HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950893 Ver 1_Complete File_19970304State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Dr. Norman B. Grantham, Jr. Chairman Johnston County Airport Authority 3149 Swift Creek Road Smithfield, N.C. 27577 Dear Mr. Grantham: A IT X?F L74 ?* AWA ?EHNF? August 24, 1995 Johnston 8 You have our approval to place temporary fill material in 0.52 acres and 0.01 acres of permanent fill of wetlands or waters for the purpose of a temporary access road and tower foundation construction at SR 1501, as you described in your application dated 16 August 1995. After revie)x ing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2733 and 2727. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 18 and 33 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification- In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, Pr ton Howard, Jr. P.E Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files 95893.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper Johnston County Airport 3146 Swift Creek Road Smithfield, NC 27577 (91 9) 934-OS92 August 9, 1995 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RECEIVED RE: Johnston County Airport Smithfield, NC QUA '121995 MALSR Project NCDOA No. 9.9431950 ENVIRONMENTALuCIENCES o.., . WKD No. 95035.30 Dear Mr. Dorney: The Johnston County Airport Authority proposes to install a medium Intensity Approach Lighting System at the Airport. This light system is used as an aid to pilots of landing aircraft. A portion of the system will be mounted on towers with concrete foundations and located in an existing wetland area. The foundations will occupy an area of approximately 250 square feet and there will be two foundations required. This area is located south of Swift Creek, between the creek and the bottom of the high bank. There is no alternative to the location of these towers. This project is not a part of the project that required the existing Corps of Engineers' permit. Dr. Leon Jernigan is familiar with this project and we have asked Dr. Jernigan to be available.to discuss this with you. We are submitting the enclosed nation wide application form, seven copies, and request coverage under section 18 and 33 of the application for this project. If you have any questions during your review, please contact our Engineers, W.K. Dickson & Company, Inc. at (803) 786-4261. Sincerely, xr 10 . Roy I H. Dixon, Jr. Air ort Manager Enclosures cc: Mr. John Caldwell, NCDOA W.K. Dickson & Company, Inc. Ms. Jean Benton-Manuele, U.S. Corps of Engineers Johnston County A. 3146 Swift Creek Road Smithfield, NC 27577 rt (J 1 J) J34-OJJ2 August 9, 1995 Ms. Jean Benton-Manuele Wetland Biologist U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road Raleigh, NC 27615-6846 RE: Johnston County Airport Smithfield, NC MALSR Project NCDOA No. 9.9431950 WKD No. 95035.30 Dear Ms. Benton-Manuele: The Johnston County Airport Authority proposes to install a medium Intensity Approach Lighting System at the Airport. This light system is used as an aid to pilots of landing aircraft. A portion of the system will be mounted on towers with concrete foundations and located in an existing wetland area. The foundations will occupy an area of approximately 250 square feet and there will be two foundations required. This area is located south of Swift Creek, between the creek and the bottom of the high bank. There is no alternative to the location of these towers. This project is not a part of the project that required the existing Corps of Engineers' permit. Dr. Leon Jernigan is familiar with this project and we have asked Dr. Jernigan to be available to discuss this with you. We are submitting the enclosed nation wide application form, one copy, and request coverage under section 18 and 33 of the application for this project. If you have any questions during your review, please contact our Engineers, W.K. Dickson & Company, Inc. at (803) 786-4261. Sincerely, Royal H. Dixon, Jr Airport Manager Enclosures cc: Mr. John Caldwell, NCDOA W.K. Dickson & Company, Inc. Mr. John Dorney, NCDEM U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS , WILMINGTON DISTRICT OCT 2 3 1995 WETLANDS GROUI' WATER UALITY SECTION Action ID. County GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Address Telephone No. ?\°"?) 3? - ©°&° A Size and Location of project (waterbody, road name/number, town, etc.) O r e P a - ?'y !5; .. Description of Activity `r c?rc Q+C`?c?coc5 C? ??[1???rd SV'S?EM ?rC??? ?e. V?l???or.ct?5 Care'?S\S? Oar o? CCbY?CC e!E eo\ ?c?v?PCS_ 0'-' ,ce -c-cQc-?« CLCC PSS 'Cc" - Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) only. ?•?+-s? toe. ce_mQ?cLv '.? `?? er?.?-?? Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899) only. orce e?- ___Section 404 and Section 10. Regional General Permit o Nationwide Permit Number. Any violation of the conditions of the Regional General or Nationwide Permit referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army Regional General/Nationwide Permit verification does not relieve the undersigned permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. By signature below, the permittee certifies an understanding and acceptance of all terms and conditions of this permit. Property Owner/Authorized Agent Signature Regulatory Project Manager Signature Date ?? e ?•?.?e c ???? Extp Date 2.\, \?N-11 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORM, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE YELLOW (FILE) COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. CESAW Fonn 591 Dec 1993 DEM ID: 9.5291-5 ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 1 a & 3q . ? JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING r [? ?I?T Tr -- ` CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANA4 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HE1LT'H, ill P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES f_ r 2 2 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Bor. 29535 ATTN: CESAW--CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: Johnston County Airport Authority 2. Owners Address: 3149 Swift Creek Road, Smithfield, -NC 27577 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): NI/A- (Work): (919) 9 3 4 - 0 9 9 2 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number. -Dr. Norman B. Grantham, Jr., Chairman Johnston County Airport Authority 314q Swift PPIc Road. Smithfi 1d. NC 27577 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). 'County: Johns t o n Nearest Town or City: ___ sm i thf ; e d . Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): 2 S m i 1 s wP s t n f S m; h f i Z d. NC West of'U.S. Route 70. on S.R. 1501• 6. Name of Closest.Szeam/Rixer: S w i f Creek 7. River Basin: N P 17 a P - 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS L or WS II? YES [ ] NO [X] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES fx] NO'( ] If yes, explain. Mitigated wetlands associated with runway extension proiect. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 0.46 acres 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project Filled: 06 acres (temDor y acs ss road) (33) Drained: .46 acres -(temporary, if flooded) (33) Flooded: 0 acres (existing flood plain) Excavated: nt r-onst }ion) f_ 18] Total Impacted: • 46 acres 0 5 3 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1/2" X 11 " drawings only): C o n s t r u c t i o n o f a me d i um intensity approach lighting system - work in wetlands consist of constructini. two concrete foundations and erecting.two steel towers. (see attached plans) 13. Purpose of proposed work: yi:Gnai lighting aid for aircraft arrivincr via runway 03 ILS approach - foundations act as support for light tower live and dead load! 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measure s taken to minimize wetland impacts. FAA Order 6850.2A governs the design ots standard approach light systems. Design requires the placement of towers at the 1 ations. 15. v ou are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (N111FS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed orproposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in. the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [ ] NO [X] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [ ] NO [ X] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: -- _A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. Delineation performed by Dr. Leon Jernigan (919) 894-7882 D. If a stormwatermanagement plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What island use of surrounding Pr?rt3!• ? Agricultural &" Residential V... .. . F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? N/A Owner's Signature. Dr. Norman B. Grantham,, Jr., Chairman Additional Notes; 1. U.S.F.W.S. was contacted reguarding the existing permit. 2. SHPO was contacted previously and an archeological investigation of the site did not reveal the presence of any significant archeological or historical findings. 3. Wetland delineation map does include known wetland areas within the specific project site. The areas have been delineated in the field and their locations approximately noted. This specific area has not been field surveyed and plated. NOTIFICATION FORM INFORMATION SHEET Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification A. NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS DISTRICT ENGINEER. (REFER TO ITEM B. BELOW FOR DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT APPLICATION RE- QITIREMIENTS AND SPECIFICALLY NOTE NWP 26 DIFFERENCE.) Certain nationwide permits require notification to the Corps of Engineers before work can proceed. They are as follows: NWP 5 (only for discharges of 10 to 25 cubic yards) NWP 7 NWP 13 (only for stabilization activities in excess of 500 feet in length or greater than an average of.one cubic yard per *+inning foot) NWP 14 (only for fills in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites) NWP 17 NWP 18 (required when discharge exceeds 10 cubic yards or the discharge is in a special aquatic site and must include . a delineation of the affected special aquatic site, including wetlands) NWP 21 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 26 (only for greater than 1 acre total impacts and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sitet, including wetlands) ° NWP 33 (must include a restoration plan of reasonable measures to avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources) NWP 37 NWP 38 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) For activities that may be authorized by the above listed nationwide permits that require notification, the applicant shall not begin work a. Until notified that the work may proceed under the nationwide permit with any special conditions imposed by the District Engineer, or b. If notified that an individual permit maybe required, or c. Unless 30 days (calendar) have passed from the time a complete notification is received by the District Engineer and no notice has been received from the District Engineer, and required state approvals have been obtained. Required state approvals include: 1) a Section 401 water quality certification if authorization is requested for a discharge of dredged or fill material, and 2) an approved coastal zone management consistency determination if the activity will affect the coastal area. Use of NWP 12 also requires notification to the District Engineer, but work may not begin until written concurrence is received from the District Engineer. The time periods described above do not apply. Furthermore, requirements to notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Mann Fisheries Service (NWS), and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), as indicated below and on the notification form, do not apply. B. APPLICATION TO DEM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION. Certain nationwide permits require an application to DEM in order to obtain Section 401 water quality certification. They are NWP 6, NWP 12, NWP 15, NWP 16, NWP 17, NWP 21, NWP 33, NWP 34, NWP 38, and NWP 40. Certain nationwide permits were issued general certifications and require no application. They are NWP 3, NWP 4, NWP 5, NWP 7, NWP 20, NWP 22, NWP 23 (requires notification to DEW, NWP 25, NWP 27, NWP 32, NWP 36, and NWP 37. The following nationwide permits were issued general certifications for only limited activities: NWP 13 (for projects less than 500 feet in length), NWP 14 (for projects that impact waters only), NWP 18 (for projects with less than 10 cubic yards of fill in waters only), and NWP 26 (for projects with less than or equal to one-third acre fill of waters or wetlands). Projects that do not meet these criteria require application for Section 401 water quality certifications. C. NOTIFICATION/APPLICAT, 1 PROCEDURES. The attached form should be used to obtain approval from the Corps of Engineers and/or the N.C. Division of Environmental Management as specified above. The permittee should make sure that all necessary information is provided in order to avoid delays. One copy of the completed form is required by the Corps of Engineers and seven copies are required by DEM. Plans and maps must be on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. Endangered species requirement: For Corps of Engineers notifications only, applicants must notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding the presence of endangered species that may be affected by the proposed project. U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE RALEIGH FIELD OFFICE P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Telephone (919) 856-4520 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE HABITAT CONSERVATION DIVISION Pivers Island Beaufort, NC 28516 Telephone (919) 728-5090 Historic resources requirement: For Corps of Engineers notifications only, applicants must notify the State Historic Preservation Office regarding the presence of historic properties that may be affected by the proposed project. STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE N.C. DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Telephone (919) 733-4763 Information obtained from these agencies should be forwarded to the Corps. ` NATIONWIDE PERMIT P 18: MINOR DISCHARGES. AUTHORIZES DISCHARGES OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO ALL WATERS OF THE U.S. UP TO 25 CUBIC YARDS THAT WILL NOT CAUSE THE LOSS OF MORE THAN 1/10 ACRE OF A SPECIAL AQUATIC SITE, INCLUDING WETLANDS. SECTIONS 10 AND 404. STATUS IN NORTH CAROLINA: ISSUED. NATIONWIDE CONDITIONS: STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS AND THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: 1. THE DISCHARG?., INCLUDING ALL ATTENDANT FEATURES, BOTH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT, IS PART OF A SINGLE AND COMPLETE PROJECT AND IS NOT PLACED FOR THE PURPOSE OF STREAM DIVERSION. 2. ACREAGE LIMITATION INCLUDES THE FILLED AREA PLUS SPECIAL AQUATIC SITES THAT ARE ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY FLOODING AND SPECIAL AQUATIC SITES THAT ARE DRAINED SO THAT THEY WOULD NO LONGER BE A WATER OF THE U.S. AS A RESULT OF THE PROJECT. 3. FOR DISCHARGES EXCEEDING 10 CUBIC YARDS OR THE DISCHARGE IS IN A SPECIAL AQUATIC SITE, INCLUDING WETLANDS, A 30-DAY NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER IS REQUIRED. FOR DISCHARGES IN SPECIAL AQUATIC SITES, INCLUDING WETLANDS, THE NOTIFICATION MUST INCLUDE A DELINEATION OF AFFECTED SPECIAL AQUATIC SITES, INCLUDING WETLANDS. REGIONAL CONDITIONS: NONE. 401 CERTIFICATION DETERMINATION: GENERAL CERTIFICATION ISSUED, BUT CONDITIONED AS FOLLOWS: 1. WRITTEN CONCURRENCE IS REQUIRED FROM THE NCDEM FOR PROPOSED DISCHARGES OF GREATER THAN 10 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL MATERIAL OR IN ANY AMOUNT IF LOCATED IN SPECIAL AQUATIC SITES INCLUDING WETLANDS OR IF LOCATED IN PRIMARY NURSERY AREAS (PNA) AND OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW). 2. IF WRITTEN CONCURRENCE IS NOT ISSUED BY THE NCDEM WITHIN 45,DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF A COMPLETE APPLICATION BY THE. DIVISION'S 401 CERTIFICATION OFFICE IN RALEIGH, THEN 401 CERTIFICATION IS DEEMED TO BE ISSUED AS LONG AS TEE APPLICANT FOLLOWS ALL OTHER CONDITIONS OF THIS GENERAL CERTIFICATION UNLESS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS REQUESTED IN WRITING BY THE DIRECTOR OR HIS DESIGNEE. 3. ESTABLISHED SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES ARE UTILIZED TO PREVENT VIOLATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE TURBIDITY WATER QUALITY STANDARD (50 NTUS IN STA.tMS AND RIVERS NOT DESIGNATED AS TROUT BY NCDEM; 25 NTUS.IN ALL SALTWATER CLASSES AND ALL LAKES AND RESERVOIRS; AND 10 NTUS IN TROUT WATERS). 4. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT LIVE OR FRESH CONCRETE FROM COMING'. INTO CONTACT WITH WATERS OF THE STATE UNTIL THE CONCRETE HAS HARDENED. 5. ADDITIONAL SITE-SPECIFIC CONDITIONS MAY BE ADDED TO PROPOSED PROJECTS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE WATER QUALITY AND EFFLUENT STANDARDS. 6. CONCURRENCE FROM NCDEM THAT THIS CERTIFICATION APPLIES TO AN INDIVIDUAL PROJECT SHALL EXPIRE THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE COVER LETTER FROM NCDEM. CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION: CONSISTENT IN COASTAL AREA SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. IF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS WITHIN.THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL AREA; THE APPLICANT MUST RECEIVE WRITTEN CONCURRENCE FROM THE NCDCM THAT THE ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 2. SHOULD ALL OR PART OF THE LEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY BE LOCATED WITHIN AN AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) AS DESIGNATED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL RESOURCES COMMISSION, A COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT ACT (CAMA) PERMIT IS REQUIRED FROM THE NCDCM UNLESS THE APPLICANT IS A FEDERAL AGENCY. IF THE APPLICANT IS A FEDERAL AGENCY AND ALL OR PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY IS LOCATED WITHIN AN AEC, A CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION PURSUANT TO 15 CFR 930 MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE NCDCM AT LEAST 90 DAYS BEFORE THE ONSET OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY. NATIONWIDE PERMIT 0 33: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION, ACCESS, AND DEWATERING. AUTHORIZES TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AND DISCHARGES, INCLUDING COFFERDAMS, NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES OR ACCESS FILLS OR DEWATERING OF CONSTRUCTION SITES PROVIDED THE ASSOCIATED PERMANENT ACTIVITY WAS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS OR THE U.S. COAST GUARD, OR FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES NOT SUBJECT TO FEDERAL REGULATION. DOES NOT AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR FILL ASSOCIATED WITH MINING ACTIVITIES OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MARINA BASINS WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN AUTHORIZED BY THE CORPS. SECTIONS 10 AND 404. STATUS IN NORTH CAROLINA: *ISSUED. NATIONWIDE CONDITIONS: STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS AND THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: 1. APPROPRIATE MEASURES MUST BE TAKEN TO MAINTAIN NEAR NORMAL DOWNSTREAM FLOWS AND TO.MINIMIZE FLOODING. 2. FILL MUST BE OF MATERIALS AND PLACED IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOT BE ERODED BY EXPECTED HIGH FLOWS. 3. TEMPORARY FILL MUST BE ENTIRELY REMOVED TO UPLAND AREAS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND THE AFFECTED AREAS RESTORED TO THE PRE-PROJECT CONDITIONS. 4. COFFERDAMS CANNOT BE USED TO DEWATER WETLANDS OR OTHER AQUATIC AREAS SO AS TO CHANGE THEIR USE. 5. STRUCTURES LEFT IN PLACE AFTER COFFERDAMS ARE REMOVED REQUIRE -A SECTION 10 PERMIT IF LOCATED IN NAVIGABLE WATERS OF THE U.S. 6. A 30-DAY NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER IS REQUIRED. THE NOTIFICATION MUST INCLUDE A RESTORATION PLAN OF REASONABLE MEASURES TO AVOID AND MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO AQUATIC-RESOURCES. 7. THE DISTRICT ENGINEER WILL ADD SPECIAL CONDITIONS, WHERE NECESSARY, TO ENSURE THAT ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ARE MINIMAL. SUCH CONDITIONS MAY INCLUDE LIMITING THE TEMPORARY WORK TO THE MINIMUM NECESSARY, REQUIRING SEASONAL RESTRICTIONS, MODIFYING THE RESTORATION PLAN, AND REQUIRING ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION METHODS (E.G., CONSTRUCTION MATS IN WETLANDS WHERE PRACTICABLE). REGIONAL CONDITIONS: 1. THE REQUIRED RESTORATION PLAN MUST DESIGNATE A TIME TABLE FOR RESTORATION ACTIVITIES. 2. ALL FILL MATERIAL MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY UPON THE COMPLETION OF ITS INTENDED USE AND THE AREA -RESTORED TO ITS NATURAL VEGETATION. 401 CERTIFICATION DETERMINATION: GENERAL CERTIFICATION ISSUED, BUT CONDITIONED AS FOLLOWS: 1. WRITTEN CONCURRENCE IS REQUIRED FROM THE NCDEM. 2. ESTABLISHED SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES ARE UTILIZED TO PREVENT VIOLA'T'IONS OF THE APPROPRIATE TURBIDITY WATER QUALITY STANDARD (50 NTUS IN STREAMS AND RIVERS NOT DESIGNATED AS TROUT BY NCDEM; 25 NTUS IN ALL SALTWATER CLASSES AND ALL LAKES AND RESERVOIRS; AND 10 NTUS IN TROUT WATERS). 3.' ADDITIONAL SITE-SPECIFIC CONDITIONS MAY BE ADDED TO PROPOSED PROJECTS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE WATER QUALITY AND EFFLUENT STANDARDS. 4. CONCURRENCE FROM NCDEM THAT THIS CERTIFICATION APPLIES TO AN INDIVIDUAL PROJECT SHALL EXPIRE THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE COVER LETTER FROM NCDEM. r E- U w h 0 x a a_ W J W J Q U v w E4 E4 H E-4 a x o c? x ?-+ E-4 o az x? H Q,' Cr UaUPaE+c+'? 0:4 a x? 0pZAOrn rz 0 W a. . a40 -E4z wazEiH •• f< Gz4OHKC •ln E4 Z o m x v) Cn D+ z ?wZ?:) Ea in za0 DUO t° aUhz041Ln fz o U h E-+ CU H 0 .. 0 ACu0E4Za .? wH 4o Q. U) 3 y+ U E4 O 0 U) Ei H U) f< Z E'' a zazo w o .. x C4xal Aw ZZ0C40U?4 x wr+U4hz3 w a W E U) al E H E4 94 Ch x H E-+ O aH ..ern C.) aC)pq M oAzAOrn x0 Wa aO -E-4 arn a,.azEiH .. 4 Cx4 O F-1 4 • U) E-+ X O c? >+xcnW>-4 z 4WZDE-+ u-) 3 W xcnZE4m Z a o D O C l0 DUhz0WUI Q r z,0E+ Z a .• O U)3>+CFao N o to E-+ H Cn 4 z E-4 P4 ••aaxAf?Ca w zzoa0 V ?4 x I? ;I o a N I? + ZI FI N r 0 U a o s'0 a O w a 0 ,- 1 J 0 0 Z a a C3 LLJ Z W M W ? 1 W L) Q? -k? 0 I ? o I I) C) cn 01,, csL 4. 1 ' i 0 1 ° ° 1 ? I ) off' ? QQ o? ??) ?! 0 0 <j \ _ 1 a< ?"' U= \ 3w D M to w _ V1 2 W w Z ??.. O 0 Z N .??w0+ in N / ?/ !! o °d U < E-4 U W h O a a w Ei C/) F H E4 1% x 0 U x H az x° ?aU°?av oAZC]orn a0 w0. P4 0 - &q z f •• aa??ZE-4 E- X O M ?WZDE+ in 3wxU) ZE-4 m za0 DUOko DUhz0win a 0UFD rn w E- rz+ H 0 .. 0 AwoE-4zx wH 40aa • M CO U E o 0ulE- HCO4z E4 P4 z?4z0 w O ••DaxcaA W xz0Q10U.Y. x 04 HU4hz3m 200' € OF TOWER s STA 14+00 t NOTE- CONDUIT SHALL BE FULL WEIGHT GALVANIZED STEEL D USE 1 \ 1 1 1 1 \ \ 1 ?WBER?AND IT?ERPOISE S USE ro(TYp-) 200' -- hl?ts L TOWER pE LT STA 12+00 , _ EXISTING' GROUND 1 -??-L i COUNTERPOISE CABLE CROSSING AT SWIFT CREEK N.T.S T x CONTRACTOR NOTE FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION FOR STA. 10+00. 12+04 AND 14+00 YAY REQUIRE DEWATERING NO AODTTIONAL PAYMENT VALL 13E MADE AND SHALL BE tHOIDENTAL TO SYSTEM INSTALLATION. PROPOSED RUNWAY APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM PROJECT IN: SWIFT CREEK FLOODPLAIN COUNTY OF JOHNSTON, N.C. APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY: JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY NCDOA PROJECT N0.:9.9431950 WKD NO. :95035.35 SHEET 4 OF 6 FOOTING SCHEDULE NOMINAL DIMENSIONS TOWER HEIGHT A B C D E F G H J 40'-0' TO 49'-3' 1'-3' 3'-8 1/2' 10'-0' Y-0' 4'-0' 1'-8' 2'-8' 49'-3' TO 59'-3' 1'-3' r-0 5/8' 11'-0' NOMINAL REINFORCING SCHEDULE TOWER HEIGHT SJ-1 Si-2 SJ-3 SJ-4 Si-5 40'-0' TO 59'-3' 4- #6 BARS f4 BARS O 7-1/2' #4 BARS O 12' 3 71ES O 12' O C X14 BARS O 8' EACH WAY O C EACH FACE O.C. EACH WAY O.C. EACH WAY . . . . DESIGN CRITERIA DEAD LOAD: ACTUAL LIVE LOAD: 50 PSF ICE LOAD: 11Y ENCASED SM PRESSURE -1000 PSF 7YP. s CE OF TOWER-- I I? a . . 'y I w RIT BAR OF TOWER _ ANCHOR 8OLTS FOUNDATION - PLAN _ Y O? NTS W o STONE g ^'? n SJ2 FOUNDATION-SECTION NTS PROPOSED RUNWAY APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM PROJECT IN: SWIFT CREEK FLOODPLAIN COUNTY OF JOHNSTON, N.C. APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY: JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY •NCDOA PROJECT NO.:9.9431950 WKD NO. :95035.35 SHEET 5 OF 6 ¦ SWIFT CREEK nl?7 ¦ toll sY? . y } ? f 1 ? ,, } Y r 1 APPROXIMATE TOWER LOCATIONS 431 'lw 'SOUTH END OF RUNWAY PROPOSED RUNWAY APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM PROJECT IN: SWIFT CREEK FLOODPLAIN COUNTY OF JOHNSTON, N.C. APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY: JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY NCDOA PROJECT NO.:9.9431950 WKD NO. :95035.35 SHEET 6 OF 6 w 70 WETLAND POINT TABLES * w >t A A f 1 A tf >t LIN 7 LIN AREA L NE 6 I A AB '9" 301 LINE UNE D6tECTION DISTANCE UNE DIREC110N DISTANCE UNE DIRECTION gSTANCE UNE DBtECTION DISTANCE UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE L91E DIRECTION DISTANCE UNE DNiECTWN DISTANCE B-1 - B-2 S01'4 40 E 5258 5-1 - 5-2 N8218 W 5215 5-40 -5-41 N18'2145 W 35.03 1-1A - 1-1B 5361 34 E 188.06 1-32 - 1-33 S101214 W 63.85 1-64 - 7-1 S281 35 47.4 8-1 - B-2 S05'2813 E 30253 DISTANCE LAZE DIRECTION DISTANCE LINE DIRECTKN DISTANCE 3025) W-1 - W-2 S775405 E 70.92 W-47 - W-48 S55'0501 59.39 B-2 - B-J S48'3 32 W 48.87 5-2 - 5-3 568'4 OB W 47,8 5-41 - 5-42 N171 31 W 40.45 1-18 - 1-1 5180309 187.2 1-J3 - 1-34 S07'2 04 W 64.99 7-1 - 7-2 5263 42 83.74 8-2 - 6-3 S4 12 W 441.03 441.03 W-2 - W-3 559'43 8205 W-48 - W-49 58157 W 59.83 548.19 W-3 - W-5 553'401 E 94.0 W-49 - W-50 N74'03 05 W 4281 B-3 - B-4 575'4801 W 18208 5-3 - S-4 N000245 29.71 5-42 - 5-43 N390111 45. 1-1 - 1-2 553'405 63.35 1-34 - 1-35 504'0955 W 53.24 7-2 - 7-3 S223 OB 84.34 8-3 - 8-4 S24'4852 548.19 B-4 - B-5 S441945 W 7. 6 5-4 - 5-5 Ni1'2415 W 41.88 5-43 -5-44 587'2902 32.1 1-2 - 1-3 5763742E 88.85 1-35 - 1-36 511'2958 E 60.50 7-3 - 7-4 521'3915 W 175.70 B-4 - B-5 5241432 W 488.9) 488.9) W-5 - W-6 N69'40 E 38.00 W-50 - W-51 S50'421 W 48.03 B-5 - B-6 N42'2858 W 1 87 5-5 - 5-8 N473 11 W 48.23 5-44 -5-45 S810550 J8.51 1-3 - 1-4 573'0311 41.40 1-36 - 1-37 S431119 55.09 7-4 - 7-5 Si9'4805 267.32 8-5 - B-6 N77'3431 E 51. B-8 - B-7 N131958 E 3 .91' S-8 - 5-7 58800 W 33.49 5-45 -5-46 SST4345 58.49 1-4 - 1-5 N823151 80.22 1-37 - 1-38 S8201 W 38.83 7-5 - 7-B 520'1952 97.12 8-8 - 8-7 N79'4244 E 4253 51. W-6 - W-7 5893548E 4276 W-51 - W-52 N5852 55.71 4253 W-7 - W-8 541'3642 E 114,56 W-52 - W-53 588'15 W 98.15 96 B-7 - B-8 N753958 E .1 ' S-7 - 5-8 S8711 W 3298 5-46 - 5-47 N843255 48.21 1-5 - 1-6 573'4024 98.19 1-38 - 1-39 501'2 52 5209 7-B - 7-7 S211828 W 5228 8-7 - 8-8 5003 40 E 78.83 B-8 - B-9 N841 JOE 95.95 5-B - 5-9 N84'2141 W 37.52 5-47 -5-48 N31'2006 45.40 1-6 - 1-7 N763025 69.45 1-39 - 1-40 5253439 43.81 7-7 - 7-8 S53'251 W 17.9 8-8 - B-9 S751845 E 19.84 78.83 W-8 - W-9 5293040E 51.89 W-53 - W-54 555'39 109.2 19.84 W-9 - W-10 5263324E 64.8 W-54 - W-55 5 E 61.48 JOHNSTON COUNTY 210 B-9 - B-i N50004 E 100.74' S-9 -5-10 N890406 W 44.74 5-48 -5-49 N343 13 J0.55 1-7 - 1-8 S892 49 E 38.32 1-40 - 1-41 531'060 E 48.49 7-8 - 7-9 N86'3201 31.36 8-9 -8-10 N32'4811 E 31.98 5-10 - 5-11 N88'4229 W 58.04 5-49 - 5-50 N423 25 E 62.01 1-8 - 1-9 56231 T5 24.93 1-41 - 1-42 SOT4536 54.2 7-9 - 7-10 N713455 W 35.58 6-10 - B-11 N103113 E 4&78 31.98 W-10 - W-11 N36'141 E 98.19 W-55 - W-56 583'2 E 104.62 I ~PO~ 4&78 W-11 - W-12 N30'O8 E 91,42 W-58 - W-57A 545 OB '235 S~ w A 5-11 -5-12 N 28 35.17 5-50 -5-51 N73181 83.88 1-9 - 1-10 5883146 41.81 1-42 - 1-43 S060831 46.1 7-10 - 7-11 N8T31 J1 W 111.82 8-11 -6-12 N35'4308 E 54.08 54.08 W-12 - W-13 N31'48 53.54 W-57A - W-578 S4319 26 W 21.84 71.60 W-13 - W-14 N31'I 35 W 63.24 W-578 - W-57C N8790 33.81 AREA I 5-12 -5-13 N551 W 44.31 5-51 -5-52 N56'4 25 170.9 1-10 - 1-11 573'135 53.04 1-43 - 1-44 524'210 E 47.2 7-11 - 7-12 N86'S8 W 195.38 6-12 -8-13 S710s12 E 71.60 LB1E DIRECTION DISTANCE 5-13 -5-14 N803414 W 49.24 5-52 - 5-53 S773212 E 97.00 1-11 - 1-12 N82'4958 9268 1-44 - 1-45 S08043 W 59.91 7-12 - 7-13 N855202 213.09 8-13 - 8-14 S1829 E J8.04 )8.04 W-14 - W-15 N52'3246 E 39.62 W-57C - W-57D 518'40 W 27.30 I-1 - I-2 503'494 W 24.69 5-14 -5-15 N61' S4 W 47.91 5-53 -5-54 N79'4 2 E 54.55 i-12 - 1-13 N88'3432 88.78 1-45 - i-48 534'4005 W 59.22 7-13 - 7-14 N88'3240 W 99.11 6-14 -8-15 5111 31 E J1.25 )1.25 W-15 - W-18 N511521 E 64. W-57D - W-57E S703426 W 50.76 41.34 W-18 - W-17 N52121 E 44.51 W-57E - W-57F N555103 W 75.83 I-2 - I-3 S101 34 E 34, 5-15 -5-16 N823939 W 21.28 5-54 - 5-55 S83'4909 E 62.16 1-13 - 1-14 S763235 94.64 1-48 - 1-47 519'0509 W 71.9 7-14 - 7-15 N651351 W 85.35 8-15 -8-18 S2818 41.34 I-3 - I-4 S22'2558 19.2J 5-16 -5-17 N313121 W 31,40 5-55 -5-58 S4901 2 E 84,19 1-14 - 1-15 N85'4519 80.1 1-47 - 1-48 S28'2903 E 87.00 7-15 - 7-16 N6703 W 200.84 8-16 -6-17 S24'391 41.58 41.58 W-1T - W-18 N59'0436 74.56 W-57F - W-57G 507'0819 '77.00 98. W-18 - W-19 N33'3415 51.16 W-57G - W-57H N82'38 4 !i5.03 I-4 - I-5 $86'4850 W 28.3 5-17 -5-18 N5409 43.78 5-58 -5-57 S2T48 34 E 78. 1-15 - 1-16 N883 52 58.81 1-48 - 1-49 S181 3 71.89 7-16 - 7-17 N77'332 W 21.11 6-17 -8-18 500'0838 E 98. I-5 - I-8 S63234T W 37.65 5-18 -5-19 5880 51 W 40,88 5-57 -5-58 5353002E 4261 1-16 - 1-17 S64'49 96.52 1-49 - 1-50 510'0133 67.45 7-17 - 7-18 S40'2835 W 73. 8-18 -8-19 529'3124 109.74 109.74 W-1A - W-20 S4A19 2 11.08 W-57H - W-571 580'33 JO 39.48 114.36 W-20 - W-21 S12'495 W 91.9 W-571 - W-57J N31 56 E8,98 I-8 - I-1 N5534T0 W 2J.76 5-19 -5-20 S8T' 34 W 19,37 5-58 -5-59 S52S 3 E 3265 1-17 - 1-18 5870441 57.99 1-50 - 1-51 522 41. 7-18 - 7-19 522'40 45 W 62 8-19 -8-20 504'3 28 E 114.38 I- - I-8 N001458 W 30.52 -5-21 504481 W 25.70 5-59 -5-80 S301514 E 58.03 1-18 - 1-19 534'2851 83.34 1-51 - 1-52 5411408 54. 7-19 - 7-20 SM3T 2 18. 8-20 -8-21 S19382 W 100.21 100.21 W-21 - w-22 532"5049 W 1029 W-57J - W-57K N55'2801 57.15 95 85.00 W-22 - W-23 5291 0 E 7205 W-57K - W-58 Si5 68.2) I-8 - I-9 Ni7'28 28 43.19 5-~ -5-22 514'49 3 W 20.12 5-60 -5-81 S0015 4 W B0. 1-19 - 1-20 S111 54 W 4238 1-52 - 1-53 S75'33 49 52 7-20 - 7-21 S14'35 W 13.19 8-21 -6-22 N8919 55 85.00 I-9 - I-10 N48'4126 26.01 - ~ 35.89 5-81 - 5-82 S18'49 52 E 71.71 1-20 - 1-21 5333135 W 57.59 1-53 - 1-54 S02'2410 E 27. 7-21 - 7-22 S01'4218 37.1 8-22 -8-23 50916 W 55.74 55.74 W-2J - W-24 536 13 94.8 W-58 - W-59 S453912 80.6 I-10 - I-11 N74'45 18.81 5-23 -5-24 S8209 W 40.50 5-82 -5-83 S2033 28 E .85 1-21 - 1-22 S14~111 W 45.41 1-54 - 1-SS SOB 16 W 28.39 7-22 - B-1 S07'20 W 25.51 8-23 -8-24 S503234 E 7280 7280 W-24 - W-25 S015 3 25.93 W-59 - W-60 S24'41 7290 100.64 W-25 - W-26 N57'030 E 123.41 W-60 - W-61 S723209 E 1!0.59 I-11 - I-1 568'36 39 E 34,34 5-24 -5-25 55315 W 41.18 5-6J -5-64 N7332 41 E 44.91 1-22 - i-23 5301 43 W 37.94 1-55 - 1-58 N880 33 W 35,49 8-24 -6-25 2S 100.64 5-25 -5-26 549 OB 31.06 5-64 -5-65 S63'3025 36.2 1-23 - 1-24 S42'4141 W 24.79 1-58 - 1-57 513'2834 W 26.41 8-25 -8-28 S491823 W 53.12 5-28 -5-27 541'3352 44.80 5-85 -5-88 S51'2031 E 49.40 1-24 - i-25 16 W 36.2 1-57 - 1-58 515'2449 W 34.96 8-26 -6-27 S51'J4 W 59.50 53.12 W-26 - W-27 N32'03 74.84 W-81 - W-81A S25'3104 W 23.00 - 59.50 w-27 - w-26 N05'0929 39.11 w-BIA - w-82 Soe31 w ~a2A PROJECT LOCATION A A ~ J>, 5-27 _5-28 s~ 41 70.34 5-68 _5-87 5630803 55. 1-25 _ 1_26 587911 33.02 1-Se - 1-59 527'2019 17.91 8-27 -8-28 s,4'2S E 83.82 5-28 5-29 S44'401 W 39.49 5-87 5-88 548'43 49 E 48.91 1-28 1 27 525 10 47.62 1-59 - 1-60 S5792 42 4O,8S 8-28 - B-28A S15 E 36.85 83.82 W-28 - W-29 N8812 3 19.73 W-62 - W-63 S75'S8 3 48.73 36.85 W-29 - W-JO N3113 2 1129 W-83 - W-84 S89'28 45.20 UNE DNiECTION DISTANCE 5-29 -5-30 514'3 3212 5-88 -5-69 S16 24 W 4206 1-T7 - 1-28 S00'4215 61.08 1-80 - 1-81 513 38 40.0 8-28A -8-29 S8730J6 E 36.56 36.56 W-JO - W-J1 N0830 5281 W-84 - W-65 5115 34 W 59.91 45.82 W-J1 - W-32 N13 01 W 38.10 W-85 - W-86 S03~31 4~9.Q4 T~/ J-1 - J-2 S459140 23.46 5-30 -5-31 S199153 W 21.96 5-69 -5-70 SI1'2 0 1, .31 1-26 - 1-29 5011339 80.54 1-61 - 1-62 S003158 E 29.0 8-29 -8-30 N850630 E 45.82 J-2 - J-3 S24'4338 E 14.51 5-31 - 5-J2 S2T322 W 28.47 5-70 -5-71 S1 W 62-82 1-29 - 1-30 S36'2238 W 55.20 1-82 - 1-63 S080910 40.14 8-30 -8-31 520342 E 51.83 51.83 W-32 - W-33 559 42 W 2246 w-ss - W-67 565'12 E 'x.72 VI INITY MAP C ,H3 - J-4 51011 J6 28.74 5-32 -5-33 575'4 26 W 19,08 5-71 -5-72 533' 21 W 30,70 1-30 - 1-31 S54'4043 W 47. 1-63 - 1-84 5023458 W 73. 8-31 -8-32 S68 11 W 52 .~4 - ,HS S099539 E 122 5-33 - 5-33A N3T4400 W 97.20 5-72 -5-73 566041 W 32 1-31 - 1-32 S271352 W 5248 8-32 -8-33 N843449 W 39.82 52 W-J3 - W-34 N41'23 04 W 56.98 W-67 - W-88 S01'14 4 W 44.85 39.82 w-34 - w-35 516'0224 29.68 W-68 - W-89 s44ro45o w 59.s6 SCALE: 1" = 1 MILE J-5 - J-8 539'4 24 104.58 5-33A -5-34 NJ6'29 W 93.22 5-7J - 5-74 S18'4258 5724 8-33 -8-34 S341 39 40.99 .F-8 - ~7 N18' 43 E 101. 5-34 -5-35 N340 52 W 85.25 5-74 -5-75 515'2 30 W 39.72 8-34 -8-35 N683444 W 48.6 40.99 W- - W-38 S44 09 W 30.15 W-69 - W-70 S73'29 42 `.A.SJ 48.8 W-36 - W-37 N813J 77.49 W-70 - W-71 520'33 42 58.02 J-7 - J-8 N02'2 23 77.43 5-35 -5-36 N09'2413 W 111.76 5-75 -5-78 S14'4158 E 65.70 6-35 -8-38 S861 57 W 54.20 54.20 W-37 - W-38 N5852 54 65.91 W-71 - W-72 5065022 78.81 36.22 W-38 - W-39 552341) 87.72 W-72 - W-73 524'4504 E 79.3A 3-8 - J-9 N14'23 24 4201 5-36 -5-37 N0500 29 W 66.14 5-76 -5-77 S23'25 55 W 5278 8-36 -8-37 S8094 54 36.22 J-9 - J-10 N0909 32 28.8 5-37 - 5-J8 N06'401 W 85.72 5-77 -5-78 5221913E 49.19 6-37 - 8-J8 N681 20 W 36. 36. W-39 - W-40 S6T 38 69.0 W-73 - W-74 576'2 24 l3.5 34.82 W-40 - W-41 N67'3420 W 16.18 W-74 - W-75 N85'J542 E ''1.82 J-10 - J-i N34'4954 19.38 5-38 -5-39 N03945 W 287.89 5-78 - 5-1 534'2 0 W 8.82 8-J8 - 8-39 N05' S0 W 34.82 5-39 -5-40 N26'4653 E 44.18 6-39 -8-40 N2498J1 E 4291 4291 \ W-41 - W-42 580'1 38 32 W-75 - W-76 909391 X5.54 * 8-40 -8-41 N343 03 W 31.9 31.9 \ W-42 - W-43 S351 09 W 39.81 W-76 - W-77 553'38 24 W ~~1.33 46. ~ W-43 - W-44 $5744 E 24.55 W-77 - W-78 5423129 `281 A EA K 8-41 -8-42 S89183J W 46. R 8-42 - 8-4J N883158 W 28.14 UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE 8-43 - B-44 N093J08 18283 28.14 W-44 - W-45 S54'4001 E 51.91 W-78 - W-79 S331808 '.9.05 18283 W-45 - W-46 S33'325 E 49.3 W-79 - W-80 SOT493 W X0.23 NCGS STATION " CHURCH " K-1 - K-2 S15'3345 W 18.90 B-44 -8-45 525' 41 W 88.10 K-2 - K-3 523054 W 61.29 6-45 - 6-48 5230547 W 50215 88.10 W-46 - W-47 N84191 E 40.9 W-80 - W-61 5241640E 'r 5.40 N 658942.38 / 50215 0 K-3 - K-4 N8807 21 W 10.2 6-48 -8-47 S42'39 49 W 211.01 K-4 - K-5 N73'2413 W 36.56 8-47 -8-48 520'4008 W 13298 21101 ~ w w E 2181323.56 / / ,3298 N79'S2'29"E LINE 10 K-5 - K-6 N271002 W 48.73 79.18 250.22' / / K-8 - K-7 N81'3102 31.84 Ap Bg 6-48 - 8-49 5020558 W 79.18 K-7 - K-8 N7T18 48 47.78 p ~ B-49 - 8-SO SJ33S 34 W 89.21 ~ 89.21 ~ ~ L1NE DIRECTION DISTANCE / X-1 - X-2 564'27 20 E 65.79 / 38.25 X-2 - X-3 N43'01 48 E 42.82 ~ E/ K-6 - K-1 N7416 54 E 19.29 n 0~ 8-50 -UNE 4 58412 31 W 38.25 s JOE ~ ~ X-3 - X-4 S64'23 49 37.76 b / J, t1 'S' X-4 - X-5 504'34 39 100.49 ~lV ~~VO ~~Q p~ ~ ~ X-5 - X-8 S40U 04 45.95 _d ~~,0 °6'25, ~ ° t~` j j "9,p X-8 - X-7 N343304 68.39 S 0~9 ~ / Q X-7 - X-8 NJ638 20 59.59 / ~ ~ X-8 - X-1 N13'32 30 W 47.93 / ,~ti r o L ~ 9 ~ ~ .SAS AR ~ tf ~ / ~ A2 E t~ ~ o S~ N0~ ~ 7' ~ Z r^ Z 6 A~ / H ~y ,0°`~ 1655 O o~ ,ice CENTERLINE OF HUCKLEBERRY BRANC Z Cy ~ O JAMES R. MAYNARD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S~ N34~46'00"E / / S01 22'S7"w THE PROPERTY LINE ~NO`~ d ~ ~O ZZ F 32° ~ so N13'Tr1Tw i ~ a / i 114-90' ~ ~ l i% 1 ` 300 03 / N3T25149 E 1 r p .v, ~ ~ o~ 0 0 ~ c2 ~ 163.28 ~ ~ -z ~ ! s-x ~ ~ ~ ti N16'21'04"E N20'15'30"E / r-N35'42'04"E 6a ~ 200.00' / I ~ 294.55' ~ I, . * ~ ~ lol.so' / P.O.B. Nz ~ . o o W sy ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ N21 32 55 E ~E ` s ~ 0.~ ~ w ~ I Z Z 193.05' N24'09'O6"W I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 515'23'11"W / ~ 151649 X21 19 E J 576'37'14"E A N_ - JAMES L TALTON ~ O J' \ ~ \ 225.07' ~~aE ~ r_- t^ c^ Z I DE 0 ~ i ~ r, _ ~ ~'r s'-- n--~ w,~'~, ~ 1p2LI 135.20' / N15_ ,2 "E - _ _ 98.23' ~ ~ t~,uosuo7u ~~3' 0' 1 •pp'2~~ 458.87 301.54' •59~°~ N1 ' 4' 6"E N 1 Z 0?~~ t~ 1 N0~ 6, N 19' 4' 6" E 467.07' 291.35 388.24' ~ ~ ti ap 0.21' \ ~ t~ l - ~ ~ l v _L 1 L~r l ~ N1826'43•E ~ X00'34 ii 409.5 N6T30'25"E - _ _ - _565.50' Nt6p1 42 it ~ 298.90' 10....296.34' x-e x-' 120.21' ~ uo9 c1 rR V I V A ~ ~ ~L~ . ~ Li ~ ' ~L~L~'~_ n~ 11_LL11~ ~ 7-u... F115.41'44"E w-5 N70'30'47"E I I G~ ~ \ I N29'35'S3"E \ \ ~ N 6 - I I R°~ I 89.27' N8652'S3"W \ \ P.O.B. 106.78' z_5 w ~ 183.40' ~ \ 178. 4' h5 LINE 10 s- I - i ie GRID COORDINATES - NAD. 83 ~ L_r N 655753.35 " ~ ~ ~ I 11 A ~s ,--z - _ ~ N05 24 45 E ~7 ~?o ~ - - - o E 2181823.67 160.63' W w-1o li ; . LINE 4 TERMINAL w-IS J I ~ A - - CENTERLINE OF SWIFT R o~N S55'08'53"E 1 - - 1 ~INE ~[~A. p v w~ 163.55 516 ' ~ N28'57'55"W ~ I- K e-, ~ o`~° ~ ~Pf~ OX d i w-2o ~ ? S74'1T24"E A . ~ w-JO 207.03' 111 s . N R 7a.ss' . o A ~ INE 9 w-25 5,' L ' 11 ~ .off %L~ly " , K_ , , ~ 6 ~ ,v OF K 1 ~ ~ w 1_1 6gti ~0 Spy p9 w_ ( uu i Y p A~ - - - _ 2922 2 ~w-4o O H.E. GOWER ~ ~ .o\,~ / / / ~ - ~ - ~ Y, 8-6 W_~, , I ~ . j ~ ~ ~ ^ TOP OF BANK E.O.S. ~ 57D ~-1 w-571 ~ / OF SWIFT CREIX ' ~ ~ \ ~ THE WETlANO UNE ' . . ~ . •7-20. w- ~ ~ r `~y~' (NO TABLE) . 2 ~ w ~6A ' ~ \ ~ ~ \J` tea... ~ro ' ' ' . i-z w-7o O - _ . C ~ X45..... - ~ A . / ~ O+. w-7 ~ . y ~ Sp1'p 1! a .u.. ~ ~ .....a-zs I ~ . LINE 7 • ~ ~ w-eo ,-4s -40. w-6t H.E. GOWER ~ ~ ~s... • 'k~ ~ s•• I ~ x INE 8 L . 503'48'29"E H 49.50' 8.91' . z J~,.......... o ~ F p m 1r1 EDLA ADAMS OGBURN . . ~ 11 m~v~ . z ~ I ~ t-6b ~ F .....~~w ~c THI'S AREA; EAST OF THE SHOWN WETLAND' LINE IND' LINE..... ~=5 r~, NOTES: ~I o ~ ~ ~ DELINEATION WAS NOT INVESTIGATED' FOR ISOLATED R ISOLkTED . . i JAMES L TALTON . . ~ ~ ' POEK~TS OF WETi.~ANDS AT TtiE TIME OF SHE FIELD ~ s ~}•{E f{E~p 1 AIRPORT BOUNDARY WAS NOT SURVEYED AT THIS DATE. ALL BOUNDARY INFORMATION WAS 'a o~~~ ..SURVEY . . ~ ~ , , , , , , DERIVED FROM A PLAT BY RAGSDALE ENGINEERS, DATED DEC. 16, 1974 AND RECORDED IN • PLAT BOOK 16, AT PAGE 193, JOHNSTON COUNTY REGISTRY, AND FROM SEVERAL PLATS s~ . . ' S78'20'S8"E PREPARED BY W. K. DICKSON k CO., INC. FOR JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY. 40.79' 2. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE GRID COORDINATE SYSTEM. ALL '2 ~ DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. a ~i ~Qo lb'' w ~ i F` lJ . a D.H. GOWER 3. WETLAND uNES 4, 6, 9, t0 AND AREAS 5, B, I, J, AND K ARE BASED ON ACTUAL LOCA110NS Y LINE DATA ~ x OUNDAR B BY W. K. DICKSON k CO., INC. OF FIELD MARKINGS PROVIDED BY LEON S. JERNIGAN, PHD. ~ N DIRECTION DISUNCE UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE GZ ~ Z?S , ~ I U E ~ pry -WETLAND REGULATORY SPECIALIST, OF NEEDHAM, JERNIGAN k ASSOCIATES, INC., ANGIER, N.C. X23, o'~ IN DEC., 1991 AND FEB., 1995 AND AS SHOWN ON WETLAND DELINEATION MAP BY W. K. DICKSON L1 S46'33 33 E 56.54 L39 S7515 21 W 112.82 L77 N10'34 42 E 111.83 ~ J`, Lt2 S38. 4 T I L2 5153406E 51.9 L40 N89'J3 40 E 232.32 L78 N14'48 28 E 75.60 S. ~~3 ~p ~q 91 • 1 'V O k CO., INC. DATED FEB., 1992. ~0.. ~ 6..18,..... ~ 15'1 24. ~ w ~ ~ L3 52031 35 W 81.49 L41 N8993 40 E 19.89 L79 N0022 00 E 174.09 s,~, °g 51'p5 35' 1 35'il~l6"' L7 Sp 4. WETLAND LINE 8 IS BASED ON THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT ISSUED SEPT. 4 1992 Q I, L4 S620103 W 151.19 L42 N89'S2 31 E 126.24 L80 N45'47 28 W 188.36 c> , , , , , ~ S Z ~ L5 S44'S1 31 W 84.64 L43 N89'S2 31 213.30 L81 N1919 38 W 145.18 7y FOR DISCHARGE OF FILL TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RUNWAY EXTENSION PROJECT. L6 S21'29 23 E 160.64 L44 S8999 54 E 220.04 l82 N3916 00 E 75.04 w I w L7 Si8'40 38 143.13 L45 N2746' E 23.36' L83 N20'43 05 E 135.41 y X14 5. WETLAND LINE 7 IS BASED ON AS-BUILT PLAN WETLANDS MITIGATION DRAWING PREPARED BY x ~ LB 55332 24 W 138.27 L46 N10'00'3 W 9.62' lB4 N0818 58 W 148.88 ~ N ' y I L9 S0233 27 W 160.71 L N L65 N03'23 20 W 119.05 ~ W. K. DICKSON & COMPANY, INC. MAY, 1994 FOR THE JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY. L10 S49'27 23 W 176.61 L48 N01'00'S W 16.79' L86 N4002 48 W 167.34 ~ 6. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, OR RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. L11 513'3212 E 126.52 L49 N5706'S E 16.36' L87 NOT35 5 E 93.30 ~ ~ L12 S2T52 34 W 121.28 L50 NOB'32'3 W 41.78' L88 N26'33 5 W 146.62 ~ L13 563'5324 E 200.26 L51 N54'19'4 W 38.25' L89 N48004 W 202.50 Sq9, ~ . r L14 Sit'3022 W 79.1 L52 N1559'2 W 40.32' l90 N43'4035 W 115.30 SS, ~ 7. THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR THE DELINEATION OF WETLANDS ONLY AND WAS NOT INTENDED FOR RECORDATION NOR PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47-30 AS AMMENDED. l15 S450411 E 137.29 L91 N66'3303 E 174.16 N/F WOODWALL ~4+ L1fi S033425 E 131.98 L54 N04'34'3 E 48.54' L92 N88Z049 E 100.10 ~ ~ N/F BATTEN L17 5721544E 163.19 L55 N0T18'0 W 18.25' L93 N71'43 28 E 100.09 ~ 8. A PORTION OF THE AREA SOUTH AND WEST OF SWIFT CREEK HAS BEEN INVESTIGATED AND DELINEATED FOR WETLAND, BUT HAS NOT BEEN SURVEYED AS OF THIS DATE. L18 5721034E 167.22 L94 N76'47 47 E 100.10 rt h ut o i L19 53414 23 E 69.15 L57 N09'46' E 13.03' L95 N7505 30 E 100.14 L20 S85'25 22 E 75.10 4 '1 L98 N6994 31 E 100.02 p'~ L21 Nfi6'2935 E 120.98 L97 N650304 E 100.00 U L22 502'22 42 E 66.12 NOt'1T W 1 L98 N56'4134 E 100.00 0 ~ I L23 5421519 W 153.43 L 1 N4T54'3 E L99 N4830 34 E 100.00 a ~ ~ ~ Z L24 S1905 55 W 106.84 L82 N3020'1 E 46.54' L100 N440419 E 100.00 This certifies that this copy of this plat identifies as waters of the U.S. or wetlands all areas O ~ L25 552'23 43 E 85.65 L63 N03'32'5 E 19.52' L101 N39'46 19 E 100.00 of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, regulated pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Y L26 520'2 35 W 86.76 L64 N42'18'1 E 25.26' L102 N3419 04 E 100.00 o U~ ! L27 S68Z1 43 W 163.59 N 'W L103 N2711 49 E 100.00 Water Act in the areas impacted by the present proposed activity, as determined by the o i L28 N03'2211 E 189.25 L66 N33'43'40'W 53. L104 N20'34 49 E 100.00 w w undersigned on this date. Other areas of jurisdiction may be present on the site but have not been delineated. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this Q Yi ~ L29 N530359 W 63.78 L105 N1fi'2015 E 74.22 a Z 31 L30 N75'46 56 W 60.11 L68 N03'49'1 W 30.70' L108 N191118 E 100.04 ~ determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five L31 S6605 51 W 153.70 L 1 1107 N2619 59 E 100.04 ~ L32 N5T4045 W 19255 l70 N1728'3 W 38.82' L106 N321758 E 100.04 years from this date. This determination was made utilizing the 12987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. w L33 N4039 45 W 68.99 L71 N 5 ' W L109 N2T43 51 E 119.44 to m III I L34 N89'3 45 W 10244 L L110 Ni6'39 T7 E 55.75 j I I L35 N5T4548 W 107.89 L73 NT9'S6'2 W 76.20' L111 S860519 W 220.05 . . I, MARK D. WINGATE, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FROM Z I L36 N59'2213 W 103.63 L74 N0717' E 18. L112 N7805 04 E 178.18 L37 N83'36 36 W 8254 L75 N0010 54 W 1429 L113 S231518 E 56.95 ~ry ACTUAL SURVEYS MADE BY W. K. DICKSON do CO., INC. UNDER MY SUPERVISION, 1 ~ AND THAT IT ACCURATELY DEPICTS THE WETLAND DELINEATION AS SURVEYED Name ~ . ~ ,~q L38 N7639 36 W 183.24 L76 N0714 20 W 176.42 L114 $860519 W 31.79 ^ ^ .~4......h~O IN THE FIELD, AS REFERED TO IN NOTE 3. } ~p 2 m ! CURVE RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEARING ~ C Title F °w o ~ ct 14J.48' u6.58' sz.er 11s.23' saaz5'1 w GRAPHIC SCALE a row ~~'oo Date MARK D. WINGATE R.L.S. N0. L-3351 N 0'J(~ W 7 W 0 400 0 200 100 600 eoo ' D UfiliU nnrtn ~nn~ I f \1 a~All 1 =gVV e"011 -711-T MANAGFR DRAwNC SCALE 400 ARBOR LAKE DRIVE RELEASED FOR DATE 1"=400' SUITE B-1200 DRAWN BI PROJECT DA'E - pAkft COLUMBIA, S.C. 29223 APPROVALS JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPORT SURVEY OF ~ CAD 5/4/95 WK 803 786-4261 - BIDDING APPP,i VEC By PROJECT Nl'MBER - - - - Asheville, NC MDW 95154.35 Engineers DICKSON Atlanta, GA CONSTRUCTION nE AMF PLOT „ Planners Charlotte, NC REV. NO. DESCRIPTION DATE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP, JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. WETLAND DELINEATION REVISIONS 95154WET.DWG 5/4/95 Surveyors Raleigh, NC RECORD DWG. 70 WETLAND POINT TABLES * w >t A A f 1 A tf >t LIN 7 LIN AREA L NE 6 I A AB '9" 301 LINE UNE D6tECTION DISTANCE UNE DIREC110N DISTANCE UNE DIRECTION gSTANCE UNE DBtECTION DISTANCE UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE L91E DIRECTION DISTANCE UNE DNiECTWN DISTANCE B-1 - B-2 S01'4 40 E 5258 5-1 - 5-2 N8218 W 5215 5-40 -5-41 N18'2145 W 35.03 1-1A - 1-1B 5361 34 E 188.06 1-32 - 1-33 S101214 W 63.85 1-64 - 7-1 S281 35 47.4 8-1 - B-2 S05'2813 E 30253 DISTANCE LAZE DIRECTION DISTANCE LINE DIRECTKN DISTANCE 3025) W-1 - W-2 S775405 E 70.92 W-47 - W-48 S55'0501 59.39 B-2 - B-J S48'3 32 W 48.87 5-2 - 5-3 568'4 OB W 47,8 5-41 - 5-42 N171 31 W 40.45 1-18 - 1-1 5180309 187.2 1-J3 - 1-34 S07'2 04 W 64.99 7-1 - 7-2 5263 42 83.74 8-2 - 6-3 S4 12 W 441.03 441.03 W-2 - W-3 559'43 8205 W-48 - W-49 58157 W 59.83 548.19 W-3 - W-5 553'401 E 94.0 W-49 - W-50 N74'03 05 W 4281 B-3 - B-4 575'4801 W 18208 5-3 - S-4 N000245 29.71 5-42 - 5-43 N390111 45. 1-1 - 1-2 553'405 63.35 1-34 - 1-35 504'0955 W 53.24 7-2 - 7-3 S223 OB 84.34 8-3 - 8-4 S24'4852 548.19 B-4 - B-5 S441945 W 7. 6 5-4 - 5-5 Ni1'2415 W 41.88 5-43 -5-44 587'2902 32.1 1-2 - 1-3 5763742E 88.85 1-35 - 1-36 511'2958 E 60.50 7-3 - 7-4 521'3915 W 175.70 B-4 - B-5 5241432 W 488.9) 488.9) W-5 - W-6 N69'40 E 38.00 W-50 - W-51 S50'421 W 48.03 B-5 - B-6 N42'2858 W 1 87 5-5 - 5-8 N473 11 W 48.23 5-44 -5-45 S810550 J8.51 1-3 - 1-4 573'0311 41.40 1-36 - 1-37 S431119 55.09 7-4 - 7-5 Si9'4805 267.32 8-5 - B-6 N77'3431 E 51. B-8 - B-7 N131958 E 3 .91' S-8 - 5-7 58800 W 33.49 5-45 -5-46 SST4345 58.49 1-4 - 1-5 N823151 80.22 1-37 - 1-38 S8201 W 38.83 7-5 - 7-B 520'1952 97.12 8-8 - 8-7 N79'4244 E 4253 51. W-6 - W-7 5893548E 4276 W-51 - W-52 N5852 55.71 4253 W-7 - W-8 541'3642 E 114,56 W-52 - W-53 588'15 W 98.15 96 B-7 - B-8 N753958 E .1 ' S-7 - 5-8 S8711 W 3298 5-46 - 5-47 N843255 48.21 1-5 - 1-6 573'4024 98.19 1-38 - 1-39 501'2 52 5209 7-B - 7-7 S211828 W 5228 8-7 - 8-8 5003 40 E 78.83 B-8 - B-9 N841 JOE 95.95 5-B - 5-9 N84'2141 W 37.52 5-47 -5-48 N31'2006 45.40 1-6 - 1-7 N763025 69.45 1-39 - 1-40 5253439 43.81 7-7 - 7-8 S53'251 W 17.9 8-8 - B-9 S751845 E 19.84 78.83 W-8 - W-9 5293040E 51.89 W-53 - W-54 555'39 109.2 19.84 W-9 - W-10 5263324E 64.8 W-54 - W-55 5 E 61.48 JOHNSTON COUNTY 210 B-9 - B-i N50004 E 100.74' S-9 -5-10 N890406 W 44.74 5-48 -5-49 N343 13 J0.55 1-7 - 1-8 S892 49 E 38.32 1-40 - 1-41 531'060 E 48.49 7-8 - 7-9 N86'3201 31.36 8-9 -8-10 N32'4811 E 31.98 5-10 - 5-11 N88'4229 W 58.04 5-49 - 5-50 N423 25 E 62.01 1-8 - 1-9 56231 T5 24.93 1-41 - 1-42 SOT4536 54.2 7-9 - 7-10 N713455 W 35.58 6-10 - B-11 N103113 E 4&78 31.98 W-10 - W-11 N36'141 E 98.19 W-55 - W-56 583'2 E 104.62 I ~PO~ 4&78 W-11 - W-12 N30'O8 E 91,42 W-58 - W-57A 545 OB '235 S~ w A 5-11 -5-12 N 28 35.17 5-50 -5-51 N73181 83.88 1-9 - 1-10 5883146 41.81 1-42 - 1-43 S060831 46.1 7-10 - 7-11 N8T31 J1 W 111.82 8-11 -6-12 N35'4308 E 54.08 54.08 W-12 - W-13 N31'48 53.54 W-57A - W-578 S4319 26 W 21.84 71.60 W-13 - W-14 N31'I 35 W 63.24 W-578 - W-57C N8790 33.81 AREA I 5-12 -5-13 N551 W 44.31 5-51 -5-52 N56'4 25 170.9 1-10 - 1-11 573'135 53.04 1-43 - 1-44 524'210 E 47.2 7-11 - 7-12 N86'S8 W 195.38 6-12 -8-13 S710s12 E 71.60 LB1E DIRECTION DISTANCE 5-13 -5-14 N803414 W 49.24 5-52 - 5-53 S773212 E 97.00 1-11 - 1-12 N82'4958 9268 1-44 - 1-45 S08043 W 59.91 7-12 - 7-13 N855202 213.09 8-13 - 8-14 S1829 E J8.04 )8.04 W-14 - W-15 N52'3246 E 39.62 W-57C - W-57D 518'40 W 27.30 I-1 - I-2 503'494 W 24.69 5-14 -5-15 N61' S4 W 47.91 5-53 -5-54 N79'4 2 E 54.55 i-12 - 1-13 N88'3432 88.78 1-45 - i-48 534'4005 W 59.22 7-13 - 7-14 N88'3240 W 99.11 6-14 -8-15 5111 31 E J1.25 )1.25 W-15 - W-18 N511521 E 64. W-57D - W-57E S703426 W 50.76 41.34 W-18 - W-17 N52121 E 44.51 W-57E - W-57F N555103 W 75.83 I-2 - I-3 S101 34 E 34, 5-15 -5-16 N823939 W 21.28 5-54 - 5-55 S83'4909 E 62.16 1-13 - 1-14 S763235 94.64 1-48 - 1-47 519'0509 W 71.9 7-14 - 7-15 N651351 W 85.35 8-15 -8-18 S2818 41.34 I-3 - I-4 S22'2558 19.2J 5-16 -5-17 N313121 W 31,40 5-55 -5-58 S4901 2 E 84,19 1-14 - 1-15 N85'4519 80.1 1-47 - 1-48 S28'2903 E 87.00 7-15 - 7-16 N6703 W 200.84 8-16 -6-17 S24'391 41.58 41.58 W-1T - W-18 N59'0436 74.56 W-57F - W-57G 507'0819 '77.00 98. W-18 - W-19 N33'3415 51.16 W-57G - W-57H N82'38 4 !i5.03 I-4 - I-5 $86'4850 W 28.3 5-17 -5-18 N5409 43.78 5-58 -5-57 S2T48 34 E 78. 1-15 - 1-16 N883 52 58.81 1-48 - 1-49 S181 3 71.89 7-16 - 7-17 N77'332 W 21.11 6-17 -8-18 500'0838 E 98. I-5 - I-8 S63234T W 37.65 5-18 -5-19 5880 51 W 40,88 5-57 -5-58 5353002E 4261 1-16 - 1-17 S64'49 96.52 1-49 - 1-50 510'0133 67.45 7-17 - 7-18 S40'2835 W 73. 8-18 -8-19 529'3124 109.74 109.74 W-1A - W-20 S4A19 2 11.08 W-57H - W-571 580'33 JO 39.48 114.36 W-20 - W-21 S12'495 W 91.9 W-571 - W-57J N31 56 E8,98 I-8 - I-1 N5534T0 W 2J.76 5-19 -5-20 S8T' 34 W 19,37 5-58 -5-59 S52S 3 E 3265 1-17 - 1-18 5870441 57.99 1-50 - 1-51 522 41. 7-18 - 7-19 522'40 45 W 62 8-19 -8-20 504'3 28 E 114.38 I- - I-8 N001458 W 30.52 -5-21 504481 W 25.70 5-59 -5-80 S301514 E 58.03 1-18 - 1-19 534'2851 83.34 1-51 - 1-52 5411408 54. 7-19 - 7-20 SM3T 2 18. 8-20 -8-21 S19382 W 100.21 100.21 W-21 - w-22 532"5049 W 1029 W-57J - W-57K N55'2801 57.15 95 85.00 W-22 - W-23 5291 0 E 7205 W-57K - W-58 Si5 68.2) I-8 - I-9 Ni7'28 28 43.19 5-~ -5-22 514'49 3 W 20.12 5-60 -5-81 S0015 4 W B0. 1-19 - 1-20 S111 54 W 4238 1-52 - 1-53 S75'33 49 52 7-20 - 7-21 S14'35 W 13.19 8-21 -6-22 N8919 55 85.00 I-9 - I-10 N48'4126 26.01 - ~ 35.89 5-81 - 5-82 S18'49 52 E 71.71 1-20 - 1-21 5333135 W 57.59 1-53 - 1-54 S02'2410 E 27. 7-21 - 7-22 S01'4218 37.1 8-22 -8-23 50916 W 55.74 55.74 W-2J - W-24 536 13 94.8 W-58 - W-59 S453912 80.6 I-10 - I-11 N74'45 18.81 5-23 -5-24 S8209 W 40.50 5-82 -5-83 S2033 28 E .85 1-21 - 1-22 S14~111 W 45.41 1-54 - 1-SS SOB 16 W 28.39 7-22 - B-1 S07'20 W 25.51 8-23 -8-24 S503234 E 7280 7280 W-24 - W-25 S015 3 25.93 W-59 - W-60 S24'41 7290 100.64 W-25 - W-26 N57'030 E 123.41 W-60 - W-61 S723209 E 1!0.59 I-11 - I-1 568'36 39 E 34,34 5-24 -5-25 55315 W 41.18 5-6J -5-64 N7332 41 E 44.91 1-22 - i-23 5301 43 W 37.94 1-55 - 1-58 N880 33 W 35,49 8-24 -6-25 2S 100.64 5-25 -5-26 549 OB 31.06 5-64 -5-65 S63'3025 36.2 1-23 - 1-24 S42'4141 W 24.79 1-58 - 1-57 513'2834 W 26.41 8-25 -8-28 S491823 W 53.12 5-28 -5-27 541'3352 44.80 5-85 -5-88 S51'2031 E 49.40 1-24 - i-25 16 W 36.2 1-57 - 1-58 515'2449 W 34.96 8-26 -6-27 S51'J4 W 59.50 53.12 W-26 - W-27 N32'03 74.84 W-81 - W-81A S25'3104 W 23.00 - 59.50 w-27 - w-26 N05'0929 39.11 w-BIA - w-82 Soe31 w ~a2A PROJECT LOCATION A A ~ J>, 5-27 _5-28 s~ 41 70.34 5-68 _5-87 5630803 55. 1-25 _ 1_26 587911 33.02 1-Se - 1-59 527'2019 17.91 8-27 -8-28 s,4'2S E 83.82 5-28 5-29 S44'401 W 39.49 5-87 5-88 548'43 49 E 48.91 1-28 1 27 525 10 47.62 1-59 - 1-60 S5792 42 4O,8S 8-28 - B-28A S15 E 36.85 83.82 W-28 - W-29 N8812 3 19.73 W-62 - W-63 S75'S8 3 48.73 36.85 W-29 - W-JO N3113 2 1129 W-83 - W-84 S89'28 45.20 UNE DNiECTION DISTANCE 5-29 -5-30 514'3 3212 5-88 -5-69 S16 24 W 4206 1-T7 - 1-28 S00'4215 61.08 1-80 - 1-81 513 38 40.0 8-28A -8-29 S8730J6 E 36.56 36.56 W-JO - W-J1 N0830 5281 W-84 - W-65 5115 34 W 59.91 45.82 W-J1 - W-32 N13 01 W 38.10 W-85 - W-86 S03~31 4~9.Q4 T~/ J-1 - J-2 S459140 23.46 5-30 -5-31 S199153 W 21.96 5-69 -5-70 SI1'2 0 1, .31 1-26 - 1-29 5011339 80.54 1-61 - 1-62 S003158 E 29.0 8-29 -8-30 N850630 E 45.82 J-2 - J-3 S24'4338 E 14.51 5-31 - 5-J2 S2T322 W 28.47 5-70 -5-71 S1 W 62-82 1-29 - 1-30 S36'2238 W 55.20 1-82 - 1-63 S080910 40.14 8-30 -8-31 520342 E 51.83 51.83 W-32 - W-33 559 42 W 2246 w-ss - W-67 565'12 E 'x.72 VI INITY MAP C ,H3 - J-4 51011 J6 28.74 5-32 -5-33 575'4 26 W 19,08 5-71 -5-72 533' 21 W 30,70 1-30 - 1-31 S54'4043 W 47. 1-63 - 1-84 5023458 W 73. 8-31 -8-32 S68 11 W 52 .~4 - ,HS S099539 E 122 5-33 - 5-33A N3T4400 W 97.20 5-72 -5-73 566041 W 32 1-31 - 1-32 S271352 W 5248 8-32 -8-33 N843449 W 39.82 52 W-J3 - W-34 N41'23 04 W 56.98 W-67 - W-88 S01'14 4 W 44.85 39.82 w-34 - w-35 516'0224 29.68 W-68 - W-89 s44ro45o w 59.s6 SCALE: 1" = 1 MILE J-5 - J-8 539'4 24 104.58 5-33A -5-34 NJ6'29 W 93.22 5-7J - 5-74 S18'4258 5724 8-33 -8-34 S341 39 40.99 .F-8 - ~7 N18' 43 E 101. 5-34 -5-35 N340 52 W 85.25 5-74 -5-75 515'2 30 W 39.72 8-34 -8-35 N683444 W 48.6 40.99 W- - W-38 S44 09 W 30.15 W-69 - W-70 S73'29 42 `.A.SJ 48.8 W-36 - W-37 N813J 77.49 W-70 - W-71 520'33 42 58.02 J-7 - J-8 N02'2 23 77.43 5-35 -5-36 N09'2413 W 111.76 5-75 -5-78 S14'4158 E 65.70 6-35 -8-38 S861 57 W 54.20 54.20 W-37 - W-38 N5852 54 65.91 W-71 - W-72 5065022 78.81 36.22 W-38 - W-39 552341) 87.72 W-72 - W-73 524'4504 E 79.3A 3-8 - J-9 N14'23 24 4201 5-36 -5-37 N0500 29 W 66.14 5-76 -5-77 S23'25 55 W 5278 8-36 -8-37 S8094 54 36.22 J-9 - J-10 N0909 32 28.8 5-37 - 5-J8 N06'401 W 85.72 5-77 -5-78 5221913E 49.19 6-37 - 8-J8 N681 20 W 36. 36. W-39 - W-40 S6T 38 69.0 W-73 - W-74 576'2 24 l3.5 34.82 W-40 - W-41 N67'3420 W 16.18 W-74 - W-75 N85'J542 E ''1.82 J-10 - J-i N34'4954 19.38 5-38 -5-39 N03945 W 287.89 5-78 - 5-1 534'2 0 W 8.82 8-J8 - 8-39 N05' S0 W 34.82 5-39 -5-40 N26'4653 E 44.18 6-39 -8-40 N2498J1 E 4291 4291 \ W-41 - W-42 580'1 38 32 W-75 - W-76 909391 X5.54 * 8-40 -8-41 N343 03 W 31.9 31.9 \ W-42 - W-43 S351 09 W 39.81 W-76 - W-77 553'38 24 W ~~1.33 46. ~ W-43 - W-44 $5744 E 24.55 W-77 - W-78 5423129 `281 A EA K 8-41 -8-42 S89183J W 46. R 8-42 - 8-4J N883158 W 28.14 UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE 8-43 - B-44 N093J08 18283 28.14 W-44 - W-45 S54'4001 E 51.91 W-78 - W-79 S331808 '.9.05 18283 W-45 - W-46 S33'325 E 49.3 W-79 - W-80 SOT493 W X0.23 NCGS STATION " CHURCH " K-1 - K-2 S15'3345 W 18.90 B-44 -8-45 525' 41 W 88.10 K-2 - K-3 523054 W 61.29 6-45 - 6-48 5230547 W 50215 88.10 W-46 - W-47 N84191 E 40.9 W-80 - W-61 5241640E 'r 5.40 N 658942.38 / 50215 0 K-3 - K-4 N8807 21 W 10.2 6-48 -8-47 S42'39 49 W 211.01 K-4 - K-5 N73'2413 W 36.56 8-47 -8-48 520'4008 W 13298 21101 ~ w w E 2181323.56 / / ,3298 N79'S2'29"E LINE 10 K-5 - K-6 N271002 W 48.73 79.18 250.22' / / K-8 - K-7 N81'3102 31.84 Ap Bg 6-48 - 8-49 5020558 W 79.18 K-7 - K-8 N7T18 48 47.78 p ~ B-49 - 8-SO SJ33S 34 W 89.21 ~ 89.21 ~ ~ L1NE DIRECTION DISTANCE / X-1 - X-2 564'27 20 E 65.79 / 38.25 X-2 - X-3 N43'01 48 E 42.82 ~ E/ K-6 - K-1 N7416 54 E 19.29 n 0~ 8-50 -UNE 4 58412 31 W 38.25 s JOE ~ ~ X-3 - X-4 S64'23 49 37.76 b / J, t1 'S' X-4 - X-5 504'34 39 100.49 ~lV ~~VO ~~Q p~ ~ ~ X-5 - X-8 S40U 04 45.95 _d ~~,0 °6'25, ~ ° t~` j j "9,p X-8 - X-7 N343304 68.39 S 0~9 ~ / Q X-7 - X-8 NJ638 20 59.59 / ~ ~ X-8 - X-1 N13'32 30 W 47.93 / ,~ti r o L ~ 9 ~ ~ .SAS AR ~ tf ~ / ~ A2 E t~ ~ o S~ N0~ ~ 7' ~ Z r^ Z 6 A~ / H ~y ,0°`~ 1655 O o~ ,ice CENTERLINE OF HUCKLEBERRY BRANC Z Cy ~ O JAMES R. MAYNARD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S~ N34~46'00"E / / S01 22'S7"w THE PROPERTY LINE ~NO`~ d ~ ~O ZZ F 32° ~ so N13'Tr1Tw i ~ a / i 114-90' ~ ~ l i% 1 ` 300 03 / N3T25149 E 1 r p .v, ~ ~ o~ 0 0 ~ c2 ~ 163.28 ~ ~ -z ~ ! s-x ~ ~ ~ ti N16'21'04"E N20'15'30"E / r-N35'42'04"E 6a ~ 200.00' / I ~ 294.55' ~ I, . * ~ ~ lol.so' / P.O.B. Nz ~ . o o W sy ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ N21 32 55 E ~E ` s ~ 0.~ ~ w ~ I Z Z 193.05' N24'09'O6"W I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 515'23'11"W / ~ 151649 X21 19 E J 576'37'14"E A N_ - JAMES L TALTON ~ O J' \ ~ \ 225.07' ~~aE ~ r_- t^ c^ Z I DE 0 ~ i ~ r, _ ~ ~'r s'-- n--~ w,~'~, ~ 1p2LI 135.20' / N15_ ,2 "E - _ _ 98.23' ~ ~ t~,uosuo7u ~~3' 0' 1 •pp'2~~ 458.87 301.54' •59~°~ N1 ' 4' 6"E N 1 Z 0?~~ t~ 1 N0~ 6, N 19' 4' 6" E 467.07' 291.35 388.24' ~ ~ ti ap 0.21' \ ~ t~ l - ~ ~ l v _L 1 L~r l ~ N1826'43•E ~ X00'34 ii 409.5 N6T30'25"E - _ _ - _565.50' Nt6p1 42 it ~ 298.90' 10....296.34' x-e x-' 120.21' ~ uo9 c1 rR V I V A ~ ~ ~L~ . ~ Li ~ ' ~L~L~'~_ n~ 11_LL11~ ~ 7-u... F115.41'44"E w-5 N70'30'47"E I I G~ ~ \ I N29'35'S3"E \ \ ~ N 6 - I I R°~ I 89.27' N8652'S3"W \ \ P.O.B. 106.78' z_5 w ~ 183.40' ~ \ 178. 4' h5 LINE 10 s- I - i ie GRID COORDINATES - NAD. 83 ~ L_r N 655753.35 " ~ ~ ~ I 11 A ~s ,--z - _ ~ N05 24 45 E ~7 ~?o ~ - - - o E 2181823.67 160.63' W w-1o li ; . LINE 4 TERMINAL w-IS J I ~ A - - CENTERLINE OF SWIFT R o~N S55'08'53"E 1 - - 1 ~INE ~[~A. p v w~ 163.55 516 ' ~ N28'57'55"W ~ I- K e-, ~ o`~° ~ ~Pf~ OX d i w-2o ~ ? S74'1T24"E A . ~ w-JO 207.03' 111 s . N R 7a.ss' . o A ~ INE 9 w-25 5,' L ' 11 ~ .off %L~ly " , K_ , , ~ 6 ~ ,v OF K 1 ~ ~ w 1_1 6gti ~0 Spy p9 w_ ( uu i Y p A~ - - - _ 2922 2 ~w-4o O H.E. GOWER ~ ~ .o\,~ / / / ~ - ~ - ~ Y, 8-6 W_~, , I ~ . j ~ ~ ~ ^ TOP OF BANK E.O.S. ~ 57D ~-1 w-571 ~ / OF SWIFT CREIX ' ~ ~ \ ~ THE WETlANO UNE ' . . ~ . •7-20. w- ~ ~ r `~y~' (NO TABLE) . 2 ~ w ~6A ' ~ \ ~ ~ \J` tea... ~ro ' ' ' . i-z w-7o O - _ . C ~ X45..... - ~ A . / ~ O+. w-7 ~ . y ~ Sp1'p 1! a .u.. ~ ~ .....a-zs I ~ . LINE 7 • ~ ~ w-eo ,-4s -40. w-6t H.E. GOWER ~ ~ ~s... • 'k~ ~ s•• I ~ x INE 8 L . 503'48'29"E H 49.50' 8.91' . z J~,.......... o ~ F p m 1r1 EDLA ADAMS OGBURN . . ~ 11 m~v~ . z ~ I ~ t-6b ~ F .....~~w ~c THI'S AREA; EAST OF THE SHOWN WETLAND' LINE IND' LINE..... ~=5 r~, NOTES: ~I o ~ ~ ~ DELINEATION WAS NOT INVESTIGATED' FOR ISOLATED R ISOLkTED . . i JAMES L TALTON . . ~ ~ ' POEK~TS OF WETi.~ANDS AT TtiE TIME OF SHE FIELD ~ s ~}•{E f{E~p 1 AIRPORT BOUNDARY WAS NOT SURVEYED AT THIS DATE. ALL BOUNDARY INFORMATION WAS 'a o~~~ ..SURVEY . . ~ ~ , , , , , , DERIVED FROM A PLAT BY RAGSDALE ENGINEERS, DATED DEC. 16, 1974 AND RECORDED IN • PLAT BOOK 16, AT PAGE 193, JOHNSTON COUNTY REGISTRY, AND FROM SEVERAL PLATS s~ . . ' S78'20'S8"E PREPARED BY W. K. DICKSON k CO., INC. FOR JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY. 40.79' 2. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE GRID COORDINATE SYSTEM. ALL '2 ~ DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. a ~i ~Qo lb'' w ~ i F` lJ . a D.H. GOWER 3. WETLAND uNES 4, 6, 9, t0 AND AREAS 5, B, I, J, AND K ARE BASED ON ACTUAL LOCA110NS Y LINE DATA ~ x OUNDAR B BY W. K. DICKSON k CO., INC. OF FIELD MARKINGS PROVIDED BY LEON S. JERNIGAN, PHD. ~ N DIRECTION DISUNCE UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE GZ ~ Z?S , ~ I U E ~ pry -WETLAND REGULATORY SPECIALIST, OF NEEDHAM, JERNIGAN k ASSOCIATES, INC., ANGIER, N.C. X23, o'~ IN DEC., 1991 AND FEB., 1995 AND AS SHOWN ON WETLAND DELINEATION MAP BY W. K. DICKSON L1 S46'33 33 E 56.54 L39 S7515 21 W 112.82 L77 N10'34 42 E 111.83 ~ J`, Lt2 S38. 4 T I L2 5153406E 51.9 L40 N89'J3 40 E 232.32 L78 N14'48 28 E 75.60 S. ~~3 ~p ~q 91 • 1 'V O k CO., INC. DATED FEB., 1992. ~0.. ~ 6..18,..... ~ 15'1 24. ~ w ~ ~ L3 52031 35 W 81.49 L41 N8993 40 E 19.89 L79 N0022 00 E 174.09 s,~, °g 51'p5 35' 1 35'il~l6"' L7 Sp 4. WETLAND LINE 8 IS BASED ON THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT ISSUED SEPT. 4 1992 Q I, L4 S620103 W 151.19 L42 N89'S2 31 E 126.24 L80 N45'47 28 W 188.36 c> , , , , , ~ S Z ~ L5 S44'S1 31 W 84.64 L43 N89'S2 31 213.30 L81 N1919 38 W 145.18 7y FOR DISCHARGE OF FILL TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RUNWAY EXTENSION PROJECT. L6 S21'29 23 E 160.64 L44 S8999 54 E 220.04 l82 N3916 00 E 75.04 w I w L7 Si8'40 38 143.13 L45 N2746' E 23.36' L83 N20'43 05 E 135.41 y X14 5. WETLAND LINE 7 IS BASED ON AS-BUILT PLAN WETLANDS MITIGATION DRAWING PREPARED BY x ~ LB 55332 24 W 138.27 L46 N10'00'3 W 9.62' lB4 N0818 58 W 148.88 ~ N ' y I L9 S0233 27 W 160.71 L N L65 N03'23 20 W 119.05 ~ W. K. DICKSON & COMPANY, INC. MAY, 1994 FOR THE JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY. L10 S49'27 23 W 176.61 L48 N01'00'S W 16.79' L86 N4002 48 W 167.34 ~ 6. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, OR RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. L11 513'3212 E 126.52 L49 N5706'S E 16.36' L87 NOT35 5 E 93.30 ~ ~ L12 S2T52 34 W 121.28 L50 NOB'32'3 W 41.78' L88 N26'33 5 W 146.62 ~ L13 563'5324 E 200.26 L51 N54'19'4 W 38.25' L89 N48004 W 202.50 Sq9, ~ . r L14 Sit'3022 W 79.1 L52 N1559'2 W 40.32' l90 N43'4035 W 115.30 SS, ~ 7. THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR THE DELINEATION OF WETLANDS ONLY AND WAS NOT INTENDED FOR RECORDATION NOR PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47-30 AS AMMENDED. l15 S450411 E 137.29 L91 N66'3303 E 174.16 N/F WOODWALL ~4+ L1fi S033425 E 131.98 L54 N04'34'3 E 48.54' L92 N88Z049 E 100.10 ~ ~ N/F BATTEN L17 5721544E 163.19 L55 N0T18'0 W 18.25' L93 N71'43 28 E 100.09 ~ 8. A PORTION OF THE AREA SOUTH AND WEST OF SWIFT CREEK HAS BEEN INVESTIGATED AND DELINEATED FOR WETLAND, BUT HAS NOT BEEN SURVEYED AS OF THIS DATE. L18 5721034E 167.22 L94 N76'47 47 E 100.10 rt h ut o i L19 53414 23 E 69.15 L57 N09'46' E 13.03' L95 N7505 30 E 100.14 L20 S85'25 22 E 75.10 4 '1 L98 N6994 31 E 100.02 p'~ L21 Nfi6'2935 E 120.98 L97 N650304 E 100.00 U L22 502'22 42 E 66.12 NOt'1T W 1 L98 N56'4134 E 100.00 0 ~ I L23 5421519 W 153.43 L 1 N4T54'3 E L99 N4830 34 E 100.00 a ~ ~ ~ Z L24 S1905 55 W 106.84 L82 N3020'1 E 46.54' L100 N440419 E 100.00 This certifies that this copy of this plat identifies as waters of the U.S. or wetlands all areas O ~ L25 552'23 43 E 85.65 L63 N03'32'5 E 19.52' L101 N39'46 19 E 100.00 of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, regulated pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Y L26 520'2 35 W 86.76 L64 N42'18'1 E 25.26' L102 N3419 04 E 100.00 o U~ ! L27 S68Z1 43 W 163.59 N 'W L103 N2711 49 E 100.00 Water Act in the areas impacted by the present proposed activity, as determined by the o i L28 N03'2211 E 189.25 L66 N33'43'40'W 53. L104 N20'34 49 E 100.00 w w undersigned on this date. Other areas of jurisdiction may be present on the site but have not been delineated. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this Q Yi ~ L29 N530359 W 63.78 L105 N1fi'2015 E 74.22 a Z 31 L30 N75'46 56 W 60.11 L68 N03'49'1 W 30.70' L108 N191118 E 100.04 ~ determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five L31 S6605 51 W 153.70 L 1 1107 N2619 59 E 100.04 ~ L32 N5T4045 W 19255 l70 N1728'3 W 38.82' L106 N321758 E 100.04 years from this date. This determination was made utilizing the 12987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. w L33 N4039 45 W 68.99 L71 N 5 ' W L109 N2T43 51 E 119.44 to m III I L34 N89'3 45 W 10244 L L110 Ni6'39 T7 E 55.75 j I I L35 N5T4548 W 107.89 L73 NT9'S6'2 W 76.20' L111 S860519 W 220.05 . . I, MARK D. WINGATE, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FROM Z I L36 N59'2213 W 103.63 L74 N0717' E 18. L112 N7805 04 E 178.18 L37 N83'36 36 W 8254 L75 N0010 54 W 1429 L113 S231518 E 56.95 ~ry ACTUAL SURVEYS MADE BY W. K. DICKSON do CO., INC. UNDER MY SUPERVISION, 1 ~ AND THAT IT ACCURATELY DEPICTS THE WETLAND DELINEATION AS SURVEYED Name ~ . ~ ,~q L38 N7639 36 W 183.24 L76 N0714 20 W 176.42 L114 $860519 W 31.79 ^ ^ .~4......h~O IN THE FIELD, AS REFERED TO IN NOTE 3. } ~p 2 m ! CURVE RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEARING ~ C Title F °w o ~ ct 14J.48' u6.58' sz.er 11s.23' saaz5'1 w GRAPHIC SCALE a row ~~'oo Date MARK D. WINGATE R.L.S. N0. L-3351 N 0'J(~ W 7 W 0 400 0 200 100 600 eoo ' D UfiliU nnrtn ~nn~ I f \1 a~All 1 =gVV e"011 -711-T MANAGFR DRAwNC SCALE 400 ARBOR LAKE DRIVE RELEASED FOR DATE 1"=400' SUITE B-1200 DRAWN BI PROJECT DA'E - pAkft COLUMBIA, S.C. 29223 APPROVALS JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPORT SURVEY OF ~ CAD 5/4/95 WK 803 786-4261 - BIDDING APPP,i VEC By PROJECT Nl'MBER - - - - Asheville, NC MDW 95154.35 Engineers DICKSON Atlanta, GA CONSTRUCTION nE AMF PLOT „ Planners Charlotte, NC REV. NO. DESCRIPTION DATE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP, JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. WETLAND DELINEATION REVISIONS 95154WET.DWG 5/4/95 Surveyors Raleigh, NC RECORD DWG.