HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191435 Ver 1_HDD Contingency Plan_20191018F ILI HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 733519075 HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 733519075 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................1 2.0 Inadvertent Return Prevention Measures....................................................................2 2.1 Bore Profile Design.........................................................................................................................2 2.2 Pre -Drill Preventive Measures......................................................................................................2 2.2.1 HDD Drilling Supervisor.................................................................................................................2 2.2.2 Dominion Environmental Inspector.................................................................................................2 2.2.3 HDD Contractor...............................................................................................................................3 Monitoring of Mud Quality.......................................................................................................... 3 Controlled Drill Head Advance................................................................................................... 3 Pump Pressure................................................................................................................................3 Proper Tool and Equipment Sizing..............................................................................................3 3.0 IR Monitoring....................................................................................................................3 3.1 Mud Pressure Monitoring.............................................................................................................4 3.2 Ground Surface Inspection...........................................................................................................4 3.3 Surface Water Inspection...............................................................................................................4 4.0 Response Measures..........................................................................................................4 4.1 Loss of Drilling Fluid Circulation................................................................................................4 4.2 Notifications and Documentation................................................................................................5 4.3 Terrestrial (Upland) Releases........................................................................................................5 4.4 Surface Water Releases..................................................................................................................6 4.5 Wetland Releases............................................................................................................................6 5.0 Restoration and Post -Construction Monitoring.........................................................7 Appendices Appendix I — Additional Figures Appendix II - IR Contingency Minimum Required Equipment List October 15, 2019 HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 733519075 1.0 Introduction Dominion Energy is proposing to construct approximately 1.6 miles of new 8-inch diameter plastic natural gas main along Johnson Pond Road in the Town of Fuquay Varina, North Carolina. The Johnson Pond Road project will start at the northwestern corner of the intersection of Johnson Pond Road and Hilltop Needmore Road. The pipeline will continue in a northerly direction along the western side of Johnson Pond Road to the termination point of the project. The new pipeline will be installed via a combination of open -cut trench construction and horizontal directional drill (HDD). Two sections of pipeline will be installed via HDD beneath two streams, a wetland area, and an intersecting road. The use of HDD as an installation method should minimize potential for impacts to these features, particularly environmentally sensitive areas. See Figure 1 for drawings showing the locations of the two HDDs and surrounding areas. The first planned HDD is approximately 1,230 feet in length and will cross beneath Middle Creek and the associated wetland area. The HDD location is proposed within and adjacent to the NCDOT-owned right-of-way (ROW) along the west side of Johnson Pond Road, south of the intersection with Bells Lake Road. See Figure 2 for the proposed HDD profile of the Middle Creek crossing. The second planned HDD is approximately 597 feet in length and will cross Bells Lake Road and an unnamed tributary to Middle Creek that flows through a culvert. The proposed installation is within the NCDOT-owned ROW along the west side of Johnson Pond Road. See Figure 3 for the proposed HDD profile that will cross Bells Lake Road and the unnamed tributary. HDD operations have the potential for Inadvertent Returns (IR) of drilling fluids, or unintended release of drilling fluids, during the HDD installation process. IRs occur due to migration of drilling fluids through subsurface formations or soils other than the bore annulus and can be released to the ground surface, surface waters and/or migrate to neighboring aquifers. Drilling fluids utilized during HDD activities primarily consist of bentonite clay and water mixtures and are often referred to as drill mud. Small amounts of chemical additives (typically less than 1%) may be mixed with the drilling fluids to improve drilling performance, or in response to a release. Though not classified as toxic or hazardous, these drilling fluids may adversely impact aquatic and/or terrestrial ecosystems if an IR occurs. Dominion Energy is committed to verifying that all project construction activities will be completed in an environmentally responsible manner. Accordingly, this Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan has been developed and outlines procedures to: Minimize the potential for an IR. Detect the first indications of an IR. Prepare the HDD contractor so their response to an IR will be organized, timely and appropriate to minimize environmental impacts. Verify that notifications to appropriate parties and regulatory agencies are made. October 15, 2019 1 HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 733519075 obstructions. Based on these designs, the selected HDD Contractor can effectively pre -plan the drilling work and prepare their project -specific risk management and contingency strategies. This report can be updated once design and geotechnical work is completed. 2.0 Inadvertent Return Prevention Measures In order to minimize potential environmental impacts associated with IRs, HDD profile designs have been created, and planning for specific measures to be taken before, during, and after the HDD installation process have been completed. 2.1 Bore Profile Design HDD profile designs have been created using surface profile information and will be augmented with geotechnical assessment data. Survey information has been used to design the drill profile such that potential obstacles are avoided and an acceptable depth below the stream/wetlands is achieved. The geotechnical data will be used to determine if the geologic soils and formations that are being drilled through will allow for effective steering and control along the bore path and are conducive to containment of the drill mud. This information, combined with HDD designer experience, will help to minimize the risks of an IR. 2.2 Pre -Drill Preventive Measures Before the start or continuance of both of the HDDs, the following measures shall be implemented: 2.2.1 HDD Drilling Supervisor The HDD Contractor shall have an HDD Drilling Supervisor present at all times during HDD operations. The HDD Drilling Supervisor is responsible for making sure the HDD is implemented in accordance with the design. The Drilling supervisor shall also confirm that all personnel are: 1) aware of their responsibilities if an IR occurs; 2) aware of the location and proper deployment of materials and cleanup methods, and; 3) are capable of completing the required actions. 2.2.2 Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector A Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector shall be on -site and shall verify that: Construction limits are clearly marked. Sensitive resources within, and adjacent to, the construction workspace are flagged. All required clearances or permits related to sensitive features have been obtained. All setbacks and offsets from sensitive resources shall be maintained. Coordination with the USACE and NCDWR to communicate anticipated HDD schedule has occurred. Erosion and sediment controls are appropriate for the current and expected conditions, have been installed, and are functioning properly. A properly -stocked spill response kit is present at the drill site. October 15, 2019 HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 733519075 Appropriate response equipment is on -site and in good working order (Minimum required equipment is listed in Appendix II but may be modified by the Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector based on current and expected conditions at the site at the time of installation). A pre -construction meeting is conducted with contractor personnel to identify and locate sensitive resources at the site and to review the Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan for the HDD. Subsequent daily briefings with contractor personnel are conducted. 2.2.3 HDD Contractor The HDD Contractor shall perform the HDD utilizing reasonable measures to minimize the risk of IRs while ensuring the completion of a successful HDD. These measures include, but are not limited to, the following: Monitoring of Mud Quality Monitoring of drilling fluid (mud) pressures, viscosities, circulation, and returns shall be completed during all drilling activities to verify that the mud handling equipment is operating within the expected parameters of the anticipated soil conditions. The soil returns will be continuously monitored and adjustments made as necessary. Controlled Drill Head Advance The HDD Operator will advance the drill head at a pace that permits sufficient time for soil cuttings to be flushed from the borehole by the drilling fluids. Attempting to advance the drill head too quickly can cause plugging to occur due to build-up of cuttings in the annular space. Continuing to advance the drill head when plugging has occurred will cause annular space pressures to increase, which could lead to an IR. If plugging occurs, the drill head advance shall be slowed, stopped, or reversed as necessary to clear the build-up of cuttings. Swabbing the drill hole may also be required to clear excess build-up of cuttings. Pump Pressure Drilling mud pump pressure will be maintained at a level above the minimum pressure required to keep the annular space clear of cuttings and promote good drilling fluid circulation. However, this pressure should not be exceeded more than is necessary and should be maintained well below the maximum allowable annular mud pressure. Calculations will be completed to provide the minimum and maximum mud pressures along the drill path based off the provided geotechnical and surface survey information. Proper Tool and EcuiPment Sizing Appropriately sized (diameter) drill heads and reamer bits will be used to maintain proper annular space size through the drill, especially in the curves of the drill path. This will allow sufficient annular space for the circulation of drilling fluids. An appropriately sized drill rig shall also be selected so that the HDD can be completed successfully. 3.0 IR Monitoring The HDD Contractor will verify that operations are monitored for the occurrence of IRs using each of the following methods, as appropriate: October 15, 2019 HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 733519075 11 E 3.1 Mud Pressure Monitoring The HDD Contractor is responsible for continually monitoring mud pressures during all HDD activities. Sudden loss of mud pressure could indicate an IR to the surface, loss of fluid into a pre-existing void or fractured rock, blockage of the return path, or borehole collapse. Upon loss of mud pressure, investigation of the cause of mud pressure loss should commence. Drilling activities should be slowed or cease, and mud flow from the pump should be slowed until the cause is determined. 3.2 Ground Surface Inspection Visual inspection of the ground surface for indications of escaping drilling fluids shall be completed along the path of the HDD, with priority given to environmentally -sensitive areas. To the extent practicable, and without trespassing outside the approved workspace, the inspection should cover a corridor that is at least 300 feet wide, centered on the drill. Inspections shall be made relative to the rate of advance of the drill head; however, a full- length inspection pass shall be made at least once every hour while pumping drilling fluids. Indications of a release shall be reported immediately to the HDD Drilling Supervisor and Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector. 3.3 Surface Water Inspection Inspection passes shall be made at least once every hour while pumping. Indications of an IR shall be reported immediately to the HDD Drilling Supervisor and Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector. If operating parameters indicate the possibility of an IR under water, the water inspection will become continuous (during daylight only) until the location of the suspected inadvertent release is found, the drill is completed, or measures to remedy the inadvertent release using approved additives or other operations adjustments have been successful. Inspections will be made from an elevated position on land with an unobstructed view of the water body. If required, completion of turbidity sampling that might indicate an IR is occurring will be taken at sites upstream and downstream of the HDD crossing. 4.0 Response Measures Contractor personnel are responsible to report indications of an IR or an observed IR to the on -site Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector. If either of these conditions are reported and confirmed, HDD operations are to immediately cease. HDD activities shall not resume until cleanup procedures are complete and appropriate agencies have authorized resumption of work. Containment and removal of drilling fluid releases to the surface will be performed where practical and where there will be a net benefit in the reduction of overall environmental impacts. Response actions will be coordinated through the on -site Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector, Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector, Dominion Energy Gas Transmission Construction Manager and Dominion Energy Environmental Lead. 4.1 Loss of Drilling Fluid Circulation As stated in section 3.1, mud pressure loss and fluid circulation loss can indicate an IR at the surface. In the event of loss, or reduction, of drilling fluid circulation the following measures should be taken: October 15, 2019 4 HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina ... s S&ME Project No. 733519075 "'� ■ ■ �� Notify the Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector and Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector of the loss of fluid circulation. Retract the drill head a short distance, if deemed appropriate. Discontinue drilling operations to investigate the loss of fluid circulation. Pump drilling fluid into the borehole for approximately 15 minutes without advancement of the bore head. If fluid circulation is regained, resume drilling operations. The HDD Drilling Supervisor will notify the Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector, Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector, and Dominion Energy Environmental Lead and continue visual monitoring of the project area for signs of drilling fluid release. If a drilling fluid release is detected, discontinue drilling and implement mitigation measures as detailed in this contingency plan. HDD Contractor shall monitor and adjust fluid properties, fluid volumes, and rate of penetration to match ground conditions and maintain circulation and borehole stability once drilling operations resume. 4.2 Notifications and Documentation If there is an IR or other environmental or safety incident, the HDD Contractor shall report the incident to the on - site Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector or Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector immediately and directly. The Dominion Energy Environmental Lead will be responsible for making the appropriate regulatory agency notifications. Documentation of the IR shall include: Initial indication/observation of the IR and time observed. Location of the IR. Resources impacted by the IR. Location of the drill head/reamer. Stage of the HDD. Times of notification and who was notified. Actions taken in response to the IR and times those actions were taken. Amount of drilling fluid loss. Containment methods employed. Effectiveness of containment methods. Photos (before, during and after cleanup). 4.3 Terrestrial (Upland) Releases The HDD Drilling Supervisor will utilize the appropriate combination of hay bales, silt fence, compost filter sock, wattles, pumps, hoses, and other measures that will most effectively contain and remove drilling fluids from upland areas. The HDD Drilling Supervisor shall make the determination of the appropriate equipment and materials to be used, with approval of the Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector and Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector. The actions may include: Constructing a small pit or sandbag coffer around the IR location(s), installing a section of silt fence, compost filter sock, and/or hay bales to trap as much drilling fluids as possible, and placing a pump hose October 15, 2019 HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 733519075 11 E in the pit to pump the drilling fluid back to the bore site or temporary holding area or vessels (i.e. vac truck). Reducing drilling fluid pressures. Thickening drilling fluid mixture; and/or Adding pre -approved loss circulation materials to the fluid mixture, such as wood fibers or shredded paper. If the HDD Contractor determines the fluids are reusable, the HDD Contractor shall instruct the recovery crew to pump the contained and recovered fluids to on -site tanks for reuse. Otherwise, the fluids will be transported off - site for disposal at an approved facility. Dominion Energy will obtain landowner permission prior to accessing upland sites for fluids containment and removal operations, except in emergency cases where inaction would pose an imminent threat to human health, environmentally sensitive areas, or public/private property. 4.4 Surface Water Releases If an IR occurs within streams and/or wetlands, drilling operations will cease until the HDD Drilling Supervisor, Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector and Dominion Energy Environmental Lead have had an opportunity to examine the site and evaluate the threat to the waterbody. A turbidity curtain (Type 3 DOT or approved equivalent) will be installed per manufacturer instructions within the waterbody at the site of the inadvertent return location to confine suspended solids from the IR until an observable degree of settlement occurs. If necessary, the containment shall remain in place throughout HDD installation and until settlement renders turbidity inside the containment similar to the adjacent waters based on visual inspection, the threat to sensitive resources has passed, or the Dominion Energy Environmental Lead authorizes removal of the turbidity curtain. Removal of the diluted drilling fluids is not anticipated, unless dictated by unusual circumstances or directed by environmental agencies, and subject to Dominion Energy approval. Drilling operations shall not cease during the pipe pullback process in the event of an inadvertent release due to significant risk of causing the pull to be stuck and unable to resume. In this case the turbidity curtain would be installed to confine suspended solids. 4.5 Wetland Releases Upon confirmation of an IR in wetlands, HDD operations will cease. Containment and removal of drilling fluids released to wetlands shall be performed after consultation with the appropriate regulatory agencies. The HDD Contractor shall assist the on -site Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector with the following steps: Measure the area directly affected by the released drilling fluids. The area affected may be estimated from a distance, if access to the affected area for measurement would result in additional unacceptable negative impacts or is not otherwise feasible. The Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector or a qualified wetland biologist will characterize the type of impact caused by the released drilling fluids (e.g., temporary, vegetation only, permanent, change in surface hydrology). The Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector or Dominion Energy Environmental Lead will seek regulatory agency concurrence, if required. October 15, 2019 HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 733519075 The HDD Contractor, Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector, and the on -site Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector shall jointly estimate the additional area, if any, likely to be affected if the drilling were to proceed and the drilling fluids were not contained and removed. In consultation with the HDD Contractor, the on -site Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector will estimate and characterize the additional impacts to wetlands likely to occur as a result of accessing the affected area for containment and removal of the drilling fluids. The on -site Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector will estimate any reduction in impacts that might be achieved if the released fluids were removed. If it is determined that the released drilling fluid is to be contained and recovered, the HDD Drilling Supervisor, in consultation with the Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector and Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector, shall direct the personnel or placement of equipment at the applicable points of fluids release and transfer the contained fluids to a hopper barge or tank for subsequent reuse or disposal. If the decision is made to forgo containment and proceed with the drill, the on -site Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector will continue to observe the location of the release. If impacts continue, the Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector will periodically reevaluate the decision to continue until containment and removal arejustified or the HDD is complete. Access to wetlands will be done in such a manner as to cause the least impacts to vegetation and surface hydrology, and only with prior agency approval. Because of site -specific variables such as distance from open water, surface hydrologic conditions, and vegetation cover, selection of the most appropriate access method will be made on a case -by -case basis, subject to approval by the Dominion Energy Pipeline Inspector and Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector. The least number of personnel and equipment necessary to accomplish the task safely in a timely manner shall be deployed. Following containment and removal, the HDD Contractor will continue to monitor the crossing location for additional releases as the drilling work progresses. Impacts to wetlands from inadvertent releases will be measured, assessed, and recorded by the Dominion Energy Environmental Inspector with assistance from the HDD Contractor, to support mitigation or restoration measures that may be necessary. Upon completion of the boring, the HDD Contractor will remove containment and recovery equipment, tools, supplies, materials, wastes, and debris from the wetlands. 5.0 Restoration and Post -Construction Monitoring Impacted areas will be restored to pre-existing contours. Upland areas shall be restored through typical right-of- way practices of seeding and mulching as described in the reclamation plan for the project. Restoration of wetlands may vary depending on the extent of disturbance to the upper soil layer and vegetation during the initial IR response. In the event of a drilling fluid release in streams and/or wetlands, a site -specific, post- remediation protocol shall be prepared and submitted to the USACE and NCDWR. Once approved, the plan implemented under the direction of Dominion Energy. This protocol will be based on the specific parameters of the release, including volume, location and extent. The goal of the plan will be to determine what adverse effects may have occurred in October 15, 2019 HDD Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan Dominion Energy - Johnson Pond Road Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 733519075 the impacted area of release. Efforts may include random sampling of each habitat and comparison of impacted habitats to non -impacted habitats. Pre -drilling data for this project will be used for comparative purposes. At a minimum, an inspection of the entire drill path will occur within 48 hours of completion of drilling activities. A letter report will be prepared to summarize fluid deposits that are identified. If there is no drilling fluid release, post drilling monitoring will consist of an underwater investigation to be performed within 30 days after completion of drilling activities. Drilling fluid releases that persist beyond completion of drilling activities shall be removed within 30 days of completion of drilling, if requested by the Federal or State regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. October 15, 2019 Appendices Appendix I - Figures Figure 1A - HDD Location Drawings 67?60$120 0678697535 ( 1/ / S l t 1) 1 '�\ \w 1 �� �} % (/ ; / r/^' / 1/��Yr�� �'�✓ �J 0�78699588- 00 J S ; / ) ( r— ) / �) \ram ,.�� •� P/i ice/ —, % / I —� \\ 067858806 l--1 r ✓��� ( / / r r/ i ! l ( /� �`\ t\ `�/,� j j \4\ \�; \/�✓ \'/ f.�� ��l ''� 1. 0678797274 1 i� // f ✓ / /J it ` \ ( L\ \ iJ 0678780�8- — l 1 J J LEGEND /r✓ / fib r \ \ \ l \� `f 1 / ) ( �� �\ CONSTRUCTION WORKSPACE HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL lo 40' \ \\ )\� �`1 / �� ~\ `\ �J \ f �" _ \ ( f 8-INCH DIAMETER HDPE (OPEN TRENCH) EXISTING CULVERT w STREAM CENTERLINE STREAM BANKS G REFERENCE: / ® WETLAND TAX PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM THE WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) 0 100 200 300 d DEPARTMENTS. 2016 TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS DERIVED FROM NC DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY EMERGENCY EXISTING MINOR GRADECONTOUR(1') MANAGEMENT (NCDPS) NC SPATIAL DATA DOWNLOAD TOOL.THIS DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL (DEM) IN WAKE COUNTY, \^� o NORTH CAROLINA WAS CONVERTED INTO 1-FOOT CONTOURS USING ARCGIS SPATIAL ANALYST. NATURAL RESOURCES \ DELINEATION PERFORMED BYS&ME PERSONNEL IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2019. THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) �\ \1 �\ EXISTING MAJOR GRADE CONTOUR(5') o LAND DISTURBANCEAREA IS APPROXIMATEAND BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. \ \ ✓ \ \ r� \ 0 PARCELS 1 Z z Q O Z V � Q Z X Z_ W W J "' 0 Z Cf O a V _ Z �<O w p } off Q F- O Z Z of =) LU p O C,f Z V w w o�Q Q Z z 0 p Z �0 SCALE: 1"=100' DATE: 10-18-19 PROJECT NUMBER: 7335-19-075 FIGURE NO 1A �\ \ \ `� � � _ % y ) ( 1 � \ j _ � 2�9' � /•/ ��y � � � � /I / lj // � � ^" I � l�I I � J I 1 `D 605399 �f Figure 1B - HDD Location Dr; 0679�02400 r06-'y608110 fl 0679701056 1 j/ !ty \--0679603162 / �� \•� \ /�^~J _��_ /! i' 1r -� ; ISl3 �f����r�/ i� `�' too I — . I ( . 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NATURAL RESOURCES 1 DELINEATION PERFORMED BYS&MEPERSONNEL IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2019. THELOCATION OFTHE PROPOSED GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) } — EXISTING MAJOR GRADE CONTOUR(5') o LAND DISTURBANCEAREA IS APPROXIMATE AND BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. \ PARCELS z z Qo z U Q z x z W W J "' 0 Z Z w U oa U _ Z N � rr 0 z w o } off O ~ Z or � w o 0 � Z U w 0 LU o a Q Q z z 0 Ln oz �0 SCALE: 1 "= 100' DATE: 10-18-19 PROJECT NUMBER: 7335-19-075 114to] :»►[t Figure 2 - Middle Creek HDD Profile w w a a O O U) U) a a N a0 N LU ti,t w LLJ N N w N o II 7 � LU II ❑ j (n w a C� H J_ N H J— N 340 340 E IS IN E A D E E AT O A T E O T M I ED A E O D E IS I G E L N 320 EXIT/ I E ID (G E N O R A H UL E S O E H U D R LE A IO R E) E EV TI A T E O T M 320 ID LE C E K I EC N A Y C EE O R A S O L E S O E ET Y/ I SI E 300 300 280 280 III -I-III 260 260 240 240 XI AGE i DG 2 ENTRY N L =2 E 220 E GT 64 T 9 /4 N ERA T JL L N T= pF -DIN_r� rho S FEU V T R= pp 8' R D S O R A U E gp G G 200 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N zt (O 00 O N �t (0 00 O N ';I' CO 00 O N (0 00 O N It (0 00 O N ;I- (0 00 O N 't (O 00 O N 't CO 00 O N 't O 00 O N 't O 00 O N zt (O 00 O N zt (O 00 O N It (O 00 O N 't + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + O O O O O r N N N N N CO CO M CO CO It It It';T't LO LO LO LO LO (0 CO (0 (O (0 fl- fl- fl- I� ti 00 00 00 00 00 O O O O OM O O O O O r N N N N r N co co co PROPOSED 1,230' - 8" PLASTIC GAS MAIN PROFILE LOOKING WEST Dominion Energy, o o - PROPOSED DIRECTIONAL BORE a JOHNSON POND RD > FUQUAY VARINA, NORTH CAROLINA w w o DRAWN BY- JOSUE ALCARAZ DRAWING NO. CHECKED BY- 0067344 O APPROVED BY JOSUE ALCARAZ z 1p/0 ,.' SCALE- NTS SHEET 1 of 1 Figure 3 — Bells Lake Road HDD Profile W D- W a 0 0 J J M N c N V W �W W W VN0_2` t 112( I55C D; � W W W 2 F H J� J a U) LU In W D_ � 300 EL ATI N A THE DOT OM CH Et LE T10 AT HE OTT M EXIT PIPE SIDE 290 ENT BELL LAKE D OF OA SHO LD R SL �E F R AD HO OE SL PE 280 270 10 MINI UM p3 6T. 260 IiIAININUM moo 250 240 El ITRY AN E 12DE LEN TH 67F -0 4IN - 230 ENTI 1Y A GLE O D G rAD JS c - CU.VA RE 800 LEN TH �fi�' ADI S OF CUr AT rE - 00' 220 =77 - I sa, - - - -7� H- 11' T 210 I 200 O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O r N M't 0 CO h w M CD N M L7 (D h O M O N M I lti (D h M M 0 N M If) O h M M 0 r- N M't If) (fl I-O M 0 N M't 0 (D h co M O N co I Ln Co I- co O � N M� Lo Co h 00 O CD t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t + t + t t t t t + t t + t t t t t t t t + t t t t t t t t t + t t t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD N N N N N N N N N N M co M M CO co M co co co V V V� V � V� V Ln LnLC) Ln LO LD In LD In In (O (O (D (O CO (0 (0 (fl (D (0 h h h h h h h h h h 00 PROPOSED 597' - 8" PLASTIC GAS MAIN PROFILE LOOKING NORTHWEST Dominion Energy, g ° PROPOSED DIRECTIONAL BORE JOHNSON POND RD _ FUQUAY VARINA, NORTH CAROLINA o � DRAWN BY-JAC03 SMITE DRAWINONO. CHECKED BY, 0167344 APPROVED BY-JOSUE ALCARAZ 1010912019 SCALE-NTS SHCCTI of 1 Appendix II IR Contingency Minimum Required Equipment List 4" — 6" Trash Pumps 40' Suction Hose 1500' Lay Flat Hose Straw Bales — Entry and exit side Silt Fence Sand Bags Plastic Sheeting Shovels, brooms, and appropriate hand tools Generator and Flood Lights for night work Frack Tanks (2) or mud pit large enough for excess mud Super Sacks (3) if needed to contain mud MSDS for the drilling mud and additives Long Reach Excavator for containment and cleanup of drilling mud