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HomeMy WebLinkAboutInfo Item 3 - 2B PFAS Standards PresentationProposed Surface Water Quality PFAS Standards, Implementation Plan and Regulatory Impact Analysis Water Quality Committee - July 10, 2024 Julie Grzyb, Deputy Director, DWR Chris Ventaloro, Water Quality Standards Coordinator, DWR Stephanie C. Bolyard, PhD, Senior Engineer to the Assistant Secretary, ADM Background - Previous Surface Water Quality Standard WQC and EMC Presentations November 2023 EMC Meeting •Information Items - Proposed PFAS Toxicological Summaries and Potential Affected Sources Link: January 2024 WQC Meeting •Information Items - Implementation Strategy for Proposed PFAS Surface Water Quality Standards; Cost and Benefits Analysis Approach Link: March 2024 WQC Meeting •Information Item - Implementation Plan Timeline; DWR Stakeholder Meetings Overview and Feedback Link: May 2024 WQC Meeting •Information Item – Proposed surface water standards, implementation plan update and cost benefit analysis Link: 2 Presentation Overview •Proposed 02B PFAS Surface Water Standards •NPDES Implementation Rules and Update •Fiscal Analysis Snapshot •Request to Proceed with Rulemaking 3 Proposed 02B PFAS Surface Water Standards 4 Types of North Carolina Water Quality Standards Federal and State Rules 55 Groundwater Standards (protect resource) Surface Water Standards (protect resource) Drinking Water Standards (treatment) Clean Water Act Safe Drinking Water Act State Regulations PFAS Currently in Drinking Water in NC 6 Population with DW ABOVE MCLs 3,445,635 36% Population with DW BELOW MCLs 6,196,357 64% NC Population on Public Water Systems (9,641,992 people) Estimated Population with DW ABOVE MCLs 199,349 25% Population with DW BELOW MCLs 598,047 75% NC Population on Private Wells (797,396 people) NC Population in 2022 PFAS Currently in Drinking Water in NC 7 Total Population with DW ABOVE MCLs 3,644,984 35% Total Population with DW BELOW MCLs 6,794,404 65% Total NC Population (10,439,388 people) NC Population in 2022 Over 3.6 million North Carolinians are estimated to have PFAS in their drinking water ABOVE the federal MCLs Proposed PFAS Compounds for Surface Water Standards Development 8 PFAS Compound Acronym 1 Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid PFOS 2 Perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA 3 Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid HFPO-DA (GenX) 4 Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid PFBS 5 Perfluorononanoic acid PFNA 6 Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid PFHxS 7 Perfluorobutanoic acid PFBA 8 Perfluorohexanoic acid PFHxA Why these specific PFAS Compounds? 1.Health effects of all compounds are published in peer-reviewed scientific studies and have been evaluated by a federal agency and other scientific experts 2.This health effects data supports development of a reference dose and/or cancer slope factor 3.All compounds have been detected in NC’s environmental media (for example: air, water, soil, and fish) 4.All compounds can be accurately measured by EPA Test Method 1633 Upstream Impacts on Surface Water Intakes and Drinking Water Treatment Burden 10 Pretreatment Controls NC Surface Water Standards Federal Drinking Water Standards How the Standards Are Derived •PFAS numeric values determined as follows: 1.Derived per the procedures and calculations described in EPA’s Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health (EPA-822-B-00-004, October 2000) and the exposure values currently supported by EPA (EPA 820-F-15-001, June 2015) or, 2.Based on the 2024 EPA Safe Drinking Water Act PFAS Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) •PFAS standards are protective of both the water supply and fish tissue consumption designated uses (for example: public drinking water sources) 11 Toxicological Values for Standards Calculations 1.Reference Dose (RfD) Value a person can be exposed to for a lifetime without health impacts 2.Cancer Slope/Potency Factor (CSF or CPF) The cancer risk based on dose of exposure 3.Bioaccumulation Factor (BAF)or Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) Value a chemical is taken up from water and diet (BAF) or water alone (BCF) PFAS Compound Reference Critical Health Effects Toxicity Benchmarks and Values Available 1 PFOS 2023 EPA Toxicity Assessment+Developmental and Cardiovascular effects RfD,CSF,MCL 2 PFOA 2023 EPA Toxicity Assessment+Renal cell carcinomas RfD,CSF,MCL 3 HFPO-DA (GenX)2021 EPAToxicity Assessment+Liver effects RfD,MCL 4 PFBS 2021 EPAToxicity Assessment+Thyroid effects RfD 5 PFNA 2021 ATSDR**Toxicity Assessment+Developmental effects RfD^,MCL 6 PFHxS 2021 ATSDR**Toxicity Assessment+Thyroid effects RfD^,MCL 7 PFBA 2022 EPA IRIS Assessment Liver and Thyroid effects RfD 8 PFHxA 2023 EPA IRIS Assessment Developmental effects RfD 13 *PFOS & PFOA values are based on carcinogenic toxicity values. For compliance purposes, if the calculated effluent limit for PFOA or PFOS is less than the Limit of Quantitation of 4.0 ng/L then the permit effluent limits will be set at 4.0 ng/L in Rule .0404(f) - Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations +Used as basis for EPA's PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) ^RfD used in NPDWR has been evaluated/modified to protect for lifetime exposures **ATSDR= Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Toxicity Information Available for Deriving Water Supply Standards for PFAS PFAS Compound Reference Critical Health Effects Toxicity Benchmarks and Values Available 1 PFOS 2023 EPA Toxicity Assessment+Developmental and Cardiovascular effects RfD, CSF, MCL 2 PFOA 2023 EPA Toxicity Assessment+Renal cell carcinomas RfD,CSF,MCL 3 HFPO-DA (GenX)2021 EPA Toxicity Assessment+Liver effects RfD,MCL 4 PFBS 2021 EPA Toxicity Assessment+Thyroid effects RfD 5 PFNA 2021 ATSDR**Toxicity Assessment+Developmental effects RfD^,MCL 6 PFHxS 2021 ATSDR**Toxicity Assessment+Thyroid effects RfD^,MCL 7 PFBA 2022 EPA IRIS Assessment Liver and Thyroid effects RfD 8 PFHxA 2023 EPA IRIS Assessment Developmental effects RfD Toxicity Information Available for Deriving Fish Consumption Standards for PFAS 14 *PFOS & PFOA values are based on carcinogenic toxicity values. For compliance purposes, if the calculated effluent limit for PFOA or PFOS is less than the Limit of Quantitation of 4.0 ng/L then the permit effluent limits will be set at 4.0 ng/L in Rule .0404(f) - Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations +Used as basis for EPA's PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) ^RfD used in NPDWR has been evaluated/modified to protect for lifetime exposures **ATSDR= Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry General Criteria Derivation Calculation (USEPA, 2000) Water + Fish Consumption (Water Supply Waters) Noncancer** 𝐵𝑊𝑊𝑃𝑃 = 𝑃𝑓𝐵 × 𝑃𝑃𝐵 × 𝑊𝐵𝑃 + (𝐹𝐵𝑃 𝑥 𝐵𝐵𝐹) Cancer** 𝑃𝐿 𝐵𝑊𝑊𝑃𝑃 = ×𝐵𝑃𝐹 𝑊𝐵𝑃 + 𝐹𝐵𝑃 𝑥 𝐵𝐵𝐹 RL = Risk Level = 1x10-6 WQS = Water Quality Standard Toxicity benchmarks RfD = Oral Reference Dose CPF = Carcinogen Potency Factor or Cancer Slope Factor (CSF) Exposure Factors RSC = Relative Source Contribution BW = Body Weight = 80 kg* WCR = Water Consumption Rate = 2.4 L/day* FCR = Fish Consumption Rate = 22.0 g/person-day* BCF = Bioconcentration Factor or Bioaccumulation Factor (BAF), if available *Values currently used by EPA for National Recommended Criteria (EPA 820-F-15-001, June 2015) **From EPA Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health (EPA-822-B-00-004, October 2000). Modified to show differences in cancer & non-cancer calculations. 16 •Full summary of toxicological basis is included in the Regulatory Impact Analysis. •Highlights principal studies and health effects. •Defines toxicological values and their basis. •Discusses derivation of PFAS water quality criteria for discharges to water supply and non-water supply waters. 17 Title 15A NCAC Subchapter 02B – Surface Water and Wetland Standards Section .0200: Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to Surface Waters and Wetlands of North Carolina .0201, .0202, .0203, .0204, .0205, .0206, .0208, .0211, .0212, .0214, .0215, .0216, .0218, .0219, .0220, .0221, .0222, .0223, .0224, .0225, .0226, .0227, .0228, .0230, .0231 Summary of Proposed PFAS Standards to be added to 02B 18 PFAS Compound Proposed 02B Numeric Criteria Permit Effluent Limit Water Supply (ng/L) 15A NCAC 02B .0212, .0214, .0215, .0216, .0218 Non-Water Supply Waters (Class C & SC- Fish Consumption) (ng/L) 15A NCAC 02B .0211 & .0220 PFOS*0.06 0.06 Calculated based on site- specific conditions. If PFOS and PFOA effluent limits are calculated at < 4.0 ng/L, the effluent limits will be 4.0 ng/L (for those permits with reasonable potential to exceed the 02B numeric criteria). PFOA*0.001 0.01 HFPO-DA (GenX)10 500 PFBS 2,000 10,000 PFBA 6,000 200,000 PFHxA 3,000 200,000 PFNA 9 20 PFHxS 10 70 * Proposed health-based standards for PFOA and PFOS are below Limit of Quantitation. Permit effluent limit compliance for PFOA and PFOS will be determined based on 4.0 ng/L as reported by EPA as a Limit of Quantitation from national lab validation of the wastewater test method (1633). NPDES Implementation Rules & Update 19 Surface Water in North Carolina What is surface water? •Surface Water is considered any body of water above ground, including streams, rivers, and lakes. It is a key component of the hydrologic cycle and provides various societal and ecosystem services, including drinking water, agricultural irrigation, and habitat for aquatic plants and wildlife. Total discharges to surface waters NC (maximum permitted flow) •Publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) with pretreatment programs: ~1,188 million gallons per day •Industrial Dischargers (Majors): ~305 million gallons per day Example uses of surface water in NC •22% of community drinking water systems use surface water as source water (~444 systems) •41% of large public water supply (PWS) systems serving more than 10,000 people exceed EPA PFAS maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). •Approximately 3.6 million residents are impacted by drinking water quality that exceeds EPA PFAS MCLs. 20 PFAS Surface Water Quality Standards Rulemaking Guiding Principles •Protect drinking water sources from upstream dischargers and other sources of contaminants into surface water. •Reduce drinking water treatment cost burden to North Carolinians by addressing upstream dischargers. •Reduce wastewater treatment cost burden to North Carolinians by addressing dischargers with background sources (e.g., residential)or are passive receivers after upstream reductions have occurred. •Provide clarity to regulated sources and reasonable time for monitoring and taking actions to meet effluent limits. 21 Upstream Impacts on Surface Water Intakes and Drinking Water Treatment Burden 22 Pretreatment Controls NC Surface Water Standards Federal Drinking Water Standards Number of Facilities Anticipated to be Associated with a PFAS Use Industry Permit/Facility Type # of Permits or Facilities # of PFAS Affected Facilities Industrial Direct Dischargers 56 39 POTWs with Pretreatment Programs 126 113 Significant Industrial Users 606 464 23 NPDES Implementation of PFAS Standards 24 Why Assessment Monitoring and Tiers? •To allow time for large municipalities with many industrial users to initiate industrial and effluent monitoring that enables them to identify sources and implement measures that will reduce PFAS loadings. •To address facilities that are discharging significant amounts of PFAS (PFOA, PFOS and GenX) in their wastewaters in Tier 1. •To allow time for downstream facilities to see improvements in the level of PFAS in source waters, which would reduce their treatment costs. •To allow time for background levels (or what is often referred to as residential levels) to be assessed. 25 NPDES Permitting •For PFOA and PFOS, the Limit of Quantitation in EPA test method 1633 is 4.0 ng/L. •Effluent limits for PFOA and PFOS that are calculated to be less than the Limit of Quantitation shall be given a permitted effluent limit of the Limit of Quantitation which is 4.0 ng/L. •Programs Not Included: Minor POTWs without pretreatment programs, 100 percent domestic non-municipal wastewater treatment plants, and NPDES facilities with General Permits shall not be evaluated by the Division for PFAS limits unless there is reasonable potential for their wastewaters to contain PFAS and their discharge impacts a downstream water use designation. •NPDES permits for new sources or new dischargers for industrial direct dischargers, Major POTWs, or Major or Minor POTWs with pretreatment programs shall include PFAS effluent limits based on PFAS water quality standards that have a reasonable potential to cause or contribute to exceedance of any PFAS water quality standards. 26 NPDES Permitting Stakeholder Feedback Results of stakeholder discussions have been incorporated into 2B PFAS rules in Section 15A NCAC 02B .0404 Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations. •Report all PFAS analyzed in EPA test method 1633 (EPA is requiring this) •Limited implementation to two tiers to identify and prioritize all dischargers that are contributing PFAS in Tier 1. This reduces the costs of compliance for dischargers in Tier 2. This approach reduces costs for downstream drinking water systems. •Tier 1 facilities can request to move to Tier 2 if the PFAS in their effluent discharge is not greater than 10 percent of the PFAS in their source surface water intake. •For PFOA and PFOS values reported less than the Limit of Quantitation, the facility shall report to the Division the actual numerical lab measurement for all samples. 27 Fiscal Analysis Snapshot 28 Cost-Benefit Analysis Approach 29 Benefits •Estimate the anticipated benefits of the proposed PFAS rules and their alternatives, including quantification and monetization. Costs •What are the costs associated with the proposed PFAS regulatory changes? Quantitative: Human Health & Preservation of Property Value Qualitative: Additional Human Health Benefits, Co- Pollutant Removal, & Shift to Polluter Pays Public Water Supply and Private Well Treatment Cost Savings Private Sector Local Government State Government Regulatory Impact Analysis •The attached Fiscal and Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) was developed per G.S. 150B-21.4. •Includes reason for rule amendment, fiscal analysis approach, cost and benefits summary, and rule alternatives •Supporting Information •Appendix A – Toxicological Summary Information and Derivation of Surface Water Quality Criteria •Appendix B – Proposed PFAS Surface Water Rules •Appendix C – NCDEQ - Costs and Benefits to Industry, the Public, and the Environment Associated with NCDEQ’s Proposed Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances 30 Fiscal Analysis Summary Impact Summary of Proposed Rules from 2024-2060: 31 Monitoring & Treatment Costs •Total costs to private and public entities are projected to be $11,193,892,532 over 36 years. Monetized Benefits •Total benefits projected to be $11,675,248,686* over 36 years and includes: •Human health benefits •Savings to downstream drinking water utilities •Private well avoided treatment •State and federal wastewater infrastructure funding •Preservation of property value Qualitative Benefits •Extensive avoided health impacts: •Additional Cancers not monetized •Cardiovascular and Endocrine effects avoided for improved quality of life •Reproductive, Developmental, and Neonatal effects avoided for healthier children •Removal of co-pollutants •Shifting treatment burden from rate payers to polluters *Does not include natural and environmental resource benefits as reports are expected in the coming months. This valuation is expected to be significant and will further increase the total benefits value estimated here. Fiscal Analysis Key Takeaways 1.Impacts to regulated industries and POTWs are significant due to the presence of PFAS contamination throughout North Carolina. 2.Monetized benefits to the state as a whole and over 10 million residents outweigh the costs through improvements in short and long-term health, quality of life, preservation of property value, and other societal and economic factors. 3.Non-monetized benefits provide additional value to the state’s residents, economy, and the environment. 4.Lack of action is projected to place an extensive financial burden on North Carolinians that exceeds the total costs and benefits of the proposed rules. 5.EMC and the public must equally weigh both costs and benefits to address PFAS pollution. 32 Recommendation 33 Recommendation 34 Approval to proceed to the EMC with request for public notice and hearings for the proposed rule amendments to Surface Water Quality Standards Rules 15A NCAC 02B .0211, .0212, .0214, .0215, .0216, .0218, and .0220 and Permitting Rule .0404 and the associated Fiscal and Regulatory Impact Analysis. 35 Questions? Julie A. Grzyb Deputy Director Division of Water Resources NC DEQ Stephanie C. Bolyard, PhD Senior Engineer to the Assistant Secretary Secretary’s Office NC DEQ Chris Ventaloro Water Quality Standards Coordinator Division of Water Resources NC DEQ