization, on site-employee, and 5,000 gal of water; additional $.011gal Irrigation/Dock Meter 700 tap fee Meter-Only Install 400 no new tap fee Meter Testing 30 Meter Tampering 100 Town of Beaufort,North Carolina 199 Attachment G Carteret County Water System Rate Schedule r— • gti��t.-T Co�N� Water Service Fee Schedule FY 2019-2020 3/4" Meter Basic Charge (No Usage) Flat Fee $27.50 I mo. Covers 1st 1,000 gals. Volume Charge $6.90 per 1,000 gals 1" Meter Basic Charge (No Usage) Flat Fee $38.00 I mo. Covers 1st 1,000 gals. Volume Charge $6.90 per. 1,000 gals 2" Meter Basic Charge (No Usage) Flat Fee $110.00/mo. Covers 1st 15,000 gals. Volume Charge $6.90 per 1,000 gals 4" Meter Basic Charge (No Usage) Flat Fee $340.00 I mo. Covers 1st 53,000 gals. Volume Charge $6.90 per 1,000 gals Merrimon System (3/4" Meter) Basic Charge (No Usage) Flat Fee $16.00 I mo. Covers 1st 1,000 gals. Volume Charge $6.90 per 1,000 gals Town of Beaufort(Eastman's Creek) Basic Charge (No Usage) Flat Fee $27.50 I mo. Covers 1st 1,000 gals. Volume Charge $6.90 per 1,000 gals Fire Hydrant Usage Hookup &Service Charge: $75.00/Monthly Mobilization to hydrant site and employee on site during tank fill. $200.00 Deposit $8.75 per 1,000 gallons. Hydrant& Hydrant Meter Tampering $250.00 1 st offense $500.00 2nd offense (and Legal Action) Damage Fee—Fire Hydrant $2,500.00 Fire Line—Sprinkler Fee Size Monthly fee 2" $27.50 4" $32.50 6" $75.00 8" $105.00 r - Tap Fees Meter Size Tap Fee** 3/4" $1,000.00 1" $1,150.00 2" Cost+ 10% 4" Cost+ 10 % **Additional $900.00 Tap Fee for any meter requiring road bore work Any meter 2 inch or larger will be engineered by Mc David &Associates and County will charge cost of materials and installation, engineering fees and additional 10%. Security Deposits Property Owner $100.00 Renter/Lease holder $200.00 Damage and Tampering Fees Tampering Fee - Meters $100.00 2nd Offense(and Legal Action) $500.00 Damage Fee—Meters $135.00 Damage Fee— MXU Remote Unit $135.00 Other Fees Non-Sufficient Check Fee $25.00 Bank Inspections $30.00 Late Charges 10%of balance Service Fee* $30.00 *At the time of reconnection the deposit on account must be equal to the deposit amount required for new accounts as of that date. *AII accounts subject to disconnection that have not been paid by 5:00 pm on the day prior to disconnections will be charged the service fee. Water Leak Adjustments Customers may request a water leak adjustment one time a year with a minimum $20.00 adjustment. I ♦ I r0P w . ELEV.•U.0° N75o - - - N75a° CONTRACTOR'S SITEWORK RESP9N$IBILITIE$ ill _ � I Sr S % x an ,� CONTRACT NO 41-WATFR'TREATMFNT PI ANT rFNFRAi _ s I 1 I % '' x - ; -- 1. Water Treatment Plant Building._ �__- • I' I i 2. Chlorine Starogs Building. as amx �ra'T + A.e'na a•� 'mrunw' w' ' 1 3. Aeration and Raw Watr Resarwir. _ • I 4. Waet•Water Holding Tank rw'1 aaan• FN700 _ I + + + + • + + N701� 5. Finished water melt wart g n duxIIlE __ ■� tea - - ` R �(I-1�- B. Site piping(not shown to be by other contractor.)Including all pipe,fittings wives w ro 4a--th , 1 w Ct.landsc and Ilrina tp peorin0 Metalled by others 5. AOxaT vu.W: IIN•aO I ••}•" I 1 -- "'�w' 7. gratdM6 eapibq aIn audlnb gearing and grubbing,erosion and sedimentation control, • I �e_ • -� I \0 j' ``w\, . --� 9 , ' B. Coarse aggregate bar course(CABC)surfacing. 1 - .... ,•" S r's/' r-� V", , 9. Chain IArk lancing antl gataa • . • - 4• .�Y hN059 _ _ _ F + w+ _ _ _ r I i r�+-- m°OM t}w--� - }aev - - N65� 10. Tancongyk iel tem transducer apssseminblyy from nit F insideted the Treatment Plantnk ter riser building. tap to N• COLI.LN/'ANGMIR ~ "C I r I ' 11. Connections between the tank level pressure sensing piping heat top.and the conduit a • I and wiring prodded by CONTRACTOR NO.42. -PVC . ELEV..S.0 ` \�.rt� i,n, s .LATERAL ASSEMBLY - TT:• , , , ---r '� , ik , 12. Water Treatment Plant sanitary sewerage piping to the grinder pump and the grinder g a„a.arawrmw SCHEDULE 140 PVC PIPE -/' ,• �• s I , I I ' I I 9 ' roNTtAIT NO 42-WATER TRFATLIFNT PI ANT Fl FCTRIC.AI V NMI TYPICAL GRINDER Rr xv DNA -ly'r _ _ _ BO ? g p PUMP/ALL LATERAL fN600 + + + - + + �' + N 1. P mrdination with elecWc utRily compmy to provide electrical serce to the Treatment tl g INSTALLATION WyD ,JA I- PUMP SHALL BE CAPABLE OF PUMPWG 11 GPM '� ' bl 01 LL y AT 10 TON AND 10 GPY AT 120'TOR OFSIGN I Ye�+I 2. EI•ctricd service ode,service ontrone•,and system grounding for the Treatment Plant. ll' ..mu wrenw sew - CONORIONMII GPM AT a0'TDIL - I w d , , LLI = -Omen 011 2- CONTROL PANEL TO BE NOUN=ON EXTERIOR dd -- I 0 3. Electric duct banks,conduit,and win from the Treatment Plant.building to other ~ r 3 i 6-� WALL CP TO BE fgN1A 4%1VfT11 LOCKABLE S' C structures M accordance with the Duct Bank Schedule.Conduit and Win Schedule,the O ili PLANS.and SPECIFICATIONS V §g - LATCIL ALARM 1 AND RED LIGHT SHALL , .�.`.`T w , • BE PROVIDED.PANEL SNALL BELL LISTED. - ' w mstnmr moRAW :.zue•xrns c � • It - 1 EWsnxa r- Aux i-'-'�',---_="�'S_ r us.- e• ; N55 a merw Cr) al nN550 _ - { + I + - 1'._.:* ---�-- --r--- tia'�- s - +flea e ®m_ I ly6. ':;::� -+ p4L� x'L win% - • SITE GRAVING 7.0ooNSoTIRithilnICineomi.Nt OTE$ ' sew vi \ W , It •` .' ,' ----- IR 1. Clear and grub entire•Ile within the Iita o!conruction. MI Veea,shnb0.bushes .E `e. • wsarx s/ I ..'1;` -r:'. r I E debris,eta within the limits of mnatmtlan shill e removed antl disposed of In .a I pal `''7"' ' I I acwdance wih applicable Fedral,ste,and toelaws.rules,and regulations. Disposal Wr�•',�"'�''•II, ----- - ,�•1` $� Isite lIOt be pee rdunlaas yhthe C NTRACOR. Clearig limits ore RReen(15)feat outside $(1111 11 .•. n MT6 E xI 1 2. ConeWctbnMallb•conMadtothe of cmatruction line shown o 5pt . \ om n1O N500 NNSRMIC1IVL _ ' _ - - - - - - - - + - -1 ` S+ N50(� tie Sheet and the rights-ct-ray of adjoining streets and road.. Construction within n �" ,�� y - - -I + - i�+ - - - .�.. .'-'� , 1 �`\ adjoining streets and roads shall be Welted to that required to inaton proposed y 6.. Egt �iwaWwamu a r'r"'e'st ne 1 I La It ` , `I , improvements under this CONTRACT. E o x rOxY 1__, z Oaf�r m �`my z I `,`tl 3. Grad,shape,and landwppe site to provide positive drainage over the entire•Bite and to tc: fir a1drair.to b water away from buildings and othr irveturae. flops 9rauntl surface tee a Rr TeE away from buidings and other etructuns at three(3)percent minimum daps fora FI FOTRIC GATE NOTES(2 GATES) I• a is o!r m�sax ` I• minimum distance of twenty-fire(25)feet in-all direction. ;:' '_::: l ' 4. All roadway ono parking areas shall be surfaced with a four(4)inch thick lay.of 1. The SecWc gets shag be Internal back cantilever type elide gate for twenty foot(20') , a ~ R erwe IC aY RAM won lU}. w coarse Rr Se,wD I rse aggregate bassi course(NC DOT Type A). opening. The electric got.shall Include a digital keylew entry and free melt using I-. _ _ _ N45 5. All disturbed areas shall be,seeded and mulched within seven(7)cloy after completion vehicle detect.loupe suitable for Installation In gnus roads F 45 TM ts1E B� w + - - �_� B_Ia _ ,.. el xy.:J `. y - ♦ ' y n . / / �, .ASA . -\ 9 of grading except that Entire area within the limits of construction andi be seeded and • 2. The entire gate and operator sytem shall fully comply with UL 325 for Gar III location. c.... \ f '" , mulched except that areas within the limits of buildings ltructures CABE surfacing,and . xw ' If parr Mould be,cut ott,the gate shah M able to be manually push.open.(FOB ' • WATER • easur. JIr�-_ - fed Erosion control m es shall be Installed prior to beginning construction and shell be sofa operation.) , • a,•�.B� � I � - w maintained M ontinuous operation untR the final grow a vet is well established. Erosion 4. The gate operator shoe be abed according to the manufawren recomendatlone far I r`'<-'� I�-�" • I "' r' ems_ r -'_ ,,qq e+sd5�eB e I control measures shell be removed by the CONTRACTOR after the final grave cover is n NOLDING `1- w ARAW W NA ANO T 0.0 T.7b well••tablishea frequent use.pestered by 1 phase,120 VAC,1/2 HP(mpenum)motor. ' I r' TANK I :._`.',:. RAW I - m T m 5. Lightening arrestors shall be used to protect the gate operator. ' ' ` RESERVOIR I' 7. contour lines and spot elevations are to Mished grade. e D gate..re, 9 N400 rpm �, -. _ "h _ _ .{.'.- oat set`- I+A•F - r M' N400h m 6. Thema to lee shall be,w!m reinforced um,The block according to the n -" + ^ jt o nufacturis racamm.ndafiane. As a minimum,the canasta biotin shell be, en T.o �. n a 24%24%16'thick.Reinforcing shall be three(3)al3 bon each way each fa.(total � - :": I' $ 1 t nine loops). ,r MPynue ' y 7. The digital k.ylsr entry shell b•gaur.ek post mwntea the post shed be,set In N • ':�'✓� ,t !NI SITE PIPING CONSTRUCTION NOTES 9 c cc :'WW canortte.recommended by the manufacturer. C "'1 'I:'�'.' I 1. Thin piping plan is diagrammatic only. Additional piping and/or flttinga may be,required m b avoid conflicts,tie-in to existing lines,end/or provide a complete and fully i oThe ceased osla shell be, mb two uartl oats. , LbRINE mV shall b• rotaeted p ��$�'::seed'�� CH '1 a ulred at B. Th•ell Ittl ksylm Y P Y g P 9 Th OHIAACTOR shay rodda all In ono flttIngs o rpg :,��� . rational a tom •C P Ole 9flea concnla filled 9dwnixed sled pipe minimum 36'bury set In 12•a concrete. I '.'y':�' ::�.'. :':IY m':..,Utq.:�. Eaad $TgRAGE I y o odditiond coat to the OWNER. • o• N35(� n z 2. See other pages Ion dotaa piping a angemmis,inveRa,and pipe loontlan0. IaarR `. a0 � I, Roe a teeiNPWc3. All aactns'von pipe oufalda bugdinga and/on structures anal)be Gaes]50 rlth 'yGoCEIi. G :1 ::''': ':�:'(': StFM•rS.rE push-on or mechanical pinta unless shorn otherwise. - 1 4 i• ( re m reed d ens caner.d own otenlee, W F te'.9o. W y".o,P�lrQtFA IUE�.... '.pollMCr xa ix 'I ' y 4. All water Piping 2•or smaller,a cept e a kd Po 9 e k R- O I } :.:.:. !!L,':: I shall be Schedule 40 chlorinated zpolyvinyl chloride(CPVC)In a cordon.with !A '1.;.,: : ''` Section 15410 of the SPEOFlCARONS. • o Lanai o Z a ¢o I c 'st ' T A 1 7 ' S. All rigid cnamko feed piping shall be Schedule BO polyutnyl chloride(PVC). I FSENQ I _ B. Canasta thrust blocks shall be,Inafalled at all fittings and wives a +ate Existing Spot Elevation yr300 _ _ w ? _ •_ - _ + _ _ _ + ::':+;,'.= _ _ _ _ I T _ +5 7130N 7. Watt lines shall nave a minimum of tree(3)Mt o/.vet in all directions except Z O • TREATMENT that rotor IInw Installed M ditchsa or ditch slopes shall have a minimum of Ivor(4) ® Finished Grade Spot Elevation PLANT t ' I feet of cover in ell directions. • • • • • • U rt'map I RrNa`TAvoµPxvelG B. Water containing chlorine residual endl not be discharged within one tnouaond(1000) F t e Flnbhed Grade Contour Lb. w ' Cp` n era I st feet of surface waters. Flush water containing chlorine residual ehdl be discharged Into Z CI- Right-of-Way H 10 ��.�._'_e,_' -• diked ditches and contained until no chlorine rwidud remains. 'Hz O • a Proprty Lena @ '- I-Z I :'i'h clwiE:•.,a•t aEreA I $ d Z umR of Construction con. I WGe!N.•PS{ L .NK,.::' 1 1 r x r leu� ._r W • �� Drainage Flan Dineilon '�wy ea fx onrITMCTa :" ,sty Y G�v a sae N25 z 2 +0 Urging Iron Pipe, , : ' 'S 1 c Ili I- lII xax J� • I- Q • +sty Existing Concrete Monument I I at,ul s - , Q rWy 4fr New Iron Pipe • r •:... - LI __-OE__-- Existing Overhead Electricel Linty MUD t'' ! : TSdra aaR F LL 1 t W ---x---- Existing Fen. .• ;. . '. ':'. I 'y a W I""' �' ..pyBq., ... m yerAaw. Iii ___w--__ ExbtMp Rote'Un• yN200 _ _ _ -;. _ _ _ _ F•� _ } _ _ _ _ _ } _ _ _ 1 + :lr N F Q Edstinq Storm Sewer ' F' .' , as... 'au"': I , a co x Fenn 'mfLMer i � •� • ' +' ». wTx nra m$ :I E 0 1- • w Watr •LM. I smog. %um r We n L.L Z an R.Wain Line • R ur,�K•i sax • ,, - Q �k z Ix R w4 eax . Z >E Septic Nitrification Lines 'Rue a eDD se N ry/+•lF.. { r 4 yy �'., ..sent[BByY . 1 r AsM.• 2 O NSD $ s ma. ,� s..� _ _ Nis __ `tt uuunr, "...4"S'4):5:;"!" rr W F- zee Storm Sewer �' w +e -f6 end=_ __ an +>m `�PSSOC/rr'redO"'�. sty• • w Wes4 Water Face MaM t�R/4 araos P,7 O� 97:. R%'- LLw� 1 Enm¢smw Nuw ;.4s ,PIjQ,..,,F �. ..,,yb':• x'iiii co ' I - =� V =2� 9c Q W LOjPressure Smaing.Line _ __ wr` _�_ SEAL _b= _ L.L rsea • (3/B•Capper) ,ntlPr•er awAu mlS11WCRIaN pRswtlS/pT / I = i 1972 _ F1 yP_rn, ~• Chlrine Sam..LMa r„j,•,.•R +u• NCSR1163 LF a.ea.CAs +m riesLa +an ';o :p'�� C"�3 Q ES,fled ,PM,,.,,,,,...•e�\`.` ' `"..� (�atffi - 1 2 Schedule 40 PVC 2. �•NF• --,E.24"BO°fDARP _0ECIRNS.__.. , L --- -,-- (/• ) r___uAs�v�e�Ea-tHo-sEcnas r FS° VILLE �" u Elect/iced Duet Bank SITE PLAT LN1oo --• • •,5} w� - - _ - -N----e--w - _ --., - _--",a 1,,, !LLAm`1u rNlOma, Yard Hydrant 01� r sett - "' _- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - yIFN.�8��9 SHEET 4 OF 4 i r /c eorA N:\0800jen\084x_yng\0045 yc\99-6019 Carteret County Water\4741 CN41 6 CN42 OP Improvements\6019proc.dog Non Oct 15 09:13:40 2001 ig • F �g f g Hi No `` g Agl � goo 2 � x x io ore P IC_ gF C� M V ri ►NI pRawn.1 SUPER - ) m.n0,A91 SUPPLY ora.Ps1 SUPER 57 o 1 D4 D4 ie PUm v.51E 1 g 0 r 40P1FKEA eAl1nIA5M WPM v _ 7 ' Ay M `e XS O e A W9 e s • RSEI sZci s ! l O ��';❑�t I , _,Z O 1' 1 m 1 IT I A _ f f LJ j d v - - a l e Q m o b �� B �® m ; 1 I/ •'''A . ay 5 1 I)-(1 21 w 14 A ' z ry5 A °� �'=��1 N Z i o 4' Y m i f A r • ,._.- \ ) g 1. @ Fil q ,,i 1� �.,— • V T 1 3 I 13 4 ��� _ - I t DAB + L Z - .-►1,•F-+ P AC 1 zc1 ;,�;F f :^: + wzA R i om .. 1 z, 1 I M. 1 i 'IIC 0) Ape NI1p;_ m> p 'Aem'g' = Q gid it 2 • aXg$ tq a il It'-' tG�{ mo o 0 ���� a BFV-151 INFWENT Fa ¢ 2f s g Z v p 2 o �•�•�•�•�• BFV-152 EFFLUENT (( �•�•�•�• •• BFV-15J BACKWASH SUPPLY o o �� o BFV-1F1 INFLUENT o o ���� BFV-1F1 INFLUENT f i I •���••••• ���o • ����So 1 •��� • BFV-1S4 BACKWASH WASTE ���� BFV-tfY EFFLUENT ������ o BFV-1F2 EFFLUENT I •�• •.�•.• BFV-1S5 BRINE INLET �•�•�• •� BFV-1F3 BACKWASH SUPPLY �•�•�• •�•�•� BFV-1FJ BACKWASH SUPPLY T T •4 •��♦ •���$i• •��si�• ��� BFV-1S8 RINSE WASTE ��� BFV-IF4 BACKWASH WASTE ��� �� BFV-1F4 BACKWASH WASTE 111H111r,„I r��•�•�•0 BFV-lS7 BYPASS ••❖••.••Q• BFV-1F5 DRAIN DOWN •�•Q•�•4�� •�• BFV-1F5 BRAIN GOWN 14CQ I� �•�• ❖••♦ OFV-OS BRINE SUPPLY •••••K.• ••••••• •• `�a�............... ...4.4' ������ BFV-1F8 MR PRESSURIZATION ����� BFV-IFB AIR PRESSURIZATION C'�., Q •�• •�•�•�•-BFV-BO BRINE DIW BON •• �•�•�•�•�•�• BFV-1F7 AIR WASH SUPPLY •0•••�•�• �•e• BFV-IF7 MR WASH SUPPLY =.s r� •p.4-N= F F o o ��•�•� 0 HSP-1 HIGH SERVICE PUMP �••�••, BFV-1F8 SLOW REFILL ��•,� �� BFV-IFB SLOW REFILL VD O:O_ 41 F R I I I I INFWENT ❖•❖4U�.• BFV-ifs RINSE WASTE ❖ •o•�•••,• BFV-IFS RINSE WASTE BFV-I51 (GPM) o•.•.•�I•�.0 HSP-I HIGH SERVICE PUMP o•:•:�:�•�•�: r Trn: Nr' ,A,n; F ! o o I I I I I o IFINE TE GPMo -1 AIRHIGH SERVICE BLOWER PUMP -iy"•' 3k' : a m I I I I 1 I BYPASS ������ AB AIR BLOWER �• •.� o •�q C7."""•" Z'�•` 1 / / o I 11 1 I I o BFV-157 FLOW RATE GPN 'JAI (GPM) I I 1 HIGH SERVICE PUMP gig 1 I I I I O HIGH SEANCE PUMP 77Tllllll1111\I\111LL"` F � L O •S I �" I I I � H�-1 FLOW RATE(GPM) 7$ I �" 1 I I I I 5 N�-1 FLOW RAZE(GPM) , GGy 2F E.o I I I I I p HSP-I Hlpi SERVICE PUMP Q FLOW RATE(GPM) I I I I N I I BACKWASH I 'P BACKWASH L1 IIlI,,,,� g d 1 BACKWASH 9 I I I 1 • I FLOW RATE(GPM) IS I I I Tn m I I I FLOW RATE(GPI() CC i i i i I o i i FLOW RATE(GPM) BAJR`,� ,n'/.'�NpP, i i i i i i i EN FLOW RATE(SUM) i i I i i u i i FLOW RATER(SCFM) „�?_� •II �(,,ri S,_ IIITIIII FLOW RATE(GPM) w RINE SUPPLY " _ � = I a. I I I BRINE ATET(C ; 'c c c B B p L 4 4 3 3 s'•e 3 ® ❑o -y: = I I "+ I I I FLOW RATE(GPM) a c 1 ® ❑ a ec ``•• ,�Ho N • S t g^• 8a c$ • & 8 0 '� 90 I'm ® D❑DOO OsO i a I� OO '''`�"1.!11l\110°L B B a c l 3 QA r�QRf C9 a u GP I; N CAD FILE DIRECTORY: \\G-PC1\DB45\66-601E\4741 REVISIONS rn PROCESS SCHEMATIC CAD DWG FILE NAME: BO1BPROC.DWG McDAVID ASSOCIATES,INC. "m, DAM mFSaaileX CONTRACT NO.41-WATER TREATMENT PLANT GENERAL CAD PLOT FILE NAME:9019-GOJ.PLT INC Engineers • Plenne7 • Land Surveyors MAP FILE RERENCE: o EF 2000 CLEAN WATER PROJECT FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PRO ECT NO.: 2-RB-B010-4741 SURVEYED BY CORPORATE OFF GE BRANCH OFFICE COUNTY OF CARTERET DRAWN°NO.: COMPUTED BY: 12P.O. MSASA-' Im9R"W x1776M P.O.Mower 4e P.o.Ba Ina /513 Iv CARTERET COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE NONE DRAWN BY: F°""`41••NC75°� om.mm.NG 20-70 NFa�almle:1 52117611T20 F•o•b:DB11m170S 7T951 DATE: JUKE 1,2000 APPROVED BY: