HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191352 Ver 1_01_IBM Purchase and Sale Contract - Redacted_20191004 004828-00013000/6718859v28 REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE CONTRACT BETWEEN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION, as SELLER AND MERRITT ACQUISITIONS, LLC, as PURCHASER 004828-00013000/6718859v28 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1. PURCHASE PRICE ........................................................................................................... 1 2. PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE ................................................................................. 1 3. TITLE ................................................................................................................................. 2 4. SURVEY............................................................................................................................. 3 5. REVIEW OF TITLE REPORT AND SURVEY ................................................................ 3 6. PURCHASER’S OBJECTIONS TO TITLE ...................................................................... 3 7. CLOSING ........................................................................................................................... 4 8. PRORATIONS ................................................................................................................... 5 9. TRANSACTION COSTS ................................................................................................... 5 10. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR CLOSING ......................................................... 5 11. CASUALTY/CONDEMNATION ..................................................................................... 6 12. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES................................................................... 8 13. ENTRY TO PROPERTY; DUE DILIGENCE; APPROVAL PERIOD ............................ 9 14. PRECLOSING OBLIGATIONS ...................................................................................... 12 15. NONPERFORMANCE .................................................................................................... 13 16. BROKERS ........................................................................................................................ 13 17. CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY ................................................................................ 14 18. NOTICES .......................................................................................................................... 15 19. PARTIES BOUND ........................................................................................................... 16 20. GOVERNING LAW ......................................................................................................... 16 21. MULTIPLE COUNTERPARTS ...................................................................................... 16 22. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE ........................................................................................... 16 23. ENTIRE AGREEMENT ................................................................................................... 16 24. NON-BUSINESS DAYS .................................................................................................. 16 25. ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................................................. 16 26. CONFIDENTIALITY....................................................................................................... 16 27. NO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES .............................................................................. 16 28. SURVIVAL ...................................................................................................................... 17 29. PARTIAL INVALIDITY ................................................................................................. 17 30. OTHER DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................... 17 31. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY .............................................................................. 17 004828-00013000/6718859v28 ii 32. CONFLICT ....................................................................................................................... 17 33. RECORDING ................................................................................................................... 17 34. BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT .................................................................................... 17 35. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL ............................................................................................. 19 36. LIKE-KIND EXCHANGE ............................................................................................... 19 37. CONSTRUCTION/DEFINITIONS .................................................................................. 19 EXHIBITS: A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS C FORM OF SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED D FIRPTA CERTIFICATION AND AFFIDAVIT E ACCESS AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT F DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS G ACCESS AGREEMENT AND DEED OF EASEMENT 004828-00013000/6718859v28 REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE CONTRACT Effective as of ________________, 2019 (the “Effective Date”), INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION (“Seller”), a New York corporation, having an office at 1 New Orchard Road, Armonk, New York 10504, agrees to sell and convey to MERRITT ACQUISITIONS, LLC (“Purchaser”), a Maryland limited liability company, having an office at 2066 Lord Baltimore Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21244, and Purchaser agrees to buy from Seller, in accordance with the terms, conditions and stipulations set forth in this Real Estate Purchase and Sale Contract (this “Contract”) certain parcels of land consisting of approximately 51.81 acres of land in the County of Durham, State of North Carolina, described on EXHIBIT A (the “Property”), together with Seller’s interest, if any, in all easements, ponds, waterways, development rights, rights of way, privileges, appurtenances and other rights pertaining thereto. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this Contract have the meanings given to them in Section 37. 1. PURCHASE PRICE: The total purchase price (the “Purchase Price”) to be paid to Seller by Purchaser for the Property is , in immediately available funds, subject to adjustment for prorations and transaction costs only as hereinafter specifically provided in Sections 8 and 9. 2. PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE: Within three (3) business days after the Effective Date, Purchaser shall deposit (such sum together with all interest accrued thereon is referred to herein as the “Deposit”) with Stewart Title Guaranty Company (“Escrow Agent”) in immediately available funds by electronic wire transfer through the Federal Reserve System. Escrow Agent shall hold the Deposit in an interest bearing account with a federally insured financial institution using Purchaser’s tax identification number until the Closing or sooner termination of this Contract and shall pay over or apply the Deposit in accordance with the terms of this SECTION 2. Escrow Agent shall not be responsible for any interest on the Deposit except as is actually earned and paid, or for the loss of any interest resulting from the withdrawal of the Deposit prior to the date interest is posted thereon or for any loss caused by the failure, suspension, bankruptcy or dissolution of the banking institution in which the Deposit is held. The party receiving interest on the Deposit shall pay any income taxes thereon. Upon Escrow Agent’s request, each of the parties shall promptly furnish to Escrow Agent a completed and executed Form W-9, together with such other information as Escrow Agent shall reasonably require. (a) Purchaser agrees that subject to reimbursement of the Deposit to Purchaser pursuant to Section 6(a) {Title Defects}, SECTION 11 {Casualty/Condemnation}, SECTION 13(e) {Hazardous Materials}, SECTION 15(a) {Seller Default}, and SECTION 34 {Brownfields Agreement}, if Purchaser elects to proceed to Closing on or before the expiration date of the Due Diligence Period, the entire Deposit shall be a non-refundable payment upon the expiration of the Due Diligence Period, and that, at the Closing, the Deposit shall be paid by Escrow Agent to Seller. If for any reason the Closing does not occur and either party makes a written demand upon Escrow Agent for payment of the Deposit, Escrow Agent shall give written notice to the other party of such demand. If Escrow Agent does not receive a written objection from the other 004828-00013000/6718859v28 2 party to the proposed payment within ten (10) days after the giving of such notice, Escrow Agent is hereby authorized to make such payment. If Escrow Agent does receive such written objection within such 10-day period or if for any other reason Escrow Agent in good faith shall elect not to make such payment, Escrow Agent shall continue to hold such amount until otherwise directed by written instructions from the parties to this Contract or a final judgment of a court. However, in the event of a dispute between Seller and Purchaser as to the disposition of the Deposit which is not resolved prior to the Outside Closing Date, Escrow Agent shall have the right (but not the obligation) at any time thereafter to deposit the escrowed funds, with the clerk of the Superior Court of the county in which the Property is located. Escrow Agent shall give written notice of such deposit to Seller and Purchaser. Upon such deposit Escrow Agent shall be relieved and discharged of all further obligations and responsibilities hereunder. (b) The parties acknowledge that Escrow Agent is acting solely as a stakeholder at their request and for their convenience and that Escrow Agent shall not be liable to either of the parties for any act or omission on its part unless taken or suffered in bad faith, in willful disregard of this Contract or involving gross negligence. Seller and Purchaser shall jointly and severally indemnify and hold Escrow Agent harmless from and against all costs, claims and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred in connection with the performance of Escrow Agent’s duties hereunder, except with respect to actions or omissions taken or suffered by Escrow Agent in bad faith, in willful disregard of this Contract or involving gross negligence on the part of Escrow Agent. Escrow Agent may act or refrain from acting in respect of any matter referred to in this SECTION 2 in full reliance upon and with the advice of counsel which may be selected by it (including any member of its firm) and shall be fully protected in so acting or refraining from action upon the advice of such counsel. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that a dispute between the parties involves Escrow Agent, the Escrow Agent’s fees and expenses shall be paid by the non-prevailing party. (c) Upon satisfaction of Seller’s Closing obligations which are set forth in SECTION 10 and payment of the balance of the Purchase Price by Purchaser to Escrow Agent, the Escrow Agent shall deliver the Deposit and the balance of the Purchase Price to Seller, subject to pro-rations and adjustments agreed upon herein. Unless otherwise directed in writing by Seller, these funds shall be transferred electronically through the Federal Reserve System to the following bank account of Seller in immediately available funds: Name of Bank: JP Morgan Chase IBM Concentration Acct., No.: ABA Routing No.: Swift: Telephone No.: (212) 552-2469 (d) At least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the Closing Date, Purchaser shall provide Seller with the name and address of the bank that will handle the transfer of these funds on behalf of Purchaser. 3. TITLE: Seller shall convey to Purchaser at Closing good and marketable fee simple title to the Property, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except for Permitted 004828-00013000/6718859v28 3 Exceptions. Within seven (7) days after the Effective Date, Seller shall provide a copy of all title reports relating to the Property in the possession of Seller, if any (“Seller’s Title Report”). During the Due Diligence Period, Purchaser shall obtain at its sole cost and expense, a title search of the Property and a title insurance commitment (such title insurance commitment, the “Purchaser’s Title Report” or sometimes, the “Title Report”) from a reputable national title insurance company (the “Title Company”) and cause a completed copy to be delivered to Seller, including copies of all documents provided by the Title Company and listed therein as exceptions to coverage. 4. SURVEY: Within seven (7) days after the Effective Date, Seller shall provide a copy of all surveys of the Property in the possession of Seller, if any (“Seller’s Survey”). During the Due Diligence Period, Purchaser shall cause a licensed surveyor to prepare for delivery to Purchaser a survey map, including a metes and bounds description of the Property (the “Survey”). 5. REVIEW OF TITLE REPORT AND SURVEY: Prior to the expiration of the Due Diligence Period, Purchaser shall give Seller written notice (the “Title Objection Notice”) of Purchaser’s (i) objections to matters shown on the Survey (the “Survey Matters”) and (ii) objections to matters shown on the Title Report (“Title Matters”) (Survey Matters and Title Matters are collectively referred to as “Title Objections”). Seller shall have five (5) Business Days after receipt of Purchaser’s Title Objection Notice to agree or refuse to cure any of Purchaser’s Title Objections by giving written notice thereof to Purchaser. Purchaser will not need to list Prohibited Exceptions in its Title Objection Notice. If Seller fails to respond to Purchaser by the expiration of such five (5) Business Day period, Seller shall be deemed to have elected not to cure any Title Objection identified by Purchaser. If Seller refuses or is deemed to refuse to cure any Title Objection or elects to cure a Title Objection but is subsequently unable to cure such Title Objection after using its best efforts to do so, then Purchaser shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice thereof to Seller on or before the later of (a) the expiration of the Due Diligence Period (or permitting the Agreement to terminate of its own accord at the expiration of the Due Diligence Period) or (b) five (5) Business Days after (i) the date Seller refuses or is deemed to have refused to cure Purchaser’s Title Objections or (ii) Seller gives Purchaser written notice that, after using its best efforts, Seller is unable to cure a Title Objection that Seller previously agreed to cure. If Purchaser terminates this Agreement as a result thereof, the Deposit shall be returned to Purchaser and, except for provisions that expressly survive the termination of this Agreement, the parties shall have no further obligations to each other. If Purchaser elects to proceed to Closing notwithstanding Seller’s refusal or failure to cure a Title Objection, then that Title Objection shall become a Permitted Exception. Purchaser shall purchase the Property subject to the Permitted Exceptions. 6. PURCHASER’S OBJECTIONS TO TITLE: (a) If, after the expiration of the Due Diligence Period and prior to Closing, Purchaser discovers an encumbrance on the Property that was recorded after the earlier of the Effective Date or, the "through date" of the title insurance commitment Purchaser obtained as part of its due diligence and such encumbrance is objectionable to Purchaser (such matter being hereinafter referred to as a “Title Defect”), Purchaser shall have the right to object to the Title Defect by giving Seller written notice thereof within five (5) Business Days after Purchaser 004828-00013000/6718859v28 4 becomes aware of the Title Defect. Seller shall have no obligation to cure a Title Defect unless it is a Prohibited Exception. Seller shall be obligated to cure all Prohibited Exceptions on or before the Closing Date and failure to do so shall be a default hereunder. Within five (5) Business Days after Seller’s receipt of Purchaser’s notice, Seller shall notify Purchaser whether or not Seller has elected to cure the Title Defect, provided that failure to provide such notice shall constitute Seller’s election not to cure such Title Defect. If Seller elects to cure, Seller shall have thirty (30) days from the date Seller gives Purchaser notice that it has elected to cure the Title Defect to cure the Title Defect, and the date for Closing shall be extended accordingly. If Seller elects to cure the Title Defect, Seller shall pay all costs incurred therefor. If Seller elects not to cure a Title Defect that is not a Prohibited Exception, Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be to (1) terminate this Contract by written notice delivered to Seller and the Escrow Agent (“Purchaser’s Termination Notice”) on or before the earlier of (i) five (5) Business Days after the date Seller notifies Purchaser that Seller has elected not to cure the Title Defect or (ii) the Closing Date, or (2) waive any objections to the Title Defect by notice to Seller within such five (5) five business day period, and proceed to the Closing and accept title to the Property subject to such Title Defect without reduction of the Purchase Price or any credit against the same by reason of the continued existence of the Title Defect, and without liability on Seller’s part with respect to it or the matter underlying it. A Title Defect shall be deemed cured if the Title Company agrees not to include it in the Title Policy or to insure that Purchaser’s title is free and clear of such Title Defect in a manner and form acceptable to Purchaser, in its reasonable discretion. (b) If Purchaser elects to terminate this Contract because of an uncured Title Defect, within five (5) business days after receipt of the Purchaser’s Termination Notice, the Escrow Agent shall return the Deposit to Purchaser, and upon receipt of the Deposit by Purchaser, this Contract shall terminate, any lien of Purchaser against the Property shall cease and be removed from the record, and neither party hereto shall have any further obligations to or rights or claims against the other, excepting only those specific matters which the parties hereto have expressly agreed in this Contract will survive such termination. (c) In no event shall either party be obligated to pursue the cure of a Title Defect beyond the Outside Closing Date. (d) Notwithstanding anything in this Section 6 or elsewhere in this Contract, if either party is in breach of the Contract, the other party may avail itself of any and all remedies permitted under this Contract. 7. CLOSING: Provided Purchaser elects to proceed with the purchase of the Property pursuant to the terms of this Contract on or before the expiration date of the Due Diligence Period, the Brownfields Contingency is satisfied, and Seller and Purchaser satisfy their respective obligations which are set forth in Section 10, the settlement of the obligations of Seller and Purchaser to each other under this Contract (the “Closing”) shall be effected on the Closing Date through an escrow with the Escrow Agent or by such other method mutually determined by the parties hereto. The “Closing Date” shall be on or before the thirtieth (30th) day after the satisfaction of the Brownfields Contingency; provided, that in no event shall the Closing Date be later than the last day of the month that is sixteen (16) months after the Effective Date (the “Outside Closing Date”), such date being a TIME OF THE ESSENCE DATE WITH NO 004828-00013000/6718859v28 5 EXTENSION OF TIME GRANTED FOR ANY REASON; except that Seller shall be granted a further extension beyond the Outside Closing Date, if required, to cure a Title Defect, to repair damage caused by a casualty or condemnation, to complete any arbitration, or to complete Necessary Remedial Measures, in each case to the extent only as agreed upon in SECTIONS 6, 11 and 13 respectively. The Closing is subject to termination of this Contract by Purchaser or Seller pursuant to and in accordance with rights expressly granted to each in this Contract. 8. PRORATIONS: The following shall be apportioned at the Closing: all real estate taxes, personal property taxes, if any, and assessments attributable to the Property as of the Closing Date on the basis of a 365 day calendar year; ad valorem and similar taxes assessed against the Property shall be prorated between Seller and Purchaser as of the Closing Date on the basis of a 365 day year. Pro-rations shall be based upon the current year’s tax rate and assessments, if available or upon tax rates for the last preceding year applied to the latest assessed valuation; provided, however, if the actual amount of taxes for the year of Closing is more or less than that of the preceding calendar year upon which the proration was made, then proper adjustment and payment or reimbursement shall be made within one hundred twenty (120) days of receipt of the tax statements for the year of Closing. This Section 8 shall survive Closing. 9. TRANSACTION COSTS: (a) Seller shall pay any and all fees for preparation of documents to be delivered by Seller. (b) Purchaser shall pay any and all charges for the Title Report/Title Policy, the cost of the Survey and updates to the Survey, all costs related to financing the purchase, all due diligence costs, the cost of all environmental investigations and preparation and recording fees for documents to be delivered by or to Purchaser. (c) The parties shall each pay fifty percent (50%) of (i) any escrow fee charged by Escrow Agent in connection with the transaction contemplated in this Contract, and (ii) North Carolina documentary transfer taxes and city or county transfer or conveyance taxes, except that Seller shall pay any and all agricultural taxes or other rollback taxes arising from the conveyance of the Property. All other costs, fees, expenses and charges of any kind incident to the sale and conveyance of the Property from Seller to Purchaser, including attorneys’ and consultants’ fees, shall be borne by the party incurring the same. 10. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR CLOSING: (a) At the Closing, Seller shall deliver to or shall cause the following to be delivered to Escrow Agent for delivery to Purchaser upon completion of Closing: (1) A Special Warranty Deed (the “Deed”) for conveyance of title to the Property, in the form marked EXHIBIT C, which the parties intend to be in proper statutory form for recording. (2) Documents evidencing the authority of Seller’s representative to sign the Deed, and such other documents (including a standard NCLTA owner’s affidavit and 004828-00013000/6718859v28 6 indemnity agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Title Company to remove lien exceptions under Article 2 of N.C. Gen. Stat. 44A from the Title Policy, real estate and other tax forms and certificates) that may be reasonably required by the Title Company for issuance of the Title Policy covering the Property and recordation of documentation. (3) Certificate in the form marked EXHIBIT D, duly executed by Seller, sufficient to entitle Purchaser to pay the Purchase Price to Seller without withholding for any federal nonresident withholding taxes. (4) The Closing or settlement statement which identifies all payments and disbursements made in accordance with this Contract. (b) At the Closing, Purchaser shall deliver, or shall cause the following to be delivered to Escrow Agent for delivery to Seller upon completion of Closing: (1) The cash balance of Purchase Price in immediately available funds as required by this Contract. (2) Documents evidencing the authority of Purchaser’s representative to sign such documents (including affidavits, real estate and other tax forms and certificates) that may be reasonably required by Seller, or the Title Company to complete the transaction contemplated herein. (3) The Closing or settlement statement which identifies all payments and disbursements made in accordance with this Contract. 11. CASUALTY/CONDEMNATION: (a) Until delivery of the Property as required by this Contract, Seller shall assume all risk of loss to the Property by casualty or condemnation, except as otherwise agreed upon below. (1) If the Property is damaged by fire or other casualty prior to the Closing Date (in which case Seller shall promptly notify Purchaser), and the cost of repairing the damage is less than fifteen percent (15%) of the Purchase Price, as conclusively determined by the average of two (2) estimates made by two (2) independent cost estimating firms, one selected by Seller and one by Purchaser, Seller shall repair the damage at its sole cost and Purchaser shall complete this Contract. Seller shall be entitled to all insurance proceeds paid by reason of the damage. (2) If the cost of repairing the damage shall equal or exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the Purchase Price, as determined in accordance with subparagraph (1) above, Seller may but shall not be obligated to repair the damage. Seller shall notify Purchaser of Seller’s election within thirty (30) days after the date of the damage and, if Seller elects not to make the repairs, Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be to complete or terminate this Contract by notice to Seller within twenty (20) days following the date that Purchaser receives notice of Seller’s election not to repair the damage. If Purchaser elects in its notice to complete this Contract (including payment of the Purchase Price without adjustment by reason of the 004828-00013000/6718859v28 7 casualty) and Close, at the Closing, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser any insurance proceeds paid to Seller by reason of the damage, and shall assign to Purchaser all of Seller’s rights to any insurance proceeds not yet collected. If Purchaser elects in its notice not to complete this Contract and Close, Purchaser shall be paid the Deposit and, upon receipt thereof, this Contract shall terminate, any lien of Purchaser against the Property shall cease and be removed from the record, and neither party hereto shall have any further obligations to or rights or claims against the other, excepting only those specific matters which the parties have agreed in this Contract will survive such termination. (3) If, after the Effective Date and prior to the Closing Date, a taking of a part of the Property in eminent domain proceedings is commenced or the Property is under threat of condemnation, Purchaser shall perform its obligations under this Contract and purchase the Property; provided, however, that if, in Purchaser’s commercially reasonable good faith judgment, the taking will materially adversely affect Purchaser’s intended development of the Property as a business park containing flex office, warehouse, or industrial buildings, Purchaser shall have the option of completing or terminating this Contract. If Purchaser is obligated hereunder to purchase the Property or, if granted an option to terminate, elects not to terminate this Contract, either by notice to Seller or by failing to deliver the required notice of termination to Seller, Purchaser shall remain obligated to perform its obligations and Close under this Contract (including payment of the Purchase Price without adjustment by reason of such taking). In such event, Purchaser shall be permitted to participate in all negotiations with the applicable authority pursing the condemnation and Seller shall not settle any condemnation proceeding without Purchaser’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. At the Closing, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser any part of the condemnation award collected by Seller, and Seller shall assign to Purchaser all of Seller’s rights to any part of the award not yet collected, in each case attributable to Seller’s interest in the Property. If Purchaser elects to terminate this Contract by delivering a notice to Seller within thirty (30) days after Purchaser is notified by Seller of a taking that authorizes Purchaser hereunder to terminate this Contract, Purchaser shall be paid the Deposit and, upon receipt thereof, this Contract shall terminate, any lien of Purchaser against the Property shall cease and be removed from the record, and neither party hereto shall have any further obligations to or rights or claims against the other, excepting only those specific matters which the parties hereto have expressly agreed in this Contract will survive such termination. For the purposes of this Contract, a taking in condemnation shall mean the vesting of fee title to any part of the Property in a Governmental Authority or other Person pursuant to the exercise of the power of eminent domain or pursuant to a deed delivered in lieu or in contemplation thereof. (4) If Purchaser elects to terminate this Contract based on its determination that the proposed taking will materially adversely affect Purchaser’s intended use of the Property and Seller challenges such determination, Purchaser agrees to assume the burden of proving the materiality of the taking or the material adverse effect of the taking on such intended use in an expedited arbitration of the issue under the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. The decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding on the parties hereto and enforceable by either party in a court of law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that any taking that prevents ingress and egress between the Property and any public roadway bordering the Property or would prevent Purchaser from constructing 004828-00013000/6718859v28 8 improvements containing a minimum of 270,000 square feet of space in single story buildings on the Property is a material adverse effect. 12. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: For the purpose of inducing Purchaser and Seller to enter into and consummate this transaction: (a) Seller makes the following representations and warranties with respect to the Property and its uses as of the Effective Date and the date of Closing (“Seller’s Representations”): (1) Seller is the record owner of the Property to be conveyed hereunder, subject to the exceptions noted in Seller’s Title Report. (2) There are no Persons in possession of the Property or any part thereof other than Seller. To the Knowledge of Seller, except as set froth in Section 14(a)(3), no other Persons other than the Persons granted rights in the exceptions noted in Seller’s Title Report have been granted any license, lease or other rights or interest relating to the use or possession of the Property, or any part thereof, on and after the Closing Date. (3) Seller has the full power and authority to enter into, execute, deliver, and consummate the transaction contemplated by this Agreement and any instruments and agreements contemplated herein. Seller has taken all action required by law and under its corporate governing documents to authorize the execution, delivery, and consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby. (4) Seller is not a “foreign person” as these words are defined for purposes of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980, as amended (Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code), and the regulations promulgated thereunder. (5) Seller is in material compliance with all federal, state, municipal, and local laws, statutes, codes, ordinances, orders, decrees, rules, or regulations relating to terrorism or money laundering (collectively, the “Anti-Terrorism Laws”), including without limitation, Executive Order No. 13224 on Terrorist Financing, effective September 24, 2001, the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-56, known as the “Patriot Act”), and the regulations of the Office of Foreign Assets Control and is not a Prohibited Person under the Anti- Terrorism Laws. (b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Contract, Purchaser understands and agrees that the “Knowledge of Seller” means the actual, personal knowledge of Manley James. Purchaser acknowledges that this employee of Seller has not made or caused any other Person to make any independent investigation or inquiry. The individual named above shall not in any event be personally liable to Purchaser or any third party in connection with his statements or opinions relating to the Property. (c) No claim for a breach of any representation or warranty of Seller shall be actionable or payable if the breach in question results from or is based on a condition, state of facts or other matter which was known to Purchaser prior to Closing from any source (including 004828-00013000/6718859v28 9 any Environmental Reports), including the existence of Hazardous Materials within the boundaries of the Property. Seller shall have no liability to Purchaser for a breach of any representation or warranty (a) unless valid claims for all such breaches collectively aggregate more than , in which event the full amount of valid claims shall be actionable up to the Cap (defined below), and (b) unless written notice containing a description of the specific nature of such breach shall have been given by Purchaser to Seller prior to the expiration of six (6) months from the Closing Date and an action shall have been commenced by Purchaser against Seller within one (1) year following the Closing Date. Purchaser agrees to first seek recovery under any insurance policies prior to seeking recovery from Seller, and Seller shall not be liable to Purchaser if Purchaser’s claim is satisfied from such insurance policies. As used herein, the word “Cap” means the total aggregate amount of . (d) Purchaser makes the following representations and warranties (“Purchaser’s Representations”): (1) Purchaser has the full power and authority to enter into, execute, deliver, and consummate the transaction contemplated by this Agreement and any instruments and agreements contemplated herein. Purchaser has taken all action required by law to authorize the execution, delivery, and consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby. (2) Purchaser’s rights under this Contract do not, and upon its acquisition by Purchaser, the Property shall not constitute “plan assets” within the meaning of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”). (3) Purchaser is not a “governmental plan” within the meaning of ERISA and the execution of this Contract and the purchase of the Property by Purchaser is not subject to state statutes regulating investments of and fiduciary obligations with respect to governmental plans. (4) Purchaser is in material compliance with all federal, state, municipal, and local laws, statutes, codes, ordinances, orders, decrees, rules, or regulations relating to terrorism or money laundering (collectively, the “Anti-Terrorism Laws”), including without limitation, Executive Order No. 13224 on Terrorist Financing, effective September 24, 2001, the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-56, known as the “Patriot Act”), and the regulations of the Office of Foreign Assets Control and is not a Prohibited Person under the Anti-Terrorism Laws. (e) Seller’s Representations and Purchaser’s Representations shall continue in full force and effect to and including the Closing Date and shall survive Closing for six (6) months. In no event shall Seller’s Representations or Purchaser’s Representations extend beyond the termination of this Contract. 13. ENTRY TO PROPERTY; DUE DILIGENCE; APPROVAL PERIOD: (a) Commencing on the Effective Date and continuing for a period of seventy-four (74) days (the “Due Diligence Period”), Purchaser shall have the right to 004828-00013000/6718859v28 10 investigate the Property and its suitability for Purchaser’s purposes. Unless Purchaser gives Seller written notice of its election to proceed to Closing on or before the expiration date of the Due Diligence Period, this Contract shall terminate on the expiration date of the Due Diligence Period with no further action by either party hereto, whereupon Escrow Agent shall return the Deposit to Purchaser and the parties shall have no further obligations to each other. (b) Pursuant to the terms of that certain Access and Confidentiality Agreement (the “Access Agreement”), a copy of which is attached and marked as EXHIBIT E, Purchaser shall have a license during the term of this Contract to enter onto the Property and to perform, at Purchaser’s sole expense, the scope of work described therein. (c) Seller shall deliver to Purchaser, Seller’s “level 1” assessment of the environmental status of the Property (“Seller’s Phase I Report”). If Purchaser elects to commission a separate report (“Purchaser’s Phase I Report”), Purchaser shall complete such report during the Due Diligence Period for review by Seller. Seller and Purchaser shall resolve any differences in technical content between Purchaser’s Phase I Report and Seller’s Phase I Report during the Due Diligence Period. If there are no differences or such differences are resolved, each report (1) shall be individually called an “Environmental Report” and together be called the “Environmental Reports”, (2) shall be incorporated herein by this reference, (3) shall be deemed to be an integral part of this Contract, and (4) shall be adopted by the parties at the Closing as the baseline environmental condition of the Property as of the Closing Date. If the parties are unable to re-solve such differences prior to expiration of the Due Diligence Period, or Purchaser does not commission a report, Purchaser may either accept Seller’s Phase I Report as the base-line environmental condition of the Property or if permitted by Section 13(e), terminate this Contract pursuant to Section 13(e)(2(i) below. (d) When entering the Property to perform the activities described in this Section 13, Purchaser and Purchaser’s Representatives shall comply with the terms of the Access Agreement. (e) (1) If prior to the Closing (i) Purchaser discovers Hazardous Materials On the Property; (ii) such Hazardous Materials were not disclosed in a copy of Seller’s Phase I Report or any other environmental assessments which Purchaser received prior to the Effective Date; (iii) the cumulative total estimated costs to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures, including the cost of litigation or other anticipated proceedings and attorneys’ and consultants’ fees, will not exceed (the “Correction Costs”), as reasonably estimated in good faith by an independent consultant selected by Seller and communicated in writing to Purchaser within thirty (30) days after Seller receives notice of the existence of such Hazardous Materials, and (iv) the period of time estimated in good faith by the consultant to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures will not exceed six (6) months from the date that Seller and Purchaser each received notice of the newly discovered Hazardous Materials (the “Remediation Period”), neither party hereto shall be entitled to terminate this Contract and Seller shall perform the Necessary Remedial Measures within a reasonable time under the circumstances, taking into consideration the type, location and extent of the Hazardous Materials, approvals required from Governmental Authorities, contractor availability and the like. At Purchaser’s election, exercised by notice to Seller at least ten (10) business days prior to the Closing Date, (i) the Closing Date shall be reasonably extended for up to an additional eight 004828-00013000/6718859v28 11 (8) months, as necessary, to complete the Necessary Remedial Measures, or (ii) if Purchaser fails to make such election, the parties shall proceed to Closing in accordance with the terms of this Contract and Seller shall complete the Necessary Remedial Measures prior to and following the Closing Date, as required. (2) If the estimated cumulative total costs to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures will exceed the Correction Costs, or if the estimated time to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures will exceed the Remediation Period, Seller may, but shall not be obligated to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures at its sole cost. If Seller elects not to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures under this subparagraph (e)(2), Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be to (i) terminate this Contract, or (ii) direct Seller to perform (and Seller shall perform) the Necessary Remedial Measures in which case Purchaser shall pay Seller all sums incurred by Seller which are in excess of the Correction Costs in the manner agreed upon below; except that in no event shall the delay extend beyond the Outside Closing Date. (f) Purchaser’s election to terminate this Contract pursuant to rights granted in subparagraph (e)(2)(i) shall be made by notice delivered to Seller and the Escrow Agent within five (5) days after receipt of Seller’s notice electing not to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures. Within five (5) days after Purchaser’s termination notice is received by Seller and the Escrow Agent, Purchaser shall be paid the Deposit and, upon receipt thereof, this Contract shall terminate, any lien of Purchaser against the Property shall cease and be removed from the record, and neither party hereto shall have any further obligations to or rights or claims against the other, excepting only those specific matters which the parties hereto have expressly agreed in this Contract will survive such termination. (g) If Purchaser agrees under subparagraph (e)(2)(ii) that Seller shall perform the Necessary Remedial Measures and agrees to pay all costs in excess of the Correction Costs to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures, Purchaser shall notify Seller of such election within five (5) days after receipt of Seller’s notice electing not to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures. If the estimated costs to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures exceed the Correction Costs, Purchaser shall include with its notice a certified or bank check payable on account to Seller for the estimated excess amount. When the actual cost to perform the Necessary Remedial Measures is finally determined by Seller, Seller shall notify Purchaser whether the actual amount in excess of the Correction Costs was less or more than the sums advanced by Purchaser and furnish with the notice all documentation supporting Seller’s calculations. If less, Seller shall re-fund to Purchaser at the Closing the difference between the actual excess amount and the estimated excess amount advanced by Purchaser and, if more, Purchaser shall pay Seller such difference. Payments shall be made at the Closing or as soon thereafter as the Necessary Remedial Measures are completed. (h) If this Contract is terminated by either party for any reason, Purchaser shall deliver to Seller (i) all Confidential Information in accordance with the Access Agreement, and (ii) copies of all surveys, Environmental Reports and other studies, reports and information within its possession or control actually obtained by Purchaser prior to termination of the Contract. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 12 (i) Nothing herein restricts the rights of either party to terminate this Contract pursuant to any other provision of this Contract or to otherwise pursue remedies available to it in the event of a breach of this Contract by the other, provided, however, in no event shall Seller be deemed in default under this Contract due to the presence of Hazardous Materials on the Property. 14. PRECLOSING OBLIGATIONS: (a) From the Effective Date until the Closing Date or earlier termination of this Contract, Seller shall, with respect to the Property: (1) advise Purchaser in writing promptly of any litigation, arbitration, or administrative hearing affecting the Property within the Knowledge of Seller which is instituted or threatened, and (2) subject to the requirements of the Laws and Governmental Authorities, take no action and permit no action to be taken which would (i) change the physical characteristics of the Property in any material respects, except for the closure of certain monitoring wells which are no longer in use; provided that Seller gives Purchaser prior written notice thereof, such closure is completed strictly in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and ordinances and is fully completed prior to Closing, or (ii) change the existing zoning designation. (3) not create any new encumbrance on or defect in Seller’s title to the Property, except for (i) a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions in the form attached hereto as Exhibit F, and (ii) an Access Agreement and Deed of Easement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit G, which Seller may record with the Durham County Register of Deeds. Seller shall not make or authorize any changes to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions or the Access Agreement and Deed of Easement without Purchaser's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. (b) Except in connection with the Brownfields Agreement described in Section 34, Purchaser hereby agrees that it shall not make any applications to, or appear before public meetings or hearings of any Governmental Authority, or commence or otherwise pursue any actions with or against any Governmental Authority that would be binding on Seller if Purchaser does not close on the purchase of the Property. Purchaser shall use commercially reasonable efforts to give Seller regular updates of any meetings or other proceedings with governmental authorities during the term of this Agreement. During the Due Diligence Period Purchaser may make inquiries of governmental authorities in connection with the Brownfields Agreement and with respect to other government records in connection with Purchaser's due diligence study of the Property without giving notice to Seller. (c) Seller has, or will, transfer to Bristol-Myers Squibb Company or its affiliates, five groundwater monitoring wells on the Property, and other associated sampling equipment, located upon or within the Property (the “BMS Wells”). For the sake of clarity, the Property shall not include the BMS Wells. Seller will cause all other wells on the Property to be closed prior to Closing in accordance with NCDEQ closure requirements. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 13 15. NONPERFORMANCE: (a) If Seller defaults under this Contract, and Purchaser is ready, willing and able to perform Purchaser’s Contract obligations, Purchaser shall elect, as its sole and exclusive remedy, either (1) to sue for specific performance of this Contract or (2) to terminate this Contract by notice to Seller and the Escrow Agent within 10 days after the Outside Closing Date, in which event Purchaser shall be entitled to payment of the Deposit and Seller shall reimburse Purchaser for its actual, documented, out of pocket expenses to negotiate this Contract, investigate the purchase of the Property, and pursue the Brownfields Agreement up to a maximum amount of . (b) If Purchaser defaults under this Contract, and Seller is ready, willing and able to perform Seller’s Contract obligations, Seller’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be to receive and retain the Deposit, in lieu of any other monetary or other relief to which Seller may otherwise be entitled by virtue of this Contract or the Laws and terminate this Contract by notice thereof to Purchaser. Because of the extreme difficulty, inconvenience and uncertainty of ascertaining actual damages that will be incurred by Seller as a consequence of Purchaser’s failure to comply as aforesaid, Purchaser and Seller agree that the Deposit shall be liquidated damages and is the best estimate of the actual damages that will be suffered by Seller by reason of Purchaser’s nonperformance. When the Deposit is paid to Seller by the Escrow Agent, this Contract shall terminate. (c) If in accordance with the agreements set forth in this SECTION 15 Purchaser or Seller terminates this Contract, upon receipt of the Deposit by the party entitled to it, this Contract shall terminate, any lien of Purchaser against the Property shall cease and be removed from the record, and neither party hereto shall have any further obligations to or rights or claims against the other, excepting only those specific matters which the parties hereto have expressly agreed in this Contract will survive such termination. (d) If Seller or Purchaser shall bring any action for damages or any other relief or remedy against the other (declaratory or otherwise) arising out of this Contract, the prevailing party shall receive a reasonable sum from the other party for attorneys’ and witness’ fees and payment of all court and other direct costs incurred in connection herewith. This Section (d) shall survive the Closing or the termination of this Contract. 16. BROKERS: (a) Seller and Purchaser acknowledge that CBRE, Inc., as Seller’s agent, (the “Broker”) has acted as the broker of the transaction contemplated herein and that Seller shall be solely responsible for and shall pay the Broker a commission or fee in accordance with the terms of a separate agreement between them. Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless from and defend Purchaser against any claim made by a Person other than the Broker in connection with the transaction contemplated herein for compensation on account of interactions between Seller or its representatives or employees and such other Person. Further, Seller shall reimburse Purchaser for court costs, reasonable attorneys’ and witness’ fees and other out-of- pocket expenses directly resulting from these claims. Purchaser represents that it has dealt with no Person in connection with the transaction contemplated herein other than the Broker, and 004828-00013000/6718859v28 14 Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from and defend Seller against any claim made by any Person other than the Broker in connection with the transaction contemplated herein for compensation on account of interactions between Purchaser or its representative or employees and such Person. Further, Purchaser shall reimburse Seller for court costs, reasonable attorney’s and witness fees and other out-of-pocket expenses directly resulting from these claims. (b) This SECTION 16 shall survive the Closing or the termination of this Contract. 17. CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY: (a) (1) Seller shall deliver the Property to Purchaser at the Closing in its then “as is”, “where is” condition and state of repair with all faults. Until the Closing, Seller agrees to maintain the Property consistent with the standards of maintenance for property of a similar nature and type which it owns. Except for Seller’s Representations which are directly applicable to such information, Seller does not warrant or make any representation, either express or implied, as to (1) the accuracy or completeness of any information delivered to Purchaser or any other information which Seller hereafter may share with Purchaser; (2) the Property; (3) the condition of the Property; or (4) without limitation, as to any other matter; however, Seller does not know (as the “Knowledge of Seller” is defined in SECTION 12(b)) of any information furnished to Purchaser by Seller that is false or materially inaccurate. (b) PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS CONTRACT, NEITHER SELLER NOR ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE OF SELLER HAS MADE, AND SELLER IS NOT LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR OR BOUND IN ANY MANNER BY, ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS, OBLIGATIONS, GUARANTEES, STATEMENTS, INFORMATION OR INDUCEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE PROPERTY OR ANY PART THEREOF; TITLE TO THE PROPERTY; THE PHYSICAL CONDITION THEREOF; THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION THEREOF; THE FITNESS AND QUALITY THEREOF; THE INCOME, EXPENSES OR OPERATION OF THE PROPERTY AND THE VALUE AND PROFITABILITY THEREOF; THE USES TO WHICH THE PROPERTY CAN BE PUT; CURRENT AND FUTURE ZONING OF THE PROPERTY; THE SUITABILITY OF THE PROPERTY OR ANY PORTION THEREOF FOR UTILITY ACCESS, RENOVATION OR CONSTRUCTION, OR ANY OTHER MATTER OR THING WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT THERETO. PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES, AGREES, REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT BEFORE CLOSING, PURCHASER WILL HAVE HAD ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND DATA RELATING TO THE PROPERTY THAT PURCHASER CONSIDERS NECESSARY, PRUDENT, APPROPRIATE OR DESIRABLE FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS TRANSACTION AND THAT PURCHASER AND PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVES WILL HAVE INDEPENDENTLY INSPECTED, EXAMINED, INVESTIGATED, ANALYZED AND APPRAISED ALL OF THE SAME AND ALL OTHER MATTERS IT HAS DETERMINED ARE CONDITIONAL TO PURCHASING THE PROPERTY. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT, IN ENTERING INTO THIS CONTRACT, PURCHASER HAS NOT 004828-00013000/6718859v28 15 BEEN INDUCED BY, AND HAS NOT RELIED UPON, ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR STATEMENTS, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR VERBAL, MADE BY SELLER OR ANY AGENT, EMPLOYEE OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVE OF SELLER, OR ANY OTHER PERSON, WHICH ARE NOT EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS CONTRACT, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH REPRESENTATIONS OR STATEMENTS WERE MADE ORALLY OR ELSEWHERE IN WRITING. THIS SECTION 17 SHALL SURVIVE THE CLOSING OR THE TERMINATION OF THIS CONTRACT. 18. NOTICES: All notices, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally against receipt, or by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, or by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service, in each case addressed to the parties as follows: As to Purchaser: Merritt Acquisitions, LLC 2066 Lord Baltimore Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21244 Attention: Robb L. Merritt email: rmerritt@merrittproperties.com with copy to: Cynthia A. Berman, Esquire Kramon & Graham, P.A. One South Street, Suite 2600 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 email: cberman@kg-law.com As to Seller: International Business Machines Corporation IBM Real Estate Strategy and Operations 10925 David Taylor Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Attention: Manley James email: mjames@us.ibm.com with copy to: International Business Machines Corporation Global Real Estate Operations 1 New Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504 Attention: Real Estate Counsel email: thaler@us.ibm.com Any notice delivered in accordance herewith shall be deemed received on the date sent, if sent by hand delivery; one (1) Business Day after the date sent, if sent by overnight commercial delivery service; and three (3) days after the date sent, if sent by USPS certified mail. Additionally, notices may be given by electronic transmission, which shall be deemed delivered on the date of such transmission, provided that an original copy of said transmission shall be delivered to the addressee by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service on the day following such transmission. Failure to send a copy of any notice to the person designated above to receive a copy of notices shall not affect the validity of any notice. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 16 19. PARTIES BOUND: This Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Seller and Purchaser and their respective representatives, successors and permitted assigns. 20. GOVERNING LAW: The Laws of the State of North Carolina shall govern the validity, construction, enforcement and interpretation of this Contract without regard to principles of conflicts of law. 21. MULTIPLE COUNTERPARTS: This Contract may be executed in a number of identical counterparts but all counterparts shall constitute one agreement. This Contract shall not be binding or effective until duly executed by Seller and Purchaser and delivered by each to the other. To facilitate execution and delivery of this Contract, the parties may execute and exchange executed counterparts by facsimile or email in a PDF file to the other party or to the other party’s counsel. Facsimile or signatures in a PDF file shall have the same legal effect as original signatures. 22. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: Time is of the essence in the performance of each of the parties’ respective agreements and obligations contained herein. 23. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Contract includes the text hereof and all exhibits, schedules, addenda and attachments to this Contract and, together, they embody the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the transaction herein contemplated and supersede all prior communications or agreements, whether oral or written. Any amendments to this Contract, to be effective, must be in writing and executed by the party against whom enforcement of the amendment is sought. 24. NON-BUSINESS DAYS: If the Closing Date or the date for delivery of a notice or performance of some other obligation of a party falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the Closing Date or such notice or performance shall be postponed until the next weekday that is not a legal holiday. For purposes of this Contract, a “legal holiday” shall be a weekday on which federal banks are not required to be open for business in Durham, North Carolina. 25. ASSIGNMENT: Neither this Contract nor any rights or obligations hereunder shall be assigned, transferred, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise encumbered in any way by Purchaser without the prior written consent of Seller, and any purported assignment without such consent shall be null and void; except that Purchaser may assign these rights to an Affiliate; provided that the assignment is not to an entity that will violate the “ERISA” representation set forth in SECTION 11(b) and that Purchaser shall first notify Seller of the assignment, shall deliver a true and complete copy of the assignment to Seller, and shall agree in writing to remain and shall remain primarily responsible for the faithful performance of Purchaser’s obligations set forth in this Contract. 26. CONFIDENTIALITY: Except as expressly set forth in the Access Agreement, neither party shall disclose Confidential Information. Each party hereto shall cause its Representatives to observe the terms of this SECTION and each party will be responsible for any breach of this SECTION by itself or its Representatives. 27. NO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: Notwithstanding any provision in this Contract to the contrary, in no event shall either party hereto be liable to the other or a third-party 004828-00013000/6718859v28 17 for incidental damages, lost profits, lost savings, punitive, exemplary or any other consequential, special or indirect damages. This SECTION 27 shall survive the Closing or the termination of this Contract. 28. SURVIVAL: Except as specifically expressed in this Contract, no term, provision, condition or obligation set forth in this Contract shall survive the Closing or termination of this Contract. 29. PARTIAL INVALIDITY: If any term, covenant or condition of this Contract or its application to any Person or circumstances shall be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Contract, or the application of such term, covenant or condition or its application to any other Person or circumstances shall not be affected, and each term shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by Law. 30. OTHER DOCUMENTS: Each party shall, at any time and from time to time, execute, acknowledge when appropriate, and deliver such further instruments and documents and take such other action as may be reasonably requested by the other in order to carry out the intent and purpose of this Contract; provided that the requested modifications shall be ministerial in scope and, without limitation, shall not (i) increase in any form or manner the monetary obligation of either party hereto or reduce in any manner or form the compensation agreed upon herein to be received by a party hereto, or (ii) materially increase any non-monetary obligations or materially and adversely affect the rights (monetary or non-monetary) of either party under this Contract, as determined by the affected party in its reasonable judgment. Further, Seller shall not be obligated to agree in any form or manner to any additional indemnity agreements or any representations, warranties or guaranties which are not already expressly agreed upon in this Contract, shall not be obligated to agree to any changes to the environmental agreements set forth herein or in any other document, and will not allow others to act as attorney-in-fact for Seller. This SECTION 30 shall survive the Closing or the termination of this Contract. 31. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY: This Contract is intended for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, shall not be for the benefit of, and shall not create any rights in, or be enforceable by any other Person. 32. CONFLICT: If there is a conflict between or ambiguity among (a) the provisions of this Contract and (b) or the provisions of any other documents associated with this transaction, the provisions of this Contract shall control and be conclusive on the matter at issue. 33. RECORDING: Neither this Contract nor any memorandum hereof may be recorded without the express written consent of both parties hereto. If either party (or its agent) violates this prohibition, such party shall be in material breach of this Contract and the non- breaching party shall be entitled to pursue any and all of its remedies pursuant to this Contract. 34. BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT: (a) Purchaser’s obligation to purchase the Property is contingent (the “Brownfields Contingency”) upon Purchaser’s satisfactory negotiation of an agreement (the “Brownfields Agreement”) acceptable to Purchaser, in its sole and subjective discretion, with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (“NCDEQ”) under the Brownfields 004828-00013000/6718859v28 18 Program operated under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 130A-310.30 et seq. (the “Brownfields Program”) and the expiration of all public comment periods without any challenges or changes to the Brownfields Agreement. From the Effective Date until the Closing Date or earlier termination of this Contract, Purchaser shall diligently pursue a Brownfields Agreement. Promptly after the Effective Date, Purchaser shall submit a Brownfields Property Application to NCDEQ, file the Fee Consent Document, and pay the fee to enter the “Redevelopment Now Program Option” of the Brownfields Program. If, despite Purchaser’s diligent efforts, Purchaser is not able to satisfy the Brownfields Contingency within fifteen (15) months after the Effective Date, Purchaser shall have the right to terminate this Contract by notice delivered to the other party and the Escrow Agent (the “Brownfields Termination Notice”), or to waive the Brownfields Contingency and proceed to Closing. Within five (5) business days after receipt of the Brownfields Termination Notice, the Escrow Agent shall return the Deposit to Purchaser, and upon receipt of the Deposit by Purchaser, this Contract shall terminate, any lien of Purchaser against the Property shall cease and be removed from the record, and neither party hereto shall have any further obligations to or rights or claims against the other, excepting only those specific matters which the parties hereto have expressly agreed in this Contract will survive such termination. (b) Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with Purchaser’s efforts to satisfy the Brownfields Contingency, including without limitation, providing any non-confidential records, materials, and information in its possession that are required to accurately complete all documentation required to be submitted to obtain a Brownfields Agreement and, in its capacity as record owner of the Property, sign all documents, submittals, and applications required by the Brownfields Program, provided that such documents, submittals, and applications are not incorrect or materially misleading. Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to respond promptly to all such requests from Purchaser and in all events prior to any deadline established by NCDEQ if Purchaser gives Seller written notice of the deadline. If Seller's failure to respond timely causes Purchaser to miss a deadline that was disclosed to it or if Seller fails to respond within twenty (20) Business Days with respect to any other matter, then the time period to satisfy the Brownfields Contingency and the Outside Closing Date will be extended one day for each day of delay caused by the missed deadline in the event of a missed deadline, or one day for each calendar day that Seller fails to respond after the applicable twenty (20) Business Day period with respect to any matter that does not have specific NCDEQ deadline. Prior to submission of its Brownfields Property Application to NCDEQ, Purchaser shall deliver to Seller a draft of its application and permit Seller the opportunity to review and comment on the application. Seller agrees that it shall provide its comments, if any, to Purchaser, within ten (10) Business Days following receipt of Seller’s draft Brownfields Program application. Purchaser shall have no obligation to incorporate any or all of Seller’s comments into Purchaser’s Brownfields Program application unless failure to do so will render the application factually inaccurate or materially misleading. If Seller fails to respond within twenty (20) Business Days following receipt of Seller’s draft Brownfields Program application, Seller will be deemed to have no comments on the application. (c) All costs attendant to the Brownfields Program application process shall be Purchaser’s sole responsibility. (d) Purchaser agrees that it shall provide copies to Seller of all formal notices to and from NCDEQ regarding Purchaser’s efforts to obtain a Brownfields Agreement and shall 004828-00013000/6718859v28 19 inform Seller promptly upon receipt of NCDEQ’s decision as to whether or not it has approved Purchaser’s Brownfields Program application and agreed to enter into a Brownfields Agreement with Purchaser. (e) Seller shall not submit comments to NCDEQ at or during any public comment period established for Purchaser’s Brownfields Program application without Purchaser’s prior review and approval which approval may be withheld in Purchaser’s sole discretion. (f) The Brownfields Contingency shall be satisfied when Purchaser receives notice that NCDEQ has approved the Brownfields Agreement, all public notice requirements have been satisfied, and no party has any right to challenge the Brownfields Agreement. Purchaser agrees that it will not execute the Brownfields Agreement or file the Notice of Brownfields Property with the Recorder of Deeds prior to the Closing and the transfer of title to the Property pursuant to the terms of this Contract. 35. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL: To the extent it may be waived, the parties hereto, for themselves and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, hereby irrevocably waive any and all right to a trial by jury with respect to any lawsuit, action, proceeding, counter-claim or other litigation based upon or arising out of or otherwise relating to this Contract and the transactions described herein. The parties further agree that they shall not seek to consolidate any such lawsuit, action, proceeding, counter-claim or other litigation procedure arising with respect to this Contract or the transactions described herein with any proceeding in which trial by jury has not been waived. 36. LIKE-KIND EXCHANGE. The parties agree that, if either party should elect to engage in a tax deferred like-kind exchange under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (a “Like-Kind Exchange”), each party shall cooperate in executing such documentation as is reasonably necessary to effectuate such Like-Kind Exchange, including the assignment of this Contract to a qualified intermediary; provided, that (i) in no event shall the non-requesting party be named as the grantee in any deed of conveyance or as a party in any other document or instrument to be recorded among the land records of the jurisdiction where the exchange property is situated; (ii) the non-requesting party shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of the exchange property or its acquisition, or for the failure of the transaction to qualify as a Like-Kind Exchange; (iii) the consummation of closing with respect to the exchange property shall be at the sole cost and expense of the party requesting the Like-Kind Exchange, and the non-requesting party shall not be required to incur any cost or expense whatsoever in connection therewith; and (iv) although each party shall reasonably cooperate in the event either party shall elect to cause closing hereunder and in respect of the exchange property to occur simultaneously, it is nonetheless expressly understood and agreed that Closing under this Contract shall not be delayed by reason of the Like-Kind Exchange. 37. CONSTRUCTION/DEFINITIONS: (a) This Contract shall be strictly construed neither against Seller nor Purchaser; the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular; “or” is not exclusive; a reference to an agreement or other contract includes supplements, addenda and 004828-00013000/6718859v28 20 amendments thereto to the extent permitted by this Contract; accounting provisions have the meanings assigned to them by generally accepted accounting principles and practices applied on a consistent basis; the words “such as”, “include”, “includes”, and “including” are not limiting; except as specifically agreed upon in this Contract, any right may be exercised at any time and from time to time and all obligations are continuing obligations during the periods of time agreed upon in this Contract; in calculating any time period, the first day shall be excluded and the last day shall be included; all days are calendar days unless otherwise specified; when used in this Contract with its initial letter capitalized, a word shall be given the meaning assigned to it in this Contract; and the words “Seller” and “Purchaser” shall include the Affiliate and the employees, and directors of the parent and Affiliate unless otherwise defined in this Contract. (b) When used with their initial letter capitalized, words shall have the meanings assigned to them in this SECTION or elsewhere in this Contract. “Affiliate” means, with respect to any Person, any other Person that, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person, and the term “control” (including the terms “controlled by” and “under common control with”) means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such Person, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. “Business Day” means any weekday other than a weekday on which federally insured banks are not required to be open for business in Durham, North Carolina. “Closing” is defined in SECTION 7. “Closing Date” is defined in SECTION 7. “Confidential Information” is defined in the Access Agreement. “Contract” is defined on Page 1. “Deed” is defined in SECTION 10. “Due Diligence Period” is defined in SECTION 13. “Effective Date” is defined on Page 1. “Environmental Laws” mean the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. Section 1317, et seq.), the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq.), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 9601, et seq.), the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. Section 2601, et seq.), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. Section 1801, et seq.), the Federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Section 7401, et seq.), as well as other Laws relating directly or indirectly to the storage, use, manufacture, generation, transportation, discharge (including release) or disposal of Hazardous Materials in effect on the Closing Date. “Environmental Report and Reports” are defined in SECTION 13. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 21 “ERISA” is defined in SECTION 12(d). “Escrow Agent” is defined in SECTION 2. “Governmental Authority(ies)” means local, state and federal governmental and quasi- governmental agencies, departments, commissions, boards and bureaus, including all successors thereto, having jurisdiction over the Property. “Hazardous Materials” mean and include any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste (including constituents thereof) which is now or prior to the Closing Date becomes regulated by Governmental Authorities, including any material or substance which is (a) listed or defined as a “hazardous waste,” “extremely hazardous waste,” “restricted hazardous waste,” “hazardous substance” or “toxic substance” or words of similar import under the Environmental Laws, (b) petroleum and its byproducts, (c) radon gas, (d) polychlorinated biphenyl, or (e) designated as a hazardous or toxic substance or waste or words of similar import by the Environmental Laws; except that, notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision in this Contract to the contrary, the words “Hazardous Materials” shall not mean or include (i) contamination caused by normal application of pesticides, fungicides or other agricultural products; (ii) groundwater or surface water contamination which is below levels which would be actionable under the Laws where action levels have been stated; (iii) any amount of hazardous substances released which is below the “reportable quantity” for that substance pursuant to all applicable Environmental Laws; (iv) asbestos containing materials and urea formaldehyde foam insulation, or (v) a hazardous substance which is in situ and poses no immediate threat to Persons or the environment. “Knowledge of Seller” is defined in SECTION 12(b). “Laws” mean any laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, licenses and permits issued by Governmental Authorities. “Necessary Remedial Measures” means any investigation, identity, analysis, treatment, testing, removal, cleanup, sampling and/or monitoring of Hazardous Materials On the Property. “On” means in, on, under, above or about. “Outside Closing Date” is defined in SECTION 7. “Permitted Exceptions” means: (a) the exceptions to title that are acceptable to Purchaser or deemed to be acceptable to Purchaser as provided in Section 5(a); (b) additional title matters which are not listed on Seller’s Title Report and are caused by acts of Purchaser or a Purchaser’s Representative, or are approved by Purchaser in writing, or objections that have been waived by Purchaser either in writing or by failure to notify Seller as required by Sections 5 or 6 as applicable; (c) current real estate taxes not yet due and payable, (d) the state of facts shown on the Survey that are acceptable to Purchaser (e) Title Objections or Title Defects that are waived or deemed to be waived by Purchaser, and (f) the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions in the form attached hereto as Exhibit F and the Access Agreement and Deed of Easement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit G. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 22 “Person” means an individual, partnership, trust, corporation, firm or other legally created entity. “Prohibited Exception” means (a) an encumbrance placed on the Property after the Effective Date by or at the direction of Seller without Purchaser’s prior written consent or (b) an encumbrance that secures a monetary obligation of Seller without regard to the date the such encumbrance was placed on the Property. “Property” is defined on Page 1. “Purchaser” is defined on Page 1. “Purchase Price” is defined in SECTION 1. “Purchaser’s Phase I Report” is defined in SECTION 13. “Purchaser’s Representations” are defined in SECTION 12(d). “Purchaser’s Termination Notice” is defined in SECTION 6(a). “Purchaser’s Title Report” is defined in SECTION 3. “Representatives” means consultants, lenders, directors, agents, surveyors, accountants, contractors, employees, attorneys, insurers, and other advisors of each party hereto. “Seller” is defined on Page 1. “Seller’s Representations” are defined in SECTION 12(a). “Survey” is defined in SECTION 4. “Survey Matters” is defined in SECTION 5. “Title Company” means such title company retained by Purchaser unless designated in SECTION 3. “Title Defects” are defined in SECTION 6. “Title Policy” means the final title policy issued by the Title Company listing only the Permitted Exceptions. “Title Report” is defined in SECTION 3. [Signature pages follow] 004828-00013000/6718859v28 23 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Purchaser and Seller, each by its duly authorized representative, have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date. PURCHASER: MERRITT ACQUISITIONS, LLC By: Robb L. Merritt, President SELLER: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION By: I."" Name: 1'fvA"ae'Y rMmes, Title: 2 - n o fc r M z 004828-00013000/6718859v28 24 004828-00013000/6718859v28 A-1 EXHIBIT A Description of the Property Less and except any property located within a public right-of-way, including the property conveyed to the Department of Transportation in the instrument recorded in Book 3354, Pge 702, Durham County Registry. PIN #’s: 1) 0749-04-51-1176; 2) 0749-03-41-4159; 3) 0749-03-9242; and 4) 0749-03-40-3468; 5) 0748-01-49-4407 004828-00013000/6718859v28 A-2 Exhibit A-continued Less and except any property located within a public right-of-way. PIN #: 0749-04-50-1918 004828-00013000/6718859v28 B-1 EXHIBIT B Intentionally Omitted 004828-00013000/6718859v28 C-1 EXHIBIT C Form of Special Warranty Deed Prepared By and After Recording Return To: Revenue Stamps: $[__________] NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Grantor states that the Property does not include the primary residence of Grantor. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED is made this [_____] day of [__________],2019 by INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION, a New York corporation (“Grantor”), having an office at One New Orchard Road, Armonk, New York 10504 to [____________________], a [___________________________], (“Grantee”), with a mailing address of [_____________________]. WITNESSETH For and in consideration of cash in hand paid by Grantee to Grantor, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Durham County, North Carolina, which lot or parcel of land is more particularly described as follows (the “Property”): See Exhibit A attached. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, other than the exceptions described on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated by reference. The designation “Grantor”, and “Grantee” as used herein shall include said named parties and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and shall include the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 C-2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument, under seal, as of the day and year first above written. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION, a New York corporation (SEAL) By: Name: Title: STATE OF ___________________ COUNTY OF _________________ I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: ______________________________________________________. Date: _____ day of ______________, 2019. Official Signature of Notary: ___________________________________________ Notary’s Printed or Typed Name: ___________________________, Notary Public My Commission Expires: ________________________ (Official Seal) 004828-00013000/6718859v28 C-3 EXHIBIT A ATTACHED TO DEED FROM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION TO [___________________________] LEGAL DESCRIPTION 004828-00013000/6718859v28 C-4 EXHIBIT B ATTACHED TO DEED FROM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION TO [___________________________] PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 004828-00013000/6718859v28 D-1 EXHIBIT D FIRPTA Certification and Affidavit Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) provides that a transferee of a U.S. real property interest must withhold tax if the transferor is a foreign person. For U.S. tax purposes (including section 1445), the owner of a disregarded entity (which has legal title to a U.S. real property interest under local law) will be the transferor and not the disregarded entity. To inform _______________ (“Transferee”) that withholding of tax is not required upon the disposition of a U.S. real property interest by INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION (“Transferor”), the undersigned hereby certifies the following on behalf of Transferor: 1. Transferor is not a foreign corporation, foreign partnership, foreign trust, or foreign estate (as those terms are defined in the Code); 2. Transferor is not a disregarded entity as defined in Section 1.1445-2(b)(2)(iii); 3. Transferor’s U.S. employer identification number is 13-0871985, and 4. Transferor’s office address is: International Business Machines Corporation Global Real Estate Operations 1 New Orchard Road Armonk, New York 10504 Attention: Real Estate Counsel Transferor understands that this certification may be disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service by Transferee and that any false statement contained herein could be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certification and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete, and I further declare that I have authority to sign this document on behalf of Transferor. Dated: _________________, 2019 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION By: Name: Title: 004828-00013000/6718859v28 D-2 STATE OF NEW YORK ) : ss.: COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER ) On the _____ day of _____________ in the year ________ before me, the undersigned personally appeared _________________, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public [affix stamp and seal] 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-1 EXHIBIT E ACCESS AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT THIS ACCESS AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT (“Agreement ”) is made as of _________________, 2019 (the “Signature Date”), by and between INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION (“Seller”) and MERRITT ACQUISITIONS, LLC (“Buyer”) and is effective as of October 1, 2018 (the “Effective Date”). BACKGROUND STATEMENT Seller and Buyer are in the process of negotiating a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Contract (the “PSA”) pursuant to which Seller will sell to Buyer certain real property located in Durham County, North Carolina and more particularly identified as real estate parcels 0748-01- 49-4407, 0749-04-51-1176, 0749-04-50-1918, 0749-03-41-4159, 0749-03-31-9242, and 0749- 03-40-3468 (the “Property”). Buyer has asked Seller to be permitted to enter the Property and commence its due diligence investigations prior to the completion and execution of the PSA. Seller has agreed to permit Buyer to do so in accordance with the terms hereof. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Right of Access. Commencing on the Effective Date, Seller will permit Buyer and its agents, employees and contractors to enter onto the Property and to perform, at Buyer’s sole cost and expense, (i) a physical inspection of the Property in accordance with the scope of work described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, and (ii) such other reviews, studies, searches, tests, examinations, investigations and other information gathering activities related to the Property that Buyer deems necessary or appropriate (the “Investigations”). Buyer shall coordinate its entry onto the Property through Seller’s designated representative and shall provide reasonable prior notice of its schedule of work. Seller’s representative shall use reasonable efforts to accommodate Buyer’s schedule. Buyer shall have the right to cut trees, bushes, and other plants to obtain access to the portions of the Property it needs to access to perform the Investigations. In such event, Buyer shall use commercially reasonable efforts to disturb as little foliage as possible. Buyer shall restore the Property to substantially the condition that existed prior to the Investigations in the manner described on Exhibit A. At its expense, Buyer shall obtain all required permits from public authorities and otherwise shall comply with all laws required to carry out the Investigations. 2. Delivery of Materials. Within five (5) business days after the Signature Date, Seller shall deliver to Buyer all reports, title policies, surveys, studies, and materials in Seller’s possession with respect to the Property (the “Due Diligence Materials”) that have not been previously provided to Buyer. If the parties do not enter into the PSA or, after entering into the PSA, it is terminated for any reason, Buyer will return the Due Diligence Materials to Seller within five (5) business days after the parties cease negotiations or the termination date of the 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-2 PSA, whichever is applicable. Seller makes no representation or warranty whatsoever as to the content of the Due Diligence Materials or whether the Due Diligence Materials are complete, comprehensive or accurate in any respect. By entering into this Agreement, Buyer acknowledges that it has no right to rely on the Due Diligence Materials and that it is understood that Buyer is expected to obtain its own reports, surveys, and studies with respect to the Property and to make its own determination of the condition of the Property, including the environmental condition thereof. Seller shall not have any liability to Buyer as a result of Buyer’s use of the Due Diligence Materials. 3. Site Sampling; Buyer’s Materials. Buyer will use S&ME Inc. to perform the geotechnical inspections and McAdams Co to perform environmental investigations and ALTA survey work. Buyer will deliver a copy of all reports it receives from them to Seller promptly after Buyer receives them, and, at Seller’s request made prior to the performance of any inspection where samples are taken, Buyer will share the samples with Seller’s corresponding engineers. Seller may distribute copies of such reports or information to consultants and others within Seller’s organization who may have a need to know such information. 4. Monitoring Wells. Buyer agrees to not to disturb any monitoring wells located on the Property during its Investigations. 5. Liability. Buyer agrees to be solely responsible for the conduct of Buyer’s agents, employees, and contractors on the Property and shall assume and pay for all expenses incurred by Buyer and Buyer’s agents, employees, and contractors in connection with the Investigations. BUYER AGREES THAT SELLER ASSUMES NO LIABILITY TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY INJURY, (INCLUDING DEATH) TO PERSONS OR DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF PROPERTY SUFFERED ON THE PROPERTY UNLESS CAUSED BY THE MISCONDUCT OR NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OF SELLER, ITS EMPLOYEES OR INVITEES. SELLER MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WRITTEN OR ORAL, AS TO THE PROPERTY’S CONDITION OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. 6. Insurance. Prior to any physical entry onto the Property, Buyer shall deliver to Seller evidence reasonably satisfactory to Seller that it has obtained comprehensive general liability insurance naming Seller as an additional insured in an amount of not less than $2,000,000.00 for bodily injury (including death) and not less than $1,000,000 for property loss or damage, and written on such forms as are reasonably acceptable to Seller. Such insurance shall include coverage for the contractual liability assumed by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement, and shall be primary and noncontributory. 7. Indemnity. Buyer shall hold harmless and indemnify Seller, its agents, employees, contractors, tenants, and venturers from any and all damages, claims, losses and liabilities (including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees and expenses) arising out of any claims of alleged injury to any person (including death) or damage to or loss of any property or 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-3 of environmental noncompliance, if such injury, death, damage or loss is caused or is alleged to have been caused on or about the Property by acts or omissions of Buyer or its officers, employees, agents, or contractors. The foregoing indemnity shall not apply to any liability, cost or expense arising out of the mere discovery of existing conditions on the Property as a result of Buyer's investigations, unless such condition was caused by Buyer, or its officers, employees, agents, or contractors. 8. Confidentiality. a As used herein, “Confidential Information” shall mean: i Due Diligence Materials and all other written information furnished to Buyer or Buyer’s Representatives (hereinafter defined) to enable completion of the Investigations including, without limitation, analyses, cost information, reports, budgets, proformas, contracts, agreements, studies, plans and specifications, and marketing strategies or operations, in each case furnished by or on behalf of Seller or its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, consultants (including, without limitation, Seller’s financial advisors, attorneys and accountants) partners or agents; and ii Any letter of intent, offer to purchase, purchase and sale agreement, or similar document and their terms. b The words “Confidential Information” shall not include information contained in the Due Diligence Materials that: (a) was available to Buyer on a non-confidential basis prior to its disclosure by Seller; (b) becomes available to Buyer on a non-confidential basis from a source other than Seller under circumstances where such source is entitled to make such disclosure; or (c) is disclosed in accordance with Section 7(d) below. c Buyer shall keep all Confidential Information strictly confidential; provided, however, that the Confidential Information may be disclosed to Buyer’s directors, officers, or employees, as well as its counsel, geotechnical and engineering vendors, accounting firms, mortgage brokers, joint venture partners, and financial institutions who need to know such information for the purpose of assisting Buyer with its inspection of the Property (“Buyer’s Representatives”). Buyer’s Representatives shall be informed by Buyer of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information and shall be directed by Buyer to treat such information with strict confidence. The foregoing shall not prohibit Buyer from using any of the Due Diligence Materials or other reports and materials developed by it to enter into the North Carolina Brownfields program or take any action with respect thereto or to satisfy any other condition to closing set forth in the PSA. d If Buyer or any of Buyer’s Representatives are requested pursuant to, or become compelled by, applicable law, regulation or legal process to disclose any of the Confidential Information in a particular matter, such party will provide Seller with 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-4 prompt written notice and will assist Seller to seek protection of the Confidential Information by protective order or otherwise at its sole expense. e Without Seller’s prior written approval, except to the extent necessary in connection with the Brownfields Agreement, site plan approval process or in connection with similar development matters that will not be binding on Seller if Buyer does not purchase the Property, Buyer and Buyer’s Representatives will not (except as required by applicable law, regulation or legal process, and only after compliance with Section 4), disclose to any individual, partnership, trust, corporation or other entity (collectively, “Person”) the fact that Confidential Information exists or has been made available, or that the Investigations and discussions with respect thereto are taking or have taken place, or any term, condition or other fact relating to the Property including without limitation, the status thereof. f Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Seller will have no adequate remedy at law if Buyer violates any of the confidentiality requirements of this Agreement. In such event, Seller will have the right to seek injunctive relief to restrain any breach or threatened breach of the confidentiality requirements by Buyer, specific enforcement of the confidentiality requirements of this Agreement, and all other remedies available to Seller at law or in equity. In the event that Seller prevails in its enforcement of the confidentiality requirements of this Agreement, Buyer shall also be liable for the payment of Seller’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs. 9. Government Authorities. Buyer shall not submit any application to, or impose any restrictions on the Property that will be binding on Seller if Buyer fails to purchase the Property, and except for actions in connection with the Brownfields Agreement as described in the PSA, obtaining site plan approval, or similar development matters that will not be binding on Seller if Buyer does not purchaser the Property, Buyer will not appear before public meetings or hearings of any governmental authority with respect to the Property. 10. Term. The obligation of confidentiality described in Section 8 shall end one (1) year from the later (if applicable) to occur of (i) the Signature Date, (ii) Buyer purchases the Property or (iii) any formal agreement to Purchase the Property is terminated. All other terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the earlier of (a) the parties discontinue negotiations to enter into a PSA, (b) the PSA is terminated or closing occurs thereunder, (c) such other date specified in the PSA or by a written agreement signed by both Seller and Buyer, or (d) Seller gives Buyer written notice of termination of this Agreement. 11. Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor the permission and privileges granted herein are assignable or transferable and are limited to Buyer and Buyer’s Representatives, and any purported assignment or transfer is automatically void and of no force or effect. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-5 12. Notices: All notices, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally against receipt, or by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, or by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service, in each case addressed to the parties as follows: As to Buyer: Merritt Acquisitions, LLC 2066 Lord Baltimore Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21244 Attention: Robb L. Merritt email: rmerritt@merrittproperties.com with copy to: Cynthia A. Berman, Esquire Kramon & Graham, P.A. One South Street, Suite 2600 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 email: cberman@kg-law.com As to Seller: International Business Machines Corporation IBM Real Estate Strategy and Operations 10925 David Taylor Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Attention: Manley James email: mjames@us.ibm.com with copy to: International Business Machines Corporation Global Real Estate Operations 1 New Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504 Attention: Real Estate Counsel email: thaler@us.ibm.com Any notice delivered in accordance herewith shall be deemed received on the date sent, if sent by hand delivery; one (1) Business Day after the date sent, if sent by overnight commercial delivery service; and three (3) days after the date sent, if sent by USPS certified mail. Additionally, notices may be given by electronic transmission, which shall be deemed delivered on the date of such transmission, provided that an original copy of said transmission shall be delivered to the addressee by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service on the day following such transmission. Failure to send a copy of any notice to the person designated above to receive a copy of notices shall not affect the validity of any notice. 13. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of North Carolina without regard to principles of conflicts of law. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which counterparts when assembled shall constitute a single 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-6 agreement. An electronic signature of either party upon this Agreement shall be deemed valid and binding and admissible by either party against the other. No party shall have any liability to the other for any punitive, consequential, extraordinary or special damages, even if the non- damaged party had notice of the potential for such damage to the other party. Signature Page to Follow IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement, intending to be bound as of the Effective Date. SELLER: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION By: Q"w� Name: e-'�- Title: 5-g_ eRaSl-%A, ,,A,(� 2 Date: H ;17��1B / vat Y , 2019 BUYER: MERRITT ACQUISITIONS, LLC Robb L. Merritt, President Date: , 2019 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-7 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-8 EXHIBIT A Scope of Review Geotechnical Services: ● S&ME personnel will perform a site reconnaissance to mark boring locations and document existing site conditions. Boring locations, shall be in accordance with EXHIBIT ‘B’ attached hereto and, will be marked in the field with a handheld GPS device. ● S&ME will review publicly available investigatory / remedial information related to the contamination from the adjoining property formerly owned by Weck to include existing well depths etc., prior to the installation of any borings so as not to penetrate any existing confining layer(s) and create new pathways for contaminant migration. S&ME shall maintain a minimum 10’ buffer to any existing groundwater wells currently located and identified on the Property. ● S&ME will coordinate all access to the Property with Stuart Hurwitz, Advisory Environmental Engineer, IBM Research Triangle Park, phone: 919.254.0810, T/L 444; mobile: 919.355.8856; email: hurwitz@us.ibm.com ● S&ME will subcontract personnel and equipment (hydro-axe) to perform low- impact clearing to provide access paths for drilling equipment, including clearing and mulching of trees. ● S&ME, Inc. will contact NC 811 to mark member utilities near proposed test locations. ● Twenty-five soil test borings with standard penetration testing (SPT) will be performed to the depths up to 50’. ● Samples of subsurface soils will be taken at 2½-foot intervals above a depth of 10 feet and at 5-foot intervals below 10 feet using a split-spoon sampler. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) will be conducted in conjunction with split-spoon sampling in general accordance with ASTM D1586-11. Measurements of groundwater levels will be taken at the termination of each boring and after 24 hours at select borings. After water levels are taken, borings will be backfilled with bentonite pellets in the northern portion of the site and auger cuttings in the remainder of the site. A borehole closure device will installed in each boring. The work described in this section will involve the drilling of boreholes on the Property. S&ME will use borehole closure appliances to improve the stability of the surface in the vicinity of completed boreholes. S&ME will close the borehole made in this study using the standard as described in EXHIBIT ‘C’ attached hereto as North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) closure requirements under 15A NCAC subchapter 2C - Well Construction Standards; and more specifically sections 15A, NCAC 02C.0113 – Abandonment of Wells. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-9 Surface Water/ Wetland Delineation. ● A detailed delineation of surface waters and wetlands present on the tract will be completed in general accordance with 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and the appropriate regional supplement and the NC Division of Water Resources Methodology for Identification of Streams. Sequentially numbered flags will be hung around the boundaries of wetlands and at the start/end points of stream channels. ● Perform a field survey of jurisdictional streams and wetlands based on final delineation prepared under Task A4.70. Features to be located include individual wetland flags, centerline of stream, and top of banks for the jurisdictional streams. Phase I Environmental. McAdams will complete a PESA for the subject site. The PESA will be conducted to meet the requirements of 40 CFR Part 312, Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiry, ASTM E1527-13, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process (the Standards), and, in accordance with contracted terms and conditions. ATLA/ NSPS Land Title Survey: Perform ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey of the Property based on the Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA /NSPS Land Title Surveys adopted in 2016 including the following Table A items: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7(a), 7(b1), 7(c), 8, 9, 13, and 16. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-10 EXHIBIT B 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-11 EXHIBIT C 15A NCAC 02C .0113 ABANDONMENT OF WELLS (a) Any well which is temporarily removed from service shall be temporarily abandoned in accordance with the following procedures: (i) The well shall be sealed with a water-tight cap or well seal, as defined in G.S. 87-85 (16), compatible with the casing and installed so that it cannot be removed without the use of hand tools or power tools. (ii) The well shall be maintained whereby it is not a source or channel of contamination during temporary abandonment. (b) Permanent abandonment of water supply wells other than bored or hand dug wells shall be performed in accordance with the following procedures: (i) All casing and screen materials may be removed prior to initiation of abandonment procedures if such removal will not cause or contribute to contamination of the groundwater. Any casing not grouted in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0107(f) shall be removed or grouted in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0107(f). (ii) The entire depth of the well shall be sounded before it is sealed to ensure freedom from obstructions that may interfere with sealing operations. (iii) Except in the case of temporary wells and monitoring wells, the well shall be disinfected in accordance with Rule .0111(b)(1)(A) through .0111(b)(1)(C) of this Section. (iv) In the case of gravel-packed wells in which the casing and screens have not been removed, neat-cement, or bentonite slurry grout shall be injected into the well completely filling it from the bottom of the casing to the top. (v) Wells constructed in unconsolidated formations shall be completely filled with grout by introducing it through a pipe extending to the bottom of the well which can be raised as the well is filled. (vi) Wells constructed in consolidated rock formations or that penetrate zones of consolidated rock may be filled with grout, sand, gravel or drill cuttings opposite the zones of consolidated rock. The top of any sand, gravel or cutting fill shall terminate at least 10 feet below the top of the consolidated rock or five feet below the bottom of casing. Grout shall be placed beginning 10 feet below the top of the consolidated rock or five feet below the bottom of casing in a manner to ensure complete filling of the casing, and extend up to land surface. For any well in which the depth of casing or the depth of the bedrock is not known or cannot be confirmed, the entire length of the well shall be filled with grout up to land surface. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-12 (c) For bored wells or hand dug water supply wells, constructed into unconsolidated material: (i) The well shall be disinfected in accordance with Rule .0111(b)(1)(A) through .0111(b)(1)(C) of this [Section. (ii) All plumbing or piping in the well and any other obstructions inside the well shall be removed from the well. (iii) The uppermost three feet of well casing shall be removed from the well. (iv) All soil or other subsurface material present down to the top of the remaining well casing shall be removed, including the material extending to a width of at least 12 inches outside of the well casing; (v) The well shall be filled to the top of the remaining casing with grout, dry clay, or material excavated during construction of the well. If dry clay or material excavated during construction of the well is used, it shall be emplaced in lifts no more than five feet thick, each compacted in place prior to emplacement of the next lift. (vi) A six-inch thick concrete grout plug shall be placed on top of the remaining casing such that it covers the entire excavated area above the top of the casing, including the area extending to a width of at least 12 inches outside the well casing. (vii) The remainder of the well above the concrete plug shall be filled with grout or soil. (d) All wells other than water supply wells, including temporary wells, monitoring wells or test borings: (i) less than 20 feet in depth and which do not penetrate the water table shall be abandoned by filling the entire well up to land surface with grout, dry clay, or material excavated during drilling of the well and then compacted in place; and (ii) greater than 20 feet in depth or that penetrate the water table shall be abandoned by completely filling with a bentonite or cement - type grout. (e) Any well which acts as a source or channel of contamination shall be repaired or permanently abandoned within 30 days of receipt of notice from the Department. (f) All wells shall be permanently abandoned in which the casing has not been installed or from which the casing has been removed, prior to removing drilling equipment from the site. (g) The owner is responsible for permanent abandonment of a well except that: 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-13 (i) the well contractor is responsible for well abandonment if abandonment is required because the well contractor improperly locates, constructs, repairs or completes the well; (ii) the person who installs, repairs or removes the well pump is responsible for well abandonment if that abandonment is required because of improper well pump installation, repair or removal; or (iii) the well contractor (or individual) who conducts a test boring is responsible for its abandonment at the time the test boring is completed and has fulfilled its useful purpose. History Note: Authority G.S. 87-87; 87-88; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. September 1, 2009, April 1, 2001; December 1, 1992; September 1, 1984; April 20, 1978. 004828-00013000/6718859v28 E-14 EXHIBIT D 004828-00013000/6718859v28 F-1 EXHIBIT F (See attached) Prepared by and Return to: 1 New Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504 Attn: Kevin W. Olson DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS This DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS (the "Declaration") is made on the ONay of4 , 2419, by International Business Machines Corporation ("IBM"), a New York co poration having a principal address of 1 New Orchard Road, Armonk, NY 10504. WHEREAS, IBM owns certain parcels of real property located in the City of Durham, Durham County, State of North Carolina, shown in Exhibit A attached hereto, parcel IDs# 157266, 157269, and 157273 (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, contamination migrated from a plot of land that neighbors the Property, formerly owned by Bristol -Meyers Squibb Company ("BMS"), and presently owned by Aurobindo Pharma LLC, which impacted the Property so that contaminants are present in groundwater beneath parts of the Property; and WHEREAS, BMS has certain obligations to perform groundwater sampling and monitoring (the "Work") in the Property, as required by a Remedial Action Plan, submitted to the State of North Carolina, dated December 2, 2013, (or as such plan may be amended, supplemented, rescinded or replaced from time to time with an agreement, order or other instrument); and WHEREAS, it is prudent to implement certain use restrictions and controls for the Property in order to protect the public health and the environment; NOW THEREFORE, IBM, as the current owner of the Property, for itself and its successors and assigns, covenants that: 1. Property. The Property subject to this Declaration is shown on Exhibit A, at parcel IDs# 157266, 157269, and 157273, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 004391381102857274.DOM 1 1 2. Restrictions and Controls. All uses of the Property must comply with applicable federal, State, and local laws and regulations, as well as any required State or federal agency permits or approvals. 2.01 The use of the groundwater extracted on the Property for any purpose, including but not limited to potable, process, or irrigation water, is prohibited; and the pumping or extraction of groundwater on the Property, other than that done by BMS in connection with the Work, is prohibited. 2.02 Use of the Property is limited to Commercial and Industrial uses, as allowed within those categories by governing zoning restrictions, and/or by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality or its successor agency. 2.03 With respect to any authorized construction or excavation activity on any portion of the Property, upon excavation of any soil from the Property that results in a disturbance below groundwater, the owner or occupant(s) of the Property shall sample the excavated soils prior to the disposal or relocation of such soils and shall manage and dispose of such soils in accordance with applicable Environmental Laws. 2.04 Except as otherwise authorized under the terms of an Access Agreement and Deed of Easement between IBM and BMS dated , 2019 and recorded in Book , Page , Durham County Registry (`Access Agreement"), an owner of the Property shall not disturb, remove, or otherwise interfere with the installation, use, operation, or maintenance of institutional or engineering controls installed, used, operated or maintained pursuant to the Work required by the State of North Carolina, and the owner of the Property shall ensure that any of its occupants (lessees, licensees, invitees, etc.) refrain from doing the same. Insofar as there is any conflict between the terms of the Access Agreement and this Section 2.04, the Access Agreement shall control. 2.05 Any building that is constructed on the Property shall have a passive vapor intrusion mitigation system ("vapor barrier"). 2.06 The above -stated institutional and engineering controls may not be amended or terminated without a written amendment to or extinguishment of this Declaration undertaken pursuant to Section 9 of this Declaration. 3. Binding Effect. This Declaration is and shall be deemed a covenant that runs with the land and shall be binding upon all future owners of the Property and their successors and assigns. Until such time as the Declaration is extinguished pursuant to Section 9 of this Declaration, any deed or other instruments transferring any real property interest in all or any portion of the Property shall recite that the conveyance is subject to this Declaration. Failure to include this recitation shall not impair the validity of this Declaration or impair its enforceability in any way. 00439/381 /02857274. DOCXv1 2 4. Notice Requirement. An owner of the Property shall notify BMS at least thirty (30) days prior to the sale or transfer of any part of the Property. Notice(s) to be provided to BMS under any section of this Declaration shall be delivered (i) by email whenever possible and (ii) to the following addresses: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 1 Squibb Drive New Brunswick, NJ 08902 Attn: Luis Vilarin, Asst. General Counsel/Global Head -GPS & EHS Glen R. Stuart, Esq. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 5. Reserved Rights. IBM reserves for itself, its assigns, representatives, and successors in interest with respect to the Property all rights as fee owner of the Property, including: 5.01 Use of the Property for all purposes not inconsistent with, or limited by, the terms of this Declaration; and 5.02 The right to give, sell, assign, encumber, or otherwise transfer the underlying fee interest to the Property by operation of law, by deed, or by indenture, subject to this Declaration. 6. Definitions. As used imthis Declaration, } 6.01 "Environmental" Laws" shall mean the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. Section 1317, et seq.), the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.SC. Section 6901, et seq.), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 9601, et seq.), the Toic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. Section 2601, et seq.), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. Section 1801, et seq.), the Federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Section 7401, et seq.), as well as other Laws relating directly or indirectly to the storage, use, manufacture, generation, transportation, discharge (including release) or disposal of Hazardous Materials in effect as of the recording date of this Declaration. 6.02 "Governmental Authorities means local, state and federal governmental and quasi -governmental agencies, departments, commissions, boards and bureaus, including all successors thereto, having jurisdiction over the Property. 00439/381 /02857274.. DOCXv1 3 6.03 "Hazardous Materials" shall mean and include any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste (including constituents thereof) which is now regulated by Governmental Authorities, including any material or substance which is (a) listed or defined as a "hazardous waste," "extremely hazardous waste," "restricted hazardous waste," "hazardous substance" or "toxic substance" or words of similar import under the Environmental Laws, (b) petroleum and its byproducts, (c) polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), or (d) designated as a hazardous or toxic substance or waste or words of similar import by the Environmental Laws; except that, notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision in this Lease to the contrary, the words "Hazardous Materials" shall not mean or include (i) contamination caused by normal application of pesticides, fungicides or other agricultural products; (ii) groundwater or surface water contamination which is below levels which would be actionable under the Laws where action levels have been stated; (iii) any amount of hazardous substances released which is below the "reportable quantity" for that substance pursuant to all applicable Environmental Laws; (iv) asbestos containing materials and urea formaldehyde foam insulation, lead paint, or PCBs contained in building materials or fixtures, including but not limited to caulk and light fixtures; or (v) a hazardous substance which is in situ and poses no immediate threat to Persons or the environment and does not require remediation under any Environmental Law. 6.04 "Release" means any intentional or unintentional, negligent or non - negligent, sudden or non -sudden, accidental or non-accidental releasing, placing, spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping or disposing into the environment. 7. Enforcement. The Declaration shall be enforceable in law or equity in perpetuity by any owner of the Property and against such owner by BMS, its successors and assigns, or the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality or a successor governmental entity having jurisdiction over the Property. The failure of an owner or his or her successors or assigns to enforce any of the terms contained in the Declaration shall not be deemed a waiver of any such term nor bar its enforcement rights in the event of a subsequent breach of or noncompliance with any of the terms of this Declaration. 8. Recordation. IBM shall record this instrument in the Official Records of the Durham County, North Carolina, Register of Deeds. 9. Amendment and Termination. This Declaration may be amended or terminated only by written instrument signed by the then -current owner of the Property, and only if groundwater meets unrestricted use standards, with written concurrence of such conditions documented by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. If amended or terminated, the owner will provide notice to BMS and record such changes in the Official Records of the Durham County, North Carolina, Register of Deeds. Such amendment or termination must be consistent with any ongoing remediation requirements from Governmental Authorities, based on then -existing environmental conditions at the Property. 00439/381 /02857274. DOCXv 1 4 10. Governing Law_. This Declaration shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina without regard to principles of conflicts of law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Declaration on the date written below. International Business Machines Corporation, A New York Corporation By Pri Tit Da STATE OF �.� COUNTY OF it \1V -k%-)-0 % g certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Date: day of )2019. 00439/381102857274. D0CXv 1 5 Exhibit A TRACT 1 — 33.73 ACRES Parcel ID 157266 PIN 0749-03-40-3468 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING all that tract of land containing 33.73 acres, more or less located in Triangle Township, Durham County, North Carolina; said tract being a part of the tract recorded in Deed Book 961, Page 347 and Plat Book 60, Page 96 of the Durham County Registry and being more particularly described by courses based on North Carolina Grid Coordinate System (NAD83/11) and distances according to a survey entitled "Boundary Survey of IBM Properties for International Business Machines Corporation" prepared by McKim & Creed, Inc. dated January 15, 2019 and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a rebar and cap set being McKim & Creed #1, said rebar and cap having NC Grid (NAD83/11) coordinates of Northing = 790,766.27 feet, Easting = 2,045,126.50 feet; thence a tie line north 19 deg. 02 min. 29 sec. east 140.24 feet to an iron rod set, the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence with the western right-of-way line of S. Miami Boulevard (SR 1959) (allowing 100 feet) south 24 deg. 07 min. 20 sec. west 1590.77 feet to a computed point; thence leaving the western right-of-way line of S. Miami Boulevard (SR 1959) and running with an eastern line and a northern line of Tract 6 the following two calls: (1) north 23 deg. 30 min. 18 sec. west 73.51 feet to an iron pipe found, and (2) north 87 deg. 16 min. 13 sec. west 432.85 feet to an iron pipe found, said iron pipe found being in the northern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies) of Hill Drive (SR 2029); thence with the northern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies) of Hill Drive (SR 2029) north 87 deg. 15 min. 58 sec. west 288.07 feet to an iron rod found, said iron rod being in the eastern right-of-way line (allowing 200 feet) of the North Carolina Railroad; thence with the eastern right-of-way line (allowing 200 feet) of the North Carolina Railroad north 00 deg. 44 min. 36 sec. east 1320.79 feet to an iron pipe found, said iron pipe being the southwestern corner of Tract 2; thence with the southern line of Tracts 2 and 3 north 88 deg. 33 min. 32 sec. east 1247.25 feet to an iron pipe found, said iron pipe found being the southwestern corner of Tract 5; thence with the southern line of Tract 5 south 89 deg. 10 min. 10 sec. east 135.56 feet to an iron rod set, the BEGINNING iron rod. TRACT 2 — 4.07 ACRES Parcel ID 157269 PIN 0749-03-31-9242 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING all that tract of land containing 4.07 acres, more or less located in Triangle Township, Durham County, North Carolina; said tract being a part of the tract recorded 00439/381 /02857274. DOCXv1 6 in Deed Book 961, Page 347, Deed Book 375 Page 685, Deed Book 3354 Page 702, and Deed Book 55, Page 225 of the Durham County Registry and being more particularly described by courses based on North Carolina Grid Coordinate System (NAD83/11) and distances according to a survey entitled "Boundary Survey of IBM Properties for International Business Machines Corporation" prepared by McKim & Creed, Inc. dated January 15, 2019 and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a rebar and cap set being McKim & Creed #1, said rebar and cap having NC Grid (NAD83/11) coordinates of Northing = 790,766.27 feet, Easting = 2,045,126.50 feet; thence as tie lines the following three calls: (1) north 19 deg. 02 min. 29 sec. east 140.24 feet to an iron rod set, (2) thence with the southern line of Tract 5 north 89 deg. 10 min. 10 sec. west 135.56 feet to an iron pipe found, and (3) with the southern line of Tract 3 south 88 deg. 33 min. 32 sec. west 968.10 feet to an iron pipe found, said iron pipe being thesouthwestern corner of Tract 3, said iron pipe also being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence with a northern line of Tract 1 south 88 deg. 33 min. 32 sec. west 279.15 feet to an iron pipe found, said iron pipe found being in the eastern right-of-way line (allowing 200 feet) of the North Carolina Railroad; thence with the eastern right-of- way line (allowing 200 feet) of the North Carolina Railroad north 00 deg. 44 min. 36 sec. east 578.21 feet to an existing R/W monument, said R/W monument being in the southern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies) of T. W. Alexander Drive (SR 2028); thence with the southern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies) of T. W. Alexander Drive (SR 2028) the following two calls: (1) north 85 deg. 04 min. 06 sec. east 202.54 feet to an existing R/W monument, and (2) north 89 deg. 53 mina 45 sec. east 125.09 feet to an iron rod set, said iron rod set being the northwestern corner of Tract 3; thence with the western line of Tract 3 south 05 deg. 22 min. 01 sec. west 591.36 feet to an iron pipe found, the BEGINNING iron pipe. TRACT 3 — 11.16 ACRES Parcel ID 157273 PIN 0749-03-41-4159 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING all that tract of land containing 11.16 acres, more or less located in Triangle Township, Durham County, North Carolina; said tract being a part of the tract recorded in Deed Book 961, Page 347 and Deed Book 3354 Page 702 of the Durham County Registry and being more particularly described by courses based on North Carolina Grid Coordinate System (NAD83/11) and distances according to a survey entitled "Boundary Survey of IBM Properties for International Business Machines Corporation" prepared by McKim & Creed, Inc. dated January 15, 2019 and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a rebar and cap set being McKim & Creed #1, said rebar and cap having NC Grid (NAD83/11) coordinates of Northing = 790,766.27 feet, 00439/381 /02857274.DOCXv1 7 Easting = 2,045,126.50 feet; thence as tie lines the following two calls: (1) north 19 deg. 02 min. 29 sec. east 140.24 feet to an iron rod set, and (2) thence with the southern line of Tract 5 north 89 deg. 10 min. 10 sec. west 135.56 feet to an iron pipe found, the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence with the northern line of Tract 1 south 88 deg. 33 min. 32 sec. west 968.10 fleet to an iron pipe found, said iron pipe being the southeastern corner of Tract -2; thence with the eastern line of Tract 2 north 05 deg. 22 min. 01 sec. east 591.36 feet to an iron rod set, said iron rod being in the southern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies) of T. W. Alexander Drive (SR 2028); thence with the southern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies) of T. W. Alexander Drive (SR 2028) the following seven calls: (1) north 89 deg. 53 min. 45 sec. east 22.14 feet to an existing R/W monument (disturbed), (2) south 70 deg. 13 min. 39 sec. east 130.87 feet to an existing RM monument (disturbed), (3) south 82 deg. 40 min. 36 sec. east 89.39 feet to an existing R/W monument (disturbed), (4) north 86 deg. 17 min. 53 sec. east 149.93 feet to an existing R/W monument, (5) south 78 deg. 46 min. 12 sec. east 78.26 feet to an existing R/W monument, (6) south 78 deg. 54 min. 48 sec. east 494.47 feet to an existing R/W monument (disturbed), and (7) south 77 deg. 33 min. 22 sec. east 19.83 feet to an iron rod set, said iron rod being the northwestern corner of Tract 4; thence with the western lines of Tract 4 and Tract 5 south 07 deg. 23 min. 57 sec. west 407.27 feet to an iron pipe found, the BEGINNING iron pipe. Note: See Exhibit B for illustration of Tracts referred to as Tract 1, Tract 2, Tract 3, Tract 4, Tract 5, and Tract 6 in the above property descriptions. 00439/381 /02857274:DOCXv1 8 EXHIBIT B (See attached) 00439/381/02857274.DOCXvl N41 DRrvESRaaxe ,_ (VARIABLE INDiH RHwT-OP-tyAY) TACT t AttA r:.euw m n. w.c,x inw{'s�sre m«ct z A.0 niel a,i °samrr 1RACi c Mf ewnAI - WIN ACMs lonl ili�IM w. ir. cut.T.;i. I.L. / R.— L.ODW TC Alt CM1Or; B.WND CM1. L.nDIM1 DMI; m M1I t0aa' ax.S ,1e11Y a.tx' m..lbe' xaTwY aTW xxavelx't txr.W --- (VAIDABIE N)pE'W NDEq DA (A'WDT P WBIM R) x0;8 .�_���TN �aa0aDa..NAn SITE A. :aMro,m "rmmoeNA�ZFN". . 9 .—AlM a4 f0.lORIW MiwWTw _ A¢uuw: 0.0Y(xwawtu} 6w'(wituAtl UTwRPmR ruotURrot Nn PuamlmRMm cwtsoL ur: rv® tox,soL CaMMm wo�iwlap.. s.e.entx P.RmawAt LAm •AMN:YCR CMG. alb nAlnWlnl wsaan MACINO CCaPCtAnw fHE MC.[III �uAaM-w-M-wee) Aa IPMxm.aaa.nw.r«' Au uk0. MMNAN jaw n1s1 j o.s"U"ot-w coil. A". a 0. o;ewAM jP o,w-U•n-.Iwl wAtawm P«mmwx ouanan xDia�, amts AMM atmx o -T wzus www rm: Ilxnm Dilalaz[ na) aneu � x; mcnlexs o.xetEo w txR AaL acwuw Ast eAzo w u xww cwwMA tw Iwn tw\n). w[ a x01[ At. AIM BOOo AC 1111 —A AOA xml WP Iw a x; ATmMt .As woLni LacAtt unwwwxo a taG xm suMArm wow U warm. of » �a A. w�a Iax�PmirwlAwlx etcwom w a w.aunlMrrestvutYswwt moo® .. wn taremro w«t.wu aAx«n IIM>�t+ti Mos tns, ro .0 IALt «, mxo wwx x;m A, aM.Y s sriu :wt+avxArz .Sr a o�r I wwAa�MMT,Ra .,tB,a,,,,�1:D�11 w awl .RL ma::uM 0 0 Nwim«.w .tLLm ® o�.mn Pu 9AM1M, SEK..AIaIOL[ A N0"� rmM.ess — — — — — —� — mY awwAu cwPwArt wn PRELIMINARY PLAT NOT FOR IECOROAIION, COMEYMM OR SALE SIV�T��t� Aice DALE RE1140N Rx14kL BOIwDA �:a1R1EY iM1 .1�aL�1V CIUM / DRAWi BY: RY IBM DURHAM PROPERTIES /nn BR t 17JpVarMl salt. DW tea' 0 ' sHlm-e6aa0ooADM0 Dt FOR RaNWn. NMin cwwkm zraoe mtET 0. tat iwu�(asa)zaa-soot. Toa (vta)zaa-soar INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION T-uzz DATE, avRlARr iD. xme scAte )• -tar Intan.t. SHr. ntlo://rrw.mckkncr.M.wm DAM' TBANCLE BD wp pUPoIAM CQRl1Y NQRTH CARWNA DNC. /: RLat310 004828-00013000/6718859v28 G-1 EXHIBIT G (See attached) Prepared by and Return to: 1 New Orchard Road AnTIonk,NY 10504 Attn:Kevin G.W.Olson ACCESS AGREEMENT AND DEED OF EASEMENT TI-IIS ACCESS AG~EMENT AND DEED OF EASEMENT ("Agreement")is made as of the effective date of ,··,.If.....~2019,by and among Bristol-Myers Squibb Company ("BMS"),a Delaware corporation ha 'ng a principal address of 430 E.29th Street,14th Floor, New York,NY 10016,and International Business Machines Corporation ("IBM"),a New York corporation having a principal address of 1 New Orchard Road,Armonk,NY 10504. RECITALS WHEREAS,IBM owns certain real property located in the City of Durham,Durham County,State of North Carolina,described in Exhibit A and shown in Exhibit B,attached hereto,as parcel IDs# 157266 (tract 1),157269 (tract 2),and 157273 (tract 3)(the "Property"); WHEREAS,contamination migrated from a plot of land that neighbors the Property,formerly owned by BMS and presently owned by Aurobindo Pharma LLC,which impacted the Property so that contaminants are present in gr01mdwater beneath parts of the Property; WHEREAS,BMS has celiain obligations to perfOlIDgroundwater sampling and monitoring (the "Worl{")as required by a Remedial Action Plan,submitted to the State of North Carolina,dated December 2,2013 (and as such plan may be amended,supplemented,rescinded or replaced fl:om time to time with an agreement,order or other instrument,including any plan for monitored natural attenuation)(the "Remedial Action Plan"),including monitoring groundwater wells on the Property as shown in Exhibit C attached hereto; WHEREAS,BMS's obligation to perform the Work is not altered by a change in ownership of the Property;and WHEREAS,the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth the terms and conditions under which BMS may enter the Property and perform the Work. NOW THEREFORE,IBM does hereby declare and agree that the Property shall hereafter be held, sold,transfened,conveyed,leased,and occupied subject to the covenants,obligations and agreements set forth in this Agreement. 1.Purpose.It is the purpose of this Agreement to establish an Easement to allow for BMS's access to the Property to perform the required Work. 2.Declaration of Covenants.IBM hereby declares that the Property shall be held,sold, transfened,conveyed,leased,occupied or otherwise disposed of and used subject to the covenants,obligations and agreements set forth in this Agreement,which shall nm with the Property and be binding on all successors,heirs,assigns,transferees,lessees and occupants of IBM or of any of them,including any mortgagees,owners and/or users of the Property. 3.Access. a.IBM,as the owner of the Property,hereby reserves for BMS,its contractors, representatives and agents (collectively,"BMS Parties")a non-exclusive easement,together with rights of ingress,egress and access to,from,over and across the Property,for the limited purpose of access to the Property necessary and appTOpriateto conduct,complete or monitor all Work,subject to the conditions, obligations and rights set forth in this Agreement.Access to the Property for the BMS Parties is subject to one-week advance notice in writing to the Property owner.The BMS Parties shall use paved driveways or other access routes on the Property as reasonably directed by IBM or a subsequent owner and shall follow such owner's applicable security procedures. b.IBM,as the owner of the Property,hereby reserves for the BMS Parties a non- exclusive easement for the purposes of well-monitoring activities and limited well- maintenance activities,such as changing well tags and painting well casings,related to the Work.For the avoidance of doubt,the BMS Parties are not authorized to engage in any Work activities on the Property beyond those expressly listed in tills Section 3 without express prior written approval by the Property owner. 4.Maintenance of Monitoring Systems. a.BMS has the sole responsibility for and obligation to operate and maintain any existing or future wells or other related equipment or facilities which are installed or may be installed at,in,on,from or under the Propelty associated with the Work (collectively,the "Monitoring Systems").BMS shall keep the Monitoring Systems locked and maintained in accordance with State laws and regulations.Covered Monitoring Systems are shown in Exhibit C attached hereto,cunently consisting of the following groundwater monitoring wells:IBM-installed wells (AD-50,M- 2 4-S0R,M-4-1S0R,M-4-200R,and M-3-50);and BMS-installed wells (CW-4D, CW-4Dike,CW-4S,CW-SD,CW-5S,CW-6D,CW-6S). b.Future installation,removal or relocation within the Propelty of any Monitoring Systems by the BMS Paliies requires the written approval of IBM or the future owner of the Property,and compliance with applicable state and federal laws.If Monitoring Systems are relocated,or additional Monitoring Systems are installed at the Property,BMS shall prepare,and the owner of the Property shall record,a supplement to this Agreement,attaching an Exhibit D,which shall show the location(s)of Monitoring Systems existing at,in,on,from or under the Property as of the date of such supplement.An owner or user of the Property shall not remove, move or otherwise disturb,tamper with or damage the Monitoring Systems installed by the BMS Parties,without the written approval of BMS;provided, however,that such owner may,at its own cost,disturb or relocate wells in connection with its development and operation of the Property without approval from BMS if the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ("NCDEQ"),or a successor department,consents to such disruption or relocation, and finds it is consistent with the terms of the Remedial Action Plan. c.An owner or user of the Propelty shall as soon as reasonably practicable deliver to BMS any written notice,information or other communication received from (or notify BMS of any oral communications with)a Govenunental Authority,in each case which relates to the Work or the existing or future Monitoring Systems. d.Any existing or future Monitoring Systems shall remain the property and in the control of BMS.Installation or relocation of any Monitoring Systems in the future requires the written advance approval of the Governmental Authority and IBM or the then-owner of the Property. 5.Cooperation.BMS,IB.M,and any other owner or user of the Propelty (i.ncluding any transferees,lessees and occupants of such owner or user)shall reasonably cooperate with each other to accomplish the purpose of this Agreement,including,without limitation, allowing the BMS Pmties access to the Property if such access is requested in writing by BMS with one-week advance notice to IBM or any subsequent owner or user of the Property.BMS shall make good faith efforts to minimize any impact of Work 011 the operations ofIBM or any subsequent Property owner at the Propelty. 6.Reserved Rights.IBM reserves and excepts unto itself and its successors,heirs and assigns, all rights accruing from its ovmership of the Property,including the right to engage in or permit or invite others to engage in all uses of the Property that are not inconsistent with the tenns or purpose of this Agreement. 7.Pennits.BMS shall obtain at its sole cost and expense any required governmental permits and authorizations,of whatever nature,required by any Governmental Authority for the 3 Work andlor Monitoring System.IBM acknowledges that as the owner of the Property,it may be required to sign or cosign certain documents,such as pennit applications.IBM or the subsequent owner of the Property will return any required signed or cosigned documents,including permit applications,to BMS within five business days of IBM's or the then-owner's receipt of such documents.BMS shall then send a copy of each permit it obtains to IBM or the then-owner of the Property. 8.Insurance.Prior to entering the Property for any purpose,BMS shall furnish the Property owner with a celtificate of insurance evidencing that there is general commercial liability coverage (including coverage of the contractual indemnity set forth in Section 9)of at least combined single limit per occurrence,and not less than general aggregate coverage,which is paid up and in force and names the Propelty owner as an additional insured.As long as this Agreement remains in effect,BMS shall maintain such insurance coverage,subject to reasonable increases in the amount of coverage consistent with prudent business practices,which shall be reflected in an amendment to this Agreement. 9.Indemnification.BMS shall indemnify and hold harmless IBM and any other owner of the Property from and against any and all claims,demands,complaints,liabilities,losses, damages,costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees)arising from or relating to (i)Work conducted by the BMS Patties on the Property and (ii)contamination referenced in the Remedial Action Plan for which BMS has responsibility to monitor or remediate. 10.Binding Effect;Successors.The covenants and terms of this Agreement shall be binding upon BMS,IBM,and their successors,heirs and assigns,atld shall continue as a servitude running with the Propel1y in perpetuity,unless and until (i)the relevant Governmental Authority no longer requires Work on the Propelty,or (ii)BMS files a written AbandolUnent of Easement,pursuant to Section 14 of this Agreement. 11.Subsequent Transfers.The terms of this Agreement shall be incorporated by reference into any deed or other legal instrument by which IBM or any successor owner of the Property divests itself by sale,exchange,devise or gift of all or any portion of the Property.BMS shall be furnished with written notice of the transfer of any sllch interest,accompanied by a copy ofthe document utilized to affect such transfer,within 45 days of the date of such transfer.Failure of any successor owner of the Property to perform any act required by this Section 11 shall not impair the validity of this Agreement or limit its enforceability in any way.Upon sale or h'ansfer of IBM's ownership interest to a successor or assign and notice having been given as required by this Section 11,IBM shall be released fi:om any and all liability whatsoever in connection with any subsequent violation of the terms of this Agreement. 12.Recordation.IBM shall record this instrument in the Official Records of the Durham County,North Carolina,Register of Deeds.Recordation of this Declaration shall constitute notice of the Agreement to any future owner of the Property or successor in interest. 4 13.Amendment.This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by IBM or the then current owner of the Propeliy and BMS.Such instrument shall be recorded in the Official Records of the Durham County,North Carolina,Register of Deeds. 14.Abandonment of Easement.BMS may abandon its right,title and interest in and to the Easement,following a finding by NCDEQ that the Work obligations are concluded,by written instrument acknowledging same,which instrument shall be filed of record in the Official Records of the Durham County,North Carolina,Register of Deeds,whereupon the Easement shall cease and all rights granted under this Agreement to BMS shall terminate and revert to IBM,its successors or assigns.BMS shall transmit a notice of such abandonment to IBM or the then owner of the Property. 15.Defined Terms.As used in this Agreement, a."Governmental Authority"means local,state and federal governmental and quasi-governmental agencies,departments,commissions,boards and bureaus, including all successors thereto,having jurisdiction over the Property. b."Law"mean any laws,ordinances,codes,rules,regulations,licenses and permits issued by Governmental Authorities. 16.Notices.All notices,consents,approvals or other communications required under the provisions of this Declaration shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly given if hand delivered,sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier,or sent by United States certified mail,return receipt requested,addressed to the appropriate palty or successor in interest,at the addresses below: As to BMS: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 1 Squibb Drive New Bnmswick,NJ 08902 Attn:Luis Vilarin,Assistant General Counsel/Global Head-GPS and EHS Law and Glen R.Stuart,Esq. Morgan,Lewis &Bockius LLP 1701 Market Street Philadelphia,PA 19103 5 As to IBM: Environmental Counsel International Business Machines Corporation 1 North Castle Drive Armonk,NY 10504 and Manager,Environmental Remediation International Business Machines Corporation Corporate Environmental Affairs 8976 Wellington Road Manassas,VA 20109-3925 With a copy sent to the address on record for the delivery of real property tax bills for the Property. 17.Governing Law.This Agreement shall be governed by,and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of North Carolina without regard to principles of conflicts oflaw. 18.Severability.In the event any provision or part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or lmenforceable,only that particular provision or part so found,and not the entire Agreement,will be inoperative. 19.Entire Agreement.Except for the amendments,supplements,or changes in wrlting executed after the execution of this Agreement,this Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement reached by and among the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof,and shall supersede all prior oral and 'written consultations,representations,and contracts reached with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, a Delaware corporation STATE OF Nfl..LA)\Ie is e.-t.--( COUNTY OF AI t?rt.e-r I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day,acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated:)7 r U C..Q..1<.H cvlf e { ~I'-r:::tDate:)_f__day of ~e.hrJ~l ~y,2019. -. PAMELA M.(ORE -NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSE'Y :IAY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 17,202.~ International Business Machines Corporation, a New York corporation STATE OF _..__N_C _ COUNTYOF )~ I ce11ify that the following person personally appeared before me this day,acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily:signed the fOregOi1~ent for th.e purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated:~.j;,c;t:;,,_'}a :,vtJL_~ Date ~dayof ~\,2019 4-~~j::kc :JfAuL~At~C~vTII 8 EXHIBIT A Description of Propeliy TRACT 1-33.73 ACRES Parcel ID 157266 PIN 0749-03-40-3468 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING all that tract of land containing 33.73 acres,more or less located in Triangle Township, Durham County,North Carolina;said tract being a part of the tract recorded in Deed Book 961, Page 347 and Plat Book 60,Page 96 of the Durham County Registry and being more particularly described by courses based on North Carolina Grid Coordinate System (NAD83111)and distances according to a survey entitled "Boundary Survey of IBM Properties for International Business Machines Corporation"prepared by McKim &Creed,Inc.dated January 15,2019 and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a rebar and cap set being McKim &Creed #1,said rebar and cap having NC Grid (NAD83111)coordinates of Northing =790,766.27 feet,Easting = 2,045,126.50 feet;thence a tie line north 19 deg.02 min.29 sec.east 140.24 feet to an iron rod set,the POINT OF BEGINNING;thence with the western right-of-way line of S. Miami Boulevard (SR 1959)(allowing 100 feet)south 24 deg.07 min.20 sec.west 1590.77 feet to a computed point;thence leaving the western right-of-way line of S.Miami Boulevard (SR 1959)and running with an eastern line and a northern line of Tract 6 the following two calls:(1)north 23 deg.30 min.18 sec.west 73.51 feet to an iron pipe found,and (2)nOlih 87 deg.16 min.13 sec.west 432.85 feet to an iron pipe found,said iron pipe found being in the northern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies)of Hill Drive (SR 2029);thence with the northern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies)of Hill Drive (SR 2029)north 87 deg.15 min.58 sec.west 288.07 feet to an iron rod found, said iron rod being in the eastern right-of-way line (allowing 200 feet)of the North Carolina Railroad;thence with the eastern right-of-way line (allowing 200 feet)of the North Carolina Railroad n011h00 deg.44 min.36 sec.east 1320.79 feet to an iron pipe found,said iron pipe being the southwestern corner of Tract 2;thence with the southern line of Tracts 2 and 3 n011h 88 deg.33 min.32 sec.east 1247.25 feet to an iron pipe found, said iron pipe found being the southwestern corner orn'act 5;thence with the southern line of Tract 5 south 89 deg.10 min.10 sec.east 135.56 feet to an iron rod set,the BEGINNING iron rod. TRACT 2 -4.07 ACRES Parcel ID 157269 PIN 0749-03-31-9242 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING all that tract ofland containing 4.07 acres,more or less located in Triangle Township, Durham County,North Carolina;said tract being a pad of the tract recorded in Deed Book 961, Page 347,Deed Book 375 Page 685,Deed Book 3354 Page 702,and Deed Book 55,Page 225 of the Durham County Registry and being more pat1icularly described by courses based 011 North Cal'olina Grid Coordinate System (NAD83/11)and distances according to a survey entitled "Boundary Survey of IBM Properties for International Business Machines Corporation"prepared by McKim &Creed,Inc.dated January 15,2019 and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a rebar and cap set being McKim &Creed #1,said rebar and cap having NC Grid (NAD83/11)coordinates of Northing =790,766.27 feet,Easting = 2,045,126.50 feet;thence as tie lines the following three calls:(1)nOlth 19 deg.02 min.29 sec.east 140.24 feet to an iron rod set,(2)thence with the southern line of Tract 5 nOlth 89 deg.10 min.10 sec.west 135.56 feet to an iron pipe found,and (3)with the southern line of Tract 3 south 88 deg.33 min.32 sec.west 968.10 feet to an iron pipe found,said iron pipe being the southwestern comer of Tract 3,said iron pipe also being the POINT OF BEGINNING;thence with a northern line of Tract 1 south 88 deg.33 min.32 sec.west 279.15 feet to an iron pipe found,said iron pipe found being in the eastern right-of-way line (allowing 200 feet)of the North Carolina Railroad;thence with the eastern right-of- way line (allowing 200 feet)of the North Carolina Railroad north 00 deg.44 min.36 sec. east 578.21 feet to an existing RlW monument,said RlW monument being in the southern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies)ofT.W.Alexander Drive (SR 2028);thence with the southern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies)ofT.W.Alexander Drive (SR 2028)the following two calls:(1)north 85 deg.04 min.06 sec.east 202.54 feet to an existing RlW monument,and (2)north 89 deg.53 min.45 sec.east 125.09 feet to an iron rod set,said iron rod set being the nOlthwestern comer of Tract 3;thence with the western line of Tract 3 south 05 deg.22 min.01 sec.west 591.36 feet to an iron pipe found,the BEGINNING iron pipe. TRACT 3 -11.16 ACRES Parcel ID 157273 PIN 0749-03-41-4159 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING all that tract of land containing 11.16 acres,more or less located in Triangle Township, Durham County,North Carolina;said tract being a part of the tract recorded in Deed Book 961, Page 347 and Deed Book 3354 Page 702 of the Durham County Registry and being more particularly described by courses based on NOlth Carolina Grid Coordinate System (NAD83/11) and distances according to a survey entitled "Boundary Survey of IBM Properties for International Business Machines Corporation"prepared by McKim &Creed,Inc.dated January 15,2019 and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a rebar and cap set being McKim &Creed #1,said rebar and cap having NC Grid (NAD83/11)coordinates of Northing =790,766.27 feet,Basting = 2,045,126.50 feet;thence as tie lines the following two calls:(1)north 19 deg.02 min.29 sec.east 140.24 feet to an iron rod set,and (2)thence with the southem line of Tract 5 north 89 deg.10 min.10 sec.west 135.56 feet to an iron pipe found,the POINT OF BEGINNING;thence with the nOlthem line of Tract 1 south 88 deg.33 min.32 sec.west 968.10 feet to an iron pipe found,said iron pipe being the southeastern corner of Tract 2; thence with the eastern line of Tract 2 north 05 deg.22 min.01 sec.east 591.36 feet to an iron rod set,said iron rod being in the southern right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies)ofT.W.Alexander Drive (SR 2028);thence with the southem right-of-way line (right-of-way width varies)ofT.W.Alexander Drive (SR 2028)the following seven calls: (1)n0l1h 89 deg.53 min.45 sec.east 22.14 feet to an existing RlW monument (disturbed), 10 (2)south 70 deg.13 min.39 sec.east 130.87 feet to an existing R/W monument (disturbed),(3)south 82 deg.40 min.36 sec.east 89.39 feet to an existing R/W monument (disturbed),(4)1101th86 deg.17 min.53 sec.east 149.93 feet to an existing R/W monument,(5)south 78 deg.46 min.12 sec.east 78.26 feet to an existing R/W monument, (6)south 78 deg.54 min.48 sec.east 494.47 feet to an existing R/W monument (disturbed),and (7)south 77 deg.33 min.22 sec.east 19.83 feet to an iron rod set,said iron rod being the northwestern comer of Tract 4;thence with the western Jines of Tract 4 and Tract 5 south 07 deg.23 min.57 sec.west 407.27 feet to an iron pipe found,the BEGINNING iron pipe. Note:See Exhibit B for illustration of Tracts referred to as Tract 1,Tract 2,Tract 3,Tract 4, Tract 5,and Tract 6 in the above proPelty descriptions. 11 EXHIBITB See attached 12 nitA MDiM"'" !>!KHpupM!(!"(I!!P'5'_O D8 ••,,~!H1 •••ltJ!IoIAnDII.lrl..M.!SIIUSIIA.OIt«sIX:II1'OIIIA~ l3.UIACJ!(S I,4t,,~so.r1.~h~~M~.'n. , u)tt.Ol£S ."U5 so.H.~ OS)II"I:IIl5u..:!'so.n_. r&,~1T. _," 1tU'Yll"'l U.7.2"(TOTAl) \t.3.~~~~~.~, "".'t I/' I i .f,}( i \, ~IDII(. )(UI ruru~(CIHII'IIONS) " I I I:=..'=c:I-~.lIOIOH I (5((1IOn;.) 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'''CIH-or-"AVI.H: ~1IoIC _.fYLN (l;lDl5UllYE'I'ElI) PRELIMINARY PLAT tier f~REcamA noN.cdrtVEr#.NCE.OR SAlES SCALE:I'_100'r-:.,.~;:1 DATE r-----"li-_I _ I I I I •..•..BOUNDAAY~Y OF IBM DURHAM PROPERTIES.$~&CREED 17lOV"""lIyOtl ••.••S••ll.000 RoIw19",Nort"CaroI1no 27606 Phon.:(1I111)2$.]-105Il,reo:(1I11112~~-eo~1 rRlol,r-1U2 PROJECT,:118C)-0D04 PRO.I.svYR:1tSR,!JI DRAlIJto4BY;Il.I,I RW>eo<.,cd,IP.fL[:"'01-l1lll0IXI)4.* 9£Er 'I lor I Intern,t 511.-:"Itp://._fl.mc~lmcrMd.com INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION DA1'£I.JAIotuA.RYHI.20(1 SCAi..£I,'_100' TRlAHcl.t TOWNSHIP DURHAMco.JNTY NORTH C.t.RolmA O¥lo.'lllj."".~ M-Site Well Map 51 Acre Tract Approximate Property Boundary Stirrup Iron Creek Tributary Creek ,IBM MW AD-50 ,IBM MW M-3-50, BMS/Weck CW-4 &CW-5 Cluster ,BMS/Weck CW-6 Cluster, IBM MW M-4 (50RIl 50R/200R)Cluster EXHIBIT C