HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout[External] RE_ B-5652 Permit SAW-2017-0049020221126 Approval Letter v.120221126 Ver 1_B-5652_Permit Drawings_2022082220221126 Ver 1_Decision Email_2022092120221126 Ver 1_ePCN Application_2022082220221126 Ver 1_Project Notification Email_2022082420221126 Ver 1_Staff Report Sprinkle, Hannah H_20220921B-5652 Application QuestionsB-5652 LDET Sta. 19+00 centerlineB-5652 LDET Sta. 19+00 leftB-5652 Onslow 33 HC AreaB-5652 Onslow Bridge 33 over Wolf Swamp additional sediment lossB-5652 Permit Drawing Sheet 10 of 11 Markup B-5652B-5652 repair at Site 4 photo1B-5652 repair at Site 4 photo2B-5652 Revised Summary Sheet 13 of 13B-5652 Sediment in stream at Site 4B-5652 Sta. 13+00 rt removalB-5652 Sta. 19+00B-5652_Onslow Bridge 33_turbidityBridge 33 photo 20231215DMS Accept_Revised_B-5652final signed Br 33 B 5652 RGP 50IMG_0308IMG_0383MRTF_2017-00490_B-5652Onslow Bridge 33 (B-5652) sediment lossPages from B-5652_Permit Package_20220526permit plansRE_ [External] FW_ Permit application for B-5652 Onslow CountyRE_ [External] RE_ B-5652 Onslow Bridge 33 over Wolf Swamp - possible changes to Site 4 impactsRE_ [External] RE_ B-5652 Onslow Bridge 33 sediment loss to streamRE_ [External] RE_ B-5652 Onslow County Bridge 33 sediment losses to streamRE_ [External] RE_ Onslow 33 (B-5652) Hand Clearing to Mechanized ClearingRE_ B-5652 Application QuestionsRE_ B-5652 Onslow Bridge 33 sediment loss to streamRE_ Onslow Bridge 33 (B-5652) sediment lossrevised summary sheet 9 16 2022RGP50 2020