HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutBMP(g) - FY 2021-2022 Municipally-owned SCM InspectionsBMP(g) - FY 2022-2027 Municipal SCM CIP List and EstimatesBMP(e) - Fire Station Ten SWPPP-1BMP(e) - P&R Main Warehouse SWPPPBMP(e) - Stormwater_MGHPP_Booklet_2018BMP(e) - WSTA Industrial Inspection_vehicle washingBMP(g) - Stormwater-Drainage work orders for previous 5 years 6-3-2022CoWS MS4 Self-Audit Report sent to DEQ_5.5.22 without site visit evaluationsCoWS MS4 Self-Audit Report_Addendum #1 Site Evaluations_5.20.22Item #1 - FY 2021-2022 SWMP_ FINAL_11.02.21Item #10 - Stormwater Smart invoice FY 2021-2022Item #11 - Chapter 75, Article I_IDDE_Code of OrdinancesItem #12 - FY2021-2022 Dry weather outfall screening SOPs & ScheduleItem #13 - CoWS FY 2021-2022 IDDE Master SpreadsheetItem #14 - DEMLR Review Results Letter 11-20-17Item #15 - Erosion Control Webpage Screen ShotItem #16 -Screen shot of EC's Flow-Process for routing public funded projects to DEMLR, WSROItem #17 - Post Construction SW OrdinanceItem #18 - O_M Agmt_HOA _TemplateItem #18 - O_M Agmt_Single Owner_TemplateItem #19 - Escrow Agreement_HOA_TemplateItem #2 - IDDE SOP_V2_FINALItem #20 - I&M Program for Municipal Facilities and Operations_Master ListItem #21 - Inventory of municipally-owned SCMs_1.3.22Item #22 - CoWS Proposed Municipal List 22-23 FinalItem #23 - CoWS Industrial & MGH Form Template docxItem #24 - Fleet Servcies SPPP Template_2018Item #25 - Fleet Spill Response Plan from SPPP_templateItem #26 -CoWS MS4 I&M SOP 2021_FINALItem #27 - Street Sweeping Stormwater Report for City Properties FY 2021-2022Item #28 - Reference Lists for Prioritized Industrial Facilities_SQG, LQG, and TRIItem #29 - Industrial Facilities in CoWS_updated 4.1.22Item #3 - CoWS NOV & DocumentationItem #30 - Stormwater Division's Industrial Inspection SOP ManualItem #31 - Priority 1 & 2 Facilities_FY 2020-2023 _Item #32 - Stormwater Division's WQ A&M PlanItem #33 - Fleet Services Reinspection FormItem #34 - Muddy Creek WWTP Reinspection FormItem #35 - MS4 Site Eval_Outfall #1Item #36 - MS4 Site Eval_Outfall #2Item #37 - Construction Site Visit Evaluation #1Item #38 - Construction Site Visit Evaluation #2Item #39 - Dollar General SCM Evaluation_Doc PacketItem #4 - Public Educational Outreach CountsItem #40 - UNCSA Central Storage SCM Evaluation_Doc PacketItem #5 - BMPs for Public Educational Goals & ObjectivesItem #6 - Municipal Employee PP & GH and IDDE Training Video ConfirmationItem #7 - Municipal NEW Employee Training CountsItem #8 - Stormwater Smart FY 2020-2021 Summary ReportItem #9 - Municipal ALL (other than new) Employees Stormwater Training Video_11.21-2.22Training Record - Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention Program WorkshopWSTA _MGH Inspection Package_6_21_22