HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6191002_SWM NARRATIVE_10/30/2019Anniversary E N G I N E E R S FT. BRAGG SOF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE The purpose of this land disturbance is to construct a military operations support facility. The facility will include a 17,000 square foot building, approximately 100 parking spaces, and stormwater quantity and quality control measures (SCMs). The applicable runoff from the proposed development will be captured and routed into primary and secondary SCMs which include a bioretention pond and a stormwater management pond. The bioretention pond has been designed to treat and retain the runoff for the 981h percentile rainfall event, which surpasses the state -required design storm volume. The proposed building and primary parking lot/roadway will generate the majority of runoff. Due to topographical constraints, the bioretention pond footprint involving the use of engineered media is relatively large at approximately 6,500 ft' which allows a shallow (1.5') depth from top of media to top of embankment. A 1.5' depth ensures that state -required retention volume is met as is the minimum separation between the seasonal high water table (SHWT) and the engineered media invert. The engineered media infiltration rate has been designed to drain at a 2'.n/hr minimum. Because the infiltration rate of the native soils (0.41 in/hr, Hydrologic Soils Group B) is lower than that of the native soils, an underdrain has been proposed. The underdrain design calls for seven (7) cleanouts to be placed no more than 10' from adjacent cleanouts. Additionally, the area of the pond which will be subjected to regular infiltration will be a lower percentage than a volumetrically similar bioretention pond with greater depth, so maintenance demands will be reduced. The site topography and SHWT elevation demanded a shallow bioretention pond. Because of this, the outlet control structure (OCS) could not be designed solely to allow the bioretention pond to meet the minimum drawdown requirements set by the state. To meet those requirements, a detention pond is proposed immediately downstream of the bioretention pond OCS. The OCS of the detention pond has been designed to ensure that the minimum drawdown time and design storm outlet velocities fall within the NCDEQ parameters. Some portions of the post -developed site stormwater runoff will not be captured due to topographical constraints. However, the overall condition of the site regarding stormwater runoff quality and quantity will be improved. The overall site post -developed conditions peak discharge rates and the hydraulic volumes for all rainfall events will be less than those of the pre -developed conditions. 990 Hammond Drive, Suite 900, Atlanta, Georgia 30328 Phone: 770.857.8400 1 Fax: 770.857.8401 1 loweengineers.com