HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout20140762 Ver 4__External_ RE_ R-2915 Compliance Inspection Sept 17_ 2019_2019100920140762 Ver 4_12 - R-2915D 4B Meeting Minutes_2019091820140762 Ver 4_13 - R-2915D 4C Meeting Minutes_2019091820140762 Ver 4_April 17 inspections_2019042220140762 Ver 4_April 17 Sediment inspection_2019042220140762 Ver 4_April 17 Site Inspection_2019042220140762 Ver 4_blown out slope drain_2019061020140762 Ver 4_Channel modification_2019100920140762 Ver 4_Compliance Comments_2019051620140762 Ver 4_downstream of wetland 57 stone 2-17-20_2020021720140762 Ver 4_east side ditch_2020041420140762 Ver 4_Follow_up inspection_May_2019051020140762 Ver 4_FW R-2915C Silt Loss_2018082020140762 Ver 4_hillside scar during rain_2019061020140762 Ver 4_hillside scar_2019061020140762 Ver 4_IMG_0536_2019051320140762 Ver 4_Lemly Rd_2020041420140762 Ver 4_Letter to Landowner_2019071820140762 Ver 4_Modification_2018061820140762 Ver 4_NCWRC Comments_2018103020140762 Ver 4_New slide R-2915C US 221 Ashe_2018091820140762 Ver 4_Permit Application for Mod_2018062820140762 Ver 4_preformed scour hole on R-2915B_ Ashe County_2019051620140762 Ver 4_R-2915 B modification to PSH at station 165_2020031220140762 Ver 4_R-2915 C sediment loss map_2020041420140762 Ver 4_R-2915 Compliance follow-up notes_2018082420140762 Ver 4_R-2915 Merger Meeting Minutes_2019091820140762 Ver 4_R-2915 Modification Ashe-Watauga June 15 2018_2018061820140762 Ver 4_R-2915B_C Follow-up_2019051320140762 Ver 4_R-2915C US 221 Trout Moratoriam Extension Request_2018092820140762 Ver 4_R-2915C NPDES Inspection_2019092820140762 Ver 4_R-2915C Silt Loss_2019062320140762 Ver 4_RE R-2915B Mod question_2018061820140762 Ver 4_RE R-2915D Site 6_2018082820140762 Ver 4_RE_ _External_ RE_ R-2915 B_ Station 165 request to swap PSH with a dissaptor pad_2020031220140762 Ver 4_RE_ _External_ RE_ R-2915 Compliance Inspection Sept 17_ 2019___2019100920140762 Ver 4_RE_ _External_ RE_ R-2915 Compliance Inspection Sept 17_ 2019_2019100920140762 Ver 4_RE_ floodplain bench question on R-2915 C_2019110520140762 Ver 4_RE_ R-2915 B_ Station 165 request to swap PSH with a dissaptor pad_2020031220140762 Ver 4_RE_ R-2915 Compliance Inspection Sept 17_ 2019 (2)_2019092420140762 Ver 4_RE_ R-2915 Compliance Inspection Sept 17_ 2019_2019092320140762 Ver 4_RE_ R-2915 Section B compliance review_2020020620140762 Ver 4_RE_ R-2915 Section B compliance review_2020021720140762 Ver 4_RE_ Sediment loss on HWY 221_ Ashe County_2019061020140762 Ver 4_RE_ Sediment loss on HWY 221_ Ashe County_20190610 (2)20140762 Ver 4_RE_ sediment loss on R-2915 C_2020041420140762 Ver 4_RE_ Site visit to Poling Waste site on HWY 221 C_ Ashe County_2019122720140762 Ver 4_Reeves Water Flow Impact Another Example_2018082220140762 Ver 4_Reeves Water Flow Impact April Across Drive_2018082220140762 Ver 4_Reeves Water Flow Impact August 2018_2018082220140762 Ver 4_Reeves Water Flow Impact Example 8-2-2018_2018082220140762 Ver 4_Reeves Water Flow Impact Example One 8-4-2018_2018082220140762 Ver 4_Reeves Water Flow Impact Example Two Entrance 8-4-2018_2018082220140762 Ver 4_Reeves Water Flow Impact Example_2018082220140762 Ver 4_request to swap PSH with a dissaptor pad_2020031220140762 Ver 4_rip rap in low flow channel_2019100920140762 Ver 4_sediment loss at Hwy 221_ station 294 and 299_2019071120140762 Ver 4_Sediment loss on HWY 221_ Ashe County_2019061020140762 Ver 4_sediment loss on R-2915 C_2020041420140762 Ver 4_Sediment loss US221 - R-2915C_2020011320140762 Ver 4_Sept Inspection issues_2019092320140762 Ver 4_September Sites Inspection_2019092420140762 Ver 4_silt fence full of sediment_2019061020140762 Ver 4_silt fence overtopped nr road_2019061020140762 Ver 4_Silt loss on 2915C_2019041520140762 Ver 4_Site 1 B Section - soil built up on core fiber_2019100920140762 Ver 4_Site 16 Compliance follow-up_2019051320140762 Ver 4_Site 16 Culvert dewatered work area_2019100920140762 Ver 4_Site 16 Culvert upstream dike_2019100920140762 Ver 4_Site Inspection B-Section_2020020620140762 Ver 4_Site inspections for violations of NC Sedimentation Pollution Control Act request_2018082220140762 Ver 4_Site inspections for violations of NC Sedimentation Pollution Control Act request_2018082420140762 Ver 4_sloughed off roadbed_2019061020140762 Ver 4_Staff Report_2018062720140762 Ver 4_Station 165 photo_2020031220140762 Ver 4_Station 182 PSH 2-17-20_2020021720140762 Ver 4_Station 330 - breached basin below firestation_2019061020140762 Ver 4_Station 354 hillside washout and sediment discharge_2019061020140762 Ver 4_Station 80 on the AB section after repairs_2019061020140762 Ver 4_Stream at 878 US 221 North at Deep Gap_Moretz Prop_2019072320140762 Ver 4_swap PSH with a dissaptor pad_2020031220140762 Ver 4_tanks and containment bins_2019051320140762 Ver 4_TIP R-2915 401 modification_2018062720140762 Ver 4_US 221 Slide_2018091820140762 Ver 4_UT by Lemly Rd_2020041420140762 Ver 4_west side ditch_2020041420140762 Ver 5_DOT pit stream work 5-28-19_2019052820140762 Ver 5_Moore pit stream work 5-28-19_2019052820140762 Ver 5_R-2915B_C Site follow up DOT Waste Pit_20190528