HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191385 Ver 1_USFWS_ConcurrenceRequest_20170216_20191009dECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Revised February 16, 2017 Ms. Marella Buncick US Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville Field Office 160 Zillcoa St. Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Request for Concurrence W. Wilson Ave. Improvements Iredell County, NC Ms. Buncick: 1151 SE Cary Parkway, Suite 101 Cary, North Carolina 27518 (919) 557-0929 www.ecologicaleng.com Ecological Engineering, LLP (Ecological Engineering) is under contract with Stewart, Inc. (Stewart) to provide natural resources assessments for the proposed transportation improvement project of West Wilson Avenue in Mooresville, Iredell County, NC. The project proposes to add a pedestrian bridge over the roadway in the vicinity of Reeds Creek. This request is on behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and concurrence will assist in the preparation of a Conditional Letter of Map Review (CLOMR) for Reeds Creek. The project also has a federal nexus with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as it is expected to require a 404 permit. We request informal consultation and concurrence with our findings below. We have attached the following information to assist with your review: • Protected Species Assessment including project description, habitat descriptions and proposed biological conclusions and take determinations for the listed species; • Figures- 0 1. Vicinity Map, 0 2. Study Area and Terrestrial Communities, 0 3. Bald Eagle Habitat, 0 4. NLEB Investigations, • Proposed project design (printed at half scale) • Site photographs We respectfully request your consultation and concurrence with our findings for the listed species. Thank you in advance for your assistance on this project. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 557-0929 if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, LLP _D^42y5�7640'e-" David Cooper Project Scientist cc: Andy Young, Stewart Ecological Engineering, LLP Project No. 10502-150 Page 1 of 5 PROTECTED SPECIES ASSESSMENT West Wilson Avenue Road Improvements Iredell County, NC PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project involves upgrades to an existing state road through a residential area. Upgrades include the addition of sidewalk and a pedestrian bridge. The project is located along West Wilson Avenue from its junction with US Hwy. 21 to its junction with NC Hwy. 115 (Figure 1), and is approximately 1.33 miles in length. Please refer to the attached preliminary proposed project design sheets for a detailed depiction of the project. It is likely that a portion of the project shown on these plans (between station 10+31.21 and approximately station 16+00) will not be constructed at this time; however, this request encompasses the entire potential project area. FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES We have reviewed the most recent USFWS list of species and critical habitats that may be present within Iredell County. The following table lists the species currently documented to occur in Iredell County, an assessment of suitable habitat within the study area, and our biological conclusions concerning the impact of the project on each species: Table 1. Federally Protected Species Listed for Iredell County Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Habitat Present Biological Conclusion Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle BGPA Yes Project Complies with BGPA Threatened Glyptemys muhlenbergii Bog turtle (Similarity of No Not Required Appearance) Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat Threatened Yes Project Complies with 4(d) Rule Hexastylis naniflora Dwarf -flowered heartlea Threatened No No Effect BGPA = Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Bald eagle Optimal Survey Window: year round; November— March (optimal to observe birds and nests); February— May (optimal to observe active nesting) Habitat Description: Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. Biological Conclusion: Not Required A desktop-GIS assessment of the project study area, as well as the area within a 1.13-mile radius (1.0 mile plus 660 feet) of the project limits, was performed in May, 2016 using 2014 color aerials. A portion of Lake Norman is located within this radius. Lake Norman is large enough and sufficiently open to be considered a potential bald eagle feeding source; please refer to Figure 3. Due to the presence of potentially suitable foraging habitat, the area within 660 feet of the study area was investigated for bald eagle nests on May 2, 2016 (Figure 3). The surveyed area consists of residential houses with scattered trees, interspersed with small patches of forested areas along stream corridors. No bald eagle nests were located. A review of NC Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) records dated October 2016 revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.13 miles of the project study area. The proposed trail will utilize, to the extent practicable, existing cleared corridors such as sewer lines and rights -of - way, avoiding tree clearing in those areas. Due to the lack of known occurrences, the lack of observed nests, and Ecological Engineering, LLP Project No. 10502-150 Page 2 of 5 the minimal impact anticipated for this project, it has been determined that this project will not affect this species and that project implementation will not result in a take of bald eagles. Bog turtle USFWS Recommended Survey Window: April 1—October 1(visual surveys); April 1-June 15 (optimal for breeding/nesting); May 1-June 30 (trapping surveys) Habitat Description: Bog turtle habitat consists of open, groundwater supplied (spring fed), graminoid dominated wetlands along riparian corridors or on seepage slopes. These habitats are designated as mountain bogs by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, but they are technically poor, moderate, or rich fens that may be associated with wet pastures and old drainage ditches that have saturated muddy substrates with open canopies. These habitats, found between 700 and 4,500 feet above mean sea level in the western Piedmont and mountain counties of North Carolina, often support sphagnum moss and may contain carnivorous plants. Soil types (poorly drained silt loams) from which bog turtle habitats have been found include Arkaqua, Chewacla, Dellwood, Codorus complex, Hatboro, Nikwasi, Potomac— lotla complex, Reddies, Rosman, Tate—Cullowhee complex, Toxaway, Tuckasegee — Cullasaja complex, Tusquitee, Watauga, and Wehadkee. Biological Conclusion: Not Required No suitable wetland habitat exists within the study area. Although two very small wetlands exist, they do not contain suitable refugia for a population of bog turtles to persist, and are not connected to other, larger bog -type wetlands. In addition, a review of NCNHP records dated October 2016 revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the study area. Project implementation will not result in a take of bog turtles. Northern long-eared bat USFWS Recommended Survey Window: June 1—August 15 Habitat Description: In North Carolina, the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) occurs in the mountains, with scattered records in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain. In western North Carolina, NLEB spend winter hibernating in caves and mines. Since this species is not known to be a long-distance migrant, and caves and subterranean mines are extremely rare in eastern North Carolina, it is uncertain whether or where NLEB hibernate in eastern North Carolina. During the summer, NLEB roost singly or in colonies underneath bark, in cavities, or in crevices of both live and dead trees (typically>3 inches dbh). Males and non -reproductive females may also roost in cooler places, like caves and mines. This bat also been found, rarely, roosting in structures like barns and sheds, under eaves of buildings, behind window shutters, in bridges, and in bat houses. Foraging occurs on forested hillsides and ridges, and occasionally over forest clearings, over water, and along tree -lined corridors. Mature forests may be an important habitat type for foraging. Biological Conclusion: Project Complies with 4(d) Rule During field investigations in May 2016, the study area was observed to contain a minimal amount of marginally suitable summer roosting habitat. The majority of the study area consists of occupied residential, single-family homes with managed yards and scattered trees. A small portion of the study area (less than 1 acre) was observed to be forested (Fig. 2). The project design avoids tree removal within this area by utilizing an existing maintained corridor. Mine location data from the USGS mineral resources data system was investigated within a 3 mile radius of the study area. No mines are documented to occur within this radius. A review of NHP records dated October 2016 indicated no known occurrences of this species within twenty miles of the study area (Figure 4). No known hibernacula or roost trees will be affected by project construction. Additional information documenting project compliance with the final 4(d) rule for this species follows: Ecological Engineering, LLP Project No. 10502-150 Page 3 of 5 • The project is not wholly outside the WNS Zone. • We have contacted the appropriate agency (NCNHP and USFWS Asheville Regional Office website) to determine if the project is near known hibernacula or roost trees. • The project will not disturb hibernating NLEBs in a known hibernaculum. • The project will not alter the entrance or interior environment of a known hibernaculum. • The project will not remove any trees within 0.25 miles of a known hibernaculum at anytime of year. • The project will not cur or destroy known occupied maternity roost trees, or any other trees within a 150- foot radius from the maternity roost tree from June 1 through July 31. Additional general project information follows: • The project does not occur within 0.25 miles of a known hibernaculum. • The project does not occur within 150 feet of a known maternity roost tree. • The project does not include forest conversion. Scattered trees in a residential neighborhood are located within the project footprint, but tree removal will be minimal. Please refer to Figure 2. • The project does not include timber harvest. • The project does not include prescribed fire. • The project does not install new wind turbines. Due to the lack of documented roosts and hibernacula and the minimal tree clearing activities associated with this project, Ecological Engineering has determined that project implementation will be in compliance with the final 4(d) rule. Dwarf -flowered heartleaf USFWS Optimal Survey Window: March -May Habitat Description: Dwarf -flowered heartleaf is endemic to the western Piedmont and foothills of North and South Carolina. This herbaceous evergreen is found in moist to rather dry forests along bluffs; boggy areas next to streams and creek heads; and adjacent hillsides, slopes, and ravines. Requiring acidic, sandy loam soils, the species is found in soil series such as Pacolet, Madison, and Musella, among others. Occurrences are generally found on a north facing slope. Undisturbed natural communities such as Piedmont/Coastal Plain Heath Bluff, Dry-Mesic Oak Hickory Forest, and Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest hold the most viable occurrences. However, less viable remnant occurrences are found in disturbed habitats, including logged, grazed, mown, and residential/commercial developed lands; areas converted to pasture, orchards, and tree plantations; roadside rights -of -way; and on upland slopes surrounding manmade ponds or lakes. Biological Conclusion: No Effect The forested portion of the study area, in the narrow floodplain of a perennial stream, is approximately 0.8 acre in size, and does not constitute suitable habitat for dwarf -flowered heartleaf as observed on -site by Ecological Engineering staff on May 2, 2016. Invasive vine species including English ivy and kudzu dominate the forest floor of the small forested portion of the study area, and prevent competition from herbaceous species including dwarf - flowered heartleaf. The remainder of the study area is comprised of residential, single-family homes with maintained yards and a golf course. Although the plant is known to persist in disturbed habitats, the study area is so frequently maintained by mowing and turf management that it does not constitute even marginal quality habitat for dwarf -flowered heartleaf. In addition, a review of NHP records dated October 2016 revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project study area; the closest record of this species is approximately 12 miles from the study area. Due to the lack of suitable habitat within the study area and the distance from known populations, we have determined that project implementation will not affect this species, and no take of dwarf -flowered heartleaf will result. Ecological Engineering, LLP Project No. 10502-150 Page 4 of 5 REFERENCES 4(d) Rule for the Northern Long-eared Bat, Vol. 81 Fed. Reg. p. 1900 (Jan. 14, 2016) NatureServe. 2010. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 7.1. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available http://www.natureserve.org/explorer. (Accessed: December 14, 2010). North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. 2001. Guide to Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Species of North Carolina. Raleigh, NC. 134 pp. North Carolina Heritage Program. Biotics database. NCDNCR. Raleigh, North Carolina. Available at www.ncnhp.org. (Data date October 2016) Padgett, James Edward. 2004. Biogeographical, Ecological, Morphological, and Micromorphological Analyses of the Species in the Hexastylis heterophylla Complex. Appalachian State University, Boone, NC. 124 pp. Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1183 pp. United States Fish and Wildlife Service [USFWS]. 1989. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Status of Hexastylis naniflora (Dwarf -flowered heartleaf). 54 FIR 14964-14967. [USFWS]. 2006. Optimal Survey Windows for North Carolina's Federally Threatened and Endangered Plant Species. Available: http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/es/plant_survey.html. (Accessed: December 14, 2010). [USFWS]. 2007. Dwarf -flowered Heartleaf (Hexastylis naniflora) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation, Draft. Asheville, NC. 51 pp. [USFWS]. 2015a. http://www.fws.gov/midwest/endangered/mammals/nlba/nlbaFactSheet.html_. (Accessed: February 20, 2015.) [USFWS]. 2015b. Northern Long -Eared Bat Interim Conference and Planning Guidance. USFWS Regions 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. http://www.fws.gov/midwest/endangered/mammals/nlba/pdf/NLEBinterimGuidance6Jan2014.pdf. (Accessed: February 20, 2015.) [USFWS]. 2016. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal Species of Concern, and Candidate Species, Iredell County, North Carolina. Updated 24 July 2015. http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/iredell.htmI (Accessed: April 28, 2016) Webster, W.D., J.F. Parnell, and W.C. Biggs. 1985. Mammals of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Maryland. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press. 255 pp. Ecological Engineering, LLP Project No. 10502-150 Page 5 of 5 � SF ', " - DArFs #v Atb Tn d 4krRif)Lt OR 900 G�. iJ ❑Acres r Baunrrtu ACE 1/R'-v— ` eP - F r l ❑ �' �� l � OAKS .. of � f . a� ➢� �G µN DRY C �� �sso ! ��� �� '. ��e41 - 1 1/ T RED Tp 'A Opp qQ• v� ��::` + Rn�s, ao� Study Area �' uv" �`�✓ 4 i w WftSO tvf 5 W! M x _ 4r p q -ZF �v4" a _ WiUaw Valley Cern' r J 'lk • ' CABASRUS AVE: <ia v Aci GlQnwoad❑a j MetnoriaChrk y pr C Inset: 1" = 10,000' `� Rq �rN RD� D 115 21 ti Legend Study Area - 3 Prepared By: Prepared For: Fig. 1 : USGS Vicinity Map N W. Wilson Ave. Improvements ECOLOGICAL w Iredell County, NC s ENGINEERING T � j, ,q � T 2013 Mooresville USGS Quadrangle o z,000 llsl Sc-'Y rra�..r, SWr�I(1! csry NC r3l.7 1" = 2,000' ,_� . r • Ss4`�.`. .. AYI�^-r..�. r^ a '; � ® r y. x - • t ilk 4 r T •. =l, g 41, 7-3 , JQ Pr Legend hL Study 1.13 Mile . � � � a.. :�' {' `r f i x. �fii , , r �.' 5f 4 � ., ,.Y r�- •� t �- _ +�a� + i vim` ��� l�a•�� ��A � � r�� t y �]"> �y l �`� T. � ��•, t{I:. I i +i{, _ it\ �;� i'yi: ; •w'�N s'r _',: "tom .r �..�'C $�(C I'' Y�iI�! �a }} T f d p, • n t , w 4 ' " ,r - 'S ,�+ A *W�i�`� • !'SNP, �yj� �f,},�,� , �. � }� � Radiusof •. • jet r� x s r;t* G`t 4'y5 A_ L-L z j z K, 7� P 4�t U o- J u l ,.1z J JJi it ti j IF, r �JL" MOORESVILLn J: X C_ T NOTES: Legend 1. NC Natural Heritage Program records dated October 2016 show no records of NLEB within twenty miles of the Study Area Study Area. 2. Mineral Resources Database data shows no records of O 3-mile Radius of Investigation mines within 3 miles of the Study Area. DAV I DSO N Prepared By: Prepared For: Fig. 4: Northern Long-eared N Bat Investigations W. Wilson Ave. + Improvements S ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERINGIredell County, NC 0 2,500 5,000 mines from USGS Mineral Resources Data System. mmmmmmmozzzz= STEWART 2011 Mooresville, Lake Norman North, Shepherds, & 1" = 5,000' Troutman USGS Quadran les shown. \� r s i,/ ��� �, >� �a Pl Sta 1t+98.39 Pl Sta 18+51.54 A = 27' /5' 34.8" (LT) A = 26' 34' 37.4" (RT) J �, ��r \\\ r ENTS " \ / ��\ �\• d 0 LHWH CODBPIN 2290?P 1 208 D = 16' 22' 12.8" D = 6 39' 44.3" 1 a / r �• \-�� < / { L = 166.52' L = 398.92' — l T 850.0 T = 203.1/'s���� R 350.00' R = 860.00' CITY OF SE = 3.5% SE = 4Y - �— I RUNOFF = 87.5' RUNOFF = /00' MOORESVILLE -VO 25 MPH- _ i /Zp`� /; I �� �-� 2523 CHARLOTTE HWY. ILLS, NC 28117 704-6634-663- 7282 i CONTACT: t / z �/ � � -__- JONATHAN YOUNG, PE - 11 HC 2000. INC. \\l ((( DAVID & SARAN PERRO %> PIN 4657311081 ` `\ _ PIN 4657314191 -\, - DB 1069, PIS 212 DB 2231, PG 1407 \ DB 2097, PG 658 I i _ `\ / �� wuJ n Lu 84, �— } BEGIN. 2---6" CURB - w O I/ - AND GUTTER /'� BEGIN 2'-6" CURB �' � I _ � > � � 1 � _ AND GUTTER J 1 - ' -L- STA. 10+45.73 (� R25 --- OF 48.23 7 ^� L STA 8 23' 43 Z O > �� �� AFSET ' - ; OFFSET 83.29' \ CO 1 �--/ O / r� _ —� Z - — oC D 2' 6" CURB - / ND GUTTER - - J 0- - BEGIN -2 -6" CURB /�,EN AND GUTTER LSTA. 18+2 pPOD FO FFSET 44.38 e RO'K I G � ! � ,._ ,.� �� � fNC.= � OFFSET 25.031.63 --- � � I I 0 25' o - ------ END 2,_6„ CURBLu OfV 'r . _ .AND GUTTER :.. . L.L. "R L— STA.11+8b.00 �_ A aaoc_ �- F (f OFFSET 24.00' n �� L WL \ ED ?fJ' II N w , BEGIN P OJECT Qo 66` 51' 31.3 E z + � n\ -L- PO STA.10 3/2/ _ — w N i I BEGIN 2'-6"CURB —�--- AND GUTTER -L- STA. 10+17.72 OFFSET 63.04' POSSIBLE RIGHT OF WAY TAKE.MAP -- G 'UNCLEAR AS TO EXACT. LOCATION. DB2097. PG 658'. S 85` 52' 53.9" E N/F I TOWN OF MOORES`\ VILLE \ PIN 4656490956490902 DB 594. PG 312 ` FALL RADII ARE ARE 20' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOT D FOR -L-- PROFILE, SEE SHEET NO. 12 25 �� (Tip) STEWART ROADWAY ENGINEER ECOLOGICAL �JENGINEERING HYDRAULICS i ENGINEER TOWN dF PIN 4E DB 20C i 11 DATE: DULY 11, 2016 REVISIONS: NO. I DATE 301-16-141 INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACOUNIT10N 4 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED Fl Sta 18-F5L54 PI Stq 28+05.7/ z�s = 26` 34' 37.4" (RT) L = 17` 58' 4/.5" (LTJ D = 6° 39' 44.3" D 6' 21' 58.3" L = 598.92' L = 282.40' T = 860.T = Y42.3 8600 T R = .0' R = 900.00' SE — 47 SE - 47 �( RUNOFF = l00' RUNOFF = l00' �� \ f / � O N/F PETER MASCOLO 1 / BRIAN & SUSAN WALLACH �� PIN 4657410163 `I N/F / �'! •,! ROCCO & MARY COLUCCI ----- PIN 4657318122 JOE & CATHY GI - / DB 1898, PG 47 o- DBPN 11766. PGI61965-- N/FI� 0 PIN 4657319059 \ J / DB 2395. PG 210 SIP \ P PALS 01SAMY & THAVAPRI AMMASAI /—J T PIN 4657412006 N/F \ /J\ T EPHONE. �ASEMENT 2� - - OB 1445. PG 1130 I m a THOMAS & TELMA BRIDGES 1 — PIN 4657414024 R� 74,P9DID w��" DB 1612. PG 4 \� EXISTING 20' O FENCE/LANDSCAPE & .MAINTENANCE EASEMENT z - - (P.B. 24 PG. 159) / eai�rcw I 20' SEW R X — w �o ,X.. rcNo N wal. �.. .�-� SIGN wi EASEME T �-j�:.^ BRICK P8 24,.PG 159 9443"E s; _ — — —"'7 Off• , /.: \ — X s / T J Ol liJ l.I IU O N C,� 1_-- I P 41 �Dz Lm P- I,9 I N rn 6+ " SS � FSS -- — — — — — _ 70U6TkcUSEPATH F---- S -- ----�- _ - / \ / 1 TOWN OF MOORESVILLE � PIN 4656490902 XN ,\�� DB 594. PG 312 l AD 1 ALL RADII ARE ARE 20' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT U9E FOR R/W ACQUISITION O. 13 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL FOR —L— PROFILE, SEE SHEET N / � / / � � / \ \ UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED CITY OF MOORESVILLE 2523 CHARLOTTE HWY. MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 704-663-7282 CONTACT: IONATHAN YOUNG, PE MIA STEWART ROADWAY ENGINEER ECOLOGICAL L—tENGINEERING HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DATE: DULY 11, 2016 REVISIONS: NO. I DATE 301-16-14 ;ALE: 5 o \ CITY OF � I � MOORESVILLE 7 0s - _ 0 ( \ 2523 CHARLOTTE HWY. MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 704-663-7282 �ARRY. & PkILOMENA DRAKE ,\ O �/ /RO C •-�\ ��„ � \ ��- CONTACT: 1 PIN 4657419220 _ o q / \\ \�\\ \\ JONATHAN YOUNG, PE DB 2305, PG 606 \ 7 J i/ EXISTING STORM EASEMENT 'W TERLI34,P 73 ( ( 11 DRAINAGE' EASEMENL - J EXISTING ISPB TERLINE % 1//\ �� I\� PB 34,.PG 73 'SAMUEL & MARYSE H ' % / " \ _ ,/ A �� EXI�'1IN,yy,/� O - PIN, 4651418112 `� \\ \�� O EXISTING DRAINAGE / EASEMENT 28// 1 2 I LLJ I ^ w / 37+ 0.84 aar �! ! FFSET�4k157 URB �" ( am / BEGIN .37+ 4.55 _ / DB 2278, PG 82 EASEMENT PB 28, PG 102 I 4 AND GUTTER I � -L- STA. 37+54.55 1._- 'J OFFSET 45.69" w w tj J __jj % \ N/F W _� ��� DB 34 PIN 5 P 12260 969 ./ MICHEAL & SHANE GANGI "`111 � END 2'-6" CURB � �.. !� �, I 7, G � `" � � NN � ,. N/F AND STA. GUTTER 25.OD-- / ,AND GUTTER I r 'CHDB 2396E 515340 O = OFFSET 16.00' BEGIN 2'-6' CURB PIN 4 57515340 �W OFFSET 16.00' - /NC.= + ���-- �� y \ \ ° E,- L STA. 34Ln +.00.00 J - �F � �1 $.-213.5' N „ CURB AND GUTTER l / , I-i L- STA. 33+50 � � j'.r F� �� 3 aL H(TI FXT28`ORA1N _E ENT ,, 1 � ` - \ �- " s - _ - p o RCP _ _ _ C ... h �;i�T� rfS `..� d� _Ff — (P.B-28. PTL 0 — • — - _ w Q r' .I r Z N W n s9' �I O ti 1 N _ _ _ -- _ _ _ rnPEc93. -TYPE _7 _ Ltj I lU - - - - - -- -- _'-RAEt `— _ _-10' MULTJ USB PATH- - - - - -- _ ��i - FT— __ _ � S R 8 � �5 y is- 15 Did � \ o D �RaT �� } — F> �, - F:�; STEWART «. C = O , A L / ,� _ _ _ r�y� ROADWAY F ENGINEER � �� TOWM�� MOORESVIT6E \ F Z/ N/F AL PIN — - CLAWDE HORN 1JR 2072 AL 10 PIN 4657512072 '�U(T� DB 1663. PC2 US�� --� PIN 657500968 c, �V A �:� L7q k-' --�f=� - r- I PAIN I '� DB 26 , PG 1795 a© c N/F �, V - TOWN OF MOORESVILLE _AT ✓ PIN 4657514098 N/F� 7� DB 411, PG/ 476 w CITY OF MOORESVILLE\ o g�✓\' r��-- "; " PG 4 99 BEGIN GUTTER CURB dam, / , BEG-'2'-6' , - B \ - , - bl'N 4657409 , � AND GUTTER N DB 1310,, 7 ��: Ate'. -DRIVE- STA.10+90:00 0 / 1- STA.T10+Z3� t­—N—ING ECOL�GIC AL OFF..11' L & 0' RT �qq` i � / � � �FFS T'15.T7' ALL RADII ARE ARE 20' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED %�� _ \ �T / HYDRAULICS 5a FOR —L— PROFILE SEE SHEET NO. 14---� �BEGy��� ANDINGUTTERCURB-.. _ y - � �• ` 1 ,-Yl- STA. 10+75.00 N/F V` OFFSET 15.11' FOR —PATH— PROFILE, SEE SHEET NO. 20 1 \ PH 46575039OSA� ADB_1608, P02L49_,!� FOR —Yl— & —DRIVE— PROFILE, SEE SHEET NO. 21 i III �, � �.; ;✓' �' l � `\ NOT TO SCALE PC Sto. 16+47.64 NOT TO SCALE ----- _ BEGIN PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE _ � � \ DATE JULY 11, 2016 -PATH- STA. 11+25+/- V A r� `� �\ END PEDESTRIAN _ REVISIONS. BOARDWALK ,\ No. DATE -PATH- STA. 17+29+/- k� 'o A\ N 37' 19' 5/.3" E �x°� \ 0/a 5fl8 �".�• �_ .asp �� PROJECT NO.: i� \ N 88 49' 52.1" E -PATH- �/ 3 1- 16 - 14 S 83' 53' 07.7" E BEGIN PEDESTRIAN _ SCALE: 1"=40' BOARDWALK o o - N/F - -- R `6� END PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE /,- -PATH- STA. 16+94+/- V `-� M CHAEL HA RE INCOMP LIE 1Tr PLANS -PATH- STA. 11+85+/- .�. -1. PIN 4657503617 DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACOUNIT10N U W cN N 73' 03' 26,2" E DB 1482, PG 380 V :N�- ', � DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL �\ N 1- _ - --- ` UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -L - -PATH- PI Sta 38+52.50 Pl Sta 41+75.11 PI Sto 47+70.73 - P/ Sta 18+65.34 = 3/` 12' 55.0" (RT) A = 5/° 33' 40.1" (LT) A = 34* 39' 11.8" (RT ) A = 24` 32' 07,8" (RT ) D = /0* 44' 58.8" D = 15' 16' 43.9" D = 8° 48' 53.0" D = 57` 17' 44.8" 1 L = 290.58' L = 337.47' L = 393.15' L = 42.82' T = 148.89' T = 181.13' T = 202.78' T = 21.74' 7 R = 533.00' R = 375.00' R = 650.00' R = 100.00' CITY OF SE = 47 SE = 4% SE = 47 RUNOFF = l00' RUNOFF = l00' RUNOFF l00' MOORESVILLE -. Vo = 35 MPH / N/F - 2523 CHARLOTTE HWY. �j BEV IN 4 576136 9 M 4-663- ILLS, NC 28117 / I PIN.4657613699-- 704-663-7282 N/F DB 873, PG 1454 -. --- CONTACT: j EDWARD &;GAYLE ROBERTSON JONATHAN YOUNG, PE PIN 4657612612 ' 1 DB 2090. PG 1714 I - 1 w w Lu N/F _ - / I w w r JOAN NEWTON N/F 0 i PIN 66. PG 35 / JOSEPH TURNER _ \ a Q DB 2366, PG' 11981 AN 4657610324 ---��-, _ \ w Q AB _2297. PG 658 N — / '--- _ DUKE POWER -\ z --EASEMENT [o GARY & IS N/F , STROP�CO / ___ PB , PG ��-� ` PIN.' 4657517243 1N/F DB 1991, PG 1638HANES J PIN4657518 r - - - � � JONATHAN H -- _ DB 2237, PG�4 3S�/ (n 1 >). R=436'J / o° M _ v��— i v � I �• �i � - - '� ` �� F r vl / � � _ �"-, � F Ili V / < r-I Lu IN Ln TY a, w rune UP— _ 0 �c STEWARTC)D ROADWAY o ENGINEER _ N - — -- - BEGIN 2,-6" CURB �., AND. GUTTER STA. 38+92.20 i _ -4' OFFSET 1b.00' W _ -- �� _ `' Al v END CONSTRUCTION � � � _ �5 END GUT CURB —� — '� _ N - � AND GUTTER ---�� \� -PATH STA.18+95.64 N -L sTA. as+Bv 30 - \ � OFFSET 2796 � \ � z �is, ECOLOGICAL _.'7S 0 i �V BEGIN 2'-6" CURB -- ENGINEERING AND GUTTER HYDRAULICS 67 ENGINEEROUTHE VIER ROUSING � PRES, INC. i A - FIN\ ELIZA% N65 iZ15E, >�®� ��..�L \ \/ KE TH-& AL' SAN N/F N \ 1 ROYSTER SAVY of PIN 465761 12INVESTMENTS. LLC Dq 928, PG 274 PtN OB 1965761G5150, REVISIONS JULY 11, 2016 -� m II/�� � ✓ � �. �: � W � -__ (\ l NO. DATE _� \/� / �� o V •1 \ PROJECT NO.. _ 16-14 SCALE: 1' 40' ALL RADII ARE ARE 20' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED] INS®Ndh1L1E'I"E 1�1LAN� ��j� % DO NOT U9E FOR R/ W ACOU131TION FOR -L- PROFILE, SEE SHEET N®. IJ �`\_��^ \gb`� �\�`\�� '/ \ �(/ i \� DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL 1�\\� /l UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED Pl Sto 47+70.73 \ Q = 34° 59' //.8" (RT ) INE D = 8° 48' 53.0" L — 393 /3' — \\202.78' _.650.00' — / \_ /00'\ i�- N/F Win' N/F - PER T r-KENDALL LAWING DAVID E. WILLIS i /\ �DB 7465PG 2722-- S. 740 IN PG 133'-- DB 2_p�Zl� PIN 465761 682 _178 CH_RIS NANCE PIN/ 4v5761 JT02, - -PIN 4657615721 PIN 576—f DB 1669, PG 1783 DB 1648,PG 2043 , --- J \ II O �C) it - I N/F PIN -- 4657710569 DB 919. PG 1573 P RC4 r' / -ro" OON&-TAMMY - VANCE PIN 4657711538 DB 777, PG 845 CT—`r- o w @ o w R. 1 o N 89° 45 54.0" E- zcow _ — /----�--- SS F b I n n L `~ TIME 6 L1 F1 _ I SBR \ ;2 SW 1 I i I I F i 1 � I N/F - - _ N/F HANS & MAR IA� MC N/F JOHN BEATTY & _. AYT N /F N/F, KLECKER THOMF AS41MY COLC ELL_-_ -- CLEELANp CATHYNHOWARD MATOKA SURRATT VIKI WEST VIRGINIA BEAM PIN 4657610204 1 PIN 4657617256 PIN 46576118226 PIN' 4657711208 PIN 4657616276 PIN 4657618297.PG107 PIN, 4657619277 d8 1311,, PG 1420' i DB 1861, PG 420 � DB 2312, DB POE. PG 410 DB 2076,!PG 624 DB 2056, PG 1072 DB I'�75, PG 2526 -- PG 2303 -- i D I � ALL RADII ARE ARE 20' UNLESS OTHERWISE' NOTED- J� \ — FOR L— PROFILE, SEE SHEET NO. 16 N/F N/F 1 N/F1 ---- CHAD;PARKER--- THOMAS MARLOWE TERESA B©YLES PIN 4657712556 PIN 4657713526 ; PIN 4657714506 OB. 2068. PG 614 DB 706, PG. 267 / DB 2112. PG 896 - --- —CAR PORT � ✓ sBR ' CAR FORT �\ PORCH SBR LAVEL ISW ` I c V 1 C, \ (TY .) k Cl / -- — w EXIIgG D A�R11 GE EA SENT t� PB 62. PG 107 yI Isw � I I P _ I p L _ �I cnti4Ec FIE TO IXISTIIVG JDEWALK II END 2'-6" CURB' I Ipl AND_GUTTER pd ' -L- STAr56+79.60 OFFSET 50.38' -- N/F ,WILLIE & GRADY WILFIS. I PIN 4657712366 DB 990, PG 431 BEGIN 2'-6" CURB �I AND GUTTER I -L- STA. 57+02.29 OFFSET 44.79' CITY OF MOORESVILLE 2523 CHARLOTTE HWY. MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 704-.663-7282 CONTACT: JONATHAN YOUNG, PE z ~ w z cn Q� Q w o z >>� m O J I --I O Hi 0 O w O N V / D ®QT STEWART ROADWAY ENGINEER NO. ENGOILN�EEIRCIANG HYDRAULICS ENGINEER 301-16-14 SCALE: INCOMPLETE PLANS ^ DO NOT USE MR R/ W ACQUISITION V( DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED \� m \ \1 TOF OF 00 E V BEGIN 2,_6" CURB \.��— AND GUTTER r Cn � Co �\ J L- SEA. 62+60.64 �- I � �' OFFSET 19.51' _ ----- — N/F �j -- JOE& VICKI N/FAV , N/F - N/F NVF N/F - N/F _ _ MEGAN BAKER., - BEN] I N/F - ---- HUMPHREY BEATTY FAMILY - OU REACH, RISTIAN j / J�JEA 461 STOKE' -PIN 4657716536 -PIN 4657R18551 - PIN N CHIC. PIN 4657813460 _ MA _ R Y ARTHA _JONAS ILLINGWORTH _- DB 2172, PG 2188 PIN-4657717504 ALBERK EMPIRE. LLC DB 1438 PGE 155 A CrD CLARATIONAOFETRUST / LAKE N03165%Su484 / / DB 1812, PG 1672 - N/F PIN 4657715556 D8 151Cs,-PG 568 PIN 4657717572 IREV or ( _-- PIN 465177149 OB- ISE, PG 53--- - - - DB 2251. PG 1995 - - -j O - PIN 461781040/ 5, PG 22C3 POSTON - - - * 0B 2295, PO 162 1 76 - END 2'-6" CURB r . 1� ,I DB IOOO:,PG 1130 -- AND GUTTER - `�J P <O/-- --_ L STA.62+3616-- FFSET 32 22 _ O INC.= y - (j ---I _ � rs ILL QL �i - - I -i. - GkFlVEL MF r� JS W _ Phi 90 I' 5R Y•' 5 Q LL_— _ o D� 5 II 81, CLAY G— rn r I' I vl W -� A j / I. a- 1 _ .... s >,�,- i :> _ — "�`iao.00— a 9"CLAY C C w x s WOOD 2 � 1 , S77-3T, x!s ose _ O O 7 i+ TI BET X F }� a �TNBLk_. A Jp ac p � A �'� �x F CCC \ pq� PORCH I ;' T III- _ .tom SIN � - / 1 PORCH iSW ! - END 2' 6" CURB j _PORCH AND GUTTER — T� er'aicv:STA.61+87.22 Is RR OFFSET 44.23' - N/F PENDER LEGACY TR / N/F PIt� 46$77d4355 N/F % '!_-1, BRENDA ETTER - -- III \ - -END 2'-6" CURB I / — DB' 2346. PC 380 " HELEN� CROUCH J ' --_-__ \ - PIN 4657716394 z \ SAND GUTTER / PIN 4 57715382 -L- STA. 66+47 Q5— W DB 2037i PG 1553 III �r„ DB 95E, P,G 57' •� OFFSET 29.71' cRavEl END 2'-6" CURB _ _ BEGIN 2'-6" CURB AND GU61+87.22 N/F-- _ TTER,,..�� \ AND GUTTER ' = \ OF STA. 2.29' 12 OFFSET 46.91'_._- PIN DB 465?PG390_ CHRISTIANNOUMREACH •\ N/F N/F OFFSET 32.29 MAR1/IN WHITLOWE LAKE AN c" AUBREY HARTMAN JEFFREY BARRET T. N/F 1 A I ! - -__ _ iiERALD NORMAN ,� DB 2315, PC}�2203 DB 2182, PG 638 DB 2 4657811231 r�4 385. PG 1975 1 1 � � V -� PIN 4657810242 - PIN PIN 4657812128 DOLLIE NJACKSON A D G 30 B I155 P PIN 4657714243 DB, 2346, PG 378 ` •�- ��� \ \ J \875, 1 , 'A ALL RADII ARE ARE 20' UNLESS (OTHERWISE .NOTED INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE POR R/ W ACQUISITION FOR -L- PROFILE, SEE SHEET NO. 17 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL �J r`- - \ �- -' - "�� "•� `\� \' UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED I is CITY OF MOORESVILLE 2523 CHARLOTTE HWY. MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 704-.663-7282 CONTACT: JONATHAN YOUNG, PE uj Ln f— z ~LLJ uj z uj Ln Q � Q W p z >>� m O I..L_ J 1--1 O Hi 0 O Lu O N U) D ®©.m STEWART ROADWAY ENGINEER EC0L66ICAL ENGINEERING HYDRAULICS ENGINEER NO. 301-16-14 crni F ill I N/F --- ---- --- ------ PHYLLIS BRAWN ,, --- - 10 N/F - 08 97E?PG 367 ' - PIN DENNIS JOFFE N/F 821E - LISA CARVER N/F i DB 1935, PG 445 PIN 4657818,165 �9 DB 1274, PG 396 I EUGEKES EN CHCRGE DIAi dGG �A101IIS' I \' ROBIN--& MELANIE ALLEN- LL--, PIN 4650815�26 - Is - Z I JEXISTING SIDEWALK REMOVAL ALL RADII ARE ARE 20' UNLESS OTHERWISE NO FOR -L- PROFILE, SEE SHEET NO. 18 FOR INTERSECTION DETAIL, SEE SHEET 2C-1 <� N("GS MOi„iP,ESVILLE`MILLS, INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/ W ACOUNITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED CITY OF MOORESVILLE 2523 CHARLOTTE HWY. MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 704 663 7282 CONTACT: IONATHAN YOUNG, PE z ~Lu � LLI z V) aLu¢ W O z > � O a co � J Z:) O V) p O Lu O N STEWART ROADWAY ENGINEER ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DATE: DULY 11, 2016 REVISIONS: NO. I DATE 301-16-141 11 go I / -00, + ERIC & ILISA CO HENNON I'D PIN_ 465 75 DB 23 ,PC 424 -BEGIN 8"X12" CU B / .� L STA. 78+32.0 ! - 1 T"W N/F `1 PHIL_IP &- KATHERINE8- BREN II W PIN 4657901740 DB 2370. PG 1490 W C) I G3 C € F woon— Z L W - UJ O- — ----- W U Q SS— g�W— w - N/F c, / BROAN ST METHODIST- ----�' :) ✓\, CHURCH OF MOORESVILLE /� T PIN 465790228-= DB 2130cPG 2284 E2CURB ` C) ANDND GUTTER I,- -L- STA.-80+30.15 \ OFFSET 10.00' � SEND 8'9C12" CURB, -L- STA. 80+15.06 CIO - - �EG1N 8"X12" CURB sic -L- STA, 79+17000 a_F �1,tfalle;_ /W— 12'Rlp \ ' I o� IS BR I O �� I PORCH U¢� CONC z ^ ` GRAVEL WOOD IS W __ IS �\ — 1— _ BRICK RAM _ _ �— N/F-\lC1bR SOUTHERN CLOVER I� I N/ PRflPERilES,ZLCI I' SOUTHERN CLOVER PIN 4657902433 PROPERTIES, LLC PIN 4657902368 - DO NOT DISTURB = - DB 2243, PG 663 OB 2293. PG 66 i. COAST & / ./�, EXIST ET - SUR`1ET GEODETIC ' --- `� UTH MARK TIE TO EXISTING / _AZIM SIDEWALK N/F IN F N/F - JACKIE & OARLENE. RUBY BELK - SOUTHERN CLOVER I PROPERTIES, LLC - BROWN PIN 4657901501 ---- PIN-4657901456 END 2'-6" CURB PIN 4657900545 DB 704, PG 273 - DB 2293. PG. 663 AND GUTTER DB 2198 PG 1421 - - - -L- STA. 80+52.76 OFFSET 35.59', �t `> a FEXISTING SIDEWALK REMOVAL ALL RADII ARE ARE 20' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED FOR —L— PROFILE, SEE SHEET NO. 19 CITY OF MOORESVILLE ^� 2523 CHARLOTTE HWY. MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 704-.663-7282 \/ / \\� CONTACT: 44���.../�\�� / JONATHAN YOUNG, PE I' ✓ Ii II° \90 END PROJECT —L— POT STA.80+50.00,, zz ~ LI J Uj Q� Q W p z >>� m O I..L_ J D j O O Lu O N U) D STEWART ROADWAY \' ENGINEER ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING HYDRAULICS ENGINEER \ J R NO. DATE \� \ PROJECT NO.: 301-16-14 _ - — SCALE: nr INCbX0LETE PLANS DO N0�1'�FJ POQ Q/ W ACQUISITION `,. DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED W. Wilson Ave. Improvements Site Photographs — Taken May 2, 2016 Photo 1—Typical Forested Area (+/- 0.8 ac.) — Marginally Suitable Summer Roosting Habitat for NLEB Photo 2 —Typical Forest Floor— Covered by Invasives Including English Ivy, Not Suitable Dwarf -flowered Heartleaf Habitat Photo 3 — Typical Maintained/Disturbed area Adjacent to Reeds Creek