| NCC192249_Certificate of Coverage_20191028 | 1 | WQ Permitting |
| NCC192249_Email RE Construction SW COC_20191028 | 1 | WQ Permitting |
| NCC192249_ESC Approval Submitted_20191028 | 4 | WQ Permitting |
| NCC192249_NOI Application_20191028 | 8 | WQ Permitting |
| NCC192249_NOI Signed Certification_20191028 | 1 | WQ Permitting |
| NCC192249_NOT Closeout Documents_20200914 | 1 | WQ Permitting |
| NCC192249_NOT Signed Certification_20200914 | 1 | WQ Permitting |
| NCC192249_Notice of Termination Email_20200914 | 1 | WQ Permitting |
| NCC192249_Notice of Termination_20200914 | 3 | WQ Permitting |
| NCC192249_Payment Verification_20191028 | 2 | WQ Permitting |