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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970308 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19970404USINFRASTRUCTURE, SI INC. ??????? CONSULTING ENGINEERS March 31, 1997 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, And Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Subject: Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina City Project # 511-95-719 USI Project # 9556-01 Dear Mr. Dorney: 913-313 a Enclosed is one (1) copy of a completed application for a Nationwide Permit 13 and Section 401 water quality certification. This application includes a "Joint Form" for permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers and require application for Section 401 certification. Seven (7) 11" x 17" reduced copies of the Preliminary Plans have also been included for your records and review. The structural detail, traffic control plan, and utility relocation plan sheets have not been completely finalized and have not been included in this submittal. In addition, one (1) copy of the application has been sent to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, one (1) copy has been sent to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and one (1) copy has been sent to the State Historic Preservation Office (transmittal letters are attached). An Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan has been submitted to NCDEHNR Land Quality Section for review. A copy of the notification will be forwarded to you once the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan is approved. Please let me know if you need additional information regarding the application or submittal. Your assistance in preparing this application has been greatly appreciated. Sincerely, USInfrastructure, Inc. Ir e ? ?14A- " X?; ? Robert E. Wilson, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Jennifer Glotfelty Charlotte SWS Research Planning Engineering • Management 200 Queens Road Suite 400 Charlotte, North Carolina • 28204 (704) 342-3007 Fax(704)342-1666 USI 1 USINFRASTRUCTURE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS IF ? April 22, 1997 JS+C/??? Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, And Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Subject: Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina City Project # 511-95-719 USI Project # 9556-01 Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is copy of the North Carolina Sedimentation and Erosion Control approval letter for the subject project. Please include this approval letter in your files for the project. An application for a Nationwide Permit 13 and Section 401 water quality certification was submitted to your office March 31, 1997. I am also forwarding a copy of the approval letter to Mr. Steve Lund with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. If you have any questions regarding the project, please call at (704) 342-3007. Sincerely, USInfrastructure, Inc. Sandra Hayes, E.I.' Project Engineer Enclosure Research Planning Engineering • Management 200 Queens Road Suite 400 Charlotte, North Carolina • 28204 (704) 342-3007 Fax (704) 342-1666 ' State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary X"e [DEHNR DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION April 15, 1997 Mr. Clark D. Readling, P.E., City Eng. City of Charlotte Engineering & Property Management 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 RE: LETTER OF APPROVAL WITH PERFORMANCE (For Sites with Disturbed Area Exceeding Five Project Name: Bancroft Street Area Improvements Location: Mecklenburg County Submitted By: City of Charlotte Date Received: April 4, 1997 New Submittal: X Revision River Basin: Catawba Dear Mr. Readling: RFECOD APR 1 7 1991 U SINFRASTRUCTURE,INC. RESERVATIONS (5) Acres) Storm Drainage This office has reviewed the subject erosion and sedimentation control plan and hereby issues this letter of approval with performance reservations. A list of the reservations is attached. Should the plan not perform adequately, a revised plan will be required. (G.S. 113A-54(d)(4). Please be advised that Title 15 NCAC 4B.0017(a) requires that a copy of the approved erosion control plan be on file at the job site. You should consider this letter to give the Notice required by G.S. 113A-61(d) of our right of periodic inspection to insure compliance with the approved plan. Also, Title 15 NCAC 4B .0029 states that the erosion control plan shall expire three years following this date of approval, if no land-disturbing activity has been undertaken. North Carolina's Sedimentation Pollution Control Program is performance oriented, requiring protection of the natural resources and adjoining properties. If following the commencement of this project it is determined that the erosion and sedimentation control..plan"is'.inadequate to meet the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 .(North Carolina General Statute 113A-51 thru 66), this office may require revisions to the plan and implementation of the revisions to insure compliance with the Act. 919 North Main Street, 7tJ C FAX 704-663-6040 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 N An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 704-663-1699 - 501% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper Page Two Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the information provided in the Financial Responsibility Form which you have provided. You are requested to file an amended form if there is any change in the information included on the form. In addition, it would be helpful if you notify this office of the proposed starting date for this project. Your cooperation is appreciated, and we look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, CJ J'. kk1..__ ahid S. Khan Asst. Regional Engineer Enclosure: General Permit cc: US Infrastructure, Inc. Inspections Dept. PERFORMANCE RESERVATIONS 1. An erosion and sediment control plan required for any off- site borrow or waste area associated with this site will be considered the responsibility of the person(s) financially responsible for the land disturbing activity. The delegation of this responsibility to the contractor is considered an owner/contractor agreement.,. 2. Please use gravel construction entrance/exits on both sides of the channel upstream and downstream 3. A permanent groundcover must be established within the proposed disturbed area. Additional mechanical measures may be required if the vegetative cover can not be established as proposed. 4. The plan approval is based upon the conditions. Please provide a revised plan to this office for approval prior to any type of development or changes on this site. ZK/kr ?USI April 1, 1997 USINFRASTRUCTURE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Ms. Sandra Ward State Historic Preservation Office N.C. Division of Archives and History 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Subject: Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina City Project # 511-95-719 USI Project # 9556-01 Dear Ms. Ward: Enclosed is one (1) copy of a completed application for a Nationwide Permit 13 and Section 401 water quality certification. This application includes a "Joint Form" for permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers and require application for Section 401 certification. One (1) 11 " x 17" reduced copy of the Preliminary Plans have also been included for your records and review. The structural detail, traffic control plan, and utility relocation plan sheets have not been completely finalized and have not been included in this submittal. Please comment regarding the presence of historic sites that may be affected by the proposed project. In addition, seven (7) copies of the application have been sent to NCDEHNR Water Quality Section, one (1) copy has been sent to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and one (1) copy has been sent to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. An Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan has been submitted to NCDEHNR Land Quality Section for review (transmittal letters are attached). Please let me know if you need additional information regarding the application or submittal. Sincerely, USInfrastructure, Inc. Robert E. Wilson, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Jennifer Glotfelty Charlotte SWS Research Planning Engineering • Management 200 Queens Road Suite 400 Charlotte, North Carolina • 28204 (704) 342-3007 Fax (704) 342-1666 MAY-01 97 15:36 FROM:USINFRASTRUCTURE>INC 7043421666 TO:919 733 9959 PAGF_:02 8+arlcrof6 5treet Ares Storm Orzanage lmpro-nt rrajo n- I _ e a.r:,.*--m P;--e rw rMennefa rru eta 1111 I 'lm rwam? 5haet r,wo propaeed $tatlam Station TO rrvm - Proprapa lcngch (fc) Fxloting wiloth (ft:) Mcliciarlal length (ft) Propaaal a tit M p.* ammante A 4 1708 1887 119 m m expanding exlseing O' xS' 9000 for NGPOf fuwm wrdemn® ra canna aaalno 2 nmrnlo A 6 '2240 8384 195 0 135 2 fill In ewistimg channat to n-Muce croolan and floaalnp A 8 4290 4985 85 74 21 2 acing m i6ting eyWis and arferrdirg length for safety A 9 46v2 4748 9!6 8h 0 2 Faallflnad ctlatlnll w0om. fllling In channel to relieva houaa flaodiag A $ 4788 4798 10 O 10 2 Rvallgnod exlopln® ay-. replaving culvert and axtandinq 1engh to reduce hoi,ee flood: d 13.14 2302 182 O 102 l fill Im ehnmm.l t1..nAure ., arEmwnT. anA h.,use flood., ' L 22 g2486 2552 C6 57 0 2 Fa laeinq eelfWmn eulvcrt and ar< eOrg (engph for oafaty C.4 27 1181 103 10° 0 1 Enclaclno vidcymA channel W ralleve house and baoement flooding Total 391 IWA? We 5haet 1>'rawpaeed SH,tMn 5aat7on To From ProFa6ed Lan,oh ft . Camn>cnta _ A 3&4 1721 066 419 The alionrnmr of the maim ehmmal O*Ro from tha N, T n 5tmet culvert Into an unaerei dlnrlletrVpm ail1. T.ynn her culvert OR WAyeMhnnOr. A Bide ehnnnel hn4 A-ln Mr fmm she mot,4e..Mn of fr pha Wryarh44aar anlvera. The aide channel has our, Ice bmlko wmim 5' of a Pale f vwor t The im avemento tonQr oP figin.1 in the vAfAinfl main ellArml, raahgning the flaw alang ax^tilt?f 01da eh anal d(Igmnent and rtadnmeeVrig with the main channel dowmokeam of t Weyerfiauoar oWyom MAY-01 97 15:36 FROM:USINFRASTRUCTURE,INC 7043421666 TO:919 733 9959 PACE:01 US19S CHARLOTTE OFFICE FAX TRANSMISSION 1., SINFRASTRUCTURE, INC. 200 QUEENS ROAD, SUITr- 4070 CHARLOTTE, NC 28204 (704)342-3007 FAX # (704)342-1 Graro To: al mtA fJ2m 0V. Fax .?! From: Subject: Date., Pages: __ I- including this cover shut. 1;wmf Please call sender if you do not receive all pages. COMMENTS; chadotte-Meadenburg STORM WATER 6 t services v . lo pEC 1 1998 December 10, 1998 Mr. Steven Lund, PE6 n„'d?r+TER UALITY 5 US Army Corps of Engineers - Asheville Regulatory Field Office d? 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143~ Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 Re: Individual Permit # 199702570 - Bancroft Street Storm Drainage Improvements Project Dear Mr. Lund: Enclosed please find the two copies of the signed permit for the excavation and fill work in the headwaters of Little Sugar Creek. The permit allows the relocation of 480 linear feet of stream channel, 390 linear feet of piping, 2700 linear feet of enlarging and stabilizing channel and 9100 linear feet of replacing undersized drainage pipe for the purpose of alleviating flooding and streambank erosion problems between North Tryon Street and North Graham Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Also enclosed in this package is a copy of the fish habitat enhancement plan for the channel section between Station 10+00 and 23+50 on the Tryon Hills Tributary, Line A as requested per Special Condition No. 5 of the permit. Please note that we have made a revision to the language included in Special Condition Item No. 5 referencing the submittal of the fish habitat enhancement plan. As indicated by our revision in the enclosed and signed permit, this plan is submitted to the Corp's Asheville Regional Office for "information" rather than for "review and approval" as requested in the Special Condition. The nature of the fish habitat enhancements requested for this project was discussed between you and Ms. Julie Stahl via a telephone conversation after our receipt of the permit from your office. Due to the lapse in previous regulatory review time frames on this project, Charlotte Storm Water Services (CSWS) intends that the enclosed fish habitat enhancement plan will be incorporated, as is, as part of the permit and, therefore, CSWS plans to proceed with the project. In addition, in compliance with Special Condition No. 2, CSWS will provide mitigation for 2,600 feet of stream channel disturbed through credit of 2,600 feet of stream channel at another location that has been improved through stream bank stabilization using the City's current soil bioengineering standard. The use of this process as a means for mitigation was previously discussed and agreed upon by the Corp and NCDWQ during an interagency meeting on October 9, 1997. I have attached a summary table of the city projects available for mitigation credit for the City's projects (i.e., this is not a formal bank available outside of CSWS). If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 336-7924. Very truly yours, ennifer otfelty Project Manager cc: John Dorney, NCDEHNR Water Quality Division Julie Stahl, Charlotte Storm Water Services To report drainage problems: 336-RAIN g??$Mg??m88 S° p 6 t9 c7A?mA°m°wE OURU pE pE .'!g.11° U U °UUl//9H E$a888&8m88 gag W N o m Jm7m?_'?G? ZZ gx m I W U F r11x..a? nmE lQ 0 p5 ?N?LLY3.-U I m F N 3 U `7 ra acN IS _ =U Ymw `V-Y o ° 1= oF? u '$ m 7 v p.v Fj m U E???Egi E?Q? m E 7 F 5^ . ?c O m m U J N E N ? St L c m U c m . i _i J g h ? o S m a F W ? =s? S 4 - Way . a??m e \pF8 0 a $i°E o? X33 i ? Ezg?g m o ED: a? a m a U] a :.::) Rb r6, U a i a O Q U la .8I W w= Z% ao a? a W? ~Hm OW yW =?fn 0? ?6 zo TWO $N- O O s i sl ?$ ¢ s z? r W Z J J U J a U Z Z _ J J w - ° O 0 m :2 :3 Z W W ww? 3 C J Z Z Q Z y -W W Q w¢ vw, w w Z m Q 3 F 2 I, J w Z ¢ p w w' Q X Z a Z vwi w Z U U ¢? Z O n. W ~ . N Z? > O O 2 ¢ w a W K ? m O D. O U :3 d 02 w N j O . Z K U? 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W C ?C, z d w a z Qo J r? o a ? NU AMA V Iw- O J Q S U 00 ? ?igggg FgQ i M? d3b?d R ? Y?ba?b y?Y pp m g d?i w a@$ ba a et ?` ° R e a 4 .311 AZ 111 b6 eve ?Qb Z Z M p W W ?> F W W Qp N ZZ J z ~? ?J F k 2 Q' W 0 ? U) ? ? w Z F- Cn o WZ QZ W a WW O 0 C) Z0 Z N p 0 m m of O w V1 Z z W ? N S m O 1? 1 H 2 O U 46 ?i i M N r Oil ? v Q 14 w i N N gw C ? ? 8R da C0 R g b b? .y? 5E w _ N N i d d CO c ?. O Z Q w' ? V 030 a W C3 0 a c 9 -4 'I, Non-Discharge Branch Water Quality Section September 23, 1997 MEMO TO: Melba McGee FROM: John Dome?DO RE: Need for SEPA revi Various 401 Certification Projects In light of the need for SEPA review and documentation for the Buckhead Creek project in Fayetteville, we have reviewed our existing files for pending Certifications to locate any projects which may need SEPA documents before a 401 Certificaiton can be issued. Please advise whether any of these projects will require SEPA review. If so, I will write them to place them on hold and to contact you. In the future, we will send any similar projects to you as soon as possible for a prompt decision for the SEPA process. Sepal.mem Cc: Eric Galamb Michelle Suverkrubbe _- I \ • Proposed Drniont Al-nmn nnnlirant (minty DWO # ImDact Lake Rim Park Cumberland Cumberland 970561 2.24 acres Parks and Rec. wetlands MILCON P-934 US Marine Onslow 970754 17.3 acres Corps wetland fill 14.1 acres wetland clear Bancroft St. City of Mecklenburg 970308 12,700 feet of area storm Charlotte streams drainage Gum Branch City of Mecklenburg 970609 690 feet of stabilization Charlotte streams Olde Savannah City of Mecklenburg 970736 Unsure - Road Charlotte several stormwater hundred feet of maintenance streams Tremont City of Mecklenburg 970652 500 feet Avenue stream Charlotte streams stabilization Industrial park Perquimans Perquimans 961127 5.0 acres development County wetlands Economic Development Commission House Creek City of Raleigh Wake 970560 1300 feet of Bred in streams Carolina Beach Town of New Hanover 970201 Dredge lake Lake Carolina Beach Davis ballfield Carteret County Carteret 971137 1.02 acres Parks and Rec. wetlands el k?;. 1? MEMO DATE: _ ? / I ob 7 t TO: SUBJECT: / I jA.}?? L IZo `r?,vt,uZS - o.D6 Ste: A?c?rr. s ?Q su ?iccsT (?l Te> t-?+? cf,- -P? V? is O € k n[co+?? {s 6- ??-? V71G??-t7 T57&LL "&S T;ID 6-n44 1 461!?P- lAll? 6'cjL 7 q t94 '' I-?rIIVS?iz?AM , " AilotD Upjs>r , *M ?M 6-Z/Y omwc) To -?f"t,'p- `1Ztxp 6q c"ir,G- TAi IK (DPI141Qf! ODD '?s Us ?d?l From: d ? S7ATf q; North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Printed on Recycled Paper am State of North Carolina Department of Environment, MAI Health and Natural Resources A4 • 0 Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Governor p E H N FR Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director June 19, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland "404" Coordinator SUBJECT: "404" Project Review The attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199702570 dated June 12, 1997 describing a proposed project by The City of Charlottte is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 7/11/97. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date P.O. Box 27687, ?FAX 919-733-1495 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 C An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-733-2293 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper DEHNR MOORESVILLE R 0 3MORANDUM PRINT NAMES : Reviewer: T? J : JOHN DORNEY WQ SUPV _ : _D ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BRANCH DATE: sty JB•JECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Apr 29 '97 22:21 P.01 ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) *** PERMIT YR: kPPLICANT NAME: PROJECT TYPE: COE # RCD I`ROM CDA : REG OFFICE: COUNTY: MECKLENBIMG PERMIT TYPE: NW 13 50T_# DATE FRM CDA: 04/04/97 97 PERMIT NO: 0000308 CITY OF CHARLOTTE BANK. STABILIZATION APP MRO OVER AND_SUB-BASINJ; 030834 STR-INDE.X„N0: 11-137-8 STREAM CLASS: C WL IMPACT? : Y/N UAkw4 4 ?"Fw' WL TYPE: 57?4sK 46 WL REQUESTED. S ?K 6414 WL_ACRTEBT?:C/N. WL_SCOREM : /VIA WATER IMPACTED BY FILL?: 01N MITIGATION?: Y/N MITIGATION TYPE: MITIGATION-SIZE: DID YOU REQUEST MORE INFO?: Y/O IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: Y)f) HAVE PROJECT CHANGES/CONDITIONS BEEN DISCUSSED WITH APPLICANT'?';/N RECOMMENDATION ( Circ 1e One).- ISSUE SSUE/COND DENY :OMMENTS : i cc rz wa R ` ! c u _ //,' / v/ // $ ' is ??? ??ZQc ja? do r2.°,ir C4alrg ??.iS/ -(? G?r` ?r. ?,?rl- 't` ?4?-rib's ? +'t S e?? C'aSc° ? ;.e., rk.o-,c C44,w f/s l d oicof ` 3 r tat, ft u, drrir+ca; j ,C' t cir' 1?tP k j ! ti' (,off ` `? Regional office Central Files qty 7M f',i! 1buff-.0 ?1I fDEHNR MOORE?V r'L?. 0 u r Ff ,> "v1 ?`s?Rtr r KRpr 291,97 22:24" ?X P. 01 . U reafM 5 ire hea, • 4 u'qS rf/ 16?f?C - k'vr tv f i k r$tv F l'v t llyd ejrUGKtY I/L! ?EG?LI4r4? V C?(?? I l ?`j 7 . ? ati V44 U,- A,0k 5- , dam, drws ,'J f;/' L°/[?/ r ?T 4 ?i • l r ??f?/mil: ?l?J '7La/ y[^/"?C.?q?y'T? / ?71-51 ?"-?- r Un-t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 :ter` Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements Planning Study Prepared For Storm Water Services City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Prepared By USInfrastructure, Inc. 200 Queens Road Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28204 May 1996 Revised August 1996 I. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Description Page TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................... I-1 LIST OF APPENDICES . I-2 LIST OF TABLES ................ .......................... I-3 ' LIST OF FIGURES ............... .......................... I-3 INTRODUCTION ...............................................1 NATURE AND INTENT OF PLANNING STUDY ..................... 1 BACKGROUND ................. ...........................1 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ............ 3 .......... ............... REVIEW OF PREVIOUS MODELING STUDY ........................... 4 DISCUSSION OF LSC STUDY ....... ........................... 4 ' LIMITATIONS OF THE LSC MODELS 5 RECOMMENDATIONS ............ ........................... 7 HYDROLOGIC & HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS ............................ 8 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS .................................... 8 ' HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS ..................................... 12 ' IMPROVEMENT OPTIONS ....................................... OPTIONS CONSIDERED ..................................... 16 16 NO-BUILD OPTION ........................................ 17 ' PARTIAL REPAIRS....... ................................ DETENTION OPTIONS ...................................... 18 18 REPAIR OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO CITY STANDARDS .......... 23 ' REPAIR USING LESSER DESIGN STANDARDS OPTION .............. 35 100+ 1 OPTION 35 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................... 37 Charlotte Storm Water Services Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page I-1 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Description Page APPENDIX A Conceptual Plans ................................ A-1 APPENDIX B Construction Cost Estimates ........................ B-1 APPENDIX C RUNOFF & EXTRAN Model Output .................. C-1 APPENDIX D HEC-1 Model Output ............................. D-1 APPENDIX E 1HEC-2 Model Output ............................. E-1 Charlotte Storm Water Services USI Project No. 9556-01 USInfrastructure Bancroft Drainage Improvements Planning Study Page I-2 LIST OF TABLES Table Number Description Page 1 10-Year Peak Flow Comparison ............................ 11 2 HEC-2 Water Surface Elevations for the 10-Year Storm ........... 15 3 HEC-2 Water Surface Elevations for the 100-Year Storm .......... 15 4 HEC-1 Analysis Results for Site 2 .......................... 20 5 HEC-1 Analysis Results for Site 3 .......................... 22 6 Structures Subject to Flooding in the 100-Year Storm ............. 36 7 Summary of Estimated Construction Costs .................... 38 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Number Description Page 1 Project Area .......................................... 2 2 Potential Detention Site Locations .......................... 19 3 Option A ........................................... 30 4 Option B ........................................... 31 5 Option C ........................................... 32 I Charlotte Storm Water Services Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 cT Planning Study U? Infrastructure Page I-3 n INTRODUCTION Nature and Intent of Planning Study The purpose of this report is to present the findings and recommendations of a planning study of storm water management problems within the Bancroft Street area neighborhood. This study was prepared by USInfrastructure, Inc. (USI) through an agreement with the City of Charlotte. The intent of the planning study was to: • Evaluate improvements to the drainage system (including detention facilities). • Develop alternatives and their associated costs for addressing existing drainage problems. The planning study was accomplished in three phases: • Review of a previous modeling study for the upper Little Sugar Creek (LSC) watershed that included the Bancroft Street area. • Performance of hydrologic/hydraulic analyses for the existing drainage system and potential improvement options. • Development of conceptual plans and cost estimates for the potential improvement options. Background i The project study area includes the Tryon Hills neighborhood and is roughly bounded by Graham Street, 30th Street, North Tryon Street, and 24th Street (see Figure 1). The watershed is approximately 268 acres of highly urbanized area including industrial, commercial, institutional, single-family, and multi-family land uses. The existing drainage system is experiencing flooding and erosion problems as documented by previous studies and the numerous complaints received by the City. I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 1 1'??. ;I,/ ?. fem. \? __ ?-. yam' ? •`•? 10 • Williams ? B01"1 '? W I \\ 7 ,r • \ J Ilk MC'RR FHUR tando Junction `? \\ .. ? (S 2h.•,. ; PROJECT I I.? - 66 \:,) _.\ nry,. 401. it - ?J 9F C& ?4 entel Druid Hill • o?4% _ ST? AREA"SC > FW- /26? t / • ? • c•%? ? ??? IItt ins'oe ???r\ \?'S?. ,jj? ?? IoARL0TITT J 'j 1-1!%&,, \ !?• ?? r ! ?. ? ?J 2 a t/_\? ? /' ? ? : ?'t?j•on Ii?ll ?I '- ?? 1 ,\•'' _ `; - 1' ! DoI a Si h? .?-ti ?! 745 Ch •. v`? y. •'.;r /; I ? Lam---? "l-4,. ?T \ ., ?- ? , ? _,? - ? I \\=Lv JO ?/ `? ?\ Tan t , ood?/ • - i\,J? / : ?. - alp ? (- yP, ?.'r/ i /.? ? \ \O qc • • •:• : _? \ I i5o ? Radio_To dC) CITY OF CHARLOTTE BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE E IPROVEMENTS lam/ ull ^? \ \ •/ ?9 I ' (?'. .l •/ 7.67 ? I GAF'. Figure 1: Project Area City of Charlotte USI Project No. 9556-01 USlnfrastructure Bancroft Drainage Improvements Planning Studv Page' A summary of the problem areas identified from citizen complaints is listed below: ' 2300 block of Catalina Avenue: Flooding occurs upstream and downstream of the culvert under Catalina Avenue. The culvert and channel are significantly obstructed by sediment. This also impacts property in the 2300 block of North Pine Street. ' 2700 block of Catalina Avenue: Flooding and erosion occur upstream and downstream of the twin culverts under Catalina Avenue. ' 2700 block of Dogwood Avenue: Flooding occurs upstream of Dogwood Avenue due to ' a blocked pipe and an inadequate channel in poor condition. • 2600 block of Grimes Street: Basement and yard flooding occur upstream of Grimes Street ' due to the inadequate channel and pipe system. As Part of the City's comprehensive storm water management program, The Little Sugar Creek ' Watershed Study (LSC Study) was completed in June 1995. The LSC Study included the Bancroft Street area within its study limits. The LSC Study helped quantify the nature and extent of the ' existing flooding problems within the area. This information, in conjunction with the numerous ' drainage complaints in the area, led to the classification of the Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements as a high priority project. ' Public Involvement public involvement during the planning phase included a mass mailing of a questionnaire to all property owners and/or residents adjacent to the existing drainage system. The questionnaire included a series of questions related to existing flooding and erosion problems in the neighborhood. Some of the reported problems are summarized below: • 2300, 2600, and 2800 blocks of Bancroft Street: street, yard, and some crawlspace City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements ' USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USTnfrastructure Page 3 flooding. • 2600 block of Grimes Street: yard and basement flooding. ' 2811 Grimes Street: house flooding. • 2700 block of Catalina Avenue: yard flooding from backyard ditch. • 2700 block of Dogwood Avenue: yard, utility shed, and street flooding. ' 500 and 600 blocks of Franklin Avenue: street and basement/crawlspace flooding. • 500 and 700 blocks of Norris Avenue: minor street flooding. ' 500 block of Winston Street: yard flooding from backyard ditch. • Tryon Hills Apartments: yard flooding of low areas. ' A public meeting is planned at the completion of the preliminary design phase to present the recommended improvements and receive citizens' comments. ' REVIEW OF PREVIOUS MODELING STUDY ' Discussion of LSC Study As described above, the LSC Study completed in June 1995 encompassed the Bancroft Street area. The stated purpose of the LSC Study was to identify storm water quantity problems in the Little Sugar Creek watershed. To this end, comprehensive storm water models were developed to ' perform hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the watershed. As part of the LSC study, the ' following models were used: • HEC-1 Model for generating runoff hydrographs, open channel routings, and level pool ' routings. • EXTRAN-XP Model for hydraulic analysis of closed systems (pipe networks). • HEC-2 Model for hydraulic analysis of open channels. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements I USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 4 Source data for the models described above was developed from the following: • Storm water infrastructure inventory: The inventory data included sizes, inverts, rim elevations, and lengths for pipes/culverts (used in EXTRAN models); and inverts, top 1 L widths, bottom widths, and depths for channels (used in HEC-2 models). • Cily topographic maps (l" =200' scale): The topographic maps were used to delineate drainage basin boundaries, delineate flow paths for lag time computations, derive channel cross-section data for the HEC-2 models, and supplement the development of channel profiles with inventory data for the HEC-2 models. • Field reconnaissance: Limited field reconnaissance was performed to develop model input parameters and verify inventory information. Detailed field surveying was not part of the scope of work for the LSC study. Limitations of the LSC Models Application of the LSC models to the design of improvements within the Bancroft project area was limited by the following factors: • Discrepancies between the drainage system data contained in the LSC models and the Bancroft field survey. • Limited scope of the LSC Study versus the detailed design needs for the Bancroft project. These limitations are discussed in subsequent paragraphs. After receiving the Bancroft field survey information, the drainage system data contained in the LSC EXTRAN and HEC-2 models was compared to the field survey. From this comparison, the I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 5 E existing LSC models were determined to not be appropriate for use in the Bancroft design project for the following reasons: • Elevations of pipe and channel inverts differed significantly (as much as seven feet) between the field survey and LSC model information. • The Pine Street EXTRAN model from the LSC Study had a very different connectivity from actual field conditions. F u 0 0 fl J • In some cases, the survey identified different pipe sizes from the LSC EXTRAN model. • In the LSC EXTRAN model, many of the drainage structure rim elevations were over 20 feet higher than actual conditions. These rim elevations were artificially raised in the LSC EXTRAN model to keep flow from being lost from the system. • Overflow conduit inverts in the LSC EXTRAN model were significantly higher or lower than surveyed rim elevations at some locations. • The LSC models were of limited scope and detail compared to the needs for analysis and design of the Bancroft project. • Road low point elevations at stream crossings in the LSC HEC-2 model were significantly higher at some locations. These resulted in higher upstream water surface elevations (WSEs) and greater peak flow attenuation than actually exists at some locations. In addition, because the LSC models were developed for a macro application (the entire upper portion of the Little Sugar Creek watershed), certain simplifying assumptions were made that probably did not effect the overall model results. However, the Bancroft project needs for detailed analysis and design of the drainage system require less general and more site-specific applications and judgements. As an example, the LSC EXTRAN model used consistent general assumptions for minor loss coefficients. For the Bancroft project, the EXTRAN model included City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 6 J 0 n n minor loss coefficients unique to each node/conduit to accurately reflect bend, entrance, expansion, and other minor losses. A comparison of results between the LSC Study and the Bancroft analysis is included in the Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis section of this report. Recommendations Because the LSC models were determined to be inappropriate for use in the Bancroft project, it was necessary to develop project-specific models of the existing drainage system. XP-SWMM was chosen as the primary model, because its RUNOFF module can be used for computing the design storm discharges and its EXTRAN module can perform the hydraulic analysis of the drainage system. XP-SWMM provides an efficient and cost-effective way to model the entire system. Due to EXTRAN's limitations in performing open channel hydraulics, HEC-2 was used to model large open channels. From review of the LSC Study, it is recommended that the LSC Study be limited to use as a planning tool. The LSC Study provides quantification of flooding problems, and allows for comparison and prioritization of storm water problems. Unfortunately, the LSC Study is very limited in its application for detailed analysis and design. These limitations are related to the limitations of the source data (described above) and the complexities of modeling a severely undersized drainage system. To keep flow in the system, the LSC EXTRAN model artificially raised drainage structure rim elevations and added overflow conduits. These undersized, surcharged systems are causing peak flow attenuation that is removed as properly sized conduits are input into EXTRAN. Therefore, the discharges needed for design may be very different from the LSC Study results. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 7 jl L u 7 In summary, the LSC Study is very useful as a planning tool, but has limited application to design of the Bancroft project. HYDROLOGIC & HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Hydrologic Analysis Hydrologic computations for the project area were performed using three methods: (1) the RUNOFF module of the XP-SWMM software; (2) the HEC-1 model; and (3) the Basin-Lag Time Method (Putnam Equation). The RUNOFF module allows several hydrograph generation techniques, and the SCS Unit Hydrograph method was selected in accordance with City standards. The HEC-1 model, using the SCS Unit Hydrograph method, was used to analyze potential detention sites. In addition, a simple HEC-1 model of the watershed (no channel or structure routings) was developed to: • Provide a quick way of evaluating detention effects throughout the watershed. • Provide hydrographs for the Pine and 30th Street Tributaries outfalls into the Tryon Hills Tributary # 1 system. This was needed due to the node limitations with interface files of the EXTRAN model. • Provide a comparison of non-attenuated peak flows to the EXTRAN routings of the RUNOFF module hydrographs. A total of 126 sub-basins were defined within the extensive drainage system network that serves the project area for the hydrologic modeling. The total drainage area at the outfall of the watershed is approximately 268 acres (0.42 square mile). Basin-Lag Time computations were performed for the analysis and design of the North Tryon Street (NC 49) culvert. Because NC 49 is an NCDOT-maintained roadway, regression equation discharges will likely be required by NCDOT as part of the review process for the Right-of-way Encroachment Agreement. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 8 ?J Input parameters for the hydrologic modeling were derived from several sources. These sources are listed below: • Sub-basin areas and SCS curve numbers (CNs): Sub-basins were delineated and digitized from 1" =200' scale topographic maps provided by the City. The sub-basin areas and weighted CNs were determined by the City using a GIS algorithm. • Time of Concentration (TJ: Flow paths were delineated on City topographic maps and T.'s were computed using a spreadsheet based on SCS TR-55 methods. For many smaller sub-basins, the T, was assumed to be five minutes. The basin lag time (TL) was also computed for each sub- basin. • Rainfall Distribution: Precipitation data for the 2-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year storm events were taken from the LSC Study, which contained the published rainfall distributions from Storm Water Services. The rainfall data was for a 6-hour duration storm. As part of the planning study, four sites were evaluated for possible storm water detention. These sites were (1) upstream of Bancroft Street on Tryon Hills Tributary # 1 (Line A); (2) upstream of Grimes Street on Tryon Hills Tributary # 1; (3) upstream of Grimes Street on the 30th Street Tributary (Line B); and (4) upstream of Catalina Avenue on Pine Street Tributary (Line Q. The HEC-1 model was used to evaluate these sites using the SCS Unit Hydrograph method and the Modified Puls reservoir routing technique. Sites 1 and 4 were found to not provide significant peak flow attenuation without extensive reworking of the sites. However, sites 2 and 3 provided significant peak flow attenuation without modification. Site 3 was investigated further to determine if additional peak flow attenuation through increasing the storage volume was feasible. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements I USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 9 11 L Due to the costs versus benefit, site 3 was dropped from consideration as a detention area. Detention basins at sites 2 and 3 are discussed further in the Improvement Options section of this report. u 1 u 1 Table 1 includes a comparison of the 10-year peak discharges at key locations between the LSC Study and the Bancroft planning study. For the Bancroft results, two options are presented: • Complete system upgrade to the 10-year storm design with no upstream detention. • Detention at site 2 and system upgrade to the 10-year storm design. In the HEC-1 results column of Table 1, peak flow estimates at North Tryon Street are based on the Basin-Lag Time Method ( Putnam Method). As discussed previously, regression equation discharges will likely be required by NCDOT for design of the culvert at North Tryon Street. In addition, the Basin-Lag Time Method appears to provide better flow estimates at this location than the simple HEC-1 model that does not include any channel or structure routings. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements UST Project No. 9556-01 ccTT Planning Study USInfrastruCture Page 10 F Table 1: 10-Year Peak Flow Comparison Bancroft Planning Study LSC Location Study Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Results System Upgrade System Upgrade & [cfs] w/o Detention Detention @ Site 2 Ids] [cfs] EXTRAN HEC-1 EXTRAN HEC-1 Tryon Halls Mb. Bancroft St. N/A 174 219 N/Al 219 Grimes St. 183 196 303 N/Al 165 Catalina Ave. 194 243 352 165 206 Pine Confluence 326 513 652 413 491 30th Confluence 385 738 916 632 752 Tryon St. (u/s) 282 750 6042 670 6042 Tryon St. (d/s) 343 765 6542 679 6542 30th.Str-eet T.nb. Bancroft St. N/A 25 27 25 27 Grimes St. N/A 38 41 38 41 Dogwood Ave. N/A 58 64 58 64 Catalina Ave. 101 78 92 78 92 Tryon Confluence (u/s) 153 109 197 109 197 Pine Street Mb. Bancroft St. N/A 73 71 73 71 Catalina Ave. 99 109 104 109 104 Pine St. N/A 143 150 143 150 Tryon Confluence (u/s) 180 235 255 235 255 ' Not computed in EXTRAN. Routed hydrograph from HEC-1 analysis of detention basin was input into EXTRAN downstream of detention ' basin. s Peak flows based on Basin-Lag Time Method. r I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 USInfrastructure PPlannin Page d I u H F u Hydraulic Analysis Hydraulic Analysis of the drainage system was performed using the EXTRAN module of the XP- SWMM software. EXTRAN uses the St. Venant equations for gradually varied one dimensional flow to route runoff hydrographs through the drainage system. EXTRAN can model branched and looped systems of pipes and open channels. Additionally, as part of the XP-SWMM package, hydrographs generated by the RUNOFF module can be directly linked to inlets in the EXTRAN module. In addition, HEC-2 was used to model large open channels due to EXTRAN's limitations in performing backwater analysis in open channel hydraulics. Input parameters for the EXTRAN model were derived primarily from field survey data. For nodes (inlet or manholes), rim elevations and invert elevations were specified. For pipe conduits, lengths, inverts, roughness, slope, size, and shape were specified. For open channel conduits, cross-section geometry, lengths, slopes, and roughness were input. In addition, composite loss coefficients were estimated to account for expansion, contraction, bend, and other minor losses. The existing drainage system was modeled using the 2-year and 10-year storm events. From the 10-year storm analysis, extensive surcharging and overflow of the drainage system was observed throughout the watershed. Flow loss from the system at inlet and channel overflows was significant. However, even with significant flow loss from the upstream system, the downstream system was still highly surcharged and/or experiencing pressure flow. Because the intent of modeling the existing system was to identify problem areas, the considerable effort required to create an extensive overflow conduit network to eliminate flow loss was not expended. Instead, the HEC-1 model discharges were used for design of proposed channel and pipe improvements. It was felt the HEC-1 model would reasonably reflect the limited peak flow attenuation expected from a properly designed drainage system. I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 cT Planning Study U? Infrastructure Page 12 U Because the system was inadequate for the 10-year storm, larger storm events were not analyzed. However, the 2-year storm analysis was performed. The 2-year storm results revealed there was still substantial surcharging and pressure flow loss at overflow points. From analysis of the existing system, nearly the entire system is inadequate for the 10-year storm and mostly inadequate for the 2-year storm. Proposed improvements for each of the alternates studied were also analyzed using EXTRAN. The alternates are described in the Improvement Options section of this report. Input parameters were derived similarly to the existing system analysis, except that revised node and conduit information was taken from the conceptual plans and profiles. None of the alternates considered experienced surcharging in the 10-year storm, and only limited pressure flow conditions. EXTRAN and RUNOFF module output for the recommended alternate following the existing system alignment is included in Appendix C for the 10-year storm analysis. HEC-1 model output for Alternates 1 and 2 (described in later sections) is included in Appendix D for the 10-year storm analysis. Major open channel segments were modeled using the HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles computer model. HEC-2 computes water surface profiles using the standard step method for steady gradually varied flow. The major open channel segments analyzed are listed below: • Tryon Hills Tributary # 1 (Line A): o Downstream of Weyerhauser to downstream of Tryon Hills Apartments (including the Weyerhauser and North Tryon Street culverts). o Catalina Avenue to Grimes Street. o Bancroft Street to Graham Street. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 T Planning Study USlnfrastructure Page 13 • Pine Street Tributary (Line C): 0 Upstream of Pine Street to Catalina Avenue. 0 Catalina Avenue to Bancroft Street. The channel segment between Grimes Street and Bancroft Street was not analyzed using HEC-2. This area is part of a recommended detention site. All channel segments (except the stream segment at North Tryon Street) were analyzed using peak discharges from the HEC-1 model for the 10-, 25-, and 100-year storm events. Because North Tryon Street is a major thoroughfare, the 50-year storm was also analyzed for its associated stream reach. The North Tryon Street channel segment was analyzed using discharges computed by the Basin-Lag Time Method. The starting water surface elevations (WSEs) for the channel below Weyerhauser were determined using the slope-area method in HEC-2. The LSC Study concluded that the Tryon Hills Tributary # 1 and the Little Sugar Creek WSEs were independent of each other. This is based on a timing analysis of the two hydrographs. The peak flow in Little Sugar Creek occurs approximately 4 hours later than the peak flow for Tryon Hills Tributary # 1. Therefore, backwater effects from Little Sugar Creek were not considered. For other stream segments, rating curves derived from the HY8 culvert design model at downstream pipes were used for starting WSEs. Included in Table 2 is a comparison of WSEs between the LSC Study and this planning study for the 10-year storm event. Table 3 lists a similar comparison for the 100-year storm. The LSC Study results are based on an analysis of existing conditions, while this planning study analyzes the proposed improvement alternates listed. The WSEs were taken upstream of each location. HEC-2 model output is included in Appendix E. I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 T Planning Study USlnfrastructure Page 14 I Table 2: 1HEC-2 Water Surface Elevations for the 10-Year Storm Alternate 1 Alternate `2 Road. ? ::: Location LSC System Upgrade System Upgrade Elevation Study w/o Detention with Detention @ Low - @ Site 2 Point Tryon Hills Trib. # 1 Weyerhauser Culvert 688.93 684.061 684.06' 688.12 North Tryon St. 691.11 685.101 685.101 687.8 Catalina Ave. 704.09 701.80 699.99 707.6 Bancroft St. 724.20 718.81 718.81 722.4 Pine Street Trib: .. . Pine St. 712.06 708.66 708.66 714.53 Catalina Ave. 716.21 710.66 710.66 714.2 Peak flows based on Basin-Lag Time Method. 2 Finished floor elevation at building. ' Finished floor elevation at nearest downstream apartment building. Table 3: HEC-2 Water Surface Elevations for the 100-Year Storm AIternate I Alternate"2 Road Location LSC System Upgrade System Upgrade Elevation.... ` Study w/o Detention with Detention @ @ Low Site 2 Point Tryfln Hills..Trib. # 1 - Weyerhauser Culvert 689.07 688.981 688.981 688.12 North Tryon St. 691.38 689.311 689.311 687.8 Catalina Ave. 706.33 705.43 700.74 707.6 Bancroft St. 724.36 721.57 721.57 7224 bmwpv? .. ... .. Pine Street,Trib. Pine St. 712.45 712.21 712.21 714.53 Catalina Ave. 718.05 711.97 711.97 714.2 I Peak flows based on Basin-Lag Time Method. s Finished floor elevation at building. 9 Finished floor elevation at nearest downstream apartment building. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements 15 USI Project No. 9556-01 USInfrastructure Planning Page Study In summary, analysis of the existing system revealed the system is inadequate for the 10-year storm. In addition, the existing system is mostly inadequate for even the 2-year storm event. Other improvements to the system are warranted due to the dilapidated condition of parts of the system. IMPROVEMENT OPTIONS Options Considered As part of the planning study for the Bancroft project, the following options were considered: • No-build option. • Partial Repairs • Detention options • Repair of the drainage system to City standards. o Current system alignment. o Alternate system routes. • Repairs using lesser design standards. • 100 + 1 option. A number of criteria were used to evaluate the options considered. These criteria include the following: 0 Public Safety. • Permitting issues. 0 Impact on homes and businesses. • Cost vs. public benefit. • Access for future maintenance. • Biddability and constructibility. • Use of "soft" (vegetated) channel designs. • Utility conflicts. 0 Purchase of homes. • Geotechnical concerns. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 USInfrastructure Planning St • Floodproofing considerations. • Downstream impacts. • Impact on community aesthetics. • Easement availability. • Water quality impacts. • Traffic control issues. • Construction phasing. A discussion of each option follows in subsequent sections. References to right and left are looking downstream. No-build Option While not an actual option for solving drainage problems within the Bancroft project area, the no- build option provides a baseline for comparison of other improvement options. If improvements are not made to the Bancroft Street area drainage system, the street, crawlspace, basement, and yard flooding will continue. On-going channel erosion will continue to damage property and contribute to siltation and clogging of pipes and channels. Flooding of low lying areas will continue with the risk of water damage to structures, nuisance and public health concerns, and public safety concerns particularly related to the playground at the Tryon Hills Apartments. While the no-build option results in no present capital cost expenditure, the City and residents will continue to incur considerable cost to maintain the existing system. These costs will likely increase as the system further deteriorates over time. The no-build option is not feasible unless the City is unable to afford the cost of other improvement options described below. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 17 u J Partial Repairs The partial repairs option is intended to make minor repairs to the drainage system. The goal is to remove any "bottlenecks" that will allow the majority of the system to remain in service. Based on the numerous complaints and the analysis of the existing drainage system, drainage problems (flooding and erosion) are spread throughout the neighborhood. For this reason, there are no spot repairs that can remove "bottlenecks" and achieve any meaningful improvements. Therefore, alternatives for partial repairs were not developed. Detention Options As part of this planning study, the option of using one or more sites for storm water detention was explored. Four sites were targeted based on the availability of open space and their natural floodplain storage potential. These four sites are shown in Figure 2 and listed below: • Site 1: upstream of Bancroft Street on Tryon Hills Tributary # 1 (Line A). • Site 2: upstream of Grimes Street on Tryon Hills Tributary # 1. • Site 3: upstream of Grimes Street on 30th Street Tributary (Line B). • Site 4: upstream of Catalina Avenue on Pine Street Tributary (Line Q. Site 1 Site 1 includes a natural low-lying area adjacent to an existing open channel. The drainage area to this site is approximately 51 acres. Ponding within the floodplain occurs now, primarily in the left floodplain near an existing house where yard and basement flooding have been reported. The potential storage volume in the right floodplain is limited by a steep embankment near an adjacent commercial property. Because of the limited storage available, significant peak flow attenuation City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 T Planning Study USlnfrastructure Page 18 T? All AVE l UR 4 VE?_L - - ?? Q ?• j .• TOFins tanC o - _ -_ - - ,--- 1 i ,? 766 / lop, Druid Hill. o w_t 7z61? (l P H chins n 1%?i? ' `\ \ ybii itl Ra Io ?'a ?o ?? ?? Scl r f - Q J /Ar 'Wie - i? A 1,7- 70 CITY OF CHARLOTTE BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Figure 2: Potential Detention Site Locations City of Charlotte US] Project No. 9556-01 USInfrastructure Bancroft Drainage Improvements Plannin, Study Page 19 is not achieved naturally at this site. In addition, continued flooding of this area would necessitate ' purchase of the existing house at 2623 Bancroft Street, tax code 079-074-08. Due to the ' negligible benefit and significant cost, detention at Site 1 was dropped from consideration. ' Site 2 ' Immediately downstream from Site 1 is Site 2. Site 2 is in an area where the crawlspace or basement of two houses are below the downstream street elevation and currently flood in heavy ' rainstorms. The drainage area to this site is approximately 64 acres, much of which is high- density industrial and commercial development along the Graham Street corridor. Significant peak flow attenuation of the 10-year storm occurs naturally in this area due to the existing 48-inch ' reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) under Grimes Street. The 25-year storm can also be attenuated without overtopping Grimes Street (City standard for cross-drains). Analysis results from the HEC-1 model for this site are listed in Table 4. Table 4: HEC-1 Analysis Results for Site 2 Inflow Hydro graph Hydrograph Outflow. Recurrence Interval [yr-] Q Tp Q . [cfs] Tp [hr.] Max Stage [ft ] 10 295 3.18 161 3.32 718.59 25 359 3.18 173 3.35 719.62 50 407 3.18 181 3.37 720.32 100 458 3.18 188 3.37 720.98 As shown in Table 4, the 10-year peak discharge is reduced by 45 % . City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 USInfrastructure Planning geu200 i u Implementation of permanent storm water detention at Site 2 will require the acquisition and removal of the houses at 2614 Bancroft Street (tax code 079-075-09 ) and 2623 Grimes Street (tax code 079-075-27 ). Both of these properties are owned by absentee landlords, and the assessed tax values are $38,820 and $46,160 , respectively. The expenditure of funds to acquire these properties may be warranted by the reduced cost of downstream improvements within the project area. In addition, permanent storm water detention easements will be needed for the Duke Power Right-of-way and the property at 2611 Grimes Street (tax code 079-075-26). Implementation of detention at Site 2 will need to ensure that access to Duke Power's facilities is maintained and that water does not pond at the base of the existing power transmission tower. Further refinement of the detention basin at Site 2 will require additional field surveying. Incorporation of detention at Site 2 with downstream improvements is discussed later in this report. Site 3 Site 3 is located at a vacant lot upstream of Grimes Street along the 30th Street Tributary (Line B). The site is very flat, as is an adjoining property in the left floodplain with an existing house. A small drainage ditch, armored in places with concrete test cylinders, meanders through the vacant lot (tax code 085-043-26, assessed value $5,250). The drainage area to Site 3 is approximately 14 acres, consisting mostly of single family development. Significant peak flow attenuation occurs naturally at this site due to the existing 24-inch RCP under Grimes Street. Also, increasing the available storage volume through excavation was examined. However, benefits from the detention were limited. Table 5 presents the HEC-1 analysis results for Site 3. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 TT Planning Study USlnfrastructure Page 21 n Table 5: HEC-1 Analysis Results for Site 3 Inflow Hydrograph Outflow Hydrograph Recurrence Interval [yr.] Q Ids.j:. Tp [hr.] Q [cfs..] Tp [hr.] Max Stage [,ft-l:. 10 41 3.20 26 3.33 735.31 25 54 3.20 31 3.35 735.71 50 64 3.20 44 3.30 735.86 100 74 3.20 56 3.28 735.95 As presented in Table 5, the 10-year peak flow can be reduced as much as 38% at Site 3. However, the benefits of this detention in reduced downstream pipe sizes is only realized immediately downstream of the site. Therefore, the detention benefits of Site 3 are not substantial enough to warrant the land acquisition, grading, and on-going maintenance costs. Site 4 Located along the Pine Street Tributary, Site 4 includes a channel and valley that is largely overgrown with kudzu and drains approximately 25 acres. A possible detention basin was investigated that would be approximately 100 feet upstream of Catalina Avenue, to avoid impacting two existing houses. The right floodplain rises steeply and is well-suited for placement of a small earthen dam. However, the left floodplain has milder slopes and includes deep lots with well-maintained backyards. The flatter slopes require a long earthen embankment to impound water, and also allow significant impoundment with these backyards. Analysis using HEC-1 revealed peak flow attenuation of only 10% for the 10-year storm event. This minor attenuation does not warrant the significant grading cost and property disruption. Therefore, Site 4 was eliminated from consideration. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 USInfrastructure PlanninP Study F C n 0 J In summary, the most viable detention site is Site 2. Site 2 provides significant attenuation that is felt all the way downstream to the lower project limits. Repair of the Drainage System to City Standards The City's drainage system design criteria are published in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. The design criteria are summarized below: • 10-year storm - pipe systems and open channels. • 25-year storm - cross-drains under local streets. • 50-year storm - cross-drains under thoroughfares. Alternate 1 To accommodate the 10-year design storm, extensive improvements are required throughout the Bancroft project area. The proposed improvements are shown on the conceptual plans for Alternate 1 in Appendix A. Alternate 1 essentially follows the existing drainage system alignment. The system was designed for the 10-year storm event, and cross-drains were analyzed for the 25- or 50-year storm as appropriate. Almost all of the proposed system was found to perform adequately for each design storm without roadway overtopping based on the EXTRAN model results. The exceptions are the culverts upstream of 30th Street and upstream of Catalina Avenue on the 30th Street Tributary. These culverts are overtopped in the 25-year storm. Implementation of Option D (discussed later) will eliminate this condition. Because North Tryon Street (NC 49) is an NCDOT-maintained roadway, a more conventional analysis using discharges from the Basin-Lag Time Method City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 TT Planning Study USinfrastructure Page 23 I L u (Putnam equations) and HEC-2 was employed. The proposed three barrel 6-foot by 5-foot precast reinforced concrete box culvert was overtopped by approximately 1.3 feet during the 50-year storm. This overtopping may not be acceptable to NCDOT as part of their Right-of-way Encroachment Agreement review process. Significant utility conflicts exist within the project area. A 20-inch water main runs northeasterly along North Pine Street and Bellefonte Drive. The 20-inch main is crossed by all three tributaries within the Bancroft project. Using as-built drawings from CMUD, the 20-inch water main was plotted on the preliminary drainage system profiles. From our preliminary review, vertical clearance between the proposed drainage lines and the water main can be provided on Pine and 30th Street Tributaries. However, relocation of the 20-inch main may be required along the Tryon Hills Tributary. Actual depths of the 20-inch main should be obtained prior to design of improvements in these areas. Another potential utility conflict exists with an AT&T underground cable located on the northeast side of 30th Street. The actual location and depth of this line is unknown. Prior to design of improvements in this area, actual depth and location should be determined for the AT&T line. The primary area for potential utility conflicts is the North Tryon Street area. In this area, there are existing underground Southern Bell conduits, a 12-inch water main, and an aerial crossing of Duke Power's 44 KVH and 100 KVH distribution lines. Actual depths of the Southern Bell conduits and the 12-inch water main should be obtained prior to design of improvements in this area. Beginning downstream of North Tryon Street and roughly paralleling Tryon Hills Tributary # 1, a Duke Power right-of-way containing 100 KVH lines and associated towers bisect the project I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 USjnfrastructure PlanninP geu24 0 0 n u u area. In addition, the Duke Power right-of-way includes 44 KVH lines along the same alignment that turn westerly through the Tryon Hills Apartments. The 44 KVH lines are mounted on wooden poles. Duke Power requires a ten to twelve foot separation between their power distribution tower or pole and the near side of a proposed pipe trench or channel. Design of the proposed improvements will incorporate these requirements as much as possible. Other utilities such as Piedmont Natural Gas and Time-Warner Cable are within the project area. The proposed improvements will be designed to avoid conflicts as much as possible. Coordination with all utilities will be necessary throughout the design and construction of the project. The permanent impacts of the proposed improvements on existing properties is primarily related to increased channel widths and, in some areas, depths. Some residents may not welcome the loss of useable yard area. Other impacts, such as the significant disruption during construction, may also be undesirable to residents, but these impacts are only temporary. The benefits of the constructed improvements should offset the temporary disruptions from construction activity. Permitting issues were explored during this planning study. Findings relative to permitting issues are summarized below: • Wetlands: Wetlands maps on file at the Mecklenburg County Engineering Department were reviewed for the project area. No Wetlands were identified in the vicinity of any proposed improvements. Also, Steve Lund with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was contacted regarding wetlands issues. Mr. Lund is unable to comment on possible wetlands until the project design is more finalized. • Floowav: A Floodlands Development Permit will be required from Mecklenburg County. Preliminary discussions indicate this will not be a problem. Because City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfraStructure Page 25 u n 77 L encroachments within the regulated floodway are not proposed, review by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is not required. • NCDOT Right-of-way Encroachment Agreement: An encroachment agreement will be required for the proposed improvements within North Tryon Street, an NCDOT- maintained roadway. Preliminary discussions with the District Engineer should begin upon completion of this planning study. • Water and Sewer Permits: Any proposed water or sewer line relocations will require design approval and permits from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department (CMUD) prior to construction. It is anticipated that any necessary water or sewer relocations will be within CMUD's permitting authority and not require permits through the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM). • Erosion Control: Due to disturbance of more than one acre of land, erosion control plan approval will be required by the Land Quality Section of the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR). Plan submittal should begin as soon as practicable to avoid delays. The proposed improvements should improve the stream water quality by arresting channel erosion and thereby reducing turbidity. Where possible, grass-lined channels are proposed in lieu of rip rap, enhancing pollutant removal capability prior to connection with the main streams. However, cleaning and straightening the channels can eliminate pools and eddies that are desirable for aquatic habitats of benthic macro invertebrates. In general, the overall stream water quality should be enhanced by the proposed improvements. The preliminary geotechnical study revealed very poor soils in much of the project area. This will require extensive undercutting of unsuitable material in some locations. Fortunately, no rock was encountered during the geotechnical investigations. One rock outcropping was observed ' City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 26 1? u F downstream of the Weyerhauser site in an area of proposed channel improvements. Although rock was generally not encountered, this does not mean that the contractor will not encounter rock during construction. Also, generally there were no significant subsurface water concerns identified by the geotechnical study. Construction traffic control concerns center primarily on the North Tryon Street and 30th Street improvements. It is expected that two-way traffic will have to be maintained at all times for these streets. The less traveled neighborhood streets should be closed temporarily during culvert installation. Because the downstream project limits essentially extend to Little Sugar Creek, significant downstream impacts are not expected. From review of the LSC HEC-1 model, the time to peak of LSC is approximately four hours later than the time to peak for Tryon Hills Tributary # 1. Therefore, impacts of the Bancroft project on LSC discharges should be negligible. An existing flooded area is located on Catalina Avenue near the 30th Street Tributary. According to residents in the area, a house foundation was excavated but never constructed on this vacant lot (tax code 085-046-20). Water ponds several feet deep and creates a community eyesore and mosquito breeding area. A channel is proposed to drain this area in Alternate 1. Clearing and grading of this parcel to ensure proper drainage will improve community aesthetics in this area. The estimated construction cost of Alternate 1 is $2,429,000. A detailed cost estimate is included in Appendix B. The cost estimate does not include any easement acquisition costs, because the City plans to acquire easements through donation. I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 27 1 P Alternate 2 Alternate 2 is a variation of Alternate 1 that incorporates a storm water detention facility. The detention facility is located at Site 2 (described previously) between Bancroft and Grimes Streets on Tryon Hills Tributary #1. By taking advantage of the natural detention storage available, the required pipe, channel, and culvert sizes are significantly reduced for downstream improvements. Alternate 2 also follows the existing system alignment, and conceptual plans for Alternate 2 are included in Appendix A. The proposed improvements along the 30th and Pine Street Tributaries are identical to Alternate 1. As with Alternate 1, the system was designed for the 10-year storm, and cross-drains were analyzed for the 25- or 50-year storm as appropriate. Peak flow attenuation by the detention facility was incorporated into the analysis by inputting the routed hydrograph from the HEC-1 model into the EXTRAN model below Site 2. The proposed system was found to perform adequately for each design storm without roadway overtopping, except for the area of Catalina Avenue and North Tryon Street described in Alternate 1. As with Alternate 1, this area can be addressed by implementation of Option D (discussed later). From the EXTRAN analysis, a smaller culvert may be adequate at North Tryon Street (NC 49). However, because NCDOT will likely require a more conventional analysis, the same recommendation from Alternate 1 (triple 6- foot by 5-foot precast reinforced concrete box culvert) is included in Alternate 2. If a smaller culvert can be approved through the NCDOT Right-of-way Encroachment Agreement review process, then it will be constructed instead. Alternate 2 will have a greater impact on private property than Alternate 1. Continued and expanded use of the natural detention area at Site 2 will require the acquisition and removal of two houses. These houses are located at 2614 Bancroft Street (tax code 079-075-09) and 2623 Grimes Street (tax code 079-075-27), and their assessed tax values are $38,820 and $46,610, respectively. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 28 To cover acquisition and relocation expenses, total purchase costs of $63,525 and $72,700 are included in the Alternate 2 cost estimate for the properties at 2614 Bancroft Street and 2623 ' Grimes Street, respectively. All other concerns (construction disruption, permitting, water quality, etc.) are identical to ' Alternate 1. In addition, the flooded area on Catalina Avenue will also be addressed by Alternate 2. ' The estimated construction cost of Alternate 2 is $2,477,000. A detailed cost estimate is included in Appendix B. The cost estimate does not include any easement acquisition costs, except for the two houses, under the assumption that easements will be donated. ' Alternate System Routes ' Some minor deviations from the existing drainage system alignment were incorporated into Alternates 1 and 2. Along the 30th Street Tributary, there are three areas where realignment of ' the drainage system or enclosing an existing channel with pipe may be advantageous for hydraulic ' considerations or to reduce impacts to private property. Because these alternates can be implemented in conjunction with either Alternate 1 or 2, they are referred to as Options A, B, C, and D. These options are listed below: • Option A: Enclose the existing channel with 42-inch and 48-inch RCP between Catalina Avenue and 30th Street. Also, extend a 30-inch RCP to the flooded lot on Catalina Avenue (see Figure 3). • Option B: Reroute the drainage system along Catalina Avenue using 36-inch RCP from the Catalina Avenue/Dogwood Avenue intersection to the low point in the 2700 block 1 City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 USInfrastructure Planet Page 29 I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study IJSInfrastructure Page 30 P L_ u I n 1 I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 T Planning Study USlnfrastructure Page 31 1 u 1 F F ' City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 32 of Catalina Avenue. Leave the backyard channel in the 2700 block of Catalina Avenue as is (see Figure 4). • Option C: Reroute the drainage system using 36-inch RCP from the Colorado Avenue/Grimes Street intersection, along Colorado Avenue, through a non-maintained street right-of-way, and along Dogwood Avenue to the Dogwood Avenue/Catalina Avenue ' intersection (see Figure 5). • Option D: Implement all of Options A, B, and C (no drawing for this option). ' Each option is discussed in the paragraphs that follow. Option A provides substantial hydraulic improvement to the drainage system in this area. The ' existing channel has a 901 turn prior to reaching a pipe with headwall upstream of 30th Street. Even with channel improvements, twin 64-inch x 43-inch corrugated metal arch pipes (CMAPs) ' will be required to limit headwater depths from threatening adjacent dwellings. Consequently, nuisance yard flooding will continue in the 10-year storm event. By enclosing this channel with a 42-inch and 48-inch RCP, the inlet control conditions are eliminated, and a 48-inch RCP can ' replace 77 feet of the twin 64-inch x 43-inch CMAPs downstream of the existing channel. Installation of the 30-inch RCP to drain the flooded lot avoids conflicts between fences and an ' open channel. In addition, Option A minimizes private property impacts and will likely lead to ' easier easement acquisition. Construction cost estimates for implementation of Option A with Alternate 1 (Alternate 1A) and Alternate 2 (Alternate 2A) are $2,415,000 and $2,462,000, respectively. Detailed cost estimates are included in Appendix B. Option B also provides a substantial hydraulic improvement and helps reduce private property ' impacts. The existing channel crosses several fences that catch debris and reduce hydraulic capacity. Improvements to the existing channel would still be impacted by these fences. By ' City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 33 J Ll implementing Option B, over 80% of the 10-year storm discharge is diverted away from these properties, thereby reducing the potential for flooding, erosion, and debris accumulation along the existing channel. By limiting the flow through the channel to the adjacent yards, the residents may be able to successfully stabilize the channel themselves. Under Option B, drainage improvements through this area are limited to the street right-of-way and easement donations are not required in this area. Construction cost estimates for implementation of Option B with Alternate 1 (Alternate 1B) and Alternate 2 (Alternate 2B) are $2,415,000 and $2,465,000, respectively. Detailed cost estimates are included in Appendix B. Option C significantly reduces private property impacts. The existing channel downstream from Colorado Avenue is within 15 feet of the back porch of two houses along Colorado Avenue. Improvements to the existing channel will require widening and deepening the channel for capacity and design considerations. These channel improvements will severely impact these two homes. Implementation of Option C will divert over 75 % of the 10-year storm discharge away from these properties. In addition, the pipe system downstream of the channel will be able to handle the reduced flow. The route of the proposed 36-inch RCP will require the removal of several large trees at the end of the Colorado Avenue pavement. Beyond this point, the proposed route is relatively free of obstructions. In conjunction with the proposed pipe installation shown in Figure 5, some channel cleaning and clearing of vegetation and debris will be needed at the upstream end of the existing 24-inch RCP. Construction cost estimates for implementation of Option C with Alternate 1 (Alternate 1C) and Alternate 2 (Alternate 2C) are $2,411,000 and $2,459,000, respectively. Detailed cost estimates are included in Appendix B. As described previously, Option D includes all aspects of Options A, B, and C. Construction cost estimates for implementation of Option D with Alternate 1 (Alternate 1D) and Alternate 2 (Alternate 2D) are $2,420,000 and $2,464,000, respectively. Detailed cost estimates are included ' City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 34 iJ 1 u IL in Appendix B. Repair Using Lesser Design Standards Option The minimum recurrence interval that should be considered for a lesser design standard is the 5- year storm event. From the analysis of the existing drainage system, significant portions of the system were surcharged, experiencing pressure flow, or near capacity for the 2-year storm event. In addition, there are extensive areas of channel erosion, maintenance needs, and replacement needs throughout the project area. In light of these facts, using the 5-year design storm would require extensive improvements throughout the neighborhood. Although less costly than meeting the City's design standards, the improvements would be so widespread that the entire neighborhood would be disrupted for improvements that are not up to code. Therefore, the option is not considered viable. 100+ 1 Option The City's criteria for the 100+1 Option is from the City of Charlotte Subdivision Ordinance and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual (SWDM). The ordinance requires that lots subject to flooding be analyzed for the 100-year storm. SWDM further clarifies this requirement by stating that systems carrying more than 50 cfs in the 100-year storm require a 100+1 flood analysis. The 100-year WSE is determined and then one foot is added to the computed elevation. The ordinance also states that for lots upstream of a culvert under a road, the 100+1 elevation is the greater of the computed 100-year WSE plus one foot or the low point of the road plus one foot. The 100-year WSEs within the project area were computed using HEC-1 for the detention facility, HEC-2 for the major open channels as described previously, and EXTRAN for all other pipe or I City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 35 r C channel systems. Table 6 lists the properties where the lowest ground elevation at a building is below the 100+1 elevation. The ground elevation is used because furnaces or air conditioning units are often in basements or crawlspaces that are below the finished floor elevation (FFE) of the house. n n u r Table 6: Structures Subject to Flooding in the 100-Year Storm 100+ 1 Elevation Lowest und G FFE ft Address Tax Code Computed Road Low ro Elevation [ ) Point + 1' [ft.] 201 E. 28th St. 083-023-05 690.03 N/A 687.50 688.10 2601 Catalina Ave. 079-076-26 706.43 708.25 704.00 712.25 (Alternate 1) 2601 Catalina Ave. 079-076-26 701.74 708.25 704.00 712.25 (Alternate 2) 2623 Bancroft St. 079-074-08 723.38 723.07 722.001 728.00 2321 N. Pine St. 079-082-14 713.21 N/A 713.00 714.51 2320 Catalina Ave. 079-082-12 713.10 N/A 712.50 715.09 2327 Catalina Ave. 079-096-15 712.97 714.64 714.44 719.19 I Door at crawlspace is at elevation 723.0. All of the structures listed above have reported flooding problems or would be expected to ' experience some flooding in severe storm events based on existing conditions. The proposed improvements significantly improve drainage conditions and reduce the potential for flooding of ' the structures listed above. For some of these properties, it is not possible to satisfy the "letter of the law" without removing the structure because the house and/or its mechanical/electrical appurtenances are below the low point of the road plus one foot. For other structures, the computed 100+ 1 elevation was above ' City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USTnfrastructure Page 36 the lowest ground elevation at the structure, but the 100-year WSE is below it. Therefore, it is felt that a reasonable standard of care will be provided for these structures through implementation of the proposed improvements. ' The house at 2601 Catalina Avenue along Tryon Hills Tributary # 1 is below even the computed 100-year WSE for Alternate 1. This occurs even with the installation of twin 5.6' x 7.9' CSAPs instead of the 10-year design of the 60-inch RCPs. In addition, the outlet control conditions at the downstream side of Catalina Avenue were eliminated by enclosing the short channel segment with pipe. These improvements, implemented at an additional cost of approximately $15,000.00, would still leave the house approximately 0.5 foot below the 100-year WSE. Without ' considerable additional expense, it is not practical to reduce the potential for flooding of this house in the 100-year storm event. ' CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS All of the alternates described under the Repair of the Drainage System to City Standards section are viable alternates. Other options considered are not recommended for reasons described previously. A summary of the estimated construction costs for the alternates meeting City standards is included in Table 7. ' City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 37 fl L? C Table 7: Summary of Estimated Construction Costs Alternate Cost 1 $2,429,000 lA $2,415,000 1B $2,415,000 1C $2,411,000 1D $2,420,000 2 $2,477,000 2A $2,462,000 2B $2,465,000 2C $2,459,000 2D $2,464,000 All of the cost estimates are within 3 % of each other, and all of the alternates presented above meet the 10-year storm design criteria. Therefore, selection of the preferred alternate should be based on costs, engineering considerations, and impacts to private property. Alternate 1D with the additional improvements at Catalina Avenue described under the 100+1 Option is recommended for implementation for the following reasons: • Provides a comparable cost to the other alternates. • Minimizes property impacts in the Catalina Avenue, Dogwood Avenue, and Colorado Avenue area along the 30th Street Tributary. • Avoids long-term maintenance needs and potential liability of a regional detention facility. • Reduces flood hazards throughout the neighborhood. • Provides a functional design that satisfies biddability and constructability concerns. • Meets all of the City's design criteria, including 25-year and 50-year storms as appropriate. City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study USInfrastructure Page 38 Before completing design of the recommended alternate, the following additional information is needed: • Additional field survey data in the areas of Dodge Avenue, Colorado Avenue, and Catalina Avenue for the proposed system realignments. • Actual locations and depths of the 20-inch water main along Pine Street and Bellefonte Drive. • Actual locations and depths of the AT&T underground cable along 30th Street. In conclusion, there are several viable alternates for addressing the extensive storm water management problems in the project area. Alternate 1D is recommended for implementation as the preferred alternate. City of Charlotte USI Project No. 9556-01 j. TSInfrastructure Bancroft Drainage Improvements Planning Study Page 39 APPENDIX A Conceptual Plans 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 955"1 Planning Study Usinfrastrueture Page A-1 APPENDIX B Construction Cost Estimates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 City of Charlotte Bancroft Drainage Improvements USI Project No. 9556-01 Planning Study IIfrBstrlctlre USI I B - Page - BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE ALTERNATE I "Sect.° It,, D scriptit nit Quantity Unitg-'rice Amount 800 Mobilization 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2620 CY $10.00 $26,200.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 3380 CY $10.00 $33,800.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1840 TN $15.00 $27,600.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16100 TN $12.00 $193,200.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1451 LF $23.00 $33,373.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1228 LF $32.00 $39,296.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 857 LF $52.00 $44,564.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class IV 128 LF $56.00 $7,168.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 50 LF $65.00 $3,250.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 988 LF $75.00 $74,100.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 394 LF $90.00 $35,460.00 310 72 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 886 LF $127.00 $112,522.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00 328 57"x38" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $62.00 $496.00 328 64"x43" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 154 LF $75.00 $11,550.00 328 71"x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 83"x57" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 150 LF $95.00 $14,250.00 328 103"x71" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 350 LF $120.00 $42,000.00 328 112"x75" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 278 LF $130.00 $36,140.00 328 24"x18" CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6' x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 680 TN $65.00 $44,200.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 310 TN $60.00 $18,600.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 110 Cy $300.00 $33,000.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 3350 LB $0.40 $1,340.00 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 59 EA $1,000.00 $59,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 7 EA $1,200.00 $8,400.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 20 EA $1,000.00 $20,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 9 EA $1,200.00 $10,800.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 7 EA $1,500.00 $10,500.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 91 EA $300.00 $27,300.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 16 EA $280.00 $4,480.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 20 EA $280.00 $5,600.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 CY $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley GutterP2'-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 Sy $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 1 7 Lj ? 11 C 0 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,460.00 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class 1 12480 SY $34.00 $424,320.00 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 12480 SY $2.00 $24,960.00 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1810 SY $4.50 $8,145.00 SP Seeding and Mulching 39000 SY $0.80 $31,200.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1969 LF $12.00 $23,628.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 192 LF $12.00 $2,304.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 10 LF $15.00 $150.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Wooden Slat Privacy Fence Reset 15 LF $15.00 $225.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL $2,208,723.00 { 4j" Contingency 10% $220,812.30 Aw, TOTAL $2,428,935.30 Land Acquisition Cost $0.00 x 4` $2,428,935.30 SAY $2,429,000.00 BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 1 PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 1 u ALTERNATE 1A Sect. No. em D crip "on Quantity krtit Unit Price `- Amount 800 Mobilization 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2220 CY $10.00 $22,200.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 3210 CY $10.00 $32,100.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1850 TN $15.00 $27,750.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16200 TN $12.00 $194,400.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1451 LF $23.00 $33,373.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1228 LF $32.00 $39,296.00 310 30 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 8 LF $45.00 $360.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 857 LF $52.00 $44,564.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class IV 32 LF $56.00 $1,792.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 50 LF $65.00 $3,250.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 1295 LF $75.00 $97,125.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 394 LF $90.00 $35,460.00 310 72 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 886 LF $127.00 $112,522.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00 328 57"x38" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $62.00 $496.00 328 71 "x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 83"x57" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 150 LF $95.00 $14,250.00 328 103"x71" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 350 LF $120.00 $42,000.00 328 112"x75" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 278 LF $130.00 $36,140.00 328 24"x18" CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6' x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 680 TN $65.00 $44,200.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 310 TN $60.00 $18,600.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 100 CY $300.00 $30,000.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 3300 LB $0.40 $1,320.00 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 59 EA $1,000.00 $59,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 7 EA $1,200.00 $8,400.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 21 EA $1,000.00 $21,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 9 EA $1,200.00 $10,800.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 7 EA $1,500.00 $10,500.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 92 EA $300.00 $27,600.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 16 EA $280.00 $4,480.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 21 EA $280.00 $5,880.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 CY $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley GutterfZ-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 SY $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 u 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,460.00 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class 1 12110 SY $34.00 $411,740.00 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 12110 SY $2.00 $24,220.00 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1735 SY $4.50 $7,807.50 SP Seeding and Mulching 39000 SY $0.80 $31,200.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1969 LF $12.00 $23,628.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 192 LF $12.00 $2,304.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 10 LF $15.00 $150.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Wooden Slat Privacy Fence Reset 15 LF $15.00 $225.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL $2,195,134.50 Contingency 10% $219,513.45 TOTAL $2,414,647.95 Land Acquisition Cost $0.00 $2,414,647.95 SAY $2,415,000.00 L L u BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ' PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE r i u ALTERNATE1B Sect. Rein De#cription y a Quantity. Unit ' Unit Price 'm Amount Pla 800 Mobilization 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2280 CY $10.00 $22,800.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 3060 CY $10.00 $30,600.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1910 TN $15.00 $28,650.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16100 TN $12.00 $193,200.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 1402 LF $23.00 $32,246.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1269 LF $32.00 $40,608.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1367 LF $52.00 $71,084.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class IV 46 LF $56.00 $2,576.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 50 LF $65.00 $3,250.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 988 LF $75.00 $74,100.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 394 LF $90.00 $35,460.00 310 72 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 886 LF $127.00 $112,522.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00 328 57"x38" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $62.00 $496.00 328 64"x43" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 154 LF $75.00 $11,550.00 328 71"x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 83"x57" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 150 LF $95.00 $14,250.00 328 103"x71" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 350 LF $120.00 $42,000.00 328 112"x75" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 278 LF $130.00 $36,140.00 328 24"x18" CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6' x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 700 TN $65.00 $45,500.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 320 TN $60.00 $19,200.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 100 Cy $300.00 $30,000.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 3340 LB $0.40 $1,336.00 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 62 EA $1,000.00 $62,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 7 EA $1,200.00 $8,400.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 20 EA $1,000.00 $20,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 9 EA $1,200.00 $10,800.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 6 EA $1,500.00 $9,000.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 90 EA $300.00 $27,000.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 16 EA $280.00 $4,480.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 20 EA $280.00 $5,600.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 Cy $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley GutterP2'-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 Sy $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 r- I F 1 n 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,460.00 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class I 11615 SY $34.00 $394,910.00 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 11615 SY $2.00 $23,230.00 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1810 SY $4.50 $8,145.00 SP Seeding and Mulching 38110 SY $0.80 $30,488.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1748 LF $12.00 $20,976.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 182 LF $12.00 $2,184.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 10 LF $15.00 $150.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Channel Cleaning 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL $2,194,933.00 z<<`- Contingency 10% $219,493.30 TOTAL $2,414,426.30 Land Acquisition Cost $0.00 $2,414,426.30 SAY $2,415,000.00 BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ' PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 7 Lam' I? ALTERNATE1C Sect. a.' esoH: Lion Quantity nit Un' ri Amo t 800 Mobilization 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2260 CY $10.00 $22,600.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 3230 CY $10.00 $32,300.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1910 TN $15.00 $28,650.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16100 TN $12.00 $193,200.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1451 LF $23.00 $33,373.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1343 LF $32.00 $42,976.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1282 LF $52.00 $66,664.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class IV 128 LF $56.00 $7,168.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 50 LF $65.00 $3,250.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 988 LF $75.00 $74,100.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 394 LF $90.00 $35,460.00 310 72 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 886 LF $127.00 $112,522.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00 328 64"x43" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 154 LF $75.00 $11,550.00 328 71 "x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 83"x57" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 150 LF $95.00 $14,250.00 328 103"x71" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 350 LF $120.00 $42,000.00 328 112"x75" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 278 LF $130.00 $36,140.00 328 24"x18" CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6'x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 750 TN $65.00 $48,750.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 340 TN $60.00 $20,400.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 100 CY $300.00 $30,000.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 3333 LB $0.40 $1,333.20 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 59 EA $1,000.00 $59,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 8 EA $1,200.00 $9,600.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 18 EA $1,000.00 $18,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 8 EA $1,200.00 $9,600.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 7 EA $1,500.00 $10,500.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 89 EA $300.00 $26,700.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 16 EA $280.00 $4,480.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 18 EA $280.00 $5,040.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 CY $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley GutterP2'-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 SY $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,460.00 n 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class 1 11330 SY $34.00 $385,220.00 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 11330 SY $2.00 $22,660.00 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1810 SY $4.50 $8,145.00 SP Seeding and Mulching 38310 SY $0.80 $30,648.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1821 LF $12.00 $21,852.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 192 LF $12.00 $2,304.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 40 LF $15.00 $600.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Wooden Slat Privacy Fence Reset 15 LF $15.00 $225.00 SP Channel Cleaning 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL $2,191,262.20 Contingency 10% $219,126.22 1 r TOTAL $2,410,388.42 ' Land Acquisition Cost $0.00 $2,410,388.42 SAY $2,411,000.00 k A BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 0 ALTERNATE M Sect. No. Item D4cripti8n Quantity, unit Unit Price A o nt 800 Mobilization 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2380 CY $10.00 $23,800.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 2730 CY $10.00 $27,300.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1950 TN $15.00 $29,250.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16600 TN $12.00 $199,200.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 1402 LF $23.00 $32,246.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1392 LF $32.00 $44,544.00 310 30 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 8 LF $45.00 $360.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1649 LF $52.00 $85,748.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 189 LF $65.00 $12,285.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1131 LF $75.00 $84,825.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 394 LF $90.00 $35,460.00 310 72 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 886 LF $127.00 $112,522.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00' 328 71"x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 83"x57" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 150 LF $95.00 $14,250.00 328 103"x71" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 350 LF $120.00 $42,000.00 328 112"x75" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 278 LF $130.00 $36,140.00 328 24"x18" CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6' x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 780 TN $65.00 $50,700.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 350 TN $60.00 $21,000.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 90 CY $300.00 $27,000.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 3250 LB $0.40 $1,300.00 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 62 EA $1,000.00 $62,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 6 EA $1,200.00 $7,200.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 19 EA $1,000.00 $19,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 9 EA $1,200.00 $10,800.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 6 EA $1,500.00 $9,000.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 94 EA $300.00 $28,200.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 15 EA $280.00 $4,200.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 19 EA $280.00 $5,320.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 CY $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley GutterP2'-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 SY $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,460.00 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class 1 10810 SY $34.00 $367,540.00 t 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 10810 SY $2.00 $21,620.00 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1740 SY $4.50 $7,830.00 SP Seeding and Mulching 37800 SY $0.80 $30,240.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1600 LF $12.00 $19,200.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 182 LF $12.00 $2,184.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 40 LF $15.00 $600.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Channel Cleaning 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL $2,199,866.00 Contingency 10% $219,986.60 TOTAL $2,419,852.60 Land Acquisition Cost $0.00 $2,419,852.60 SAY $2,420,000.00 BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ' PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE ALTERNATE2 1 ec . No. .. Sri ion Quantity. , iunt Unit Price - Amount 800 Mobilization 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2600 CY $10.00 $26,000.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 3160 CY $10.00 $31,600.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1780 TN $15.00 $26,700.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16000 TN $12.00 $192,000.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1451 LF $23.00 $33,373.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1228 LF $32.00 $39,296.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 857 LF $52.00 $44,564.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class IV 128 LF $56.00, $7,168.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 50 LF $65.00 $3,250.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 988 LF $75.00 $74,100.00 310 54 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 166 LF $84.00 $13,944.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 228 LF $90.00 $20,520.00 310 66 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 886 LF $102.00 $90,372.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00 328 57"x38" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $62.00 $496.00 328 64"x43" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 154 LF $75.00 $11,550.00 328 71 "x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 95"x67" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 628 LF $105.00 $65,940.00 328 24"xW' CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6' x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 680 TN $65.00 $44,200.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 310 TN $60.00 $18,600.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 110 Cy $300.00 $33,000.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 2650 LB $0.40 $1,060.00 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 59 EA $1,000.00 $59,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 7 EA $1,200.00 $8,400.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 20 EA $1,000.00 $20,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 9 EA $1,200.00 $10,800.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 7 EA $1,500.00 $10,500.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 91 EA $300.00 $27,300.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 16 EA $280.00 $4,480.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 20 EA $280.00 $5,600.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 CY $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley GutterfT-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 Sy $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,460.00 1 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class 1 11740 SY $34.00 $399,160.00 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 11740 SY $2.00 $23,480.00 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1810 SY $4.50 $8,145.00 SP Seeding and Mulching 39000 SY $0.80 $31,200.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1970 LF $12.00 $23,640.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 190 LF $12.00 $2,280.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 10 LF $15.00 $150.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Wooden Slat Privacy Fence Reset 15 LF $15.00 $225.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL $2,127,095.00 Contingency 10% $212,709.50 TOTAL $2,339,804.50 Land Acquisition Cost $136,225.00 -F= $2,476,029.50 SAY $2,477,000.00 BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ' PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 1 ALTERNATE 2A sect. No. _item, Description cft ntit? Uni Uni ri ? Am 800 Mobilization 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2200 CY $10.00 $22,000.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 2990 CY $10.00 $29,900.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1790 TN $15.00 $26,850.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16100 TN $12.00 $193,200.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1451 LF $23.00 $33,373.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1228 LF $32.00 $39,296.00 310 30 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 8 LF $45.00 $360.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 857 LF $52.00 $44,564.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class IV 32 LF $56.00 $1,792.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 50 LF $65.00 $3,250.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1295 LF $75.00 $97,125.00 310 54 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 166 LF $84.00 $13,944.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 228 LF $90.00 $20,520.00 310 66 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 886 LF $102.00 $90,372.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00 328 57"x38" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $62.00 $496.00 328 71 "x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 95"x67" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 628 LF $105.00 $65,940.00 328 24"x18" CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6' x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 680 TN $65.00 $44,200.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 310 TN $60.00 $18,600.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 100 CY $300.00 $30,000.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 2590 LB $0.40 $1,036.00 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 59 EA $1,000.00 $59,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 7 EA $1,200.00 $8,400.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 21 EA $1,000.00 $21,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 9 EA $1,200.00 $10,800.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 7 EA $1,500.00 $10,500.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 92 EA $300.00 $27,600.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 16 EA $280.00 $4,480.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 21 EA $280.00 $5,880.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 CY $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley GUtterP2'-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 SY $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,46020 t 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class 1 11370 SY $34.00 $386,580.00 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 11370 SY $2.00 $22,740.00 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1735 SY $4.50 $7,807.50 SP Seeding and Mulching 39000 SY $0.80 $31,200.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1969 LF $12.00 $23,628.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 192 LF $12.00 $2,304.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 10 LF $15.00 $150.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Wooden Slat Privacy Fence Reset 15 LF $15.00 $225.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 .: SUBTOTAL $2,114,114.50 Contingency 10% $211,411.45 f?' TOTAL $2,325,525.95 Land Acquisition Cost $136,225.00 -" $2,461,750.95 SAY $2,462,000.00 BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE P I.I I Lam' 17 f] ALTERNATE 2B Sect. No. Itq escription Q nti Unit . Unit Price ® A otint 800 Mobilization 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2250 CY $10.00 $22,500.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 2830 CY $10.00 $28,300.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1850 TN $15.00 $27,750.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16000 TN $12.00 $192,000.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1402 LF $23.00 $32,246.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1269 LF $32.00 $40,608.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class 111 1367 LF $52.00 $71,084.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class IV 46 LF $56.00 $2,576.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 50 LF $65.00 $3,250.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 988 LF $75.00 $74,100.00 310 54 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 166 LF $84.00 $13,944.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 228 LF $90.00 $20,520.00 310 66 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 886 LF $102.00 $90,372.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00 328 57"x38" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $62.00 $496.00 328 64"x43" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 154 LF $75.00 $11,550.00 328 71"x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 95"x67" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 628 LF $105.00 $65,940.00 328 24"x18" CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6'x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 700 TN $65.00 $45,500.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 320 TN $60.00 $19,200.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 100 CY $300.00 $30,000.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 2640 LB $0.40 $1,056.00 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 62 EA $1,000.00 $62,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 7 EA $1,200.00 $8,400.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 20 EA $1,000.00 $20,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 9 EA $1,200.00 $10,800.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 6 EA $1,500.00 $9,000.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 90 EA $300.00 $27,000.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 16 EA $280.00 $4,480.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 20 EA $280.00 $5,600.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 CY $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley Gutter/2'-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 SY $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,460.00 ':7 rl L 1I J 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class 1 10875 SY $34.00 $369,750.00 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 10875 SY $2.00 $21,750.00 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1810 SY $4.50 $8,145.00 SP Seeding and Mulching 38100 SY $0.80 $30,480.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1748 LF $12.00 $20,976.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 182 LF $12.00 $2,184.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 10 LF $15.00 $150.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Channel Cleaning 1 LS $8,000.00 $8,000.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 > F SUBTOTAL $2,116,709.00 k Contingency 10% $211,670.90 TOTAL $2,328,379.90 Land Acquisition Cost $136,225.00 $2,464,604.90 SAY $2,465,000.00 BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ' PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE L? t ALTERNATE 2C = c. c R Des 6 bri Quknti I JJnit L R Unit Price ` Arnvunt 800 Mobilization 1 LS $90,000000 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2230 CY $10.00 $22,300.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 3000 CY $10.00 $30,000.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1860 TN $15.00 $27,900.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16000 TN $12.00 $192,000.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1451 LF $23.00 $33,373.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1343 LF $32.00 $42,976.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1282 LF $52.00 $66,664.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class IV 128 LF $56.00 $7,168.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 50 LF $65.00 $3,250.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 988 LF $75.00 $74,100.00 310 54 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 166 LF $84.00 $13,944.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 228 LF $90.00 $20,520.00 310 66 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 886 LF $102.00 $90,372.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00 328 64"x43" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 154 LF $75.00 $11,550.00 328 71 "x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 95"x67" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 628 LF $105.00 $65,940.00 328 24"x18" CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6'x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 750 TN $65.00 $48,750.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 340 TN $60.00 $20,400.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 100 CY $300.00 $30,000.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 2630 LB $0.40 $1,052.00 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 59 EA $1,000.00 $59,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 8 EA $1,200.00 $9,600.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 19 EA $1,000.00 $19,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 8 EA $1,200.00 $9,600.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 7 EA $1,500.00 $10,500.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 89 EA $300.00 $26,700.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 16 EA $280.00 $4,480.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 19 EA $280.00 $5,320.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 CY $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley GutterP2'-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 SY $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,460.00 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class 1 10590 SY $34.00 $360,060.00 1 Ll L L 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 10590 SY $2.00 $21,180.00 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1810 SY $4.50 $8,145.00 SP Seeding and Mulching 38310 SY $0.80 $30,648.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1821 LF $12.00 $21,852.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 192 LF $12.00 $2,304.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 40 LF $15.00 $600.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Wooden Slat Privacy Fence Reset 15 LF $15.00 $225.00 SP Channel Cleaning 1 LS .$5,000.00 $5,000.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL $2,111,475.00 ,. .'_ Contingency 10% $211,147.50 c TOTAL $2,322,622.50 r r 1 ? - Land Acquisition Cost $136,225.00 $2,458,847.50 SAY $2,459,000.00 BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 1 ?I L! 1 1 ALTERNATE 2D ec No. pHeqL Quintity nit' ni Price Amo nt 800 - Mobilization 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 225 Undercut Excavation 2350 CY $10.00 $23,500.00 226 Grading 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 240 Drainage Ditch Excavation 2510 CY $10.00 $25,100.00 300 Foundation Conditioning Material 1900 TN $15.00 $28,500.00 SP Select Backfill Material 16300 TN $12.00 $195,600.00 310 15 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1402 LF $23.00 $32,246.00 310 18 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1246 LF $27.00 $33,642.00 310 24 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1392 LF $32.00 $44,544.00 310 30 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 8 LF $45.00 $360.00 310 36 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1649 LF $52.00 $85,748.00 310 42 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 189 LF $65.00 $12,285.00 310 48 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 1131 LF $75.00 $84,825.00 310 54 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 166 LF $84.00 $13,944.00 310 60 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 228 LF $90.00 $20,520.00 310 66 " R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class III 886 LF $102.00 $90,372.00 310 24 " R.C. Flared End Sections 2 EA $540.00 $1,080.00 328 18" C. S. Pipe Culverts 111 LF $20.00 $2,220.00 328 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 193 LF $42.00 $8,106.00 328 42" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 140 LF $54.00 $7,560.00 328 66" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 316 LF $100.00 $31,600.00 328 72" Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts 897 LF $120.00 $107,640.00 328 24"x18" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $24.00 $192.00 328 49"x33" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 8 LF $52.00 $416.00 328 71"x47" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 276 LF $85.00 $23,460.00 328 95"x67" Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch Culverts 628 LF $105.00 $65,940.00 328 24"x18" CMP Flared End Section 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 SP 6'x 5' Precast R. C. Box Culvert 258 LF $300.00 $77,400.00 545 Incidental Stone Base 590 TN $12.00 $7,080.00 640 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Type H 780 TN $65.00 $50,700.00 645 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-2 350 TN $60.00 $21,000.00 838 Concrete Endwalls, NCDOT Stds. 838.01 85 CY $300.00 $25,500.00 838 Reinforcing Steel, Endwalls 2540 LB $0.40 $1,016.00 840 Drainage Structures, CB, Std. 840.01 62 EA $1,000.00 $62,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, JB, Std. 840.34 6 EA $1,200.00 $7,200.00 840 Drainage Structures, DI, Std. 840.15 20 EA $1,000.00 $20,000.00 840 Drainage Structures, MH, Std. 840.53 9 EA $1,200.00 $10,800.00 840 Drainage Structures, DCB, City Std. 20.03 6 EA $1,500.00 $9,000.00 840 Frame with Grate and Hood, NCDOT Std. 840.03 94 EA $300.00 $28,200.00 840 Frame with Cover, NCDOT Std. 840.54 15 EA $280.00 $4,200.00 840 Frame with Grate, NCDOT Std. 840.16 20 EA $280.00 $5,600.00 840 Pipe Plugs 5 CY $300.00 $1,350.00 846 2' Valley GutterfZ-6" Concrete Curb & Gutter 2120 LF $10.00 $21,200.00 848 4'-6" Monolithic Sidewalk and Curb 9 SY $24.00 $216.00 848 4" Concrete Sidewalk 351 SY $20.00 $7,020.00 848 6" Concrete Driveways 282 SY $30.00 $8,460.00 868 Plain Rip Rap, Class 1 10065 SY $34.00 $342,210.00 868 Filter Fabric for Rip Rap 10065 SY $2.00 $20,130.00 1 SP Channel Stabilization Fabric 1735 SY $4.50 $7,807.50 SP Seeding and Mulching 37810 SY $0.80 $30,248.00 SP Chain Link Fence Reset 1600 LF $12.00 $19,200.00 SP Woven Wire Fence Reset 182 LF $12.00 $2,184.00 SP White Picket Fence Reset 40 LF $15.00 $600.00 SP Wrought Iron Fence Reset 48 LF $20.00 $960.00 SP Channel Cleaning 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 SP Traffic Control 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SP Erosion Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SP Utility Relocation & Replacement 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 y}I w T SUBTOTAL $2,116,081.50 Contingency 10% $211,608.15 y TOTAL $2,327,689.65 Land Acquisition Cost $136,225.00 $2,463,914.65 SAY $2,464,000.00 1 x I' ?Q ?V? DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 4 Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 ?3 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID No. 199702570 June 12, 1997 PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Charlotte, Engineering and Property Management Division, ATTN: Mr. Clark D. Readling, City Engineer, 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO UPSIZE AND EXTEND DRAINAGE PIPES, RECONSTRUCT AND REALIGN STREAM CHANNELS, AND CONSTRUCT ROCK RIP-RAP STREAMBANK STABILIZATION ON APPROXIMATELY 12,700 LINEAR FEET OF CHANNELS IN THE HEADWATERS OF LITTLE SUGAR CREEK TO ALLEVIATE FLOODING AND EROSION PROBLEMS WITHIN AN EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREA BETWEEN NORTH TRYON STREET AND NORTH GRAHAM STREET AT CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed realignment of 480 feet of the main channel immediately downstream of North Tryon Road. This portion of channel would be straightened, enlarged and directed away from an electrical C390 mss' wer. The existing channel would be backfilled. Approximatel linear fee of channel would be put Road crossing culverts at th Pine S eet, Grimes Street and Bancroft Street would be extended to alleviate boding of nearby buildings. Approximately 2700 feet of channel would be enlarged and stabilized with rock rip-rap. Typical sections on the main channel would be 5 to 10 feet wide and have 2:1 side slopes. The bed and banks would be lined with class 1 rip-rap. The smaller tributary channels would be constructed 2 to 4 feet wide and would be stabilized with erosion control matting and grass. The remainder of the proposed work or approximately 9100 linear feet involves the replacement of existing drainage pipe with larger pipe to accommodate greater flows. The proposed work would result in the discharge of fill into approximately 1.2 acres of surface waters. No wetlands would be impacted by the work. The purpose of the work is to reduce flooding problems and stabilize streambanks in a highly urbanized area. Representative plans of the proposed work are included with this public notice. A full set of project plans may be reviewed at the following locations: 1) The City of Charlotte, Engineering and Property Management Division, 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202, 2) US Infrastructure, Incorporated, Consulting Engineers, 200 Queens Road, Suite 400, Charlotte, North Carolina 28204, 3) US Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Regulatory Field Office, 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143, Asheville, North Carolina 28801. C'? '_ruA? ? " -yD I -2- The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No Department of the Army (DA) permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. r` S -3- The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army (DA) permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDWQ considers whether or,not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army (DA) permit serves as application to the NCDEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after July 5, 1997. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, on or before June 30, 1997, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. Steven Lund, until 4:15 p.m., July 11, 1997 or telephone (704) 271-4857. _ ` ?a' ? wpm t . rlliam7r Hich Sch: M••e' !;%/? ?- 737 ? .. ? .i2 narHUw ? a li.e ?i've- niay; `? ?,. PROJECT ! . - 114 ender Druid Hilt. ?r ' AREA ?1? 411 acn r ---•i x- 1l?tJ ''.. J-H r' : % 4* Radio To?' so`c> ;?• ,.,?• •? ,'(•?•'`' X67 • _ 7? 46 !14 / as ` ?rl? o Junction, \\ 66 '001, uryt. \r / "cam r ('' i O alll? X J/ io 7C on ill ,?.. -sc. ie' q Hig. 1 { p ?? ater 1 .:a Tan CITY OF CHARLOTTE BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE lli IPROVEMENT ACTION ID 199702570 Sheet 1 of 10 Figure 1: Project Area USlnfrastructure r J g i y < € rn $ - ? ? ? y i•'"?, i ?w??u?? g?Agi3 F O to 00090t??G. on ®801:0 (4®a01 C. I +?•-'? O H W W C7 e-? W ? a ? z I (-? uu W z ? z w V1 N W ?1 W ?r1 U D V) w ? F- N Z - W a o0 O a a WQ! J / 1 Z W W 0 <Z o= E Z Two a o V 3 E-q w og N W O ~ F-Lr U O U U ?Wi Z a a F.I. 2 O V < W _ - ? ;Isis 5 ggyy Atf W 4 W W ul N o Miin U 15 IIIII ?'j!I ?? III ?? (ii I ?? ? li z va .? W ?a n z nz $ v 6 .. II I .? .1 Ln N - • r ?- H 4-) U zSfA a J p O ?o 0 Wz nOVW N W U n. (WY aflo 19 i w N I Ql 7 7 NN MIHw? Q N 0 Z o U z d Z W N O O r-4 W O N N N En I h H c ?11 Za ?y < x? U z i Z O Q U U W CL O 0 Z N U') CY) CY) 4. O z °? LLJ r?d ? 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RTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 FN??RO?MF?T? 99> WILMINGTON, NO June 13, 1997 , Jsc?FN IN REPLY REFER TO cFS Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199702570 Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is the application of the City of Charlotte, Engineering and Property Management Division for Department of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to upsize and extend drainage pipes, reconstruct and realign stream channels and construct rock rip-rap streambank stabilization on approximately 12,700 linear feet of channels in the headwaters of Little Sugar Creek to alleviate flooding and erosion problems within an existing residential and industrial area between North Tryon Street and North Graham Street at Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request, or asked for an extension of time, by August 11, 1997, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. r a -2- Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Steven Lund in our Asheville Regulatory Field office, telephone (704) 271-4857. Sincerely, Robert W. Johnson Office Manager Asheville Regulatory Field Office Enclosure/as Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 III r - ' y ///?: -?-wf~ sir\M?. ?) ??,- w •(??•'?? %67 ?.? % f ?. 9Gak _ d' ???_. l 7sd _ ?Iliamn ? ? ?? •? ? J . ? ? ?/ ? • High sch? •.i `??/ :ti4 ??J .j ; '.% ?/` pis •\.` , ?a ? y } O ?"? I It ni PQ ?... •i%- :?. r{. _ -... 737, ?i77!e?? J -?? 71 All! f' l? •. MCART?fU ?tR "!"] 1 "A VE AVC• (I N jtando Junction \ ?i"aced nia?.• , 4. PROJECT ' I•, '- 66 `. ?',.? , .? ? Aur Cli op"ll j; + . enei Druid Hiil. , J? ! ,vv? -- / r y- AREA . ?Ce,,.••- -Sc ., :::??®-?0 ? ? ? ?.^" Water •••• • v Tan ood-/ , (? •?. ?r?' ? c i• 7+0 ?? ?*. ?'••ij" fir et adio:To c.?i %.,_ `.F •. t• ? • SOS-: - r? _ .?`? f ?•L 16"1 . '? •=?' i ) u ?-1 .''? / , _ r dr _ ? •.+1 ?dY`• ? ?\\ ?, fn -y,A CITY OF CHARLOTTE BANCROFT STREET AREA STORM DRAINAGE i IPROVEMENT ACTION ID 199702570 Sheet 1 of 10 Figure 1: Project Area USInfrastructure C) N :r 0 F 0 0 Z O to (n 0 Z n c i> z D < N Z7 X 1-9 o (7 Z 00 0 N 0 o o ? I - N C ? C m O (7 O ,Fp by ? ts?,elo e,' M1 4 a? (0 co V1 D Z D 0 En v M n 21 D O Z En O C V? D Z Z °v I o' a I • n x z n .d r O y y V ? J V fi 4 IJ SoUMN QQ n i 3 0 ?Ork 0 y (A(nm N C? rt - .. - w N ' i v ? ? ....-- ?. - i. ? - a . O v - it ?; c Z oy m 11 ) ^ r O •? .J 2 U 4'1 c T t7 ° a N x fD m fi N O hh N O m 0 m' Z 0 (? ? II I I I 1 . II M F. E A, I S6 ? O 2 I? D A wly <a z c? m ?M z z N Z7 N ?yy 0 C) Z 0 N z DM L m y v r ? m m ? M 3 F?1 !V m y l J -1 ? Z ;u C ---1 l-J m V l >? 1 f7?d M? N O l J J M? ?i y C? ?d O Oct, g 6.9 \ ?d fff"'Flll O Nis . 1 1 1/1i1\ c I `\ $ A`O9?b1 ?_- ?$ ?i F-J ?R O N U-1 O , 09 o° c a « m C" ? N z y z? Vz om C!In it !SSE a I I I / I 1 p x ? b c ? rC. 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O oo R O N z Fh In n n 80 Fj 0 z O ?f of m o - mo - z F( E O n ur I g ? ? s ^a y coa Y O t:7 E V °a y 4 ?E !Is I I l 11,12,3 10. 0 a ? $CA) $ m z PP p? L Y ?p f? ?O 1 1 tTN E 1 "qg L_ oR E ??n? MW*hs ?t 7 USI 1 USINFRASTRUCTURE, INC. rwl?? CONSULTING ENGINEERS tV 16 1997 April 1, 1997 Mr. Steve Lund Asheville Regulatory Office Corps of Engineers Department of the Army 1511 Patton Avenue, Room 143 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Subject: Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina City Project # 511-95-719 USI Project # 9556-01 Dear Mr. Lund: Enclosed is one (1) copy of a completed application for a Nationwide Permit 13 and Section 401 water quality certification. This application includes a "Joint Form" for permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers and require application for Section 401 certification. One (1) 8'/2" x 11" reduced copy and one (1) 11" x 17" reduced copy of the Preliminary Plans have also been included for your records and review. The structural detail, traffic control plan, and utility relocation plan sheets have not been completely finalized and have not been included in this submittal. In addition, seven (7) copies of the application have been sent to NCDEHNR Water Quality Section, one (1) copy has been sent to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and one (1) copy has been sent to the State Historic Preservation Office (transmittal letters are attached). An Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan has been submitted to NCDEHNR Land Quality Section for review. A copy of the-notification will be forwarded to you once the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan is approved. Please let me know if you need additional information regarding the application or submittal. Your assistance in preparing this application has been greatly appreciated. Sincerely, USInfrastructure, Inc. Robert E. Wilson, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Jennifer Glotfelty Charlotte SWS Research Planning Engineering • Management 200 Queens Road Suite 400 Charlotte, North Carolina • 28204 (704) 342-3007 Fax(704)342-1666 DEM ID: ACTION ID: 011 ??o Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 13 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-1786 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: City of Charlotte Engineering & Property Management 2. Owners Address: 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (704) 336-7924 4. If Applicable, Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Clark D. Readling, P.E. City Engineer 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Mecklenbur Nearest Town or City: Charlotte Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Project limits roughly bounded by N. Tryon Street N Graham StrP t, 30th Street (Norri-, Aypni 1, and 27th Street. See attached plans 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: Little Sugar Creek 7. River Basin: Catawba Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WSI, or WS II? YES [ ] NO [X] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use one this property? YES [ ] NO [K] If yes, explain. File: f luserslenlshorelenlper»titslperm_40I jrm 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 3 acres 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0 . 9405. acres Drained: Flooded: Excavated: 1.0708 acres Total Impacted: 1 • 1830 (calculations attached) 12. Description of proposed work. (Attach PLANS - S 1/2" X 11" drawings only): The improvements consist of upsi zi ncr pin RvRtPmR rPrnn-9t 11C±i na channels bank stabilization, and realignment, approximately 8,900 linea?P feet of pi pi and 1 . Rnn linear feed- of rbannel 1M ? rnupMpntc are nrnnngPH 13. Purpose of proposed work: The purpose of this project is to alleviate the existing flooding and erosion problems in the area. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. N/A - no delineated wetland areas within project limits. 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National-Marine-Fisheries- Service - NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [X] NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS &/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [X] NO [) RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. Highly urbanized, industrial, commercial, E. What is land use of surrounding property: institutional, single-family, and multi- family uses. F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? N/A c i 1q:7- Owner's Signature Date File: f.luserskenkrharekenlpermitslperm_a0l.frm U U O +1 43 E O E U m t6 iL E N to C ? O Q ? U V L U o uL U ? C t6 m N I ? r • C L L L L L I O V R O N O ytns3 O N O It1 O N O ? L L O ? ? ? L O L ?;?Oj O U C L U L (? c C N N JS L O N = O = C U = V {O? N 'Z tO? N L U RO Vs N L tp? Vi N L % V C '4 {OQ N pp V C L ?ITOQ N ? R S L = o L "P tO? N C 3?? ??{{3O N L m b A a 5 cc fi : R '? - h u?i ? S Ta ? t t l6? U 0f t e 1 ¢ RR ?i T m o R ? o ? o u c R V c L x S y? S = c R U ? c R ?+ O c R c ? c R 41 c ? x S = R m U U C R R S x _ u L W c L . L ? 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W CP CA CA ? Cl 9f 3 ? s 3 3 n Oi ? N N W W O ? O O O O O (fl ? (O ? V W S ? U1 .P ? W ? W A W W ? W n ? ? ? A O V 0? V (J? O W N ? N N 6l W C7? W ? ? v? ? ? O O W O W N O N O W N W W ? ?D 61 v o 0 IJ 0 IV O 0 V 0 IV 0 IV 0 IV 0 N O 0 ?1 0 V ? IV ? lV -' ? -' ? `--' ? ? CT CP C31 CP CJt (A CJI (P (71 CP (p (P (JI U7 (P U7 - v S W W ? N 4 N N N N u v (71 N m O CA O N N 3 ? (11 O . + c* ? m u N N N N N W N N N N N N N - N .. N ° n Z A A O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N tf1 ? s A R v (A (P W W (P tT (St C57 (P C37 W CP CJ1 N N 'a Z V? ? ? v N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 O V W W ? O ? O O W Ot N N CD ? Nw c? 3 ?' ? O O N O O W V ? 61 O O v 6l N O ? 3t C 61 O O C9 O ° v ? W O W O N ? N N W Ol W ? Cat N W ? W v ?' ?" O W O W W N O N O O W N O W W C37 W O W 11 v o O O O O O O O O O O i I I -' ? ? (P CT CP W CP (P (P (n C71 CA .N (P V W V 9 G G G . CA 111- G ? o D ? W ? N ? N 61 N N N (P O V CT N (P V O Ui O W U1 N N .... s ? O _ Cn (r V S1 . . T N N N N N W N N N N N N N N . N ° Z LT a a- ° O N N N N N N N N N N N N N O ti O {{ (O ? ? O W V ?j' O N Cat V N O W CO N W O N W y4' W O O N O W C O ? O O O O (n W l 6 O ? ? St C CA CT N O Ot O O O O O O O O O O O O O p O p p O O p O a O p p 00 p 00 p p O O O O iv O O p O O O O O O n v ?' n O 6 W N O pl N O W CO O O O O 0? N .. o W 1 ? O V A O W N /9 O O O 61 O W CO Cn O O 0? 3 O CD O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p p O p O O O m 1 ° T o o_ O O O O O O O W ? W O N W O O N WN O Cn O O _ CP O N ? p O ? O O N ' O pu - ?' CA O (fl O O CO O V N W V O N O V ? O W C9 CO Ol O ? O CD A Ot O N O V ? ? ? C O . . O O O ? O O ? O O O ? O O O O O O ? p ? O O n D ? O ?p O O O W O p b N O p O O O O O ? iv O p O O p O O O n '° ° ?i m W O ? ? ? ? W O N V O ? 7t C N ? W 61 N O A N 07 W O W CD CO CD 61 ? 61 ? CO (9 W W tD O CT p J p p W N N ? iC w ? Cli A ? ? 7 T G? _rl N N 7_ 0 T 0 7 N T 1 7 ? 7 T T T D 70 D o 7 {{ flf 7 p 91 ?°? 7 p 91 9?i N SAY 7 p 91 7 p 91 7 -Ei ? 7 91 7 p SY ? r O 9?i ? o NS 3 S ( ?7 ` S ID O S N 3 S ° 3' m k S n S m S O ° v S n y, 'r N 3 A O ? 3 3 ? 3 3 3 3 n t°51 O ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N 3 R 3 3 N O 3 A y j 3 ? ? O 3 O 3 c j- ? ? N O ??f O. N ° ? ? N 91 tl ° cue N t}1 (? lfl O N . 3 l?ti? ?. 3 R lA ? A i?ft ? 3 A (?{?t ? O n' ?3t n u1 3 n N 1 N N L: N N ? ? ? ? ? t9 p ? f)1 11 O 3 ?r o N i? O 3 IJ M O 3 111 O 3 ? 3 a S N S' O N O 3 o N c! O ° 91 3 N ? O N 91 O ° ? j N Y1 O N 91 O ° YSj 3 (l S 3 ° S. ? N N O ? pp v 3 ? ? 3 3 O 3 3 ° n 3 y i. O t?? (°l (°l (°l (°l W 3 ? 3 CD O W V N ? 3 A W m fA N ? N R cr n C_ tD Q tD 3 O R c'F `O C1 c+ State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. Clark Readling City of Charlotte Engineering and Property Management Division 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202 WQC #970308 COE #199702570 Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Readling: 1•• D E H N f-? July 30, 1997 The Division of Water Quality has reviewed your plans for the discharge of fill material into 12,700 linear feet of waters located at Little Sugar Creek in Mecklenburg County for streambank stabilization. Based on this review, we have identified significant uses which would be removed by this project. These uses are aquatic life uses in the stream Furthermore, insufficient evidence is present in our files to conclude that your project must be built as planned in waters and/or wetlands in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0506. Therefore, we are moving toward denial of your 401 Certification as required by 15A NCAC 2H .0507(e). Until we receive additional information, we are requesting (by copy of this letter) that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers place your project on administrative hold due to incomplete information. Please provide us with information supporting your position that your project must be constructed as planned and that you have no practicable alternative to placing fill in these waters. Specifically can you construct your streambank stabilization by 1) utilizing bioengineering techniques in appropriate places and 2) planting woody vegetation to shade the new channel? Any documentation such as maps and narrative that you can supply to address alternative designs for your project may be helpful in our review of your 401 Certification. Also this project may require compensatory mitigation as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h) for any culverting of a permanent stream (defined as stream with greater than 7Q10/30Q2 flow). Please inform us whether any of the culverting is for permanent streams and respond within two weeks of the date of this letter by sending a copy of this information to me and one copy to Mr. Todd St. John at the Mooresville Regional Office at 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 704-663-6040. If we do not hear from you in two weeks, we will assume that you no longer want to pursue this project and we will consider the project as withdrawn. I can be reached at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincerely, J R. orney ater Quality Ce n Program cc: Mooresville DWQ Regional Office Wilmington Office Corps of Engineers Central Files 970308.nty Division of Water Quality - Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 - Telephone 919-733-1786 - FAX 919-733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 500/6 recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper A, N USI?1s USINFRASTRUCTURE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS RECEIVED Nov 10 1997+ WATER QUALITY SECTION Nan-Discharge Compliance Enf. October 6, 1997 Mr. Steve Lund Asheville Regulatory Office Corps of Engineers Department of the Army 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Subject: Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina City Project # 511-95-719 USI Project # 9556-01 Dear Mr. Lund: Based on your request and review of the Individual Permit for the above project, USI will include woody vegatative plantings in the final design plans for the City of Charlotte. Because the proposed channel downstream of North Tryon Street is located within a Duke Power right-of-way; small maturing trees that grow to less than 35 feet in height at maturity will be proposed. The types of trees that will be proposed on the the plans will reference the Approved Species List for Charlotte Tree Ordinance Planting Requirements (attached). More specifically, the plans will call for small maturing trees to be planted along the tops of banks between station 10+84 and station 17+68 on Tryon Hills Tributary I - Line A. The spacing of trees will be of 30' center-to-center and staggered between the banks. An example of the proposed spacing is shown below. J_rx e• /pR pFtOp • S a i a Research Planning Engineering • Management 200 Queens Road Suite 400 Charlotte, North Carolina • 28204 (704) 342-3007 Fax (704) 342-1666 i I hope that the inclusion of the woody vegetation in the final design plans will be acceptable and fulfill all requirements for the Individual Permits as described by the Army Corps of Engineers. Please contact us if the requirements will not be met by the proposed action or if you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (704) 342-3007. Sincerely, USInfrastructure, Inc. Sandra Hayes4E.L. Project Engineer Attachments cc: Jennifer Glotfelty, CSWS John Dorney, DEHNR .... . i APPROVED SPECIES LIST FOR CHARLOTTE TREE ORDINANCE PLANTING REQUIREMENTS SMALL-MATURING TREES € Q - e $ 8 ° s e MARLAWIT. CONNON NAME, LATIN NAME o Q . a i W 03 _ J. a 4 d - c COMMENTS: FLOMING Cherry, Kwwaan, S 20-25' V X Good soils preferred. Prunes serrutata 'Kwanzan' Cherry, Yoshino, N 20-25' S X Good soils preferred. Prunus yedoensis Crabapple, M-F 15-25' S X X Best varieties: 'Centurion', MaLus spp. 'Snowdrift', 'Zuai'and older vars. Crapemyrtte, M 15-45' S X X X X Must be maintained in tree Lagerstroeaia indica form; Best varieties: 'Natchez' Dogwood, Flowering, M-F 20-25' S X X X X Needs partial shade; good Corpus florida soils eferred. Dogwood, Kama, S-M 15-30' S X X More hardy than Flowering Comas kousa Dogwood. Hawthorne, S-M 20-35' G X X X Attractive fruit Crataesus viridis 'Winter King' Hawthorne, Washington, S-M 25-30' X X X Attractive fruit Crataegus phaenopyrum Magnolia, Saucer, M 20-30' G Na tia soul eana Pear, Aristocrat, F 30-40' G X Very tolerant; best limb Pyrus ccattervana 'Aristocrat' structure. Pear, Capital, F 30-40' C X Very tolerant; most columnar Pyrus eatte na 'Capital' Pear, Redspire, F 30-40' NP X Very tolerant; more narrow Pyrus ccattervana 'Reds ire' than Bradford'. Plea, Purpleteaf, M-F 15-30' X X X X Remains purple; produces Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii' fruit. Redbud, Eastern, M 20-30' S X X X Does welt in full sun. Cercis canadensis NOM-FLOWERING Cherry-Lauret, Carolina, M 20-30' G X X Good soils preferred. Prunes carotiniana Hotly, Foster 62, M-F 15-25' C' X X Multiple uses. Ilex x attenuata 'Foster' Holly, Savannah, F 20-30' NP X Multiple uses. Itex x attenuata 'Savannah' Hornbeam, American, S 20-30' S X X X Pest free; tolerates city Car inns caroliniana conditions. Hornbeam, European, S 40-60' C X X X Pest free; tolerates city Ca inns betutus conditions. Maple, Hedge, S 15-35' G X Acer c tre Maple, Japanese, S 15-25' S X X Acer lmatum Myrtle, Wax, S-M 10-15' S X X X Myrica cerifera NOTES AND LEGEND: 1. Where cuttivars or varieties are listed, only that type can be used for tree ordinance compliance 2. Growth Rate: S = Slow M a Medium F = Fast 3. Shape: _ BP = Broadly Pyramidal G = Globular S = Spreading C = Cotuawr NP = Narrowly Pyramidal V a Vase-Shaped 4. Other species may be used if approved in advance by Urban Forestry staff 5. The following species cannot be used because they perform poorly: • Bradford Pear (Pyres calleryana 'Bradford') • Siberian Elm (ULmus pumita) • Eastern White Pine (Pines strobus) • Silver Maple (Acer saccharinua) 6. The following species are not recommended because they are marginal performers: • Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa) • Princess Tree (Paulownia tomentosa) • Honeytocust CGLeditsia triacanthos) • Scartet Oak (Quercus coccinea) • Norway Maple CAcer platanoides) • Tree-of-Heaven (Aitanthus altissime) • Pin Oak .(Quercus patustris) * - n7LEfiATES PAR DMINAM -- Page 2 of 2 -- NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to the City of Charlotte resulting in 12,700 linear feet of stream in Mecklenburg County pursuant to Heaaddwatof June, 1997 to construct stream alterations on 12,700 an application filed the 12th ers of Little Sugar Creek between North Tryon Street channels and North Graham Street in Charlotte. The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Little Sugar Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, Sand of PL92-500 S? reiheanriaftPeLr ?L f ?h? conducted in accordance with the application This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice or t modified below. ?ouuPh nge u project, you must notify us and you may be required total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory this mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or and local permits cones Coastal Stormwater?Nono-discharge and (but not limited to) Sediment Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual! (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices) shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard 5 NT NTs in all lakes in all and reservo r an?saland rivers not twater classes; and 10 NTUs in waters; 25 U trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened;, 4. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands, compensatory mitigation is required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities; 5. Unless bioengineering techniques with woody planting are utilized compensatory mitigation at a 1:1 ratio is required in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .05060 for 2,600 feet of stream since stream segments between Bancroft street to the end of the project have aquatic life uses which would be degraded or removed by these planned stream alterations. Written approval is required from DWQ for the mitigation plan before streams are disturbed. 6. DWQ shall be copied on the tree planting plan along stream segments on plan sheets 3 and 4. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation oati s shall Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. become null and void unless the above conditions Certification ?shall expire upon expiration and/or coastal Area Management Act Perna of the 404 or CAMA Permit- If this Certification is unacceptable tos fyou oIlowinv of this CerdfiationryThis hearing upon written request within sixty (60) day g receipt 150B of the North request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter P.O, Box Carolina General Statutes and filed Office of ations are made to an originalgCertification, with the modific 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611 you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days followingfinaeliantd of the binding. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be This the 1st day of October 1997 DIVISION OF WATER QUAI.IN 0-4 ston Howard, Jr. P WQC 3160 ?USI?;I September 4, 1997 Mr. John Dorney USINFRASTRUCTURE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Water Quality Certification Program F'ECEIViD Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road SEP 0 S 1997 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 FIWIR NTAL?C & Subject: Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements Charlotte, Mecklenburg County WQC # 970308 COE # 199702570 Dear Mr. Dorney: This letter is in response to your letter dated July 30, 1997, to Mr. Clark Readling of the City of Charlotte. Our firm, USInfrastructure, Inc. (USI), is providing engineering services to the City for the subject project. In this capacity, USI has prepared this response to your letter. Our response is organized as follows: • Summary of DEHNR's Comments/Concerns o General Comments o Specific Comments • City's Response o Stream Types o Riprap vs. Bioengineered Stabilization o Permanent Streams Enclosed By Culverts o Conclusion SUMMARY OF DEHNR's COMMENTS/CONCERNS General Comments From review of your letter of July 30, 1997, to Mr. Readling and my conversation with you on August 19, 1997, the following additional information is required: • Justification for the project. • An analysis of riprap vs. bioengineered channel stabilization. • Clear documentation of any permanent streams being enclosed with culverts. If over 150 feet of permanent streams are being enclosed with culverts, mitigation will be required. Research Planning Engineering • Management 200 Queens Road Suite 400 Charlotte, North Carolina • 28204 (704) 342-3007 Fax (704) 342-1666 Minor culvert extensions related to safety improvements at existing roads do not count r04"' toward this total. As justification for the project, attached is a letter, narrative, photos, and Planning Report that were forwarded to Mr Steve Lund of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) on May 13, 1997. This information should answer some of your general questions. Other concerns are addressed in the sections that follow. Specific Comments Todd St. John of the Mooresville Regional Office of DEHNR performed the on-site review for this project. Mr. St. John identified three areas as viable candidates for bioengineering. These areas are listed below: Line A downstream of North Tryon Street on plan sheets 3 and 4. Line A upstream of Grimes Street on plan sheets 8 and 9. Line C upstream of Catalina Avenue on plan sheets 22 and 23. Mr. St. John also noted that some areas of the project were not considered streams by DEHNR and not subject to 401 Certification requirements. All of Line B, plan sheets 12 through 19, fall in this category. CITY'S RESPONSE Charlotte Storm Water Services has undertaken this and similar projects to eliminate house and street flooding, and control stream bank erosion. Severe flooding exists in many parts of the project area. Public safety is threatened by road overtopping and house flooding during heavy rains. The existing streams within this highly urbanized area are severely degraded. Along Graham Street (upstream end of Lines A, B, and C), existing commercial and industrial land uses contribute to the erosion and degradation of the streams. Aquatic life is not currently being supported by the existing streams with the exception of the area below North Tryon Street on Line A. We firmly believe that this project as currently designed will enhance overall stream water quality by controlling erosion and thereby reducing turbidity. However, we are willing to include additional measures as mutually agreed upon by the City, DEHNR, and COE. Our specific responses are included in the following sections. Stream Types Streams within the project area fall within one c, three categories: storm water channels, intermittent streams, and permanent streams. From review of the USGS Quadrangle Maps (Charlotte East and Derita) for the project area and on-site inspections, open channels in the project area are classified as follows: • Storm Water Channels (not subject to requirements under the 401 Certification): o Line B - all segments, plan sheets 12 through 19. o Line C - all segments, plan sheets 20 through 27. sue 0 Intermittent Streams (subject to permit requirements but not mitigation): o Line A - upstream of Pine Street, plan sheets 6 through 9. Permanent Streams (affected by mitigation requirements): o Line A - downstream of Tryon Hills Apartments, plan sheets 3 through 5. Riprap vs. Bioengineered Stabilization Our response focuses on analyses of riprap vs. bioengineering for the three areas identified by Mr. St. John. These areas are described in the following paragraphs. The stream downstream of North Tryon Street on Line A (plan sheets 3 and 4) is proposed to be realigned to the north side of the existing Duke Power transmission tower. This realignment is necessary because there is not sufficient room to widen the existing channel between the transmission tower and the Weyerhauser building; a culvert would have been required. By realigning the stream, 138 feet of existing culvert is abandoned, creating more open channel length. Bioengineering was evaluated for this stream reach. Its application is limited for the following reasons: The existing sanitary sewer line crossing near Station 13+00 will restrict vegetation planting (other than grass or shrubs) within 20 feet of either side of the sewer line. This is a requirement of the local utility agency. Because of the long skew of the sewer line with the channel, this restriction may eliminate up to 110 feet of channel from consideration. The higher Manning's n values of a mature bioengineered channel (n = 0.07 to n = 0.08) significantly reduce the channel conveyance from a riprap channel (n = 0.035) of similar cross-section. Without increasing the channel width, the resulting increased flow depths compound the outlet control for the proposed 3-barrel, 6' x 5' reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) at North Tryon Street, a major thoroughfare. To satisfy the City and NCDOT requirements for no road overtopping in the 50-year storm, the culvert size would have to be increased or the downstream channel widened (by 12 feet); either option increases the project cost. Also, widening the channel requires the City to acquire additional property. The existing channel is riprap-lined from below the 78-inch Weyerhauser culvert to upstream of North Tryon Street. The riprap has been overgrown somewhat with vegetation over time. A riprap energy dissipator is required at the outlet of the proposed RCBC to dissipate energy and prevent erosion. This apron, approximately 50 feet long, would preclude bioengineering this portion of the stream. For this reason and those stated above, we do not feel this area should be redesigned for bioengineered stabilization. The stream segment between Grimes and Bancroft Streets on Line A (plan sheets 8 and 9) is being substantially reworked. The flowline is being lowered to accommodate the proposed upstream and downstream culverts, which are significantly larger than the existing culverts being replaced. The larger culverts and resolution of utility conflicts require the channel regrading. The house adjacent ARM "n USI to the stream at 2623 Grimes Street and 2614 Bancroft Street experienced 3 feet of water in the first floor and 2 feet of water in the crawlspace, respectively, during recent heavy rains. Bioengineering was evaluated for this stream reach. Its application was ruled out for the following reasons: • This area experiences the worst house flooding in the neighborhood. The higher Manning's n values (n = 0.07 to n = 0.08) of a mature bioengineered channel result in higher depths of flow causing flooding or outlet control impacts for the Bancroft Street culvert as compared to riprap lining for the same channel section. Widening the channel by 5 feet to reduce flow depths will take even more of the property owner's yards. • Bioengineering in side yards and backyards that are in close proximity to existing houses may be undesirable to the property owners. The stream segment upstream of Catalina Avenue on Line C is a severely eroded channel with 1. several feet of sediment deposition near Catalina Avenue. Approximately 5.6 acres of the adjacent land is vacant and covered with kudzu. Adequate space exists to construct bioengineered stabilization. However, due to its tremendous growth rate the kudzu would have to be eradicated completely to avoid "choking off ' live plantings of a bioengineered solution. Eradication of kudzu can typically be done two ways: • Herbicides: use of herbicides typically requires application during two growing seasons. The herbicide application would prevent installation of live cuttings until after the residue has dissipated. The use of herbicides can also negatively impact stream water quality. • Clearing and Grubbing: clearing and grubbing the kudzu would require grading approximately 5.6 acres to completely eradicate the kudzu. This approach involves areas well beyond the stream corridor. Either approach to kudzu eradication requires the City to obtain easements and perform work well beyond the stream corridor. Therefore, this stream segment was deemed a poor location for bioengineering. Permanent Streams Enclosed By Culverts The attached "Table l: Culvert Extensions for the Bancroft Project" lists all areas where stream segments are being enclosed by culverts. Based on review of USGS Quadrangle Maps (Charlotte East and Derita) and on-site inspections, only the minor culvert extension at North Tryon Street (plan sheet 4) involves a permanent stream. The table includes minor culvert extensions at roadways that are required to provide adequate clear zones for vehicular safety. Based on our conversation with you on August 19, 1997, these minor culvert extensions are not an issue. The following paragraphs describe culvert extensions that are not considered minor. Ian sheet 6 shows enclosing 135 feet of channel with two (2) 66-inch RCPs. Enclosing this ntermittent stream is proposed for the following reasons: Oaw ??? . 0/61 , 5 r -????c????g??a? Usr t1 ?, All 1isbf ?psT?z t a? 6 r • Without enclosing the channel, inlet control at structure # 10 forces outlet control at structure # 11 and prevents protecting the house at 2601 Catalina Avenue (sheet 7) from flooding in severe storms. This house had approximately 3 feet of water in its basement after recent heavy rains. • This area has a well-worn foot path along the top of the existing steeply sloped channel banks. This path is used by children walking from the public housing project (along North Pine Street) to the elementary school. Enclosing the stream will improve safety for these young students. Also, clearing the brush will improve security by eliminating hiding places for undesirables. (See photos in attached submittal to Mr. Steve Lund dated May 13, 1997.) Plan sheet 9 shows enclosing 73 feet of channel with two (2) 71" x 47" CSPAs. Enclosing this intermittent stream is proposed for the following reasons: • The existing S-shaped channel cannot physically be improved along its existing alignment to adequately convey the 10-year design discharge. Realigning and widening the channel would eliminate the use of the homeowner's side yard. Therefore, the culverts are proposed to retain use of the yard and improve hydraulic conditions. Plan sheets 13 and 14 show enclosing 182 feet of channel with 48-inch RCP on Line B. This improvement is proposed to improve hydraulic conditions and eliminate house and apartment flooding. This channel only contains water during and immediately after rainfall events. Therefore, it is classified as a storm water channel and not subject to regulation under the 401 Certification Program. Conclusion In summary, we believe that this letter and its attachments provide adequate justification for the proposed project. We hope that we have satisfied your additional information needs. Mr. Lund of the COE has verbally informed us that planting of woody vegetation along the channel banks will be required for mitigation along Line A on plan sheets 3 and 4. The City will comply with these requirements. Because of the Duke Power right-of-way and overhead transmission lines that include or parallel all of Line A, tree planting will be limited to small-maturing trees in most areas to meet Duke Power's requirements. If you concur with the COE requirements, we can prepare a landscaping plan for your review and approval. Should you have additional comments, we request that you identify specific revisions that are required to be made to the plans. In addition, please outline DEHNR's role in the review of Individual Permit Applications. This will help the City and us with future projects. We hope that this letter and its attachments meet with your approval. We will contact you in about a week to check on the status of your review and schedule a meeting to discuss any unresolved issues. Thank you for your assistance. USI As a final note, please forward any future correspondence to the applicant c/o: Ms. Jennifer Glotfelty Project Manager Charlotte Storm Water Services 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202-2844 Should you have any questions or need additional information, please call Sandra Hayes or me at (704) 342-3007. Sincerely, USInfrastructure, Inc. Robert E. Wilson, P.E. Project Manager Attachments cc: Todd St. John, DEHNR - Mooresville Regional Office Steve Lund, COE - Asheville Regulatory Office Jennifer Glotfelty, Charlotte Storm Water Services Sandra Hayes, USI ,• on 3 00 o ? o z y N ? W °n > w w .. O U U ? o CO) ? on an ? -o b 0 O U id 'G cplsl U U b +-' bA bA 'C v d ? w rx w M N N N N N ? 0 p" w O a? M N O? V7 M M [- 00 O N 00 N 00 d bA 0000 r-- kn O M O W H H 0 y ?r ? Z M 0000 ONO O i V a o c 0 00 kn 00 ? C ?O 00 m N Cf) Cr) t- v N O c G Q 00 O \?o v Ol\ N 1 O O p N A ? N 10 Do N M d y N V] v A -?' 0 N 'J L ~ a ° d d U d d rya ® ?A ???? USI 1 USINFRASTRUCTURE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 13, 1997 Mr. Steve Lund Asheville Regulatory Office Corps of Engineers Department of the Army 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Subject: Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina City Project # 511-95-719 USI Project # 9556-01 Dear Mr. Lund: ? Elvjz StP G S IV Per your request, I have enclosed the following items for your use regarding the Individual Permit Public Notice preparation for the subject project: • A list of the names and addresses of the property owners for the parcels located along the proposed riparian channel segments. • A diskette which contains the property owner information in Wordperfect 5.0/6.0 and MS Word 2.0 format. • A copy of the planning report dated May 1996/Revised August 1996 which provides background on the project and results of investigating alternatives. • An attachment which includes explanations of proposed improvements in specific areas which were not included in the planning report. I hope this information will be helpful and if you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (704) 342-3007. Sincerely, USInfrastruYE.L. ?A& Sandra HayeProject Engineer Enclosures Research Planning Engineering • N-lanagement 200 Queens Road Suite 400 Charlotte, North Carolina • 28204 (704) 342-3007 Fax(704)342-1666 ? ot; wore? ow4w kw?t? e?a¢u?nl uA?rt?Jr? ?? 083-023-06 079-088-04 2501 N Tryon St Concetta Catania Mclaurin Freight Transfer Inc 3107 Loma Lane Po Box 5411 Charlotte NC 28205-3132 Charlotte NC 28225-5411 083-023-01 079-088-06 2600 N Tryon St 117 W 29th St Concetta Catania Mclaurin Spi Associates 3107 Loma Lane 6801 IN Park Blvd Charlotte NC 28205-3132 Charlotte NC 28216 083-023-05 079-086-05 201 E 28th St 201 W 29th St Weyerhaeuser Co Charlotte Cutting Tool Property Account Wwc-2s3 201 W 29th Street Tacoma WA 98477 Charlotte NC 28206-2673 083-023-02 079-086-04 110 E 29th St 200 W 28th St Concetta C Mclaurin Charlotte Shrine Club Holding Corp 3107 Loma Lane Po Box 33514 Charlotte NC 28205-3132 Charlotte NC 28233-3514 083-023-04 079-086-03 2504 N Tryon St 204 W 28th St Lonnie C Hanna Sr Steven W Boger 2504 N Tryon Street 6633 Lynmont Drive Charlotte NC 28206-2753 Charlotte NC 28212-5814 083-023-03 079-086-13 2528 N Tryon St 301 W 30th St Concetta C Mclaurin City Of Charlotte Housing Authority 3107 Loma Lane 200 W 9th Street Charlotte NC 28205-3132 Charlotte NC 28202-1735 079-088-05 079-076-18 2525 N Tryon St 2600 Grimes St Weinmiller Inc Char Meck Bd Of Education 2525 N Tryon Street 1000 W Morehead Street Charlotte NC 28206-2754 Charlotte NC 28208-5338 079-076-26 079-076-19 2601 Catalina Ave 530 Winston St Chang Yang Emmanuel Pentecostal Church 2601 Catalina Avenue 540 Winston Street Charlotte NC 28206-2535 Charlotte NC 28206-2563 079-076-24 079-075-26 , 510 Winston St 2611 Grimes St Mae Elizabeth Brown Liola J Mickles 510 Winston Street 2611 Grimes Street Charlotte NC 28206-2563 Charlotte NC 28206-2554 079-076-23 079-075-27 514 Winston St 2623 Grimes St John H & Elizabeth W Calhoun Rawn D Hairston 1413 Grovewood Drive 2623 Grimes Street Charlotte NC 28208-1625 Charlotte NC 28206-2554 079-076-22 079-075-09 518 Winston St 2614 Bancroft St Doris R Watts Gloria Thomas Bordsen 518 Winston Street 1428 Devon Drive Charlotte NC 28206-2563 Charlotte NC 28209-1503 079-076-21 079-075-28 522 Winston St 2627 Grimes St Char Meck Housing Ptnrsp Inc Beatrice W Whitener 1201 Greenwood Clfs #300 2627 Grimes Street Charlotte NC 28204-2822 Charlotte NC 28206-2554 079-076-20 079-074-08 526 Winston St 2623 Bancroft St Beatrice Anderson William H Holt 526 Winston Street 809 Drummond Avenue Charlotte NC 28206-2563 Charlotte NC 28205-1911 079-076-27 079-074-05 532 Winston St 2640 N Graham St Larry Lee & Joe Ann Wright Bullocks Cleaning & Radiator Repair Inc 532 Winston Street 2640 N Graham Street Charlotte NC 28206-2563 Charlotte NC 28206-2511 s 079-074-07 700 W 28th St Willis J & Margaret H Hidell 631 Museum Drive Charlotte NC 28207-2335 085-044-24 2729 Dogwood Ave Cynthia D Rouse 2729 Dogwood Avenue Charlotte NC 28206-3503 085-044-25 2733 Dogwood Ave Mabel Coaxum 2147 Midland Park Road Charleston SC 29406-4139 085-044-22 617 Dogwood Ave Walker Parrott Llc Po Box 36140 Charlotte NC 28236-6140 079-082-14 2329 N Pine St Tryon Hills Associates Po Box 6125 Charlotte NC 28207-0001 079-082-12 2320 Catalina Ave Raymond E Jr & W & Sara A King Po Box 9157 Charlotte NC 28299-9157 079-082-13 2318 Catalina Ave City Of Charlotte 600 E 4th Street Charlotte NC 28202-2870 079-096-13 2317 Catalina Ave Susan H Hunt Po Box 1081 Matthews NC 28106-1081 079-096-14 2319 Catalina Ave City Of Charlotte 600 E 4th Street Charlotte NC 28202-2870 079-096-15 2327 Catalina Ave Agnes Blakeney 2327 Catalina Avenue Charlotte NC 28206 079-096-06 2312 Grimes St Marsh Realty Co Inc Po Box 35329 Charlotte NC 28235-5329 079-097-01 601 Franklin Ave Johnnie Lee Clay 925 Bannister Place Charlotte NC 28213-5805 079-097-02 605 Franklin Ave Willie M & Elizabeth P Thomas 605 Franklin Avenue Charlotte NC 28206-2545 079-097-03 609 Franklin Ave Mason Hardin Dorsey 800 Grandin Road Charlotte NC 28208-4500 079-097-04 613 Franklin Ave Kinney Effie Family 1930 Freedom Drive Charlotte NC 28208-5251 079-097-16 2318 Bancroft St Betty J Morrow 2318 Bancroft Street Charlotte NC 28206-2523 079-097-06 2320 Bancroft St Harold A Bell 2320 Bancroft Street Charlotte NC 28206-2523 Bancroft Street Area Storm Drainage Improvements Reasons for Proposed Improvements Individual Permit - Areas of Concern A. Channel Realignment on Line A - Station 12+20 to 17+00 The proposed realignment of the existing channel between the N. Tryon Street culvert and below the Weyerhauser culvert was recommended after the planning study had been prepared. Several factors were evaluated before determining that the channel needed realignment. The first factor involved the amount of storm water flow reaching the channel from the upstream tributaries. The flow and resulting velocities are significant and require a much larger channel cross-section than what currently exists. The required cross-section would be difficult to construct between the Weyerhauser building and the Duke Power tower. The second factor involved tailwater effects of the Weyerhauser culvert in relation to the N. Tryon Street culvert. The channel segment between the two culverts is approximately 300 lineal feet. Due to the distance limitations, upsizing the Weyerhauser culvert would not alleviate the tailwater effects on the N. Tryon Street culvert, which is under a major thoroughfare. The third factor that was considered includes the existing side channel that has been naturally created from the backup of flow at the Weyerhauser culvert. The flow is so great, that the channels have encroached on both side of the Duke Power tower; in some areas, the channel banks are within 1' to 2' from the tower base. Based on the above reasons, the channel realignment is proposed. Photographs #1 - #5 show the existing conditions in this area. B. Enclosing Channel on Line A - Station 32+49 - 33+84 The proposed system in this area resulted from examining several alternatives based on hydraulic analyses and safety concerns after the planning study was submitted. The alternatives included leaving the channel as is with only bank stabilization and enclosing the system with approximately 135 lineal feet of pipe. Parcel 19 on the upstream side of Catalina Avenue is experiencing flooding during the 2-year storm. Although we are proposing to upsize the system upstream of N. Pine Street, the tailwater effects from the channel were still having a negative impact on the Catalina Avenue culvert. In addition, the children from the Apartment areas use the banks along the channel as a walkway to Tryon Hills Elementary School located on Grimes Street. The existing channel is deep and the banks are almost vertical. The plans propose enclosing the channel segment to alleviate flooding in the area and provide a safer walking area for the school children. Photographs #6 - #8 show the existing conditions in this area. C. Enclosing Channel on Line A - Station 46+62 - 47+48 The existing charnel begins at the downstream face of the culvert under Bancroft Street. The channel curves in front of the existing house and then around the sideyard and empties into an area with a shallow channel section. The house has experienced yard and basement flooding due to the existing channel system. Construction of a channel section of adequate 1 capacity is not possible without realigning the channel. The proposed plans include realigning the culvert under Bancroft Street and enclosing the existing channel through the front and sideyards in parcel # 29. Enclosing this portion of the channel was proposed because of the severe impact to the house of widening and realigning the channel. The proposed typical cross section calls for the area between the 2-year and 10-year water surface elevations to be lined with a synthetic matting and permanently vegetated. Photographs #9 and #10 show the existing conditions in this area. D. Enclosing Channel on Line B - Station 21+80 - 23+62 The existing channel has accumulated debris and only flows during storm events. The ponding at the upstream face of the culvert has caused yard and basement flooding at the adjacent apartments and homes. The proposed improvements call for enclosing the channel system to relieve the flooding. Photograph #11 shows the existing conditions in this area. 2 Picture # 1 - Channel Realignment on Line A - Station 12+20 to 17+00 Looking downstream at Weyerhauser channel from downstream face of N. Tryon Street culvert. Note: The existing channel runs between a Duke Power channel and the Weyerhauser building and parking lot. l` ?' t t F *4 + 4 T Picture #2 - Channel Realignment on Line A - Station 12+20 to 17+00 Looking downstream at the Weyerhauser culvert. Note: The existing channel is adjacent to the Duke Power tower and the Weyerhauser building. Picture #3 - Channel Realignment on Line A - Station 12+20 to 17+00 Looking downstream at the side channel that runs on the opposite side of the main channel at the Duke Power tower. 4 9 Picture 44 - Channel Realignment on Line A - Station 12+20 to 17+00 Looking downstream at the existing channel at the downstream face of the Weyerhauser culvert. 4 Picture #5 - Channel Realignment on Line A - Station 12+20 to 17+00 Looking downstream at the main channel approximately 100' downstream of the Weyerhauser culvert. Picture 96 - Enclosing Channel on Line A - Station 32+49 - 33+84 Looking downstream at the existing culvert at Station 32+49; looking towards N. Pine Street. Picture #7 - Enclosing Channel on Line A - Station 32+49 - 33+84 Looking upstream at the existing downstream face of the culvert under Catalina Avenue. Picture 48 - Enclosing Channel on Line A - Station 32+49 - 33+84 Looking downstream at the existing channel; standing at Catalina Avenue. 6 Picture #9 - Enclosing Channel on Line A - Station 46+62 - 47+48 Looking upstream at the existing channel and downstream face of the culvert under Bancroft Street. 7-2 - Y. s ... ?._.... :(.fit ..t2 S'. Picture #10 - Enclosing Channel on Line A - Station 46+62 - 47+48 Standing on Bancroft Street looking downstream at the existing channel. 7 Picture 411 - Enclosing Channel on Line B - Station 21+$0 - 23+62 Looking downstream at the upstream face of the existing channel at culvert.