HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000424_Fletcher 2019 Annual Report SWMPA_20191011N.C. Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) Stormwater Management Program Assessment 512 N.Salisbury Street , Raleigh NC 27604 Contained In this Report - Permit Number :NCS000424 Permit Number:NCS000424 County:Henderson AshevilleRegion: Town of Fletcher 2019 Report Number:NCS000424_2019 Background Information SW100010 APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION SW100020 Name of Public Entity Seeking Permit Coverage Town of Fletcher SW100060 Jurisdictional Area (square miles) 6.355 SW100070 Population Permanent 8135 (2017 OSBM est) SW100080 Population Seasonal (if available) unknown SW100110 RPE / MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION SW100120 Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles) unknown SW100130 River Basin(s) French Broad SW100150 Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities SW100160 Residential 60 (est) SW100170 Commercial 15 (est) SW100180 Industrial 20 (est) SW100190 Open Space 5 (est) SW100210 Do you have an inventory of storm water inlets, pipes, ditches, and open channels? No Comments:Not a complete inventory. The Town does now have such an inventory for one of our critical areas in Town with previous reports of runoff problems. (a study of higgins creek, and a limited analysis of the Hoopers Valley Estate areas). Also, stormwater outfalls have been mapped. As of the start of FY 2019/20, the TOwn has budgeted new funds to improve upon our overall stormwater program. In the next 2-3 years, we will have additional mapping done in phases for different sections of town. (And we will also be updating our outfall inventory). 3Page Number: SW100220 Do you know how many outfalls your city discharges to and where they are located? Yes SW100260 EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS SW100270 "Complete a table below for each river basin within the MS4 service area. The web sites and resource contacts listed below under Information Sources will help you locate the information you need. Storm water programs should be designed to address the specific needs of the community and water resources they are intended to protect. If you haven't done so already, collect information on your city's receiving waters and what pollutants and sources are impacting those waters. You should also know the various uses of your receiving waters so you can design a program to protect those uses. Complete a table below for each river basin within the MS4 service area. The web sites and resource contacts listed below under Information Sources will help you locate the information you need. " SW100280 River Basin SW100283 Program 1 SW100290 Receiving Stream Name Cane Creek Comments:We do not have separate programs for separate streams. Cane Creek is our most significant receiving stream. For purposes of this report, I will list other significant streams). SW100300 Stream Segment flows to French Broad River SW100310 Water Quality Classification C SW100320 Use Support Rating SW100325 TMDL No Comments:No TMDL's in Fletcher to my knowledge SW100331 Program 2 SW100332 Receiving Stream Name Hoopers Creek SW100333 Stream Segment flows to Cane Creek SW100334 Water Quality Classification C SW100335 Use Support Rating SW100336 TMDL No SW100337 Program 3 4Page Number: SW100338 Receiving Stream Name Higgins Creek SW100339 Stream Segment flows to Cane Creek SW10033A Water Quality Classification unknown SW10033B Use Support Rating SW10033C TMDL No SW10033D Program 4 SW100400 Your river basin table should list the primary streams that receive stormwater runoff from the MS4 jurisdictional area. Primary streams are those that are shown on a USGS topo maps or SCS map. Streams that are shown on the USGS or SCS maps but do not have a name shall be listed as an unnamed tributary to the nearest named downstream receiving water body. SW10033E Receiving Stream Name Kimzey Creek Comments:there is also an unnamed trib that flows into Rutledge/Frady lake (a small private lake at an RV park) that then flows into Kimzey (?) creek. SW10033F Stream Segment flows to Cane Creek SW10033G Water Quality Classification unknown SW10033H Use Support Rating SW10033I TMDL No SW100340 Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy No SW100350 Local Water Supply Watershed Program No SW100360 Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program Yes Comments:Henderson County is now our delegated agency that deals with soil and erosion control permitting. Effective Sept 1, 2010, Henderson County will also be the delegated agency for review/enforcement of post-construction runoff control plans. SW100370 CAMA Land Use Plan No SW100440 River basin you are in: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/basinwide/whichbasin.htm 5Page Number: SW100450 Stream Index Numbers: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/Reports/reportsWB.html SW100460 Water Quality Classifications: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/Reports/reportsWB.html SW100470 Basinwide Water Quality Plans: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/basinwide/index.html SW100480 303(d) List: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/mtu/download.html SW100490 CO-PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co-permitting) SW100500 Do you co-permit with a permitted Phase I entity? No SW100510 If so, provide the name of that entity: n/a SW100550 Other Entity n/a SW100560 Have legal agreements been finalized between the co-permittees? No SW100570 RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS SW100580 Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of your permit obligations? Yes Comments:Effective Sept. 1, 2010, Henderson County became the delegated agency covering review/enforcement of the measure dealing with post-construction runoff controls. DEQ still handles the min measure involving construction site runoff control. SW100590 If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing SW100600 Name of Entity Henderson County Comments:Effective Sept. 1, 2010, Henderson County became the delegated agency covering review/enforcement of the measure dealing with post-construction runoff controls. DEQ still handles the min measure involving construction site runoff control. SW100610 Element they will implement Post Construction runoff control SW100620 Contact Person Natalie Berry SW100630 Contact Address Hendersonville, NC SW100640 Contact Telephone Number 828-697-4830 SW100650 Are legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities? Yes 6Page Number: SW100660 PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS SW100700 State or NPDES Stormwater Permit Number (s) issued to the permittee NCS000424 SW100920 MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION SW100930 Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. SW100940 Name Eric Rufa SW100950 Title Planning Director SW100960 Street Address 300 Old Cane Creek Road SW100970 PO Box n/a SW100980 City Fletcher SW100990 State NC SW101000 Zip 28732 SW101010 Telephone 828-687-3985 SW101020 Fax 828-687-7133 SW101030 E-Mail e.rufa@fletchernc.org SW101040 "Permittee's Website" www.fletchernc.org SW101050 BMPs SW101060 Do you plan to add any new BMPs? No SW101070 Do you plan to amend any existing BMPs? No SW101080 If yes, please provide a BMP description, measurable goal, and implementation schedule for each new or amended BMP. If further space is needed, attach additional sheets. 7Page Number: Information specifically regarding the permit SW101460 Permitting Information SW101490 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide an organizational chart that shows where the responsible parties fit into the structure of the permittee's organization? Yes Comments:Technically, this falls under the Planning Dept. However, Henderson County handles permit review and enforcement of post construction site runoff controls. The State does construction site runoff control min measure 8Page Number: Co-Permitting Information SW101570 Contract Operations SW101630 Does the Stormwater Management Program identify contract operations (i.e., Transit Authorities, Pesticide Application, Construction Projects, Street Washing, Maintenance of right-a-ways, GIS Mapping, Monitoring, Stream Restorations, Litter or Solid Waste Pickup, Recycling, Household Waste)? Yes Comments:I am not sure about the specific language and documentation for all of this. Thanks to recent funding by our council, we will be contracting McGill Associates for assistance with improving our overall program. They will be evaluating and assisting with beefing up things where deficiencies exist. I do know that the Town does not have transit authority. We do have a street washing truck that is not used often. GIS mapping is done by an outside source on an hourly basis. Garbage picked up by town. Recycling contracted. For pesticides, the Town has a contract with Dodson pest control. Also the public works director and 2 parks & rec employees occasional apply pesticides under their own licenses. 9Page Number: Public Education and Outreach SW101690 Public Education and Outreach SW101700 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? No Root Cause :Inadequate or conflicting guidance exists for conducting internal assessment/inspections Plan of Action:With new funding this fiscal year, the town will be contracting McGill Assoc. and outside engineering firm to assist in establishing a more thorough Stormwater mgmt plan. Comments:As of the start of the fiscal year 2019/20 and as a result of DEQ's April workshop in Hickory, the Town Council approved new funding to enlist a consulting engineering firm to assist the town with improving its overall program and establishing a more thorough stormwater mgmt plan. During the workshop I realized there is confusion over the "program document". I assumed the document is our actual permit. McGill Associates will be assessing our program and helping correct deficiencies as they are found. Part of this will be to evaluate measurable goals and frequencies. SW101710 Does the Stormwater Management Program identify the target audiences likely to have significant storm water impacts (including commercial, industrial and institutional entities) and why those target audiences were selected? Yes Comments:our audience would be town residents and businesses. (reached via the town website and newsletter primarily) SW101720 Does the Stormwater Management Program identify what target pollutant sources the permittee's public education program is designed to address and why those sources are an issue? Not Applicable Comments:no impaired waters or TMDLs to my knowledge. SW101730 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee'ls outreach program (i.e., how the permittee plans to inform individuals and households about the steps they can take to reduce storm water pollution and how the permittee plans to inform individuals and groups on how to become involved in the storm water program? Yes SW101750 Has the permittee develop general stormwater educational material to appropriate target groups? Instead of developing its own materials, the permittee may rely on state-supplied Public Education and Outreach materials, as available, when implementing its own program. Yes SW101760 Does general stormwater educational material include information on the following topics: SW101770 Household Hazardous Waste Yes SW101780 Pet Waste Yes SW101790 Septic Systems Yes SW101800 Lawn and Gardening Yes 10Page Number: SW101810 Vehicle Washing Yes SW101820 Erosion Yes SW101830 Stream Buffers Yes SW101840 Flooding Yes SW101850 Litter Yes SW101860 List any additional topics not identified above. n/a SW101870 Does the permitteenulls outreach program include: SW101880 Distributing printed educational material to general public through utility mail outs? No Root Cause :A document control system and record retention procedures does not exist or is inadequate Plan of Action:Town does not have utility mail outs. materials contained in Town newsletter that is emailed to residents and available on website. SW101890 Distributing printed educational material to general public through special events (i.e., Information booth at festivals and fairs)? No Root Cause :Funds for stormwater management related activities are not sufficient Plan of Action:insufficient staff and no relevant events. We distribute our information online and in newsletter. SW101900 Distributing printed educational material to business / industry? Yes Comments:materials aren't specific to business/industry. available at town hall and via website SW101910 Presentations to local community groups? No Root Cause :Funds for stormwater management related activities are not sufficient Plan of Action:McGill will help determine feasibility. Staff is limited and not sure of relevant local community groups). SW101920 Stormwater programs/presentations for elementary or middle schools? Not Applicable Comments:no public schools located within jurisdiction. There is one private school and one charter school in town, but no specific outreach has occurred. McGill Assoc. and the Town will evaluate the feasibility of this. 11Page Number: SW101930 Local TV or radio spots? No Root Cause :Funds for stormwater management related activities are not sufficient Plan of Action:no TV or radio spots to be purchased this year. In the early years of the program, Land of Sky Regional Council had a Stormwater partnership that did buy ads on TV for at least a few months in the first year of program. To my knowledge no new ads since then SW101940 Print Media - Ads / Articles / Newsletters? Yes Comments:town newsletter. a couple of blurbs per year on average SW101950 Posters? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:McGill will aid in determining need/feasibility SW101960 Storm drain stenciling Yes Comments:The Town places storm drain markers in the early years of the program. With new funding now in place, we will be revisiting areas where the markers have disappeared and placing in new developments as well.. This will occur over next 2-3 years. SW101970 Other environmental education programs (i.e., Designate a "Keep SW Clean" month)? Not Applicable SW101980 Workshops Not Applicable SW101990 Stream basin signage? Not Applicable SW102000 Has the permittee developed an internet web site for newsletter articles on stormwater, information on water quality, stormwater projects and activities, and ways to contact stormwater management program staff? Yes Comments:The Town has a general website (fletcher.org). OUr stormwater materials are on this website. Also has links to other sites as well with educational material SW102020 Does the permittee maintain an internet web site for newsletter articles on stormwater, information on water quality, stormwater projects and activities, and ways to contact stormwater management program staff? Yes SW102060 Classroom Outreach SW102070 The number of educational materials distributed to schools. 0 Comments:no public schools within town limits. One private and one charter school in town but those have not been sent materials. SW102080 The number of schools that participate in municipal-sponsored storm water workshops or activities. 0 12Page Number: SW102090 The number of students that participate in municipal-sponsored storm water workshops or activities. 0 SW102100 The number of workshops held for teachers. 0 SW102110 The number of certificates or other rewards given out to schools, classes, or students participating in storm water education. 0 SW102120 The number of students receiving storm water education as a regular part of the school curriculum. 0 SW102130 Displays, Signs, Presentations, Welcome Packets, and Pamphlets SW102150 The number of stormwater related displays at special events or meetings. 0 SW102160 The number of people at events who saw the display or took a pamphlet/booklet. unknown SW102170 Number of new homeowner welcome packets containing storm-water-related information. 0 SW102180 The number of signs and billboards with stormwater related messages. 0 SW102190 The number of stormwater related presentations at special events or meetings. 0 SW102200 Commercial Outreach SW102210 The number of educational materials that were distributed to business owners and operators. 0 Comments:info on website and newsletter SW102220 The number of businesses trained under the stormwater program. 0 SW102310 Pet Waste Management SW102320 The number of "clean up after your pet" signs posted in parks and neighborhoods. 3 Comments:at least one at each park. (with doggie bag stations) SW102330 The number of dog-walking designated areas in parks. 0 Comments:dogs allowed in parks on leash and unleashed in fenced dog park SW102340 The number of posters/brochures put up in pet supply stores. 0 13Page Number: SW102350 The number of educational materials given out to pet owners. 0 SW102360 Promotional Giveaways SW102370 The number of items given out. 0 SW102380 The number of events attended (to give out items). 0 SW102390 The number of partnerships for promotions (radio, TV, Businesses). 0 SW102400 Proper Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste SW102410 The number of household hazardous waste curbside pickup days. 1 Comments:garbage collected weekly. recycling every 2 weeks. brush on request, and leaf pickup in fall. residents can contact County landfill operation center re: haz waste disposal SW102420 The number of educational materials distributed to homeowners. unknown Comments:material on website and in newsletter. SW102430 The number of partnerships established with businesses. 0 SW102440 Outreach Programs to Minority and Disadvantaged SW102450 The number of brochures/posters created in non-English languages. 0 SW102460 The number of educational materials distributed in non-English languages. 0 SW102470 The number of partnerships established with minority organizations. 0 SW102480 The number of educational materials distributed to low-income neighborhoods. 0 SW102490 Attendance at workshops or public meetings held in low-income or minority neighborhoods. 0 SW102540 Using the Media SW102550 The number of public service announcements made on radio and TV. 0 SW102560 The number of stormwater related press releases/advertising. 0 14Page Number: SW102570 The number of stormwater related articles published. 2-3 Comments:newsletter SW102580 Water Conservation for Home Owners SW102590 The number of partnerships established with local water utilities. 0 Comments:town is not over the water utility-- water lines owned and operated by City of Hendersonville SW102600 The number of water conservation or stormwater related utility inserts that are distributed with utility bills. n/a SW102610 A survey of homeowners about their water conservation behavior before and after the message is delivered. 0 15Page Number: Public Involvement and Participation SW102620 Public Involvement and Participation SW102630 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? No Root Cause :Funds for stormwater management related activities are not sufficient Plan of Action:Council approved new funding in FY 19/20 to enable McGill assoc. to help improve overall program. Comments:With the start of the 2019/2020 fiscal year, our Town Council approved new funding to enlist the help of McGill Associates (our consulting engineering firm) for assistance in evaluating our overall program and to help improve upon any deficiencies that may exist. They will be evaluating measurable goals and helping with implementation. SW102640 Does the Stormwater Management Program identify the target audiences of the permitteenulls public involvement program, including a description of the types of ethnic and economic groups engaged? Yes SW102650 Permittee are encouraged to actively involve all potentially affected stakeholder groups, including commercial and industrial businesses, trade associations, environmental groups, homeowners associations, and educational organizations, among others. SW102660 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee will involve the public in the development and implementation of the permittee's storm water management program and the types of public involvement activities included in the permittee's program that the permittee plans to use to educate local community groups? Yes SW102670 Has the permittee provided for the means to involve the public in the development and implementation of the permittee's storm water management program through: SW102680 Public Hearings, stakeholder meetings, or other meetings? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not current Plan of Action:We have not had meetings recently on our SW program. Ordinances are in place and educational materials are available online and via periodic newsletter articles. McGill Assoc. will help us evaluate need for meetings. SW102690 A Stormwater Steering Committee (or similar advisory group)? Not Applicable SW102700 Stream clean-up events? Yes Comments:The Town currently does one street litter sweep per year (along Cane Creek Road) While this is not a specific stream clean up, this cleanup can help prevent trash from going into creek. SW102710 Adopt-a-stream, Adopt-a-drain, Adopt-a-highway or Adopt-a-trail program? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:Town and McGill will determine feasibility. 16Page Number: SW102720 Reforestation programs or wetland planting programs? Not Applicable SW102730 A stormwater hotline? Yes Comments:there is not a specific hotline, but stormwater complaints are received by the town's main phone number and transferred to me. SW102740 Volunteer monitoring programs? Not Applicable Comments:we do not have a volunteer program. However, we have links in our website directing interested parties to outside organizations like riverlink. SW102750 Storm drain stenciling? Yes Comments:The town marked many storm drain inlets in the early years of the program. Many have fallen off or disappeared. With McGill's help, we will place additional markers at previously marked sites and in new developments over the next 2-3 years. SW102760 Encourage neighborhood coordinators to become active in the program? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:Most of our subdivisions do not have active HOA's. The town has not done outreach to find such coordinators. Lack of prev. funding. McGill will help evaluate feasibility of additional outreach opportunities. SW102770 Regional workshops? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is inadequate Plan of Action:Land of Sky Regional Council had occasional workshops in early years of program but has not done these in recent years due to other priorities etc. Will explore reaching out to the COG to see if additional help can be provided on this. SW102780 Telephone/Web/Mall surveys? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:not sure what we would survey SW102790 Working with citizen volunteers willing to educate others about the program? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:Will work with McGill to determine feasibility or find opportunity to collaborate with outside agencies. SW102830 Adopt-A-Stream Program SW102840 The number of participants in Adopt-A-Stream, Adopt-a-drain, Adopt-a-highway or Adopt-a-trail programs. less than 10 Comments:this would have been at the litter pickup on Cane Creek Road... Don't have an adopt program. 17Page Number: SW102850 The quantity of trash and debris removed by Adopt-A-Stream, Adopt-a-drain, Adopt-a-highway or Adopt-a-trail volunteers (in tons). unquantified SW102860 Surveys SW102870 The number of citizens solicited to complete surveys. 0 SW102880 The number of completed surveys. 0 SW102890 Hotlines SW102900 The number of calls received by a hotline(s). not documented Comments:We do not have a specific hotline, and I have not counted the # of calls over the years. Most of my complaints about stormwater have more to do with people complaining that their neighbor's water runs onto their property. Very few about pollution. We will better document these in future years under our IDDE measure. SW102910 The number of problems/incidents remedied as a result of hotline calls. 2 in past year (approx) Comments:more on this under IDDE SW102920 Reforestation Programs SW102930 The number of volunteer tree planters. 0 SW102940 The number of trees planted. 0 SW102950 The number of acres planted with trees. 0 SW102960 Public Hearings, stakeholder meetings, or other meetings SW102970 The number of meetings held. 0 SW102980 The number of attendees. 0 SW102990 The number of actions taken as a result of stakeholder meetings. 0 SW103000 Storm Drain Stenciling SW103010 The percent of drains stenciled. unknown 18Page Number: SW103020 The number of stenciling volunteers. 0 SW103030 The number of drains stenciled. 0 in past/current year Comments:We did storm drain markers in early years of program... In next 2-3 years we will replace ones that have fallen off and also place new ones in new developments SW103040 Stream Cleanup SW103050 The number of stream cleanups. 0 stream, 1 road SW103060 The number of cleanup participants. <10 SW103070 The quantity of waste collected as a result of cleanup efforts (in tons). not calculated SW103080 The number of stream miles cleaned. <1 SW103090 Volunteer Monitoring SW103100 The number of volunteers participating in monitoring programs. 0 SW103110 The frequency of monitoring in the watershed (D-Daily, W-Weekly, B-Bimonthly, M-Monthly, Q-Quarterly and A-annually). 0 SW103120 The number of volunteer monitoring stations established in the watershed. 0 SW103130 The number of volunteer monitoring training sessions held. 0 SW103140 The number of actions that were taken as a result of the monitoring data -collected by volunteers. 0 SW103150 Wetland Plantings SW103160 The acres of land planted. 0 SW103170 The number of volunteers that participated in planting. 0 SW103180 The number of planting events held. 0 19Page Number: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination SW103190 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination SW103200 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? Yes Comments:We have probably averaged only 1-2 cases per year (if that) of IDDE's. Documentation has been limited, but I am working to improve on that. McGill Assoc will aid the town on this in coming years to improve overall program. SW103210 Stormwater Map SW103220 Has the permittee will developed or the in the process of developing a storm sewer map showing the location of all outfalls and the names and location of all receiving waters? Yes SW103260 Does stormwater mapping include drainage areas? Yes SW103270 Does stormwater mapping include receiving streams? Yes SW103280 Does stormwater infrastructure mapping include outfalls? Yes SW103290 Estimated or actual number of outfalls. 231 as of 2007 mapping Comments:McGill Assoc. will assist the town with an update to our outfall map in the next 2-3 years. They will also do a phased approach to inventory more of the overall stormwater system SW103300 Does stormwater infrastructure mapping include sewer pipes? Not Applicable Comments:Fletcher does not own/operate the sewer lines (Cane Creek Sewer District under Henderson County is over sewer) SW103310 Does stormwater infrastructure mapping include structures (e.g., detention ponds and other structural BMPs? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:With new funding allocated, we will have McGill Assoc. update our outfall map and also begin inventorying more of the overall SW system. (Phased approach over next 2-3 years) SW103320 Estimated or actual number of structural BMPs? approx 10 Comments:(w regard to new BMPs addressing post construction runoff controls) -- # to be updated upon coordinating w/ Natalie Berry. SW103330 Percent of outfall mapping complete. 100 Comments:We will be working on an update in next year or two. 20Page Number: SW103340 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the mechanism (ordinance or other regulatory mechanism) the permittee will use to effectively prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4 and why the permittee chose that mechanism? Yes Comments:I know our program calls for the prohibition of illicit discharges. The mechanism would be our ordinance. Not sure what the question means exactly as it relates to "why" we chose that mechanism. SW103350 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's plan to ensure appropriate enforcement procedures and actions such that the permittee's illicit discharge ordinance (or other regulatory mechanism) is implemented? Yes Comments:by our ordinance. This measure is largely complaint driven. Phone # is on the SW page on our website. SW103360 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's plan to detect and address illicit discharges to the permittee's system, including discharges from illegal dumping and spills? Yes Comments:by our ordinance SW103370 The permittee must implement an inspection program to detect dry weather flows at system outfalls and, at a minimum, must address the following: SW103380 Procedures for locating priority areas. SW103390 Procedures for tracing the source of an illicit discharge, including the specific techniques permittee will use to detect the location of the source. SW103400 Procedures for removing the source of the illicit discharge. SW103410 Procedures for evaluation of the plan to detect and eliminate illicit discharges. SW103420 Does the Stormwater Management Program address the following categories of non storm water discharges or flows (i.e., illicit discharges) only if permittee identify them as significant contributors of pollutants to the permitteenulls small MS4: Yes Comments:our ordinance spells out specific prohibited discharges. SW103430 landscape irrigation; SW103440 water line flushing; SW103450 diverted stream flows; SW103460 uncontaminated groundwater infiltration; SW103470 discharges from potable water sources; SW103480 air conditioning condensate (commercial/residential); SW103490 springs; SW103500 footing drains; SW103510 residential and charity car washing; 21Page Number: SW103520 dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; SW103530 rising groundwaters; SW103540 uncontaminated pumped groundwater; SW103550 foundation drains; SW103560 irrigation waters (does not include reclaimed water as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0200); SW103570 water from crawl space pumps; SW103580 lawn watering; SW103590 flows from riparian habitats and wetlands; SW103600 street wash water; SW103610 flows from emergency fire fighting. SW103620 The permittee may also develop a list of other similar occasional, incidental non-storm water discharges that will not be addressed as illicit discharges. SW103630 These non-storm water discharges must not be reasonably expected (based on information available to the permittees) to be significant sources of pollutants to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, because of either the nature of the discharges or conditions the permittee has established for allowing these discharges to the permittee's MS4 (e.g., activity with appropriate controls on frequency, proximity to sensitive waterbodies, BMPs). SW103640 Does the Stormwater Management Program document local controls or conditions placed on discharges and a provision prohibiting any individual non-storm water discharge that is determined to be contributing significant amounts of pollutants to the permittee's MS4? Yes SW103650 In addition to conducting training for selected staff on detecting and reporting illicit discharges," does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee plans to inform businesses and the general public of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste? Yes Comments:website contains educational materials SW103700 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish and publicize a reporting mechanism for the public to report illicit discharges? Yes Comments:they would call the Town's main #-- 828-687-3985 as per our website (SW page on fletchernc.org SW103710 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish an illicit discharge management tracking system? Not Applicable Comments:will work with McGill on this. Basically I need to document the few calls I get per year on this in spreadsheet form. I do have copies of all correspondence I have done over the years on various IDDEs SW103720 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish a stormwater incident response program? Yes Comments:when I get a complaint, I go investigate within a day typically. 22Page Number: SW103730 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide for an illicit discharge brochure, poster or other educational material development and distribution? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:Not aware of specific brochures, but our educational material is on the website. which includes info about illicit discharges... SW103740 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide for a septic system program in conjunction with the Health Department? Not Applicable Comments:not sure- will work with McGill Assoc to evaluate SW103750 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide street sweeping, inspecting and cleaning inlets and outfalls? Yes Comments:The Town does have a street sweeping vehicle. Inlets and outfalls would only be inspected and cleaned on a complaint basis to my knowledge. SW103760 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish procedures to coordinate efforts to eliminate illicit discharge cross connections between sanitary and storm sewers? Yes Comments:If we get complaints about sewer issues, those are reported to Cane Creek Sewer district under Henderson County. I don't recall an recent incidents though. SW103770 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish procedures to maintain the sanitary sewer system? Not Applicable Comments:Town not over the sewer system. (Cane Creek Sewer District) SW103780 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish a Household Waste Recycling Program? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:the town offers regular recycling pick up every 2 weeks. Not sure if that is what the question is related to. SW103850 Identifying Illicit Connections SW103860 The number of sites prioritized for inspection. 0 SW103870 The number of illicit connections reported by citizens. 0 SW103880 The number of illicit connections found. 0 SW103890 The number of illicit connections repaired/replaced. 0 SW103900 The number of illicit connection referrals. 0 SW103910 Illegal Dumping 23Page Number: SW103930 The number of illegal dumps reported by citizens. 2 this past year Comments:one involved a truck accident where a vehicle ran into a ditch and spilled oil (not fuel)... DOT and the fire dept had to assist with clean up. (about 8 gallons spilled). Another case involved clean up at a truck stop involving a lot of litter near a tributary. property was cleaned up. SW103940 The number of penalties enforced upon the participants of illegal dumps. 0 Comments:issues corrected SW103950 The number of illegal dump or sit-out clean-ups completed. 2 SW103970 Industrial or Business Connections SW103980 The number of dry weather tests/inspections completed. 0 SW103990 The number of high-risk connections prioritized. 0 SW104000 The number of illicit connections reported by employees or businesses. 0 SW104010 The number of illicit connections found. 0 SW104020 The number of illicit connections repaired/replaced. 0 SW104030 Recreational Sewage SW104040 The number of pump-out stations. 0 SW104050 The number of no-discharge areas created. 0 SW104060 The number of new signs added to inform users of dumping policies and alternatives. 0 SW104070 The number of enforced cases of recreational dumping. 0 SW104080 The number of citizen complaints made reporting illegal action. 0 SW104090 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) SW104100 The number of overflows reported. 0 24Page Number: SW104110 The number of overflow causes that were identified during inspections. 0 SW104120 The number of sites repaired. 0 SW104130 Wastewater Connections to the Storm Drain System SW104140 The number of rerouted connections. 0 SW104150 The number of dry weather monitoring activities performed. 0 SW104160 The number of unwarranted connections reported. 0 SW104170 The number of unwarranted connections found. 0 SW104180 The number of unwarranted connections repaired/replaced. 0 25Page Number: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control SW104190 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control SW104200 Does the permittee rely on the NCDENR Division of Land Resources (DLR) Erosion and Sediment Control Program to comply with this minimum measure for private development? (If no, go to SW104220) Yes Comments:In previous years, I had thought that Henderson County handled this min measure. But at the April 2019 DEQ workshop I learned that the state still handled this. I later confirmed with Natalie Berry (henderson County). To my knowledge, Shawna Riddle from DENR (DEQ?) is our regional rep on this. I may need more clarification on this in the future to see if there is more expected of the Town on this item. Henderson County still does our grading/soil and erosion control permitting for new development in town. SW104210 If the permittee relies on the NCDENR Division of Land Resources (DLR) Erosion and Sediment Control Program to comply with this minimum measure for private development, than the NCDENR Division of Land Resources Erosion and Sediment Control Program effectively meets the requirements of the Construction Site Runoff Controls by permitting and controlling development activities disturbing one or more acres of land surface and those activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development. SW104220 Does the permittee rely on rely on a locally delegated program to meet the minimum measure for private development requirements? (If no, go to SW104300) No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:I was made aware recently that the State handles construction site runoff controls. SW104230 If the permittee relies on a local government to comply with this minimum measure, does the permittee conduct random inspections of local land disturbing activities that have a sediment and erosion control permit, issued by local government? SW104250 If the permittee relies on a local government to comply with this minimum measure, does the permittee report sites that are not in compliance with their sediment and erosion control permits to the local government? SW104260 If the permittee relies on a local government to comply with this minimum measure, does the permittee report unresolved concerns to the local government? SW104270 If the permittee relies on a local government to comply with this minimum measure, does the permittee maintain a record of unresolved concerns reported to the local government? SW104300 Does the permittee have a delegated program to meet the requirements of an Erosion and Sediment Control Program for private development? (If no go to SW104450) No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:In previous years, I had thought that Henderson County handled this min measure. But at the April 2019 DEQ workshop I learned that the state still handled this. I later confirmed with Natalie Berry (henderson County). To my knowledge, Shawna Riddle from DENR (DEQ?) is our regional rep on this. I may need more clarification on this in the future to see if there is more expected of the Town on this item. Henderson County still does our grading/soil and erosion control permitting for new development in town. SW104310 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? 26Page Number: SW104320 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the mechanism (ordinance or other regulatory mechanism) the permittee will use to require erosion and sediment controls at construction sites and why the permittee chose that mechanism? SW104330 If permittee needs to develop this mechanism, the permittee's plan should describe the plan and a schedule to do so. SW104340 Does the Permittee conduct site plan review(s), including the review of pre-construction site plans, which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts? SW104350 The Stormwater Management Program must describe procedures and the rationale for how permittee will identify certain sites for site plan review, if not all plans are reviewed and describe the estimated number and percentage of sites that will have pre-construction site plans reviewed. SW104360 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's plan to ensure compliance with the permittee's erosion and sediment control regulatory mechanism, including the sanctions and enforcement mechanisms permittee will use to ensure compliance? SW104370 The Stormwater Management Program must describe the permittee's procedures for when the permittee will use certain sanctions. Possible sanctions include non-monetary penalties (such a stop work orders), fines, bonding requirements, and/or permit denials for non-compliance. SW104380 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's procedures for site inspection and enforcement of control measures, including how the permittee will prioritize sites for inspection? SW104430 Does the Stormwater Management Program require construction site operators to implement erosion and sediment control BMPs and to control construction site wastes that may cause adverse water quality impacts? SW104440 Does the Stormwater Management Program require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality? SW104450 Does the permittee provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems? Yes Comments:In the past, if we received complaints on this I would forward them to Henderson County (ie. runoff from construction sites). I need to determine if these get forwarded to the state. I do believe that Henderson County forwarded issues to the state as appropriate. Our website references our phone number which individuals may call to report issues. And if I receive a call I would pass on to county or state as appropriate. SW104460 Consider coordinating this requirement with the permittee's public education program. Publicize the procedures and contact information. The procedures must lead directly to a site inspection or other timely follow-up action. The permittee may implement a plan promoting the existence of the NCDENR, Division of Land Resources "Stop Mud" hotline to meet the requirements of this paragraph. SW104470 Staff Training and Certification SW104480 The number of training and certification programs offered to staff. 0 SW104490 The number of trained staff inspectors. 0 SW104500 The number of certified staff inspectors. 0 27Page Number: SW104510 The number of certified contractors by permittee. 0 SW104520 Inspection and Enforcement SW104530 The number of plans reviewed greater than one acre. n/a SW104590 The number of enforcement actions or NOVs taken. n/a 28Page Number: Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment SW104890 Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment SW104900 Does the Stormwater Management Plan summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? Yes SW104910 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee will develop an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to implement and enforce a program to address post construction runoff from new development and redevelopment projects? Yes Comments:Henderson County is the delegated agency for permitting/review/inspections for this min measure SW104920 The permittee's ordinances, and subsequent modifications, will be reviewed and approved by DWQ prior to implementation. The approval process will establish subsequent timeframes when DWQ will review performance under the ordinance(s). The reviews will occur, at a minimum, every five years. Regulated public entities without ordinance making powers must demonstrate similar actions taken in their post construction stormwater management program to meet the minimum measure requirements. SW104930 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee will ensure the long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) of BMPs? Yes Comments:We will be working with McGill Assoc. in the coming months to determine better procedures for verifying O&M of BMPs. SW104940 Options to help ensure that future O&M responsibilities are clearly identified include an agreement between the permittee and another party, such as the post-development landowners or regional authorities. Yes Comments:We will be working with McGill Assoc. in the coming months to determine better procedures for verifying O&M of BMPs. SW105000 Does the Stormwater Management Program explain how the permittee will control the sources of fecal coliform to the maximum extent practicable? Not Applicable Comments:I am not sure- Will be working with McGill Assoc. in coming months for a full analysis of our program. SW105010 Do new development and redevelopment codes allow for the following: SW105020 Bioretention basins? Yes Comments:Basically our ordinance refers to the State's design manual. SW105030 Alternative pavers? Yes SW105040 Buffer zones? Yes SW105050 Dry ponds? Yes 29Page Number: SW105060 Wet ponds? Yes SW105070 Alternatives to curb and gutter? Yes SW105080 Grass swales? Yes SW105090 Grassed filter strips? Yes SW105100 Green parking lots? Yes SW105110 In-line storage systems? Yes SW105120 Infiltration basins? Yes SW105130 Infiltration trenches? Yes SW105140 Manufactured products installed in storm water inlets? Yes SW105150 Developments and redevelopments that use narrow streets? Yes SW105160 On-lot treatment? Yes SW105170 Open space design? Yes SW105180 Sand and organic filters? Yes SW105190 Porous pavement? Yes SW105200 Stormwater wetlands? Yes SW105210 Urban forestry? Yes SW105220 Does the Stormwater Management Program, in coordination with the County Health Department, ensure proper operation and maintenance of on-site wastewater treatment systems for domestic wastewater? Not Applicable 30Page Number: SW105230 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide training for staff and developers/builders? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is inadequate Plan of Action:Not sure if the town is required to provide the training? Don't have anyone qualified. Land of Sky used to do occasional workshops years ago. But none recently. Comments:I don't know that it does. Will work with McGill to better determine. I attended DEQ's workshop in April 2019, and since then we have new funding allocated to improve upon our overall program. Hopefully this will include additional training. SW105260 BMP Inspection and maintenance SW105270 Are annual inspection reports required of permitted structural BMPs performed by a qualified professional? Yes Comments:per TOF Land Dev. Code, Article 6.O.3, a qualified registered NC prof. engineer, landscape architect or person certified by the NC Cooperative Ext Service for stormwater treatment practice inspection and maintenance. SW105280 The number of BMP inspections and/or maintenance activities. see note Comments:To date since the post construction ordinance became effective, there have been 22 developments in town that were required to have some form of NPDES compliant BMP's. (4 of those 22 are still in construction as of this report date). There has not been good verification of annual inspections due to staffing limitations. Staff will be working with County and McGill Assoc to establish a better program for inspections and maintenance verification. And the County did indicate that they intend to get caught up on this requirement prior to Spring of 2020. SW105290 The number of problems that were identified and remedied. 0 Comments:No problems identified as no complaints were received. County will be doing more pro-active verification on inspecs and maintenance going forward. SW105300 New Development and Redevelopment BMP Summary SW105310 The number of development/redevelopment projects regulated for post-construction stormwater control. see note Comments:22 developments since program inception were required NPDES compliant BMPs... 4 still under construction as of report date SW105550 Evaluation of Post-construction Stormwater Management Program Measures SW105560 Model Practices: For those areas within the jurisdictional area of the permittee that are not subject to the post-construction stormwater management provisions of another existing state stormwater management program, does the permittee's Post-construction Stormwater Management Program equal or exceed the stormwater management and water quality protection provided by the following model practices: SW105570 Does the permittee issue local stormwater management permits to new development or redevelopment projects as either a low density project or a high density project? Yes SW105580 Do projects permitted as a low density projects meet the following criteria: Yes 31Page Number: SW105590 No more than two dwelling units per acre or 24% built-upon area; and, SW105600 Use of vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable? SW105610 Are projects permitted as high density projects meet the following requirements: Yes SW105620 The stormwater control measures control and treat the difference between the pre-development and post-development conditions for the 1-year 24-hour storm. Runoff volume draw-down time must be a minimum of 24 hours, but not more than 120 hours; SW105630 All structural stormwater treatment systems are designed to achieve 85% average annual removal of total suspended solids; and SW105640 Stormwater management measures comply with the General Engineering Design Criteria For All Projects requirements listed in 15A NCAC 2H .1008(c); SW105650 Are deed restrictions and/or protective covenants required by the locally issued permit and incorporated by the development to ensure that subsequent development activities maintain the development (or redevelopment) consistent with the approved plans? Yes SW105660 Are all built-upon areas at least 30 feet landward of perennial and intermittent surface waters? Yes SW105670 Watershed Protection Plans: Has the Permittee developed, adopted, and implemented a comprehensive watershed protection plan to meet part, or all, of the requirements for post-construction stormwater management? Not Applicable SW105680 Areas within the jurisdictional area of the permittee that are already subject to the existing state stormwater management programs are deemed compliant with the post-construction stormwater management model practices identified in (a). The programs are: the Water Supply Watershed protection programs for WS-I – WS-IV waters, the HQW and ORW waters management strategies, the Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) Management Strategy, the Tar-Pamlico River Basin Nutrient NSW Strategy, and the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed program. SW105690 A regulated entity may develop its own comprehensive watershed plan, use the model ordinance developed by the Commission, design its own post-construction practices based on the Division’s guidance and engineering standards for best management practices, or incorporate the post-construction model practices to satisfy, in whole or in part, the requirements for post-construction stormwater management. SW105700 Additional Requirements for Trout Waters: Has the permittee developed, adopted, and implemented an ordinance (or similar regulatory mechanism) to ensure that the best management practices selected do not result in a sustained increase in the receiving water temperature? Not Applicable SW105710 Additional Requirements for Nutrient Sensitive Waters SW105720 Has the permittee developed, adopted, and implemented an ordinance (or similar regulatory mechanism) to ensure that the best management practices for reducing nutrient loading is selected? Not Applicable SW105730 Has the permittee developed and included a nutrient application (fertilizer and organic nutrients) management program in the Post-construction Stormwater Management Program? Not Applicable 32Page Number: SW105740 In areas where the Environmental Management Commission has approved a Nutrient Sensitive Water Urban Stormwater Management Program, the provisions of that program fulfill the nutrient loading reduction requirement. 33Page Number: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations SW105750 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping SW105760 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? Yes Comments:We will be working with McGill Assoc on evaluating the overall program and making improvements as Council recently approved new funding. SW105770 Does the Stormwater Management Program list the permittee’s municipal operations that are impacted by this operation and maintenance program? Yes Comments:Public works mostly and to some degree Parks and Rec Maintenance SW105780 The permittee must also include a list of industrial facilities the permittee owns or operates that are subject to NPDES Stormwater General Permits or individual NPDES permits for discharges of storm water associated with industrial activity that ultimately discharge to the permittee’s MS4, including the permit number and certificate of coverage number for each facility. SW105790 Municipal Operations include: SW105800 Transfer Station No SW105810 Fleet Maintenance Yes Comments:within enclosed garage area inside the public works building SW105820 Airport No SW105830 Animal Shelters No SW105840 Waste Water Treatment Plan No SW105850 Water Plants No SW105860 Construction Debris Site No SW105870 Transit Authority No SW105880 Public Works Operations Yes SW105890 Prisons No 34Page Number: SW105900 Emergency Service Facilities No SW105910 Fire Stations No SW105920 Landfills No SW105930 Schools Yes SW105940 Parks No SW105950 Waste Recycling Centers Yes SW105960 Vehicle Maintenance Operations Yes SW105970 Vehicle Wash Operations Yes Comments:Most regular vehicles taken to off site commercial car wash. Some of the larger trucks still washed on site as needed. The Town had a plan to do a new building that included a wash bay, but due to budget issues, this project has been pushed back w/ no specific time frame. SW105980 Pump Stations or Lift Stations No SW105990 Other: n/a SW106000 In addition to conducting staff training on stormwater pollution prevention and good housekeeping procedures, does the Stormwater Management Program describe any government employee training program the permittee will use to prevent and reduce storm water pollution from activities such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and storm water system maintenance? Yes Comments:With a lot of turnover in public works, we are somewhat behind on training in recent years. Land Of Sky's (COG) regional partnership did offer workshops on muni operation good housekeeping awhile back but not in last few years. Staff will soon (this fall) be showing a training DVD on this to current Pub Works and Park/Rec staff. And we hope to see the regional workgroup reestablished at some point for additional training opportunies SW106010 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe any existing, available training materials the permittee plans to use? Yes SW106030 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe maintenance activities, maintenance schedules, and long-term inspection procedures for controls to reduce floatables and other pollutants to the permittee’s MS4? Yes 35Page Number: SW106050 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee’s procedures for the proper disposal of waste removed from the permittee’s MS4 and the permittee’s municipal operations, including dredge spoil, accumulated sediments, floatables, and other debris? Not Applicable SW106110 Industrial Activities SW106120 Did the permittee conduct annual review of the industrial activities with a Phase I NPDES stormwater permit owned and operated by the permittee? Not Applicable Comments:I don't believe that the Town has any industrial activities SW106130 Did the permittee review the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, the timeliness of any monitoring reports required by the Phase I permit, and the results of inspections and subsequent follow-up actions at the facilities. No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:program doesn't exist specifically. Not sure of wording re: Phase 1 permit. Working with McGill Assoc to address this item and to gain more info on exactly what monitoring reports would be required? SW106160 Does the permittee have a Used Oil Recycling Program? Yes Comments:Pub works keeps used oil safely contained and picked up by a company that recycles used oil... SW106170 Does the permittee have a street sweeping program? Yes Comments:the town has 1 street sweeper... Once per quarter, all curbed streets are swept. SW106180 Does the permittee have a program to clean catch basins, storm lines, and ditches? Yes Comments:on an as-needed/complaint driven basis within Town maintained rights of way. SW106190 Does the permittee review fertilizer and pesticide use programs? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:not a written plan re: fertilizer and pesticides. We do have 3 staff licensed in pesticde application and a contract with Dodson for pest control. Comments:The town does not have a specific program for this. We have 3 staff licensed in pesticide application and a contract with Dodson for pest control. And staff is advised not to fertilizer near storm drains and outfalls. SW106200 Does the permittee have spill prevention plans at city facilities? No Root Cause :Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action:there is not a written plan as we only have one real facility. We do have specific storage areas for things like used oil etc. SW106210 City Facilities Inspections 36Page Number: SW106220 Does the permittee inspect vehicle washing fueling, storage and maintenance areas? Yes Comments:We do not have a fueling station or a specific vehicle washing facility. Storage and maint areas are kept clean and monitored SW106230 Does the permittee inspect material storage areas (i.e., storage areas for sand, salt, fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals)? Yes SW106240 Does the permittee inspect stormwater outfalls? Yes Comments:We only have one site with newer NPDES BMP (town hall) site is monitored. Working with McGill to gain clarification of the requirements for ongoing inspections. SW106250 Does the permittee inspect culverts? Yes Comments:complaint driven/as needed SW106260 Does the permittee inspect swales/ditchs? Yes Comments:complaint driven/as needed SW106270 Does the permittee inspect catch basins, inlets, and grates? Yes Comments:complaint driven/as needed SW106280 Does the permittee inspect MS4 pipes? Not Applicable Comments:not sure if we have MS4 pipes SW106290 Does the permittee inspect solid and hazardous waste management facilities and recycling centers? Not Applicable Comments:no such facilities in town SW106300 Does the permittee inspect animal shelters and pounds? Not Applicable Comments:no such town facilities SW106310 Does the permittee inspect parking lots? Yes Comments:complaint driven/as needed SW106320 Does the permittee inspect parks and open spaces? Yes SW106330 The number of inspections conducted. see note Comments:facilities regularly monitored for issue. Basically just the town hall site, and 2 parks, and old Pub works facilities SW106400 Automobile Maintenance 37Page Number: SW106410 The number of employees trained in preventing pollution from automobile maintenance activities. 2 SW106420 The number of sites rewarded as being a “clean site” under a rewards program. n/a SW106430 The number of spills reported. 0 SW106440 The number of educational materials distributed at garages, auto shops, and other automobile-related businesses. 0 SW106450 Hazardous Materials Storage SW106460 The total number of storage facilities equipped to store hazardous materials. 2 Comments:any haz materials are stored in pub works & parks & rec bldgs and are secured SW106470 The number of regularly inspected storage units. 2 SW106480 The number of employees trained in hazardous material storage and maintenance. 10 SW106490 Illegal Dumping SW106500 The number of “no dumping” signs posted. 0 SW106510 The number of educational materials distributed. 0 SW106520 The number of reports of illegal dumping received. 0 SW106530 The number of dump sites and/or illegal sit-outs cleaned up. 0 SW106540 The number of sites improved to eliminate as target dumping spots. 0 SW106550 The number of enforcement actions pertaining to illegal dumping. 0 Comments:as it relates to muni operations SW106560 Landscape and Lawn Care, and Pest Control SW106570 The number of stores/gardens participating in education programs. 0 38Page Number: SW106580 The number of residents trained by the permittee in safe landscaping, lawn care, and pest management techniques. 0 Comments:periodically have newsletter blurbs SW106590 The number of classes/seminars offered by the permittee in landscaping and lawn care. 0 SW106610 The number of municipal employees trained in integrated pest management. 3 Comments:Pub works dir. and 2 park maintenance staff SW106620 Parking Lot and Street Cleaning SW106630 The number of parking lots. 4 SW106640 The number of scheduled parking lot and/or road cleanings. as needed for parking lots Comments:quarterly street sweeping on curbed roads SW106650 Pet Waste SW106660 The number of dog parks. 1 SW106670 The number of "pooper-scooper" stations installed 3 SW106680 The number of educational materials distributed. 0 SW106690 Road Salt Application and Storage SW106700 The number of storage facilities included in a regular inspection and maintenance program. 1 SW106710 The number of employees trained in road salt application. 6 SW106720 The quantity of salt applied to roadways (in tons). undocumented Comments:verylittle salt applied over last few years. Town primarily just plows when needed. SW106730 The quantity of alternative products used (in tons). none Comments:town does not use alternative products SW106800 Spill Response and Prevention SW106810 The number of leak detection devices installed at municipal facilities. 0 39Page Number: SW106820 The number of preventative maintenance procedures performed on tanks, valves, pumps, pipes, and other equipment. unknown see note Comments:containment devices placed under barrels where spills could occur. SW106830 The number of personnel trained in spill response. 5 Comments:there has been turnover in PW over last few years. will do training in fall SW106840 The number of regularly inspected high-risk facilities. n/a Comments:no high risk facilities SW106850 The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. 0 Comments:PW and Park staff periodically view a training video re: SW pollution prevention.. Will do this in Fall 2019. SW106860 Storm Drain System Cleaning SW106870 The number of outfalls cleaned regularly. complaint driven SW106880 The number of storm drains cleaned regularly. complaint driven SW106890 The amount of trash, sediment, and other pollutants removed during cleaning (in tons). undocumented SW106900 Used Oil Recycling SW106910 The number of gallons of used oil collected from municipal operations. <500 SW106920 The number of recycling facilities that collect oil from municipal operations. 1 SW106930 The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. 0 Comments:training DVD periodically for PW and Park staff SW106940 Vehicle Washing SW106950 The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. 0 SW106960 The number of designated municipal vehicle washing areas. 1 Comments:most regular vehicles taken off site to commercial car wash... I recently learned that some larger truck still washed on site due to lack of other facility. Town plans to build building with wash bay was tabled due to budget issues. 40Page Number: Program Accomplishments SW106970 Staff and Capital Improvement Projects SW106980 The number of staffed stormwater management position(s). 1 Comments:I am the Planning Director and Zoning Administrator for the Town, and SW duties fell to me as just one facet of my job. This year, Council has allocated new funding (following the recent April 2019 DEQ workshop). We will work with McGill Assoc in coming months and years to improve upon our overall program and receive more technical assistance from them. SW106990 The number of new stormwater management position(s) created or staffed for the reporting year. 0 SW107000 Total annual budget (excluding Capital Improvement Projects) for the NPDES stormwater management program for the reporting year. 30,000 Comments:30,000 was recently allocated by Council for improvements and technical assistance for our program SW107010 The number of Capital Improvement Projects planned. 0 SW107020 The number of Capital Improvement Projects active. 0 SW107030 The number of Capital Improvement Projects completed. 0 SW107040 Total annual budget for Capital Improvement Projects for the reporting year. n/a 41Page Number: Ordinance, Legal or Regulatory Authority SW107050 Ordinance, Legal or Regulatory Authority SW107060 Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Adopted SW107070 Erosion & Sediment Control Adopted SW107080 Post-Development Stormwater Management Adopted SW107090 Stormwater Ordinance Adopted SW107100 Unified Development Ordinance Adopted SW107110 Flood Damage Protection Ordinance Adopted SW107120 Other: Not Applicable SW107130 Other: Not Applicable SW107140 Other: Not Applicable 42Page Number: