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NCC190008 - Mason Park Phase 3
NCC190011 - Sutton Farms Ph. 2
NCC190012 - Orchards at Summerlyn Ph2
NCC190019 - Five Forks Solar
NCC190020 - Duck Thru Windsor - US HWY 13/17 Bypass
NCC190021 - Publix At Flowers Plantation
NCC190027 - Crossing at Brookberry
NCC190028 - AAA Ministorage
NCC190031 - US1440 Lincoln County Combustion Turbine Addition
NCC190033 - Stormwater Improvements Property Assessment
NCC190034 - Woodland Heights Middle School
NCC190036 - Shopton Road Apartments
NCC190037 - Stone Mill Falls Subdivision Phases 2 and 3
NCC190038 - Startown Apartments
NCC190039 - Bonnie Cone Classical Academy
NCC190042 - U-5617 (Williams Road Gateway Project)
NCC190043 - Chelsea Road Pedestrian Walkway
NCC190044 - Wilkinson Solar
NCC190049 - Bethpage Village Mixed Use
NCC190050 - Copper Creek South
NCC190051 - UNCC Hotel Construction Road
NCC190053 - Project Cure
NCC190056 - East Side FD Communication Tower
NCC190057 - State Employees' Credit Union
NCC190058 - Proposed Building & Truck Parking Truckworks, LTD
NCC190060 - Saints' Delight United Church of Christ
NCC190062 - River Dell East (POD 12) Phase 4 at Flowers Plantation
NCC190064 - Testoff Residence
NCC190065 - Brewer's Grill and Grocery
NCC190067 - Crossroads Mission Church
NCC190069 - Sharon Towers
NCC190070 - Mitchell Community College - Health Sciences Building
NCC190071 - Villages at Skybrook North
NCC190073 - Lakewalk
NCC190074 - Charlotte Metro
NCC190077 - Outlot 1 Tanglewood Pavilions
NCC190078 - Enclave at Peachtree
NCC190079 - Taxiway and Apron Pavement Rehabilitation
NCC190081 - North Lakes C&C LotsErosion Control Plan Amendment #2
NCC190082 - Riverwood Athletic Club Alpine Valley Phase 6A4&6A- lots 6017,6106 and 6113
NCC190084 - University East Office
NCC190085 - 5 Star Express Carwash
NCC190086 - CW Performance Auto
NCC190091 - Line 94 MAOP Reclaim WCCT Interconnect Station
NCC190092 - CSX Stouts Siding Extension
NCC190093 - Scotties
NCC190097 - Mattie Woods Subdivision
NCC190099 - Longs Chapel United Methodist Church
NCC190101 - River East
NCC190102 - Duke Lincoln CT
NCC190105 - Concord Parkway & Kannapolis Highway Retail
NCC190106 - HF Lee Ash Beneficiation Facility
NCC190107 - Harbor Freight Tools
NCC190109 - Wilkinson Chevrolet
NCC190110 - Vineyard Glen, Phase 2
NCC190111 - Ball Farm Laydown Yard - EXPRESS
NCC190113 - Building 3-7 Demolition - Harvey Point Legacy Bdgs Demolition
NCC190114 - Marshall Steam Station Laydown Area Project
NCC190116 - Chick-fil-A @ 8700 University Exec Park Drive
NCC190119 - Riverlights
NCC190124 - Smokey Hollow Phase 2
NCC190127 - Wilson Chick-Fil-A
NCC190129 - Quail Hollow Erosion Control
NCC190131 - Buncombe CO LF/E Canton LF/Old Chandler LF
NCC190133 - 2335 Campground Road Warehouse Building
NCC190134 - Bainbridge Aviation Crossing
NCC190137 - Pfizer Pharmaceuticals GTx2
NCC190138 - Watkins Landing
NCC190139 - 2250-001 - Suncaster, LLC
NCC190143 - 5700 Hillsborough Street Apartments
NCC190145 - Crossfit 77 Turf Replacement
NCC190147 - Ashcroft Phases 5 & 6
NCC190150 - Tioga Auto Repair
NCC190151 - Falls Reserve Lot 29
NCC190153 - UNCW – Temporary Modular Buildings (Dobo Hall Phase 2) – [EXPRESS]
NCC190156 - Durham 500kV Substation - BMP Repairs
NCC190157 - Tires Plus
NCC190158 - Blue Ridge Energy Horese Gap to Rutherwood II
NCC190161 - Morris Landing Club
NCC190163 - Hanna Imports of Apex
NCC190165 - Seaforth Landing (Lot 6)
NCC190168 - PNG Line 439 - Winterville, NC
NCC190169 - Falls Reserve Lot 27
NCC190170 - Snows Cut RV Park Ph-I
NCC190171 - Twin Lakes Community Skilled Healthcare Building
NCC190172 - Summer Ridge Plantation
NCC190173 - Lidl Matthews, Store #1161
NCC190175 - Chestnut Solar
NCC190178 - Glenlake Office Building VII
NCC190180 - Double Creek Substation
NCC190181 - Avocet S/D Well Lot #11
NCC190183 - Selwyn Landing
NCC190185 - Sunnyvale
NCC190186 - UNCW - Central Parking Deck
NCC190188 - Harrell Mitigation Project
NCC190189 - The Pines at Winston Pointe Phase 2D - lots 27,28,and 113
NCC190191 - The Pines at Winston Pointe Phase 2 - Lots 30 and 114
NCC190193 - Cresswind Phase 6
NCC190194 - Mason Pointe Subdivision - lots included
NCC190197 - Atlas Urban Homes Redevelopment
NCC190199 - Charlotte Metro
NCC190202 - The Greene at Tryon (Ph 13, 17 & 18)
NCC190203 - Lentz Shooting Range
NCC190204 - Sweeney WTP GAC Contactors Addition
NCC190205 - Hawthorne Waterside
NCC190207 - New Retail Store - Shelby, NC Plato Lee Road
NCC190208 - Wyntree Subdivision
NCC190212 - Lot 1 Northchar Industrial Park
NCC190213 - Firestone @ Harrisburg Town Center
NCC190215 - Wheat Berry Place
NCC190216 - Woodgrove Subdivision
NCC190218 - 2017 PARTF New London Park
NCC190219 - Turtle Island Annex
NCC190220 - Richmond Community College- Lee & Lindsay-Petris Bldg Addition
NCC190221 - Athens Corner
NCC190222 - Turtle Island
NCC190223 - Cleveland Matthews Road 230Kv New Tap Line
NCC190224 - Beaver Falls
NCC190225 - Grove Solar
NCC190228 - Moncure Valley Subdivision
NCC190230 - 8 West Apartments @ Grandover
NCC190231 - 1922 Mt. Hope Ch. Rd.
NCC190232 - Robert Lee Jobe
NCC190233 - Robert Lee Jobe
NCC190234 - Clean Bulk Water Transport Facility
NCC190236 - Manns Crossing - Drees Company
NCC190237 - UNC Charlotte Marriott
NCC190240 - C-17 Type III Hydrant Refueling System & Ramp Expansion
NCC190243 - Chapel Ridge - Broyhill Wiles
NCC190246 - Castle Hayne Water Expansion
NCC190248 - Basal Creek Townhomes (Phase 1) and Westec Way (Phase 2)
NCC190250 - Pluris webb Creek WWTP
NCC190251 - Lot 20 Narrow Passage Subdivision
NCC190252 - 1102 - Swansboro Solar, LLC
NCC190254 - Birchwood Road Access
NCC190255 - Eagles #13
NCC190256 - Mt. Holly Steam Station Decommissioning
NCC190257 - The Riveter
NCC190258 - Johnson Controls - Phase II Process Expansion
NCC190259 - ATF Infrastructure
NCC190261 - 1034 Catherine Lake Solar, LLC
NCC190262 - Fendol Farms
NCC190268 - Waterleigh - Phase 4
NCC190269 - FB - PAAF Shark Ramp Repairs
NCC190270 - SOF STS Operations Facilities PN03003
NCC190271 - NCCU Student Center
NCC190272 - Old Firetower Place
NCC190274 - Riverlights Lots 303 & 356
NCC190276 - Clearwater Creek Subdivision
NCC190280 - PNG - NC 41 Bladen Roundabout Relocation
NCC190282 - Hargarve Road Watermain Upper phase
NCC190283 - UNC Kenan Stadium and Off-Site Stormwater Site
NCC190284 - Hayden Drive Subdivision
NCC190286 - Duke University Central Campus Buildings Demolition
NCC190287 - 275 Smokey Park
NCC190288 - Village at Whiteside Cliffs
NCC190290 - Chapel Ridge - Triple A Homes
NCC190293 - Truman Farm Solar Electric Power Plant
NCC190295 - Barrington Subdivision Phase 2
NCC190299 - UNC Charlotte Early College Fill Site Development
NCC190300 - Heartworks School Expansion
NCC190301 - Powell Square Apartments
NCC190302 - North 301 Solar
NCC190304 - AT&T Glen Alpine, NC (A01GGSJ)
NCC190305 - Project Kodiak
NCC190306 - Royal Village Estates Section 2 Lots
NCC190309 - Friends School of Wilmington
NCC190310 - Dollar General - Willard
NCC190312 - Chantilly on the Green
NCC190313 - Crete Solutions, Concrete Batching Plant
NCC190314 - Oaks at St Martin
NCC190315 - Sherwin Williams
NCC190316 - Froggy Meadows Subdivision
NCC190320 - Carlton Residence
NCC190321 - Jonathan Creek Soil Reclamation and Dennis Farm Borrow Area Project
NCC190324 - Harris Square
NCC190325 - Allen Road Mini-Storage
NCC190328 - Tides Lane Farm Solar Electric Power Plant
NCC190329 - Carolina Crossing - Upton & Co
NCC190330 - Larkhaven Hills
NCC190332 - West Arlington Commercial Park
NCC190334 - The Preserve at Tidewater - Sydes Lots
NCC190335 - The Gables at Bridgton Sec 3, Ph2
NCC190337 - Parking Lot Expansion at Graduate and Undergraduate Health Science Facilities
NCC190339 - Trilogy Farm Pump Station
NCC190340 - thExchange
NCC190341 - Hamilton Farm
NCC190342 - Rea Enclave
NCC190343 - East Carolina Inn Redevelopment
NCC190346 - Catherine Lake Elementary School
NCC190347 - Rwy 18L/36R Rehab and C7 Removal
NCC190350 - Chapel Ridge Lot 277
NCC190353 - Summerdale North
NCC190355 - LNR Greenway (Phase 1)
NCC190356 - Givens Highland Farms Cottage Development
NCC190357 - Limekiln Creek Restoration
NCC190358 - 133 Great Oaks Lane
NCC190362 - Lee Ct.
NCC190363 - General Assembly
NCC190364 - The Ledford Residence
NCC190365 - Padgettown Rd Subdivision
NCC190367 - 19-NC17 Corrosion Control and Fuel Cell Hangar
NCC190371 - Cambridge Village of Brier Creek Senior Living Community
NCC190372 - Flow Acura
NCC190375 - Former Dicey Mills
NCC190381 - Jordan Lake State Recreation Area - Seaforth Erosion Control Repairs
NCC190384 - The Enclave at Providence Park
NCC190393 - Eastbrooke Apartments Phase 3
NCC190395 - Stuart W. Cramer Retail Substation
NCC190398 - 13 Lots in Colony Woods
NCC190399 - Legacy Village
NCC190400 - Tryon South End
NCC190407 - Savannah Place, Section 2, Phase 2
NCC190408 - The Reserve at Greenwood
NCC190409 - Duke Energy - Cleveland Matthews Laydown Yard
NCC190410 - The Cove at Mackintosh
NCC190411 - Lake Wheeler Creamery Cafe and Education Center
NCC190412 - Circle K Garner 2723479
NCC190415 - Rue Residence
NCC190416 - Chidley South
NCC190418 - Pringle Square
NCC190419 - Circle K - R&R 2723046
NCC190420 - Pleasant Valley - Lot 2 (#395193)
NCC190423 - Evermore Apartments Expansion
NCC190429 - Circle K - NTI Bragg/Vass
NCC190430 - Willow Oak (Formerly Known As: Canterbury Downs)
NCC190432 - Circle K - NTI Franklin - Mount Airy
NCC190433 - The Enclave at Deep River Plantation - Phase II
NCC190434 - Duke Asheville Fleet Operations Slope Repair
NCC190435 - Carter Street Parking Lot Improvements
NCC190437 - San Marino S/D Phase 1A & 2A ( Lots # 75,76,77,83,90,94,and 251)
NCC190440 - Fearrington Village - 4501 Tyrrell
NCC190443 - Dollar General #20429
NCC190445 - Cracker Barrel
NCC190446 - San Marino S/D ( Lots # 84,85,and 250)
NCC190447 - Fire Flow Improvements and Water Main Replacement Phase 2
NCC190448 - Julian Dollar General #20502
NCC190450 - Raw Water Transmission Replacement Project- Phase II
NCC190451 - Contract 2018-020, Summit Avenue Streetscape Improvements
NCC190452 - Leland Highway 17 Sewer Expansion II - Phase 1
NCC190453 - Erwin-Selma 230 kV Transmission Line Switch Installations and Access Roads
NCC190456 - Pond Road Subdivision
NCC190458 - Kinder Morgan 8RK Expansion Plantation Tank Farm
NCC190463 - Robeson LNG Facility
NCC190465 - Culver's at Publix Pointe
NCC190467 - 4202 Hwy 74/76 Project
NCC190470 - Doggett Road Subdivision
NCC190471 - Stevens Grove - Lot 38-B (#395895)
NCC190474 - Piney Top Drive - Airport Property
NCC190475 - Building 106 - Presidential Park West
NCC190477 - Culver's of Salisbury
NCC190478 - Village Shoppes of Bilmore
NCC190481 - Windham Lot 8
NCC190483 - The Villages of Reedy Fork phase 4 section 3K
NCC190488 - Race City Marine
NCC190491 - Sam's Xpress Car Wash - Sanford, NC
NCC190493 - Stovall-Shaw Elementary
NCC190494 - Panther Lake Road Subdivision
NCC190498 - Cobblestone- Lamm
NCC190499 - Regency at Heritage
NCC190500 - Stevens Grove - Lot 46
NCC190501 - Albohn Property
NCC190502 - WakeMed Medical Office Park of Cary
NCC190503 - Glen Oaks Offsite Waterline (Capital Blvd and Wall Road)
NCC190505 - Highgrove at Anderson Creek Phase 6B Lots 241, 249 & 250
NCC190506 - Hanover Reserve Phase III Lot 114
NCC190507 - Palestine Point Subdivision, (Lot 9)
NCC190510 - Riverlights Lots 357, 378, & 379
NCC190514 - HealthPark at Kildaire MOB2
NCC190516 - Sam's Xpress Car Wash - Wilson, NC
NCC190518 - Glen Oaks Offsite Sewer
NCC190520 - Trilogy Farms
NCC190521 - Oakmont Phase Two, Sec 1-B Lot 309
NCC190522 - Dogwood Forest
NCC190523 - Bella Point
NCC190524 - FCS Facility
NCC190525 - Juniper Ridge-Phase Three (Lot 55)
NCC190526 - Marshall Steam station Dual Fuel Firing Project
NCC190527 - Store #20482 Bessemer City, NC Dollar General
NCC190528 - Whitaker Residence
NCC190530 - Cleveland Bluffs Phase 3-A Lots # 127,128,129,137,138,150,151,152,159,and 160
NCC190531 - Cleveland Bluffs Phase 3A Lots # 136,142,143,144,and 161
NCC190533 - East Carolina Univeristy Multipurpose Practice Fields
NCC190535 - The Reserves at Gashes Creek
NCC190536 - Hardee's Shallotte
NCC190537 - Stevens Grove Lot 17
NCC190538 - Seymour Residence
NCC190539 - Store #20498 Leasburg, NC Dollar General
NCC190540 - Minglewood Townhomes
NCC190542 - Dominion Energy - M-64 Natural Gas Pipeline (Phase 2C)
NCC190546 - Fox Chase Subdivision Phase 1
NCC190547 - Store #20630 Wilkesboro, NC Dollar General
NCC190548 - Circle K - R&R 2723778
NCC190550 - Clifton Drive 16" Sanitary Sewer Main Relocation
NCC190551 - PNG Casing 2272-2278 Retirement
NCC190554 - Wake Technical Community College Classroom Bldg RT2
NCC190555 - Milchteim
NCC190557 - Cambridge Park - Sanitary Sewer Improvements Revisions
NCC190558 - Lanier Project - Mass Grading
NCC190559 - Store #20302 Lincolnton, NC Dollar General
NCC190560 - Jordans Ridge-(Lots 1-7)
NCC190562 - Quail Hollow Club Add Grading
NCC190565 - Willard Solar, LLC
NCC190566 - Holden Creek Preserve Phase !a Lots 99,127,and 135
NCC190567 - North Brunswick High School Field Upgrade - EXPRESS
NCC190568 - Triangle Tyre
NCC190570 - Ladera Subdivision (Creek Slope Stabilization)
NCC190572 - RiverLights Age Qualified Phase 2 & 3 Lots 231, 272, 317-318, 327-328, 335 & 355
NCC190573 - Porters Neck Center Parking Lot Expansion @ Sleepy's
NCC190575 - Stonehaven - RRB
NCC190577 - Dollar Tree Asheville, NC-Brevard Road
NCC190579 - Royal Pines Subdivision- Phase 3
NCC190582 - Seaforth Landing - Cotton Custom Homes
NCC190583 - Thanksgiving Fire Solar Farm
NCC190586 - Project Heidi
NCC190597 - Jordans Ridge - (Lots 8-21)
NCC190599 - Conrad Farm-Phase 2
NCC190601 - DEP Cane River – Spruce Pine 115 KV Line Streambank Stabilization
NCC190602 - North Wilkesboro Office Building
NCC190604 - Revere at Sherills Ford
NCC190605 - Davencroft/American Builders Inc.
NCC190606 - Schreiber Construction - Governors Club
NCC190608 - Havener residence
NCC190611 - Wolf Ridge
NCC190612 - Belmont Farms Phase 1- Lots # 7,11,24,and 25
NCC190617 - Cameron Crossing
NCC190618 - Panera Bread & Aspen Dental
NCC190620 - Peartree West, Section One, Part Two Lot 28
NCC190621 - Park Place-Phase Two (Lot 42)
NCC190622 - Turnberry, Section Two, Part Two Lots 200 & 216
NCC190623 - Park Place-Phase Two (Lots 30 & 32-35
NCC190624 - Blakefield Subdivision-Phase 4 (Lot 88)
NCC190625 - Cypress Lakes Village-Section 10 (Lots 281, 282, 319 & 323-325
NCC190626 - Tate Solar
NCC190627 - Park Place-Phase Two (Lot 31)
NCC190631 - Andy's Frozen Custard
NCC190632 - Willard Street Apartments
NCC190633 - Willow Oak Montessori School
NCC190634 - Blakefield Subdivision-Phase 5 (Lot 41)
NCC190635 - The Manors at Lexington Plantation-Part 2C Lot 732
NCC190637 - Blakefield Subdivision-Phase 5 (Lot 64)
NCC190638 - Belmont Abbey College Mass Grading
NCC190640 - Christian Life Center Tabernacle United Methodist Church
NCC190641 - Carolina Crossings - Bost Custom Homes
NCC190642 - URACH, LLC
NCC190643 - The Sentinels Subdivision ( Lots # 62-65 & 85)
NCC190644 - Peartree West, Section One, Part Two-Lots 30 & 127
NCC190646 - Blakefield Subdivision-Phase 5 (Lots 70 & 71)
NCC190647 - Turnberry Section Two, Part Two (Lot 189)
NCC190648 - Roslin Farms West-Section 4, Part 2 (Lots 33 & 39)
NCC190649 - KW Grading and Utilities - Lot 15
NCC190650 - Allison Fence
NCC190651 - Park Place-Phase Two (Lot 46)
NCC190652 - Robbins Self Storage Facility
NCC190653 - Yorkshire Village
NCC190654 - Wade Jurney Homes - Country Squire Estates
NCC190655 - 112 Shining Way
NCC190659 - 114 Solitaire Dr
NCC190660 - Union Cross Business Park - Lot 19B
NCC190661 - NCSPA 2019 Raise Line over the Cape Fear River
NCC190662 - Lightbridge Academy
NCC190664 - Chick-fil-A Restaurant at Heritage Village
NCC190665 - Folkstone-Jacksonville 115kV Transmission Line Rebuilt Part 1
NCC190668 - Chick-fil-A Restaurant at Carraway Village
NCC190669 - PNG Line 99 Retrofit
NCC190670 - Storage Bliss Boat and RV
NCC190672 - Tanglewood Park Paved Trail
NCC190674 - Carson Street Condos
NCC190676 - Lot#39 Sunset Grove
NCC190677 - Rough Horn Swamp (I and II) Restoration Site
NCC190681 - Macon Pond Parking Expansion
NCC190683 - SECU Clayton Branch
NCC190685 - 518 Elliott Street
NCC190687 - D9 Dairi-o of Archdale
NCC190688 - Governors Club – Bold Construction
NCC190691 - Auburn Village - Phase 4
NCC190692 - Guardian Angel Villas
NCC190693 - wiki wiki carwash pyramids village
NCC190695 - Eagles Ridge – Absolute Home Builders
NCC190696 - Blackwood Ridge - Dillard Wallace Construction Co.
NCC190698 - North Fayetteville Force Main Phase 2 - Section F
NCC190699 - East Young Street Sidewalk, Rolesville
NCC190701 - Phillips Ridge Apartments
NCC190702 - Glen Castle at Irish Creek ( Lots # 206,207,210,211,212,213,214,219,and 220)
NCC190703 - China Grove Medical Office Addition
NCC190704 - Kings Mountain Compressor Station - Phase II
NCC190705 - Middleburg Dollar General
NCC190707 - Oakmont Phase Two, Sec. 1-B, Lots 165, 169 & 308
NCC190708 - Davidson Park
NCC190709 - Bingham Drive Residential
NCC190711 - Briar Gate Subdivision
NCC190713 - Middle Creek Track Replacement
NCC190714 - Morrisette Paper Warehouse Addition
NCC190715 - Fuquay Guilford Mills Decommissioning
NCC190716 - Lakeshore Townes
NCC190717 - Iglesia Cristiana Casa de Restauracion
NCC190718 - Millbrook High School Track Replacement
NCC190720 - Sinclair Subdivision-Phase 4 (Lots 182, 199, 200, 205 & 206
NCC190724 - Brookstone Lots
NCC190725 - Riverlights Lots 253 & 304
NCC190726 - Anderson Creek Crossing Phase 8-Section 1 (Lots 68, 73, 148 & 149)
NCC190727 - Hoover Road Stockpile Site
NCC190728 - Washington Terrace - Phase 3
NCC190729 - Neuse Haven Townhomes
NCC190730 - Glenmere Subdivision Lots 102,162-167
NCC190731 - Novozymes Sprayer Dryer
NCC190732 - Glenmere Subdivision Lots 46,103-113
NCC190739 - Blackwood Ridge Subdivision Phase 3
NCC190740 - Sanctuary At Yates Mill Lot 6
NCC190742 - CFA FSU #4450 Laurinburg
NCC190743 - Burnside Estates (Lots 2 - 5)
NCC190744 - South Tryon Townhomes LLC
NCC190745 - 805 S. Briggs
NCC190746 - Independence Imports Parking Lot - Phase 2
NCC190747 - Briar Chapel Lots 97, 317-319
NCC190750 - Chapel Ridge - Lot 775
NCC190751 - Cruise Solar, LLC
NCC190754 - Seaforth High School
NCC190755 - Southeast Regional Lift Station
NCC190757 - Fieldstream- Kuhn Construction, iNC
NCC190759 - Arendell Parrott Academy
NCC190760 - Biosolids Ash Beneficial Reuse Facility
NCC190761 - Meadow Woods - Will Kuhn Homes, LLC
NCC190762 - Beeson Creek Outfall Stabilization
NCC190765 - Hendrick Honda of Wilmington
NCC190766 - Steve Branch Roberts Avenue Project
NCC190767 - 9 Lots in Meadow Woods
NCC190771 - Clay County Primary School
NCC190772 - Grifton 115kV Substation - Permanent Flood Mitigation
NCC190773 - Vanquish Fencing
NCC190774 - Home2 Suites by Hilton
NCC190778 - Sedge Hollow - Phase IV
NCC190779 - Roberts Residence
NCC190780 - Governors Club-Skela Homes LLC
NCC190787 - Southpark Apartments Phase II
NCC190789 - Meadows Place
NCC190790 - Circle K - R&R 2720481
NCC190791 - LongHorn Steakhouse
NCC190792 - Mount Olive Pickle Company, Inc.-Truck Staging Area
NCC190793 - Fern Solar Substation
NCC190798 - Sunset Bluffs Homes by Dickerson Residential Lots Erosion Control
NCC190801 - City of Greensboro Townsend WTP Lagoon 2
NCC190802 - Rhora
NCC190803 - Sunset Bluffs Ph 11 & 17 Amendment 3
NCC190805 - Little Rock Crossing Ph2
NCC190806 - Little Rock Crossing Ph1
NCC190807 - Duke Energy Progress, LLC - Fayetteville 230kV Substation
NCC190809 - Foundation Senior Living
NCC190811 - Bingham Ridge Lot 36
NCC190813 - O'Reilly Auto Parts; High Point, NC #1
NCC190815 - Bee Safe Cary
NCC190818 - 102 GRACIE COURT
NCC190820 - 500 Guilford College Rd
NCC190821 - Hilltop Mobile Home Park 2017 Expansion
NCC190823 - Verizon Wireless HWY_218 Cell Site
NCC190824 - Thornton Reserve
NCC190825 - Duke Energy Renewables NC Solar, LLC - Creswell Solar Farm
NCC190827 - Caufield residence
NCC190829 - Asheville Oil
NCC190833 - North Carolina Weslyan College Field House Cleaing
NCC190834 - Sri Mata Hindu Temple
NCC190843 - Tarpey Farm Solar Electric Power Plant
NCC190844 - Highland Elementary School Access Improvements
NCC190846 - Panda Express
NCC190848 - Moorlands (LOTS 2,4,6,8,10,12)
NCC190852 - Design Center
NCC190856 - Carolina Furniture Concepts
NCC190858 - Toby's Place Subdivision
NCC190862 - Piedmont Natural Gas Line 449 Project
NCC190864 - Bost Custom Homes - Bay Leaf Farms
NCC190865 - Piedmont Natural Gas Line 448 Project
NCC190866 - Harris Plant - Erwin 230kV Line - Install Switch at Buies Creek Tap
NCC190868 - Merck DS-4
NCC190869 - NGIC Parking Lot
NCC190870 - Lakepointe Retail
NCC190871 - Sunset Grove Lot 4
NCC190872 - Panera Bread
NCC190875 - CCAC Building Solutions
NCC190876 - A.L. Brown High School Cannon Field Renovation
NCC190877 - Byrd Tract Lot Clearing and Grubbing
NCC190878 - MacTavish-Ph 3 (Lots 15-17, 19, 20)
NCC190879 - Stonewater S/D Phase 4, Lot 128
NCC190880 - Stonewater S/D Phase 4, Lot 118
NCC190881 - Chapel Ridge Lot 443
NCC190882 - Greenwood Cliff Temporary Parking Lot
NCC190883 - Concord Dollar General #20542
NCC190884 - QuikTrip #1087
NCC190885 - New Hotworking Expansion
NCC190887 - West and East Salisbury Street Improvements
NCC190888 - Summerwood Lots 5-12, 143-155
NCC190890 - Riverbend Grading and E&SC Plan for Final Closure - Additional Area
NCC190891 - West Brunswick High School Field Upgrade
NCC190892 - Regency at Flowers Plantation
NCC190893 - Westfall Lot 70
NCC190895 - Eagle Chase Subdivision
NCC190897 - PNG - Ramseur Laydown Yard
NCC190899 - Shore Front RV Park
NCC190901 - Pleasant Garden Road 12" Looping Project (Line 330 Ext)
NCC190904 - 4121 The Knolls Close
NCC190906 - White Oak Grove
NCC190907 - Distribution Center Drive Warehouse Mass Grading Plans
NCC190908 - Bridgestone-Wilson Warehouse Expansion
NCC190910 - Montreaux Lot 24
NCC190911 - Dermatology Clininc of the Carolinas
NCC190916 - NC Hwy 55 Self-Storage Center
NCC190918 - Cedar Mountain; Tuscan Group
NCC190920 - Rivergate Greene Limited Parternship
NCC190924 - Windfall Lots 63, 34 and 42
NCC190926 - Lane Dental Plaza Phase 1
NCC190927 - Dollar General Dudley
NCC190928 - Buffaloe Grove
NCC190929 - Lots 10 and 11 Mason spring acres
NCC190934 - Bent Tree Phase 2 & 3
NCC190936 - Bedford-Tipton
NCC190942 - Holden Creek Preserve (Lots 44-46,50-52,55-56,68-76,79)
NCC190943 - Harris Teeter Fuel # 139- Colours
NCC190944 - Peartree West, Section One, Part Two-Lots 45 & 124
NCC190945 - Person County ABC Store
NCC190946 - Green Commons of Asheville
NCC190947 - Sunset Grove Lot 38
NCC190948 - Quail Hollow Club - Site Improvements
NCC190949 - Swans Creek Phase One Lot 11
NCC190952 - New Hill (62068) High Pressure Main
NCC190953 - Wynne Brook Lot 7
NCC190956 - Erosion Control for Morganton Park West
NCC190958 - Chapel Ridge - Lot 259
NCC190959 - Summerfield Ridge
NCC190960 - Cypress Lakes Village-Section 10 (Lot 328)
NCC190962 - R.L. Pullen Building
NCC190963 - Northern Lights
NCC190966 - Vogler Funeral & Cremation Services At Forsyth Memorial Park
NCC190967 - South Brunswick High School Field Upgrade
NCC190970 - Redhawk Landing
NCC190971 - The Preserve at Stone Ridge
NCC190976 - Panther Creek Subdivision (Wake County Side)
NCC190980 - Highway 258 Commercial Tract
NCC190981 - RiverLights Age Qualified Phase 2 & 3 Lots 233-234, 278, 283-284, 310, 329 & 352
NCC190986 - Shopton Road Apartments - Full Approval
NCC190989 - Duke Energy Castle Hayne Replace Switch 22
NCC190990 - Atlantic Coast South(ACA- Rutherford County)
NCC190991 - Panther Creek Subdivision (Johnston County)
NCC190994 - Bunn Dump Debris and Lead-Affected Soil Removal
NCC190995 - Warren Wilson Stream Mitigation Site (ERO2019-00039)
NCC190997 - Echo Farms Park
NCC190999 - Youngblood Apartments
NCC191000 - Greystone Farms Section Five, Part Two - Lot 197
NCC191005 - Brookshire Park Stream Restoration
NCC191006 - Royal Creek
NCC191007 - Fayetteville Annexation Ph V Construction Project IX Area 23 Wells Place Subd
NCC191008 - Peaceful Place
NCC191009 - Westpoint Lot 6
NCC191010 - 7800 Tuckaseegee Road - Warehouse
NCC191011 - Spanish for Fun
NCC191014 - Jacksonville Commons Parks Maintenance Facility Addition - Phase 1
NCC191015 - Renovations to Johnson Brothers-Mutual Distributing
NCC191017 - Harrisburg-Unimeck Transmission Line Removal
NCC191018 - Dooley 230kV Relocation
NCC191019 - Pegram Landing Apartments
NCC191021 - 115 Sollitaire Dr
NCC191022 - I-85 North Bridge Charlotte 100kV Relocation
NCC191023 - Freeman Subdivision - Phase 1
NCC191024 - Sanderson Farms Freezer Addition
NCC191026 - Johnson Residence
NCC191028 - Gordon Park Phase 3 Lots # 28-33
NCC191029 - Knolls at the Neuse - Lots 50,51,57,69-74,86-95
NCC191031 - Richmond Hills
NCC191032 - Crossroads Truck Center
NCC191033 - Theys Mill, Lots 1-76
NCC191036 - Briar Chapel - Phase 14
NCC191040 - U-6057 Connector Road-Morganton, NC
NCC191041 - Moorlands Reserve Lot 2
NCC191042 - Gordon Park Phase 3 Lots # 34-35 & 111-117
NCC191043 - Wake Forest Goldston
NCC191046 - PTX Commercial
NCC191047 - Legacy at Jordan Lake Lot 80
NCC191049 - Stonewater S/D Phase 4, Lot 120
NCC191050 - Stonegate Section 4 - Phase 1 - Lot 318
NCC191051 - Belmont Farms - Lots 44-45
NCC191052 - Oak Park Erosion Control
NCC191054 - The Legacy Phase 4A – M/I Homes
NCC191056 - Holt Road to Davis Drive Water Line Connection Project
NCC191060 - Papillion Park Ph 2 Lots
NCC191062 - Line 451 - Duke Marshall Steam Plant OPP Station (Express)
NCC191063 - 1759 nc hwy 62
NCC191067 - Lake Toxaway Country Club
NCC191068 - Stonecrest Lots 7 & 46
NCC191073 - Hyde Park
NCC191074 - Duck Thru Pinetops - Highway 42/43
NCC191076 - Shamrock Valley Phase 3
NCC191078 - NASCAR Site - Corporate Hangar Site Development
NCC191079 - Hanover Reserve Phase III Lot 67
NCC191082 - Lot 2 Tartan Farm (#398550)
NCC191083 - Wellesley Phase 3
NCC191084 - P-235 Flightline Utility Modernization
NCC191085 - Beach Club Imrpovements Phase 1
NCC191086 - Carrington Square - Parcel 2
NCC191090 - North Carolina School of Science and Math - Western Campus
NCC191093 - FB-PN79443 Human Performance Training Center
NCC191094 - Courtyards at Harmon Mill
NCC191095 - Walmart Supercenter Improvements, Store #7179-000 - Swansboro [Express]
NCC191096 - Davidson County Courthouse Addition
NCC191099 - Meadow Woods
NCC191102 - Forrest @ Flowers Plantation
NCC191104 - Hanover Reserve Phase III Lot 109
NCC191105 - Chestnut Solar Substation
NCC191111 - RCCIII (formerly RCC 260K)
NCC191112 - Hidden Hills
NCC191114 - 828 North
NCC191115 - Green Level Market - Green Level West
NCC191117 - Bittle Creek
NCC191118 - Delta Place Apartments
NCC191120 - RCCIII (formerly RCC 260K)
NCC191121 - Riverwood Athletic Club Tract B3
NCC191122 - Creekside at Bethpage Phase 5
NCC191123 - Nucor Steel Hertford - Shipping Trailer Parking Area
NCC191126 - Northridge Phase 4
NCC191127 - Blackbridge Subdivision Phase Two Lot 14
NCC191129 - Harnett County Government Resource Center and Library
NCC191132 - Tulls Cove-Westfall Homes Inc.
NCC191134 - Piedmont Paving
NCC191136 - 213 West, Weddings and Events
NCC191137 - Tanager Holdings, LLC
NCC191139 - Livent Temporary Facilities
NCC191140 - Blackbridge Subdivision Phase Two Lots 10 and 18
NCC191142 - Highcroft Phase Two-Part Three Lots 31,49 and 50
NCC191144 - FOREST OAKS - PH 4, LOTS 214 & 215
NCC191145 - Duke Patton Avenue 115kV Substation
NCC191146 - Parkway Meadows Phase One-Lot 5 MOORE-2019-055
NCC191153 - FOREST OAKS - PH 4, LOTS 234 & 235
NCC191155 - Dollar General - Providence #20712
NCC191158 - Front Street Greenway
NCC191159 - Home2 Belmont
NCC191165 - Tryon Hills
NCC191166 - Blackbridge Subdivision Phase Two Lot 11
NCC191170 - Dollar General - Linwood #20827
NCC191172 - Dillon Lakes
NCC191173 - Triangle Stop - Penrose, NC
NCC191176 - O'Mara Landscaping
NCC191179 - Alpha Value Solar
NCC191185 - Yardley Lots 1-21
NCC191186 - FMS 2nd Addition
NCC191188 - Dollar General - Beulah #20776
NCC191189 - Ocean Isle Beach Town Park
NCC191190 - Mason Pointe Subdivision - Phase 2
NCC191193 - Brookwood Phase 1A-Lots 8,9,15 and 16
NCC191194 - FB-PN 79443 Human Performance Training Center
NCC191195 - Lithium Hydroxide Expansion Project
NCC191197 - Stonewater S/D Phase 4, Lots 142 & 145
NCC191198 - Kenwood Subdivision Lots 17,24,27 and 28
NCC191199 - Carlton Pointe S/D Lots 64,65,84,138,148
NCC191202 - Dominion Energy T-18B (Phase 2) Pipeline Project
NCC191203 - Olde Wendell S/D Lots 15,16,17,18,19,26,27,& 28
NCC191208 - Duke Cabin Creek Line Abandonment
NCC191212 - Forsyth County Parking Deck
NCC191213 - Commercial Development University City Blvd
NCC191219 - Underwood PV1 Solar Power Plant
NCC191220 - Ordonez home
NCC191221 - Barrington Place
NCC191226 - The Preserve
NCC191227 - Woodfield Cove Apartments
NCC191228 - Integrated DNA Technologies
NCC191229 - Bitting Office Development
NCC191230 - Parkstone Place
NCC191231 - Jackson Manor Lot 2
NCC191232 - Arabia Bay Site
NCC191233 - Willoughby lot 44
NCC191234 - Mill Creek - Southern Development Group, Inc.
NCC191235 - Borgin Properties, LLC
NCC191238 - Meherrin Agricultural & Chemical Company
NCC191240 - Chapel Ridge: Reese Construction home building activities
NCC191241 - My Place Hotel
NCC191242 - Perry Farms Lot 70
NCC191244 - Gamble Solar, LLC
NCC191245 - Fearrington Acres
NCC191246 - Henry River View Subdivision
NCC191247 - Holding Village lot 301
NCC191250 - Timber Hollow Subdivision
NCC191251 - Runnymede - Myers Park
NCC191254 - Westinghouse Downs Commerce Park - Lot 2
NCC191255 - Williams Printing, Inc.
NCC191257 - Sugar Creek C-Store
NCC191258 - Conrad Farms Lots (DR Horton)
NCC191259 - ADUSA DC-9 Freezer Expansion
NCC191260 - Maple Street/Merritt Street Water Improvemenets
NCC191261 - Craggy Park Phase 2
NCC191265 - Cardinal Charter Academy
NCC191267 - Duke Energy Progress - Hallsboro Distribution Line
NCC191268 - WNC Resort Properties, LLC (Etowah Townhomes)
NCC191270 - Ethan’s Meadow Lots (21-28, 31-34, & 36)
NCC191271 - Cultural Center Lake Dam Repair
NCC191273 - Westin Brier Creek Town Center
NCC191275 - Appling Way
NCC191276 - Cape Hatteras Ec Transmission Structure No. 691
NCC191277 - Eugene Street Parking Structure
NCC191279 - Tanfield Subdivision Extension
NCC191281 - McClure's Bog Hydrologic Restoration
NCC191282 - Star Storage World Expansion
NCC191283 - Morris Walker Site
NCC191284 - Lot 43 Sunset grove
NCC191286 - Aldi
NCC191287 - Dollar General Lexington
NCC191288 - Wendell Falls Subdivision Multi Lot 800s-900s
NCC191290 - GHA-Farm
NCC191293 - Morehead Wildwood-Harlowe 115kV Line Loop into Harlowe Substation
NCC191294 - Perry Farms Lot 66
NCC191295 - Advent Health Care Office
NCC191298 - American Legion Memorial Stadium
NCC191299 - Pinebridge
NCC191301 - Lutheran Retirement Center - Wilmington, Inc. dba Trinity Landing
NCC191302 - Green Recycling Solutions
NCC191305 - Arcadia Lot 3
NCC191307 - Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
NCC191309 - Anson County - Perimeter and Wildlife Fence
NCC191310 - Old Hickory Storage
NCC191312 - Perry Farms Lots 7, 9, 65 & 73
NCC191313 - Carolina Gardens Phases 1-5
NCC191314 - South Hills Subdivision Lots 1-17
NCC191315 - Branston Farms
NCC191316 - Longview (Lots 11-53)
NCC191318 - Seaforth Landing (Lot 5)
NCC191319 - San Marino Phase 1-2 Lots 1-2; 7-58; 63-65; 86-89; 95-97; 244-246
NCC191320 - Luna Ridge
NCC191321 - Sherrills Ford Dental Office & Drive Thru Restaurant
NCC191325 - Century Fields - Cricket Field
NCC191330 - Dollar General #20632
NCC191332 - Cypress Lakes Village,Section 10-Lot327 & Gardens at Cypress Lakes Village,phase
NCC191333 - Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminal
NCC191337 - Brookberry Farms - Rosewind Lots
NCC191338 - Atrium Providence rd. FSED
NCC191343 - Lot #13 Narrow Passage Subdivision
NCC191344 - Wallace 230kV Substation - Permanent Flood Mitigation
NCC191347 - Heritage Vet Clinic
NCC191348 - Lots 1A, 1B, and 1C in the William & Megumi Holley Subdivision
NCC191349 - Marvin Gardens
NCC191350 - Lot #24 - Narrow Passage Subdivision (#398989)
NCC191352 - Catbird Site
NCC191353 - One Norman
NCC191354 - Prospect Speedwell
NCC191356 - McDonalds Rebuild - Mt. Holly
NCC191357 - Meadowbrook Ph 2
NCC191359 - Baileys at Glenmoor lot 1
NCC191360 - Stonewater Phase 4
NCC191365 - Henson Road List Station
NCC191366 - WFBH- Cloverdale Temp. Parking
NCC191368 - Hwy 158 PV1 Solar Power Plant
NCC191373 - Stonewater S/D Phase 4, Lots 119 & 127
NCC191375 - Denver ABC Store
NCC191380 - Ziehl-Abegg Expansion
NCC191381 - Charlotte Fire Station #43
NCC191382 - Long Creek Greenway and Stream Rehabilitation (I-77 to Treyburn)
NCC191383 - Switchyard Expansion
NCC191384 - Raleigh State Veterans Home
NCC191388 - Lakefront Ridge Subdivision
NCC191389 - Judd Reserve Phase 2-CCH Multi Lots
NCC191390 - Garner Business Park - US 70
NCC191394 - Verona Subdivision
NCC191398 - Treelight Multifamily at Wendell Falls
NCC191399 - Holly Bluffs - Upton & Co.
NCC191400 - Camberly 54
NCC191401 - Chateau Phase 6
NCC191402 - 1312 N Patterson Ave
NCC191404 - Block 83
NCC191409 - Forest Oaks - Phase 4, Lot 286 & 289
NCC191410 - CSX Charlotte - Truck Staging Lot Expansion
NCC191412 - Baker Roofing Site Expansion
NCC191414 - Lot #24 - Narrow Passage Subdivision
NCC191416 - Caswell Beach Feeder Project
NCC191417 - Meadow Ridge, Phase 2-Lot 64, Phase 4 Lots 97-99, 101, 102 & 115-117
NCC191418 - Macomb Water R&R
NCC191419 - Atrium Health Pineville Parking Deck
NCC191420 - 5978 WEANT RD.
NCC191422 - Anderson Creek Club (South)-The Academy, Section 2C Lots 1119-1121 & 1127
NCC191425 - Coscom Water R&R Phase 2
NCC191426 - The Highlands at Bedford Phase 3-Lots 122-125,131,133,135,137,138,142-144,148-15
NCC191427 - Tulls Cove Lot 61. 2105 Cove Ct.
NCC191428 - Parkway Meadows Phase One - Lot 21
NCC191430 - North Fayetteville Force Main Phase 2 - Section E
NCC191432 - Willoughby lot 52
NCC191433 - Block 83 Parking Deck
NCC191434 - Peartree West, Section One, Part Two - Lots 109, 120, 121, 128 & 129
NCC191435 - Blackbridge Subdivision Phase Two Lots 12, 34 & 35
NCC191438 - Goose Creek
NCC191440 - Stanly County EMS
NCC191441 - The Manors at Lexington Plantation, Part 2C lots 665-669 & 673
NCC191442 - Premier Stores, Inc
NCC191443 - High Hampton - Chimney Top Phase 1
NCC191444 - Soil Stockpile Removal Volvo North America
NCC191456 - 200 Aldridge rd
NCC191457 - Cama Road Apartments
NCC191458 - Fayetteville BMX Skate Park At Rowan Park
NCC191461 - 2317 Thrift Rd
NCC191465 - Eastgate 540 - Building #5
NCC191467 - Tamworth Holdings, LLC
NCC191472 - Arlington Manor Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,and 16
NCC191473 - East Coast Oxygen and Hydro
NCC191474 - Roxboro Off-Site Borrow Source Charac.- Geotech. Invest. E&SC
NCC191476 - Roslin Farms West, Section 4, Part 2 - Lots 18, 26, 30 & 34
NCC191480 - Union Bethel, Phase II
NCC191481 - Old NC Hwy 20 Subdivision
NCC191485 - Caswell Beach Feeder Project
NCC191487 - Durham Technical Community College
NCC191489 - Ocean Isle Beach Town Park
NCC191490 - The Retreat at Lake Michael
NCC191491 - Grantham Subdivision 2nd
NCC191493 - Troutman Industrial Park
NCC191500 - Easton Elementary School
NCC191502 - Wakefield Trail Repaving Project
NCC191503 - Lower Poplar Creek Interceptor
NCC191504 - Glenmere Phase 1a
NCC191507 - Dollar General Tyner
NCC191508 - Chapel Ridge Lot 453
NCC191509 - Peartree West, Section One, Part Two-Lot 125
NCC191510 - Shieldwall Farm Solar Electric Power Plant
NCC191511 - Unicon Drive Mass Grading
NCC191512 - Lot 7 Jackson Manor Subdivison
NCC191513 - Lexington Starbucks
NCC191514 - New Hanover County Health & Human Services Facility
NCC191515 - 5968 WEANT RD
NCC191516 - Needham Animal Hospital Expansion
NCC191517 - Rehabilitaiton of the Cross Creek Outfall - Blue St to Gale St
NCC191518 - Pendleton phase 3
NCC191521 - K8 North Language Immersion School
NCC191529 - Holiday Inn Express-Kernersville
NCC191531 - Turnberry, Section Two, Part Two-Lot 190
NCC191537 - Lot 38 Camberly
NCC191538 - Louisburg High School Athletic Complex
NCC191540 - Avalaire Lot 41
NCC191543 - Lemmond Farm
NCC191548 - Trinity Creek Phase 3B
NCC191550 - Grantham phase Ryan Homes (140-142,207-209,216-222)
NCC191551 - Trinity Creek Phase 3C
NCC191552 - West Albemarle Substation
NCC191556 - Cottage Green Subdivision
NCC191557 - Hoke County Cooperative Extension Office Building
NCC191563 - Avalaire Lots 57,72,82,91
NCC191564 - Runway 24 Clearing
NCC191566 - 7-Eleven Convinence Store, Cambridge Village Lot 1
NCC191567 - Birchtree Circle - Carolina Meadows
NCC191569 - Tractor Supply Co. - Reidsville, NC
NCC191570 - Faraday Solar Power Plant
NCC191571 - Windfall Lot 62
NCC191572 - The Waterfront at Langtree
NCC191574 - RiverLights Age Qualified Phase 1 Lots 62 & 140
NCC191575 - Suffolk-Swamp-Winfall 230 kV Rebuild, Swamp-Winfall Phase
NCC191576 - Piedmont-Marshall Interconnection
NCC191577 - Stonewater lots 208
NCC191578 - State Employees' Credit Union Brier Creek Branch
NCC191582 - Quail Glen Phase 5
NCC191585 - Camberly Lot 12
NCC191588 - Meadow Ridge Subdivision, Phase 4 - Lots 96, 100, 103-114 & 118
NCC191591 - Ashberry Phase 1C - Long Mill Road Widening
NCC191594 - Waterleaf Subdivision Lot 15 Grading
NCC191596 - Southeastern Freight Addition
NCC191597 - The Bellamy at WCU
NCC191598 - Line 451 - Duke Marshall Steam Plant Pipeline (Express)
NCC191600 - 108 lockhart
NCC191601 - Independence Mall Redevelopment
NCC191605 - Trinity Creek Phase 3A
NCC191608 - Knott's Landing
NCC191610 - University City Station Apartments
NCC191612 - GE Aviation Parking Lot Expansion
NCC191613 - Camberly Phase 1a
NCC191614 - Redeemed Baptist Church
NCC191615 - Robeson LNG Facility - Phase 2
NCC191616 - Wendell Falls Phase 5E Capitol City Homes
NCC191617 - Wendell Falls Phase 5F-902-917
NCC191619 - Kenwood Subdivision Lots 42 and 43
NCC191621 - Sanctuary at Yates Mill Lot 21
NCC191622 - Project Wavy
NCC191625 - Company Box Addition
NCC191627 - Adams Vineyard Subdivision
NCC191628 - Walkertown Mavis
NCC191630 - Line 451 - Duke Marshall Steam Plant Pipeline (Express)
NCC191631 - Christ Covenant Church Expansion
NCC191634 - Montreux Lot 23
NCC191636 - Ashberry Village Phase 1C
NCC191638 - Riverlights Lots 358 & 361
NCC191640 - Lot Clearing Plan for Lot 122 at Anderson Creek Crossing, Ph 8, Sec 2A
NCC191641 - Mundy Road Duplexes II
NCC191643 - Mint Hill Village
NCC191647 - Woodlief Subdivision - Phase 1
NCC191648 - Sanctuary at Yates Mill Lot 12
NCC191651 - Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant - Access Road
NCC191652 - City Contract City of Hickory Riverwalk
NCC191655 - Camberly 54
NCC191660 - Northlake West
NCC191663 - Dollar General Columbia
NCC191664 - Meadows of Banks
NCC191665 - PNG - Thomas Road Extension
NCC191667 - Dollar General Ernul
NCC191668 - QuikTrip 1010
NCC191669 - Highlands Expansion
NCC191671 - Vue Hotel & Suites
NCC191672 - 126 Mock Road
NCC191673 - The Villages of Reedy Fork phase 4 section 3M
NCC191675 - Lot Clearing Plan for Lot 121 at Anderson Creek Crossing, Ph 8, Sec 2A
NCC191679 - Emerald Park - Bill Clark Homes of Greenville
NCC191680 - Magnolia Creek Lots 62-67 and Lots 126-127
NCC191681 - Olde Mill Trace Additional Lots
NCC191683 - Olde Mill Trace Phase 2
NCC191685 - Harrisburg Park - Phase 1
NCC191687 - North Park Pool Upgrades
NCC191689 - Woodland Springs
NCC191690 - Holcomb Woods phase 2-CABAR-2020-011(188,211-219,225-228,250-267,274-284 & 364-3
NCC191691 - Cape Fear Beneficial Ash
NCC191692 - 4405 (4403) Richmond Close
NCC191694 - Glad Acres- Phase 1
NCC191702 - Taylor Residence
NCC191703 - Newton Creek
NCC191704 - Bennett Village Apartments
NCC191705 - Interstate Foam & Supply
NCC191706 - Summers Walk Phase 5
NCC191708 - 12115 Downs Road
NCC191710 - Charlotte Inland Terminal Pavement Replacement
NCC191712 - Holcomb Woods phase 1(37-46 Express Review) CABAR-2019-104
NCC191716 - Mallard Pointe multifamily
NCC191717 - Lynndale East Subdivision/Meridian Design/Build of NC LLC
NCC191718 - Brown-Grier Road Roadway Improvements
NCC191719 - Chick-fil-A @ 3101 N. Main St., Hope Mills, NC
NCC191720 - Yonkers Road Improvements
NCC191724 - Lake Johnson Trail Repairs and Improvements
NCC191725 - Bridgeberry Recreation Site
NCC191726 - Sentry Self Storage
NCC191730 - 309 Navajo Drive
NCC191731 - Pringle Square Phase 1 (AKA Pringle Square)
NCC191732 - Gastonia FUSE Complex
NCC191734 - Optima TH Alternative Gas
NCC191736 - TLC Auto Wash Site Modifications and Addition
NCC191737 - West Albemarle DP: Line 2131
NCC191740 - Cool Springs - Hathaway Shield Wire Replacement
NCC191741 - Catheys Creek WTP Intake Rehab/Stream Restoration
NCC191745 - City of Whiteville - Phase 1 - Mollies Branch Sewer Improvements
NCC191746 - Summit Pointe - DR Horton Lots
NCC191751 - The Gardens at Cypress Lakes Village, Phase 3 - Lot 380
NCC191752 - Creekwood Farms - Lots 8,11,33,34,41 & 42
NCC191753 - Seaforth Landing Lot 4, 5 & 32
NCC191754 - Cadence at Town Center
NCC191755 - Greenheck Shelby AP
NCC191757 - Blakefield, Phase 4 - Lot 87, Phase 5 - Lot 72
NCC191758 - Burnsville Substation
NCC191759 - Knightdale Medical Office Building
NCC191761 - Sharonbrook Townhomes
NCC191763 - Brockton Drive Lake and Dam Project - Phase 2
NCC191764 - Langdon Chase
NCC191767 - New Church Facility for Kingdom Covenant Ministries
NCC191769 - Wrenn Farm Residential
NCC191770 - Eastern Roseburg Office
NCC191773 - Osborne Baptist Church Parking Lot Addition
NCC191778 - Center City MOB - Phase III
NCC191779 - Cedar Ridge at Steele Creek
NCC191780 - Cubera Solar LLC
NCC191784 - Avery Co Airprt-Apron Exp/Partial Parallel Taxiwy
NCC191785 - Summers Walk Phase 3A
NCC191787 - Padgettown Rd Subdivision
NCC191788 - 7-Eleven Denver
NCC191789 - Hooper's Creek Storage (Expansion)
NCC191791 - Elm Lane Townhomes
NCC191798 - Lift Stations 53, 80, 148
NCC191800 - Dan and Sue Myers - Pond Addition
NCC191806 - Shurtape Technologies
NCC191807 - Chapel Ridge Lot 277
NCC191809 - Sanctuary at Yates Mill Subdivision Lot 1
NCC191811 - CMPD South Station
NCC191813 - Circle K (Freedom Dr)
NCC191814 - Dollar General # 20342
NCC191817 - Portofino 11
NCC191818 - Stonewater Lot 143
NCC191819 - Riley Meadow
NCC191820 - Tolar Borrow Pit
NCC191824 - The Vineyards at Tuscany, Phase 3
NCC191825 - Willoughby lot 51
NCC191826 - New Hill (62068) High Pressure Main Laydown Yard
NCC191828 - Cloud and Banner Mitigation Site
NCC191831 - Hasentree Ph 9 Davidson Homes Owned Lots
NCC191834 - Resource Square Site B Office
NCC191837 - East Sunrise Storage
NCC191838 - Dollar General Greenville (Bell Arthur)
NCC191840 - Lawndale Office Building
NCC191842 - Geneva Offsite Sewer
NCC191846 - Johnston County Airport FBO Site Development
NCC191847 - Olde Wendell S/D Lots 24 & 25
NCC191849 - Barton College Athletic Stadium
NCC191851 - Peace St. Streetscape
NCC191852 - O'Reilly Auto Parts - Wingate, NC
NCC191853 - McKee Pond
NCC191854 - Doosan Parking Expansion
NCC191855 - Compass Datacenters
NCC191856 - PNG - Moore Farm Extension
NCC191858 - Woodfin
NCC191860 - YADKI-2019-011 E Main St to Service Rd
NCC191862 - Geneva
NCC191868 - Heather Glen Subdivision Lot 17
NCC191870 - Collybrooke - DR Horton Lots
NCC191871 - Arlington Manor Lots 1,2,3,4,5,12,13,17,18,19,and 20
NCC191876 - NHM - Parrott Property
NCC191877 - WIN N Graham St
NCC191879 - Cross Creek Bank Stabilization
NCC191883 - Seabrooke Phase 3
NCC191884 - Panera Bread Shell
NCC191885 - Friendship Crossing Multi Lot-2,4,6,8,12,14,16,24
NCC191886 - Givens Estates Friendship Park
NCC191889 - Avalaire Lots 89 & 90
NCC191890 - Westfall Lot 113
NCC191891 - Uwharrie Trail Apartments
NCC191895 - Byers Creek
NCC191898 - Carmax - Jacksonville
NCC191899 - San Marino, Phase 3
NCC191900 - Stewarts Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration
NCC191904 - Sampson County Water Main Extension
NCC191907 - Wells and West Frito Lay
NCC191908 - Wells and West Frito Lay
NCC191909 - Palisades Phase 3
NCC191910 - Stop N Go #5
NCC191911 - Villa Heights Duplexes 2,4,5-8
NCC191914 - ESA Four Oaks 2 NC, LLC
NCC191916 - Wilmington Eye at Scotts Hill Medical Park
NCC191918 - Blanchard at Carmel
NCC191919 - Hendersonville Panera Bread
NCC191922 - Lots 3-5, 24,&26-28 @ Westshore-DW HOmes
NCC191924 - Park Place, Phase Two-Lots 40, 43 & 44
NCC191927 - Mockingbird and Scout Sites
NCC191928 - Adeline Meadows
NCC191929 - Peartree West, Section One, Part Two-Lots 105 & 112
NCC191931 - Restaurant/Retail Development
NCC191933 - Special Event Services
NCC191934 - Custom Extrusion
NCC191937 - Grassy Creek Stream Restoration
NCC191939 - Eastern Pines Fire-Rescue
NCC191941 - Mill Creek Stream Restoration and Access Road
NCC191942 - Anderson Creek Crossing, Phase 8, Section 2C-Lots 12, 13, 42 & 43
NCC191943 - O'Reilly's S. Tryon Street
NCC191944 - Dollar General-Zirconia, NC
NCC191945 - Sanctuary at Yates Mill Subdivision Lots 5 & 10
NCC191947 - Pecan Grove South Apartments
NCC191949 - Peak City Business Park; Building 7 and 8
NCC191950 - Jim Johnson Road Waterline
NCC191952 - Tryon Road Part C Widening
NCC191954 - The Manors at Lexington Plantation-Part2C Lot 671
NCC191956 - Rockingham Resource Center Pond Remediation
NCC191957 - Northern Regional RecreationCenter(NRRC)
NCC191959 - Hendersonville Multi-Area Streambank Restoration
NCC191960 - Stoneridge Estates
NCC191961 - Camden Park Phase 2
NCC191962 - Ashcroft Village-Grace Construction Inc.
NCC191965 - Southern Pines Warrior Woods Sewer Lift Station
NCC191968 - The Village at Folkstone
NCC191969 - Odom Boating Access and Road
NCC191971 - Four County Electric Membership Corporation-Rose Hill
NCC191973 - Town of Biscoe Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation
NCC191974 - Incubator 6
NCC191978 - Salice HQ Addition and Renovation
NCC191980 - Wynne Brooke
NCC191981 - Orange County Northern Campus
NCC191982 - Glenn Willow II
NCC191983 - Woodies Automotive
NCC191984 - Four County Electric Membership Corporation-Elizabethtown
NCC191986 - Magnolia Park
NCC191987 - BCBSNC Building 100 Site Improvements
NCC191991 - Fairfield Park Apartments
NCC191992 - Lewis Walton Heirs Subd Lot 4
NCC191995 - Lee Walker Heights
NCC191998 - Fern Solar Facility
NCC191999 - Duke University Legacy Utility Enabling
NCC192002 - Academy Pointe Phases 3 & 4
NCC192004 - 893 East St. Retail
NCC192006 - Runway 5-23,Taxiway and Apron Pavement Rehabilitation
NCC192007 - Perry Farms Lots 15, 17, 71
NCC192008 - River Route 23kV Feeder Rebuild
NCC192009 - Rivercross Mass Grading
NCC192011 - Ivey Redmon Sports Complex Field Upgrade
NCC192012 - Rivercross Offsite Roadway Improvements
NCC192013 - Laurinburg-Richmond 230kV Line-City of Laurinburg New POD
NCC192014 - Ashe County Middle School
NCC192016 - Fort Bragg Federal Credit Union
NCC192020 - Stoneville Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation
NCC192024 - Cypress Lakes Village Section 10 - Lots 279, 280 & 321
NCC192025 - Meadow Bluffs Phases 3-7
NCC192027 - The Square Early Grading
NCC192029 - BB&T Leadership Institute Parking Lot
NCC192031 - The Gardens at Cypress Lakes Vilage Ph 3-Lots 387,388,389,438,444
NCC192032 - Connector Road / Highway 21 Watermain Installation
NCC192034 - Bee Safe Storage and Wine Cellar
NCC192040 - Sams Branch Greenway Phase II
NCC192041 - City of Monroe Natural Gas Marshville Expansion - Edwards Wood Products
NCC192042 - Reflection Pointe
NCC192043 - Pringle Square Apartments
NCC192045 - Trenton Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.
NCC192046 - Everett's Creek East
NCC192051 - The Villages of Reedy Fork 7 & 8 - DR Horton Lots (Nokota)
NCC192052 - Sierra Heights Phase IV Lots 45-49, 95-108, 139-145, 152-165
NCC192053 - CF&T Construction LLC
NCC192055 - Glenmere Subdivision Lot 82
NCC192056 - Pleasant Hills Subdivision E&S Plan
NCC192061 - 1101 marco drive
NCC192064 - John Deere – Turf Care Storage Yard Erosion Control Plan Approval
NCC192065 - Planters Green Subdivision
NCC192066 - The Village at Westpointe
NCC192067 - Beltway Logistic
NCC192068 - Crossroads Rescue Mission
NCC192070 - John Deere Parking Lot Expansion
NCC192072 - Waite Home
NCC192074 - FSC Asphalt Plant - Benson NC
NCC192078 - Shoppes at Biltmore
NCC192083 - Cameron Village Apartments
NCC192084 - Brook Hollow Duplex
NCC192086 - Arabia Rd& McGougan Rd, Subdivision- Lots5-9
NCC192091 - Holly Springs Self Storage
NCC192092 - Riverwallk Phase 3
NCC192094 - Madison Park
NCC192095 - Wilgrove Pond
NCC192096 - 4416 Richmond
NCC192097 - Jacksonville Station
NCC192098 - Laurel Ridge Phase 1B
NCC192100 - Cedar Creek (Clearing Only) Express Review
NCC192103 - Brandywine Drive and Brook Valley Court
NCC192109 - Hawkins Walk
NCC192110 - Charlotte Ridge Road
NCC192112 - US-70 Mebane Gas Pipeline Extension
NCC192113 - Fieldstream-Southern Development Group, Inc.
NCC192115 - Sycamore Place
NCC192116 - Banner Elk Mini Storage Development
NCC192120 - Legend Oaks Lots 4&5
NCC192121 - Burnsville Substation (AMENDMENT)
NCC192123 - 301 Hillsborough
NCC192124 - Dunbarton Stream Restoration Project
NCC192127 - Birkdale Landing
NCC192128 - Town of Beech Mountain New Public Works Facilities
NCC192130 - Project Wolverine
NCC192133 - SIHS Tennis Courts
NCC192134 - Phillips Place Phase I RTAP
NCC192136 - Steeplechase
NCC192138 - CLT Entry Monument
NCC192139 - Destination Church of God
NCC192140 - Winston Subdivision
NCC192143 - Honeycutt Farm - Phases 7, 9, 10
NCC192144 - Unity Free Will Baptist Church Parking Lot Improvements
NCC192147 - Buncombe County East Asheville Library
NCC192148 - South Greenville Church of Christ
NCC192153 - Carros Property
NCC192158 - Austin Village Retail Center - Tract C
NCC192159 - Family Dollar
NCC192160 - Wilsonville Retail Center
NCC192163 - Angels Landing
NCC192164 - Biogen Grading (Temporary Parking Lot)
NCC192165 - Forest Ridge Phase 4 Single Family Lots
NCC192166 - Weslayan College Indoor Tennis
NCC192168 - 5280 Frye St
NCC192169 - kingsfield townhomes phase 2
NCC192170 - Fire Flow Improvements and Water Main Replacement Phase 3
NCC192171 - Gilmore Terrace Apartments ( Sitework Improvements)
NCC192173 - 4001 Morris Field Drive Paving Improvements
NCC192179 - Autumn Oaks - Section 2 Phase 2
NCC192182 - TownePlace by Marriott
NCC192186 - FAA Mobile Asset Staging Area
NCC192187 - Carolina Specialty Care, LLC
NCC192188 - CMPD Independence Division
NCC192190 - Nucor - Building Addition for Shipping Building Expansion
NCC192191 - Highcroft Phase Two - Part Three Lots 52 and 53
NCC192193 - Regency at Heritage - Rolesville
NCC192196 - Honeycutt Farm Phase 11
NCC192200 - HF Lee Haul Road
NCC192201 - Cole Mill Road Gas Pipeline Extension
NCC192202 - Triangle Tyre
NCC192204 - Huntsburg Subdivision - Phase 3
NCC192208 - 48 Rosewood Ct
NCC192209 - Ashberry Village Phase 2
NCC192212 - Maple Street/Merritt Street Sewer Improvements
NCC192213 - 295 Lystra Preserve
NCC192214 - Bee Safe Storage
NCC192220 - Erwin Selma 230 kV Transmission Line Switch Installations and Access Roads
NCC192223 - Sherrill Place
NCC192226 - Heglar Road Substation
NCC192227 - QT 1011 Early Grading
NCC192228 - CLT Intermodal Early Grading
NCC192233 - American Builders West Star Industrial Park Lot 14
NCC192234 - East College Park - Carolina Cottage - all SF Lots
NCC192235 - The Commons at Bridgeport Phase Two Lots 41-55
NCC192237 - The Midlands at Bedford, Phase 3, Part 1 - Lots 28, 280 & 281
NCC192241 - Highcroft, Phase Two, Part 3 - Lots 22, 25, 28, 29 & 54-56
NCC192244 - Stump Sound Elementary School
NCC192247 - Georgetown Estates-Phase Two Lots 17, 33, 139, 146 & 152
NCC192248 - Fourth Creek 100kV DOT Relocation Project
NCC192249 - GASTO-2019-024 Stormwater Improvements Property Assessment (Holy Angels Side)
NCC192250 - Seven Lakes South - Lots 2051, 2052, 2067, 2071 & 2575
NCC192251 - Windsor Run Phase 1C
NCC192255 - Groves at Kanata Mills
NCC192257 - Haywood Crossing Subdivision
NCC192259 - Forest Oaks - Phase 5, Lots 287, 288 & 295
NCC192261 - Lakeshore Subdivision
NCC192262 - Oak Park Phases 2 and 4
NCC192265 - Hickory Mavis Discount Tire
NCC192267 - Culver's Restaurant
NCC192269 - bioMerieux Road Realigment Project
NCC192270 - AAA Car Wash 911 S. College Road
NCC192273 - Daphine Drive Subdivision
NCC192275 - East College Park - Unity Builders - all SF lots
NCC192276 - East College Park - CB Pugh - all SF Lots
NCC192277 - Oldfield
NCC192278 - Sam's Xpress Car Wash - Harrisburg
NCC192279 - Davis Furniture Industries
NCC192282 - Piney Green Rd
NCC192284 - Wegmans Food Market
NCC192285 - 350 Green Oaks Parkway
NCC192287 - White Buffalo Mitigation Site
NCC192288 - Plantation Branch Mitigation Site
NCC192289 - CMPD University Division Station
NCC192291 - Chapel Ridge Lot 131
NCC192293 - Forsyth County Clemmons Branch Library
NCC192296 - Chapel Ridge Lot 185
NCC192298 - Chapel Ridge Lot 635
NCC192299 - 981 Patton Cove Road
NCC192300 - US1440 Lincoln County Combustion Turbine Addition
NCC192301 - Crowne at 501
NCC192302 - Town of Apex Electric Operations Center
NCC192303 - Eagle Point Cottage Addition and Parking Expansion
NCC192308 - Pinehurst #7 - Interceptor Replacement
NCC192309 - CALD2-2020-002
NCC192314 - Salt Creek
NCC192318 - Vineyard Grove
NCC192325 - 4005 Meeting Way
NCC192334 - Cresswind Phase 7A
NCC192336 - Brandywine Drive
NCC192339 - McDonald's - Smith Crossing
NCC192340 - NOVA RTP
NCC192341 - Rhyne Estates
NCC192342 - Brightwood Farm Phase 5
NCC192345 - West Brunswick High School Parking Lot Refurbishment
NCC192347 - ISS & SHS Concessions/Toilet Buildings
NCC192348 - Dollar General - Norwood Store #21212
NCC192349 - Daiton Residence
NCC192350 - Woodleaf Dollar General #20477
NCC192354 - Loch Dornie Dredging, Site Enhancements, and River Stabilization
NCC192355 - Parks Residence
NCC192357 - Christenbury Dam Repair
NCC192358 - Herman Jones Lot 6
NCC192361 - splash n dash carwash
NCC192362 - Bluefield Medical Mass Grading
NCC192364 - Guilford County BHUC
NCC192369 - Reedy Branch Greenway Trail Sweetwater Subdivision
NCC192371 - SECU Clayton Branch
NCC192373 - Old Rocks Springs Cemetery Rd
NCC192374 - Barton College Stadium Parking-Whitehead Ave.
NCC192375 - B&B Country Inn, LLC - RV Park
NCC192376 - Wrights Crossing Phase II
NCC192377 - Ruff Solar, LLC
NCC192379 - Independence Imports Parking Lot Phase 2 - Civil Construction Documents
NCC192380 - Randolph County Jail Addition & Renovation
NCC192384 - Elevate Lake Norman
NCC192385 - Stonecrest At Norwood : Horizon
NCC192387 - Yadkin Valley Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Critcher Brothers Mitigation Site
NCC192388 - Orange County Southern Human Services Center Phase 1: Seymour Center Expansion
NCC192393 - Office Suites at The Park
NCC192394 - Cloverdale Apartments
NCC192397 - Cone Health MedCenter
NCC192399 - Lightbridge Academy @ Sweetwater
NCC192402 - Hanover Reserve Phase III Lots 71,72, 90-93,97, 99-101, 105, 106, 140
NCC192405 - Arlington Hills Subdivision
NCC192406 - Village Gate Apartments Ph II
NCC192408 - Johnson Auto Recycling
NCC192409 - Hendrick Northlake -P9
NCC192411 - Carraway Gardens at Tryon (Lots 1-51)
NCC192412 - La Foret Subdivision
NCC192416 - Park Apartments Phase 1A & 1B
NCC192417 - Willoughby lot 43
NCC192418 - Capital Subaru
NCC192419 - Complete 540 Loop - Colonial Area #5 (U.S. Hwy 401)
NCC192421 - Steeplegate - DR Horton Lots
NCC192423 - Ryan's Crossing
NCC192424 - Collins Ridge
NCC192425 - Youngblood Commercial Storage
NCC192426 - New South Bridge Phase 3
NCC192428 - Expand Terminal Apron- South
NCC192431 - Currituck Public Safety Support Building
NCC192432 - Bojangles Restaurant - Chocowinity
NCC192434 - Willoughby lot 68
NCC192436 - McKnight Mill Estates Phase 3
NCC192437 - Hector H. Henry Greenway - Riverwalk
NCC192439 - Currituck Public Safety Center
NCC192441 - South Charlotte Transfer Station
NCC192445 - 160 Brook Creek Drive
NCC192447 - Quality Plus - Watauga
NCC192449 - Mackeys to Creswell Transmission Line Rebuild Project (TL 101)
NCC192455 - Westmoreland Place
NCC192456 - Townes at Carlton Pointe
NCC192457 - Grindstone Place
NCC192458 - Blewett Falls Lake Hydroelectric Station - Spillway Modifications
NCC192459 - Robinhood Village Storage
NCC192461 - Deaton Fleet Solutions
NCC192463 - Dollar General Salisbury Store #21350
NCC192465 - The Courtyards on Lawyers Road
NCC192467 - Corolla Landing Phase 1
NCC192468 - Chatham Park Section 5.1 The Cottages-1
NCC192470 - Lowe's Hangar
NCC192471 - NCDOT US 70 Havelock Bypass Existing Line Improvements (Areas 1-9)
NCC192472 - Lafayette Park
NCC192476 - Hwy 73, S. Ingleside Farm Rd., Old Plank Rd. Water Line Ext.
NCC192477 - Bartram Drive Water Main Replacement
NCC192478 - Tru by Hilton
NCC192480 - Westfall - Lot 28
NCC192481 - Chapel Ridge Lot 195
NCC192482 - Blackbridge Subdivision Phase Two Lot 15
NCC192485 - Duke Energy-Grant's Creek Transmission Line Switch and Access Roads
NCC192486 - Cypress Lakes Village, Section 10 - Lot 330
NCC192487 - Paloumbas Residence
NCC192490 - Barclay Road Water Main Replacement
NCC192492 - Anderson Creek Crossing, Phase 8, Section 2B-Lots 92-95
NCC192495 - Catfish Pond Mitigation Site
NCC192500 - Mooresville Business Park East - Lot 11 Berm
NCC192502 - Duke Energy Progress - Wallace Laydown Yard
NCC192504 - Firestone @ Bryton Town Center
NCC192505 - Q241 NSWG4 Boat Support Facility
NCC192506 - Peak City Business Park Bldg. 9
NCC192508 - Peartree, Section One, Part Two - Lot 26
NCC192509 - Bridges Academy New School
NCC192512 - Kinston Laydown Yard
NCC192515 - NCC-NEW H-2019-Eagle Point Golf Club Cottage and Parking Expansion
NCC192517 - US-70 Mebane Laydown Yard
NCC192520 - Wykoff
NCC192521 - AT&T Lawndale, NC (A01K0N9)
NCC192522 - The Manors at Lexington Plantation, Part 2C-Lot 751
NCC192523 - Oyster Pond
NCC192525 - 540 West
NCC192526 - Commercial Truck Center and Storage Building Mass Grading
NCC192527 - Atwater
NCC192529 - Springhill Suites- Apex
NCC192531 - Muse Park
NCC192538 - Saltwater Palms
NCC192539 - Carlton Pointe Lot 149
NCC192540 - Yard Storage, Inc.
NCC192541 - Lincolnton Dog Park
NCC192544 - Retreat at Sedgefield
NCC192545 - Perry Farms Lot 72
NCC192546 - Georgetown Estates - Phase Two Lot 150
NCC192548 - Taryn Lake PH. 3
NCC192549 - Scenic Holdings,LLC
NCC192550 - Linville Dam ESSI Project - Borrow Area 4
NCC192552 - Montreaux Lot 6
NCC192553 - Woodland Heights of Burlington Phase 3
NCC192557 - Bethel Family Dollar
NCC192559 - Chandler Pointe PH 3 (North)
NCC192561 - Ahoskie Elementary School
NCC192562 - 5800 Old Pineville Rd
NCC192563 - Town of Rich Square - Phase 2 Water Improvements
NCC192565 - AT&T Cherryville, NC (A01K0NK)
NCC192567 - Highcroft Phase Two - Part Three Lots 23,24,26 and 27
NCC192569 - Blue Anchor
NCC192570 - Meares Bluff, Phase 3
NCC192576 - Camberly Lot 13
NCC192577 - AT&T Monroe, NC (A01LMAG)
NCC192578 - UPS Employee Parking Addition
NCC192579 - Olde Poplar
NCC192581 - Ambleside Residential
NCC192583 - Dollar General Holly Ridge
NCC192585 - United Parcel Service
NCC192587 - Mt. Vernon Baptist Church
NCC192588 - Meadowbrook Lennar Lots
NCC192589 - Planters Walk Phase 4
NCC192591 - 6400 Weant Rd
NCC192592 - Dollar General Jasper
NCC192593 - Dormie Club - Clubhouse
NCC192594 - Atlantic Coast Fire Trucks
NCC192596 - Senter Farm phase 2
NCC192597 - Castleberry Trails
NCC192598 - Willoughby lot 37
NCC192602 - Nisbet Oil
NCC192603 - Avendell
NCC192608 - Parc at Leesville
NCC192612 - Dogwood Forest
NCC192614 - Roadside Truck Plaza Grading Plan
NCC192615 - Patriot Business Park Buildings 3 and 4
NCC192616 - Ansley Park
NCC192624 - Hollowell Mitigation Project
NCC192625 - North Tryon Shopping Center Ph. 1
NCC192626 - NCLA Sports Fields
NCC192627 - Parkway Townes at Flowers Plantation
NCC192629 - 7-Eleven #41126
NCC192632 - Wendell Falls Ph 5F, SF Lot Erosion Control Plans Lots 855-864, 882-891, 930-934
NCC192634 - Riverwood Athletic Club Alpine Valley P6D-3 Lots 6079,6080,6123,6125,6129,&6135
NCC192635 - 18020CUL
NCC192636 - Shallowford Phases 1 and 2
NCC192638 - ECU College Hill Steam Replacement
NCC192639 - Vancroft Section 2
NCC192640 - Fort Dobbs Acres
NCC192643 - Devonshire - Kelsey Gas Pipeline Extension
NCC192646 - Harrison Trace
NCC192648 - MRT Express LLC
NCC192649 - Dry Creek Mitigation Site
NCC192652 - Brookwood Subdivision - Phase 1B
NCC192658 - SE Carpenter School
NCC192660 - Country Squire Estates, Section Three, Part 3-Lots 66-70 & 80-84
NCC192661 - Clarence Lee Tart Memorial Park Addition and Improvements
NCC192665 - Pinehurst Elementary School
NCC192669 - Fearrington Village - 4411 Richmond
NCC192670 - Purple Crow
NCC192671 - Brier Creek Medical Office
NCC192672 - Woodshire, Phase 4 - Lot 190 & Phase 6 - Lots 401-404 & 406
NCC192674 - Heritage subdivision lots 259-263 & 271-279
NCC192678 - Berkshire Lakemont - Pineville Distribution Street - Lot 1
NCC192681 - Corbinton at Kildaire Farm
NCC192682 - The Manors at Lexington Plantation, Part 2C-Lots 670 & 672
NCC192683 - Eastover North, Section One, Part Two lots 32,35,41,48,53,63,70-72&86 and Sectio
NCC192684 - Project Ranger - Rough Grading Plan
NCC192686 - Lexington Car Wash
NCC192687 - Carlton Pointe, Phase 3B Lot 88
NCC192692 - Camellia Crossing Subdivision Pool
NCC192693 - Link Apartments 4th St
NCC192695 - Sunset Grove Subdivision - Homebuilding Activities
NCC192696 - Chick-fil-A #0856 Franklin Square
NCC192697 - Vanderbilt Childrens College
NCC192699 - Rowhouse Development
NCC192701 - Panther Lake Rd Subdivision
NCC192702 - Bob Barker Parking Lot Expansion
NCC192703 - Carlton Pointe Lot 71
NCC192704 - Sport Durst Mazda
NCC192707 - Maltek Investments, LLC - 4 Tracts Highway 50
NCC192709 - Portofino 12
NCC192711 - Cherry Grove Baptist Church
NCC192712 - Carlton Pointe Lot 79
NCC192715 - Olde South Creek Subdivision Lots
NCC192716 - Krispy Kreme Stratford Road
NCC192719 - Lakewalk Lots 84, 112-117
NCC192720 - Lewisville MOB
NCC192721 - Price Lane Townhomes
NCC192725 - Morris Estate Drive Sanitary Sewer Outfall
NCC192726 - West New Bern - Phase 1
NCC192727 - Edgecombe Solar Project
NCC192728 - Vancroft Lots 78, 79, 87, 88, 89, 98, 99, 100, and 101
NCC192733 - Camberly Lot 14
NCC192734 - Davenport Farms at Emerald Park Phase 4
NCC192735 - Hills of Rosemont
NCC192737 - Clear Solar I, Array 2 & 3
NCC192738 - Holcomb Woods - Supplemental lots 64,65,224
NCC192739 - Greenfield 1100- Parksite Inc.
NCC192740 - Davidson Water Old 109 Pumping Station
NCC192741 - Jordan Vistas
NCC192742 - Lot 4, Green Level Subdivision, Davidson, NC
NCC192744 - Duke Energy Along Chatham Park Way
NCC192751 - Perimeter Park Tracts 4 & 6
NCC192752 - Compass Pointe - Phases 18 & 21
NCC192753 - Worthington Farms - DR Horton Lots
NCC192757 - Repave Range Road South
NCC192758 - Tabitha Lane
NCC192760 - Verde Vista, Phase II
NCC192761 - Colonial, LLC
NCC192762 - Amberleaf
NCC192763 - Titanium
NCC192764 - Whetstone Subdivision - Phase 2
NCC192769 - Bella Vista Lot 56
NCC192770 - Dollar General Asheboro
NCC192771 - Stoneybrook Station Subdivision
NCC192772 - Arlington Meadows
NCC192773 - Vinson Park
NCC192774 - Comwell Health New Parking Lot
NCC192775 - Horizon Lots 46 & 49
NCC192777 - Avocet - Lot 34
NCC192779 - 2019/2020 Street Paving Program BSL
NCC192781 - Angier Plaza - Phase 2
NCC192782 - Civil Stage 2: DS-4 and DS-4 Site Enabling Project
NCC192784 - Springs @ Westport: SF Lots
NCC192785 - 360 Hillliard Avenue
NCC192792 - Cable Square (lots 52-54,57,58,79-81,83,87,88,92-94 &96)
NCC192796 - Garman Homes - Briar Chapel
NCC192800 - Word of Faith Fellowship
NCC192805 - Holden Creek Preserve Phase 4 ( Lots 47-49,53,54,68,69,72,73,77,78,80-82)
NCC192806 - Hamilton Green South
NCC192808 - Fuquay-Varina High School-Offsite Improvements
NCC192809 - Carlton Pointe Lot 82
NCC192812 - Traditions Subdivision
NCC192815 - My Storage Unit, LLC
NCC192816 - SGWASA WTP DEP Reduction Improvements and Dewatering Facility
NCC192817 - Compass Pointe Phase 20
NCC192820 - Carlton Pointe, Phase 3A Lot 139
NCC192822 - The Lake at Lissara - Ph II Sec VI
NCC192824 - Wakefield Meadows, Ph 2, Lot 21
NCC192825 - Goldmine Convenience Center
NCC192826 - Blackwoods Ridge- First Colony
NCC192827 - Waverly Town Center Townhomes
NCC192830 - Meadows Subdivision Phase 3
NCC192831 - Sunset Ridge Duplexes
NCC192832 - Northeast Brunswick Wastewater System Force Main Improvements
NCC192836 - The Eastlands at Bedford-Lots 284-287 & 326-328
NCC192838 - Dollar General Hickory Store #21482
NCC192840 - Bedford West- Cherry Construction
NCC192843 - Bus Lot Reclamation
NCC192844 - Raintree Country Club Bunker Renovations
NCC192847 - Peartree West, Section One, Part Two-Lot 114
NCC192848 - Honeycutt Farm Phase 8
NCC192849 - Terrace at Chatham Lake
NCC192854 - The Gardens at Cypress Lakes Village, Phase 3-Lot 446
NCC192856 - Halifx Community College - Advanced Manufacturing and Corporate Training Center
NCC192857 - 275 N Elm Street
NCC192858 - Clear Creek Road Improvements
NCC192859 - MONTREAUX SUB PH1 Lot 17
NCC192862 - Harris Teeter Fuel #212- Southern Pines
NCC192864 - Optimist Club Road Convenience Center
NCC192871 - Turnberry, Section Two, Part Two-Lots 198, 209 & 211
NCC192872 - Bethesda Forest, Phase One-Lot 3
NCC192873 - Sterling Crest Lots 1,2,8,9
NCC192875 - CFA 4378
NCC192876 - EC Plan for Lots 30 and 40 - 42 at The Legends Subdivision
NCC192880 - Georgetown Estates - Phase II Lots 61,63,64,65,66,73 & 145
NCC192881 - Elm at Stonecrest
NCC192882 - Duke Marion Ops Abatement and Renovation
NCC192883 - Sterling Crest Lots 3,4,5,6,7,10
NCC192886 - Buckhill Village Apartments
NCC192887 - Holden Road Gas Pipeline Extension
NCC192891 - FB - SOF Combat Medic Training Facility PN#85958
NCC192894 - Bradford Park Parking Lot Expansion
NCC192895 - Toms Creek Tributaries Mitigation Project
NCC192897 - Davidson College Baseball Synthetic Turf Infield
NCC192898 - Clear Solar I, Array 1
NCC192901 - Tanglewood Park Special Events Roadway Improvements
NCC192902 - Grassy Creek Tributaries Mitigation Project
NCC192904 - Dollar General - Sunset Beach - NC904
NCC192905 - Prestige Business Park
NCC192907 - EC Plan for Lots 76 and 77 in The Sentinels Subdivision
NCC192913 - CFA 4378
NCC192914 - Weavers Pond Phase 3A Lots 369-431
NCC192915 - Car Wash - Roanoke Rapids, NC
NCC192918 - Wendell Falls Phases 5D and 5E Lots 799-809 and 865-877
NCC192920 - Brownstone, Phase III-Lots 300,301,303,304,315,317, 319-321 & 323-325
NCC192921 - Complete 540 Loop-Area 10(I-40 Widening)
NCC192922 - Willoughby lot 16
NCC192923 - Windy Road Access and Bridge
NCC192927 - MPCC - Office Building 2
NCC192928 - Wendell Falls Phase 5F Erosion Control (lots 878-881 & 892-901
NCC192930 - Briar Chapel Phase 16N Lots 1991-2046
NCC192931 - Lancaster Landing, Inc.
NCC192932 - 2204 Inwood Landing Ct
NCC192935 - Townes at McCullough
NCC192937 - Duke Cedar Cliff IDF and Spillway Upgrade
NCC192938 - National Pipe Storage Yard Expansion
NCC192939 - Lenovo Executive Briefing Center
NCC192942 - Falls Creek - Lot 20,21,29, & 57
NCC192943 - Leland Operations Center Laydown Yard Expansion
NCC192944 - The Pines
NCC192945 - Anderson Creek Club Phase 8 Sec 2B & 2C (Lots14,45,47,96-98)
NCC192947 - Snow 14, LLC - Lot 1E - Phase One
NCC192948 - North Lakes SF-7 Ph A,B,C- C&C Lots
NCC192949 - SOF Civil Affairs TEMF PN 69552
NCC192952 - Landings at NODA
NCC192955 - Single family home for Ming and Julie Dang
NCC192958 - Fountain Marylnn
NCC192964 - Sanctuary at Yates Mill
NCC192967 - Main Street Waterline Replacement
NCC192969 - RBPR-026708-2019
NCC192971 - Medford Pointe-Rocky Russell Builders
NCC192973 - Clear Creek Road SD - Early Grading & EC
NCC192975 - Coastal KIA
NCC192976 - The Holston
NCC192977 - Avalon South
NCC192978 - Grove Park Lake Dredging
NCC192979 - Camberly Lot 28
NCC192981 - Apex Community Center Expansion/Senior Center
NCC192984 - Coliseum Crossing Carwash
NCC192987 - Camberly Lot 10
NCC192989 - Enka Candler Fire Station
NCC192991 - Trinity Middle School
NCC192995 - Anderson Creek Club S/D Phase 6 (Lots 1167-1181)
NCC192998 - Carlton Pointe, Phase 3B, Lot 63
NCC192999 - Gobbler's Ridge
NCC193000 - Grand at Union Cross
NCC193001 - Purfoy Place Subdivision
NCC193002 - Boone Meadows Subdivision
NCC193005 - The Oaks on Lake Drive
NCC193007 - Prescott Subdivision lots 21, 23, 25
NCC193008 - GR CABAR-2020-032 lots 201-206,167-184
NCC193010 - AT&T Bolton, NC (A01MX7B)
NCC193011 - paws4people Multi-Purpose Training Field
NCC193013 - INQ 1101
NCC193014 - Papillon Park Lot 11
NCC193015 - Stone Ridge
NCC193017 - The Manors at Lexington Plantation, Part 2C-Lots 735,736,740,741,745 & 752
NCC193018 - Kernersville State Veterans Home
NCC193019 - Juniper Ridge, Phase Three-Lots 56-59 & 64
NCC193030 - U-5529, Widening of Avent Ferry Road
NCC193031 - 24" Cardinal Lateral Line at Holland Church Road
NCC193032 - The Pilot at Sedgefield - Water and Sewer Improvements
NCC193035 - RiverLights AQ Phase 2 & 3 Lots 182, 205, 235, 236, 237, 280, 312, & 315
NCC193037 - RiverLights Conventional Phase 4 Lot 424
NCC193039 - ILM Terminal Improvements - Contract 3
NCC193040 - Tryon Phase 5
NCC193042 - RiverLights AQ Phase 2 & 3 Lots 144, 156, 157, 206, 207, 223, 283, & 285
NCC193044 - 22 Davie LLC
NCC193045 - RiverLights Conventional Phase 2 Lots 136, 137, 141 & 154
NCC193046 - Elmwood
NCC193047 - Falls Reserve Lot 22
NCC193048 - HP CABAR-2020-031 lots 385-415
NCC193049 - Valenti's Italian Restuarant & Pizzeria
NCC193050 - The Manors at Lexington Plantation, Part 2C-Lots 728 & 729
NCC193051 - Archdale Flats Family
NCC193052 - Poston Park ADA Trail
NCC193053 - ABLC Car Garage
NCC193054 - CLT Terminal Lobby Expansion
NCC193055 - Rockingham County Regional Water Interconnection - Phase 3
NCC193056 - RiverLights AQ Phase 2 & 3 Lots 254, 279, 314, & 342 - 345
NCC193057 - RiverLights Conventional Phase 2 Lots 177, 185, and 186
NCC193059 - Dollar General Spring Hope
NCC193060 - MCI Business Park - Phase 3 Grading Permit
NCC193062 - Bengal Towne Center Lot 5
NCC193063 - Michael and Michelle Cobb
NCC193065 - Wexford Reserve Lot 10
NCC193066 - Brighton of Wendell - Lot 44
NCC193067 - Wexford Reserve Lot 20
NCC193068 - Homestesd Farm PH2 Sec 2A Lots 40,47,49
NCC193069 - Trinity School A & E Building
NCC193070 - East College Park - Evergreen - All SF Lots
NCC193071 - Supremia Dentistry
NCC193072 - H5 CABAR-2020-030 lots 166,167,211-222,227-243
NCC193073 - Pennington - Home Building Activities
NCC193075 - Swans Creek Phase One Lot 45
NCC193078 - RiverLights Age Qualified Phase 3 Lots 281, 288, 289, 290, 337, 338, 349, & 350
NCC193081 - Papillon Park Lot 25
NCC193083 - Atrium Union West
NCC193084 - Turnberry, Section Two, Part Two-Lots 210, 212 & 220
NCC193085 - Camberly Lot 16
NCC193086 - Middleburg Apartments @ River Lights
NCC193087 - Long Meadows
NCC193088 - Windsor Hwy 17 Solar
NCC193089 - RiverLights Conventional Phase 2 Lots 139, 140, & 153
NCC193090 - Wendell Falls Phase 5E Erosion Control (lots 825, 826, 828)
NCC193091 - Revision of Harris Place, Sectttion Four-Lot 185
NCC193092 - Clemmons Food Pantry
NCC193097 - Jones Farm S/D Lots 16-25, 28, & 59
NCC193098 - RiverLights Age Qualified Phase 1 Lot 69
NCC193099 - RiverLights Conventional Phase 2 Lots 138, & 149
NCC193101 - Kenwood Subdivision Lot 32
NCC193102 - Northern Beltway Transmission Line Relocation
NCC193107 - CLT Central Energy Plant
NCC193108 - Compass Point Mitigation Site
NCC193109 - Porter's Walk
NCC193110 - Highland Knoll
NCC193112 - Ardrey Kell Townhomes Lots 1-35
NCC193113 - Suffolk-Swamp-Winfall 230 kV Rebuild, Section 3
NCC193114 - Southport Marina Dry Stacks
NCC193115 - EC Plan for Lots 81, 82, 92, and 93 at The Sentinels
NCC193116 - Hamlet Dollar General
NCC193123 - Repair Asphalt Parking Lot building 3919
NCC193125 - Stonewater Subdivision Lot 138
NCC193126 - Maggie Way Phase 1
NCC193128 - Affordable Suites Goldsboro
NCC193129 - Avalyn Lot 18
NCC193133 - Guildford TH
NCC193134 - Red Barn Mitigation Bank
NCC193135 - Twiman Mitigation Site Project
NCC193137 - Archdale Flats Senior
NCC193139 - Haywood Glen Phase 1 lots
NCC193140 - White Street Renewables Solar
NCC193141 - Waypointe West Apartments
NCC193148 - Murray Property Subdivision
NCC193149 - Perry Farms Lot 74
NCC193151 - Mayo FGD Pond Decommissioning
NCC193152 - West Hales Street Subdivision
NCC193153 - Willoughby lot 59
NCC193155 - Seaforth Landing
NCC193156 - 1120 S. Mint
NCC193157 - Teed Residence - Lot #16, Waterleaf Subdivision
NCC193159 - The Bluffs at Joyner Park Lots 29, 31, 43, 45, 47
NCC193160 - QT1082
NCC193162 - Pinnacle Park Center Lot 2
NCC193163 - Holleman Hills
NCC193164 - 1008 - 1008 Mathews Solar, LLC
NCC193166 - Sorensen
NCC193167 - Turnberry, Section Two, Part Two-Lots 207 & 208
NCC193168 - 8423 Eagle Glen
NCC193169 - Gordon Park Phase 3 lots 19,90,118
NCC193170 - Harpers Landing Subdivision
NCC193171 - Chestnut Ridge
NCC193173 - Circle K - Sanford NC-87
NCC193174 - Collins Grove SD
NCC193175 - Water Plant Stock Pile
NCC193177 - Polenta Road Tract Subdivision - Streets only
NCC193178 - Edgemont Landing Phase 2
NCC193179 - Preliminary Landfill Investigation
NCC193182 - Woodbridge Meadows, Phase V-Lots 29-31 & 44-47
NCC193185 - Cottage Hill Subdivision
NCC193187 - McGee's Crossing Subdivision- Phase 1
NCC193188 - Durham Technical Community College - New Applied Technology Building
NCC193189 - Dogwood Pointe PH 1- Lots (1-77)
NCC193190 - Archdale Flats Family
NCC193192 - Final Grade for Mills Gap Road Project
NCC193193 - Sutton Farms Phase 3
NCC193195 - Biesse America
NCC193198 - Gordon Park Phase 3 lots 18,26,27,74
NCC193199 - Belmont Lakes
NCC193200 - FY 2016 Intersection Improvement Project - WRMD
NCC193206 - FY 2016 Intersection Improvement Project - HHCU
NCC193208 - FY 2016 Intersection Improvement Project - KFAC
NCC193212 - Walden Amenity Center
NCC193213 - Wallace 115kV Substation - Permanent Flood Mitigation
NCC193214 - Bryton Single Family Ph2 Individual Lot Erosion
NCC193215 - Grassy Creek Restoration Project
NCC193218 - 130 Cherokee Road
NCC193219 - Poplin Grove
NCC193220 - Willoughby lot 39
NCC193221 - Atwater Landing Lots 77-93
NCC193222 - Brunswick Storage
NCC193223 - Lot 12 Montreux
NCC193224 - Mayes Hall
NCC193225 - Blantons Creek
NCC193227 - FY 2016 Intersection Improvement Project - CPWR
NCC193229 - Genesis Waterline
NCC193230 - Villages at Cramerton Mills Phase C Borrow Pit
NCC193232 - Virginia Street MOB
NCC193234 - Rheem Distribution Center Building Expansion
NCC193235 - Waste Management MRF
NCC193236 - Riceville Road Development
NCC193238 - Tedder Building
NCC193240 - U-5530LA – Sam’s Branch Greenway/North O’Neil Crossing
NCC193242 - Clydesdale
NCC193243 - Lanier Village Phase 2
NCC193244 - Lexington Lot 7
NCC193247 - GUC-Peak Shaving/Stand-By Generator System
NCC193251 - Parkway Meadows Phase 2-Lots 34 and 35
NCC193261 - Capital Motor Sales
NCC193266 - Stonewater S/D Phase 5, Lot 169
NCC193272 - Randy Marion Chevrolet
NCC193274 - Valley Community Church New Parking Lot
NCC193277 - New Hanover Medical Group Parking Expansion
NCC193283 - Hendersonville High School
NCC193285 - Bojangles Restaurant Sneads Ferry
NCC193291 - Legacy Lakes Phase 2 Section 1A
NCC193293 - Town of Nags
NCC193295 - The Retreat Community S/D Multi Lot (1-5, 13-18)
NCC193296 - Spivey Pond - Single Source Borrow Pit
NCC193297 - Briar Chapel - Granite Mill Blvd. Force Main
NCC193298 - Academy at Anderson Creek Club S/D PH7 Lots 1099,1100, & 1101
NCC193299 - Heydon Hall Residential Phase 2
NCC193300 - Sheetz-SE Corner of Stantonsburg Rd-NCSR 1467 & Moye Blvd
NCC193301 - Fish Hawk Ranch Subdivision Phase 1 Lots 1,3-6,48-53 & 56-58
NCC193302 - Henson Park
NCC193303 - Turnberry, Section Two, Part Two - Lot 192
NCC193304 - Ingles #137- Airport Road
NCC193305 - Middlesex Corporate Centre Infrastructure Improvements
NCC193308 - Calloway Corners-Lots 15-17, 21-23 and 9419 Calloway Road (Lot 25)
NCC193310 - Town of Enfield - Phase 4 Water System Improvements
NCC193312 - Harts Mill Solar
NCC193314 - Davis Mallard Apartments
NCC193316 - Bellaport
NCC193317 - Knightdale Station Lot 203, 205, 208
NCC193319 - AVID Hotel
NCC193320 - Christ Community Church of Wilmington, NC
NCC193321 - The Meadows at Cheval (#404111) - Parsons plan
NCC193322 - Randy Marion Fox Avenue
NCC193328 - York Elementary School
NCC193329 - Evolve at Heritage
NCC193330 - The Bluffs at Joyner Park Lots 30 & 44
NCC193331 - Cheval Subdivision lot grading (#402182) - Paris
NCC193334 - Keller Residence
NCC193338 - Willoughby lot 80
NCC193342 - Papillon Park Lot 24
NCC193343 - Neal Road Solar Farm Substation
NCC193344 - Carlton Pointe, Phase 3B, Lot 66
NCC193346 - Willoughby lot 40
NCC193350 - Hot Springs Microgrid
NCC193355 - Panera Bread #1137
NCC193356 - Centerpointe Townhomes, Phase V
NCC193358 - Lynn Ridge
NCC193359 - JBB Packaging Rail Rehabilitation and Construction
NCC193362 - Charleston Village - Kuhn Homes, LLC
NCC193364 - 2212 Inwood Landing
NCC193365 - Stonewater S/D Ph.5 Lots 156,160,163,165,166,170,172,175,182,191,198,202-205&207
NCC193366 - Trinity Park - Lots 1-12
NCC193367 - Windfall - Lot 66
NCC193368 - Riverlights Lot 346
NCC193372 - Lake Norman State Park
NCC193373 - S Tryon Townhomes
NCC193378 - Prescott Subdivision lot 24
NCC201351 - SECU Wilkesboro Branch
NCC202775 - Audentes Project Jupiter
NCC203536 - Flowers Plantation NW 13 Ph 2
NCC204765 - Dollar General - Oak Island - Midway Road
NCC215771 - EWP Streambank Repair
NCC216036 - Governors Club Lot 80
NCC222210 - Williams Farm, Phase Two - Lots 8, 9, 12, 13, 15-18, 52 & 53
NCC222219 - Mission Hospital McDowell - Patient Bed Expansion
NCC222238 - Timberframe
NCC222250 - Home 2 Suites Hotel
NCC222312 - 103 Batten Ct
NCC231546 - ASHEOUT Multi Tenant Building II
NCC231670 - Smithfield-Selma High School Gym Expansion
NCC231678 - Carolina Farm - Lot B
NCC231690 - Vintage Woods
NCC231737 - Wexford Lot 83
NCC231742 - Arcadia 100kV Lines Structure Replacement
NCC231751 - Davie County - Farmington Road & US 158 Sewer
NCC231773 - Lot 1 Cresimore 13448 Melvin Arnold Road Raleigh
NCC231816 - Burrito Shak
NCC231829 - New Construction for David Sudzina
NCC231832 - Hall Farm Lot 8
NCC231842 - Carolina Beach Lake Dredge and Stabilization
NCC231845 - Gates Farm - Lots 7, 8, 11 & 32
NCC231847 - Creekwood Farms Lots 19, 22 and 23
NCC231889 - Biscuitville
NCC231909 - G&G Smiley: Campground Road
NCC231924 - Take Five Oil Change
NCC231936 - Chatham Park South PS 1 and 2 & Associated Force Main
NCC231940 - Toy Storage - Huckleberry Bottom Road & Highway 158
NCC231945 - Stoneriver Phase 1&2 (Lots)
NCC231946 - Wilson Street Subdivision
NCC231991 - The Commons at River Bluff - Lot 1
NCC231993 - QuikTrip #1064
NCC231995 - The Village at Rockfish, Phase One, Section Three - Lots 302 & 303