HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020664_Correspondence_19960603NPDES DOCUNENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0020664 Spindale WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Correspondence 201 Facilities Plan Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: June 3, 1996 This document its printed on rewse paper -ignore May content on the rev*m-we side -gym n0 0 a� a 0 °1sc Forest City Water Intake C�Bek Proposed ' Spindale WWTP (6 MGD) Spindale WWTP (6 MGD) \Spind�ale, f 1 � y y 1 Forest City WWTP (4.25 MGD) Burlington Cowan Plant (2 MGD) r BRUCE J. TERRIS CAROLYN SMITH PRAVLIK MONICA WAGNER KATHLEEN L. MILLIAN ROBERT D. PARRISH LYNN E. CUNNINGHAM Of counsel TERRIS, PRAVLIK & WAGNER 1121 12TH STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-4632 (202)682-2100 76375.2370@compuse"e.com FAX 202-289-6795 June 3, 1996 ■ ERIC A. BILSKY DAVID G. BOOKBINDER' CAROL A. IANCU 'Not Admitted to D.C. Bar WaS f fp 'u coif %S CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED T�, "'d 0 A",71- Uarol M. S. EnvirronmentalAdministrator ProtectionAgency68877 A-100265) LS a 401 M Street, S.W. LL Washington, D.C. 20460 Preston Howard, Director (Z 068 877 266) ' /S North Carolina Department of Environmental Management P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626 Ronnie Pack, Superintendent (Z 068 877 270) Town of Spindale Wastewater Treatment Plant P.O. Box 186 Spindale, North Carolina 28160 Re: NPDES Permit No. NCO020664 Dear Ms. Browner, Mr. Howard, Mr. Pack: Section 505(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (hereafter the "Act"), 33 U.S.C. 1365(b), requires that 60 days prior to the filing of a citizen's suit in federal district court under Section 505(a)(1) of the Act, notice must be given to the alleged violator, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the State in which the alleged violations occur of the citizen's tent to bring suit for the alleged violations. The American Canoe Association (7432 Alban Station Blvd., Suite B-226, Springfield, Virginia 22150, 703-451-0141), hereby places you on notice, pursuant to Section 505(b) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 1365(b), that it believes that the Town of Spindale Wastewater Treatment Plant is in violation of Sections 301, 308 and 402 of the Act by virtue of the fact that it has violated and continues to violate "an effluent standard or limitation" as defined by Section 505(f) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 1365(f), by failing to comply with NPDES permit number N00020664 at least in the instances enumerated in the attached chronological list of permit violations. We believe that Town of Spindale Wastewater Treatment Plant's violation of each of the parameters for which Ms. Browner, Mr. Howard, Mr. Pack June 3, 1996 Page 2 violations are set forth on the attached list is likely to continue in the future. The attached list is based on information available through EPA's Permit Compliance System. Based on our experience in litigating citizen suits under the Act, we are aware that data available through EPA's Permit Compliance System are not adequate to identify all of the violations that have occurred. We have found in the course of litigating many cases that numerous violations of the discharge limitations, monitoring requirements, reporting requirements, recordkeeping requirements and miscellaneous other requirements of the permit can only be identified by examining documents that are submitted to the regulatory authorities and other documents that are not submitted to the regulatory authorities. After the initiation of litigation, we intend to conduct thorough discovery to obtain all relevant documents and information, including but not limited to Town of Spindale Wastewater Treatment Plant's laboratory reports, log books, chain of custody records, pH or flow strip charts, and any other documents recording the discharge of water and/or pollutants from the facility. These documents will be examined in order that we may identify additional violations, including, but not limited to, discharge, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping violations. We intend, at the close of the 60-day notice period, or shortly thereafter, to file a citizen suit under Section 505(a)(1) of the Act for all violations of the permit, including all violations that can be identified through a review of the documents described above and for all violations that occur after your receipt of this letter. We do not believe that it is necessary to provide you with further notice before pursuing legal action for these additional violations. If you are interested in attempting to settle this matter, we encourage you to contact us s as soon as pcss hle. Tie will need a substantial amount of information and documentation before substantive settlement discussions can begin. We believe that it would be in everyone's best interest if this information exchange begins within days of your receipt of this letter. Sincerely, Da id Bookbinder Counsel for American Canoe Association Ms. Browner, Mr. Howard, Mr. Pack June 3, 1996 Page 3 Enclosures CC: John Hankinson, Jr. (Z 068 877 263) Regional Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 345 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Robert J. Kinney (Z 068 877 264) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, S.W. (2243A) Washington, D.C. 20460 Spindale WWTP NC0020664 [21 [1J Violation Date Violation of [31 [41 [51 Permit Limit [61 Measured [71 % Over [81 Number of No_ _ M_ D ------------------------------------------------------------------`------- Y Outfall Parameter Type Amount Units Value Limit Violations 1 7 31 94 001 C1 M 344.00 mg/l 588.00 mg/1 71 1 2 3 7 7 31 31 94 94 001 001 FC CN M 400.00 MPN 4450.00 MPN 1013 1 4 8 31 94 001 CN M M 6.90 6.90 mg/1 mg/1 20.00 7.00 mg/l mg/1 190 1 1 5 8 31 94 001 C1 M 344.00 mg/1 505.00 mg/1 47 1 1 6 8 31 94 001 Hg M 0.0170 mg/1 0.2000 mg/l 1076 1 7 9 30 94 001 CN M 6.90 mg/l 8.00 mg/l 16 1 8 9 30 94 001 Cl M 344.00 mg/l 575.00 mg/l 67 1 9 10 31 94 001 TSS M 45.00 mg/l 53.00 mg/1 18 1 10 10 31 94 001 FC M 400.00 MPN 590.00 MPN 48 1 11 10 31 94 001 Hy M 0.0170 mg/l 0.2000 mg/l 1076 1 12 13 10 31 94 001 CQ M 344.00 mg/l 455.00 mg/1 32 1 14 11 11 30 30 94 94 001 001 FC C1 M M 400.00 344.00 MPN mg/l 1225.00 513.00 MPN 206 1 15 12 31 94 001 FC M 400.00 MPN 1480.00 mg/l MPN 49 270 1 1 16 17 12 12 31 31 94 94 001 001 Hg TSS M 0.0170 mg/l 0.3000 mg/1 1665 1 18 12 31 94 001 C1 M M 45.00 344.00 mg/l mg/1 54.00 608.00 mg/l mg/l 20 77 1 19 1 31 95 001 Cd M 2.80 mg/1 14.00 mg/l 400 1 1 20 21 1 31 95 001 Cl M 344.00 mg/1 393.00 mg/1 14 1 22 1 1 31 31 95 95 001 001 FC CN M M 400.00 6.90 MPN mg/1 1815.00 MPN 354 1 23 2 28 95 001 C1 M 344.00 mg/l 13.00 515.00 mg/1 mg/1 88 50 1 24 25 2 2 28 95 001 FC M 400.00 MPN 2400.00 MPN 500 1 1 26 3 28 31 95 95 001 001 Hg FC M 0.0170 mg/l 0.8000 mg/l 4606 1 27 3 31 95 001 FC A M 200.00 400.00 MPN MPN 330.50 3650.00 MPN MPN 65 31 28 29 4 30 95 001 Hg M 0.0170 mg/l 0.2000 mg/1 813 1076 1 1 4 30 95 001 CN M 6.90 mg/l 10.00 mg/1 45 1 30 31 4 4 30 30 95 95 001 001 FC Cd M 400.00 MPN 3000.00 MPN 650 1 32 5 31 95 001 CN M M 2.80 6.90 mg/l mg/l 54.00 7.00 mg/1 mg/l 1829 1 1 33 34 5 5 31 31 95 95 001 001 Hg N M 0.0170 mg/l 0.4000 mg/l 2253 1 1 35 5 31 95 001 FC M A 460.00 200.00 MPN MPN 4200.00 241.60 MPN MPN 950 1 36 37 6 30 95 001 Hg M 0.0170 mg/l 0.3000 mg/l 21 1665 31 1 38 6 6 30 30 95 95 001 001 Cd FC M 2.80 mg/1 9.00 mg/l 221 1 39 7 31 95 001 FC M M 400.00 400.00 MPN MPN 1725.00 955.00 MPN MPN 331 1 40 7 31 95 001 CN M 6.90 mg/1 10.00 mg/l 139 45 1 41 42 7 8 31 31 95 95 001 Hg M 0.0170 mg/1 0.2000 mg/l 1076 1 1 43 8 31 95 001 001 Hg CN M M 0.0170 6.90 mg/l mg/1 0.4000 24.00 mg/1 2253 1 44 8 31 95 001 FC M 400.00 MPN 3000.00 mg/1 MPN 248 650 1 45 46 9 30 95 001 Hg M 0.0170 mg/1 0.7000 mg/1 4018 1 1 47 9 9 30 30 95 95 001 001 FC Cd M 460.00 MPN 633.00 MPN 58 1 M 2.80 mg/l 132.00 mg/1 4614 1 Spindale WWTP NC0020664 [2] [1] Violation No. Date Violation of [3] [4] [5] Permit Limit [6] Measured [7] % Over [8] Number M D Y Outfall Parameter TypeUnits Amount Uni Va of 48 49 10 10 31 31 95 95 001 001 CN Hg M 6.90 mg/1 ---- 22.00 mg/1 219 1 50 10 31 95 001 FC M M 0.0170 460.00 mg/1 MPN 2.9000 mg/1 6000.00 MPN 16959 1 51 52 11 30 95 001 Cd M 2.80 mg/1 15.00 mg/l 1400 436 1 1 53 11 11 30 30 95 95 001 001 FC Hg M M 400.00 0.0170 MPN mg/1 1200.00 MPN 6.3000 200 1 54 12 31 95 001 Hg M 0.0170 m /1 mg/1 2.2000 m /1 36959 12841 1 55 56 12 12 31 31 95 95 001 001 CN FC M 6.90 mg/l 8.00 mg/1 16 1 1 --'-'--- _ _ _M _ 400.00 ---'--- MPN — -'---- 1200.00 MPN " ---------'---" 200 1 Total — '------------------ Violations 116 (1) For ease of reference, the ACA has numbered each of the violations listed in this exhibit. (2) This column identifies the dates of permittee•s violations by months (m), and year (Y). (3) The entries in this column identify the discharge serial number (DSN) or outfall at which the violation occurred. (4) The entries in this column identify the parameters for which the defendant violated the discharge limitations in its NPDES permit. The following abbreviations have been used: Ag Silver A Aluminum AmN Ammonia (as Nitrogen) As Arsenic BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand COD Chemical Oxygen Demand Cd Cadmium Cl Chlorine CN Cyanide Cr Chromium Cu Copper FC Fecal Coliform Fe Iron Mercury Ni Nickel Nickel O&G Oil & Grease Pb Lead Sb Acidity or Alkalinity Antimony SS Settleable Solids TemTOCp Temperature Total Organic Carbon Spindale WWTP NC0020664 [2) [1J Date of Violation Violation [5] [3) [41 Permit Limit [6) Measured [71 [8) No_ M D Y Outfall Parameter Type Amount Units ------------------ — ----- — -------------------------- Value % Over Limit Number of Violations TRC Total Residual Chlorine — --- — ----------------- — ---- TSS Total Suspended Solids Zn Zinc (5) The entries in this column identify the discharge limitations set forth in permittee's NPDES permit which were violated. The following abbreviations have been used: A Average F Degrees Fahrenheit Meg. MGD maximum millions of gallons per day MPN Min Maximum Permissible Number per 100 ml minimum milligrams per liter NA not not applicable SU standard units (6) The entries in this column identify the measured value of permittee's discharge as set forth in the Permit Compliance System report. (7) The entries in this column identify the percent by which permittee's discharge of the pollutant exceeded the amount allowed by its NPDES permit. (8) Violations of daily maximum and minimum discharge limitations are counted as 1 day of violation. Monthly average violations are counted as a violation for each of the days in the month.