HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980592 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19980701WILLIAM L. HOPPER N. KYLE HICKS FRANK W. FOLGER TELEPHONE 919-693-8161 FACSIMILE 919-693-9938 ,)AN 2 U IM W1 U fUN TER 0 ALItY"SECTUP P. E. VIA FAX #919-733-9959 of Environment Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 -0 Q )-1 J January 18, 1999 0, J. A. Preston Howard, Jr., North Carolina Department And Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Re: Carolina Sunrock Corporation Notice of Jurisdictional Wet- lands and Waters/Vance County, NC Dear Mr. Howard: In accordance with the terms and conditions of the approval of the 401 Water Quality Certification, and additional conditions set forth in that certain letter from you dated August 24, 1998 to Mr. Danny Mattfield, Carolina Sunrock Corporation, we enclose a copy of the Notice filed with the Register of Deeds of Vance County giving notice that all or a portion of the property, the subject of the permit, may be subject to jurisdictional wetlands and waters. Sincerely, William L. Hopper WLH/j t Enclosure Cc: Paul Wendler, Carolina Sunrock Corporation LAW OFFICES OF HOPPER & HICKS, LLP P.O. Box 247, 111 GILLUM ST. ?eao OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27565 { A0001248.DOC} It. VANCE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS AND WATERS All persons please take notice that all or a portion ? mow, a? A, a of the property described below, owned or leased by Carolina Sunrock Corporation, Rock Resources, LLC, or Bryan Pfohl, P. 0. Box 25, Butner, North Carolina, 27509-0025, and which is, or will be, utilized for quarry development, does or may contain jurisdictional wetlands and waters subject to pertinent law, rules and regulations of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, or the "Corps of Engineers", to wit: situated in Vance County, Kittrell Township, North Carolina and thus described: SEE ADDENDUM "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AS IF IT WERE A PART HEREOF. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Notice of Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters is filed with the Register of Deeds of Vance County, this the /C? day of u , 1999. William L. Hopper Attorney For Carolina Sunrock Corporation, Rock Resources, LLC And Bryan Pfohl (A0001247.D0C) 1 HOPPER & HICKS, LLP • 111 GILLIAM ST • P.O. BOX 247 • OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27565 • 919-693-8161 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GRANVILLE I, Joanne H. Tippett, a Notary Public of the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that on this day personally appeared before me, William L. Hopper, Attorney for Carolina Sunrock Corporation, Rock Resources, LLC and Bryan Pfohl, signer and sealer of the foregoing and hereto annexed instrument and acknowledged the due execution of the same for the purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and notarial seal this the 18th day- of January, 1999. tary Public My commission expires: D7-4Y- 9C7 ? NG• H. T/px?"' V?C^A? i q 6 C {A0001247.DOC) 2 HOPPER & HICKS, LLP • 111 GILLIAM ST. • P.O. BOX 247 • OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27565 • 919-693-8161 r+„d Investors Title I° 1 c. z C arc-1 Hill, iNo_th Carolina page =-oi Sched. =-"--.(Continued) °ol. No. A?az )/ crap any That certain lot or parcel of land lying and be_na situated in Kittrell Township, Vance County, Norvh Carolina and more particularly described as -follows: BEGIN at a new iron spike, which said new iron spike is located in the centerline of S.R. -r1552 S. 43° 47' 54" W. 2010.53 feet -from an existing pk nail located at the centerline intersection o-f S.R. ?15S2 and S.R. n=557. From said new iron spike, the point and place of beginning, thence proceed the following courses and distances: S. 480 15' 31" W. 250.00 -feet to a point; S. 480 15' 31" W. 21.14 feet to a pk nail; S. 420 41' 1411 W. 98.21 -feet to a pk nail; S. 390 16' 43" W. 98.24 feet to a pk nail; S. 310 06' 20" W. 75.00 feet to a pk nar.l; S. 230 43' 32" W. 60.71 =bet to a nk nail; S. 190 57' 21" W. 94.74 feet to a pk nail; S. 26' 17' 25" W. 81.02 -feet tc a nk nail; S. 430 56' 49" W. 7.2.69 feet to a pk nail; S. 65° 55' 21" W. 85.49 feet to a pk nail S_ 750 04' _7" W. 811.39 feet to a pk nai S. 690 15' 16" W. 63.47 feet to a pk nail; S. 531 37' 05" W. 65.59 feet to a pk nail; S_ 360 07' 52" W. 62.18 feet to a pk nail; S. 2111 58' 51" W. 5::.53 f eet to a bk nail; S. 06° 22' 13" W. 53.69 feet to a pk nail; S. 010 2"1" 40' E_ 109.21 Feet to a pk na4-1; S. 180 44' 461 W. 80.22 feet to a pk nail; S. 411 18' 36" W. 102.30 feet to a ck nail; S. 560 41' 08" W. 61.42 'feet to a pk nail; S. G7 02- 38 (rv. 382.74 feet tc exist: iron LL:;T[i _Sa_ ex_sti ng iron pipe, thence proceed along the common boundary of the property herein described with the property now or formerly of Rosa Pulley (Plat Book "U", Page 186) N. 72° 42' 22" W. 343.51 feet to an existing iron pipe; from said existing iron pipe thence proceed along the right-ef-way of Seaboard Coastline Railroad the fcllcwi.nc courses and distances: N. 080 10" E. 220.75 -feet to a point; N. 06° 35' 04" ?. 208.35 feet to a point; N. 030 27' 36" 198.06 feet to a point; N. 00° 19' 02" W. 214.05 feet to a point; N. 030 54' 1411" W. 142.32 feet to a point; N. 06° 44' 44" W. 162.81 feet to a -ccint; N. 090 03' 07" W. 159.84 feet to ail existing iron Dine; thence proceed along the common boundary cf the property herein described with the property now er formerly of Jesse W. Chappell, Jr. (Deed Book 704, Page 743, Plat Book "U", Page 134) N. 830 30' OD" 1489.80 =eet through an existing iron pipe to a new iron spike, the point and place of beginning, containing 25.53 acres and being designated as tracts one and two as shown on survey entitled "Survey fer Bruce W. McPherson a_nd "'racy T. McPherson, dated March 30, 1993, pre-cared by Cawzher_le & Associates, Registered Land Surveyors, 5.A. . Reference i s made to the aforementioned plat for more particular location and descriction. ORIGINAL Fo-,,.:70. SIC-lOba To TI) OAM Date Time O PM WHILE YOU w RE OUT m D ,, P t6if:Zdk of Phone Numbers [Telephoned Office 5-1-5 - `4 5?©,7, [YPlease call Me. C.. Nwtw Em Voicemail - ? Returned your call FAX ? Called to see you Pager ? Wants to see you Mobile_ ? Will call again e-mail ? URGENT Message rf L AMPAD Operator Reorder NtnV EFFICIENCY* 423-000 Ck Investors Title Insurance Company A Stock Company ® Chapel Hill, North Carolina 11 Psre 2 of Sched. ? (Continued) Pol. No. Situated in Kitt=ell Township, Vance County, North Carolina, on the east side of S.R. 1552 and thus described: For a point and place of beginning from N.c.o.s. Monument "Red" Metric N.A.D.83 N = 266,955.527, E = 658,792,549, run N. 240 26' 38" E. 11,467.702 feet to the furthermost northern point of the tract here Ln described, at an iron pin set in the centerline of S.R. 1552, the point and place of beginning; thence S. 280 51' 15" E. 1,164.22 feet aler_c the line of the now or formerly Cecile M. Brown property (see Deed 'cok 406, page 440) to an existing iron pin; thence continuing S_ 0711 37' 44" E 691.51 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 090 40' 2111 E. 599.00 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 070 37' 05" W. 963.00 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 11° 08' 541' W. 110.63 feet to an 4 non pin in the northwest corner of, the line of the now or formerly James E. Cole Property (Deed Bock 406, page 440, and Estate File 9'4-E-2) ; thence S. 110 08' S4" W. 589.37 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 080 O1' 24" W. 214.19 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 150 29' 37" W. 834.36 feet to an iron pin in the line of the now or formerly Cecile M: Brown property (see Deed Book 279, page 181, and Deed Bock 406, page 440); thence S. 150 29' 3711 W. 1,304.34 feet to an iron pin set in the bank of the Tar River; thence S. 680 52' 13" W. 1,331.55 feet to - iron pin set in the bank of the river (Note that the centerline of the river is the property line) ; thence N. 680 52' 13" W. 1,331.55 feet to an iron pin in the hank of the river, a corner in the line of the now or formerly Jimmy D. and Tommy T. Pulley property; thence N. 07° 41' 41" E. 3,069.58 feet along the line of the now or formerly Jimmy D. and Tommy T. Pulley property (se-e Deed Book 695, page 449) to an existing iron pin; thence N. 7811 031-0911 W. 936.93 feet to an existing iron pin; thence N. 21° 14' 37" E. 153.95 feet to a point in the centerline of N.C.S.R. 1552; thence along the centerline of N.C.S.R. 1552 N_ 440 30' 45" E. 110.52 feet to a point; thence- N. 20° 57' 40" E. 133.02 feet to a point; thence N..050 00' O1" W. 110.57 feet to a point; thence N. 100 10' 52" E. 106.43 feet to a point; thence N. 38" 05' 47" E. 105.60 feet to a point; thence N. 630 04' 57" E. 106.28 feet to a point; thence N. 66° 02' OS" E. 106.77 feet to a point; thence N. 5211 06' 0111 E. 54.88 feet to a point; thence N. 301 54' 14" E. 90.76 feet to a point; thence N. 140 05' 58" E. 140.92 feet to a point; thence N. 211 08' 58" E. 100 feet to a point; thence N. 320 57' 58" E. 100 feet to a point; thence N. 360 14' 45" E. 131.48 feet to an iron pin in the centerline of S.R. 1552 in the southwest corner of the Nancy C. Dickerson property; thence Nancy C. Dickerson's line N. 880 33' 58" E. 427.53 feet to an existing, iron pin; thence N. 090 39' 4211 E. 279.98 feet to an existinc iron pin; thence S. 880 35' 19" W. 216.46 feet to a paint in the centerline of N.C.S.R. 1552; thence along the centerline of N.C.S.R. 1552 N. 410 51' 11" E. 715.94 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 420 50' 06" E. 561.74 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 212.4521 acres, more or less, according to the map and survey of James R. Wilson, R.L.S., dazed November 15, 1995. For further reference see Deed Book 281, page 551, and Deed Book 383, page 88, of the Vance County North Carolina Registry. ORIGINAL Form No. NC-1055 Y? 7 2 EXHIBIT A BEING all of that property described in Deed Book 279, Page 177, Vance County Registry, save and except that certain property lying to the west of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad and that certain real property conveyed to Seaboard Coastline Railroad Company as shown on deed recorded in Book 473, Page 102, Vance County Registry and also that portion of property within the right of way of SR 1552. Initial Initial Initial 20 011118/99 MON 14:31 F.kX. 1 919 693 9938 WILLIAM I.. UOPPER N. Ryu Hiom FRANx W. FoLcER January 19, 1999 J. A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. VIA FAX #919-733-9959 North Carolina Department of Environment And Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 16 001 TMEPITONE 819493.8161 FACBAMILE 919.693.9948 Re- Carolina Sunrock Corporation Notice of Jurisdictional Wet- lands and Waters/Vance County, NC Dear Mr. Howard: In accordance with the -?erms and conditions of the approval of the 401 Water Quality Certification, and additional conditions set forth in that certain letter from you dated August 24, 1998 to Mr. Danny Mattfield, Carolina, Sunrock Corporation, we enclose a copy of the Notice filed with the Register of Deeds of Vance County giving notice that all or a portion of the property, the subject of the permit, may be subject to jurisdictional :wetlands and waters. Sincerely, William L. Hopper WLH/jt Enclosure Cc: Paul Wendler, Carolina Sunrock Corporation HOPPER & HICKS LLP LAW OFFrCES OF HOPPER & HICKS, LLP P.O. Box 247. 111 GTLLLtM ST. OXFORD, NORTH CARoim4A 27565 {A000124DOC} 01/18/99 MON 14:31 FAX 1 919 693 9938 HOPPER & HICKS LLP Z002 VANCE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF JJRISDICTTON.AL WETLANDS AND WATERS All persons please take notice that all or a portion >L a? Of the property described below, owned or leased by Carolina Sunrock Corporation, Rock Resources, LLC, or Bryan Ptohl, P. 0. Box 25, Butner, North Carolina, 27509-0025, and which is, or will be, utilized for quarry development, does or may contain jurisdictionai wetlands and waters subject to pertinent ,law, rules and regulationn of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, or the "Corps of Engineers", to wit: situated in Vance County, Kittrell Township, North Carolina and thus described: SEE ADDENDUM "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AS IF IT WERE A FART HEREOF. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Notice of Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters is filed with the Register of Deeds of Vance County, this the -LS'day of 1999• William L. Hopper Attorney For Carolina Sunrock Corporation, Rock Resources, LLC And Bryan Pfohl .Ao001247-acct 1 HOPPER & HICKS, LLP • 111 GILLIAM ST. • P.Q. SOK 247 • OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27505 - 919-893-8161 01/11/99 MON 14:31 F.+A 1 919 693 9938 HOPPER & HICKS LLP R003 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GRANVILLE I, Joanne H. Tippett, a Notary Public of the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that on this :day personally appeared before me, William L. Hopper, Attorney for Carolina Sunrock Corporation,, Rock Resources, LL,C and 2ryan Pfohl, signer and Staler of the foregoing ar_d hereto annexed instrument and acknowledged the clue execution of the same for the purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and notarial sea! this the 19?_h day. of January, 1999. r tary Public My commission expires: 477-04- 3 ARC' ? Km = r oc' 46 {AC071247.00C} 2 HOPPFR$ W00, LLP • 111 GILLIAM ST. • P.p, 0OX 20.7 • WORD, NORTH CAROLINA 97555 • 919-693 161 01/18/99 MON 14:31 FAX 1 919 693 9938 HOPPER & HICKS LLP 111004 i IT, 14??V,4m C_ sle'Rccu'any r. .1 Cl;apel Hill, .fit-nth Carolina s-?crz? F'sA2 Of SChed. L'---IContinuedl Fol. No. y L?4^G That certain lot Or paxcel cf land ? y:. g and bei g situated i n Kittxel l Towzishit0, VS :ce County, North Ca :-olina G.nd mo,t particularly described as follows: nEGZN at a new iron sp;ke, which said new -non a-01, ke is locatiad in the centerline o= s.R_ X1552 S. 430 47' 54" W, 2010.53 =eat From an, existing pk nail located Q- -Ile ce__jte=l4;j1 =ntersection of S.R. 41552 and S_R. "91557. From said new iron spike, the point and place of beg-nn_ng, thence proceed. the following courses and distances., S_ 480 1.51 3111 W. 250.00 feet to a point; S, d8° 15' 31" W. ?Z.14 feet to a u% nail; S. 420 41' 141 W. 98.21 feet to a rk na S. 390 -61 4.111 W. 98.24 1°et to a pk nail; S. 31° 06' '70" W. 75.00 feet to a pk na' l; S. z" 43' 32" W. 60.71 feet to a pk na_l; S. 19° 37' 21" W. 9,.74 feet to a pk nail; s. 26° 17' 25"•W. 81,02 feet to a tk nail; S. 4?° 56' 49" R_ 7.2.69 feet tc a pas nail; S. 6S- 55' 21" W. 85.49 feet to a pk nail; S. 750 04' L711 W. 81.39 feet to a pk Tlz il, S- 650 15' 16" 'N_ 68.47 feet to a pk nail; .q,. 530 37' 05" W. 65.49 feet to a pk nail; S_ 360 071 52" W. E,,,.18 feet to a pk r-ail; S. 210 58' 51" W. 51-53 fees to a 10k nail; S. 06° 22' 13" W. 53.65 zeet to a Pk Aail; S. 010 21" 40' S_ 109.21 feet to r? pk zLa.ia.; S- ISQ 44' A6" W. 80.2.2 feet --o a pk nail; S. 410 181 3s11 W102.20 feet to a bk Lail; S. 55' 41' QS" "K. 61.42 feet to a pk nail; S. 27'' VZ' 38" W. 382.74 fact zc zin e isti -g -iron 'DZue; zrom sa-'Ld existing Lr. uu pipe, thence proceed along the common boundary of the property herea_n described with the prape;?ty =low or =Qrmezly of Rosa ?u11ey (Plat Book Page 184) N. 720 421 ?Zll W. 343.51 feat to an exisLwng irozl pipe; frum said existir.g iron pipe thence proceed along the right-of-way of Seaboard Coastline Railroad the following eauz-ses aad ::,stakes: N. 080 11' 10" E_ 220.75 Feet to a point; N. 060 3S'. 04" 208.35 feet to ck pojilt; N. 03.° 27' 36" Zr". 199.06 feet to a point; N. CC° 19' 02" W, 214.05 feet to a poiz=; N. 020 501 14r W. 142,32 feet to a pciut; N. 060 441 4411 W. 162.81 feet to a t0oint; AI'. 09° 03' 07" W. 159.84 feet to an, existing i;on nine; thence proceed along the commor_ boundary C% the property herein dmn=ibed with the grope„ ty ?-.ow or =or-merly oz ?7eesa W. Chappell, Jr. (Deed Bcok 704, PaSe 743, Plat Body "J", Page 134) N. 830 30' 00" E_ 1489.80 feet thr0ag-'1 oIi existing ,_ran pipe to a new iron snike, the point and place of begizanin.g, containing 25.53 acres and being designated a5 tracts ara and two as shown on su_YVey entitled "Suzyey for Bruce W. MCP Cason axles Tracy T. McPhersgrx, dated Marckz 30, --993, prepared by Cawchnrne F. %,-sociat ag, Reg_.ntared Land Surveyors, P.A.. e`exence is made to the afQrementicned plat Zor more particular locat;cn and desC_iution. ORIGINAL For _79, NC-105a 01;18/99 MON 14:32 FAX 1 919 693 9938 HOPPER & HICKS LLP . 0005 r Investors Title Insurance Com any A atoo-k Company Chapel Hill, North Caroiin2 PRO ? oc S46d. A (Continued) ?01, No. Situated in Kitt=tll Tawr$hi0, Vauice County, Noxth Carvlin.a, on the east Side of S.R_ 1552 and thus described! Far a point: and place oT begi--jairig from N_C.G_5. Manulnetat "Redlf Metric N.A_.D.83 N = 266,955.527, ti - 658,'792.54.9, rM N. 74c ?6' 3Qi? E. 11, 467, 702 feet to the illxttex-most northern paint of the tract herai-'a desexihed, at an Iran pim set in the ca>,terl='_ of c,R. 1552, the point an,d place or beginning; ther_ce S. 28° 51s 1.5" F.,. 1,164.22 feet alone the line of the now or f irmerly Cecile M. gown propert:,y (see Deed ;200?, 406' page 440) to an existing irazZ pin,; thence continu-1-ug S. 071, 37' 44° E, 691_51 feet to an i=on pint; thence S. 091, 40' 211, E. 599.00 feet to a= ixoa pi xi; thence S. 079 37' 05'' W. 563.00 feet to an iron pim; thence S. 11° 08' S4Ir W. 110 feet to an ixon pin in the rnor:hwest comer of the I line of the raw ex formerly James E. Cola Property (Deed Book S06, Page f 440, and Estate File 9a-E-2); thence S. 119 081 5411 w, 589.37 Eae4 to em iron pir; thence S. 080 01' 24" W. 214.19 feet to an iron pin ; thence S. 150 29' 37" W. 834.36 ;eet to ar. iron pii% in the iiiie of the row or f0=ex1y Cecile Mr 3r0wn p,0pe3;4x (see Deed Book 2'79, page 1.81, and Deed Book 406, page 440) ; thence s_ i51, 25!, 37" W. 1,304.34 'eet'to an ?.non pin set isi the banks of the Tar R_ver; thence S_ 68 a 53' 131, W. 1,331.55 feat t0 an iron pin se= in the bark of the river (Note that the certerl-e of the river zs the property line); thence N. 68° 52' 13" W, 1, 331.5S feet to an ,=on pen in the bank of the rive=, a cc---,Ier iza the line of the now or formerly Jimmy D. and Tommy T. Pulley property; thence N. 07° 41' 41" E. 3,C69,58 feet along the line of the r_ow 0x7 formerly 7'umy D. and Tommy T. Pulley property (see Deed Book 695, page 449) to an existing ;ron pin; thence -7. 78° 03' • 09" W. 936.93 feet to an existing fro= pi.nj thence N. 21° 14' 37" E. 153:95 feet to a poi=-t in the centerline of X-C.S_R_ 1552; thence along thit centerline c_ N.C,S.R. 1552 N. a4° 30' 4511 E. 1.1,0. 52, feet tc a paint; thence N. 20° S7' 4011 E. 133. 02 feet to a paint; thence N., 051, 00' 01" W. 1!C.51 feet tc a point; thence N. 100 10' 52" E. 106.43 feet to a pownt; thence N. 380 05' 47" E. 105_0-0 feet to a point; thence N. 639 04' 57" E. 106.28 =eet to a point; thence N. 660 02' OS° E. 105.77 feet to a poLut; the_2,ce N. 520" 06' 01" E. 54.88 Feet to a point; thence N. 3.0° 54' 2-4-11 E. 90.76 feet to a point; thence N. 14° 05' 5E" E. 140.92 feet to a point; thence V_ 211, 08' 58" E. 100 feet to a point; thence N. 32° 571 58" E. 100 feet, to a point thence N', 3611 14' 4.5" E. 131.48 feet to an iron pi:m in the canterline of S.R_ 2552 in the southwest corner of the -Nancy C. Dickerson property; thence Ndxtcy C. nickersan's line N. 886'33' 98 E. 427.53 neat Co an existingr. ,iron pin; thence N. 090 39' 421T E. 279.98 feet Go an existing iron Tin; thence S. 8d° 35' 19" W. 216.46 feet to a port ix, the centerline of N. C. 5 . R. 1.552 ; thence along the centerline of N.C.S.R. 1552 N_ .41' $7.' 11" E- 71.5_94 feet to ap, irozi pin; thence 17- 42° 50' 06" E. 561.74 feet to the taint and place of beginx%"U, conta.xning 212.4521 ac=es, more o- less, according tc the nap and su*vey of James R. Wilson, R.L.S., dated November 15, 1995. For -further refaY'emce see Deed Boom 251, pace 551, amd Deed Boob 3e2, page 88, of the Vance County North Carolina Ragi_--exy. ORIGINAL Fom Na Naiou 011118/99 MON 14:32 FAX 1 919 693 9938 HOPPER & HICKS LLP IM006 FI i r?312 l? EXI4IBIT A BEING all of that property described in Deed Book 279, Page 177, Vance County Registry, .save . and exc g that certain property ying to the west of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad and that certain real property conveyed to Seaboard Coastline Railroad Company as shown on decd recorded in Book 473, Page 102, Vance County Registry and also that portion of property within the right of way of SR 1552. I initial, Initial ( 2Q State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director AWN NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES August 24, 1998 Vance County DWQ Project # 980592 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. Danny Mattfield Carolina Sunrock Corp. PO Box 25 Butner, NC 27509-0025 Dear Mr. Mattfield: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill material for the purpose of quarry development at Southern Vance County Quarry, as you described in your application dated June 30, 1998. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3108. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 26 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your new application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H 00506(h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters to notify the state in order to assure compliance for future wetland and/or water impact. These mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 Permit (whichever is later). If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DWQ Regional Office John Dorney Central Files 980592.Itr Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post consumer paper MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: ( Ca Gwe // Non-Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Carolina Sunrock Corp. Project Number 98 0592 Recvd From APP Received Date 7/1/98 Recvd By Region Project Type quarry development County Vance County2 Region Raleigh Certificates Stream Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. 26RAT T Y ON r- 28(15.5) wsly Nsw 030301 0.82I?GGUL?, Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet (f O f ?7 ~C.vtM Is Mitigation required? #Y Q N Did you request more info? Q Y N Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? Q Y N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? Q Y 0 N Issue/Cond O Deny Comments: ( /Recommendation: Q Issued M r-N 5-kop,tol i 5 S*o4ll i ?f rwi%?t'?vI7 ho (1511, W2T1avd3 a5 u-e. ?f as cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 TRIAGE CHECKLIST Project Name: VVIC-e- Project Number: 19g 069 Z County: The attached project has been sent to you for review for the following reasons. Please consider whether a site visit is needed to determine the impacts. Particular attention should focus on the below checked items. Please feel free to call the central office staff member assigned to your region if you need assistance. - Stream length impacted - Stream determination (i.e. intermittent or perennial, or any channel present). - Wetland impact and distance to blue-line surface waters on USGS topo map. 4 Nfinimization/avoidance options. NW 14. ('is access to hizbground or wetlands)? Meuse buffer rules. Pond (water) fill (i.e. is the pond drained or holding water)? _ Pond creation (i.e. in uplands, in a drained channel, or in wetlands). Please locate streams and channels (if any) so that the central office can determine. Mitigation ratios. Stormwater pond placed in wetlands. - Ditching in wetlands. Is the applicant's proposed stream/wetland mitigation site available and viable? Applicandconsultant has a history of non-compliance (check drawings and application for accuracy). Has project been split from previous work to avoid mitigation requirements? Consistent with pre-application meetings? Cumulative impact concerns. OTHER: 4 P.O. Box 25 • 1001 West 'B' Street • Butner, N.C. 27509- 0025 nl/1' Q June 30, 1998 0 Mr. John Dorney, Wetland Specialist NCDEHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27611 Re: Wetland Permit for Carolina Sunrock Corporation Southern Vance County Quarry Dear Mr. Dorney: Please find the enclosed Pre-Construction Notification and Permit Application, as well as supporting documentation, for Carolina Sunrock Corporation's proposed quarry located in southern Vance County. If you have any questions or require additional information please, do not hesitate to contact at (919) 575-4502. Sincerely, Danny. Matt field Compliance Manager Office: (919) 575-4502 Fax: (919) 575-4510 --CONS`i'}cLCT' DIv NOTIFICATION F -PPL CA^ 7ON .Ll 1) NC?lC:y_CY C =2s cr MTG 2) a?9?=.::L'C:7 : R rte".: :i 401 3) CCCFv.`i. =w'i w-_72 "•= NC 127=s=l C= CvA S=1. 23.+2 +.+c.-'?`?= .??°gCPLT.?..= S-D CGf,=. :,.YD (=) =27f OF r_:...D C_=' =C CS' - C::P.: C= =?IG rrS (S? ?.G=YC? ADDFc?SS?S S=_) . ScvyV (i) COPI?S SHOOLD BE SENT TO THE N.C. D;V_-sCN OF V4=?.ONL=?IT_? I*_??1?C-?V''_' 1. Cw-YERS N:uE. Carolina Sunruck Cer-peratie - P.O. Box 25; 1001 West B Street SU :Div=ON NAL!=. . . Butner S^_^? N. C. Z.3 C:0E.27509 ,• -CV :?CF = S' =?ICL:,DTYG SvcD=v-=-0*1 N: '? (`? D= _ ?':.?V_ `.Ci* G :]D SO =cvl) , St?tP Rri 1557 3000 ft E. of U.S 1 V7-.7N ?. TE.:.I_ (WiOP{) . (919) 575-4502 - 70r,=LE: AG7-N7 N?uE OR F, CONS=E=C COA°O;?T? Oc°C=?_,, '??DR=SS, Bryan Pfohl (Owner); Dan Mattfield (Agent/Project Manager)- Same Address & Telephone as ahove LCG___CN OF FiCR:{ (PQO?=D' A yA , P-°•=-_=AZL A CO2`! OE' IISGS TO2O LA. -C OR F2.? P OTOGi..??`:T?: SG:?c.) C--UN,v-: Van .e NL-?ESL TOW14 OR C_TY: Kittrell 1 ' 3 N'u ERS , -7: ,m1L'z 7 u C" E':C . ) . That area lying between State Rd. 1552'and the Tar River floodplain. NOTE: Project does not involve any portion of the f l oodpl ai n forest. E. mlinaC==] GR N-c: LRES Tar F R_?ER ?AST-N: Tar C -0 r- 7. C C: I `?---{ (WZ-- GR WS ) V7 'Z ( J NO (X J 'i ver :=.SCU-RCC W;:-- - (CRW) v_-? -t=-=:v iC. :. T _?.C„ .CC= --D w---: =Y NCG= = C =V?_ L?- ----V C C^-5^ ' OF CCNC=:.`J (__C} `=z? [ VO [XJ -=- --. Cc Crtci= W C^+.GN--_ '-_- T` =-_?%JD V'- -not applicable- Ea- S =GN 404 F.:OR GS- Cg (X J -- v__.=, -:.GV Z)-Z . D . 2vF G. - `r_CGS :==r_ O_-Cm' _V T _- _'="=?-'• `-'?- ( J NO J T ?V:=C=----DJ WC?{. °a. ESTT?? .: DD TCT__, NUM-=:R c. AC :---='S IN TR C: O 215 acres 9?. ESG *`"'?D TOT-AL NTi2V?c3 C? OF Wc.=?-VDS C? D C?J PQCEC- 7 23.5 acres 2 NuY_--__R CF AC- 7-7Z Cc P_RO20SED P.RCicC_ °'.: LL=NG: -0.39 acres- -0.06 acres - coDrc: -0.37 acres- :N_ 0 : -0.0 acres - D: A U-_GZ. -0.0 acres- TO -0.82 acres- _Ob. (1) S,. r u C.=NTNZI "O . _ -"D __C TED B`_' _ .D P?OPOSDD P?C? (__ :`:CG; -D, acpV_?C D? 5= _VC_? rC;. _ -VD 4200 2200 r-+ w= P__C:L (base= ca nc=al 'r._; . .:ate= c=cz? ?S) . 2.5 (average) -, 3.5 (average) :-, T.7.7. T7t- C_C at _==u_--Y_ CC P__- _\I V = Z _.:CD_VG. X C:=_'`TNF •. cXC :I! ?_CN. X CCITS-:.JC -CiT C: _ D _= CONS=3uC?=CN OF .. _CND :.C=CS-Dr wr_=- =`:? S C= _ 165 acres 3.1 acres 1_. DISC L.__CN o? P:APC`=D WGRY =NC_UD=VG D.SC?SC=ON CF ,"?= C= IIS:.J X 11" D:?::iv VGA Ct M'_') Clearing and,grubbing of approx. 7 acres and construction of 15ft.wide at crest sediment and runoff im-poundment dam and installatinn of interim erosion control structures and spillway construction. Equipment to be used will include bulldozer, hydraulic backhoe excavator;- 1-1• orJRrCSZ OF PR09CSSD WOP_K: installation of erosion and sedimentation-_' control features in support of the developmr?nt of a rnrk rniarry and associated prgce5sjng plant,,_._ _ • 3 T=--- ?C:=v=;`_' Y-US: -? C = 10=D?. CG_ .V "r+i,?YDS (=?TC-,?uc =`+' ur=``v-:.?3 T =?V TC '?-Y=??--S?+?_?-YD construction of sedimentation control imnniindmant and stormwater detention areas in the upper areas of the drainage is consistent with maintaining the natural drainage to the Tar River. These structures necessarily must be located between the area to be excavated for the quarry and the Tar River. The floodplain forest was avoided and disturbed areas will be seeded and revegetated with appropriate species --- VCC :ma c==?? T^ c?.-^:_c= _ c.?. L3L7- s-Z,T,-.cT zpr ?_G-NC', C_`TC-r or :`iCr. CG' cc*?=_ - Candace Martino (USFWLS) 9/15/97 (?___ (S _ ) (SD- : G?:TCY :?GtiS__= S _.-=) _D=YG T =-?.`TC- Cc .?.°.C?Tr _N T %t .CG. David Brook 1?L?gti - HE _? . CC-- T - -:.C?___ _tiJCL'r_ : ti _ D_'-'? -- 0. _Q-L-C =DS C?. T H- uc_ C_ Y? (j NO gj (-- NC, C-? .C 18) __ YT_?, GCL_ T _ =---0N C. rY r`-v_:.CV =`T=--- DCC`;2 :G'SvrY= :C T.`:_ .:.?-_';=` CF =:= NOR= C_'--,.OL=N:_ :CL_C". rC:? YES ? I NO (1 ? . T_ RCU(7-F Tl:-- NORTH DDr =R'_'*r..Y: 0? A??-?=V=STR::_:CN 5.---_ C:?c: ??1G::v^QS'. Y=S (l NO (1 77 ' -- .-NEWER TO 17b _S Y-S, T`.-1; Su_H:T A°Og0??J=-_ DCCUM--N?' T_=0N .Cif T`.'. S Crc=?rVG'r.OGSE.TO D=v_S=CN G- i:TVeRCNT'?1=?_, h7YA G=`?^`TT ri?.G=RDrVG CCUP.r NYC. W=T?: THE NOR=:. C._ROL=NA ZVVIRONY ?' POLIC'! AC_ . QUEZ--CNS R?G? RD=VG T = S C=,????iGciCQS ?Lv=':r PgCCCSS 5'ciCG'L,D ?S TO IBS. C R_S STATE C:?'-?NGr.OQSc, NORT_?z , C COL=V.? DE.?aT`IZVT Or Amt T=ST: _-CN, 116 WES 171 COMES ST-4° ., PI.P..LC.-G-.-, NORTH 2760--800-, T_ .:,c=-CNE (a, o) 7 ..-a'369. 4 13. TH-7 =?Lucn_Ne 77-,vc s 00-n 1CLUDE0 r'Tt _. PROPOSED =CD= i-" N-- T p? C_:=_GN ,, - --- or ?{C=jr'?TrO CRVMATE--'- CT =N ^O WE,T-%4DS -L4 • WL=T -_>V:J DE.:,?Tc..=_=CN ?_ S C?r=VG P? ??'??`TDS .?.^ _?!c -'? PONDS ON DE: ?, AND .i8) =_?, S=R_:_?c --N:-- 2!f:- ? ?r NL?b* -.. -`r 8. 21, 2 10 ( _- ?- CV ? P°OP T'-_ -OV 25, a E S; VW C %i -VC = c'uII?r.S 0 OR ?,0-?D B°?IC D?G-LS c3 r=D_ Cr. ?`-= aC-= D BY PRC "C:. _ _ r.OT.,Gc _ E Fic_1?-NDS TO ?c 5- c. DE:- =CN P.;°CF J =_'_' A CCNSvLT?NT, .VC.vDE r 7., ._ CyS RZLLV '4 .C Tyr. P_ OF = -? D_`__ ETC- _ OF T`rS:CP?''?+?.;=?. L??V?r?'?'?7T PTV = R=,^?G=?=J. e• 4vr L: ND USE c: ti?cGND=VG P3CP=R;?? timberland and natural forested woodland and cropland (agriculture) • f" -- a ---_:__,?:, Sv =:= __ -_ C_?iScO ?.!:FCD-."?:".-`y'y =-- c:?'-?_ ._.: ... . -not a licable- )y ?`T--i 4 n .C. C R C -t THE U.S. Z•?r 2`I Cf ?' "' Y ` _ • ?) ._.?.Jl?•?'ylC. C?' A Sc.:.T.CN 404 CC ^.? C N= (n ' C= zT_= 7CG_7 CN. :?v-7i C._.s... MZ _. C CPf ..r :,? ? A =..T i 2 R :CCM T= NCRT^ _? CARQL-Z ' D=v_j-aN C: C:rSL 2r=?'tnG'.`?'T S-= ONS 'N:S C ,T?iG c c c? W+T? T ?ioRTH C_,.JL=?Lk CCAS:?, 2-Y OPrZv -a S /AGENT S S =G-Nu TGFE (nG-NT ` S S IGNI `URE V.:a i,TD ONLY AUT-GRTZ T_ON LETTL'_. E?cOI- Ti~- OW-NER 25 EVOVTDED A S 03'YS/97 15:08 $919 575 9510 CAROLINA SL1NROCK LEDGE ROAD zoos/006 DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Pmnit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps.of Engineers Nationwide permits that'require application for. Section 401 certification VyMILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPA1rI MENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 2S4402.1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 2S1-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF FE'J'VMONMkNfAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH. AND NATURAL RESOURCES RO, Box 29535 Raki , NC 27626-0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5483 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD B1; SENT TO THE CORPS OF FNGIId'EERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOM BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRJNt. 1. Owners Name: Carolina Sunrock Corporation 2. Owners Addiv4s: _ P.O. Box 25; 1001 West "B" St., Butner, NC 27509-0025_ 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): , (919) 575-4502 If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate off 1631, address, phone number, -Bryan Pfohl(Owner) Same Address & Phone No Dan Mattfield( Proj..Mg/A ent) Same Address, Phone 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Vance Neatest Town or City: Ki ttrel l Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): S, R. 1552000ft East of U. S. Rt. l 6. Name of Closest StreanVRSVer Tar River 7. River Basin: 8. Is this project located in a walzrshed classified as "pout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [ ) . NO IXJ 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [) NO (X) If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site:. 23.5 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: Drained: -0.39-- 0.0- Flooded: - 0.3 7 - Fxcavatcd: -O-.-06- Total Impacted: -0.62 ve•d 91191 9661'60"" A401kIlnS734 N9131da u0dJ 03/25/97 15:08 $919 575 4510 CAROLINA SUNROCK • LEDGE ROAD (a 006/006 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1R" X 11" drawings only): Excavation of quarry and construction of a processing plant and associated infrastructure. Construction of sediment control basin retention dam and settling pond. 13. Purpose of proposed work:, Tn prnyi_de nracPss water and stormwater slptention and _ sedimentation control for the protection of the Tar River and Associated floodplain wetl 14. Stale reasons why the applicant believes chat this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note saea.sures takeuto minim wedand impacts, See attached narrative Twenty-four acre wetland area adjacent to Tar River is avoided and protected from project impacts due to the prop. pla 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and VYildlife Service (USMS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NNIFS) regarding the prescace or any Federally listed orproposed for listing endangered orthrr-atenod species or critical habitat in the perrWt area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YE (X) NO [A RESPONSES FROM THE USMYS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Mtoric Preservstion Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the perunit area which maybe affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES'()(] NO( RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information rcquircd by DEM: A. Wetland delineation mep showing all wetlands, streams, and lake/ on the pcopeny. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineat:ion.was pnxformed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E, What: is land use of surrounding property? Woodlands (timber) & Rural Residential/Agriculturz F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? Not applicable . S9'd lti191 7661'68'C0 J,NOluln@3?f HE)I3'lrla Wo2lj .{API ,•. ••N?;, .. W,.•; '. y1,.' /.?.L.` YI?A? 1 Dr?B .'r ,Nfl 111 \ ,,(? . teu i• LoB 6'' at F Y ) App. ,A; Lo A 1. ?A J. \?• -? ? ?. `_ `? • . Va8 ? .S ' ??W eDr.? D? ?Y LoB ,? ?. ?<op :.?,?• ? , ? tin. ' C. yE''r _? •Neb, t?t•I LdD' r jr?jy.'Y'(h f . APB L WkE .ti. Irg ?" r l t ?; - N?kC WeD Wo f' ##!!,, N?eE s T . .{w ` ???• • ? WeD J ; 08 y cE. kE { .- ?? Irg ?G t •?'tv,,, is,. „ 1557 t Wti •t(? ? ?, '?. t ' t • . ?r is ?. r .. ? -< B r Lob a _ 'O WkC 9 G ?_ q LoB • f APB ,•N , E ! Fti >t. t ,' . W e ?L ?{ . _ r C•' ' . ?, Pg < D APB ` A P , ' a • r ? ? ' ' . i •? f ?•,' for :? -.? .'? ? JJJ r e. A 'MtoB APB { a o ? / 1 _ r? J: C??• a CAROLINA SUNROCK CORPORATION FIGURE 3. SOILS MAP P.O. BOX 25: 1001 VV [,.S, B ST. FROM: USDA SOIL SURVEY OF VANCE COUNTY, N .C. BUTNLR. N.C. 27509-001; SF1EF1- 17 (SEPTEMBER 1980) PUSH 'Jill PU Btiti, MIR MIA :iJ QFOIA A2V6H l -PFOIFVI PIEM(Fh 14 Put I., pvbq; PUBHV, ?T: `PuBHh / - PFOIA ?UBHh IFNA l { i PFOIA. / PFOIA r t `i Pf01 ` - - 1 -- _ Pfolc PF01a \ i - J 1 ' ,??, ••`, iFOIP Prow ^ - PSSiC - P ?? _ PF A PFQIC-: - ?PF041l ?fMIA ?Prow,; ZS - -- FtmA P£HICx ` rPFm1A, OUBHt, PfOIA - t DFOIA P554A'.- ?.i- PFOIA, I ? - , _ - -PFoW PS PEMifh c PU6H1l PFoIA J'' r PFOIA CAROLINA SUNROCK CORPORATION FIGURE 4. NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY MAP P.O. BOX 25; 1001 WEST B ST. FROM: USF&WLS KITTRELL, N.C. QUADRANGLE; 1995 BUTNFR, N.C. 27509-0025 DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY -- 4/83 ID6J?E (R ES) r lo/ z .; .: Gj`'-? ?? :?' ?( ) ?•? IN c? Do/ .I ..... ...... ..... . r......_............_......_....... f.. I ......... ...........-............. ; lm ._ ... • ./ ^f .. 1. ?'•• ? . --- / /ti ?,r?n l I l (> r > f? . ?? ( (! ?`- N r C7 > -0 ) E ' 1 o CAROLINA SUNROCK CORPORATION FIGURE 7. PROJECT FILL DETAIL - PLAN VIEW P.O. BOX 25; 1001 Wk3sT B ST. SOUTH VANCE COUNTY QUARRY BUTNER, N.C. 27509-0025 KrTTRELL, N. C. 1i L..6 L- pu'j" Q U A L I T Y I 5833 MAIN ST. + P.O. BOX 827 + BUFFALO, N.Y. 14231-0827 + PHONE: 716 632-1020 PRODUCTS Ms. Candace Martino Endangered Species Biologist US. Fish & Wildlife Service 0. Box 33726 Raleigh, N.C. 27636-3726 15 September, 1997 Re: Nationwide Permit 26 Review Consultation Carolina Sunrock Corporation Proposed Southern Vance County Quarry Dear Ms. Martino Pursuant to the requirements for agency notification and co-.sulation found at 33 CFR part 330, Appendix A, it is anticipated that the USACOE Dist=riot Engineer will be providing your Agency with information pertinent to our project. I am taking this opportunity to provide you with the attached consultation package to facilitate review of this project. I have enclosed a copy of the proposed project permit a olication and supporting documentation, for your review. Ms. Jean Manuel of the USACOE has performed a site visit, and the attached delineation map reflecrs t;:e res. is o_` r.er visit. In: addition, the project has been rev.i_ewed by North Carolina ?_ 11.E Or" scleci a.1 i nteresr. i.rn your revi- of the bjc:,t project is i_ ely to be the following facts re_ ted to ro t e -t development: 1 . t roject plans call for the corrlplete avoidance of any isturbance or fill activities in the Tar River floodplain .-:;rest and the associated wetland areas. 2. Of the total 23.5 acres of wetland habitat on site, only 1.53 ac. (approx.) will be subject to either excavation or fill associated with the construction of a storm water retention pond and earthen dam. All proposed project actions occur above el. 232 USGS. 3. The retention pond is designed to retain runoff from the 25 yr. storm event and is protected by a grass lined spillway designed to pass f.lows between the 25 yr. and 100 yr. storm events. 4. Any construction-related sedimentation due to runoff from the proposed retention pond and dam will be controlled by a temporary sedimentation basin and rock dam constructed at el. 232 USGS. This structure will be removed following the stabilization of the pond, dam and spillway. 5. There will be no discharge of plant process waste water. If you have any questions regarding this project, or require additional project information, please feel free to contact either_ Mr. Don Smith (Tel 919-575-4502) or myself (Tel. 716- 762-8221) at your convenience. Sincerely, Andrew H. Auld Manager, Environmental Resources LANCASTER STONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION cc: D. Smith (CSC) G. Banino (Rust) ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Susan B. Edwards, Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section FROM: Owen Anderson, Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: December 4, 1996 SUBJECT: Mining Permit Application for Carolina Sunrock Corporation for Southern Vance County Quarry, Vance County, NC Biologists on the Wildlife Resources Commission staff have reviewed the subject document and are familiar with habitat values of the project area. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Mining Act of 1971 (as amended, 1982) (G.S. 74-46 through 74-68 15 NCAC 5). The applicant proposes to mine granite from a 156.5-acre site in southern Vance County. The mine site is within the Tar River Basin. This section of the Tar River provides habitat for state listed aquatic species, including the Carolina madtom (Noturus fi-triosus), the Roanoke bass (Ambloplites cavifrons), the yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolata), and the yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa). Therefore, it is most important that water quality be protected by preventing sedimentation, maintaining wide forested riparian buffers and preserving wetlands and floodplains. We are pleased that the applicant plans to leave a 100-foot undisturbed buffer adjacent to the water courses and Netlands and that the permitted area is above the 100-year floodplain of the 'far River. The proposed closed process water system and the pit water being pumped from the sump to a retention pond should prevent sedimentation to downstream habitats. We do not believe there will be significant impacts to fish and wildlife resources if the measures to protect water quality and riparian areas are strictly adhered to. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this application. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (919) 528-9886. cc: Mr. 13ryan Kohl, President, Carolina Sunrock Corporation ?Y j t\.j North Carolina Departnient of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary December 6, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Tracy E. Davis Land Quality Section Division of Land Resources, DEHNRFROM: David Brook is/ Deputy State ric A?o&n'Of fic er SUBJECT: Application for Mining Permit Southern Vance Company Quarry, Vance County, ER 97-7759 Division of Archives and llistory kffrey J. Crow, Director Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review and comment on the above project pursuant to Chapter 74, Article 7 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Because of the location and topographic situation of the proposed project area, it is unlikely that any archaeological sites which may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by the proposed borrowing. We, therefore, recommend that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. We have conducted a search of our maps and files and have located the following structures of historical or architectural importance within the general area of the project: Josiah Crudup House. See enclosed map for exact location. This house is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The propsecfi`mine will not affect the historic property. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comments, please contact Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley, Environmental Review Coordinator, at 919/733-4763. DB:slw Enclosure Carolina Sunrock Corporation OCC' P.O. Box 25 Butner, NC 27509-0025 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 ??? State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. Danny Mattfield Carolina Sunrock Corp. PO Box 25 1001 West Butner, NC 27509-0025 Dear Mr. Mattfield: Re: Southern Vance County Quarry Vance County DWQ # 980592 A F?WAA • '1* 2 NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES July 10, 1998 The Division of Water Quality has reviewed your submittal for a 404/401 permit for a proposed quarry in Southern Vance County. Your application was not complete since seven copies of the application and seven copies of the maps were not included. Please provide information regarding the location of your project. This information is needed by DWQ in order for us to decide whether this project is approvable. I can be reached at 733-1786 if you have any question. Until this information is received, I will request (by copy of this letter) that the Corps of Engineers place this project on hold. Also, the project will be placed on hold for our processing due to incomplete information (15A NCAC 2H.0507(a)(4)). Si cc: Raleigh DWQ Regional Office Wilmington District of Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Corps of Engineers John Domey Central Files J n R. Dorney ater Quality Cert'c tion Program 980592.hld Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper C C P.O. Box 25 • 1001 West "B" Street • Butner, N.C. 27509-0025 98()092 June 30, 1998 Mr. John Dorney, Wetland Specialist NCDEHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 4 Re: Wetland Permit for Carolina Sunrock Corporation Southern Vance County Quarry Dear Mr. Dorney: Please find the enclosed Pre-Construction Notification and Permit Application, as well as supporting documentation, for Carolina Sunrock Corporation's proposed quarry located in southern Vance County. If you have any questions or require additional information please, do not hesitate to contact at (919) 575-4502. Sin erely, Danny .. Mattf ld Compliance Manager Office: (919) 575-4502 Fax: (919) 575-4510 PE.E. -CCNET tUJC=' ' ON I C T 77 C'=T_CY APPL I C_ T C Y a CR Nr?T=C2v w ?? F :ct"? .5 =s= c=:;sG- R?.: •.• ggp5=5 Z) NC' ='=C+:'=CY - C=R?5 CF _iGN - r+d 2l 401 3) C'"CF?? =^_'I w T=- NC D=7=S=C:i C_ C=M=;L-- M + t= 5'L`?i "'?' C?G?r.:. ?YD (?) GZP°- OE' ?5 CZ?r=:? Fv^FcI$ .O"'?-'• ?.??FCPF-?-=' CE-C= Or = C::7z-S OF (.?? ,G=CT A.DDFLS 5 S==':) 'v=?AN *L'?TT.? l??d?G V'" (i) C3PI3S S'r.C)=:) BE -cZ! - TO TH=. N.C. Dlv__=CN OF (Sw. ?_G?1CY P?DF.^SSCS S'?_:) =r_.?e_ Dart... P.O. Box 25; 1001 West B Street 2. X=___VG ALIDOR .S_ . Su3Div...ON NAME: Butner g,*^ N. C. Z=? CZDE: 27509 ?.C?c.C:' L^C.:.=CN :?CF=Sc, =VC?uD=VG SvcDivi:_CN N =''r ( n.=`?._'1T -Cif r*=N_VC .?D:Lss :=cv?) . State Rri ?55?• 3000 ft E. of U.S 1 T-----ZN? Nub=.. (c.CuM) (?i0p1) . (919) 575-4502 4.'T- AG-Mr.tS ;Te-u? 0?, n?C=ONS.. COA=0:ti.1?C Oc`C??, '?.OOFI=.SS, Bryan Pfohl (Owner); Dan Mattfield (Agent/Project Mana4Lr)' Same Address & T 5. yCC..TION OE ?vCR:{ (P404=0? A 2?1.:, p°.?'F°:?_?Y A COPY OE GSGS TOPOG:?.1?=C I??? OR p.F•A_?, F OTOG:Lz7`- rr'i'_T?: 5?===?•) ? COGNT`!: Vance- N=aW=T TOWN OR C--'-"Y: Ki ttrel 1 3. • 3 .? V. L.C:t.==ON (_-MCLUDE RCA0 NULL"-ERS, ':P*NDLa??{S, ETC . ) : That area lying between State Rd. 1552 and the Tar River floodplain. NOTE: Project does not involve any portion of the floodplain forest. E. M. O C:= OR N=_LPr_s: S_R_ w/? vEa: Tar River R_'Tc'3 BAZZZT: Tar a. LCC:'TrD (S.A.), F=v'r. QUri._-= wR===S (CRW) =--• (W: Z-7 WS =) NO (XI -- Y , r.{=_=;v. 7II. NCR:-.-.- C._...r_ti . OF =Vi.C? 7 0: _v_=CNP`i==- C:: C=: (.==) =-S ( ! VO (X] ic. F3CjrC:' -- LCC_' =D w__ .Y .."CC: 2: CCGNT`! (S== P1G'c ? FOR OF C::;-SiAL CCGN_-_:.) THE _=1QD US_ __-Y (J.:: } DcS T. CN -not applicable- Ea. r VM t_Mf SEC__OY 404 BEE_V P9.rT_CGS!Y R:QGES_=D FOR. USE ON T .__ P RCP=::Y? `! -: ( J C'_ (X J __ Yr., _ -.C'v ?Jr C.=CN .. D . ?v'u?E= C: _ .=i:CIIS _=?lu=: VD _W :?D--_CV:= =V=Oet.`?==-CN (=VC:.vvE :,':CC:P`! Oc 4^._ C=: C.:==CN) . ti_ r?R =,z Y=C ( I NO CK I I. DESC :.3E ?V_=C._-__ED WCti{: 9a. ESTTU:_ED TOT_=.r, NUMBER OF .C7_7S _V TRACT- OF L;_M: 215 acres b. EST =? D TOT" NVY-BE3 Cc ACRES OF WeVDS LCC.': _ 'r Cu PgCucCC S..E. 23.5 acres Z .Oa. DT4LE3 CE C_? Cc. WL=:-;YzS Mu=?C:=J 2'_' _: PHOPC?-cC P?C?cC: 9'.: --?L-,T?: -0.39 acres- tc T =_cv; -0.06 acres - ?vODING: -0.37 acres- :RA--NAG--- -0.0 acres- -0.0 acres - =c= ;,C•_; =c ?L3c=:? ; -0.82 acres- To .. -Mr _• _``Z:_C.°_D .L:' °ROPCS D PRC17-rC_ (:- ??CV_?C D=SC?VC AID es= wZ P=Id _ Z M . Z=.`7GZ--- BEFORE: 4200 2200 n w?' E°=ORr (base= cr_ ac-a. 2.5 (average) 3.5 (average) 77 1.5 0-5 CFEN CHANNEL CE P--- 'MIT C.--*t-MTT--": C'- *rNc:. X CC?I?:RJC==C:I C= D `?I =:Cr)- X C=':-R: _-• __ CCN.S_3GC_=C:i Oc FCIJD _:.C_ :.2, inr___ _-•- n_?_-<<.=D DF-z=- :NG TO 165 acres == == F=?'D s?=_.._D 3.1 acres 1_. D-cSCsz?^=C:T Or F30FCSc7 Wc;n : iVC_GD=NG D_:C--S==CN CE :`_'?= C= r„IG_ru?`T: T_0 .,_ GSa] _:."MVS. 8 1/2" X _1" DP:_?+«VGS C%,.:) Clearing and grubbing of approx. 7 acres and construction of 15ft.wide at crest sediment and runoff imnoundmPnt dam and installatinn of interim erosion control structures and spillway construction. Equipment to be used will include bulldozer, hydraulic bachhoe excava i°;. _., P r*J'L°CSZ: OF poOcCScO W,OPUK: installation of ernsion and sedimentation ' control features in support of the deyel npmant of a rock Quarry as- nd -- associated prgce5sjng plant,,... _ • 3 '4 S^="E ?CNS wr: _- ncj__?-D T-==- =::__ ?C__v__Y 2=T5: cc :a,? CG. :N w_T _ =VDS ?VC'GDE =Y: *?'=?u:`" T_:?V TO TN =Ic. FE::6;`iD ( -f construction of sedimentation control imnnimriman+ anal ttormwater detention areas in the upper areas of the drainage is consistent with maintaining the natural drainage to the Tar River. These structures necessarily must be located between the area to be excavated fnr the quarry and the Tar River. The floodplain forest was avoided and disturbed areas will be seeded and revegetated with appropriate : species ?L__ TO C G.S NIA= ) -e ?G-`IC*. =:.cacS==^.-cR====vc rc?_aG_.-?_rc=. _..: _ ==V= ==c=== OR CT ._c_-_. THE. ccs:, C=LC: - CancTace Martino (USFWLS) 9/15/97 T^ CC:1= C=MC== (S:Q) (-`=C r-_TC: 'v'°=?D=VG r._.=.VC- OF : TS:CF.=C --?ffT fly .. u?v -^.D TCr D?.OCCS-z 7-V THEE ==C-^-*_ ^^ CCY_--^°D DaVid Brook .1 2 fti%ati _V D_T''.ti_ Oc r'Ja:,:C JNDS CR T - uCc _ 7 . DC?S _ _YJC:j?_ - Y [] NO A] (__ Nc, cc TO 18) -- v-c DCE- THE .C.,=C: r;G==? =L. =-= ==CN GF rV -.`?v==C?vZ?-`?_ CF == - NCR=- C.'_.OLI?1:_ =`TL=RCN`d=_ =CL-7C,.: ACT? r'S (] NO (] h. T. _ YS, 'r?.S T: DCC VT DE-V R:^i_?naD T RCUC-F- THE NORTH C:- CLLYcs DEZ.ARTH=NTO? ABM=N=STR T=CN S:: .C CIZIRNGFOCS:.. YES (] NO () IT : -NE ER TO 17b =S YES TEN SUBM=: ?oogOF?_?- OCC Y---NT??'=0N F:CX TIM S::_E C:,F=La.I.GaOGS-. TO D=v=S=CN Or F.'t4iRCN =IT_ C'`4?'V7 R G.=LRD-N CCPP_T,i..*1CE rW-_TH THE NORTH CILROLINA ?i4=RONL- 47= POLIC- r?C= . QGrST=CNS R Ge':RD.VG T-`-= ST === C7,c= -YGHCGSE R=1_EW PROCESS SHOULD BE D:iv<:"'ED TO MS. C:?R:S D= r.CTOR 5-A-S C.,:?RLNGr.-OQSz, NORTH C ROUT? DE=?a !=VT OF e?.DL-'1=SiF= ==CN, 110' WEST .;ONES STRE ., APyc.?G'r_, NORTH C:-ROL=N? 27603-800:, T:LE?CNE (919) 7.3-a'369. 4 13 THE -OL_,C«_VG I'"rS S CC J " ?CLI DEJ PROPOSED 1C=-?--= - _ - "_- Tn_._ n=--=C-=-_ON =- IV'JCL'v= ZXC:-?J TED CRy N= WE= a. =T'^?v1 DEL=NE.?T_CN ?? S (_ i 7- G .--, N?GTINDS S -_ c C NDS CN _.- _ OP=.._ (=.F. NiYCCNw=JE ??Pt,?T NGMSE'-.S _4r 18. 212c_ _ . %_, AND 3S) ?=Z•c :ZT_ AND =t1Mv,;_qz.NT) BE SF.OWN Chi T c s a_ . S - S=O $_ - 0 -• MIC EQUALS 100 C_ OR b - - - ^. t? =--LE, R7==71---N T:_-=v:. -?aT: OF vS?-^'=VDS MP CTED BY •PR_. TO BE C. _? DE=?i='?.ON W7--S CONSULTANT, _VC?CDE r--. - _0 THE F1C'"?=,T^ TLS ,? D:== 07 Dc..:,rY'r.:?_TON LATE. : COPY OF THE S^ • '?= USE CE. ,7-,.RC6ND_NG timberland and atural forested woodland and cropland (agriculture) -not a licable- c. S_rvED : VJ D?_ED : r? is :v :' CPT -- -- --- ?vC?. WZ- 71 YNI-S CR 'rIR C7 -HE ? } . =SSZ;ANC= CF A S=CC_CY 404 CC S r - -_-_ Z) a.T=' ??UrNC= = CF A 40I - CR w v=-• D=v_?_Cti CF - AND 3) (--,'IT nz _?+*? = =' C;. ?S"` r• C=y =S CN:, ') , A Lr =,%-a r :,, Otd TS= NCR= CARCL-7'\V' r) S=4N CF CC-ASTAL FAWIG--'N?='?T STn=_?;G F_st0 FCS=D ACT=?IT`I IS C;;NS=S'?'_N-TT ATE T? -NCR=- CA:RJL?NA COAS"_,=L:, r* =ANT -&3,4, PRCG-r?! - . _ OWNER S / AG 7- NT' S S ZGNL T['J! E G E-T,r S SIGN;L= VALID ONLY I= a UTEORI ZATZON LETTER FROI- Tom, ON-NER IS FROV_DED (18C.) y 5 .. 03 X5/97 15:08 $919 575 1510 CAROLINA SUNROCK „- LEDGE ROAD DEM ID: 9 8 ?? 9 2 ACTION ID:. Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): JOIrIT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps. of Engineers Nationwide permits that'require application for Section 401 certification VVM14 NGTON DISMCT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGIIJEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONNIENPAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT. HEAL?H. P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL. RESOURCES NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E laigt, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251.4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (i) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF FNGNEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Ownea Name: Carolina Sunrock Corporation 2. Owners Add=s: P.O. Box 25; 1001 West "B" St. Butner NC 27509-0025 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): 919 575-4502 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number. _ Bryan Pfohl(Owner) Same Address & Phone No. Dan Mattfield( Proj. Mg/Agent) Same Addresm, Phone 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Vance Neatest Town or City: Ki ttrel l Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): S . R. 155 3000f t East of U . S . Rt .1 6. Name of Closest SUca mnUver. Tar River 7. River Basin: Tar 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQw, ORw, WS I, or WS II? YES ( l NO XXJ 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? . YES ( ) NO (Xl If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 23.5 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S.. Including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: ' FWed: -0.39- Drained: = 0.0- Flooded: --0.37- Excavated: -0.06- Total Impacted:.- -0.82- ZOOS/006 06'1 hill 9661160',49 naoiwin93a H01 3104 uQy3 03/25/97 15:08 $919 575 4510 CAROLINA SUNROCK LEDGE ROAD 0 006/006 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-& 1/20 X IV drawings only): Excavation of quarry and construction of a processing plant and associated infrastructure. Construction of sediment control basin retention dam and settling pond. 13. Purpose of proposed i+otk:. Tn prnvi dp nra PcS water and stormwater-.dptention and sedimentation control for the protection of the Tar River and Associated flood lain wetl. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also note :,measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. See attached narrative, Twenty-four acre wetland area ad' ent to Tar River is avoided and protected from project impacts due to the prop, plan 1S. You are required to contact the US. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Smvke (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered orthreatenad species or critical habitat to the pernut area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YF-S (X] No f ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NUFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) =Zar&ng the presence of historic properties iu the peribit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES (] NO ( 1 RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional infixmation requimd by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lake; on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required fa this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? Woodlands (timber) & Rural __Residential/Agri.cultura F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? Not appl i ca e sa'd 9 91 9661'60 is AMoicins3a H9I31da won3 AA a VAN .t°: i'+9�Y`�'�� A~ � � F. • � i� ASR ��i +�:i, �a�j� �.` t✓�' ; {t,1�-j fir. I 1��C�,%• .yy'" `��' '•-.� � �• v ; � ,r is �. ,�"'—'+ t.+l �SAl�1.:1:'.rr � :. � •... ,L•° r 1,''`� • �:♦ ,../:1Y•-r�.w 'fir'` 'r'Z' V. Ar g, t ,,r All r i p ` � �•� i a''' , �.�4 ; y� ,' �i �� :•'. j, •..Nps, w�p1�.�r }FF1t. t y T�1�f J�r� f' 2r�T it •� • �r� c •� .�'i , .�� � t i 1.,71'try� '�G� �,i r�+moi' •�� r e !�`. • S: +1 �1` �,� \�7jplpiy,TaA e. � 6i ''i• � +"e„fit •? �� cfC���L, ��.ir •ti1�1��L r �;.:'w"y�.r '� i', a�e, y': �-.•.i._ !. %�'ti• N ;.� , ��' % _ rj a/ �i•', ''1� c� tri '�::ti � '�a� , �•,'0.•!�"•. ':91,.7^. ''. �^ • ' �T,r `�I Ifw'•t t PUBH MIA Puell?, J I? `? PFoIA SIC ? '• ? v ? _PUBHh _. _ ? %? / •? PFOIA, %p, Hh / / k-'-001h RUSH. PFOIFh pFojA, PUSH6 v- I 'PIA y PFOIN S . , _ Pu9H?, . ' J`. -.•.; j Pfo4A PuBHh \ i \PFOIA` I _ PF01A r ,PF01 - -r= . Pfolt .. PFOIA 1 i J \ ' /FOIf KOIC11(„ ; ; ISS1 . PFOiF P551C P ?iDIA ;• PWA 9 ./ PF A / PFOIC PFOM tEMIA ?. V film / r .. PF01A PFOIA PSS4A PF01A. c -PFOIA PS PEWN c PuwH % PFo1A f G? :; \ r ?PFO1A CAROLINA SUNROCK CORPORATION FIGURE 4. NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY MAP P.O. BOX 25; 1001 WEST B ST. FROM: USF&WLS KITTRELL, N.C. QUADRANGLE; 1995 BUTNER, N.C. 27509-0025 DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY - 4/83 . i awns -- CAROLINA SUNROCK CORPORATION FIGURE 5. HABITAT INVENTORY MAP P.O. BOX 25; 1001 WEST B ST. SOUTH VANCE COUNTY QUARRY IBUTNER, N.C. 27509-0025 DATE OF FINAL WETLAND DELINEATION - 6/96 T T ... 71 / T-. - / (--- J /DON E/TR ES1 `..qua 1 Ji iii 0> M\ ! r /. 1 ............. _?.. J ?. rJ t li? / ?„n / r +> l :;::+`•' 1 1 ( C) it m? .? .-' ? / .^" ? - ? / qtr'. r• ? ? J lI1 J ? /'I W / ., f \ ?? t t 02 cn CAROLINA SUNROCK CORPORATION FIGURE 7. PROJECT FILL DETAIL - PLAN VIEW P.O. BOX 25; 1001 WEST B ST. SOUTH VANCE COUNTY QUARRY BUTNER, N.C. 27509-0025 KITTRELL, N. C. Lam, L- P.J-t C,-J,,, QUALITY 5833 MAIN ST. + P.O. BOX 827 + BUFFALO, N.Y. 14231-0827 + PHONE: 716 632-1020 PRODUCTS Ms. Candace Martino Endangered Species Biologist '. S. s1 & Wildlife Servi o 33726 ;a c N.C. September, 1997 e: nationwide Permit 26 Revi:,w Cocis uita,.ion --nposed ,;<?utherr Van?.F C<?ur?r,y ?Jiaar y 'ar Ms. Martino _.,?an` to t c requirements fur_ agency r.ot.ifi anon and s?__at?on found at 33 r,FF, part 33' Appenc i_. A, ?t s a r : ?-i.pa-:ed that the IJSArOi,; [fist r i ?t r?E?e w: p_ ?Jing your Agency Vi..-tn niormac _(>r, rPrr ir;P? rc„ect. 1 am taking - his oppor tu'rii:_, rovide vi w, _ . Y __, p ._ e a ea consultation package to f .C i _ tar_E= reV ew >f this ct. ve enclosed a copy of the proposed project permit a r . ; CaL 4on and support ing do c,ln?ent ?o;, t=, y ur rrivi ew. M. ear? Manuel of the USf1C?OF; al as pe: ?? on the project Fins been review(-?d b No,_ _ r ?. by North . a-olirna C _ 1 interest 1n your is ?e to be the ro lw_r.c? development: p1a-, s -al 1_ toi the_ co;npleto rV, J,:jn, jiiy r r) n e or 1111 a vlt,e s n the 6r ?es~ and the associated wetland areas. 2. Of the total 23.5 acres of wetland habitat on site, only 1.53 ac. (approx.) will be subject to either excavation or fill associated with the construction of a storm water retention pond and earthen dam. All proposed project actions occur above el. 232 USGS. 3. The retention pond is designed to retain runoff from the 25 yr. storm event and is protected by a grass lined spillway designed to pass f.lows between the 25 yr. and 100 yr. storm events. 4. Any construction-related sedimentation due to runoff from the proposed retention pond and dam will be controlled by a temporary sedimentation basin and rock dam constructed at el. 232 USGS. This structure will be removed following the stabilization of the pond, dam and spilllfray. 5. There will be no discharge of plant process waste water. If you have any questions regarding this project, or require additional project information, please feel free to contact either. Mr. Dori Smith (Tel 919-575-4502) or myself (Tel. 716- 762-8221) at your convenience. Sincerely, Andrew H. Auld Manager, Environmental Resources LANCASTER STONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION cc: D. Smith (CSC) G. Banino (Rust) North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 0 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Susan B. Edwards, Mining Progrann Secr-tary Land Quality Section FRON1: Owen Anderson. Pled ont Region Coordinator I labitat Conservation Pro?('rann I) A,FIOcccmhcr 4. 191)0 SU13.II-.C I': Mining Pernnit Application for Carolin,i Sunrock Corporation for Southern Vince County Quarry, Vance County, NC Biologists on the Wildlife Resources Commission staff have reviewed the subject document and are familiar with habitat values of the project area. Our comments are provided in accorclance with provisions ofthe Minino Act of' 1971 (as amended, 1952) (C;.S. 74-46 through 74-68 15 NCAC 5). The applicant proposes to mine oranite from a 156.5-acre site in southern Vance County. The mine site is within the Tar River Basin. This section of the Tar River provides habitat for state listed aquatic species, including the Carolina madtonn (Notarrus.Ji.triosus), the Roanoke bass (Arnbloplites cavifr?ons), the yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolatu), and the yellow lampmussel (Larnpsilis cariosci). Therefore, it is most important that water quality be protected by preventing sedimentation, maintaining wide forested riparian buffers and preserving wetlands and floodplains. We are pleased that the applicant plans to leave a 100-foot undisturbed buffer adjacent to the water courses and wetlands and that the permitted area is above the 100-year floodplain of the Tar River. The proposed closed process water system and the pit water being pumped from the sump to a retention pond should prevent sedimentation to downstream habitats. We do not believe there will be significant impacts to fish and wildlife resources if the measures to protect water quality and riparian areas are strictly adhered to. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this application. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (919) 528-9886. cc: Mr. Bryan Pfohl, President, Carolina Sunrock Corporation North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources Jame,, 11. Hunt Jr., Governor fictty Ray McCain, Secretary December 6, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Tracy E. Davis Land Quality Section Division of Land Resources, DEHNR FROM: David Brook G( Deputy State istorlc Preservation Officer SUBJECT: Application for Mining Permit Southern Vance Company Quarry, Vance County, ER 97-7759 Division of Archive an(] llislorv Jeffrey J. Crow, Director Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review and corrlment on the above project pursuant to Chapter 74, Article 7 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Because of the location and topographic situation of the proposed project area, it is unlikely that any archaeological sites which may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by the proposed borrowing. We, therefore, recommend that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. We have conducted a search of our maps and files and have located the following structures of historical or architectural importance within the general area of the project: Josiah Crudup House. See enclosed map for exact location. This house is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The proposed mine will not affect the historic property. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comments, please contact Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley, Environmental Review Coordinator, at 919/733-4763. DB:slw Enclosure cc Carolina Sunrock Corporation P.O. Box 25 Butner, NC 27509-0025 109 171a51 ]ones Sticcl • Ralci};11, Noah C, indina 276ul "_'SIt7 ?'.] ? t 1 P.O Box125 • 1001 West 'B' Street • Butner N.C. 27509-0025 __- V' flaw ;S o N June 30, 1998 Mr. John Dorney, Wetland Specialist NCDEI INR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27611 Re: Wetland Permit for Carolina Sunrock Corporation Southern Vance County Quarry Dcar Mr. Dorney: Please find the enclosed Pre-Construction Notification and Permit Application, as well as supporting documentation, for Carolina Sunrock Corporation's proposed quarry located in southern Vance County. If you have any questions or.require additional information please, do not hesitate to contact at (919) 575-4502. t _ Sincerely, Dann . Matt field Compliance Manager Office: (919) 575-4502 Fox; (919) 575-4510 - -coNSm??ccT7oN NoT APPLIC T70N 1) xc.•--CL-C:t C C=R2S of MFG s 2) A221. CY ? -t :t 401 CL--C_L-CN 3) CCCRZn-_= NC DrT=S=C:t C= C.=X5=1'.. =0 A?P4CPt=.? = (:) COP''_' 0= 5 -:, R*_ r • - C__= C 05 C:.Z S 0= ='tGr'rr:5 (S- ?+Gy`iC'_ ADDF?SS?S Sam=--::) . Szl7ml (i) COPIES SHOULD -- cZN-- TO THE N-C- D;V_E_CN OF --N7 ?.ONL-?T 2'_a?M - G?YT (S.'- G---NC`! P.DDRZSOI.. S'?.=) r Co--_\T^ 1. CFrZv-R-c N_ HE Carolina Siinrnck Cer--eratie P.O. Box 25; 1001 West B Street SU DiV-. =0N N;u=. Butner N. C. Z=? CODE: 27509 TNC:,Z7D7NG SUED VC SON- -GVc) , State R? 15?? N'3000 (ft E of U.S 1 =?.I:ON? N =., (H,cul) . (wOp1) . (919) 575-4502 -- ^ooT_(Z:- - G =ETc Y- u- 03 n.. TONS=S=D CORTCi?.?= : OF?Cr? R SOS . L a : «_. g CNE Iv?t-i==?: Bryan Pfohl (Owner); Dan Mattfield (Agent/Project Manager)- Same Address & Telephone as above S. LCC?;ICN OE tvCR:1 (Pq0?=2I A ?10? ca•=»'--=?-. L': ? COPY OE' GSGa TOPOG:?.1?..=C c?cNTY: Vance NL=?=sT TOWN OR C7-_Y: Kittrell 1 Nu2?= EIS, ?_*IDLa?u ETC.) . That area lying between State Rd. 1552'and the Tar River floodplain. NOTE: Project does not involve any portion of the floodplain forest. E. ?naC := oR Tar River R_TR __ ?_N: Tar i ;S 'onC??C= _•CC=---, ?v-= _. n =- C?=.?c?_ _-D ? _ ZCG:', n:;-: _ CGTS::VD=NC :=S:.cncE wi---- (OR;v} S'j---' (w=-= CA WS-=7) (X] -7 7 --Y- -t==--Y^ h:__.. 7tZ ic. T =_ _ ?.G,? .C_ _CC: --D w-- =-Y = NG.°•= C _.. --?'=- L'-----V G= CG-? T!=?l:.GM-? _--N IT CGNCE::? (_C) `?=S ( ] NO (X] - 7c, IF LCC._-_u W-Tr__N r ._ CG: L5_ CCGNT`i FOR _ OF C^_rSi . C-?GN= ) , W'^_._ Tt'.??_?TD V'? __?V (?C? } D. =-q.:: CV -not applicable- 8a. r?4- _?T-_' S= =GN 40: __:`_=5 C=?V ??.?v_CCiS `_' Rr?Gc?==] _v: R GSE CN (X =. -i_CGS --=1?T__ VD W ?D---CV:= =V=De?`?'==C;i NC_v:)c ,:000P! 0: 4^' -T=om=`-'• `-' ( ] NC Ix '] __ `_'_S, DESK:==__ rV_DC= .__CD {: 9a. ESTT???_?D TCT NL' C? Or ?C=CS =Y TRACT OF LrUM: 215 acres c?, ESTTU`?_°D TGT_..L NUY-BER C: AC-I_'-S Oc WEMNDS J.G_EJ Cv PR Cuc..__ S__-. 23.5 acres 2 _0a. Nu- L3 CF C_ .. Cc We=: -NMS '`??3C_=D B'! PT_?OPCSZD P'ROjEC P'_: ?L=VG: -0.39 acres- =XC_.:r'_=CN: -0.06 acres - 00 0* -0.37 acres- OR G=. -0.0 acres- OT::- R: _C---%-L, ;,c_ZS "ML SAC==: -0.82 acres- -0.0- acres _0b. (1) 5:.... `? C =?dN=.. .O ., .. ?`•`= C.°_D 3`_' =::? P?OPOS?D °OC??C= (__ VD A-= rZ_2,CG=_-CN . '?IG^.- c=.OFL..: 4200 n -V 2200-- --- r'' (ba°a= Cr. ?ca_ i_?^ ramie= c.a? mss) . 2.5 (average) 3.5 (average) Q.5 , 1 5 C: i CH y'i?KI R;C.zZC`1. __ ?zyF-v= Cc X CCNS_ .QC.=CN C. ?_ D YM .CCD=N_ iG. X CCNS:IUC:_CN OF r_ PCND Wr_._ =?- S_7- C. DR:--,V=SIG :O T -E .CN=: 165 acres 3 .*1 acres 1_. CN 0. g?.OPCSTD F+Cc?F .NC.v7.VG D=:C-7 S:.ON CF = =- C. M-Z = *1= C:--L TO BE US.D (:.- - : ? VS . S ? / Z " X 11" D:?:=ri VGS Clearing and.grubbing of approx. 7 acres and construction of 15ft.wide at crest sediment and runoff impoundment dam and installation of interim erosion control structures and spillway construction. Equipment to be used will include bulldozer, hydraulic backhoe excavatof;- 12. PUPSCSc. OF PROSCSc.D YORK: installation of ernsinn and SPdim _ntation ' control features in support of the develnnment of a rnn'k quarry And associated pr•o•ce5sjng plont_,._ _. _ • 3 wr_` -- ---i-D T-=-- -==C ?C==`i 2*_IIS_ _C C'.G?LO CC= :Y w;' _VDS F-7-3 T-== ?V .C ??=?1=?Z: :t-=,= \T ?J J yconstruction of sedimentation control impoundment and stornmater detention areas in the upper areas of the drainage is consistent with maintaining the natural drainage to the Tar River. These structures necessarily must be located between the area to be excavated for the quarry and the Tar River. The floodplain forest was avoided and disturbed areas will be seeded and revegetated with appropriate species '_'CG ._r R-'YG=?7.D v_=,?L:=L S=1?i:C? AND/OR ?_G- =CS__- L___CD Chi _ -.C?CS-D ` _ C, R- L__ _ _VG T:;2;; Gc: C?. CP. C:.- =V -HZ tiH:_ T"-= u_v :_ !'_^cD nY T_r -..O=CSLJ _:.Ovc?=. :Jr _- ... Candace, Martino (USFWLS) 9/15/97 (: -?'-- (S ==C) (5 :- G?`iC`! :?D .-S CC 5 __:) :r -?D=YG = -. _S-`iCD OE David Brook 12,L?Ati i . DC L.. T =:.C??C= =?ivOL?- =:==?iD=_ L 0? =GLLDC _•?NDS CR _ uSL C. - -- RE G-ti- - ---_CN Cc :C,-- PvrV: "-T_rC 5 CF = NOR=:. C..'=.OL=N:_ :CL7C'_ AC:? Y-s [ ] NO [ ] T RCGG-r.' THE NCR_H A?t?3V=STR:._2CY ST____ CL -R_TNC:v^^GSD. ' 141-7 OF `ES N NO : YSrcR TO 171 ,S Y=5, -H-; Sv_N.=_ _-- DCCMY.'`?T T.ON FRCu T`-- S:_._ C;,c -R-NGr.OGS ;. TO D=v=__CN CF r aRCN ?iT:=. 2??Vt?G=`?? `IT R G: D---NC- CCt?OL? *iC? 4v:TH TF?. NOR=:. C=;OL=V? ??iV=RONL_VT:? POLIC'f r? C: . QU--c:=CNS R-.GIRD=NTG T:i_.. CIZ:I - GHCOS R-- 11 v PgCC SS 5"ciCG'1,17 Bz D_tir_=D T_0 V- S. CR=S BAGGE_-, D__ ..TOR Si'TE C=,c._?R:-VG'r:OUSE NORTH . C'-ROLIV? DE??R24-HNT OF A^?V-- 1_ST7-z T- N, 116 WE S 7, GCNcS S_RLII?Lc.IGr:, NORTH CAROL_-? 27603-3003, T_1 CNF (S2.9) 4 13. THE F OLLC?IG i.G=D =L 7 CLDDED r-^'-: THT :z _ . IN 0- N =C--''--- =N',7CLv D=_GE OF E:C=-G TED -S T FiLT_t?`i:J DEZ -7N :-- -CN S=CC::NC- P._:=, ?TZL,%?NDS 'D PONDS CN T: °.OP= R^•v ('?F NAT=ONw=_',E my ,, __ , =ti: s 29, AND 38) S:R~_!c 21? Z-?r S'-.Cw 1 C`i SC: - S=0 RL?7F.Y_) CN : ROo=R:': =VG E'KQars goo oa =uC ='tic:?,s 50 CF 7-1;L. Z T ?`-=aCb _ DD BY.poC--?_c, REr. OE' Fic='.??Dc TO C. C. DE=?; =CN P=ti=GeD A CCNSv ^-*1T - RryLV: Y= =0 T?.: p__C ='i: Oc _ DELI= ON C. tTC.. ._ C32Y T -_ LT?1E.- c. -??+ -- OE, TH+ S:CP*T???. L??VmG?'?JT °jV E R'ti?.FJ. LA-NO USE CF S:;:ti.CGZJD=NG FRCP?R-Y? timberland and_ natural forested woodland and cropland (agriculture) -not a licable- c S_r-NE0 rGE.v= ._v: R TT.r-NDS CR 'W"CiC ?' Y U.?. ?(Z._r ZIQ?' _?(??•---; _ .. 1 F- - --? p,.__C. R .C _) • _SS'vey?i CFA SE __CN 404 C^,..35 C:. t"N CR re=v CFA 401 D=v ? rr?:. ?Cir?`1"!) C' R7 - =Ck_TTCN AND A L= T,17-7 R = ?CA*_ Tom. NCR - _.. CAROLS ' D: v ?S'ON C_ C:.r`S .L 2*_'=?\'+='NT S i ?iT 'iG ctcOFCS?D ACT=?TTv .S CONS=S NOR' H= C-k-1.JL_NA CCAS:! , T*_ANa ? RCC-c?.?D•1. OWNER S/AGENT'S S_GN,?TU-rE AT E (AGENT'S SIGNA-T E .T-, TD CN,Y AGT:=OR?' ZP T=ON LETTE= FROM Tr_r. OWZTER IS PV(DVIDED (18C.) ), . s 03,?5i97 15:08 '$919 575 4510 CAROLINA SUNROCK ?.. LEDGE ROAD 16005/006 DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #1): ___ _ JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps.of Engineers Nationwide permits that'require application forSection 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONKENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPA.RTMEEN'I' OF ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH. P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES wihnington, NC 2841)2-1890 P.O. Box 29535 ATTN: CESAW:CO-E R?alccirh, NC 27626-x535 Telephoce (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF FNGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: Carolina Sunrock Corporation Z. OwnarsAddrrass: _ P.O. Box 25; 1001 West "B" St., Butner,_NC27509-0025 Work):_. X919) 575-4502 3. O-clcrs Phone Number (Home): ( 4. If Applicable: Agrnt's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone nurnber, 'Bryan Pfohl(Owner) Same Address & Phone No. Dan Mattfield(,Proj. Mg/Agent) Same Addrese, Phone 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Vance NeatestTown or City: Ki ttrel 1 Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): S. R-1552- 3000ft, East of U.S. Rt. l 6. None of Closest Streanz/River. Tar River 7. River Basin: 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES ( ] . NO IXJ 9. Haye any Section 444 perm s been previously mquestcd for use on this property? YES i ] NO (X] If yes, explain. 10. Estimated towl number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site:- 23.5 11. Nurnbcr of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, fmpactad by the proposed project: ' Puled: - 0.3 9- Drained: 0.0- flooded: - 0.3 7 - Fxcavarm: -0.06- Total Impactod• -0.82 v8'A I r 1 7 1 9661'6B•.40 A401H111034 H91310d WOMJ 03/25/97 15:08 $919 575 4510 CAROLINA SUNROCK + LEDGE ROAD [ 006/000 Excavation of quarry and 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1R" X 11" drawings only): construction of a processing plant and associated infrastructure. Construction of sediment control basin retention dam and settling pond. 13. Purpose of proposed Work% To rovi process wa er and stormwater detention and sedimentation control for the protection of the Tar River and Associated floodplain wetl 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that thls activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note.mcasures takeato rninim wedand impacts. See attached arrative Twenty-four acre wetland area adjacent to Tar River is avoided and protected from project impacts due to the prop. pla 15. You arc rrcIuirrd to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USPVS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Sec-vice (NNIFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed orpinposed for listing endangered orthreatencd ecies or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YEspT "I NO [.}] RESPONSES FROM THE USF%vS AND/OR N IFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties iu the perinit area which zany be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES '(X] NO( ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information regturcd by DENS: A Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the properly. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation.was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant ID the placement of the delineation line, D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E, What is land use of surrounding property? Woodlands (timber) & Rural Residential/Agri.culturz F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? Not applicable . s0'd 9b 191 9661'60'10 A8oldln03d H9131U8 WOdJ Pvb PU 50t y 11 1..' ,L, Pf01A• PFotA 21 1 l i PFOI&,l ..? PuBNh 1, ' yPFOIq ' ?azuBH Pam\ 1106 PUB Hv, /.' .? Pfot?' l -. i7 `PuBNti v - - PFOtA (' 17 UBHh PFOJFh 1V ptjoq? C PF04A ?PuBHti ?+ -- \ --- r s ?_i PFOIA PFOIA r `' PF01 ` - _ PFOIA proq tF01C 21'^ (r -. PFO1F P ifOiA t' PSslc % •? K; .. ti. .. PSSIA Q PF A / PFo,IC Pf04A IfMIA ZS - C ?t4N i •. ? J Pf 01 A P£HICx ` (PEtnIA 9uBNh PFOIA c l PSS4A_ • .... Piolpl ` - PF01A DS PEMIfh r. Pu6Nti PFoIA J' - PF01A CAROLINA SUNROCK CORPORATION FIGURE 4. NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY MAP P.O. BOX 25; 1001. Wisr B ST. FROM: USF&WLS KITTRELL, N.C. QUADRANGLE; 1995 BUTNER, N.C. 27509-0025 DATE OF AERIAL .PHOTOGRAPHY - 4/83 --- CAROC.INA SUNROCK CORPORATION FIGURE 5. HABITAT INVENTORY MAP P.O. BOX 25; 1001 WEST B ST. SOUTH VANCE COUNTY QUARRY BUTNER, N.C. 27509--0025 DATE OF FINAL WETLAND DELINEATION - 6/96) DE N E /-r RES 0 / / f f 1 ? rt, c P) g 7 11 -71 .... r .../..... .._ ................ ..... .... •n ® - / -Lo -U -0 x -p / / I ! I? 1 CAROLINA SUNROCK CORPORATION FIGURE 7. PROJECT FILL DETAIL - PLAN VIEW P.O. BOX 25; 1001 WEST B ST. SOUTH VANCE COUNTY QUARRY BUTNER, N.C. 27509-0025 K[TTRELL, N. C. O U A L I T Y I 5833 MAIN ST. + P.O. BOX 827 + BUFFALO, N.Y. 14231-0827 + PHONE: 716 632-1020 PRODUCTS Ms. Candace Martino Endangered Species Biologist US. Fish & Wildlife Service 0. Box 33726 Raleigh, N.C. 27636-3726 15 September, 1997 Re: Nationwide Permit 26 Review Consultation Carolina Sunrock Corporation Prnposed Southern Vance County Quarry Dear Ms. Martino pursuant to the requirements for agency notification and co:-:sl_,lation found at 33 CFR part 330, Appendix A, it is art._cipa`ed that the USACOE District nigineer ;n i].i be providing your Agency with inforrnation pertinent to our project. I am taking this opportunity to provide you with the a Cached consultation package to facilitate review of this project. I have enclosed a copy of the proposed project permit application and supporting documentation for your review. Ms. Jean Manuel of the USACOE has performed a sire visit, and :ne a?tached delineatiCn Map reflects ti e res.';.Is of Vls; r r_n addition, the project has been reviewed by North Carolina `r speC?_al interesr. in your rev;n,',r of the ^jC t project is !e_Iy to be the following facts related to pro e '_'evelopmer;t: O]E t plat-, call for the complete avoi,?,- OL any _-SLI-:rbance or Lii_i activities in the Tar River f1JCdpiairl ?orest and the associated wetland areas. 2. Of the total 23.5 acres of wetland habitat on site, only 1.53 ac. (approx.) will be subject to either excavation or fill associated with the construction of a storm water retention pond and earthen dam. All proposed project actions occur above el. 232 USGS. 3. The retention pond is designed to retain runoff from the 25 yr. storm event and is protected by a grass lined spillway designed to pass flows between the 25 yr. and 100 yr. storm events. 4. Any construction-related sedimentation due to runoff from the proposed retention pond and dam will be controlled by a temporary sedimentation basin and rock dam constructed at el. 232 USGS. This structure will be removed following the stabilization of the pond, dam and spillway. 5. There will be no discharge of plant process wastewater. If you have any questions regarding this project, or require additional project information, please feel free to contact either Mr. Don Smith (Tel 919-575-4502) or myself (Tel. 716- 762-8221) at your convenience. Sincerely, Andrew H. Auld Manager, Environmental Resources LANCASTER STONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION cc: D. Smith (CSC) G. Banino (Rust) ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Susan B. Edwards, Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Sect nil FROM: Owen Anderson, Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: December 4, 1996 SUBJECT: Mining Permit Application for Carolina Sunrock Corporation for Southern Vance County Quarry, Vance County, NC Biologists on the Wildlife Resources Commission staff have reviewed the subject document and are familiar with habitat values of the project area. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Mining Act of 1971 (as amended, 1982) (G.S. 74-46 through 74-68 15 NCAC 5). The applicant proposes to mine granite from a 156.5-acre site in southern Vance County. The mine site is within the "Tar River Basin. This section of the Tar River provides habitat for state listed aquatic species, including the Carolina madtom (Noturus fiuriosus), the Roanoke bass (Ambloplites cavifi-ons), the yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolata), and the yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis carioca). Therefore, it is most important that water quality be protected by preventing sedimentation, maintaining wide forested riparian buffers and preserving wetlands and floodplains. We are pleased that the applicant plans to leave a 100-foot undisturbed buffer adjacent to the water courses and wetlands and that the permitted area is above the 100-year floodplain of the Tar River. The proposed closed process water system and the pit water being pumped from the sump to a retention pond should prevent sedimentation to downstream habitats. We do not believe there will be significant impacts to fish and wildlife resources if the measures to protect water quality and riparian areas are strictly adhered to. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this application. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (919) 528-9886. cc: Mr. Bryan 11fohl, President, Carolina Sunrock Corporation 6s North Carolina Departinent of Ctiltural Resources James 13. Bunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary December 6, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Tracy E. Davis Land Quality Section Division of Land Resources, DEHNR FROM: David Brook ?, ??? Deputy State istoric Preservation Officer SUBJECT: Application for Mining Permit Southern Vance Company Quarry, Vance County, ER 97-7759 Division of Archives and History Jeffrey J. Crow, Director Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review and comment on the above project pursuant to Chapter 74, Article 7 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Because of the location and topographic situation of the proposed project area, it is unlikely that any archaeological sites which may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by the proposed borrowing. We, therefore, recommend that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. We have conducted a search of our maps and files and have located the following structures of historical or architectural importance within the general area of the project: Josiah Crudup House. See enclosed map for exact location. This house is .listed in the National Register of Historic Places. ..,The proposed mine will not affect the historic property. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comments, please contact Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley, Environmental Review Coordinator, at 919/733-4763. DB:slw Enclosure OCC Carolina Sunrock Corporation P.O. Box 25 Butner, NC 27509-0025 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 -OD, + ~ ~ `r ~ b Pl. t O E 2,167,000 '~'Yi_ ~ ~4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 0 p~ ~ °8 Q O a t'E ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ N , ~ N ~ ~+1 ~ ~ ;r,, ~ ~ ~ 00 S ~ ~ A ao ? d+w - ~ ~ Z ~ NG Z ~,r \ \ z 2 AN C TO PO S 1 ~ ~ ~~q ~~I t 1 ~;:i~''r~' ~ ~ I ~ ~`t , ~ / - I ANN LN0.7 , - K K / ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ 1 - ~ - ~ ,i',;+~~;, ~ ~ ,,,,,z,,%t i ~ w >r l fix„~~ "ti ~ . i¦Y ~ ~ AL MAIr ? w Ilr raw~lw ? u Na ~~ir ( / I I ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ / 1 1 1 ~ r.,~ ° ~r4 t . ~ \ ~ I I I ~ ~ 1?~ J y~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ \ ~ e ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - \ \ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ E 2,166,500 N _ _ 1 \ ~ ~ ~ iK.,,,~ . - - , ~ ~ - ~ ~ # \ 1 I ~ 1 W.,~, I \ V \ M I ~ v ~ PI v 1 I I ~ \ ~ I I I 1 E ~ .t , I ~ \ ~ \ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ' , . 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LM.1 ww~ M1M1 ~ A \ ~ ~ , ~ ~ 1 ~ - ~ M11Nn lllrl~ * ~ \ ~ 1 \ \ \ ~ , 1 1 I ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ / ~ • M • . 11 ~ . ~ . ~ ~ 1 \ 1 1 1 \ ~ ~ I 1 \ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ v llv ~1 1 1 1 v ~ ~ ~l I I ~ 1 1 11 ~ 1 ~ v 1 \ v v ~ I I ~ 1 ~ ~ * ~ \ ~ M . ¦ ~ ~ r 1 1\ I \ ~ 111 I 1 ~ \ \ ~ \ 1 f I \ I 1 ~ ~ 1 11 \ ~ I~ 1 1 ~ ~ I I 1 1 I II \ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 • . 1 ~ I I I I I I I \ ~I I ~ 1 II 1 11 1 1 / / ~ i ! ~ ~ ) / I ~ I 111 ~ 1\ l i d l i 1 II 1 ~ ~ « ~ ~ ~ • • 6 OPEN ON I l 1 I I I ~ I I 1 I// / i t l i ~ I I ~ ~ - do ~ fr~CH S1OE f I 1 III I / / ~ ~ / / ~ / , ~ / I I / 1 1 I I 1~ / / / / ~ ti Q d I I III ~ 1 I / ~ I l TOWARDS t I I I I I I 1 1 / i / l am UO CMANN ~ I1 11 1 1 1 I I I I / ~ ~ / i ~ ~ ' ~ l l ~ I 1 I I 11 ~ ~ i i l l I I 11 I l I l 1 1 1 ~ / a M 1 I I / ~ 1/ ~I I 1 1 II ~ / / I ~ ~ ~ ~1 I I I t. I I I! 11 1 / v ~ ~ l ~ a I I I I I I I I I / ~ ~ ~ / ~ 1 ~l Il I II I I Il I I ~ ~ / a I I I III 1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I! J ~ \ A \ 1 i i „ o ~ ~ I I I I I I - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , I ~ , ~ ~ t ~ _ - I ~ Q / i ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ 0 ~ III I I I I~ f I ! l I I 1 i Q 0 - ice. ~ ~ . ~ 1 \ titi E 2,165, 000 ~ NAMES DATE j alI wllliarr~ Gwen kl InG. DRAwNj R'JN ' VU96 , INOINCIRS • ARCHITECTS DESIGN nRS PML MGR.i GMB 70 ~ w nN P.O. lac 1179 PROD, ENG,s S# M AW SIAM, MW CAMOV, ACM OWWW PROJECT NUMBER DATE k 11N111 W.. FuL 27219 110I 220-9634 1 CHECKED RUST DI REVISION REVISIONS MADE CHK DATE NO. REVISIONS SEDIMENT AND a 1~ EROSION CbNTR01. NUMBER , ~U1N NUMBER MA Ht( DE C MADE CHK DATE C I NT r er ~a 10 YEM ACME MAP E DvG SHEET NUM NUMBER *nweft w.e+?K. Act oro#.rN by au [pqwr* for Mw "pM wv M*w rMw /MM71M ~1VNL4 MA cmvm"r MINI M MAN vw www of /MM Ncw11M Md ~ WMM OF w ojwl w h of M. cnp..r• ur~ hr w rMMq wo rgwrct w Mw ~JM OP4 M/ ~ Wmm MI come IM gh*A%rv OW NIMr roo"-wd 00 W&*A*% WO CW,1IVl~ CAD FILE NAME? StILEt I 50' UNDISTURBED CHANNEL 1171 90' UNEXCAVATED 90' WIDE INITIAL BERM, (TYP.) CHANNEL NO.9 INITIAL CLEAR UMns, (TYP.) .00 SOUTH CHAVIS ROAD \ J c -C^ / CHANNEL N0.4 r '--,-CHANNEL �'N0.3 PIPE NO.3 _ o TEMP. SEDIMENT BASIN NO. 5 RIP RAP ,DOUGHNUT ` \ RTEW ROCK 'DAM CHANNEL N0\� 1 TEMP. SEDIMENTS \ �' ' � = IN� NO. 4 ` HAMEL,` NQ -.2 J/ I C H4AIRN 0_1 1 SECONDARY ENTRAN HATH GATE TEMP. SEDIMENT BASIN NO. 3 TEMP. SEDIMENT J BASIN NO. 2 CHANNEL NO. 14 - alloy, williams, carmen 4 king, Inc. ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS 740 chapel hill road p.o. box 1179 burlington, n.c. 27215 910/226-5534 CHANNEL NO.13 STORM STORM CHANNEL CALCULATIONS STORM FREQUENCY 25 YEAR --- --- -- - - _ - REQ -0. STORAGE (FT.') [CHANNEL NO. AREA O=CIA BOT. WIDTH (AC) (CFS) (FT.) I n SLOPE `` (%) I VEL (FPS) DEPTH (FT.) SNEAK STRESS (PSE) 6 TEMP- ! PERM. STABLUJI ION 1 0.25 0.68 4 0.0331 4.0 1.74 0.10 0.25 SIZE S 75 KXC SLOPE 0.25 0.68 4 10.0331 3 4.5 1.82 0.10 0.28 133W S 75 NAG. 3 0.65 1.63 4 0.0331 3.0 2.18 0.17 0.32 10 MIN. 6.8 10 4 1 0.75 1 2.04 4 0.033 3.0 2.36 0.19 1 0.36 0.40 S 75 NAG. - 5 2.02 5.49 4 0.033 3.0 3.29 0.33 0.62 5.5 5.5 S 75 RIC 6 3.67 9.98 4 0.033 3.7 4.26 0.44 1.01 5 S 75 NACL 7 4.93 13.40 4 0,033 3.1 4.38 0. 1.04 CAP. -.39.17 CFS 3 x 1.5 = 4.5' 8 7.71 4 0.033 4.2 5.57 0.54 1.68 S 150 NAC 9 1. 4 0.033 4.2 1 2.99 11r CPP 2.0 2.58 HW=0.44 HW =0.29 4 1.5 1.5 0.40 10 MN. 6.8 4.10 1 CPP S 75 NAG. 11 4.07 11.074 0.033 2.8 3.99 10 MN. 6.8 4.10 11r S 75 NAC. 12 5.01 13.63 4 0,033 3.5 4.60 0.40 1.16 5.44 S 75 NA& 13 0.30 1.36 4 0.033 2.0 1 14 0.06 0.22 4 0.033, 4.0 1.14 0.05 0.12 S 15 0.65 1.77 4 0.0331 3.2 2.29 0.17 0.34 S 75 N.A.C. 16 1.15 4 0.033 3.7 293 0.23 0.53 S 75 NAC. 17 4 0.033 8.0 4.97 1.44 S 75 NAG. 18 1.00 5.17 1 2 0.033 13.0 5.97 2.40 d5O-C Am= T.=1 19 0.40 1.09 1 2 0= 13.0 3.65 0.13 1.05 NAC. 20 5.90 16.05 1 0.033 2.0 3.96 0.57 0.84 S 75 NA C0.4 = 6.8 IN./HR. NAG. = NORTH ANERICMI GREEN LINERS TEMP. LINERS REQUIRED FOR ALL SLOPES > 2% AND VELOCITIES > 2.5 FPS. \ZY I alloy, williams, carmen 4 king, Inc. ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS 740 chapel hill road p.o. box 1179 burlington, n.c. 27215 910/226-5534 CHANNEL NO.13 STORM STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN FREQUENCY 25 YEAR DRA'w N- RJN 6/5/96 PIPE NO. iBASIN NO. �DRAINAGE DISTURBED ARTFA AREA (�) (AC) REQ -0. STORAGE (FT.') C PIPE NO. AREA (AC.) C INTENSITY 0-00, 2340 6 PIPE 2663 REMARKS 2 SUB TOTAL L.B. T.C. I CF5 SIZE MAIL SLOPE VEL 3 1 49.0 49.0 0.40 10 MIN. 6.8 133W 4 RCP 2.5 18.79 HW=8.31 HW =1.58 2 2.5 2.5 0.40 10 MIN. 6.8 6 8 18' RCP 6.0 12.29 HW -1.5 HW =1.0 _ r3 5.0 5.0 0.40 10 MIN. 6.8 13.6 2,C RCP 3.3 11.74 14W=1.97 HW =0.99 4 5.5 5.5 0.40 10 MIN. 6.8 1&0 2,C RCP 2.0 10.02 HW -2.11 HW D=1.05 5 8.0 13.5 0.40 10 MIN. 1 6.8 1 36.7 2,117 RCP 3.0 12.48 CAP. -.39.17 CFS 3 x 1.5 = 4.5' 1 d50=3" dmax.=4.5 T = 6.75 A 0.2 0.2 0.40 10 MIN. 6.8 0.54 11r CPP 2.0 2.58 HW=0.44 HW =0.29 8 1.5 1.5 0.40 10 MN. 6.8 4.10 1 CPP 2.0 4.57 RW -1.22 HW =0.82 C 1.5 1.5 0.40 10 MN. 6.8 4.10 11r CPP 2.0 4. HW=1.22 HW =0.82 D 2.0 2.0 0.40 10 MIN. 6.8 5.44 lar CPP 2.0 4.89 HW=1.49 HW =0.99 Nr ! R E v, ,"1❑NS 7 - SEDIMENT BASIN CALCULATIONS DRA'w N- RJN 6/5/96 PIPE NO. iBASIN NO. �DRAINAGE DISTURBED ARTFA AREA (�) (AC) REQ -0. STORAGE (FT.') WEIR LENGTH (FT.) DIMENSIONS PROMDED (FT.) STORAGE PROMDED (FT.' ) 1 450 1.3 2340 6 501 x 25V TOP 251 X 7'W BOTTOM - 3' DEEP 2663 1 m 2 0.1 180 4 141 x 7'W - 2' DEEP 196 3 3 0.3 540 4 241 X 12'W - 2' DEEP 576 4 - 0.25 0.25 450 4 24'L X 12'W - 2' DEEP 576 F54 &75 0-79 130 4 401 x 20'W TOP 281 X 81W BOTTOM - 3' DEEP 1920 8 3.0 5400 8 701 x 35V TOP 58'L X 23'W BOTTOM - 3' DEEP 5676 A 6A 4 x 1.5 = 6' 3 x 1. d50= dmax.=4 T = 6.7 'L x 'W TOP L X 'W BOTTOM - ' DEEP ZONE 1 A 4 x 1.5 = 6' REQUIRED STORAGE = 1800 ft.'/ACRE OF DISTURBED AREA NOTE : SIZE OF SEDIMENT BASIN GA WlL BE DETERMINED AFTER EXPERIENCE SHOWS HOW MUCH WATER CAN E EXPECTED. MAD_ _-r< i;A`�_ II NG. R S 1 G °\, S MALE; CHK SATE 0 Y, 71 a CHANNEL NO. 12 m QUARRY ACCESS ROAD RIP RAP ti--- DOUGHNUT PERM. RIP RAP OUTLET STABILIZATION (NEW YORK METHOD) SATE DRA'w N- RJN 6/5/96 PIPE NO. FROM APPRON FIG. 8.06b.1 MATERIAL MANUAL LENGTH OF APPRON WIDTH OF APPRON PRO-' ENG STONE SIZE do APPRON THICKNESS CHECKED OPENING CAPACITIES MMI 0 50 100 200 0-3.1 (6) (1.5) 3/2 1 - 1 m (EACH SIDE) 2 ZONE 2 LIGHT CLASS 8 6 x 1 3 x 1. = 4. dmox.= = 1Er 3 1 ZONE 2 LIGHT CLASS 8 6 x 2= 12' 3 x 2= Ir d5O-tr dmax.= T= i 4 - 5 - A ZONE 1 LIGHT CLASS A 4 x 1.5 = 6' 3 x 1. d50= dmax.=4 T = 6.7 8 ZONE 1 A 4 x 1.5 = 6' 3 x 1. = 4.5' 00= dmax.=4. T = 6.7 C ZONE 1 LIOIIT CLASS A 4 x 1.5 = 5' 3 x 1.5 = 4.5' 1 d50= dmax.=4 T = 6.7 D ZONE 1 LIGHT CLASS A 4 x 1. = 5' 3 x 1.5 = 4.5' 1 d50=3" dmax.=4.5 T = 6.75 NAMES SATE DRA'w N- RJN 6/5/96 DES10N: DRS 6/5/96 PRG- MGR. GMB 6/5/96 PRO-' ENG FILTER CHECKED OPENING CAPACITIES MMI 0 50 100 200 PIPE NO.4 It Z w - YARD INLET NO. 1 W/BLOCK & GRAVEL FILTER ' OPENING CAPACITIES 0-3.1 LH 3/2 0-3.1 (6) (1.5) 3/2 0-34.2 CFS 1 m (EACH SIDE) vq,■s Ili -- ' - 290 PIPE NO.5 JUNCTION MANHOLE CHANNEL NO.20 17' (PHASE 1) C � (PHASE 2) GRAVEL ACC (SEE DETAIL S FOR TYPICAL SEMON) W' CHANNEL, NO. 19 • i KEY 0'r ENVIRONMENT cc MRINFRASMUCTURE SOUTH VANCE QUARRY, VAACE CUUNT Y, NORTH CAROL 1 NA Pp - J E L" u M B_� A T - - -- - --- - --- -- _ - - RE /T -11; SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN �� 9 OF14 10 YEAR MINE MAP wr S�==T"` IE C ~ o L ' CHANNEL CALCULATIONS m V~ W ~j ' ~ STORM FREQUENCY 25 YEAR iCHANN AREA Q~CN BOT. WIDTH! SLOPE VEL DEPTH SHEAR STRESS TEMP. do PERM. W CHANNEL N0.25 w . ti I (~~s> ; (~r.) ~ (x) (~6) (~~1 (~sF) srA~uUiar+ ' 21 11.0 30.73 ' 8 0.033 2.0 4.81 0.83 1.04 S 75 NAG. _ ~ 12.5 34.0 ' 8 0.033 8.0 5.66 0.&5 3.24 9',drtwx.=13.5',7..21 SETTELING PONDS ~ 23 7.5 20.4 6 0.033 8.6 4.77 0.89 2.43 d56~8',dmax.~9",T.~13.5 AND ACCESS TO PONDS 24 0.90 2.45 I 4 0.033 1.D 1.74 0.29 0.18 NONE ' 25 0.80 1.83 + 4 0.033 8.7 2.83 0.13 0.54 S 75 NAG. 1.3 ACRES II~aTIAL CLEARING 28 0.85 1.77 4 0.033 1.0 1.57 0.24 0.15 NONE TEwIP. sEpl l6NTS (TYP.) 27 0.80 1.83 4 0.033 4.0 2.39 0.15 0.37 S 75 NAG. 28 16 4 p,p,}3 1.0 0.95 .10 0.06 NONE • BASIN 4 0 1.90 4 0.033 6.3 2.93 .1 0.59 S 75 NAG. ~ CHANNEL N0.26 ~ r~~, ~ w~oE 4 OA33 2.0 1. NONE 1 4 0.033 2.5 2.00 .17 0.28 S 75 NAG. ~ ~ ~ ~ INrrw. eERal, (nrP.) 32 85.0 231.2 20 0.033 2.0 5.29 1.13 2.18 d50~ ,dmax.~ ,T.~13. F---~-----~ j T-~ ~ ~ ,J ~ CHANNEL N0.27 I N k O ~ ~s ' 12' ig' `~'J 3~ ?'J tit - .G.. 1 Gam. 4' B' - BASIN N0. _ N N0. 1 k /~.1,`J 18' 30" ~ _ m ~ ~ \ C = 0.4 ?7 tit ?7 ti~ i = 6.6 IN./HR. 8' 20' ~ N ~ CH NEL 0.28 ~ 282 _ . N NAG. ~ NOR1H AMERICAN GREEN LINERS TEMP. LINERS REQUIRED FOR ALL SLOPES > 2X AND VfLOCfTIES > 2.5 FPS. . ~ k ~ a ~ w \ i 1 28 ~y vr~._ `1.. r V ~ ti-.. ~ ~ ~ I ~ ti ~ e ~ O ~ `1. ~p e e O ~0 C ANNE 0. ~ , ~ O• n \ '0 N i f BASIN N0. _13 ii~~ La N k,._____.__ k 1/1 \ ~ + L 290 W s n r \ Y + W ~ x x ~ H ~ A ~x ~ 1 ~ i 1' CHA NEL N0.31 n x ~ CLEARMIG LI~IIT$ I 1 r. 4 n Z 1 PI E N0.10 N o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ S AeluzATbN CHANNEL NO 30 r y y \ _ o ~ N No. 1s ~ 7 7 ` ~ Ir STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN 290 ? I ~ ~,p ~ ) N ~ ~ ~ i ~ r- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ;STORM FREQUENCY 25 YEAR -t, ~ `1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIPE N0. AREA (AC.) C INTENSITY Q~CIA PIPE REMARKS ~'i PHASE 3 .r ~ i ti ~ ti ~ 5 " I SUB i0TA1 LB. T.C. I CFS SQE MAT'L SLOPE VEl BERM ~ 1 / ~ ~;i ~ r TEtrIP. ~ r- 8 62.5 0.40 10 ABN. B.8 170.0 RCP 2.5 19.63 CAP. = 244.3 CFS I ~ BASIN 17 ~ ~ yr"~ ~ \ ~ _ 9 20.0 825 0.40 10 MIN. 8.8 224.0 4B' RCP 2.5 20,80 CAP. = 244.3 CFS i ~ n ,f F 10 ~ 2.S 2.S 0.40 10 MIN. B.8 B. 1 1 . =1. HW 1.0 ~ ~ ~ N ~ RcP e.o 2 zs _ o CHANNEL N0.23 M ~z Ogg 4 ~ 5 ~ I ~ ~ ~11. 105.0 17.0 0.40 10 MIN. 5.5 2 1.0 2-4 CMP 1.8 12.0 HW=11' m ~ ~ S r PH SE 1 - ~ N ~ ~ N ~ Il i ` / E 2.0 2.0 0.4D 10 MIN. B.B .44 1 CCP 2.0 4.89 =1.4 HW 288 w _ ~ , ~ . ~u ELEiIA =300.0 + 18` ~ _ . ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ R _ ~ 2.0 2.0 0.40 10 MIN. 6.8 •44 1 CCP 2.0 4.89 HW~1.49 HW 0.99 ~A n ^ R, i . T ~ ? G 1. 0. 1 MIN. 8.6 1 4. I OCP 2.0 E i ~ ~ ~ - y~ 'ti ~ I r ~ ` / 0.5 ~ 0.40. 10 MIN. 6.8 2.0 . 9 HW=0. HW 0.4 ' STOC PILE AR ~ ~ _ l ; z ~ ~ w ~,r ti- u~` 5.5 CRES o ~ CHANNEL N0:29 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !f 4 v o ~ i w ~ YARD INLET N0. 2 ~ ~ ~ w / , 1' ~ ~ 290 + ~ ~ ~ ; , . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I - ! + ~ W~BLOCK dt RAVE ~ , 60 ~ `L IPE N . - ~ ~ \ / Flt - ~ . ~ ! ; W ALL ~ ~ w PI E NO ~ f ~ err ~ ~ l ~ { ~ ~h~ f ~ 0 285 + ~ 6535 C.F. CELL 2 Z ~ ROCK DrA61 ~ y . _ SEO. STORAGE / n 1 ~ RCP OpE D . - _ 49 660 C.F. ~ I (f N ~ I N 0 CFS. ~ F r ' ' r c' 12 Q 283+ 1 - - _ - - - - ~ f , _ - - - - ~ _ _ ~ _ 295 ~ ~ . CHANNEL STS ' ~ ~ ~ cV ? ~~o i ~ , - ~ r / h' N0.33 ~ ~ ~ " ~ _ c SPILLWAY ~ ~ n r ~ A ~ "v~ A. AY 1 Y VI~V I ` V. r.l l ~ ~ \ N ln'- ~ ~NIF~ W f ~ ~ ~ A - SED. SfORAC6, ~ ~ t ~ w ~ ~=lox LADE ~ ` J~ r ~ ~ { 0 r ~ r ZE WTTH NORTH w / ~ 1 ~ SEDIMENT BASIN CALCULATIONS ~ w s 1- ~ WA STORAGE i ~ ~ , C , GREEN LINER 1 BASIN IDRNfMGE 015TINiBEO REO'D. ~ WEIR DNIFlIS10lIS STORAGE ~ 1 ~ N0. i AREA AREA STORAGE LENGTH FRONDED + ~ r ~ ~ . WAY TO CARRY DIFFERENCE 285 ~ afFI~RENCE ~ ~ ~ uc) c~}) FT~°"ADED' ' ~ ( ) ~ a CLFA~tING UNIT'S TYP. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 100 IIR. ~ ?S . Si ~ ~ ~ w { ~ 13 1.15 1.13 2070 46' x ~ ~ f L 23'W lOP 2118 34'L X 111Y BOTTOM - 3' DEEP 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '7 d i N ~ 14 1. 1.Z:f 1. B 48'L x 24'W TOP 2378 ~ I CHA N0.22 ~ ~ r I / i 36'L X 12'W BOTTOM - 3' DEEP 15 0.80 0:80 1080 4 34'L x 1TW - 2' DEEP 1158 CELL ~ 16 0.16 0.18 4 10'L X 5'W - 2' DEEP 400 ~ ` < W - i ~ WATER STORAGE o~ s i 3 PER~1. STABIIJUTION, TYP. ~ ~ 3T5 C.F. ~ . ~ 17 ~ 1280 4 40'L X 20'W - 2' DEEP 1600 ~ r ~ W N ! 1 ~ 4 34'l X 17'W - 2' DEEP 1 ~ 1156 ~~os~ W ~ ~ R~-RAP OUTLET P T'E~110N HANNEL N0.21 ~ ~ ~ ~ssER ~ ~ ~ oEr~ls) REQUIRED 51C1111I;E .1800 it'/ACRE OF DISRIfiBED MEA ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ < d r 1 ~ r TEYPORiY~r DAIS A ~ / ~ ~ ? ~ (tn eE uPON ri N J N / W r N ~ w ~ ~ r t POND ST TION) i / ? PIPS N0.11 ~ ~ ~ r r W ~ ~ - ~ PRINCIPAL ~ w 1 ~ - f ~ry W ~ ~ ; ~ ~ SPMIWA o ~ ~ ~ N R ~ , ~ (2-42" ALUMINIZED STEEL ~ U D~TU - UNDISTURBED r ~ ~ ~ ~ r i ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ 1 i ~ 4 ` i ~ ~ \ 1 I ` M ~o __-.5.-..___... ~~1_ 1 N 1 1 J ~ ~ ,f r n ~J ` ~ i ~ tr ~ y~ N i N r N to YARD INLET N0. 2 ~ \ ~ ~ ~1 N w PERM. RIP RAP OUTLET STABILIZATION ~ ~ (NEW YORK METHOD ' ~ NG GIP ES ~ $ OPENI ACITI ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ W PIPE FROM AF'PRON LENCIN OF Wp1N OF ~ Z N0. FlC. B:DBb.t i MATf1W1 APPRON APPRON SfONE~SIZE 3 ~ ~ ~ Q=3.1 LH W W APF'RON THICKNE55 W . 9 ZONE 6 I+FAVEY 1 4 = . GABS 2 O x 40' 3 x 4= 12' d50 1 dmmr. 2 T= 3.1 8 1.5 3 ' ~ w + ~ 10 ZONE 2 8 r L x d dmoxr 1 11 ZONE 3 x 1.25 ~ x . 1 ' d50~1 dmox.~1 T . 2 ~ ~ ~ Q=34.2 CFS ~ Z mss'- ~ ~ USE 70' USE ?a' + EACH SI ~ ~ ~ w { DE7 0 \ 1 ~ E 20NE 1 FINE GAlS A 4 r i. = 8' 3 x 1.5 = 4. ' dmoz.= T = 1 ~ ' ~ ~ I F 1 A 4x1.3=E' 3x1. ~ GJBS 5 4.5' d50= dmax.= T - 1 ~ ' \ + ~ ~ G ZONE 1 PNE' GAGS A 4 r 1.5 = 8' 3 z 1.5 = 4.5' d50= dmax.= T = 1 1 '!1 ` \ ~ t~ i H ZONE 1 A 4 r 1.5 = 6' 3 x 1.5 = 4.5' d50=4 dmax.= 1 = 1 18" ~ 6' OPEN ON r m + ~ N N ~ ~ N j H N EAC SIDE N j'~ /"1 TOWARDS n I CHANNELS ~ N N N I i ~ V ~ /y V I ' ~ ~ f ~ ~ N 4' ~ ~ ~ + , 0 I N _ - ~ i / l~`I ~ ~ r N 1 - - li f~~AMES DATE i i RAWN~ ~ D RJIV 6/5/96 ~J L ~ f /.1 I_ 1G'A.T~1~tD~lAT~~L'~T"11" Ar I I ~i i i l I i.,M~ / /y.r?M~M ~ 41r~/~ iN/ ~ ~ ~ I"I INi 1 iii vyar r i ivi i Y nfi VVI if w. ~g~~U'1~11tl1L~:r1V lLilIq r A %Xl DESIGN DRS 6/5/96 HlmHiFRAMUCTM ENGINEERS do ARCHITECTS PROD, MGR GMB 6/5/96 ' PROD, ENG,. SDUTH VAACf QUARRY, VAACE CLUVTY, ACRTH CARL UAM PR O j E C T •NUM B E R 'DATE 740 chapel hill road p.o. box 1179 CHECKED RUST DWG REVISION burlington, n.c. 27215 910/226-5534 10 OF 14 ISEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN NJMBER NUMBER N0. REVISIONS !MADE! CHK DATE NO REVISIONS MADE CH MADE CHK DATE 10 YEAR MINE MAP CLIENT DWG SHEET NUMBER 0 so 1 oo zoo NUMBER OF / ii I ''w ter.. ~ O o ~ ~J; o c ~ ~ C V O L~ - y ' n PIPE N0.2 w 1 `r x w x x ~ti x w x ~ ~ z CHANNEL N0.42 ~ ~ o ~ ~ - _ T c_ / ~ i ~ l I 1. ~ ; CHANNEL N0.33 ~Z '1-- ~ r F ~ ~ ~ ~ / i k I % y ~ ~ pp~~ n { UI~~ROW~ ~~NV . ~ ~ r, ~ ~ `h ; ~ ~ r .S INf Nll ~ 1L1LOL~ w ~ ~ , y .r ~ ~ r o~ n',-Y,, ,r' ~ * r ti r ~~~.M ~ ~ ~ ~ I n i ti ~ ~ ~"Wwvvwv~.~,_, x ~ ~ s. ~ y / ~ ~ ~ CHANNEL N0.44 N i / - ~ ~ x ~ ~ Oi W r, i l ~ > n N - CHAIN L N0.45 ~ - ~ ; - ~ ~ N. ~ ~ ri'. . ~ 0 a o ~h ~,b Z ' 1 r ? ~ ~ .?J~ ) r ~ ~ ~ „ ~ o J M t i ~ ~ ~i ' I ~ ~ ~ ~ n 'bY~~ ~ti, rv1,. ~1.-._ ^~~.~,nn.v~~ ~'I ~ ~ M ~ i ~ ~ - ~ ~I 1Pi NG I UNDISTURBED DURING 330 ~ ~ ~ INITIAL 10 ' ~ ` o ~ ~ r N REST OFFSITE DWEI;LINGS , EA ~ ~ S 3~0 ~ o, ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I r> ~ / i ~ V n ~ 0 n f A ~ . I W 6 FIK~H INITIAL BERM CHANNE N0.41 1 C NNEL N0:43 ~ ~ i ~ ~ i, ~ W i i Z ~ W ~o wroE ~ CHANNEL N ~NNEL N0.3fi ° r ~ ~ n N n N n r r ~ rr ~ ~ • ` CHANNEL N0.40 r j i ~ 50 UNDISTURBED ~ ~ ~E -I . I ~y2 azo HANNE~. NO 46 C ~E -N0.7 • . H .3~ ~ N 30 UNEXCAVATED S ~ ~ ' N , ~ ~ Z ii _ - W GRAVEL ROAD SURFACE x.12 r o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - `t. - T~IdP' SEDIMENT r No. s ~ I~ \ i m ~ ~ ~ CHANNEL N0.39 'bo + ~ ~ ~ ~ G - . - ~ - c - - - - ~ _ _ ~ "ti- r e i i ; ~ TEMP SEO ` ' ~ PAVED ROAD SURFACE TEMP sE~+EHr ~ ~ ; N0. ~ ~ ND. 10 i N0. , ST 29 . $T TION k P. DAkI i 00 ~ NN L N0.3 CHA E I I oo~~TRUCrIDN o+TRANCE . ; TEUe. _ zoo L. x 3o~w. (sEE oErAl~ B,~-~o. y i o f m SITE ENTRANCE ROAD v PIPE! N0.6 SITE ENTRANCE GATE INSTALL TEMP. ~ ~ 'CHECK DAM . SOUTH CHAVIS ROAD - ~ ~ ~ . - - r - - - CHANNEL CALCULAT10N5 STORM FREQUENCY 25 YEAR cNAN AF1EA 0-cM BOT. wIDT?+ ~ SIOPE vE1. DEPTH S11Fi1R SfRfSS t Pt191. PERM. RIP RAP OUTLET STABILIZATION 33 0.30 0.62 4 0.033 0.0o STORM DRAaNAGE DESIGN 1.00 2 2 4.8 3.04 0. 0.60 5 NAG. SEDIMENT kSIN CALCULATIONS 4 0. STORK FREQI~ENCY 25 YEAR (NEW ORK METHOp ~ 35 5.35 14. 4 0.033 26 4.22 0. 0.97 .o0 21.9 2.0 4.32 0. 0.99 s 73 NAG. PIPE No. (/1C.) c 911DISRY 0-CN P9'E REMARKS BASIN DISTURBED taro. IIE91 8 4 0.033 1E1! DIMEl1510115 SfO11ADE PIPE FROM APPRON 1f11~IM Of WID1H OF STOIE ~ 37 0.95 231. 4 0. 1.0 1.78 0.29 0.16 SUB lODll LB. T.C. I CFS SO'.E I91T'L SIAPE YEI. AREA LDlC1N LDlCIM PROVD>ED PRO'NDEb NO. FiC. d.01l.1 MATERNL AP'110N APPIION 11rC10~5 MANUAI 3e zoo s.44 4 0.033 1.0 2.25 0.45 0.26 a 1.8 t a40 1o KIN. 9.9 4 tar RCP 20 7.54 Nw-1.23 Nw aez t~•'} (~J 39 0.93 2.85 4 0.033 25 2.41 0.23 0.39 7 11.i 11.l1 0.40 10 1/N. 9.a 3~ RCa 2.0 1211 Mw3.07 HW 1.23 7 0.85 1530 4 10'l 4 10'l x 20'M' TOP 1 ~d 40 1. 4 0,033 3.3 2.18 0.31 573 NAG. 28'L 2d'L X d'W EI01'fOM - 3' DEEP 6 2 N ¦ x E 40'L x 20'W TOP 15J6 1 ~ 3 z Mimc. ¦ i 41 4 0.033 5.3 1.78 9 ~ B 0.80 1440 9 40'L 28'L 4 4 0.033 4• S 78 NA0. 2d'L X 8'W 80T1OM - 3' DEEP ~ D.80 1.36 0 0.033 6.S 3.52 0. 1.49 S Tsf 0. 9 0.1 110 6 4.69 0.59 2.39 14'L 44 1.65 5.03 0 0.033 6'S d 14'L x TW - 2' OEEP 1~6 43 0 0.033 6a 1.14 10 0.05 4 1aL 4 10'L X 5'W - Y OFfP 100 48 0.75 204 0 0.033 6.5 3.96 0.42 1.T0 11 1 4 40'L 4 40'L z 20'W 1,~ 26'L 1 1M0 12 40'L 2d'L X d'W BOTTOM - 3' DEEP 12 40'L x 1,~ 2e'L 2B'L X d'W BOTION - i' DEEP REOUIR~ SroRAGE - 1800 ~.~/ACRE OF DISTURBED AREA OF DISTURBED AREA c-o.4 I-6a 61. NAG. • A1E711CJV1 GREQI La4ER5 1T]P. LMERS REOURED FOR ALL SLOPES > 2x AN11 YElAL71E5 > 2.3 FPS. - NAMES DATE ~ ~ i nRa~rN; a w ~/5/9F, ~ . n , 1CATt1T1~~R~T1t~B~'AT'T'' Itt ~ ~ g:rl~ d 1JL0~U'1~11d111:+1'~ 1l bB, kin inc. alley, w 11 11Ams carmen DESIGN:: DRS 6/5/96 p- I I & FGMMRAMUC= PROJ. MGR, GMB 6/5/96 ENGINEERS do ARCHITECTS PROJ. ENG,: IA PRD~ECT NUMBER DATE SOUTH VAACf 6V.i4R1PY, VAACE CaAVT}', AqPTH CARa JA 740 chapel hill road p.o. box 1179 CHECKED: RJ ST D'wG 4 REVISION burlington, n.c. 27215 910/226-5534 NUMBER NUMBER SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN LIENT DWG SHEET NUMBER 10 YEAR MINE MAP NUMBER of aDE CHK ( DATE 0 so 1o0 2oO NO, REVISIONS MADE CHK DATE NO. REVISIONS MADE CHK I I x; NOTES I D + 16" MIN- I PRESSURE RELIEF 1 THE CYLINDER MUST BE I---- --j LPJE'~ PnRT10N - i REST ANG GON~ROL `EC?I~~?~ i , ,h' 4" SCH 40 PV„ 15' ~ R FIR ~ Y' FA TENED 70 THE TOP HOLES . DIAMETE ML S OF THE RISED. caMPAcTED ;;~r ' I,~~ I~,~i I 42" DIA ALUMINUM BARREL I I li , ~ I i, ~ II I I''~I I~i'~I~I I i .I~ - - - C~~-r~- - - 2. SUPPORT BARS ARE WELDEC~ i I 1 I i - u 5 I I ~ ~ ~ FLOW O ~ 0 0 TG THE TOF Or THE RISER I 0 o A ~ A - - - ~ ~_._...1- _ - O ~ 42" DiA ALUMINUM BARREL OR ATTACHED BY STRAPS I i'~~ ~ ' - - - t _ - - Il~ ~ ~ ;i~ ~ ~ Eta? SEC?OR c~ ~ I ' BOLTED TO TOP OF RISER. I-~_ a .f' ~ O ~ I BERM ~ l ~ M 4 SCN 40 PVC _ u ~ i O - i i r NOT NEITHER THE LOCATION E • ~ NUR ALIGNMENT OF THE CONTROL ~a ~e- p by ~ ~ T ~ T~ INaoE wlrr ~ o p ~ ~ ~ ' O 0 0 EME3ANkMEN?- SEC ION AAS ~ CO INLET OF DRAIN IS TO BE O t.~ THE CENTERLINE 7f IHF DAM CGVERED WITH MIRAFI 140N C ' MIRAFI ? 4QN OR. EQUAL AND BOUND TO PIPE WITH Z i STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS WELD wELG ~ /8 DIA ~ ~ _ APPFO.4CI^ CHANNEL ~ PLAN TOP VIEW - N ? PLAN i+-- D I TACKWELD ? c,~ OAM - ' - ALL AROUND StiAPED cur BEDDING N,`~TE A SUPPORT BAP. (#6 REBAR MiN _ ~ ~LPON FINAL STABILiiAT10N OF DISTURBEu ARFAS_ ACL SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED ` DURING CONS?RUCTION SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE BOTTOM ELEVATION OF THE PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE SHOWN. I RUBBER SEALED 8„ MIN. DETAIL BARREL THE MAXIMUM OF HEIGHT OF DAMS SHALL NO? E~~CEEC 14 5 AS MEASURED FROM ~ WEIGHT ACTIVATED ?NE TOE OF SLOPE ON THE DOWNSTREAM FACE Of THE UAM TC THE TOP OF THE FLAP VALVE DAM ry I ~ y~ , _ J V~.n 42.-~. ~ E" ABOVE NORMAL ~;;~r~-~~-K;C 42" DiA ALUMINUM BARREL ~ ~ POOL OF EXIST U - - - - STREAM ELEVATION RISER _ _ _ _ - --I 3 r ISOME DIAMETER RAINAGE AREA = 105 ACRES ISOMETRIC D j -'y~~ SON. 4C PVC DESIGN STORM = 25 YEAR I 20' TION A-A SEC 1 ~ I I ~ ~ ~Q,__ DETERMINING TC FIG. 8.03a I . T I FROM FIG. 8.03e TC = 17 MIN. I = 5.5 ' JUTIEi PROTECTION DETERMINING FLOW Q=CIA C=0.4 1=5.5 A=105 - SIDE VIEW 'U' a~a RIPRAP "v' THICK W% = 0.4 5.5 105 = 231 CFS Q ( ) ( ) - E° OF X67 FILTER STONE CROSS-SECTION AT CONTROL. SECTION NOTE: TOE DRAINS TO FLOW INTO MANHOLE ON UPPER GAM TWIN BARREL DESIGN DIVIDE FLOW BY 2 =115.5 CFS FROM TABLE 8,07a USING H=11' 232.0 INVERT 243.0 WATER LEVEL 1' ABOVE SPILLWAY MP WI ARRY 136.33 x .9 CONNECTION FACTOR FOR PIPE LENGTH = 42 C LL C 2 , c N DRAI TO EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DIMEN,ION,; - VICE 125.4 CFS > 115.5 CFS (OK) DE V EX 0 TI AN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL "O° d50 RIPRAP 'R' THICH W/ 6` OF (T6; FILTER STONE FROM FIG, 8.07b CHANNEL SLOPE _ 'S' gGTTOM WIDTH = `r .1 - 4 1N. R A O 25 CFS H-2 USE 5 ISER SIDE SLOPE 3 CHECKING UPLIFT ANCHORING CONTROL SECTION i EXI? CHANNEL - RISER = 8' 15.91 62.4 = 7942 ( ) ~ WATER SURFACE . RESISTIVE FORCE = 7942 1.25 = 9927.5 ( ) ~ , _ STAGE (Hp) - HI K 1 - = 1 4 > 927.5 CONCRETE PAD - 1.5 T C (50 62.4) (9) (9) 06 3 # 9 ,r APPROACH I 4% CHANNEL MtiN' EXIT SECTOR \ f C ART - - - - - - _ _ _ - N H 0 NSI DIME 20' LEVEL OR GREATEP. S - - - - _ _ _ ANTI - ' DAM ELEVATIONS EMERGENCY SPILLWAY OUTLET PROTECTION PIPE DIAMETERS FLOTATION _ _ . - - T _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ PROFILE ALONG CENTERLINE ' c A ~ B C D E l= G f J 0 P Q R T U V W X G H - - ~ - - - r-- _ ~ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ~ _ . _----r-- - - a 1 .246.0 44.0 242.0 237.0 , 23 0.232 POND 2 - - 4 2-42 9 -0 1 -6 6 9 10~ 40 13 20 40 24 32.0.2 78 2 5 Y - - _ - LWA . - - - - - SPIL CY N GE ER EM IS i., EMBANKMENT AND CUT-0~ FILL I 1 I TOP OF SETTLED DA OF SETTLED DAM ELEV_ "A" MATERIALS MUST 8E FREE OF VEGITATED MATERIAL, TGPSOIL, DEBRIS ANO STONES. OBTAIN SUITABLE ` MATERIAL FROM EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ANDIOR QUARRY P'T _ _ ~ _ _ EMERGENCY SPiI EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EiFVATiON ~ ELEV "E" z ELEV ELEV. = 243.00 3 _ _ - CGMPAC' IN 6' LIFTS USING RU$BER TIRE ` 3 \ ~ EOUi~MENT OR SHEEPS FOOT kOLLER ~ I `H" DIA ALUMINUM ~ - ~ ~ _ _ I ANTI-VORTEX RISER I - - ~ _ - ~q cT T V I 1 (9~.a ~~ANDARD PROC OR) ~ ~ 1 ~ 3" a 6" MiN ~i ~ 5 PERMANENT STORAGE ~ SEE TOE DRAIN DETAIL ABOVE - ~ ~ ~ ELEV. = 240 00 8" DIA. ALUMINUM FIPE ' r ELEV, - 239.00 E" CANAL GATE rr, - - - . "I° DIA ALUMINUM I ~ " (WATERMAN No. C-iC R-SEAL OR EQUALI v RISER PIKE .t{~ ELEV ° D' ARMOUR THE SLOPE TO THE ELEVATION SHOWN ON 'THE ? ^q, 2' MAX SEDIMENT STORAGE MINE IYIAPS ~~p ~jji, ~-c '`t 3' MAX SEDIMENT STORAGE ALUMINUM BAR DIA. p J( M BARFE.L " ~ A ALUMINU F" BOTTOM OF POND CLASS TRIP-RAP ELE4 ROCK DAM BAFFLE jTH HUGGER BAN W HUGGER BANS' JJ~NTS 6" ' { ~ RIP-RAP DOUGHNUT ~„o 5 0" x "0° x "P" THICK 3000 P_I C CONCRETE ANTI-FLOTATION PAD ~-~.SI~ SLOPE .a e INV OUT "G" ~ I TOE DRAIN PIPING ~:)!;"~DariC~~ ,~RcocHA~~ON CUTOFF TRENCH (TYP) REMC'J= 4C~_ ;R:E`', STt~MPS, i3R~,iSh E`~~ LDERS, SCC, AND ^uEBRiS. 2 FEM." ~ C"DES, AtiC SAr;C ~RGb+ `;`!NG STREaM CHAN'vEL 10' LENGTH- ENTIRE ENBANKMENT T WIDTH- 10' DEPTH-EXTEND 12" INTO IMPERVIOUS ERVIOUS ~ DYER (4' MINIMUM) ul) .t <y OUTLET PROTECTION "U" 450 RPRAP 'Y THICK W/ " F 7 FILT STONE IL 6 0 ~R D A ILLWA ~ IPA NC PRI - La = 'w' rt w = 'X rt - I ~ f~AMFS DATE i - ---t- - _ DRA',NN: RJN 6/5/96 0. ~ L ~ ~ y wllliQms carman 4 king, Inc. - - E N G I N E E R S R S & ARCHITECTS ' V -rt----'----- DESIGN DRS 6/5/96 i - PROD. MGR,: GME 6/5/96 PROU Eidc- TAR RIVER QUARRY, VANCE CIllhVTY, ICPTH CAROLINA PROJECT NUMBER DATE i CHECKED: RUST DWG 12 OF 14 REVISION 740 chapel hill road p.o. box 1179 i ~ ~ SEDIMENT D EROSION CONTROL PLAN CUMBER NUMBER burhn9ton, n.c. 21215 910/226-5534 POND DETAILS CuENT DWG' SHEET NUMBER i T j:_ d%,_ I I MADE' CNK DATE 0 100 200 400 NUMBER C, p „nsI o[[ !S MADE OAK D NO.~ RE'vJ SONS MADE1'1 CHK w r i - i I i 5 2 3 4 4' MIEN. 1.5" MIN. DIKE HOLD DOWN STAKES it ! PLASTIC CORRUGATED _ - PIPE 10' SPACING l 11 ! INLET PIPE STABILIZED _ - OUTLET PROTECTION it i i! LEVEL. SECT. PLAN VIEW STANDARD T -SECTION CONDUIT - CONSTRUCT THE SLOPE DRAIN FROM HEAVY-DUTY, FLEXIBLE MATERIALS SUCH AS NONPERFORATED, CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE OR SPECIALLY DESIGNED FLEXIBLE TUBING. INSTALL REINFORCED, HOLD- DOWN GROMMETS OR STAKES TO ANCHOR THE CONDUIT AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 10 FT WITH THE OUTLET END SECURELY FASTENED IN PLACE. THE CONDUIT MUST EXTEND BEYOND THE TOE OF '.HE SLOPE. ENTRANCE - CONSTRUCT THE ENTRANCE TO THE SLOPE DRAIN OF A STANDARD T -SECTION FITTING. TEMPORARY DIVERSION - USE AN EARTHEN DIVERSION WITH A DIKE RIDGE TO DIRECT SURFACE RUN-OFF INTO THE TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN. THE HEIGHT OF THE RIDGE OVER THE DRAIN CONDUIT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 1.5 FEET AND AT LEAST 6 INCHES HIGHER THAN THE ADJOINING RIDGE ON EITHER SIDE. THE LOWEST POINT OF THE DIVERSION RIDGE SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 1 FT ABOVE THE TOP OF THE DRAIN SO THAT DESIGN FLOW CAN FREELY ENTER THE PIPE. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. SLOPE DRAINS ON UNDISTURBED SOIL OR WELL -COMPACTED FILL AT LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 2. SLIGHTLY SLOPE THE SECTION OF PIPE UNDER THE DIKE TOWARD IT'S OUTLET T I T IN SECTION SEC � 3 HAND TAMP THE SOIL UNDER AND AROI�ND THE ENTRANCE LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 6 INCHES. 4. ENSURE THAT FILL OVER THE DRAIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE HAS MINIMUM DIMENSIONS OF 1.5 FT DEPTH. 4 F7 TOP WIDTH, AND 3 1 SIDE SLOPES 5. ENSURE THAT ALL SLOPE DRAIN CONNECTIONS ARE WATERTIGHT, 6. ENSURE THAT ALL FILL MATERIAL IS WELL -COMPACTED. SECURELY FASTEN THE EXPOSED SECTION OF THE DRAIN WITH GROMMETS 0;, STAKES SPACED NO MORE THAN 10 FT APART. 7 EXTEND THE DRAIN BEYOND THE TOE OF THE SLOPE AND ADEQUATELY PROTECT THE OUTLET FROM EROSION 8. MAKE THE SETTLED, COMPACTED DIKE RIDGE NO LESS THAN ' ABOVE THE TOP OF THE PIPE AT EVERY POINT, 9 ALL TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAINS WILL HAVE AN 18" DIAMETER MAINTENANCE INSPECT THE SLOPE DRAIN AND SUPPORTING DIVERSION AFTER EVERY RAINFALL AND PROMPTLY MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS. WHEN THE PROTECTED AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, TEMPORARY MEASURES MAY BE REMOVED, MATERIALS DISPOSED OF PROPERLY, AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS - STABILIZED APPROPRIATELY. TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SLOPE DRAINS MIN. 10 GA. LINE WIRE MLAO, r AC nlpGrTF'n RY THF ENGINEER MIN. 12-1/2 GA. INTERMEDIATE WIRES 0~ DATE �O 00 'a 6/5/96 3a 6/5/96 GENERAL NOTES: WIRE FABRIC _ FENCE FABRIC SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF FILTER FABRIC I I- I-_ '- 32" IN MOTH AND SHALL HAVE A BASIN WHEN THIS it. MINIMUM OF 6 UNE WIRES WITH 12'`j `CLASS RIPRAP STAY SPACING. w 32" MIN, WIDTH 1- FABRIC FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE MIRAFI 100 F u IX TOP OF BERM FILTER FABARIC OR EQUIVALENT. BURLAP co _ LI r .T CANNOT BE USED WHERE SILT FENCE IS " TO REMAIN FOR A PERIOD OF MORE THAN 1 N -lam' IT 30 DAYS. I=1 STEEL POSTS SHALL BE 5'-0" IN HEIGHT AND BE OF THE SELF -FASTENER ANGLE STEEL TYPE. ANCHOR SKIRT MINIMUM OF G WOOD POSTS SHALL BE 6 TO 7 FEET IN Le HEIGHT AND 3 TO 4 INCHES IN DIAMETER. - WIRE FABRIC SHALL BE FASTENED TO WOODED POST WITH NOT LESS THAN j9 ALTERNATE IN 1JEU OF BURYING SKIRT, 6" OF #5 STONE WIRE STAPLES 1 1/2" LONG. MAY BE USED TO ANCHOR SKIRT TEMPORARY SILT FENCE a I Icy, wi I I isms, carman 4 king, inc. _ ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS 740 chapel hill road p.o. box 1179 _ burlington, n.c. 27215 910/226-5534 MAX LEXEL OF DATE DRAWN: RJN 6/5/96 SEDIMENT 6/5/96 PROD. MGR.: GMB 6/5/96 COLLECTED - CLEAN CHECKED: BASIN WHEN THIS LEVEL IS REACHED `CLASS RIPRAP #57 WASHED STONE 1' 1' 6' TOP OF BERM SPILLWAY ��y _ _ 77 ��� �. 1.5' MAX. SEDIMENT - --1!II MINIMUM SURFACE AREA AS REQUIRED ON PLAN CLASS II RIPRAP 18' MINIMUM -� I FILTER FABRIC KEY IN BOTTOM LAYER OF RIPRAP VARIES ' 2 ROCK ABUTMENTS SHALL EXTEND TO AN ELEVATION AT LEAST 2 FT ABOVE THE SPILLWAI. ABUTMENTS SHALL BE 2 FT THICK WITH 2 1 SIDE SLOPES THE ROCK ABUTMENTS SHALL EXTEND DOWN THE DOWNSTREAM FACE OF THE DAM TO THE TOE, AT LEAST t FT HIGHER THAN THE REST OF THE DAM TO PROTECT THE EARTH ABUTMENTS FROM SCOUR O'UTLE7 PROTECTION - A ROCK APRON AT LEAST 1.5 FT THICK SHALL EXTEND DOWNSTREAM FROM THE TOE OF THE DAM, ON ZERO GRADE, A SUFFICIENT DISTANCE TO PREVENT CHANNEL EROSION, OR A DISTANCE EQUAL TO THE HEIGHT OF THE DAM WHICHEVER IS GREATER. ROCK FILL - ROCK SHALL BE WELL GRADED, HARD. EROSION RESISTANT STONE WITH A MINIMUM D50 SIZE OF 9 INCHES. PROTECTION FROM "PIPING" - A KEYWAY LINED WITH GEOTEx-nLE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE ON THE SOIL FOUNDATION UNDER THE ROCK FILL. TO PREVENT SOIL MOVEMENT AND PIPING UNDER THE DAM, THE FILTER FABRIC MUST EXTEND FROM THE KEYWAY TO THE DOWNSTREAM EDGE OF THE APRON AND MUST RUN UNDER THE DAM'S ABUTMENTS BASIN DEWATERING - THE ENTIRE UPSTREAM FACE OF THE ROCK STRUCTURE SHALL BE COVERED WITH FINE GRAVEL (NCDOT #57 WASHED STONE OR EQUIVALENT: A MINIMUM OF 1 FT THICK TO REDUCE THE DRAINAGE RATE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LEAR THE AREAS UNDER THE EMBANKMENT AND STRIP ;T 0 ROOTS ANG` OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL -LEAF' 'HE RESERVOIR AREA T G A, II_ITATE SEDIMENT REMOVAL. 2 EXCAVATE A CUTOFF TRENCH A MINIMUM OF _-EEP AND 2 FT WIDE WITH I 1 SIDE. TRENCH I T I � THE RENO RL NI LINE E SLOPES UNDER THE TOTAL LENGTH OF THE DAM AT ITS CEN E _ E WITH EXTRA -STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC BEFORE BACKFILLING WITH ROCK APPLY FILTER FABRIC UNDER THE ROCKFILL EMBANKMENT, FROM THE UPSTREAM EDGE OF THE H:.EYWAY TO THE DOWNSTREAM EDGE OF THE APRON OVERLAP FILTER MATERIAL A MINIMUM OF ' FT AT ALL JOINTS, WITH THE UPSTREAM STRIP ;AID OVER THE DOWNSTREAM STRIP 3. CONSTRUCT THE EMBANKMENT WITH WELL -GRADED ROCK AND GRAVEL TO THE SIZE AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ROCK ABUTMENTS BE AT LEAST 2 FT HIGHER THAN THE SPILLWAY CREST AND AT LEAST 1 FT HIGHER THAN THE DOWNSTREAM FACE OF THE DAM, ALL THE WAY TO PREVENT SCOUR AND EROSION AT THE ABUTMENTS 4. SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER FROMTHE THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHOULD BE DIVERTED !NTC THE BASIN RESERVOIR AT THE FURTHEST AREA FROM THE DAM. CONSTRUCT THE' RgCK DAY BEFORE THE BASIN AREA IS CLEARED TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENT YIELD I ROM CONSTRl1CT10N OF THE BASIN. STABILIZE IMMEDIATELY ALL AREAS DMTdRBED DURING 7114E COWARUCTIQM OF THE, DAM EXCEPT THE SEDIMENT POOL MAINTENANCE CHECK SEDIMENT BASINS AFTER EACH RAINFALL. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND RESTORE ORIGINAL VOLUME WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATES ABOUT ONE-HALF THE DESIGN VOLUME -HE: -r THE STRUCTURE FOR EROSION PIPING, AND RDCI' DISP;.ACEMENT AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINSTORM AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY, REMOVE THE STRUCTURE AND ANY UNSTABLE SEDIMENT IMMEDIATELI AFTER THt CONSTRUCTION SITE HA; BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. SMOOTH THE BASIN SITE TO BLEND WITH THE SIJRROUNDING AREA AND STABILIZE. ALL WATER AND SEDIMENT SHALL AND SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE BASIN PRIOR TO DAM REMOVAL. SEDIMENT SHALL BE PLACED IN DESIGNATED fMSPOSAL AREAS AND ^LOT ALLOWED TO FLOW INTO STREAMS OR DRAINAGEWArS DURING STRUCTURE REMOVAL ROCK DAM SEDIMENT BASIN rl 0 { `r t . T MIN. 1 RIP - RAP PLAC:EWN' 1. EACH RIP -RAP PLACEMENT SHALL BE BEDDED IN EITHER A 6' BED OF WASHED STONE OR A NON -BIODEGRADABLE FILTER FABRIC THIS COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE COST OF PLACING RIP -RAP 2 WHEN USING CLASS I! RIPRAP THE MINIMUM THICKNESS 'JF THE RIP -RAP LAYER SHALL BE 22'' 2. WHEN USING CLASS I RIPRAP THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF THE RIP -RAP LAYER SHALL BE 14". 4. RIP -RAP SMALL EXTEND UP TO THE TOP OF THE BANKS AND BELOW THE CHANNEL BOTTOM AT LEAST 22" FOR CLASS 11 ANC 14" FOR CLASS I S- MAXIMUM SLOPE OF THE CHANNEL BANK SHALL NOT EXCEED 2 0' HORIZONTAL TO 1.0' VERTICAL. 6. WHEN A WELL DEFINED DRAINAGE CHANNEL CROSSES THE CONSTRUCTION AREA, CROSSING SHALL BE MADE AS OUICKLY AND WITH AS LITTLE DAMAGE AS POSSIBLE. REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY, STABILIZED, GRASSED, AND MULCHED. AFTERWARDS. RtP-RAP MAY BE REQUIRED IN THE CHANNEL ACROSS THE ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION AREA THESE WILL BE EVALUATED INONIDUALLY BE THE ENGINEER. 7. STONE FOR TEMPORARY CREEK CROSSINGS SHALL BE THE SAME SIZE AS NOTED FOR THE PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL TO BE LEFT IN PLACE. .ONCE THE AREA BELOW THE CREEK CROSSING IS SEEDED AND MULCHED, THE CONTRACTOR CAN REMOVE THE TEMPORARY CREEK CROSSING AND USE THE STONE FOR THE PERMANENT CHANNEL STABILIZATION, 15. ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AND REGULATIONS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST STANDARDS OF THE NC SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT. TOE REQUIREMENTS FOR RIP -RAP BANK PROTECTION I REVISIONS' t� ADEII CriK I DATE NO.! MAX LEXEL OF CARRY RIPRAP UP SEDIMENT 6" OF /575' SIDES OF SPILLWAY COLLECTED - CLEAN WASHED STONE 1' MIN. BASIN WHEN THIS LEVEL IS REACHED 2 TOP OF BERM TOP ELEVATION OF O O 1' FREEBOARD MINIMUM STORM WATER CLASS B EROSION } CONTROL STONE _ t . 5' MAX- . (} 9" a5o l I, SEDIMENT I v 1- MAX SIZE 14" T�,i MINIMUM SURFACE ARIAZ AS REQUIRED ON PLAN i 17' MINIMUM 18' MINIMUM FILTER FABRIC KEY IN BOTTOM LAYER OF RIPRAP DESIGN SETTLED -7OVERFILL 6" TOP / [- FOR SETTLEMENT j 4 MIN EMERGENCY S' MAX f }� j..`{ 2.1 SIDE BY-PASS SLOPE MAX 6' BELOW FILL SETTLED TOP FILTERS IDE t� SLOE OF DAM SLOPE MAX NATURAL GROUND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 CLEAR, GRUB, AND STRIP THE AREA UNDER THE EMBANKMENT OF ALL VEGETATION AND ROOT MAT REMOVE ALL SURFACE SOIL CONTAINING HIGH AMOUNTS .OF ORGANIC MATTER AND STOCKPILE OR DISPOSE OF IT PROPERLY. HAUL ALL OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL TO THE DESIGNATED DISPOSAL AREA 2 ENSURE THAT FILL MATERIAL FOR THE EMBANKMENT IS FREE OF ROOTS, WOODI VEGETATION, -ORGANIC MATTER, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL PLACE THE FILL IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 9 INCHES AND MACHINE COMPACT IT OVER FILL THE EMBANKMENT 6 INCHES TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT 3 CONSTRUCT THE OUTLET SECTION IN THE EMBANKMENT PROTECT THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE RIPRAP AND THE SOIL FROM PIPING BY USING FILTER FABRIC OR A KEYWAY CUTOFF TRENCH BETWEEN THE RIPRAP STRUCTURE AND THE SOIL. PLACE THE FILTER FABRIC BETWEEN THE RIPRAP AND SOIL. ExTENO THE FABRIC ACROSS THE SPILLWAY FOUNDATION AND SIDES TO THE TOP OF THE DAM; OR EXCAVATE A KEYWAY TRENCH ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF THE SPILLWAY FOUNDATION EXTENDING UP THE SIDES TO THE HEIGHT OF THE DAM. THF TRENCH SHOULD BE AT LEAST 2 FT DEEP AND ', FT WIDE WITH 1 1 SIDE SLOPES. 4 CLEAR THE POND AREA BELOW THE ELEVATION OF THE CREST OF THE SPILLWAY TO FACILITATE SEDIMENT CLEANOUT 5 ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHOULD BE 21 OR FLATTER 6 ENSURE THAT THE STONE (DRAINAGE) SECTION OF THE EMBANKMENT HAS A MINIMUM BOTTOM WIDTH OF 3 FT AND MAXIMUM SIDE SLOPES OF 1 1 THAT EXTEND TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SPILLWAY SECTION. 7 CONSTRUCT THE MINIMUM FINISHED STONE SPILLWAY BOTTOM WIDTH, AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, WITH 2:1 SIDE SLOPES EXTENDING TO THE TOP OF THE OVER FILLED EMBANKMENT. KEEP THE THICKNESS OF THE SIDES OF THE SPILLWAY OUTLET STRUCTURE AT A MINIMUM OF 21 INCHES. THE WEIR MUST BE LEVEL AND CONSTRUCTED TO GRADE TO ASSURE DESIGN CAPACITY 6 MATERIAL USED IN THE STONE SECTION SHOULD BE A WELL -GRADED MIXTURE OF STONE WITH A D50 SIZE OF 9 INCHES (CLASS B EROSION CONTROL STtW1DI'_A. LARGER STONES THE AND MAXIMUM STONE SIZE OF 14 INCH THE SMALLER R, AND HIGHLY WEATHER -RESISTANT ail ENSURE THAT THE STONE SPILLWAY OUTLET SECTION EXTENDS DOWNSTREAM PAST THE TOE OF THE EMBANKMENT UNTIL STABLE CONDITIONS ARE REACHED AND OUTLET VELOCITY IS ACCEPTABLE FOR THE RECEIVING STREAM. KEEP THE EDGES OF THE STONE OUTLET SECTION FLUSH WITH THE SURROUNDING GROUND AND SHAPE THE CENTER TO CONFINE THE OUTFLOW STREAM. 10. DIRECT EMERGENCY BYPASS TO NATURAL, STABLE AREAS, LOCATE BYPASS OUTLETS SO THAT FLOW WILL NOT DAMAGE THE EMBANKMENT 1 1 STABWZE THE 89WO MEW AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS ABOVE THE SEDIMENT POOL ANO OOMI$lI1iFJMA.=FROM:.AIE TAM.MIMEDIXTELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION. MAINTENANCE WSPECT TOMRARv SEDIMENT TRAPS AFTER EACH PERIOD OF SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL - REMOVE Sift AND RESTORE THE TRAP TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN THE SEDIIIIIEW Wt4S A0CUmULATED To ONE-HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH OF T14E TRAP.g "Ay, REh pVED, I" THE DESIGNATED DISPOSAL AREA AND REPLACLE THE E NT T7 CONTAIMINXIM PARR OF THE GRAVEL FACING. CHECK THE STRUCTURE FOR DAMAGE FROM EROSION OR PIPING- PERIODICALLY CHECK THE DEPTH OF TIE SPILLMMY TO ENSURE IT IS A OMIMARIM OF 1.5 FT BELOW THE LOW POINT OF THE EMB_AWCMENT. IMMEDIATELY FILL ANY SETTLEMENT F THE SPILLWAY MUST S� BOVE TO SLIGHTLY ADESIGN GRADE. ANY RIPRAP DISPLACED FROM THE BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY. AFTER ALL SEDIMENT -PRODUCING AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVE THE STRUCTURE AND ALL UNSTABLE SEDIMENT. SMOOTH THE AREA TO BLEND WITH THE ADJOINING AREAS AND STABILIZE PROPERLY WIRE SCREEN TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN CONCRETE WIRE SCREEN BLOCK OVERFLOW �r� FILTERED WATER RUNOFF WATER M C3 I- W/SEDIMENT 0 C SEDIMENT -� WASHED) SEDIMENT SPECIFIC APPLICATION THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE HEAVY FLOWS ARE EXPECTED AND WHERE AN OVERFLOW CAPACITY IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE PONDING AROUND THE STRUCTURE. BLOCK & GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION REVISIONS MADE CHK uATE INLET WITH GRATE a�MES DATE DRAWN: RJN 6/5/96 DESIGN: DRS 6/5/96 PROD. MGR.: GMB 6/5/96 PROD. INS.: CHECKED: f I9U. 12' OUTSIDE INSIDE 3 G G _P 1 V 1 ' y 1 t :c C C C � C C v v^ " O C CV 0 0 vo o vGJo ovo cvc c 0 c cGy C C 6.0 FT. HIGH BERM DETAIL F?.5' 3S 6.0' 1 v C^ c v 1 INSIDE OUTSIDE o ^ c� �o 0 CD r, c cu Oc CccC0 C OCOGC - CCG CC uC� v ^o Coc c G o SCG^ Jo Goc "c c c� �o rCo oG_ c�o� c r o ocGc �c:co c co c �J ��oG������oC000 cy cG cVcccoc o �cJJoGocoGO 0 0 0 G O O ccc o 0 C CG G cG' Goccoocc000c 17.5 FT. HIGH BERM DETAIL ----- INTERIOR OF LOT - 60.0' i Cc00000C C '0 ^OOJ000 �o^oGocoo ocoGv c^ccc 0 CoocooCooOOGOGcoc c 0- ^VGGGocooOcoCGOc^GccoO.. ccG J C O:^ O O C 0 0 0 C C O O C ^G ^ ' C C C ^CCC O C G O C C C^ C O^ � C ^ " C J ..' O O � C C 00 ^.000C0C0CC0000CC�00 `G^ CCC �o ^.,oGocGc0000coGC000OCc ,„^C� ^GGGC JO::.^.0000OOOOOOCO00_CCOGCO 000C'vG00000 O 0 o 2 C O G O O C G C O C C C C C G C C C C C O G C C C G C 0 O J C C C O O O �1 ^C O^OOOOCOC000co G000co,10 C .`CooOJC OG G O' ^yCOCCOCvGOOC ^0000 v^ CC COO C., C0 00CC ccccGoccc0oo0oG� oG0000��G. GcOoccG0oG00000.,0000 J 0 o �GOOG00000cocOGccccc000= c�oG ooGoOGoc000c000000ooco ^ Go 00 O C O C O ;� cccOoccGGcocooGooG0000c c� oocGo oG O�GGc000GGGocoGooGGGGCGGc Gc;oo = c ocGoccoc oco^.O OO COGOCOCCCCOOJ OGOC CO:.� COLOOC�C�O_CGO_- _ 000OOOOC OOO MAXIMUM FILL SECTION z 1 Z _! H GRASS VEE DITCH_ SHOWN IN CHART Do� /-GRAVEL FILTER LAYER NOT INCLUDE UNDERCUT FOR LINING MIO FILTER MATERIAL. TRAPEZOIDAL RIPRAP CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. CLEAR THE FOUNDATION AREA OF TREES, STUMPS. ROOTS, LOOSE ROCK, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL 2 EXCAVATE THE CROSS SECTION TO THE LINES AND GRADES OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE LINER AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. BRING OVER - EXCAVATED AREAS TO GRADE BY INCREASING THE THICKNESS OF THE LINER OR BY 8ACKFILLING WITH MOIST SOIL COMPACTED TO THE DENSTrY OF THE SURROUNDING MATERIAL.. 3. PLACE FILTERS, BEDDINGS, AND FOUNDATION DRAINS TO UNE AND GRADE IN THE MANNER SPECIFIED. PLACE FILTER AND BEDDING MATERIALS (MEDIATELY AFTER SLOPE PREPARATION. SPREAD GPMNJLAR MATERIALS IN A UNIFORM LAYER. WHEN MORE THAN ONE GRADATION IS REQUIRED, SPREAD -THE LAYERS SO THERE IS MINIMAL MIXING. FILTER MATERIAL SHOULD CONSIST OF AT LEAST 3 INCHES OF MATERIAL ON ALL SIDES OF THE DRAIN PIPE THE DRAIN PIPE CONDUIT SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES IN DIAMETER ACCEPTABLE MATERIALS INCLUDE PERFORATED, CONTINUOUS, CLOSED - JOINT GONDURS OF CLAY, CONCRETE, METAL. PLASTIC, OR OTHER SUITABLE MATERIAL 4. PERFORM ALL CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION TO KEEP EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION TO A MINIMUM. IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF THE CHANNEL, VEGETATE ALL DISTURBED AREAS OR OTHERWISE PROTECT THUD AGAINST SOIL EROSION- WHERE CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION WILL TAKE LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. STABILIZE CHANNELS BY REACHES. MAINTENANCE INSPECT CHANNELS AT REGULAR INTERVALS AS WELL AS AFTER MAJOR RAINS. AND MAKE REPAIRS PROMPTLY. GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE OUTLET AND LLE( SECTIONS AND OTHER POINTS WHERE CONCENTRATED FLOW ENTERS, CAREFULLY CHECK STABILITY AT ROAD CROSSINGS AND LOOK FOR INDICATIONS OF PIPING, SCOUR HOLES, OR BANK FAILURES. MAKE REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. MAINTAIN ALL VEGETATION ADJACENT TO THE CHANNEL IN A HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION TO PROTECT THE AREA FROM EROSION AND SCOUR DURING OUT -OF -BANK FLOW. 17.5' 30.0' n W H 11=TT, GRASS LINED CHANNELS CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS I REMOVE ALL TREES, BRUSH, STUMPS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL FROM THE FOUNDATION AREA AND DISPOSE OF PROPERLY. EXCAVATE THE CHANNEL AND SHAPE IT TO NEAT LINES AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS PLUS A 0.2-F7 OVERCUT AROUND THE CHANNEL PERIMETER TO ALLOW FOR BULKING DURING SEEDBED PREPARATIONS AND SOD BUILDUP. 3. REMOVE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF ALL EXCESS SOIL 50 THAT SURFACE WATER MAY ENTER THE CHANNEL FREELY. 4 THE PROCEDURE USED TO ESTABLISH GRASS IN THE CHANNEL WILL DEPEND UPON THE SEVERITY OF THE CONDITIONS AND SELECTION OF SPECIES. PROTECT THE CHANNEL WITH MULCH OR A TEMPORARY LINER AS NOTED ON THE PLANS TO WITHSTAND ANTICIPATED VELOCITIES DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD. MAINTENANCE DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD, CHECK GRASS -LINED CHANNELS AFTER EVERY RAINFALL. AFTER GRASS IS ESTABLISHED, PERIODICALLY CHECK THE CHANNEL; CHECK IT AFTER EVERY HEAVY RAINFALL EVENT. IMMEDIATELY MAKE REPAIRS. IT IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT TO CHECK THE CHANNEL OUTLET FOR BANK STABILITY AND EVIDENCE OF PIPING OR SCOUR HOLES, REMOVE ALL SIGNIFICANT SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS TO MAINTAIN THE DESIGNED CARRYING CAPACITY- DITCH/CHANNEL DETAILS TAR RIVER QUARRY, VAACE ,CaIll M AITH CARD IMA SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN DETAILS - SHEET NO. 1 RRONME 1 PROJECT NUMBER -T-D5 AT E RUST DWGREVISI 13 OF 1:4�� NUMBER NU CLIENT DWG ; `"�. SH NUMBER i - ~ i t DETAILED SE UENCE OF INSTALLATION REVEGETATION PLAN EXC'Aw ~E~ MATERIAL TENANCE _ AND SCHEDULE FOR MAIN - ALL WINTER SEED MIXES SPRING F ~ rF-, ~ =r BE LOCATED UN _+G~YNSTREAM SIDE OF r.; ! ~ ,NF ~_ENi,rH ~)F -HF eiPRAF - G!VERS!GN DI?f,H) - ,-~'r+ APRON T- ~r _ • Ins±all temporary construction entrance (Sheet 11 of 14). .''ri ~1-~~:••' - 5 ~IME~ '•HE MA7IM~JM A n A d - LATE WINTER /SPRING RATE (FEBRUARY-APRIL) ~ Cler,r area sufficient for access to the access trail and ~ S70NE DtAME?ER BUT NOT_FS> r j~~ TNAN 5 ~ _ ~ i , _ Rock Dam "A~ (Sheet ~ 7 of 14). to i ~Id , , ! ~ 3 M P WFL_ DEFiNEC ~nANNEL Ex- I ro i o ~ r ~ iENC TuF 4PPpN JP THE _nANNEL ) ~ .1' _ PENSACOLA BAHIAGRASS 25 Ibs PER ACRE ` i L _ 4N [LPJP'ION k BPN a ABOVE 'HE MAXIMUM 'Ai~VIOTER RYE GRAIN 40 Ibs PER ACRE ~ (nstall Pipe Nc 5 (Sheet 11 of .4j. i 100 Ibs PER ACRE { ~ OEFTH .1R TO THE rpP OF 'tiE ~ - + BANK WNe:HEYER X55 -zirEF BtAnKE' ~ TALL FESCUE I A LESPEDEZA 30 Ibs PER ACRE ~ Install Temporary Sediment Basins No. 7 and No. 8 (Sheet 11 SERCE of ,4~ a A Fr~rER B~~ANRE1 nR FI~`EP SECTION A-A KOBE LESPEDEZA 10 Ibs PER ACRE 4 FABRIi SHOU~G BF P+~'A~.f~. FLAN BETWEEN TNf MPk0.F ANC `.O'~ s ,",rope roadway to trail that leads to the proposed retention F'OUNDAT'ION peed Sheet '~1 of 141. Y DIVERSION DITCH TEMPORAR ~ I SUMMER RATE (AUGUST) ~ • install Rcc'~ ~~am A (Sheet ,.0 cf 14; IA RASS 25 Ibs PER ACRE + ~ iear area sufficient to ~nstaP retention pond Install PENSACOLA BAH G ~ocb dam baffle Prepare dam area for earthwark. Install cut GERMAN MILLET 10 Ibs PER ACRE off trench- 5~ing dam level up to F' high, install twin riser ~ I ~NS-P~,c~ oN ~,PECI~!Car~~N TALL FESCUE 100 Ibs PER ACRE bare; pr~nc~pcl spillway system !nstall ?p rap doughnut for ENSURE SHAT THE ~BGR,+~~ Gw rHE rItTEG AND RiPRAP FOLLOWS A 30 IbS PER ACRE ~aiwe prcrecbcn Santmue embankment and stone drain work. SERICEA LESPEDEZ ~ r; ;.KACE~ .>HC~~vti !N THE PLAN COMFAfT THE RE.,uIREC~ ~~NE`. ANA SPEDEZA 10 Ibs PER ACRE !nstall e~r~ergency spillway and permanent rip rap stabilization- ~ KOBE LE ;tab,6ze emC-~nbments with, grass !n accardance with seeding ~ ANY E!LL RE.U!RED ~N THE 5~_~~BGRaDE THE ~ENSIr~ OF THE P _ . SURROUNDING OND!STUP,BEC• MATER!A~ ~O~r aFEA~~. N ~~E SUBGRADE Sr4 Lt a+ FA~' ~t ~i,-,~ 5:: hedale I r T.. r .,:r qi ~ P' n, F FY ,NCR~JINO THE ~,,PF, ppF f - - - FlNttirlE :~HANNEL ON JN~IS~~,RBE.. MA _ , r.~ ~ _ _ !'RCS f,.C'!ON FALL RATE SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER ( • ~',P,~r Phcse area which includes remaining access rood, RIPRAP THICkNES`~~ _vER. ' ~A' P'~+;~~ :~'~+T T,,1+_T,' a ,riF st?Ckpile area plant process area; settling pond area, and I N TTiN+~ SHE ~;~~~qp ANC; ~,RAdE~ ~i ~E~ MAST QNF;.FM ThE SPEGIREC E PENSACOLA BAHIAGRASS 25 Ibs PER ACRE '~n~°ia~ pit area AH of these areas flow directly to the I F 40 IbS PER ACRE rrtent~o~~ ~~~,^~c (Sheets 9, "~0 and '~'~j ~RAE'~N itialT; ,NG,WN Cti 'NE F~~IvS ~ RY~ GRAIN 100 Ibs PER ACRE TALL FESCUE • it„tail F1pe Nos 9. 8 ',Sheet ,0 of 11 ; and (Sheet 9 of Frill FILTER CL2TH, WHEN U~EE ~M;''T MEE' DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND SERICEA LESPEDEZA UNSCARIFIED 30 Ibs PER ACRE ~ ± f ( ~ ~ 1 the~~ mstali R~~p Rap doughnut at. the ~nle o. Pipe No 1 ~ PRUPERLI FR6TEC ED ~ Ati+M PUN'~HING OR TEAP.INv DURINi~ 1:.`,~ ~ r• ~ ~ 5~,,~ ~F l ~ r T R~ RAP ANC' `''"r`"''~ , vet'. + 10 bS PER ACRE the t ~ cf Instal' Yard inlet No ~ Sheet 10 of 11 I KOBE LESPEDEZA ~ ( ) N:~~A;.LA?ICty REF`AIR ANY (DAMAGE B'Y R,.M~VIN~ HE .P ~r,~~~ ~ s ~ H R P'ECE '''F ~'iTEA :.LOTH 0`JER THE DaMAGEC~ eGEq =a~'Z' rk`,? P~ACIN, ANOT E - , a' ~ ins±ali pipe Nos ana 4 and Junctian Manhole No. 1 and lard :r!e} No ~ i5heet 9 of ' 4, Then instal! the np pop doughnut c c'a ~ n R AP A MINIMUM GP F"? if ~ Ai.E C,ONNE~?ANG Jv~NT~ ~'~E L - 'r , a~ the Ir~et ;~f Pipe No. 4 i:Sheet 9 of 141 Backfill rHE DAMAG_ EX?EN51'vE, PE~'~.ACE THE ENT~RE ~'LTEk CL_'~~H ~ dr!r~nngewavs `hat have oeen piped. WINTER RATE (NOVEMBER-JANUARY) TEMPORARY SEEDING ONLY R~PRAP Ma'r E~E PWCED B+ FUI,~!~'MENT E''1T ~a.nE. '`.;APE AVOID ~ TaMAGiN; THE PIL'ER - ~EE_ BEC W EN NOV. 1 AND JAN. 31, PROVIDE TEMPORARY SEEDING TO • Install bloc end ;;ravel filters arou~~d yard inlets ~ (Sheet BETE - IT FOLLOWED BY PERMANENT SEEDING IN ACCORDANCE ~ a~ 1 ~ ghee! 10 at i4) 'HE: MINIMUM TNICENESS +_,F THE R!FRAP `SHOULE BE TAME` THE ~.;Mr ~E5'r'L~ZE & SEEDi STABILIZES E WITH FEB. 1 THRU OCT. 30 RATES. ~ ~,pa, ~~t+~~. ~^t area tonstall perimeter berms and erosion MAk"~M~_'M NONE DiAME?EP ._r,t~c~ ~,w~ ?s shown ,~n Shee`. ~ 1 14. S.IPRAP MA, BE EIE~_~ ~ TINE ,-,P R~ ~!GH UI~ARR~' -T~"iNE ,T sH~~_~LD MATTING INSTALLATION 1 0 Ibs PER ACRE RYE GRAIN 2 • ir.stau Pepe Nc with Temporary Rocs Dam of Outlet and Rip BE HARD ANGUU+R, H!~GH~~~, ?w~EA;NEF-RESISTANT aN'C wEL~ ~~FADEC PaF~ C.oughwt at ~nlet !Sheet ' 1 of 14 Install Temporary _ ;ONSTRUC' THE APRON JN ZERO ;,RAGE ~ITh NO vVEPFALL A' THE ~~edirner! 3a=~ns Nqs. r, and 1 G i Shee' 1 ? of 14j. Install Perm. ENG MAkE THE TGr= OF 'HE P'~"F'AP AT THE DGWNSTFEAM ENC ;EVEL ' SEASON _hor~,e,s 3°, 40, q' and 4< +o the typical sections and FERTILIZER ALA ~ r.~~~cc^s ~,d~ ated o^ the channel :jes~~gn charts fShe~et 11 of WRH THE RECEIVING APEA jp ~~'GHT_' PEL'~W iT r.t, r F,' ni earth berm to t'~e typical sei.tion P ENS;!RE ?HAT THE aFR;~:.ti _ ..RrPEaL, a~~',NED WITH 'HE GE;:E!v~tiG 1000 Ibs PER ACRE g _ ~ _ ~ ~ , P ; ~ ~ !^.e plans ~~sinq averb~.~rden excavated from initial 1G 0 - ~?R AM AND PREFEn46~~~~~ ~.T~'a!;;N THP,-'-~~'CUT !TS LENGTH u _ E , - - - - ~ ~ ~ Fc T~ c~ .~,TE ~+ti, T, ~Nc X11+' t +N ThrE ,i RVE N_ CE~~ ~ --------T- r T IME 4000 Ibs PER ACRE `:r,e~*s ~ and ' t et i 4i Upon compiet~.ng berm, install GROUND AGRICUL ORAL L f P R ACRE ~ : went Bann Nos t ? ,and ^ (Sheet t 1 of t 4). „'pPEk SE~T~,r~N tic THE ~~~k;'N GRAIN STRAW MULCH 4500 bs E ~a~ .e N~_s- _ 36, 3`, 34 and (Sheet ? 1 of ]4j. + n, '~P Fi, ~ ,T:,t~„_.[E AL_ ~~iSTLRBED ~~,~ME~,ATEL'~ a~ t, ,,~CN` r '_~~~,r ~ar Deer ~ v'abrfized. rass cncnnel areas and install 9 AREAc W'iT ~;E:E??~ i7N MULCF~ TO BE ANCHOREC BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: as ~s ~.o~'ed far the channel design ,:hart g' ER CT 'Vi'a` FEF ~ STAIN =~;aN' F - 1. PRIMPING WITH ANCHORING TOOL; OR • n,s~~i~ r ^ germ along access ~ocU and Channel Nos. 43 ~ IACK WITH ASPHALT EMULSION - 400 GAL PER ACRE 4r ~Sr~,~e' of .4} !nstan ,ar,we' ~~ap tc the roadway crest ` m,> ;'.;t'~_, hanne'~.s w~~h grassing ar,d stabu~zat:cn aids as ~~r T cr I"'' Er' R ~~;pv. RAINS T.. ~E1 i aN' ~,r~tri.;~ ;I " j'., r ~ '~,r~~,4 ,y, 'N,~PE F~rRAP ,~~L l R~~+ ~>~F ,~G E t , or ~,F ~r cTnNE: ~rn.".:v., :4,~v~.; ~~sh' ~,?1t~t ~f~A,n`4;. ~:~~~R `;i ce'es' ' ~~~eet ' 1 of ~ 4' :R+~SU,N AROUND RF~~W ~+r ~ Ar tea, 'Ar.N _ _E ~ , c~ i ; F ~MME~ ~~A~r~ MAr E A_ NEt~EE FEPAIRS Hat'E BEN CI~+._1+~~_~~~ • ~ ~P~~ ,~ea~ ~ufficie^+ in~ta~~' terms anderosion control FKi vENT ~I;R~HER uAMAf,E - ~e ce, ~',eet 9 of '4 ~stail Temp Sed- Basin Ne- Nc, 3 ABC ~ ~ S^eet 9 7a; ~^stali Pipe No 2 and No. 1 with _ - S~~amS n? _.uet an~:i Rip Rap Coughnuf at the Inlet _ HE BINDER ;LiRPA~E ~T r A IN DAM AREA. ~ ~ ~,r~eet ~ c; '4~~ ~~~stall Temp Sec. basin No 5 GC N~ uSE MIx~URES OF SERICEA LESPEDEZ N- -.,et 9 a PROTECTION OUTLET ~ _ ,-,r.e~ Nis - ,4 end ~nstal~ 6' high berm ~~c^~ mere channels St;bi~~:e mmediately upon completing. ;e.. _ .~ne~ t jSheet 9 of i4). Grass and msta~i stabd~zaUOr aids 'o~ channels ET IL -ACCESS ROAD D A • ^st^~~~ _rr~ne~s : , 4, 9, 10, ? ~ and 12 (Sheet 9 of 14]. =~=?~ucr F ana i' S' high berms along these channels to the ,,r~~-~~ ,~~,~-~~ded pn the detail sheet using excavated q,. M',N ~ 'ne ~o~rturden fr~~~m the ~n:bo'~ pit (Sheet. 9 of MIN 'a she berm; immediately upcr completing Install A I -----1 _ 5, b. -and d t~=~ the typical sections any _.mP^s~e^s tFa ~~r the aes~ ~_h~nne~ :,arts (Sheet 9 or -d~ca _ ~ p~ ~.a 1 i '1 _~as~, and ~~nsta~~ stab~~~zat.c^ aids os called for. r, : - . ~r~ tom,,; i ,x, .T` ~""t'~~7" l" "•:1 ~ ~ ~ p' J~eSSing area tC SG'c' PIFVat'OnS '~ndlCated and : S^ ~ - i~ 7-~ ,~1~ Y' X` r ~ ~ + - ~'RJIT~+Rt_ ST~JNE ! ~ - -crrole'e a~a~el access ~oae ,S^eets 9 and ' 1 of 14) Instali ~,~TER ~ - ~ T?rr; ~e•1 chain No 6 ;Sheet g o' 14), Ch•mnels t8, 19. 44 and ` rABRIC ~ ~ , - v'~ 4, 15,~ears 9 and 11 of ~ 4) to she typ~ca' sections and dimensions x~+rt~~ ~,t- x,,,-~' indicated cn the des n char{ ~~~,;~,~J 9 r • Instali sle~~e drams and rock bums to protect fill slopes A~ ao A ,~x~ (Sheet ~ ,~t '4~ ~o _ ~~c E ~ PA\~ - A ~ Stac,i~ze f,,, slopes and ch,annea with grass using _ a a _ - ~l ~'.J 6 .r _ 7. r. fi' ~ ~1 ' 1 - stab~I~~:af~~>~ a~~ds where called for r~SS A OF B • ~:e~,~ ,tea, sufficient to install perimeter berms and ERG~iGN ~ONTRGL _ eros~or~ c,ntrol devices shown on Sheet 10 of '14. Install Temp. IY 1-' w r; T ,rte Sediment Basins Nos. ?3, 14, 15, 16 l7 and 18 {Sheet t0 of 14}. I P~ ~ ?a, t In II hannel Nos 25. . ~ 1 ~rstall F.e No 10 tSheet 14,. sta C r F~~LiER y~~~~~~' ~a'~ MA% LSE. ~b and ?9 tSheet 1~~3 of 14). Install perimeter 17.5' high ; .rj-r~~., ~t"~(n;1 ' ~ ~ STR?JCT'JRA~ ~?ONE SnAL: EE ~~FSS ~Tr~NE ANC7 SMALL BE - ,rT;,~~-t. ~ ~ r ~ ~ f, ~ ~ X ~ PAID F iR A." THE ~ iF:'PAr T UNIT PRII E RER iN ;TINE POR _ - HALL B_ r i ~ t ~ ~ E r ~ ABRIC ~ , , ~ ~ a, ~ ~ bPrrr; ~t: 're t ical sect'~on lShee} 10 of 14) indicated on the 't ~~w x ~ ERO~ICG JN'A~~L , "B" SEE~!MENT C~'N`p i. STONE SHAL_ E SHAL_ ~ ''1~ f~ ~ dehc~i sheet usin overburden from initial it crea Once berm ~ ~,-~r~~,~~ g P i ~ _'.y r MiN i r'~ 1 ~ ~ BE NG ">>F N, ~'':iNE ANG_ SHAG BE Fn,- FOR oT THE ,!}-r-~1~ ~ ~ l`~. ~S 'ON?FAi,i UN'J ~p,.;E c'EF~ TCIv =EG+MEti' ~,-,N ~,'nNE^ AND ~ ~~s completes, grass immediately Upon berm being stabilized, ~~nsta8 Cr.annels 24, 31 and 30 (Sheet 10 of 141 Stabilize all ~ '~K.T ~ l , J~ ~ ,T'~°L 'r. , •14+x'" 7 ~X~rY ~ t~:Y~ 1"'~Y~` K SE6~~MENT CuNTR~'~ =T, ,N ;HA:'_ BEE NCI. 5 '..F N'~ ANG i ANG channels w~fh grass ~~sing aids where coiled for on the channel . , AG ~ T ~ ^~v ~,Y. t - ~Sy,C~f,~,,~(.~ SHALL BE SAID PGR A7 iri ~~VN'FF~=T ONIT r~Rl('t DFP '?P. '~aR,E _GPE~A E ~ ~ Y ~ ~ J~ t4~„x ~ ~ Ues~ar chi^t ~~~,e ~ t't' z.,x~. ;EDIFakNT ^~~~'RG~ ~,r„NE.. c,-;' ; ~~,.~.;x t TOP 1F tAM ~HAL~ EE t. MIN+M~~M QF UNE ~OC~Y BELGW ThE cGw ThE ~ ~ • ;,c~i„piere rill operet~on by bnng~ng the stockpile area and ~ l ,"r KA`Y`' ,N~,uL'EP ~.~R :;IMERS~ON ~'~'~~NT setti~~ng paid arec to grade Sheet 10 of 14). Install slope , P~I'r _~'~A~ ~R2F~ R''E` t _ ~ SEF~MEr+ -i-,,~~.A _ _T`~,= ~t t a 1(3TAl ",E~:'1~EN' TRAF V4,'1?~E SF lgpr" ~UBIC FEE? r^Ek ~ -ABE= AREA ~ C BE FROV'OED FUME 0~ THE ~T r^ER drains where ~nd~cated along with Rock Berms for slope protection Or SHE _ (;heel ^f 14t Grass fill slope. Once stabilized, install AGGREGATE 5~~E - ' SE s~~r +h'ASrIET S'GNE ACRE r Y c. '1F g ~t~wMS'REAM PEOU~kE+; 'J'..11_~_~ME AIA BE F~-~;._~ _ 'REAM ONSTRUCT~GN SPECIFiCATinNS - "`."nan^~e'~s iSheet ti of 14), ~1, ?S and 23 (Sheet 10 of 141 to ~,MENS!oNS ~ ,RA~E_ Pa~~ - PLAN -,~~.~TF~7L~ P NONE 1C THE uNES AND DiMENS10N5 SHOWN IN THE PLAN ON the typi~:al section and dimensions indicated on the charts. LNC. rmCFNESS ~ N?FE_ M~IsIJ~JM WiDTN~ 2-~' MIN~,MUM ^~R ~ l LL JJIC?~' a' uL~ a FILTER FABRIC rOJNDATION ~~rass a~, ~emain~ng channels us~na stabJizat~on aids where ^~d~catea. P'~iNTS ~r~F 'NE cEti"_';~~R [p.'RASJI;E ANG E"~? _ aR~. WHICHEVER I~ -Rta'EG ' ~T~,NF KEEt' 'HE CENSER STONE ;ECTIGN AT cEAST 9 INCHES BELOW NATURAL GROUND LEVEL ~~JHERE THE CAM ABUTS THE CHANNEL BANKS s nn au are s are stabilized, remove tem Drat devices and ~_EN~~TH 5J-~' M~NiMt~M ce a ~ p Y it y ~ _ 4~N z XT'~ND STONE AT _EAST 1 FT BEYOND rHE DITCH BANKS TO KEEP Install actin stabilr<atron such as rip yap at the end of pipe E ~r OVERFLOW WATER FROM UNDERCUTTING THE DAM AS iT RE-ENTERS THE outlets cna regross ereas d~st~rbed by removal of temp. devices ;HOuLDER f "r. ± section and dimension shown ~ ~ ~i ~~:~ADWA. SHUULJER rHANNEL ns-ai ennel No 33 to he typical ;,beet g of ?4) Stabilize as indicated ~m the channel design aR THE L~~arPAP~sE NNIi Exi' aGEA }c a~, ~ + _ ~ _ _ F '_iE + r _ _ - ~.E~ qT+,~~; R ~_TC, SriL~ ~rtiF_o OBOE" Lr,aa~= MA~EG'~A~_ aN,. ~ y- ~ '~,'Y` ~ + " c.hort Faye entrance. nP~a~. ;;P4~E" r 'p~ ~.~~~"i 1 MA~NfENANLE - INSPECT CHECK DAMS AND CHANNELS FOR DAMAGE Af7ER EACH RuN-OFF EVENT • Maintenance Sheet ~11 of 141 ~s to be performed on all - ~ , "~F' ".RAGE aNQ 2~MENSiON~ SHOWN -G'.5~ ~r P OE ~E RArE~,. _ ~ Ft _ ~ O ~ . ~ ~~n y~ ,x i F ~W ~ - ~ - -p PR u.ti on+Ni ~ t 1~ 7 ~ i _ " ~ ; iW NTiGIPATE SUBMERGENCE ANC DEPOSITION ABOVE THE CHECK DAM AND temporary and permanent devices when and where needed. ~ ON THE F,AT;S AhL C~Ai~+"" ~ ~ d_ S _ ` A EROSION FROM HIGH FLOWS AROUND THE EDGES OF THE DAM. CORREOT ALL temporary devices shall be ~_hecked on a weekly basis and a ter r G•, - ''IM NT TRAP 'JP OTHER -~1 r" TRAIN~i;L _AR ~ HATER T. A :E~ E PR,vICt ~ ~ DAMAGE IMMEDIATELY. IF SIGNIFICANT EROSION OCCURS BETWEEN GAMS, any rainfall event ~.n excess of 0 1 ft (Sheets 9, 10 and 11 of SWTABLE ~''~T'_E ~ i I 8' ~11N 3c;' ~iPE May. SEDIMENT '',piRO~ S?ONE ~ - WSTAL'~.. A. PROTECTNE RIPRAP LINER ;N THAT PORTION OF THE CHANNEL. ?4) All permanent and temporary sediment storage devices shall have white canes Installed with the max. sediment storage depth MAIN?ENANCE REMOVE SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED BEHIND THE DAMS AS NEEDED TO PREVENT ; ~ ' - T DRAW THeOUGH painted ir, red. Once the sediment reaches the red mark, said DAMAGE r0 CHANNEL VEGETATION, aLLOw THE CHANNEL 0 basin shat be excavated to the original bottom elevation. - - MAINTAIN THE GRAYEI_ oA0 ip A ~_'JNDiT'ON 'O PREVENT MUD OR ~EOIMEN~ - , ~ nnN s~TE TFi~~ MAY REQUIRE pER10Dic SECTION A-A SHE STONE CHECK DAM, AND PREVENT LARGE FLOWS FROM CARRYING FROM LtAJ~NG THE ~ON_iRI,C TONE. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE ALA TOPGRESS,NG ~"TH ~-INCH AIM NT OUER THE DAM. ADD STONES TO DAMS AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN Excavated sediment !s to be hauled to the stockpile area. The DEL E DESIrN HEIGHT AND CROSS SECTION retention pond is to be drained and checked every 3 months during OBdECT!ONABCE MATER~a~_5 cPIL~E~+. ~+ASHED OR TRACkED ONTO PUBLIC ROA^WAYS construction and once a year when operations are underway (Sheet 10 of 14;. PIPE FILTER INLET RIP RAP & GRAVEL MPORARY CHECK DAM TE TION ENTRANCE VEL CONSTRUC TEMPORARY GRA ,..rF 1,i~MLc DR~~Nr~: RJN 6/5/96 /1 1. 1 0 ~ L ~ ~ ~I~1 01 II~ Ile williamg carmen 4 kin Inc.. E N G I N E E R S E E R S & ARCHITECTS - DRS 6/5/96 INFRASMUCTURE PROD. MGR.: GMB 6/5/96 ~ECT `,lUMBER B ?TE _~._,_-----a TAR RIVER QUARRY, VAhCE COUNTY, NUPTH CAROi1NA PR^~ - RCS' R"LNG REVS TO ---t- - 14 OF 14 I NUMBER 740 chapel hill road p.o. box 1179 SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEEVf NUMBER , 'r., GE j burh 910i'226-5534 ngton, r .c. 27215 DETAILS - SHEET NO. 2 ' J J