HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6190603_Email RE Add Info Request_20190907Georgoulias, Bethany
From: Anen, Steven C
Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2019 3:35 PM
To: Ghoffman@cdcgo.com
Subject: Cubera Solar stormwater permit SW6190603
Good afternoon,
The Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources received a stormwater permit application for the above referenced
project. A review of the information has determined that the information is incomplete. Please address the following
items to continue the review process:
1) Please provide documentation that the individual who signed the permit application has authority to sign on the
company's behalf. This can come in the form of a signed letter from a company executive or other official
documentation from the organization.
2) The stormwater report states that grading on the site will occur. However no final grading plan was submitted. Please
submit a final grading plan for the site.
3) For solar farms to be considered pervious they must meet all of the recommendations in Chapter E-6 of the
stormwater design manual. Please provide details of the solar panels and notes on the plans to show that the design
meets all of these requirements.
4) Please submit two copies of all revised plan sheets and upload electronic copies at:
If you have any questions you can contact me at Corey.Anen@ncdenr.gov or 919-707-3649.
Corey Anen
Environmental Engineer
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Stormwater Program
512 N. Salisbury Street
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed
to third parties.