HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980100 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19980206?1 - { State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director r4i • NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES May 8, 1998 Wake County DWQ Project # 980100 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, WRP Mr. Steve Stroud Centennial Authority 1520 Blue Ridge Road Suite 201 Raleigh, NC 27607 Dear Mr. Stroud: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill material in 380 linear feet of waters for the purpose of constructing a road crossing at Centennial Arena over Richland Creek at Edward's Mill Extension in Wake County, as you described in your application dated April 28, 1998 and your original application dated February 3, 1998. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3103. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 14 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or C.AMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Stormwater shall be managed as described in the February 6, 1998 plan prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates and approved by DWQ on March 13, 1998. 2. A planting plan must be submitted to DWQ for written approval for the riparian buffer along Richland Creek. We understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Wetland Restoration Program in order to compensate for these impacts to wetlands and/or streams. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2R .0500, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h). According to 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h), 155 feet of restoration will be required. Until the Wetland Restoration Program receives and clears your check (made payable to: DEHNR - Wetland Restoration Program), wetland or stream fill shall not occur. Mr. Ron Ferrell should be contacted at 919-733-5083 ext. 358 if you have any questions concerning the Wetland Restoration Program. You have one month from the date of this Certification to make this payment. For accounting purposes, this Certification authorizes the fill of 380 linear feet of streams in 030402 river and subbasin and 380 feet of riparian restoration are required. Please be aware that the wetland Restoration Program (WRP) rules require rounding of acreage amounts to one-quarter acre increments (15A 2R.0503(b)). If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. Division of Water Quality - Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer - 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper j-, IF ? I This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Ron Ferrell; Wetland Restoration Program Jean Spooner; Umstead Coalition Harlan Britt; Kimley-Horn and Associates David Park; O'Dell Associates PPre y on Howard, Jr. P.E. 980100.1tr eOA NCDENR DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY December 8, 1998 Memorandum To: John Dorney From: Todd St. John Subject: Centennial Authority/ESA Stormwater Ponds DWQ No. 980100 Wake County Please find the attached final plans for the stormwater management ponds at the ESA. The.plaus supportrthe:engineer's claims in regard to the surface areas. The surface area of Basin 3 is 5% undersized and the temporary pool volume is 8% undersized to treat the drainage area. However, considering the difficult history of this project, I recommend that the plans dated November 29, 1998, for Basin 2 be approved based on the memo from Ray Cox dated February 19, 1998, and that the plans dated October 5, 1998, for Basin 3 be approved. v m c2 CD ?4 y N !' 'j * ? * S * p, * z o O ?' ? ?C ? o cyc c?D O r d c% > c- % o ii l7 - o » A o o a o y y C?7 ' ? w b o ? o o a H ? r r ti r c ' o cu 0 0 o cn m oa' 'o co v co 'n CD y o O Z ° p ,go ce cD ? o g ? ? F"o a, ? Z "d C?J ' ?o O O W O ?o O Oo U t • ?' ,? rn O C. M ? O O O N 00 ? a\ v J U w v ? I + O A o G ?: o ? o N ? O A U J ? Q ? °4 o a " " ¢ ¢ H m c c o D c ' Q ° D c Q' w cn Q n G Y a w o C CD o cn cD . - cD Pl ID ri el r y ? O ? r ? 00 y ? o w cc a n a ? CD o o C CD In, c o o ¢ 7r b CD CD o• .. !o K O0 O N P CD N CD - ? U O W U ? N• w ¢ p B O (A t) O -P. \D J N CIS C O [J ? C o .? as a o a CD v, 5, o CD CD QQ ?cf n ? D ? >v BCD ? n n ? ?. O ? O n ? t0 ? ?OC' f ? ti o z b O O a cc ?, ^ C¢D O 0 ON 0 O? ?J 1 ! y c .a CT ? ° ! I I I ! ! o I l I ? ? ? LA ? 1 0 o - I +? ol J w U ! I `D P co CD o ? a w n i 0 0 0 C ? ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. December 2, 1998 Mr. Todd St. John NC Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Re: ESA Stormwater Basins Dear Todd: Attached are copies of stormwater basin 2 and 3 as we discussed in our telephone messages. We have revised the design of basin 2 to yield a surface area of 0.45 ac. as requested and as shown in our earlier submittal. This new basin design, with a surface area of .45 acres, is in fact a larger basin because we have increased the depth to seven feet rather than the four feet as previously submitted. This increased treatment capacity should more than compensate for a reduction in the surface area of basin 3. Basin 3 as proposed has a surface area of 10,627 feet or 0.24 acres. As noted in John's letter of October 16, 1998, we had originally proposed a surface area of 0.35 ac. To revise the plans for this basin to obtain the 0.35 acres will require that we remove the existing earth embankment, remove trees closer to the creek and build a new embankment. This makes little water quality sense since retaining trees close to streams has been identified as a best management strategy for the Neuse River. As you are aware, I have talked with John about our latest proposal. He was in general agreement with the concept of getting the .45 ac. in basin 2 with increased depth and removal efficiency and accepting the 0.24 ac. in basin 3 rather than removing a perfectly good structure to get 1/10th of a acre surface area. Hopefully, the Division can agree to this proposal and you can issue a letter stating such immediately. I sincerely appreciate the manner that you and John have worked with us on this and please call me immediately if you have any questions. Sincerely yours, Kimley-Horn and Associates /,-- szz;? Harlan K. Britt, PE Senior Project Manager ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 i ? ? ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. November 2, 1998 Mr. Todd St. John Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina Re; ESA Stormwater Design Dear Mr. St. John: ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 Pursuant to our discussions, I have enclosed a copy of the revised stormwater calculations related to the two stormwater basins that are proposed for the Entertainment and Sports Arena complex. The basins are required as a condition of the 401 certification issued for the culvert construction in Richland Creek. The basin configuration was amended from that originally proposed, however, as you will see in the accompanying calculations the design criteria for stormwater management pond surface requirements are met with the new configuration. Please review and process as soon as possible so that we can get the plans out for bidding purposes. Thank you for your help and please call if we need to discuss. Very truly yours, Kimley-Horn and Associates Harlan K. Britt. PE ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS ARENA STORMWATER BASIN DESIGN Basin 2 90 % Impervious Area to be treated = 8.69 ac. Depth of Permanent Pool = 4.0 ft. SA/DA = 2..81 SURFACE AREA REQUIRED = 8.69X2.81/100 = 0.244 ac. = 10,642 sq. ft. TOTAL AREA PROVIDED = 12, 683 sq. ft. Therefore: Basin 2 meets DWQ stormwater requirements. Basin 3 90 % Impervious Area to be treated = 10.7 ac. Depth of permanent Pool -= 5.0 ft. SA/DA = 2.42 SURFACE AREA REQUIRED = 10.7 X 2.42/100 = .259 ac. 11,238 sq.ft. TOTAL AREA PROVIDED = 10,627 sq.ft. Therefore: Basin 3 substantially meets DWQ stormwater requirements. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. -.=-?. October 1, 1998 = z ¦ P.O. Bo 33068 = c? Raleigh, ,North Nor<h Carolina ? 27 Mr. John Dorney 1. 636.3068 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section 4401 Reedy Creek Road '"? Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 -----? Re: ESA Stormwater Management Plans Dear John: The 401 certification for this project was issued on March 13, 1998. Enclosed pleased find one copy of the final construction drawings for the stormwater basins for your files and use. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Unless I hear from you within 10 days, I will move forward to prepare final bid documents. I have sent copies of the plans to John Holley for erosion and sediment control approval as the area to be re-disturbed approaches one acre. I prefer to get his approval even though it may not be necessary rather than having the question being raised at a later date. Thank you for the help that you and Ray Cox gave us while going through the approval process. I look forward to seeing the construction completed and if you need final as built plans, please let me know. Yours truly, Harlan K. Britt, P. E. Cc David Park file ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 2 o,07 F//- . Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio (SAIDA) For Permanent Pool Sizing For 85% Pollutant Removal Efficiency Table I 1 % Inurvio permanent Pc" tenth (feet) 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 I - n ; 20 0.79 0.70 0.59 [t 151 0.46 44 3 1.34 1.08 0.97 0.85 0.64 0.62 40 1.73 4 50 2.00 1,73- 1,50- 1.33- 1.09 0.92 2.03 1.66 1.51 1 70 2.7 2.27- 1.96` 1.79- 1.4 1.35 129 `0d L 2 ?? Z.uZ 2.25 Division of Water Quality MEMO From: Date: To: J061 Subject: f=S1. r- " jobus'` y 0(4v -2,,11,1 g s ??/ar''S '4L"t ,,,e-, ok;( Plc ovt ?ur? ?? '? a ?S Cc- tt7?. GKL?;ti -42 4,? 0C Z02 5,`L - * 3. A to e A ? 4,,# " 07 5 (?. 2?f a c_ .. - ?? 4 40A = NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources PO Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 / Phone: 733-5083 MEMO TO: DATE: SUBJECT: C?/?l TIVN? '?y~/ {??vuc?ron? is I?+?T Ik E ? Ac v cro (tee l N ? E v OF yi ? ?v?£ ?FZor? i /06 kDflovv ?,,? 66460 y or 1,-4,6- ?F ? 3 NEB fors i4?. rtj? A ?wz> Dr ? r't4it W*V ?Iw From: A 4S to- ?, M,W m. rn North Carolina Department of Environment, ?? Health, and Natural Resources eq Printed on Recycled Paper Ar 980X00 ? _ . • DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRO DEPARTMENT OF T HE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENV r "fl P. O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOUR . tt s M.Q l?n ; Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 ...... ATTN CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 > ; t _ s Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR JOHN DORNEY _ Telephone (919) 733-5083 WETLANDS Can ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO TH>.' d1 '& i??. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE-N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMagTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: Centennial Authority 2. Owners Address: 1520 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): (919) 829-8132 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number. Mr. Steve Stroud (Corporate Chairman) Mr. Clyde Holt (ARent) (91-9)-420-7826. 4601 -Six.- Forks- Road, Suite 207. Raleigh, Nn'rrt Carolina 27609 . Wake 5. Location of work(MUST ATTACH MAP). County:. Nearest Town or City: Raleigh Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): NCSU - Centennial Center Entertainment& Sports Arena:at TrinitvYRoad (SR 1656) .6. Name of ClosestStmam/River. Richland Creek Klass C. NSW) 7. River Basin: Neuse River 8: Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS L or WS 119 YES [I NO rx ] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO [)d If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: Approx. 1800 feet (Richland Creek) 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: Culvert - Stream Impact app. 440'; flow to be maintained Drained. Not Applicable Flooded: Not Applicable Excavated: Not Applicable Total Impacted: 440 feet M Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-812" X 11 drawings only): Cons trucrai:.-af entertainmant-& Sports'"complex--and traffic access road wtir?stream er6s?ng'.' - see attached. 13. Purpose of proposed work: Provide ar r Paa i-n CQTn; 1ov to achieve aECeptable safe traffic flow. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wedand impacts. No wetlands impacted 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed orproposed forlisting endangeried orthreatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [ yJ NO [ ] see attache RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NM SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which maybe affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [X] NO[ ] see RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. attache 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Weiland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. -see attached B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. -Not applicable C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the - delineationline. -not applicable - D. If a q - rwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. - see attached E. What is land use of surrounding property? Roadway, snorts complex F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? Municipal _(Ral) System _ d-9, q Own 's Signature Date R r7n CONNECTOR RD. NO SCALE Drawn Pro!. No. 2194.200 Checked Entertainment & Sports Arena Date Revisions OD LL PLANNING ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING OAI No. ?< p(1 I? ?z \ \'' \ `? \ 111 11111 ) 1 1?1 46 2,26 \ - \ \\ 1 111111 III IN , 53.1 I o ?\\\ 1111 1 1 1 \1111 I I v^` 1\\ \\1 1 1 1 1 IT FENCEI \ \\\ III 1 1 I \ 1 7.3\ `? ? ? ? ll I III I 1111 I \ \ 1111; \--_ \\ \` ? \ 1\ IIII II11 111 11 \\ \\111 I '' \ \\ \ I IIII \ II I\ \ \\\ I I I I 1? II \ `?1 1 I\ \\ I i l 1 1 1 11 1 II \1 II 111 I II I I 1 EMIR, B?-P\A§ 0-?ANNl? UkV R 1 11 I 20' - '-?' x G. PIP ?R H I I I (I8' C0NEET\ RIAb Sl) I I I ? III II I 1 /1 I II I I IIII IIII III \ \ I I I I I III \\ ??I ??IIII \\ III II 1 III I I I I 1!llli III -' ! I\ I 111 I I II I I I I I? 1\ ? II ?)li I?! ! ? I i II I II I?/? II 1 Ij I j\I 1 ill 1 1 I1 I/I 1= Ill IIII li ? I ?f I l l I I I I l f 1 IIII III 1/ I I IIII 11 1? III. IIII I / II IIII 1111 IIII II I I /? ?II IIIII 111111 IIII III I / I I l l 1 1 III I I / I I 1111 11 II III III II 1 DBL•'C NIQ XI1C LUIERT 1 iii III C7.4 1 1 11 \I II II I .111 I I. I N 746470,28 a E 2081198.20 a INV. EL. 354,84 5 I J - - I 18' THICK CLASS I I RIP RAP IIII III L. II I IIII III IN , IIII I Ilillll?lti p EAST OF BOX CULVERT INLET CONTRACTOR JIM I?IN ` 1 TO EXTEND PROPOSED SILT FENCE AS Jill III ?I NECESSARY TO PREVENT ROADWAY FILL FROM IIII Ill ,11IIN I ERODING INTO THE CREEK IIII III III --------------------- IIII r1 -7 11 ?I I( I II FMC - -----T. ?i m ------1 DISPOSAL I I II 1 25 50 100 I AREA Ni lI I I II I TEMP, SEDIMENT TRAP i I I ?i IIII SCALE: I'=50' 20' x 40' w/ 4,5' LoNGf WEIR I 1111 'III ' i " I I I I I ? I I III ' 11 ? I ( II IIII III III IIt111 I I III PERM. GRASS CHANNEL 0 ,17% Jill 4' BOT. WIDTH & 1:3 SIDE SLOPESi 1 1111 III III I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I W//WTTING 3/C7,5 i I III 111 I II IIII IIII 1111 III 1 LOBLOLLY TRAIL III I l I l i l l IIII IIII \\?E,;?L&ATED \ 8' WIDE RAMP QAO% MAX. ?, IIII I I I I I I I IIII IIII 11 I OF CONST?gTnA IN MIGHT ASPHALT PVMT, I ., 111, 1111 1 11i 1111 11 11 1 Q ' APPRO) AREA, I `I 0 I I ?P \--TE? P.-VERSION CH \,SI?T FENCE.(TYP) 1 11 1 1 I k TEMP. DIVERSION 'C ANN L 10'IBOTTOM WID k 11/2f 1 SIDE SLOP cc? 1/2= 3.75 FT/S s 3 0% f 7/C 1.5 i I ? --L--- 365 / INLET PR(YTECTION /C7.3 YTYP) / \? I P\ I CADRE C7 4jz' I'I I'll ' ' :T I IIII Illl IIII YP)I IIII Ill III I IIII II Ilil ? II Ill ???? 1 I 1 ? IIII l ? l r I l ?` l I l If I l `?? l l a ! ! r 11 I'1 1 I u6p•1-j0b?1w.AadoQsa0\u6p\sa9sn\:o OZ:ZI 8661-833-b0 II II 1 O 0 N rn r N 0 z _:, ro o 0 + z (L. 0 0 N C) CIO IA "G 4) W W K t7 7 r3 Z H W z4? d Q Z J J 000 0 0 "o c r ? FEb-05-98 02:59 PM ODELL ASSOCIATES 704 343 91406 P.02 4MCHM6Nr -7 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.Q. SOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 26402.1090 May 5, 1989 IN AEPLV REFER TO Regulatory Branch Mr. James A. Gamble Odell Associates, Inc. 129 west Trade Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Dear Mr. Gamble: . pn April 26, 1989, you and Mr. Aavia Rector met with Ms. Kathy Trott of my staff west of the Carter Finley Stadium site 10cated north of Trinity Road and west of Slue Ridge Road outside Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. The purpose of the meeting Vas to inspect the property for the presence of wetlands and/or waters of the United States subject to Department of the Army authority. There were no wetlands noted adjacent Richland Creek) however, the discharge of excavated or fill material into the creek, or any one of several tributaries to the creek, will require Department of the Army authorization. we would appreciate the opportunity to review the plans as they become available for a project-specific determination Of Deparment of the Army permit requirements. if there are questions, please contact Ms. Trott, Regulatory Branch, Raleigh Field Office, telephone (919) 846-0749. Sincerely, har Q>: W. Allis iaf, Regulatory Branch Copy Furnished (with wetland form): Mr. Lee Pel$j Ecological Review Branch Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 C = ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. February 3, 1998 Kim Tripp United States Fish & Wildlife Service Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Re: Centennial Authority: Entertainment/Sports Arena Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Tripp: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is writing this letter on behalf of our client, Odell and Associates, Inc. to request information from your agency regarding resources in the vicinity of the proposed access road and culvert crossing of Richland Creek. The closing will be located on the Centennial Authority property in west Raleigh. Specifically we would like to know of any records of threatened or endangered species or protected habitats or wildlife areas known to occur in the project area, which is shown on the attached USGS map (Raleigh West, North Carolina quadrangle). The purpose of the proposed project is to provide ingress and egress connecting Edward Mill Road Extension and the Entertainment & Sport Arena parking facilities. Permit coordination has been initiated with representatives from the N.C. DNER and US Army Corp. of Engineers for the proposed stream crossing. It is my understanding that your office was contacted during the Environmental Assessment process in 1993 and your records should reflect your agencies comments. Thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have questions regarding this request, please call me at (919) 677-2209. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. -4j?x-- 1?a- Harlan K. Britt Senior Project Manager HKB/mac JJCa.nes\vol2\PN\01 126203\trip.doc TEL 919 671 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 C = " Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. February 3, 1998 Renee Gledhill-Earley Environmental Review Coordinator State Historic Preservation Office 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601-2807 Re: Centennial Authority: Entertainment/Sports Arena Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Gledhill-Earley: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is writing this letter on behalf of our client, Odell and Associates, Inc. to request information from your agency that may be pertinent to the proposed access road and culvert crossing of Richland Creek. The crossing will be located on the Centennial Authority property in west Raleigh. Specifically we would like to know of any districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects that are significant in American History, architecture, archeology, engineering, or culture that your agency maintains records of either through listing or eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places that may occur in the project area, which is shown on the attached USGS map (Raleigh West, North Carolina quadrangle). The purpose of the proposed project is to provide ingress and egress for the parking facilities at the Entertainment & Sport Arena. Permit coordination has been initiated with representatives from the N.C. DNER and US Army Corp. of Engineers for the proposed stream crossing. It is my understanding that your office was contacted during the Environmental Assessment process in 1993 and your records should reflect your agencies comments. Thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have questions regarding this request, please call me at (919) 677-2209. Very truly yours, Y-HORN ANDD ASSOCIATES, INC. KIM !( Harlan K. Britt Senior Project Manager HKB/mac \\Canes\vo I2\PN\O 1126203',.E arlev. d oc ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3068 ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS ARENA STORMWATER ANALYSIS TOTAL AREA DISTURBED = 25.09 ac. ROOF TOP AND YARD = 9.40ac. ? LOT C & D = 10.40ac. i LOT G = 3.99ac. TOTAL STORMWATER TREATMENT AREA REQ'D. = 25.09 x3.07/100 =.77ac. @ SA/DA 3.07 (90% impervious) AREA BASIN #2 = 0.45 ac. AREA BASIN #3 = 0.35 ac. TOTAL EXISTING AREA = 0.80 ac. THEREFORE : ADEQUATE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR STORMWATER BASIN # 2 DESIGN : A) LOT °G° B) 1/2 ROOF & SIDE YARD C) LOTS W & °B° AREA TO BE TREATED = 4.7 ac. + 3.99 ac.= 8.69ac. TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA = 23.8 ac. EXISTING BASIN # 2 SURFACE AREA = 202 x 97 (@ el. 360) SA -19;594'sf. Y, SA = .45 ac. TREATMENT AREA REQ'D. @ SA / DA= 3.07 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AREA REQ'D = 8.69 x 3.07/100= 0.26 ac. THEREFORE: EXISTING BASIN # 2 IS APPROX. 2 X THE REQ'D. CHECK FOR RUNOFF CONTROL / DETENTION RUNOFF VOLUME = 0.05+.009 x (90) = 0.86 inrn STORAGE = 1" x .86 / 12 (8.69) = 0.62 ac. ft. REQ'D. STORAGE DEPTH = 0.62/.45 = 1.38 ft. above normal pool. CHECK FOR EFFICIENCY REMOVAL SA = 0.45 REATMENT CAPACITY =.45 x 100/3.07 = 15.3 ac. 15.3 / 23.8 = 0.64 of Total DA EFFICIENCY = 0.64 x 85% = 54.4 % TSS Removal RECOMENDATIONS: Use existing Basin #2 with an expanded forebay of 8000 sf. ( 20% of main basin surface area) on southern end of the existing basin. Re-route all drainage to the proposed forebay and utilize the existing southern embankment as forebay embankment. BASIN # 3 DESIGN: TOTAL AREA =10.07 ac. ESTIMATED DEPTH OF BASIN = 5.0 SA / DA = 2.65 (TABLE 1) EXISTING BASIN AREA= 0.32 ac. ' AREA REQ'D. = 2.65/100 x 10.7 = 0.28 ac. CHECK FOR REMOVAL EFFICIENCY: SA = 0.32 ac. TREATMENT CAPACITY = 0.32 x 100/3.07 =10.42 ac. EFFICIENCY = 10.42/10.70 =.97 85% x 0.97 = 82.45 % TSS REMOVAL THEREFORE: BASIN # 3 AREA ADEQUATE FOR STORMWATER 2 CHECK FOR RUNOFF CONTROL & DETENTION RUNOFF VOLUME = 0.05 +.009/90 = 0.86 in/in STORAGE REQ'D. = 1 x.86/12 x 10.7 = 0.77 ac. ft. ESTIMATED AVAILABLE STORAGE = 0.32 x 512 =.8 ac. ft. REQ'D STORAGE DEPTH = 0.77/.32 = 2.4 ft. above normal pool. THEREFORE: EXISTING STORAGE IS ADEQUATE FOR BASIN # 3 RECOMMENDATIONS : Basin # 3 is a poor configuration for efficient removal of solids ( W to D ratio). Recommend the construction of a new embankment to the west and construction of a new forebay area at the head of the existing basin. The existing emergency spillway can be continue to serve that purpose with no alteration. The expansion of this basin will allow for a removal efficiency of 85 % or greater. ' ??" ;' ! I j I 1 . I I ? ? ?jl' i'4,1 '\ 111 1 ? .\ \ ? .I ? 1 4, / -. y' ., . i i„ I I I III 1 I 1 4' IIII t i l4 1 111 \ \ 1 1 i 1 1 4 1 4`l l 111 / I \????`?. / ? 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J CI Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ¦ Harlan K. Britt, P.E. ? ?_ rte. Gam--" l P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 `JAN 2 2 E?IYIRANM@lTlit. WANT B siRAlrl..N ? ? ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3068 January 21, 1998 Mr. Ray Cox North Carolina Water Quality Section 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Richland Creek Culvert Project E&SA Dear Ray: This is to confirm our discussion related to the stormwater management plans for the new work underway for the Entertainment and Sports Arena. The new construction consists of the arena structure, adjoining "yard areas," and parking lots C, D, and G. The total area to be disturbed is approximately 23.80 acres. As agreed in our January 14th meeting, I am proposing to provide stormwater management ponds for runoff from lots A, B, G, and one half of the rooftop and yard area in Basin 2. Basin 3 will provide stormwater management for lots C and D. The rooftop and yard area on the eastern portion of the arena will not drain through a stormwater basin. This runoff should be relatively benign compared to the runoff from parking lots A and B. Lots A and B are not required to have stormwater management; however, we are proposing to trade treatment from these two areas in exchange for the eastern rooftop and yard runoff. The proposal is to expand Basins 2 and 3 to include forebays with the strategy being to provide treatment facilities equal to or greater than the treatment requirements for the new construction.: The-=te I"s c d r i fM for th' ' " 49`0.77 acr4. Th b T a o > a rrs acrd rs 0 0 s with additional forebays proposed. The efficiency of Basin 2s,ite1v 54% for TSS. 'lei' ° ? ? than just the area Mer co4jgp 3 should function at the design criteria or better with enlargement and forebay construction. ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 JAN 2 21998 UMNMWAL W "ANt;Fil ? ? ? KimleyHorn and Associates, Inc. Mr. Ray Cox, January 20, 1998, Page 2 The stormwater analysis for the two basins is attached for your review and agreement. Upon your review and acceptance, I will proceed to get concurrence by my client. Subject to my client's agreement we will prepare the appropriate 401 certification application for the road crossing of Richland Creek under the Nationwide 14 permit. I anticipate issuance of the 401 certification for the culvert construction with the provisions for stormwater management and mitigation or payment into the Wetlands Restoration Fund consistent with DWQ policy. I sincerely appreciate the time you have given this project during our meetings and hope this matter can be completed in the very near future. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Harlan K. Britt, P.E. Senior Project Manager Copy to: David Park Dan Matteson At ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS ARENA STORMWATER ANALYSIS TOTAL AREA DISTURBED = 25.09 ac. ROOF TOP AND YARD = 9.40ac. LOT C & D = 10.40ac. LOT G = 3.99ac, TOTAL STORMWATER TREATMENT AREA REQ'D. = 25.09 x3.07/100 = .77ac. @ SA/DA 3.07 (90% impervious) AREA BASIN #2 = 0.45 ac. AREA BASIN #3 = 0.35 ac. TOTAL EXISTING AREA = 0.80 ac. THEREFORE : ADEQUATE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR STORMWATER BASIN # 2 DESIGN : A) LOT "G" B) 1/2 ROOF & SIDE YARD C) LOTS "A" & "B" AREA TO BE TREATED = 4.7 ac. + 3.99 ac.= 8.69ac. TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA = 23.8 ac. EXISTING BASIN # 2 SURFACE AREA = 202 x 97 (@ el. 360) SA = 19,594 sf. SA =.45 ac. TREATMENT AREA REQ'D. @ SA / DA= 3.07 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AREA REQ'D = 8.69 x 3.07/100= 0.26 ac. THEREFORE: EXISTING BASIN # 2 IS APPROX. 2 X THE REQ'D. CHECK FOR RUNOFF CONTROL / DETENTION RUNOFF VOLUME = 0.05+.009 x (90) = 0.86 in/in STORAGE = 1" x.86 / 12 (8.69) = 0.62 ac. ft. REQ'D. STORAGE DEPTH = 0.62/.45 = 1.38 ft. above normal pool. CHECK FOR EFFICIENCY REMOVAL SA = 0.45 ac. TREATMENT CAPACITY =.45 x 100/3.07 = 15.3 ac. 15.3 / 23.8 = 0.64 of Total DA EFFICIENCY = 0.64 x 85% = 54.4 % TSS Removal RECOMENDATIONS: Use existing Basin #2 with an expanded forebay of 8000 sf. ( 20% of main basin surface area) on southern end of the existing basin. Re-route all drainage to the proposed forebay and utilize the existing southern embankment as forebay embankment. BASIN # 3 DESIGN: TOTAL AREA = 10.07 ac. ESTIMATED DEPTH OF BASIN = 5.0 SA / DA = 2.65 (TABLE 1) EXISTING BASIN AREA = 0.32 ac. AREA REQ'D. = 2.65/100 x 10.7 = 0.28 ac. CHECK FOR REMOVAL EFFICIENCY: SA = 0.32 ac. TREATMENT CAPACITY = 0.32 x 100/3.07 = 10.42 ac. EFFICIENCY = 10.42/10.70 =.97 85% x 0.97 = 82.45 % TSS REMOVAL THEREFORE : BASIN # 3 AREA ADEQUATE FOR STORMWATER 2 CHECK FOR RUNOFF CONTROL & DETENTION RUNOFF VOLUME = 0.05 +.009/90 = 0.86 in/in STORAGE REQ'D. = 1 x.86/12 x 10.7 = 0.77 ac. ft. ESTIMATED AVAILABLE STORAGE = 0.32 x 5/2 =.8 ac. ft. REQ'D STORAGE DEPTH = 0.77/.32 = 2.4 ft. above normal pool. THEREFORE: EXISTING STORAGE IS ADEQUATE FOR BASIN # 3 RECOMMENDATIONS : Basin # 3 is a poor configuration for efficient removal of solids ( W to D ratio). Recommend the construction of a new embankment to the west and construction of a new forebay area at the head of the existing basin. The existing emergency spillway can be continue to serve that purpose with no alteration. The expansion of this basin will allow for a removal efficiency of 85 % or greater. i -? ass zZs? - I\0-0? d- qol ?I Feb, 17 1998 01:52PM P3 1+919+677+2023 our?lE N0. PHONE NO. : 1+919+677+2023 ?a///nnn Jr ?. m Feb. 17 1998 01:52PM P2 RECEIVED North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B_ Hint Jr., Govornor Betty Ray Mccain, 5ecrotary FEB 1 71998 February 13, 1998 KIMI.iy - HORN FNVIR. Harlan K. Britt Senior Project Manager Kimley-Morn and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, NC 27636-3068 Re: .Centennial Authority, Entertainment/Sports Arena, Raleigh, Wake County, ER 98-8478 Dear Mr. Britt: Tanlision of Archivcs and History Jaffrey !_ crow, Director Thank you for your letter of February 3, 1 Sea, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no properties of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance which would be effected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as currently proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 9191733-47'63. Sincerely, aOvid Brook peputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw 109 East Jones Street • Raleiffi, North Carolina 27601-2807 /, FROM : KIMLEY-HORN PHONE NO. : 1+919+677+2023 Feb. 17 1998 01:52PM P2 W , % y r RECEIVED FEB 17 1998 KIKEY - MORN ENVIR. North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B_ Hunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary February 13, 1998 Harlan K. Britt Senior Project Manager Kimley-Morn and Associates, Inc. P.O. Sox 33068 Raleigh, NC 27636-3068 Re: Centennial Authority, Entertainment/Sports Arena, Raleigh, Wake County, ER 98-8476 Dear Mr. Britt: IDiviSion of Archives and History Jnffmy J_ Crow, Director Thank you for your letter of February 3, 1998, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no properties of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as currently proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CPR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 9191733-4763_ Sincerely, David Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:alw 109 East !ones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 276012807 PIN FROM : KIMLEY-HORN PHONE NO. : 1+919+677+2023 Feb. 17 1998 01:52PM P3 United States Department of the Interior or mu-CEIVED H HSH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE gg .? Raleigh Field Office _ Post Office Sox $3726 M?gCFi y ?gaQ L R I :igh, North Caro,ira 27636.3726 KIMLEY _ tIQlfK TO, vai Qfl. B 33??? - ?' Ka (,t•i 4 r 0-. Q-7 3& - 30 6 Thank you for your ].attar requesting information or recommendations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sorvice. This form provides the Service's response pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543), and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S.G. 661-667d). Re : -64:e4_4"V?J A ML4 A--"-eM 0_ CA, 64 Project Na /Locati /County P------ Date of 1 coming Letter Log Number ZBahe attached page(s) list(s) the Federally=listed species which may occur within the project area, sed,on the information provided, it appears that your project site does not contain suitable habitat for env Federally-listed endangered or threatened species known to occur in the area.We believe that the requirements of Section 7 of the Act have been satisfied. We remind you that obligations under Section 7 consultation must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is subsequently modxf.ioa in a manner that was not consido-rod in this review; (3) a new' species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. If the proposed project will be removing p.nes 9" DBH or ,greater, or 30 years of age in ping or pine/hardwood habitat, surveys should be conducted for active red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees in appropriate habitat within a 1/2 mile radius of project boundaries. IF red-cockaded woodpeckers are observed within the project area or active cav=ty trees found, the project has the potential to affect the red-cockaded woodpecker, and you should contact this office for further information. r Biologist Date FROM KIMLEY-HORN ;?? IGmiey-Horn ? and Assoaates, Inc. Fax TraflsmW F.O. Box 33068 Aateigh. North Grdling 27636.3068 'rat. 9+9 877 2000 FAX V9 677 2058 To: ,61 A Fax No,: 7 3 3 r y 9-,V- S FrtruLocation: tt Job No.: 1. ! From: Date: T origina3 coming by mail: Yes No: If you have any problems, pease call 919.677.2000 and ask for. Total number of pages, inclining cover sheet: Camments_ _ 7 ? ? S ? ?{d ? C. a 7W aevrm& is intended only for the addressee named e nd aa the addres58 o hWn that is contdm*L A you are not the inteoGed mch e& or the employee or aM tesponsto? f mb You are hereo noffed that any review, draaemhrutjq , dishaww or eOPyin9 of fis mmttwttimilan is 04 prohibited. 111" have 4cf*ed this 4csinrile to armr, l immediately no* us ty tek.dwe, aed an the origir.2t facsa * to us at the address above via the U.a Postal Senricd ]'hank yo. PHONE NO. : 1+919+677+2023 Feb. 17 1998 01:51PM P1 ? a 4 4bwy) (\\"v?4 14, i , ? T ? ? ? ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 98p100 February 3, 1998 Mr. John Dorney N. C. Division of Water Quality Water Quality Certification Program 4401 Reedy Creed Road Raleigh, NC 27607 401 133LI, ------., P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 WETLANDS CR MATER QUALIT' Re: Centennial Authority: Entertainment/Sports Arena Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Dorney: Attached is a joint form for Nationwide Permit 14 and Section 401 Certification for the proposed road crossing of Richland Creek at the Entertainment and Sports Arena located in west Raleigh. The proposed project will impact approximately 430 feet of Richland Creek including culvert and riprap channel protection. It is our understanding that no wetlands are impacted by the project. Included with this packet are copies of the site plan, project location map, and a stormwater management computations. As I understand from our earlier discussions, I anticipate mitigation for the stream crossing and stormwater management consistent with the agreement I have with Roy Cox. Copies of this notification have been sent to the COE. Thank you for your attention to this project and we look forward to your earliest possible response. Should there be need for consultation, please give me a call. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. A"Ziv-&6Z? Harlan K. Britt Senior Project Manager HKB/mac Copy to: David Park ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 \\Canes\vol2\PN\01126203\Dorney.doc DEM ID: 98()10 ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit # 14 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notcation to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMEN C" DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIR , p P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES $ _ Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 Pt ATTN. CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Tel hone (919) 251-4511 ATTN:. MR. JOHN DORNEY E' . Telephone (919) 733-5083 ' VddfTE 15hDS 4?' ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO T,H 1(I W._WG1iEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE. N.C. DIVISION OF EIWIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. ' 1. Owners Name: Centennial Authority ' 2. Owners Address: 1520 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): (919) 829-8132 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number. ' _ ..r Mr. Steve Stroud (Corporate Chairman) Mr. Clyde Holt'(Aeent)- (91-9) 420-7826. 4601 -Six- Forks-Road, Suite 207. Raleigh. Nnr•rh Carolina 27609 5. Location of work(MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Wake Nearest Town or City: Raleigh Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): NCSU -Centennial Center Entertainment& Sports Arena at TrinityYRoad (RR 1656) 6. Name of ClosestStream/River. Richland Creek .(Class C. NSW) 7. River Basin: Neuse River 8: Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS H? YES [ ] NO (? ] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO [)d If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: Approx. 1800 feet (Richland Creek) 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: Culvert - Stream Impact app. 440'; flow to be maintained Drained: Not Applicable Flooded: Not Applicable Excavated; Not Applicable Total Impacted: 440 f e e t 11 Description of proposed work (Attach PL4NS-8 IX X 11" drawings only): - Cots-tri4e:tio'L.af entertainment-& S'ports"domplex. and traffic access r'oad' wit?strem`: er?sng'. - see attached. 13. Purpose of proposed work: Provide arress to compi Y to achieve acceptable safe traffic flow. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carded out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wedand impacts. No wetlands impacted 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed orproposed for listing endangered orthreatened species or critical ? se e habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [ yj attache RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which maybe affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [ X] NO[ ] see RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. attache 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property.. - see attached B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impaled by project. - Not applicable r C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the - delineation line. -not applicable D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project. attach copy see attached E. What is land use of surrounding property? Roadway, sports complex Municipal-ZRal) System F. If applicable,• what is proposed method of sewage disposal. - Drawn Checked CONNECTOR RD. Entertainment & Sports Arena NO SCALE Proj. No. 2194.200 Date Revisions PLANNING l? ARCHITECTURE OD=LL O ENGINEERING OAI No. 1 `\ ?\\ 111 111\11 )? ?E b?? 2156\\ \\-' \??? \\1 11? 1 I I IIN , 53.1 I o ? \\?\ \ 1111\ 1 I I 111111T FENCEI I? \ `1\\? I\I 1111 1111 \\ 11 17.3\ \\ ? ?\ \I IIII II 11 1 \ \ 1111 ? \ \` ? \ \ III 1111111 11 \\ \\1 11 I !? \\` ^\\ \ \\ III 1 111 II 1\ \\ ?11 I \\ 1 11 1\ \\ II ? I I 1 1 1 1\ II I I? I'1 1 EMIR B?-P § dt ANN I ULV R 1 / I 20 - -6\ x ?. ?IP >?R H 1 I I (18' CO NEk? RIAb 1 1 I I ? I? 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El. 354.84 5 I IIII ?°IV 18' THICK CLASS I I RIP RAP III iN Illy I IIII III Iq ', p I IIIIIII?Iu `II IIII III , Ig1 11V EAST OF BOX CULVERT INLET CONTRACTOR TO EXTEND PROPOSED SILT FENCE AS IIII IIIIIIh NECESSARY TO PREVENT ROADWAY FILL FROM IIII IIII Iljl ' ERODING INTO THE CREEK 1111 111 IIIN ---------------------- I II TEMP, DIVERSION 101BOTTOM WID' 1 %21 1 SIDE SLOPI 12= 3.75 FT/S S 0% 7/C .5 -IL-- 365 INLET PROTECTIpN /C7.3 hYP) 1 IIII IIIII IN S I I I I IIII I I ?? III IIII III II IIII II I ?, III I I ?? (d 1?1{ ?) ? / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 I IA NI ?I L / ' ` : ' : V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J i l l I \1 III II 111 IIII 1111 1'?11 Jill 11 1111 1 1 11 r l? ?0 1 I /, '021 I' 1 1 1 1' RB C IN SET I I? II I I II ' ANN L U I C7, I/ I ITYPI? IIII 111 I I II ? IIII I II I ? ? \ \ III Iil l l l ' ? nk? 3 is 1 1 1 I \ 1 III "` /? 1 1 I / III l u ` 1 r ? 1 II I ? ? , o 0 1 I -Z- _ C4 II \? II 31 I 7 --r I I ? 1 V. u ? 759. \ I I Q -? f r -7 1 --ArrKUA. OF CONST AREA, -- r- ??? DIS OCAL --- DTI III M 0 25 50----100 i---- \ AREA / TEMP, SEDIMENT TRAP i I I I j I I I SCALE: I'=50' \ 20' x 40' W/ 4.5' LONV WEIR I /I I I \,? i I 1111 II IIII IIII IIII III ?I? \ PERM, GRASS CHANNEL @ •17% ( IIII I I IIII IIII IIII III i I I I 4' BOT. WIDTH & 1:3 SIDE SLOPES/ I IIII III III IIII IIII IIII I I I \ W//OTTING 3/C7.5 / I III N III I II IIII I I ?E? dCATED LOBLOLLY TRAIL I I 1 111 1 11 I I I I i l `? IIII III III I II IIII I ?? IIII IIII X111 1!I IIII IIII Ili L\\T?AGIN \ 8' WIDE RAMP 0.10% MAX, 1 IIII IIll I I I IIiI I I I \UGHT ASPHACT PVMT, I I III I I ;IOFI I P / TEMP, ERSION C SILT FENCE (TYP) 1 11 1 1 I 0 0 N rn v- N 0 z 4 m ° 0 + z 0-- 0 0 M N 0 46 N W C 0 3 0 0 0 > o U im W !_- z 2 f W z=a aaw J J 000 0 0 u6p°i- i0 b'4.iw.4adocsa0\u6p\s.+asn\:o OZ:ZI 8661-833-bO FEB-05-98 02:59 PM ODELL ASSOCIATES 704 343 91406 P.02 IN REPLY REFER To Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1840 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28462.1000 May 5, 1989 Mr. James A. Gamble Odell Associates, Inc. 129 West Trade street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Dear Mr. Gamble: On April 26, 1989, you and Mr. David Rector met with Ms. Kathy Trott of my staff west of the Carter Finley Stadium site Located north of Trinity Road and west of Blue Ridge Road outside Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. The purpose of the meeting was to inspect the property for the presence of wetlands and/or waters of the United States subject to Department of the Army authority. There were no wetlands noted adjacent Richland Creeks however, the discharge of excavated or fill material into the creek, or any one of several tributaries to the creek, will require Department of the Army authorization. we would appreciate the opportunity to review the plans as they become available for a project-specific determination of Deparment of the Army permit requirements. If there are questions, please contact Ms. Trott, Regulatory Branch, Raleigh Field Office, telephone (919) 846-0749. Sincerely, 0, har es W. ollis ief, Regulatory Branch Copy Furnished (with wetland form): Mx. Lee Pelej Ecological Review Branch Environmental Protection agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 C = ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. February 3, 1998 Kim Tripp United States Fish & Wildlife Service Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Re: Centennial Authority: Entertainment/Sports Arena Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Tripp: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is writing this letter on behalf of our client, Odell and Associates, Inc. to request information from your agency regarding resources in the vicinity of the proposed access road and culvert crossing of Richland Creek. The closing will be located on the Centennial Authority property in west Raleigh. Specifically we would like to know of any records of threatened or endangered species or protected habitats or wildlife areas known to occur in the project area, which is shown on the attached USGS map (Raleigh West, North Carolina quadrangle). The purpose of the proposed project is to provide ingress and egress connecting Edward Mill Road Extension and the Entertainment & Sport Arena parking facilities. Permit coordination has been initiated with representatives from the N.C. DNER and US Army Corp. of Engineers for the proposed stream crossing. It is my understanding that your office was contacted during the Environmental Assessment process in 1993 and your records should reflect your agencies comments. Thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have questions regarding this request, please call me at (919) 677-2209. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Harlan K. Britt Senior Project Manager HKB/mac ijCanes\vo12\PN 01126203\trip.doc TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 C = " Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. February 3, 1998 Renee Gledhill-Earley Environmental Review Coordinator State Historic Preservation Office 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601-2807 Re: Centennial Authority: Entertainment/Sports Arena Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Gledhill-Earley: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is writing this letter on behalf of our client, Odell and Associates, Inc. to request information from your agency that may be pertinent to the proposed access road and culvert crossing of Richland Creek. The crossing will be located on the Centennial Authority property in west Raleigh. Specifically we would like to know of any districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects that are significant in American History, architecture, archeology, engineering, or culture that your agency maintains records of either through listing or eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places that may occur in the project area, which is shown on the attached USGS map (Raleigh West, North Carolina quadrangle). The purpose of the proposed project is to provide ingress and egress for the parking facilities at the Entertainment & Sport Arena. Permit coordination has been initiated with representatives from the N.C. DNER and US Army Corp. of Engineers for the proposed stream crossing. It is my understanding that your office was contacted during the Environmental Assessment process in 1993 and your records should reflect your agencies comments. Thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have questions regarding this request, please call me at (919) 677-2209. Very truly yours, KIM Y-HORN ND ASSOCIATES, INC. Harlan K. Britt Senior Project Manager HKB/mac \\Caneswo l2\PN\01126203\Earley. doc ¦ TEL 919 6777 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS ARENA STORMWATER ANALYSIS TOTAL AREA DISTURBED = 25.09 ac. ROOF TOP AND YARD = 9.40ac. LOT C & D = 10.40ac. LOT G = 3.99ac. TOTAL STORMWATER TREATMENT AREA REQ'D. = 25.09 x3.07/100 = .77ac. @ SA/DA 3.07 (90% impervious) AREA BASIN #2 = 0.45 ac. AREA BASIN #3 = 0.35 ac. TOTAL EXISTING AREA = 0.80 ac. THEREFORE : ADEQUATE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR STORMWATER BASIN # 2 DESIGN : A) LOT °G" B) 112 ROOF & SIDE YARD C) LOTS "An & °S" AREA TO BE TREATED = 4.7 ac. + 3.99 ac.= 8.69ac. TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA = 23.8 ac. EXISTING BASIN # 2 SURFACE AREA = 202 x 97 (@ el. 360) SA = 19,594 sf. SA = .45 ac. TREATMENT AREA REQ'D. @ SA / DA= 3.07 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AREA REQ'D = 8.69 x 3.07/100= 0.26 ac. THEREFORE: EXISTING BASIN # 2 IS APPROX. 2 X THE REQ'D. CHECK FOR RUNOFF CONTROL / DETENTION RUNOFF VOLUME = 0.05+.009 x (90) = 0.86 inrn STORAGE = 1" x .86 / 12 (8.69) = 0.62 ac. ft. REQ'D. STORAGE DEPTH = 0.62/.45 =1.38 ft. above normal pool. CHECK FOR EFFICIENCY REMOVAL SA = 0.45 ac. TREATMENT CAPACITY =.45 x 100/3.07 = 15.3 ac. 15.3 123.8 = 0.64 of Total DA EFFICIENCY = 0.64 x 85% = 54.4 % TSS Removal RECOMENDATIONS: Use existing Basin #2 with an expanded forebay of 8000 sf. ( 20% of main basin surface area) on southern end of the existing basin. Re-route all drainage to the proposed forebay and utilize the existing southern embankment as forebay embankment. BASIN # 3 DESIGN: TOTAL AREA =10.07 ac. ESTIMATED DEPTH OF BASIN = 5.0 SA / DA = 2.65 (TABLE 1) EXISTING BASIN AREA = 0.32 ac. AREA REQ'D. = 2.65/100 x 10.7 = 0.28 ac. CHECK FOR REMOVAL EFFICIENCY: SA = 0.32 ac. TREATMENT CAPACITY = 0.32 x 100/3.07 = 10.42 ac. EFFICIENCY = 10.42/10.70 =.97 85% x 0.97 = 82.45 % TSS REMOVAL THEREFORE : BASIN # 3 AREA ADEQUATE FOR STORMWATER 2 CHECK FOR RUNOFF CONTROL & DETENTION RUNOFF VOLUME = 0.05 +.009/90 = 0.86 in/in STORAGE REQ'D. = 1 x.86/12 x 10.7 = 0.77 ac. ft. ESTIMATED AVAILABLE STORAGE = 0.32 x 5/2 =.8 ac. ft. REQ'D STORAGE DEPTH = 0.77/.32 = 2.4 ft. above normal pool. THEREFORE: EXISTING STORAGE IS ADEQUATE FOR BASIN # 3 RECOMMENDATIONS : Basin # 3 is a poor configuration for efficient removal of solids ( W to D ratio) Recommend the construction of a new embankment to the west and construction of a new forebay area at the head of the existing basin. The existing emergency spillway can be continue to serve that purpose with no alteration. The expansion of this basin will allow for a removal efficiency of 85 % or greater. ?. .`• I ? ! ? ? I I ? ? I ? I ? i ,III ?,i, •\ l}1 \ \ ..\ \ i 'i 1 I ? ii ?}' r / ?\ ?? ?. ? • r ? ! I I ! III ?}II Il 1' IiII 1111 \}I} \ \ 11 i I 1l }I?/1 1}1 / / ? ? . s4 I I 1 1 I I I I i I 11 I I I i I i I I 1 1-I 1 \ \ •\ \ 11 1 .1 1( 11 / /. ??? ??\ i I ? I 1, ? I i ? I I I i } I { I I Li • }1 I I 1 1} } \\ \\ \ \ l } /y 1 \\ I 1} ?/ / ?\ ?, ! I I i I i III 1 1 I I i I II 1 l l1a \ \ \ \'\ \\ } \ I } r ?\ _ -; ! I I I i I i I I L I I f 1 I l i •il l 1 1\ \ \ \\\ \\ 1 -s ,, 1 r ^? ? I 1 I I{ \ \ \ \\ i 1 / / ? ' J I I i t I I11 I 1 11l 1t1 1 1\\\ \\ \\ \\ ?` r ?EXI CDC ???\? I j I 1 I { ! I { 1 1 i I Ill \\\ \ \ \. \ \? t 1 r. ,, ? SH. ??•.??°K ??? r J I I ? III I I ! I i i 1 ! I ? I 1 11\ \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \,? fl --?? ? ?•,; ?\ it J I I I I i i i. f I i i 1} iI i I i 1\\ \ \\ \?\\ \ ?, \ \. \\ 1 `\ \ 11 \1 / r ?,? `? ?? 1 ? I I I I v.N= 4 .44. I i I { I I } } i 1 l ?1 \ \ \ ?' ?? \ ?\ \ \? ?? \\ "I 11 / / ` ?~- 42.3 i I I I } l ' 1 1 \1 \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \? ?? \J1 \ / . 11 ?? '?1 11 i i I I i I f i j I } 1 11 1 \ \\ \ \ \ \ .\ \ \ \ ?? ? ? ?\ I 1 \ / /? ?? ?. 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State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director 1 ? • NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES April 13, 1998 Mr. Steve Stroud Centennial Authority 1520 Blue Ridge Road Suite 201 Raleigh NC 27607 Dear Mr. Stroud: Re: Centennial Arena DWQ # 980100 Wake County DWQ is in receipt of a letter dated March 31, 1998 requesting a one-month extension for the payment of funds to the NC Wetlands Restoration Program for stream mitigation due to recent redesign to reduce the extent of riprap at the upstream side of the culvert. An additional one-month extension from the original Certification date is hereby granted for this payment to allow you to investigate the practicality of this design change. Therefore payment to the Wetland Restoration Program must be made by May 6, 1998 or the Certification will be revoked. Please call me at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions. cc: Raleigh DWQ Regional Office David Clark; Odell Associates Ron Ferrell; WRP Harlan Britt; Kimley-Horn and Associates Jean Spooner; Umstead Coalition 3 S' c rely, Jo R. D rney Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/l0% post consumer paper • Planning Architecture Engineering Interior Design Landscape Architecture OD=LL March 31, 1998 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Environment Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Attention: Mr. John Dorney a i( Y Reference: Entertainment and Sports Arena _ 08 Raleigh, NC 7 F I 401 Water Quality Certification Letter Gentlemen: On behalf of our Client, The Centennial Authority, we are writing to request a 30-day extension in time for payment of the contribution to the Wetland Restoration Program for compensation for the impacts of the Edwards Mill Road Connector Culvert construction on Richland Creek." As stated in your 401 Certification Letter of March 6, 1998, The Centennial Authority has one month from the date of the certification to make the payment. As we discussed with you during the week of March 23, 1998, we are currently working with the Division of Land Quality to reach agreement on the reduction of rip-rap channel stabilization in order to minimize the impact on Richland Creek. Based on meetings with Mr. John Harley on March 26, 1998, we believe that a reduction in the rip-rap armoring of approximately 60 feet (from 100 feet to 40 feet) on the upstream side of the culvert will be possible. This would reduce the overall length of stream impact from 440 feet to 380 feet. In order to provide adequate time to obtain approval of the revised design from the Division of Land Resources and request and receive a revision to the 401 Certification Letter from your office, we are requesting a one month extension to the due date for payment to the Wetland Restoration Program. We understand from our conversation of March 23, 1998, that you do not anticipate a problem in granting this extension. By copy of this letter we are advising Mr. Ron Ferrell of the Wetland Restoration Program of this request. If for some reason you cannot Odell Associates Inc. 129 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 377-5941 Fax (704) 343-9140 IN , . - Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Environment Sciences Branch Page 2 March 31, 1998 accommodate our request for this time extension, please notify the undersigned immediately by telephone at (704) 377-5941 so that appropriate alternative arrangements can be made prior to April 6, 1998. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, ODELL ASSOCIATE INC. David C. Park, PE Principal in Charge tcs/L304026 2194-700/208.1 cc: Division of Land Resources - Holly Centennial Authority - Stroud Kimley-Horne - Britt McDevitt Street Bovis - Matteson Wetland Restoration Program - Ferrell Odell Associates Inc. PkNing R AmhRoeruro En?eoorinQ inlorior n L4n*csjFe AMhiloctum ODELL March 31, 1998 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Environment Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Attention: Mr, John Dorney Reference: Entertainment and Sports Arend Raleigh, NC 401 Water Quality C:ertiifiicatican )Letter Gentlemen: On behalf of our Client, The Centennial Authority, we art! writing to request a 30-day extension in time for payment of the contribution to the Wetland Restoration Program for compensation for the impacts of the Edwards Mill Road Connector Culvert construction on Richland Creek. As stated in your 401 Certification Letter of March 6, 1998, The Centennial Authority has one month from the date of the certification to make the payment. As we discussed with you during the week of March 23, 1998, wr are currently working with the Division Of Lune! Quality to reach agreement on the reduction of rip-rap channel stabilization in order to minimize the impact on Richland Creek. Based can rncctings with Mr. John Harley on March 26, 1998, we believe th.tt at reduction in the rip-rap armoring of approximately 60 feet (froth 100 feet to 40 feet) nn the upiLream cider of the culvert will be possible. This would reduce the overall length of stream impact from 440 feet to 190 feet, In order to provide adequate time to obtain approval of the revised design from ffic Division of Land Resources and request and receive a revision to the 401 Certification Letter from your office, we tare requesting a one month extension to the due date for payment to 111c. Wetland Restoration Program. We understand from our conversation of March 23, 1998, that yoti do not anlic;ipate a problem in grunting this extension. By copy of this letter we are advising Mr. Ron Ferrell of the Wetland Restoration Program of taus request. If for some reason you canilot Gdeli Associates Inc. 129 West Trade Strwi, Charlotte. NC 28202 Phone (704) 377-6041 Fax (704) 343-0140 MAR-31-98 01:216 PM ODELL ASSOCIATES 704 343 91406 P.03 Y Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Environment Sciences Branch Page 2 March 31, 1998 accommodate our request for this time extension, please notify the undersigned immediately by telephone at (704) 377-5941 so that appropriate alternative arrangements can be made prior to April 6, 1998. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Vcry truly yours, ODELL ASSOCIAT INC. David C. Park, PE Principal in Cliarge tc:s/L304026 2194-700/208.1 cL: Division of Land Resources - Holly Centennial Authority - Stroud Kimley-Horne. - Britt McDevitt Street Bovis - Matteson Wetland Restoration Program - Ferrell Oddl Asweletes Inc. MAR-31-98 01:25 PM ODELL ASSOCIATES 704 343 91406 r Planning Architecture Enpineednp into r Design Landseepe Architecture CAD. LL P. 01 FIX Date: March 31, 1946 To: Mr. John R. Dorney From; Mr. David C. hark, P, North Carolina Department of Odell Associates Inc. Environment, Health, and Natural 129 West Trade Street Resources Charlotte, NC 28202 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 733-1796 Phc)ne: (704) 377-5941 Fax: (919) 7339959 Fax_ (704).343-9140 Reference: Entertainment and Sports Arena Raleigh, NC 401 Water Quality Certification Letter No. of pages including this sheet: 3 we are faxing the following: Items F-1 Message Remarks: For Approval Q Copy Sent By 0 For Your Use aJ US Mail ? As Requested Overnight F7 For Review r7 For Inforrilation Faxed by: Terah Shiflett 2194-700 cc: McDGvitt Street Bovis - Matteson Odell Assoclatoo In*. 120 We*t Trade Strout Charlotte), NG 28202 Phone (704) 377-5941 Fax (704) 343.9140 Planning r Architecture Engineering Interior Design Landscape Architecture OD=LL April 28, 1998 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Environment Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Attention: Mr. John Dorney Reference: Entertainment and Sports Arena Raleigh, NC 401 Water Quality Certification Letter Gentlemen: As we discussed in our letter of March 31, 1998, to your office, we have been working with the Division of Land Quality on the reduction of rip-rap channel stabilization at the box culvert crossing of Richland Creek. Attached is a plan showing the limits of the rip- rap stabilization as approved by the Division of Land Quality and a copy of the April 15, 1998, approval letter. On the basis of this approval, we request a modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Letter dated March 6, 1998, on the subject Project to reflect a reduction in the overall stream impact from 440 feet to 380 feet. Upon receipt of this revised Certification Letter, we will forward the appropriate financial information to our Client, the Centennial Authority, for the payment of the contribution to the Wetland Restoration Program for compensation for the impacts of the Edward Mill Road Connector Culvert construction on Richland Creek. The revised 401 Water Quality Certification Letter should be sent to the Centennial Authority. However, we request that the undersigned by copied on the revised Certification Letter so that appropriate action can be taken upon its issuance. Odell Associates Inc. 129 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 377-5941 Fax (704) 343-9140 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Environment Sciences Branch Page 2 April 28, 1998 Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter in more detail, please so advise. Very truly yours, ODELL ASSOCIATES INC. David C. Park, PPE//CV Principal in Charge tcs/L304166 2194-700/208.1 Encl: Drawing BD-C1 Approval Letter from Division of Land Resource, dtd. 4/15/98 cc/wencl: Centennial Authority - Williams McDevitt Street Bovis - Ferguson Odell Associates Inc. 0 x INV. EL. 354.84 } D' 13 181 THICK CLASS I I RIP RAP 11111 ?::. / 111 ?`1\\\ 11 f 111111 ({ \\ ?\ ?? 1 11\ (11N B.IS \ 1 1 \1 ; / ) IE R6 \ \\\\ 111111 I I 11NW. Il 5161 \ 1 .'?-? \ \ \\ 1 \ 1 I \ 111 I \\\ \\11 \1 l 1 Ft \J \ \; 11 1111 11 \ 1 .3 \ \\ \\ I I1 i 11111 1 1\ \\ 1 1111 ? \?\\ \ 1111//11 11 \ \111 I1 \\ \\\1 I1 ?1 \ \\ -\ 11 y?l\I I \ 111 I I \\ \ 11 p \ \ 1 {II III 1 I PEN 8x?-PF1S OI?uIi L IIVCR \ 20' • '-6? x ??1Q PIP RAH 1 1 {, lie' CO I NE \RUp 1 1 1 1 { 1 1 I / I /) I!I IIII 11\\\ \ ! ) `? i III V III \? I i j 1 I 1 )_ 111 i l!I I I III \/ I ill d\J I 1.1. I t ? I I I Ill III / t 1 1 I r i l I / I \ ) I I III { I l1 / /t r?lll ? 1/ 111 I {Ill 1 1\ 1 IIII { //// III II ? i II 11 1 \1 \1 Itl1 Il ?III11''11;11 11111111/ In II III OBL,Cq ,,,B?XIC '"T CT.4 1 1 1 111 1 1 ) I i A 1 I ? 0 A 9 i P O 9 ti? m P r lC h I ) 1M l w? !II I 4'CMP PIPE UNKNOWN ORIGIN AND UNKNOWN PURPOSE FOR PII INV,ELEV=3I ROCK SILT SCREEN i 1! 1 JI 1 I V. U ) 59. A\19. II II Till ?? it II IIII II 11 ILL-;= _-_- _ _ ;no / TEMP. SEDIMENT TRAP ?20' x 40' W/ 4.5' LON4'WEIR N/ PATTING 3/CT.5/- F / •' DIV FILL DISPOSA AREA / TEMP. SEDIMENT TF \ 20'x 40'W/ 4.5'1 PERM. CRASS' Q - \ 4' BOT WIDTH i? \\ M/?Id`TTING \4E;L*ATED LOU PPROX. LIMITS \ 8 WIDE RAM! F CIO?N?I..STTT IGHT ASPP 395 19' THICK CLASS 11 RIP RAP-11 /uAITII IVY EAST OF BOX CULVERT INLET CONTRACTOR -? P I TO EXTEND PROPOSED SILT FENCE AS II 1 II 1 NECESSARY TO PREVENT ROADWAY FLL FRO Ill 1 ERODING INTO THE CREEK I Ill I 1 1111111 1 1 DRESS AND SEED ANY DISTURBED 4111 I u BANK II 1 11 ' /C .5 III 1 11, 1 111 I 11 { III III Il 1 •' I It 111 III 1 11 It I I1 1 Culvert Rip REFERENT Drawn P. HAYES Checked D. PARK Revislons AO REV, 03.30.98 FT/S Revision & BD-CG Entertainment & I Sports Arena 0DC?_JLL ENpNEEWnO E .1 ! I l? SCALE r = 50' 1 : Prof. No. 2194.200 Date 02.17.98 OAI No. BD--C1 CCD No. 11 `d~ - State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural. Resources Raleigh Regional Office Ja= B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES April 15, 1998 Centennial Authority 1520 Blue Ridge Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 A` TN : Ray X. Rouse, I I I Wayne McDevitt, Secretary RE: Letter of Approval Project Name: Enter. & Sports Arena Location: Wake County Submitted by: Odell Assoc., Inc. Date Received: 3-30-98 Date Processing Initiated: 3-30-98 Watershed: Neuse#1/03"04-02 New Submittal ( ) Revised (x) Dear Mr. Rouse: This office has reviewed the subject Erosion and Sedimentation Control. Plan. We find the plan to be acceptablever and hereby issue this letter of approval. Please note, howr that the proposed channel lining is accepted with performance reservations. If any problems develop in the field, further revisions will be required. All other previous approval conditions are also in force. The land-disturbing activity described in the plan for this site may be subject to the approval of other Local, State or Federal agencies. This could include the Division of Mater Quality under stormwater or other water quality regulatio s, the county, .S.Aror Corps of Engineers under Article 404 j city r other s that town agencies under other approval ocd1issued ances, in this Jettezalcannot may be required. The supersede any other required permit or approval. Please be advised that 15A NCAC 4B.0018(a) requires that a copy of the approved plan be on file at the job site. Also, please consider this letter as notice in accordance with the remquirements of NCGS 113A-61.1 concerning our right to perfor periodic inspections to ensure compliance with the approved plan. 38x0 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 " Raleigh. NC 27609 Voice (819)671.4700 " FAX (918)571.4718 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled 1 i04L poet-comumer paper a- . . . Mr. Rouse April 151 1998 Page 2 North Carolina's sedimentation pollution control program is performance oriented, requiring protection of the natural resources and adjoining properties. If at any time during this that the and remainder of this project it is meet theErequi.rements Sedimentation Control Plan is inadequate (NCGS 51 of the sedimentation Pollution Correvisions in the plan and its through 66), this office may implementation to ensure compliance with the Act. Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the informtondto f?leeaniamerfidednFinancial. Responsibility responsibility. You Form if are any requested become necessary. to work Your cooperation is appreciated and we look esti rwaplease do ing with you on this project. If there are any qu ns, not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, o L. Holley, Jr., P • , CPESC ional Engineer Land. Quality Section Raleigh Regional Office JLH cat Paul Hayes State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES March 6, 1998 Wake County DWQ Project # 980100 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, WRP AND NEUSE BUFFER RULES Steve Stroud; Centennial Authority 1520 Blue Ridge Road; Suite 201 Raleigh NC 27607 Dear Mr. Stroud: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill material in 440 linear feet of waters for the purpose of constructing a road crossing at Centennial Arena across Richland Creek at Edwards Mill Extension, as you described in your application dated February 3, 1998. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3103. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 14 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is also valid for the Neuse River buffer rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233). In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non- Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. An additional condition is that a final written stormwater plan with wet detention basins must be approved by DWQ before stream impacts occur. 2. A planting plan must be submitted to DWQ for written approval for the riparian buffer along Richland Creek. We understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Wetland Restoration Program in order to compensate for these impacts to wetlands and/or streams. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2R.0500, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h). According to 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h), 440 feet of restoration will be required. Mr. Ron Ferrell should be contacted at 919-733-5083 ext. 358 if you have any questions concerning the Wetland Restoration Program. You have one month from the date of this Certification to make this payment or-this Certification will be revoked. For accounting purposes, this Certification authorizes the fill of 440 feet of streams, in 030402 river and subbasin and 440 feet stream restoration. Please be aware that the Wetland Restoration Program (WRP) rules require rounding of acreage amounts to one-quarter acre increments (15A 2R.0503(b)). If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. Division of Water Quality • Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 9 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper t - This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Feld Office Raleigh DWQ Regional Office ?? ?arney entral Files Ron Ferrell; Wetland Restoration Program Jean Spooner; Umstead Coalition Harlan Britt; Kimley-Horn and Associates 980100.1tr i -- I "k NORTH CAROLINA - DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY OF PERMITTED IMPACTS AND MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0500, Centennial Authority, DWQ Project # 980100 is authorized to impact the surface waters of the State of North Carolina as indicated below for the purpose(s) of constructing a road crossing Richlands Creek. All activities associated with these authorized impacts must be conducted in accordance with the conditions listed in the attached certification transmittal letter. THIS CERTIFICATION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE ATTACHMENTS. COMPENSATORY MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS FOR WETLAND RESTORATION LOCATION: Richlands Creek at Edwards Mill Extension COUNTY: Wake RIVER/SUBBASIN: 030402 As required by 15A NCAC 2H.0506, and the conditions of this certification, you are required to compensate for the above impacts through the restoration, creation, enhancement or preservation of wetlands and surface waters as outlined below prior to conducting any activities that impact or degrade the waters of the state. Note: Acreage requirements proposed to be mitigated through the Wetland Restoration Programs must be rounded to one-quarter acre increments according to 15A 2R.0503(b). acres of Class WL wetlands acres of riparian wetlands acres of non-riparian wetlands acres of Class SWL wetlands 440 linear feet of stream channel One of the options you have available to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements is through the payment of a fee to the Wetlands Restoration Fund per 15A NCAC 2R .0503. If you choose this option, please sign this form and mail it to the Wetlands Restoration Fund at the address listed below. An invoice for the appropriate amount will be sent to you upon receipt of this form. PLEASE NOTE, THE ABOVE IMPACTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL YOU RECEIVE NOTIFICATION THAT YOUR PAYMENT HAS BEEN PROCESSED BY THE WETLANDS RESTROATION PROGRAM. Signature Date WETLANDS RESTORATION PROGRAM DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PO BOX 29535 RALEIGH NC 27626-0535 919-733-5083 ext. 358 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor MD .ttS +n ILP? NCDENR Wayne C WV; 4+I ecre ry NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES March 13, 1998 Mr. Steve Stroud Centennial Authority 1520 Blue Ridge Road Suite 201 Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Centennial arena Stormwater Management Plan Wakem County DWQ #980100 Dear Mr. Stroud: We are in receipt of your stormwater management plan for the Centennial Arena which was prepared by Mr. Harlan Britt of Kimley-Horn and Associates and accompanied the 401 Certification application received on 6 February 1998. A technical review of each pond was conducted, and each was determined to be designed in satisfactory compliance with the Division of Water Quality's BMP manual. The only remaining issue with respect to stormwater management is that the signed operation and maintenance agreements for the subject stormwater management plan which must be received in this office on March 27, 1998. This letter hereby provides written approval of the stormwater management plan for the subject project in accordance with the requirements of the 401 Certification. Please call me at (919) 733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 0Dorney* cc: Raleigh Field Office, USCOE DWQ Raleigh Regional Office Central Files ?e'y Harlan Britt: Kimley-Horn Associates Jean Spooner; Umstead Coalition Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50°!o recycled/109o post consumer paper r? .- Planning Architecture Engineering Interior Design Landscape Architecture ODELL `-- February 17, 1998 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh Regional Office Suite 1.01 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Attention: Mr. John Holly Reference: Entertainment and Sports Arena Raleigh, NC Richland Creek Crossing Gentlemen: At the request of the Water Quality Section of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) and the Raleigh office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, we have reevaluated the extent of rip-rap protection to be provided on the inlet and outlet side of the proposed double 8' x 8' box culvert extending 225' under the proposed Edwards Mill Road Connector. Both of these agencies have requested that the extent of rip-rap be reduced to the minimum possible length. The culvert carries an estimated 1,250 CFS during a 50 year storm, resulting in a flow in each box of 625 CFS. The culvert operates with tail water greater than one half the pipe diameter and the culverts flow partially full. The attached Partially Full Flow Apron Sizing Analysis indicates that the length of rip-rap apron on the downstream end of the culverts can be reduced from its current 100' length to 80'. While there is no requirement for a rip-rap apron on the upstream side of the box culvert, we are recommending a reduction in the rip-rap apron length from 100' to 10'. We believe this 10' length will be adequate to stabilize the channel after culvert installation. Attached you will find the appropriate calculations for sizing the length of apron on the downstream end of the box culvert. Odell Associates Inc. 129 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 377-5941 Fax (704) 343-9140 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Page 2 February 17, 1998 Please be advised that we are proceeding with the incorporation of these revised rip-rap apron lengths into the Construction Documents and request that you advise this office immediately if this change is inconsistent with your ability to approve the final installation. If you have any questions in this regard please so advise. Very truly yours, ODELL ASSOCIATES INC. avid C. Park, P Director, Engineering Operations tcs/L302266 2194-200/208.1 Encl: Partially Full Flow Apron Sizing Analysis Revised Design Drawing cc/wencl: Kimley Horne - Britt McDevitt Street Bovis - Matteson North Carolina Water Quality Section of DENR -,CoxI Odell/Charlotte - Rotman U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Alsmeyer Odell Associates inc. r• . Worksheet Worksheet for Rectangular Channel Project Description Project File c:\haestad\fmw\esa.fm2 Worksheet 8x8 DBL. BOX CULVERT - EDWARD MILL CONN. Flow Element Rectangular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.005500 fuft Bottom Width 8.00 ft Discharge 625.00 cis Results Depth 5.32 ft Flow Area 42.53 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 18.63 ft Top Width 8.00 ft Critical Depth 5.75 ft Critical Slope 0.004508 fttft Velocity 14.70 ft/s Velocity Head 3.36 ft Specific Energy 8.67 ft Froude Number 1.12 Flow is supercritical. 02/13/98 FlowMaster v5.13 10:57;59 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 8.4 Riprap Aprons Uses A flat riprap apron can be used to prevent erosion at the transition from a pipe or 8.4,1 box culvert outlet to a natural channel. Protection is provided primarily by having sufficient length and flare to dissipate energy by expanding the flow. Riprap aprons are appropriate when the culvert outlet velocity is less than or equal to 10 fps for pipes s 48 inches in diameter. Procedure The procedure presented in this section is taken from USDA, SCS (1,975). Two sets 8.4,2 of curves, one for minimum and one for maximum tailwater condition's, are used to determine the apron size and the median riprap diameter, d60. If tailwater conditions are known, or if both minimum and maximum conditions may occur, the apron should be designed to meet criteria for both. Although the design curves are based on round pipes flowing full, they can be used for partially full pipes and box culverts. The design procedure consists of the following steps: 1. If possible, determine tailwater conditions for the channel. if tailwater is less than one=half the discharge flow depth (pipe diameter if flowing full), minimum tailwater conditions exist and the curves in Figure 8-1 apply. Otherwise, maximum tailwater conditions exist and the curves in Figure 8-2 should be used. 2. Determine the correct apron length and median riprap diameter, d5 , using the appropriate curves from Figure 8-1 and 8-2. If tailwater conditions are uncertain, find the values for both minimum and maximum conditions and size the apron as shown in Figure 8-3. a. For pipes flowing full: Use the depth. of flow, d, which equals the pipe diameter, in feet, and design discharge, in cfs, to obtain the apron length, L., and median riprap diameter, d6,,, from the appropriate curves. b. For pipes,flowing p Use the depth 'of flow, d, in feat, and velocity, v, in feet/second. On the lower portion of the appropriate figure, find the intersection of the d and v curves, then find the riprap median diameter, d60, from the scale on the right. From the lower d and v intersection point, move vertically to the upper curves until intersecting the curve for the correct flow depth, d. Find the minimum apron length, L„ from the scale on the left. 8-4 LA 300 Outlet W = Do + 0.4La 120 - pipe I; diameter (DO) La 110 - - Tai 1 water a.5 Do 100 III :y .; .. , F ilil itii i ' ' :I L. ,. I f ; f }' 90 or. 4 41 ms 60 `e i 41 ? ? •} ?E? I n, ; I I , .16" 50 ??? h I II ! 3 40 1 [l ilt t 30 i i I[ 20 ' t o y 1111 1111111 11 1 01 11 111 111 .1 ' I * 4 2 Ar 1111 I I 1111111- II I A f 4 1 1 II u LL tMi llil l „ „ L 10 I [jI llILq 1 l ilt t i e . b O b ti q co I r ?, i, I 6 1 0 i i Ln '? ?+• ' ? i ;?: ?I { ?.: ';; ?1! ;ii i '.: i 0 3 10 .z0 5 50 100 200 500 1000 . Discharge (ft3/sec) N ILL N ?' Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06b Design of outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full, maximum tailwater condition (Tw 2 0.5 diameter). ?trr?RTAIt ;4 mgr rr- sPo??-s A??NA 8.06.4 Rev. M93 .• ,i;i:`;;'F W VVa JNU F" iff \ m 1 I III 1:•:,:;:r:; I x \ W CL V-) a Z' = a L'i LA-1 01-- V)v W \ U G - II I I II ?`I I 0- z \ Li x a_ ;r IIiI II II \ ?U \ \\ Wo Cr \ U IIII II I \ Z?M II II I I \ ?3? I I I p, r ', / LLJ Jijlit i1 \\ aX? N? ' X N1 C) 1 auW / CL LL. 00 c 54 om0001 a. r ? M zo w 0?1 J Z L J ? O ' W W i v ZO ? U 3 C Ln Z] Ya _J j Z Ln Ln WO UU CL Y ?z CL UZ Q Q TRUE NORTH C u ? \\W } ? /// \ \ \ / \ \ rti LLJ \ J W Z - x ua L CD Cl) = W WU L ar \\ ?? HOC \ a 9B i / 5 lilt / N Zopa ui u. / ? w pro ? / / . t G ® Q.D? MQ -.-? w 1 mom' T U LL NOI1 SISNV?U -T; g - - " " 1 ? = Lo s?- N0I 1' N -fVN U-) -r C-.) r r??/"- ?- / / ? 'LYI cfl ?' ` ? J Z --- ?? \ LLJ us. al Tr01 Q 00 0? NN Q OJ M Q' ? t.0 co J W tiO C\j >: 2W ? N N a J U Y U r co O o r U J V) V_ ra zWr CD Z3 W p WL?a Zro; - ? Y r r?ZW ? p W W > N W U O a W a U CD C= CD ro oa Co o' z wCI-- OF U V) X V) ? V1 W Up w?ZLL" 1O1^^ Y/ !I r LU J U Cc$ a r.L u U cc \ Lii U Z CL LLJ Ill 0: W cc ii Ll. W +j cr S. a rI e , 11 ? v CD O 00 ° N m z cli UU N O o Z Q 0 + Z a o Q 0 Vl 4', lJ?; 1?1 W - Z Z W W Z r w auu IX z 6 a W ?I 000 OI' (n V- UJ 1= Q CL 0 = Q 0 C C Y ° 3 U N 0 0 > p U = u6p•.o-pgoosa0\u5p\s.,asn\:o 5560 866[-83U-81 MEMO DATE: TO:7C-?Iw_f11? % Q SUBJECT: 5YAloP5t5 Or N Or 664W61"' S torn U?D OtC? T;c#?u,Zos 6• (CZ Ati?o??2 k1o ?d l s Ala 4inwo -5-d awes ?? Cvecu?cT l ???T ??c? ? G?zs C D E G ?s ?? ©F C44CIAZ4 r1cf- s Gj Azoq A <9 °`U r5.5 e,-?,,owfz t,>? 64,V D64514N - l A4- rOW `SW9p Lois $ ? l DF ? ? r ?K?? Get ?N? ?v2?cj •z?s/ InICa ?7WAVOm: me STATE q ?(x N,?v 10. u3 North, Carolina Departme of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources +( SUM Nap?•. ?(? Printed on Recycled Paper t?, 4 /1 & . _ _ .. I l-4bsLU1,Q rO De Z eo Av GAS ? Z ?44& J As IS S? G?zs f?,crc? . CoMt, ?9 S T ?w OF AU,%J t r4a4 i IT ? r 1 RECEIVED Kimley-Horn DAD 1 3 1997.. and Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTALSCIENCES lX? l Memorandum • P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 To: John Dorney N.C. Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section From Harlan K. Britt, P.E. Date: December 16, 1997 Subject: Meeting concerning Richland Creek Culvert Project: Entertainment & Sports Arena Raleigh, North Carolina Attending: John Dorney - DWQ Danny Smith - DWQ Harlan Britt - Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Minutes: 1. The meeting discussed the roadway crossing for Richland Creek under the proposed Nationwide 14 Coverage. A 401 certification is required. Certification will require mitigation for the stream on a 1'1 basis that is payable to the Wetland Restoration Fund. Any mitigation required by the C.O.E. will be handled consistent with C.O.E. decisions. 2. If stormwater is required, it will only be required for the new project and existing parking lots are not to be included. KHA will discuss with Ray Cox the stormwater requirements. Arena roof top water on the eastern side could possibly be traded for lots A & B. It was agreed that roof top water should not be near the water quality issue that parking lot water presents. It was agreed to explore trading the roof top water for parking lot water. 3. KHA will work with Ray Cox to reach a recommended treatment level (percent removal). The 85% removal rate may not be achievable and some (] level lower but achievable will be sought if it is acceptable to the client. ^ "'?. 4. Message for Ray Cox to call Harlan Britt was left. ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 John Domey, December 16, 1997, Page 2 Kimley-Horn ?? and Associates, Inc. 5. The buffer requirement under the Neuse River Management Strategies will apply and a 50 foot buffer along Richland Creek is required with the rule exemption for the road crossing. Trees in Zone 1 should be planted to restore as much forested buffer as possible following culvert & road construction. RECEIVED DEC 1 V 1997 ENVIRQNMENTALSCIENCES ,,!, The foregoing is my understanding of the items discussed during our meeting. Unless otherwise notified, I will consider you are in agreement with this memo. Gam-- Harlan K. Britt, P.E. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Copy To: David Park - Odell Danny Smith - DWQ Project File Planning Architecture Engineering Interior Design Landscape Architecture ODELL December 2, 1997 To: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Attention: Mr. Ray Cox Reference: ESA WE ARE TRANSMITTING Copies Dated 1@ = FOR APPROVAL Remarks: Transmittal ® HEREWITH = UNDER SEPARATE COVER Description Civil Drawings ® FOR YOUR USE = AS REQUESTED 0 FOR REVIEW By: Nicole L. Hodge Project No.: 2194-200-305.1.1 Odell Associates Inc. 129 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N.C. Phone (704)377-5941 Fax (704) 343-9140 I/ e David C. Park, PE Opstations Director of Engineering . e? Tei VL..4- V 5uov? /VC5'u sa°ccade $ZO ga1 nae?`ae 0 g 9-50&1.00 100'1 8090 At? 0 1 7XI A611 aA- / lad ?QSf Y4/ .? ('-AAA L4 NC-dell Associates Inc. t t J\aO` o Planning Architecture ring 129 Wes NC 02 charlotte, 32787!5 941 04) tO D?`g Engir?+e Dero L. Interior ndscape g hltecture 7 F X704) 343-9140 mall: parkdc®odell.com r ?y, ,•L? 1/? j ,ads U' SV71 i ? ------------------------- 4-) .1 I' a I All 9 t. VW? S?J ?`L+'L_ YKJ l q"D cL? 0?3u, i` 7 LA - 9?b, ?S S5 IY? Planning Architecture Engineering Interior Design Landscape Architecture ODELL December 5, 1997 Project: Location: Meeting Date: Purpose: Attending: ®rR80464s ?e 1 ? 1641*0N, Nr S1.99 CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Entertainment and Sports Arena Raleigh, NC Odell Associates, Inc. Field Office December 2-3, 1997 NCDEHNR Requirements for Richland Creek Culvert Installation North Carolina Division of Environmental Health and Natural Resources Representatives (NCDEHNR): Ray Cocks John Dorney' Danny Smith Odell Associates Inc. Representative (Odell): David Park Minutes: 1. Mr. Park reviewed the scope of the project including the work covered by the early parking lot construction project completed in 1994 and the current construction covering the Arena site, parking lots "C", "D", "G", Edwards Mill Road Connector, widening of Trinity Road, and a short section of entry road construction at Gate "B." 2. Mr. Dorney provided Odell with copies of the current NCDEHNR water quality regulations, a copy of the Best Management Practice Handbook, and the recently adopted Neuse River Basin Rules. Odell Associates Inc. 129 West Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 377-5941 Fax (704) 343-9140 CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Page 2 December 5, 1997 Mr. Park advised that he had been in touch with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and it was the current understanding that the Richland Creek Crossing fell under Nationwide Permit No. 14 (Road Crossings). 4. Mr. Dorney advised that new rules adopted by NCDEHNR effective February 11, 1997, require State of North Carolina certification. These new rules will require that the following conditions be met: a. A one-for-one mitigation of the impacted section of the stream will be required. Mitigation can take the form of restoration of a like-length of disturbed creek bed (generally in the same river basin) or through a donation to the Wetland Restoration Program in the amount of $125.00 per linear foot of disturbed channel. b. Stormwater treatment of the runoff from the adjacent site will be required in accordance with the Stormwater Best Management Practices established by DEHNR. 5. Mr. Dorney advised that he was unsure at the present time whether the stormwater treatment requirements would apply to the current construction only or would also incorporate the parking lots and roadways constructed in 1994. Mr. Dorney is to review this issue and advise Odell of his interpretation. 6. Mr. Park pointed out that the four parking lots and roadways constructed in 1994 added to the parking capacity of Carter-Finley Stadium and had been in use for the past three years. Furthermore, those lots would have remained in place and continued to be used as part of the Carter-Finley Stadium Complex in the event that the Arena had not been constructed. It was therefore Odell's opinion that the construction of the parking lots and roadways was a completed project separate from the current Arena construction project. 7. In reviewing the location of the two existing Sediment Basins No. 2 and No. 3 on the west side of the site, it appears that these basins are in an ideal location for providing stormwater treatment. Mr. Dorney advised that the surface area required for the ponds usually range from 1-3% of the surface area of the project. On this basis, it appears that the ponds may have sufficient area (with some modification) to be adapted to comply with the Best Management Practices design criteria. 8. It was agreed that Odell would prepare a preliminary Engineering study to determine the appropriate pond size for review by Mr. Cocks. Odell Associates Inc. CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Page 3 December 5, 1997 9. Mr. Domey also advised that the new Neuse River Basis Rules effective July 26, 1997, also apply to the project. While roadway crossings are permitted under the Neuse Rules, the same general criteria as described above also are applicable. 10. In addition to mitigation and stormwater treatment, the Neuse Rules require the maintenance of a 50' vegetation buffer adjacent to Richland Creek. Areas disturbed as a result of road crossing constructed will need to be replanted using a planting plan acceptable to DEHNR. 11. The replanting plan should address the restoration of tree coverage within the first 30' from the bank edge with the next 20' returned to its preexisting natural state which can include grasses. 12. Mr. Domey advised that the appropriate certification letter could be issued by DEHNR upon approval of an acceptable plan for mitigation and upon agreement on the size of the stormwater treatment basins for the project. 13. Construction of the box culverts in Richland Creek can resume upon receipt of a certification letter from DEHNR. The foregoing conveys our understanding of the items discussed and conclusions reached during this meeting. We assume this information to be correct, unless notice to the contrary is brought too attention. David C. Park, E Director, Engineering Operations tcs/CM302718 2194-700/208.1 cc: All Attending Arena Authority - Holt, Mullins, Safron McDevitt Street Bovis - Matteson Odell/Charlotte - Woollen Odell/Job Site - Rotman Odell Associates Inc. .IMIAI?s Planning Architecture Engineering Interior Design Landscape Architecture ODEL.L. December 5, 1997 Project: Location: Meeting Date: Purpose: Attending: okic FM,/ 15 J9aj E? CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Entertainment and Sports Arena Raleigh, NC Odell Associates, Inc. Field Office December 2-3, 1997 NCDEHNR Requirements for Richland Creek Culvert Installation North Carolina Division of Environmental Health and Natural Resources epPese tives (NCDEHNR): Ra Cock John Dorney Danny Smith Odell Associates Inc. Representative (Odell): David Park Minutes: 1. Mr. Park reviewed the scope of the project including the work covered by the early parking lot construction project completed in 1994 and the current construction covering the Arena site, parking lots "C", "D", "G", Edwards Mill Road Connector, widening of Trinity Road, and a short section of entry road construction at Gate "B." 2. Mr. Dorney provided Odell with copies of the current NCDEH R regulations, a copy of the Best Management Practice Handbook, an adopted Neuse River Basin Rules. Odell Associates Inc. 129 West Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 377-5941 F a s s ;e e ?z s a ,oc ac a WIN so. \w ces aes??n nt acd V ,zini? s`vdy to s• i ''m F. ? 1 Planning Architecture Engineering Interior Design Landscape Architecture ODELL. December 5, 1997 Project: Location: Meeting Date: Purpose: Attending: RE0EIVEQ onc FnNi?oN,?Nr,??s? sl CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Entertainment and Sports Arena Raleigh, NC Odell Associates, Inc. Field Office December 2-3, 1997 NCDEHNR Requirements for Richland Creek Culvert Installation North Carolina Division of Environmental Health and Natural Resources ep tives (NCDEIINR Ra Cock ? 5 . „? ess C John Dorne Y Danny Smith Odell Associates Inc. Representative (Odell): David Park Minutes: 1. Mr. Park reviewed the scope of the project including the work covered by the early parking lot construction project completed in 1994 and the current construction covering the Arena site, parking lots "C", "D", "G", Edwards Mill Road Connector, widening of Trinity Road, and a short section of entry road construction at Gate "B." 2. Mr. Dorney provided Odell with copies of the current NCDEHNR water quality regulations, a copy of the Best Management Practice Handbook, and the recently adopted Neuse River Basin Rules. Odell Associates Inc. 129 West Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 377-5941 Fax (704) 343-9140 CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Page 2 December 5, 1997 3. Mr. Park advised that he had been in touch with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and it was the current understanding that the Richland Creek Crossing fell under Nationwide Permit No. 14 (Road Crossings). 4. Mr. Dorney advised that new rules adopted by NCDEHNR effective February 11, 1997, require State of North Carolina certification. These new rules will require that the following conditions be met: a. A one-for-one mitigation of the impacted section of the stream will be required. Mitigation can take the form of restoration of a like-length of disturbed creek bed (generally in the same river basin) or through a donation to the Wetland Restoration Program in the amount of $125.00 per linear foot of disturbed channel. b. Stormwater treatment of the runoff from the adjacent site will be required in accordance with the Stormwater Best Management Practices established by DEHNR. 5. Mr. Dorney advised that he was unsure at the present time whether the stormwater treatment requirements would apply to the current construction only or would also incorporate the parking lots and roadways constructed in 1994. Mr. Dorney is to review this issue and advise Odell of his interpretation. 6. Mr. Park pointed out that the four parking lots and roadways constructed in 1994 added to the parking capacity of Carter-Finley Stadium and had been in use for the past three years. Furthermore, those lots would have remained in place and continued to be used as part of the Carter-Finley Stadium Complex in the event that the Arena had not been constructed. It was therefore Odell's opinion that the construction of the parking lots and roadways was a completed project separate from the current Arena construction project. 7. In reviewing the location of the two existing Sediment Basins No. 2 and No. 3 on the west side of the site, it appears that these basins are in an ideal location for providing stormwater treatment. Mr. Dorney advised that the surface area required for the ponds usually range from 1-3% of the surface area of the project. On this basis, it appears that the ponds may have sufficient area (with some modification) to be adapted to comply with the Best Management Practices design criteria. 8. It was agreed that Odell would prepare a preliminary Engineering study to determine the appropriate pond size for review by Mr. Cocks. Odell Associates Inc. 1 CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Page 3 December 5, 1997 9. Mr. Dorney also advised that the new Neuse River Basis Rules effective July 26, 1997, also apply to the project. While roadway crossings are permitted under the Neuse Rules, the same general criteria as described above also are applicable. 10. In addition to mitigation and stormwater treatment, the Neuse Rules require the maintenance of a 50' vegetation buffer adjacent to Richland Creek. Areas disturbed as a result of road crossing constructed will need to be replanted using a planting plan acceptable to DEHNR. 11. The replanting plan should address the restoration of tree coverage within the first 30' from the bank edge with the next 20' returned to its preexisting natural state which can include grasses. 12. Mr. Dorney advised that the appropriate certification letter could be issued by DEHNR upon approval of an acceptable plan for mitigation and upon agreement on the size of the stormwater treatment basins for the project. 13. Construction of the box culverts in Richland Creek can resume upon receipt of a certification letter from DEHNR. The foregoing conveys our understanding of the items discussed and conclusions reached during this meeting. We assume this information to be correct, unless notice to the contrary is brought to o attention. David C. Park, E Director, Engineering Operations tcs/CM302718 2194-700/208.1 cc: All Attending Arena Authority - Holt, Mullins, Safron McDevitt Street Bovis - Matteson Odell/Charlotte - Woollen Odell/Job Site - Rotman Odell Associates Inc. ,ling iitecture tineering arior Design ,ndscape Architecture OD=LL TRANSMITTAL Date December 15, 1999 To Mr. Danny Smith 401/Wetland Unit Division of Water Quality ' 4 1621 Mail Service Center ej Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 [ ' f' ! Phone: Fax: ?,.>..?-.? ?, ... _. From David Park Odell Associates Inc. 525 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: (704) 414-1000 Fax: (704) 414-1111 Reference Entertainment and Sports Arena Message We are transmitting: X Herewith F-] Under Separate Cover Copies Dated Description 2 10/8/99 Landscape Plan of Richland Creek (w/annotations) X? For Approval ? For Your Use F-] As Requested Remarks For your approval per our meeting of December 14, 1999. 2194-200/208.1 Odell Associates Inc. Odell Plaza, 525 N. Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 414-1000 Fax (704) 414-1111 Planning Architecture Engineering Interior Design Landscape Architecture OD=LL November 19, 1999 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Attention: Mr. John R. Dorney Reference: Planting Plan along Richland Creek Entertainment and Sports Arena DWQ#: 980100 Raleigh, NC L 2 i yr vv? Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your letter of November 9, 1999, concerning approval of the Landscape Plan for the Richland Creek area on subject project. In that letter you note th tree planting must also be done within a 30 foot distance of each side of the creek between Trinity Road and Edwards Mill Connector Road except in the maintenance corridor of the existing sewer line and right of way of Trinity Road. Please be advised that the limits of construction for the Entertainment and Sports Arena did not encompass the area of Richland Creek between Trinity Road and the southern limits of the rip-ran apron on the south end of the connector road. The sanitary sewer relocation and the stockpile of material south of the connector road impacted areas east of the sanitary sewer easement only. Work on Trinity Road terminated short of Richland Creek (at the end of the sidewalk along Trinity Road) and was restricted to the Trinity Road right of way. To the best of our knowledge and based on our review of field conditions, and a field check by the General Contractor, we do not believe that there was any damage to existing plantings bounded by the Trinity Road right-of-way, the southern limits of the rip-rap apron, the creek, and the sanitary sewer right-of-way on the east side of the creek or along any portion of the west side of the creek between Trinity Road and the rip-rap apron. We believe that any damage that may have occurred in these areas were the result of the construction of Edward's Mill Road and the widening of Trinity Odell Associates Inc. Odell Plaza, 525 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 414-1000 Fax (704) 414-1111 Aft NCDENR November 19, 1999 Page 2 Road and associated culvert underneath Trinity Road all of which was performed by the NC Department of Transportation. We therefore request that you reconsider the additional requirements stipulated in your November 9, 1999, approval letter and on the basis of the above, approve the October 8th landscape planting plan as originally submitted. Should you have any questions regarding the above or require any additional information please so advise. Very truly yours, ODELL ASSO IATES INC. _.._..? avid C. Park, PE Principal in Charge kek/L0049 - 2194-200/208.1 encl.: NDENR letter dated 11/9/99 cc w/encl.: Authority - Williams Bovis - Matteson Odell - Rotman Odell Associates Inc. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director / • • IT NC -ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES . November 9, 1999 Mr. David Park Odell Associates, Inc. Odell Plaza 525 North Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Dear Mr. Park: Re: Planting plan along Richlands Creek Entertainment and Sports Arena DWQ#: 980100 Wake County The Landscape plan for the Raleigh Entertainment and Sports Arena dated 8 October 1999 are hereby approved with the following changes: Tree Planting must also be done within a 30 foot distance of each side of the creek between Trinity Road and Edward Mill Collector Road except in the maintenance corridor of the existing sewer line and right-of-way of Trinity Road. An additional 20 foot wide regulated buffer must be maintained adjacent to the wooded buffer. Species to be planted shall be similar to those elsewhere on the plan. DWQ shall be copied on this final plan by 24 November 1999. Please call me at 919-733-9646 if you have any questions. Cc: Raleigh DWQ Regional Office File copy Central files qce. orney Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality' James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor AM k NCDENR Bill Holman, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF Kerr T. Stevens, Director ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES November 9, 1999 1 Mr. David Park Odell Associates, Inc. Odell Plaza 525 North Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Dear Mr. Park: Re: Planting plan along Richlands Creek Entertainment and Sports Arena DWQ#: 980100 Wake County The Landscape plan for the Raleigh Entertainment and Sports Arena dated 8 October 1999 are hereby approved with the following changes: Tree Planting must also be done within a 30 foot distance of each side of the creek between Trinity Road and Edward Mill Collector Road except in the maintenance corridor of the existing sewer line and right-of-way of Trinity Road. An additional 20 foot wide regulated buffer must be maintained adjacent to the wooded buffer. Species to be planted shall be similar to those elsewhere on the plan. DWQ shall be copied on this final plan by 24 November 1999. Please call me at 919-733-9646 if you have any questions. elv qce . orney Cc: Raleigh DWQ Regional Office File copy Central files Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper . t1 Planning Architecture Engineering Interior Design Landscape Architecture OD=LL October 8, 1999 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Attention: Mr. John Dorny Reference: Entertainment and Sports Arena 401 Water Quality Certification Restorative Planning at Richland Creek Gentlemen:: u i?rf a Enclosed are two copies of a proposed Landscape Plan for the restorative planting along the section of Richland Creek affected by the construction of Edwards Mill Road connector at the Entertainment and Sports Arena project site. This drawing is submitted for your review and approval. Please note that there are other plantings indicated on this drawing not associated with the Richland Creek Restoration. We are asking for your review of the Richland Creek Restoration Plantings only. Please be advised that we also anticipate construction on the storm water treatment basins to begin this fall as soon as all of the tributary portions of the site are stabilized and the existing sediment basins can be planed. We would like to proceed with the installation of these plantings as soon as plant material is available and the deciduous trees are dormant. We would therefore appreciate receiving your approval of this planting plan as soon as possible. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please so advise. Very truly yours, LL ASSO ATES INC. David C. Park, PE Principal in Charge w? Odell Associates Inc. Odell Plaza, 525 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 414-1000 Fax (704) 414-1111 kek/L0019 - 2194-711/208.1 Encl.: Landscape Plan - Richland Creek Area (2) cc: Authority - Williams Bovis - Ferguson City of Raleigh - Tschupp Odell - Pitts Odell Associates Inc. State of North Carolina Department of Environment LTWMA, and Natural Resources / • • Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director NCDENR DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY December 8, 1998 Mr. Steve Stroud Centennial Authority 1520 Blue Ridge Road Suite 201 Raleigh, NC 27607 Subject: Stormwater Ponds Centennial Authority/ESA Wake County, NC DWQ# 980100 Dear Mr. Stroud: This Office is in receipt of the plans dated November 29, 1998, for stormwater Basin 2 and dated October 5, 1998, for stormwater Basin 3 at the subject facility prepared on your behalf by Kimley-Horn & Associates and submitted to the Division on December 3, 1998. Staff from the Wetlands Unit reviewed the plans and found them acceptable. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Todd St. John at (919) 733-1786 ext. 260. Sincerely, John R. Dorney Wetlands Unit Supervisor cc: Mr. Todd St. John, Wetlands Unit Raleigh Regional Office Mr. Harlan Britt, P.E. Kimley-Horn & Associates, P.O. Box 33068, Raleigh, NC 27636 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1896 FAX 919-733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper er NCDENR DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY December 8, 1998 Memorandum To: John Dorney From: Todd St. John Subject: Centennial Authority/ESA Stormwater Ponds DWQ No. 980100 Wake County Please find the attached final plans for the stormwater management ponds at the ESA. The plans support the engineer's claims in regard to the surface areas. The surface area of Basin 3 is 5% undersized and the temporary pool volume is 8% undersized to treat the drainage area. However, considering the difficult history of this project, I recommend that the plans dated November 29, 1998, for Basin 2 be approved based on the memo from Ray Cox dated February 19, 1998, and that the plans dated October 5, 1998, for Basin 3 be approved. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director A ?'W T40J;0 D E N R RECEIPT _ July 23, 1998 D Mr. Curt Williams U :JLL2 a v Centennial Authority (j?C? WVtVi 1520 Blue Ridge Road OUP Suite 2 01 SECTION Raleigh, NC 27607 The Wetlands Restoration Program has received a check in the amount of $47,500.00, check number 1824, as payment for the compensatory mitigation requirements of the 401 Water Quality Certification issued for DWQ Project # 980100. This receipt serves as notification that the compensatory mitigation requirements for this project have been satisfied. Please note that you must also comply with all other conditions of this certification and any other state, federal or local government permits or authorization associated with this activity. If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact Ron Ferrell at 919-733-7015 ext. 358. Si rely, 0Ronald E. Ferrell Program Manager cc: John Dorney File P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper 0� LL U mo un a -- W 0 w i 1L EXISTING VEGETATION LINE -- 2 ACOC .1....e....l....� I....I... ji, i"l, !!!!.l!!!!!!!!!!!!iII 114!!!!4!!!!4!!!!44!!!4!!!!1!! ii!!11!!11!1!111ill! MMM! 11 iMlI1!l1111111l�!!4l11l411 i1 iiiii1111010i1111il11111i N� ii�iiiliiiiiiiiiiiii!!4!liiiti !!!4!!!!4!!!!4!!!!4!!!!4!!!!4! !I!!!!!!4!Il!4!!!!4!!!!4l11111! 1 f 11 1111 1111 1 1! 4!!!!4!!!!!!!!!4!!!!4!1!!4! 1 II 1111 1111 1 ` ii 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4!!!14!!!!4! 1 7 ACOC -� \1 1 I I 1'+I 1 iiiilllillllillil!!!!l1111!!l 11 I, IIII 1 I I !!1i►l11!!!!1!!!! ! !! !!!!!! I 1 SEDIMENT BASIN #2 I III 111 , illliillliillliillillllill►! • It 11 I�il II + 1lillll11i11i11111i111�11111! ! 1 I I 1111 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIillll411!!4!lll4 / —�— 11 1101111 1111 14 ACOC 1..... "i"!"l111 !!!i!!1!l!!!II! • ; 111111141111111l1111114l1!!4 ' I 1 I,I RICHLAND r i ! I, I , 1, j CREEK ______._________ j l 1 I , I ►, I, 111, , �. I I _j_ II 11 1111 11110+ ;'1 1j y 11 EXISTING VEGETATION LINE -- l 11 f 1 11 i 1+ 11 I, 1, ,1,! 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EROSION CONTROL 34 PT -----_.---- MATERIAL (NOTE 5) ----- 0 u7 GRASSED AREAI (NOTE 3) 18' THICK CLA II RIP RAP (EXISTING) RICHLAND CREEK �T� GRASSED (NOTE 3) 111i►►11/►1,,.1,111i �.. •,•�_. 111111111111111111111!! �•�,/= IIII '' 1111111 1 !4il1l:!!!1!11!!4 1 1 ► i 11 �,� I I 1 1 -• / i 111111141111411114 1 1 1 1 1 1 r i l IIII ',1111111 � � / ►1►1ii1►1i1►1.1!!�4!!!!4!!*:� 30'-0" IIIi IIII I IIM 11111111 18 FP i • �4�`l�ii 1111ul4! 11 i, i I1r. TYP.III 111 1111111 / 14 OR III 11 III 9 OA N4: earl+�4!!!!4!!!�•!!�!!!! .� 11�1111,�►11�l1�1�111!!,!! IIII iju 1.1111111 ;11.111141;114,111.l;;1s!! I 1 1.l1111l1114111�1!! ! ! ! �!' IIII 111 1111111,' 1111111 :....... ISTING ,1111...�l��! iIiI 11 11 1 11111 EGETATION LINES ,:M;,1M_ MA11l1 IIIi IIII IIII .1111111 PPROX.) A1k1!!!4!!!!1!►!!_k %l;, I 111 ,,:;;11.1111.1!!!4! 111 I I i 11 11'11•• �'ll 1,,:1,11.,;;;:;1!!• 1;,; IIII 1� 11/111/1 � 1�;1►.111„!,111, ! °. 1 III l l 11 \>11.1111111 •� . � ••!4!!!!4!!!!4!!!!4 ! , X4!!!!4!!!!4!!!!!! 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III 1 I / 4 ... )-IACOC j �fo \ 8 PINT ------ 23 PINT 400 PINT n n 23 PINT 6 PINT 1397.0 D i!!•!!! 1 60 PINT ........ ilii! ►1 FILL r[�i i1 ! 1 1 DISPOSAL % it p AREA I m !All If 1! i . isirr! i �! f”" iiii iiiii •• i !!!1! i/* �!!! , •iiia► � S I37 �'yE o 7 OSNE \ 1 4g i i l \ i ! i ! ! 13 LACE 300 Pik 115 TIPG (LOCATE UNDER CRAPE 2 rREEIN INSTIL PSSER THAN 20'FPOMLINES (TYP) FIELD`'_VER t 1111111!, ii11111111 fiiillilliiil _ ----- 46 TERG iii►riisiI., �ii11!!!11111lIr '\ riiii11111►1i1i1 liili111111!1!1! 1111111111111!11 / r Illllllllrrlllrl ii 4!!! ►11►!!II!IM! 1111.!! iii►!l!I!!!!!!!ll.. iiii!r1111!M11!IfI l!!!!!!!!1!!!!! !!! !!! l!! 1! 1!111!!1 ii1111!!!If! !!!!!111 i iiliil!!!!!!!!!lllii; iirii111!Illlllll m .ilillii11111111N11' liiirllil11111!l111 \ 1i 111i111!111111111 i1i!Il!!!!!!!!!l!!i iiiiiiliii 1 19111 IN! iiiiiililiiliiiiliii i!!!!!11M illiiilii I iiiil111111ll m lii 1/iillilllllrllllil 111ilirliiii!!11!!1! NiO011 11111111111 11/11111111111111/1 rlilI111111111111i1 \ I1i111111111i111111 r iiii11ii1iil!!Iil►i it iiiiiiiii!!111111i1 i• IM! i !M M lirl11l!11►IIII!!!! �`�_� iiili►liliiilllr«��=�� IM 111111 SCALE 1'=40'-0' PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE (RICHLAND CREEK) OTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ,N.N PUBLISHED IBY ITHEF AMERICANRASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC STOCK SPACING CONDITION 3 BN 7. 3-4' GRASSED (NOTE 3) 111i►►11/►1,,.1,111i �.. •,•�_. 111111111111111111111!! �•�,/= IIII '' 1111111 1 !4il1l:!!!1!11!!4 1 1 ► i 11 �,� I I 1 1 -• / i 111111141111411114 1 1 1 1 1 1 r i l IIII ',1111111 � � / ►1►1ii1►1i1►1.1!!�4!!!!4!!*:� 30'-0" IIIi IIII I IIM 11111111 18 FP i • �4�`l�ii 1111ul4! 11 i, i I1r. TYP.III 111 1111111 / 14 OR III 11 III 9 OA N4: earl+�4!!!!4!!!�•!!�!!!! .� 11�1111,�►11�l1�1�111!!,!! IIII iju 1.1111111 ;11.111141;114,111.l;;1s!! I 1 1.l1111l1114111�1!! ! ! ! �!' IIII 111 1111111,' 1111111 :....... ISTING ,1111...�l��! iIiI 11 11 1 11111 EGETATION LINES ,:M;,1M_ MA11l1 IIIi IIII IIII .1111111 PPROX.) A1k1!!!4!!!!1!►!!_k %l;, I 111 ,,:;;11.1111.1!!!4! 111 I I i 11 11'11•• �'ll 1,,:1,11.,;;;:;1!!• 1;,; IIII 1� 11/111/1 � 1�;1►.111„!,111, ! °. 1 III l l 11 \>11.1111111 •� . � ••!4!!!!4!!!!4!!!!4 ! , X4!!!!4!!!!4!!!!!! I 1 1 11 �' • I II� I 1 ii i4►.!!!4!!!!4!!!!4 ! 1411►►n1111!!!1R i �111►11►4111141!!!4 I Ii I 11111 �� 111111; --------------100 YEAR 1.1111.111141!!!4 I Il I 11111 11111 FLOOD LINE 111�11!!•_!!!!e!!� :! IOI1/ �/ lliilll!11111l1 I I i 11 I I Ij ��� liii!MMI!I! ii!!!!1!!!!1 h i !!!!!!!1!!!!1!! IIII 11 / 111111!!!mI i II iI I I �/ � !!1!►!!1!!!!1IV I!4!!!!1!!!!1!IP !!11!!►!!!!!!1111h MMM!!!!!!!!!! iill!11►1!!!.►11!!!1 !!!1!!!111!!.►!!!!!!, / 111111111111111/1,111 I111i11li111UMI! Jill !!1!!!!!4!Ii!!! I I 1 1 /• 111► ►1 �iin1l4!!1!! III 1 I / 4 ... )-IACOC j �fo \ 8 PINT ------ 23 PINT 400 PINT n n 23 PINT 6 PINT 1397.0 D i!!•!!! 1 60 PINT ........ ilii! ►1 FILL r[�i i1 ! 1 1 DISPOSAL % it p AREA I m !All If 1! i . isirr! i �! f”" iiii iiiii •• i !!!1! i/* �!!! , •iiia► � S I37 �'yE o 7 OSNE \ 1 4g i i l \ i ! i ! ! 13 LACE 300 Pik 115 TIPG (LOCATE UNDER CRAPE 2 rREEIN INSTIL PSSER THAN 20'FPOMLINES (TYP) FIELD`'_VER t 1111111!, ii11111111 fiiillilliiil _ ----- 46 TERG iii►riisiI., �ii11!!!11111lIr '\ riiii11111►1i1i1 liili111111!1!1! 1111111111111!11 / r Illllllllrrlllrl ii 4!!! ►11►!!II!IM! 1111.!! iii►!l!I!!!!!!!ll.. iiii!r1111!M11!IfI l!!!!!!!!1!!!!! !!! !!! l!! 1! 1!111!!1 ii1111!!!If! !!!!!111 i iiliil!!!!!!!!!lllii; iirii111!Illlllll m .ilillii11111111N11' liiirllil11111!l111 \ 1i 111i111!111111111 i1i!Il!!!!!!!!!l!!i iiiiiiliii 1 19111 IN! iiiiiililiiliiiiliii i!!!!!11M illiiilii I iiiil111111ll m lii 1/iillilllllrllllil 111ilirliiii!!11!!1! NiO011 11111111111 11/11111111111111/1 rlilI111111111111i1 \ I1i111111111i111111 r iiii11ii1iil!!Iil►i it iiiiiiiii!!111111i1 i• IM! i !M M lirl11l!11►IIII!!!! �`�_� iiili►liliiilllr«��=�� IM 111111 SCALE 1'=40'-0' PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE (RICHLAND CREEK) OTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE PUBLISHED IBY ITHEF AMERICANRASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC STOCK SPACING CONDITION NOTES 7. 3-4' HT 10-12' OC 3-5 GAL. SINGLE LEADER 62 24 36 39 15 IS 27 PT TD FP OR BN OM QA Pinus taeda Taxodium Fraxinus Quercus Betula ni Quescus Quercus distichum enns Ivanica rubra ra michauxll alba Loblolly Pine Baldcypress Green Ash Northern Red Oak River Birch Swamp Chestnut k White Oak 3_4' HT 10_I2� OC 3_5 GAS: SINGLE LEADER 3 4' HT 10 12 3 5 G SINGLE LEADER 3-4' HT 10-12` OC 3-5 GAL. SINGLE LEADER 3-4' HT 10-12' OC 3-5 GAL. MULTI -STEM 3-4' HT 10-12' OC 3-5 GAL. SINGLE LEADER 3-4' HT 10-12' OC 3-5 GAL. SINGLE LEADER LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES I. REQUIREMENTS FOR MEASUREMENT, BRANCHING, GRADING, QUALITY, 5. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET MATERIAL SHALL BE NORTH AMERICAL GREEN FIBER OR APPROVED EQUAL. INSTALL AS CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS, AND BALLED AND COMMENDED BY THE SHALL FOLLOW THE STANDARD CURRENTLY RE COMMON NAME RECOMMENDEDEBYOCONUT MANUFACTURERCI25BN) PUBLISHED IBY ITHEF AMERICANRASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC STOCK 6. SPECIFICATIONS &DETAILS ISSUED FOR THE E&S ARENA DOCUMENTS DATED OCTOBER 1996 SHALL APPLY. 2. ALL SHRUBS, TREES, AND GROUNDCOVER BEDS AND OTHER AREAS THREE INCH THICK LAYER OF 7. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED TO LIVE FOR ONE FULL GROWING SEASON, INDICATED SHALL BE MULCHED WITH A 443 171 MARCH I TO OCTOBER 31. IF PLANTS ARE INSTALLED AFTER MARCH 30, THE FRESH PINE STRAW MULCHING. Loblolly Pine Japanese Cleyera GROWING SEASON GUARANTEE SHALL START ON MARCH IOF THE NEXT YEAR. 3. ALL GRASSED AREAS NEAR RICHLANK CREEK SHALL BE SEEDED WITH: IF PLANTS ARE FOUND TO BE DEAD,DYIBNG,OR OF POOR APPEARANCE AT ANY TALL FESCUE 30-40 LBS/ACRE DURING THIS THEY SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH SERICEA LESPEDEZA 30-40 LBS/ACRE NTIME EW PLANTS AT 0 AIOD, DITIONAL COST. WEEPING LOVEGRASS I-2 LBS/ACREFR 8. THEONE FULL YEAR A AND STAND OF PERMANENTLGRASSAATEIHEOTIME OF ACCEPTANCE OFETHE WORK. 4. ALL QUANTITIES LISTED ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE APPROXIMATE, AND ARE LISTED ONLY TO CLARIFY UNITS AND TO PROVIDE A CHECK FOR THE 9. ALL TREES LISTED ABOVE SHALL BE STAKED WITH A 2 X 2 X 5' PT PINE STAKE. CONTRACTOR TO COMPARE WITH THEIR OWN ESTIMATES. NOTE: CONTOUR INFORMATION BASED ON TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (7.26.99) PROVIDED BY DERWARD W. BAKER & ASSOCIATES,PA. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE (E OTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME 1000 PINE Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine MBANKMENT PLANTING) SIZE SPACING CONDITION NOTES COMMON NAME 10-12' OC SEEDLING (LOBLOLLY PINE PIEDMONT IMPROVED 2ND GEN. ACOC LACB Acer rubrum 'October Glory' Lagerstoemia indica 'tuscaror October Glory Maple ' Tuscarora Crape Myrtle 12-14'Ht 7-8' HT 443 171 PINT TERG Pinus taeda Ternstroemia gymnathera Loblolly Pine Japanese Cleyera 8-10' Ht 24' HT I. SEEDLINGS AVAILABLE FROM NC DIVISION OF FOREST RESOURCES (1 -888 -NC -TREES) 2. TREES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE NC FOREST SERVICE PLANTING GUIDE PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE (BASE CONTRACT MATERIAL NEW LOCATIONS) COUNT REDUCTION 9 ACOC 172 PINT 25" RADIUS 6 112 A A M o ° d c ° d e m n^ A a n a 18" RADIUS° A A ° d a , d ° ° ° ° s ° s ° d ° d < ° o , n d ° 2'-0" VALLEY GUTTER QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE B & B 17 Ig ACOC LACB Acer rubrum 'October Glory' Lagerstoemia indica 'tuscaror October Glory Maple ' Tuscarora Crape Myrtle 12-14'Ht 7-8' HT 443 171 PINT TERG Pinus taeda Ternstroemia gymnathera Loblolly Pine Japanese Cleyera 8-10' Ht 24' HT COUNT REDUCTION 9 ACOC 172 PINT 25" RADIUS 6 112 A A M o ° d c ° d e m n^ A a n a 18" RADIUS° A A ° d a , d ° ° ° ° s ° s ° d ° d < ° o , n d ° 2'-0" VALLEY GUTTER OD LL D PLANNING oARCHITECTUREO ENGINEERING P.I.C. M. WOOLLEN P.M. D. PARK P.E. D.PARK DESIGN D.PARK P.A. W. PITTS DRAWN S. PARKER ODELL ASSOCIATES INC. CHARLOTTE, NC Copyright@ 7GIENGENE-NGINEERtS Geiger Gossen Hamilton Liao Engineers P.C. 2 Executive Boulevard, Suite 410 Suffern, NY 10901-4164 WC&A WILLIAM CARUSO & ASSOCIATES ,INC. ADVISORS & PLANNERS TO THE FOOD SERVICE/HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY 3609 South Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 130 Lakewood, Colorado 80235 Hughes Associates, Inc. Fire Science & Engineering 3610 Commerce Drive, Suite 817 Baltimore, MD. 21227-1652 Coffeen Fricke & Associates, Inc. CONSILTANTS N ACOUSTICS AND ALIM VISUAL COI11111A CATI(M 14873 West 95th Street Lenexa, KS 66215-5220 JONES & PHILLIPS ASSOCIATES, INC. THEATRICAL CONSULTATION AND DESIGN 534 S.Seventh Street Lafayette, Indiana 47901 ATMS Arena Television Management Services, Inc. Broadcast and Video Consultants P.O. Box 2067 Darien, CT. 06820-0067 NO. BY DATE DESCRIPTION .a SHEET TITLE LANDSCAPE PLAN RICHLAND CREEK AREA PROJECT NUMBER 2194.200 DATE 10.8.99 SHEET NUMBER Ll .0rc 0 SPACING CONDITION NOTES As Shown B & B Full,straight trunk specimen 10' OC B & B Multi -trunk specimen, min. 5-I' canes 10' OC 113 & B Branching full to ground See Plan 5 GAL. Vigorous growth, full shrub, well branched OD LL D PLANNING oARCHITECTUREO ENGINEERING P.I.C. M. WOOLLEN P.M. D. PARK P.E. D.PARK DESIGN D.PARK P.A. W. PITTS DRAWN S. PARKER ODELL ASSOCIATES INC. CHARLOTTE, NC Copyright@ 7GIENGENE-NGINEERtS Geiger Gossen Hamilton Liao Engineers P.C. 2 Executive Boulevard, Suite 410 Suffern, NY 10901-4164 WC&A WILLIAM CARUSO & ASSOCIATES ,INC. ADVISORS & PLANNERS TO THE FOOD SERVICE/HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY 3609 South Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 130 Lakewood, Colorado 80235 Hughes Associates, Inc. Fire Science & Engineering 3610 Commerce Drive, Suite 817 Baltimore, MD. 21227-1652 Coffeen Fricke & Associates, Inc. CONSILTANTS N ACOUSTICS AND ALIM VISUAL COI11111A CATI(M 14873 West 95th Street Lenexa, KS 66215-5220 JONES & PHILLIPS ASSOCIATES, INC. THEATRICAL CONSULTATION AND DESIGN 534 S.Seventh Street Lafayette, Indiana 47901 ATMS Arena Television Management Services, Inc. Broadcast and Video Consultants P.O. Box 2067 Darien, CT. 06820-0067 NO. BY DATE DESCRIPTION .a SHEET TITLE LANDSCAPE PLAN RICHLAND CREEK AREA PROJECT NUMBER 2194.200 DATE 10.8.99 SHEET NUMBER Ll .0rc 0 M Q Z v 2 H O Z O C7 U Z cFNFRAL NOTES: CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE' 4 \ ? ~ ~ -MOBILIZATION ON-SITE 1 ? • 20 0 20 40 60 l ? • ~ -INSTALL SILT FENCING AROUND DISPOSAL AREA. 4 i i ? ? ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ T F RBAY AND PLACE INSIDE SILT FENCED AREA. t ¦ AN DIMEN 0 - VAT MNN BASIN D SE 4°^~. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ EXCA E ~ ~ . ~ • ~ GRAPHIC SCALE -FEET -EXCAVATE BANK FOR REMOVAL OF EXISTING RISER/BARREL AND INSTALLATION OF NEW RISER/BARREL. ~ ~ \ r ~,,,w • KM NTS DMOING MAIN BASIN AND FORBAY. ~ ~ ~ t - USE DRY EXCAVATION MATERIAL TO CONSTRUCT EMBAN E t ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~..p ~ ~ ~ ! ~ , RI R BARREL ~ ~ ~ -REMOVE EXISTING SE / ~ \ ~ e...,__, RA K. ~ ~ - INSTALL NEW BARREL, RISER AND TRASH C ` M DRY DENSITY. t ^ ~ - BACKFlLL EMBANKMENT AND COMPACT TO 95X STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMU ~ Y PILLWAY. ~ r ~$h ~ - EMPLACE RIP RAP FOR OUTLET AND EMERGENC S \ / 1, - IN TALL CHAIN-LINK FENCE AND GATES. t \ t 3eo - REMOVE EXCESS EXCAVATION MATERIAL.. r,. - FINAL SEED AND MULCH APPLICATION. , ~ ' J)g - SITE CLEANUP /DEMOBILIZATION. ~ / a>~" _ 1 6 ~ ' i ~ J f 37~ S PROPOSED 8' HIGH / 37 t ~ ~ CHAIN-LINK FENCE ~ ~ ~ , ti { MATERIAL UAQ NTITES ~ { BASIN #3 1 ~ ~ ~ ,i ~ 1 i - { 30" CMP RISER/ ~ ~ ~ _ 'E ~ i ~ 1 I { ; ~ , ~ ~ ~ tiY~ '1 ` DESIGN PARAMETERS 24" CMP BARREL 1 EACH 1 ~ V ~ an STRUCTURE ( { FOREBAY BOTTOM i 0 ~ ; EMBANKMENT AND SPILLWAYS ® ti s ; ~ ti ~ ~ DRAINAGE AREA 10.7 ACRES ~ / EL = 370.00 ~ 24" CMP BARREL 68 LINEAR FEET ~ TO MAIN POND ~ a n TOP = 377.00 t ~ 1 i ~ { DESIGN OUTFLOW 36.9 CFS { RIP-RAP 81 TONS 1 ~ I ~ 25-YR OUTFLOW 63.0 CFS i i ~ , I +i 1 ~ 3~0 ~ ' I ~ CHAIN-LINK FENCE 632 LINEAR FEET ~ ~ ® i ~ \ t ~ ~ - ~ 70.00 ~ ~ ~ BOTTOM ELEVATION - ; :i , ~ ti i ~ ~ I EXISTING ~ PERMANENT POOL VOLUME 37289.9 CF ~I ~ ~ ; R p 48° TRASH RACK 1 EACH 36 C ~ t9, S, = 74,18 TEMPERARY POOL VOLUME 31094.7 CF INV 3 ~ EMBANKMENT COMPACTED TO ~ ~ s ~ TO REMAIN) GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 175 SQUARE YARDS ( 95~ STANDARD PROCTOR I , ` 1 ~ ~ s t t a PERMANENT POOL AREA 10627.0 SF ~ IM M DRY DENSITY t ` ;i ~ ' ~ ~5~ > MAX U ' ~ ~ ti, ~ ~ 48" CMP SAP (TRASH RANK) ~ ~ , ? t EXCAVATION 6,540 CUBIC YARDS ~ ~ , ON "RISER I i , ~ sn 1 TEMPERARY POOL AREA 14684.4 SF 3 1 GATES 2 EACH ~ ~ t TOP 377.50 ~ ~ ~ INV= 9.37 ~ ~ ~ r l ~ \ ~ t~ ~ ~ ! W / SEEDING/MULCH 0.42 ACRES ~ ~ ~ ;i .i., i a ~ ~ ~ a i ~ A 24" CMP BARREL ,i ~ ~ ; . INV. 365.05 ~ i , ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ \ r,~,,,... t ` s PROPOSED SIP-R~iP TO 1 REPLACE EXI NG (SEE DRAIN (6" CMP) 2 LINEAR FEET SHEET 4-5 RI RAP DETAIL i ) ~ I f + ~ \ f ~ PROPOSED 12' WIDE ~ ~ GATE ~ ~ ,1 'I -r ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,i / s' ~ % I 1 t , ~ l ~ / , ~ i ~ ~ 1 , ~ , ~ ~ " 4 '.t`'~ ~ ~ a , 7`f j f ~ , t ~ ~ i ~ y ' ~ *~t ~ PLACE WET EXCAVATION MATERIAL ;REP ` CE ~~XISTINI~ RISER~BA~f~E a ~ ~ ~l INSIDE SILT FENCE UNTIL MATERIAL HAS DRIED. REMOVE AND PROPERLY ' WITH1~24" ~,4RREIL AND ~ ~ ~'b .t t 30"j~RISER`, r ` ~ ' ~ t' ' ' DISPOSE ALL EXCAVATED MATERIAL ,f t ,-iti ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ .s'f j t , 1 `'1 ik) "r , / r f' OFF SITE. " PRaPOSEDICONTbURS~(TYP.~ i , ~ ~fl ~ SEE SHEET 5-5 fOR FENCE DETAILS ~ l~ l i j } t ~ t, y I/ ~ ~ . I ~ i / ~ ~ i_ ~ ~ / ~ ~ , u: 1 1 ~ j ~ ~ ~ , / ~ r , r , , ~ . . r / r f` a y.r ~ , y ~i TOP RNL ' ~ ' ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ Ij LINE POST r ~ ~ l ~ ~ - BOTTOM ~ `l EXISTING RIP RAP ' / / t ,i 1 ~t ~ r AND EMERGENCY SPILLWAY TENSION WIRE 1 j..; ~ TO BE RETAINED ~ ~~t_ it ~ if % ' u'~~ r , 1~ f .1 . ~ r ~ SILT FENCE r 'ENCE • EXISTING RIP RAP ~ CHANN0. NOTE: CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE BRACING & POST SO AS NAT TO PLACE POSTS WITHIN THE CHANNEL FLOW AREA N.T.S. i 1 REVISE NOTES 10/5/98 PSW SCALE I" - 20' Kimley-Horn Assoc. SHEET DATE Raleigh, North Carolina DRAWN BY ENTERTAINMENT & SPORTS ARENA STORMWATER BASIN •3 DESIGN Psw a/21iga P.O. Box 33068 4-6 CHK'D BY JOB No. im e -am an Associates, nC. (919) 677-2000 REV1510N DATE BY HKB 011262.03 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA r_~-. - TEMPORARY STILLING BASIN FOR PUMPED POND WATER. SEE DETAIL PLACE WET EXCAVATION MATERIAL SILT FENCE INSIDE SILT FENCE UNTIL MATERIAL SHEET 3-6 SILT FENCE HAS DRIED. REMOVE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE ALL EXCAVATED MATERIAL EXISTING 48" RCP/FES , ;y OFF SITE. r---24" RCP/FES / INV = 364.81 GENERAL NOTES: INV=354.51 ; (TO REMAIN) PIPE 1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPERLY DISPOSING OF EXCESS AND UNSUITABLE REPLACE EXISTING RIP-RAP 12" ABS FLEXIBLE PIPE MATERIAL OFF-SITE. (SEE SHEET 2-4, RIP-RAP DETAIL) ,ro ii 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN THROUGHOUT THE 4 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ALL EROSION CONTROL COUNTER MEASURES d SHOWN ON THIS SHEET iN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS PROPOSED 12' GATE 2e FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REGULATIONS. (INSTALk'~D AFTER COMPLETION OF BASIN) OF BASIN) PR P SE 4 "CMP 0 T ~ 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GROUND COVER ON EXPOSED SLOPES 0 0 D 8 U LET INV=354.9 a~ ~ WITHIN 30 WORKING DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING, PERMANENT GROUND COVER FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS ~ O WITHIN 30 WORKING DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ~ 4. GROUND COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED PER "SEEDING SCHEDULE". ! ~ ~ J ~ 2V PROPOSED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ? 5. CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: WITH RIP-RAP E DETAIL ON H - ? ~ -OBTAIN GRADING PERMIT (S E S EET 2 5) ? SELECTED BACKFILL IN LAYERS, COMPACTED AND SEEDED+ -MOBILIZATION ON-SITE j % I , tS, , -INSTALL SILT FENCING AROUND DISPOSAL AREA. (SEE SHEET 5-5) 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ a' - I PIT AN CHANN ~ ~r EXCAVATE TEMPORARY STILLING BASIN, SED MENT D El APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING , , ~ ,r - INSTALL TEMPORARY EARTHEN BERM. SEWER LINE DEPTH UNKOWN ~ ` - PUMP EXISTING WATER FROM BASIN INTO TEMPORARY STILLING BASIN. ( ) I RISER/BA REL ' , ER/BA~ REL ?,,r 20 0 20 40 60 - EXCAVATE MAIN BASIN AND SEDIMENT FORBAY AND PLACE INSIDE SILT FENCED AREA. ~ r. (T{~. SE REMOVED) 3VED ~ ~ 1 EXISTING 18" CMP OUTLET ~ - EXCAVATE BANK FOR REMOVAL OF EXISTING RISER/BARREL AND INSTALLATION OF NEW RISER/BARREL. ~ ~ _ INV=354.95 - ~ ? ~ ,r ~ ~ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE -FEET USE DRY EXCAVATION MATERIAL TO CONSTRUCT EMBANKMENTS DNIDING MNN BASIN AND FORBAY. ,V, TO BE REMOVEa f 1. ~ r > - REMOVE EXISTING RISER/BARREL. - INSTALL NEW BARREL, RISER AND TRASH RACK. ~ 'f i* j( -BACKFILL EMBANKMENT AND COMPACT TO 95x STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY. , ~ ~ - EMPLACE RIP RAP FOR OUTLET AND EMERGENCY SPILLWAY. TEMPORARY CHANNEL , , ~ EXISTING RIP-RAP ' , f TO BE RETAINED -FILL TEMPORARY STILLING BASIN, SEDIMENT PIT AND CHANNEL. REGRADE TO EXISTING CONTOURS. (BOTTOM OF CHANNEL - INSTALL CHAIN-LINK FENCE AND GATES. 4' WIDE) , ~S ~ - REMOVE EXCESS EXCAVATION MATERIAL. , ~ SSA 6 ~ ~ S JS SJ A ~ - FINAL SEED AND MULCH APPLICATION. , ~ ~ 2 $ ~ ~ , . . ' ~ ~ BASIN 2 -SITE CLEANUP / DEMOBILIZATION. . ~ ~ ~ MATERIAL QUANTITES SAM ; 78" CMP CAP TRASH RA h , ( 6. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS j ON 60" CMP f~ISER ` . ,t ft ~ DESIGN PARAMETERS ~ r ~ 60" CMP RISER/ WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT PIT ' } , / r' ' - f TOP - 358.t~0 ~ p ~ DRAINAGE AREA A 48" CMP BARREL 1 EACH TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED (40' WIDE X 20' LONG X 4' DEEP v ~ 1 ~ INV=355.5 AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT FOR LONGER ) d 26.0 CRES t ~ j J PILLWAY STRUCTUR THAN 30 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO ARFJ15 THAT ARE Y`` TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. f 1 ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I DESIGN OUTFLOW 144.2 CFS ~ ~ ~ ~ 48" CMP BARREL 48.0 LINEAR FEET r j r 1 7. SEDIMENT BASINS AND TRAPS, PERIMETER DIKES, SEDIMENT BARRIERS AND OTHER ' J .r { MEASURES INTENDED TO TRAP SEDIMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS A FIRST STEP / I f 25-YR OUTFLOW 162.4 CFS CLASS IRIP-RAP 14 T N ff. ~ 3.6 0 S IN ANY LAND-DISTURBING ACTNITY AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE UPSLOPE MAIN BAS N r ~ r 1 1 PERMANENT POOL VOLUME 58431.5 CF CHAIN-LINK FENCE 6 5 LIN R F T LAND DISTURBANCE TAKES PLACE AND MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. ~ , t ~ 8 EA EE BOTTOM ELEVATION = 35 .00 8, STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED TO EARTHEN STRUCTURES SUCH AS ? TEMPERARY POOL VOLUME 44177.5 CF DAMS, DIKES, ANO DIVERSIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION. ? ` t 'r ~ / GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 265.5 SOAURE YARDS r r` ~ EXISTING RCP/FjS INLET 1 .~t / ! / r' r , INV = 35 .00 PERMANENT POOL AREA 19564.0 SF / i~'P 9. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURE SHALL ~ ~ PROPOSED CONTOURS ( y i (TO RE IN) 78" TRASH RACK 1 EACH BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR ' ~ ~ i'~ ~ ! AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, UNLESS ~ j' / Ir ~ T MP RARY P00 AR E E L EA 24743.0 SF % ~ SWING GATES 2 EACH OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED. THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM r ? j { THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED ! ~ ~ ' TEMPORARY CHANNEL E EMBANKMENT AND SPILLWAYS , ~ ,r ~ CONCRETE 3 CUBIC YARDS TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. (BOTTOM OF CHANNEL ' I i TO MAIN POND I ! ~ ~ rF PROPOSED 8' ~iIGH 4' WIDE X 2' DEEP TOP = 358.50 ' ? r >I ~ ~ 1 ~ CHAIN-LINK F~NCE SEEDING/MULCH 0.3 ACRES ~ • I l t CLASS 1 RIPRAP > 7 / " t ' , ~ I ,f r f ~ % ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ' a (SEE SHEET 3-6) s ~ , r ~ ~ EXCAVATION 1 890 CUBIC YARDS r, ~ ~ ~ , J i / / t { ~ t ; i ' ~ j i r r r; r I 12" FLEX PIPE 50 LINEAR FEET t t.• i J r I j J ' i ~ ~ f i i i~ 1 / rP rr I ( I i~ t, ' 3S ~ p r t f ~ r ~ ' ~1 ~l ~ 3S ''l,l? 0 r i ~ F t ~ ~ F r ~ t ~ PROPOSED 12' G ; ? 1 ~ ~ GROUND ELEVATI~I 4' ~ ~ , ~ / / (INSTALLED AFTER COMP I OF ~4SIN) ~ j ( i I f j" j ~ ' t. ~ SE o I ~I r e DI O~ MF ~ oM NT ~ I e~~, FO Ar, R oN,Ee o ~ s, / , I .oo / j ~ > - ~ _ ~ / \w. , (3 I ~j ..,'"h ~ ~ ! ~`e / 1 ?f ~ \ t I N.T.S. I ~ 1~ 1 I ' ' a ~ r' , r y~ 1 r r 1 I j ''ti J~ f ' i s , ~ ~ 1 ~ , ~ ~ i . \ r Y Y 7 ~ 'ice ~ ~ ~ t ' ~ t ~ a ~ y _ ; .I 1 r I I .,~.1'' . ~ T POI ~ T PORARY EARTHEN BERM TO REDIRECT WATER FLOW `~y ~ ,1. ; ~ . ~ ` I CONS (TO BE REMOVED AFTER ' CONSTRUCTfON COMPLETED) hA ) r ? } j ~ ter. TEMPORARY CHANNEL TO BE REGRADED ? , TEMPORARY BENCH MARK 5EE SHEET 5-5 TO CONFORM TD EXISTING CONTOURS. '~,t~`~ ` ~ ~ I ~ ~ 'ti ~ 1 `a ~ f (BEFORE FENCE IS INSTALLED) 4. ~ ~ _ i i AT INVERT OF EXISTING 48" RCP FES FOR FENCE DETAILS / PIPE, ELEVATION = 360.28 j ~4 e t \ i 1111 i iAd ' 1, f 1 1 j y y TOP t RAIL \l l \ \ ~~1 f'I 5 l ~ f• F s rJ LINE POST BOTTOM TENSION \ } I` WIRE i 1 EXISTING EXISTING 48" RCP/FES ~ ~ ` INV = ; l INV = 360.28 ` i r f (TO RI ~ E~,; % i . f ~ (TO REMAIN) ' t ~ ` ~ ' EXISTING RIP RAP ' ~ CHANNEL .r` r ~ EXISTING RIPRAP INLET PROTECTION yr`/`.r . / ~P~ /P 3 TO BE RETAINED rte ~ NOTE. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE BRACING & POST - . e ~ SO AS NQT TO PLACE POSTS WITHIN THE CHANNEL ~ e FLOW AREA m ; i v I N N O N.T.S. 7 SHEET 1 TEXT ADDITION TO GENERAL NOTES 10/5/98 PSW SCALE lu = 20' -Horn BC Assoc. ENTERTAINMENT & SPORTS AREN/L STORMWATER BASIN R2 DESIGN 2 ENLARGED BASIN 1/29/98 PSW Kimley DRAWN BY DATE Raleigh, North Carolina PSw 5/21 /ga P.O. Box 33068 2-6 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA CHK'D BY JOB No. im e -Horn an Associates, c 919 677-2000 No. REVISION DATE BY NKB 011262.03 ~ I 0 z a• ~ 2 ACOC o~ ~ III.. ' I ter. I I J~ ~ ~ I, m~~ ~ m o I III PLANNING~ARCHITECTURE~ ENGINEERING m ~ u cv ~ ~ III I i Qm f iw ~ ~ - QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING CONDITION NOTES ~ '1 IJL_ - III 62 PT Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine 3-4' HT 10-12' OC 3-5 GAL. SINGLE LEADER II Q 1 ~ ~ _ '~I W ~ ~ ~ 1. 1 1 ~ _ - - 24 TD Taxodium distichum Baldcypress 3-4' HT 10-12' OC 3-5 GAL. SINGLE LEADER ti ~ \ ~ I I ~ G~-- - ~ 1 l~II ICI 36 FP Fraxinus enns Ivanica Green Ash 3-4' HT 10-12' OC 3-5 GAL. SINGLE LEADER ~ ~ ~ I I I I --1~1 ~ ~ ~ I ,I III l I I ~I 1, ~1 I ,I I ~ 39 OR ~ Ouercus rubra Northern Red Oak 3-4' HT 10-12' OC 3-5 GAL. SINGLE LEADER ~ `Iri III , 15 BN 5et~ia ~I ra ~P1ver Birch 3-4` HT 10-12' OC 3-5 GAL. MULTI-STEM r- I II J x'11 III ~ IIII t--7 r ~ 18 ~ OM Ouescus michauxii ,Swamp Chestnut Oak 3-4 HT 10-12 OC 3-5 GAL. SINGLE LEADER _ ~V ) I III 11111 7 1 1 11 ~ 11 1 I I ACOC ~ 1 , . I I 27 ~ OA Ouercus alba Wh(te Oak 3-4' HT 10-I ' - SIN E L A R 2 OC 3 5 GAL. GL E DE I` ~ I III , 1~ I ' 1111 III I 11 11..1111 .SEDIMENT BASIN #2 1111.1 II I1, 1111 1 II,I I I I1 ll;llll 1111 I , ' I III I I I ! 11 1K-1111 1 1.1 ~ , I I, I I 1111. 4 ACOC RICHLANO ~ I I I I I ~ ~ 'II 11,111 II 1'I ~ ' ~ CREEK ~ ? / I I ~ I III ~ ~ 1, ~~I , ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I I I . ; ; ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , I i ` III III I 1 ~ i ~ r; II II 11 II III ~i I 1 ~ ~ ' I I I I I l i ~ `ri I I I I I I `i P.I.C. M. WOOLLEN l'~ ~ II 11.111 1111 EXISTING I I ? I , `t fi• ' P.M. D. PARK ~ ~ 11 I I 11;~ . , ~ I I I I I ~ ~ , , , ~ I ~ ~ 13 LACE, STATION LINE I I, I I I 1 J, ~ , , , I. REQUIREMENTS FOR MEASUREMENT, BRANCHING, GRADING, QUALITY, 5. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET MATERIAL SHALL BE NORTH AMERICAL GREEN ~ P.E. D.PARK j ,11 II II11 IIII I z 300 PW CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS, AND BALLED AND BURLAPPED PLANTS BIODEGRADABLE COCONUT FIBER (CI258N) OR APPROVED EQUAL. INSTALL AS DESIGN D.PARK r I SHALL FOLLOW THE STANDARD CURRENTLY RECOMMENDED BY THE W. PITTS RECOMMENDED BY MANUFACTURER. P.A. LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSREY STOCK RAWN S, PARKER ! 11 IIII Illlil III 1i~i ' ~ ~~V ~ ~ 11 I IIII I11~1 liiil ~ PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN INC. D 6. SPECIFICATIONS & DETAILS ISSUED FOR THE E&S ARENA DOCUMENTS DATED OCTOBER 1996 SHALL APPLY. ODELL ASSOCIATES INC. CHARLOTTE, NC I I I I I ~ 115 TE~G ;I ~ I J I I 111111 II~~ ~ n I I I I 11 ~ , (LOCATED UNDER .RAPE RTLES) i ~ I, i I 11.1111 111 ~I Iii~,l 1'„I ~ ~ I 2. ALL SHRUBS, TREES, AND GROUNDCOVER BEDS AND OTHER AREAS covyrl9r,to I ~ ~ ~ 1 1111 III 'I 'Ili i~'~~I it ~ ~ II I ,1111 111.1 i ~I,, it INDICATED SHALL BE MULCHED WITH A THREE INCH THICK LAYER OF 7. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED TO LIVE FOR ONE FULL GROWING SEASON, ~ i ~ ~ I l I 1111 EXISTING ,i I I I I I 1;1~~1~!~~~I' FRESH PINE STRAW MULCHING. MARCH I TO OCTOBER 31, IF PLANTS ARE INSTALLED AFTER MARCH 30, THE ° 12 QA ~ ~ II I II I1I I I, 1 ~ I,, VEGETATION LINE 1 I 11 I 1 ~ IIII ~ ; GROWING SEASON GUARANTEE SHALL START ON MARCH IOF THE NEKT YEAR. 3. ALL GRASSED AREAS NEAR RICHLANK CREEK SHALL BE SEEDED WITH; IF PLANTS ARE FOUND TO BE AD DYIBNG OR OF POOR APP ARAN AT ANY ~r F 5 FP 'I _ I II - I1 1 I I~ ~ I' I I I, I I u-- III,, „ I ~~~I DE E CE ~el~~er ~~ossen Homllton Sao ~nglneers P.C. TALL FESCUE 30-40 LBS/ACRE TIME DURING THIS PERIOD, THEY SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH Execullve Boulevard, suite 4~0 12 OR .,I, i _ I ~ ~ II R SILT SC I - Ili Ilii~Ililllil _ - _ _ - SERICEA LESPEDEZA 30-40 LBS/ACRE Suffern, NY 10~+0~-4x64 I. _ -1 ~ ~ ; I - it I ulilllliil ~I ~ I - NEW PLANTS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. WEEPING LOVEGRASS I-2 LBS/ACRE I I it I/ 75 ~ ~ 1 ~~~I 1,~ ,1; - ~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ,F 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE FOR ONE FULL YEAR A LIVE AND VIGOROUS 5 OM loo R I J„~ ~,,I- 3 J - li~iL~li; ilu rl~~ i 4. ALL QUANTITIES LISTED ON TH AWI R P STAND OF PERMANENT GRASS AT THE TIME OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK. ESE DR NGS A E AP ROXIMATE, AND ARE 14 PT I~ ~ J J ~ ~ ~ P - - _ _ FLOOD INE 1 ~ _ - _ _ ~ 1„y,1,,,,1;,; ~ J,,;,J,_ INSTA~~I P E TREES NO CLOBBER THAN LISTED ONLY TO CLARIFY UNITS AND TO PROVIDE A CHECK FOR THE 9, AL TREES I T A OV HALL TAK WITH A X ' P i I~ I _ _ , ~,J, ~ ~I~~,; JIB,: J~;~,J~ ~ ~ , ~ 20` Ff'OM ~ ERHEAD POKER LINES (TYP) NTRA T T I T L L S ED B E S BE S ED 2 X 2 5 T PINE STAKE. WILLIAM CARUSO & ASSOCIATES ,INC. CO C OR 0 COMPARE W TH HEIR OWN ESTIMATES. ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ iI'III~~iJ~~ilili~JII~I ll~il~ ~I - - - - - _ - , ~ J , (FIELD VERI Y LOCAT ON) / ADVISORS ~ PLANNERS TO THE FOOD SERVICE/HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY ,l J - ~ ~ ,~iJ~.~,l, ~ 1 1-~~ ~ _ ~ ;IIi~,Jn,~J,;! J~~~;,~ I 1609 Sourn wodswortn 8owevora l I ~ - - ~ ~ IIII rll~~~J, -JllnJ~~ NOTE: CONTOUR INFORMATION BASED ON ,~~,a I;o , I~ I _ ~ i,, ~ll~~ J, I..t TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (7.26.991 PROVIDED aW°°°' color°°~ ~<<35 1 I ~ , , , 1 _ ~ ~ ~ I , I, I i ~ I r ~ ~ ~ ~?~-'~J' 18 THICK CLASS I ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ I ~ I BY DERMARD IN. BAKER & ASSOCIATES,PA. _ Hughes Associates, Inc. ~ ~ ~ 134 000 SF ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 r J y I I RP RAP k I ! r _ J J FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY, Fire Science & Engineering I~ r ~ \ \ \ I ~ ~ J I J~ v - J I .J;,~ (EXISTING) ~ r ~ ~ ~ - _ 3610 Commerce Orlve.Sulte BI7 J ~ - ~ - i _ ~ J \ Baltimore. AID. 212 2 7-16 5 2 - - 1 _ ~ I I J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ilr,~li ~ 1 ~ I 1 J J 1. l ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ ~ / ~ ~r 4', Co een Fricke & Associates, Inc. i ~~I ~ I / / / ~ - / _ ~ , - - CONSILTAN?S N ACgRT1Cf MO NAq V6tNL CONI)lCATIp4 _ / 14813 west 95th Street J J ~ 1 1 - - • '_ene~a,kS b6215-5220 VEGETATION N 11 ~ i ~ I ~ J J 1 ~ J r ~ I r~ _ J ~ I 11 J ~ ~ ~,4.-~-~ 1 I 1 I J ~ t~ ! I ~ 1 ~ J I I ~ ' - ~ ~ 450 PINE 14 PT ~ , ~ ~ I ~ ? 1 l~ I I JONES & PHILLIPS ASSOCIATES INC. THEATRICAL CONSULTATION AND DESIGN 3 BN J 4 I ~ , ~ _ J I I J Ji a ~ `~34 :.`e~~en+n Street 3 BN 1 r ~ I J 1. J ~ n ~~.7f~yatte, Indiarn~ 47901 ~ GASSED ) t ~ 13 OR J ' ~ I ~ ; _ AREA (NOTE 3)!~~, I 6 0A J ~ J QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING CONDITION NOTES . . I - SED , I 1 ~ ~ I y ~ I RELOCATED LOBLOLLY TRAIL Arena 'elevislpn Mana4ement Services, Inc, 1000 PINE Pinus toeda Loblolly Plne 10-12 OC SEEDLING (LOBLOLLY PINE PIEDMONT IMPROVED 2ND GEN, aro~~acosr ar,~ vioao ~_OnSUl+onts N 746692.15 ~ AREA ' 1 ~ I I I 1 ~ . ~ 8 0 A P H T P T S AL A H 10% MAX P ~ . SLO E 11 I P.n. Bo. '06' E 2081222.26 ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~ / r J , Darien, 06ff20-1106 NV. EL. 353.61 ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ,1 I ~ , ~ ~ I FILL ~ (r _~~~~~L~~ ? DISPOSAL - 20' 0 , 30'_4 . - - ~'~~w{' I ~ ~ I .,1 AREA _ u . 1 • ~ ~ I ~ J ~ ~ I r~ • • ~ i T.' _ ~ i w I. SEEDLINGS AVAILABLE FROM NC DIVISION OF FOREST RESOURCES (I-888-NC-TREES) ! ~ , 12 PINT. , O 2. TREES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE NC FOREST SERVICE PLANTING GUIDE - - ~ ~ ; ~ _ ~ ~ ~ r\\ DBL. COAL. ~ ~ s X I , BO CUL~FR ~ II PINY ~ ~ - ~ • ~ 6 BN ~ ~ , GRAVEL , k ~ , - 139. PINE ~ PARKING EROSION CONTR L 34 PT - ~ , MATERIAL ~ ~ N 746470. ~ ~ - Y.- ~ r - (NOTE 5) , ~ ~ ~ E 2081198.20 - ~ ~ , QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ~ SIZE ~ SPACING CONDITION NOTES 17 ACOC Acer rubrum 'October Glory' October Glory Mople 12-14'Ht As Shown B & B Full,straight trunk specimen INV. EL. 354.84 . 0 19 LACB Lagerstoemia indica 'tuscaror 'Tuscarora Crape Myrtle 7-8' HT IO` OC B & B Multi-trunk specimen, min, 5-I' canes 1 Y ~ r\1~'Y\\~~;`~.AV\\~ 443 PINT Pinus taeda Loblolly Plne 8-10' Ht 10` OC B & B Branching full to ground _ ~~rv~~>`~~~~~~•~:" r. VALLEY GETTER ~ ~ _ 4 ~ (SEE DETA~' 171 TERG Ternstroemia mnathera ~ Japanese Cleyera 24' HT See Plan 5 GAL. , VI orous rowth, full shrub, well branched N0. BY DATE DESCRIPTION y; '=~u~ 23 PINT - _ ~ . - - r \ V~~ ~ i. -.4 - 4 I cRassEO AID D I _ 6 PINT ntertalnment orts x q (NOTE 31 I ~ ~ I Vii. ' ~ ~ - ~ _ - ~ - COUNT REDUCTION 1 1 ~ ~ 1.-,.. ~ ~ ~ 9 ACOC j II '~2 ~~hT . al # 1 ' ~ 1 J ~ ~ - I ~ ~ I - 0 i 36N ~ r ~ . , ~ ~ i ~ _ ~ IS THICK CLASS ~ ~ SSED AID ~ , ~ o (NOTE 3) as ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~P RAP ~ f - ~I I (EXISTING) ~ ~ ~ d.. ~ I ~ . r' ~ ~r ~ ~ ,l ~ 1 g ~ { ` a r 20 ~ 30 0 ~ IS FP ~d s ~C---~ ,r-ter---; TYP. TYP. I ,4 14 OR _ ~ N r~, ~i ~ J~ ,III ( 1 4 ~ ' Y.. _ i ,w _ ,v 8 PINT EAST/WEST " COLLECTOR i _ R r r I t II fISTING 32 38, SF 23 PINT VEGETATION LINEI r 400 PINT ~u q.(APPROX.) 1 l F . , , ; , , ~ 4. 5 LACE 46 TERRICHLAND CREEK y1~i , Y a 1(Ae YEAR FLO LINE y, 3 1 + r I 1 , r h 60 PINT i 1. r ( FILL r DISPOSAL F, r AREA - All 6i26 -wo 1 `l .t C SHEET TITLE LANDSCAPE PLAN RICHLAND CREEK AREA 70 I LACB PROJECT NUMBER 2194.200 TERG DATE j 10.8.99 SHEET NUMBER i Ul SCALE 1'=40'-C' ,~l - L1.0rc I