HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1190701_Supplement EZ - Signed_11/3/2019SUPPLEMENT-EZ R PAGE 1 Project Name The Riveter 2 Project Area (ac) 16.67 3 Coastal Wetland Area (ac)0 4 Surface Water Area (ac 0 5 Is this project High or Low Density. Low 6 Does this project use an off -site S M? No COMPLIANCE WITH 02H .1003(4) 7 Width of vegetated setbacks prov ded (feet) 10} fdot planted, agricultural area and natural area 8 9 Will the vegetated setback remair Is BUA other that as listed in .100 vegetated? (4)(c-d) out of the setback? Yes Yes 10 Is streambank stabilization propol2d on this project? No NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs: Infiltration System 0 12 Bioretentian Cell o F11 13 Wet Pond 0 14 Stormwater Wetland 0 15 Permeable Pavement 0 16 Sand Filter 0 17 Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) 0 1a Green Roof 0 19 Level Spreader -Filter Strip (LS-F ) 0 20 Disconnected Impervious Surface (DIS) 0 21 Treatment Swale 0 22 Dry Pond 0 23 StormFilter 0 24 Silva Cell 0 -26 Bayfilter 0 125 Filterra I 0 DESIGNER CERTIFICATION 27 Name and Title Dana J. Bolden, P.E. 28 Organization: Bell Engineering 29 Street address: 1278 Hendersonville Rd, Suite D 30 City, State, Zip: Asheville, NC 28803 31 Phone numbers : (828) 774-5499 32 Email: dbolden@hkbeiLoom Certification Statement: I certify, under penalty of law that is Supplement-EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision; that the information p vided in the form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete; and that the engineering plans, specification , operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information are consistent with the information provided here. Designer 4% ®o a � o IV � o� cos i! 4 eel Signature of Designer Date DRAINAGE AREA$ 1 Is this a high density project? No 2 If so, number of drainage area ISCIVIs 1 3 is alllpart of this project subject to versions? previous rule No rORMSLOADE DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION Entire Site 4 Type of SCM Low Density 5 Total BUA in project sq ft) 91128 sf 6(sq New BUA on subdivided lots (su)ject ft to permitting) 7 New BUA outside of subdivided permitting) (s ots (subject to 91128 sf 8 Offsite - total area sq ft 9 Offsite BUA (sq ft 10 Breakdown of new BUA outside subdivided lots: Parkin sq ft) 38500 sf - Sidewalk (sq ft 2935 sf - Roof (sq ft 40100 sf - Roadway s ft) 9113 sf - Future (sq ft) sf Other, please specify in the comment below sq ft box 480 sf 11 New infiltrating permeable pavement subdivided lots (Sq ft on 12 New infiltrating permeable pave subdivided lots (sq ft ent outside of 13permitting) Exisitng SUA that will remain (not (sq ft) subject to 14 Existing BUA that is already itted (s ft 15 Existing BUA that will be remov d s fit 16 Percent BUA 17 Desi n storm (inches) LL13L 18 Desi n volume of SCM cu ft 19 Calculation method far design iume ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 20 Please use this space to provid drainage area(s): any additional information about the Other area - 480 SF dumpster pad ƒ ƒ z / - \ CL Cf) g � $) » E C4 / 2 Cl.2 ° ° k p § o 5 o % o N � cn \ k � I % 0 _ E O @ q I 2 2 2 C14 k -g / ƒ j S $ / 7 ca ° ^ a _ � / A k 2 2 \ 2 k � / k 7 02) k p 2 � J / 70 / � 00 ®. ) - o 0§'E o/ 2■ k e 0 2 m 0§ @ & 5 e E % a J / @ 0 2 M E W .0§ 2 n a £ G m>@� o%� w# cn? 2 R U. @ 2«/ » COL 2� 2 E M 7° \§ 2 R § E 2■ «in Z 2 R: m�»& a G k ) co Cl a g $ a\ 7 7 2 o E "0' a 0 2\E E# E m> 5 t m m E 2 w e [// k/ E e) 7¥ CD WCL/ 2§ A\ k' k E k (D u 2 m 2&« 2©' 4 LU a)(B § , 2 e 2/ I m 3< 3 I< p E 02 ® f � @1)m n# m o w= e R_ « n