HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191462 Ver 1_15-08-0016NoSurveyReq_20191028Project Tracking No. (Internal [Ise 15-08-0016 HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES T, NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: U-5724 County: Wayne WBS No.: 54016. LFR1 Document MCDC Type: Fed! Aid No: N/A Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal ® Yes ❑ No Permit NWP14 Permits : Type(s): Proiect Description: Realignment of SR 1709 (Central Heights Road), Improvements of SR 1711 (Oak Forest Road), and Construct proposed Access Road. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities, results, and conclusions. - Review of HPO quad maps, HPO GIS information, historic designations roster, and indexes was undertaken on September 9, 2015. Based on this review, there are no existing NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects, which is defined on the following maps and contains the proposed access road, pavement removal location, and Central Heights Road new location. Several properties are over fifty years of age based on Wayne County GIS/Tax information. Located on McLain Street, near Berkeley Boulevard, are several one-story brick homes built in the 1960s. The homes are unremarkable examples of the common mid-201" century brick ranch home and are not eligible for National Register listing. A one -and -a -half story frame home built in the early 20th century is located at 3004 Central Heights Road, east of the intersection with McLain Street. Clad in weatherboard siding and capped by a front -gable standing seam metal roof, the modest house is an undistinguished example of a commonly built early to mid-20"' century farmhouse. Better examples of the type, such as the Iredell Brown House and the Waddell -Oliver House (both Johnston County, although the Waddell -Oliver House is a more ornate example) are extant, and the house is not eligible for National Register listing. A similar one-story frame home at 3016 Central Heights Road, with a side -gable roof clad in standing seam metal, is also an undistinguished example of the type and is not eligible for listing. A one-story brick ranch home at 3012 Central Heights Road, built 1946, and a one-story brick ranch house built 1955 at 3016 Central Heights Road (directly next to the side -gable frame house), are also unremarkable and not eligible for NR listing. At the V-shaped intersection of Central Heights Road, north of the railroad tracks, is a one-story frame house built 1921 (3013 Royall Avenue). The vinyl -clad house is capped by an asphalt gable roof. The home is unremarkable, has lost integrity of materials, and is not eligible for National Register listing. Historic Architecture and Landscapes NO SURVEY REQUIRh0 form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 1 of 7 Three one-story, front -gable bungalows built 1945-1948 (3104-3108 Central Heights Road) are located on the south side of central Heights Road directly south of a mobile home park. The three houses have all lost varying degrees of integrity due to the replacement of siding, windows and roofing materials and are undistinguished examples of the common house type. All three are not eligible for National Register listing. Directly within the mobile home park is a one-story side0gable frame home built 1901, located at 3112 Central Heights Road. The house is clad in vinyl siding and capped by an asphalt shingle roof. The windows are one -over -one vinyl sash. The house is unremarkable and has lost integrity of materials, it is therefore not eligible for National Register listing. All other properties within the APE are modern commercial storefronts, including restaurants and stores that are all under fifty years of age. Most are located at the new location for Central Heights Road in the northern portion of the APE. There are no National Register listed or eligible properties within the APE. If design plans change, additional review will be required. Why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predictinz that there are no unidentiried siQniticant historic architectural or landscape resources in the proiect area: HPO quad maps and GIS information recording NR, SL, LD, DE, and SS properties for the Wayne County survey, Wayne County GIS/Tax information, and Google Maps are considered valid for the purposes of determining the likelihood of historic resources being present. There are no National Register listed or eligible properties within the APE and no survey is required. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION Maps) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Historic Architecture and Landscapes NO SURVEY REQUIRED form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 2 of 7 Aerial View of Project Area. APE defined in red. HPO GIS. Historic Architecture and Landscapes NO SURVEY REQUIRED farm forMinor Transportation Proiecis as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 3 of 7 ' ..- _ y � ,V .- ! .:, ,. •.. _• , / lam, • /�, 100, a� • 9 S � �,.��� END PROJECT Aiv BEGIN CONSTRUCTION : ` RQ •\�� .�• �J,, `\ !, � - I: � %7 � 5 �`f° is;.. 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Page 5 of 7 ,� b• ' yr' - - - t".+ �,� _j' - ".g., .: a +• 4cy+rryP i'� ? ,,PCs A .- - 1 .•ham � �-.. � - .. lk MIT-•M AL o` .try -,q I X- % _'•t oo ok 3112 Central Heights Road. Not eligible for National Register listing. Historic Architecture and Landscapes NO SURVEY REQUIRED form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 7 of 7