HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980664 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19980723State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director 1 • • NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES July 20, 1998 9 60664 Jim Murphy Murphy Hobson Sacks 6308 J. Richard Drive Raleigh, NC 27613 Re: Elbert Boyd Property; Neuse River Buffer Determination Dear Mr. Murphy: At your request, I made a site visit to the Elbert Boyd property off Brassfield Road near Bayleaf in Wake County on July 16, 1998. The purpose of the site visit was to determine presence of any intermittent or perennial stream that would be subject to the Neuse River Buffer Rules requiring a 50 foot wide vegetated buffer along its banks. Cedar Creek flows along the western most property line. Since there is existing forest vegetation along this stream the Neuse River Buffer Rules in effect today require a 50 foot wide buffer on both sides of the stream channel. I have enclosed a copy of the current Neuse River Buffer Rules that require a 50 foot wide vegetated buffer along intermittent and perennial streams with existing forest vegetation within the Neuse River Basin. If you have any questions concerning this determination please feel free to contact me 733-1786. Sincerely, Peter Colwell Environmental Specialist cc: Danny Smith, DWQ Raleigh Regional Office John Dorney, DWQ Central Office Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper ,m t 1 YA -- Tax G d? MURPHY HOBSON SACKS REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS 6308 J. RICHARD DRIVE RALEIGH NC 27613-4601 (919) 787-7873 FAX (919) 881-9573 E-MAIL: mhsrainc@mindspring.com M E M O R A N D U M DATE: July 1, 1998 TO: JOHN DORNEY - NCDENR WATER QUALITY LAB FROM: Jim Murphy RE: MR. BOYD'S HORSE BARN THE ENCLOSED `SURVEY' SHOWS THE LOCATION PROPOSED BY MR. BOYD FOR HIS HORSE BARN. I HAVE ALSO ATTACHED A COPY OF THE WAKE COUNTY GIS SHOWING "EVERYTHING", INCLUDING SOILS TYPES, TOPO, WATER FEATURES, ETC. MR. BOYD TELLS ME THAT HIS WEST LINE IS A STREAM, AND THERE IS A DRAINAGE SWALE PARALLEL TO BRASSFIELD ROAD (YOU CAN SEE IT ON THE TOPO) BUT "THERE AIN'T NO DAMN WATER ANYWHERE NEAR MY BARN." PLEASE CALL ME AT 787-7873 WHEN YOU HAVE DETERMINED WHAT ACTION, IF ANY, IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LEGALLY RECORD THIS MAP. THANKS. JIM I ? AdSFo.k - (3 ) 145 If Z U (200 '1-* f(1531 va, ..I a0 _Ap? 70 IL 163 164 4545 r \ \ I / • W ( \ \ y / k ,'= zgz ) 1 -5 \ 1 I \ J I ,_7 9 g/4470 2451 g ?4'ga/ / ' \ I 1 51 / , 1 17 (kg 4 I ?_ -? 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I Field Parameters (Y/,\;) Description i ( JvwH 44 ct I S d h n(, I Bed and Bank? PGtvrt l e 0y I hot StreamNd substrate? ! I y/ ? Fibrous roots °- ' I Woodv weland ulants . (v " Alsae )resent? J i Wrack lines? SAI''?? Sedimenc on Dlants? I " Organic laver in channel? ' Iron oxidizing bacte`ia/funsus IV Groundwater flow or discbarQe? Water in channel? I I I y vt /0?5 gb9?G cfdu^? lC/drh`H, be?o? Nick Doint in landscaue? Acuatic life? LDf O? ??S G??? ?Tsli/ ?e(o???'?"P I ' ( 1?v09S' GL?jdve c?a?? Other , Position: Lat Lon USGS Quad Name: Indicated as stream on USGS topo U a k'Jb ? 1 lA-ap ?k eet ZD or soil map? (P NO RECONCY ENDATION: STORNIWATER CHANNEL -NT CHANNEL MANTENT CK Stream field parameters/eg N CDWQ Stream Evaluation Form Project Name: River Basin: County: DWQ Project.Number: Nearest SreLocation: Dace: 71t6`q? (:SGS Quad: Latitude: Evaiuatoc cd wp(/ Longitude: 1. Primary Field Indicators Present (Point Scale f*Excevt as noted be1ow*1::absent=0: Weakly Present=?: Somewhat Present=,': Moderately Present=6: Stroneiv Present=4: Prevalent=10) Pool(s) & Riffle(s)? 10• Streambed Substrate Different from :urr Surrounding Terrain Substrate? t D Terrace(s)' 6 Bivalves Present? *Absence Of Fibrous Roots In s=e=bed? 102 17oral.?bsenee=!07:fodera:e%c1dse cn?r. ?-??:-S• Somewhat Prosent=• Strongi:• P-eser.:= - *:-ibsence or Plants in scremn ed? (Toral .absence=l. ifodere:e%: ibse?:=7 ^r e+ ^???r Somewhat Present==• Strong%:• Pres-e^.:=' * 3d Order Or Greater (As Indicated On Topo &--'Or In Field)? (Yes=10::V0=0 ) PRIMARY L\TDICATOR POD\_TS: 1 l d Meanders? Y. Floodolain? 6 Multiple Thread Channel (i.e., Braided)? Alluvial Deposits? Bank.•full Bench? Bed & Bank? It') Groundwater Flow Or schar;e (e.;., Seep Preseati? C[? Step Pools? H. Secondarv Field Indicators (Point Scale I'E.rcevt as noted Below*}: Absent=0: Wealdv Present=l: Somewhat Present=?: Moderately Present=3: Strongly Present=.l: Prevalent= 5) Fish? Water In Channel? / Amphibians? -/ Turtles? 0 Crayfish? f' Macrobenthos? Nick Point In Landscape? 3 Sediment On Plants? - 0 Iron O:ddizing Bacteria/Fungus? Algae? *Wetland Plants In Stream bed? Wrack Lines? (,bfosrly 0BL=5:.Vosuv FACV=s:.ifosr:: • FAC'=?::los:::; FACU=:: Mostiv L'PL=O) (NOTE: If A TOTAL Absence Of all D1ts in C` r -ei Mists (.As Noted Above) Then Skip This Step) *Absence Of This Year's (Or Last's) Lem'Uner In Streambed? -- Organic Laver In Channel ?(Coastal Ptain Only) 1? (Total Absence=5. Moderately Absent= Somewha: A&senr=3: Somewhat Presenr=?: Strongiv Present=l: Prera:ent=:7) Contour Lines Indicitive Of A Natural Chanttei? y *Hydric Soils Present Within +1-100' Of Channel? s (Yes=5: No=O) SECONDARY INDICATOR POLNTS: TOTAL POINTS (Primary -;- Secondarv )=g (If Greater Than 36 Points The Stream Is At Least Inte.=tte=(. VERSION 4; 6/12/98