HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191460 Ver 1_BR-0121 CE CHECKLIST FINAL_20191028DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form STIP Project No. WBS Element Federal Project No. A. Project Description: BR-0121 67121.1.1 N/A The purpose of this project is to replace Sampson County Bridge No. 178 on SR 1804 over Sevenmile Swamp. Bridge No. 178 is 91 feet long. The replacement structure will be a bridge approximately 105 feet long providing a minimum 30-foot 10 inch clear deck width. The bridge will include two 10- foot lanes and 5-foot 5 inch offsets. The bridge length is based on preliminary design information and is set by hydraulic requirements. The approach roadway will extend approximately 184 feet from the south end of the new bridge and 235 feet from the north end of the new bridge. The approaches will be widened to include a 20-foot pavement width providing two 10-foot lanes. Three-foot shoulders will be provided on each side (7-foot shoulders where guardrail is included). The roadway will be designed as a Local Route with a 55 mile per hour design speed. Traffic will be detoured off -site during construction (see Figure 1). B. Description of Need and Puraose: NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate Bridge No. 178 has a sufficiency rating of 46.21 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The superstructure and substructure of Bridge No. 178 have timber elements that are fifty-seven years old. Timber components have a typical life expectancy between 40 to 50 years due to the natural deterioration rate of wood. Rehabilitation of a timber structure is generally practical only when a few elements are damaged or prematurely deteriorated. However, past a certain degree of deterioration, most timber elements become impractical to maintain and upon eligibility are programmed for replacement. Timber components of Bridge No. 178 are experiencing an increasing degree of deterioration that can no longer be addressed by reasonable maintenance activities; therefore, the bridge is approaching the end of its useful life. The replacement of Bridge No. 178 is part of the Growing Rural Economy and Agriculture through Transportation and Technology Enhancement or Replacement in North Carolina (GREATTER-NC) Project under the United States Department of Transportation's 2018 Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grant program. The purpose of the grant and this bridge replacement project is to provide transportation infrastructure to support economic development and improve physical and digital connectivity in rural communities in North Carolina. The posted weight restriction on Bridge No. 178 prohibits large or heavy vehicles, DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 typically used in transporting agricultural and manufactured products, from using the bridge. Vehicles above the posted weight must detour 3.1 miles to avoid the bridge. Replacing the existing bridge will eliminate posted weight limits by providing a safe crossing for all legal loads and will make accommodations for broadband installation in order to support economic competitiveness. C. Categorical Exclusion Action Classification: Type IA D. Proposed Improvements — 28. Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the construction of grade separation to replace existing at -grade railroad crossings, if the actions meet the constraints in 23 CFR 771.117(e)(1-6). E. Special Project Information: Alternatives Discussion: No Build — The no build alternative would result in eventually closing the road which is unacceptable given the volume of traffic served by SR 1804. Rehabilitation — The bridge was constructed in 1962 and the timber materials within the bridge are reaching the end of their useful life. Rehabilitation would require replacing the timber components which would constitute effectively replacing the bridge. Onsite Detour — An onsite detour was not evaluated due to the presence of an acceptable offsite detour. Staged Construction — Staged construction was not considered because of the availability of an acceptable offsite detour. New Alignment — Given that the alignment for SR 1804 is acceptable, a new alignment was not considered as an alternative. Offsite Detour (Preferred) - Bridge No. 178 will be replaced on the existing alignment. The offsite detour includes SR 1845, SR 1805 and SR 1846. Traffic will be detoured offsite (see Figure 1) during the construction period. Sampson County Schools Transportation responded that the offsite detour route would have a moderate impact on their operations. Sampson County Emergency Services did not respond to a request for comment. The condition of all roads, bridges, and intersections are acceptable without improvement and Division 3 concurs with the use of the detour. Design Issues: Traffic Current — 150 vpd, TTST - 3%, Dual — 3% Rural Local Route — Sub Regional Tier Guidelines DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 Design Speed — 55 mph No Design Exceptions Required Estimated Costs: The estimated costs are as follows: R/W: $ 1,850 Const: $ 1,150,000 Total: $ 1,151,850 Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations: This portion of SR 1804 is not a part of a designated bicycle route nor is it listed in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as a bicycle project. Neither permanent nor temporary bicycle or pedestrian accommodations are required for this project. Typical Section for Bridge: 33' 11-1" _I 5'_5`I_ 10' _L 10' _l 5'-5" I 1_1'-1" unr�u� CONCRETE POINT CONCRETE B RAILER n n BARRIRAIER • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1" CORED SLAB BRIDGE (11 CORED SLAB UNITS) Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: A Nationwide Permit (NWP) 23 will likely be required for impacts to "Waters of the United States" resulting from this project. Other permits that may apply include a NWP No. 12 for utility relocations. In addition, an NCDWR Section 401 Water Quality General Certification (GC) may be required prior to the issuance of a Section 404 Permit. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. Public Involvement: A newsletter was sent to all property owners affected directly by this project. Property owners were invited to comment. No comments have been received to date. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 F. Project Impact Criteria Checklists: Type I & II - Ground Disturbing Actions Yes No FHWA APPROVAL ACTIVITIES THRESHOLD CRITERIA (FHWA Signature Required If "Yes" Selected) If the proposed improvement (identified above in Sections C & D) is a: • Type I Action for #s 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, &/or 30; &/or • Type II Action then answer the threshold criteria questions (below) and questions 8 - 31 for ground disturbing actions. In addition, if any of questions 1-7 are marked "yes" then the CE will require FHWA approval. 1 Does the project require formal consultation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife ❑ Service (USFWS) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)? 2 Does the project result in impacts subject to the conditions of the Bald and ❑ Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA)? 3 Does the project generate substantial controversy or public opposition, for any ❑ reason, following appropriate public involvement? 4 Does the project cause disproportionately high and adverse impacts relative to ❑ low-income and/or minority populations? 5 Does the project involve a residential or commercial displacement, or a ❑ substantial amount of right of way acquisition? 6 Does the project require an Individual Section 4(f) approval? ❑ ❑X Does the project include adverse effects that cannot be resolved with a 7 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) under Section 106 of the National Historic ❑ 0 Preservation Act (NHPA) or have an adverse effect on a National Historic Landmark (NHL)? If any of questions 8 through 31 are marked "yes" then additional information will be required for those questions in Section G. Other Considerations Yes No Does the project result in a finding of "may affect not likely to adversely affect" 8 or less for listed species, or designated critical habitat under Section 7 of the ❑ 0 Endangered Species Act (ESA)? 9 Does the project impact anadromous fish? ❑ 0 Does the project impact waters classified as Outstanding Resource Water 10 (ORW), High Quality Water (HQW), Water Supply Watershed Critical ❑ Areas, 303(d) listed impaired water bodies, buffer rules, or Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)? 11 Does the project impact waters of the United States in any of the designated ❑ 0 mountain trout streams? 12 Does the project require a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Individual ❑ Section 404 Permit? 13 Will the project require an easement from a Federal Energy Regulatory ❑ 0 Commission FERC licensed facility? DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 Does the project include a Section 106 of the NHPA effects determination 14 other than a no effect, including archaeological remains? Are there project ❑ 0 commitments identified? Other Considerations (continued) Yes No 15 Does the project involve hazardous materials and landfills? ❑ 0 Does the project require work encroaching and adversely affecting a 16 regulatory floodway or work affecting the base floodplain (100-year flood) ❑X ❑ elevations of a water course or lake, pursuant to Executive Order 11988 and 23 CFR 650 subpart A? Is the project in a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) county and ❑ 0 17 substantially affects the coastal zone and/or any Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? 18 Does the project require a U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) permit? ❑ 0 19 Does the project involve construction activities in, across, or adjacent to a ❑ 0 designated Wild and Scenic River present within the project area? 20 Does the project involve Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) resources? ❑ 0 21 Does the project impact federal lands (e.g. U.S. Forest Service (USFS), ❑ 0 USFWS, etc.) or Tribal Lands? 22 Does the project involve any changes in access control? ❑ 0 23 Does the project have a permanent adverse effect on local traffic patterns or ❑ 0 community cohesiveness? 24 Will maintenance of traffic cause substantial disruption? ❑ 0 Is the project inconsistent with the STIP or the Metropolitan Planning 25 Organization's (MPO's) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (where ❑ 0 applicable)? Does the project require the acquisition of lands under the protection of Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Act, the Federal Aid in Fish 26 Restoration Act, the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Tennessee Valley ❑ Authority (TVA), Tribal Lands, or other unique areas or special lands that were acquired in fee or easement with public -use money and have deed restrictions or covenants on the property? 27 Does the project involve Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ❑ buyout properties under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)? 28 Does the project include a de minimis or programmatic Section 4(f)? ❑ ❑X 29 Is the project considered a Type I under the NCDOT's Noise Policy? ❑ ❑X 30 Is there prime or important farmland soil impacted by this project as defined by ❑ ❑X the Farmland Protection Policy Act FPPA ? 31 Are there other issues that arose during the project development process that ❑ affected the project decision? G. Additional Documentation as Required from Section F Question 1 — Endangered Species: The US Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Sampson County , where BR-0121 is located. This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through April 30, 2020. Question 7 — Historic Architecture: The Environmental Analysis Unit of the North Carolina Department of Transportation has evaluated the adjacent House -Autry Mill and recommended that it is not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places The North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office has reviewed the evaluation and concurred that the property is not eligible. A finding of "no historic properties affected" is established for the project, which is in compliance with both GS 121-12(a) and Section 106 for historic architecture (see attached review form). Question 16 — Floodplain: This project is located in a FEMA Limited Detail study. The project will result in a decrease of 0.2' in the 100 year Base Flood Elevation and has approved as a Type 2a MOA through North Carolina Floodplain Mapping. H. Proiect Commitments See attached Project Commitments Greensheet. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 Categorical Exclusion Approval STIP Project No. BR-0121 WBS Element 67121.1.1 Federal Project No. N/A C A RO! Prepared By: ......... �.`���.''S S�� DocuSigned by: � • � SEAL �� • 7/10/2019 S• �uvuis 022999 Date Greg . urvls, PE, Project Manager '�,� N� Wetherill Engineering G;• I GS:;P�g Prepared For: North Carolina Department of Transportation Structures Management Unit Reviewed By: DocuSigned by: 7/11/2019 R Date Kevin'ris R&I PE Assistant State Structures Engineer — Program Management and Field Operations, Structures Management Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation /—DocuSigned by: 7/17/2019 I �,L'."'i", Date Pth l`V'S.87H16rris, III, PE Unit Head — Environmental Analysis Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation 0 Approved • If Type I (Non -Ground Disturbing) Categorical Exclusion with an answer of "no" to question 3. • If Type I or Type II (Ground Disturbing) Categorical Exclusions with an answer of "no" to all of the threshold questions (1 through 7) of Section F. Certified • If Type I (Non -Ground Disturbing) Categorical Exclusion with an answer of "yes" to question 3. • If Type I or Type II (Ground Disturbing) Categorical Exclusions with an answer of "yes" to any of the threshold questions (1 through 7) of Section F. • If classified as Type III Categorical Exclusion. FHWA Approved: For Projects Certified by NCDOT (above), FHWA signature required. N/A Date John F. Sullivan, III, PE, Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 PROJECT COMMITMENTS: Sampson County Bridge No.178 on SR 1804 Over Sevenmile Swamp W.B.S. No. 67121.1.1 T.I.P. No. BR-0121 NCDOT Division 3 — Offsite Detour In order to have time to adequately reroute school busses, Sampson County Schools will be contacted at least one month prior to road closure. Contact person is Vicki Westbrook — Director of Transportation at (910)-592-3191. Sampson County Emergency Services will be contacted at least one month prior to road closure to make the necessary temporary reassignments to primary response units. Contact person is Ronald Bass — Emergency Services Director at (910)-592-8996. NCDOT Hydraulic Unit — FEMA Coordination The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (IMP), to determine status of project with regard to applicability of NCDOT'S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). NCDOT Division 3 Construction, Resident Engineer's Office -FEMA This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall submit sealed as -built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment that are located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. NCDOT Structures Management Unit — Conservation Easement The property on the east side of the bridge is part of the Great Coharie Creek Tract which is in a conservation easement managed by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Stewardship Program. NCDOT will coordinate with the Stewardship program to avoid impacts to this property. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 B R-0121 REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 810178 OVER SEVENMILE SWAMP ON SR 1804 (HOUSES MILL RD WBS 67121.1.1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 3 VICINITY MAP - FIGURE 1 Hr- rm NMI DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 Project Tracking No.: 18-09-0079 oho NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM�i i/q Gq Q . A �- 1� Uat, This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not �? ,_ �az" valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No. 11'OY001 F.A. No: BR-0121 67121.1.1 Federal Permit Required? County: Sampson Document.- MCC Funding: ® State ❑ Federal ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: USACE Project Description: The project involves the replacement of Bridge No. 178 on SR 1804 (Houses Mill Rd) over Sevenmile Swamp in Sampson County, North Carolina. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) encompasses all areas of potential ground disturbing activity as depicted on the attached GIS mapping. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Permitting and funding information was reviewed for determining the level of archaeological input required by state and federal laws. Based on the submitted "request for cultural resources review" form, the project is state - funded with federal permit interaction. As such, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act will apply and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will serve as the lead federal agency. Next, construction design and other data was examined (when applicable) to define the character and extent of potential impacts to the ground surfaces embracing the project locale. Because the project is state -funded and appears to be an in - place replacement of the structure, the APE was primarily designed to capture any federal permit area. Once an APE was outlined, a map review and site file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Thursday, September 27, 2018. No previously documented archaeological sites are located in the APE. Examination of National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), State Study Listed (SL), Locally Designated (LD), Determined Eligible (DE), and Surveyed Site (SS) properties employing resources available on the NCSHPO website is important in establishing the location of noteworthy historic occupations related to a perspective construction impact area. A cross-check of these mapped resources concluded that none of the above properties with potential contributing archaeological components are situated within or proximal to the APE. It should be noted that the mill located on the western side of Houses Mill Road is considered a surveyed location by the NCSHPO. However, this location is unlikely to contain preserved or significant archaeological deposits. In addition, historic maps of Sampson County were appraised to identify former structure locations, land use patterns, cemeteries, or other confirmation of historic occupation in the project vicinity. Archaeological/historical reference materials were inspected as well. In general, the cultural background review established that no previously recorded archaeological sites, NRHP properties, or cemeteries are located within the APE. Based on cultural -historical factors, the APE is considered to have a low potential for the documentation of archaeological resources. Further, topographic, geologic, flood boundary, and NRCS soil survey maps were referenced to evaluate pedeological, geomorphological, hydrological, and other environmental determinants that may have resulted in past occupation at this location. Aerial and on -ground photographs (NCDOT Spatial Data Viewer) and the Google Street View map application (when amenable) were also examined/utilized for additional assessment of "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED "form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Progranunalic Agreement. I of DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 Project Tracking No.: 18-09-0079 disturbances, both natural and human induced, which compromise the integrity of archaeological sites. Environmental/impact factors do not suggest a heightened potential for archaeological resource recovery. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides ra reliable basis for reasonably prealicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: The APE is marked by disturbances and large portions are underlain by poorly drained soils. The APE is unlikely to contain significant, intact, and preserved archaeological deposits eligible for NRHP inclusion. As currently proposed as a state -funded project with federal permit interaction, no further consultation is advocated. A finding of "no archaeological survey required" is considered appropriate. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ® Previous Survey Info ❑ Pliotos ❑Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOGY SUR VEY REQ UIRED "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQU/RED " form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 2of2 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 Project Tracking No. (Internal Use) 18-09-0079 ' ". iA'J HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT OR AFFECTED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It I is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: BR-0121 County: Sampson WBS No.: 67121.1.1 Document T e: Fed Aid No: Funding: X State Federal Federal Permit(s): X Yes No Permit Typ e(s): USACE Project Description: Replace Bridge No. 178 on SR 1804 (House's Mill Road) over Sevenmile Swamp (off -site detour, no improvements planned). SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW ❑ There are no National Register -listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are properties over fifty years old within the area of potential effects, but they do not meet the criteria for listing on the National Register. X There are no historic properties present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needed.) Description of review activities results and conclusions: HPOWeb reviewed on 23 October 2018 and yielded one SS and no NR, DE, LD, or SL properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). The APE for historic architectural resources equates with the study area provided in the review request (see attached). Sampson County current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information reveal a mostly wooded APE with several residential and commercial resources dating from the 1810s to the 1990s. The majority of the pre-1970 resources are unexceptional (some are also altered) examples of their types. The previously recorded, but unevaluated House -Autry Mill (SP0414) (see attached aerial) required additional investigation. NCDOT— Historic Architecture prepared an evaluation of its National Register eligibility and recommended the property as not eligible for listing. HPO reviewed the evaluation and concurred with the finding (see attached memo). Constructed in 1962, Bridge No. 178 is not eligible for the National Register as it is neither aesthetically nor technologically significant. There are no National Register -listed properties in the APE or along the proposed off -site detour route. A finding of "no historic properties affected" will satisfy both Section 106 and GS 121-12(a) compliance requirements. Should any aspect of the project design change, please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additional review may be necessary. Historic Architecture and Lawiscape.c NO H1S7'0111C PROPER71hS PRES&NT Olt AFbTC'7'EU loan for Aiinor %ransporiation Projecl.e cis Qualified in the 2007 Progrmnnmlic Agreement. Page 1 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 The National Register eligibility evaluation of the House -Autry Mill (SP0414), as well as photographs of the property are on file at NCDOT-Historic Architecture, NCHPO, and https: //con nect. ncdot. gov. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. Photos X Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes — NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT OR AFFECTED NCDOT Architectural Historian BR-0121, Sampson County WBS No. 67121.1.1 Tracking No. 18-09-0079 ate Historic Archileclure and Landscapes NO HWORIC PROPI:Rllli ti PRIiSI N%' OR AF%liCl'6D lbrm %or AImor I ran.sponalion Projects as Oualilied in,he 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 2 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB276DDB-5533-4722-9FE8-F74F9E9DAE50 North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Secretary Susi H. Hamilton July 2, 2019 MEMORANDUM TO: Vanessa Patrick Human Environment Unit NC Department of Transportation FROM: Renee Gledhill -Earley �,� / — A Environmental Review Coordinator Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry SUBJECT: Historic Structures Survey Report for BR-0121, Replace Bridge 178 on SR 1804 over Sevenmile Swamp, Sampson County, ER 19-1974 Thank you for your June 12, 2019, memorandum transmitting the above -referenced report. We have reviewed the report and concur that the House -Autry Mill (SP0414) is not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places for the reasons outlined in the report. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or environmental.review&ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. cc: Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT Location: 109 East]ones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599